#platonic douma x reader
aviiarie · 22 days
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⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧ FLESH AND BLOOD — platonic douma & reader !
synopsis. douma’s child knows there is only one way to truly escape: killing their father. warnings. kny-typical blood, death & yknow... eating people. knives, threats of violence. unhealthy family dynamics. douma is his own warning tbh. notes. PLATONIC. (terrible) father figure!douma. gn!reader. they/them used. angst. 3.6k words. read warnings pls! @romaritimeharbor you were right, i couldn't write a happy ending. this man was made for horror, not fluff.
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Every step [Name] takes is heavy.
There’s a knife strapped to their belt, hidden under several layers of clothing. They swiped in from the kitchens one night on a whim, sneaking behind two chefs who were too engrossed in an argument about spices to notice them. Once they left—with neither chef noticing them at all—they took to work fashioning a strap to attach it to their belt, and tucked it under their clothes. When they were finished, it swung on their hip, occasionally bumping against their thigh if they ran too quickly. Secure, but still accessible; exactly how they wanted it.
It isn’t the most ideal weapon. They haven’t had enough experience wielding it to even know what to do with it if their situation called for a fight, but it hangs by their side like an anchor. The slight pressure, with the glint of metal separated from their skin by a single layer of fabric, grounds them.
Every night, they make sure the edge is sharpened, before tucking it under their pillow with one hand slotted underneath. Idly, their fingers trace the edge of the handle, prepared to close around it should they wake up to an attack.
And yet, even with the care they have to make sure the knife is always close to their side, they have never once used it. It’s a safeguard more than anything else; a reminder that no matter what happens in the lion’s den they call a home, they are ready and prepared to fight their way out to safety. It didn’t need to be withdrawn; a simple pat to their side to make sure the weapon was still safely attached to their belt was enough to steady their nerves.
As they walk through the halls with feather-light footsteps, their heartbeat pounds with the wings of a hummingbird. They force their breath to even out into a steady pattern, squeezing their hands into fists to stop them from shaking. They were not the apex predator in this place, but they’d be damned if they were reduced to mere prey.
Through the halls of their home, they pass countless faces that greet them with big smiles and waves. They don’t stop for a single one, only nodding slightly and murmuring a greeting for each. One woman in particular gasps as she sees them, peeling away from her group to catch their arm as they walk by.
“Ah, [Name]! I was speaking with Lord Douma earlier, and he requested that you join him for dinner tonight!” The woman smiles brightly at them. They bite back a sharp retort, instead forcing a smile.
“If you see him again, tell my father that I might be late,” they say smoothly. The words feel like poison on their tongue, but they spit them out anyway.
Father was once a word they used with pride. It was babbled through lips that barely knew the sounds they were making, but the title was met with a blinding smile. Douma seemed to take pride in the word as well, if the way he scooped them into his arms every time they called him it was any indication. He’d press his cheek to their hair, squeezing them against his chest like they were a stuffed toy. A laugh, brimming with almost childlike glee, and an excited, “Yes, yes, that’s it! I’m your father, and you’re my darling little child.”
They were happy as his child, for a long time. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t their family by blood; he was the one to take them in when they were only a baby, giving them all they could ever want or need and spoiling them beyond comprehension. He adored them, more than anything. That was what he promised, at least.
Their childhood was happy, as happy one can be when raised in a cult. The followers loved them as much as they loved Douma himself, showering them with attention and gifts when he wasn’t there to give them it instead. [Name] learned to look past the smiles, to not get attached to the voices that spoke their name with reverence, because it was almost never the same face that greeted them twice. It didn’t matter too much, because Douma was always there to fill the gaps with his warm embraces.
But they grew older, as children do, and the haze of paradise slowly cleared. The mysteries of their youth that once felt like exciting secrets to unearth began to weigh on them, and they found themself pestering Douma with endless questions. Questions like ‘Why do people keep disappearing?’ and ‘What’s beyond the Eternal Paradise?’
To their frustration, his responses were vague and dismissive, never leaving them satisfied. The only answers they received were ‘They’ve achieved Paradise.’ and ‘Nothing. There is nothing worth seeing beyond here.’
Douma always said they were naturally inquisitive, but that burning desire for answers only brewed a frustration in their chest that never seemed to be quelled by his distant answers. He was hiding things, they could see it on his face. There were too many things that he kept secret to be coincidence, too many details that didn’t add up.
Their fervent pursuit of answers led to one place: the door at the end of main hall. It was locked at all times, the only place they were forbidden from entering. Douma was especially serious when he informed them the room was off limits, his eyes turning sharp when he questioned him about it.
“This is my home and yours, and you are free to roam everywhere else, but that place isn’t for you, little one.”
The words might have deterred them as a child, but they couldn’t let their curiosity fester any longer.
There was one key that opened every lock in the cult, hidden in a secret compartment in the main room that Douma didn’t think they knew about. One night as slipped through the door and locked it behind him, they stole the key, slipping it in the lock and turning the handle.
The first thing they noticed was red. It covered the room, spilling across his table, dripping steadily on his tiled floors and splattering across the walls in an angry scarlet. The second thing they noticed was that their father was covered in it. The colour was smeared across his face, trickling from his lips and down his chin. It stained his robes and coated his hands, but he barely noticed; he was too busy swiping his tongue across his lips to soak up the excess droplets.
Among the carnage was the lifeless figure of a woman, her body mangled and thrown carelessly at his feet. Douma himself was lounging on a chair, his legs crossed, unbothered by the nightmarish scene surrounding him. One of his hands clasped a severed arm, bringing it to his teeth and tearing off a chunk of flesh. He hummed as he ate, licking his lips like he was savouring the taste.
In all their years of growing up by his side, they’d watched as Douma had ignored the gifts of food his followers brought him, yet now, now he seemed to find his appetite. Their skin crawled, memories of rejected meals and his claims of already eating echoing in their ears. When he locked himself in the room, was this what he was doing? Was this where their missing followers ended up?
They clutched their arm, pressing their nails hard enough to leave marks against their skin. The sight was something out of their worst nightmares, yet the sting of pain was a sharp reminder that it was reality. Nausea bubbled up in their stomach, but they forced it down long enough to close the door with a quiet click and lock it again.
They never confronted him after that day. They could barely look him in the eye long enough to do so. But one thing was clear: as long as he lived, they and all of the followers of the Eternal Paradise faith were in danger.
Their hand brushed against their hip. The cold press of metal through their clothes eased their nerves.
A proper fighter would have a sword, and use it to slice his head clean off, but they would have to make do with a simple kitchen knife. Eventually the moment would present itself, eventually he would be off his guard, and they would have the chance to ambush him. The edge of the blade was sharp, all it would take is one slice across his throat and his life would be snuffed out.
They ignored the nagging part of them that told them it wouldn’t be enough, that Douma had to be something inhuman, something powerful, something that took more than a slit throat to kill. It whispered that a creature so heartless that it would slaughter and consume innocent humans couldn’t possibly be an ordinary mortal being.
They especially ignored the part of them that blanched at even the thought of harming him, the man that brought them in and doted on them every day of their life. That was the part that wished they could go back and never look through the door, maintaining a fragile bliss that wasn’t wrought with fear and uncertainty; the part that urged them to forget, to close their eyes and let him be their adoring father again.
Their footsteps haltered as they approached the open doorway that led to the main room of the building. Even the entrance was ornately decorated, with delicately painted screens separating it from the rest of the rooms.
“Is someone there?” A voice called out sharply. Their breath caught in their throat, and they patted their side instinctively. With a careful glance around the door, they saw him, sitting in the centre of the elaborate room on his usual cushioned seat.
“Are you hiding?” Douma asks, his eyes glinting with something dark and unreadable. He leans his head on his hand, smiling at where they are half-concealed behind the doorway. “My child, is that you? Come on out, don’t be shy.”
There was no point trying to pretend they weren’t there. With a deep breath, they step into the light.
“It is my child!” He laughs, in a voice that could be mistaken for delight. If they were a little younger they would have beamed at the sound, but their maturity had earned them the skill of seeing right through his cheery demeanour. “[Name], have you come to visit me?”
“Yes.” They say stiffly, forcing a neutral expression. They ignored the way his smile softened; it was a lie, it had to be.
“Aren’t I a lucky father?” Douma pauses to wipe away a fake tear, the sight making something curl uncomfortably in their gut. He pats the area beside his chair. “Come, sit down.”
When they were a baby—back when the brightness of his smile felt genuine—he would sit them on his lap, letting them play with his fans while he spoke to his followers. They were too old for that now, so instead they tiptoe inside and settle beside the chair, sitting with their knees tucked to their chest.
“How are you today, [Name]? It feels like forever since we’ve caught up.” Douma asks them as they sit, smiling over at them. They pick at the edge of their clothing, not meeting his eye.
“What does the writing in your eyes mean?” They suddenly ask, instead of answering.
“Curious today, are we?” Douma chuckles. He taps his nail just below his right eye. “I’m sure you know what this one is.”
They nod, recognizing the numeral. “It’s… two, right?”
“Yes, it is! Such a smart child I have.” Douma’s grin widens, and he points the other one. “What about this one?”
They squint at his eye, observing the thin brushstrokes over the rainbow-coloured iris. It wasn’t a character they recognized, even after their studies. “I don’t know.”
“This one—” Douma tapped his nail against his skin. “Is a combination of two characters. Together it means Upper Rank.”
“Upper Rank…?” They echo. “Upper Rank Two? What does that mean?”
“It’s my ranking.” Douma hums, not bothering to explain further. “Is it my turn to ask a question now?”
Their posture stiffens. “If you want.”
Douma clapped his hands together. “Oh, how fun! What to ask… what to ask…”
He pauses to think, tapping his finger on his chin. “Oh, I have one! What have you been doing with your days?” Douma leans his head on his hand with a smile. “I’ve barely seen you recently. You used to spend so much time with me.”
They swallow down the anxiety that bubbled up at his question. The truthful answer was that they had been carefully avoiding his room, not bothering to stop by unless they were called specifically. The rest of their days were spent sneaking around, scoping out potential escape routes, or making sure their knife was sharp and ready to kill.
“Just… things.” They say vaguely.
Douma stares at them with a pleasantly puzzled expression. “Things…?”
“How fascinatingly mundane!”
“I guess I’m just a boring person.” They shrug.
“And what about that knife you’ve been carrying around, hm?” Douma asks, his smile not faltering, even as their heart stopped. “I would love to know what you’re planning with that one!”
His eyes are crinkling with the force of his smile, but there is no warmth behind it. They narrow their own eyes, quickly rising to their feet and taking a step backwards. His gaze tracks their every movement, following their hand as they fumble at their belt to pull out the knife from their makeshift sheath.
“Guess.” Their hands shake, but the ready the weapon anyway. “Take a guess as to what I’m planning with it.”
One slice at his throat. One slit, and he’s dead. One cut, and this whole nightmare will end, and he will never be able to hurt anyone again. This was what they'd been preparing for.
“Are you going to kill me?” Douma coos, standing from his chair and grinning. “How adorable!”
“Sh-Shut up!” They hiss, gripping the handle tighter. “I know what you did! I know about that poor woman, the one you murdered and devoured! How many followers have you killed, huh? Was I next? Have you just been raising me like a pig for slaughter?”
“Oh.” A tilt of his head, and a saddened expression that looked… almost real. Almost. They tighten their grip on the blade, reprimanding themself for nearly falling for his act. It wasn’t real, none of it was. They couldn’t forget that, no matter how hurt his expression looked. “I don’t want to kill you, my child.”
“I don’t believe you!” They yell back.
Douma tilts his head to look at them, his face still twisted in that same mask of pity. He took one step towards them, then another, until they were face to face. Before they could blink, his hand was gripping their wrist tight enough to bruise.
“I’m not going to kill you, [Name].” He says sadly, twisting their wrist to seize the knife and holding it up out of their reach. “I am not going to hurt you, nor am I going to let anything else hurt you. It makes me sad that you can’t see that.”
“You’re a monster.” They hiss, their eyes filled with tears. They stumble a few steps back, putting some semblance of distance between them.
Douma chuckles slightly. “And you’re my child. What does that make you?”
They flinch as if he had struck them, stumbling back even further at his words. “I am nothing like you!”
“Aren’t you?” Douma says, his voice thick and sweet like honey. “Oh, we aren’t related by blood but I raised you from birth. Why do you think I would spare such a frail creature like yourself, if I didn’t see a part of myself in you? We’re cut from the same cloth, you and I. You’re my child, through and through.”
“I’m nothing like you!” They cry out. “You’re a murderer!”
“Yet you’re the one who was plotting my death.” He waves the kitchen knife in front of their face with amusement dancing on his lips. “That sounds an awful lot like the work of a murderer to me.”
“That’s different.”
“Is it though? It’s still homicide.”
“It was self-defence!”
Douma chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief. “Killing me isn’t self-defence if I haven’t laid a hand on you. I’m afraid that’s just called murder.”
“You’re—” Their words died in their throat. No matter how cruel he sounded saying them, he was right. They were planning to kill him. Maybe they were no better than him after all. “You’re… you’re a monster… I had to kill you. Before… you killed me. That was why I had the knife.”
“Oh, I’m afraid this little thing wouldn’t do much,” Douma laughs as he waves the weapon. With a smile, he drew back the sleeve of his robe and pressed the edge of the knife to the back of his arm. He drags the blade across it, smiling serenely as a line of bright red blood drips down his skin. In seconds the cut is knitting itself back together, leaving only a stain of scarlet over his fully healed skin. “It’s adorable that you thought you could hurt me, but simple weapons like these don’t leave a scratch on me.”
Their heart stopped, watching the mark smooth out and fade into nothing.
It… didn’t matter. All the nights of cutting their fingers of the edge in their haste to make sure it was still under their pillow didn’t matter. The comforting weight at their side wasn't worth anything; it never would have achieved a thing in the first place.
They were a sheep wandering around the den of a wolf, confidently thinking their blunt hooves would be enough to pierce its hide. A painful feeling washed over them—powerlessness.
Their eyes began to burn, along with their chest. As quickly as the rush of adrenaline filled their body, it left, knocking all the air out of their lungs. Tears slowly started dripping down their cheeks, quietly at first, before they were followed by heaving sobs.
“I do love you, my child.” Douma sighs. Lie, it was a lie. “I wish you wouldn’t have done something like this. I was so happy to watch you grow up, content keeping you alive and human. Now what am I to do?”
Their shoulders hitch, hands scrubbing desperately at their eyes. There was a calculating glint in his eyes, before Douma stepped forward again and pulled them into a cold embrace.
“What am I to do with you…” Douma muses, holding them against his chest as they sobbed. The front of his robes were covered in tears and snot but he paid it no mind, just sighing softly and running his fingers through their hair. “My poor child…”
The feeling of his fingers through their hair made them shiver. Were his nails always so sharp, or was his touch just soft enough to hide it?
“What was your plan?” Douma pulls them away to look at their face properly, a sparkle of amusement in his eye. “Where were you going to go, after you killed me, hm? You know there’s nothing out there for you. No one would want to take in a murderer, especially one who killed their own father in cold blood.”
“I would have found somewhere.” They mumble, slowing their sobs to quiet sniffles.
Douma shook his head fondly, like they were discussing something trivial. “Oh, my sweet child, who put such an idea in your head? There is nowhere you can go. Here, it is safe. Here is happy. Why would you ever leave?”
They wanted to scream their anguish, kicking and clawing at him until his face was red and bloody. This man—no, this monster masqueraded as a loving father for years, all while blood spilled behind his gilded doors. But the saccharine sweetness that his voice carried wormed its way into their ears, poisoning their thoughts and—
Such a disappointing, ungrateful child they must be. He welcomed them into his arms, and they were planning to—
Their mind was split. All of their instincts screamed at them to run, run until their lungs burned and their feet bled, but there was a gnawing part of them that clung to his honeyed words. At least when they were in his favour they were safe; they could turn away from the truth and cling to their fractured picture of family. Maybe if they fell to their knees and begged him for forgiveness, he would forget all about their betrayal and welcome them as his child again.
They weren’t anywhere near strong enough to kill him. The least they could do was survive.
“What do you have to say for yourself, [Name]?” Douma asks gently, and something in them snaps.
They fall forward, burying their face in his chest and clutching onto the back of his robes with a wail. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
“That’s what I thought…” Douma sighs in almost amusement. He places his hand on the top of their head, ruffling their hair gently.
“I’m sorry… I’ll never do it again, I promise. Please… please don’t leave me! I don’t know what I would be without you,” they cry, the words spilling out so easily they can’t tell if they’re a lie or not.
It wasn’t the end. One day his guard would drop and they would seize the chance, taking everything they own and running away into the night. They will run, not knowing where they will end up but knowing they need to be anywhere but there. Even if it means spending the rest of their life shying away from dark corners and patting their side to check on their weapon, they will escape.
For now, they weep in the arms of their father.
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© aviiarie 2024. do not copy, repost, translate or use my work to train ai.
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reticent-writer · 1 year
back to the half demon half human reader thing: this time, upper moons? i think it would be cute
Demon slayer masterlist
Baby demon - hashira
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Muzan walked into your room. You haven't made a noise since he put you down for a nap.
He found you staring at the flower themed mobile. He cooed at you as he picked you up.
He had you in his hip while he took a walk around the castle letting you see each demons domains.
You babbled as you played with the buttons on his best.
"My Lord I didn't know you had a kid." Douma commented, seeing him walk by.
"I Don't."
"Please stop pulling my hair." Kokushibo said while grabbing your hands that were tangled in his long locs. You were standing on one of his legs while he was sitting.
Once he got a hold of both of your hands you started to dance
"Da Da Da" You babbled.
"Yeah, that's right dada. Can you say it?"
"Da da... Dadaa."
"Yeah, I'm dada." His blew raspberries into your cheeks.
You giggled and squirmed.
He knew you were a half demon from the start.
You were presented to Douma as a present from one of his followers, you're unique like him. Visually different (I was thinking something like an albino or vitiligo) but still adorable to look at.
"Aww you look so cute Y/n!" He exclaimed as he took you from his follower's arms. You had on an outfit identical to his with a matching hat.
You giggled as he tickled your stomach before sitting you on a soft pillow next to his own.
You always sat next to him and his followers came and visited.
"Do you want your binkie?" Akaza tried to calm you down but nothing was working.
He tried feeding you, cradling you, swaddling you, putting you down for a nap and more.
You would not stop crying.
There was one thing they he hadn't tried yet but he was too embarrassed to do it. Your screams were enough to drive him to do it.
He sung to calm you down.
It worked.
"Ready or not here I come." Daki took of running to find you.
You giggled, not so quietly, as you watched her run around while you were hiding behind Gyotaro.
"Gyotaro where did they go?" Daki whispered as if she didn't know you were behind him. He shrugged cause you to giggle harder.
"GOTCHA" She exclaimed and tried to reach around her brother. You screeched and tried to run but she caught you and threw you in the air.
Guess who's my favorite
Who was your favorite
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If you're able to do requests here's one... Platonic Dōma x Toddler Reader where the little one is being cheeky and starting a game of tickle monster to only end up getting tummy raspberrys by they're guardian Dōma as payback
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Fluffy Time w/ toddler Reader | Yandere Douma 
Funny thing is I’m sure Douma isn’t actually ticklish so he’s fascinated by the reaction in the first place
So he loves when you initiate this for his own little curiosities
He loves you all the more
You just have him learning and doing all kinds of things
Not just blowing raspberries into your tiny tummy
As disturbing as it is for those aware of Douma’s true identity to realize this
Alot of his games with his beloved baby feature playful ‘eating’ the little one
Pretending to eat your little hands, your little feet, your chubby cheeks
He’s seen many others do it so its not bizarre 
but there’s an added level debauchery considering the moment he settles you down for a nap he’s actually devouring a human or six
And he most certainly is teasing the victims who are aware in a sick joke of his
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trancylovecraft · 4 months
akaza would melt from cuteness if his toddler kid drew him
HE WOULDDDD. like imagine Akaza was just doing his thing like he usually does when he hears his kid running towards him, Waving a piece of paper in hand and just excitedly giving it over to him.
Akaza would be yae close to crying seeing how hard you worked on it- He'd treasure anything his kid would give him like, You know if this mf owned a fridge that the drawing would be pinned to it as the centerpiece.
But unfortunatley he doesn't, So instead he'd keep it in his pocket AT ALL TIMES. Fighting.. Uppermoon Meetings.. HE'S KEEPING IT FOR YEARS TO COME.
You know if that thing got lost, Akaza wouldn't hesitate to punch a few heads off just to get it back. His child made that for HIM. He's not loosing it 😤
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Akaza, About to cry:
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-Trancy M. Lovecraft
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mayullla · 1 year
Title: Little Sunshine! (Part 2)
Characters: Mainly Akaza with Douma (/Doma) at the end! (Demon Slayer)
Summary: You were taken into the Paradise Faith cult with Kotoha (Inosuke's mother.) And Douma became rather fond of you like he did with Kotoha. When Kotoha ran away, she had no choice but to leave you behind as Douma hid the truth away from you. After becoming a demon you slept for a year and finally woke up again.
Warnings/tags: Platonic yandere, fem!child!reader, reader recently got turned into a demon and just woke up
Note: Part 1 is here!
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Akaza didn't know when or why he started to become so attached to you. When he was forced to come to Douma's cult to tell that damn demon some news about the demon slayers, he wanted to keep the time there at the minimum.
That was where he met you.
You were alone in the middle of the garden, looking everywhere, confused and tired. He thought you were a human child at first but had to take a second glance when he realized that you were a demon.
He wondered if it was a joke, a demon art of some demon that could turn into a kid. Yet when he saw your eyes, it was clear that you were not a trap made by some weak demon. You looked at him with no fear but with curiosity and wonder. An innocence that was not supposed to be in a demon yet there...
You took a step towards him when your leg suddenly lost energy and started to fall. You thought you would hit the floor, face first into the dirt, but that never happened when the collar of your sleeping robe was grabbed by the mysterious man who was once on top of the wall.
Looking up at him, you saw the man confused face, surprised at his own actions. "Thank you, mister!" You said, returning to looking down to the floor, your feet not quite reaching as you made a kicking motion.
He let you down after a pause, but before Akaza could leave, you started asking him questions. Asking if he knew where Douma was? "How do you know that guy?" Akaza asked curiously at you. You pouted at him as he didn't answer your questions. "I live here! Douma-sama had let me stay!" You told him flapping your shoulders' sleeves.
Somehow, everything clicked in an instant when he realized who you were. He suddenly remembered that long ago, Douma had asked Muzan if he could turn a small kid into a demon a year or two ago.
You were probably the child that he had turned into a demon.
Akaza snapped back into reality when he felt his pants being tugged, looking down to see you holding him, wondering why he wasn't saying anything.
"Mister, are you okay?" You asked curiously. Giving you a grunt, you took it as a sign that he was okay and smiled at him. Watching that smile, it was strange if not weird almost to see it in a demon. Most demons have malicious intent, as most have killed or done things that were morally wrong, even if they haven't by now the smell of blood should linger on their skin. Demons can't eat food anymore to survive.
They needed blood.
Yet here you were. He barely could smell any of it from you. He wondered if this was the first time this ever happened. Why were you even here, Akaza thought to himself as he unconsciously patted your head.
When you giggled, the innocent sounds made him uneasy.
"Mister, play with me!" You called out to him, raising your arms. "Up! Up!" You told him. Akaza blinked again in surprise when he saw you asking him such a thing. Never in his life after becoming a demon did someone ask him to play like this. Most human kids run away either because they already know that he was a demon or they witness him kill someone.
However, you refuse to let your hands down and continue to stare at him. He wondered if you couldn't feel it at all, the difference in rank between him and you. Most demons can't even look at him in the eyes. Yet it seems that you didn't care as you approached him again one step and then suddenly lost strength again, staggering as you thought that you would fall again.
Akaza caught you... again. Why did he do that??
Bring you up to eye level, holding you by the collar Akaza examined you as if you were some foreign alien. You looked at him again and smiled as he wondered why you are so weird?!
Reaching out to him again, you motioned that you want to get on his shoulders.
"... Fine... Just this once." Following your instructions hesitantly as he placed you on his shoulders, holding your legs as you held on his hair. You giggled as you started pointing him in directions to head to, "Go there, Mister! Go there!"
It was so awkward for him as he followed your childish demands, wondering why he was even listening to them. Walking over to trees, you touched the branches that were far too high for you to reach before and beamed at him with self-pride. "I am so tall!" You laughed.
The more the two of you played under the moonlight, the more relaxed Akaza started to become. When was the last time he played like this when he was relaxed with almost no care in the world? He smiled as you showed off to him that you were taller than him when both of you knew that he was carrying you which made you tall.
And Akaza... maybe in a way, wanted to show his powers to you. He thought it would be a fun idea really.
You gasped in surprise when he jumped, the wind on your hair, as you guys reach so high over 3-story buildings up. This was your first time seeing up so high. You shouted in awe and excitement as the both of you landed on the roof of a building. You raved on and on about how cool that was and that Akaza was amazing, with so much respect in your eyes begging him to do it again.
You don't know how long you played with Akaza, jumping higher and higher up in the sky, and you looked at the world around you under the night sky. You didn't know when you fell asleep again, a smile on your lips hugging Akaza's neck as he held you in his arms.
Akaza looked at you in wonder, wondering why you were a demon yet so amazed by what Akaza thought was normal as a demon.
But right now wasn't the time.
"You can show yourself now." Akaza didn't turn around to face Douma. He knew for a long time when the guy showed up but would rather focus on you to really care for the man.
"Ah, Akaza-donno, thank you for taking care of her. She has been sleeping for a while now and must have been so confused to wake alone like this. It is such a shame that I wasn't by her side." Douma walked towards you, his eyes on your hair, your face hidden by Akaza's neck softly snoring away, unable to notice the two demons looking at you.
"She didn't notice anything... she is weak." Akaza stated he could not smell, not even a scent of blood other than Muzan and Douma's in you. In his mind, it was obvious that Douma had been staving you for so long now.
"She has been sleeping for over a year now after her transformation to a demon. The poor little girl refused to drink blood when her senses were telling her to do so. I had an amazing meal prepared just for her, too, that time." Douma smiled, his eyes on you slowly turning to the one holding you. "Thank you for caring for her but I will take it over from her-"
Douma's hand that was reaching out for you suddenly exploded into bits and pieces, spraying blood and flesh. His eyes still smiling as he stared at Akaza showed no emotions of annoyance or anger.
But you could see a small vein on the side of his temple.
Akaza didn't want to give you back to Douma. He didn't want to give you to this sick bastard because Akaza knew that he would break you. And as a demon now, this pain can be forever. Rather than with Douma, Akaza knew you would be father better off with him.
He would not let you go, not like this.
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Note: Hope you liked it! Have a nice day guys~
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animekpopsimp · 2 years
The Upper Moons With A Demon Child Reader (Platonic)
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Kokushibo often doesn't interact with any other demons, as long as they're useful to Muzan
But when it comes to you, he does take a slight interest in you
He tells himself it's just because you're so young, even younger than Daki
But deep down, he starts to have a weird feeling inside of him
He finds himself spending more time with you, and the other upper moons start to notice as well
Kokushibo doesn't say much, but he silently grows fond of you, no that he would ever admit that out loud
He'll offer to train with you on occasion, which he secretly enjoys
You grow fond of him, seeing him as a father figure
He even believes that you could become an upper moon someday
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When he first meets you, Douma is very enthusiastic
He acts very childishly most of the time, but around you, it's ten times worse
He quickly befriends you, often taking you to his domain
He'll even share food with you, saying you're so cute that you deserve it
He kind of treats you as a younger sibling, and though you're weary of him at first you slowly grow close to him
He encourages you to get stronger, excited to see you become an upper moon like him
Douma keeps a close eye on you when he can, and though he won't say it out loud, he is worried about your safety
He's even killed demon slayers who had been targeting you once without you noticing
He may be eccentric, but Dauma genuinely wants to see you excel
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Akaza is surprised to meet you
He knew Daki was young when she became a demon, but you were even younger
You instantly take a liking to him, and he does as well
He likes to fight, and you love sparing with him as well
He kind of adopts you as his younger sister
He and Douma often fight over who gets to spend time with you, which only makes Akaza like him less
He tries to get you to stay away from Douma, but can't really stop you most of the time
Akaza always encourages you to grow stronger
He's very sweet around you
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Daki finds you adorable
She finds herself wanting to protect you like her brother does for her
She'll sit with you and do your hair and makeup, she just loves spending time with you
Gyutaro is hesitant at first, but he grows close to you with encouragement from his sister
They both feel the need to protect you since you remind them of themselves when they were younger
You often visit the entertainment district to spend time with them
Daki will even share food with you
They basically adopt you as part of their family
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colourstreakgryffin · 7 months
Hii! Can we get a fic with how would it like to be if the reader was basically douma same personality appearence etc. With Alastor? I REALLY WANT TO SEE HOW IT WOULD GO.
Oh my fucking god. This Duo— it’s this duo and Discord with Alastor, I think would mesh well! Haha! Anyway! I am definitely trying this out, thank you, loves! Hope you enjoy!
Alastor- Rainbow Irises
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Ah… a cannibalistic murderous cult has rolled into the Pride Ring. Alastor isn’t surprised when he hears over the new Overlord being the Eternal Paradise Cult leader. He’s heard worse
Though… her eyes are a mesmerising rainbow. A gorgeous, colourful, almost hypnotic swirl of multiple colours and the way she has presented herself to the Pride Ring… menacing yet elegant and cool-headed. Dressed like a fancy old-fashioned Japanese woman and wielding golden sharp fans
You’re an entire walking-talking red flag of a person. Speaking smooth and doting to everybody you meet but raising your fangs to their neck. You’re possibly even worse than Valentino. You trick everybody into thinking you’re polite and considerate and playful but you have a VERY ugly monster under those rainbow eyes
You have that charisma and friendliness Alastor uses regularly, coming off as upbeat and you greets all the Overlords politely but the proclaims you make… the way you eat other sinner demons with no problem and even brag about putting heads of decapitated men in pots. You have everybody in the room’s spines shivering in both disgust and intimidation at how you’re like
Alastor respects the way you establish yourself and getting his full respect is hard. You are intimidating, you are menacing, it’s a sign of how strong you actually are. The second strongest Overlord in Hell’s history(right behind Alastor). You regularly loom over Alastor and enjoy sweet-talking him
Alastor can recognise when a psychopath is talking so he never falls for your tricks nor your innocent act. You’re dangerous and twisted, specifically targeting and only eating men, hence you’re only-men member cult. He won’t let you even try take a finger off him
Alastor is basically our Shinobu, except Al doesn’t beat on us
Alastor doesn’t like you just touching him. You’ll reach out and touch him, solely to annoy him. He isn’t scared of you but he can tell why the other Overlords are so tense around you… you’re the most perfect cult leader, a inviting aura and a sensual voice that screams illusionary safety
Alastor has to hold his breath around you. When you’re angry, you turn ice cold and you don’t mind making the air too frozen for anybody to breathe in. So, he is quite careful with you. Juggling inbetween cold treatment and warm treatment, he feels like he is handling a spoiled brat when he talks to you
Alastor ignores the ‘gifts’ you make or get him. The lotus ice statues are wonderful but he knows what you’re trying to do… he may compliment your work but he won’t let you talk him into anything
But that doesn’t mean, Alastor doesn’t find your work nor your power impressive. He is very impressed and he rewards you for all you’ve done with your little cult and rising up to the rank to being the second strongest Overlord ever known in Hell. It’s a grand feat that he will clap to
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Aren’t you even a little bit worried about me, Lord Alastor~?”
“Darling. Kindly do not touch—“
“You don’t know how dreadfully worried I was. Since you all are cherished comrades of mine. I’d be heartbroken if I lost any of my comrades~”
Alastor finds your Japanese voice and language irresistible in a way, since it reflects your English and ‘nature’ very well but once again… he won’t fall for how often you say you like him. He knows people like you, he’s one of them. He’ll just commend what you’ve done as a Pride Ring Overlord
Alastor HATES the ‘Lord Alastor’ nickname you give him and always address him under… yeah. You give it to every other Overlord, he isn’t the only one who is called ‘Lord’ but it feels so condescending and in reality, it is…
“Silence, my dear. The adults are speaking… now, calm down that temper of yours. We don’t need anymore aircon in this room”
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thetreefairy · 1 year
Runaway until the sun shines p.1
warnings: yandere themes, I do not condone these actions, reader is a demon but wants to die (forcibly turned), swearing, douma is a piece of shit, cult themes, demons eating humans
They/them pronouns
did I have to completely re-read some chapters because I forgot how he acted.... yes I did.
Buy me a Ko-fi
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Reader used to be a past cult member, not by choice however.
But thanks to their parents.
And that's how Douma eventually got a special interest in Reader, much to their dismay and the parents joy. But their parents joy turned into dismay the more Reader spoke out about the comfortable feeling they were having.
But they are just being paranoid, he's their savior after all.
So when Douma asked them to give him Reader, for them to be his sibling, who were they to refuse?
Oh, how reader cried that night.
Douma couldn't understand why. He made sure to appear super friendly and welcoming to Reader and their family.
Besides that the two parents are the ones who will be saved as soon as reader is turned into a demon!
Their parents finally realized their mistake when Reader was turning into a demon infront of them, they were crying as they felt their entire being change. "Shush, my dear, your brother is here." Douma whispered softly as Reader turned into a demon. "Our first meal together is waiting for us, so change quickly, alright?"
Douma truly couldn't understand why Reader was so upset as he forced them to eat their parents. This was supposed to make Reader happy, he heard as they always rambled on about wanting a brother.
So why isn't reader listening to him?
Why did Reader keep running away
For them the answer was easy, they will run away from Douma and help the Hashira kill Douma and themselves. Not that he needs to know.
"Reader, can you talk to me?" Douma whispered, clinging onto them. The cult members were in the same room, for no doubt to pressure them.
"Lady, please." Some whispered, and some begged: "Please speak to our savoir, my lady."
"I want to talk alone." Reader eventually whispered out. Douma luckily picked up on it.
Time to piss the uppermoon off.
Okay since I have had too many ideas imma do it in multiple parts and routes, the yandere part does become more extreme in the following parts.
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ashrodisiac · 1 year
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ M. Kibutsuji's younger sister ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ M. Kibutsuji's younger sister.          ⤹  IN WHICH Kibutsuji Muzan has a younger sister named Kibutsuji Y/n /ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ -platonic love~!
───❥ characters might be ooc IM SORRYYY
꒰ ˶• ༝ - ˶꒱
./づ FEATURING: Muzan, Nakime, Daki, Gyutaro, Douma, Akaza and Kaigaku!
hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!! <3
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˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Bar of love  ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ [─────────l─]  90% • Although he's not vocal about his love in you, his younger sister, he does care. A whole lot. He wouldn't even let a fly touch your skin, or even hover near you. He'll show small sibling acts like slightly teasing you with the tiniest smirk on his face that you still manage to catch. But even though he loves you from the moon and back, he finds you an absolute pain in the ass sometimes, when you wouldn't shut up, when you whined, when you bothered him. You were just so irritating at times. He sometimes threatened he would kill you, even, though you only laughed and swatted the death threat away, knowing he wouldn't do it, and you were right. /ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ "Hey, Onii-sama! are you even listeningg!?" you pestered, tugging at your older brother's sleeve. He looked down at you, his white fedora falling slightly. He wasn't facing you, but he was most certainly glaring at you now, his red eyes gleaming in the moonlight. His pale face was illuminated as well, a vein appearing near his forehead. "Shut up, will you?" he said, voice calm but laced with venom, threatening you. You only loosened your grip on his sleeve, but didn't let go. "No." you said, pouting. He was staring at you at the corner of his eyes in annoyance, then sighed, exasperated. "Y/n. Get off." he said with gritted teeth, pulling away from you, making you whine. "Onii-sama!" He finally faced you, fixing his fedora. "Maybe you are forgetting, I could kill you on the spot?" he threatened, grabbing your wrist. His hold was tight, but never was it too tight. His nails were digging slightly in your flesh, but only just to make a small mark, no blood drawn. He was being soft with you. "Not that I forget," you said, smirking. "It's just that, you never do so." He growled in irritation. "You're angering me!" "I can see it clearly." He opened his mouth, looking as if a string of cuss words was about to exit. Then he closed it again, pressing his pale lips together, frustrated, and shutting his eyes closed. When he looked at you again, the red in his eyes had turned slightly dim. "Y/n. Stop." You were obviously about to say something that was gonna make him burst. But before that, with his other hand, he flicked your forehead. "Ow!" you said, rubbing the spot. He let out a satisfied hum as his grip on your wrist loosened. "Did that teach you a lesson?" You groaned, upset. "You could've asked me to stop nicely," His eyes narrowed. "That's what I've been doing the past hour."
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˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Bar of love  ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ [─────────/─]  95%
• She found it cute the way you wanted to learn how to play the biwa. Interested in the way her finger strummed chords, controlling the whole end castle, you liked to ask her questions about it. She barely did even have conversations with people, so she was surprised when you formed one with her the first time.
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ
• "'Kime, 'Kime!" you said happily, hopping over to her. Her mouth went slightly agape, the corners of her gray lips upturning when she saw the glee you showed upon seeing her. "Y/n..." she said, a hint of your same happiness in her weak voice. "Guess what happened today?" you said, sitting right next to her with hands that were restless, tapping at the floor. "What?" she asked, taking a hand off the strings of her biwa, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, so her cyclops eye could see you better, your excited expression. It made her feel the same way secretly. It was silly how this little child's feelings influenced her own as well. This thought wandered off her mind as she listened to your story.
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˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Bar of love  ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ [────────l──]  70%
• Sure, Daki loved you, you were cool, admired her fashion and beauty, listened to her unbearable whines, styled her hair beautifully, but it made her irritated when you were with Muzan. Yeah, you were his little sister. But! She wanted his attention, and she was shameless when it came to telling you about it.
...I just hope you aren't short tempered, because the words she'll be saying to you about it won't be kind. Other than that issue, she found you an innocent, pathetic bundle of joy! take the pathetic part as a compliment, please, Because she meant it that way.
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ
• "...Then the stupid man cheated on her! Could you believe it!?" Daki scoffed, inspecting her own flawless nails. "He's a fool for doing so!" you said, brushing a comb through her soft hair. You could smell the gentle scent of perfume wafting through the air, tickling your nose. She hummed in agreement, then sighed, leaning back. "Y/n?" she said, looking up at your upside down face. You blinked down at her. "Yeah?"
"Has Muzan-sama ever brought me up in a conversation with you?" she said in a dreamy tone, giggling softly.
He in fact had, once.
"She's the stupidest girl I've ever met." you recalled him saying.
"Easy to manipulate. Ever so gullible."
You cringed at the thought of it. "Y-yeah!" you said, smiling, but fixing your gaze on something else. "What did he say about me!?" she asked, excited.
"He said you were his favorite demon..." you lied, biting your lower lip awkwardly. She didn't seem to notice, and squealed. "Yayyy!"
You just laughed nervously, wondering if she would ever find out.
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˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Bar of love  ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ [─────────l─]  90%
• He didn't know why, but looking at you reminded him so much of when Daki was younger, innocent. And just about how hard he tries to avoid you to shake off the thought, you'd always follow at his tail like a lost dog, always trying to spark a conversation. But he never did tell you to go away. He tried to make himself think it was because he was scared of disrespecting his master's little sister, but it was something other than that.
He enjoyed your company, but never, ever wanted to tell you that, even if it cost him his life.
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ
• He wasn't quite sure why he was watching you talk with Daki, sitting behind her with your hands busied at her hair, twisting locks and twirling them in position. He just found himself staring. And the more he stared, the more he saw a younger Daki in you. He just couldn't pull away, until you saw him and met his gaze, pulling one of your unoccupied hands out of Daki's hair and waving at him. He only turned away, trying to convince himself he was irritated.
But really, was he?
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˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Bar of love  ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ [──────────l]  100%
• He's just downright in love with you (platonically). A little, innocent, cute, childish, adorable kid? It endeared him so much! He never hesitated to show off gifts to you, placing them in the palm of your hand then asking excitedly if you liked it. Sometimes you found him quite... creepy. Smiling at you with no words, just... smiling. But he was so kind, you can't help but stick with him a lot, and that actually often annoyed Muzan.
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ
• "Y/n!" he called, then his eyes widen along with his smile when he finally spotted you. "Ah, there you are!" he picked you up, pinching your cheek. "You're so adorable, are you?"
"No I'm not!" you resisted, giggling. "I see you're wearing the gift I gave you!" he said, gesturing to the hairpin pulling your bangs back in place. "Mhm. I really liked this one." you said.
"I'm so glad you did!" he chuckled, pushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Maybe now you'd like to visit my temple?"
Your smile almost fell. "Oh, no! I wouldn't like to cause disruption to your members..."
"I insist," he said, clearly overlooking your discomfort in his question. He was about to talk more, but you felt a sharp tug on your clothing.
It was Muzan's sharp, dull voice, in a threatening voice. "Oh! Muzan-sama!" Douma stammered at his sudden appearance, but still grinning. "I was just offering Y/n-"
"Yes. I can see. And now she's going."
You were pulled out of Douma's arms and back on your feet, Muzan pulling at your wrist. You looked over your shoulder, seeing Douma wave at you. You only fluttered your fingers, smiling, mouthing "Bye" like it was a secret from Muzan.
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˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Bar of love  ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ [─────────/─]  95%
• Silence was his only answer when you brought a conversation up. Or if his mouth wasn't completely shut while he nodded (NPC behavior), he talked back with dry responses, often flustered or embarrassed, for some reason. Even if he wasn't the best chat companion, he loved to listen all the time. He just got overwhelmed. Why was there a child talking with him?
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ
• Akaza was listening to you laugh ironically at your own story, while he stared at your happy face, with pressed lips and slightly squinted eyes. "I don't get it." he said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Ugh-" you said in between laughter, cutting it short. "You're telling me you want me to start over?"
He blinked, embarrassed. "O-of course not!"
"You would've gotten the joke if you listened," you whined. He frowned, sighing. "I just didn't-"
"Didn't listen." you continued for him, even if that wasn't the term he was searching for. His brows furrowed. "Fine, I'll listen properly now, and you tell it over again. From the start."
"See! You weren't listening from the start!"
He almost facepalmed. "Y/n!"
➽─────────❥ KAIGAKU
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˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Bar of love  ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ [───/───────]  45%
• Your presence, just you simply existing makes his blood boil for some reason. He fears to show it, though, because to him, you're a spoiled, dumb, stupid little child that snitches about everything to your older brother. Talking to him? He's cussing you out in his mind, his nails digging into his palms, thinking, a child like you shouldn't have a privilege to even breath the same air as him. But he's resisting the urge to punch you, because he fears you might snitch on him like the spoiled bitch he thinks you are.
Which means each request, he'll grant. At least, with him muttering swears at you under his breath.
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ
"Please, please, please!" you whimpered, your palms stuck together in a prayer pose as you beg Kaigaku for a piggyback. Honestly, how dare you? how dare you ask such revolting requests?
"No, for the last time, no, no, no!" he growled, glaring at you angrily. You huffed with the same anger as him, then an idea sparked, a light bulb lighting above your head. "I guess I'll just go tell onii-sama how you won't listen to me..."
He whipped around, eyes widening. "Don't you dare!"
You shrugged, turning away. "You said no. I respect it."
He hissed in frustration, grabbing you by your shoulders. "Get over here."
You winced in slight pain. "Ow..." you mumbled, rubbing your shoulder blades. He got down on one knee, and your eyebrows shot up for one moment until he spoke, his head down to avoid locking eye contact with you. "Go. Piggyback. Before I change my mind."
You smiled in satisfaction, and climbed on his back, wrapping your arms around his neck. He got up, muttering something about how he shouldn't be ordered around by a child.
  finished this at 1 AM FINALLYY!! hope u guys like this :3
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neonjellyfishart · 10 months
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So I've been thinking of this story for a while now and decided to make it so before we start I just wanna say a few things
1.im new to writing stories, so if you have any advice please say it just don't be rude or a bitch about it
2. I type fast, so there may be spelling errors and most likely Grammer errors(my Grammer fucking sucks)
(Douma goes more insane and attempts to murder all of the upper moons, not including muzan)
Tw:child murder, attempted murder, insanity,violence, cussing, decapitation, mentions of child abandonment, douma gets jumped
It was the dead of winter, and douma was walking back to his cult after finishing his battle with a hashira. When he heard a noise coming from a bush, he decided to investigate it, and when he looked into it, he saw a child curled up into a ball with a mess hair, messed up outfit while crying.
Douma didn't know what came over him he felt an emotion come over him, was it sadness, pity, he didn't know what it was but the one thing he did know what he had to help this child
"Oh, you poor little thing... where are your parents?"
"T-they're back at the house something came in and attacked us so I ran away...i went back to the house and when I went inside blood was everywhere and my mom and dad wouldn't wake up "
Douma pats the child's head, "There there no need to cry ill take care of you and I'll make sure no harms come your way"
"You promise...?"
"Promise. Now, what is your name, little one?"
"It's a pleasure to meet you. Y/n my name is Douma"
Months passed, and the bond between Y/n and Douma had gotten to the point where it was a father daughter relationship. Wherever Y/n is, Douma is with them and vice-versa. For the first time in Douma's life, he felt emotions and happy emotions. He didn't have to fake his smiles anymore they were all real. These were the best moments of his life. He had never felt so much happiness before in his life. He never wanted to lose his child. He wanted to be with his child for the rest of all of eternity.
"Y/N!, Y/N!, WHERE ARE YOU?...that's weird they usually come running to me when I call them"
*Douma gets teleported to the infinity castle*
"OH!, a meeting did one of us die?"
"No, now shut the fuck up douma"
"HOW LOVELY IT IS TO SEE YOU ALL AGAIN, how long has it's been since we last say eachother?, 20 years?"
"I-its b-been 50 years, si-ir gyokko"
Before they could continue their conversation, muzan appeared, and the meeting started. They discussed (whatever you think they would discuss) once the meeting ended, muzan called Douma
"Listen to me and listen well, you may be upper moon 2, but as of right now and everything you have failed to do. You are nothing but a disappointment and a useless upper moon"
muzan lifts his hand, nakime plays her biwa, and in muzan's hand appeared Y/n's decapitated head
"So don't think you can go and do whatever you want"
Douma stood there in shock, trying to understand what he was looking at. Was this a dream it had to be a dream? There is no way that his child is dead. That's not their head. That's someone else's head. Tears slowly come out of Douma's eyes. his body realizes what he is looking at, but his mind is telling him otherwise. He felt a new emotion, but he didn't like this feeling at all he wanted to disappear to never come back.
Muzan drops y/n's head. Before it could splat on the floor, Douma runs and catches their head and cruls up into a ball while still holding their hand shaking
"Next time you do something like this, it will be your head"
Muzan leaves, and now it's just Douma holding his child's head while the rest of the upper moons, including nakime, just stare at him
"Daki, please"
"She's right, douma hasn't done anything properly his entire time being an upper moon-"
Before akaza could continue talking, multiple icicles come at akaza, pinning him against a wall they all look at douma, seeing him now standing up, still holding the child's head, his eyes red and puffing, tear staining his face, his eyes had nothing but rage and hated in them.
Douma walks to a conner, and he places y/n's head in the conner and makes an ice wall around their head. He whips out his fans, and he goes on a rampage attacking everyone. He knocked and terribly injured uppermoons 6-3, including nakime, who was trying her hardest to regenerate her limbs as Douma's ice had slowed her regeneration.
The only demon that was left was upper moon 1, Kokushibo.
"All this, just because of a human child"
The fight continued, and Douma was able to pin Kokushibo on the ground. Right when Douma was about to cut off Kokushibo's head but one of gyutaro's bloody sickles chopped of both of Douma's arms, then daki's belt was about to chop off Douma's head but he was able to dogde the attack, only to get attacked by the 4 hantengu clones at once, then his body was poisoned by gyokko's fishes making him unable to move, Kokushibo and Akaza both attacked Douma using their strongest attacks finally defeating the rampaging Douma and he was struggling to regenerate.
"You'll be there long before we get there"
"I don't mind waiting for a few hundred years"
Douma opened his eyes, and his surroundings were dark. All pitch black, he looked down at his hands, he didn't see his long sharp fingernails and didn't feel any demonic power going through him. Before he could continue his thoughts, he felt something grab his leg.
Douma gives Y/n a hug while crying
"Sir Douma, I got so scared I was in my room playing when a man with black hair wearing a suit came in, and I've been here ever since....where are we did that man get you too?"
"There is no need to worry all that matters is that we are together and we will be together forever"
"Sir Douma, why is there fire over there?
"That's where we'll have to go. Are you ready, Y/n?"
Douma puts his hand out for Y/n to grab
Both Douma and Y/n walk towards the fire while Y/n was babbling about her day before the attack.
I really do hope you all enjoyed this and again if you have any advice feel free to say just don't be a bitch or rude about
Have a great day/afternoon/night
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
Hello! I really appreciate that you are willing to write platonic fics🥹 Can I request douma with gn reader? Can be any trope you want
the founder's companion.
summary. doma has a child now! what could possibly go wrong?
trigger & content warnings. canon-typical blood & violence, cult discussions, doma is his own warning.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. doma & demon!child!reader. 0.6k words. they/them pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. hello dear! not only am i willing to write platonic fics, i ONLY write platonic fics teehee..... though i have posted other demon slayer requests, you were my first, so thank you! that's so real of you 🙏 this is pretty short, i'm sorry! if you would like a bit of a longer post, please do send in a slightly more specific request.
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doma definitely has a habit of picking up random, orphaned, half-dead kids off of the street. he would totally do it all the time. he picks up random kids and turns them into demons. he just thinks they're so pitiful! it's so sad, he could just cry for them... seeing poor little children with no other hope forsake humanity and slowly become cruel demons is very entertaining for him, though. children are the pinnacle of human innocence, after all.
because of this, literally no-one is surprised when he shows up to an upper moon meeting with some kid balanced on his hip.
did he procreate??? did he take them under his wing after murdering their entire village?????? who knows. the other upper moons sure as hell don't. they don't care to either.
(akaza is kind of worried though because what the fuck? who let doma of all demons have a child??)
doma is oddly enamored with them, cooing at the way they absentmindedly toy with the ends of his blonde hair.
it's almost as if they feel no fear, no concern over the fact that the third most powerful demon in existence is holding them in his arms as if they were his own child... not that doma would feel anything towards a child of his own, of course.
if anything, the child he holds seems downright bored, murmuring some incoherent complaint about being dragged along again as they tiredly lay their head on upper moon two's shoulder, drifting in and out of consciousness.
the fact that they hold little fear towards muzan is also very concerning, but perhaps that has to do with the cult leader's influence; he sure as hell doesn't fear muzan, why should he teach them to?
they have no regard for... any demon, for that matter. the upper moons are collectively quite surprised to see them smile slightly at doma; it's the most expressive that little kid has been since the demons laid eyes on them... maybe that's part of why he took them in? their overall minimal expression seems to have made doma fond of them.
when they do express something, however...
their little fanged grin is very cute in doma's eyes. he thinks they're very cute. <3
he says shit like "you're so cute, i could just eat you up!" but he's dead serious. they genuinely don't give a single fuck. they probably just reply with something like "do it. i dare you. coward. you won't."
they're right, he won't.
(he could; he just chooses not to.)
i wholeheartedly believe daki and gyutaro would be jealous of them. doma knows this. he finds it funny, or as funny as an emotionless demon could find something to be, anyway.
those two know better than to harass them, though. it's in their best interests to let that child be, no matter how jealous it makes them.
doma is not the demon to enrage. the siblings know that; it's best that they don't push their luck with him.
the eternal paradise cult adores them.
(it's mostly because they wouldn't dare do anything to upset their founder, but still! some of those people are genuinely enamored with lord doma's little companion.)
everyone's always doting on them, spoiling them with the same twisted, religious love that they treat doma with.
what's really worrying, though, is that this demon child will inevitably grow into the same twisted habits that doma has.
akaza worries that they'll end up like him.
upper moon three is a demon; he's not heartless (some demons are, he supposes, but he is not one of them).
his concerns are reasonable.
because really, when faced with doma's tendencies towards messy bloodshed and violence, all they do is huff and point to a newly stained carpet: "look what you did. you got her blood on the new carpet, doma-sama. that will never come out."
demons have twisted relationships, but at the very least... doma's done nothing to hurt them.
hopefully, he never does.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out a lot!
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koridoru · 1 year
Aizetsu and Urogi x Harpy twin sister readers who are also the child of douma. Basically both twins are avain like Urogi but with a tail and can manipulate fire headcanons please?
(finally an ask 😭)
Everyone found it strange how Hantengu could make a clone that was female, was he hiding something?
Urogi, Aizetsu and the little bird girl all saw Douma as a father figure, Urogi being a twin to her, they had a rather odd family dynamic
When Y/n and Urogi don't wanna listen, they make cawing noises back and forth to drown out anyone who's talking, which is mostly Aizetsu.
Y/n has a unique ability from her brother Urogi, she has a more lethal appendage, a tail. She uses it to slap anyone she feels deserves it, which can be anyone for literally just speaking to her, she thought she was above them.
Urogi liked to go with Y/n to burn down forests, just for the fun of it. They did represent the emotion of joy in Hantengu
However, they represent different versions of joy. Urogi represents fun and playfulness (although a twisted version), and Y/n represents the satisfaction and happiness that comes from causing paina and getting what you want.
You think Urogi is vain? Oh, you do not want to meet Y/n, a stone cold witch with the flames to burn you literally after she burns you figuratively.
Y/n and Aizetsu never really got along, he was mostly the target of her vain teasing and self centered insults to bring herself joy.
Aizetsu tries to stay away from the terror bird twins, since all they do is torment him.
Douma was a lot better at handling the two, he was surprisingly fatherly with them, patting their heads and treating them like children (much to their dismay).
You wouldn't believe what kind of squeal he let out when one of them accidentally called him "father" or "dad".
Douma is a cheek pincher, run.
He likes to brush and decorate their wings, making them sit with him since he is more powerful than them. They didn't get a choice in his fun.
Have I mentioned that Urogi and Y/n behave like actual birds sometimes? The move like chickens occasionally, while also forgetting they have arms while eating.
Y/n will beg and whine until Urogi lets her paint his talons.
No one is safe from the nail painting spree, but Douma loves it.
You better believe that Y/n uses her fire to roast humans they eat, putting them on a stick like dango.
Don't pull her tail, she will murder you. Urogi is the only exception because she could never kill her brother, even when she is a demon.
Sometimes Y/n is nice to Aizetsu. If he's feeling down, as usual, and she has nothing better to do, she'll go begrudgingly ask him what's wrong.
She'll still be a crab about it, but she can be a good sister.
If we're talking about brat levels, Y/n is worse than Daki.
Aizetsu and Y/n have about the same relationship that Zenitsu and Inosuke have.
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Young Deity | Platonic Yandere Dōma x Toddler Reader
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Prior Installments 1, 2,
“Papa, I made a bookway for you!”
“Oh? Why thank you (Y/n)! Did you pick these flowers all by yourself?”
You nodded, gleefully watching as your rainbow-eyed father lit up with excitement. Scooping you up into his cold embrace, kissing your chubby cheeks as you beamed with pride. He took the gaggle of flowers and motioned for one of your maids to get a vase for your gift. While you waited for your father’s attention to return to you, you looked at the various people bowing within the room. Letting your own rainbow-flashing eyes roam over those in the room, no one seemed to stick out to you except for a younger woman’s eyes disappearing with her bowing head. You said nothing as you looked up to your father whose annoyed stare bore into your face until you met his gaze. Once you did your father gave you a fanged smile before snuggling against your head; easily dismissing the crowd. 
“That will be all for today. Leave us.” 
“Thank you Dōma-sama!” “Thank you, oh great one!” 
You watched as they all filtered out, especially the woman with the bright eyes; with two other followers flanking her sides. She was odd to you but you thought nothing of it when you buried your face into the cloth of your father’s robes. 
“What is it my precious? What’s bothering you?”
“...not’ing Papa…I jus’ wanna see ya.”
“Awww but of course! You know I’ll leave everything for you!” The demon lifted your tiny body up high bringing you back to his chest as he addressed your armed maids. 
“What’s next on (Y/n)’s schedule?”
Yun spoke up bowing deeply as she spoke. “First they will be having lunch than their evening nap. After that, they will have their economic instruction and then–”
“That’s enough Yun we’re skipping schooling today.”
“Yes, Dōma-sama.” If she wanted to protest she gave no sign, instead waiting to be dismissed as her leader cradled you as he walked away. Holding you up with ease he put his ear to your tummy nodding to nothing as he heard your giggles vibrate. 
“Oh my? Is that a hungry tummy I hear? Is it really time for us to feed it already?”
He cooed as you giggled at his antics. All but familiar with the urgency he made his demands for your food. In no time at all various trays were prepared with smaller chopsticks in your hand you sat on your father’s lap as you dove into your meal. 
You missed the way Doma’s eyes darkened when you smiled to yourself cheeks full of your meal. But he quickly brightened once more as you eagerly agreed to hid question-not that he would have let you refuse.
“Hey precious, why doesn’t Papa feed you? All you’ll have to do is sit there and Papa will do the rest. Sounds good, right?”
You sat comfortable in your father’s lap, letting your stomach weigh heavy as you let the spoon hover to your mouth with ample sizes. Dōma admired the little smile and the nonsensical tapping of your hands as you chewed on your food. He watched as your eyes began to droop and he had to prod at your lips for you to open them. When you no longer perked up to eat he hummed at the steady sound of your little breaths. Discarding the utensils and the tray of unfinished food he scooped you up leaving the conference room for your shared bedroom. Dōma didn’t need sleep but he would rather be slain then have you refuse to cuddle up to him as you fall asleep. Being the sole instigator of any emotions he refuses to let you sleep without him being there; whether its along with you or watching from afar. 
“...bright eyes…flow’r…”
Dōma’s rainbow gaze snapped to you as you mumbled in your sleep. It was something you did often but always with traits or names he recognized. Master was Muzan, Koku was Kokushibo, Soft lady was Daki, and you had plenty of other names you dubbed by those that you met. But bright-eyes was a new one. He fought the desire to tighten his hold on you. Wouldn't want you waking up or breaking your tiny little body. He planned to satiate the uncomfortable spike that the mere title brought him. Deciding it best to be patient for the time being.
“Bright eyes, huh? Well, I wonder what you're like?”
“Oh great young one! It is an honor to happen upon your presence!” 
The voice of a woman had you looking up from your figurines, your maid on staff already standing guarded. It was the woman you had spotted bowing to your father, what caught your attention were her eyes. Brightly green, with olive skin she was like no one you’d ever seen before. That and your eyes seemed to go to her every time she was in the room. Black hair curved around her face held up by an intricate flower that matched her kimono. 
She bowed slowly letting her gaze rise up to look at you as you stared at the flower. Tilting your head at the sight, you spoke with intention.
“That flower is it…a Dahlia?”
The woman snapped up with a smile on her face as she hovered her hand over the flower.
“Hah~! Your young grace even knows this?! How wise and powerful of you~!”
You rubbed at your eyes, an irritation building up as you pushed away a thought. What’s a Dahlia? Nonetheless, you continued. Not like you couldn't anyway.
“Do you own a flower…shop?”
“Hmmhmm~! Back home my father has a plantation that farms many things, I’ve recently come to bring some of his flowers here!” 
She happily informed which immediately spawned another question but you had your own.
“Is that…heallf’y?”
“Excuse me, your grace?”
“Fer da plants, da ones dat bewong he’r?”
Your maid preened as you asked such an informed question. She and her nurse counterparts had recently informed you about the intricacies of ecosystems. Any normal child wouldn't have understood, most definitely, but you of course were above them in every which way! She couldn't be more proud. Unfortunately, the heiress didn’t feel the same, letting a shadow fall over her face. But as quickly as it came it was gone back to her beaming visage, or it would have been had it not been for her twitching eye. That question burned in your head forcing you to ask with an intensity that made her nervous.
“Have you ever had a flower called the blue-spider lily?”
She faltered returning to bowing as she apologizes, “N-no, your greatness! B-but I can find it I’m sure!” 
You gave a look of disappointment turning back to your figurines, where you found that you weren’t as hurt as before. You refused to think about it anymore instead looking to your caretaker to take you away. You didn’t want to talk to this woman anymore, attempting to move to your caretaker’s open arms.
“Wait! Your grace could you offer me your divine word?!--”
The pull against your garbs was tight. You worried you'd lose them if she didn't stop.
“Please your grace! I’ve been having trouble with my business lately–”
“Pwease let–”
“--The donations! I can give greater if only you would–”
“Didn’t you hear them? They asked you to let them go.”
Dōma’s voice rang out with an audience of other followers watching in scorn. Your maid acted fast slapping the woman’s hand away from you. Everyone watched in silence as she stood frozen in place. Broken out of your stillness by the nudge from your maid, you ran to your father letting him scoop you into his arms to hold you close. 
“Yun, if you’d please.”
“Yes, great one.”
Your maid drew closer to her as Douma shielded your sight, turning away to walk to one of the many rooms meant for enlightenment. Over your father’s shoulder you peeked around to see the woman now in tears soon blocked by the followers gathering tightly around her. 
“It’s not a loss. she hasn’t been all that giving anyway.” Douma spoke in the empty room, letting you play with another set of figurines as he lounged about. 
“She…owns a fl’wr shop…” Douma snapped his gaze toward you, smiling pensively as he tilted his head.
“Oh is that so? Well I wonder…?” He left the question unfinished continuing the thought in his head as he thought of his master. He watched you fiercely rub your eyes with your little hands as you spoke in a low tone.
“She doesn’t know about it.” 
He smiled as he watched you sneeze before going back to playing with your figurines. Looking deeply into your own rainbow-shifting eyes he let out a dry laugh as he rubbed your head.
“Well isn’t that helpful?”
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blackspace3 · 8 months
i dont really remember much but i remember that you helped me so i will help you too
im sorry i cant remember but you said you like spider lilies right? i grew some
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mayullla · 1 year
Title: Little Sunshine!
Characters: Douma (/Doma) (Demon Slayer)
Summary: You were taken into the Paradise Faith cult with Kotoha (Inosuke's mother.) And like her, Douma became rather fond of you. When Kotoha ran away, she had no choice but to leave you behind as Douma hid the truth away from you and turned you into one of his own kind.
Warnings/tags: Platonic yandere, fem!child!reader, the reader gets turned into a demon (drinking blood is mentioned here / forced), manipulation
Note: Part 2 is here!
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You were holding the hand of Kotoha Hashibira, a pregnant woman who brought you along with her when she was welcomed into the Paradise Faith cult.
You were around 3 to 4 years old that time, if Douma remembers correctly when you walked in curiously looking at everything around you so naively and sweetly asking Kotoha who these people welcoming you and her were.
If he was right, Douma remembers that you didn't belong to Kotoha. That two of you weren't blood-related, but she picked you up somewhere as she found you abandoned and alone. It was a common occurrence, no doubt, that kids get abandoned by their own parents. Maybe it was due to poverty or maybe for other reasons but Kotoha told Douma that was hard to ignore you as you look at the world with something in your eyes. Something that she could not pinpoint.
Yet Douma definitely found something common between you and Kotoha, these cheerful and innocent personalities that the two of you have. The two of you would always play together, as you followed along when Kotoha sang or times when you played alone but always invited him to join you when you noticed him.
Even now after years you still do the same, as you toss the ball high up into the air and then catch it the servants watching from far away clapping their hands and they look fondly at you the daughter of Douma having but age only one year after so long.
"Dear," Douma stated, gesturing that you come to him. Looking up from your ball, you trotted over to him, tilting your head curiously. Sometimes you remind him of how he fondly looked at you and Kotoha, the days when he would watch you play around and laugh in delight trying to ask him to carry you as you looked at the koi fish inside the pond. Your eyes were innocent even years later, but then again, you sleep more than before, so maybe mentally, you wouldn't age as much...
"Ah, my lovely child, you are awake! Why didn't you tell me so? I would have come sooner." Douma stated, patting your head. While it has been made this idea that you and Douma were father and daughter, it couldn't have been far from the truth.
It was a public ritual that had been made between you and Douma. The followers envied you, a small child who was forced to drink the blood that came from Douma's hand sliced with a knife and poured into a small cup. It seemed that you didn't remember such a situation occurring as he once brought it up only to get a confused look from you.
You cried so much that day when you were forced to drink from the cup, as the followers all held you down, telling you that you should be grateful and happy that you have been given this honor. That you and Douma would now be related, and there was nothing more privilege than to be related to the man who they worshipped.
With a smile, Douma continued to watch. Your body wanted to curl as you felt the pain in your body as if thorns were stabbed everywhere. Maybe this wouldn't have happened... maybe you would have stayed a human for a long time till you died as one if Kotoha hadn't found out about his little secret.
He remembered when Kotoha tried to run away, she wanted to get you too, but with Inosuke in her arms and him on the way she wasn't able to do so.
Your cries of pain were what he listened to as he thought about the past.
"Where is Kotoha-san and Inosuke?" You asked one night after searching the whole day for them.
"They have left, dear child." Douma smiled down at you, his face covered by the shadow made by the moonlight. His eyes glowed brightly as he watched your reaction to the news. "Oh... are they coming back?" You asked, looking down at the floor fidgeting in your spot. "I am not sure, dear..." Douma replied, watching.
How confused you were, then a sort of realization, then betrayed, sorrow, acceptance, and lastly, loneliness. He enjoyed watching your emotions very much, how expressive your eyes were, a smile still on his face. He wondered what you would do next. Would you curl up in a corner and hide away mopping that you have been abandoned once again, or would you just cry here screaming why?
"Will you stay with me?" Your question almost barely a whisper surprised Douma, as his eyes widen, and somewhere in his body jumped at your words.
It was unfamiliar to him. He wasn't able to reply as silence draped through the room. You stared at him with a cautious hope that started to dim little by little every second he didn't answer.
"Yes.." That word surprised Douma a lot, such a common word held an unfamiliar, heavy feeling that he never thought he would experience. Covering his mouth with his fingers as he wondered if he really was the one who said it. Looking at you, he saw your eyes just light up just a little, and as you smiled.
It was at that moment he thought that his heartbeat, or whatever similar thing there was for a demon. But other than that, there was something else he noticed in his heart, one he could not recognize at all. Yet he thought it was such an erratic, crazed feeling. It was almost addictive.
Douma thought that maybe through you, he might... might just be able to experience these emotions that he never thought he could. The feeling of just being a little more... real.
It was his own amusement that led to the decision to turn you into a demon just like him. When he had done just a good amount of work for Muzan when he asked for a little prize for his work. Mozan stared at him with disdain when he had asked, wondering if he had gone crazy. But to get him out of his sight, Muzan let him do as he pleases, allowing you to become a demon.
Douma watched as you cried your eyes out in pain. Your eyes ever so slowly became more and more crazed. The want for blood you crave would be soon as you tried to find someone to eat, yet Douma noticed how you also looked as if another side of you was fighting. Not wanting to spill blood, as tears fell from your eyes begging yourself to stop.
Instead of eating a human, before Douma could even call for one and offer that dish to you. You passed out.
How... boring... he thought as he stared at you, poking your cheek.
You slept for a long time. A few months or more, he didn't count. Douma sent you to another room to be cared for by the worshippers and almost have completely forgotten about you tired of waiting after a while.
When Douma had asked Muzan about turning a child into a demon, almost all the upper-rank demons were there then. Akaza wondered what has gotten into Douma to ask such a thing but it wasn't like he once understood the guy. So did the other demons they all looked at Douma as if he went insane.
Douma didn't care. He didn't really care what they thought of him, but imagine his surprise when he after a year saw you with Akaza. You were laughing cheerfully as the man carried you on his shoulders. His face was a little confused, but letting you do as you please as you raved about how high up you were. He watched as the smile on Akaza's lips became a little more genuine as he continued to play with you.
... it was a dirty feeling, ugly and disgusting that he wanted to vomit out. It felt like he was drowning in thick mud as he watched you play with Akaza. Just a year ago, he was the one to do this for you.
And he doesn't know why...
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Note: I think it was really obvious to those who follow me that I would pick writing demons rather than the demon slayers... hehe
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vrystalius · 1 month
💕 Love Languages of the Upper Moons + Muzan
How the Upper Moons and Muzan express their love language for you!
Here is my masterlist for the hashira.
Here is my masterlist for the demons.
Note: I added Daki as a platonic bonus. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Brief mention of being parents in Douma’s part. It’s right at the end and just one sentence <3
Pairing: Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Gyutaro, Daki x gn!reader
❤️ Muzan Kibutsuji ❤️
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Quality Time (intensity: 9/10)
Muzan would call himself a busy man, but he likes having you around while doing his experiments. Just having your presence near him just makes him calm and able to concentrate on his experiments. But besides that, Muzan likes to spend time with you. Over his thousands of years of living, he’s spend a lot of time doing many things, and yet spending his valuable time with you made him the happiest and content he’s ever been. Even if he won’t admit.
Also, Muzan enjoys holding you in bed. He himself doesn’t need sleep, not that he can sleep, but he will hold you and caress you until you fall asleep. He will remain the whole night, just silently laying there watch your chest go up and down, brushing your hair out of your face.
Giving/receiving gifts (intensity: 8/10)
Gifts don’t mean anything to Muzan, but you giving him little trinkets you found on the market, or a new article of clothing you thought would suit him makes him feel happy. Those things have a meaning to him, unlike the other meaningless garbage. Muzan will make sure to wear the clothes or keep the trinkets close to show how much he appreciates him.
But what Muzan loves even more is to shower you in gifts. Thanks to Gyokko and the pot selling business, Muzan is very wealthy. That means he can buy you all the food you like, all the clothes you want, and all the little trinkets your heart desires. That man will spoil you, and he will do it until the end of time.
“Would you like to go to a new restaurant that just opened in the southern district, my light? I heard your favourite dish is server there.”
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Words of affirmation (intensity: 9/10)
Kokushibo doesn’t talk a lot, but he likes listening to you. You talking about your day makes him content, almost a little envying your simple life. No matter how simple or boring something may seem to you, he’d want to hear it. Not being able to go outside with you during the day kind of kills him.
Also, you complimenting him boasts his confidence and pride, especially when you compliment his skill. He has trained for centuries and always envied his brother for being more talented and stronger, so you admiring something he worked so hard for makes him beam of pride.
Kokushibo also likes praising you for your skill in whatever you’re doing right now. Sketching, writing, training or whatever. Kokushibo likes to admire you and express his affections with compliments.
Receiving/Giving gifts (intensity: 6/10)
Kokushibo used to work with wood, carving small things like animals out of wood. He lost interest in that little hobby shortly after becoming a demon, but picked it back up after starting a relationship with you. You once found a very, very old wooden figure he carved and told him you liked it, so he started carving those things again. It relaxes him, but also he likes seeing you happy and appreciate his art.
He showed you everything he carved, almost childishly begging for you to praise his artwork
“My moon, would you like to see the new project I’m working on? … Yes, it’s a little statue of you…. Do you like it?”
🩵 Douma 🩵
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Physical affection (intensity: 10/10)
Douma wants to be near you, preferably on you, on all times. His hand has to be somewhere on your body, may it be on your shoulder, around your waist, on your thigh or just holding your hand. You’re near him during sermons, near him during his free time, and in his arms when you sleep. He doesn’t need sleep, just like the other demons, but he likes cuddling you while you do so. It kind of gives him a power trip, you being all trusting and vulnerable while he, a man-eating demon, cuddles and watches over you.
Just to test your limits, he likes teasing you as well. Pinching and squeezing your skin on all kinds of areas, watching your reactions and laughing at them. You’re so adorable, do you know that? He could eat you right up!
Acts of service (intensity: 8/10)
People serve Douma every day and night, giving gifts from all kinds of people, poor or rich. It’s boring and meaningless to him, because he probably got every gift in the world at least twice or trice (expect the blue spider lily of course). What Douma does like to do, is to “serve” you., instead of being served for once. Massages, kisses, cooking (he’s trying) or just doing little chores for you. The only thing he wants in return is the appropriate amount of kisses, cuddles and praises!
Quality time (intensity: 6/10)
Douma adores spending time with you doing whatever! Sometimes it’s just you sitting with him during the sermons, or sitting together in the bathhouse, or you watching him make his little Douma ice sculptures. He likes making little you’s out of ice and play house with you. His little Douma’s are the papa, and the little you’s the mama. It sounds silly, but it’s adorable and he loves it
“My dear lotus! Where are you going, hmm? I’m not finished kissing and coddling you yet! And don’t give me any excuses this time!”
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Receiving/Gifting gifts (intensity: 6/10)
Akaza would occasionally steal things for you from people’s homes, dressing you in nice clothes and beautiful hairpins. He picks up everything he believes would suit you. He also likes stealing sweets and food for you, making sure to grab all your favourite foods. He can’t eat them himself, but he likes sitting beside you while you eat, and it makes him very proud when you wear the things he stole for you.
Akaza also melts when you gift him things, whatever it is. He likes handmade things the most. Whimsy flower-crowns or handmade bracelets make him all giddy and warm inside, and he will wear them with pride (enduring all the side eyes and teasing he will receive from the other Upper Moons).
Quality Time (intensity: 8/10)
Akaza likes being around you. That’s when he feels the safest and most welcome. Something he enjoys doing the most is watching fireworks with you, when another festival comes around. The moment between you two as he holds you close, sitting together on a rooftop just makes him feel… human. It remind him of something he once had once but then lost, and you keep reminding him of it. Akaza can’t quite put the finger on it what exactly it is you remind him off, but he doesn’t really mind. He just wants to savour the moment with you and hold you a little longer, just until the fireworks are finished and the sun starts coming up.
“My, my Akaza-dono!~ What’s this? A bracelet? It looks so colourful!”
“Take your damn eyes of it and then kill yourself.”
💚 Gyutaro Shabana 💚
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Words of affirmations (intensity: 10/10)
At the start of your relationship, Gyutaro hated it when you called him handsome or pretty, or compliment anything on his appearance. It makes him feel itchy and dirty, as if you’re just lying straight to his face.
But after a while, he warmed up to them more and more. Now, Gyutaro out right craves your words and compliments. It boosts his pride and confidence, and it makes him feel wanted and cherished for. Just one nice word makes his complete day, maybe even week. It’s like he’s addicted to your praise.
He’ll try to return the favour, but he just can’t out into words how MUCH he really loves you. Gyutaro can’t decide what he should praise you on. There are just so many things about you that are beautiful to him, he just can’t decide and starts stuttering, sometimes accidentally throwing an insult your way.
Physical touch (intensity: 8/10)
Just like praises, physical touch was something Gyutaro resented at the beginning of the relationship. Why do you want to touch him anyway? He’ll just end up ruining your clothes, or worse, make you hate him even more than you probably do!
After a while, a very long time, he starts getting used to it. Now, he’s very addicted to that as well. Gyutaro is very similar to a feral cat that needs to learn how to love and get loved, and when you show him enough patience, he’ll be a cuddle bug. He wants to hold you, cuddle you and be wrapped in your arms as well.
“A-Are you done talking w-with your pretty lips? I-I wanna be h-held now. I-I’m clean, I swe-swear!”
🩷Daki Shabana🩷
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Receiving/Giving gifts (intensity: 9/0)
Daki is used to being spoiled, and she likes giving you gifts as much as you give her some. In her eyes, it’s some sort of competition. You gift her a golden hairpin, she’ll give you a diamond-golden-hand made hairpin. You give her a new kimono, she’ll give you the most high quality silken kimono on the market.
Daki will appreciate your gifts though. She’ll boast it to her brother about it, priding herself in the fact that you gifted her something. You thought about her while you choose the gift! It just makes her very happy.
Quality Time (intensity 10/10)
Daki likes spending time with you. Gyutaro barely comes out of her anymore, so she really appreciates you hanging out with her. You two gossip about the other oirans from the other brothels while Daki paints your nails, or she does your hair while she rants about Muzan and the other Upper Moons. Sometimes Gyutaro joins in, and you two do his make up. He doesn’t like it, put he puts up with it. Since Daki likes you so much, he will tolerate you.
“Those nails look so pretty on you! Not as pretty as on me, but you get it. Oh, oh! How about we do onii-chan’s next?”
I added Daki as a platonic bonus. Hope you guys enjoyed!
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
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