#platonic seungjin
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Pining Idiots (college edition)
Chapter 3: All the Hyungs
WC: 5,339; Rating 18+
Read chapter 2 here!
Summary: As Seungmin establishes himself on campus, Chan learns a bit more of how his friends see him and struggles with being Seungmin's friend while wanting more. With Seungmin exploring his romantic options, will Chan get the opportunity to confess and throw his hat in the ring?
“Channie, why don’t you invite your boyfriend over for lunch,” Minho calls from the kitchen. He’s already started prepping the ingredients. “I wanna meet him.”
“Not my boyfriend!” Chan rolls his eyes. “Plus, he’s probably already eating or about to; we can plan a day for him to come over.”
Still, he pulls up Seungmin’s contact. He’s staring at the photo he chose for him when his phone is plucked out of his hands. “Well, if you call, you’ll find out.”
Chan can hear the ring of the facetime and panics, just a little, snatching his phone back. “Not cool, Minho!”
“Well, damage is done, don’t hang up.” Minho has a shit-eating grin on his face as he walks back to the kitchen. “And what you meant to say was ‘thank you, Minho, for saving me from just moping about how he might have been able to join us.’”
Chan is about to respond when his eyes snap back to the phone at Seungmin’s sleepy ‘hello?’ The words tumble out of him. “Hey Seungmin! Still in bed? Times really have changed; you were always an early riser.”
“Long night.” Seungmin mumbles, rubbing sleep from his eyes. “Plus, everyone’s an early riser to someone who usually wakes up at noon.”
“True, true.” Chan chews on his lip. “Anyway, sorry I woke you.”
“No worries, hyung. What’s up?” There’s rustling on Seungmin’s end, and Chan assumes Felix must just be getting up as well. Before he can issue the invite, Chan has to fight to keep his eyes from going wide as someone with blond hair buries their face in the crook of Seungmin’s neck. Their bare shoulder is barely in frame. He doubts Felix would have changed his hair again, it was still blue in the selfie he sent last night. Seungmin huffs with a smile. “Ugh, Jinnie.”
“I am so sorry! Nevermind, don’t worry about it. I’ll talk to you later. Sorry!” Chan hangs up before Seungmin can react. Seungmin was in bed with someone. His text had said he’d had fun, but Chan didn’t anticipate this. He puts his face in his hands and groans.
“What’s your problem?” Minho pops back in front of him. “Was he busy?”
“Busy,” Chan mutters. “He hooked up with someone last night, Minho.”
“He told you that or is your imagination running wild?”
“While we were on the phone, they snuggled up to him. Shirtless.” Chan grimaces.
“Damn.” Minho blows out a breath. He pats Chan’s head before pulling his phone out. “Binnie, cancel any plans and pick up the Sungie; we’re day drinking. I’ll have lunch ready when you get here. Bring alcohol.”
Chan looks up in time to see him leave the room again. He flops over on the couch, calling out a half hearted “thanks.”
When the others arrive, they eat and try to lift Chan’s spirits.
Jisung stuffs his cheeks, looking like a thoughtful little squirrel saving up for winter. “I mean a hook up doesn’t really have to mean anything. It’s not like you haven’t had your own, and he doesn’t even know you like him, right?”
“Yeah,” Changbin chimes in. “It doesn’t mean you don’t have a shot. Just gotta man up and ask him out.”
“I mean, I can’t just ask him out now.” Chan is shaking his head, picturing those few seconds before he ended the call. Seungmin cuddled up to someone after a ‘long night.’ He already didn’t think he had much of a chance with him, and this basically confirms it. “He knows I know. Plus, I told you guys he doesn’t think of me that way. How can I get him to start when he’s probably getting hit on all the time?”
“You’re thinking too hard about this.” Minho shoves a piece of meat into Chan’s mouth when he opens it to protest. “It’s still just the first week of the year. You’ll win him over, just give it time.”
Chan doesn’t so much decide to avoid Seungmin over the weekend as he does just not ever decide what to say. By the time Monday rolls around, he still hasn’t reached out, but Seungmin is there to meet him as planned. He takes a breath to calm his nerves, looking over the younger man. Eventually, he’s caught staring as Seungmin turns and waves him over. He sees that there are already drinks and snacks on the table waiting for him.
“Hey Chan, I learned they have a tea with pineapple in it here, so I got you one.” Seungmin smiles and pushes it toward him. “How was your weekend?”
“Thanks, man.” Chan takes a sip. “It was good. I didn’t have to work too much, so we hung out around the house a lot. How was yours?”
He can’t read Seungmin’s expression. “It was good, too. Not too eventful. By the way, you never told me why you called Saturday?”
Chan’s sure his ears have started turning pink at the thought of that call. “Oh, uh, it was nothing. Minho actually wanted to invite you over for lunch, but uh, I could see you were busy and didn’t wanna interrupt anything.”
Seungmin cocks his head to the side. “I was busy?”
The blush is probably spreading down to Chan’s chest now. He clears his throat. “Yeah, um, I thought so. During the call, I saw that you were with someone. Guess you had a successful first college party.” He hopes that the joke will alleviate some of the awkwardness that he’s feeling.
“Oh yeah.” Seungmin’s cheeks take on a slightly rosy hue as well. “That wasn’t, um, that was just Hyunjin. He was locked out of his room when we got back that night, so he just slept over in our room. He likes to cuddle.”
“Oh!” Chan is relieved enough that he lets the next part slip out without thinking to filter himself. “So you didn’t hook up with anyone Friday then.”
If Seungmin wasn’t blushing before, he certainly is now. Chan feels slightly panicked at the sight, unsure if it’s because he’s right or wrong. He tries to backpedal. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that. I- you don’t have to say anything –”
“It’s alright, Chan, I was just surprised.” Seungmin rubs at the back of his neck, still looking a bit embarrassed. “I don’t really mind talking about it; I just wasn’t expecting you to bring something like that up. Honestly, I was only half awake when we talked Saturday; I kinda forgot that you even saw Hyunjin, so I didn’t realize I’d given you something to worry about.”
Chan holds his breath for a beat. He doesn’t know what to think. Does he not think I’d bring it up ‘cause we’re not close enough for it? ‘Cause he thinks I’m not interested? ‘Cause he thinks of me like family and shouldn’t be interested? “Oh, I wasn’t really worried.. Just curious. If you wanna share, but you definitely don’t have to.”
“It’s fine, hyung.” Chan fights a grimace at Seungmin’s choice to use the honorific at that moment. “I did actually hook up with a guy Friday night, but it wasn’t a big deal. He was nice enough, but we’re not exactly compatible.”
“Oh,” Chan nods, not sure how to process this news. “But, um, you had fun? And he didn’t make you uncomfortable or anything?”
Seungmin laughs and the tension breaks a bit. “Yes, dad.” - infinitely worse than ‘hyung’ - “He was fine. Cool enough that we could be friends; really we probably will end up hanging out again, cause Felix has basically fallen in love with his roommate.”
“That’s good then.” Chan tried not to be relieved hearing that Seungmin doesn’t plan on pursuing anything with this guy. “And don’t ‘dad’ me, I just wanna make sure you’re safe.”
“I know, I know.” Seungmin pushes a pastry in front of him. “I appreciate it. Also, I guess thanks for asking? Weird as that sounds.”
“Yeah, no problem.” Chan takes what he hopes is a step forward. “I’m happy you’re open to talking about that stuff with me; whether it’s about sex or, like, your feelings. I care about you.”
“Thanks,” Seungmin is back to looking embarrassed. “I’ll, um, keep that in mind.”
Felix suddenly materializes next to their table. He joins them and the conversation turns to more benign topics, the only other mention of Friday night coming as Chan is leaving. He thanks Felix for sending the selfie, looking at Seungmin as he says how good they all looked.
“Hyunjin says he’s only bringing snacks if he can crash in our room again tonight.” Seungmin rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling. “He’s in your bed this time.”
They tried for the most secluded table they could find in the main library, but spaces fill up quickly. Still, it beats cramming together into one of their dorm rooms or hoping for quiet in the lounge on their floor. Studying together is already becoming a habit. Seungmin and Hyunjin managed to plan their classes so that they’d have the same physics lecture. Between advanced placement classes in high school and different majors, Felix’s classes don’t align as well with theirs, but they both passed out of the Calculus course Felix is taking, so they’re able to help him out as well.
When Hyunjin arrives, he doesn’t have snacks or any of his study materials, but he does have a big smile on his face. “I ran into Jongho on my way in. His cousin made a big brain move and reserved one of those study rooms up on 3. He said we can join them.”
Felix looks around at all the students at the tables surrounding them, then back at Hyunjin. “Guess it’s better to be around people you kind of know than in a room full of randos. Plus, it would be really awkward if we said no and you had to go get your stuff.”
They all giggle at that, and the roommates gather their things, following Hyunjin upstairs. There are three men aside from Jongho in the room, but there’s still plenty of space. They’d kind of met Jongho’s cousin San at the party on Friday, but the other two are completely unfamiliar. One stood at the whiteboard at the back of the room, a combination of formulas and geometric shapes covering a decent portion of it. Inexplicitly, on the table in front of him sits a couple of half built lego structures. While that sight intrigues Seungmin, he’s ensnared by the man bent over his paper with vibrant red and yellow hair.
Felix, of course, remembers his manners first. “Thank you so much for letting us join you in here. What a great space. Do you have to pay to reserve it?”
“Nah,” San answers. “You just have to reserve it in advance. It’s crazy how many people don’t realize how easy it is to just always have a study space if you use a little forethought.”
The man in the back of the room turns to face them. His face is striking, a little imposing even, until he smiles. “Welcome! I’m Seonghwa. Go ahead and get comfortable. I hope you don’t mind, but we chat a bit here and there.”
“That’s totally fine.” Seungmin squints at his work on the board, recognition sparking. He moves to set up closer to Seonghwa. “Are you an engineering major?”
“Structural, yeah.” Seongwha turns that stunning smile on him. “Are you planning on studying engineering?”
Seungmin returns his smile. “Yeah, I’m a direct admit to the School of Engineering.” He goes on to ask about what Seonghwa is working on, and they discuss their chosen field.
After a few hours go by, the upperclassmen occasionally offering advice and support, they reveal that they have the room reserved for this time on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, for the whole semester. Especially considering the overlap in their majors and classes, they extend an invite to join them any time. The only one who doesn’t join into the conversation much is the man with red and yellow hair, Mingi; he’s focused, writing nearly the entire time. When the time comes for them to head out, the freshmen offer to treat them to dinner in the dining hall.
Mingi brightens up almost as soon as they exit the library. He has a sweet smile and an infectious laugh. Seungmin finds himself staring at him multiple times throughout their walk to the dining hall. They manage to find a couple tables to pull together and settle in with their food.
Seungmin gets to the table in time to hear Mingi telling Hyunjin, “You know Jongho can break an apple in half? He’s crazy strong.”
“No way!” Felix’s eyes are big as saucers. He turns them on Seungmin, the only one still standing. “Minnie, go get an apple!”
Seungmin rolls his eyes, but turns around after setting his tray down. When he gets back, Felix gives him a quick squeeze. He can’t help but let his eyes slide over to Mingi, but he doesn’t seem to notice or think anything of the skinship. Jongho easily impresses his new friends with his apple party trick, leading them all to discussing their ‘hidden’ talents. Hyunjin talks about a passion for dance, San acting, and Jongho singing. On the other end of the artistic expression, Seonghwa expresses his love of fashion, especially the idea of genderless expression, to which Felix animatedly starts talking about makeup on all types of people, to tell a story, enhance beauty, inspire confidence and other emotion. When Mingi mentions volleyball, Seungmin opts to leave singing for another conversation and engages instead with his love of baseball.
Between school and their hobbies, the group melds together so well. Their meal flies by and as they head out, they make tentative plans for the upcoming weekend and next week. As they say their goodbyes, Mingi slips a folded paper into Seungmin’s hand, a slight blush coloring his cheeks. Then they’re heading their separate ways, upperclassmen to the library parking lot and the freshmen to the dorms. Jongho lives in another building, so he doesn’t walk back with Seungmin’s group.
“I’m super happy we decided to meet up with Jongho again on move-in day.” Felix is nearly skipping. “I haven’t seen him anywhere else besides that party, and if we hadn’t, I’m sure he wouldn’t have invited us to their study room. They’re so nice, and they seem so helpful!”
“I know, right! I definitely wouldn’t have said hi today if we hadn’t.” Hyunjin’s got a matching grin on his face. “Seungmin, how lucky is it that Seonghwa’s doing your major, too?”
“Yeah, I feel like he’s gonna be a big help.” Seungmin’s mind isn’t on the junior, though. Hyunjin must pick up on that.
“Lixie, did you notice that Seungmin had his eye on a certain someone.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
Felix turns his smile on Seungmin. “I think Mingi was totally checking you out, too! You should’ve gotten his number!”
Seungmin’s ears burn. “I wasn’t checking him out… and I might’ve gotten it anyway?” He pulls the note out of his pocket.
Seungmin is pretty sure he can see Felix restraining himself from snatching it out of his hand. With a laugh, he unfolds it, wanting to see what it is before handing it over. To his surprise, words cover the page, much more than just the number he sees scrawled across the bottom. He pockets the note again, resolving to keep it to himself for now. “Still, wouldn’t texting when we literally just walked away from them be a little… much?”
To Seungmin’s amusement, the other two men let out a ‘hmm’ simultaneously. Hyunjin makes up his mind first. “Alright, how about you text him tomorrow, then?”
Felix nods, and Seungmin agrees to think about it. When they get back to their dorm, Hyunjin makes a pit stop in his own room to grab stuff to spend the night. By the time he gets to Seungmin’s room, he has some extra color on his cheeks, and he seems a bit wilted. When Felix tries to ask him about it, he brushes him off; Seungmin and Felix share a look and silently agree to let the subject drop. In the short time they’ve been at school, they’ve seen Hyunjin like this a few times after interacting with his roommate. They’re hoping he’ll open up about it soon.
For now, Seungmin grabs Hyunjin’s things, setting them on his desk, while Felix grabs his hands, pulling him to his bed. “Let’s watch the next episode of that drama, Jinnie; I’m dying to know what’s gonna happen next!” They settle in and soon enough Hyunjin is smiling, laughing, and theorizing with Felix. Watching his friends, Seungmin decides to shoot a text over to Chan, asking if he minds if he brings a friend to dinner the next night.
Chan doesn’t want to be disappointed that Seungmin is bringing someone else to dinner, but he can’t help but pout a little when he reads Seungmin’s text. He immediately says yes, of course, but wonders if he should strategize a time to get Seungmin alone soon. He just wants to have the opportunity to show that when he said that he cares about him, he meant in more than just a friend way.
“Maybe you should catch him during the day. He gave you his schedule, right?” Changbin doesn’t even look up from his screen. “Surprise him with coffee or a snack or something. You know, one of your sweet Chanisms.”
“How did you know I was –” Chan’s brow furrows. “What do you mean ‘Chanisms?’”
Changbin laughs, finally looking up to meet Chan’s eyes over the top of his laptop. “You were sighing. Again. And why do you sound so offended? I said they’re sweet.”
“But like, is that something you just made up, or do you really call things I do Chanisms?” Chan tries to think of what he does often enough to warrant a name.
Changbin, smirking, raises an eyebrow at him. “Just go do something nice for your boyfriend. Ask Minho about your Chanisms later. Or better yet, Jisung.”
Chan huffs but starts gathering his things anyway, pulling up Seungmin’s schedule after ruffling Changbin’s hair on his way out. If he hurries, he should be able to make it before Seungmin goes to his next class.
Chan gets to the engineering building in record time, americano in hand. Hopefully I can find him easily. At the thought, he realizes that he hears Seungmin’s laugh. He smiles at his luck, making his way toward the sound. He turns the corner, watches as one of the most beautiful men Chan has ever seen beams at Seungmin, flipping his long, glossy hair out of his eyes. The two of them are walking out of the café, towards Chan, but not seeing him. The man is guiding Seungmin, his hand on the small of his back.
“Thanks a lot, hyung.” He could hear Seungmin now. Chan wonders to himself why he’d felt like it was always a hit against him when Seungmin called him ‘hyung,’ because hearing him call someone else that definitely hits differently.
“Of course.” Another dazzling smile before he’s walking away, calling over his shoulder, “I’ll see you on Saturday, right?”
“I’ll be there!” Seungmin turns and finally notices Chan, just a few feet away. He peeks over his shoulder at his friend’s retreating form, before taking a few quick steps to reach Chan. “Hey, what are you doing all the way over here?”
“Hey, Min.” Chan rubs at the back of his neck, trying to ignore the burning feeling of his ears. “I, um, was in the neighborhood, so to speak. I knew you had class soon, so I figured I’d see if I could bring you a coffee.”
They both look down at the coffee in his hand, then at the nearly full one in Seungmin’s hand. Chan can feel the blush on his cheeks now but presses on. “Obviously you’ve got it covered, though. So, uh, guess it’s mine now. How’s your day going?”
“Yours now?” Seungmin laughed. “You’re gonna drink that large, unsweet americano?”
“I can drink coffee sometimes!”
“I’m not doubting that you can, hyung.” Hyung. “But that doesn’t mean you should, if you don’t like it. I could take it, if you want. I’m sure someone in my class could use the caffeine. Speaking of, I actually better head to it.”
“I know, I know.” Chan laughs, pouting internally at the time wasted. “I actually know someone who almost definitely needs the caffeine that shouldn’t be too far from here. Might as well stop in on Minho, too, while I’m on this side of campus.”
Chan doesn’t notice the way that Seungmin’s smile wilts, just a little, at that. “You should. I’ll see you at dinner later.”
Then he’s off to his class.
Chan makes his way to the school of computer science, dropping the americano off with a very grateful Jisung at the secretary’s desk. He makes his way to Minho’s desk, pausing when he finds him bent over an article, highlighter ready, as he points at a section of the text. Jeongin, the boy from last weekend, is talking animatedly, his own highlighter waving around as he gestures. Chan leans against the side of another desk, arms crossed, smiling at the scene.
After a few minutes of watching his friend in his element, tutoring the freshman, someone to his right clears his throat. Jisung is smirking at him. “This is another Chanism, just so you know. Fond-gazing at your friends.”
Minho and Jeongin obviously heard Jisung as well, distracted from their work. “Yah, Channie, how long have you been staring at us?”
Chan sputters a bit. “I wasn’t staring! Or fond-gazing, Jisung. I just didn’t want to interrupt, so I was waiting for a natural pause in your conversation.”
Jisung, not at all put off by the glare leveled at him a moment before, quips, “I mean, were you not looking at them with your heart eyes while thinking about how much you love Minho?”
When Chan starts to disagree, but now it’s Minho’s turn to chime in again, a touch of faux outrage in his voice. “Chan, you’re not about to say you don’t think about how much you love me when you see me, right? Hyung?”
Despite knowing that this was a ploy, Chan falters when he sees Minho’s big boba eyes. “Uh… of course I do, Min.”
“Okay, so that settles the debate on fond-gazing.” Jeongin surprises Chan by piping up. His smile is both adorable and a little devious, reminding him a little of Minho in that moment. “And you don’t really know me, so you wouldn’t have been doing it for me. Sounds like you were both fond-gazing and staring. I’m not saying that’s creepy, but I’m also not not saying that.”
Minho and Jisung burst out laughing, and Chan sees a head poke around the cubicle-esque desk just past Minho’s. He wonders if he’ll ever stop blushing today and shushes them. “Guys, people are working in here, keep it down.”
“Yeah, jeez Minho, keep it down,” Jisung tuts. “I have work to do.”
He picks up the stack of papers he must’ve brought with him and heads to another part of the office, leaving Chan with a pair of giggling menaces. He drags a chair over and stage whispers, “Ya know, I’m not sure you’re the best person to be mentoring people, Minho. You’re not the best influence.”
“Hey, I am a wonderful influence. Right Innie?” Minho presses on, not giving him time to respond. “Plus, you don’t know if he was already like this. Maybe he’s going to be a bad influence on me.”
Chan rolls his eyes as Jeongin giggles again. “Right, right. Cause you’re so innocent and impressionable.”
“Exactly. See, you get it.” Minho turns to Jeongin. He lays his hand on his shoulder, schooling his face into an imitation of seriousness. “Unfortunately, Yang Jeongin, I’ll need to terminate our relationship. Find yourself a new TA, my hyung says I can’t play with you anymore.”
Chan can’t help but laugh along with them this time. He really does love his friends.
When it comes time for dinner that evening, he’s back to feeling nervous, thinking about the friend that he wishes were more.
Seungmin smiles and waves as he nears the restaurant and manages to catch Chan’s eye. Chan waves back, but he has to force himself not to stare at the hand interlaced with Seungmin’s. The man is maybe even a little taller than Seungmin, with pouty lips and impeccable bone structure, and Chan swears that he must be a model. The smile on his face as he looks at Seungmin is so lovely, it almost hurts Chan to see it. How is Seungmin meeting all these beautiful men? His heart sinks into his stomach. He wonders how he can even compete… or if he’s already lost.
“Hi hyung. This is my friend Hyunjin.” He lets go of Seungmin’s hand as he introduces him, reaching out to shake Chan’s hand. “Hyunjin, this is Chan.”
Hyunjin. Chan remembers seeing him in the selfie with Felix now, remembers Seungmin talking about how they’re just friends; he can’t help but wonder if Hyunjin sees Seungmin the way he does, hoping that their friendship can turn into something more. He swallows the lump in his throat and hopes his smile matches theirs as he takes Hyunjin’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Hyunjin.”
“It’s so great to meet you, too! I’ve heard so much about you! Thank you so much for allowing me to join you guys for dinner.”
The knot in Chan’s stomach loosens. He’s so sweet and eager. “Of course. The more the merrier; plus I wanna get to know all of Seungmin’s friends. Let’s head inside.”
Once they’re seated and have ordered, conversation starts to flow.
“Felix says hi and that he wishes he’d been able to come to dinner, too,” Seungmin says as he tucks his phone into his pocket, shaking his head with a smile. Hyunjin giggles and nudges him with an elbow. Seungmin chuckles. “Liar.”
Chan tilts his head to the side, eyebrows knitting together. “Am I missing something?”
“Lixie is on his own date right now.” Their smiles are infectious, though Chan can’t quite match them when he latches onto the word ‘own.’ Hyunjin doesn’t seem to notice, pressing on. “Did Minnie tell you about the guys we met last weekend?”
“Oh yeah, you told me Felix liked your, um, the guy’s roommate.” Chan feels his ears heating up again. He realizes that this could be a good opportunity to do a little fishing. “I’m happy that’s going well for him. It sounded like you had a good time with their friend, too, right Hyunjin? Think you’re gonna see him again?”
The rosy blush on Hyunjin’s cheeks only adds to his beauty. “I actually already have. He’s so hot and so nice. I don’t know if it’ll actually turn into anything, but I’m excited to see how it goes.”
The words and Seungmin’s smile in response help Chan to feel a little more secure about their friendship being just that. He listens to the two of them talk about Hyunjae, relaxing and enjoying seeing them interact now. He tenses again, though, when Hyunjin shifts gears.
“Obviously you’re not hooking up with Kevin again, but did you text Mingi, Seungminnie? I can’t believe I forgot to ask!”
It’s Seungmin’s turn to blush. “Ah, yeah, I ended up talking to him a bit this afternoon.”
This afternoon? Is that who he was with? Chan can’t help but ask, “Who’s Mingi?”
“Mingi is this super hot sophomore we met yesterday! He and Seungmin really connected, and he gave him his number!” Hyunjin is nearly vibrating with secondhand excitement. “He wouldn’t read it to us, but he actually wrote Minnie a poem!”
“Wow, a poem.” Chan blinks over at Seungmin. “Is he the guy I saw you with this afternoon?”
Hyunjin swivels his head to look at Seungmin as well, so quick and over the top that it’s comical. Seungmin’s blush deepens. “No, that was Seonghwa.”
“Seonghwa!” Hyunjin beams. “He’s so hot, too. You got to meet him, hyung?”
Despite his turmoil about Seungmin’s many suitors, Chan grins at Hyunjin, who sputters in turn and continues before Chan can answer.
“Sorry, um, would it be okay if I call you hyung? I know we just met, but you’re so nice, and I’m really hoping we’ll be good friends because of Seungmin. But that’s probably weird, right? Sorry.” He covers his face with his hands, and Chan’s a little surprised at how quickly his mood shifted to anxious and embarrassed, kinda like someone else he knows…
Seungmin grabs one of Hyunjin’s hands and drags it from his face down into his lap. “It’s not weird, Jinnie, don’t worry. Channie doesn’t mind being called hyung, right?”
He locks eyes with Chan, who reaches out to pat Hyunjin’s other hand that now lays on the table. “Of course not. It just shows you respect and like me, right? My only stipulation is that I get to call you ‘Jinnie,’ too, when I feel like it.”
Hyunjin nods and gives him a small smile. “It’s been a while since I had anyone around to call hyung; I guess I miss it.”
“I bet Hyunjae would let you call him hyung.” Seungmin teases, and Hyunjin’s smile grows. “When I saw him today, Seonghwa actually said we can call him hyung, if we want.”
“Right, Seonghwa!” Hyunjin is still a little subdued, comparatively, but Chan can tell he’s relaxing again. “Isn’t he gorgeous, Chan?”
Right, Seonghwa, Chan thinks. “For sure. Though I didn’t get the chance to meet him.” How did you meet him?”
“We met Seonghwa at the same time we met Mingi, in the library.” Seungmin starts fiddling with the rings on Hyunjin’s hand; Chan wonders how quickly he developed that habit and if he should start wearing rings, too. They both make a few gushing comments about him, ping-ponging off of each other. Telling Chan how sweet and cool and fun he is. Seungmin concludes with, “Seonghwa’s a structural engineering major as well, so he offered to help Jinnie and me out if we need it.”
“Is that your major, too, Jinnie?” Hyunjin’s head dips down a touch with a smile when he hears Chan use the nickname. He tells him that he’s studying architecture, which leads to some overlap in his and Seungmin’s classes. Chan knows he should ask more about their majors and school, but he has to know. “And does Mingi share your classes, too?”
“Oh no,” Seungmin laughs. “He’s more of a humanities kind of guy. He’s not completely decided, but right now he’s thinking he’s going to major in creative writing. He said he’ll tell me about it on Sunday.”
Hyunjin does a little happy dance, clapping in tiny. “Ooh already set up a date! I wonder if it’ll actually start Saturday night at the party.”
Chan’s heart drops again. “Oh, you have plans to see him twice this weekend? He must be something special.” He hopes his tone is light enough.
“Yeah, I guess.” Seungmin is extra cute when his ears go pink like that. “Saturday is a party, though, it’s not like it’s a date. You could come, if you want to, hyung.”And watch you flirting with all your hot men? I might have to pass on that. “Yeah, maybe. I think Minho mentioned wanting to do something Saturday, but I’ll run it by him and the guys.” Chan changes his mind about wanting to know more about Seungmin’s potential relationship with Mingi, so he asks about how their classes are going, and they move on to safer topics. Topics that won’t leave him with an ache in his chest.
#skz seungmin#kim seungmin#skz fluff#skz smut#kim seungmin x bang chan#bang chan x kim seungmin#chan x seungmin#seungmin x chan#seungchan#skz fanfic#seungmin#bang chan#bang chris#chan skz#seungmin smut#platonic seungjin#pining#mutual pining#misunderstandings#jealousy
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𝒊 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚 (𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎)
★ 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩(𝐬): Seungjin • Jeongmin (platonic)
★ 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞: 10/26/2024
「Hyunjin offered a spoonful of his. “I should’ve gotten your flavor, though, it’s amazeballs.” “Amazeballs.” Seungmin repeated. He’s never heard anyone say that before. But then again, he’s never met anyone like Hyunjin before. 」
♡ 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤 ♡
My most recent skz fanfic as of 12/17/24.
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seungjin drabble
i'm in a very good mood tonight so let me share this drabble i wrote the other day between midnight and 1am while watching New Girl and thinking damn this should not be Jess and Nick, this should be Seungmin and Hyunjin (they share NO similarities except my lizard brain picturing them everywhere)
tags: alcohol game / kissing / pining (lots) (is it a seungjin written by me without pining?)
sorry for the mistakes etc. etc.
oh and i also posted this on twitter


Hyunjin can hear all their friends cheering for them to kiss from the opposite side of the door, his whole body is combusting. Not only is it an extremely embarrassing situation but the worst is the fact that he has been dreaming of kissing Seungmin for months now but never had he thought that it would be in this situation.
He had imagined it after a cute date maybe, if he ever had the strength to ask out Seungmin for real. Or maybe it could have involved a bit of alcohol, for courage, but definitely not a drinking game on a night he was trying to actually have sex with someone else, and Seungmin is in a more or less committed relationship with another man.
“We don’t have to do that,” he says with a laugh that he hopes sounds casual.
Seungmin sighs and the voices outside the room chant even louder, “well…”
He chews on his lower lip, and gosh why can’t Hyunjin stop staring at it?
“I can kiss you on the cheek and say we kissed? Take a picture of it,” he offers. Even the thought of his lips on Seungmin’s lip is enough for him to drive him crazy but Seungmin really does not seem like he wants to be kissed by him.
And Hyunjin does not want to lose his first kiss with Seungmin through a stupid game. It was supposed to be a trick to kiss Changbin so Felix would stop trying to steal his one night stand. It unfortunately backfired in the worst way possible.
“That’s a good idea,” Seungmin smiles. He feels like he is about to melt onto a puddle of love because of how cute he looks. “Kiss on the cheek, it is.”
(He has admitted now weeks ago that this is not a normal way to feel about your roommate platonically)
He buries all these thoughts deep down and takes out his phone. Seungmin awkwardly gets closer to him and quickly Hyunjin can feel his warmth in his personal space, he internally screams.
“Why is it so weird?” Seungmin laughs, “we live together, we’ve seen each other through everything but kissing you on the cheek is suddenly so awkward.”
“Right,” he swallows with difficulty, trying to focus on unlocking his phone and opening the camera app. His ears are ringing so loudly that he barely hears the chant anymore. “You ready?”
“Should I…? Kiss you?”
Hyunjin really hopes he is not blushing too much or that alcohol has made Seungmin completely oblivious. Which is possible considering everyone and their mothers know about Hyunjin’s delirious crush on him, but Seungmin does not.
“Yeah, sure, I’ll take the picture.”
He waves his phone like a loser and Seungmin giggles at it. He takes another step closer, “ready?” it is a whisper now almost on his neck, and it really is torture at this point. He just nods and puts the phone up, he tries to focus on the phone and not on the fact that Seungmin has to get on his tippy toes for his mouth to reach Hyunjin’s cheek and then the feeling of his lips on his skin. His lips are so soft and warm, and Hyunjin needs all his focus to actually take the picture and not just let himself appreciate the moment. It only lasts a few seconds because those smartphones really are quick to take a picture and Seungmin immediately breaks the contact when it is done.
Hyunjin stares dumbfounded at the wall in front of him, not even controlling the smile on his lips and the overall excitement at the fact that it might have been the closest physically it has ever been to Seungmin.
“Is the picture okay?”
He glances around to see Seungmin looking at him with amusement in his eyes, “they’ll lose their voices if they keep screaming like that, we should send them the picture now.”
“Oh! Yeah right.”
He quickly sends the picture to the group chat they have. For a second there is a silence on the other side of the door and he feels relief and a bit of regret, sure, at the idea of being freed from this situation.
“THIS IS NOT A KISS!!” Felix yells with his deep voice, and Hyunjin will make sure he is going to pay for that. The chanting comes back even stronger.
Seungmin sighs, “IT IS!”
Hyunjin stays still, paralyzed. Seungmin groans.
“Fuck,” he whispers and it feels like it is the first time he hears his roommate curse like that.
He shakes it off and bangs loudly at the door, “hey, guys,” he says loudly, “that’s enough, just let us out!”
Everyone boos at that, he exhales.
“You agreed to the game at first, you have to play!”
He turns to Seungmin apologetically, “I’m sorry.”
It is his fault after all, he wanted to kiss Changbin at first like that, he had not expected for Seungmin to be pulled, it was just him being horny for a guy he had just met that had brought all this on Seungmin.
“Let’s just do it.”
“Let’s kiss, this is nothing right? We just lost a game.”
“But,” he mutters pathetically, anxiety piling inside him like legos, “uh.”
The way Seungmin looks at him, waiting for him to do or say something but Hyunjin does not know why.
“Friends kiss all the time for fun,” Seungmin keeps explaining and it is logical and rational, exactly like Seungmin is, “it does not mean anything.”
Except nothing is logical and rational in Hyunjin, and surely not the fact that he wants to kiss Seungmin but not because it is a game, and not because it does not mean anything.
“I’m not sure…” he starts.
His roommate tilts his head, “why?”
“Because,” he stutters in his words, “I just…”
Seungmin stares at him with even more expectation and it makes him lose it completely, panic completely taking over his brain.
“I don’t want it to happen this way!” he almost screams out.
He immediately regrets it when he sees the way the other man's eyes change and confusion is readable on his face.
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing,” Hyunjin chokes out. He turns around to the door and starts banging against, “hey, open the door, now, this isn’t funny anymore!”
Seungmin grabs his arm when he is about to hit the door again, forcing him to turn around. He had never thought the latter could have this much strength, “Hyunjin, answer me, what is this about? That you don’t want us to kiss that way?”
“Because it’s uncomfortable for both of us,” he tries to justify himself, “that’s… that’s what I meant! They should not force us to do anything we don’t want.”
“I don’t think this is what you meant.”
“Well, it is,” he retorts before going back to banging on the door, “Felix!”
It hurts his fist but at this point he would do anything that means he would be able to get out of this situation. His heart is racing in his chest and the alcohol is not helping with his panic attack, making it hard to breath, even harder to think. All his body just begs to get out.
“Hyunjin..” Seungmin whispers behind him but it is barely heard as the door finally opens.
Felix looks at them with a sheepish smile, “you’re both losers for that, you know?”
“I know,” Hyunjin just answers and then immediately rushes to the kitchen.
At some point Hyunjin loses track of the night even more than before the kiss incident. He knows Seungmin’s boyfriend but not-really-boyfriend arrives and they leave to his room, and it only makes Hyunjin drink more. Felix side eyes him all the time but he rejects every tentative that he tries to talk to him. Of course, Felix ends up making out with Changbin and Hyunjin is not even jealous about that because all he can think about is Seungmin. He wants to disappear. Eventually everyone leaves.
“So,” Felix sits down next to him at their kitchen table, “what happened exactly?”
Hyunjin groans. The alcohol makes him dizzy.
“I thought all you wanted to do was kiss Seungmin.”
“I hate you so much right now.”
Felix puts away all the glasses that are still filled with liquor away from Hyunjin’s grip.
“I want to, of course, but not like that!”
He immediately puts his hand in front of his mouth, glancing around the bedroom corridors but no one comes out.
“It’s Seungmin,” he goes on, this time whispering, “I don’t want to kiss him because of a stupid game, I want to kiss him because I like him and because he likes me!”
He moves his hand toward the corridor, “but he does not,” he whimpers, “and I panicked because he was saying stuff like let’s kiss and I told him that I didn’t want it to happen like that. I’m stupid.”
“You’re not,” Felix tells him empathically, “you’re a romantic.”
Hyunjin rolls his eyes, it makes his head hurt, “now he knows and it will change everything.”
“I’m really sorry,” his best friend says, “I didn’t think this would lead to that.”
“It’s not your fault, we were playing.”
“Still,” he pats his arm with affection, ��for what it’s worth I think it’ll be okay.”
“Whatever, I’m going to sleep.”
He gets up, waves Felix goodnight and goes toward his bedroom. He is about to open the door of his own when Seungmin’s door opens. He closes it carefully behind him.
“Hey,” Seungmin whispers in a sleepy voice.
“Did I wake you up?” he asks, trying very hard not to look directly at him and his cute pajama set.
“No, actually I was…”
Hyunjin waits a moment for the end of that sentence but nothing comes.
“It’s nothing,” Seungmin ends up saying, “you should sleep.”
It is like his brain is not the one controlling his muscles because when Seungmin turns away, Hyunjin grabs his wrist and pulls him close. For a second neither of them move, he can feel Seungmin’s heart beating under his chest. He dares to move his fingers from his wrist to his hand and Seungmin lets him do it so he gets a bit bolder and tilts slightly his head forward.
He is not sure why he is doing that, maybe all the alcohol he has drunk all night finally reached its peak and this is the thing he will be mortified of tomorrow morning. But right now, he does not care because he feels even more intoxicated by how close Seungmin is to him, and the fact that he is not moving away.
“You can,” Seungmin whispers very quietly.
Hyunjin does not think any more and he grabs his chin with his other hand and crashes his lips against Seungmin’s. It is not exactly like the first kiss he had hoped for with him but it still feels like a fire is burning in his body, and the way Seungmin reacts makes him even more eager to deepen the kiss. During the time of the kiss the rest of the world suddenly disappears, nothing else is real except how Seungmin’s body feels near him, how his lips taste. Everything is warm, everything is exciting and soft.
When their kiss ends, they stare at each other again for a while, breathless, lips swollen. Seungmin pulls away.
“Goodnight, Hyunjin,” he says.
Hyunjin watches him go back to his room, feeling like the world has collapsed around him now that he can not hold onto Seungmin.
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⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽˚⁀➷。˚⸙͎۪۫༄ More Than Words (Breaking the Curse that Brought Us Here) ⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽˚⁀➷。˚⸙͎۪۫༄
A story about three friends who have been dealing with the curse that made Chan mute ever since they were really young and finally go out there to try and reverse it.
Along the way, they encounter a forest spirit called Felix, two witches, Minho and Seungmin, and two travellers who got lost on their way, who the three have to learn to trust, do they want to achieve their goal in the end.
Featuring: Chansung, Seungjin, platonic 3racha & platonic ot8
Tomorrow 6 Nov!
#stray kids fic#skz fic#chansung#seungjin#3racha#m: mine#m: my fics#t: preview#i'm so excited to finally start posting!!! AAAAAA#more than words (breaking the curse that brought us here)#also look i made pics sldkjflksdjflk
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What are your ships in each group you stan?
BTS: Sope, Namjin, Jikook
Itzy: Chaerji, Jinlia,
Stray Kids: Chanlix, Changjin, Minsung, Jeongmin, 2Chan, Seungjin.
TXT: Taegyu, Yeonbin
Seventeen: Verkwan, Wongyu, Dk/Seungkwan (like platonically friends way)
Monsta X: Kihyuk, Jookyun, Hyungwonho, Showki
Twice: 2yeon, satzu, Dahmo
Ateez: Woosan, Jongsang
Blackpink: Jensoo, Chaelisa
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Pining Idiots (college edition)
Chapter 6: Favors and Friendship

WC: 4,628; Rating: 18+
Read Chapter 5 here!
As the freshmen's living situations become uncertain, relationships are changing - communication and careful consideration lead to beginnings, endings, and of course, a little more confusion.
Chan is visibly nervous; Changbin can’t help but laugh a little. “You don’t have to worry so much. It’s not like it’ll be much different than usual.”
“I mean,” Chan rubs at the back of his neck. “I feel like it is, though. I’m really going to try to make sure he knows I’m interested.”
“By ‘make sure he knows’ do you mean you’re going to tell him you like him or are you going to do that thing where you try to hit on him but just giggle and turn into a tomato?”
Chan pouts. “I don’t turn into a tomato… and I’m not ready to tell him tell him. I just – I agree that it’s not as hopeless as I thought at first, but he is with Mingi. I can’t just be declaring my love to someone with a boyfriend.”
“Declaring your love? Damn, you’ve got it worse than I thought.” Changbin shoves at his shoulder playfully. “I get that, though. But it’s even more reason for you to be more chill about this. He’s your oldest friend; you can be just yourself with him.”
Chan looks at him thoughtfully. “Thanks, Bin. You’re right. I’m going to be calm and normal, and everything will be fine.” He gathers his things, planning to ignore the new text he feels coming in, but a glance at his phone tells him it’s Seungmin.
Seungmin: Chan hyung! I know this is super last minute but I can’t make lunch today I’m soooo sorry We were up super late and I’m still at Mingi’s. I need to shower and get a couple things done before my afternoon classes. I’ll make it up to you later. Maybe we can get lunch or dinner another day this week?
Chan sighs, flopping back down into his seat; Changbin startles at the sudden movement. “Yah! Dude. I thought you were leaving?”
“I was, but there’s no point now.” He hands his phone over to his friend, who pouts at the messages. Giving himself a small shake, Chan gets to his feet again. “I guess I could just go see if Jisung wants to get lunch. Catch ya later. Study hard.”
When he gets to the computer science office, Chan is a little surprised to see Jeongin sitting at Minho’s desk again. He acts like he’s only tolerating the kid half the time, but he looks at him fondly when no one is watching.
Suddenly, someone is whispering in his ear. “Watching people through the window like a creep today?”
“Jisung!” Chan’s scowl is at half strength. “You know, I was thinking of treating you to lunch, but –”
“No!” Jisung shouts. “No ‘buts’ please. I’m so hungry; my stomach is eating me from the inside out, Channie hyung. Please take me to lunch.”
Chan tries and fails to hold in a laugh. He throws his arm around Jisung’s shoulder, and they head to a nearby ramen shop. Chan relays the messages Seungmin sent him, bringing Jisung up to speed.
“Ah, so I’m just a replacement for your boyfriend today.” Jisung turns to tease him, then runs into the guy in front of him.
“Oh! Jisung, right?” Hyunjin turns around, no worse for wear. “Chan hyung! Hi! How are you guys? Sorry Seungmin had to cancel on you, too.”
Jisung rushes to apologize, but Hyunjin waves him off. Chan gives him a wide smile and a side hug. “Stuff happens. Plus, you definitely have nothing to apologize for; I know he had a late night.”
The guy beside Hyunjin seems to be sizing him up. He sticks out his hand. “Sorry, didn’t mean to be rude. I’m Chan, and this is Jisung. Are you Hyunjin’s –”
“This is Hyunjae!” Hyunjin rushes to say, a pretty blush painted across his cheeks. “Hyunjae, you remember we’ve talked about Seungmin’s old friend Chan? This is him.”
“Oh yeah, nice to meet you.” He shakes both of their hands. “Would you guys wanna grab a table with us?”
Chan and Hyunjin are both a little surprised at the invite, but they agree. Jisung leans into Chan with a giggle. “I personally refer to you as my geriatric friend, but old works, too.” He’s wheezing as Chan glowers at him while they take their seats.
With Hyunjae’s presence, Jisung is a little subdued throughout the meal, but it’s not uncomfortable. Later, when he’s dropping him off at the office, Chan discovers that it’s not just that Hyunjae was a complete stranger to him that made Jisung nervous.
“They’re both so pretty, man,” Jisung complains. “I mean, how am I ever supposed to make Hyunjin fall in love with me when that’s who he’s dating?”
“You sound like Chan, except more ridiculous cause you’ve known him for five minutes.” Minho rolls his eyes. He cuts off Chan’s argument when he grabs them both by the cheeks. “You both need patience and more self confidence. You’re hot and nice and eventually it’s all gonna work out. Now get out of my way, I’m gonna be late to class.”
And with that he leaves them, looking chagrined.
“You had lunch with Chan yesterday? Without Seungmin?” Felix looks confused.
“Not on purpose!” Hyunjin doesn’t really need to clarify, but he does anyway. “And it wasn’t just him. I was actually getting lunch with Hyunjae, and we ran into Chan and Jisung. Well. Jisung ran into me. Sounded like Seungmin wasn’t the only one who cancelled on him, so I hope he was happy for the extra company.”
Seungmin perked up at that. “What do you mean?”
“Jisung was saying that he was a replacement for Chan’s boyfriend for the day.” Hyunjin pulled the door to the library open for them. A joking air in his tone. “Wonder what duties aside from lunch he took up.”
“Dang, could’ve been you, Minnie.” Felix adds. “Too bad you were too tired from –”
“Shut up, both of you.” Seungmin feels the tips of his ears heating up. “We’re getting off topic. How was lunch? Did Hyunjae like them?”
Hyunjin rolls his eyes. “It was good. Chan was Chan. Jisung seemed quieter than he was at brunch. Hyunjae didn’t say too much about it. He did text me later about something Chan almost said, though.”
He trails off at the end; Felix and Seungmin share a look upon seeing the strange expression on his face. They’ve been doing it more and more lately. They silently agree to drop it as they enter the private room, though.
Seungmin’s eyes find Mingi almost immediately. He’s smiling so brightly, and Yunho clearly has adoration in his eyes. When he feels his gaze, Mingi gives him a small wave. Yunho subsequently looks over with a tight smile. Seungmin knows that he knows about him, to an extent. He can tell that Yunho is evaluating him, comparing the two of them, and trying to figure out why Mingi’s with him instead. Seungmin can’t understand how Mingi could ever have thought Yunho didn’t want him. He decides to let them stay in their little bubble, sidling up to Seonghwa.
“Hyung, do you think you can go over a couple concepts with me today?”
The room is mostly quiet after a while they all work, keeping conversations just above a whisper. Heads pop up at Jongho’s question. “Is your dorm really being shut down because it’s been condemned?”
“It’s actually just because the amount of mold in the building has reached such a hazardous level, to the point that someone on the first floor has been hospitalized because of it.” Felix’s voice is so monotone when he says it that San can’t take it and breaks out in a laugh.
Everyone else follows suit until Seonghwa is shushing them, reminding them they’re in a library, even if it is a private room. Once it’s quieter again, he gets a concerned look on his face. “So how are they handling moving you all out then? Are there even enough open rooms in the other dorms to resituate you?”
“They’ve already started sorting out reassignments. Some will go to the other dorms, some will go to those crappy off-campus-not-really-off-campus apartments on the east side.” Seungmin explains before eyeing his roommate. “And some people will move in with their boyfriend and his roommates.”
A deep blush covers Felix’s face. “It’s not for sure yet… we’re just talking about it.”
“What about you, Hyunjin?” San looks over at him with a sly smile. “Are you thinking about moving in with your boyfriend?”
Hyunjin’s eyes go a little wide. “You guys think he’s my boyfriend, too?”
“Do you… not think of him that way?” Seonghwa asks, once again looking a little concerned. “Are things okay with him?”
“Things are fine.” Hyunjin’s eyes are on the table. He loses a bit of that lost look when Felix takes his hand. “I guess I should call him my boyfriend; it just feels weird for some reason? He’s great, and I like him, but -” his eyes flick between Felix and Seungmin “- I cut someone off when they were going to call him that in front of him yesterday. I think it hurt his feelings? Even though he never actually asked to be my boyfriend.”
That must’ve been Chan, Seungmin thought, observing his friend. Hyunjin seems so delicate at times. Seungmin is happy when Felix moves to wrap an arm around him instead of just holding his hand.
“And he did ask if I’d discuss moving in, to make things easier, once he found out that Juyeon and Felix were talking about it,” Hyunjin continues. He glances at Felix again. “I know you’re really excited about the idea, and I love that for you. But why don’t I feel like that? I really do like Hyunjae, but the idea of moving in together just makes me feel a little panicked?”
They all sit with the new information for a minute before San speaks up. “You know it’s okay if you don’t want to, right?”
“San’s right,” Seonghwa lays a hand on Hyunjin’s head. “It doesn’t mean anything’s wrong; you’re just moving at a different speed than Felix and Juyeon.”
“And maybe as Hyunjae?” Hyunjin sounds small.
“Maybe.” Seonghwa cups his cheek and gives him a gentle smile. “And that’s okay, too. Just try to communicate that with him, and if he has a problem with it, then maybe you aren’t meant to be together.”
“And if he’s an ass about it, maybe we beat him up,” Jongho adds helpfully, pulling a laugh from everyone while San smacks him on the back of the head.
“Violence isn’t the answer to everything, you neanderthal.” San says it with a smile, though, and turns to mock whisper to Hyunjin. “He’s 100% right, though. If he hurts you, we’ll hurt him.”
With that the conversation winds down and they all try to get back to their studies. Seungmin keeps his focus split between Mingi and Hyunjin until he determines that he’s not going to be able to get anything done. He knows Hyunjin’s struggling to concentrate on his work, too. The two of them decide to go for an early dinner so they can discuss rooming alternatives and prep Hyunjin for a talk with Hyunjae.
Jisung walking into their apartment unannounced is not uncommon; they’d long had an open door policy for their friends. It isn’t even that unusual that he’s brought a couple take out bags with him, though he typically tries to get Chan or Minho to treat him instead. But when the first words out of his mouth are “Hi hyungs,” they know something is up.
Minho fixes him with a glare. “What have you done, Ji?”
“Why do you automatically assume I did something?” Jisung’s pout is prominent. He sets the bags on the coffee table and starts pulling out containers. “What if I was just missing you guys and thought you deserved a token of my appreciation?”
Chan raises his eyebrows at that. “Well, I didn’t necessarily think you did anything before, but now I’m concerned. Min, what classes did he have today? Did you insult a professor? Assault a professor?”
Jisung’s hand flies up to his chest as he gasps in mock hurt. “You guys really have so little faith in me; I’m insulted.”
“I’m sorry, Sungie,” Chan folds, almost immediately. “Of course, we believe you’d bring us food with no ulterior motive.”
He can’t make out what Minho mutters, but he’s pretty sure it’s not an agreement. Still, they both accept the containers and chopsticks Jisung hands them. Minho raises his own brows at Jisung, clearly communicating without words for Jisung to just spit it out.
“Okay, maybe I have a small request –” Minho lets out a loud ‘ha!’ “– but it’s not for me! I just wanna put this out there. Promise you’ll consider it carefully?”
“I make no prom–”
“Minho!” Chan cuts him off with a roll of his eyes. “Of course, Ji. What’s up? What’s wrong?”
“So he hasn’t talked about it much,” Jisung keeps his eyes on his food, feeling nervous even though he knows he shouldn’t. “But you’ve heard Innie talking about the mold issue in his dorm, right? Turns out they’re moving everyone out. In’s roommate is moving in with other friends, and since they seemed to work through reassignments alphabetically, the option they gave him is living with randos in one of those shitty apartment-dorms on the east side.”
Chan and Minho look at each other, figuring they know where this is going. They’d really lucked out with this place; rent is relatively low, and they have a third, albeit smaller, room that currently acts as a home gym. It wouldn’t be a big deal to move things around to free up the space.
Oblivious to the silent conversation, Jisung presses on. “He seems really stressed and unhappy about it. I know he doesn’t want to ask you guys about your extra room, but I feel like we all really like him, he’s already part of the group. If Bin and I had the space, I’d ask him to move in, but –”
“Okay, okay,” Minho huffs out. “Give it a rest, Ji. We don’t need to hear anything else.”
“Minho, I know you don’t like new people in your space, but –”
“Shut it. Obviously we’re asking him to move in. Channie just needs to move the punching bag, ‘cause I’m not doing that.”
Chan laughs. “Well, guess there’s no need to discuss. Do you know when he has to move out?”
Jisung looks a little dumbstruck, but he snaps out of it quickly. His grin is like sunshine. “Wait really? You guys are the best!”
“I can’t believe you thought you’d need to do all this.” Minho grabs another take out container. “What, were you scared to ask?”
“Minho, don’t tease him.”
“I don’t know what you mean, Chan; I wouldn't tease him,” Minho deadpans. “I’m always so approachable and welcoming; I don’t see why he felt the need to make it a production.”
This pulls a true laugh and sigh of relief from Jisung. “Yeah, what was I thinking; you’re a delight.”
Chan starts laughing as well, while Minho pouts, asking what’s so funny about the statement. They ignore him and start talking about what they should get to help Jeongin with the transition, until Minho throws a dumpling at Jisung. This turns into a playful fight about Minho’s shining personality that lasts way too long, all things considered. They resolve to ask Jeongin to move in the next day, since Minho will see him anyway.
“Hyunjin’s at Hyunjae’s now?” Mingi pulls Seungmin in closer to his chest, resting his head on his shoulder to read over his shoulder.
“Yeah. Felix is at Juyeon’s, so if things go south, he knows he can go there, but I said I’d pick him up if that happens.” Seungmin turns to press a kiss to Mingi’s cheek. “And by me, I mean we.”
Mingi laughs, catching his face so before he turns back to his phone so that he can kiss him full on. “Got it. I hope he doesn’t need it, but I’m happy to help him out if need be.”
Seungmin sends off one last message of support and sets his phone aside, picking up Mingi’s in the process. He swipes to unlock it, holding it up to Mingi’s face. “On to more pressing matters. Update me on Yunho.”
He can almost feel the smile stretching across Mingi’s face as he reaches to both arms around Seungmin to take the phone into his own hands and pull up their messages. “Read from here! I actually haven’t replied to the message he sent when you got here; I might need your help.”
Seungmin takes the phone back as his eyes scan the messages. They’re really not as telling as he’d like, though he’s proud of Mingi for maintaining a flirty but ambiguous tone. The last text is pretty clear, though. He glances back at Mingi again.
Yunho: so… I have a question… about seungmin I’ve seen you guys together a few times and you’ve posted him on your insta a few times. you look really good together… but like. san told me you guys aren’t dating. then we’ve been talking and when I’ve seen you together this week he doesn’t seem to care that we’ve been.. getting closer. basically I wanna know if you guys are like together or like am I misreading things between us?
“This is good, right?” He watches as Mingi pulls his lips between his teeth. “He’s basically just admitted that he likes you.”
“Yeah, it seems like it.” Mingi hesitates, his fingers fidgeting with the hem of Seungmin’s shirt. “I guess I just don’t wanna say something that makes it seem like I’d want a relationship with him like the one we have.”
Seungmin cuts him off when he starts to sputter. “I know what you mean, don’t worry. And I get that. But maybe it’s best to just be honest. May I?” Seungmin types out a response.
Mingi: I know how it looks, but Seungmin and I aren’t together. We’re just good friends. You’re not misreading things. I’m really happy that we’ve been talking more.
Mingi reaches up and hits send after reading it over. He buries his face into the crook of Seungmin’s neck, murmuring something unintelligible.
“Wha– oh Ming, he’s typing!” When the message comes through, they continue texting him in this fashion: Mingi’s hands roaming over Seungmin’s body in nervousness while he types out messages, making minor adjustments when Mingi says something he can actually hear.
Yunho: ngl I’m super happy to hear that I was kinda bummed when I thought I missed my chance
Mingi squeezes around Seungmin’s waist when he reads the message. They decide to play it coy.
Mingi: Missed your chance?
Yunho: you’re stupid hot, min and since we’ve been talking I’ve realized that you’re more than that, too I wanna learn more about you… would you wanna go to dinner with me tomorrow?
They’re giggling and kicking their feet. Mingi is shaking Seungmin side to side, a chorus of “oh my gods” raining from his lips.
“Mingi!” Seungmin laughs, trying to pull the phone back up. “We have to respond! Hold on!”
Mingi: I’d love to
Yunho: awesome! I’ll pick you up at 7?
Seungmin wonders briefly if making out is a strange way to celebrate your friend getting asked out by a boy he likes, but decides not to question how Mingi chooses to thank him for his help. It’s hopefully not going to be something they’re able to do much longer anyway.
Their celebration is sadly short-lived. Mingi nearly has Seungmin’s shirt off when they notice the vibration of a phone call. It’s Hyunjin.
“Shit.” Seungmin picks it up immediately. “Hyunjin? Is everything okay?”
Mingi pulls his own shirt back on, sure that they’ll be heading out in a minute.
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a few, just wait in the lobby.” Seungmin mouths ‘I’m sorry’ to Mingi, who just shakes his head in response. “Don’t worry about it, Jinnie. I don’t mind at all. I told you that I would. I’m glad you called.”
They don’t really talk once Hyunjin gets into Mingi’s car approximately 7 minutes later. Seungmin gives Mingi a kiss on the cheek before he gets out, telling him again how happy he is for him to be taking this step forward in his relationship with Yunho.
Seungmin doesn’t even pretend to consider dropping Hyunjin at his own room, leading him up to his and Felix’s as soon as they’re in the building. He gives him a pair of shorts to change into, encouraging him to get comfy, before pulling Hyunjin into bed with him.
“Do you wanna talk about it now or wait til Felix gets back?”
Hyunjin sniffles and it breaks Seungmin’s heart just a little bit. “Will he be home tonight?”
“He didn’t say,” Seungmin pauses, thinking about the fact that Felix has spent half the week sleeping at Juyeon’s. “But even if he didn’t plan to, you know he would for you, if we ask.”
Hyunjin buries his face in Seungmin’s chest. “No, I don’t wanna do that. I already pulled you away from Mingi.”
Seungmin frowns. “You know that doesn’t matter, Jin. I wanna be here for you. We both do.”
“Can we just cuddle and talk about it tomorrow?”
“Of course. Whatever you want.” Seungmin plants a kiss on the crown of his head. He can feel tears creating wet spots on his shirt. “Love you, Hyuni.”
Hyunjin’s hold on Seungmin tightens for a moment. “Love you, too, Minnie.”
As soon as he walks in the door, Chan hears three voices calling out his name.
“Channie! How’d operation ‘Tell Him How I Feel at Dinner’ go?” Changbin misses his wince at the question.
“Damn, Bin, don’t you listen?” Jisung calls from the couch. “Boyfriend brought his boyfriend to dinner.”
Jeongin comes up behind him, couch cushion in hand, and swings it down on Jisungs head, eliciting a loud ‘oof.’ “Binnie might not have ears, but you don’t have sense. Sorry, Chan. Was dinner okay at least?”
Chan can’t help but smile fondly at his new roommate. “All things considered, yeah. We had a nice time. How’s moving in going?” He considers peeking into Jeongin’s room, but opts to flop down onto Jisung’s stomach.
“Bro!” Jisung gasps out. “What gives, why is it suddenly pick on Jisung time?”
Chan leans down, attempting to kiss Jisung, while the latter pushes at his face yelling “Worse! Worse!”
“It’s probably going slower than it could.” Jeongin casually grabs Jisung’s wrists, pulling his hands away so that Chan can nuzzle his face into his cheek. “Bin insisted on building furniture, and Minho refused to let him do it alone, so after arguing about following directions or not, Minho started building furniture while Changbin started bringing up my stuff. We were in charge of dinner.”
“Speaking of,” Jisung has given in and instead is holding a now struggling Chan to him. “Can you order dinner for us, hyung?”
An “I’m hungry!” comes down the hall from Jeongin’s new room. Chan rolls his eyes and gets out his phone when Jisung releases him. He ignores the muttered “whipped” from Jeongin and places an order for takeout.
“You fools have to go get it, though.” He moves to flop over on the other couch. “And I didn’t get drinks. You should leave now so you can pick up anything left in Innie’s room and some bubble tea.”
Jisung’s groan is cut off by Jeongin’s fist in his stomach. “Got it. Thanks Channie hyung. Let’s go, Ji.”
“You know I’m your hyung, too, brat.” Jisung grumbles but follows him to the door.
“Buy me dinner and give me a place to live, then I’ll think about calling you hyung.”
Jeongin grumbles, pushing him out the door.
Chan lets his mind drift back to dinner and further still to another dinner about 5 years prior. Seungmin had brought his boyfriend then, too.
“Channie hyung!” Seungmin was waving from halfway down the block, dragging someone behind him. “Chan hyung! I’d like to introduce you to Derek, my boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend?” Chan felt a little dumbstruck, with this almost burning sensation in his chest, and he took a touch too long to extend his hand out. Derek got a hard glint in his eye.
“Yeah, boyfriend,” he snaps. “Got a problem with that?”
Before Chan can even say anything, Seungmin is interrupting him. “No, no, Chan’s not like that, don’t worry. He’s just surprised to hear that I’m dating, right hyung?”
“Yeah, right.” Chan tries to laugh it off, reaching out to shake the guy’s hand. Luckily he reciprocates. “Just wanna look after Seungminnie, y’know. Nice to meet you, Derek.”
The three of them headed into the restaurant. The entire time Derek either had his arm around Seungmin or was holding his hand. Chan did his best to maintain his typical upbeat attitude, but he stayed bothered. Obviously it wasn’t because Seungmin had a boyfriend, Chan had known for a long time that both he and Seungmin were into guys. Derek seemed nice enough. So why was he feeling so… put off.
The longer he sat watching Seungmin, the more confused he was. Until he wasn’t. When he watched Derek pull Seungmin into him for a kiss, the knot in his stomach tightened into a constrictor. Oh.
Seungmin had told him about crushes before, and it didn’t really bother him; they were celebrities or characters, so nothing was going to come from it. Now he realized that Seungmin had never talked to him about anyone in their actual lives. Suddenly seeing him kiss a guy, another guy, was devastating.
How could he have felt this strongly and not known it? Not realized before it was too late? How was he supposed to go on feeling this way when there’s nothing he can do about it?
After that night, Chan started distancing himself from Seungmin. It was painful to see him happy with someone else. So he would make plans with other friends, spend less time at home, whatever he could do to have less free time. And it helped that Seungmin spent a lot of time with Derek. Still, he felt bad every time he told Seungmin he couldn’t meet up with him or them, especially when he asked in person; seeing the crestfallen look on his face got hard to bear, but after a while the invites were fewer and far between. By the time Chan headed off to college, they were only seeing each other a couple times a month outside of school.
Chan barely notices the hand waving in front of his face until it snaps. “You with us, Chan?”
He gives himself a small shake. “Yeah, of course. Sorry about that, just got a little lost in thought.”
“Thinking about Seungmin with his boyfriend again?” Minho pouts a bit, likely wishing he could help take his mind off it.
“Yeah, something like that.” Chan trails off. “Did you finish up in Innie’s room?”
“Yeah, no thanks to those lazy asses,” Changbin huffs just in time to be heard by said lazy asses returning with their dinner.
“You say that like you didn’t yell at us every time we tried to help.” Jisung thrust a cup in his face. “And to think, I went to all this trouble to bring you good food and boba.”
“That Chan paid for.”
Jisung shushes Jeongin. “I bought the boba, didn’t I? He doesn’t need to know the rest.”
Chan just looks on with a smile. He might not have the exact relationship with Seungmin that he hopes for, but his friends are the best, even when they’re bickering. He resolves to put a pin in his feelings until a better opportunity to act on them arises, and until then, he’s going to enjoy what he has.
#skz seungmin#kim seungmin#skz fluff#skz smut#kim seungmin x bang chan#bang chan x kim seungmin#chan x seungmin#seungmin x chan#seungchan#skz fanfic#seungmin#bang chan#bang chris#chan skz#seungmin smut#platonic seungjin#pining#mutual pining#misunderstandings#jealousy#fwb#kim seungmin x song mingi#song mingi#mingi#seungmin x mingi#top kim seungmin#song mingi x jeong yunho#jeong yunho x song mingi#seungmin is a real bro
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Pining Idiots (college edition)
Chapter 7: Heading into an Exciting Halloweekend
WC: 6,993; Rating: 18+
Read Chapter 6 here!
In the wake of their break ups, Seungmin and his friends become further enmeshed in Chan’s friend group. Chan debates the appropriate amount of time to give Seungmin before upping his game, weary of others using his new relationship status to make their move as well.
Author's Note: Small content warning - While it’s been largely behind the scenes until this point, Hyunjin’s conflict with his roommate comes to a head in the latter half of this chapter. There are homophobic overtones, but no slurs are used. It’s limited to a single interaction, so if you’re uncomfortable, it shouldn’t be hard to skip over.
Originally, Mingi was going to join for lunch with Chan today, but with the new development in his relationship with Yunho, of course Seungmin gives his blessing for him to cancel their plans. He’s still so happy that things have worked out for them and that he was able to have a hand in it.
Seungmin doesn’t really think about the fact that he hasn’t actually met up with just Chan in weeks until Chan is the one asking if he minds if Changbin joins them; then he realizes how much he was looking forward to some one-on-one time with Chan.
They’re both there already when he comes into the cafe. They seem deep into a heated discussion, so he heads to the counter for his coffee and a round of pastries. They’re still at it when he slips into the seat across from Chan, setting the snacks in the center of the table with a smile.
“Seungmin!” Changbin claps a hand onto his shoulder. “My buddy, my pal. You like Hawaiian pizza, right? Please tell this moron that it’s ridiculous to be so against pineapple pizza when it’s, like, his favorite fruit.”
“Moron!” Chan sputters. “Seungmin, please, talk some sense into him.”
Seungmin laughs, hands held up in front of him. “No, no. I’m not getting involved in this.”
“But you have to support me!”
“Do I though?”
Chan huffs. “Fine, we’ll put a pin in it. How are you, Min? Mingi couldn’t make it?”
“Ah, um.” Seungmin feels the blush burning his ears, even though he’s sure he has nothing to feel embarrassed about. “Mingi is probably gonna be busy for a while. We’re not really seeing each other like that anymore.”
“Oh, I’m sorry!” Chan reaches over to take Seungmin’s hand across the table. If he wasn’t blushing before, he definitely is now. “What happened? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine!” They both cast dubious looks at him. “Really, I am. I actually helped him get a date with a guy he’s been into forever, and I’m really happy for him. I know that seems weird, but our relationship wasn’t… traditional. So I’m good, hyung, really.” He gives Chan’s hand a squeeze.
Chan and Changbin share a look but give him a smile. “If you say so. Still, I think it calls for our little breakup tradition. Chan, do you think Minho will make the soup again?”
“Yeah, I’m sure he will! Seungmin, you’ve gotta come for dinner tonight.”
“When Jisung went through a breakup last ye– Felix, did you murder someone?” Chan and Seungmin turn at Changbin’s abrupt change of topic. Their eyes land on Felix as he makes his way to their table, waving a red hand at them.
His laugh is palpable. “Fear not, there’s been no murder. Jinnie just decided he needed a change, so I helped him dye his hair.”
“Ooh! Did you take a picture? I bet it looks great.” Chan’s grinning from ear to ear as he takes the phone as soon as Felix pulls up his photo album.
Seungmin, on the other hand, groans and tries not to be sad that the action took Chan’s hand away from his own. “So you’re telling me that my pillow is going to be turning red tonight?”
Changbin’s eyebrows shoot up. “Why would that mean your pillow is turning red?”
“‘Cause Hyunjin never brings his over.” Seungmin rolls his eyes, but everyone at the table can see the fondness in his eyes. “If I complain about it, he talks about how ‘cute’ it is to share mine.”
“Not that you’re gonna be complaining anyway. Man has been acting whipped since the breakup.” Felix teases. “He’s probably still gonna spend more time in your bed than his own when you guys are roomies.”
Seungmin knows what Felix is trying to do, but he’s not sure if he’s happy about it or not. Still, he can’t help feeling a little smug when he sees the frown touch Chan’s lips momentarily at the words ‘in your bed.’ Though, he knows Chan knows Hyunjin sleeps with him sometimes.
“Guess that’s a good reason to be fine,” Changbin says at the same time that Chan asks, “You’re moving in together?”
Felix cocks his head to the side. “You’re fine? Oh! I don’t mean Seungmin. Hyunjin and Hyunjae broke up, too.”
“And you guys know about the mold thing, right?” Seungmin continues after Chan and Changbin nod. “Hyunjin and I are going to move into another dorm together, while Felix abandons me for Juyeon.”
“Hey! It’s not abandonment; I’ll be around all the time!” The other three laugh while Felix pouts.
“Anyway, back to the breakup tradition, would it be alright if I bring Hyunjin tonight, too? I’d say he’s okay now, too, but his definitely hit him harder.” Seungmin feels a light tap on his shin. “And Felix, of course.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Seungmin is sure he saw another shadow flit across Chan’s face. “I’d love for all three of you to come. Especially if Hyunjin is, or was, hurting. Man, I’d better text Minho to make sure he’s okay to do it. Oh, and that Jeongin doesn’t mind.”
Changbin catches the questioning look Felix and Seungmin share. “You guys remember Innie was in the same dorm as you?”
“Oh yeah! I totally forgot. So he has to move out, too.” Seungmin knows it doesn’t matter, because he wouldn’t have wanted to leave Hyunjin to fend for himself, but realizing what Changbin means, he’s a little hurt that Chan didn’t ask him about his plans before inviting someone else to live with them. He shook his head minutely, feeling foolish. It’s hard enough just spending a morning with Chan and Minho; the idea of living with your crush and his boyfriend is a ridiculous thing to feel jealous over.
“Right.” Chan rubs at the back of his neck, and Seungmin wonders if the same thought has just occurred to him. “We had an extra room, so when Jisung brought it up, we figured it would be a good idea to offer the space.”
Changbin smirks. “Yep, so now it’s mom, dad, and baby makes three over there. Like a cute lil family.”
“Bin, I dare you to call Minho mom and see what happens?”
Felix laughs. “How do you know he didn’t mean Minho is the dad in this weird scenario?”
Chan takes on a serious expression for a second, flexing his impressive muscles. “You think I look like a mom?” He can barely make it through the sentence before he’s turning red and laughing.
The rest of their time in the cafe is spent joking and laughing about possible family dynamics, throwing Jisung and Changbin in the mix, and trying to decide about who’s who in Seungmin and Felix’s “family.”
Luckily, Minho did not mind being volunteered to host and throwing together the breakup soup. Though, Chan really wished Changbin hadn’t used that exact phrasing; because Minho ‘doesn’t just throw things together,’ and that’s extremely clear now that he said Changbin and Chan need to go shopping for ingredients.
Shopping with Changbin can be a struggle on a good day, but shopping while he’s hungry and having opinions about Seungmin and Hyunjin’s relationship, it’s torture.
“I’m just saying – wait, we should get extra eggs for egg rolls, right?” Changbin puts an extra carton in the cart without waiting for a response. “Oh, should we get cinnamon rolls?”
“I don’t think cinnamon rolls go with the soup, Bin.” Chan tries for an exasperated tone, but his fondness peeks through.
Into the cart they go. “I know, but I feel like if we get them, it opens the door to Minho making us brunch again this weekend.” Chan laughs. “Ah, so egg rolls aren’t the only thing on your mind.”
“You know you want him to.” Changbin gives him a playful shove. “We can even invite the freshmen over again. Which brings me back to my point. We need to move fast if you wanna snatch Seungmin up before Hyunjin does.”
“Bin,” Chan groans, again. “If we’re right about him liking me, I don’t see why he’d jump into bed with Hyunjin when I’m right here.”
“Not to sound like Jisung, but have you seen the man? And he’s newly available.”
“Okay, yes, there’s no denying Hyunjin is gorgeous.” Chan cuts himself off for once. “Actually, have you noticed that literally everyone Seungmin hangs out with are, like, extremely attractive?”
Changbin preens a bit. “Why thank you.”
“Yes, you’re exactly who I was talking about,” Chan deadpans. “Anyway, they’re both coming off of breakups. Plus, Felix said it’s hitting Hyunjin harder. So even if he is interested in him, I have time to win him over. But I doubt he’ll appreciate it if I pounce before we’ve even had the breakup soup.”
“Speaking of, you heard Minho, soup takes time to cook, so we should hurry up.”
When they get back with the groceries, Minho immediately puts them to work helping prep. Jisung laments their predicament but is overjoyed that others are there to share his burden.
After a while, Minho opens the fridge and just stares at it for a minute. “Channie, is this a drinking kinda breakup soup night?”
Jeongin sticks his head around the door frame to call, “I vote yes!”
“Do you get a vote if you aren’t even helping?” Jisung grumbles.
“Innie, don’t you have a 9am tomorrow?” Chan does his best to give him a stern look but falters when he’s met with a tongue being stuck out at him before Jeongin’s head goes flying back into his room. “I guess that means yes, but he doesn’t care. Why did you ask? Do I need to go on a run?”
“Maknae on top,” Minho laughs. “Yeah, go grab some soju or something. Can’t believe I didn’t put it on the list to start.”
“Peach flavor!”
“Got it, Innie!”
“Hyung, can I come with?” Jisung gives him those big eyes, and Chan caves immediately.
Minho fixes him with a glare before turning to Chan. “You know you can’t even go in with him, you just don’t wanna help anymore. You’re enabling him.”
By the time Chan and Jisung return, everyone else must’ve just gotten there as well; everyone is still standing just inside the living room. They got there in time to see Hyunjin, who Chan has to admit looks absolutely stunning with his red hair, taking off his hoodie. He’s wearing a cut tank that reads ‘hotter than your ex, better than your next’ that shows off his toned arms. Chan knows exactly when Jisung sees him by the little squeak coming from his right side. He turns to see the enraptured look on his face.
“What if you’re my next?” Jisung whispers, and Chan has to slap a hand over his own mouth to keep from laughing out loud.
He nudges him gently. “You’re down real bad, huh?”
Jisung looks vaguely alarmed. “Shit, did I say that out loud?”
Chan does laugh, loudly, at that, drawing eyes and greetings to them near the door. Jisung glares at him, drawing a finger across his throat in a universal ‘stop talking or you’ll be sorry’ signal. He pulls a bottle out of the bag he’s carrying. “Innie, we’ve got your peach; go get some glasses!” Jisung takes another bottle out and hands the bag to Chan.
Chan obediently takes the rest of the soju to the kitchen to throw in the fridge. Felix is there with Minho, who surprisingly is holding still while Felix chats and taps his fingers along either side of his neck.
“Everything okay in here?” He ventures, not sure what to make of this.
Felix turns and gives him a smile brighter than a thousand suns. He may even have squinted when hit with its full strength. “Yeah! Minho was mentioning that he had a sore throat and headache this morning, so I just wanted to check his lymph nodes.”
Chan’s tone loses its playful edge. “Min, are you sick? Why didn’t you say anything? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Chan.” Minho rolls his eyes. His hands reach up and grab Felix’s. “Just humoring our budding nurse here. I just meant to say that soup seemed like a fitting meal for today. We should head to the living room. Innie says it’s time for shots.”
The three of them head out after Minho gives the pot another stir. Chan’s eyes immediately find Seungmin, and his mind drifts back to what Changbin said at the store, thinking it might have some merit. He takes in the sight of Seungmin sitting with an arm around Hyunjin, a big smile on his face, while Hyunjin plays with the fingers of his hand. He can’t help but wonder if maybe Seungmin is more okay about his breakup because Hyunjin’s available now, too. He’s slightly pacified when Felix sits on Hyunjin’s other side and wraps an arm around Hyunjin’s waist, too, resting his other hand on Hyunjin’s thigh. He needs to remember that these three just really seem to enjoy skinship.
Even if Seungmin didn’t used to. People change.
Jeongin hands him a small glass as he takes his seat. “So, I’ve been outvoted because ‘it’s a Monday’ and ‘we have classes tomorrow,’ otherwise we’d be doing shots of tequila. But soju works, too.”
The air quotes coupled with his exaggerated pout sets off a round of laughter that he pretends to be annoyed with. He raises his cup, gesturing to the rest to do the same.
“I may be new to this tradition, but mom and dad have wisely given me the title of chief toast giver.” Once again, the room erupts in laughter.
Minho reaches over and pokes the dimple in Chan’s cheek. “Yes, your father and I are so proud of your public speaking skills, son. Make us proud.”
This elicits a groan from Seungmin who digs his wallet out of his pocket while Changbin raises his fist with a victorious ‘ha!’
“Chan can be such a mom, though,” Seungmin grumbles as he slaps a five dollar bill into Changbin’s waiting palm. Chan tries not to smile when he flops back onto the couch and lets Felix worry about tending to Hyunjin.
“As I was saying,” Jeongin says a little louder than necessary. “Heartbreak is a bummer, but sometimes that pain can make way for greater happiness. It’s okay to think about it, but try not to stew in those feelings. Soup is healing, and with the way Minho cooks, it’s also delicious. So let’s have a good night, with good food, and good friends. Geonbae everybody.”
They all raise their glasses, more than a couple of them chuckling and reveling in the fact that their maknae just made a pun, and take their shots. Jeongin immediately moves to refill them.
Minho clears his throat. “Dinner will be in about 15 minutes. In the meantime, Seungmin, Hyunjin, this night is for you. I know some of us are new friends, so do things at your comfort level. We’re happy to talk memories or details of the breakups, or we can always offer distraction.”
Seungmin and Hyunjin seem to have a silent conversation for a minute before Seungmin turns to Minho with a smile. “Thanks, Minho. We’re really touched that you guys were willing to throw this together for us. But I mean, what else could I expect of people Chan hyung loves.”
The smile Seungmin shoots Chan’s way is a bit shy, but it makes his heart flutter a hundredfold compared to the radiant one Felix gave him earlier. He sends a little finger heart back to him, earning a huff and an eye roll.
“Anyway,” Seungmin continues, taking Hyunjin’s hand in his. “I told Chan and Bin before, but I really am okay. Mingi has moved on, and I’m honestly really happy for him. Like Jeongin said, this is just a step toward greater happiness or whatever.”
Chan can see Seungmin give Hyunjin’s hand a squeeze at the same time Felix squeezes his thigh. Seungmin has told him that Hyunjin can be very anxious at times, though he’s never seen it as clearly as he’s seeing it today. But he’s also seeing the way his friends relax him, and it warms his heart. It makes him want to be one of those people for Hyunjin, too.
The man in question speaks then. “I’m honestly still kind of confused about how I’m feeling. I really like Hyunjae… but I feel like this seems right?”
Jisung looks like he wants to say something, but Chan’s happy when Changbin does instead. “Why do you say that?”
“Well,” Hyunjin’s eyes flit to Felix for a moment. “There are a few things. He and I got together at the same time as Felix and Juyeon, and while I try not to compare, it’s obvious that Lix is in a different place than I am? And Hyunjae seemed to be, too. Like when Chan hyung almost called him my boyfriend the other day, it made me feel uncomfortable.”
Chan pales at that. “Hyunjin, I didn’t mean to –”
“No, no,” Hyunjin cuts him off before he can apologize. “That’s not what I meant. You didn’t make me uncomfortable. The label did. And you weren’t the only one to use it. Hyunjae, on the other hand, definitely liked it, and he just… wanted to move a lot faster than I did.”
At that Jisung did interject. “He didn’t –”
Hyunjin cuts him off as well with a small laugh. “He didn’t try to force anything or something like that. He wanted us to move in together, and he wanted things to be official. He didn’t want me cutting off my friends when they’re about to call him my boyfriend. He wanted the label and for me to look to him for comfort first.” He squeezes both his friends’ hands at that. “He’s really a wonderful guy, and he gets me… so I guess I’m worried that I’m making a mistake or that something is wrong with me for not wanting what he does.”
The urge to hug him is so strong that Chan has to stop himself from getting up and going to him. Before he can say or do anything, Minho gets up and squats in front of Hyunjin, taking both of his hands in his. “There’s nothing wrong with you. He could be the best man in the world, but that doesn’t mean that you have to match his pace. You have other people that support and ‘get’ you, right?” Minho looks meaningfully at Seungmin and Felix. Hyunjin nods. “That’s what matters. And if things are truly meant to be with this Hyunjae, then you’ll find each other again when you are both ready. Until then, you just have to do your best.”
“Thank you,” Hyujnin hesitates for just a moment. “Hyung.”
Chan can see the tears threatening to take over Hyunjin’s face. There’s no more stopping him. As soon as Minho is out of his path, he’s pulling Hyunjin off the couch and into a hug. Despite Hyunjin having a few inches on him, he holds his head to his shoulder and strokes his hair, telling him it’s okay to cry if he needs to and how proud of him he is. He knows it might come off as weird and/or patronizing, but with the grip Hyunjin has on him and the smile he can see on Seungmin’s face, he’s pretty sure it’s not.
After a minute, Minho ushers everyone to the table. Chan finally pulls back from Hyunjin, hands moving to cup his cheeks, thumbs swiping across them to clear the tears. “Thank you for opening up to us, Jinnie. I hope you know we’ll be here for you whenever you need.”
Hyunjin nods and lets Chan guide him to the bathroom so he can splash some water on his face and collect himself. When they get to the table, Minho and Felix are serving everyone while Seungmin is asking Jeongin about moving in. Felix then talks about moving in with Juyeon, looking slightly bashful but mostly very happy.
When the question of relocating is posed to Seungmin and Hyunjin, Hyunjin throws his arms around Seungmin. “Since Felix won’t be his roommate anymore, Minnie and I will move in together, and I will never have to share a space with Chad ever again.”
Seungmin and Felix murmur “thank god” and “finally” respectively. The rest of the group share looks of confusion, but the other three don’t clarify any more than saying Chad is Hyunjin’s current roommate before Felix shifts the conversation away from housing quickly. “So it’s almost Halloween already! Do you guys plan on dressing up this weekend?
Seungmin almost doesn’t hear the thump against his door. If the song hadn’t been ending, the sound would’ve covered it. He isn’t sure if he really did hear it. He stares at the door for a minute before figuring it doesn’t hurt to check.
When he opens the door, Hyunjin nearly falls in. Seungmin starts laughing, but it only takes a second to see that Hyunjin has been crying; the next laugh dies on his lips. “Jinnie, what’s wrong?”
Hyunjin lets Seungmin help him to his feet. He keeps his gaze down, going over to sit on Felix’s bed. “Sorry, Seungmin, I thought you’d still be at dinner with Chan.”
“Chan? Oh, he wanted extra time to study for an exam tomorrow, so we decided to meet up this weekend instead.” Seungmin sits beside him on the bed, but Hyunjin still doesn’t look up at him. “But were you going to just sit outside my door until one of us got home? I don’t even know if Felix is coming back tonight. What happened?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Hey, come on.” Seungmin puts his hands on either side of Hyunjin’s face and gently forces him to look up. “You don’t have to apologize. Just tell me what Chad did now.”
When the tears start flowing again, Seungmin shifts, taking Hyunjin into his arms instead. hand rubbing soothing circles on his back. “It’s okay, Hyuni. You don’t have to tell me. Let’s just get in bed, ok?” They move over to Seungmin’s bed, and he puts on Hyunjin’s favorite movie.
By the time Gatsby and Daisy’s affair begins, Hyunjin seems to be feeling better. When he speaks, it’s at a whisper, so Seungmin strains to hear him. Before he can admonish him for another murmured apology, Hyunjin presses on. “I don’t know why he can’t just leave me alone. We’ll only be roommates for like 5 more days, then he never has to see me again. And I know I should be able to just let it roll off me by this point. I know what he says doesn’t matter. It just still hurts.”
“You shouldn’t have to deal with it at all.” Seungmin squeezes him tighter to his chest. “You know we want to respect your choice on how to handle this, but every time this happens I can’t help feeling like –”
“I know.” He sighs. “I know. I’m sorry, but can we compromise? It’s just a few more days. Stay here until we move.”
If possible, Hyunjin’s voice gets smaller. “Okay, Minnie.”
The atmosphere in the room is completely flipped the next night as they get ready to go out. Felix is struggling to stay still, trying to dance at the same time that he does Juyeon’s makeup and giggling at his small whines about messing it up. Hyunjin isn’t helping, bopping around the room to the music. As soon as it’s done, though, Seungmin is corralling them out the door.
This is their first time at Seonghwa and Hongjoong’s apartment, and it’s very clear that Seonghwa is the one who decorated; it matches his aesthetic to a tee. Their Halloween costumes, on the other hand, do not.
“Why do I feel like Hongjoong should’ve been the apple?” Hyunjin giggles.
Hongjoong whips around to glare at him. “Are you saying I’m apple shaped?”
“I mean compared to Seonghwa…” Seungmin trails off with a smile before Hongjoong starts whacking him with a pillow as half the room breaks into laughter. Seonghwa wraps his arms around his boyfriend with a sweet smile of his own.
On the other side of the room, San, Yunho, and Mingi are geeking out over Felix and Juyeon’s League of Legends costumes. Seungmin feels nothing but joy seeing the way Yunho is constantly looking at and touching Mingi, even when so focused on their conversation. And Mingi is clearly so happy. When he catches his eye, Mingi blows him a kiss.
Wooyoung re-enters the room with bottles of vodka and tequila in each hand. “Gather ‘round, bitches! Too many people in this room are too sober. Time for Never Have I Ever.” He pulls a shockingly large pack of plastic shot glasses seemingly out of nowhere and starts setting them out in sets of 3 around the table.
“Really leaning into this whole ‘god of mischief’ thing, huh Loki?” Jongho jokes.
Wooyoung fixes him with a glare. “And I’ll lean into the trickery, if we don’t start drinking.”
Soon enough, everyone takes a spot around the table, shots in front of them. As one would expect, the ‘never have I evers’ start out tame, but inevitably turn raunchy. Seungmin can’t decide if he’s surprised or not when Seonghwa ends up being the last man standing. His “prize”, per Wooyoung, who decided he gets to determine house rules despite the fact that it is not in fact his house, is that he gets to shotgun a beer.
Everyone is feeling loose by the time they arrive at the party, some definitely passed tipsy and into drunk territory. With the impending moves, the housing situation is the topic of every other conversation involving freshmen. Their group splits to dance, get more drinks, etc.
When Seungmin and Hyunjin leave the dance floor to find the majority of their friends have gathered in another room, to their unfortunate surprise, they find Hyunjin’s roommate is there as well. Though, Seungmin realizes, it’s actually a little more surprising that they hadn’t run into him at a party before, after all this time.
They avoid him, of course, but clearly Chad caught sight of Hyunjin when they came in. He starts to raise his voice, making sure that they can hear him as they cross the room.
“I can’t wait to get away from her and get a normal roommate. The fact that someone actually wants to live with wittle pwincess Jin is beyond me.” Chad and his cronies start cackling. He’s a bit harder to hear by the time they reach their group, but they’re keyed in to hear each disparaging and bigoted word as he drones on.
Hyunjin’s grip on Seungmin’s arm is a vice. His voice is low but steady. “It’s fine, Min. Just ignore him.”
San looks concerned when he catches sight of their faces - Seungmin’s painted with barely contained rage, while Hyunjin just looks defeated. Before he can ask what’s wrong, Seungmin turns his head back toward the crowd, talking so loudly that he’s nearly shouting. “I’m so lucky that we’re gonna be living together, Hyunjin. You’re fucking perfect.”
He turns back to his friend without waiting to see who heard him. Hyunjin’s eyes shine, and Seungmin hopes Chad can still see them. He chances a glance, a small flick of the eyes, and he knows that he has.
As one of Chad’s friends comments that ‘Seungmin must not realize,’ he doesn’t wait for him to finish the thought. Seungmin cups Hyunjin’s cheek gently, hesitates for just half a second to see Hyunjin give him the smallest nod, before pulling him in for what ends up possibly being the most passionate kiss he’s had all year. Even without understanding the situation, their friends seem to understand the assignment and all start hooting and wolf whistling, prompting the other drunks in the room to cheer along with them.
Seungmin sees that the scene has the desired effect when he pulls back to see Chad and his friends heading out of the room. Before he makes it out, Felix runs into him at the door. Felix’s Jinx costume looks even better in the low light of the party. The crop top showing off the tattoos Hyunjin spent the afternoon drawing on his sleek abdomen and toned arms. That plus his flawless makeup enhances his ethereal beauty, with the braids giving him a playful and mischievous air. He’s breathtaking.
Chad notices the same thing it seems, shifting partway into Felix’s path. “Hey, baby, you sure you don’t wanna turn that sweet ass around and join me out on the deck?”
Felix’s smile falls as he turns his attention to Chad. He might even pitch his voice just a touch lower than his already cavernous tone. “Why the fuck are you talking to me?”
Chad’s chin drops to the floor as Felix shoulders past him, skipping the rest of the way to his friends so that he can wrap his arms around Hyunjin’s waist from behind. Luckily, Chad’s friends escort him out before his shock wears off enough to harass them further.
When Felix tells them what he said, and Seungmin and Hyunjin fill them in on the rest - what he’d said tonight and the ongoing harassment in the dorm room- more than one of their friends want to go have a talk with Chad. As usual, Hyunjin insists that they let him handle it his own way. Eventually, they calm down enough to hopefully enjoy the rest of their evening.
Chan’s head snaps up as soon as he hears Seungmin start yelling. Did he just get here? What’s going on?
“I’m so lucky that we’re gonna be living together, Hyunjin. You’re fucking perfect.”
Then his eyes widen as he watches Seungmin pull Hyunjin in for a kiss, seeming not to care that the whole room is watching them. Chan certainly can’t take his eyes off of them, watching as they wrap their arms around each other. It would be pretty hot if it didn’t feel like such a fucking bummer. But as usual, Chan resolves to be happy for his friend. Hyunjin is a really great guy; so if Seungmin’s going to be with someone else, it might as well be someone who’s so sweet and loving.
Changbin and Jeongin obviously see the same thing he does and are wearing matching masks of pity. Chan dons a smile and nudges Jeongin’s knee. As the three of them stand up, he says, “I’m fine, guys. It’s not like I’ve made a move; I can’t get upset every time someone else does. Let’s go say hi.”
They reach Seungmin’s group of friends at the same time that Felix does. Felix is immediately relating a story about what happened as he entered the room moments ago, so Chan just shoots Seungmin a smile and wave, getting a tight smile in return. All smiles fade as soon as the two of them finish explaining what’s just happened in front of all of them and tempers burn as they and Hyunjin explain what he’s been putting up with all semester.
At Hyunjin’s urging, no one goes after the prick, but despite not really knowing Hyunjin and Felix, Changbin whispers to Chan that if he sees him on campus, he’s not sure he’ll be able to stick to the promise not to retaliate. Chan is inclined to agree. No wonder the kid is so anxious half the time.
The mood is markedly down, and when he sees Hyunjae come clap Juyeon on the back, a few more of their friends in tow, Chan decides to make an executive decision. He considers Seungmin’s other friend group and settles on San.
“So are you a,” Chan takes in his ears and tail again. “Panther?”
“Nope, just a kitty.” San tilts his head up and flicks the bell on his choker. “And you’re a… train guy?”
Chan rubs at the back of his neck, sure his face is turning red. “Thomas the Train, yeah. I went costume shopping last minute so it was either this or a clown and Jisung forbade that along with my offer to forgo a costume.”
“I imagine he didn’t consider your honor much.” San’s humor is contagious. “Clearly you should’ve gone with Changbin and Wooyoung; you could’ve been Hela or Odin to round out their Asgardian thing. Wild how well they match.”
Their laughter is still a bit subdued, bringing Chan back to his idea. “So, I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t think Hyunjin is going to feel comfortable staying at this party, regardless of what he’s said.” – San nods in agreement. – “What do you think the rest of your friends would say to bringing things back to my place and having a party of our own?”
Hongjoong throws his arm around Chan’s shoulders before San can respond. Chan hadn’t even realized he was there listening. “I was actually just thinking the same thing, though I’m happy you offered your place. Sannie, tell the others? Chan, do you want to ask Seungmin?”
Chan agrees, finding Seungmin deep in conversation with a guy who’s dressed as probably the prettiest flapper he’s ever seen. “Excuse me, can I borrow him for a second?”
Seungmin’s gaze flits over to Hyunjin still getting fussed over by Seonghwa and Mingi. “What’s up, hyung?”
“Hongjoong and I were talking and agreed that we’d kinda like to get out of here.” Seungmin gives him a look that seems to be questioning how he even remembered who Hongjoong was, let alone made plans with him. “I, uh, we want everyone to have a good night, and we’re worried that won’t happen here. Do you think you, Felix, and Hyunjin would wanna come over to my place for a more lowkey, impromptu party?”
Seungmin scrutinizes him, and Chan’s no longer sure this is the good idea he thought it was. His heartbeat slows to a more normal rate when Seungmin breaks into a smile. “You’d do that for him?”
“Of course.” Chan’s smile starts to fade when Seungmin’s face scrunches back up.
“Chan, are you Thomas the Train right now?”
I’m going to kill Jisung, is Chan’s first thought. His second is that he’s definitely changing as soon as he gets home. “It was – there weren’t – don’t worry about it, just collect your roommates. Can you tell Innie and Binnie, too. I gotta go find Jisung and Minho. Meet out front in like 5?”
Seungmin is still laughing at him as he walks over to tell his friends the new plan for the night. Chan finds Jisung and Minho in the kitchen. He briefly retells the story of Chad and worries that he might have to physically restrain Jisung, but luckily he deflates when reminded that he has no idea who he is or how to find him. Another moment of relief when the dark look in Minho’s eyes lightens with the reveal of the new plan for the night.
And like that, Minho takes charge. “Good news, Ji, no more DDing for you. But first we go on a liquor store run.” Do you want us to take anyone else with us? How many should we plan for?”
“Thanks, Min. Let’s just meet everyone out front and we can figure out numbers and transport.”
Everyone is already outside when they get there. Sounds like Juyeon is going to stay back with his friends so it’ll be 16 of them. Those who don’t go to the liquor store with Jisung pile into a couple rideshare cars, to the dismay of the drivers, but they’re determined to not have to call a third. When they get back to the house, Jeongin immediately gets set up with the speaker and starts a playlist while Chan and Changbin get the alcohol they have out and start serving drinks. Much like he did at Seonghwa and Hongjoong’s place, Wooyoung seems to appoint himself host of the party.
“Okay, we’re playing games, obvi, but since it’s just us now, I think we definitely need to have a costume contest.” Wooyoung looks over at Chan, who can feel the blush coloring his cheeks, assuming he knows what’s about to happen. “If anyone wants to maybe make any alterations to his costume, I’d allow it.”
“God damn it, Jisung,” Chan mutters.
Jeongin laughs as he grabs him by the elbow. “Don’t worry, Channie, I’ll help you.”
“Wait, I wanna help, too!” Felix bounces over to take his other arm.
Jeongin leads them into his own room, depositing Chan on the bed while he and Felix begin rifling through his closet.
“Innie, don’t you think we should pick from my own clothes?”
“Absolutely not,” Jeongin responds immediately, not sparing him a glance. “I want you to look hot.”
The affronted sound coming from the bed is completely covered by Felix’s laughter. They pick out a pair of black pants that might’ve been looser on Jeongin, but Chan’s pretty sure they look like they’ve been painted on his ass. He’s also handed a dark red suit vest.
“Innie, I think you need to start joining us at the gym for legs and glutes.” Chan’s still looking at his ass in the mirror, but he manages to evade the swing of the pillow as Jeongin mutters something about ‘cake.’ “What am I even going to be? What shirt am I wearing?”
“No shirt, silly.” Felix pushes him back so that he’s sitting on the bed again, having magically acquired an eyeliner pencil. “Remember, Innie said we’re going sexy with this. Look up for me.”
Chan pales. He puts a lot of work in at the gym, and he’s certainly not ashamed of his body; in fact, he’s rather proud of his physique. But he doesn’t really know half the people in his house right now, and Seungmin is here. He can’t help but be shy. Both Jeongin and Felix shut down all his attempts to explain why he can’t just wear a vest. Of course, he gives in, letting them finish making him up and puts it on.
He has to admit he does look good. He can see clearly, once his makeup is done, that he’s a vampire. Felix is so talented. “You know, Lix, if this whole nurse thing doesn’t work out, I think you’d be an amazing cosmetologist.”
Felix is all giggles as they rejoin the rest in the living room. Changbin and Wooyoung have taken the helm in the absence of any of the house’s residents, to Chan’s relief. That relief, of course, is short-lived as Wooyoung announces that they need to do shots so they’ll have an empty bottle to use for spin the bottle; the bottle in question is barely less than half full of rum. Truly the Thor to his Loki, Changbin snatches the bottle out of his hand with a ‘hell no.’
Just then, the rest arrive, cases of beer and a couple large brown bags in hands. Cheers fill the room. Wooyoung seems to forget his shots argument, yelling about how the costume contest can now begin. He orders Chan to produce paper, pens, and a hat of some sort, before yelling that everyone needs to report to the living room asap.
“Who is this man, and why is he yelling at me in my own house?” Chan had forgotten that Minho has never had the pleasure of meeting Wooyoung. He seems to be appeased by whatever Mingi tells him in combination with San throwing Wooyoung over his shoulder and taking him to the other room.
When Chan returns with materials for voting, he’s met with Mingi and a cup of yellow liquid with red floating on top. “Uh, hi Chan. I know you prefer sweet drinks, so I made you this. It’s a pineapple upside down cake cocktail.” Chan is a bit touched that Mingi kept him in mind for this. And it ends up tasting amazing, just like the cake. He makes him promise to teach him how to make it or plan to attend every party they have so he can make it for him.
Wooyoung insists that everyone show off their costumes one at a time, and describe them in Minho’s case.
“What even is a Mothman? Nevermind, you were the only one I didn’t get, so I’ll just name everyone.” He doesn’t wait for a response before going on. Chan is vaguely worried for his safety when he catches Minho’s eye, but hopefully one or both of them will chill. “So couples can be voted for together - meaning Seonghwa and Hongjoong as an apple and its worm; gangster Jongho and flapper Yeosang go together, right? Then the last are Seungmin and Hyunjin as Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf, so cute. Wait! Unless you wanna be a couple with me since we match!”
Changbin’s ears almost immediately go bright red when Wooyoung latches onto his arm. Chan outright laughs when he sees Wooyoung’s eyes widen when Changbin not-so-subtly flexes. “Of course; can’t have Loki without Thor, right?”
Wooyoung noticeably does not release his arm until it’s time to vote. “Okay! So then the singles are Slenderman Yunho, sexy kitty San, sexy vampire Chan, slutty Sriracha bottle Jisung, Mothman Minho, Joker Jeongin, Rengoku Mingi, and Jinx Felix! One vote each. You can’t vote for yourself! When you’re done, put your vote in the hat!”
When the votes are tallied, it’s Felix by a landslide. He looks so much like her, no one can deny that he deserves the win, even a certain de facto host who clearly feels that he and Changbin would have won if he weren’t in the running.
“Okay!” Wooyoung claps his hands and dons a very Loki-esque smile. “Now it’s time to play a game.”
#skz seungmin#kim seungmin#skz fluff#skz smut#kim seungmin x bang chan#bang chan x kim seungmin#chan x seungmin#seungmin x chan#seungchan#skz fanfic#seungmin#bang chan#bang chris#chan skz#seungmin smut#platonic seungjin#pining#mutual pining#misunderstandings#jealousy#skz fic#party shenanigans#break ups#kim seungmin x hwang hyunjin#hwang hyunjin x kim seungmin#just kissing buttttt#also it's platonic#skz x ateez
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Pining Idiots (college edition)
Chapter 5: MinChan host a merge
WC: 4,841; Rating: 18+
Read Chapter 4 here!
With the group chat poppin' off, Minho decides to host a brunch of his own. Chan and Seungmin's friend groups merge, giving their friends a chance to observe their dynamic up close.
“I blame you for this.” Minho sets his phone in the middle of Chan’s book. He sees that there are a few more messages in the group text Felix started.
He holds his hands up in mock apology. “I’m so sorry that you’re getting a few more texts than usual. God forbid you expand your friend group a little bit. You know I do want to be closer to Seungmin, and that seems like it means being closer to Felix and Hyunjin, too.”
“So I just have to drop you, then I won’t get more invites to brunch?”
“Says the man who dragged me to brunch this morning?” Chan rolls his eyes and actually reads the texts that came in while he was studying on his own phone when Minho snatches his back and starts typing. “Hmm.”
Following compliments on the photos and questions about favorite brunch foods and preferred restaurants in the area, he sees that Jisung is the one who instigates the “invite” by complaining about everyone going out to brunch but him, which of course isn’t even true. And it’s Jeongin who suggests everyone planning to get brunch together next weekend. Chan raises an eyebrow at Minho who makes a face at him. He looks down at the next text that comes in.
Minho: With that many people, it’s going to be hell to find a place to accommodate us. Next Sunday, everyone get here by 11. I can handle the food, you all can bring any drinks. Let me know if anyone has any food intolerances.
When Chan looks back at him, incredulous, Minho shrugs. “It’s true. Which restaurant do you wanna try to make a reservation at, cause with 11-16 people we’d need one, that you won’t feel bad taking broke freshmen to? And this way Jisung can have his mimosas.”
“So let me get this straight: you came to complain about getting invited to brunch in Felix’s group chat,” Chan makes a big show of checking the text thread again and gives him a wry smile. “When the one who suggested brunch was your freshman, and you decided that rather than declining, you’d rather make everyone brunch? So your lil Jisungie can have mimosas? Also where do you get 16? There are only 8 people in the chat.”
Minho huffs. “First of all, he’s our lil Jisungie. And you know the best part of brunch is the mimosas; when half the group is underaged, it makes sense to do it somewhere that they can enjoy them.”
Chan laughs, “Now you think mimosas are the best part of brunch?”
“Don’t interrupt! They are at the brunch places around here.” Minho sticks his tongue out at him before continuing. “Anyway, there are 8 of us in the chat, but Felix would bring his boyfriend, so would Hyunjin.”
“And Seungmin would probably invite Mingi,” Chan finishes for him, smile turning a bit sad.
Minho pouts. “That might be true. Felix also mentioned San earlier, and with how friendly he is and how friendly Bin got with him this weekend, I can imagine he’s on the verge of asking if he can invite their other friends to join.”
“Valid. And you want that many people in our apartment?”
“Not necessarily.” Minho hums. “But I do have a few recipes I’ve been wanting to try out, and this is a good excuse to make a lot of food and have a bunch of testers. And see, the kids are already offering to chip in to pay for groceries.”
Chan fakes a shudder. “You know it feels creepy when you refer to them as the kids.”
“Why do you think I keep doing it?” Minho smirks.
For the rest of the day and into the next, the group chat is abuzz with plans for the impending brunch. Despite his initial attitude, Minho seems excited about it. Chan can’t help but look over at him from time to time with fondness clearly in his gaze.
When he sees Seungmin at lunch the next day, his mood deflates a bit hearing about what a great time Seungmin had with Mingi, both Saturday and Sunday. When Seungmin tells him that he’d like to invite Mingi to brunch, Chan only briefly considers telling him they wouldn’t have room for another person, before saying the more the merrier.
When Sunday rolls around, Seungmin kind of wishes they’d gone out last night. If he were hung over he could focus on feeling terrible rather than the nerves doing somersaults in his stomach right now. He’d also probably still be asleep instead of having woken up two hours earlier than he needed to. He tosses a glance over at Felix’s bed. His roommate had spent the night at his boyfriend’s house, so Hyunjin had snatched up the opportunity to stay over.
Seungmin had been surprised during their study session with Seonghwa yesterday when Hyunjin told him he wasn’t really one for skinship. That never seemed to be an issue between them; in fact, Hyunjin typically initiated skinship with him, like he craves it. That in mind, he decides that if he was going to be wallowing in bed worrying for no good reason, he might as well do it with Hyunjin’s comforting form wrapped in his arms. When he slides under the covers, Hyunjin immediately rolls over, wrapping an arm and a leg around Seungmin with a hum.
When his alarm goes off, Seungmin is surprised again, this time because he’d fallen asleep within minutes of getting into the other bed. Maybe he needs more skinship than he thought, too.
“Jinnie.” Seungmin squeezes around his middle and nuzzles his face into Hyunjin’s neck. “Time to get ready for brunch.”
Hyunjin grumbles something indiscernible and tries to turn over, but Seungmin’s hold is too tight. He whines then mumbles, “I don’ wanna.”
“Hyunjin, remember when you told me you needed to get up early so you can look extra pretty for Hyunjae?” Seungmin props himself up on his elbow, bringing his hand up from Hyunjin’s waist to gently pat his cheek a couple times. “You need time to do your makeup and look through Felix’s clothes.”
“Not anymore.” Hyunjin does turn over now, bringing the blanket up over his head. Despite the action, he definitely sounds more awake now.
Seungmin tilts his head to the side in a pout. “What’s wrong, Hyuni? Are you that tired or did something happen with Hyunjae?”
“Nothing really happened.” Hyunjin turns back over, looking adorable as he peeks through a tiny opening in the blanket. Seungmin fights the urge to laugh and boop his nose. “He’s not coming, though. He had a study session planned with a group from one of his discussion sessions, so he couldn’t ask them to move it just for him. I think their first exam is tomorrow.”
“Do you still wanna go? I could tell them something came up, and we could go back to sleep for a while, maybe order something when we get up and try not to get crumbs all over Felix’s bed.”
Hyunjin gives him the smile he was fishing for and emerges from the blanket to wrap his arms around Seungmin this time. “You’re so sweet, Minnie, but aren’t you supposed to be bringing Mingi? I’m sure he would hate it if you cancel on him to spend time with another guy, even if it is just me.”
Seungmin purses his lips. He’s not sure why he still hasn’t explained the development in his relationship with Mingi. Maybe because he’s hoping that it does turn into something more eventually. Or maybe he doesn’t want to disappoint his friends who were proud of him for actually trying to move on from his crush on Chan. He wonders if it’s time to come clean. “He won’t mind. Does Hyunjae care about things like that?”
“I don’t think so…” Hyunjin trails off, his gaze traveling down to look at their intertwined bodies. “He doesn’t love that I sleep over here so often, but it’s just because he wants me to stand up for myself and be able to exist in my own space. He does tell me that I can always come stay at his place when I’m really not feeling up to being in my room. It doesn’t have anything to do with being with you guys, though.”
Seungmin decides to keep his thoughts on the matter to himself, shifting the conversation back to brunch so he has time to tell Mingi not to come pick them up if they aren’t going. “So what do you think: do you wanna have Sunday brunch and get to know Chan’s friends better, or are we staying in bed all day?”
“I guess making friends is a good idea.” Hyunjin’s words are positive, but he sounds as if he were suggesting they go dip themselves in honey and roll in some feathers.
About an hour and a half later, they’re pulling up to Chan’s house in Mingi’s car with a couple bottles of orange juice and a coffee cake in tow. Chan told them to just come right in, though it makes both Hyunjin and Mingi nervous when Seungmin immediately just opens the door rather than knocking. He hadn’t realized how similar the two could be until they’d all gotten in the car together.
“Seungmin!” Chan lifts him in a hug as soon as he steps into the living room, as if he’d just gotten back from a trip or something and they hadn’t seen each other just a few days ago. He feels his ears burning.
“Okay, okay, hi Chan,” he laughs. “Put me down please so I can introduce you to Mingi.”
Chan squeezes him tighter for just a second before letting him go and turning to Mingi, sticking his hand out. “Sorry, just got a little excited. –”
“You mean tipsy!” Calls a loud voice from the couch. Seungmin is pretty sure it was Jisung.
“Yah, shut it!” Chan calls over his shoulder before turning back and politely finishing his greeting. “I’m Chan, nice to meet you.”
“Mingi, thanks for having me.”
After they shake hands, and Chan indicates that Mingi should take their bags to the kitchen, Hyunjin lets out a shy, “Hi, hyung.”
Luckily, and as expected, Chan’s smile widens, showing off those dimples that Seungmin gets the sudden impulse to just stick his tongue into, and he wraps Hyunjin in a big, welcoming hug. He offers to show him around since Hyunjin hadn’t been there the week before with Seungmin and Felix. Seungmin catches himself watching them walk away for a touch longer than he should when Mingi comes back to him. He shakes his head minutely and leads Mingi over to reintroduce him to Changbin, Jeongin, Jisung, and Juyeon.
Once Mingi is settled, already debating the value of different quirks with Jisung, Seungmin heads to the kitchen to find Felix… and Minho.
“Seungminnie!” It’s comical how similarly the two Australians greeted him. He lets Felix swing him from side to side in the hug.
“Don’t you guys live together, or did you just get back from the war or something?” Minho muses, a smirk on his face. Seungmin only kind of hates that he’d more or less had the same thought when Chan hugged him. He’s used to getting extra affection from Felix daily.
“Are you saying the joy of seeing me isn’t enough to make you jump up and shout?” Seungmin deadpans, making Felix giggle and earning a bigger smile from Minho. “Nice to see you again, Minho.”
“You too. You guys are just in time.” Minho indicates the platters on the counter. “Would you mind taking those to the table with Felix? I can pour you a mimosa, if you want one.”
“Could you pour two? Hyunjin came with us and hasn’t gotten a drink yet.” Seungmin is shocked to see the number of dishes already covering the huge table in their dining room. Minho went overboard.
They all settle in, Chan and Minho at the head of the table and their three friends along one side, while Felix and Juyeon are at the other end so Seungmin, Mingi, and Hyunjin are along the other side. Everything is delicious, and the group falls into easy conversation as everyone eats. Every now and then, Seungmin is struck by how happy Chan and Minho seem to be. Squeezing two chairs in at the heads of the table could’ve been frustrating, but it really just lends to cute closeness for the two couples. More than once, Seungmin watches as Minho lifts something from his own plate up to feed Chan. Once, Minho gets a bit of syrup on his cheek, and while he complains and makes a face, he holds still enough to let Chan wipe it off with the thumb he licked.
On that one, Seungmin feels Mingi squeeze his thigh. “Can you show me where the bathroom is?”
When they get there, Mingi turns to Seungmin, wrapping his arms around his neck and resting his forehead on his. “How ya doing in there?”
Seungmin sighs. “It’s a little rough. Like I know they’re not rubbing it in my face, but…”
“Kinda feels like it when they’re being so happy together?” Mingi finished for him.
“Exactly.” Seungmin sighs again. He leans his head back to look Mingi in the eye. He reaches up to press a soft kiss to his lips. “It does help that you’re here.”
Mingi’s smile is lovely, if a touch sad. “I’m happy to hear it. I will say: I do think it might not be as hopeless as you made it sound, if they ever do break up.”
“What do you mean?”
“The way he looks at you sometimes.” Mingi shrugs. “I don’t know, I feel like I’m getting a different kind of vibe compared to when he’s looking at his other friends.”
Seungmin shakes his head. “I think what you’re seeing is more like brotherly love vs. friendship. He’s always looked at me like a younger brother.”
Mingi looks skeptical. “If you say so. Let’s head back?” They walk back into the dining room, fingers interlocked, with fresh smiles painted on their faces.
Chan’s alone at the head of table now, but as they take their seats, Minho comes back in from the kitchen. He hands off a bottle of sparkling wine and the orange juice then drapes his arms over Chan’s shoulders, leaning down to whisper in his ear. When those dimples come out again in response and Chan puckers his lips at a retreating Minho, Seungmin gives Mingi’s hand an extra squeeze in time with the one in his chest. He wonders if it might’ve been better to stay in bed with Hyunjin today after all.
Chan sighs as he flops himself back down on the couch. Changbin is almost immediately pushing a fresh mimosa into his hand.
“Well I, for one, think that was a very successful merging of the friend groups.” Jisung announces as he plops himself down next to Chan, stealing the glass before he even takes a sip. “It was less awkward than the pregame, right?”
Jeongin rolls his eyes. “Depends on where you were sitting.”
“I was literally right next to you, like, the entire time.”
“Okay, depends on who you were paying attention to then.” Jeongin gives pointed looks to Jisung and Chan in turn.
Chan throws his hands up. “What did I do?”
Jeongin raises an eyebrow. “Just during brunch or from the moment they got here?”
Chan sputters while the rest of them laugh. Changbin playfully slaps Jeongin’s arm. “Oh, it wasn’t that bad, Innie, stop teasing.”
“Sorry, Channie.” Jeongin’s smile does not look even a little sorry.
“Jisung’s right,” Changbin continues. “It did go well today. Minho did a great job organizing, everyone had fun, and we learned something very important: Seungmin is into Chan.”
Minho nods, and Chan’s eyes go wide. “Where did you get that from? He literally brought a date. And, like, they were touching the entire time.”
“So Innie was referring to the moony eyes you were giving him every time he wasn’t looking.” Changbin seems not to have heard his protestations. “What you don’t realize, hyung, is that he does the same thing when you’re not looking. Whether or not he’s holding that guy’s hand or whatever, he’s got heart eyes for you.”
Chan shakes his head, ready to argue, but Minho speaks first. “Except when he was pouting about your first crush.”
“And when you said it was love at first sight with Minho,” Jisung adds helpfully.
Jeongin chimes in with “Yeah, I’m pretty sure he turned green.”
“Jisung said the same thing, though!” Chan looks exasperated. “You really think he looked jealous?”
Changbin takes pity on him. “Channie, you really didn’t notice? When Jisung suggested everyone talk about their first crush, Seungmin immediately looked at you. Like he couldn’t help it. His ears even got a little red as he looked away. And when you talked about yours, he definitely did pout just a little bit.”
“I really think you guys are reading into things too much. He doesn’t treat me any differently than he always has, like a friend. He’s the same with Felix.” Chan thinks back to the times he’s met up with Seungmin over the last couple weeks. If he liked me, he would actually want to meet up with me without Hyunjin or Felix. “If he acts like he’s interested in anyone besides Mingi, it’s Hyunjin.”
“I mean, can you blame him?” Jisung blurts out, hand flying up to cover his mouth immediately as the rest start laughing.
“And that’s the other reason things were awkward today.” Jeongin shoves at his shoulder. “Ji here spent the majority of the time fawning over Chan’s boyfriend’s boyfriends.”
Chan groans. “I thought we were done with the boyfriend thing.” Jeongin isn’t listening, though. He’s too busy bickering with Jisung.
“Anyway.” Changbin throws his arm around Chan’s shoulders this time. “The point we’re trying to make here is that you shouldn’t give up on him. If you take a step back and look back at today you have to see it.”
“Have you ever noticed how often he brings the conversation back to you?” Minho prods. “He’s always talking to or about you. Using your name more than necessary so that you look over at him when he does.
“He also pouts a little when he sees you being all sweet and Chan-y with other people. Especially during brunch.” Changbin pats Chan’s knee. “He likes Mingi, sure, but he likes you, too.”
So Chan really does try to look at the morning with what they pointed out in mind. He still feels some of Seungmin’s words and actions contradict what his friends are telling him, but… “Maybe you guys are right. But if he has feelings for me, too, why hasn’t he said anything? Why is he hooking up with other guys and telling me about it?”
Jeongin looks thoughtful. “I think it comes back to your Chanisms. You’re too nice with everyone. Like if I hadn’t become friends with you guys first, I’m not sure I would’ve realized that you have a crush on him, Chan. Maybe you need to be more obvious?”
“You are hella loving to all your friends.” Changbin gestures to the way Chan has snuggled into him, playing with the fingers of his hand that has come over his shoulder.
Chan pulls his lips between his teeth as he sits up. “Okay, you might have a point… So how can I be more obvious?”
“I mean you could just tell him?” Minho shrugs. “Though I guess you’re not gonna do that while he’s seeing Mingi. Guess it’s time to brainstorm new ways for you to subtly, unsubtly flirt with him before your lunch date tomorrow.”
When Mingi drops them back off at the dorm, he asks Seungmin to hang back for a minute. His thumb rubs back and forth over Seungmin’s absently. “Do you think you could come over tonight? My morning class is cancelled, so we could have a lazy morning in bed.”
“Sure. Just text me when to head over.” Seungmin leans over for a kiss; after a couple seconds he hears hooting and realizes that Hyunjin and Felix waited for him. “I better go. I’ll see you later.”
“I’ll come pick you up.”
Seungmin watches him drive off for just a second before turning back to his friends, chuckling. “Really guys?”
“Couldn’t help it, Min.” Felix turns on that thousand watt smile and links his arm through Seungmin’s. “You guys are sweet together. He got along well with everyone; how do you feel about how things are going with him?”
Seungmin tries not to wince. “About that…” He explains his not-relationship with Mingi. He finds he was right about disappointing his friends once they found out, but it’s not because he isn’t properly trying to get over Chan.
“I don’t see why you didn’t just tell us right away? You know we’re here for you no matter what, right?” Hyunjin’s big eyes make Seungmin feel like a fool. And a jerk. A foolish jerk.
“Of course, Hyun.” He assures him. “I just got in my head about it. Anyway, I’m gonna go over there tonight, so I hope you’ll stay in my bed.”
Hyunjin doesn’t like to share much about his roommate situation, but Felix had pointed out that this week had seemed particularly bad. The relief on Hyunjin’s face confirms it. They make good use of the rest of the day, studying and relaxing together.
Mingi doesn’t end up coming for Seungmin until around 9:30. He’s a bit more animated than usual, but Seungmin can’t figure out what’s causing his shift in energy. He blushes deeply when Seungmin asks about it.
“You know how after brunch I was meeting Yeosang to study? I ended up hanging out there until now basically.” Seungmin nods, still not really seeing what’s so exciting. It wouldn’t be the first time Mingi spent the day at Yeosang and San’s apartment. “Well, San was on the couch and just before I left he answered a call on speaker. Yunho was talking about coming to the library with us this week and asked who all is usually there. When San said me, Yunho interrupted him to complain about how hot I looked in my last insta post. San took him off speaker and went in his room, so I don’t know what else he said, but still.”
Mingi is practically glowing, a huge smile lighting up his face. Seungmin squeezes his knee. “That’s awesome, man! Play your cards right and maybe Tuesday can be the start of something between you. I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks, Seungminnie.” Mingi’s smile dims. “I know this morning was rough for you, though. How are you feeling about Chan?”
Seungmin is grateful that he can wait to answer as they get out of the car. He stays quiet as they make their way in. He feels the same as he always has, more or less. Maybe a little more hopeless now that I’ve seen how cute he is with Minho. He replies with a question of his own. “He seems really happy, doesn’t he?”
They make their way up to the apartment, stopping to chat with Wooyoung for a bit. After a while, they head into Mingi’s room and settle in to not really watch a movie. Seungmin decides to pick the conversation from the car back up, curious what it means for the two of them.
It feels like a silly question, considering Mingi still ended up picking him up and is wrapped around him presently, but he asks anyway. “So if things might be turning in your favor with Yunho, do you want to cool things off with us? Go back to just being friends, no benefits?”
Mingi scoots back to pull on Seungmin’s shoulder so he’ll be flat on his back in front of him and they can see each other clearly. “Is it selfish of me if I say I want to keep what we have until I know what he wants?”
Seungmin can see the apprehension on his face, but it resolves when Mingi sees his smile. “I don’t think so as long as we’re still on the same page. And if it is, that’s ok, ‘cause I wanna keep going, too.”
He brings his hand up to cup Mingi’s face gently, pulling him down for a kiss. They take their time, but eventually lazy kisses and soft caresses become more heated and deliberate. Seungmin flips them so he’s on top, slotting his leg between Mingi’s and giving him pressure to grind against. Soon enough, they pull at each other’s clothes, only separating long enough to rid themselves of them. After ripping off his own shirt, Seungmin tugs at Mingi’s waistband, urging him to lift his hips so he can pull them off.
“You gonna bottom for me tonight, Princess?” Seungmin asks as he reaches over to dig the lube and a condom out of the nightstand.
In answer, Mingi brings his knees up, feet flat on the bed, and spreads his legs with a wink. “You read my mind.”
Seungmin shimmies out of his own pants, pops the top off the bottle, and starts warming the lube between his fingers. He moves to kneel between Mingi’s legs, a big smile on his face as he leans in to kiss him again. Mingi’s arms wrap around his broad shoulders, pulling Seungmin’s lower lip between his teeth. At the same time, Seungmin begins to circle his fingers around Mingi’s hole. Inserting a finger slowly, he begins to kiss and suck at Mingi’s neck.
Seungmin works his way down Mingi’s body as he thrusts a finger in and out. He sits back on his heels as he adds a second finger in. He listens to each change in Mingi’s breathing, watches the way his body stiffens and twitches as he begins scissoring his fingers.
“So pretty for me,” he murmurs, taking Mingi’s hard cock in his other hand. He strokes in time with a few thrusts before adding a third finger.
“Oh Min,” Mingi sighs, clenching around Seungmin as he presses against his prostate. When Seungmin licks up his length before taking him down his throat, Mingi lets out a drawn out, “Fuck.”
Seungmin bobs his head as he alternates between thrusting and focusing in on Mingi’s sweet spot. Mingi’s hands have found his hair; he tries not to pull it too hard, but when his legs start to tremble, he can’t help it. Seungmin pulls off with a pop and a laugh. “Eager, aren’t we?”
“I’m ready, Minnie,” Mingi whines. “Come on, I need to feel that big dick in me.”
Seungmin chuckles again as he rips open the condom wrapper with his teeth. “Anything for you, Princess.” He lines himself up and feeds him inch by inch until he’s sheathed to the hilt. They let out twin groans at the sensation.
Seungmin gives Mingi a minute to adjust to his size, licking into his mouth in a passionate kiss. When he feels Mingi start to squirm beneath him, he starts to rock his hips.
Mingi lets out another moan, nails digging into Seungmin’s back. “Yes, baby. I need more.”
With a last kiss, Seungmin sits back, running his hands up the back of Mingi’s thighs. He pushes them up to his chest. He starts fucking into him in earnest, Mingi’s staccato “ahs” punctuating each pump of his hips. He repositions his angle so that he can target Mingi’s prostate.
Mingi fists the sheets, panting and moaning as he soars closer and closer to his peak. On his next thrusts, Seungmin pushes one of Mingi’s legs to the side, so he can wrap his fist around his cock again.
“Fuck, Min, I, I can’t last much longer.”
“Just come when you’re ready, babe.” Seungmin grits out. A few more strokes and Mingi spurts over his hand and clenches around Seungmin’s length. Seungmin fucks him through his climax, letting himself go as well. His thrusts become more erratic before he comes with a groan. He lets himself drop onto Mingi’s chest, not caring about the mess there. They lay together for a few minutes in companionable silence while Mingi traces shapes on Seungmin’s back.
“You always sound so hot when you come.” Despite what they’d just done, Seungmin’s ears burn in a blush at Mingi’s words.
“Come on, let’s go clean up.” Seungmin drags them both to their feet. Mingi turns on the shower while he gets rid of the condom. They help each other wash up and by the time they fall into bed, it’s nearly 2am. Mingi makes sure his alarm is off, and wraps himself around Seungmin. Their whispers fill up the dark until eventually they both drift off to sleep, their minds far from the arms they’re in.
#skz seungmin#kim seungmin#skz fluff#skz smut#kim seungmin x bang chan#bang chan x kim seungmin#chan x seungmin#seungmin x chan#seungchan#skz fanfic#seungmin#bang chan#bang chris#chan skz#seungmin smut#platonic seungjin#pining#mutual pining#misunderstandings#jealousy#fwb#kim seungmin x song mingi#song mingi#mingi#song mingi smut#mingi smut#seungmin x mingi#ateez smut#top kim seungmin#bottom song mingi
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Pining Idiots (college edition)
Chapter 4: Seungmin has the hottest friends
WC: 5,362; Rating: 18+
Read Chapter 3 here!
Summary: Chan gets closer to shooting his shot... and we find out that brunch is for the girls, gays, and jealous babes.
“I can see why you like him; Chan is gorgeous.” Hyunjin wraps both his arms around one of Seungmin’s as they make their way back to their dorm. “Like those dimples? Please. I thought I was gonna pass out when he first smiled at me.”
Seungmin laughs, but inside he 100% agrees. “You’re so dramatic, Jinnie. I’m glad you liked him. I think he liked you, too.”
“I hope so. I was mortified when I called him ‘hyung’ without him telling me I could.” Hyunjin shudders for effect. “He was really nice about it, though. He was really nice in general. I was worried he’d be unhappy that I joined you guys tonight, but I don’t think he was?”
“Yeah, I think he was fine with it. He did say he wants to get to know my friends.” Seungmin pulls his phone out for a moment. He gives Hyunjin a wide grin. “Well, if you wanna stay in our room tonight, sounds like you can have Felix’s bed all to yourself.”
Hyunjin hugs his arm tighter. “Oh, I hope Felix has the best night! Even if I am a little jealous.”
“Why would you be jealous? You get to spend the night with me?” They laugh and when they make it back to Seungmin’s room, they settle into his bed together to watch a drama before Hyunjin climbs into the other bed for the night.
After a while, Seungmin decides that secrets might be easier to share in the dark. Voice low, he asks, “Jinnie? Are you still awake?”
He hears some rustling, like Hyunjin is turning over in the bed. He sounds groggy, but he responds. “What’s up, Min?”
“Why do you stay here so often?” He worries that he phrased it poorly when Hyunjin doesn’t answer. “We’re happy to have you, of course, but you always seem so… disheartened when you come from your room.”
Seungmin resolves not to speak again until Hyunjin does. As the silence stretches on, he wonders for a moment if maybe he fell asleep, but when it comes, Hyunjin’s voice is soft but much more alert than it had been. “Chad isn’t very… tolerant. And he likes to make sure I know it whenever he can. It’s like he tries to punish me for having been assigned to be his roommate and not making it clear what I was before moving in.”
Seungmin’s heart breaks a little when Hyunjin’s voice does at the end of that statement, and then he gets mad. He has half a mind to go tell Chad just what he thinks of him, but his anger deflates when he hears Hyunjin sniffle. Chad isn’t important right now.
Seungmin quietly slips out of own bed and pads over to Felix’s. Without saying a word, he slides under the blanket, wrapping himself around Hyunjin and pressing a kiss to his temple. When Felix gets home the next day, that’s how he finds them - tangled up together in his bed.
When Seungmin wakes, he carefully extracts himself from Hyunjin’s heavy limbs and climbs into his own bed next to Felix, who pauses his video and removes his headphones with a smile. It droops a touch when Seungmin doesn’t return it. “Seems like Hyuni’s roommate situation is about what we thought. Maybe we should have a word with him.”
Felix sighs. “I’d like to, Min, but if it took him this long to tell us, you, I don’t think he’d like if we did without asking him first.”
“I know…” Seungmin lets his gaze rest on Hyunjin’s sleeping form. “I hate that it hurts him, though. I mean of course he can always stay here, but he needs to have his own space where he can feel comfortable.”
Felix nods along as he talks, eyes on Hyunjin as well.
When Hyunjin wakes, he tells his friends in extremely clear terms that he wants to deal with the issue on his own. It’s not the first time he’s had to deal with bigotry in his home, and he knows he can get things to a more tolerable level without inspiring too much more negativity. They begrudgingly agree, if only so that Hyunjin can have unconditional support on one side. That afternoon, when they get an email about the potential shut down of their dorm, they realize they might be able to settle this more easily than they initially assumed.
Chan feels a hand clamp down on his shoulder and takes his headphones off.
“Channie!” Jisung is a ray of sunshine looking down at him. “It’s Saturday, and I feel like you’ve been moping too much. Let’s go out tonight!”
“Ah, I don’t know Sungie.” Chan’s mind is on the party Seungmin said he’s going to tonight - whether he hopes that they’d end up at the same one or another one. “What did the guys say?”
“You know that they’ll say yes if you bring it up.” Jisung gives him those puppy eyes that he can’t resist.
“So you came to me first so they’ll all agree?” Chan sighs and shakes his head, but he’s already pulling the group chat out on his phone. “Do you have somewhere in particular in mind?”
Jisung shrugs. “Eh, not really. You know how it is, a few options to choose from but they’re all more or less the same.”
Chan makes the executive decision to just invite everyone to pregame at their place and they’ll go from there. After a beat, he shoots a message to Seungmin asking if he and his friends want to join them, too. He fails to hold in his happy little claps when Seungmin tells him that he and Lix will be there, earning him a raised eyebrow and a smirk from Jisung.
Luckily, Changbin, Jeongin, and Minho all arrive before them, so Chan is able to give them a talk. “If I hear any of you say any of that boyfriend crap, I swear to god –”
“Calm your tits, Channie.” Changbin puts his hand on either side of Chan’s cheeks and squishes them together. “We know how to behave. We won’t embarrass you. Right, hyung?”
Minho rolls his eyes, but assents. “Yes, yes, we’ll be good. We won’t bring out the banner that says ‘Chan loves Seungmin.’”
“You know he’s kidding, hyung.” Jisung laughs. “Best behavior. Scout’s honor.”
Jeongin grins. “Why do I get the distinct impression that you were never a boy scout?”
“Because unlike some people in this room, you don’t appear to be a fool.” Before Minho can go on, there’s a knock on their door. He hisses and points down at the couch when Chan starts to rise. “I’ve got it. Take a sip of your beer and try to relax.”
Chan does as he says, but his ears are straining. He hears Minho greet the boys pleasantly enough, welcoming them into their home. Stopping in the kitchen to get drinks before leading them to the living room to greet the rest of the group. Chan figures that he’s allowed to stand now, so he comes around the couch, unsure if he should hug Seungmin or if that’s too much for the moment. His indecision must be clear to Minho, because he’s saved from making a decision when his arm snakes around his waist.
“Seungmin! Felix! I hope you found the place okay. You’ve met Minho here, but this is Changbin, Jisung, and Jeongin. Guys, this is Seungmin and Felix.”
Everyone exchanges greetings, and Chan relaxes into Minho. He hadn’t thought about it before, but he realizes something then. “Did Hyunjinnie not want to come?”
Chan’s pretty sure he hears a collective sigh when Felix smiles widely at them. “Oh no, he would’ve loved to, but he already had plans. Don’t worry, though, he’s gonna meet us at the party.”
They do the regular get-to-know-you chat for a bit, having a few drinks, and find out that Jeongin is actually in the same dorm as Seungmin and his friends. The three freshmen then start discussing The Mold Issue™ in their dorm. Changbin, Minho, and Chan migrate to the kitchen.
“Is everything alright, Min?” Minho has been on his phone since everyone settled into the living room. It’s very unlike him. Chan is starting to get concerned.
“Yeah. No. Yeah.” Minho frowns at his phone again. “Apparently that stray cat that Layla’s been seeing around seems to be going into labor on her porch. She’s freaking out. Honestly, I think I need to go help her.”
“Do you want us to come with?” Changbin asks, but there’s no way Minho says yes. On top of being sure Minho feels he can handle it on his own, Chan knows that Minho knows Changbin is allergic to cats and is just being a good friend.
“No, no,” Minho shakes his head as he grabs a bottle of water to chug. Luckily he only had one beer when Changbin and Jeongin arrived, deciding he didn’t really want to drink tonight. “You guys enjoy your night. This’ll be Chan’s first time out with Seungmin, and lord knows he needs as many wingmen as he can get.”
Minho acts like Chan didn’t say anything. “I’ll text you guys later. Depending on the time, I’ll join you, or I can pick you up.”
Minho says a quick goodbye to the rest of them before heading out, and Chan settles in next to Seungmin until it’s time to head out. When they get to the party, they run into Hyunjin outside. He immediately hugs both Seungmin and Felix before surprising Chan with one as well. Then he gestures to the guy behind him. “Hyung, this is Hyunjae. Hyunjae, this is Chan.”
“Oh yeah,” Chan shakes the guy’s hand. “I met you a few times last year at Sangyeon’s place, right?”
“Yeah!” Hyunjae’s face lights up in recognition; Chan can understand what drew Hyunjin to him. “Nice to see you again. And you’re Changbin, right? I think we have a class together.”
And just like that, everyone’s friendly. Chan introduces Jisung and Jeongin to Hyunjin, deciding not to notice the hearts in Jisung’s eyes tonight. Once they get inside, they more or less stay together, a few of them breaking off to go dance while the others post up in another room. After a bit, their group manages to take control of a seating area, and Chan is finally getting a little closer with Seungmin. They’re mid conversation when they hear a “Minnie!” A group of models(?) approaches them, including that Seonghwa guy. Seungmin drags Chan off of the couch.
“Hyung!” Seungmin hugs the man next to Seonghwa that Chan prays is not Mingi, ‘cause damn. He finds out soon enough, though, as Seungmin starts the introductions, gesturing to each in turn, starting with the man who still has his arm around Seungmin. “Chan, this is San, and that’s Seonghwa and Jongho. Guys, this is Chan, and this is his friend Changbin.”
San surprises Chan by letting go of Seungmin and wrapping him in a hug as well. “Awesome to meet you, we’ve heard a lot of great things. Your Minnie here is a great guy.” He ruffles Seungmin’s hair as he says it.
Both Chan and Seungmin blush at that, but before either can stutter out a denial, Seonghwa stretches out a hand to Chan and finishes introducing their group. “Yes, great to meet you, Chan. This is my boyfriend Hongjoong. That’s Yeosang and Wooyoung.”
Boyfriend, that’s good. Chan knows it’s silly to be relieved that Seonghwa’s taken, then he remembers that Mingi is the one who Seungmin has a date with. Plus, San is extremely hot and clearly very touchy. Once again, he wonders how Seungmin has managed to make friends with the most attractive men on campus.
Wooyoung suggests they play a drinking game, eyeing Changbin while San watches him. As they debate what to play, Hyunjin, Hyunjae, Jisung, and Jeongin find them again, looking happy and sweaty. On their heels are a couple of skyscrapers.
“Seungminnie!” Hyunjin throws his arms around Seungmin’s neck. “I found Mingi!”
Seungmin turns to one of the twin towers before them with a smile. Chan does his best not to let his own smile fall, but it certainly falters. The man has to be six feet tall. If he was intimidated by the extra half inch or so Hyunjin has on Seungmin, he was kidding himself. Mingi is on a whole other level. It doesn’t help that he, like the rest of his friends, belongs on a magazine cover. His two-toned hair makes him look like the main character of an anime, and his voice is nearly on par with Felix’s melodious tone. It’s like Chan can feel his shot of pulling Seungmin slipping through his fingers. That thought is only intensified when Jisung leans over to whisper in his ear.
“I hope that’s not your competition, ‘cause fuck you should see how he moves. We saw him dancing on our way back.”
He didn’t say it to be mean; Jisung’s filter is basically gone at this point, so he doesn’t even realize how saying so might impact Chan’s mood. They both watch as Mingi snakes his arm around Seungmin’s waist and bends to whisper in his ear. The two of them slip away into the crowd. The other giant introduces himself as Yunho, and Wooyoung insists on playing truth or dare.
After a couple minutes, Chan is semi-relieved when Seungmin and Mingi return to the group with fresh drinks. He decides that a little cockblocking wouldn’t be the worst thing and sidles up to Seungmin, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Minnie! Do you wanna go dance?”
Seungmin’s smile widens briefly; Chan thinks he sees another emotion flash through his eyes, but it’s too quick for him to name. “Oh, Chan! Yeah, sure. First, I want you to meet Mingi. He’s the one who asked me out; isn’t he hot?”
“Yeah, very.” Chan tries not to sound defeated when he lets his eyes roam over Mingi at the whispered comment.
“Mingi! This is Chan!” Seungmin pulls at Mingi’s arm to bring his attention to them, only letting go when Chan extends his own to shake the man’s hand. “Chan, this is Mingi!”
Mingi actually takes a step closer when he takes Chan’s hand, and Chan is even more aware of their height difference as he looks up into Mingi’s smiling face. “Nice to meet you! Seungmin said you’re old friends, right?”
“Old friends, yeah.” He flicks his eyes back over to Seungmin and almost melts at the smile on his face. “Nice to meet you, too. Love your hair. Rengoku, right?”
Mingi’s eyes light up. “Yeah, exactly! You like Demon Slayer?”
“For sure.” Chan can’t help but give him a genuine smile after seeing his enthusiasm. “But you should talk to Jisung; he’s obsessed. Hey, Ji!”
Bless him, Jisung is at his side in an instant, introducing himself, not even needing Chan to mention the anime before he’s firing off comments and questions about Mingi’s hair, favorite characters, if he’s read the manga as well, and so on. Chan turns back to Seungmin, grabbing his hand and taking a step toward the makeshift dance floor in the other room.
Seungmin looks at Mingi, now engrossed in conversation with Jisung, before taking a step toward Chan. Then he turns back to call out for Felix and Hyunjin to come dance as well. Half the group ends up heading to the other room, which isn’t exactly what Chan was going for, but he’s happy to see that Mingi and Jisung aren’t among them. Maybe this will be an opportunity to show Seungmin how he sees him, since he’s had trouble saying it.
The energy is flowing and bodies are moving to the rhythm. Every time Chan manages to pull Seungmin to grind against him, either Felix or Hyunjin is pulling him to them after what feels like just a few seconds. He’s seen this kind of move before, though, he can’t tell if it’s on purpose or not. The three of them seem to gravitate to each other, even when Seungmin isn’t as close to Chan; one time Seungmin is even the one to wrap his arms around Chan’s neck to dance on him, big smile on his face. Still, it’s short lived.
In the next moment, Mingi is dancing his way into their group. When Seungmin sees him, he ducks in closer to Chan to whisper-shout in his ear to thank him for the dance, but then he’s gone, fitting his body against Mingi’s now. After that, Felix and Hyunjin stick more to themselves and their boyfriends (if that’s what they are). They’re even dancing with Chan more, but mainly leaving Seungmin to focus on Mingi.
When he sees Mingi’s hands cup Seungmin’s face before he leans in to kiss Seungmin, Chan is sure his disappointment must be clear on his face. Suddenly, to his surprise, Jeongin’s arms come around his neck, and he uses his new leverage to turn Chan away from the couple. His smile looks a little sad around the edges. “I’m sorry, hyung. Do you wanna get out of here, get some food? Before we came to dance, Ji said he’s hungry anyway.”
Chan can’t help but turn fond eyes at the freshmen. “Yeah, Innie, sounds good.” He searches the small crowd around him, seeing Jisung is dancing with Felix. Changbin, on the other hand, is currently the meat in a Woo-San sandwich and clearly loving it. Chan’s not sure he should ask him to leave but manages to make eye contact, then gestures to the other two and the door.
Changbin extricates himself and gets to the two of them. He offers to come with them, but Chan tells him to stay if he’s enjoying himself. It doesn’t take much convincing. Then Chan makes his way to Jisung, putting his hands on his waist and speaking close to his ear as he dances away in front of Felix. “Innie said you’re hungry; do you wanna go get some takeout?”
The delighted sound Jisung makes as he turns in Chan’s arms to ask if they really can makes more than a few people start cracking up. He passes Jisung off to Jeongin, and steps closer to tell Felix they’re heading out and to let him know when they all get home okay later. And soon enough, Chan, Jeongin, and Jisung are out of the house and Jeongin’s informing him that Minho is already on the way to pick them up.
Chan can’t resist the urge to ruffle his hair. “Thanks a lot, Jegonin-ah. I really appreciate it.”
“Ugh,” Jeongin rolls his eyes, but his smile is real. “I guess we’re close enough for fond gazing now.”
The three of them all crack up at that and are still laughing when Minho pulls up.
By the time Seungmin gets back to Mingi’s room, they’re a little less than steady on their feet. When Mingi nearly trips halfway to his bed, Seungmin almost goes down with him in an attempt to catch him. Somehow they make it the rest of the way to the bed, collapsing onto it in a fit of giggles. They roll to face each other, sparks flying as their eyes meet.
Seungmin gently tucks a lock of hair behind Mingi’s ear, and their laughs die down. He brushes his thumb over the apple of his cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”
Mingi barely has time to blush before Seungmin crashes his lips to his. Seungmin feels Mingi’s hand tugging at the hem of his shirt. He pulls back, sitting up to pull it off himself, and dragging Mingi’s off as well. He cups Mingi’s face, bringing it back to his own before Mingi breaks away this time.
“Pants, too?” Mingi rasps, hands hesitating at Seungmin’s waistband.
A smile spreads across Seungmin’s face. “Pants, too.”
They strip the rest of the way and resituate farther up the bed, with Mingi on his back; Seungmin crawls up his body, dropping kisses on his way back up to capture his mouth as he straddles him. Mingi’s hands knead into Seungmin’s ass immediately. Seungmin’s hands roam across Mingi’s chest and shoulders before he brings one down to take both of their cocks in his hand. He breaks the kiss for a moment to lean back and spit in the same hand to help the glide as he strokes them.
Mingi groans and pulls him back in. After another heated moment of tongues and teeth clashing, his lips are scorching a path down Seungmin’s neck before he locks onto a spot just above his collarbone, undoubtedly leaving what will turn out to be a dark mark. When he releases him, he surprises Seungmin by flipping them. Then he’s off of him, digging through the drawer of his nightstand. He returns with a condom and lube.
“Can I open you up, gorgeous?” Mingi’s words are confident, but he seems hesitant. While they’d flirted over the past week, they hadn’t actually discussed what a hook up might look like between them. “Unless…”
“No, yeah.” Seungmin already determined that he’d follow Mingi’s lead on this. He shoots him a wink. “Just start slow.”
A grin spreads across Mingi’s face as he takes his place between Seungmin’s legs and pops the lip of the lube. He kisses Seungmin hungrily, circling a slick finger against his entrance. As requested, he takes his time, making sure Seungmin is comfortable enough before adding another finger or thrusting them, paying extra attention to his prostate until Seungmin’s pink and panting.
“I’m ready,” Seungmin whines, hand gripping Mingi’s arm. “Fuck me, Mingi.”
“Fuck yes.” Mingi withdraws his fingers, drawing a gasp from Seungmin, before shifting so he has room to flip Seungmin onto his stomach. Before he can react beyond a small, shocked sound, Mingi pulls him up by the hips. He quickly rolls the condom over his length, adding a bit more lube, and lines himself up. “You sure you’re ready, baby?”
Seungmin whimpers out a “please,” propping himself up on his elbows to look back as he rocks back against him. Mingi pushes in slowly, giving Seungmin time to adjust to his size before sinking in another inch. When he bottoms out, he lays himself over Seungmin’s back, pressing kisses to his shoulder and running his hands along his sides. Seungmin starts to roll his hips, and Mingi bites his shoulder softly.
“You feel so good, baby,” Mingi purrs. He sits back, hands finding their place on Seungmin’s hips again. “Tell me if you need me to slow down again.”
Seungmin moans as Mingi starts to find a rhythm, thrusting fast and deep. Each slam of his hips elicits a soft grunt from Seungmin. Mingi shifts his angle so that he can hit Seungmin’s sweet spot with every snap of his hips.
“Ming… ah…” Seungmin pants out, struggling to speak between his moans. “So... ah… so good.”
“You close, babe?” Mingi grunts out. At the answering groan, he puts his hand on the center of Seungmin’s back and pushes him down. Seungmin acquiesces easily, sinking down so that his face presses into the comforter. “Good, now jerk yourself. Help me get you there.”
Again, Seungmin complies readily, whimpering when Mingi redoubles his efforts, slamming into him over and over. A few strokes and Seungmin falls over the edge, pulling Mingi along with him. They finish with a series of moans, kisses, and sweet nothings.
After they clean up, Mingi pulls Seungmin back into bed, wrapping his tall form around him, whispering about how he can’t wait for their brunch date in the morning.
“Channie hyung!” Minho singsongs far too loudly and almost definitely far too early. Chan puts his pillow over his head, but a few seconds later, it’s snatched off and coming back down on him repeatedly. “Channie! Channie! Channie! Get up, it’s time for brunch.”
“Brunch?” Chan grumbles. His mind immediately goes to Seungmin having a brunch date today, then to him last night dancing with and kissing Mingi, and then to the fact that he might not even go to brunch cause he very well could still be in Mingi’s bed…
Minho snaps in front of his face. “Chan! Yes, brunch. This is exactly why we’re going to brunch.”
Chan shakes his head, feeling his cheeks heating up at the idea that he’s been caught spiraling. “What do you mean?”
“You might be able to fool the freeloaders on our couch, but you can’t tell me that you weren’t just thinking about Seungmin’s date this morning; the same way you were thinking about it all last night when we got back.” Minho crosses his arms, looking down at his friend with an expression that warrants no arguments.
“Alright, give me 20 minutes to shower and get ready.”
They leave Jisung and Jeongin passed out in their living room and head out. They go to their favorite brunch spot, order a couple of mimosas, and Chan mentally prepares himself for what’s to come.
“It isn’t like you to be so caught up on someone like this.” Minho appraises him over his champagne glass. “I know you’re not feeling great after last night, but I don’t think you’ve lost yet. I know I didn’t see him with the guy, but before I left last night, I did get to see him with you. I saw him looking at you the same way I saw you looking at him. Just give it some time.”
This was not the kind of talk Chan was expecting. He can’t help the fond look he gives his friend. Before he can respond, both of their phones chime a couple times in a row. Knowing it could be one of the two friends they left in their apartment, they both check the message.
Felix and Jisung had gotten on so well last night that they’d started a group chat before they all headed to the party last night. They’d used it a little to keep track of each other a bit last night, but Chan hadn’t expected it to be used much outside of nights they might go out together, if that. Apparently not.
Felix has sent a ‘brunch check in’ containing a picture of Hyunjin and Hyunjae cheersing with an orange juice and a bloody mary. Almost immediately afterward, Hyunjin sends in a picture of Felix kissing Juyeon on the cheek, looking smitten. Chan and Minho look up at each other. The latter rolls his eyes. They look back down when another picture comes in. Jeongin is up, it seems; his picture of Jisung passed out on the couch with a gatorade balanced on his head is captioned: ‘am I doing this right?’
Minho laughs. “Well, I guess we might as well participate.”
He shoots off the message: ‘Guess that depends on if you think Jisung is a snack.’ Jeongin’s barf emoji comes through almost immediately. They’re both laughing as Minho comes around the table to snap a picture of the two of them. He captions it: ‘Decided to take Hyung on a date😺’
Chan looks a little anxious again as he waits for Seungmin to check in. If Minho notices, he doesn’t say anything. Surprisingly, Changbin is next to chime in, though it’s less surprising when they see his message is just him complaining about them blowing up his phone so early on a Sunday. He does make sure to react with a heart to each picture that’s come in, though.
Chan and Minho’s food arrives, and conversation starts to flow between them, focused mainly on how well Jeongin is melding with their group and how much Minho sees himself in the younger man. When their phones chime again, Chan almost forgoes checking it, deciding to have fun with Minho and worry about other things later. But when Minho checks his and makes a face, he has to look. Seungmin and Mingi look good together, happy.
“New plan,” Minho grabs his attention. “I’ll take one for the team and seduce this Mingi guy, and then you can swoop in to sweep Seungmin off his feet with your dimples and muscles.”
It has the intended effect; Chan is laughing. He renews his resolve to enjoy brunch with one of his best friends.
When they get back to their apartment, takeout boxes in hand, Jisung is still asleep, but Changbin has materialized and claims his pancakes.
Seungmin really tries not to react when he sees the picture from Chan’s brunch date. He’s good at staying impassive when he wants to, but he’s tired and maybe caught a little off guard.
“What’s wrong?”
Seungmin looks back up at Mingi, now trying not to look guilty. “Nothing, just another brunch pic. We should probably take one; if you’d want to, that is.”
“Let me see?” When Mingi reaches out for the phone again, he doesn’t have a good reason not to show this one. He watches as he takes the photo in. “So which one of them is it?”
Seungmin tilts his head to the side, not unlike a confused puppy. “Which one is what?”
Mingi’s smile isn’t quite sad, but it’s not happy either. Understanding, maybe. “Which of these guys are you in love with?”
Seungmin sputters, trying to deny it, but Mingi cuts him off before he can really say anything.
“I could see it on your face. The love, then the disappointment.” He takes Seungmin’s hand over the table. “I know we’re doing… whatever we’re doing here, but we’re friends, right? If I’m wrong, I’m sorry, but if I’m not, you can tell me.
Seungmin considers him for a moment. He looks so kind, open, and, again, understanding. This is possibly the weirdest conversation he’s ever had with a guy he’s literally on a date with. “I do like you, Mingi. And I would really love to keep getting to know you.”
“I believe you. But you also have feelings for…?” “Chan is on the left; you met him last night.” Seungmin sighs and focuses his gaze on their linked hands. “We grew up together, and I’ve had feelings for him for a while now. But he and Minho recently moved in together, and they seem happy. I know it’s time to move on. I’m sorry; I know it’s not really fair to you to try to start something when I haven’t yet, though.”
Mingi squeezes his hand. “You know how I could tell?” Seungmin chances a glance up, and he’s still wearing that inscrutable smile. “I got called out for doing the same thing yesterday.”
Seungmin actually meets his eyes now. The smile makes more sense now. He’s pretty sure his must match it.
“I tried to tell myself that focusing on someone else would help, and when this beautiful guy walked into my study session, it seemed like kismet.” Mingi continues, a blush finally starting to creep across his cheeks. “But maybe it was a sign for both of us that we’re not ready for something serious yet. Not that I don’t still want to try with you…”
When he trails off, Seungmin doesn’t speak right away. Maybe he’s right. Maybe being with someone who’s in the same place is actually best. Could be a set up for failure, but maybe we can help each other. “Wouldn’t that be kinda like a chapel in a hospital?”
“One foot in your bedroom, and one foot out the door?” Mingi giggles. “Maybe. But maybe it could turn into more when we’re both ready?”
It’s Seungmin’s turn to give Mingi’s hand a squeeze. “I guess I’m game if you are.” He tilts his head in consideration again. “Who’s your Chan?”
Mingi’s ears start turning pink. “You met him last night, too. I’ve been friends with Yunho since high school.”
And in what turns out to be probably the nicest, and weirdest, date of his life, Seungmin and Mingi spend the rest of brunch talking about their respective unrequited loves. Before they leave, they make sure to snap a picture to send into the group chat. Then they head back to Mingi’s apartment to lose themselves in each other.
#skz seungmin#kim seungmin#skz fluff#skz smut#kim seungmin x bang chan#bang chan x kim seungmin#chan x seungmin#seungmin x chan#seungchan#skz fanfic#seungmin#bang chan#bang chris#chan skz#seungmin smut#platonic seungjin#pining#mutual pining#misunderstandings#jealousy#fwb#kim seungmin x song mingi#song mingi#mingi#song mingi smut#mingi smut#seungmin x mingi
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I'm not sure how I fixed it, but I got it figured out.
Find the fic below :)
Last year
Today is the day. It’s been quite a while since he last saw Seungmin, maybe the Christmas before last? The idea that he might choose to come here next year makes Chan happier than he would’ve thought. Though they aren’t close anymore, he’s always connected so well with Seungmin. Maybe they’ll have the chance to be close again.
“Babe, I can hear you thinking from here.” Chan’s boyfriend calls from across the room. “What’s going on today that’s got you so in your head?”
Chan shakes his head, feeling silly. “Nothing. I’m just taking an old friend from home around for a tour today, remember? I’m thinking about what all he’ll want to see.”
Minho doesn’t reply, just goes back to his book. Chan goes about getting ready for the day, actually starting to think through a plan for when he meets up with Seungmin.
“Kim Seungmin!”
Seungmin turns toward the shout and has about five seconds to realize what’s happening before Chan scoops him up into a hug.
“Dude,” Chan laughs, shaking Seungmin in his arms a few times before setting him back on the ground. “Have you gotten taller? Man, how are people supposed to know I’m your hyung?”
After his initial shock, Seungmin laughs as well. Same old Chan. Still full of energy and affection. Still so stunningly beautiful when he smiles that Seungmin feels like he could die. He smiles back at him instead. “I’m not even that tall, Chan. Maybe you’re just short?”
Chan brings a hand to his chest with a faux gasp. “Now that’s just crazy talk. I’m a very tall man; you’re just a giant.”
They laugh as Chan loops his arm around Seungmin and starts leading him toward his car.
“When’d you get this?” Seungmin admires the vehicle as he slides into the front seat. “Mom said you don’t have a car here.”
“Oh, it’s not mine.” Chan’s ears start to turn red as he puts the car into drive and pulls out. “My boyfriend let me borrow his when I told him I was going to come meet you at the station.”
Seungmin’s stomach drops. Boyfriend? Chan has a boyfriend? Chan, his oldest friend, who has never in his life given any inclination that he would ever date a man? What?
Chan snaps in front of his face. “Earth to Seungmin. You in there?”
“Sorry, man,” Seungmin sputters. “Spaced out for a second there. I had to get up really early for the train. Can we stop for some coffee?”
Chan eyes him. “Sure thing, bro. First stop will be my favorite cafe.”
Seungmin attempts to swallow the lump in his throat. “So, uh, you said this is your boyfriend’s car? Must be going well if he trusts you to drive it.”
“Kim Seungmin, for the last time, that accident was not my fault!” Chan tries to sound angry, but he’s laughing.
For a second there he wasn’t sure if Seungmin had really spaced out or if he was reacting poorly to Chan revealing that he had a boyfriend. Not that Seungmin would have an issue with that in general; he’s had a few boyfriends of his own. But Chan has never told him that he’s bi. He’s not sure why, but he was nervous to mention it. It almost feels like he’s coming out again, which he guesses he sort of is.
“Riiiiight.” Seungmin stretches out the word. “Whatever you say, man. I totally believe you.”
“Anyway,” Chan says pointedly. “Minho didn’t want me to have to take a bus or a taxi just to hop right back in another one to take you to campus. Plus, there’s a decent place to park for free near the cafe we’re going to that usually has spots open in the morning.”
A few minutes later, they pull into said parking lot and start making their way to the cafe. Chan melts just a little at Seungmin’s sweet smile when he immediately orders him an iced americano and a matcha scone. They settle in at one of the tables at the window so they can people watch while they eat their breakfast.
Seungmin is making a face again. Chan doesn’t know what to make of it. “So… Minho? How long have you guys, um, been together? How did you meet?”
“Oh! Almost 10 months now?” Chan’s blushing again. “He was actually the TA for one of the classes I took last fall. I decided to ask him out once the class ended. He’s really great, I’m sure you’d love him.”
He has no idea why he said that. Minho had actually asked him out. And he has no idea if Seungmin would like him. They aren’t overly similar, at least not as far as Chan remembers. He has to remind himself that he doesn’t know this Seungmin very well at all anymore.
To his credit, Seungmin just cocks his head to the side for a moment, contemplating. “If he’s good enough for you, I’m sure I would.”
Chan leans forward and ruffles Seungmin’s hair, earning a scoff. “Ah, all grown up, but you still look just like a puppy sometimes.”
The tension dissipates when Seungmin snaps his teeth at Chan, playing the part of the puppy. They move on to safer topics - what they should see on campus, Seungmin’s plans for his major, baseball. They walk through campus; Chan is a splendid guide, filling in different parts of the ‘tour’ with stories from his first year on campus. It feels like the old days when they would hang out together. Like Seungmin’s first week at their high school, when Chan showed him the ropes.
By the time they make it back to the car, Seungmin is in love with the campus. He’s especially happy, because if he comes here, that means he and Chan have the chance to really be friends again. Even if he does have a boyfriend. A boyfriend.
While they had lunch earlier, they’d called Seungmin’s mom. She happened to be with Chan’s mom, and they convinced him to drive Seungmin back and join them for dinner. ‘It’ll be just like old times.’ So, they’re soon on their way back to their hometown for a late meal. Their moms had been friends from basically the moment Chan’s family had moved back from Australia; it was actually how they’d become friends. Chan spent his first summer bouncing between his house and Seungmin’s before he started his first year of school as the new kid. As his first friend there, their bond transcended age and grade.
When they arrive at the Kim household, Chan’s dad gives them a look and informs them that it’s going to be ‘one of those nights’. Chan and Seungmin look at each other in concern. They enter the family room and note that a bottle and a half of wine is already gone. And both their fathers appear to be drinking scotch.
“Channie! Come here and give your imo a hug.” Chan’s mom calls as soon as they step into the room. “Kim Seungmin, where’s my kiss?”
Both boys immediately make their way over to each other’s mothers, giving them both a hug and kiss on the cheek.
“Oh Channie, it’s been such a long time!” Seungmin’s mom pulls him down into the seat next to her, holding onto his hand for dear life. “How was the tour? Will my Seungie baby stay close and go to school with his wonderful hyung who will look out for him? You will look after my baby, won’t you?”
“Eomma, please!” Seungmin is beet red in his embarrassment. He turns to glare at his father and hisses, “How much has she had to drink?”
Before he can answer, Chan’s mom pinches both of Seungmin’s cheeks, bringing him back around to face her. “Don’t be upset with your eomma! She’s just worried about you going off to school. It’s so hard to let your baby leave you all alone like that.”
“Mom, you’re talking like you don’t still have two kids and a husband at home with you.” Chan whines. Before he can say anything else, Seungmin’s mom is bombarding him with questions about his university life. When she asks if he’s seeing anyone, Chan’s mom interjects.
“Oh Minnie, did you get to meet Channie’s boyfriend?” She turns to Seungmin’s mom now. “Did I tell you about my baby’s first boyfriend?”
“Oh Eonni, you mean his second boyfriend! Remember?” Both women laugh and take another sip from their wine glasses.
“Oh how could I forget!”
Seungmin groans. They bring this up every other time they’re all together.
Back in that first summer together, Seungmin was just four years old, but already very sure of himself. He loved his new friend, and even though he was three years older than him, Chan loved spending time with Seungmin as well. They spent nearly every day together, Chan’s mother watching Seungmin while his parents were at work and his sister was at camp. One day at the park, Seungmin had run into a schoolmate who was being teased. He took her hand and led her back over to her parents to tell them that they should scold the bullies. When he ran back over to them, Chan’s mom jokingly asked if that was his girlfriend.
Very serious child that he was, Seungmin made a face. “Ew, no, I don’t like girls.”
She laughed and asked if that meant he had a boyfriend. Seungmin thought for a second before wrapping his little arms around Chan’s waist, only surprising the older boy a little.
“Channie hyung is my boyfriend!” He turned puppy eyes up at his friend. “Right?”
Even then, Chan couldn’t resist that face, especially with his mom aggressively nodding at him while trying to hold in her laughter. He smiled down at him. “Of course I am, Minnie.”
Seungmin spent the rest of the day telling everyone he talked to that his Channie hyung was his boyfriend. It went on that way for the next few months, delighting both of their mothers whenever they heard it.
Chan is less put off by the reminder of their past. He extricates himself from Mrs. Kim and slides onto the couch between Seungmin and his mother. He throws his arms around Seungmin, ignoring the younger man’s clear embarrassment at the topic. “Ah yes, my first love, Kim Seungmin. The best boyfriend I ever had!”
Seungmin pushes him away, not realizing that regardless of the mirth in his voice, Chan was telling the truth.
Present Day
Chan carries the last box in then immediately flops down on the bed with a huge sigh. Seungmin rolls his eyes. “You’re so dramatic; you act like you didn’t insist on carrying everything heavier than two kilos yourself.”
“And let my sweet Seungie wear himself out before his first day on campus?” Chan looks aghast. “What kind of hyung would that make me? I had to shoulder this burden to keep my promise to your mother. I will protect you.”
Seungmin rolls his eyes again but has to turn to make sure Chan misses his smile. “Whatever you say, Atlas. Now get up so I can put sheets on before you sweat up the mattress too much.”
Chan groans and turns over so he can rub his face into the mattress. Seungmin tries to pull him off, but Chan just laughs, barely budging. He lets Seungmin think he’s starting to pull him off, only to grab hold of him and roll, positioning Seungmin under him instead. Seungmin shrieks and tries to push him off, but Chan wrestles and and moves so that he’s firmly pressing the entire length of his body on top of Seungmin’s.
“Oh my god, Chan, come on!” Seungmin can’t help but laugh, though with each passing second their position is less funny and more dangerous. Seungmin can feel every inch of Chan’s body and as he wriggles on top of him, it’s getting harder to keep the thought of how it would feel if Seungmin stopped fighting so he can wrap his legs around Chan and grind against him instead. It’s too much. If he gets hard with Chan on top of him like this, there’s no way their relationship won’t change. Chan doesn’t think of Seungmin that way, and even if he did, he’s not available. It would only lead to extreme awkwardness. He’s about to put all his power into pushing Chan off when there’s a knock at the door. Without waiting for a response, Seungmin’s new roommate, Lee Felix walks into the room.
“Whoa! Is it cuddle puddle time, cause I could be on board with that!” He laughs in that booming voice of his and pretends to make for the bed.
Luckily Chan decides against embarrassing Seungmin further and starts to get up. With a sign of relief and exasperation, Seungmin pushes him the rest of the way off. “God, thank you for ending that torture, Felix. I might’ve died if you hadn’t come in.”
“Aww Seungminnie, it’s not that bad cuddling with me, is it?” Chan pouts first at him, then over at Felix. “I thought he loved me, but I guess I’m nothing but a burden. I’m not sure how I can go on.”
Seungmin’s face burns. It’s not like he can tell him that he likes cuddling with him too much. He shoves Chan’s shoulder, nearly knocking him off the narrow bed. “Dude, shut up. He’s gonna think you’re crazy.”
But the other two men are laughing. Felix offers his hands to Chan, pulling him off the bed and into his arms. They met about two hours prior; Seungmin doesn’t understand how they’re already acting like besties.
“Don’t go into the light!” Felix is acting just as dramatic as Chan. “If he won’t love you, then I will. You’re safe here in my bosom!”
“Never mind him thinking you’re crazy.” Seungmin rolls his eyes and tries to keep a smile off his face. “You’re both insane.”
“Now, that’s not very nice, Minnie.” Chan sticks his tongue out and comes back over to wrap an arm around Seungmin’s shoulders. “You know you love it. You’re so lucky to have been paired with another Aussie. It’ll be like I’m here with you even when I’m not.”
Felix nods excitedly and Seungmin can’t help but smile back at him. The way Felix radiates warmth and happiness is contagious. And Chan is right; in the short time they’ve known each other, having messaged over the summer after getting their room assignment and even meeting up a couple times before move in, they’ve become fast friends, in part because of how much Felix reminds him of Chan.
“Yeah, yeah,” Seungmin grudgingly wraps his arm around Chan’s middle, trying to ignore how good it feels to have Chan so close, how perfectly they seem to fit together. He checks his watch. “Hyung, are you gonna come grab lunch with us? It’s about time to head out.”
“Ah, I’d love to, but it’s actually not just move in day for you guys. Minho is moving in today, so I said I’d head over to help once we got you all settled.” He looks so happy when he says it, like he can’t wait for them to live together.
Seungmin's stomach drops at the mention of Minho, and he moves away from Chan under the guise of gathering the sheets again to make up his bed. Here he is, reveling in Chan’s closeness, while Chan is getting ready to move in with his boyfriend. Stupid.
“Gotcha. Well, you can head out then, all we have left is to unpack and organize.” Seungmin keeps his back to him as he says it. Though he tries to keep his voice even and light, Chan seems to pick up in the shift in the mood, frowning at the back of his head.
“Um, alright. You sure you don’t need my help with anything else?” Chan looks over to Felix. “Do you guys know where you’re headed? I could walk you to the dining hall.”
Before Felix can answer, Seungmin rejects the idea. “We’ve got it. You should really get going, I’m sure Minho is waiting for you.”
Chan frowns again as he heads for the door. Felix shoots him a smile and a farewell and he’s out the door.
“What was that about?” Felix makes his way over to help Seungmin make his bed.
“Nothing.” Seungmin replies a little too quickly. “I’m just hungry. Are you all ready to go?”
The two head out, only needing to consult a map twice to get to the dining hall.
Chan gets to Minho’s in time to see that he and Changbin have loaded almost everything into the moving truck.
“What took you so long?” Minho is looking a little flushed from the exertion. “The point of you helping was so that I didn’t have to do all this heavy lifting.”
Chan looks slightly abashed. “I told you that Seungmin was moving in today, too. I didn’t want him to have to do it alone.”
“Didn’t you also say his roommate would be around so you wouldn’t have to stay too long after bringing up the heavy stuff?” Changbin doesn’t seem at all bothered about having had to do what Chan assumes was the bulk of the heavy lifting. “You sure you didn’t just wanna spend extra time with your little boyfriend?”
“He’s not my boyfriend!” Chan sputters, his ears glowing red. “We’re just friends; he doesn’t think of me that way. If you keep saying things like that, you won’t be allowed to meet him.”
“No denying that’s why he’s so late, I notice.” Minho quips. He and Changbin laugh as Chan tries to defend himself until he’s threatening to go meet Seungmin for lunch instead of finishing helping move stuff in. “No, no, hyung. I take it back. Please don’t make me move my bed again.”
The three of them pile into the rental truck and head over to Chan’s house. This time, Minho mostly supervises while Changbin and Chan unload everything. Once they have everything inside, Changbin leaves to return the truck while Chan and Minho start unpacking. They start with things for the common areas. When Minho starts shifting things around to find a good place for his food processor, he pulls out a fondue set.
“When in your life have you ever made fondue?” He looks slightly incredulous as he holds it up to Chan.
Chan wrinkles his nose. “Ah, that was a gift from Minho’s mother. He loved fondue and she thought everyone should have a set for dinner parties. Not that we ever had any.”
Minho rolls his eyes. “I already told you we’re calling him Choi. I don’t wanna share a name with that asshole. And that still doesn’t explain why you have this, why didn’t it live at his apartment?”
“He already had one.” Chan shrugs. He tries to push memories of his ex out of his head. The fondue set had actually been one of the little things that should not have been a big deal at all but led to a fight all the same. “That family is literally obsessed. I didn’t see why I needed my own set, but she insisted.”
“So what, if you had ended up moving in with him, you’d have just had two fondue sets?” Chan can’t help but smirk at how bewildered Minho seems by the idea. “Am I missing out? Is fondue really that good? Should I make it?”
“If you want to?” Chan is full on laughing now. Later he’ll wonder if Minho did it on purpose to keep him from drifting too far into the memories. He knows how frustrating things had been with Choi in the end.
They finish unpacking kitchen stuff and move on to rearranging the furniture of the living room so that Minho’s favorite chair would be in the “optimal spot.” Eventually Changbin returns and with him Chan moves Minho’s bed five times before settling on the exact same position it was in to start, though Minho will deny it. By the end of the day, Minho is all settled in and Chan is beyond happy that they’re going to be living together.
“Ok, so you’re, like, in love with Chan, but he’s dating this Minho guy? And they moved in together today? Man, that’s rough.” Felix sums it up pretty well as they make their way back to their dorm, their other new friend in tow.
“And you’ve been in love with him for how long?” Hyunjin, the tall, beautiful architecture major they’d met at orientation asked.
Seungmin sighs. He shouldn’t have opened up about this. He blames the soju they drank in another freshman named Jongho’s room after dinner. “Too long, okay? And I’m not in love, it’s just.. A crush. A massive crush. But I’m gonna get over it. I’m happy to be here with him, and I just want to be able to be good friends again.”
“But isn’t seeing him a lot more just gonna make it worse?” Felix is pouting, wrapping his arms around Seungmin’s shoulders, making walking infinitely harder. He really is like Chan in a lot of ways. “Like it’s so much harder to get over someone when you’re with them all the time.”
“Ooh, I know!” Hyunjin gets around in front of them, stopping their progress. He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “Obviously, you get over him by getting under someone else! I’d volunteer, but then you’d be in love with me, and our budding friendship would end before it begins. That would be terrible.”
“A travesty!” Felix chimes in, giggling.
Seungmin is smiling in spite of himself. “I’m already questioning if I actually want to be friends with you two.”
Felix’s jaw drops comically as he steps back to face Seungmin fully, hands on his hips. “What did I do?”
“It’s too late!” Hyunjin yells simultaneously. His arms almost immediately replace Felix’s around Seungmin’s neck. While he had been kidding, he does wonder how his first two friends at university were already so comfortable with skinship. “You’re stuck with us!”
Felix yells his agreement and sticks himself to Seungmin’s back, his arms wrapping around their middles. They don’t let go until Seungmin agrees to take it back and say that he’s incredibly lucky to have found them this summer. They make their way back to the dorm, the topic of Seungmin’s crush thankfully left behind in the quad.
Chapter 2 coming soon!
Pining Idiots (college edition)
WC: 3,763; Rating: 18+
Chan and Seungmin have been friends forever, and for the longest time they've both wanted more. After growing a bit distant, they reconnect when Seungmin decides to attend the same college as Chan. Their friendship rekindles, and despite their feelings being as strong as ever, they still struggle to act on them. Cue the confusion and jealousy.
For some reason tumblr is refusing to let me post (or even save as a draft) this fic so I figured I'd drop the ao3 link, in case people are interested. So for Chapter 1: Reunited and it feels so... click here:)
#skz fanfic#kim seungmin x bang chan#bang chan x kim seungmin#seungchan#pining#friends to lovers#slow burn#skz fluff#skz seungmin#kim seungmin#bang chan#skz chan#skz smut#mutual pining#college au#still promoting the seungjin agenda even if it's platonic
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Devil Town
Title- Devil Town
Author- OmaKokichi
Ship(s)- seungjin (main), changlix, seunglix (platonic)
Word count- 15.6k
Chapters- 4/8
Status- w.i.p.
Rated- Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings- Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Additional Tags- Alternate Universe - Normal High School, Seungmin is blind, Blind Character, Enemies to Friends, Hyunjin is a bit of an ass, but not really, SIKE, Bullying, Violence, Angst, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Slow Burn, Eventual Fluff, Felix and Seungmin are cute, shy felix, at first, slight delinquents, Homophobia, Swearing/cursing
Summary- Hyunjin didn't hate his school, it was on a quaint scenic side of town, near lively parks and a quiet little river but close enough to town to grab snacks and an iced drink with friends after hours of sweating at practice. The school itself looked peaceful, surrounded by trees swaying softly in breeze. "You call that a punch?! hes not even bleeding" Hyunjin hated the devils that inhabited his school.
Notes- this fic seems to have slow updates, but i’m not sure?? also i’m new to seungjin fics but this is the first high school au and it’s good! please leave nice comments and kudos!!
~ Admin 🌙🌙
#seo changbin#changbin#spearb#lee felix#felix#hwang hyunjin#hyunjin#yang jeongin#jeongin#i.n.#bang chan#chan#cb97#han jisung#jisung#han#j.one#kim woojin#woojin#kim seungmin#seungmin#lee minho#minho#lee know#changlix#seungjin#9ornone#skids#fic rec#stray kids
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