#platonical star wars fanfic
clonemando · 4 months
For the kiss roulette: Fox & Thire and 8. A platonic kiss if you'd like?
Thank you for the request!
Fox had several theories for why Thire was the way he was. The first was the fact he was three centimeters shorter than the average trooper and the fact he was tiny filled him with rage that boiled over into him being a little punk all the time.
Maybe it was his time spent around the little green jedi leader that had changed him. Fox knew Gree had decided to plop bright red bacon strips on his head after transferring so clearly the troll had some sort of mind numbing effects on people. Thire might have been saved from the full brunt of it but enough might have lingered as chaos in his soul.
Or maybe they messed up the amount of bastard they put into the fluid of his growth tank and he had just been this way since he was a tubie. The force knew the Kaminoans had miscalculated on that ratio with the Alphas and no one was brave enough to even mention the Nulls out loud in case the force saw fit to take that as a summons.
The point was, Thire was a scrappy thing that didn't know when to shut up or sit down and that meant that Fox was gonna have to step in.
"You're my favorite but don't tell Thorn or he'll cry. But just because you're my favorite doesn't mean you can headbutt a Marine just for talking shit. You're a commander now." Fox said pressing a kiss to Thire's forehead playfully, like he was a troublesome puppy he was fond of.
Thire scowled and shoved him away grumpily. "Then tell Bacara he needs to get his shit together and leash his men. I won't stand around while they talk shit to my shinies. I'll kick their asses and if he won't fix it I'll kick his ass too!" He growled.
Fox laughed. "You think you'll kick his ass but he's nearly as good as me. He'll beat the living force out of you then I'll have to kick his ass for hurting my favorite little brother." He pointed out and Thire just shrugged then winced at how that pulled on a bruise.
"Either was Bacara's getting his ass kicked so why would I care?" He said and Fox sighed ruffling his hair.
"How about neither of us kick his ass and instead I make tooka eyes at Cody that the guard is getting bullied and then we sit back and watch Cody kick everyone's asses?" He offered as an alternative and Thire grinned.
"Acceptable plan. I guess that's why you're Marshal huh?" He teased and Fox winked.
"Being the baby of the batch has its perks. You still have to learn them since you're the baby here." He said and before Thire could argue Thorn came busting through the door to fuss over their littlest commander too.
Fox just grinned knowing another headbutting was imminent. He really didn't know why Thire was the way he was, but he was definitely his favorite.
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daughterofthequeen · 11 months
So I watched American Heist yesterday, uhmmm not a good movie overall. It’s basically a male and sucky version of Set it Off, BUT it is worth watching. And why? You might ask. Because the Hayden Christensen shots are worth it, honestly. And the storyline is good ff material. The way it ended has so much potential for ff writers, cus baby boy was really 🍼 like I want to give him love. And we need more fanfics of James Kelly, his story is really sad and my boy deserves to be happy😭
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And he was trying so hard to go straight, but they wouldn’t give him a chance😭😭😭😭he needs some lovin. Ain’t nothing like a baby boy with momma issues 😔
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granolawriting · 1 year
Nightmares before a mission ☆.。.:*
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pairing: Platonic!padawan reader x Jedi Anakin
Summary: The night of your first day on a mission with Anakin renders your nightmares at an all time high as you worry you wont measure up. But as Anakin senses a distress in the force, he comes to comfort you and help you back to sleep.
Content warning: mention of death, comfort!Anakin, wiping your tears, hold you, rubbing your back, reassurance and compliments
word count: 1.1k
A/N: This is a request from the wonderful @eternalwanderlustvagabond !! who is fueling my platonic Jedi order Anakin scene addiction. I hope you like <3!!
The low buzz of the machine housing you and Anakin is all that fills a silent room as you try to sleep. Comfortably woven under multiple blankets and cool air hitting you just right there's no need for the anxiety you felt. Though, you felt as though there was. The nightmares hadn't stopped. Anakin helps you incredibly, but this kind of thing can just go away in a few days. And subconsciously, you’ve tried to downplay the impact of them everstill to him, as a means to make him not worry so much. But as the first night on the ship you and he share encroaches, there's nothing more than worry that wells within your heart at the face of this mission with him. 
Having been sent on a mission with Anakin wasn't what worried you, just the opposite. But the prospect of him experiencing the aftermath of one of these nightmares with you is what worried you beyond belief. And part of you felt as though this unfounded fear was what contributed to your painful dreams in the first place. As the possibility of the night plays within your mind on the backdrop of closed eyes and a darkened room, it slowly lulls you to sleep late into the night. 
Sabers cross his neck. You stand aside petrified, unable to move. You watch as the one enemy he wasn't able to handle in the wake of your incompetence back him into a corner. Using not only his own saber but Anakins to cross his neck, the next moments are forever burned into your memory as you witness him die at what feels like your hands. 
Screams echo throughout every crevice of the ship. Blood-curdling, the kind that are synonymous with a face covered and coated with tears and horror. 
You sit up in your bed, you look at your hands, and look around the empty room slept in. At some point though, you get up. Looking around the room for any trace, a reminder of Anakin. You knew he was there, hopefully, but the terror of watching him die right in front of your face made you yearn for something coated with his presence stronger than ever. It felt as if time had stopped. 
Though the conception of time quickly came back to you at the sound of footsteps that sounded like the most beautiful music to you after a night like the one you’d experienced so far. They were anakins.
Tears begin to stream from your face once more as the sweat of her panic seems to melt within them and you stand looking upon the door until the hiss of it reveals an Anakin with a sense of worry and fear coating his face almost uncharacteristically. Quickly you realize how he may have thought the ship had been attacked, and somehow you feel even worse than you did before making him worry for your nonsense. 
“Oh my god, I'm. I'm so sorry I just had a nightmare there's nothing bad going on. I didn't mean to worry you It’s my fa-” 
He brings you into his arms. You feel a large hand slowly thumb through your hair as your face lay flat on his chest and his arms locked around your body. 
“I am so glad you are alright. There's no need to worry, I knew there was no threat. But I felt your pain, and I’m here. I'm here for you. Do you want to tell me what happened?” 
He lets up, brushing stray hairs out of your face as you look up at him, he thumbs away your excess tears and wet face so you feel more comfortable. Patiently he waits, for you to feel comfortable enough to speak. 
“I, I saw you die. Anakin, I'm so afraid. I don't want to let you down on this mission you died because I didn't do good enough and I just want to be enough for you. I couldn't even do anything I just watched it happen and I,” 
You break down into tears once more, falling back into Anakin's chest for support as he reprises the same position he found himself in moments prior. His eyebrows curve to display profuse empathy, and as he holds you within his arms, hearing sniveling and muffled cries from within his robes his voice grows soft and calm to contrast with your distress; 
“Hey, hey. It’s alright, It was just a dream okay? I'm with you, I’ll always be with you. You are more than enough for me, and I know that if I were to ever be in a bad situation, you are the one padawan to have my back. But hey, you don't even have to worry about that alright? When have I ever not finished what I started? Aren’t I a little too cool to get caught in a situation like that?” 
He tries to lighten up your mood with implication at the improbability of your dream purely off the basis that he’s too awesome a fighter to get stuck like that anyway. That, he’d probably sweep their leg or something. You let up, looking up at him with wet eyes but a smile on your face. His face lights up at the sight of yours, ecstatic to see you cheered up just a bit from the fear that overtook you moments prior. 
“And listen, even if I did get stuck, I have you. And that brings me comfort more than anything else. I have faith in you alright? And I mean it. But if we want to actually get to them first, I think we both need to sleep at least a bit. Does that sound good?” 
You nod your head. 
“I’ll stay with you until I know you’re asleep, so you know I’m alright. And that I'm here for you.” 
He helps you back into bed, laying a blanket over your body as it lies on its side facing a wall. As you try to drift to sleep, you feel a hand palm your back slowly, lovingly, as his touch alone brings insurmountable comfort within your heart. And as the slow, careful hands trace your back and pick hair out of your face with care, you are once again lulled to sleep with the beautiful memory of Anakin not only alive, but an Anakin who will always support you. And an Anakin who will always be with you. 
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I’d love to request a fic with a female reader and a angsty/comfort storyline with the Bad Batch.
For a broad storyline I was thinking something by along the lines of a female reader joining the Bad Batch (per Hunter’s idea) and Crosshair and/or Echo not being very happy about it. However they eventually they come around to having another girl in the group.❤️
Winning Approval
Clone Force 99 x Platonic!Reader
Summary- You felt as if you were living a purpose-less life, so when Hunter asks you to join his crew, you say yes! Not everyone on the force is as happy though... Takes place during and after Season 1, Ep. 2.
A/N- Thank you so much for requesting! I appreciate it so much, but I think I'm done writing platonic xD. This was sooo hard for me to write. I love the challenge, but i'm not sure how great my platonic writing skills are!
Word Count- 1,454
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Growing up, helping people seemed natural. You remember discovering this when your old friend Kaiya fell and scratched her knee. It was second nature to dress her wound and comfort her. You were nine at the time.
Your mother enrolled you in medical classes as much as she could, you learned how to set bones, stitch holes, and treat infections. Amongst many other skills.
The city you lived in was soon taken over by the empire, but you found a way out before it was too late. That's where you found yourself- living with Suu and her husband Cut. The two had taken you in when they found out your home had been destroyed.
It didn't hurt when you found out you and Suu's parents knew each other in their youth.
When you had stumbled onto Hunter- he and his crew had set off a trap you had set in the fields. Your gun raised at him was lowered by Cut, claiming he knew them.
Things blurred together since then, everything moved so fast. Having to relocate away from the empire again was not something you fashioned. You were tired of running, and expressed your concerns.
Hunter initially suggested dropping you off at the planet of your choice, (a repayment for taking care of one of Omegas wounds).
Crash landing on a moon wasn't on anyone's roster, but it happened nonetheless. It did, however, give yourself an opportunity to prove yourself to them.
You helped Tech repair a part of the hyper-drive, earning his favor.
You shared your rations with Wrecker, earning his approval.
You played and entertained with Omega, earning her and Hunters trust.
Last was Echo. You wanted him to like you, as you enjoyed everyone's company. They were so kind to you, and didn't pay any mind to flaws. They knew themselves that they were defective- what was one more defect?
Maybe you were in over your head, would they really accept you as a member of their squad? They just met you a week ago. For all they knew you were an Empire spy... You couldn't deny that you wanted to stay though. You felt like you belonged- finally.
When Echo still avoided you like the plague and the ship was ready to fly again, you felt like you had run out of time. You sulked around the ship for awhile, waiting for Hunter to ask where you wanted to be dropped off.
That was until you noticed- he hadn't asked you. It had been hours and he had said nothing about you leaving.
This made you crack, anxiety like ice through your veins.
"Hunter, I mean this in the least selfish way possible. But, why haven't you asked where I wanted to go yet? What planet?" You thought you messed up when his face fell. He looked dissapointed?
"Well, we were hoping you would want to stay. We were going to formally ask, but Wrecker and Omega are still making the poster." He rubbed the pack of his neck and chuckled a little bit. "Would you like to join us? If not, that's completely understandable. Just name the planet and we will be headed there." He stated, making sure you knew you had options.
"R-really? You guys want me to join you?" You wanted to smack your head at how cliche you sounded. Though, you didn't have time to think on it, as Hunter started talking again.
"We don't have an official medic. While Tech possesses all the knowledge needed, he doesn't have a, uh how do I put it? A steady hand when it comes to medical means." He reasoned.
"You are more than capable as we've seen, and between Wrecker and Omega we need a medic- bad." You smiled at this. You felt a purpose. Someone needed you! You would be able to help your squad and civilians you came across on any journey.
Before you could respond, Omega and Wrecker barreled through the mid-section of the ship. Omega held a small banner in her hand, and Wrecker a large sheet of paper. It was full of colorful pictures, drawn by the two.
Your heart warmed at the effort they put in, all to make you feel welcomed.
"How could I say no? You guys have been so perfect to me, and I want to help you guys as much as I can." You smiled up at Hunter, he patted you on the shoulder. His way of officially letting you on the squad.
After that day, things started to move more smoothly. Yeah, you had some bad run-ins, almost got captured a few times, and had many near-death experiences. But, you were with your family through it all. The only problem was Echo.
Maybe 'problem' wasn't too nice of a word. Echo never did anything wrong. He just, never seemed to like your company. You guessed he didn't have to like you, not everyone would. Because of this, you pushed back your guilty feelings surrounding him. That was until you over-heard a conversation between him and Hunter.
"Something feels off about her." Echo told Hunter. You couldn't see either of them, and didn't want to expose your position by moving.
"Yeah, and what's that?"
"I can't place it. I don't understand how everyone can just accept her, no questions asked." Echo sounded confused.
"She's shown us many times that she can handle herself. Plus, Omega needs another female on the ship.'' Hunter defended you, but still wanted to hear Echos concerns.
"She's not a clone. She doesn't think like us!" Ah, so that's why he's been so put-off by you. It was because you weren't a clone. You assumed he was so used to clones, that of course you were an odd piece in their clone family.
You slowly moved back to your sleeping cot. You sunk down slowly. It wasn't your fault, really. You can't control where or how you were born. Thoughts surrounded you. Was it that obvious? Were you that different from them?
As much as you wanted to pack your bags and not burden anyone else, you decided to talk to Echo first.
After landing on a planet to resupply, you asked to speak to Echo alone.
"Uh, sure." He replied, skeptical. You both exited the ship, though keeping close.
"Echo, I didn't really know how to bring this up. I figured I should just get straight to the point?" You asked, not wanting to waste his time.
He nodded, looking straight to you.
"I overheard you and Hunter talking last rotation..." You nervously picked at a nail. He still stared, not wavering.
"I can't help that i'm not a clone. I'm not sorry either, but I do want to know what I can do. To gain your trust." You dropped your hand, eager for his response.
He licked his lips, thinking. "I'm sorry you heard that..."
"Echo, I don't care. I just- I want to be a part of this family..." You mustered out. Now or never!
This surprised him, "What are you talking about. You already are!"
He seemed, mad? Was he really that disgusted by 'normal' humans?
"I can't help that i'm not a clone!" You regrettably yelled, throwing you arms up.
"That doesn't matter, everyone accepts you anyways!" His words were strained, like he didn't want anyone to know.
"Why don't you?" You whispered.
He sighed and took a step back. "When I first joined force 99, it wasn't as easy."
You couldn't imagine what he was referring to. You knew he was a regular clone before joining Hunter, but what did that have to do with anything?
After seeing your confused look, he continued. "I wasn't born a defective clone, I became one. It took a lot of time to understand how to use this. But you fit in so easily." He gestured to his mechanical arm.
"I had no idea you felt that way... I wasn't trying to mean anything-" He cut you off.
"I know, and really, we do need a medic. I was just being resentful, I'm sorry."
"I'm not trying to take anyone's place. The team wouldn't be the same without you. Besides, Omega adores you, and I think Hunter will do whatever it takes to keep her happy." You laughed, he luckily gave out a chuckle as well.
"Thanks. I think It'll just take some time to get used to the difference." He said, honestly.
"I get that, just let me know if there's anything I can do... Ya know, to speed things up?" You smiled up at him. It was then that you knew everything would be fine. That you really had found your family, and nothing could take you from them.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I am sorry if this isn't what you had in mind! Feel free to send in another request if you would like a more specific plot! Again, sorry that my platonic writing skills aren't that sharp! Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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taska-rokanh · 1 year
Good Night (Platonic Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!Reader)
As Obi-wan Kenobi's padawan, your life was never short on adventure. Unfortunately, that meant you were always short on sleep. You were pretty sure the bearded man could see that when he asked you to stay on the ship while he, Anakin, and Ahsoka went ahead on the recon mission.
You tried to stay awake, knowing that despite the low impact of the task, it was all too important when someone or something actually did try to take or destroy the ship.
You only closed your eyes for a moment, and when you opened them again, you were against Anakin's chest, being carried to the quarters that, for the time being, you were sharing with your fellow Padawan.
You mumbled something that was probably supposed to come out as, "Master?" It sounded more formless than that, you were sure.
"Shh," he said quietly. "Ahsoka's already asleep. I was trying not to wake you."
"Thanks," you whispered once he set you down, feeling the tension in your neck from falling asleep in your chair release.
"No problem, kid. Sweet dreams."
It was only a few minutes before you heard Obi-wan's light footsteps announce his presence.
He walked over to Ahsoka's bunk first, seeming to check her for injuries once again. The mission must've been more dangerous than they'd been expecting.
"Oh, Padawan," he gave a quiet sigh as he settled down by your bedside. "You know, sometimes I wonder if I go... too easy on you."
He thought you were already asleep.
"But, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm glad you weren't with us this time," Obi-wan whispered. "It was nothing serious, nothing to worry about now, but there was one moment, where Ahsoka--oh, my heart nearly stopped. I can't imagine what it would be like if I had both of you to be worrying about.
"And I know you'll have to be in danger plenty before this war is over... ha, Qui-gon would not have had a problem with this," he shook his head, laughing faintly at himself. "For Forcesake, I didn't even have this problem with Anakin. I wasn't raising him in the middle of a war."
He sighed again. "Anyway, it doesn't matter. This is something I have to figure out on my own," he rubbed a hand across his beard before leaning over and pressing a light kiss to your cheek. "Sleep well, my dear. See you in the morning."
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bunny7567 · 18 days
I got you - chapter 1
So this is the first fanfic I've ever written. I've been obsessed with star wars for years and with clone wars for months now, especially with Rex and I've had this story in my head constantly for almost a year. I have never written so many words so fast in my life. Made a tumblr account just to read Rex fanfics lol, so hope I get everything right when posting. I already have a couple more chapters written and many other ideas so this will be a long story. I try to follow canon but it does deviate from it a bit, and I'm also mixing some legends and a lot of headcanons in too. The story will deal with mature themes, I'm not yet sure how sexually explicit it'll get, again, never written fanfic before so not sure if I'm capable of writing smut lol but there's a big possibility. Also not gonna be very action-heavy, I'm more focused on relationships with other characters. Echo and Fives will appear a lot too cause I love them.
Pairing: Rex x Jedi!ofc
Word count: 3.8k Warnings: heavy drinking; talk of injury; implied ptsd; implied emotional abuse
Next chapter
Lexie looked at her face in the mirror, pleading with her mind to allow her to remember what happened, but she’s met with the same confusing, unclear images she’s been trying to piece together for the past few weeks, images of barren landscapes, white armour, red eyes and the look of disgust in them, and was she in someone’s arms? She read the report, she knows the facts what happened on Geonosis, but for the life of her, she cannot remember herself being there. She cannot remember her master abandoning her, why would he just leave? She cannot remember how she supposedly took charge of the squad of clone troopers that Master al’Prani was supposed to lead, tearing through battled droids trying to reach Anakin and Obi-Wan. And she cannot remember how she got injured. Her hand reaches to the back of her skull, fingers tracing the long scar that still feels tender. It shouldn’t do, not anymore, not after the months she spent in a coma, but she could swear it still hurt.
It didn’t feel real at first, waking up in a medical facility on Coruscant with only med droids around her to relay the news of her injury and the coma she had been in since. She had woken in such a panic that she didn’t even realise how she used the Force to throw one of said droids against a wall, shattering it to pieces. It didn’t get any better when Mace Windu and Obi-Wan finally came to talk to her, telling her about the war that the Separatists had started and the clone army that the Jedi were now leading. It didn’t feel right at all, Jedi as generals, how is that being keepers of the peace? But the most horrible blow came when Obi-Wan slowly sat down on the chair next to her bed and took her hand in his, a sombre expression on his face.
“Alexis, there is something else you should know”, she could feel that the news he was about to relay had something to do with her master, however Lexie could not believe the words that followed. “Master Safir’al’Prani has left the Jedi Order during the battle of Geonosis.”
            “No that’s… that’s not possible” she said, voice coarse after months of not being used. “He was just with me, we were on a ship heading to Geonosis… t-to aid you and Anakin, and… did you say during?”
            “Yes. Once the two of you got to Geonosis,” master Windu interjected, “he refused to fight alongside the clone troopers. He considered them…” he paused, carefully choosing the words to use, “beneath him. You can read the report yourself, one of the clones in your squad provided a detailed account of the situation”. My squad? blurry images of white armour flashed in her mind but Lexie forced her attention to master Windu’s words. His voice was steady, no hint of emotion as he nonchalantly delivered the most devastating news for Lexie to hear and then handing a datapad towards the injured Padawan.
            Lexie took the datapad master Windu offered her, but could not bring herself to look at the report just yet, feeling the anger and pain bubbling up inside of her and worried about keeping her composure in front of the two Jedi. “Thank you masters, I will look through it later, I… I’m a bit lightheaded at the moment.”
            “Of course,” Obi-Wan said, sitting up from the chair. “We’ll let you rest now, gather your strength, we can discuss your situation at a later time”.
            Your situation, the words ring in her head as she braided her bright red hair. She has a meeting with the Council that afternoon, after three weeks of physical therapy and psych evals she has no idea how she passed. Frustration increased as she once again could not hold onto the images that passed through her mind. What’s worse, she’s been feeling so disconnected from the Force, struggling to meditate, not that it ever came easy to her, and also use her abilities. Struggles she has kept from Obi-Wan, who has been checking in on her during her recovery. But now she had to face the Council, had to hide her struggles and insecurities from them, fearing disappointing them.
At least with Obi-Wan there, she hadn’t felt completely abandoned. Considering the amount of times Master al’Prani had dropped her on his head in the past few years, Obi-Wan was becoming more of a master to her than al’Prani ever was. Guess I shouldn’t be that surprised he just up and left me on a battlefield, she thought to herself, anger bubbling inside of her again. But she still was surprised, and angry, and confused, she tried to not blame herself but she couldn’t help feeling like it was somehow her fault, like if she hadn’t been such a disappointment to him, he would not have left. She shook her head trying to get the thoughts out then looked at the time. Shit! She was late.
Reaching the door to the Council room, Lexie stopped to catch her breath and to adjust her black robes. She didn’t wear this colour before but considered it appropriate these past couple of weeks, feeling as if she was almost in mourning. Taking three long breaths, she tried to clear her mind before entering the room.
“Waiting we have been, come, come”. All eyes followed her as she approached the centre. She looked around quickly, taking in the forms present in person or via hologram, then lowered her head and spoke as clear as she could, trying to hide the anxiety in her voice, “My apologies Master Yoda, I seem to have lost track of time.”
“How are you feeling, Alexis?”  Obi-Wan asked.
“Better, Master. I have been cleared by the medics, I am ready to return to my duties.” She replied, trying to sound confident. This is what I need right now, she thought, craving something to occupy her mind, some action so she could feel like herself again.
“Good to hear that is. A decision about your future this Council has made” Yoda continued. Lexie looked at him, waiting for her verdict. Her heart was pounding in her chest as all her concentration was focused on her mental walls, trying as hard as she could not to let the council members feels the anxiety within her.
“As you know,” Mace Windu begun talking, “former master al’Prani was reaching the end of your training. He believed there wasn’t much left for him to teach you”.
She tried to stop her face from grimacing at the words, remembering a similar sentence al’Prani had spoken to her months before Geonosis: “You seem intent on not learning any lesson I am trying to teach you”. Her mind got lost in the memory, anxiety slowly enveloping all her senses.
“…to consider what you have been through on Geonosis as your Trials and grant you the rank of Jedi Knight”. Those words snapped Lexie back to the present, did she hear him right? Did they really believe she was ready to be a Knight?  She opened her mouth to voice her concerns but immediately closed it. What was she going to do, argue with the Council’s decision? But how can they say I passed Trials that I don’t even remember? she thought, but then recalled how she kept that piece of information from them, not even confiding in Obi-Wan about her memory problems.
“We thought you would be more excited about this”, Obi-Wan’s voice stopped her rambling thoughts.
 “I-I am, of course. It’s just a lot to take in, and, if I am honest, I cannot stop feeling a little disappointed my master is not here to give me the… the happy news himself”, Lexie answered, cringing internally at how fast she spoke and how forced the words had sounded. “What happens now? Do I get assigned a battalion?” she asked after a short pause, hoping to move the subject along.
“At this time we cannot assign you your own battalion”, Master Windu spoke again, either not noticing or not wanting to deal with her conflicting emotions. “However, we believe the best course of action would be for you to join Anakin Skywalker as second commanding officer of the 501st. This arrangement could prove… mutually beneficial”.
“Mutually beneficial?”, she repeated, a slight frown showing on her face.
“Yes. You see, Anakin has been in command of this battalion for a few months now, so there’s a lot you could learn from him”, Obi-Wan interjected; she swore she could hear Master Windu scoff at that statement. “And in turn you could help… curve his impulsiveness, be a good influence on him. The battalion is due to return on world later today and Anakin is expecting you at the barracks first thing tomorrow”, Obi-Wan concluded, giving her a reassuring smile.
Lexie almost laughed at this. If they think I could be a good influence on anybody they don’t know me that well. She kept that thought to herself however, and instead bowed her head. “I understand. Thank you masters, I will do as instructed”.
On her way back to her room Lexie felt the anxiety creeping back in, filling every space of her mind. She was not ready for this, how could they think she was ready for this? Upon reaching her room she quickly peeled off her robes, the layers suddenly suffocating her. She sat down on the floor, trying to meditate, to ground herself in the moment, feeling the beginning of a panic attack. She didn’t think she had panic attacks before. But ever since waking up from her coma, they had been a common occurrence.
Meditating proved more effective this time, Lexie’s heartrate coming back to a more normal pace after a few minutes. Maker, I need a drink, she thought. She dug through her closet, looking for a more inconspicuous outfit, not wishing to attract much attention to herself when out. As a Jedi, she didn’t own many clothing items, however she did have a couple dresses and blouses that she would use on nights out, nights when she pretended to be a regular woman enjoying herself in a club or bar. For this occasion, though, she found a plain, dark-grey hooded jacket that she threw over the black tank top she was already wearing. She kept it unbuttoned, a moderate amount of cleavage still visible. She wasn’t going to specifically look for a hook-up tonight, but wasn’t necessarily opposed to anyone coming up to hit on her.
She went to her usual club, planning on only having one, maybe two drinks. However, the need to drown her insecurities got the better of her and five drinks later she was still at the bar, flirting with a Pantoran man who had just offered to buy her another drink.
She liked the confidence that being drunk would give her, she felt like a different person altogether, like a normal person who could comfortably flirt with other people. She wondered for a second if it was problematic that pretty much all of her hook-ups happened whilst she was drunk, or at least tipsy, but she tried to assure herself that she had always been in control, knowing her limit; hell, she had never gotten blackout drunk, never once vomited from alcohol, she just liked to have fun occasionally, to blow off steam.
Lexie was about to accept the man’s offer when she spotted a familiar Tholothian woman walking in the club. Shit, Gemma. The next second Lexie had pulled the hood over her head and was almost running to the exit, keeping her head down as the Tholothian made her way to a booth where she was greeted by loud, already drunk friends. Lexie exhaled a sigh of relief as she stepped in the chilly night air of Coruscant.
She could not deal with seeing Gemma right now, or with the apologies she would have to make. Guilt crept inside of her as she thought of how she basically ghosted the poor woman. I did say from the beginning that I cannot do more than casual, she tried pleading with her guilty conscience, but she knew she had not treated Gemma right.
Lexie realised she had been walking aimlessly for quite some time now, lost in her guilt, and stopped to look around confused as to where she was. The alcohol in her system was also not helping her in recognising her surroundings. She heard loud chatter ahead and followed it, coming face to face with what was, for her, an unusual sight.
She wasn’t used to the clones yet, she had seen a few troopers around, mainly the Coruscant guard or Commander Cody when he would come to retrieve Obi-Wan, but she hadn’t interacted with them at all during her recovery. But now, in front of a cantina she could see was named 79s, Lexie saw a bunch of them, in either officer uniform or in armor with various markings on it. She observed them for a little while, drunk, rowdy, joking around amongst themselves, they didn’t seem to act any different than other drunk men she had encountered in clubs before.
Alcohol-induced curiosity got the better of her and she decided to go inside the bar. I might as well get used to being among these men, she justified in her head. As she made her way to the entrance she pulled her hood down, gaining a low wolf-whistle that she ignored from one of the clones stood by the entrance.
The club was dimly lit and crowded, mainly with clones, but other sentients, mostly women as far as she could see, were mingling with the troopers. Lexie made her way to the bar, sitting down on a barstool as she ordered a cocktail. She looked around the space, taking in the different hairstyles or tattoos that the clones had, fascinated by their need for individuality. But they really were all individuals, she could feel them each through the Force, all their life signatures unique, something that really surprised her.
Lexie hadn’t thought about them much these past few weeks, being solely focused on her recovery. But being inside the bar right now, she was suddenly struck by how human they all were and, just as suddenly, the knowledge that the Republic had bred these sentient, living beings just to throw them into a war made her feel a pit inside her stomach.
Lexie was brought back from her unnerving thoughts by the realisation that she was being watched and turned her head slightly, just in time to notice two clones basically pushing a third clone towards herself. The clone stumbled and briefly met her eyes, before quickly averting them, embarrassment and nervousness seeping from his Force signature, followed by annoyance as he turned his head to look back at the men that threw him into this situation.
“H-Hi…”, he managed to say, looking back at her.
“Hello there”, Lexie replied, voice full of amusement. This should be fun, she thought to herself, studying the trooper in front of her. There wasn’t anything particular about his appearance, he had a standard haircut and no visible tattoos. The most striking aspect of his look was the handprint located on his chestplate, similar but not identical in colour to the other blue markings on his armor; blue, is that the 501st colour?
“I uhh… I’m Echo”, he said hesitantly.
“That’s an… interesting name. Is that short for echolocation, do you have really good hearing or something?”, Lexie replied teasingly.
“Umm, no, I wish”, he said with an embarrassed chuckle, “I-I used to have this tendency to repeat the orders we were given during training. My umm… my brothers used it to tease me and I guess it just stuck”.
“Well, it’s a pretty cool name regardless”, Lexie said, earning a shy smile from the trooper that was still stood stiffly next to her. “So what brings you over here, Echo?”, she gestured to the space between the two of them.
“I didn’t… it wasn’t really my idea, umm… my brothers keep insisting I need to… umm… talk to a woman. I’m sorry for disturbing you”, he said apologetically. Lexie looked over his shoulder to where the two clones were now leaning on the end of the bar, far enough that she didn’t think they could hear their conversation, but clearly still keeping an eye on their brother’s attempt at flirting.
One of the clones had a more striking appearance, his hair shaved, a big tattoo of the Republic crest adorned half his face and a big part of his skull. The other clone also had a facial tattoo, however smaller and on his right temple, showing the number five in Aurebesh; his appearance was otherwise that of a standard clone, minus a hint of a goatee on his chin.
“No worries, I was starting to get bored actually. And I assume that if I turn you away they’ll just find another woman to throw you at?” she asked half laughing.
“Most likely”, Echo answered with an embarrassed chuckle.
“Then you’d better join me”, Lexie said motioning to the empty barstool next to her. “I expect they’ll leave you alone if they believe you’re getting somewhere”.
Echo reluctantly took the seat next to Lexie, even more nervousness enveloping his Force signature. They sat in silence for a moment as Lexie took a few sips of her drink. Finally, Echo seemed to have gathered enough courage to continue their conversation.
  “I-I don’t want to give you the wrong idea if… umm… if you were looking for…”, he paused, having trouble choosing his words, “for something specific tonight”. His eyes could not meet hers, instead focusing on the drink that she was holding.
 Lexie let out a small laugh. “Don’t worry, honey, I was not going to sleep with you even if you had wanted it.”
 “That’s good”, Echo said with a small sight of relief. “I mean I-I don’t want to offend you, I’m just not…”, he paused, unsure if he should be admitting this out loud. “I’m just not really interested in this.”
 “This being women?”, she asked tentatively.
 “Women, men, anyone for that matter. I just don’t think I’m… attracted to anyone”, Echo replied, eyes turned back to her face, awaiting to see her reaction.
“There’s nothing wrong with it, you know that right? And your brothers shouldn’t force you to be someone you’re not just because they refuse to understand”, Lexie replied with a little indignation in her voice.
“No, I know, I’m not ashamed or anything”, he continued. “And they’re not… well I never actually tried to explain it to them. When Fives and I were at the outpost there was no need to talk about it and I managed to avoid it the last time we were on Coruscant. Fives was too busy finding someone for himself and didn’t pay much attention to me all four days of our leave. This is only the second time we’ve been here actually, Fives and I that is. Jesse has been with the 501st longer than we have.”
So they are with the 501st. “I’m gonna go ahead and assume Fives is the one with the tattoo of the number five”, Lexie remarked with mock deliberation, looking over Echo’s shoulder at the clone in question.
 “Yeah that is a good assumption”, he said with a small laugh. Lexie could feel he was more relaxed now and was surprised to discover she was actually enjoying his company. She’s never really had friendly conversations in bars before, usually only approaching people when she was interested in a possible hook-up, or on the occasions she was looking for information during a mission.
Echo talked a little about the shenanigans he and Fives used to get into back as cadets on Kamino, making Lexie genuinely laugh a couple of time. She could tell that the bond between the two men was special and couldn’t help feeling a little envious. Her thoughts briefly wondered towards her own family, Myria’s face appearing into her mind. No, stop that. She had to change the subject.
 “So, the famous 501st. What is that like?”, she asked after taking a sip of her drink.
“I don’t know if we’re that famous, but they’re good men, all of them. And our general is one of the best”, he answered proudly. “It’s weird though, the reason we’re back on Coruscant is so we can pick up a new general, which seems unnecessary. Fives said they’re probably sending some boring, stuck-up Jedi to babysit General Skywalker, the other Jedi must believe he’s too impulsive”.
  “Anakin impulsive? No way”, Lexie replied with sarcastic shock and a laugh. A sly smile crept on her face as she watched the confused expression Echo made. She stood and downed the last of her drink. “And I wouldn’t worry about the new general, she’s not that bad I think. But then again, I am biased”.
 Echo opened his mouth to say something but before he could get the words out Fives was at Lexie’s side, his hand sliding on her lower back.
“You’re not leaving, are you mesh’la?” he asked in a sweet voice.
 “Oh you’re a bold one”, she replied glancing at his arm and then back at his face, matching the tone of his voice. She was intrigued by the word he used to address her. Was that in Mando’a?
“What can I say, it breaks my heart to see a beautiful woman leave this place disappointed. Unlike this di’kut over here I could make it worth your while if you stayed a little longer”, he said as his head jerked towards Echo then lowered a little towards her.
 “Fives!”, Echo said in an urgent tone, “she’s a Jedi. I think.” His eyes met Lexie’s looking for confirmation, embarrassment once again engulfing him.
“Ten points for Echo”, she replied with a laugh. Fives’ hand immediately withdrew from her body, landing on the back of his neck, rubbing it nervously.
  “S-Sorry, Sir, I didn’t realise”, he said, concern easy to distinguish in his voice as he stepped away from her. Sir? Is that what everyone is gonna call me?
“No need to worry, honey”, she said, amused by the clone’s reaction. “And to answer your question, I am unfortunately leaving, have to be up early.” She noticed the other clone – Jesse, Echo said, right? – had approached them and she gave him a smile. She patted Echo twice on the shoulder and started making her way towards the exit, turning her head to loudly say “see you tomorrow, boys!”.
She laughed to herself as she heard Echo tell the others “I think that was our new general” before the distance snuffed out their voices and she went out the door into the cold night air.
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catboydogma · 8 months
a dirty business (dreaming)
wc: 1,536
notes: second entry for coday bingo! no sergeants were harmed in the writing of this fic.
“Not to worry,” Cody said evenly. “Sergeant Wake stopped crying a few meters back. We’re operating at full functionality.” His bucket wasn’t completely empty. He’d brought a pair of medics and a full squad of ARCs and ARFs, leaving Lieutenants Boil and Gregor as in situ battalion commanders. And Howl. Maybe there was a reason to worry after all. “You’re a fuckin’ terror, sir. When you get up there make sure you give the General a piece of your mind for letting his comm die out like that.”
cross-posted to ao3
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“Sitrep,” Cody demanded over comms. Boil’s end of the line fuzzed in contemplation.
“’S pissin’ rain, sir,” Boil said at last.
He’d suspected this would happen when he’d promoted Boil for his ability to think creatively under pressure and circumvent standards to play situations to his advantage. The whole lot of his Command Corps were like that. Unfortunately.
“No good trying to make it up that slope for a good look, sir. Last engagement compromised casing integrity on the rock-climbers and the rain’s got all in the engines. We’re sitting nunas ‘till the gunships get here. But—”
Boil’s brief bout of helpfulness died with the next blustery gust of wind. Sheets of rain sliced sideways across the sky for a long moment and frigid water sluiced down the neck of his bodysuit.
“—‘s pissin’ rain. Sir.”
“Astute as ever, Lt.,” Cody said evenly. Visibility was approaching a neat zero with the rain and darkness. The 212th couldn’t afford to tip their hand any more than they already had. Cody was already acting on the conclusion that their base coordinates had been compromised. If not for this damned rain they’d already be moving onward.
Unfortunately, aside from the rain and the predominantly dark rotations resulting from a far-off and geriatric star—aside from the hostile terrain and rockslides and mudslides and sinkholes and the Sith’s own bad luck—their Jedi General had gone and gotten himself stuck halfway up a cliff with a malfunctioning comm unit and a pair of his ARFs.
“The General can find his own way down,” Boil said at last. It sounded like it pained him to say. He was likely right. Still, Cody found himself glancing up at the remainder of the slope he had left, one hand braced against a piton and the other jammed into the cliffside. “We’ll never hear the end of it if half our Command died in a freak rain accident, Commander.”
Ah. The good Lieutenant was feeling helpful again. Cody tested his weight against the piton, then levered his leg up to the next foothold. The rain had made the rock slippery and loosened the grit and pebbles in its various crevices. It was frigid—nearly to freezing temperatures—and Cody’d had to turn his HUD to night vision an hour back. He was soaked to the bone and his toes felt as if they would never be dry again.
All in all, it was a hell of a good time.
“Not to worry,” Cody said evenly. “Sergeant Wake stopped crying a few meters back. We’re operating at full functionality.” His bucket wasn’t completely empty. He’d brought a pair of medics and a full squad of ARCs and ARFs, leaving Lieutenants Boil and Gregor as in situ battalion commanders. And Howl.
Maybe there was a reason to worry after all.
“You’re a fuckin’ terror, sir. When you get up there make sure you give the General a piece of your mind for letting his comm die out like that.”
“I’ll take it under advisement, Lieutenant.” Cody cut the line and grunted with exertion as he heaved himself up the last two meters, relying on the strength of his shoulders and core and digging the fingers of his gauntlets into the cliffside.
The rocky slope leveled out into a slight plateau before climbing into the sky once more. The peak was obscured by the rain and dark and even darker clouds that hung low and heavy in the sky.
What Cody had missed from the bottom of the slope was that there was the jagged mouth of a cave just before the cliff went vertical again—and within the cave, the glow of red emergency light sticks.
Cody had to drop down to one knee and duck his head to get through the opening of the cave, and then it widened right out—his HUD picked out three heat signatures, then Cody was pulling it off so the glow of the light sticks didn’t futz with his night vision.
“Ah, Commander,” Kenobi said cheerfully. His hair was plastered to his skull and his robes were sodden against his torso. He was drenched. And he looked like a drowned tooka. “Excellent timing, as always.”
“General,” Cody said, voice flat. “Lieutenants.”
Kenobi made the particular grimace he did whenever he knew Cody was cross with him, then raised a hand to hide it by stroking his mustache. “In my defense, I only just realized my comm was out of charge. I suspect a bit of rain may have found its way into the casing…”
Behind Kenobi, Waxer—helmet still on, smart trooper—slowly raised his hand and pressed his palm to the front of his visor.
“And you lot?” Cody asked sharply.
Lieutenant Clayton grimaced and held up his helmet. It had a large crack running through the front and the visor was dull and lifeless.
“Thundercrack triggered a bit of a rockslide, sir,” Waxer explained. Clayton was a trooper of few words but he was a damn good officer. “And something in the atmo up here’s got my signal on the fritz.”
As General, Kenobi’s comm would have been the most long-range—and sturdy—of the three of them. Cody made a mental note to see if he could get comms antenna onto one of the General’s spaulders.
“Not much to be done about it now,” Kenobi said decisively. He clasped Cody’s shoulder. He could only feel the pressure of it through his spaulder and bodysuit but he half-fancied he might be able to feel the chill radiating off Kenobi’s white-tipped hands. “I’m glad you decided to come up after us, or we would’ve been quite stranded for the duration of the…”
Cody snagged Kenobi’s wrist and the General’s voice trailed off. He pulled a gauntlet off his with his teeth, then the other, and jammed them both over Kenobi’s hands. Now that he had his gloves off he could feel how cold Kenobi’s hands were—and he didn’t like it one bit.
“No fancy twirling that ‘saber of yours if your hands turn into ice blocks,” Cody bit out. There was a strange roughness in his voice: he blamed the cold for his sore throat and chest. “And I’m warmed up from the climb.”
Kenobi stared at him with his mouth just slightly agape. The shine of rain on his face made him look surreal, like either he or Cody had been caught sleepwalking—dreamlike and distant. “Quite,” he said in a strange and quiet voice.
“Commander!” Wake and co. crowded into the cave—the medics shoved to the front and immediately started headshaking at Clayton’s cracked helmet and the bruise he’d gotten from whatever had cracked his visor—and the chilly tint to Kenobi’s lips and fingernails. “Found ‘em,” the Sergeant said into his helmet comm. To Boil, it was likely.
Cody stepped back. He cleared his throat. He jammed his helmet back onto his head and ignored the way Kenobi was—slowly and thoughtfully—rubbing at his wrists and the backs of his hands. “Lines secure?”
“Ready and waiting,” Wake replied with a brief salute. “Rain’s starting to die down a bit, too.”
“It’ll pass by in a little less than an hour,” Kenobi said mildly. He was still rubbing at his hands—just absently brushing the tips of his fingers back and forth over the ridges of his knuckles hidden by Cody’s gauntlets. “You couldn’t have picked a better time, gentlemen. Shall we?”
Cody felt the welling of his frustration and ire trickle away and die down with each step out of the cave and through the rain. He jammed his bucket down over his head and watched condensation fog up the visor before the temp reg kicked in. There had been a part of him—the part that had gotten him through CC training on Kamino and a ponderous chunk of the war and watching his vode die in droves—that had been calmly and coolly calculating the odds of the General’s survival. In the night. In the frigid and hostile terrain. That part of him had known that the chances of Kenobi and Clayton and Waxer getting injured—crushed in a rock- or mudslide—ambushed by hostiles—were higher than anything so benign as a comm running out of charge or being carelessly left in the pocket of a different robe. It had been calculating what Cody would need to do, had his General fallen somehow: an itemized pre-mourning checklist.
And yet.
Kenobi was a dim silhouette in the dark and rain. He kept his shoulders square and his head up as he slid back into his role as General, heedless of the rain that fell into his face. His borrowed gauntlets weren’t quite the right fit: too short in the fingers and too broad in the palm. But his hands were sure as he clasped Wake’s arm just above the rerebrace and clapped Waxer on the shoulder.
Next time he’d chew his General out for not keeping an eye on his comms like he should. Even as he rappelled back down the cliffside, Cody could only find it in himself to be grateful that there could be a next time.
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fictionfromthevoid · 1 month
Saving Anakin Skywalker one-shots Part 1 - Mortis
Summary: You bring Anakin back to the light after he has turned to the dark side on Mortis because of the son
Premise: You and Anakin are bestfriends (see headcanons)
"Hey, are you doing lava sauna Anakin? I didn't know this was a wellness trip" You called out from a stone column of the well of the dark side to which the son had brought Anakin. He looked up at you shocked at the casualness of your words. Didn't you know what was going on? Were you still his friend? Surely not! You wouldn't understand! No one will understand what he is now. Even he doesn't. All he understands is that this is what he needs to be to save everyone.
You chuckled at your own joke and jumped down into the pit, landing softly with the help of the force. Anakin turned around to face you, still staring at you bewildered. 'It is really hot down here!' you exclaimed 'How are you not melting?' you laughed. Your lightheartedness only added to his pain. He didn't feel like laughing at all but you also hadn't given him any reason to distrust you. You were acting as usual. But can't you see that nothing is as usual? Can't you understand how serious the situation is? Can't you feel the darkness inside him? Or can feel it? Is it possible, that you are here, happy and cheerful as ever, despite what he is now? You felt the conflict raging inside him through the force. All the fear, pain anger and love swirled together into a violent storm clouding his mind and heart. However, you were not going to scold him for falling to the dark side, you weren't going to demand from him to turn back. You knew what he needed most was a friend to help him see clearly again and therefore you were determined to keep his trust. 'Hello, Anakin, are you there?' you laughingly asked your friend. He just managed to answer with a sound somewhere between a scoff and a laugh while he continued to stare at you. Frozen and unsure what to do.
You made sure to present yourself as cheerful and bubbly as possible because you guessed, that would throw him off most at the moment. You cupped his face with one hand and examined it. The huge dark circles under his eyes added to his aura of darkness perceivable through the force. 'The son has given you some nice yellow eyes' you remarked 'but don't you think Padme will miss your pretty blue ones?' This was too much for him, the mention of Padme, your gentle touch and your loving smile finally sent him over the edge. His eyes teared up and his lower lip started to quiver. The mask of anger vanished as the darkness was not enough to hold his broken soul together. You pull him into a tight hug. His legs gave out under him and you both sank to the floor, Anakin sobbing into your shoulder. You held him a little tighter and rested your cheek on top of his head as he clawed into the back of your ropes desperate to hold onto something for support. 'It's alright Anakin. I'm here for you. I'll always be here.' He buried his head deeper into your shoulder as he continued to sob uncontrollably. Now that you had broken through his walls you could feel the full weight of his pain through the force. His emotions were crashing down on you in waves, swirling around you begging for entrance into your heart. You let them pass through you, let yourself feel Anakins pain, his fear, his helplessness. You observed the emotions raging in your body, mingling with your own feelings, passing through between Anakin and you. While you allowed them into your heart, you didn't let them influence you, you kept them from your mind, allowing you to experience his emotions without your judgement being affected. This is the empathy the Jedi teach.
When Anakin's sobs had turned into quiet sniffels you pulled back from the hug and cupped his face with your hands again. With a loving smile, you wiped away his tears. 'Can you show me what he has told you?' you asked looking into his still yellow eyes. He nodded. You let go of his face and took his hands instead as you both sat on your knees opposite each other and closed your eyes. Through the force, he shared his memories. You saw all that the son had shown him, saw how he murdered the younglings, how he strangled Padme, and how the Jedi died. A new wave of fear and pain crashed down on you as Anakin squeezed your hands tighter. You let it pass through you while your thumbs began rubbing circles on the backs of his hands. You tried to share some of your calm and warmth through the force and thought you could feel his grip loosening.
When you had seen all of it both of you opened your eyes again. As you looked at him you could see the wet paths streams of tears had left behind glistering on his face in the warm glow of the lava. Anakin looked at you with an expression of tired helplessness and despair that shattered your heart in an instant.
'Anakin' you began softly ' what he has shown you isn't real. He is the personification of the dark side. He would have shown you anything if it meant you would turn to the dark side.' 'No, you don't understand!' he whined ' I will do all these things! I could feel that it was real! I can't let that happen! Please, I need your help! Obi-Wan won't understand what I am now but that is the only way I can save everyone. The Jedi are an obstacle if we want to end the war. But with the power of the son, I can do that. Please tell me you will stay by my side.' He was near tears again. As you looked at him in this moment all you saw was the scared little boy you met all those years ago at the temple. ' I'll stay. I'll stay.' you reassured him as you pulled him into another hug. This calmed him down a little. He breathed in your warmth as he let himself rest in your arms for a second.
' Ok.' you tried again 'Let's say that at the moment the son showed you the visions, that was your future. But by showing you he has changed this future himself. Now you know and you obviously won't do this now, even though I find it hard to imagine that you would do something like this in the first place.' you rubbed his back in soft circles ' What you are scared about is turning to the dark side in the future right?' He nodded into your shoulder. 'Don't think it rather stupid to turn to the dark side now to prevent that?' you laughed. He was quiet. You could feel the fog in his mind that the dark side caused lifting a bit. 'You say you can end the war with the help of the son, but at what cost? Killing the Jedi? The separatists? The republic? Isn't that the very thing you saw in those visions? Anakin, he is tricking you. He doesn't care about you or the war. He wants to use you for his own goals.' You gave him some time to consider what he had said.
While you sat there, hugging, you could feel the battle of light and darkness inside your friend. The fear of what the son had shown him fighting his trust in you and the obvious logic of your reasoning. 'But what if you're wrong?' He finally asked pulling away from the hug and looking at you. With a smile, you acknowledged that the yellow in his eyes was barely visible anymore and instead was fading more and more into the former icy blue. 'What if all I saw will happen regardless and I can't prevent it?' 'Then I will.' you stated. 'Anakin, I promise you that I will never let you fall to the dark side. I promise to never let you do such terrible things. If necessary I will protect you from yourself. No matter how yellow your eyes are, I will always be there to turn them back to blue.' 'Thank you'
With that, you were looking into a pair of blue eyes again. Together you ascended out of the well where you met up with Obi-Wan and returned to your ship Later when you were back at the ship Anakin asked you why you were going into the well alone and didn't take Obi-Wan with you. 'I could feel your corruption of the dark side and I know that you and Obi-Wan tend to push each other's buttons. Obi-Wan will deny it but he wouldn't have been able to keep his calm so I knew that if we wanted a chance to win you back I would have to go alone.' Anakin nodded. He understood what you meant about him and Obi-Wan. And he wondered what would have happened to him if you hadn't been there. A thought that genuinely scared him. When you finally left Mortis the feelings you experienced in the well of the dark-side still haunted you and Anakin even though no matter how hard you tried none of you could remember what the son had shown Anakin. Nonetheless he still clearly remembered the promise you had given him. He was now more confident than ever that he could rely on you no matter what.
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clonemando · 6 months
Waxer*Boil Month Week 2: Huddling for Warmth/Safety
Boil doesn't like getting left behind while Waxer is out on missions and likes it even less when he is called to Cody's room without hearing back from Waxer after that mission has ended. Thankfully the explanation isn't as bad as he feared and is something he can help with.
Written for @waxerboilmonth Find it on AO3 here.
Boil tried hard to not make it obvious that his hands were shaking as he hurried to Cody’s private quarters where Cody and the General were waiting for him. The last mission had only required a small team so Waxer’s squad had gone while Boil and his men had stayed. It was always hard, watching Waxer leave, not knowing when or if he would return this time. The fact they had both survived this long was already a miracle. 
“Sirs, you asked to see me?” he asked, opening the door with a small knock. He had watched the solemn way Waxer’s boys had come back to their bunks. Normally, Waxer sent him a message as they were leaving and when they returned. This time, his com line had been silent. He didn’t want to believe it, but he had a feeling he knew why he was being called in. He was just grateful Obi-Wan and Cody were telling him in private. 
“Oh thank the force! Cody, Boil’s here. Come in, he won’t stop crying and you’re the one that’s usually closest to him,” Obi-Wan said, grabbing Boil by the arm and basically dragging him into the room.
It was not what Boil expected. Instead, he found Cody on his knees looking for all the world like he was trying to lure a tooka out from under his bed. Hearing Obi-Wan, Cody tried to get up and knocked his head on the bunk with a little yelp. 
“Oh good. Boil, Waxer crawled under the bed and won’t come out or stop crying. We need you to calm him down and get him out.” Cody said, rubbing his head where he had hit it. 
Boil frowned. There wasn’t a ton of space under the bed and he knew that a fully armored trooper wouldn’t be able to fit. “Did he get turned into a tooka?” was out of his mouth before he could stop himself and he felt his cheeks heating as Cody grinned and the General chuckled. 
“Not quite,” Obi-Wan admitted with a shrug, “We found the artifact we were asked to retrieve but Ventress arrived at the same time we did. While Cody and I kept her busy, Waxer snuck up and grabbed the small idol, but it activated. and there was a flash of light before… well.. He shrunk,” 
“He looks and acts like a second year cadet again or a four year old nat-born,” Cody sighed while gesturing to the bed, “We had to abandon his armor since it was too large, but Obi-Wan wrapped him in his outer robes and we all retreated. Once we got in, he immediately hid under my bunk and won’t come out.”
Boil swallowed hard. He knew what a second year cadet looked like. Waxer wouldn’t actually be any cuter than any other cadet that age but… the idea of it sounded really adorable in his mind. 
“Does he still have his memories? We didn’t know each other at that age so he might not trust me if he doesn’t. I’d be a stranger to him, too,” he pointed out.
Obi-Wan shrugged in response. “I honestly don’t know but we decided it was worth having you try. Hopefully, this will be a temporary state and will wear off on its own, but I already contacted Madame Nu to see if she or her archivists can find any more information on reversing it. If not..” Obi-Wan said and Boil nodded, finally kneeling down to peek under the bed.
A hurt sound escaped his lips at the adorable sight awaiting him. It was worse than he thought. Waxer was still bald though his facial hair was gone now and his eyes were red and puffy from crying. He was wrapped so completely in Obi-Wan’s robes that it was like a blanket around him. 
“Hey Wax, you remember me? It’s your friend Boil. It’s okay if you don’t remember but I want you to know, it’s safe here. No one is going to hurt you. We just want to help,” he murmured softly. Remembering how Waxer helped him when he was upset, he didn’t try to reach out immediately. He just waited, lying on his belly on the floor, for Waxer to make a choice. 
Waxer sniffled. “B-Boil? Why… Why am I so small?” he whimpered and Boil relaxed a little—Waxer seemed to remember him, at least. 
“Force crap,” Boil hummed, making Waxer give a surprised giggle at the curse word. It seemed he remembered Boil but he was definitely not himself. Noticing that he was trembling, Boil finally offered a hand. 
“I know you get cold easily. Will you come out and move to the top of the bed? We can wrap you up in blankets and it will be much warmer than only wearing the General’s robes,” he offered but didn’t try to force him. 
“Can I cuddle you?” Waxer asked, eyes wide, and there was no way even the Sith would have been able to deny a request like that, so obviously Boil melted. 
“Of course. Cody will get you some clothes and we’ll both steal his bunk since it’s bigger than what we have in our rooms. We’ll cuddle as long as you need,” he promised, feeling relieved as Waxer finally leaned forward and took Boil’s hand, letting himself be helped out from under the bed.
Obi-Wan and Cody had moved to the other side of the room to give them some space, and Boil noticed that Obi-Wan had stepped up to the door and was talking to someone outside of it- likely to get the cadet uniform for Waxer. 
Waxer immediately tried to use Boil as a shield so the other pair couldn’t see him. “Why are you so afraid of Commander Cody and the General?” Boil asked curiously. It wasn’t like Waxer to be so distrusting. 
“It was loud and they were shouting so much and then we got here and it was cold and there were so many people!” he whined softly and Boil wrapped an arm around him, letting him hide his face in Boil’s shoulder. Boil was in his grays since he hadn’t been scheduled for duty any time soon, so at least there wasn’t any armor in the way. 
Cody stepped forward, “Here, we’ll go to Obi-Wan’s room for now so he can have some space. We’re sorry for scaring you Waxer. We’ll work on getting you back to yourself soon.” he announced, offering Boil the cadet blues. Then Cody and Obi-Wan were gone and Boil relaxed a little before focusing on the little Waxer burrowing himself into Boil’s shirt and trembling slightly. 
“Come on, you’ll be warmer once you’re dressed. Then we can sit on the bed instead of the floor,” he said, gently pushing Waxer off of him so he could stand and guide him to the attached fresher that was a perk of Cody’s Commander status. It was tiny, but it allowed him to clean the dirt off of his tiny ARF partner before helping him into his clothes. 
Waxer was surprisingly quiet through the whole thing, which felt wrong since Boil was usually the quiet one and Waxer usually didn’t know how to stop blabbering, but he was clearly still scared and working through things.
“Come here,” Boil hummed once they got back to the bed. He took all of Cody’s blankets and wrapped them around Waxer so only his eyes could be seen peeking out from the mound. The little giggle warmed his heart even while Boil worried about how long Waxer was going to be stuck like this. 
Waxer’s pout was almost audible as he stared at Boil “But now I can’t snuggle with you and you’re my best friend, so we have to snuggle. I always sleep better when we do.” he pointed out.
Boil’s lips twitched up into a small smirk “Sure we can. Like this,” he said and wrapped himself around the whole blanket bundle, which rewarded him with even more little giggles.
“I guess that’s okay, but I won’t be able to hear your heart beating or feel you breathing and know you’re okay. My brain feels all mushy right now but I remember… I remember that I don’t remember people I should, and that I miss them, and I don’t want to miss you, too,” Waxer murmured after a little bit.
Boil frowned. “I’m not going anywhere. You don’t need to miss me, Wax,” he said, but he carefully freed Waxer’s head from the blankets so he could rest it against Boil’s chest.
That seemed to be the last thing Waxer needed to be able to fall asleep with a little yawn. 
Boil just held him close, making sure he felt warm and safe, and eventually Waxer’s soft breathing lulled him to sleep as well.
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daughterofthequeen · 2 months
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(Just imagine that’s season 3 and 4 Ezra in the gif)
Pairings: Kanan Jarrus x platonic!reader, Ezra Bridger x reader
Request: Hi love! Could I make another request?🥹 could you possible do Kanan X reader where Ezra and reader get into a fight and reader goes to Kanan for advice since they see him as a big brother?
Requested by: @theriseofshin
Warnings: Angst, fluff, arguing, reader is angry with Ezra, mentions of death, let me know if I missed something
A/n: This is in the same universe as my fic Contribution. This took longer than it should have sorry guys writers block, but I think it turned out ok(I hope). I also just realize this is more of a Ezra x reader than Kanan so if you want me to rewrite it or do another fic for you I will.
You, Ezra, and Sabine made it down the latter from the phantom to the lounge and to make your way to the command ship to inform Sato about the mission. Well, that was the plan anyway. You and Ezra have been bickering since you all made it back on the phantom, much to Sabine’s annoyance.
“What were you thinking?!”
“Ezra! Lay off it, okay?!”
“Lay off it? You were almost killed!”
“I had everything under control! I knew what I was doing!”
“Oh yeah, right. What would you have done if Sabine hadn’t been there to save you?!”
“I don’t know!”
Scoff. “Because there’s nothing you could’ve done!”
You groaned in frustration, turning around towards Ezra, ready to give him a piece of your mind.
“Woah, woah, woah. What is going on here?” Hera asked stepping in between the two of you.
“Ezra here, has seem to forgotten that being apart of a rebellion means that there will be risks.” You answered.
“I know there’s going to be risk, but what you did wasn’t just a risk. It was a dumb, stupid, rash, and unnecessary decision that almost cost you your life!”
“Dumb?” You said lowly.
“Yes, dumb.”
“Okay! That’s enough! I don’t know what has gotten in the two of you lately, but let’s save it for later. Commander Sato is waiting to be debriefed on the details of your mission. Can you two do that without ripping each other apart?”
“No problem, Hera. I’m sure Ezra, will do all the talking anyway since he thinks I’m so incompetent.”
“I never said that.”
“No, but it’s what you meant.” You didn’t stick around to hear Ezra’s response. You made your way into the command ship, but not without bumping Ezra’s shoulder when you passed by.
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It’s been 2 days since you’ve been giving Ezra the silent treatment. He has tried to get you alone to talk it out, but you aren’t ready for the conversation. Lately Ezra has been beyond overprotective. He would take charge on your missions if something went wrong, undermine your authority at times, and would cut you off at briefings if you were both assigned to a mission. You were absolutely sick of it, but you wanted to know what was going on with him so you went to the person who might.
“Kanan, you got a minute?” You were leaning in his door way nervously playing with your hands.
“Of course, come on in. What’s up?”
“I didn’t mean to interrupt your meditation I just- I really need to talk to you. It’s about Ezra.”
“I figured.” Kanan smiled softly when you took a seat next to him laying your head on his shoulder.
“What’s going on with him, Kanan? He’s been overprotective, more than usual. I mean you should’ve seen him on our last mission, he acts like I don’t know what I’m doing. Like I’m going to screw everything up.”
“You know he doesn’t think that.”
“But he’s acting like it!” You stood up and began pacing around the room. You’ve been doing that a lot for the last few days. “I don’t know what’s going on with him. I was hoping you would.”
“No, I don’t. Give him some time or maybe if you actually talked to him, he might tell you.”
“No, I’m not ready to talk to him, I- wait a minute. How’d you know I haven’t been talking to him?”
“I didn’t. I mean-I just figured since you don’t know what’s going on with him then you obviously haven’t talked to him.”
“He’s talked to you about it. You know what’s going on! What is it!?
“Oh no, that’s not for me to say, you need to talk to him yourself.”
“Kanan, please. I can’t talk to him.”
“And why not?”
“Because if I do I think I might actually cause him bodily harm. I am that upset with him.” Sighing you returned to your spot next to Kanan. “Because regardless of the reason it doesn’t give him the right to act the way he’s been acting.”
“You’re right, but you should still talk to him or else you’re never going to understand him, why he’s been acting the way he has, or how to fix it. Communication is important for any relationship. Even one as strong as the two of yours.”
“Fine. I’ll talk to him. Later. I’ll just chill in here with you for now, join you in meditation?”
“Or you can talk to him now.”
“Oh come on, Kanan-” You were cut off by a knock at the door. You turned back towards Kanan who only motioned his head towards the door.
Having a good guess about who it was at the door, you begrudgingly went and opened it coming face to face with those big beautiful blue eyes you fell in love with. Except right now they looked dimmed until he realized it was you at the door at which he immediately started rambling.
“(Y/n). I’m so so sorry. Look, I-I know there’s no reason or explanation good enough for how I’ve been treating you, but if you just let me explain I can tell you why I react the way I do. I’m not saying it makes it ok, but-.”
“Ezra!” He stopped talking hearing you yell his name. You were pinching the bridge of your nose. One of the many things you do when you’re frustrated that Ezra finds cute. Even when you’re mad at him he can’t help but admire your beauty. You took a breath and looked back at Kanan, who was already turned towards the two of you and gave you a subtle nod. To which you sighed again and turned back to Ezra.
“Come on, let’s go to my room to talk.” As you pushed past him you grabbed his shirt to drag him with you.
“What is it?” You asked while sitting down on the edge of your bunk.
“(Y/n), I am so sorry. I talked to Kanan and Hera, who both helped me realize how wrong I’ve been. Regardless of the reason and the intentions behind my actions, they were still wrong and for that I apologize.”
“I can protect myself, Ezra.”
“I know that. I never thought you couldn’t. That’s not the reason.”
“Then why? You have been overbearing, overprotective, dismissive of my authority, distant, and just down right hurtful with some of the things you say, Ezra. I want to know what’s going on with you.”
“And I’m going to tell you everything.” He sat next to you resting his arms on his thighs, and taking a second to think about how he was going to tell you. “I’ve been having nightmares about you.”
“Nightmares?” Ezra nodded in agreement.
“Regular nightmares or force vision kind of nightmares?”
“I can’t tell.” You could tell Ezra was worried.
“Ok? Have you tried meditating on them?”
“Yes, and it does nothing.”
You went quiet turning your gaze ahead of you in thought. Ezra sat there with his gaze on the floor.
“I’m not taking any chances. Yes, I’ve been overbearing, I know. But I rather you be angry at me and alive than risking anything that happens in my dreams.”
“I understand that Ezra, but even so I still need you to stop.”
“What? Even after what I just told you?”
“Ezra, we have a war to win.”
“I know-“
“And we can’t afford to be down even one man. You can’t risk a mission because you’re trying to save my life. This war is bigger than all of us. There are countless people who have died for this rebellion because they believed in a better galaxy, a galaxy without the reign of the Empire. I have no right to do any less than them. Regardless of how you feel about me. I’m going to do everything in my power to help our cause including giving my life for it, and I’m know you feel the same way.”
“You wouldn’t be saying this if it was the other way around.” You could tell Ezra was definitely upset now he wouldn’t even look at you. His eyes locked on the door, leaning forward with his elbows on his thighs, his hands clasped together tightly in frustration.
“Maybe not, but either way I would still have to respect your decision just like I need you to respect mine.” You reached forward gently taking his cheek in your hand and turning his head to look at you to which he didn’t fight. “You’re letting fear cloud your judgement maybe that’s why you can’t see through the force. A Jedi is never supposed to act out of fear or anger you know that.”
“I do. Kanan said the same thing.”
“Good, listen to him. Stop worrying so much Ezra because even if something were to happen I would never truly leave you. I will still be right by your side even when you can’t see me.” Ezra frowned at the thought. It wasn’t something anyone could deal with lightly. You could see the battle in his eyes. A look you’ve seen before, back when he was using the sith holocran. You pulled him into you running your fingers through his short hair as he clinged to you. “Everything will work itself out, Ezra. I promise.” Feeling his body relax before he pulled away to lean his forehead against yours. His eyes are closed from exhaustion.
“Come on.” You stood while grabbing his hand pulling him along.”
“Where are we going?”
“To see Kanan, and we’re all going to meditate because you need it, I need it, and I’m sure Kanan definitely needs it having to deal with us all the time.”
“We’re not that bad.”
“Yes, we are.” You chuckled.
“You think so?”
“I know so.” This time Ezra chuckles pulling you into his side as you both walked to your master’s room to get rid of the barrier of fear that has been keeping you apart. You’re not worried though because you love Ezra with everything you’ve got, and he you, and loves conquers all.
A/n: Oh my goodness that ending is so cheesy. Sorry I’ve been gone for so long again. Writers block is not to be messed with. I couldn’t think of anything to write or any ideas for future fics. It’s an absolute nightmare. But again I’m sorry it took so long, but I don’t post anything until I feel like I like it or at least can tolerate it. I’m so happy you chose me to write this for you. I hope the rest of you guys enjoy it as well. There are also two references in this fic from a tv show and movie that I love, if one you catches them let me know and we must be friends. Till next time👋.
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granolawriting · 1 year
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Welcome to my first kinktober ever! Well, only around 2/3rd are NSFW, hence the little asterisk. Below you'll also find a few platonic Anakin plans, as well as a non-explicit Joel x reader!
I specialize in Anakin Skywalker and Joel Miller, but anytime during this month you can shoot me a request for either those two, or a new character from my list and I'll gladly write your idea!
Below you'll find the Masterlist and synopsis for all of the preplanned fics, and make sure to be aware of all of the content warnings before indulging.
hope you enjoy ;)!
Masterlist . taglist
10.1: pumpkin cutting with Joel [A proper fall] NSFWish
↳ synopsis: A slow night with Joel consists of a suprise of pumpkins spotted on his way home from work. what starts as a nice activity with you and him lit by the illumination of the TV and of small tea candles, delves into something a bit more about you, and less about pumpkins.
10.5: exhibitionism with anakin [within the confines of a ship] NSFW
↳ Synopsis: Spending night after night having sexual tension with a certian Jedi on a mission surrounded by your peers in a ship comes to a head when one day he stops trying to be discrete about what he wants.
10.10: ‘halloween’ celebration with anakin [new things] platonic Jedi!best friend
↳ Synopsis: Anakin spent his young days as either a slave or "the chosen one". Never having the opportunity to really celebrate the holidays, you explain to him a celebration on your own planet for the fall season.
10.15: costume sex with Cowboy!Joel [do you have a boyfriend?] NSFW!!!!
↳ Synopsis: Your best friend holds a halloween party at her house, where the often brooding Joel you often disregard adorns a new attire that sparks something in you. And he makes it clear he feels the same.
10.20: bondage with Joel [It takes two] NSFW!
↳ Synopsis: Joel is your landlord, coming over to your apartment late at night to try and fix something you had complained about does he catch you in the middle of a tangle of ropes and a loss of hope. What starts as an innocent lesson on frankly odd knowledge he has, comes back later as a very, restricting night with him again.
10.25: ‘trick or treating’ with anakin [finally happy holidays] platonic padawan!reader
↳ Synopsis: Anakin isnt your master, but he definetly takes you under his wing in a way. He sees himself in you, and as he never got to really celebrate child-like traditions of the holidays, he makes sure that you do. Together!
10.30: dialouge prompt with sith!Anakin and Outbreak!Joel (2 fics!)
↳ “ i'm simply enjoying the view. it's not every day i get to fuck someone so pretty.”
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Tide pools aren't for swimming [TBB x GN!Reader]
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Warnings and Information: Second-person POV. No serious age rating. It's just sun, surf and seashells as far as the eye can see. Undescribed Reader with a codename. Coming from an ocean world, we're assuming Clones are excellent swimmers. Someone loses his trunks, though. Minor usage of Mando'a. Star Wars and real-world swearing. Not a relationship fic. Minor proofreading.
Word-count: 2,650
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"If the Marshal Commander discovers you lot have blown off your reports, I'm not saving your shebs!" you warn the men as they tramp down the gangplank in a collective rush once they've all found something among the armor and fatigues that will do for swimwear in a pinch. They've gotten it in their heads that while you're all planetside and near a coastline, the whole team is going to the beach for the rest of the day. 
You turn to the only man who's not been carried out of the attack shuttle against his will, since Wrecker only has so many arms and hands. "Except for you, Echo. I trust you'll get your report done for Commander Cody in time, as always." 
Echo smirks, chest thrown forward with pride. "As always." he repeats. "Aren't you going to go with them, Vantage?" 
You bounce your shoulders, keying in the appropriate sequence to retract the steps and seal the hatch once you and the ARC trooper make your exit. "Oh, eventually," you say with a laugh. It's a small white-sand beach surrounded by cliffs. "They can't exactly get far, save for one direction." You made it clear to your squadmates from the jump that you did not wish to go swimming, and laid out your reasons in no uncertain terms. 
"Maker forbid one of you begins to drown, however, I will come to your rescue. But if one of you tries to get cute and throw me into the surf, I will give you a tongue-lashing that will leave your ears ringing until next Taungsday. Do I make myself clear?" 
"That'd put us at a real Disadvantage…" 
"Hunter, for kriff's sake-" You had warned him with an edge in your voice that suggested it would not be wise to test your sense of humor by making playful riffs on your alias. They were all smart enough to take the hint supplied by means of a jabbing elbow from the one with goggles and an ever-recording camera attached to them. "Yes, you made yourself clear, Vantage!" Hunter replied hurriedly. 
Maker, these boys behaved like a fraternity straight out of your academy, some days… You did not sign up for that program offered by the academic institution with the intention to be a karking glorified babysitter. Thankfully, they had the sense to perform their duty to the GAR with loyalty and a strong, if improvised, sense for getting the job done. 
They were troublemakers, no doubt about it. But galaxy and all her stars, they were your troublemakers. The Marshal Commander has gotten close to reassigning you a few times, but you've stood firm. 
"This is as far as I go!" you reply to Wrecker in yet another reminder that you are not wading up to your waist in frigid sea water just to see if the waves can bowl you over. "I'm not fond of swimming where I cannot confidently make out the bottom. You have fun out there, I'm staying here." You twist and grind your heels in the over-saturated sand in a stubborn display. You are not moving. The waves lapping over your ankles is truly as far as you will venture out into the briney deep. 
You've seen these men swim before and have the utmost confidence in their ability to navigate the surf. These waves are gentle in comparison to the towering walls of water they've seen from rain-spattered windows looking out of the stilted cloning facility. But it's been drilled into you since you were young that someone needs to watch the water at all times, to never leave someone swimming unattended. The beach offers a decent outcropping in one of the cliffs to serve as a guard tower, almost. 
"Pardon the play on your name, Vantage, but that outcropping would serve as a, well, excellent vantage point of the ocean." Tech explains a little timidly. "The rock shelf appears stable enough to support even Wrecker." 
Ignoring Wrecker's offended burst of dismay for a moment, you nod gratefully at Tech. "I wondered. Thank you. But I think I'll have to split my time with Crosshair since our sniper likes to feel tall." 
"Ahem…" Crosshair begins in a low, throaty tone, "might I remind you that I'm 1.93 meters tall, compared to Hunter's measly 1.8." 
Hunter scoffs, unphased. He's curiously shorter than all, or perhaps most, Clones, but he's never let on that the short jokes bother him in the time you've traveled with them. "Just for that, you're the one who gets to hold Wrecker's hand when he takes his turn on the outcrop." 
You pinch the bridge of your nose and plant a hand on one hip with a deep, wearied sigh. You can hear Echo chuckling further up the beach, saying you look exactly like a disappointed nat-born parent from a holodrama right about now from where he's sitting. You certainly believe him.
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Off to northeast on this little beach a few hours later, Wrecker makes a discovery while he takes a break from the waves. The water is cold, so he's soaking up some sun to warm himself. You, on the other hand, are suffering from the opposite problem as it is currently the estimated temperature high of the day. You're half tempted to let Wrecker playfully throw you into the surf as the next wave comes rolling in for a little reprieve, like he's done for Hunter and Crosshair (and Tech, but only once when he got too close). 
But not tempted enough to voice that idea. Maybe you'll go back to the waterline and soak your feet in a moment. 
Wrecker makes a request for your attention. "Vantage, look!" You lift your craned neck to meet his eyes upon further beckoning bellows. "These little pits are filled with water, and you can see the bottom! You could come cool off in one of these!"  The sun directly overhead, Wrecker uses his large hands to shade his eyes and most of his face rather than amplify his voice so he can squint further up the beach with less discomfort. 
"What pits?" Crosshair demands, doing a worse job of masking his confusion than you. 
Wrecker points emphatically, spirit hardly dampered by the annoyance his brother levies his way. "These pit-things!" 
You decide to see what the fuss is about. Tech trekked back into the Havoc Marauder to relieve himself and no doubt send his report to Cody, so he can't get to the bottom of what Wrecker's discovered for the foreseeable future. While he's far from stupid, Wrecker has a minor form of aphasia as a result of the accident that gave him the scrawling scar and cybernetic eye on the left side of his head. In your time working with them, you find Wrecker has trouble finding the right words to express himself in moments of extreme excitement or exhaustion, on occasion. 
You skip across the sand, halfway through your question when you find a delightful surprise. "What's thes- Oh, tide pools!" you exclaim. "Hey, boys! Wrecker found some tide pools over here!" These are indeed shallow enough that you can see the silty surface of the bottom, but with one glance into the tidal pool, you can pinpoint at least three delicate forms of aquatic life. 
Admittedly, the only reason you know such a thing is in thanks to either a friend or a family member of yours, though you don't recall who off the top of your head. 
Once Tech's joined the ranks around the oceanic pocket, he's excitedly prattling on in his amazement. "Incredible, those are some beautiful sea star specimens!" Crosshair sarcastically remarks he's peeled more interesting things in similar colors from the bottom of his boots, but Tech pays him no mind. "Juveniles, no less! This stage of their life cycle is seldomly documented, so this is an incredible opportunity for scientific contribution." 
"Which means we shouldn't swim in these tide pools, Wrecker," you explain delicately; you hate to deflate his sense of excitement, "leaving them undisturbed will give our starry friends the best chance to develop into healthy, strong adults. Besides, there's a species of red sea urchin at the bottom, if you look right there, that you don't exactly want to get close enough to risk stepping on them. Take my word for it when I say it stings like a mother-kriffer. Not even good bacta can touch the pain, for the most part." 
You're given a very fascinated look by the bespectacled Clone of the rogue squadron, having surprised him with an instance of your "quiet intelligence". Tech looks like a gulping fish as he tries to find the right words to express his sentiment, and you can't help but laugh. "Tech, take your time to think of your words before one of your brothers mistakes you for a fish and throws you back in the waves again." 
He adjusts his goggles in the meantime. "I was unaware you - at least seem to - know so much about these things." It comes across like an insult, or a backhanded compliment, but you know better than that. These are your troublemakers when they're not in Commander Cody's capable hands. You've gotten to know them well, and you take no offense. You only offer a cheeky grin.
"Heh. Someone I know from back home knows their stuff. I've heard a lot about tide pools in my life." 
A look of understanding dawns on him. "I see. Well, yes, you are right, Vantage. Tempting as it is, it will be best not to swim in these tidal pools. Or, perhaps not this one. Maybe one of the others will have less developmentally fragile sealife." 
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Luck is not in your favor on this fine afternoon, as it would happen. Most of these 'pocket-sized oceans' teem with young and larval lifeforms that call the ocean home. They seem to serve as saltwater nurseries. Tiny crabs. Delicate polyps. Even beautiful, silky jellyfish have made themselves home in some of the deepest pools (mercifully, these do not have the capacity for the excruciating sting of other species). 
"That's disgusting," you groan, shaking your head at one of the men clad in nothing but a pair of crudely-cut swim shorts that were fashioned from a spare pair of their casual fatigues, "peeing on your brother's leg like a kriffing massiff won't help a jellyfish sting! Where in the galaxy did you hear such a thing?" 
"Kamino." Crosshair tells you with a face that would put professional Sabacc players to shame. 
"Of course you did. That's on me, I should have remembered that you were all created on Kamino, a damn ocean world. Did someone tell you that as a cadet?" 
"You want an answer to that, Vantage?" 
You need to quit while you're ahead before you find yourself subjected to more potentially juvenile behavior. "Not particularly, no." You dust off your knees after kneeling over the edge of this particular tide pool, mentally wishing the little jellyfish good-bye. Wrecker's idea of taking a quick dip in a tidal pool hadn't been a bad one, but you weren't counting on Tech finding any 'vacant' enough for a dip to cool off by this point. "I'm gonna go sit in the shade for a bit. Echo, scoot over!" 
He scowls, playfully calling back that you need to find your own palm tree to plop under, while making room for you all the same. From here, you can watch Crosshair and Hunter wrestle and grapple with one another in the tide, and keep your eye on Wrecker as he tries to float on his back a little further out. Tech remains on the beach, babbling to himself as he inspects each of these tide pools in depth. 
"We're going to be hearing about sea stars for hours… aren't we?" Echo mutters, but there's a warm and gentle smile that contrasts the weariness of his tone, "Which is going to drive them nuts while they try to rush their reports to Commander Cody."
"Don't worry," you tell him, "I can keep him occupied in the cockpit while you make sure the other three get their reports sorted out." 
"Gotta say, having you on the team is a real advantage sometimes." 
There's commotion down in the water that interrupts your train of thought about asking Echo if he's making fun of your codename, and you fear the worst. Drowning is a silent affair, and two of his brothers are suddenly shouting Hunter's name with mild concern. You kept your eyes off the water for too long, you shouldn't have assumed that the three out in the water could keep an adequate eye on each other. You don't see the curled brown hair and the slip of crimson fabric that serves as a bandana among the three bronze-skinned figures who were playing in the surf.
Wrecker and Crosshair do not seem all that panicked, to your fear and your fury. "Where's Hunter?!" 
He surfaces soon after, but he curiously does not stand fully upright in the water. You soon know why when someone's swim trunks find themselves washed ashore with the next wave.
"Oh, there they are. Here, toss them out to me, Vantage!" Hunter does not seem the least bit embarrassed that he's gone from clad in nothing but a pair of swim trunks to clad in nothing at all after a particularly strong wave must have tugged them free from his hips. 
You staunchly refuse to touch the trunks, pointedly turning around to avoid getting an eyeful of anything below the belt as Hunter drags himself out of the waves. "Get them yourself, Hunter! Oh Maker, I'm going back to the Marauder. I've had enough." 
"Nice going, Hunter." Cross says, slugging his shoulder. "You scared Vantage away."
"I promise I tied them; not like I did that on purpose." You can almost hear the bounce of his shoulders in Hunter's voice as he brushes off the accusation. "C'mon, Van!" Wrecker calls to you from the water. "Don't leave!" He's stopped by both Cross and Hunter from exiting the ocean and chasing you up the beach, warning him that if you're not already in no mood for further oisk right now, you certainly will be if he tries to stop you while he's soaking wet with sea water.
"I'm going to the ship to get towels for everyone," you tell Echo as you trudge further up the beach, glancing at the chrono on your wrist. "I'll be back in a couple of minutes. I'm gonna see if I can't convince Commander Cody to extend the deadline by another day…" 
Echo gives you an understanding bob of his head despite the expression of confusion. "How come?" 
"Oh, I don't know…" you sigh wistfully as you turn back and look at the water, where to your surprise, Tech has been roped into a game of water-chicken and is now perching himself on Crosshair's shoulders to wrestle with Hunter atop Wrecker's, "something tells me those reports won't get done tonight. They're having too much fun. You should too, Echo." 
He shrugs, looking uncertain. "Don't know that seawater would be good for my cybernetics. Sand is one thing, I have plenty of practice cleaning that out." You offer to ask the Marshal Commander for answers as you put in the request for an extension. You're certain he can get in touch with Captain Rex or General Skywalker to outsource an answer for you since you don't have their comm frequencies. "Thanks, Vantage. Still not gonna go swimming yourself, though?" 
Echo's given a smile and shrug. "Oh… I might change my mind and at least venture out a little further." You start making your way back to the heavily modified Omicron-class shuttle with a smirk tugging your lips into place to compliment your mischievous tone. "But no promises." 
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[Masterlist] [Requests: OPEN]
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taska-rokanh · 1 year
Attachment (Platonic Obi-wan Kenobi x Padawan!Reader)
A continuation of the "Good Night" AU.
Obi-wan looked across to his Padawan, sitting in the co-pilot's seat of his small ship. "So, how was your first trip to Mandalore?"
"It was fun," you smiled, fidgeting a bit with the hem of your sleeve. "The duchess's nephew was especially nice."
You watched in confusion as the color drained from Obi-wan's face. "Yes, well," he said, trying to maintain his composure. "It's best to remember not to get too attached, Padawan mine."
"I wasn't going to get attached, Master," you defended, half joking and half worried. "Force, I've only known the boy for an afternoon. We're barely even friends."
"That's... Comforting to hear, I suppose."
You kept going, trying to get a smile on his face. "And he is a bit annoying."
"That's a bit more concerning," Obi-wan said gravely.
"What?" You tilted your head.
"I know how these things start, my dear."
"What things, Master?" You asked, all business and innocent curiosity now.
A bit of pink came back to his cheeks, and he looked away from you. "Uh, nothing. Nothing you need to be worried about, at least."
"Obi-wan, you should at least go and say hello to your girlfriend," Anakin said as he came barrelling into the cockpit, only noticing after his sentence was finished that his Master's young Padawan was sitting there as well.
"Girlfriend?" You asked, the question much more surprised than the last. "Wait, is that how you know so much about 'these things'?" You asked, putting air quotes around the words.
Before your Master could open his mouth, you started again. "Wait, you thought--oh, no! I could break the Code for someone better than Korkie Kryze!" You cried indignantly.
Anakin had tears in his eyes as he laughed. You thought you could hear Master Kenobi mutter hopelessly, "She's not my girlfriend."
"You--oh, Force!" Anakin wheezed. "Did you really think this was a good time to have the Talk with her?" He nearly choked.
"And about Korkie Kryze!" You pointed out again, still offended.
"And about Korkie Kryze!" Anakin agreed gleefully.
"I am having a talk with both of you later," Obi-wan said sternly, having given up on arguing with the two of you. "Now get off my ship before I drive off and leave Ahsoka to pilot yours."
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citruswriter · 3 months
Do you write platonic stuff ?
Absolutely! Btw guys I can do-
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night3owl · 2 years
Crosshair x gn Teen!reader (platonic of course)
A/N: this is my first fanfic so sorry if it’s bad lol
Warnings: Order 66, nightmares, star wars violence, death, mentions of death, I think thats it? Lmk if i missed any!!
(Y/F/N)= Your fake name
Word count: 1319
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Blaster bolts were flying at you constantly, it seemed like they would never stop. The clones you fought along side with turned against you, showing no mercy. You followed Ahsoka to the ship Rex was in, both of you jumping in the air, falling.
You wake up with a start, another nightmare. That whole day was a nightmare if you were being honest. The day the Jedi fell, the day your best friends turned on you within the blink of an eye, the day you had to fake your death, and the day you couldn’t do anything about it. 
You rub your face to try and wake yourself up more. You get up and get dressed into a shirt, pants, boots, goggles, and mask. Your comm goes off, Cid was comming you.
“Hey kid, you still looking for some jobs?”
You walk through the streets, keeping an eye out for anyone who might cause trouble. After a few minutes you reach Cid’s and go inside, going to the back where she usually gives jobs.
“-And you’ll be working with someone else for this job”
You walk in as Cid points to you. Looking around the room you see the Bad Batch, and a child..? You walk up to the holotable, keeping as calm as possible ‘they might have their chips out, you never know’. You hope they have their chips out, they were some of your closest friends. But that was in the past now, now you had to focus on your identity being hidden. And credits. Credits can get you a lot of things.
“This is (Y/F/N), the person you’ll be working with. (Y/F/N), this is the Bad Batch.” Cid points at you, then the Batch. You nod to them, acting casual.
“Here’s the job-“
You walk to the marauder from your apartment since you had to get your blasters, one on each of your thighs, resting in their holsters. You also got your knives and hid them in your boots, just in case. 
Once you arrive you notice Crosshair standing on the stairs, obviously impatient. ‘Of course he is, he’s Crosshair for force sake.’
“You took forever”
“It’s a ten minute walk each way, of course I took forever” You roll your eyes. Crosshair walks up the rest of the ramp, and you decide to follow him. Crosshair closes the ramp behind you two, yelling to Tech that you’re on the ship.
The mission was simple, in theory of course. Just sneak into an academy, find the person who wants out, and leave. Simple, right?
“Alright, we’ll split up into groups, Omega and Tech, you’re with me. Crosshair and (Y/F/N), you’ll go around back and watch our backs. Wrecker and Echo, you’re our backup” 
Everyone nods to Hunter, going to their groups. You walk up to Crosshair, looking up the cliff.
“So, how are we gonna get up there?” You ask him, although you already knew the answer to that.
“Just like how they are,” Crosshair nods over to the right as Wrecker throws Tech, Omega, and Hunter up the cliff. You turn your face to an expression of horror as Wrecker starts walking towards you two. Crosshair smirks, telling you that you’re going first, making you panic. 
By the time you protest Wrecker throws you up into the air while chuckling. You land on the edge of the cliff on the dirt, your left foot slipping off into the air. You quickly grab the ground and pull yourself up. Crosshair lands next to you as you stand up while wiping the dirt off of your clothes.
“You okay kid?” 
You start walking towards the back of the building. You and Crosshair walk through the forest, a comfortable silence between you two. You guys quickly get to the back of the building. Crosshair shoots a grappling hook above the second-story window and attaches the line to his belt. Realizing you can’t use the force to jump up, you walk over to him and grab onto him. He makes sure you’re secure before tugging on the rope to pull you two up.
You go inside through the window first, landing on a metal grate bridge that’s 6 meters above the floor. You make sure Crosshair is inside and there are no traces of you coming in.
“Hurry up kid, can’t be wasting any time”
“Yeah yeah”
You both walk over to the armory on the bridges, since that’s where the person is supposed to be. You got there before the others on purpose to make sure the coast is clear. Crosshair sends a signal to Hunter while you look around. “There’s no one up here with us”
“Don’t worry (Y/F/N), the less we have to shoot the better” You nod, looking down at the door. Suddenly you sense danger coming from the left. You quickly shove Crosshair and yourself down to the floor of the bridge and bring out one of your blasters, shooting down TK troopers. Crosshair quickly joins you and tries to comm the others.
“Kriff, they’re jamming the comms! Its a trap!”
“Obviously! They’re probably trying to get rid of whoever doesn’t like the empire!”
You can barely hear each other over the blaster fire. You sense more troops coming behind you and turn around to shoot them. ‘If only i still had my lightsabers.’ You both finally shot down all the troopers after a minute but still hear blaster’s shooting. You look down to see about 40-70 TK Troopers shooting at Hunter, Tech, and Omega.
Not caring anymore about hiding your identity, you jump over the rail, hearing Crosshair yell out your fake name. Using the force to cushion your landing, you take out your blasters and start help shooting down the TK’s. You can see Crosshair helping out as you get shot in the goggles, sending you to the floor.
You hear your fake name being called by multiple people. You take off your goggles since they’re cracked, which results in taking your mask off too. You quickly stand up, you weren’t injured since your goggles took the bullet. You start shooting again, this time using the force to aim. Within a minute or two all the troopers where shot down and you were almost to the front of the building. There were about 15 TK’s at the front doors. Crosshair signaled to you, ‘Sniper time’, you nod in response. You back up a bit while looking up at the bridges, Crosshair following you. Using the force, you throw him up onto the bridge above you. He quickly starts sniping the TK’s, all of them down within 30 seconds.
Crosshair jumps down from the bridge while you use the force to catch him. You all quickly run outside and head to the cliff, you didn’t realize how steep it was until now. 
“How are we going to get down?” You chuckle at Omega’s question, everyone else already knowing the answer.
“The same way we got up here of course. Up and away.” You use the force to lift them all up and throw them into the air and then jump off. Once you all land you go inside the marauder and Tech goes to the cockpit, flying the ship. 
“So, how long were you planning to hide your identity for?” Crosshair points at you with his toothpick, smirking. 
“Eh, hopefully forever,” you chuckle, “but look how that turned out.” 
Tech walks in, datapad in hand, “According to the empire you’re dead, same place and time as Rex, which I assume you know he’s alive”
“Gee, is everyone faking their deaths?” Echo complains, rolling his eyes.
“Only Rex, Ahsoka, and I”
“Commander Tano’s alive..?”
“Er, technically she isn’t a jedi anymore, she left the order a while ago.” You rub your neck, looking anywhere but at Echo.
“She wHAT-“
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ladyanidala · 11 months
Anakin helping Ahsoka like the good big brother he is???
Yes pleeeeeease
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