#platonic kataow
umhuhwellthen · 1 year
As much as I would love a Turtle x April romance done right I hope that what happens is either Leo realizes that April will never see him in that light but he's still happy with the friendship he has, or he goes from having an attraction to her because OMG FIRST(AND ONLY) GIRL THAT LIKES HIM to a genuine platonic affection from getting to know her as a person, or where he realizes his feelings are a bit much and he needs to put them away and appreciate the relationship he has with April now, or like Miles did with Gwen in astv and Kipo with Benson in kataow respect that their friend has reasons for not wanting a relationship or a romantic one with them
But also...after seeing that one shipart of them I would love a cute romance between them...puppy love...
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krazy-kipo · 2 years
(Based off a snipet I wrote about my o.c Pyro and how far they'd go for Kipo. Only for their sacrifice to horribly backfire. Also the idea of being anchorless was just really intresting to me. Just being lost to yourself and getting stuck in that animal mind set.)
You were falling. Grasping at air as feathers fluttered around you. You had just wanted to help. You wanted Kipo to know she wasn't alone. But now you were dropping, getting further and further from your friends. From the fight. From yourself.
Looking around trying to find something anything to stop your descent you begin to panic as you continue to free fall. Kipo needed back up, she needed support. She needed you! You thought if you did what Emilia did maybe... maybe...
There's a loud caw as the bird above you flaps their wings sending it's feathers fluttering down. Feeling the air leave your lungs as you fall they rise above you and you notice they're your favorite color. They're you.
Closing your eyes hearing the wind whistle in your ears as it throws your hair around, the shouts fade away, and you plummet. Slowly you feel yourself loose control receeding deep into your mind as adrenaline courses through your body. Reaching out hoping to grab something, anything, your head spins. Your grip is slowly slipping from your mute side as it begins to take over. As it forces you to keep falling.
"(Y/N)!" Snapping your eyes open your floating in space. You can't see out of your own eyes anymore but you can see all your old memories. The mute is gone and you stand on nothing. Clouds surround you making you nervous as you begin to wander about trying to find a way to control yourself again.
"..." Unable to speak you walk, footsteps silent as the fog of your mind muffles all sound.
Seeing yourself and your friends you pause hand stretched to grab one but you feel yourself sinking into the clouds. Pulling back from your memories the sinking stops and your left alone and trapped in your own mind. Tears slipped down your cheeks as you open your mouth trying to scream but there's no sound.
Spinning around panicked you couldn't see a way out, you were stuck. You were lost in yourself. The cawing from before gets louder and as you fall to your knees sinking into the fog your surrounded by your repeating memories. Closing your eyes you feel yourself flying.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!!!" Kipo continued calling out to you but you had long stopped responding. Emilia was cured and gone forever, you'd done it.
As she stood there watching you, a mega bird she smiled sadly.
"Come on (Y/N)... Come back..." She mumbles but you don't hear her. You don't have an anchor, you can't change back and there's no more cure.
Shaking as she watches you, Hugo wrapped his arms around her and she began crying into his jacket, slowly sinking to her knees. You'd saved her life. You'd saved Hugos life. All the mutes. All her friends. But at what cost? Was it worth it?
"... Kipo..." Hugo mumbled. He looked up and the Mega Bird you'd become was flapping it's wings looking around confused. It cawed staring at something near them before looking away but it's eyes. They were devoid of intelligence. It was just a hollow husk of (Y/N) and there was no cure and no pre established anchor. If they couldn't find themselves they'd be lost forever.
"Hey Kipo it's okay-" Lio tries to soothe but Kipo shakes her head.
"No dad! No it's not!" Kipo responds. She's shaking as she clutches her brothers jacket. She was so close to loosing him. She already lost YumYan Hammerpaw and so many others. No you too. Please not you too!
"Kipo we can figure this out. We can help them." Song states but Kipo doesn't listen this is all her fault.
"(Y/N) PLEASE!!!" She begs pleading for you to change back. Tears streak down her face and her eyes turn pink as she shakes. They'd lost so much not you too!
"Wait kid you'll-" Jamack tries to warn but it's to late. With a couple flaps of the Mega birds multiple wings you were gone.
You were gone...
Your body felt heavy. Hand digging into the dirt like claws you were numb. Your entire body... something was wrong with it but you didn't know what. Grunting your eyes glance around, vision blurred.
"... Ugh..." You can't remember what happened. Why you felt this way but whatever you'd been through it made your entire body hurt. Had Emilia smacked you around that much? "... guys?" You call out but your voice is scratchy. When you get no response you slowly push yourself up and look around. The jungle your in is empty. You're alone.
Getting up you teeter before leaning on a tree and vomitting. Shaking after you finish, you wipe at your mouth once your stomachs emptied. A feather flutters from your hair and you pause remembering the hell you endured. Looking around there were feathers everywhere.
Lightheaded and dizzy the transformation being very draining, you begin stumbling in a direction hoping to find home. Minutes blend into hours as the sun falls and the forest becomes dark. Your cold, hungry, and tired but you continue to stumble.
Seeing the Timbercats village your vision goes blurry as you collapse outside the wooden wall. Noises erupt around you and feeling hands on you, you smile before everything fades to black that same voice that brought you back calling your name as you fade away.
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popupfloof · 4 years
since i havent seen any posts about them here's an appreciation post for label and zane's friendship in kataow ss3 bc theyre so cute??? and they opened a gym together?? and the development and zane saving label and their chestbump?? zane and label besties 💕💕💕 their freindship is so CUTE
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soupcorvisquire · 3 years
i made a fave masterpost yesterday so here’s a ship masterpost to go with it! if you don’t like things that i ship, just unfollow/block me (even if we’re mutuals or if you like my other content), i don’t have the energy to argue with people lmao
some of my ships are both romantic and platonic, and the one that i ship more will be first in the parentheses, and if i ship both the same amount i’ll just say “and” instead of putting a slash (you’ll see what i mean). i would include familial ships as well but 1) i don’t know how comfortable i feel referring to relationships that i see as familial as “ships” considering the general stigma around shipping and 2) i think i’d rather make a separate post for those anyway so yeah that’s why those aren’t here
rupphire (romantic), bispearl (romantic/platonic), bellow pearl (romantic), connverse (romantic/platonic), amedot (platonic)
glitradora (romantic), scorfuma (romantic), catradora (romantic), glimmadora (romantic/platonic), glitra (romantic/platonic), glimbow (platonic/romantic), seamista (romantic/platonic), bowhawk (platonic/romantic)
lumity (romantic), willuz (platonic), amillow/willmity (platonic), raeda (romantic), gustholomule (platonic)
curtwen (romantic), barb + tatiana (idk the ship name for them lmao) (romantic and platonic)
suselle/susielle (romantic)
aquaheartshipping (games + twilight wings) (romantic and platonic), rocketshipping (romantic and platonic), originalshipping/namelessshipping (games + manga) (romantic/platonic), hardenshipping (all media) (romantic), punkdragonshipping (games + twilight wings) (romantic/platonic)
ok ko
rednid (romantic), elonid (romantic), radnid (platonic), voxman (romantic), kendy (platonic)
weblena, drakepad, scroldie, dondaisy (all are romantic)
smile for me
lulia + jerafina + tiff (idk the ship name) (romantic)
sukka (romantic), zukka (romantic), mailee (romantic/platonic), tyzula (romantic/platonic), maizula (romantic/platonic), yueki (romantic)
korrasami (romantic)
risato (romantic)
into the spider-verse
gwiles (platonic)
bee and puppycat
bee + deckard (romantic/platonic), cass + toast (romantic)
diakko (romantic)
troyson (romantic)
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krazy-kipo · 3 years
Hugo with a human friend who scratches up their arms and neck when stressed and has some similar triggers to him like yelling and loud sounds (gender neutral human if u could <:3 ❤❤❤ luv this blog btw)
You didn't mean too really. You were usually in control and didn't often get scared but sometimes certain things caused you to panic. Really loud noises, too quick of a movement, yelling, something or someone looming over you.
Taking in quick breaths trying to steady your rapid heartbeat your begin scratching at your arms. Scarlemagne continues to talk but you ignore him as the scratching continues. It wasn't enough to bleed but enough that your skin becomes irritated. Soon your clawing at your neck too, you begin shaking as Scarlmegane remains unaware. Deep breath in, deep breath out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.
"What are you doing?" You pause as Scarlemagne turns to look at you. Your hand is nervously twitching hovering over your skin before you blink and continue to itch. Trying to dig the bad feelings out of you. Trying to make the negative feelings go away. You don't answer, you can't. Closing your eyes you itch faster.
Scarlemagne grabs your hand and you whimper fingers flexing involuntarily as you want to keep itching. His grip is gentle as he takes your hands in his own. Humming softly he closes your hands in his and taking a deep breath you understand what hes doing.
Opening your eyes you take a deep breath mirroring him before you take another. Looking at Scarlemagne he looks back at you before gently pulling you into a hug. Rubbing his hands up and down your arms the urge to itch goes away as you calm down.
"... It's okay. Your okay..." He mumbles and you nod. You knew he understood, after all he often had epsiodes similar to yours. As he releases you from the hug your fists remain clenched so your not tempted to start scratching again.
"Thanks." Scarlemagne smiles and nods before he coughs continuing the conversation he was carrying before you began scratching.
He may not admit it but he was a good friend.
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krazy-kipo · 4 years
Being Scarlemagnes Friend
~ He's a lonely mute. He has a ton of abandonment issues and because of this he's very needy in the friendship.
~ His phermones don't work on you for some odd reason. He decides it's destiny and you become his Royal Advisor. You should be proud. You're the only human with that title and he reminds you of this. All the time. It's a little tedious. You don't know if it's some kind of weird power threat or if he thinks this is genuine good news and likes to remind you so you remeber how unlucky you are.
~ He is very clingy. Always wants to hold your hand or hang onto your arm. He always has you close and within grabbing reach. When he's pouty about something he'll pull you in for a backwards hug and whine. While your walking he'll drape an arm around you and pull you into his side. Your always near and if he gets angry your the thing he grabs for to calm down.
~ Scarlemagne takes your opinions and thoughts very seriously. Your his Royal advisor so he at least makes an effort to listen to you even if he dosen't understand or like it. He also spoils you. If you want something he'll get it for you. Only the best for his noble friend.
~ He loves driving you around in his flamingo car. He finds it very fancy and regal and as a king he should have fancy regal things. Scarlemagne laughs hysterically as he flies around having the time of his life. He enjoys your company and flies you over beautiful places. He's always so excited to show you pretty landscapes and finds himself grinning like a fool when you enjoy yourself. He loves exploring! His favorite is parking up on tall mountains or broken buildings and just talking. Out here away from the world he can truly be himself without judgment.
~ He's a king and always looks amazing. As such since you are his friend you must always look amazing too. He enjoys hunting for clothes through destroyed stores and making outfits for you. Everyone else wears the same boring thing with a mask but he makes sure you always stand out. He takes care to chose things in your style that he knows you'll like. Dresses or suits are suggested but not forced on you. Though he must insist you wear formal wear at his fancy balls. Otherwise your free to do wear whatever you chose.
~ He's very bad at saying when somethings really bothering him. He's loud and isn't afraid to share his opinions but when it comes to deeper issues or when you've done something that's hurt him even unintentionally he's not good at telling you. As his friend you have to be caring and kind and patient and hopefully Scarlemagne will pick up on that someday and mimic what you do. Look he really t r i e s. He's just so used to taking what he wants. So used to people hurting him. But with you he wants to make you happy and keep a healthy relationship he's just not good at addressing things that need to be talked about seriously. You're wearing a shirt he thinks is hideous? Easy for him to point out. You did something that hurt his feelings? He'll need some prompting from your end to tell you somethings wrong.
~ Scarlemagne likes playing music for you. It's calming not to play in front of an audience and just have someone to relax and talk too. He enjoys sharing ideas with you and having you sit next to him as he plays masterpieces or brainstorms new new melodies. The way your eyes light up as you watch him makes him happy.
~ He also loves having you in the room as he paints. He enjoys talking and having casual conversation as he guides his brush across the canvas. There's something so soothing about having you with him. You become a form of constant support and kindness and that shows in his attitude towards others as he begins becoming kinder himself.
~ Scarlemagne when in thought can be scary. He gets very quiet and he gets an intense look on his face. He doesn't mean to be off putting but he's very scary whether he's trying to be or not. He gets frustrated if you act scared of him but really he's just hurt and doesn't know how to tell you. Please tell him your still friends.
~ You forget because he's never hurt you at least not on purpose but Scarlemagne is kind of sadistic. Sometimes the way he treats his subjects is very off putting. Gently remind him that humans like you need plenty of rest lots of water and food. Over time he'll become less of a tyrannical dictator and more of a civil ruler.
~ That being said his sadistic tendicies especially show if anyone hurts you. Accidentally or not they are quickly and brutually dealt with. He knows you don't really like the whole killing and blood thing but your his friend and other mutes need to know your his and therefore you are protected. He always deals with these things when your not around.
~ Not good at apologizing or admitting he was wrong. Will scream in arguments and get very frustrated if you disagree with him on something he finds important. He always feels bad and showers you with gifts. He gives you gifts like this in general but you'll notice the gifts get more extravagant or rare as an apology. Still won't actually apologize despite trying to make it right.
~ He's petty as fuck. There's no getting around this. He adores and loves you but he'll ignore you for an entire week for no reason other than you forgot to say bless you after he sneezed or something.
~ He really loves playing with your hair. Something about it is really fun. He'd love if you play with his furr. Craves the touch. Teaches you to braid if you don't know how. He gets excited and shows you different styles so you can do them to him.
~ He likes playing in general actually. Loves boardgames and books. If you win he can get a bit grumpy but he ignores it. He only has the smartest friend after all. Of course they beat him! He loves reading to you or sharing books with you. He enjoys reading and has a vast provate library he only lets the two of you use. He would love it if your read to him.
~ He's not the best friend out there but he adores you and does his best. Your life is spent in luxury in his castle. You're safe, fed, and are given luxuries few can imagine. Scarlemagne treasures you as his friend and it shows. 💕
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krazy-kipo · 2 years
This has been sitting in my mind for a while but hugo finding reader's sketchbook and finding out that they have multiple pages of doodles and sletches of him.......
You'd left your sketchbook out one day. One of his court members had grabbed and dragged you away for one reason or another leaving the book out in the open and unprotected. As a fellow artist Hugo figures you wouldn't mind him flipping through some of it. Right?
You were just so protective of your book it made him dangerously curious. What could you be hiding in there? Tapping his fingers against the table looking around there's no one. Grabbing it before he can change his mind and clutching it close he quickly looks around again this time with a mischevious gleam in his eye. Studying every corner of the room to make sure he's alone before cracking open the book he stares at the pages. He was amazed at the detail, his fingers softly trailing over the sketch he'd randomly opened up too. A feild with the large dog mutes.
Pulling away from the peice he flicks his hand lightly. He noted he'd need to be careful not to smudge or ruin your work. Both because he respected the effort put into it and because he didn't want you to know what he'd done.
You used charcoal sticks in your work, mostly because they were easy to find and make but berry juice and flower petals also stained the wearing down pages. They'd been used as makeshift paints and water colors before he'd given you proper supplies. As he began to flip through the book, your sketches became more detailed as your skills improved with time. Stories and passages began to appear underneath your pictures but he decided to leave those alone focusing on what you'd drawn, not what you wrote.
"You truly are a muse darling. What are you hiding?" He questions softly absolutely enamoured with your work.
Soon enough he notices the medium change. Real paints instead of berry juices, graphite instead of charcoal. Less scratchy more defined. More time was spent, more care given. They were no longer frenzied. He hums realizing this is what you've been drawing while living with him after he rescued you. These drawings were newer.
About to put the book away slowly loosing interest and beginning to feel guilty at the intrusion he pauses as a splash of red catches his eye. "Oh what do we have here?" He mumbles before flipping the page to see the next drawing.
He blinks seeing it's... him? He expected blood or perhaps something darker but instead it's him in his royal red cape. Tilting his head observing the sharp lines and regal attire he smiles as you'd gotten his good well everything.
There was more. Pages and pages of him and other monkey's from his court. He smiled softly wondering if he should keep this a secret or tease you about it. Some were just doodled while others were detailed sketches and even finished pieces. His fingers tap against a page you'd clipped in and puffing out his chest he nodded. Putting the book back where he'd grabbed it from after looking at everything he hums feeling a sense of pride bubbling in his chest. Maybe he was more your muse than you were his.
"Hey Scarlemagne have you seen-" You pause noticing him standing close to your sketchbook. Though you don't seem suspicious simply on edge.
"Right here darling." He hums tapping the top of it. You look relieved and come towards it picking it up and holding it close.
"Did you open it?" You question a light blush on your face. He simply chuckles in response.
"Wouldn't dream of it." He hums.
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krazy-kipo · 3 years
Reader: Sitting in Scarlemagnes library reading a book
Scarlemagne: Hi there. Remember that time you showed me love and affection?
Reader: ...?
Scarlemagne: Well I'm here to stay now. I got feelings. Thats how it works. You showed me human kindness. Something I'm not used too. But hey you did it, you fucked up. I'm your problem now.
(This also works for Jamack lol)
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krazy-kipo · 3 years
Scarlemagne: I hate humans.
Y/N (a human): Hey can you up me with this?
Scarlemagne DROPPING EVERY THING to go help (Y/N)
Kipo and the Gang: ...?
Scarlemagne: This means nothing.
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krazy-kipo · 4 years
Scralemagne: There's only one thing worse than dying.
*Rips paper off of a board to reveal the words (Y/N) dying*
(Y/N): Myself.
Scralemagne: No?
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krazy-kipo · 4 years
Scarlemagne teaching the reader to waltz or play piano?
"I'm not good at this stuff." You state staring at Scarlemanges stretched out hand. Typically at his parties you sat next to him and watched him play piano. You never really danced because you spent your time close to Scarlemagne and with him. But when he learned you didn't know how to waltz he made it his mission to teach you.
"Nonsense you've just never had a good teacher. Come on then." Flexing his hand slowly getting impatient but not there yet he waits for you to grab his hand. Reaching out you pause pulling your hand back.
"Uhhhhh... I don't know Scar..." You state. What if you stepped on his feet? What if you tripped? What if you were so bad he thought you weren't good enough to be his friend anymore? The monkey was a bit of a perfectionist.
"Come on it can't hurt to try. Indulge me." He states still offering his hand. You stare at it before looking at him unsure.
"... What if I'm bad?" You whisper and the monkey chuckles taking your hand and pulling you close. You get a fave full of furr as you fall forward and Scarlemagne laughs as he helps you get into position.
"Come now it's your first time. I know your learning, I don't expect you to be an expert." He hums and you pause.
Feeling a hand on your hip and another entertwined with your own you hum nervously as he leads. Staring at your feet following his steps you stumble to not step on his shoes. He chuckles spinning you around.
"There we go. Loosen up a bit. This is a waltz not an execution." He hums playfully. You laugh and he smiles twirling about the ballroom as you slowly get the steps.
"It feels like one." You tease and he chuckles shaking his head.
"And you call me dramatic." He tuts before dipping you. Squeaking grabbing onto him he almost looks like he wants to drop you to see your face but with a smirk he holds on tighter and doesn't. Going faster you inhale sharply before following his lead and quickening your pace. "See? Your doing great." He praises and you smile slowly gaining confidence. He smiles back and you feel yourselves speed up.
Soon your both gliding across the floor spinning in endless circles as Scarlemagne practices with you. Your not perfect of course but your improving and Scarlemagne couldn't be happier. He hums as you continue to waltz.
You don't know the molody but it's comforting. Leaning into his chest he chuckles slowing the late a bit.
"You're a good friend Scar." You mumbles and he chuckles claws ruffling your hair.
"As are you my dear (Y/N)." He says softly. You smile continuing the lazy waltz.
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krazy-kipo · 4 years
Imagine: Scarlemagne going apeshit when people hurt you
You were his special friend. His human one.
Your sassy quips and dark humor kept him on his toes and he appreciated how you could always brighten his mood.
Sometimes your humanity was annoying. How you'd get worried about other humans and how he treated them could be frustrating. After all he picked you. Your not like other humans. Your like a mute. Your special those other humans in his court mean nothing compared to you.
It doesn't matter however. No matter what he still cared about you and knows your his true friend.
You'd gotten in a little squabble. It happened occasionally but rarely. You'd walked away to cool off and although it hurt to watch you leave he let you. That was hours ago. Usually by now you two were home and eating a meal together or doing something. As he sat at the table he tapped his fork absent mindley against his plate.
"Where are they...?" You always ate together. It was kind of your thing. Tapping his fork harder he growls as he scratches his plate. Huffing he snaps his fingers.
"GERALD!" He calls starting to get annoyed at your absence. Gerald appears and looks at Scarlemagne waiting for orders. Scar looks unamused as he stares at him. "Where are they? It's past supper." He states. God only for you would he ever wait. You better have a good reason for leaving him waiting like this.
"Would you like to start without them sir?" Gerald asks.
"Would WOULD I LIKE TO START WITHOUT THEM?" NO. He never started without you. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. Those were some of his favorite times during the day because you and him could talk about anything and everything. Not to mention the way your face lit up at food.
"Sir I don't follow." Gerald says and Scarlemagne sighs. Of course he didn't. Dumb lug he was barely useful for anything.
"Of course I don't want too start!" He snaps crossing his arms. Nodding Gerald finally understood. Palm against his cheek one hand tapped against the table as he looked towards the door waiting for you.
It creaked open and he smiled before dread suddenly filled his gut. The entire room goes silent seeing your tattered muddy appearance as a cocky Mod Frog stood above you. You were trapped in rope and they dragged you like a pet on a leash.
"Down you go human scum." They state pushing you forward.
You grunted as you were pushed and stumbling you tripped and fell body burning in pain. Scarlemagne paused as he looked at the Mod frog who'd just thrown you to the ground. You made a weak whimper noise and he looked to the Mod frog waiting for an explanation. The frog better have a damn good one.
"... What did you just say?" He questions very slowly. The frog chuckles.
"Sorry Scarlemagne just called em what they are. I know you like em as pets and what not. They said they knew you but I could tell they were lying just like scum would. Just some random runaway I found from your court." The frog kicks you in the ribs and you grunt in pain, your hands bunching up the carpet as you grip it tightly. Scarlemagne eyes narrowed.
"... What exactly did they tell you?" Scarlemagne questions slowly. The entire room is silent as his chair scrapes against the floor and he begins walking towards you. You were shaking and Scarlemagne felt his blood boil.
"Oh just some garbage about being your friend and how if I was rough I'd..." The frog trails off watching as Scarlemagne uses his claws to cut your ropes before gently helping you up. You were shaking and looked horrid. His grip tightened on you as he turned towards the Mod Frog.
"Some garbage about what exactly?" He demands holding you up. He saw multiple bruises and your clothes were filthy. All torn and muddy from what he could only assume was a chase.
"Some... Some garbage about being your friend." The Mod frog stutters and Scarlemagne smirks. The frog was slow but he was figuring it out. Backing up slowly Scarlemagne faces him. His hands gently squeeze your shoulders as he lets you lean against him.
"I will give you this one warning. If you ever touch what's mine again you'll loose your tongue. Do you understand?" The Mod frog begins shaking unable to answer and placing you down on a chair Scarlemagne stalks towards the frog.
"Do you understand?" He repeats growling lowly in his throat. The Mod Frog nods his head and Scar feels his furr stand on edge. Hissing lowly the frog takes off and Scarlemagne hums adjusting his suit before sitting next to you.
You did so hate blood and yelling. Really any time he was furious and after your upsetting experience he wouldn't want you to feel any more discomfort. Holding you close tucking you under his chin his hands play with your hair. You hug him and he chuffs trying to calm himself. He closes his eyes temper disappearing as he held you. He would deal with the frog later for now you we're his priority.
Holding you close he hums. You were fine. It was fine...
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krazy-kipo · 4 years
Imagine Kipo seeing you as another parent
Kipo was a baby when her and her father arrived at the burrow. You were Lios next door neighbor and noticed he was struggling. He was a single father who mysteriously appeared begging for shelter in the burrow. He had no friends. No support. And a lot of rumors.
You don't want to intrude or insinuate he's doing a bad job as a dad so you started small. You just saw he needed some help and you wanted to lend a helping hand.
Baby supplies were hard to get in the Burrow and they never came new. This was a community so everyone reused everyone's stuff and did their best to keep it in good condition for the next family that would use it. Without connections Lio was on his own for supplying and caring for Kipo and you could see he was suffering. Thankfully you had your ways. Lio walks outside after you ring his door bell and sees you close your door with a small smile. Looking down he seems relieved seeing the basket you left him. Shifting Kipo to one arm you watch from your peephole as he grabs the gift looking happy.
It was hard for him you could tell. He was a single parent and he was treated poorly because he wasn't born in this burrow. He worker hard and was a kind mind with a lot of compassion. People could be very unkind so you thought you'd show him how nice the burrow actually was. Community ran deep down here but he was the first outsider from the surface and it left many town people uneasy. Not you though. You could tell Lio was a good man even if he was hiding something.
The basket wasn't a one time thing. It started with small favors. A home cooked meal you had left outside his door every now and then, baby clothes or formula when he needed them, and nice things every parent needs after a long hard day. Things to help destress and take some time for yourself. You never signed the gifts or said they were from you but Lio was smart and you had a feeling he knew. Your pretty sure he'd seen you leave the gifts many times but you were shy and afraid to make the first move.
Lio realised one night he hadn't actually met you yet and he decided that needed to change. So one day after grading students papers and getting Kipo to go to bed he knocks on your door.
You smile when you see Mr. Oak standing outside your house embarassed. He had the basket you'd given him and it was full of things for you. Books. Writings he'd made. Pictures of the surface. Different types of cystals that grew in the caves. It was sweet and very genuine.
"Hi. I... I just wanted to thank you." He states earnestly as he pushes the basket into your arms. The man blushes and looks at his shoes obviously not used to people or approaching them.
Smiling you hold the baskey with one hand and reach out your other hand to shake his. He smiles and you watch the tension leave his body.
"I'm (Y/N)." You state opening the door and allowing him in.
That's the start of a beautiful friendship. You don't like Lio romantically despite what many people hint at. You just do your best to help raise little Kipo and be a good friend to your neighbor.
However after months of knowing the family your shocked to learn what their actually hiding. You'd always figured he had a secret but this wasn't what you were expecting.
When Kipos hand becomes a pink paw and she bats it at you plaufully it takes everything in you TO NOT DROP THE BABY.
"LIO!!!" There's a crash in the other room as Lio runs in. Staring at him his eyes widen seeing you holding Kipo with her paw out and he begins panicking.
"I-I can explain!" He yells looking between you and Kipo. Cradling Kipo close holding her paw she gurgles at you before making a chuff sound and a loud purr.
"Please do!" You beg confused. Kipo starts crying at the yelling so you rock her cradling her close and watch as she slowly calms down. She yawns and stretching you watch her paw disappear. What the ?????
In shock and barely processing Lio takes Kipo from you and sits you down.
He quickly opens up to you and tells you all about his old burrow. He explains how his late wife Song had died. How he'd helped create Hugo with her only to abandon him to help Kipo. He elaborates telling you how everything went wrong. How they had a plan to leave but then something happened. The burrow it collapsed and he assumed Hugo was gone. And then Emilia. Oh god Emilia made your blood burn. He was true to his word and he told you everything. At least everything he knew.
He gets excited as he explains his ideals with Kipo and how he hopes she'll someday be what allows humans and mutes to live in peace together. Having a half mute, half human hybrid could be the bridge that allows humans to live on the sruface with mutes. It takes some time to adjust and it's a strange idea but you love Kipo and nothing can change your opinion on her.
Even if she is part pink jaguar. Tickling her as she sleep you smile seeing her giggle. Her tail smacks at your hand and you smile. This was still Kipo. It was still the baby you knew and loved. Half mute or not she'd kind of become your baby too.
Once you know everything Lio expects you to turn him into the mayor and get him kicked out but you promise him you'll do no such thing.
Kipo grows up with you and Lio spoiling and protecting her. But all good things must come to an end and sadly that day came when Kipo, Lio and you went rock climbing.
The rocks began shaking and looking up you watched in horror as the burrow came crashing down. Lio unhooks all of you and the last thing you remember was falling before being submerged in cold water.
You woke up and Kipo was gone. The mayor informed you where you were and what had happened. You'd hit a rock on your way down and had been in a mini coma since. It'd been a few days since you'd fallen unconcious and he explains how the burrow was destroyed. You and everyone else are now travelling to the backup burrow.
When you sae Lio he seemed confident depsite being seperated from his daughter. You soon found out why. Every night you stopped and set up camp you'd see him sneak out and when he came back he realizing you'd caught him, he told you what he'd done.
He was possibly exposing the burrow leaving clues for Kipo to find them. He was putting everyone at risk. But if you weren't hurt from your fall and could walk around better you'd be out there with him helping place the clues.
After all Kipo was your baby too.
It was a week later when you settled into your new home. Every day you worried about Kipo and every day you prayed she'd come back safely.
When Kipo came home you cried. You embraced her and her new friende welcoming them with open arms. You didn't care they were mutes you were just so glad she was home and you were so proud of her and how she kept to her beliefs despite being on the surface. She was your beautiful baby and she was okay.
Wolf, Ben, Dave, and Mandu were her family so now they were your family too. Then everything was ruined when the squawks of flamingos filled the air and the burrow began shaking as giant beaks broke through the soil.
You realized Kipo had been followed and that Hugo had come for revenge.
"KIPO HIDE!" Pushing her and her friends to saftey you run to find Lio and get him too. You weren't loosing your family again! Dust filled the air and you struggled to breath but you refused to give up. You had to find Lio.
When the dust clears and the light spills through the ceiling your in shock. You'd never seen the sky. Reaching your hand out sunlight touched you and you realized it was just as beautiful as Lio described it. Golden beams of light so soft you couldn't physcially feel them but you could see them. Incredible... Lio would love...
Lio! Snapping out of it you needed to find Lio and get deeper into the cave where it was safer. Running around avoiding flamingos and monkey's you pause when you see him.
"LIO!" Turning he stares at you in horror and you see why. A mute stood before him. He was tall and in a suit and as you got closer you realized this was Hugo. This was the mandril that Lio raised. This was Kipos brother.
But right now that didn't matter. Hugo was not the same little monkey and he had just destroyed your home.
Looking through the wreckage you see metal glinting in the light. Grabbing the weapon off the ground you sneered and charged at Hugo with the discarded axe.
"I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE YOU OVER SIZED MONKEY DON'T TOUCH HIM!" Slashing at the self proclaimed king of the surface you know he's hurting. You know he's in pain. You know he's lashing out because of what Lio did but right now you can only think Keep Kipo safe and Lios in danger he needs you.
The mandril laughs at you and you stiffen as you feel something wet hit your face. Your body freezes and your frozen in your current attack pose. Taking in sharp short breaths your grip on the axe tightens as you try and fight his influence. Your eyes dart around and your heart beats a million miles a minute.
You'd forgotten about Hugos powers that Lio had warned you about...
"Drop it." Hugo commands. Clenching your hands as tight as you can you feel every bone in your body burn as you defy him. Opening your eyes glaring at him, sweat pours down your face. Coming closer to you he chuckles seeming amused. He cups your face and you stare into the eyes of someone who's been betrayed.
You stare into the eyes of a lost child and you desperately want to help him, help your family but you can't say a word.
"Don't touch them! Hugo please your fights-" Lio tries to defend you. He grabs Hugos shoulder trying to pull him away but the madril pushes Lio away seeming frustrated. Tears pour down your face and you shake your head wishing you could help Lio, wishing you could help Hugo.
"IT'S SCARLEMANGE!" The mandril roars and you can hear his pain. You can feel Lios betrayal. "I haven't been called Hugo in a long time..." The mandril mumbles staring at Lio before he turns back to you. He tilts his head and hums as you look back at him.
"Drop it." He repeats but you don't. Your shaking as you clench your eyes and will yourself to hold on. You were strong. You had to be. For Lio. For Kipo.
"... Hugo...... Scarlemagne..." You correct taking care to let him know you heard him. That you understand and your sorry but you won't let him hurt Kipo or Lio. "Please let them go. Just let them go." You beg. Please...
"... How intriguing." He hums studying you. He tilts his head and you swallow terrified he's going to kill you. Terrified he'll hurt your family. "An interesting offer my dear but I'm afraid I'll have to decline. However don't fret! You'll be coming with Lio and me!" He chirps.
He gently grips the axe and lightly pulls at it. Gently taking the axe from you, your entire body goes limp from the strain of fighting his influence and you fall forwards. Scarlemagne drops the axe seeming panicked and catches you as you fall into him. Picking you up and holding you bridal style he hums beckoning his flamingo closer.
The bird bends down and he turns towards Lio as you begin to black out. "Come Lio. We have much to discuss." Laying you in the backseat careful not to hurt you, your heart drops as the last thing you hear is the flamingo cawing and Kipo calling your name as you get further and further away.
Staring at the sun darkness finally takes you and you wonder if Kipo would be alright? What did Hugo have planned? And how could you fix what Lio had done?
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(Thinking of doing a Part Two. Maybe make this into a mini series. If this did continue flashbacks would be included in the future so the events that happened here could be described in more detail)
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krazy-kipo · 4 years
Okay, this just came by me, when I was listening to Poor Unfortunate Souls I put a Spell on You by Voctave and my question (or request for headcanons, if you want) is what would be Scarlemange/Hugo Oaks reaction to Disney songs? ✨🤩✨
Take your time, since you have a lot of drafts and have fun with the prompt. 😁✨
Okay okay okay. Villains he loves and hates rated.
You found some old VHS tapes in a box and you both decide to watch them because why not?
Cruella from 101 Dalmatians -100/10
SHE DID WHAT TO WHAT??? Why would you show him that one? Animals almost get hurt. Very sad then very angry monkey. Gets reminded of Emilia. He destroys the movie.
Gaston from Beauty and the Beast -10/10
Belle was too smart for him and he was mad about how he treated her. Was rooting for Beast but got upset when John became human again.
Evil Queen from Snow White 2/10
She's a teenager. She's younger. She's likely going to be prettier at her peak. Why are you so mad??? Thought the movie was dumb and the plot was strange.
Jafar from Aladdin 5/10
Doesn't like him doesn't hate him. Thinks he was a pretty incompetent villian since his plan failed twice. Plus the whole getting tricked thing made Scarlemagne mad. Like Jafar was so smart but made very stupid decisions. Not to mention he coukd hypnotize the king??? Why didnt he just do that. Didn't like how he treated Jasmine. So pretty low score. Enjoyed the movie overall.
Hades from Hercules 10/10
Very relatable. Still waiting for a second movie even though the animators are long dead
Malefecient from Sleeping Beauty 10/10
They insulted a QUEEN. Anything that came after was their own damn fault. Cheered for her the whole movie and you skipped the ending so he wouldn't see her die.
Ursula from the Little Mermaid 8/10
Loved her style and elaborate songs. Her plan was filmsy and could've backfired though. He hates a not well thought out plan. Her drama was his favorite part but how she died made him upset.
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krazy-kipo · 4 years
Being Kipos Older Sibling
~ You grow up in the science burrow with your mom Song and your dad Lio. Hugos your friend growing up you are very fond of the mandril. Doctor Emilia says he's for science but you think of him as a playmate. They aren't many kids your age and Hugos so cute and cuddly you can't help but get attached!
~ You've spent many nights cuddled up to Hugo wrapped in his star blanket and Lio and Song have walked in on you two so many times. They both think it's adorable. As you grow older you see what's happening to Hugo and you don't like it. You try and hide the formulas your parents are supposed to give Hugo but they always find them and gently scold you. It doesn't stop you from trying again though.
~ When Hugo speaks for the first time you get very excited. You'd taught him some sign language since the formulas hadn't seemed to be working but now he could speak! Actually talk! Think coherently! And spell. You make sure to not tell Emilia but the woman grows more suspicious as you spend more time with the mandril.
~ You teach Hugo how to read and write with yiur parents and you show him all your favorite books. Fantasy and castles become his favorites and you try and find as many as you can. Hugo creates a game where he pretends to be a King and you pretend to be his nobel knight protecting him.
~ Hugo picks up on the piano quickly now that he's smart and he loves leaning how to use it. You enjoy singing quitley with him and making songs up together. You enjoy teaching him things and your bond grows stronger as he becomes more human like.
~ About a year later and Song and Lio decide the burrow is becoming unsafe. Hugos a person not a science experiment and Emilias becoming suspicious. They make plans to leave with you and Hugo but Song discovers she's pregnant and she's afraid to have the baby on the surface. It's unsafe.
~ You tell Hugo the amazing news and he's excited. He can't wait to have a baby sister and see the surface world. That night after staying with him all day you kiss his head goodbye. You never could have guessed that hours after you leave Emilia discovered the truth and she wasn't happy...
~ You're barred from seeing Hugo as experiments are done. You're considered emotionally compromised and Emilia refuses to let you in. When dad and mom come home they explain the situation and you're devastated.
~ Kipo is almost here and they promise just a bit longer and you foolishly believe them. More than a month passes and Kipos still not close to delivery. One night when your parents are asleep your guilt wins over your sense and you sneak into Hugo's room. You shake seeing what Emilias done to him and run up to the cadge he's in. He cries when he sees you and you cry seeing the state he's in. Picking the lock to his cadge you hug your baby brother close eyes clenched shut as tears streak down your face matting his furr. He cries into your chest and hugs you so tightly you feel your heart break. Once he's calmed down enough he tells you all about running all day with no breaks and what his mutations done to him. What he can do to others.
~ Lio amd Song never told you these things and it was kind of scary but you know it's still Hugo and you love Hugo. Laying him down you gently massage his sore muscles as he keeps crying and tells you what's been happening to him and how he's being treated. He's shaking and melts into your gentle touch sobs shaking his entire body. You finish and wrap him in his star blanket. You rock him as you hold him close. He knows you can't stay but he begs BEGS that you do. That you leave now together. That you don't leave him here. P l e a s e. It breaks your heart but you tell him all about Emilia forcing you out and pushing you away. How you're not supposed to be here and you'll get in serious trouble if anyone finds out. How it could end really badly...
~ He's scared he may never see you again and tries to stay up as long as he can since you promised you'd stay til he sleeps but eventually exhaustion comes over him and he falls asleep. He wakes up alone in his tiny box to yucky food and a scowling Emilia. He misses you already.
~ It's hard for you. You can only visit about once every other week and Song and Lio can't know what your doing. You and Song are supposed to be sick with burrow pox since her pregnancy with a half mute has had some side effects.
~ It's so close and your anxious to get out and leave. You bring Hugo treats and keep promising soon. Soon. Soon. How could you know soon would never happen?
~ Deciding it's too dangerous in the burrow Song agrees to have the baby on the surface but then she goes into labor. Your still young but you've taken biology classes and you know what's happening. Getting warm towels for your mom you hold her hand letting her crush yours as Lio helps her deliever.
~ You're all exhasuted once it's over. You tell your dad to get Hugo as you hold your baby sister Kipo. Songs exhausted and taking a small break before you all decide to leave. Loud banging is heard on the door and you panic holding Kipo close. Kipo begins crying and you shush her looking at your mom and dad panicked. Dad grabs a backpack and hands another to you. You're shaking as he takes Kipo and opens a vent. You're mother hugs you kissing you're forehead before she closes the vent and goes to the door. You don't know it at the time but you may never see her again.
~ Lio leads you through the vents and suddnely there's an earthquake. Lio tells you it's just Kipo you and him now. You're heartbroken but there isn't anything you can do. Hugos dead and so your mother.
~ It turns out Kipo became part jaguar like you picked. She's a fuzzy pink jaguar. You love her and you love her mute side with all your heart. She's beautiful and you promise to protect her at all costs. She often bats at your face with her paw and she's almost scratched you many times but you don't mind.
~ The surface is scary and Lio's always stressed with taking care od the two of you and Kipos mutation so you feel like you have to be perfect at all times. No complaining and no crying about Song. Dad needs you to be strong. You always keep Kipo calm and do your best to make dad feel okay.
~ Soon you meet the goats and learn that Kipo needs a burrow or she will become a jaguar and you'll loose your sister to their mute side. The thought shakes you up a lot and you begin fearing you'll loose Kipo like you lost Song. It's been days and you and dad are still searching for a burrow when you stop.
~ You tackle your brother shaking and crying. You thought he died but here he is, alive and okay. He made ot to the surface and other than some small scratches he looks okay. He hugs back and you begin shaking. You pull awa smiling and he freezes when he sees Kipo. He wants to hold her but Hugo seems different. Lio pulls back holding Kipo close. Hugo begins shaking and you reach out to calm him down but he lunges for his old star blanket that Kipos in and he rips it. Kipo begins crying and Lio runs. Leaving you behind. Hugo reaches out wanting to apologize but he begins laughing maniacally holding the blanket. Scared you run after your dad. You lost your mom you can't loose him and Kipo too!
~ You miss Hugo but you need to focus on Kipo now. Your moms gone and she'll need two parents so it's your job to step in and let her know you love her and will always support her no matter what. When you enter the burrow it's hard. You're used to adventure and adrenaline now it's back to normal as if nothing ever happened. The other teens don't like you much and you find yourself sobbing alone thinking of Hugo up there by himself and your mom gone.
~ You never take your frustrations out on Kipo or your dad. You end up becoming quiet and spend your time reading, pulling yourself away from others. You have Kipo and you have your dad and you have books. That's all you need.
~ Growing up you make sure Kipos always happy and laughing. You teach her about love and how everyone is equal. As she gets older you teach her songs and how to play instruments. You're there when she learns to walk. When she learns to read and write. Amd the older she gets the mote you see. Once school starts you help her with her homework. Kipo always has you and you make sure to be there for her no matter what.
~ You teach her about the stars and planets, flora and fauna, music, art, geology, biology, philosophy, psychology, history, and different cultures. Kipo is always surrounded by learning and you take pride knowing you helped raise her to be so smart. She loves reading and she'll lay on your lap and read to you all day if you want.
~ You're always making up fun games and silly songs or reading to Kipo. You two also write and make lots of fun art. Kipo enjoys just about everything and is never bored or unhappy. Unlike you she makes many friends and your glad shes happy and has people who care for her.
~ The pain of Song dying never goes away (especially since Kipo looks exactly like her) but you keep that pain away from Kipo. You tell her stories about how brave and smart mom was. You never once let your mourning get in the way of Kipo and her life. She deserves the best and your determined to give your lil sister just that. It's what Song would've wanted.
~ Your rock climbing with Kipo and your dad enjoying your time with them when you all feel tremors. You laugh it off at first guessing the megamute it must be but the tremord keep getting more intense. So much so you and Kipo almost fall. Your dad mutters something and before you can ask what he's talking about your falling.
~ You never thought you'd go back to the surface but here you are and it's strangely familiar and nice. Kipos scared but you feel confident. Together you can take on anything and maybe up here you can finally teach Kipo about the Jaguar and who she really is.
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krazy-kipo · 4 years
Hair Trouble
You were with Scarlemagne leaning against him as you read a book. He hummed softly as he read his own.
His library was huge, full of well preserved books and antique goods that he liked. Vases, antique perfume bottles, and intricate wooden boxes shared the shelves with endless books. He had a vast collection and he was quot proud of it.
There were also couches with soft pillows and reading corners for fun places to read. The monkey had a soft spot for books so you two often spent your time here when he wanted to hang out but not talk. Sunlight filtered through the windows and it was peaceful. Not really paying attention your eyes glanced over the pages mind muddled from reading so long.
Pausing your reading you feel Scarlemagne touch your hair. You say nothing and keep reading as his fingers begin to thread through it and seperate it. You know what's coming but it's better to just let it happen.
"Don't knot it this time please." You ask as you keep reading. He huffs annoyed before flicking you. "Owwww." You whine. Scarlamagne smirks at you as he continues playing with your hair trying to style it.
"I won't knot it. Now hush." It was quiet except for his soft humming as you shrug and go back to reading your book.
With Scarlemagne it was a 50/50 this would turn out okay. Sometimes he was a mastermind at hair and could do anything from a braided bun to a pho hawk. Other times it became a knotted mess and you'd have to smother conditioner on in the bath to even come close to fixing it.
You hear him begin to quietly curse and you groan putting your book face down in your lap. Apprentally he was knotting your hair today.
"Scarle-" You start feeling the knots and how he's messing up your hair.
"Stop talking. I'm focusing on my masterpiece." You wince as he pulls sharply at your hair. It was a playful tug but a tug none the less. You wonder if he forgets how strong he is or if he didn't mean too. Huffing you try and focus on your book but the constant tugging makes it impossible. Crossing your arms you tap your foot wincing as he makes a mess of your hair.
"What are you trying to do?" You question laughing as you hear him get frustrated. Clearly his visionary masterpiece wasn't coming to life.
"Shush shush shush." He bats at you playfully and hums as he keeps playing with your hair. His claws tangle in your locks as he tugs through them. Soon he's pulling as his claws get knotted in your hair. Grunting uncomfortable he pulls away giving up.
"Your hairs a mess." He states puffing out his chest.
"Scarlemagne your the one who did this!" You object. He smiles and shrugs his shoulders chuckling to himself.
"I have no idea what your talking about." Lil shit you think to yourself as you roll your eyes and continue reading your book.
"You should go fix it." He hums.
"SCARLEMAGNE!" You scream.
(Based off a headcannon me and a friend made where Scralmagne thinks doing hair is relaxing but he's really bad at it and then gets frustrated when he messes up.
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