#kim seungmin x hwang hyunjin
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Pining Idiots (college edition)
Chapter 7: Heading into an Exciting Halloweekend
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WC: 6,993; Rating: 18+
Read Chapter 6 here!
In the wake of their break ups, Seungmin and his friends become further enmeshed in Chan’s friend group. Chan debates the appropriate amount of time to give Seungmin before upping his game, weary of others using his new relationship status to make their move as well.
Author's Note: Small content warning - While it’s been largely behind the scenes until this point, Hyunjin’s conflict with his roommate comes to a head in the latter half of this chapter. There are homophobic overtones, but no slurs are used. It’s limited to a single interaction, so if you’re uncomfortable, it shouldn’t be hard to skip over.
Originally, Mingi was going to join for lunch with Chan today, but with the new development in his relationship with Yunho, of course Seungmin gives his blessing for him to cancel their plans. He’s still so happy that things have worked out for them and that he was able to have a hand in it. 
Seungmin doesn’t really think about the fact that he hasn’t actually met up with just Chan in weeks until Chan is the one asking if he minds if Changbin joins them; then he realizes how much he was looking forward to some one-on-one time with Chan. 
They’re both there already when he comes into the cafe. They seem deep into a heated discussion, so he heads to the counter for his coffee and a round of pastries. They’re still at it when he slips into the seat across from Chan, setting the snacks in the center of the table with a smile.
“Seungmin!” Changbin claps a hand onto his shoulder. “My buddy, my pal. You like Hawaiian pizza, right? Please tell this moron that it’s ridiculous to be so against pineapple pizza when it’s, like, his favorite fruit.”
“Moron!” Chan sputters. “Seungmin, please, talk some sense into him.” 
Seungmin laughs, hands held up in front of him. “No, no. I’m not getting involved in this.” 
“But you have to support me!”
“Do I though?”
Chan huffs. “Fine, we’ll put a pin in it. How are you, Min? Mingi couldn’t make it?”
“Ah, um.” Seungmin feels the blush burning his ears, even though he’s sure he has nothing to feel embarrassed about. “Mingi is probably gonna be busy for a while. We’re not really seeing each other like that anymore.”
“Oh, I’m sorry!” Chan reaches over to take Seungmin’s hand across the table. If he wasn’t blushing before, he definitely is now. “What happened? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine!” They both cast dubious looks at him. “Really, I am. I actually helped him get a date with a guy he’s been into forever, and I’m really happy for him. I know that seems weird, but our relationship wasn’t… traditional. So I’m good, hyung, really.” He gives Chan’s hand a squeeze. 
Chan and Changbin share a look but give him a smile. “If you say so. Still, I think it calls for our little breakup tradition. Chan, do you think Minho will make the soup again?”
“Yeah, I’m sure he will! Seungmin, you’ve gotta come for dinner tonight.”
“When Jisung went through a breakup last ye– Felix, did you murder someone?” Chan and Seungmin turn at Changbin’s abrupt change of topic. Their eyes land on Felix as he makes his way to their table, waving a red hand at them. 
His laugh is palpable. “Fear not, there’s been no murder. Jinnie just decided he needed a change, so I helped him dye his hair.”
“Ooh! Did you take a picture? I bet it looks great.” Chan’s grinning from ear to ear as he takes the phone as soon as Felix pulls up his photo album.
Seungmin, on the other hand, groans and tries not to be sad that the action took Chan’s hand away from his own. “So you’re telling me that my pillow is going to be turning red tonight?”
Changbin’s eyebrows shoot up. “Why would that mean your pillow is turning red?”
“‘Cause Hyunjin never brings his over.” Seungmin rolls his eyes, but everyone at the table can see the fondness in his eyes. “If I complain about it, he talks about how ‘cute’ it is to share mine.”
“Not that you’re gonna be complaining anyway. Man has been acting whipped since the breakup.” Felix teases. “He’s probably still gonna spend more time in your bed than his own when you guys are roomies.”
Seungmin knows what Felix is trying to do, but he’s not sure if he’s happy about it or not. Still, he can’t help feeling a little smug when he sees the frown touch Chan’s lips momentarily at the words ‘in your bed.’ Though, he knows Chan knows Hyunjin sleeps with him sometimes.
“Guess that’s a good reason to be fine,” Changbin says at the same time that Chan asks, “You’re moving in together?”
Felix cocks his head to the side. “You’re fine? Oh! I don’t mean Seungmin. Hyunjin and Hyunjae broke up, too.”
“And you guys know about the mold thing, right?” Seungmin continues after Chan and Changbin nod. “Hyunjin and I are going to move into another dorm together, while Felix abandons me for Juyeon.”
“Hey! It’s not abandonment; I’ll be around all the time!” The other three laugh while Felix pouts. 
“Anyway, back to the breakup tradition, would it be alright if I bring Hyunjin tonight, too? I’d say he’s okay now, too, but his definitely hit him harder.” Seungmin feels a light tap on his shin. “And Felix, of course.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Seungmin is sure he saw another shadow flit across Chan’s face. “I’d love for all three of you to come. Especially if Hyunjin is, or was, hurting. Man, I’d better text Minho to make sure he’s okay to do it. Oh, and that Jeongin doesn’t mind.”
Changbin catches the questioning look Felix and Seungmin share. “You guys remember Innie was in the same dorm as you?”
“Oh yeah! I totally forgot. So he has to move out, too.” Seungmin knows it doesn’t matter, because he wouldn’t have wanted to leave Hyunjin to fend for himself, but realizing what Changbin means, he’s a little hurt that Chan didn’t ask him about his plans before inviting someone else to live with them. He shook his head minutely, feeling foolish. It’s hard enough just spending a morning with Chan and Minho; the idea of living with your crush and his boyfriend is a ridiculous thing to feel jealous over.
“Right.” Chan rubs at the back of his neck, and Seungmin wonders if the same thought has just occurred to him. “We had an extra room, so when Jisung brought it up, we figured it would be a good idea to offer the space.” 
Changbin smirks. “Yep, so now it’s mom, dad, and baby makes three over there. Like a cute lil family.” 
“Bin, I dare you to call Minho mom and see what happens?” 
Felix laughs. “How do you know he didn’t mean Minho is the dad in this weird scenario?”
Chan takes on a serious expression for a second, flexing his impressive muscles. “You think I look like a mom?” He can barely make it through the sentence before he’s turning red and laughing.
The rest of their time in the cafe is spent joking and laughing about possible family dynamics, throwing Jisung and Changbin in the mix, and trying to decide about who’s who in Seungmin and Felix’s “family.”
Luckily, Minho did not mind being volunteered to host and throwing together the breakup soup. Though, Chan really wished Changbin hadn’t used that exact phrasing; because Minho ‘doesn’t just throw things together,’ and that’s extremely clear now that he said Changbin and Chan need to go shopping for ingredients. 
Shopping with Changbin can be a struggle on a good day, but shopping while he’s hungry and having opinions about Seungmin and Hyunjin’s relationship, it’s torture. 
“I’m just saying – wait, we should get extra eggs for egg rolls, right?” Changbin puts an extra carton in the cart without waiting for a response. “Oh, should we get cinnamon rolls?”
“I don’t think cinnamon rolls go with the soup, Bin.” Chan tries for an exasperated tone, but his fondness peeks through. 
Into the cart they go. “I know, but I feel like if we get them, it opens the door to Minho making us brunch again this weekend.” Chan laughs. “Ah, so egg rolls aren’t the only thing on your mind.” 
 “You know you want him to.” Changbin gives him a playful shove. “We can even invite the freshmen over again. Which brings me back to my point. We need to move fast if you wanna snatch Seungmin up before Hyunjin does.”
“Bin,” Chan groans, again. “If we’re right about him liking me, I don’t see why he’d jump into bed with Hyunjin when I’m right here.”
“Not to sound like Jisung, but have you seen the man? And he’s newly available.”
“Okay, yes, there’s no denying Hyunjin is gorgeous.” Chan cuts himself off for once. “Actually, have you noticed that literally everyone Seungmin hangs out with are, like, extremely attractive?”
Changbin preens a bit. “Why thank you.”
“Yes, you’re exactly who I was talking about,” Chan deadpans. “Anyway, they’re both coming off of breakups. Plus, Felix said it’s hitting Hyunjin harder. So even if he is interested in him, I have time to win him over. But I doubt he’ll appreciate it if I pounce before we’ve even had the breakup soup.”
“Speaking of, you heard Minho, soup takes time to cook, so we should hurry up.” 
When they get back with the groceries, Minho immediately puts them to work helping prep. Jisung laments their predicament but is overjoyed that others are there to share his burden.
After a while, Minho opens the fridge and just stares at it for a minute. “Channie, is this a drinking kinda breakup soup night?” 
Jeongin sticks his head around the door frame to call, “I vote yes!”
“Do you get a vote if you aren’t even helping?” Jisung grumbles. 
“Innie, don’t you have a 9am tomorrow?” Chan does his best to give him a stern look but falters when he’s met with a tongue being stuck out at him before Jeongin’s head goes flying back into his room. “I guess that means yes, but he doesn’t care. Why did you ask? Do I need to go on a run?”
“Maknae on top,” Minho laughs. “Yeah, go grab some soju or something. Can’t believe I didn’t put it on the list to start.” 
“Peach flavor!”
“Got it, Innie!”
“Hyung, can I come with?” Jisung gives him those big eyes, and Chan caves immediately. 
Minho fixes him with a glare before turning to Chan. “You know you can’t even go in with him, you just don’t wanna help anymore. You’re enabling him.”
By the time Chan and Jisung return, everyone else must’ve just gotten there as well; everyone is still standing just inside the living room. They got there in time to see Hyunjin, who Chan has to admit looks absolutely stunning with his red hair, taking off his hoodie. He’s wearing a cut tank that reads ‘hotter than your ex, better than your next’ that shows off his toned arms. Chan knows exactly when Jisung sees him by the little squeak coming from his right side. He turns to see the enraptured look on his face.
“What if you’re my next?” Jisung whispers, and Chan has to slap a hand over his own mouth to keep from laughing out loud.
He nudges him gently. “You’re down real bad, huh?”
Jisung looks vaguely alarmed. “Shit, did I say that out loud?”
Chan does laugh, loudly, at that, drawing eyes and greetings to them near the door. Jisung glares at him, drawing a finger across his throat in a universal ‘stop talking or you’ll be sorry’ signal. He pulls a bottle out of the bag he’s carrying. “Innie, we’ve got your peach; go get some glasses!”  Jisung takes another bottle out and hands the bag to Chan. 
Chan obediently takes the rest of the soju to the kitchen to throw in the fridge. Felix is there with Minho, who surprisingly is holding still while Felix chats and taps his fingers along either side of his neck. 
“Everything okay in here?” He ventures, not sure what to make of this. 
Felix turns and gives him a smile brighter than a thousand suns. He may even have squinted when hit with its full strength. “Yeah! Minho was mentioning that he had a sore throat and headache this morning, so I just wanted to check his lymph nodes.” 
Chan’s tone loses its playful edge. “Min, are you sick? Why didn’t you say anything? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Chan.” Minho rolls his eyes. His hands reach up and grab Felix’s. “Just humoring our budding nurse here. I just meant to say that soup seemed like a fitting meal for today. We should head to the living room. Innie says it’s time for shots.”
The three of them head out after Minho gives the pot another stir. Chan’s eyes immediately find Seungmin, and his mind drifts back to what Changbin said at the store, thinking it might have some merit. He takes in the sight of Seungmin sitting with an arm around Hyunjin, a big smile on his face, while Hyunjin plays with the fingers of his hand. He can’t help but wonder if maybe Seungmin is more okay about his breakup because Hyunjin’s available now, too. He’s slightly pacified when Felix sits on Hyunjin’s other side and wraps an arm around Hyunjin’s waist, too, resting his other hand on Hyunjin’s thigh. He needs to remember that these three just really seem to enjoy skinship. 
Even if Seungmin didn’t used to. People change.
Jeongin hands him a small glass as he takes his seat. “So, I’ve been outvoted because ‘it’s a Monday’ and ‘we have classes tomorrow,’ otherwise we’d be doing shots of tequila. But soju works, too.”
The air quotes coupled with his exaggerated pout sets off a round of laughter that he pretends to be annoyed with. He raises his cup, gesturing to the rest to do the same. 
“I may be new to this tradition, but mom and dad have wisely given me the title of chief toast giver.” Once again, the room erupts in laughter.
Minho reaches over and pokes the dimple in Chan’s cheek. “Yes, your father and I are so proud of your public speaking skills, son. Make us proud.”
This elicits a groan from Seungmin who digs his wallet out of his pocket while Changbin raises his fist with a victorious ‘ha!’ 
“Chan can be such a mom, though,” Seungmin grumbles as he slaps a five dollar bill into Changbin’s waiting palm. Chan tries not to smile when he flops back onto the couch and lets Felix worry about tending to Hyunjin.
“As I was saying,” Jeongin says a little louder than necessary. “Heartbreak is a bummer, but sometimes that pain can make way for greater happiness. It’s okay to think about it, but try not to stew in those feelings. Soup is healing, and with the way Minho cooks, it’s also delicious. So let’s have a good night, with good food, and good friends. Geonbae everybody.”
They all raise their glasses, more than a couple of them chuckling and reveling in the fact that their maknae just made a pun, and take their shots. Jeongin immediately moves to refill them. 
Minho clears his throat. “Dinner will be in about 15 minutes. In the meantime, Seungmin, Hyunjin, this night is for you. I know some of us are new friends, so do things at your comfort level. We’re happy to talk memories or details of the breakups, or we can always offer distraction.”
Seungmin and Hyunjin seem to have a silent conversation for a minute before Seungmin turns to Minho with a smile. “Thanks, Minho. We’re really touched that you guys were willing to throw this together for us. But I mean, what else could I expect of people Chan hyung loves.”
The smile Seungmin shoots Chan’s way is a bit shy, but it makes his heart flutter a hundredfold compared to the radiant one Felix gave him earlier. He sends a little finger heart back to him, earning a huff and an eye roll. 
“Anyway,” Seungmin continues, taking Hyunjin’s hand in his. “I told Chan and Bin before, but I really am okay. Mingi has moved on, and I’m honestly really happy for him. Like Jeongin said, this is just a step toward greater happiness or whatever.”
Chan can see Seungmin give Hyunjin’s hand a squeeze at the same time Felix squeezes his thigh. Seungmin has told him that Hyunjin can be very anxious at times, though he’s never seen it as clearly as he’s seeing it today. But he’s also seeing the way his friends relax him, and it warms his heart. It makes him want to be one of those people for Hyunjin, too.
The man in question speaks then. “I’m honestly still kind of confused about how I’m feeling. I really like Hyunjae… but I feel like this seems right?”
Jisung looks like he wants to say something, but Chan’s happy when Changbin does instead. “Why do you say that?”
“Well,” Hyunjin’s eyes flit to Felix for a moment. “There are a few things. He and I got together at the same time as Felix and Juyeon, and while I try not to compare, it’s obvious that Lix is in a different place than I am? And Hyunjae seemed to be, too. Like when Chan hyung almost called him my boyfriend the other day, it made me feel uncomfortable.”
Chan pales at that. “Hyunjin, I didn’t mean to –”
“No, no,” Hyunjin cuts him off before he can apologize. “That’s not what I meant. You didn’t make me uncomfortable. The label did. And you weren’t the only one to use it. Hyunjae, on the other hand, definitely liked it, and he just… wanted to move a lot faster than I did.”
At that Jisung did interject. “He didn’t –”
Hyunjin cuts him off as well with a small laugh. “He didn’t try to force anything or something like that. He wanted us to move in together, and he wanted things to be official. He didn’t want me cutting off my friends when they’re about to call him my boyfriend. He wanted the label and for me to look to him for comfort first.” He squeezes both his friends’ hands at that. “He’s really a wonderful guy, and he gets me… so I guess I’m worried that I’m making a mistake or that something is wrong with me for not wanting what he does.”
The urge to hug him is so strong that Chan has to stop himself from getting up and going to him. Before he can say or do anything, Minho gets up and squats in front of Hyunjin, taking both of his hands in his. “There’s nothing wrong with you. He could be the best man in the world, but that doesn’t mean that you have to match his pace. You have other people that support and ‘get’ you, right?” Minho looks meaningfully at Seungmin and Felix. Hyunjin nods. “That’s what matters. And if things are truly meant to be with this Hyunjae, then you’ll find each other again when you are both ready. Until then, you just have to do your best.”
“Thank you,” Hyujnin hesitates for just a moment. “Hyung.”
Chan can see the tears threatening to take over Hyunjin’s face. There’s no more stopping him. As soon as Minho is out of his path, he’s pulling Hyunjin off the couch and into a hug. Despite Hyunjin having a few inches on him, he holds his head to his shoulder and strokes his hair, telling him it’s okay to cry if he needs to and how proud of him he is. He knows it might come off as weird and/or patronizing, but with the grip Hyunjin has on him and the smile he can see on Seungmin’s face, he’s pretty sure it’s not. 
After a minute, Minho ushers everyone to the table. Chan finally pulls back from Hyunjin, hands moving to cup his cheeks, thumbs swiping across them to clear the tears. “Thank you for opening up to us, Jinnie. I hope you know we’ll be here for you whenever you need.”
Hyunjin nods and lets Chan guide him to the bathroom so he can splash some water on his face and collect himself. When they get to the table, Minho and Felix are serving everyone while Seungmin is asking Jeongin about moving in. Felix then talks about moving in with Juyeon, looking slightly bashful but mostly very happy. 
When the question of relocating is posed to Seungmin and Hyunjin, Hyunjin throws his arms around Seungmin. “Since Felix won’t be his roommate anymore, Minnie and I will move in together, and I will never have to share a space with Chad ever again.”
Seungmin and Felix murmur “thank god” and “finally” respectively. The rest of the group share looks of confusion, but the other three don’t clarify any more than saying Chad is Hyunjin’s current roommate before Felix shifts the conversation away from housing quickly. “So it’s almost Halloween already! Do you guys plan on dressing up this weekend?
Seungmin almost doesn’t hear the thump against his door. If the song hadn’t been ending, the sound would’ve covered it. He isn’t sure if he really did hear it. He stares at the door for a minute before figuring it doesn’t hurt to check. 
When he opens the door, Hyunjin nearly falls in. Seungmin starts laughing, but it only takes a second to see that Hyunjin has been crying; the next laugh dies on his lips. “Jinnie, what’s wrong?”
Hyunjin lets Seungmin help him to his feet. He keeps his gaze down, going over to sit on Felix’s bed. “Sorry, Seungmin, I thought you’d still be at dinner with Chan.” 
“Chan? Oh, he wanted extra time to study for an exam tomorrow, so we decided to meet up this weekend instead.” Seungmin sits beside him on the bed, but Hyunjin still doesn’t look up at him. “But were you going to just sit outside my door until one of us got home? I don’t even know if Felix is coming back tonight. What happened?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Hey, come on.” Seungmin puts his hands on either side of Hyunjin’s face and gently forces him to look up. “You don’t have to apologize. Just tell me what Chad did now.”
When the tears start flowing again, Seungmin shifts, taking Hyunjin into his arms instead. hand rubbing soothing circles on his back. “It’s okay, Hyuni. You don’t have to tell me. Let’s just get in bed, ok?” They move over to Seungmin’s bed, and he puts on Hyunjin’s favorite movie.
By the time Gatsby and Daisy’s affair begins, Hyunjin seems to be feeling better. When he speaks, it’s at a whisper, so Seungmin strains to hear him. Before he can admonish him for another murmured apology, Hyunjin presses on. “I don’t know why he can’t just leave me alone. We’ll only be roommates for like 5 more days, then he never has to see me again. And I know I should be able to just let it roll off me by this point. I know what he says doesn’t matter. It just still hurts.”
“You shouldn’t have to deal with it at all.” Seungmin squeezes him tighter to his chest. “You know we want to respect your choice on how to handle this, but every time this happens I can’t help feeling like –”
“I know.” He sighs. “I know. I’m sorry, but can we compromise? It’s just a few more days. Stay here until we move.”
If possible, Hyunjin’s voice gets smaller. “Okay, Minnie.”
The atmosphere in the room is completely flipped the next night as they get ready to go out. Felix is struggling to stay still, trying to dance at the same time that he does Juyeon’s makeup and giggling at his small whines about messing it up. Hyunjin isn’t helping, bopping around the room to the music. As soon as it’s done, though, Seungmin is corralling them out the door.
This is their first time at Seonghwa and Hongjoong’s apartment, and it’s very clear that Seonghwa is the one who decorated; it matches his aesthetic to a tee. Their Halloween costumes, on the other hand, do not.
“Why do I feel like Hongjoong should’ve been the apple?” Hyunjin giggles.
Hongjoong whips around to glare at him. “Are you saying I’m apple shaped?”
“I mean compared to Seonghwa…” Seungmin trails off with a smile before Hongjoong starts whacking him with a pillow as half the room breaks into laughter. Seonghwa wraps his arms around his boyfriend with a sweet smile of his own. 
On the other side of the room, San, Yunho, and Mingi are geeking out over Felix and Juyeon’s League of Legends costumes. Seungmin feels nothing but joy seeing the way Yunho is constantly looking at and touching Mingi, even when so focused on their conversation. And Mingi is clearly so happy. When he catches his eye, Mingi blows him a kiss. 
Wooyoung re-enters the room with bottles of vodka and tequila in each hand. “Gather ‘round, bitches! Too many people in this room are too sober. Time for Never Have I Ever.” He pulls a shockingly large pack of plastic shot glasses seemingly out of nowhere and starts setting them out in sets of 3 around the table.
“Really leaning into this whole ‘god of mischief’ thing, huh Loki?” Jongho jokes.
Wooyoung fixes him with a glare. “And I’ll lean into the trickery, if we don’t start drinking.”
Soon enough, everyone takes a spot around the table, shots in front of them. As one would expect, the ‘never have I evers’ start out tame, but inevitably turn raunchy. Seungmin can’t decide if he’s surprised or not when Seonghwa ends up being the last man standing. His “prize”, per Wooyoung, who decided he gets to determine house rules despite the fact that it is not in fact his house, is that he gets to shotgun a beer. 
Everyone is feeling loose by the time they arrive at the party, some definitely passed tipsy and into drunk territory. With the impending moves, the housing situation is the topic of every other conversation involving freshmen. Their group splits to dance, get more drinks, etc. 
When Seungmin and Hyunjin leave the dance floor to find the majority of their friends have gathered in another room, to their unfortunate surprise, they find Hyunjin’s roommate is there as well. Though, Seungmin realizes, it’s actually a little more surprising that they hadn’t run into him at a party before, after all this time.
They avoid him, of course, but clearly Chad caught sight of Hyunjin when they came in. He starts to raise his voice, making sure that they can hear him as they cross the room. 
“I can’t wait to get away from her and get a normal roommate. The fact that someone actually wants to live with wittle pwincess Jin is beyond me.” Chad and his cronies start cackling. He’s a bit harder to hear by the time they reach their group, but they’re keyed in to hear each disparaging and bigoted word as he drones on. 
Hyunjin’s grip on Seungmin’s arm is a vice. His voice is low but steady. “It’s fine, Min. Just ignore him.”
San looks concerned when he catches sight of their faces - Seungmin’s painted with barely contained rage, while Hyunjin just looks defeated. Before he can ask what’s wrong, Seungmin turns his head back toward the crowd, talking so loudly that he’s nearly shouting. “I’m so lucky that we’re gonna be living together, Hyunjin. You’re fucking perfect.” 
He turns back to his friend without waiting to see who heard him. Hyunjin’s eyes shine, and Seungmin hopes Chad can still see them. He chances a glance, a small flick of the eyes, and he knows that he has. 
As one of Chad’s friends comments that ‘Seungmin must not realize,’ he doesn’t wait for him to finish the thought. Seungmin cups Hyunjin’s cheek gently, hesitates for just half a second to see Hyunjin give him the smallest nod, before pulling him in for what ends up possibly being the most passionate kiss he’s had all year. Even without understanding the situation, their friends seem to understand the assignment and all start hooting and wolf whistling, prompting the other drunks in the room to cheer along with them. 
Seungmin sees that the scene has the desired effect when he pulls back to see Chad and his friends heading out of the room. Before he makes it out, Felix runs into him at the door. Felix’s Jinx costume looks even better in the low light of the party. The crop top showing off the tattoos Hyunjin spent the afternoon drawing on his sleek abdomen and toned arms. That plus his flawless makeup enhances his ethereal beauty, with the braids giving him a playful and mischievous air. He’s breathtaking.
Chad notices the same thing it seems, shifting partway into Felix’s path. “Hey, baby, you sure you don’t wanna turn that sweet ass around and join me out on the deck?”
Felix’s smile falls as he turns his attention to Chad. He might even pitch his voice just a touch lower than his already cavernous tone. “Why the fuck are you talking to me?”
Chad’s chin drops to the floor as Felix shoulders past him, skipping the rest of the way to his friends so that he can wrap his arms around Hyunjin’s waist from behind. Luckily, Chad’s friends escort him out before his shock wears off enough to harass them further. 
When Felix tells them what he said, and Seungmin and Hyunjin fill them in on the rest - what he’d said tonight and the ongoing harassment in the dorm room- more than one of their friends want to go have a talk with Chad. As usual, Hyunjin insists that they let him handle it his own way. Eventually, they calm down enough to hopefully enjoy the rest of their evening. 
Chan’s head snaps up as soon as he hears Seungmin start yelling. Did he just get here? What’s going on? 
“I’m so lucky that we’re gonna be living together, Hyunjin. You’re fucking perfect.” 
Then his eyes widen as he watches Seungmin pull Hyunjin in for a kiss, seeming not to care that the whole room is watching them. Chan certainly can’t take his eyes off of them, watching as they wrap their arms around each other. It would be pretty hot if it didn’t feel like such a fucking bummer. But as usual, Chan resolves to be happy for his friend. Hyunjin is a really great guy; so if Seungmin’s going to be with someone else, it might as well be someone who’s so sweet and loving.
Changbin and Jeongin obviously see the same thing he does and are wearing matching masks of pity. Chan dons a smile and nudges Jeongin’s knee. As the three of them stand up, he says, “I’m fine, guys. It’s not like I’ve made a move; I can’t get upset every time someone else does. Let’s go say hi.”
They reach Seungmin’s group of friends at the same time that Felix does. Felix is immediately relating a story about what happened as he entered the room moments ago, so Chan just shoots Seungmin a smile and wave, getting a tight smile in return. All smiles fade as soon as the two of them finish explaining what’s just happened in front of all of them and tempers burn as they and Hyunjin explain what he’s been putting up with all semester. 
At Hyunjin’s urging, no one goes after the prick, but despite not really knowing Hyunjin and Felix, Changbin whispers to Chan that if he sees him on campus, he’s not sure he’ll be able to stick to the promise not to retaliate. Chan is inclined to agree. No wonder the kid is so anxious half the time. 
The mood is markedly down, and when he sees Hyunjae come clap Juyeon on the back, a few more of their friends in tow, Chan decides to make an executive decision. He considers Seungmin’s other friend group and settles on San.
“So are you a,” Chan takes in his ears and tail again. “Panther?”
“Nope, just a kitty.” San tilts his head up and flicks the bell on his choker. “And you’re a… train guy?”
Chan rubs at the back of his neck, sure his face is turning red. “Thomas the Train, yeah. I went costume shopping last minute so it was either this or a clown and Jisung forbade that along with my offer to forgo a costume.”
“I imagine he didn’t consider your honor much.” San’s humor is contagious. “Clearly you should’ve gone with Changbin and Wooyoung; you could’ve been Hela or Odin to round out their Asgardian thing. Wild how well they match.”
Their laughter is still a bit subdued, bringing Chan back to his idea. “So, I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t think Hyunjin is going to feel comfortable staying at this party, regardless of what he’s said.” – San nods in agreement. – “What do you think the rest of your friends would say to bringing things back to my place and having a party of our own?”
Hongjoong throws his arm around Chan’s shoulders before San can respond. Chan hadn’t even realized he was there listening. “I was actually just thinking the same thing, though I’m happy you offered your place. Sannie, tell the others? Chan, do you want to ask Seungmin?”
Chan agrees, finding Seungmin deep in conversation with a guy who’s dressed as probably the prettiest flapper he’s ever seen. “Excuse me, can I borrow him for a second?”
Seungmin’s gaze flits over to Hyunjin still getting fussed over by Seonghwa and Mingi. “What’s up, hyung?”
“Hongjoong and I were talking and agreed that we’d kinda like to get out of here.” Seungmin gives him a look that seems to be questioning how he even remembered who Hongjoong was, let alone made plans with him. “I, uh, we want everyone to have a good night, and we’re worried that won’t happen here. Do you think you, Felix, and Hyunjin would wanna come over to my place for a more lowkey, impromptu party?”
Seungmin scrutinizes him, and Chan’s no longer sure this is the good idea he thought it was. His heartbeat slows to a more normal rate when Seungmin breaks into a smile. “You’d do that for him?”
“Of course.” Chan’s smile starts to fade when Seungmin’s face scrunches back up.
“Chan, are you Thomas the Train right now?”
I’m going to kill Jisung, is Chan’s first thought. His second is that he’s definitely changing as soon as he gets home. “It was – there weren’t – don’t worry about it, just collect your roommates. Can you tell Innie and Binnie, too. I gotta go find Jisung and Minho. Meet out front in like 5?”
Seungmin is still laughing at him as he walks over to tell his friends the new plan for the night. Chan finds Jisung and Minho in the kitchen. He briefly retells the story of Chad and worries that he might have to physically restrain Jisung, but luckily he deflates when reminded that he has no idea who he is or how to find him. Another moment of relief when the dark look in Minho’s eyes lightens with the reveal of the new plan for the night.
And like that, Minho takes charge. “Good news, Ji, no more DDing for you. But first we go on a liquor store run.” Do you want us to take anyone else with us? How many should we plan for?”
“Thanks, Min. Let’s just meet everyone out front and we can figure out numbers and transport.”
Everyone is already outside when they get there. Sounds like Juyeon is going to stay back with his friends so it’ll be 16 of them. Those who don’t go to the liquor store with Jisung pile into a couple rideshare cars, to the dismay of the drivers, but they’re determined to not have to call a third. When they get back to the house, Jeongin immediately gets set up with the speaker and starts a playlist while Chan and Changbin get the alcohol they have out and start serving drinks. Much like he did at Seonghwa and Hongjoong’s place, Wooyoung seems to appoint himself host of the party. 
“Okay, we’re playing games, obvi, but since it’s just us now, I think we definitely need to have a costume contest.” Wooyoung looks over at Chan, who can feel the blush coloring his cheeks, assuming he knows what’s about to happen. “If anyone wants to maybe make any alterations to his costume, I’d allow it.”
“God damn it, Jisung,” Chan mutters. 
Jeongin laughs as he grabs him by the elbow. “Don’t worry, Channie, I’ll help you.”
“Wait, I wanna help, too!” Felix bounces over to take his other arm. 
Jeongin leads them into his own room, depositing Chan on the bed while he and Felix begin rifling through his closet. 
“Innie, don’t you think we should pick from my own clothes?” 
“Absolutely not,” Jeongin responds immediately, not sparing him a glance. “I want you to look hot.”
The affronted sound coming from the bed is completely covered by Felix’s laughter. They pick out a pair of black pants that might’ve been looser on Jeongin, but Chan’s pretty sure they look like they’ve been painted on his ass. He’s also handed a dark red suit vest. 
“Innie, I think you need to start joining us at the gym for legs and glutes.” Chan’s still looking at his ass in the mirror, but he manages to evade the swing of the pillow as Jeongin mutters something about ‘cake.’ “What am I even going to be? What shirt am I wearing?”
“No shirt, silly.” Felix pushes him back so that he’s sitting on the bed again, having magically acquired an eyeliner pencil. “Remember, Innie said we’re going sexy with this. Look up for me.”
Chan pales. He puts a lot of work in at the gym, and he’s certainly not ashamed of his body; in fact, he’s rather proud of his physique. But he doesn’t really know half the people in his house right now, and Seungmin is here. He can’t help but be shy. Both Jeongin and Felix shut down all his attempts to explain why he can’t just wear a vest. Of course, he gives in, letting them finish making him up and puts it on. 
He has to admit he does look good. He can see clearly, once his makeup is done, that he’s a vampire. Felix is so talented. “You know, Lix, if this whole nurse thing doesn’t work out, I think you’d be an amazing cosmetologist.”
Felix is all giggles as they rejoin the rest in the living room. Changbin and Wooyoung have taken the helm in the absence of any of the house’s residents, to Chan’s relief. That relief, of course, is short-lived as Wooyoung announces that they need to do shots so they’ll have an empty bottle to use for spin the bottle; the bottle in question is barely less than half full of rum. Truly the Thor to his Loki, Changbin snatches the bottle out of his hand with a ‘hell no.’ 
Just then, the rest arrive, cases of beer and a couple large brown bags in hands. Cheers fill the room. Wooyoung seems to forget his shots argument, yelling about how the costume contest can now begin. He orders Chan to produce paper, pens, and a hat of some sort, before yelling that everyone needs to report to the living room asap.
“Who is this man, and why is he yelling at me in my own house?” Chan had forgotten that Minho has never had the pleasure of meeting Wooyoung. He seems to be appeased by whatever Mingi tells him in combination with San throwing Wooyoung over his shoulder and taking him to the other room. 
When Chan returns with materials for voting, he’s met with Mingi and a cup of yellow liquid with red floating on top. “Uh, hi Chan. I know you prefer sweet drinks, so I made you this. It’s a pineapple upside down cake cocktail.” Chan is a bit touched that Mingi kept him in mind for this. And it ends up tasting amazing, just like the cake. He makes him promise to teach him how to make it or plan to attend every party they have so he can make it for him. 
Wooyoung insists that everyone show off their costumes one at a time, and describe them in Minho’s case. 
“What even is a Mothman? Nevermind, you were the only one I didn’t get, so I’ll just name everyone.” He doesn’t wait for a response before going on. Chan is vaguely worried for his safety when he catches Minho’s eye, but hopefully one or both of them will chill. “So couples can be voted for together - meaning Seonghwa and Hongjoong as an apple and its worm; gangster Jongho and flapper Yeosang go together, right? Then the last are Seungmin and Hyunjin as Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf, so cute. Wait! Unless you wanna be a couple with me since we match!”
Changbin’s ears almost immediately go bright red when Wooyoung latches onto his arm. Chan outright laughs when he sees Wooyoung’s eyes widen when Changbin not-so-subtly flexes. “Of course; can’t have Loki without Thor, right?”
Wooyoung noticeably does not release his arm until it’s time to vote. “Okay! So then the singles are Slenderman Yunho, sexy kitty San, sexy vampire Chan, slutty Sriracha bottle Jisung, Mothman Minho, Joker Jeongin, Rengoku Mingi, and Jinx Felix! One vote each. You can’t vote for yourself! When you’re done, put your vote in the hat!”
When the votes are tallied, it’s Felix by a landslide. He looks so much like her, no one can deny that he deserves the win, even a certain de facto host who clearly feels that he and Changbin would have won if he weren’t in the running. 
“Okay!” Wooyoung claps his hands and dons a very Loki-esque smile. “Now it’s time to play a game.”
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luvyeni · 3 months ago
🪽… ( reaction ) have you ever tried this one ? ̨ ! ୨୧ 一 스트레이키즈 ՞
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⸃ ⸰ ⌁ straykids favorite positions to fuck you in  ヾ
boyfriend!스트레이키즈・ fem!reader ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ g ・ smut ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ cw ・ unprotected sex, oral sex ( F ), dirty talk, nsfw links. wc ・‎ ‎1.2k ‎| ‎ ‎click to library
「 ୨୧ authors note 」 tried something new today and added links no i cant make longer drabbles for any of these …
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﹙ 𐙚 : bangchan ﹚ .ᐟ
wants you to feel all of him; he wants to be as deep as he can possibly be, that’s why nine times out of ten chan will have you folded in a mating press, stretching you out with his big cock. “fuck!” you screamed as the man above you fucked into you , holding your legs up to your chest. “deeper please.” no matter how deep he is , you want more — you want him to breed you. “fuck baby im already in your guts, how deep do you want me.” he grunted, feeling his cock twitch inside you. “want me to breed this pretty pussy.” you scream out, answering his question. “fuck yes!” moaning out feeling your cunt tightening around him. “sh-shit , that’s what you want? for me to fill this pretty pussy?” you moaned. “fu-fuck yes chan.” you moaned out. “fuck im gonna cum.” he hissed.
“gonna cum inside this pretty pussy.”
﹙ 𐙚 : lee know ﹚ .ᐟ
we all know lee know is an ass man, he’s revealed this on numerous occasions. when he fucks you, he wants you ass up so he can watch your ass recoil against him. “that’s it.” cursing , holding your hip with one hand , rutting into you. “shit keep moving that ass.” he was hypnotized by the way your ass moved. “fuck minho!” you screamed into the pillow. “fuck don’t stop.” he didn’t either , the grip on your waist tightening as he moved his hips faster. “fuck I’m gonna cum.” he breathed out. “gonna fucking cum.” he groaned , pulled out stroking his cock. “fuck im cumming!” he howled as he came all over your ass. “shit baby.” he slapped your ass, you helped out
“god i fucking love your ass so much.” 
﹙ 𐙚 : changbin ﹚ .ᐟ
changbin loves to show off his strength; he doesn’t spend his days in the gym just for fun. showing you how manly he his, lifting you up and fucking you in the air. your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, his hand firmly grasping your ass holding you up as he pounded into you. “oh my god changbin!” your legs dangling on the side. “fuck me!” he held you up like you were nothing. “so-so strong.” he smirked. “yo-you like that?” he stuttered out, his voice deep. “shit , you like how i can lift you up and fuck you on my fat cock. nodding dumbly, babbling nonsense. “y-yes.” he cursed , bouncing you on his cock. “pl-please be careful.” you stuttered. “do-don’t worry baby im not gonna drop you.”
“gaining these muscle just so i can fuck you like this.” 
﹙ 𐙚 : hyunjin ﹚ .ᐟ
hyunjin fucking loves morning sex , rolling over on his side , spooning you pulling your clothes down, his cock hard as a rock as slid inside you, sighing in relief. “so-so warm baby.” his sexy morning voice in your ear as his hand came up u onto your boobs , feeling up your body , squeezing your boobs. “fe-feel so nice baby.” he rutted into you. “so fucking nice , i love you so much.” his hands in between your legs, rub your clit — the sun was bleeding into the room. “hy-hyune im gonna cum.” you moaned out , he opened your legs , rutting into you harder. “cum for me princess.” letting you cum, him following right after. “sh-shit baby.” he let your legs go , kissing your neck tenderly
“good morning princess , you felt so good.” 
﹙ 𐙚 : han jisung ﹚ .ᐟ
just put him in between your legs and let him do his thing, han jisung certified munch ! he doesn’t care whether he’s on top or if you’re on top. as long as he can taste your sweet cunt and feel your soft tittes in his hands , he is in heaven. “shit baby keep doing that.” you moaned, hands tangled in his hair , pushing him deeper into your mound. “fuck more.” hips moving against your will, he was that good , lapping at your cunt. “fuck im gonna cum.” he hummed as you came on his tongue, coating his tongue. “fuck you taste so good.” he pulled away. “like candy.” he bought his fingers to his mouth, bringing them back to your slit. “wanna make you cum again.” he rubbed your bud.
“wanna make a mess of you.” 
﹙ 𐙚 : felix ﹚ .ᐟ
ride him in his gaming chair and his life is yours. he loves this shit — you “ innocently “ sitting in his lap , which ends up with you both naked , his game long forgotten as you milked him for everything he had. “sh-shit.” he held your lower back letting you do what you wanted before he pulled you flush against him , pressing down on your lower stomach. “lixie.” he squeezed your boobs. “lo-love you feel so good wrapped around me.” he moaned. “so fucking warm.” he kissed your boobs , bucking his hips up. “lix I’m gonna cum.” you whined , he rubbed your clit. “cum for me.” he whispered into your ear. “cum for me like a good girl.” releasing all over him.
the game was long forgotten after that , he was ready to make you cum all over again.
﹙ 𐙚 : seungmin ﹚ .ᐟ
you’re always on top, but he’s always in charge. his legs flat against the bed fucking up into you , his hands yanking your back , making you scream. “sl-slut.” he growled. “letting me fuck you like this , you’re so nasty.” his thrust were brutal , your ass bright red from his previous slapping. “you like being fuck like a whore?” he asked , knowing you can’t ask. “whose whore are you.” he yanked your hair. “i asked you a question , whose whore are you?” you were a mess , trying to get the words out. “yours -fuck!- im your whore minnie.” you let out a pornographic moan. “fuck I’m gonna cum.” he let your cum , holing you down as he emptied his load inside of you , holding you close to whisper in your ear.
“that’s right , you’re my whore.” 
﹙ 𐙚 : jeongin ﹚ .ᐟ
your body pressed flatly against the bed, arms pinned behind your back , jeongin kissing the sweet spot on your neck as , the kisses sweet and soft — a completely different from how deep he was inside you. “i-innie.” you babbled , he let your arms go , his hand wrapping around your neck, choking you lightly. “yo-you feel that -fuck- that’s my cock deep inside your pussy.” he grunted in your ear. “so-so deep.” he kissed your cheek. “i know baby , i know.” he moaned. “going dumb on my cock aren’t you.” your eyes rolling to the back of your head, his strokes were slow but deep. “just take it , that’s all you can do.” his hand tightening around your throat. “you can’t take it.”
“take it like a good fu-fucking girl.”
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seungisms · 21 days ago
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: smut, do not interact if you’re under 18
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: unprotected sex, oral (female and male receiving) cockwarming, dry humping, somnophilia, overstimulation, minho and jisung being a tad pushy 
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: wrote this and now i’m going feral over the thought of chan being real soft with you, feeling totally normal rn 😀👍 soft!hyunjin makes a rare appearance
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he can be soso rough with you sometimes. he doesn’t mean to be, he just absolutely loses all sense of control once he finally sinks into your tight pussy :( especially when he’s had a particularly shit day at work, just counting down the hours until he gets home and is able to finally lose all his worries in the comfort of your cunt. loves making a pretty mess out of you, until you’re completely drunk on his cock and babbling nonsense. but tonight he could feel you struggling to keep up with his eager pace, eyes threatening to flutter shut and slumping in his lap, strong arms keeping you upright against his chest as his hips keep a steady pace fucking up into you. he feels bad as he continues on abusing your cunt, but he can’t help it when you’re fluttering around him and clamping down like a vice, he just wants to cum so bad. starts to slow his thrusts down when he feels you grind lazily down onto him, desperate for some kind of release yet too tired to do anything about it yourself. he’ll take your face in his hands, smiling soso softly it would nearly make you sick if you could manage to keep your eyes open. “pretty baby, did i tire you out?” and when you could only respond with a sleepy nod before burying your face in the crook of his neck he’ll lay you down, spreading your thighs open a little more and your body responds so easily to him in your fucked out state, he finds it cute. lets you tiredly wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, keeping him close to your chest as he sloppily fucks you to sleep. 
“shh baby, just let me take care of you.”
deep down he knew he was being selfish, he could see how tired you were after the celebratory dinner he dragged you to with the rest of the boys. but you just looked so pretty all dolled up in your silky dress, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the subtle expanse of your smooth leg peeking out from the slit of fabric, inching up towards your hips. and god your lips. so glossy and kissable and just begging to be wrapped around his stiffening cock. he has you on your knees as soon as you get home despite your sleepy protests, head leaned back against the sofa and shirt unbuttoned as you smothered and worshiped his dick. and he’s so close it’s almost painful - your slow, lazy licks teetering him on the edge of orgasm before ripping it away from him at the last second. he’s so pissed whenever he can’t cum and he has to do everything in his willpower to restrain himself from forcing your head down and putting your mouth to good use, fucking it like it should be fucked. and he just feels so heavy on your tongue, his deep groans shooting right to your core. tries to have take some pity on you though and gently coaxes you to relax your jaw, pretty praises falling from his lips and giving you the last burst of energy you need to get him off until the salty taste of his cum is invading your tongue, slipping easily out of your mouth and softening against his thigh. he’ll defiantly repay you too, waking you up the next morning with his hot mouth on your cunt, lapping and sucking and kissing your soaked nub until you finally stir awake, pulling away to rest his cheek against your thigh and look up at you through tired eyes. 
“just relax baby, let me make you feel as good as you make me feel.”
changbin knows how busy you are, your schedule rivalling his on a normal day, so by the time you get home from work the only thing you can make time for is lazy makeouts in his office or rushed fucking in the shower before bed. the first day you both have off together in weeks is spent with him buried to the hilt inside of you, fucking you in every room and surface until you’re a sticky, pretty mess beneath him. and he just has you so worn out and it isn’t even mid afternoon yet, you just don’t understand how he still has the energy to wreck your cunt again and again the way he has been doing for hours on end. he’ll have you practically folded in half, legs bent and pressed tightly against your chest as he pounds into you - the sounds of his cock filling your cunt with another load of warm cum being the only thing you could focus on and stop your weary eyes from closing. he picks up straight away when you start to slip away from him, barely able to keep up as soft gasps leave your lips and eyes flutter close, slowing his pace to a stop, his cock stilling deeply into you. he’s soso enamoured by you, and it shows in the way he smiles softly at your worn out form, tucking a strand of messy hair behind your ear and letting your legs rest from their bent position. shushes your pained sigh as he slowly slips out of you, leaving your pussy feeling empty and cold before he’s pressing his chest against your back, spooning you close to his body then nudging his swollen tip back into you. and he loves the whine you let out when he buries himself balls deep inside of you again, your mind so fogged and clouded it hardly takes you a minute before you’re fast asleep - kept warm and filled to the brim with his dick as he coaxes you to sleep.
“let’s just stay like this, sleep well angel.”
he knows how hard you work and absolutely loves loves loves taking care of you!! coaxes you into his arms when you get home, stripping you from your shoddy work clothes and slipping you into a bath, letting you yap his ears off about your frustrations while he works on massaging shampoo into your hair. lays you down on the soft comforter of your bed after, fingers lazily pumping into your pussy. works your mouth open with his own, tongue making its way past your lips as you whine and gasp into the kiss - hips sloppily grinding down to meet the press of his long digits curling deep inside of you. loves how easily he’s able to get you off in this state, his name falling from your lips so prettily and your eyes staring up at him like he’s your whole world and more - and it’s almost enough to ignore the painful squeeze of his cock left unattended, but he still can’t help but to rut his hips down onto the mattress, desperate for any type of friction :( stretches you open real good and nice on his fingers until he’s kissing messily down your tummy before he reaches your slit, tongue hungrily replacing his digits to leave fat licks against your nub. and he’s just absolutely obsessed with the way you look in his hold, fucked out and messy and all for him. your little pleas of, “hyun, please i’m so tired. can’t take anymore,” yet your hips continuing to grind against his face like a bitch in heat and he finds it so incredibly cute. swears he’ll take such good care of you, just stay awake a little while longer.
“you’re so pretty baby, gonna let me make you cum?”
he so eager and energetic during sex that it’s hard for you to keep up sometimes. he could go for hours, so drunk on your pussy that time just seems to cease to exist, fucking into you until it was nothing but a creamy mess of spit and cum. he’ll do his absolute best to keep you awake when he notices your lids twitching to shut - pressing his cock into you at just the right angle, fingers reaching down to play with your sensitive and raw nub, nails deliberately digging into the plush skin of your thighs to keep you from slipping away from him. so needy with it, he just loves watching your eyes shoot open in surprise when he acts out like this. but he becomes insanely pathetic when he feels you start to slump in his hold, hips picking up an erratic, rushed pace as he desperately tries to chase his high. roughly pulls your hips up until your ass is perched high in the air for him, head shoved into the pillow to muffle your gasps from his sudden greediness. “please baby, give me one more and i’ll leave you alone.” begs and sobs and pleads falling from his lips in messy whines, tears threatening to slip from his eyes when he feels your pussy close in around him, the promise of finally cumming is right there and he couldn’t just let you fall asleep now, he’s so close 🥺 it wouldn’t be fair!! and he can’t stop the selfish thoughts from taking over, he’s been so good to you all day, the least you could do is let him play with you until he’s spent and painted your cute cunt in his seed. sometimes, he’ll continue fucking into you when he sees you’ve actually fallen asleep on him, your soft sighs and fluttering cunt edging him closer and closer until he’s filling you up with warm load after load. and he can only look away bashfully when you wake up all sticky and used the next day. 
he’s such an angel truly 🥺 making sure you’re well looked after is enough to get him off. hates when you come home all stressed and tired, a worried furrow between your brows and pretty face slacked with sleep. gently coaxes you to lay with him, taking his time to love on your body - your tits, tummy, thighs, just everywhere!! they’ll all be marked with his lips. and he almost has you dozing off with his soft touches before the warm press of his tongue against your pussy has you letting out a choked gasp, hands threading themselves through his long hair to push his face further into your core, nose bumping against your nub in the most pleasing delicious way. but even with the mind numbingly hot swipes of his tongue against your hole, and the deep groans he lets rumble against your slit, you still manage to slip away, eyelashes fluttering against your cheek as sleep becomes more and more appealing from being surrounded by his comforting presence. his languid strokes of tongue actually spiralling you further into slumber. and he can’t help but smile lovingly against you when he catches sight of your peaceful form, sleepy apologies tumbling past your lips as your fingers lose their grip on his lock, hips twitching slightly when he give you one last messy kiss against your cunt before settling beside you. such a giver that he’ll easily ignore the swell of his dick, he’d fuck you asleep over and over again as long as it keeps his baby happy.
“let me make you feel better honey.”
you just couldn’t sleep. all you needed was a bit of comfort, some soft fucking to urge you to slumber but he’s always so pent up and frustrated after work, eager to bully his problems away on your pussy. and you couldn’t find it in yourself to deny him, letting him play with you until you were a cock drunk mess beneath him. he’s always so mean with it though :( his dick was practically kissing your womb, legs aching from where they were rested on his broad shoulders and gasped whines leaving you when he nudges his cock past your folds - your headboard threatening to give out with every rough grind of his hips. you couldn’t even find the energy to meet his greedy thrusts, pussy twitching lazily around him and head lolling to the side when sleep threatened to take over, but the swell of his cock filling you up was sure doing a good job keeping you awake. and he almost felt offended when he spotted your lids slipping shut - stilling to the hilt deep inside you and just begging to finally paint your plush walls with cum - mouth opening to shoot you a sarcastic quip like the meany he is. before he notices the small bags sunken under your eyes and the worried crease of your brow, and he just can’t help but to cut you some slack. settles his body on top of you and softly shushes the pretty whine you let out when his dick rocks deeper inside you with the sudden movement, so desperately wanting to fuck you until he finally empties his load but he’ll let you rest for now. keeps himself buried in your warm pussy all night, kissing the shell of your ear as you quickly fall into a deep slumber. you bet your ass he’s gonna make you pay for falling asleep on him though.
“it’s okay baby, just gonna rest here. you’re gonna have to make this up to me tomorrow though.”
this boy has such a high sex drive, genuinely thinks he’ll never get tired of the feeling of your warm cunt fluttering so nicely around him. it drives him mad. wants to spend every waking moment buried to the hilt inside of you, to the point where you’ll have to tell him to back tf off 😭 he’s so nice and gentle with you when you’re tired though, never pressuring you to do anything you’re not up to and letting you use him until you fall asleep, ignoring the painful swell of his fat dick resting against his thigh with every soft whine and gasp you let out. just likes having you sat pretty on his lap, dry humping like a bunch of honey teenagers but he fucking thrives on it. his hands will be guiding your hips to help you rut down on his bare cock, every slide causing the tip to bump into your nub. and he has to hold everything inside him back to not just lube himself up with your wetness and force his way into your tempting cunt. no, that’s not what you need right now. what you need is for him to be a good boy and let you rut down onto him like the needy girl you are until you finally stain his thighs with your slick. the tired look on your face is enough to make him melt, kissing your cheeks softly and muttering sweet praises between every glide of his hard cock. just lets you grind sloppily against him, gushing with wetness and all your frustrations slipping away as you nudge yourself closer to orgasm before your hold on his shoulders tighten, your nails raking down his back when you finally soak his cock in your juices, a relieved sigh leaving those pretty lips of yours before you’re sinking in his hold. coaxed into a deep sleep with his dick laid bumped against you, still red and swollen with need but he can’t find it in himself to care when you look all cute cuddled up against his chest. 
“that’s it sweetheart, let it all out.”
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© 𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐦𝐬 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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hyunjiiza · 3 months ago
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sugar sugar talk . | ˚ ‧ ੭゛
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telling ʚ skz ɞ members their card declined | contents: fem reader implied , suggestive
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hyuuukais · 6 days ago
⚝⭒๋࣭ ⭑ SKZ TEXTS ⭑
─── skz x gn reader
─── texting them only with emojis
─── warnings: pet names (baby, honey, darling, love, angel), innie joke threatens a break up, food mention
─── masterlist
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─── notes: just a silly fun lil thing bc i miss writing and posting and aaa 🥲
─── taglist: @chaeryred @toplinelix @channie-143 @staysinbloom
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nxtt2-u · 2 months ago
kink headcanons ft. OT8 SKZ !
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content info — ot8 (individual) x afab!reader, 3.6k words, smut, established relationship in all scenarios
content warnings — nsfw, a shit ton of kinks and scenarios about them, kinks will not be specified to prevent spoiling, swearing, intentional lowercase
notes — this was actually meant for kinktober ‘24, but i clearly never got around to finishing it… whoops. here we are a whopping four months later; enjoy! not proofread. 18+ only, mdni.
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a switch, but leans heavily on the dominant side. usually a service dom, but can get a little mean sometimes.
chan gets off so badly to the fantasy of fucking his babies into you. one night when he’s pounding into you with a condom on, he begins to babble when his orgasm draws near — “you’d look so fucking gorgeous all round with my children, baby, fuck!” and you clamp down on him so hard he has half the mind to think his cock might snap in half as he experiences the strongest orgasm of his life. so yeah, it’s safe to say you got on birth control right away & threw away all condoms after that.
he loves to whisper sweet things into your ear as he gently pushes into your cunt from behind after a busy schedule. chan loves how you gush around him when his murmured words, coated in sickeningly sweet honey, flow into your ears as he wholly takes you apart with his hands and cock. he loves it even more when you praise him as well! it has a special effect on him when you’re riding him especially — the praise sends his dick jerking within your tight heat as his knees wobble and he keens into where his face is mushed between your tits.
this man loathes to hurt you, but when you give him head one time and he accidentally thrusts too deep into your mouth, he can’t help the way he positively throbs at the wet click your throat gives when it constricts around his tip. when you feel the twitch, you moan & quickly pull off just to give him permission to fuck your throat before taking his cock back into your mouth and waiting patiently. the sight and sound of you deepthroating him is so erotic that when he comes, he genuinely gets lightheaded and has to sit down afterward before he collapses from the intensity of his orgasm.
his fav position is definitely riding. quick, act surprised! he loves to see you work up a sweat in his lap while you struggle to take his cock to the hilt. its so endearingly hot, the way you plea and whine for him to help you work his dick inside, but he just chuckles n pats your ass as a signal to keep going. maybe, if he feels merciful enough, he’ll flip you over when your legs really do give out and pound you til you’re full of his cum.
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★ ──── MINHO
dom & brat tamer. has subbed only once with you and liked it so much he got too scared to try it again.
minho often restrains your wrists with his belt or a silk tie he owns when you get particularly bratty with him. he holds them behind your back as he slams into you from behind, and the sight of you restrained just for him, creaming all over his cock despite the rough treatment he loves to dish out, has him seeing stars when he pulls out to come on your back.
it’s no secret minho loves ass: slapping ass, grabbing ass, pretty much anything to do with ass. so it’s no surprise when his palm harshly crashes down on the supple curve of your cheeks when he gives you backshots for the first time. you jolt at the sudden sting, though it burns wonderfully when he does it again. and again. and again, until your skin is red and thoroughly raw once he’s done with you. as your relationship goes on, he eventually begins to slap your pretty face as well, though he’s much more gentle about that. on your rear, however? no mercy.
min loves nothing more than coming home to you dozing peacefully in those specific sleep shorts, a sign you’re his for the night. even if he’s horribly exhausted from a long day, the sight of you deep asleep and utterly pliant for him has the cogs in his mind gearing into something primal with how much arousal shoots to his cock. he wastes no time in prowling across the room to harshly push the gusset of the fabric aside and immediately slide himself home when he discovers you’re commando and already soaking wet. there’s no way you stay asleep at such rough handling, of course, but that won’t make him stop anytime soon!
he enjoys anal. when you were out the house, he took one of your dildos in secret and experimented with it on his own, and came out pleasantly surprised. not only does he enjoy it with himself, he also loves anal with you — especially when he gets home after a long day of work to find you all dolled up for him. his cock jerks in his pants when he reaches down to grope your ass in appreciation, only to discover a plug snug between your cheeks. he’d never admit it out loud, but it gets him super riled up to see the way your hole gapes and sputters when he’s done with you.
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a switch, but leans slightly onto the subby side.
bin loves to see when you come home from a long, frustrating day at work. he loves to see your eyes darken when you notice the special bracelet on his wrist that shares an unmistakable sign between the two of you, and he loves it even more when you storm across the living room to shove him back onto the couch and pop open the button of his jeans without a word to sink down on his cock like you own it, own him. nothing else gets him harder than when you simply take and use him like your own personal toy!
although he does enjoy pegging, the two of you don’t dabble in this often — simply because you much prefer his cock down your throat or in your pussy, milking him dry. but when he does feel subby enough to offer his ass up, it usually leads to very tender lovemaking rather than hard, rough sex. he just gets so soft and needy in this headspace when you peg him, so eager to feel good! in missionary, he often pops a tit into his mouth to softly suckle at as you thrust into him leisurely from above. but it’s never long before he starts babbling and begging you for more!
something about taboo roleplays get binnie going like no other: age gaps, power imbalances, and even cheating get his cock rock hard in seconds when the two of you play in the bedroom. recently, the two of you had roleplayed as professor and student. “ah, professor, are you sure this is the best way to get extra credit..?” you’d peered down at him as he eased your short skirt and panties down your legs, chuckling at your bashful behavior. “of course, bun,” he’d sighed, leaning in to press a kiss to your sopping core before meeting your eyes again with a smirk. “your grades will be up in no time if you just spread those pretty legs for your professor, hm? now go on, i’m waiting.”
loves double penetration, both on him and you. it drives him crazy to see you struggle to take both his coke can of a cock in your cunt and a silicone replica of it down your throat at the same time. watching your cheeks hollow obscenely around the replica has his cock kicking within your walls as you moan around it, and it quickly has him bending your legs to your chest to pound you properly. on the flip side of the coin, he loves how full he feels when you plug his ass and fuck his throat with your strap; it gets his head all floaty n pliant for you in a heartbeat!
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★ ──── HYUNJIN
walking definition of a switch. sadist & masochist. can get pretty bratty when he subs.
hyunjin loves the tantalizing pressure of your palm against his neck, especially when you ride him so hard he’s practically seeing stars. whether that’s from how hard your ass is slamming down onto his muscled thighs or from the growing asphyxiation, he’s too deliciously lightheaded to even think about it when the two of you go hard like this in bed. when you give his neck one generous squeeze, it has his whole body locking up and him coming instantly with no warning other than a broken, guttural cry. on the other hand, he gets an intense power trip when he chokes you — the way your jaw drops as you gasp for breath when his grip tightens and your pretty eyes roll back to show the whites is so intoxicating to him! he’ll never be able to get enough of the sight.
the way you squirm beneath him is just so cute when hyune rubs ice across your perky nipples while his hot, hard cock spears you open at the same time! when the cubes slip off your breasts onto the sheets beside you, the warmth of his breath fanning over the cold area when he leans down has you squealing and kicking your legs out in protest — but he catches those easily and wraps them around his slender waist to laugh down at how sensitive and responsive you are for him.
the delicious sting hyunjin feels when you slap his cock sends his body shuddering and eyes rolling. his toes curl when you tug harshly on his sensitive balls before rearing your hand back to smack the head of his weeping cock, forcing his hips to kick off the bed with the searing pleasure-pain that has his brain reeling and nervous system going haywire. especially loves when you bust out some cock rings — it’s a perfect night for him when you ride his cock raw, denying him of his orgasm while you have your fun, until he can finally cum inside after hours of his balls being squeezed tight to stave off his orgasm.
big big big fan of markings, both on himself and you! he’s constantly biting marks into the tender skin just below your boobs and the soft inner areas of your thighs when he goes down on you. he really loves it when he gets time off so you can mark him up properly on his neck, particularly below his jaw, so he can go a few days without having to conceal it with makeup and wear and flaunt them properly. his favorite place to mark you, though, is your hips and chest. gets a huge ego boost when he sees them peeking out of your shirt when you wear a low-cut top, and he’s extra smug when you get home later that day to refresh them.
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★ ──── JISUNG
sub, sub, sub! rarely doms, and even when he does “dom” it’s more or less him acting the same as usual — like a princess — with the only difference being him doing all the work for once. big masochist.
there’s rarely a moment in bed where jisung doesn’t call you mommy. like the sweet boy he is, he always asks you for permission before he does anything. “mommy, please let me suck your tits? i promise i won’t touch myself without your permission, pleaseee?” and with those sweet doe eyes of his, how could you say no? he gets pretty babbly when he’s balls deep in your pussy and his head is mushed between your tits as he whines and cries out his thanks, how good he feels — he’s simply too obsessed with you!
jisung nearly cums in his pants when you talk down to him like he’s worth nothing to you, like he’s the dirt on the bottom of your shoes. he can’t stop the breathy moans slipping from his dropped jaw when you jerk his slick cock, whispering words in his ears that should humiliate him, but only results in more burning hot arousal pooling deep in his stomach and his balls tightening, eager to spill all over the tight grip of your hand. all his efforts to hold off his orgasm go to waste, though, when you call him a “worthless, good for nothing slut” that has his body abruptly convulsing and cries tumbling from his lips as he cums all the way up to his heaving chest.
he gets delirious with pleasure when you slap his face or spank him when he’s misbehaved a little too much for your liking. if you pair a harsh slap to his cute, chubby little cheeks with a mean slew of insults to his face as he fucks you in missionary, he’ll wind up keening so loud he has to bury his face in your neck to muffle the sound, lest you get a noise complaint from the neighbors in the morning. the sting of getting hit has so much blood rushing from his head to his cock in an instant that he gets dizzy with how good he feels, every. single. time.
this man is a munch. he eats you out at any opportunity like a man starved, fast and messy, just the way both you & him love. tug on his hair n it’ll have his eyes rolling as he buries his face into your cunt, eagerly lapping up your the juices that soak his chin with a whine while his hips buck involuntarily against the mattress. degrade him too, n he just might cum in his pants right then n there!
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★ ──── FELIX
dom. doesn’t mind subbing if you ask, but it’s generally not his go-to.
this man is a little shit who adores bringing you right to the edge before ripping your orgasm out of your grasp with a delighted smirk. as soon as he rips whatever he was using on you away, whether it be his fingers or a toy, the way you convulse in protest and plead at him with watery eyes gets him so hot he nearly cums on the spot, even if nothing is actively stimulating his dick. he just loves to tease, what can he say?
felix has no qualms with playing with you for hours when he blindfolds you and, sometimes, even plugs your ears when he really wants to get you on edge. seeing your breath quicken in anticipation for what he’ll do to you has his cock chubbing up in record time in the tight confines of his boxers, and the sight of you all docile and restrained for him has him half considering the idea of dropping the ties just to bend you over the nearest surface and fuck your brains out. but he always reins himself in just before he can fold, for you always look much prettier disheveled and begging for him to end the teasing and give you what you want.
he loves making you cream all over his cock just to spew absolute filth at you for it. he can feel his sanity disappearing bit by bit when he gets to witness firsthand the way you slip into subspace at his vulgar, demeaning words in that deep voice of his, and it only gets him hotter when you begin to cry and beg him incoherently. for what, he isn’t quite sure because you’re too far gone to even speak properly anymore, but he’ll make sure you have all you need when you start clawing desperately at his shoulders with a beautiful, full-body shudder.
he’s lowkey a brat tamer! it gets him so riled up when you purposefully dress in your skimpiest clothes for the group nights you spend going out with the other guys, just to elicit a reaction out of him when you get home. and boy, is that reaction dangerous. he watches you like a hawk throughout the night, tongue constantly poking his cheek in annoyance while his jaw ticks when he sees you laughing with one of his members. he knows he has no real reason to be jealous, especially when he’s already aware you’re just looking to be put in your place, but that won’t stop him from taking all that emotion out on your cunt when everyone leaves later.
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switch. he doesn’t have a preference & simply enjoys it all.
the adrenaline rush seungmin gets when he fucks you on the floor of their dance practice room once everyone’s gone for the day is so fucking heady and addictive. the thought of one of his members walking in to find him blowing your back out in the middle of the room is so arousing that he fucks you practically ten times harder than usual when the two of you mess around in semi-public places like this. one time, when you did happen to get caught blowing him backstage right before a soundcheck, his eyes had blown impossibly wide before he spilled down your throat with a choked groan. the two of you were horribly mortified after the fact, but he still secretly gets off to that memory when he’s away on tour.
seeing you gradually lose coherency the longer he has you warm his cock while he busies himself with other tasks is one of his favorite pastimes. “hey, pup,” seungmin taps your shoulder delicately as he lightly jostles you in his lap, causing a moan to flutter from between your lips. when he grabs your chin to press a chaste kiss to the corners of your mouth, he nearly moans aloud too when he pulls back and sees how fucking gone you look. eyes fuzzy, pretty lips pulled into a dopey smile, and pussy stretched warm and wet around his now-throbbing cock. it’s insane to practice restraint with how sweet you look like this. “since you’ve been so good for me, i have a reward for you. how’s that sound, baby?”
when you come home after an outing with your friends to discover seungmin perched on the couch in nothing but the collar with your name attached to it and some dangerously low black sweats, you can’t help but drag him to the bedroom to leash him and force him to sit at your feet while you finish up some papers at your desk. he’s obedient for a little while, like he always is, until he starts getting antsy and whines for your attention. you pay him no mind until he begins to nose at the crotch of your bottoms, eager for a treat, and who are you to deny your sweet puppy a snack after he’s been so good and obedient for you?
he owns multiple different colored collars that have your name engraved onto the tags as well as a human-sized dog bed to pair with them. when he particularly craves submission, he’ll ask to be leashed and rode in the dog bed because it brings him an odd sense of comfort: being someone’s so wholly that he’s willing to wear a collar to show off who he belongs to, who owns him.
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★ ──── JEONGIN
generally a dom. when he does sub, it’s nothing too crazy.
jeongin loves to drive you to the point of incoherency with his mouth, hands, cock: all of it! it goes straight to both his dick and his ego when you’re reduced down to broken, babbling cries that beg him for more, less, harder, faster — somehow you plea for them all at once. he can’t get enough of how much you seem to love his body and the pleasure it can provide.
it drives him insane when he sees you writhing with so much pleasure that it actually brings you to tears. every time your pretty eyes begin to water with unshed tears from the unforgiving pace he sets as he pounds into your poor cunt, it makes a loud moan rip from his throat and his dick twitch within your walls, and he may even nearly cum on the spot. he absolutely loves the sight of you desperate and babbling for his cum, and he’s not afraid to show it.
both of you were the farthest thing from inexperienced or vanilla when you first started dating, but that doesn’t stop jeongin from fucking his fist late at night to the fantasy he was your first. the first man to take your virginity, show you how to ride cock and suck on one, even teach you how to have your first orgasm because you’d been too unsure of yourself in the past to even try. the thought of you being pure and untouched before meeting him makes him ache with arousal, particularly at the thought of corrupting and ruining you for any other man because he just fucks you so good that both of you know you’d never be able to reach the same peaks of pleasure he brings you to again and again with anyone else.
he really enjoys 69ing. when he’s on top, he loves the sensation of his cock sliding down your throat and the clicking of your throat as it tries to accommodate his length. he loves the way your juices coat his chin as he messily slurps and sucks on your clit, and especially loves the way your thighs shake beside his ears when you get close. when he’s on the bottom, he adores the way you push your hips back onto his face to grind your clit down on his tongue, and adores the way you slip his cock into your mouth until you’re gagging around the tip and your tongue is laving hot and wetly at his balls. the rapid tightening of your throat around his dick has him close in seconds, but even if he comes early he’ll eat you out til you’re shaking with satisfaction.
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strrykais · 3 months ago
(𐙚) have you ever tried this one?
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so many different positions, the guys would have never thought this one was your absolute favorite...
requested: ot8 texts with skz when they (skz) ask their partner about their favourite position and the partner responds with main vocalist (seungmin) etc.
「 authors note 」 first poly texts!! i had so much fun writing these, thank you for the request !! for more click here !
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ⓒ strrykais
permanent taglist: @hyunestrella @spicy-sawdust @charlieg1rl @gnabnahcbby @totheseok @mystverse @jisungs-iced-americano @kimseungminpabo @bookswillfindyouaway @puppy-minnie @katchowbbie @night-storm7 @auroratiseee @goldenmellow @sellomaybe @embrr0-0
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reblogs, likes and replies are appreciated! feel free to send feedback/thoughts/requests in my asks!
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heartsbyani · 2 months ago
ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ ∘ ∘ ‪ 승민 ; HOLD ME TIGHT ── aftercare with your boyfriend, after a particularly long and rough night.
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𓍯 idolbf!seungmin ʚଓ fem!reader :( 𝒾 )1k ── ༯ HEADCANON, fluff, humour, aftercare, bit suggestive, req. by anon! . ⸝⸝𓂃 LiBRARY . /ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\ྀིྀི
yani's note ˖˙ ᰋ woohoo, double post !! might post again today, cause i feel like it. thank you to my luv, anon, for requesting this, hope i have written it to your expectations! (╥﹏╥). jeongin's next ;3. so many asks, i'm gonna be posting daily, please be patient hehe. comments, requests, asks likes and reblogs are always appreciated ! comment/ask if you want to be added to my mastertag ! happy reading <3
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the dim lighting of the bedroom cast soft shadows over the minimalistic walls, the faint glow of moonlight spilling in through the window. it was quiet now, save for the occasional rustle of sheets and the low hum of the heater working to keep the chill of winter at bay.
seungmin knelt on the bed beside his girlfriend, his hands working meticulously at her shoulders, thumbs digging gently into the knots he was sure he'd caused. his brows were knit in concentration, his usually sharp eyes softened with guilt. he rarely ever got like this—serious, cautious, and so full of concern it made y/n want to burst out laughing again, but she bit her lip to hold it in. for now.
"you’re laughing in your head, aren’t you?" seungmin asked flatly, his voice low but laced with exasperation.
"no," she lied, her lips twitching as she bit back a giggle.
seungmin paused, fixing her with his trademark deadpan glare. "do you think i’m joking? i feel terrible, y/n. terrible." he exaggerated.
she turned her head slightly to glance at him, cheek smushed against the pillow. his fingers froze on her shoulder blades, a slight pout tugging at the corner of his lips. god, he was adorable. for someone who prided himself on being savage and composed, seungmin looked like a kicked puppy right now.
"min, you’re literally being ridiculous," she said, her voice brimming with amusement. "i told you i’m fine. i liked it."
his expression didn’t change. "i was too rough. you winced like…twice. that’s two times too many."
y/n rolled her eyes dramatically, flipping onto her back despite his protests of "stay still, i’m trying to help." she reached out to cup his cheek, her fingers warm against his skin. "first of all, i winced because i was overwhelmed, in a good way. secondly, you apologizing twenty-seven times is going to make me start keeping a tally."
seungmin blinked at her, his lips twitching into the faintest semblance of a smile before it disappeared again. "it’s not funny."
"it’s very funny," she teased, sticking out her tongue. "you’re being such a baby about this, it’s cute."
"..not cute," he retorted, his ears burning red as he avoided her gaze. his hands returned to her shoulders, his touch feather-light now, as if he feared breaking her. "you’re impossible."
"and you’re overthinking. i’m fine. actually, i’m better than fine—i had a great time. you’re just melodramatic," she quipped, letting her voice drop into mock-seriousness.
"melodramatic?" he echoed, scandalized, his hands pausing mid-massage. he tilted his head, narrowing his eyes at her. "that’s rich coming from you, miss ‘do you think my soul left my body just now?’."
y/n erupted into laughter, clutching her stomach as she replayed her own words from earlier in her head. "okay, fair, but in my defense, it did feel like that."
"right. that’s why i’m apologizing," seungmin muttered, shaking his head but unable to hide the upward curl of his lips this time.
she reached up to grab his hands, pulling him down to lay beside her. he came willingly but let out a small grunt of protest. "i’m not done—"
"you’re done," she interrupted, poking his cheek. "come here and stop worrying. it’s getting embarrassing."
"embarrassing," he repeated, tone dripping with mock disbelief. he turned onto his side to face her, propping his head up with his hand. "that’s it. i’m officially offended."
"oh no," she said dramatically, clasping her hands to her chest. "what will i do if the kim seungmin is offended? whatever shall i—"
he reached out to clamp a hand over her mouth, shaking his head. "y/n. stop. talking."
her muffled giggle turned into a full-blown laugh as she shoved his hand away, and he groaned, flopping back onto the bed. she turned to face him, their noses almost touching now. his sharp features softened in the dim light, his usually playful smirk replaced with something tender.
"seriously, though," he murmured, his voice quieter now. "i don’t want to hurt you. ever."
y/n felt her chest tighten at the sincerity in his tone. she reached up to trace the line of his jaw with her fingertips, her touch light but grounding. "i know," she whispered. "and you didn’t. i trust you, seung."
his eyes searched hers for a moment, as if looking for any sign of doubt, but all he found was the warmth and reassurance that she always gave him. he sighed, finally letting the tension seep out of his shoulders as he relaxed beside her.
"you’re so annoying," he muttered, but his lips quirked up at the corners.
"and you’re dramatic," she shot back, poking his chest.
for a moment, the room was filled with a comfortable silence. seungmin reached out, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer. he wasn’t usually one for skinship—he’d much rather tease her from across the room than cuddle—but moments like these, when the world was quiet and it was just the two of them, he let himself indulge.
"can we just agree that i was a little rough and move on?" he asked after a beat, his voice muffled as he buried his face in her hair.
y/n hummed thoughtfully. "mmm, no. i’m gonna milk this for at least another week."
"of course you are," he deadpanned, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on her back. "you’re lucky i love you."
"aw, you love me?" she teased, leaning back to look at him with a mischievous grin.
he rolled his eyes but didn’t deny it, his cheeks tinged pink. "don’t push it."
"too late." she leaned up to kiss his nose, her heart swelling at the way he scrunched it in response. "i love you too, you big softie."
seungmin groaned dramatically, but the small smile tugging at his lips betrayed him. "this is why i don’t do skinship. you get all weird and sappy."
"you don’t do skinship because you’re awkward," she shot back, grinning.
"not true," he argued, pulling her closer and holding her firmly against his chest. "i’m holding you right now, aren’t i?"
"true," she agreed, nuzzling into him. "maybe you’re not as awkward as i thought."
he let out a soft chuckle, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "don’t get used to it."
"too late," she whispered, her voice full of warmth.
and as seungmin held her close, the lingering worries from earlier finally faded away. because with her in his arms, laughing and teasing like always, he knew they were okay. better than okay. they were home.
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mastertag ୨୧ @cosmicalily thank you luvie <3
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lieslab · 2 months ago
I love you
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: Og8 X gn reader
Summary: When the public finds out you're dating your boyfriend, the fans have a lot to say.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 4.7K
A/N: I have to admit, to whomever requested this, I made this a lot more fluffy and lighthearted than I was originally going to. Some of these are a little more serious than others, but I layered a few jokes in, so I hope it makes you laugh. No matter if you date a k-pop idol or not, some opinions of people are just that; opinions (stupid and irrelevant) Live your best life and do what makes you happy <3
_ _ _
“I could really use some inspiration,” Chan called over his shoulder. “So if you find yourself growing bored or getting cold or-” 
“Not interested,” you mumbled. You took another sip of your drink and continued scrolling through your phone. You didn’t bother to look up when you responded. 
Ever since Dispatch released a photo of you and Chan, the fandom was in shambles. Half of them were defending you and the other half was planning ways to end your life. Chan told you to ignore what people said, but it was about impossible to ignore when your social media accounts were being bombed every few seconds.
Every refresh sent new hate tweets and every time you opened Instagram, you were tagged in more and more photos. You had to turn off your Insta comments because they were flooded with hate. Ever since it happened, you’d been glued to your phone. Every new hate comment was another chip at your heart. 
Chan was sitting at his laptop and working on stringing the vocals of another song together. Most of the song was being arranged by another producer, but he wanted the beginning to sound a certain way. Chains clanked, a certain whistle sounded, and then the bass dropped. 
He’d been working at it for over an hour and he was expecting you to come curl into his lap like you usually did, but as time went on, you stayed behind him on the studio couch. He tried to focus, but it was driving him insane, he just wanted you for five minutes. You were too busy with your nose in your phone to notice. 
He finally shut his laptop, stretched his arms above his head, and he let out a groan. He leaned back and kicked his feet to push him away from the desk. At any time, you’d take notice, rush over, and practically jump on him, but you didn’t. 
He waited five seconds and then ten. Thirty trickled into forty and then he scraped his foot along the floor to face you. “Okay, what’s got you so obsessed that you can’t even look at me? You’ve been on your phone for so long. Did you find someone else to replace me?” 
You finally glanced over at his voice. Your head slightly shook and you hesitated, but clicked your phone off. “I haven’t, but maybe you should find someone else to replace me. The fans are saying that you’re out of my league.” 
“Those that are saying that aren’t my fans. Those are cunts that will-” 
“You can’t call your fans cunts, Chan.” 
“It’s the Aussie way!” 
“It’s the way to get your ass in trouble if management hears you.” 
“And that’s why they’re not here and it’s just us.” He opened his arms and sat back in his chair. “Come here. Come give me the love that I deserve. Let me love you.” 
Your face softened as you stared at him. His hands clinked as he made grabby hands in your direction. “Come on! You know you want me. You want me soooo bad.” 
“You’re a child, I swear.” You let your phone lay, placed your beverage on the coffee table, and headed over to him. 
He giggled, wrapped his arms around your waist, and jerked you onto his lap. You barely had time to understand it before you were straddling his lap. He cooed and squeezed you tightly as he slightly rocked back and forth in the chair. 
“Who’s the cutest of them all? You are. Who’s the prettiest and the best? You are.” 
“You’re talking to me the exact way you talk to Berry.” 
“And that’s why I know that you secretly love it. You always get cuteness aggression when I do that, don’t you?” He reached up and gently squeezed your cheeks in his hands. A baby voice slipped out and his dimpled smile grew. 
You couldn’t help, but burst into laughter as the tip of his nose bumped yours and he gently tickled the sides of your torso.  _ _ _ 
“Are you praying or meditating?” Minho asked as he joined you at the breakfast table. A plate of scrambled eggs and toast was sat down in front of you. “You should finish quickly, preferably before your food gets cold.” 
Your hands were clenched tight and you sat straight up in the wooden chair. Your nostrils flared as you sucked in a deep breath through your nose and let it out through your mouth. Your eyes remained shut as you finally spoke. 
“I’m sending out a message to whatever grand and divine divinity is listening out there.” 
“That’s new for you.” He grabbed a fork and scooped up a pile of yellowed eggs. “So enlighten me, what made you find religion at seven in the morning?” He took the bite and began to chew. 
“May God give me the strength to not tell Minho’s fans to sit on my middle finger and swivel.” 
He stopped chewing and his eyes grew wide. Your own eyes opened and met him. For a brief moment, the two of you held eye contact. It was quickly ruined by Minho’s bubbly laughter turning into a choke. Bits of half-chewed scrambled eggs hit your face and your look of disgust only made him laugh harder. 
He swallowed the remnants, grabbed his napkin, leaned over the table, and wiped the moist bits away. “I’m so sorry, but you shouldn’t have said that while I was chewing. You could have waited until I swallowed.” 
“This is their fault too.” 
“What could they have possibly done to make you so enraged at this early in the morning?” 
“One of your so-called fans went viral on TikTok. Take a guess as to why that was.” Your arms crossed over your chest and you scowled. 
“Because they lurked on my Instagram and found a post that I posted two years ago. You know how I regularly volunteer at the animal shelter?” He hummed softly. “Well, they found that post and they found the caption where I admitted that I was a dog person!” 
“They’re ripping me to shreds for it! They’re claiming that we’re not compatible because I’m a dog person! Who does that? And they’re all on TikTok like-” Your voice grew high-pitched as you began to mock the comments that you recounted in your head. 
He stared at you and a fond smile appeared on his face. Too engaged in your discourse, you didn’t realize how silly you sounded. You went on and on and on until he stopped you. “Are you done yet?” 
You huffed and threw yourself back in your seat. “Yes. No. Maybe. I don’t know.” 
“Definitely a dog person. If a cat person was in your situation, we just would have posted photos with more cats to piss them off more.” 
“You’re not helping.” 
“I didn’t ever imply I was going to help the situation. That’s called comedy. I might go on Bubble and agree with them. What about that?” 
You glared at him and all he could do was chuckle. Without missing a beat, your middle finger went up. “Sit and swivel.”
“You first, sweetheart.” 
_ _ _ 
“And you know what they say,” Changbin whispered as his eyes drooped. “A chicken breast a day keeps the muscles swole and slay.” Half asleep, his words turned into utter nonsense. 
Meanwhile, your hands were on your cheeks in the bathroom attached to your bedroom. With the door wide open, you weren’t really paying attention to his words. You were focused on pulling your eyebrows up and pushing your nose down. 
“No, Hyunjin hasn’t bought me my diamond ring yet.” 
He blinked and jerked upright in bed. His sleepy eyes found you leaning against the bathroom door frame with a frown on your face. “What did you say?” 
“I called your name. Do my facial features look weird to you? Ever since the news broke about us dating, they keep calling me ugly. That’s the one prominent thing they keep commenting on.” 
You glanced back to the bathroom mirror with a deepened frown. “Are my eyebrows the issue?” You stepped back inside, stood to the side, and sighed. A finger brushed down the slope of your nose. “Maybe that’s the issue?” 
“No, Felix, you can’t crawl in my muscles and live inside of them forever.” 
Your eyebrows narrowed as you jerked your head back to the room. Changbin’s head tipped down to his chest and his messy black hair sat in every direction. “What did you say about Felix?” 
He groaned, his head jerked up, and he rubbed his eyes. “What about the fans?” 
“They keep calling me ugly.” 
“WHAT?” He kicked and scrambled, nearly tangling within the blankets trying to get up. The sound of a loud thud sent you running back to the entrance to check on him. 
When you peered around the frame, he was pushing himself off the floor. “No, no, no!” Both of his fingers wagged as he marched in your direction. “I won’t stand for that kind of nonsense! Ugly? Maybe their personalities are ugly and just plain RUDE.” 
“But they keep-” 
“Nuh-uh.” He placed a hand on your hip and spun you around to face the bathroom. “I don’t care what they say. They’re not dating you and that means that their opinions are irrelevant.” 
He bent down and scooped you up. Your arm went behind your head and you allowed him to carry you back to bed. He bent down, pulled down the blankets, and gently laid you down. “The two of us are going to bed because we’re sleepy and you know what?”
“When people are sleepy, the opinions of others start to matter.” He pulled the sheet over you and then a blanket. “We don’t like when that happens, do we?” His head shook. “No we don’t, so we get some sleep.” 
“Are you gentle parenting me, right now?” 
 “Shush.” He patted the top of your forehead fondly and added another blanket. Another blanket was followed by a final blanket and he stood back to take in the scene. 
You were covered up your chin with all the heavy bedding. He nodded, walked towards you, and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. “And what do we do when we’re sleepy and the opinions of others start to affect us?” 
“We go to sleep, I think.” 
“Do you know why?” 
Your head shook. 
“Because we don’t take criticism from people that we’d never go to for advice. That includes meaningless conversations online from faceless accounts. Sleeping also helps reset the brain, so when we can wake up, we can feel fresh and rejuvenated.” 
“I like that quote.” 
He hummed, walked around the bed, and crawled next to you. A hand shifted beneath your back and he tugged your body against his. “I like that quote too. Now please, go to sleep.” 
“What’d you say earlier about Hyunjin not buying you a ring yet?” 
“Shut up and sleep.” _ _ _ 
“Babe, it’s not that serious.” 
Your heart clenched at the words and you swallowed the hurt in your throat. You stared at the phone in your hand, clicked it off, and gently laid it off to the side. Hyunjin just got home from work and all day, you’d been dealing with the aftermath of your relationship leaking to the public. 
Horrible and terrible things were being said about you. You tried not to let it bother you, but things tended to be taken to heart. A few videos were leaked by fans who stumbled upon you and you and Hyunjin were in an argument over something stupid. The fans caught it on tape and since then, you’d been called a variety of curse words under the sun. 
“Do you think I’m flawed for taking things too seriously?” You asked after a wave of silence broke between you. “Because even your fans agree, just by one video, that I take things too seriously.” 
On the other end of the living room, his face fell. “I didn’t mean it like that. The argument that we were having, they don’t understand that we banter like that all the time. Just because you view life through a different lens, it doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing.” 
He pushed himself from the recliner and headed to your end of the couch. “I’m sorry for acting like it’s nothing. I’ve just learned that most fan discourse is to be ignored. They’re always assuming or seeing things that aren’t really there. It’s an endless void and if you let yourself drown in it, you’ll be miserable.”
“I didn’t consider that you’ve never dealt with issues like this before.” He plopped down beside you and tugged you into his lap. “Whatever they say and whatever stupidity that they come up with, it doesn’t define you. I wouldn’t be with you if I hated you.” 
“Their opinions are irrelevant and a lot of what you’re hearing, it’s anger from their own insecurities. You were meant for me and that’s just how it is. I’m not meant to live a life following the opinions of others and neither are you.” 
“My opinion was the right opinion,” you mumbled. “I just don’t see how they could agree with you over a stupid idea.” 
He playfully scoffed. “Nuh-uh! Mine was the right one.” 
“Who doesn’t like eggplants?” 
He groaned and threw up his hands in disbelief. He shoved you back towards the arm of the couch and threw himself onto his back. “BECAUSE WHY WOULD YOU? Were you born sick?” 
You’d keep fighting him about this topic, not necessarily because you loved eggplants, but because you liked watching his theatrical reactions. 
_ _ _ 
“Okay, you’re not talking and it’s really starting to freak me out. What more do you want from me? Honey? You’re not chatting like you usually do.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You shrugged and let yourself relax against the porch swing. The metal frame had a canopy above it and the two of you were enjoying the last tendrils of the setting sun.
Milky pink, soft blue, and a dusting of fireball red swirled around the sky. Han was crisscrossed in his socks while he talked about his day. Usually, you’d be piping in with comments or asking him questions, but today, you just occasionally hummed. 
You focused on the sky and you let your feet gently sway your body back and forth. He continued rambling and rambling and rambling. Usually, the two of you bounced from topic-to-topic, but when you didn’t utter a word after his third story, he frowned. 
“Are you listening to me?” 
“Then why aren’t you talking? Are you mad at me?” 
Your eyes found his and your head shook. “No, I just thought you might like it better if I was quiet for once. I don’t always need to be saying things and interrupting your conversations. We always change directions and I thought it’d be nice for you to finish a story without you being distracted.” 
“But I love when the conversation diverts elsewhere and we talk about other things before coming back. It’s really fun and I like it.” 
“Do you really or are you just saying that to make me feel better?” 
He pushed himself to sit up and let his legs fall to the ground. “Why would I lie about that?” 
“Your fans think I’m too loud and too much. I guess I got worried that maybe you think that too. I get so happy and excited to talk to you. I don’t mean to be so loud, but I–” 
“Don’t ever apologize for existing loudly. I love knowing you exist and knowing that you want to interact with me. It’s one of my favorite parts of the day, so please never stop.” 
“You mean it?” You whispered softly. 
“With my whole entire heart.” He leaned closer and pressed his lips to yours. Your eyes slipped shut and you let your body relax. When he pulled away, his eyes twinkled beneath the fading rays of sunlight. “Can I do that again?” 
“Do you really have to ask?” 
He grinned and leaned forward to kiss you again. 
_ _ _ 
“Babe! Babe! Babe!” Felix burst into your room beaming. “I did it! I did it! I’m not bronze anymore! I finally got a higher rank!” 
Your eyes widened and you spun around in your gaming chair. On your head, your headphones sat on your ears and your microphone was on. You shot Felix a look of panic and his face fell. “Oh, shit,” he whispered. 
Dating the love of your life was easy, but it was harder when you earned your living by streaming gaming content and Felix was an idol. With such public lives, the two of you weren’t sure how to break the news. Felix wasn’t even sure if his company would allow it, so when he found a significant other, he just never told them. 
Awkwardly, he grimaced and backed out of the room. Your eyes squeezed shut as you internally cursed and spun yourself back to face the ongoing livestream. 
“If the fans don’t kill you first, jyp will.” 
“Holy FUCK, when did that happen?” 
“And if I said that never happened and the stream glitched?” You laughed nervously and tried to play it off. Your eyes went back to your game and you tried to breathe and not panic, but it wasn’t working. 
It didn’t help that when you glanced over, the chat was being filled with hate. People were fuming about you having a significant other. Others were fans of Stray Kids and they were pissed off that you of all people were dating their favorite idol. 
“So how about we talk about something else? Like how you guys have been doing or literally anything else?” You forced a laugh, but it didn’t help. More and more comments were rolling in. 
When you caught wind of more hatred, you blinked rapidly, trying not to cry. Not to mention, the level you were playing, your character kept dying. Too shaken up by the events, your fingers weren’t as quick as they usually were. 
After about five minutes of torture, the door to your room flung open and caused you to jump. You glanced back over your shoulder to find an angry Felix striding into the room. Before you could stop him, he pulled your chair away from your camera set up. 
“Okay, that’s it, it’s me.” He got on his knees, so he was in the camera frame. “I’d really appreciate it if you wouldn’t be mean to my significant other in the gaming chat. They’ve worked so hard to get to this point and I don’t think it’s fair that you’re making this about me now.”
“Felix, you don’t have to-” 
“Do you know how hard it is to date a gamer when you’re stuck on bronze?” He continued. 
“You should date someone with a real job.” 
Felix read the comment and frowned. Without missing a beat, he responded. “And I think you should get a real life instead of hiding behind a screen with a Skibidi Toilet profile picture.” 
You gently placed a hand on his shoulder, reminding him that he didn’t have to do this. He reached up, gently placed his hand on top of yours, and squeezed you back. He didn’t have to do this, but he wasn’t going to let you deal with the masses alone. 
He thought the Skibidi Toilet meme was stupid, so it felt like knocking down two birds with one stone. 
_ _ _ 
“Are you going to take a break anytime soon? You’ve been busy for the past few hours and I told you that I was going to take you out to dinner.” 
“Could you give me another hour?” You glanced up from your spot on the floor. In your hand, a screwdriver and in the other hand, you were holding a shelf of a smaller book shelf that you were trying to put together. 
“Um…” Seungmin’s head tipped and he frowned. “Yeah, I guess. Did you get a burst of inspiration or something? You’ve been working in this room the entire day. You stripped the carpet, you put in those hardwood sections that I told you I’d help you with. Now,” he gestured to the bookshelf, “you’re building furniture.” 
You shrugged, “I just wanted to get our room prepared. It’s harder to move between an apartment and a house if the rooms aren’t ready, so I thought I’d just spend the day fixing it up.” 
“But?” You echoed. 
He wanted to point out your short attention span and tell you that this certainly wasn’t like you. He wanted to ask if you were okay or mentally unwell, but you looked bored by the conversation. Your eyes continued to wander back to the instruction booklet to make sure you were placing pieces together properly. 
“Never mind, just call me when you’re ready and we’ll go.” 
You watched him spin around and leave. Your attention went right back to the bookcase. Ever since you caught wind of his fans calling you lazy, you were forcing yourself to be more self-disciplined. 
Seungmin did it with such ease. Even when he didn’t want to do things, he pushed himself harder. Maybe that meant staying longer to learn a dance or it meant taking extra vocal lessons. Perhaps, it was just spending extra time in the recording booth to nail vocals. Seungmin seemed to get the whole self-perseverance thing, but you were different.  
Tasks were more difficult for you to get through. Having a short attention span didn’t help and oftentimes, you found yourself getting distracted or doing other things. Motivation was hard to come by for you. You were trying to work on self-discipline, but it was a long process. 
You were dubbed lazy by Seungmin’s fans after Seungmin made a light-hearted joke in the interview. He called you a homebody and joked that you were like a lazy cat, constantly curled up somewhere and not doing much. It never truly minded Seungmin and it was just a joke, but when the fandom heard it, they weren’t happy. 
They didn’t understand how someone with so much go could date someone with such little motivation. It worried them and the lighthearted joke rolled into an entire hate train. Comment after comment was plastered on your feed. 
Since then, you were trying to make yourself seem useful. You ignored the short attention span of yours and forced yourself to keep going. This was day one of what you had internally dubbed your new life. 
A shriek a short while later sent Seungmin rushing back to the room you were in. You were there with a hammer and gripping your thumb while you cursed up a storm. He rushed to your side and gently grabbed your hand. 
“Let me see it. What happened?” He pulled your now red and throbbing thumb away from your other fingers. 
All you could do was hiss in pain. It took a few seconds before you could admit that you accidentally slammed your thumb, with the hammer’s head, while driving a nail into the side of the wood. 
“Can you bend it?” Worried eyes found yours. 
“I don’t even want to attempt to do that. It hurts so bad, I wish I was kidding. I can physically feel it swelling up.” 
“Let’s put the restaurant on a rain check right now and let’s get you to the doctor.” 
He pulled you up by your good hand and led you into the living room. It was there that he helped you slip into your shoes and began tying the strings. You watched him with a frown on your face. 
“This is so stupid,” you mumbled, feeling mortified about everything. “Your fans were right and so were you. I have an awful attention span and maybe all I’m really good for is laying around and being lazy.” 
He glanced up at you with a raised eyebrow. “You haven’t seen that your fans are hitting me with hate, have you? You made that joke last week and now I’ve become a failure in their eyes.” 
“I have a lot to say about that, but I think we need to get you to the emergency room. Do you think the doctor will IV you? Maybe if I take a photo of it and ask for prayers, they’ll think you’re dying and then they’ll feel awful.” 
“That’s incredibly petty.” 
“Yeah, well, nobody gets to bully you besides me.” 
_ _ _ 
Jeongin’s arms reached out for you and then you dipped down. You ducked away, spun around, and began to talk about your day. Jeongin’s face puckered in displeasure, but he didn’t fight it. 
“How was your day?” You asked once you were finished. 
The two of you arrived home at the same time, just like usual. Your days were polar opposite, but it always led to different conversations. You were pretty stationary at your job, but Jeongin was constantly on the move. 
“It was okay.” He reached out for your hand, but you tugged it away when you saw him reach for it. “The guys and I screwed around like usual. We started to learn a new dance and I think by the end of tomorrow’s practice, we’ll have it fully down.” 
“That sounds amazing. You guys are really good at learning dances so fast. I don’t think I could ever do something that quickly. It takes me a few days to get the dance moves down.” 
He hummed and reached out again, but once more, you ignored his outstretched hand and you side-stepped it. When you did it again, he finally reached out, grabbed your hips, shoved you forward, and then shifted you. When he was finished, you stared at him with wide eyes. 
His hands remained on your hips and he pinned you against a living room stand. Your throat pulsed as you swallowed a loud gulp. His eyes met yours and they narrowed. 
“What?” You finally uttered as you squirmed beneath his gaze. “What are you looking at me like that for? What did I do?”
“Are you playing dumb right now, or are you being serious?” 
“Huh?” “You won’t let me touch you. I’ve tried to grab you a few times and you keep wiggling away, like you don’t want to be touched. Did I do something wrong yesterday?” He gently squeezed your hips. “I don’t know what I did.” 
“You didn’t do anything wrong. I just…” You trailed off, not sure if you should tell him or not. 
“You just what?” 
“That video that leaked the other day, the fans think I’m too clingy. I don’t want to seem like I’m suffocating you. I know that you’re not so huge on skin-to-skin contact, but I also didn’t realize just how much I do it.” 
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to do something just because I like it. You’re allowed to have boundaries in this relationship and if I’m clinging to you and touching you way too much, then I-”
“Don’t finish that sentence.” 
Your words halted immediately. Under the scrutiny of his stare, it was getting harder to stay still. You sucked in a deep breath and his fingers squeezed your hips once more. 
“I know I’m allowed to have boundaries, but I’ve learned to like your touch. I don’t mind it if you’re constantly touching me. If you’re laying on me, curled around my arm, or just holding hands, I’ve learned that I really like it.” 
“Are you sure?” You whispered. “Because truly, if you don’t like it-” 
“I never admit it because of the guys,” he finally admitted. “If I admit that I don’t mind your skinship, the guys will be all over me. It’s already bad enough that the seven of them still view me as a helpless teenager.” 
A smile cracked at your face. “It just means that they love you, Innie.” 
“And I love them, but I also love being grown and being independent. Now enough of that, where’s my hug? My evening kiss? I’ve had a long day and I’d really like to be touched.” 
“Words of a pervert,” you mumbled beneath your breath. 
“What did you just say?”
“Spoken like a true perv-” 
He cut you off by pulling you towards him and connecting your lips.
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Taglist: @lia-linny @straykidsstanforeverandever @seungnishi @stellasays45 @emilyywhyy
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iwassupremacy · 1 year ago
Accidentally sexting bestfriend!Stray kids
Stray kids x reader
Fake texts!
Warnings: suggestive, maybe even smutty? Idk there’s no actual action but like… it’s very specific, mentions of: oral (f and m receiving), daddy kink, dom and sub dynamics, finger fucking, sending nudes (don’t be stupid guys; at least never show your face or noticeable traits!)
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Bang Chan
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Lee Minho
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Seo Changbin
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Hwang Hyunjin
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Han Jisung
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Lee Felix
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Kim Seungmin
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Yang Jeongin
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Let me know what you think! This is my first time posting something like this and only my second post in general, so I would really appreciate some feedback and interaction
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luvyeni · 4 months ago
( reaction ) telling them you aren't wearing panties ! ୨୧ 一 스트레이키즈 ՞
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⸃ ⸰ ⌁ skz reaction to you not wearing panties ヾ
boyfriend!스트레이키즈・ fem!reader ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ g ・ smut ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ cw ・ no penetration , pet play? , degradation wc ・ ‎1.2k ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎| ‎ ‎click to library
request. hii I hope you remember mee~ it's okay if you don't tho I'm just here to ask I'd you could do a similar reaction to this one with riize but with skz instead. The one saying their reaction to not wearing any panties on the date. Thank you so much I love you and always remember to stay safe <333
「 ୨୧ authors note 」 here you go ! enjoy it love <3
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﹙ 𐙚 : bangchan ﹚ .ᐟ
thought his eyes were deceiving him; surely you would wear underwear with a skirt that short. he didn't say anything until you slid into the booth and he could see your ass poking from under the skirt , he slid right in making sure no one saw you. “what the fuck?” he sat down next to your. “where are your fucking panties babygirl?” he gritted through his teeth , just as the waiter was about to make his way over to your table. “i didn't wear any.” he could see that , what he couldn't figure is why the fuck were you trying to turn him on in this restaurant right now. “you're we already paid for the reservations.” he said , kissing your temples because the server was close. “what can I do for you guys?” he waited for the boy to leave before turning back to you.
“daddy is gonna ruin you when we get home , trust baby.”
﹙ 𐙚 : lee know ﹚ .ᐟ
he knew you were up to something , the fact that you were a little too excited to get out of the car and into the restaurant. “you must be really hungry huh?” you didn't say anything though , but that glint in your eye and that smirk he swore he saw made him curious. “what are you up to?” he said. “nothing” you smiled “innocently” and he damn sure wasn't buying it. “i have to go to the bathroom.” you got up leaving the boy alone , not even 2 moments later his phone buzzed , he picked it up , your plans becoming evident. “i fucking knew it.” he cursed. you sat back down to a seething lee know. “fucking slut you aren't wearing any underwear.” you giggled , knowing he wouldn't do anything in public , but you knew you were also done for after the date , he leaned over so you could only hear him.
“let's see if you find it later when your pussy is battered from cock and you still haven't came.”
﹙ 𐙚 : changbin ﹚ .ᐟ
you knew changbin couldn't resist praising you. “binnie , binnie look at my new shoes.” he genuinely wanted to see the shoes , looking under the table , only to be met with your legs widened. his head shot up looking at you with wide eyes. “b-baby.” he was flustered , it made you giggle. “where are your panties?” he whispered , you shrugged. “didn't feel like wearing any.” he was bewildered honestly , turned on but bewildered , he didn't even give a fuck about those shoes anymore not the food. “give me a minute , gonna pay the bill.” he stood up. “wait what about the food?”
“I'll ask them to wrap it up to go , no way im gonna sit through dinner knowing how wet you are sitting across from me.”
﹙ 𐙚 : hyunjin ﹚ .ᐟ
you knew your man loved to take pictures of you during your dates , so it was perfect. you waited for him to get up from the seat to “use the bathroom” you knew he was just going to pay the bill so you wouldn't try and pay , but you let it be — quickly slipping into his seat , taking your panties off , looking around before slipping them into his jacket pocket. you smiled as you slipped back into your seat as he came back down. “how was the bathroom?” he smiled , knowing he was caught. “let me take a few photos baby.” he reached into his jacket , furrowing his eyebrows as he pulled out the lacy material. he smiled, shoving the panties back into his jacket. “you little minx.” you giggled. “my favorite pair too.”
“we should skip dessert so we can get home and i can take some photos of you laid out in bed all pretty for me.”
﹙ 𐙚 : han jisung ﹚ .ᐟ
you purposely dropped the fork on to the floor, and the poor boy just trying to be a good boyfriend crawled under the table to get it for you — only to be met with your legs wide open , your bare pussy on display. a small “fuck” leaving his mouth making you smirk as he came back from under the table , his face red as he sat the fork down. “yo-you're not wearing any panties.” he whispered , his hands coming up to his cock , fixing himself. “wh-why.” he whined , upset because he was unable to do anything because you had already denied his request to leave. “i want dessert , don't be selfish sungie.”
“why would you show me if you were just gonna torture me like this baby , im gonna cum just sitting here thinking about it.”
﹙ 𐙚 : felix﹚ .ᐟ
“i think i left my lipstick in the car.” know felix kept a spare always in his pocket for you. “don't worry baby i go it.” he reached into his jacket pocket next to him. “what is this?” he innocently took out the lace , eyes widened as he shoved it back inside. “baby when did you do that?” he said , he was sure you were wearing them when you left the house , he was in the room when you were getting dressed. “i took the off when you went to pay the bill.” he gulped adams apple bobbing. “baby fuck it's hard enough to see you dressed so pretty for me , but knowing you're pussy is probably dripping on to the seat is painful love.”
“let's skip dessert tonight , i got something else sweet i want to eat and i don't think i can wait until we get home.”
﹙ 𐙚 : seungmin ﹚ .ᐟ
you knew it would piss him off — that's why it was perfect to do it to him. your heart was racing as you hit send on your phone , your legs shaking as you watched him pick up his phone to read the message , his eye lifting up to yours , filled with a lust filled angry glare. he didn't say anything , lifting up the table cloth looking under , quietly coming up. “can't take a mutt like you anywhere can i?” he growled , you were dripping for him. “i want to go home.” you whined , needing him. “no , you're gonna sit there until the date is over.” he said , you rolled your eyes. “don't think because we're in public i won't embarrass you , i'll make you kneel right here.” you immediately stopped unsure if he was serious, but you weren't about to test that theory.
“act like a bad dog and i’ll treat you like one , let's see how funny you think this stunt is later.”
﹙ 𐙚 : jeongin ﹚ .ᐟ
was he already looking at your ass? yes , yes he was — but that was besides the point , he could easily tell you were missing your panties through the dress. “sit the fuck down.” he hissed , you pretended to be confused , tilting your head in fake innocence. “are you fucking joking?” he growled , leaning over the table. “you aren't wearing any fucking panties.” he wanted to wipe that smile clean off your face. “didn't want panty lines.” you shrugged him off. “waitress is coming.” he could care less about the waitress. “then you wear a thong or something , i don't know.” but you wave him off. “this look is much better.” the waitress coming closer , he leaned over whispering one final threat.
“laugh now baby , shit won't be funny when your ass is sore and pussy is begging for my cock and you don't get it.”
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seungisms · 12 days ago
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: smut, do not interact if you’re under 18
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: unprotected sex, oral (male and female receiving), fingering, degradation, semi-public sex, car sex, somnophilia, overstimulation, sub!hyunjin
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this was completely self indulgent btw, just wanted an excuse to write about how big changbin and jisung have gotten lately 😮‍💨 also it’s 4k words so if this flops i’ll probably rope it. reblog for a kiss, feedback much appreciated! 
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𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍 / 방찬 ★ 
gets such a huge kick out of making you cum while simultaneously refusing to give you his dick - you can beg, plead, throw all the tantrums you want, he won’t give in. he just wants to see you get all cute and desperate and greedy for his cock before he gives you it :( absolutely loves how easy it is to get you off when you’re in this state and will have you drooling on him like a bitch in heat in no time with simply just his fingers and pretty praises, curling deep against your snug walls while cooing down at you, “you’re already so fucked out honey, haven’t even given you a taste of cock yet. think you can handle it?” all you can manage is a stupid little nod and whimper, hips grinding down to meet the thrusts of his fingers, cunt hungrily sucking them in and he just wishes it was his dick instead. chan truly loves to take his sweet time with you and can’t help but think you look soso pretty after he’s fucked you dumb on his fingers, pussy all sticky and stretched and just begging for him to bully his fat cock in. but he can be a tad cruel sometimes and honestly thinks its the funniest thing ever to ignore your gasped begs, a mean grin on his otherwise gentle face as his digits continue to spread you open, hardly giving his neglected dick a second thought. 
calls you all the pretty names in the book - angel, sweetheart, honey - and they all sound a little too sweet falling from his lips when he’s abusing your little nub. really enjoys watching you work for your orgasm too, its no fun if he’s just gonna hand it to you!! lays between your legs and rubs his fat cockhead up and down your folds, drenching it in your warmth before accidentally fucking it in just an inch then pulling back again, eating up all the frustrated whines you let slip. but god, when he finally does push in and rips one last orgasm out of you its so worth it, and you can barely find it in yourself to care about the way he tormented your poor pussy earlier when he’s stretching you out real good, cock pumping into you so deep it has you slack jawed and teary eyed. fucks you through your orgasm, the familiar heat in your body traveling down in warm spurts of slick cum coating his dick. and he just can’t stop running his mouth when you’re clamping down on him, “that’s it baby, cum on my cock…god, this tight little pussy will be the death of me,” and, “pretty girl, you did so well for me.” he’s so pussy whipped. might even get nasty with it and bury his face between your thighs after, lapping up the mess of cum and sweat pooling onto your thighs. good luck prying him away <333
𝐋𝐄𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐇𝐎 / 리노 ★
a true menace at heart. his favourite way to make you cum is when you’re not even aware that it’s happening - you’ll be knocked out cold and you still won’t be safe from this sick, sick man. you couldn’t even count the amount of times you’ve woken up to him pumping into your cunt in the dead of night, shushing you back to sleep cause, “you’re okay sweetheart, just couldn’t stop thinking about your pretty pussy all night. just go back to sleep.” just can’t help himself. especially when he wakes up before you and you’re beside him looking all vulnerable and cute wrapped up in his sheets, legs looking so empty without his head between them and what’s a man to do? doesn’t even give it a second thought before he’s working his mouth against your cunt, testing how many orgasms he can pull from you before you catch on and finally wake up. can only bury his face further into the messy heaven that is your pussy when your sleepy whimpers perk his ears, brows furrowing in pleasure and pretty face all screwed up, mind toting on the line between sleep and the slick tongue working you up. such a tease and will pull away just to watch in amusement as your back arches slightly off the bed, hips subconsciously rutting up to chase after his mouth, missing the warmth and practically begging him to fuck his tongue deeper into your inviting pussy. and he’s so fucking mean to you that he’ll fucking laugh to himself, mumbling something about how much of a cock whore you are even when you’re deep asleep. 
minho is a messy eater, spit and drool mixed with your arousal dripping from his chin - not letting up his abuse until your nub is raw and pulsing against his tongue. he’s quick to rest a hand on your tummy when you start to come around, legs closing in around his head and eyes blinking sleepily down at him and he would’ve thought you were so cute if he wasn’t so busy making out with your pussy. doesn’t even give you a second to figure out what tf is going on before he’s trying to coax more of those adorable gasps out of you, teeth tugging on your folds and fingers digging into the soft flesh of your thighs, keeping them spread wide open for him until you’re complaining that your muscles are sore and tired, but he still won’t let up - continuing to eat you out like a starved animal. likes when you just can’t help yourself from tangling your fingers in his hair, tugging his face even closer to your dripping cunt to the point all he can see, feel, taste is you. and you’re grinding down on him like a desperate little pup, nose bumping against your clit in the most delicious obscene way, all sloppy and messy with your cum and you’re just left wondering why your boyfriend is so mean to you at 8 in the goddamn morning. he won’t stop until you’re begging him to either, pussy left raw and swollen before he’s leaving one last spit fuelled kiss against it. forces you to kiss him after too, shoving his tongue down your throat so you can taste how sweet you really are.
“morning sweetheart.”
likes showing off his strength to you, especially in public when you can do nothing but drool over him - his eyes going straight to the way you press your pretty thighs together when he wears a tight fitting shirt or has his arms on show and he can practically smell the arousal dripping off you. pretends to be surprised when he finally corners you into an empty dressing room, flipping up your skirt and getting a good look at your damp panties and you can hardly stand the embarrassed flush that takes over when he swipes a fat finger over the drenched fabric. makes some sarcastic quip like, “jesus baby, did watching me work out make you this wet? i haven’t even done anything yet.” and nearly loses his goddamn mind when he feels you gush even more at his words, wetness starting to drip past the seams and he can almost taste it. but you don’t even have time to apologise for being the cock hungry whore he always likes to tease you are before he’s nudging your stupid frilly underwear to the side and bumping his digits past your folds, pumping and stretching them so deep inside you it has your toes curling and nails breaking the skin of his biceps, looking for something, anything, to hold onto. and he’ll have you creaming on his cock in a matter of minutes, muscles tensing in his back and jaw straining as he fucks you full. 
you best believe he’s gonna put those muscles to good use, he’s big and strong, strong enough to put you into any position he wants. loves seeing that dumb look on your cute little face the second he gets his hands on you. with the strength comes the stamina, he can go until you’ve completely milked him dry - having fucked you until you were empty headed hours ago but he’s still determined to force just one more out of you. as soon as he feels you go limp on him he’s all over you, tangling a hand in your hair to tug your head back, sweaty chest pressed tightly against your back as he pumps into you from behind, buried so deeply it’s no wonder he has you cumming on his dick again and again. loves the way you lazily clench around him despite tapping out long ago, his strong arms holding you to fuck up into you like you’re nothing more than a hole to him. istg one of the main factors this man works out so much is to see you lose your absolute mind the bigger he gets. 
despite being such a brat, he knows how much you get off on having him sub for you. so he might just let you take control now and then if you’re being extra good for him. and he expects you to take full advantage of the opportunity cause he can go back to being a brat in a matter of seconds if you’re not careful. nothing quite gets you going like reducing this man to a blubbering mess of cute tears and whimpers, cock all swollen and neglected and just itching to finally sink into your inviting pussy. he sometimes hates how nasty you can get when he’s in such a state, edging him towards orgasm again and again and he can’t miss the way your pussy dampens at the sounds of his whiney groans. tries to hold himself back a lot for your sake, veins in his neck almost popping while his fingers twist and curl into the bedsheets, resisting the urge to fuck his hips up when you’re smothering his dick with your glossy lips. nearly loses all sense of control when you take his fat tip between them, tongue pressing down around him and he can hardly focus on anything but the mess of drool and precum slipping down your chin, it’s such a pretty sight. he’s so fucked out that he almost misses the way your fingers dip into your pussy, fucking your fingers into your hot cunt in time with the bobs of your head and he has half a mind to force you off him and replace them with his cock.
hyunjin swears he wants to be good for you, he really does, but he’s so greedy and soso close to cumming that he can’t help but think with his dick and buck his hips up slightly to force himself further down your throat, the lewd sounds of your choked gasps only spiralling him closer. he can only let out a series of pathetic apologies that don’t really mean anything cause he’s still humping your mouth like a dog. post nut regret is real cause as soon as he empties himself down your throat he’s letting out a series of excuses, “but baby, you just feel so good!! how am i meant to help myself 🥺” and nearly crashes tf out when you don’t buy it for a single second - he can only beg, hope, pray you’ll go easy on him. but then you’re grabbing his jaw in your hand, spitting something vile about how much of a selfish bastard he is, sinking your slippery pussy down onto his softening cock and sitting all pretty. making him watch as you get yourself off over and over without offering him the slightest bit of relief - he almost believes your biting words that he’s good for nothing but a dick for you to pleasure yourself with, trying to ignore the fact that deep, deep down he loves when you use him like this. 
sometimes he likes not giving you what you want. he’s normally all over you to the point it was pathetic, not able to keep his hands to himself for even a second and you just love teasing him about how well trained and pussy-whipped you have him. he hates it. so now and again he likes to remind you how much you relay on him to keep you sane by dicking you down almost daily. makes you suffer for a few days just to see you slowly lose your mind, and he thrives on how desperate you are to have him buried inside you. he knows you’re apprehensive, especially when he starts making up some excuse you clearly don’t buy when you reach for his underwear, or when he pushes you away and whispers “later baby” when you grind down onto his cock but later never comes, and whenever you finally do coax him to fuck you he’ll pull out just as you’re about to cum, claiming he was just too tired. he’ll have to keep himself busy, late nights in the studio so he doesn’t have time to think about how much he’d rather be buried balls deep in your warm pussy, canceling your plans to spend it at the dorms just begging to some god, whatever god, that you’ll finally break and just force him to fuck you. and when you finally do, it’ll almost be worth blue balling himself the whole week. 
jisung just knows you’re planning something when you so sweetly offer him a ride when he’s running late to practice, your doe eyes hiding a mean glint and the obnoxiously tiny skirt you’re donning not fooling him in the slightest. doesn’t even question it when five minutes into the ride you take a wrong turn into an empty street, stalling the engine and clambering into his lap from where he sat in the passenger seat - so desperate that you don’t waste any time, nudging your flimsy panties to the side to sink down onto his fat dick, he has to hold everything inside of himself back from busting a load just from the feeling alone. and he’s been so pussy depraved the past week that he can do nothing but give in, letting you ride him like he was nothing more than a cock for you to use. he just HAS to keep his mouth busy when he’s fucking up into you, anything to keep him from losing himself in the hold your cunt has on him. “you’re so needy, you know that baby? almost worse than me. what? you don’t like being told the truth? you were losing your mind without my dick inside you, it was cute.” and he just can’t ignore the way you seem to wrap even tighter around him, he didn’t even know it was possible with how you were suffocating his cock already. he gets you there in seconds, the stench of sex and sweat fogging up the windows and he swears your cum has never tasted sweeter than when he has you reduced to the mess you are now. 
𝐋𝐄𝐄 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐗 / 필릭스 ★
felix is usually so sweet and gentle with you during sex, spoiling you with pretty praises and the stretch of his cock fucking you so lovingly it’d make you feel embarrassed sometimes. but he just can’t stand it when you take advantage of that and act like a brat, it makes him want to bend you over the nearest surface and fuck you in front of everyone whenever you give him the slightest bit of lip in public, forcing you to apologise on his dick for being such a little bitch. he won’t go that far though. no, he’ll just sit back and watch as you get yourself off, every passing second making your need for his cock even more obvious - might not be your favourite way to get off, but its definitely his. ignores your meek apologies when you know you’ve went too far, deep voice cutting you off and telling you to strip as he sits comfortably against your headboard, hands undoing his belt and you’re practically dripping in arousal - foolishly thinking he’s gonna give in and fuck the attitude out of you. but he can be so nasty when he wants to be, cock leaking and red and you suddenly feel so empty looking at it. fucking laughs at how eager you are when you rush to sit on his lap and just when you’re about to sink down onto him he’s stopping you, a mean glint in his pretty eyes. “grind on it.” loves wiping that hopeful look on your face and if you even think for a second about complaining he’ll just make you sit in the corner and watch as he gets himself off over and over again. 
he likes to see you work for it, leaning his head back and gazing at your through bored eyes, acting like the warmth of your pussy dragging against the length of his cock wasn’t driving him absolutely insane. he’ll try his hardest to not give in, at least until he sees those cute tears line your lashes. and you never thought your sweet little boyfriend could be so mean with how he just refuses to fuck you. normally he’s wrapped around you pretty little finger, and god do you know it. deliberately bumping your pussy against his tip with every rut of your hips, hands clawing at his chest just begging for even an ounce of pity. but he wants to watch you make a mess out of yourself for just a bit longer, your whines going straight to his cock as spurts of warm precum spill out of his swollen tip, nudging it just an inch past your pussy to rub his stickiness against you. probably cums along with you when you finally do, and it’s so unsatisfying that you’re sobbing and sniffling into his chest, gasping out how much you need him inside you and he’s so proud you’ve finally let go of that bratty attitude of yours.
“that’s it pretty girl, let it all out.”
when he’s so pussy whipped that he’s completely consumed by you. the only thing he can think, taste, feel is you. to the point that nothing else matters and his only goal is to make you cum. nothing quite gets you off like it. he notices it first when he’s fucking you like he usually does, like he hates your guts, the stretch of his cock almost painful with how deep he was pumping into you, sweat dripping from his hairline and his pretty lips tainted with vile words. but the moment you hear a little pathetic whine leaving them instead you’re clamping down around him so snugly it has him letting a few more out without even thinking. he’ll try to ignore it, tells you to shut the fuck up or he’ll stop. but he won’t be able to shake the feeling of you spilling onto him in floods the second you registered the noise and the slight stutter of his hips, his usual harsh demeanour slipping for just a second. he’ll lose himself in the feeling of your warm cunt just see how you’d react, being a little pathetic in the way he talks you through it, mean words turning to pretty begs and he loves the way you gush around him from the complete 180. sometimes, only when you’ve been extra good for him, he’ll let you use his cock until you’ve completely milked him dry, just to coax more of those pretty whimpers out of him but he’ll genuinely break up with you if you dare bring it up to anyone :( LOVES eating you out when he’s in this space, stuffing his face so far between your thighs he’s almost being suffocated with your pussy, letting out the greediest little moans just from the taste alone, making you cum again and again until he’s covered and dripping in your cum. 
seungmin eats you out like a man starved, spit lubing up your cunt and your sore nub relentlessly abused by his tongue - nose nudging your clit a few times, only adding to the sloppy way he was kissing your pussy. but you just don’t have the heart to tell him to back off when he’s subtly humping the bed for some kind of release and his eyes are rolling into the back of his head, wet groans of, “tell me how good i’m making you feel, please,” being breathed out against your cunt everytime he reluctantly pulls away for a gulp of air, almost as if he’d be happier dying with his mouth on your cunt right then and there instead of pulling away. he’ll make himself cum just from eating you out, his name falling off your lips like it’s a prayer and back arching to fuck your pussy up into his mouth has his heavy cock twitching, warm spurts of cum leaking past his tip and leaving a sticky, wet patch on the bedsheets. has to overcompensate when the post-nut regret hits him though and will probably push your head into it, telling you to clean it up or some shit. gets soso cocky when you can’t get enough and start feeling up his softened cock, tutting something about, “just made you cum, you really are a greedy girl.” acting as if he hasn’t just spent the last hour eating you out like a animal. 
likes to get you off by riling you up. he just thinks it’s so funny - especially when he’s performing. he’ll play into it  when he knows you’re backstage watching on one of the monitors, just itching to get your hands on him and fuck the tease out of him. loves the thought of you drenching through your panties while watching him work the crowd, sweat dripping down his body and smiling all cocky when the audience goes wild for him, just knowing you’re right there along with them. he’ll make you wait a bit when he finally meets you in his dressing room, claiming he’s too tired but really he just wants to see you beg a little. and as soon as everyone clears out and it’s just you and him, you’re on him in instant - wanting so desperately to slap that smug grin on his face when your hands reach for his belt but also needing nothing more than to feel his thick cock breaking you open. and before you know it he has you bent over the armrest of the little shitty sofa he shares with the members, nails breaking the skin of your hips and ass as he loses himself in the snug walls of your fluttering pussy.
jeongin loves being needed, and he especially loves when you tell him how much you need him. but he doesn’t necessarily appreciate when you’re moaning like a whore with his members standing right outside the door. constantly hisses through clenched teeth for you to be quiet, slowing the grind of his cock down until he’s completely still inside you, hips snug against your ass and chest pressed tightly against your back to whisper in your ear, “you better shut the fuck up baby, what are you gonna do if chan hyung walks in and sees you getting railed like the little slut you are?” and he really can’t bring himself to ignore the way you clench around him at the thought, almost laughing at how much of cock whore you really are if he wasn’t so focused on filling you up with his cum until you could practically taste it. he’ll settle for a hand muffling your sounds, cause you just seem to get even louder the second he slams his dick back inside you, muffling your slutty whimpers when he hears faint voices carry through the thin walls. and he’s so desperate to make you cum before someone walks in, telling you to take it like a good girl when he’s filling you up and before you know you’re making a mess of the sofa and his cock. he’s so mean to you that he’ll make you explain to his hyungs what the weird stain left on the couch was just to embarrass you even more.
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© 𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐦𝐬 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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hyunjiiza · 14 days ago
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‘buy me flowers’ … with skz | ˚ ‧ ੭゛
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collaboration smaus with @cosmicalily | read her maknae line version here
。 ᰋ 𓂃 ⛾ | just a little something cute for feb and valentine’s day ! we would’ve posted this sooner but cuh got her phone taken .. (me) . unc line from me as always ! have a lovely day and expect a special announcement from me soon >ᴗ< contents | reader gets called pretty/baby but other than that it’s gender neutral ! established relationship
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˚ ☕️ ݁ ‧ ੭゛| @cosmicalily @zenlinkcrossing @hyunjiluvs @nxtt2-u @pixie-felix @pigeonseatmayo @0omillo0 @yaniluvs @hanadulsetaad @urlocalmultigroupfan @straykidslover2024 @ohhlittlegirl @jeongodooll @jiniretsleftear @minlixyaoi @estella-novella @zenlackszen | @hyunjiiza 2-14 [༝༚]
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hyunebunx · 5 months ago
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⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 ⏖ ’ when you aren't dating but aren't just friends either (hyung line)
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⁺ 𖹭 . genre: fluff, a little bit of angst and suggestive themes!!
⁺ 𖹭 . warnings: some are talking about sex, alcohol and being intoxicated (not the boys). i think that's all idk. anyways!! if you're under 16 pls don't read this.
⁺ 𖹭 . a/n: 2022 deni kinda ate with these ngl, so of course i had to rewrite it <3 these used to be my favorite hcs i ever wrote, so i truly hope you enjoy <3. happy channie day!! maknae line here!
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𝜗୧ chan 𝜗୧
With Christopher here, things are complicated because he avoids labeling what you guys have like the plague. His work always comes first so that makes him shy away from commitment.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about you. He does, a lot, and that kind of scares him, especially when he randomly starts feeling possessive over you when he knows he has no right to.
No matter how much he tries to deny it, the feelings are there and he’s always reminded of them when he catches himself treating you so much different from the other girls in his life.
You were humming in your seat, head bopping from side to side to the rhythm of the tunes on the radio. A happy bubblegum pop song, one that didn’t fail to lift your already high spirits and put you into the right mood for the long trip ahead.
“You look happy.”
Your head snaps in his direction, a big smile stretching across your face as his melodious laugh fills your ears. Chan wasn’t looking at you, giving all of his attention to the road as he drove behind Minho’s car yet his words made you giddier, just happy to be here in his presence.
“I am!” You nod, still swaying in your seat. “Thank you for taking me along, I haven’t been to the beach in ages.”
Chan hums with a smile before reaching down and gently grabbing your hand, eyes still focused on the road as he raises it to his to plant multiple, gentle kisses on your skin.
“Of course, baby.” He says, giving a final kiss to your knuckles before resting your hands next to the gear stick. “I wouldn’t even have gone on this trip without you.”
The sweet gesture along with his words made your heart skip several beats, fooling your mind into believing he actually felt the same, the scene making you resemble an actual couple. Everybody was convinced you were already dating, since affection and those small touches came so naturally in your relationship, with no awkwardness or second guessing. You and Chan have fallen into this domestic routine where you do almost everything together despite not even being together. Yet, you loved being this close to him, glued at the hip and so enamored with one another but sometimes, you wished things were clearer, to actually know what you were and weren’t. How he viewed and felt about this relationship of yours.
“Something on your mind?”
Blinking your worries away, your heart swelled in your chest when you felt him squeeze your hand lightly, a sign of the silent support and care he never shied away from providing.
Shaking your head, the smile on your face returns, albeit a bit forced. “I was just thinking about how much you must enjoy my company, that’s all.”
That got a laugh out of him, grinning from ear to ear as he continued to drive with one hand, honey orbs briefly meeting yours in the rearview mirror.
“Is that so? You really think that, huh?”
You nod, intertwining your fingers while keeping your eyes straight ahead, softly caressing his hand. “Of course. What kind of person would miss going on a long-awaited trip with his best friends just for lil’ old me?”
Then, you turn to face him, mustering enough courage to appear confident and charming with your next words.
“You must really like me, huh, Christopher?”
His hold on you tightened, almost as if he was afraid you were going to disappear if he let go. You saw him nod his head and when the car came to a stop at a red light soon after, he finally took his eyes off the road to face you fully. His gaze was soft as he watched you like you held the sun in your bare hands and for the first time, Chan hesitated for a brief moment before he leaned over the console to press his lips against yours.
The kiss was so unexpected that you gasped at the contact, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue past your lips and deepen your dance, change it all together, except he didn’t. He didn’t take things further, hand still holding yours as your lips did all the talking, moving against you in such a soft and tender way it almost brought you to tears, never experiencing such meaningful intimacy with him before.
When he pulled away, his eyes were still serious but slightly blown by your previous actions. In any other circumstances, you’d say it was lust but right now it felt like something more, an emotion that only grew and blossomed the more time you spent together. Something appropriate for your deep connection, beyond carnal desires and sighs of ecstasy.  
“I really, really do like you, Y/n. Please never forget that.”
𝜗୧ minho 𝜗୧
The jealousy is strong with this one. I mean, that’s to be expected when your relationship status is so vague and ambiguous that you guys never talk about it.
However, he’s the softest when he’s with you. It’s like all of his worries and anxieties disappear when you’re by his side.
Secretly a romantic.
“Who is she?”
Minho looks up from his place on the floor at the sound of your voice, one eyebrow rising as a sign for you to go on while he continues to stretch. When you don’t, he lets a small sigh escape him before taking matters into his own hands.
“Who is she?” you try again, arms crossed over your chest while a frown forms across your features. “The girl that was just here. The one you were happily laughing along with.”
Oh, that girl. Minho tries to hide his smirk once he hears what you have to say, being able to sense your jealousy without even having to spare you another glance. Truth be told, he knew exactly who you were talking about from the moment you opened your mouth yet, the part of him that wanted to see you get all worked up took over and made him play dumb.
Quickly composing himself before you notice, he shrugs. “Just some girl.”
He could feel you getting annoyed by now, his nonchalance and dismissal almost making your blood boil. “Lee Minho – “
“Why do you care?”
His voice is lower, usual doe and gentle stare narrowing slightly as he looks you dead in the eyes. Abandoning his stretching, Minho then stands up and takes a stance similar to yours, towering over you. He was so close, you could feel his hot breath on your face, his scent and him as a whole not only invading all of your senses but also your personal space. Not that you minded, you never did or ever will.
Not backing down, you took a step forward as well, closing in on him while maintaining eye contact. Eye contact always made Minho weak in the knees so you never wasted any opportunity of making him a little hot under the collar. Just as expected, Minho’s body reacts almost immediately, big hands settling on your hips before pulling you flush against him. The intimacy and gentleness of the action have your initial anger vanishing, the only thing on your mind now being him and him alone.
Deciding to play along, your arms naturally gravitate around his shoulders. “Am I not allowed to care about the type of people you surround yourself with, darling?” You smile yet he sees right through you, your words filled with sarcasm and something else Minho can’t quite put his finger on. Despite your affection, this was still bothering you.
But Minho doesn’t comment on it. “Like I said, she isn’t anyone important. You shouldn’t worry your pretty little head about her.” He breaths out, wet lips hovering over yours as he speaks. And before you know it, he’s kissing you, lips coming together in a passionate kiss only Minho himself can provide.
But even as you stand there, pinned to the cold mirror while he gently nips and sucks at your neck, you can’t help but worry about it all. You weren’t his girlfriend so you were fully aware that you had no right to question him about who he was or wasn’t hanging out with. But the fact that he wasn’t willing to tell you, to reassure you like he always did made your heart ache in your chest most painfully.
𝜗୧ changbin 𝜗୧
Thinks he’s being oh so subtle about what you two have going on. Newsflash, all of the boys already know there’s more than meets the eye between you.
Very protective but not in an overbearing way.
Actually really likes you but isn’t sure if you feel the same so he doesn’t act on those feelings.
Changbin was watching you from afar, a smile playing on his lips at the sight of you animatedly talking to some classmates. You haven’t noticed him yet and his heart was almost jumping out of his chest waiting for you to do so, trying to play it cool as he leaned against his car with his arms crossed. He might’ve looked calm and composed on the outside but on the inside, he was freaking out.
You two haven’t seen each other in a bit because of his busy schedule and now that he’s got some free time, one of the first things on his bucket list was to surprise you by dropping by to your school. Changbin had a whole afternoon planned out just for the two of you, one that involved all of your favorite activities and food. A part of him was really confused by his own behavior, especially since you never had ‘the talk’ regarding your relationship but he just couldn’t help it. The urge to spoil and shower you with gifts and his undivided attention was stronger than his doubts were, as usual.
He never realized he was a romantic until he met you, and fell head over heels for your charming personality.
Breaking away from your group of friends, your eyes finally met his and immediately widened at the sight of him, just like his smile does. Your face lit up like a Christmas tree and next thing Changbin knew, you broke into a sprint in his direction, your obvious excitement making the man laugh loudly in delight. You looked so adorable running to him like that, he couldn’t wait to get you in his arms and never let go.
You were almost there when suddenly some dude decided to stop you right in your tracks, blocking your path to get your undivided attention. You were visibly taken aback as you came to an abrupt stop, your face falling as the person started talking. This made Changbin’s mood do a whole 180, wasting no time in starting to make his way over, keen on giving this dude a piece of his mind. Your smile returned as he approached, looking at him over the man’s shoulder as everything he was saying was completely lost on you, Changbin’s magnetic field pulling you in without fail.
“Sorry, uhh…” You paused, trying to recall his name before shaking your head. “My boyfriend is here so I really have to go.”
At the mention of the word ‘boyfriend’, the guy turned around to face Changbin so fast, it had him wondering how he didn’t get whiplash. Looking at him, Binnie glared as he tried to look as intimating as possible while the butterflies in his stomach were currently causing a riot over you calling him ‘your boyfriend’. Which wasn’t a hard task since he already looked as intimating as they come because of his well-built body, his mere presence causing the other man to hunch slightly.
“Okay, I-I will call you later then, Y/n.”
Changbin raised a single eyebrow, crossing his arms once again. “Me, Y/n's boyfriend, wouldn’t like that, so don’t you even dare.” He glared menacingly, almost like daring the guy to protest in some way. “Now, scram.”
That’s all the warnings the guy needed to flee, leaving without as much of a goodbye while Changbin followed him with his eyes until he was out of sight. Your sweet giggles reached his ears, melting those sharp edges before he felt you throw yourself into his arms, your own going around his neck to pull him even closer. And just like that, the butterflies were back and making him feel like a high schooler around his first ever crush. He returned the hug in an instant, strong arms wrapping around your waist before picking you up and spinning you around, the sound of your delight getting rid of all of his annoyance and stress, the best cure ever invented.
“Hello, boyfriend.” You placed several pecks on his lips when the world stopped spinning, lightly kicking your feet that were still off the ground. “I missed you.”
He wasn’t your boyfriend yet, but after today, maybe he could finally be. 
𝜗୧ hyunjin 𝜗୧
The one that’s truly wrapped around your finger even if he would never admit it out loud. He’s bewitched, mesmerized by every little thing you do and say, his eyes full of adoration as he follows your every movement, almost like a puppy.
Randomly goes: “you can sit here” and here ends up being between his legs in a room full of 7 other men.
Can never take his eyes off of you.
Everyone’s laughter was bouncing off the walls as another dare was swung around, one that had someone pull out their phone and booty call a random number while trying but failing miserably to sound sober. Speaking off, everything seemed to be funny for your intoxicated friends at this hour. From knocking over each other’s drinks to randomly kissing, they were having the time of their lives and that brought the biggest smile to your lips.
“Hyunjin.” One of your girlfriends began, getting both yours and the man that was currently sitting behind you on the floor’s attention. She had a mischievous glint in her glassy eyes, one that had you a bit worried.
“What’s your type?” she finally asked before taking another sip of her drink, smirk growing bigger by the second as she fluttered her eyelashes innocently, twirling a piece of her hair around a manicured finger. “Like I’m sure you don’t just fuck randos, they all have to fit some type of criteria, don’t they?”
“What gets Hwang Hyunjin hard?” Another one chimed in, scooting closer in interest.
And there it was. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes as all the girls started giggling, clearly very amused and intrigued by the whole situation. Granted they were drunk but since you weren’t, it was a bit harder to hide your annoyance. You and Hyunjin weren’t a couple, heck you didn’t even know what you were but he was latched onto you from behind while you sat in between his legs, strong arms hugging you to his chest. Did they have to ask something like this while you were right here?
Soon, almost all of your friends seemed to be interested in his answer, especially since Hyunjin was known for his notorious reputation with both girls and boys around campus. You finally felt him react when Changbin, who was an even louder drunk, pointed out the look on your face and got everyone staring at you two. His arms tightened slightly around you, pulling your body even closer like he was trying to merge souls while his head came to rest on your shoulder in such a way that prevented the others from seeing his lips moving.
“What do you think, baby?” He whispered, hot breath making goosebumps appear all over your skin and awakening something in you. All his attention was on you now, ignoring everything and everyone around him like he wasn’t just asked a question. As expected, their interest wasn’t piqued for long since Hyunjin didn’t react nor answer, talking among themselves once again, with some hollering and wolf whistling when they noticed him gently moving your hair out of the way to start planting wet, open-mouthed kisses on the side of your throat.
Your breath picked up at that, one of your hands moving to rest over his and intertwining your fingers while his free one sneaked under your shirt to caress the bare skin.
With one last kiss on the back of your neck, Hyunjin spoke again, his next words making your head spin and almost whimper. “Should I start telling them about how sweet your voice sounds while moaning my name? To list all of those things you do that drive me insane daily or should I just let this be our little secret?”
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imagine-a-life-like-this · 9 months ago
Enemies To Lovers : Minho
Warnings : swearing, I think that's everything? let me know if I missed something
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@mxnsxngie @maeleelee @cadenonlinelive @weird-bookworm @turtledove824 @lakoya @lookitsjess @yukichan67 @xocandyy @alnex05 @qveenbibi @lghtdarling @palinedrome969 @beebee18 @guiltycoco @goddess-of-the-dark
pink means I couldn't tag you 🥺
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strrykais · 3 months ago
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stray kids drunk texting you
authors note: freakbob agenda will spread .. trust me on dat!!!
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stray kids masterlist
permanent taglist: @hyunestrella @spicy-sawdust @charlieg1rl @gnabnahcbby @totheseok @mystverse @jisungs-iced-americano @kimseungminpabo @bookswillfindyouaway @puppy-minnie @katchowbbie @night-storm7 @auroratiseee @goldenmellow @sellomaybe
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