#💠house of vry 💠
vrystalius · 27 days
💕 Love Languages of the Upper Moons + Muzan
How the Upper Moons and Muzan express their love language for you!
Here is my masterlist for the hashira.
Here is my masterlist for the demons.
Note: I added Daki as a platonic bonus. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Brief mention of being parents in Douma’s part. It’s right at the end and just one sentence <3
Pairing: Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Gyutaro, Daki x gn!reader
❤️ Muzan Kibutsuji ❤️
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Quality Time (intensity: 9/10)
Muzan would call himself a busy man, but he likes having you around while doing his experiments. Just having your presence near him just makes him calm and able to concentrate on his experiments. But besides that, Muzan likes to spend time with you. Over his thousands of years of living, he’s spend a lot of time doing many things, and yet spending his valuable time with you made him the happiest and content he’s ever been. Even if he won’t admit.
Also, Muzan enjoys holding you in bed. He himself doesn’t need sleep, not that he can sleep, but he will hold you and caress you until you fall asleep. He will remain the whole night, just silently laying there watch your chest go up and down, brushing your hair out of your face.
Giving/receiving gifts (intensity: 8/10)
Gifts don’t mean anything to Muzan, but you giving him little trinkets you found on the market, or a new article of clothing you thought would suit him makes him feel happy. Those things have a meaning to him, unlike the other meaningless garbage. Muzan will make sure to wear the clothes or keep the trinkets close to show how much he appreciates him.
But what Muzan loves even more is to shower you in gifts. Thanks to Gyokko and the pot selling business, Muzan is very wealthy. That means he can buy you all the food you like, all the clothes you want, and all the little trinkets your heart desires. That man will spoil you, and he will do it until the end of time.
“Would you like to go to a new restaurant that just opened in the southern district, my light? I heard your favourite dish is server there.”
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Words of affirmation (intensity: 9/10)
Kokushibo doesn’t talk a lot, but he likes listening to you. You talking about your day makes him content, almost a little envying your simple life. No matter how simple or boring something may seem to you, he’d want to hear it. Not being able to go outside with you during the day kind of kills him.
Also, you complimenting him boasts his confidence and pride, especially when you compliment his skill. He has trained for centuries and always envied his brother for being more talented and stronger, so you admiring something he worked so hard for makes him beam of pride.
Kokushibo also likes praising you for your skill in whatever you’re doing right now. Sketching, writing, training or whatever. Kokushibo likes to admire you and express his affections with compliments.
Receiving/Giving gifts (intensity: 6/10)
Kokushibo used to work with wood, carving small things like animals out of wood. He lost interest in that little hobby shortly after becoming a demon, but picked it back up after starting a relationship with you. You once found a very, very old wooden figure he carved and told him you liked it, so he started carving those things again. It relaxes him, but also he likes seeing you happy and appreciate his art.
He showed you everything he carved, almost childishly begging for you to praise his artwork
“My moon, would you like to see the new project I’m working on? … Yes, it’s a little statue of you…. Do you like it?”
🩵 Douma 🩵
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Physical affection (intensity: 10/10)
Douma wants to be near you, preferably on you, on all times. His hand has to be somewhere on your body, may it be on your shoulder, around your waist, on your thigh or just holding your hand. You’re near him during sermons, near him during his free time, and in his arms when you sleep. He doesn’t need sleep, just like the other demons, but he likes cuddling you while you do so. It kind of gives him a power trip, you being all trusting and vulnerable while he, a man-eating demon, cuddles and watches over you.
Just to test your limits, he likes teasing you as well. Pinching and squeezing your skin on all kinds of areas, watching your reactions and laughing at them. You’re so adorable, do you know that? He could eat you right up!
Acts of service (intensity: 8/10)
People serve Douma every day and night, giving gifts from all kinds of people, poor or rich. It’s boring and meaningless to him, because he probably got every gift in the world at least twice or trice (expect the blue spider lily of course). What Douma does like to do, is to “serve” you., instead of being served for once. Massages, kisses, cooking (he’s trying) or just doing little chores for you. The only thing he wants in return is the appropriate amount of kisses, cuddles and praises!
Quality time (intensity: 6/10)
Douma adores spending time with you doing whatever! Sometimes it’s just you sitting with him during the sermons, or sitting together in the bathhouse, or you watching him make his little Douma ice sculptures. He likes making little you’s out of ice and play house with you. His little Douma’s are the papa, and the little you’s the mama. It sounds silly, but it’s adorable and he loves it
“My dear lotus! Where are you going, hmm? I’m not finished kissing and coddling you yet! And don’t give me any excuses this time!”
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Receiving/Gifting gifts (intensity: 6/10)
Akaza would occasionally steal things for you from people’s homes, dressing you in nice clothes and beautiful hairpins. He picks up everything he believes would suit you. He also likes stealing sweets and food for you, making sure to grab all your favourite foods. He can’t eat them himself, but he likes sitting beside you while you eat, and it makes him very proud when you wear the things he stole for you.
Akaza also melts when you gift him things, whatever it is. He likes handmade things the most. Whimsy flower-crowns or handmade bracelets make him all giddy and warm inside, and he will wear them with pride (enduring all the side eyes and teasing he will receive from the other Upper Moons).
Quality Time (intensity: 8/10)
Akaza likes being around you. That’s when he feels the safest and most welcome. Something he enjoys doing the most is watching fireworks with you, when another festival comes around. The moment between you two as he holds you close, sitting together on a rooftop just makes him feel… human. It remind him of something he once had once but then lost, and you keep reminding him of it. Akaza can’t quite put the finger on it what exactly it is you remind him off, but he doesn’t really mind. He just wants to savour the moment with you and hold you a little longer, just until the fireworks are finished and the sun starts coming up.
“My, my Akaza-dono!~ What’s this? A bracelet? It looks so colourful!”
“Take your damn eyes of it and then kill yourself.”
💚 Gyutaro Shabana 💚
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Words of affirmations (intensity: 10/10)
At the start of your relationship, Gyutaro hated it when you called him handsome or pretty, or compliment anything on his appearance. It makes him feel itchy and dirty, as if you’re just lying straight to his face.
But after a while, he warmed up to them more and more. Now, Gyutaro out right craves your words and compliments. It boosts his pride and confidence, and it makes him feel wanted and cherished for. Just one nice word makes his complete day, maybe even week. It’s like he’s addicted to your praise.
He’ll try to return the favour, but he just can’t out into words how MUCH he really loves you. Gyutaro can’t decide what he should praise you on. There are just so many things about you that are beautiful to him, he just can’t decide and starts stuttering, sometimes accidentally throwing an insult your way.
Physical touch (intensity: 8/10)
Just like praises, physical touch was something Gyutaro resented at the beginning of the relationship. Why do you want to touch him anyway? He’ll just end up ruining your clothes, or worse, make you hate him even more than you probably do!
After a while, a very long time, he starts getting used to it. Now, he’s very addicted to that as well. Gyutaro is very similar to a feral cat that needs to learn how to love and get loved, and when you show him enough patience, he’ll be a cuddle bug. He wants to hold you, cuddle you and be wrapped in your arms as well.
“A-Are you done talking w-with your pretty lips? I-I wanna be h-held now. I-I’m clean, I swe-swear!”
🩷Daki Shabana🩷
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Receiving/Giving gifts (intensity: 9/0)
Daki is used to being spoiled, and she likes giving you gifts as much as you give her some. In her eyes, it’s some sort of competition. You gift her a golden hairpin, she’ll give you a diamond-golden-hand made hairpin. You give her a new kimono, she’ll give you the most high quality silken kimono on the market.
Daki will appreciate your gifts though. She’ll boast it to her brother about it, priding herself in the fact that you gifted her something. You thought about her while you choose the gift! It just makes her very happy.
Quality Time (intensity 10/10)
Daki likes spending time with you. Gyutaro barely comes out of her anymore, so she really appreciates you hanging out with her. You two gossip about the other oirans from the other brothels while Daki paints your nails, or she does your hair while she rants about Muzan and the other Upper Moons. Sometimes Gyutaro joins in, and you two do his make up. He doesn’t like it, put he puts up with it. Since Daki likes you so much, he will tolerate you.
“Those nails look so pretty on you! Not as pretty as on me, but you get it. Oh, oh! How about we do onii-chan’s next?”
I added Daki as a platonic bonus. Hope you guys enjoyed!
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
563 notes · View notes
vrystalius · 27 days
💕 The Love Languages of the Hashira pt.2
How the hashira express their love for you pt.2!
Here is pt.1 with Sanemi, Gyomei, Kyojuro and Tengen <3
Here’s my masterlist for the hashira.
Author’s Note: The hashira I wrote about in here are not my absolute favs, so maybe they are a bit oc…
Not proofread!
Pairing: Giyu, Obanai, Shinobu, Mitsuri x gn!reader
💙 Giyu Tomioka 💙
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Physical affection (intensity: 8/10)
Giyu isn’t really the guy for pda. He likes it when you do it to him, planting gentle kisses on his cheek to fluster him, but Giyu comes out of his shell inside doors. He wants to hold you close during whatever you are doing. He would stand behind you while you cook, holding you by your waist and burying his face into your neck, just taking in your scent, or while you write letters to your friends, he would sit beside you and lean his head onto your shoulder. Giyu is silently clingy and he would never admit it.
Quality time (intensity: 9/10)
For Giyu personally, the best time spend is time spend with you. He likes it when you two hang out. It doesn’t really matter what you two are doing, he just likes spending time with you, doing things you like. His favourite thing to do with you though is to solve Tsume Shogi. You’d sit there for hours at a time, playing against each other while snacking on a small side dish. Giyu would always win in the end, and as a reward he always wants a kiss or cuddles.
Another thing he likes to do with you is to soak in a hotspring alongside you. He would get flustered at first, eying your beautiful body from the side, but after a while he’d calm down. Giyu would blow bubbles into the water while you’d talk, or rub essential oils (that Mitsuri gave you to try out) onto your back.
“Hey. How about we do a round Shogi tonight? I have a new strategy I want to try out.”
❤️Obanai Iguro❤️
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Gift giving (intensity: 8/10)
Obanai would buy things that remind you of him while he’s out on longer missions, then give them to you when he returns. He likes to see you flustered and would leave a comment about it, but deep down he enjoys making you happy and buying you things like trinkets and clothing items and then seeing you wear or have them on you.
He also likes it when you get things for him. No matter how silly it is, Obanai will try to wear them or have them on himself to show off what a generous and kind S/O he has. Sanemi would tease the shit out of him for being so smitten for you to go as far as having Kaburamaru wear a little snake-sized scarf that matches Obanai’s yukata, wich you had bought him.
Words of affirmation (intensity: 6/10)
Obanai would tease you, yes, but he would give you even compliments and affectionate words in return, especially behind closed doors. He would stare at you, admire you with a lovesick-stare, but immediately stiffen up and throw a stingy comment at you when you catch him staring. But he apologises quickly and would mumble a quiet compliment your way.
“Hey, Obanai, what’s that thing you have around your wrist?”
“It’s a bracelet.”
“Looks stupid, why’d you get it?”
“None or your business. And it’s pretty, dumbass.”
🩷 Mitsuri Kanroji 🩷
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Words of affirmation (intensity: 8/10)
Mitsuri would be the happiest when she can make you happy, and her way to do that is to compliment you as much as she can. She’ll compliment your style (even if you’re wearing the uniform), your beautiful face, your nice hair and your warm hands. Mitsuri also loves it when you compliment her, it makes her feel all flustered and red. She loves it when you tell her that she’s perfect the way she is, and remind her of her skill, strength and beautiful personality. It makes her all giddy and boost her confidence.
Physical touch (intensity: 10/10)
Mitsuri is the queen of physical affection, and she loves to give it out and get it back. She will hug you out of nowhere, give you a big kiss in the middle of street, or cuddle you the whole night and keep you close to herself. Mitsuri adores it when you do it back to her as well.
Quality time (intensity: 7/10)
Now, eating food is one of her and your favourite activities, but preparing the food together is even more fun. Pancakes, dango, mochi, ramen etc etc, somehow you both end up burning or undercooking something, even if the fish doesn’t even need cooking or anything of the sorts. The dish turns out fine, and you two enjoy it to the fullest. For Mitsuri, you two have to make around three or four batches extra while you’re content with one or two servings. She’s a little self-conscious about the amount she’s eating, but hearing your reassurance makes her all happy and giddy again.
“Are you sure it’s okay if I take the rest of your pancakes?? I mean, if you’re okay with it! Thank you!!”
💜Shinobu Kocho 💜
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Acts of service (intensity: 8/10)
Shinobu is very sleep deprived and tired after caring for injured and sick members of the corps all day, so having you take care of her after a long day feels like heaven to her. She loves it when you help her change out of her uniform, having her dress in more comfortable clothes. She could melt when you hold her close and give her a little massage, and she could cry a little when you make her food and make sure she herself is taken care of. After a long day for caring others, it’s nice to be taken care of in return.
Words of affirmation (intensity: 6/10)
Shinobu likes to boost your confidence and make you flustered, kind of makes her day. She also adores it when you compliment her, it makes her feel warm inside and give her little bursts of energy to keep going. Reassurance gives her security, and she likes the feeling of knowing that at the end of the day, she’ll come back to you and back into your arms.
“Aren’t you a sweetie? Thank you for bringing me lunch. Would you like to stay with me and eat?”
Thanks for reading <3
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough.
Take care of yourselves <3
Note: Over 100 notes!! Tysm guys!! I don’t really know the personalities of the hashira here so I’m surprised you guys like it so much. I’m not complaining though <3
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vrystalius · 26 days
Sanemi’s most favourite thing in the whole world, is to…
… be held by you in the middle of the night.
(Slight angst with comfort, post Infinity Castle Arc Sanemi)
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— Sanemi, post Infinity Castle Arc, has a lot of night terrors and insomnia.
— Sometimes, Sanemi just refuses going to bed all together. He insists on staying up all night, guarding your house just in case those damn demons somehow come back.
— The only thing that can persuade Sanemi back to bed, is to reassure him and promise that there are no demons.
— Sanemi’ll reluctantly give in, but he WILL take his katana to bed and have it lean onto your bedside cabinet. (Sometimes he will insist to have it lay beside him in bed, just in case)
— Sanemi will hold you against him, your head resting on his scarred chest.
— You’ll feel his quick heartbeat in his chest. Sanemi is incredibly nervous about going to bed and resting.
— Sanemi needs comfort, safety and reassurance. He desperately needs to know that you’ll stay with him and that he’s safe now.
— You and Sanemi often talk late in the night. It helps him to get things off his chest.
— Sanemi would talk about Genya and how guilty he feels about being a such a shitty brother and letting him die.
— Sanemi would talk about his mom and dad, of the terrible relationship they had, and how he’d abuse his mother. He vowed to you to never in his life come even close to what that man ever was.
— Sanemi would talk about his other little siblings and about the full house they had. They’d never have enough food for all of them, but they all shared equally amongst each other. Everyone had each other’s backs when in trouble as well.
— Sometimes, Sanemi would talk about the other hashira as well. He misses them and wishes he could’ve done more to save them. He feels so guilty for surviving… him, out of all of them? They deserve to live, not him.
— While Sanemi talks about these things, he feels how you shift positions, now holding him. You cradled him while he talked and cried, running your fingers through his white hair.
— Sanemi would fall asleep in your arms with a smile on his face. Deep down he knows that he is safe, loved and cared for. He just needs time to fully accept it.
— The next morning, Sanemi would wake up still being held by you. He would stay still, savouring the moment of tranquility. Life is so peaceful now, he almost can’t believe it. It’s too good to be true.
“Mmmh… thank you.. for holding me. I really don’t deserve you.”
Note: Over 100 notes!! Tysm!
Thank you for reading!
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough.
Take care of yourselves!
Here’s my hashira masterlist.
Here’s my demon masterlist.
306 notes · View notes
vrystalius · 27 days
💕 The Love Languages of Hashira
How the hashira express their love for you!
Here’s part 2 with Giyu, Obanai, Mitsuri and Shinobu.
Here’s my masterlist. My requests are open <3
Author’s Note: I didn’t use any gender specific pronouns, or at least tried to. This is my very first thingy I posted on here, so please tell me your opinion on this piece! Correct me on grammatical and spelling errors, english is not my first language. Anyways, enjoy! <3
Note: Tysm for over 100 notes!!
Pairing: Sanemi, Gyomei, Kyojuro, Tengen x gn!reader
💚Sanemi Shinazugawa 💚
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Acts of service (Intensity: 6/10)
Sanemi isn’t very good with words, often coming off as rude and cold, even if he tries to be nice. He just has this talent to come off as an asshole. His intimidating appearance is not helping it.
So instead of relying on his words to express his love and affection for you, he would much rather do acts of service, even if they are small. Sanemi helps you undress after a long day, his movement slow and gentle as if you’re the most fragile thing that ever grazed his touch, folding your clothes and putting them aside to wash later. He massages your shoulders, his large palms hitting all the right spots and making the knots disappear. He cooks for you, having picked up a recipe or two from his mother, who taught him back then when Sanemi had to cook for his siblings with whatever they had. The meals he makes are personal comfort dishes and he likes sharing them with you.
Physical affection (Intensity: 8/10)
Something Sanemi just loves to do after a long night his duties is to just melt in your arms. Sanemi is a very light sleeper, waking up because of everything and any sound, but something that makes him feel more secure is to sleep in your arms. The warmth of your skin makes him feel safe and comforted, feel loved and wanted, some sort of save haven. Somewhere he can always return to.
But Sanemi also shows his affections during the day, may it be some quiet handholding or holding you by your waist, reminding himself that you are right here, with him. Hugs are a little difficult for him though, he just doesn’t really know what to do. Sanemi stiffens up immediately when you hug him, especially out of nowhere. 
Quality time (Intensity: 10/10)
(I’m going to keep this part short since it was already kind of in the two above)
If he could, Sanemi would spend all of his time in the day and night with you. Doesn’t matter what you two are doing, he just wants to be close to you and soak in your presence. He likes it when you watch him train though, that’s when he gets to show off all his muscles and skill, making you laugh and perhaps even jokingly squeeze his bicep.
“Y’know, I can make us some ohagi after this. I-If ya want.”
🤎 Gyomei Himejima 🤎
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Physical affection (Intensity: 9/10)
As a blind man, Gyomei relies on his other senses to guide him. His favourite way to express his affection also is influenced by that. Since he can’t stare at you for hours a day, even if he’d love to, he’ll simply hold you close for hours as compensation. Since Gyomei is much larger than you, he loves to cuddle you close against his chest. His favourite thing is to caress your back while you listen to his calm heartbeat.
During the day Gyomei likes having his large palm on your body. For example on your shoulder to show his support and comfort, or on your waist so he can take a walk with you while staying close, or just gentle, but big bear hugs. 
Words of affirmation (Intensity: 7/10)
Gyomei likes having long conversations with you during breaks of his training or after a long night fighting demons. He enjoys listening to you talk about your day and tell him all about the things you have done, no matter how boring or unimportant it seemed to you. Gyomei would sit there in silence, rubbing his palms together in his usual gesture and listen with a soft smile on his face.
What Gyomei loves to do as well is to compliment you. He can’t really say anything about your appearance, not that he cares, so his compliments are always different and even a little creative. From complimenting how you smell, to the way how comforting your footsteps sound. 
“Ah, my light, it’s you. Sit, I have just finished my daily training. We can talk a little.”
❤️‍🔥 Kyojuro Rengoku ❤️‍🔥
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Receiving gifts (intensity: 6/10)
To say that Kyojuro loves your cooking is an understatement. This man will compliment your cooking in every way possible, no matter if you dish him the most exquisite five star high grade wagyu or plate him one of Tengen’s Muscle Mice with a sprinkle of salt. Whatever it is, he will eat it and he will thank you for it (loudly). 
Kyojuro loves it when you give Senjuro gifts too, it makes him feel warm inside when he sees his little brother happy and taken care of. 
He also adores it when you buy him things that remind you of him. For example, a yukata with a flame pattern, or buy him a batch of sweet potatoes that he will inhale in a span of two days maximum.
Words of affirmation (intensity: 10/10)
Kyojuro lives and breathes to praise you on everything you do. He adores you and isn’t shy to express it, even in front of the other hashira (even though Sanemi gives him a glare every time he does it).
He praises you on everything you do. How you’re dressed, your hair, your face, your voice… the list goes on and on.
But when it’s dark out and you two are in bed, he whispers his sweeting nothings and compliments into your ear while holding you close to his body.
Physical affection (intensity: 8/10)
Kyojuro’s body is a heater, wich is gruelling in the summer but a blessing in the winter. He wraps you into his arms, holding you close to his warm chest, caressing your back with his calloused palm and planting soft kisses on your cheek, forehead and lips. His body warmth is enough for the two of you, so blankets are not really needed.
Kyojuro is a cuddlebug, so cuddling in the summer is also a must, even though the sheets ans bodies will be soaked and dripping in the morning. You will be sweating, and Kyojuro will somehow find a way to compliment the smell of your sweat.
“My dearest flame! I just bought you s matching kimono. Now the yukata you bought and your new kimono can match! It will suit you and your body perfectly!”
🩷 Tengen Uzui 🩷
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Quality time (intensity: 9/10)
Tengen adores spending time with all three of his wives, even more when it’s time at home, just chilling. Tengen could be just having your head on his lap, braiding your hair while you gossip with Makio, Hinatsuru and Suma. Tengen of course chimes in when it gets juicy.
Sometimes you visit the hotsprings all together. Tengen uses this opportunity to flex his muscles and show off, but you and the other three just giggle quietly at his embarrassing tan marks. Even though Tengen doesn’t enjoy being laughed at, he enjoys the time he spends with you and Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma.
Words of affirmation (intensity: 7/10)
Tengen loves to get complimented on his flamboyantness and flashiness, but he loves complimenting you as well. He calls you flashy, beautiful, flamboyant, adorable and more. He’s not very creative with his words, but at least he’s expressing his love!
“Well, I have to say that you three look VERY flamboyant tonight!”
“Can you call us ANYTHING but flamboyant for once?!”
“Well, we do appreciate it.”
“Yeah, but he can change them up every once in a while!”
Thank you for reading my first piece of work! I was really nervous while writing and posting it, so some things may feel a little off. Sorry about that! And of course, I want to credit my cat as a co-author on this fic.
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough.
Take care of yourselves <3
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vrystalius · 26 days
Douma always loves to…
…surprise you with a romantic bath in his private bathhouse.
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— Before he finishes his last sermon, Douma would ask one of his followers to let in a nice bath for him and his darling later.
— Douma would add all kinds of essential oils and bath-supplements, not really knowing what you like or what feels nice for humans. He just tosses it all in and hopes you’ll like it.
— Douma would leave you a cute little letter in your shared bedroom, having drawn cute doodles of you two sitting in the water together and a small text asking you to join him in the bathhouse.
— Douma would sit in the warm water, soaking already. He’d prepare towels, even more essential oils, have small snacks for you and his favourite water pipe to share.
— By the time you’d arrive, Douma’s cold body would’ve cooled the water down, making it a bit chilly.
— Douma would pout and whine about just how much he wanted to enjoy this little bath with you, and now he ruined it!
— You’ll need to reassure him that it’s fine, or else Douma will just sulk childishly. It was a humid day anyway, so having a cool bath is refreshing!
— After he’d calm down, Douma’ll hand feed you the snacks, making you open your mouth wide and say “Ahhhhhhh”.
— Douma would massage your shoulders, then move down to your waist, arms, thighs. He’ll make sure that you are relaxed! He can’t have his lotus aching anywhere.
— Douma would have you sit in front of him in the water, leaning back against his chest so he can hold you.
— Douma would talk about his day, rambling on and on about his followers, the sermons, Muzan, the other Upper moons…
— Douma would insist on dressing you in matching robes after finishing the bath, just like a cute couple.
— Douma would be the type of guy to insist to bathe with you daily, arguing that he’s totally not trying to steal peeks at your body.
(And Douma would be the type of guy to try convince you to bathe with him in sake more than once)
Thanks for reading, hope you guys enjoyed!
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care if yourselves <3
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vrystalius · 27 days
💠 Demon Slayer Masterlist💠
— The Demons
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— Love Language of the Upper Moons + Muzan (Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Gyutaro, Daki (platonic))
— The Upper Moons + Muzan reacting to your affections (Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza)
— The Demon that… (Masterlist)
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— Love Language of the Upper Moons + Muzan (Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Gyutaro, Daki (platonic))
— Demon King’s heir (slight angst)
— Demon King’s heir pt.2 (fluff)
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— Love Language of the Upper Moons + Muzan (Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Gyutaro, Daki (platonic))
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— Love Language of the Upper Moons + Muzan (Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Gyutaro, Daki (platonic))
— Douma always loves to surprise you with a romantic bath. (Fluff)
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❄️ AKAZA ❄️ / 🎆 HAKUJI 🎆
— Love Language of the Upper Moons + Muzan (Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Gyutaro, Daki (platonic))
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Nothing here yet…
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— Love Language of the Upper Moons + Muzan (Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Gyutaro, Daki (platonic))
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🌹 DAKI 🌹 / 🌟 UME 🌟
— Love Language of the Upper Moons + Muzan (Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Gyutaro, Daki (platonic))
Make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough.
Take care of yourselves <3
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vrystalius · 28 days
💠 Welcome to House of Vry! 💠
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Hello and welcome! Please call me Vry, Venus or Vrystalius <3. I am an amateur writer and occasionally make something out of clay. I’m from Germany and write in english, so please correct my grammatical/spelling errors!
I love Demon Slayer, Death Note, Baldur’s Gate, Red Dead Redemption 2 and more.
I’m not exactly comfortable if minors speak to me per inbox or comments, but you are free to interact and leave asks/requests! I will mark future NSFW posts as such so please do not interact with those. <3
The fandom I currently write for is DEMON SLAYER.
My requests are currently OPEN.
I only write x reader fiction. For requests rules, please look below!
I am currently working on:
— Asks & My own things
💠 Masterlist for the Hashira
💠 Masterlist for the Demons.
💠 Here are the characters I write for. Make sure to check it out!
💠 Here are the request rules. Please check it out before requesting!
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Make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough.
Take care of yourselves <3
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vrystalius · 28 days
💠 Request Rules! 💠
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💠 General Info 💠
Firstly, DON’T feed my art/writing/blog to an A.I for any purpose whatsoever.
I mainly write fluff/angst. I’ll try writing NSFW when the right request comes around and when I bring up enough courage. Please forgive me when I ignore your NSFW request, I just probably don’t feel comfortable writing it.
Please keep your requests short! I understand that you would like to have as much detail as possible to match what you have in mind, but it’s kind of tiring for me to include everything you have requested. Forgive me <3
The covers of my fics are mostly going to be official art. If not, I’ll make sure to credit the artist or blog I got it from. If you noticed that I did not, please remind me to! <3
English is my second language, so please correct me on any grammatical or spelling errors. I’ll try to keep improving and make as little errors as possible.
Please DON’T be racist, homophobic etc. Stay kind!
💠 About requests 💠
Please leave requests in a kind tone. Rude comments/requests will be ignored, blocked or deleted. Constructive criticism is welcomed and encouraged <3
There are some requests I will not be comfortable writing. I will either respond to those asks and point out what I’m not comfortable with, or delete/ignore it all together. Sorry!
There will also be requests I just won’t write because of how complex and detailed it’s supposed to be. I’ll try my best to write it though, but please forgive me if I won’t
My motivation comes and goes, so please stay patient when sending in a request! Keep in mind that I also have a life and schoolwork.
Both anon and non-anon requests will be worked on.
💠 DON’TS 💠
I will NOT write about racism, pedophilia, homophobia or non-con.
I will not write about extreme kinks like humiliation, of any kind, anything with human waste, non-con or any abuse kinks. Sorry!
I will exclusively write gn or fem reader x character. I am a female and I’m not comfortable writing a male!reader.
Requests including sensitive topics will include a trigger warning. If I miss anything, feel free to remind me!
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Make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves! <3
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vrystalius · 28 days
💠 Characters I currently write for: 💠
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Hashira/Former Hashira/Humans:
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Gyomei Himejima
Kyojuro Rengoku
Tengen Uzui
Giyu Tomioka
Obanai Iguro
Mitsuri Kanroji
Shinobu Kocho
Yorichii Tsugikuni
Shinjuro Rengoku
Tanjiro Kamado (aged up/fluff)
Nezuko Kamado (platonic/fluff)
Genya Shinazugawa (aged up/fluff)
Also: Compilations including multiple characters
Muzan Kibutsuji
Kokushibo/Michikatsu Tsugikuni
Gyutaro Shabana
Daki/Ume Shabana (platonic/fluff)
Also: Compilations including multiple characters
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Make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough.
Take care of yourselves <3
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vrystalius · 8 days
How the hashira act when they’re tired?
Pairing: Sanemi, Kyojuro, Gyomei, Giyu x fem!reader
(Reader has stretch marks on her thighs in Gyomei’s part)
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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In the mornings…
Sanemi wakes up being grumpy and drained rather than rested from a good night’s sleep. His hair is messy and some stubble formed on his face over the night. Also, he doesn’t believe you when you say he snores in his sleep, even though you woke up from him snoring or grunting in his sleep multiple times. You sometimes even heard him mumble something about Genya and ohagi. Your name fell every now and then but you haven’t told him about that yet. He had a huge grin on his was while seemingly dreaming of you, and you didn’t want to hurt his pride even more.
Sanemi is slow in the mornings and needs you to drag him out of bed. If he has nothing to do but train today, so why can’t he just sleep until he needs to train? He’d hunch over the sink and slowly brush his teeth while having his eyes closer again. You once caught him falling asleep in that stance, snoring quietly. While Sanemi is finishing up in the bathroom at a snail’s pace, you take some time to cook up something nice for you two.
Heavy footsteps would stumble down the stairs and Sanemi would drag his heavy body over to you, leaning onto your back and nuzzling his face in your warm neck. He’d groan and squeeze your waist gently.
“You still feel so warm… ugh, I wanna go back to bed…”
In the evenings…
After showering, Sanemi doesn’t really have energy to do anything else after hunting demons all night. He can’t sleep without you though, so he’ll just lay in bed like a log and wait on you to join him. Sometimes, he’d even call out to you to hurry up and cuddle him already.
Once in bed, Sanemi’ll lay his head on your soft chest and close his eyes. His cheek is slightly squished and mouth slightly agape. He’d want you to play with his hair and run your fingers through his white locks. Sometimes, Sanemi would accidentally start drooling onto your skin or shirt, forgetting to swallow his spit. Your massage is just making him forget anything: his worries, fears, train of thought and to swallow his spit.
Of course, Sanemi would be incredibly embarrassed and deny enjoying your craved touch this much. Sometimes, he’d even roll off you and lay on his stomach, pretending that he’s perfectly fine to sleep on his own. You giggling at his flushed face doesn’t help either.
Sanemi does NOT need you to hold him so he can sleep properly and have nice dreams if you act that way!
“Scoot over, I wanna lay down. I don’t need your damn cuddles anymore. You’re just making fun of me, damnit!!”
Kyojuro Rengoku
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In the mornings…
Kyojuro’s hair is incredibly messy everytime he wakes up. You can’t resist but to brush through it a couple of times while your husband slept, enjoying the moment of quiet intimacy.
His voice would be raspy and quieter in the mornings in comparison to throughout the day, his smiles smaller and sleepier, yet just as happy and real as usual. Kyojuro would be sleepy in the mornings but would start regaining his energy after having a nutritious breakfast. Usually, he’d make them himself.
Kyojuro would stand by the stove, dressed in either just his nightwear pants or a loose fitting robe. His movements are sluggish and slow, but he still never burnt himself on accident. Sometimes, you would even lean against his muscular back and complain about the tasks ahead of you while Kyojuro quietly listens and cooks breakfast.
“Mh, would you… *yawn*… mind handing me the eggs from over there?”
In the evenings…
Kyojuro still manages to muster up enough energy to keep his vibrant and loud personality, even right before bed. He’s incredibly tired and needs to recharge the whole night to have another successful day of training and slaying demons. The best way to recharge is by holding you close to his chest, letting your head rest on his soft pecks.
Slowly, Kyojuro would start to slip into a sleepier state. His eyes would be droopy and his smile more lovesick while his hand slowly brush over your features. You’re so perfect, do you know that? Sometimes, he might squeeze you a little too hard on accident. It something similar to cuteness aggression, just much more subconscious and softer.
Kyojuro would fall asleep with your imagine in mind and a sleepy smile on his face, his arms wrapped tightly around you, making sure you’re comfortable in his warm arms.
“Hm? Oh, sorry… did I hold you too tightly? Apologies, my love. I missed you the whole day and… forgive me?”
Gyomei Himejima
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In the mornings…
Gyomei usually wakes up quite early to go pray, but you keep him in bed for a little longer. You get woken up by the weight on the bed shifting and mumble his name, gently grabbing his forearm and pulling him back onto the bed. He cannot help but obey your wish and lay back down with you. Gyomei is still tired when you pull his head against your chest, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.
Tears start falling down his cheeks and onto your shirt as you run your fingers through his messy, short hair. A small smile rested on his face.
His voice is incredibly deep and his chest vibrates against yours as he murmurs quiet prayers to finish his morning routine. Gyomei doesn’t get sleepy very often, but when he does, it’s only in your arms and by your touch.
“You’re a blessing, my pearl…”
In the evenings…
After his endurance training, slaying demons and attending an hashira meeting, even Gyomei gets tired. He would lay right beside you, resting his head on your stomach. His eyes would be closed and arms wrapped around your waist and plush thighs, rubbing gently up and down, feeling your warm skin and stretch marks.
Gyomei would place gentle kisses on your skin and savour your scent. You are absolutely beautiful to him, he doesn’t even need his eyes to see that. While you massage his scalp with your fingers, it feels like the exhaustion is finally catching up to him. With a final sigh, Gyomei finally slipped into something similar to a comatose. Once asleep, only the sound of the cries of a crow can wake him up.
“My love, may I rest with you a little longer? I still haven’t recovered from my last training session… you have a healing effect on me.”
Giyu Tomioka
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In the mornings…
He is comparable to a disoriented, deflated balloon. Not that Giyu is bouncing and being happy during the day, it’s just that he’s even more depressed in the mornings. But, on the bright side, Giyu is able to handle your affections better while sleepy. Normally, he’d stiffen up and shortcircuit. But while he’s being tired, you can cup his cheeks and kiss him all over, he’ll just respond with a small whine or groan.
Giyu might become a cuddlebug when you two are in bed and have nothing to do. He’d bury his face in your neck and savour your warmth while he can. Sometimes, he’d bury his face in your even warmer cleavage, falling right back into sleep.
“Mhhrrm… hmm? What did you say?… mhh… didn’t hear..”
In the evenings…
Believe it or not, he becomes even quieter in the evenings. Giyu will silently stare at you, begging at you to just hold him and cradle him to sleep with his eyes. He’d hover around you with eyebags under his eyes, always standing near you until you offer to cuddle him.
His eyebags, glossy eyes and messy hair look him look like a lost puppy, so it was a matter of time until you offered to cuddle in bed. Your soft skin under his calloused hands never felt any nicer.
Giyu would be out in a matter of minutes and fall asleep in an awkward position. One arm would be wrapped around your waist while the other was angled on his side.
“Agh, my shoulder hurts. Did I fall asleep in a weird way?”
I thought of this last night. I have another similar idea about sleepy hairplay and I’m thinking about either writing that idea for the Upper Moons or the hashira, either way, thank you for reading! As mentioned before, I’ll post some asks on the weekend <3
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
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vrystalius · 13 days
Hashira reacting to your affection
How will the hashira reaction to your affections?
Pairing: Sanemi, Kyojuro, Gyomei, Giyu x fem!reader
Types of affection included: kisses, hugs and cuddles, affectionate biting/nibbles, compliments
Note: I wrote this over the past few days and is by far the longest fic I’ve ever written! Enjoy!
Here’s the Upper Moons + Muzan version
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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Kisses: 8/10
Sanemi grumbles when you don’t kiss him on his lips. He needs at least one kiss on his lips every morning after waking up, and a kiss on the lips when making his way to the next mission. Intimate and long kisses are his favourite, especially when he’s holding you in his arms, making out with you in the dark of your bedroom. It makes him feel very loved and secure like that.
Cheek kisses are alright, Sanemi doesn’t mind them. Quick pecks here and there make him grin slightly, but he prefers it when you kiss him properly.
Forehead kisses make him feel like a child. It’s not a good feeling for him since it reminds him how much he’s missing his mother. When you kiss him on the forehead, Sanemi would grimace, but not push you away.
Neck kisses make him shudder and blush, especially when you sneak up behind him and surprise him with them. He’d gasp and turn his head to you, asking what’s your problem. You just don’t know how sensitive his neck actually is, and the goosebumps you’re causing (and perhaps cause something to stiffen in his pants). But in return, Sanemi loves making you squirm under him while he kisses your neck, nibbling down here and there. Besides classic lip kisses, neck kisses are his favourite as well. Only if he’s not the one receiving them.
“Hey, you missed. Come kiss me properly.”
Hugs and cuddles: 9/10
Sanemi loves holding you for hours at a time. Cuddles are his absolute favourite activity to do with you, just holding you and caressing your back. Sometimes he’ll just lay there, caressing your face with his calloused fingers and admiring you and your sleeping beauty.
Hugs in general are nothing too special for him. He doesn’t really like initiating them since that’ll make him look desperate (according to him). But sometimes, Sanemi would lay in your bed and open up his arms for you to join him. If you do, you just fell into his trap. He would wrap the blanket around you and roll you in with him, forming a blanket burrito. Now, you’re forced to cuddle him until either of you has to go to the bathroom.
“No, you can’t leave. I don’t care if ya have plans, I’m your plans now.”
Affectionate biting/nibbling: 6/10
It confuses him. Is it a joke? Are you challenging him? Or just trying to annoy him? Sanemi doesn’t mind, even if you bite down hard, since he is pretty pain tolerant. He will flinch or yelp quietly when you nibble on his hand or shoulder out of nowhere but if you do it during cuddles, Sanemi will just eye you, quietly judging… He grumbles when you leave a hickey on him. It makes him embarrassed if he can’t cover it up. Surely the other hashira are going to tease him every day until it faded… and probably even longer.
As mentioned before, Sanemi will nibble on your neck during steamy make-out sessions. He likes leaving hickeys on your collarbone and neck and in other obvious spots, obviously marking you as his.
“Hey, stop biting or I’ll bite back. I mean it.”
Compliments: 6/10
Compliments about his appearance make him feel proud of himself. Sanemi will brush you off and hide his blushing face, but on the inside, he’ll feel more confident and prideful. Pointing out how cool his scars look will make him less insecure about them. As long as you like them, Sanemi thinks.
Complimenting his skill as a hashira and his breathing style will make him flustered. Now everytime Sanemi uses a breathing technique, the only thing he can think about is how pretty you found the visuals. They aren’t supposed to be pretty, they’re supposed to be intimidating, damn it!
“Tch. I ain’t cute... and I’m not fucking blushing!”
Kyojuro Rengoku
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Kisses: 8/10
Regular kisses make Kyojuro blush just a little. Your soft lips on his feel like heaven to him, the way you cup his cheeks and pull him closer… He’ll return the kiss with extreme enthusiasm, making sure to either pull you a little closer and pour his love and passion for you into that act, or to place multiple pecks on your lips. Kyojuro just cant get enough!
Cheek kisses make him smile brightly and return the favour as well. After you finished kissing him, he’d place a hand on the area where you kissed him, feeling the lingering affection. Kyojuro feels like cheek kissed are convenient, meaning that whatever you are doing, he’ll find a way to steal your attention for just a moment by kissing your cheek randomly.
Forehead kisses feel intimidate and protective. Kyojuro would close his eyes and feel your lips on his forehead. In return, he also likes giving you forehead pecks. He’d cup your cheeks and tilt your head downwards for him, then place a warm and affectionate kiss on your skin.
Neck kisses make Kyojuro squirm. A lot. He doesn’t really like getting them. He jumps everytime he feels your breath on his neck… please don’t do this to him, his neck is just too sensitive and ticklish! Kissing your neck makes him nervous, so he’ll grow flustered everytime he does it.
“May I have another kiss? You forgot my other cheek!”
Hugs and cuddles: 9/10
Kyojuro loves, loves, LOVES cuddling you! He doesn’t care if he is sweating or you’re sweating, cuddling together with you is one of his most favourite things in the whole world. He adores holding you against his chest and taking in the feeling of feeling your skin against his. Sometimes, when you’re asleep, Kyojuro will just stare at your beautiful face. He’ll smile at himself and admire your beauty and think about how lucky he is. Kyojuro also likes warming you up with his warm body, especially in the winters. He’d pull you even closer and make sure that you two are properly wrapped in a blanket together and huddled up in the warmth.
He also adores giving out big bear hugs. Kyojuro would pick you up and spin you up in the air, holding you by your waist and just twirling him around. He’ll do that in public, in front of Shinjuro and Senjuro, in private and whenever he wants! Kyojuro loves you dearly and will demonstrate it everywhere! Even if it’s childish at times.
“Father look! I can lift her well above my head!”
“Put that poor woman down, you’re gonna drop her.”
Affectionate biting/nibbling: 8/10
Kyojuro doesn’t mind your random biting or nibbling. He probably does it himself! When you two cuddle together or simply make out a little, Kyojuro might switch over to kissing the top of your hand, nibbling down on it a little. He also likes nuzzling into your neck, biting down gently. He might even leave a little hickey here and there. Whenever you nibble or bite down onto his skin, he will laugh loudly and place a kiss onto your cheek.
“Do I taste good? I hope so!
Compliments: 7/10
Calling him handsome brightens his day almost as much you kissing his cheek. They make him grin and feel proud. He’ll push his chest out a little and blush, thanking you loudly for your kind words. Also, Kyojuro loves to compliment you. He is your biggest cheerleader and will support you with his words and actions however he can. If you’re feeling down, he’ll make sure to cheer you right back up with encouraging and kind words
“Thank you, my flame! Your words warm my heart!”
Gyomei Himejima
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Kisses: 8/10
Kissing Gyomei anywhere proves to be quite a challenge. You can’t really reach his face without having him to kneel or sit down, therefor the only chance you have to kiss him is early in the mornings when you two lay together in bed. That’s where Gyomei is the cutsest, all sleepy and sluggish. His voice will be even deeper and raspier and his hair is messed up. In those early morning hours, you have the best opportunity to give him kisses.
Forehead kisses are his favourite since that is the area you can never reach him normally. He connects those kisses with the times you two lay in bed and hold each other and the times you smother him in affection.
Cheek kisses are feel nice, but aren’t his favourite. He likes to return the favour though and kiss you on your cheek. Gyomei especially finds it adorable when you ask him to lean down in order to kiss him. It makes him cry a little everytime.
Regular kisses are nice. He likes it when you ask him to lean down, cup his cheeks and kiss him on the lips. It does taste a little salty though, given how Gyomei starts crying when kissing you sometimes.
“Apologies for my tears, dear pearl. May I have another kiss?”
Hugs and cuddles: 9/10
Gyomei adores holding you close to his larger body. He likes being the big spoon, but his favourite position would be holding you while his head is nuzzling against your soft chest. That way, you can run your fingers through his hair and trace the muscles on his back. He loves the warmth you give him. Gyomei’s absolutely loves running his large palm over your body, tracing your features. His hand will linger on your waist and rub you up an down, then it will travel downwards to your buttocks (if you let him) and caress your backside a little, then it would go down to your thighs and gently squeeze you here and there.
Gyomei likes hugs a lot. Your hugs are cute to him and how you’re trying to wrap your arms around his whole waist. He will lean down slightly and hug you back, mumbling quiet affectionate words to you. Gyomei is the best hug giver.
“Your body is my temple. I’d like to worship you more, if you let me.”
Affectionate biting/nibbling: 7/10
When you nibble on his shoulder like that, your behaviour reminds him of a feisty cat. It’s adorable and Gyomei will let you to as you like. As a way to tease you a little, he may pat your head the same way he would pet a cat. Gyomei won’t do it in return. He doesn’t always give out hickeys, but he doesn’t mind having them. Knowing that you left a mark on him for everyone to see makes him smile sightly.
“What do you require? Would you like me to pet you?”
Compliments: 8/10
Gyomei starts crying when you praise him. He’ll thank you and compliment you as well, trying to please you. He doesn’t always know what exactly to compliment, given that he is blind, so he sometimes compliments something very random about you. Hearing you giggle after Gyomei points out that your hairstyle _feels_ different but better than yesterday makes him cry and smile at the same time. Your laugh is the sweetest melody to him.
Gyomei appreciates your praises and compliments and the encourage him to keep training.
“Your skin feels so soft, my beloved.”
Giyu Tomioka
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Kisses: 7/10
Giyu tenses up everytime you surprise him with kisses. It’s not like he doesn’t like them, he’s just not used to get affection like that. But when you two are hanging out in private, maybe even making out, he’ll blush and return your kisses with eagerness. Your lips on his feel like heaven to him, or as close as he can get there.
Regular kisses on his lips make him blush brightly but he’ll eagerly try to reincorporate your affections by kissing you a well. Giyu isn’t very good at kissing though, but practise makes perfect! The more you kiss him, the better he’ll get.
Cheek kisses are one of his favourites. They don’t make him as flustered and they’re convenient. Giyu can just lean in and give you a quick peck on your cheek and remind you that he loves you lots. Sometimes, when you two sleep together in the same bed, Giyu’ll kiss your face all over.
Forehead kisses make him feel oddly secure and loved. When you cup his cheeks like that and lean in, kissing his forehead and playing with his hair a little. It makes his knees feel weak when you do that.
Neck kisses make him tense and flustered, especially when you sneak up on him. Giyu would let whimper your name and try to shoo you away, but give up after a while. He’ll try to stop himself from moaning…
“D-Don’t sneak up on me like that again. Ah…”
Hugs and cuddles: 8/10
Giyu likes cuddling you. It makes him feel safe and secure when you hold him in your arms like that. His favourite position is being the little spoon and you big spooning him, running your fingers through his black hair. Being held makes him feel incredibly relaxed and secure, being loved like this. His doubts about your relationships and insecurities vaporise for just a moment. He also loves to lay his head on your chest. In his opinion, that’s the best way someone could sleep at night. Giyu probably won’t initiate the cuddles himself, thinking you would just say yes to please him, but once you initiate the cuddles, he’ll happily oblige.
Hugs are a little complicated for him. He grows incredibly tense when you hug him in public. Giyu doesn’t really know what to do with his arms or hands, where to look or how to properly and respectfully breathe around you. He really is scared of making you uncomfortable or do something you might dislike. You’ll need to tell him that you’re perfectly comfortable with him hugging you back and hugging you at all. He can handle hugs in private a little better.
“Mh.. can we cuddle a little longer? I’m… still tired.”
Affectionate biting/nibbling: 3/10
Giyu will just eye you judgmentally. Why are you doing that? It hurts.
“Ouch… why did you do that?”
Compliments: 8/10
You make him feel better about himself when you compliment him. As an acknowledgement of your words, he’d nod his head and smile slightly. Sometimes Giyu has a hard tome believing your words, but by you insisting on them being true, he began accepting them more and more.
Giyu will try to give you a lot of compliments back, but they sometimes come out a little dry and not the way he planned on making them sound.
“You did well today. I appreciate your presence.”
Hope you enjoyed this! My requests are open for the hashira as well as the demons. I am very picky with requests though and will only write the ones that truly speak to me- wich is actually most of them. :P
Note: 700 NOTES?? I am very surprised this took off so well- not that I am complaining. Thank you for all your reblogs, comments and likes <3 I appreciate every single one of you <33
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
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vrystalius · 12 days
Hello hello, I was wondering if you could please write a story (Short scenario) with the Hashiras and maybe the three upper moons. Where the reader aka their S/O had a small fight and is currently ignoring them but then she needs something from them that makes here go there like "Can you please open this for me/help me with this". I just think it would be cute to see their reaction to the reader being all flustered about having to ask them for help.
(Take your time and stay safe i luv you~) 💛❤️💛❤️
Giving your boyfriend the silent treatment…
��until you need help opening something. (Includes both Hashira and Upper Moons)
Pairing: Sanemi, Kyojuro, Gyomei, Giyu, Tengen, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza x fem!human!reader
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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Sanemi would grow incredibly frustrated when you use the silent treatment against him. He’d try to ignore you as well by crossing his arms over his chest and sit in a different room, back facing the door at all times. He can’t stop thinking about you brooding and being upset with him, wich in return, makes him even more angry! Gods, you’re infuriating sometimes.
But once you come up to him and ask him to open a new jar of jam, he’d try to look mad, even though he wasn’t.
“You sure got some nerve to ask me now.”
He tries to show you that he still is kinda pissed with you, but still loves you. Sanemi would grumble about your timing and attitude from before while wrestling with the lid. After struggling for multiple minutes and failing, he got upset again and just gave it back to you, grumbling.
“Ask someone else, damnit! Don’t annoy me.”
Kyojuro Rengoku
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Arguments are the worst for him. Kyojuro will feel and look like a distraught puppy who just got denied love for the rest of his life. He understands that you need space and will provide it, but the silent treatment is really breaking his heart. Kyojuro would sometimes try to start a conversation by asking about you what you’re doing or how you’re feeling.
He will feel absolutely delighted when you talk to him again. Of course he’d open a bottle for you! Happily so!
“Give it to me, I got it!”
Kyojuro popped the lid with ease and handed the bottle back to you, giving you puppy eyes and a bright smile. You seriously can’t ignore him anymore, it’s just too sad to see him depressed…
“Oh! You’re talking to me again! I’ve missed you, my flame!”
Gyomei Himejima
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Although he’s not fond of your methods of resolving conflict and considers them a little childish, Gyomei will oblige, for now.
He will give you the same treatment you’re giving him, but will still remain around your person. Gyomei’ll silently meditate or pray while you continue your antics, being just as quiet as you are. He’d ponder about arguments he could deliver to you to break your silence and resolve this issue, but before he could come up with anything, you come up to him with a jar of honey. After you ask him to open it for you, Gyomei would softly smile and take the jar.
“Of course, my pearl.”
He opened it with ease and handed it back to you, but before you could go back to whatever you were doing, Gyomei’d speak up again.
“How about we resolve our argument now? I do not want to continue to fight.”
Giyu Tomioka
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Giyu would unintentionally give you the silent treatment after arguments, and you decided to give one back. After noticing the lack of conversations and the sound of your voice, he’d feel more sad and try to avoid you all together to avoid even more conflict or your silent side glances. Giyu jumps slightly when you ask him to open a jar of fermented foods. He was incredibly surprised that you’d want to talk to him.
“Mhm. Give it.”
He… struggled with opening it. He tried around for two more minutes until he managed to open it with a spoon and using 80% of his strength. He feels embarrassed for failing opening something for you.
“You’re welcome.”
Tengen Uzui
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How unflashy of you to ignore him like this. Do you know how bratty you look like? Sometimes he just wants to stick out his tongue at you when you’re not looking. Tengen would sulk and complain to the other girls about you, but Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma stick to you and your petty silent treatment, but they’d stick to you and would ignore him as well. You’re all ganging up on him at this point.
But once you come back to him and ask him for help opening your favourite drink, Tengen would feign being helpful.
“Gimme that, I’ll open it for you, beautiful~”
He’d open the glass for you and then proceed to chug everything down in one go, right in front of you while making sure to stay out of your reach.
“That’s what you get for being bratty!”
(He was not allowed back into the bedroom that night)
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You are being very immature. Kokushibo can give you the same silent treatment you are giving him, and he will outlast you by far. He will act very nonchalant about you ignoring him and will stop attempting making conversation after two tries. Kokushibo would return to his training or meditation, or sometimes even go on long missions to punish you even more for acting this petty.
Once you come back to him and ask him to open a jar of jam for you, Kokushibo will just stare you down silently.
He proceeded to give you the silent treatment and not open the jar for you. You were left to fend for yourself. But at somepoint, Kokushibo could not watch you struggling to open the jar by using a sharp knife in hopes to get the lid loose. He snatched the jar out of your hands and opened it with ease.
“Here. Take it. Don’t try that again, you will injure yourself.”
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Your silent treatment is very entertaining to Douma. Is this your way to punish him? How funny! He will try everything to make you break your silence by annoying you. Douma will nuzzle into your neck, kiss your most sensitive spots, whine into your ear, complain about your behaviour, poke against your cheek and pinch your skin. C’mon, do something with him! Anything! Stop ignoring him! Douma just kept following you around, whining around like a child.
Finally, you he saw you struggling with opening a jar of tea herbs and offered to help.
“Need help with that, lotus?”
Douma snatched the jar out of your hand and opened in a matter of seconds, but didn’t hand it back. He wanted you to say “I love you” before he hands it back. You gave in while heavily rolling your eyes, but Douma wasn’t satisfied with that. After a back and forth, you finally satisfied him by saying “I love you my dearest, lovely Douma” in a sincere tone. In his eyes, he won your silent treatment game.
“I won! Awww, why do you look so mad? Here, take your herbs back…. No thank you? What, are you ignoring me again?! Come ooooonnnn…”
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He was hurt and slightly scared by your silent treatment. Are you planning to leave him? Akaza would understand that. He’s rough, angry, a demon, prideful, not good with expressing his thoughts… the list of his flaws go on. Your silence is making him incredibly nervous and he let his nervous energy out during training and against the walls of the infinity castle until his knuckles bleed.
Then, finally, you approach Akaza with a problem: you can’t open your jar of candies. He felt himself smile slightly at your defeated face.
“So now you need me? Hm.”
Akaza casually tried slipping the lid off, but it was stuck. He felt his pride crumble bit by bit with everytime he tried opening the lid and failed. His anger rose and he slammed the jar against the corner of the wall, shattering the top of the glas jar off. The glass fell in onto your feet.
“… There.”
This was one of my favourite requests so far! Thank you so much for requesting!! I’m currently working on How the Upper Moons would react to your affection, similar to what I posted with the hashira, so I was kinda switching back and forth between this and the other fic. Somehow, when I feel stressed, I’m the most creative and productive xD
Also, I absolutely love reading all of your comments and reposts. Some made me laugh out loud in public, so thank you for that!
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!! <3
Take care of yourselves <33 I appreciate you all.
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vrystalius · 14 days
Pls pls pls pls make one about Muzan finding reader gone and turns out she was in their kid's room trying ti stop them from crying and the baby just cries even more after seeing Muzan cause he don't spend no time with em so the baby don't recognize him.
Demon king’s heir
Muzan’s own baby doesn’t recognise him as the father.
Here’s pt.2!
Pairing: Muzan x fem!reader
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You’ve been tending to your baby on your own since you’ve given birth. Muzan just took some blood samples from your baby and barely ever showed his face around your assigned wing of the infinity castle. You’ve been missing the man you fell in love with. He was so romantic and affectionate with you before your birth. You two been to many dates that range from talking in restaurants to visiting tech museums together. Without his presence around, you couldn’t help but feel incredibly lonely.
Muzan is not even bothering to come by to check on the condition of you or your baby boy. It felt like that man only used you to try making a demon-human hybrid baby. Now that he achieved his goal and got blood samples, does he not want to do anything with you anymore?
You sighed tiredly, rocking your ever crying baby. What’s up with him the last few nights? He keeps crying and crying. He doesn’t want food or attention, or a diaper change. Before you could think about any other reason for his crying, you felt an incredible powerful presence suddenly appearing near you, accompanied by the sound of a biwa string being plucked. Your knees buckled as you felt overwhelmed from the shift of energies. You leaned onto the crib of your boy and held onto your crying baby tightly, anticipating your husband to open the door to the nursery any moment.
Muzan glanced around in your bedroom. The cries of the baby reached his eyes and he scrunched his eyebrows together from that ear piercing sound. How infuriating. He massaged the bridge of his nose and stepped towards the nursery, opening up the door. “My sweet.” His voice sounded sharp as your husband greeted you.
You turned around to him and glared at the man. The baby boy in your arms clung onto your night robes, quieting his cries slightly. He seemed to sense the presence of that man and felt intimidated.
Muzan eyed the bundle of life in your arms and stepped closer to you. “How has my son been?” “Your son has been missing you.” Your voice was laced in venom as you turned away from him, bouncing the fussy baby in your arms. He furrowed his brows and sighed. “Are you upset with me? I am very busy.” He heard your scoff and tightly gripped your shoulder, forcing you to face him. “I want to hold him.” Muzan glanced down at your baby boy, who stared back at him with big eyes. He seemed confused almost. You protectively held your baby closer to your chest. “Why? Do you need more blood samples?” “Just give him to me.” His voice sounded demanding and left no space for arguments. You carefully handed over your baby boy to Muzan, showing him how to hold him properly and how to support his neck. He stared down at the baby in his arms as his eyes seemed to soften a little. He tried tickling his soft tummy a little, but as Muzan tried to touch his son, the baby cried out and started wiggling against his gentle hold.
The whaling cries made your husband tense and tighten his grip on the baby. His aura darkened and he reached out for the face of your precious child. Fearing he’ll do the worst, you quickly wrapped your arms around your baby boy and slipped him out of Muzan’s arms, shushing him quietly. “Shhhh… mommy’s here.. I’m here, it’s okay…” You quietly spoke to your boy as he began calming down slowly. The baby stopped crying and wiggling around, instead gripping onto your clothes and refusing to let go.
Muzan frowned st the sight. Was his son not recognising him? How dare he? Why is that whiny thing not recognising him as his father? He reached out to the baby again, but it just began crying again, hiding his face by nuzzling against your clothes and skin.
You turned away from Muzan, shielding your boy from the sight of him. “You should leave or else he won’t sleep at all tonight. Return to your research. I’ll be fine be fine on my own.” He doesn’t appreciate being commanded around. “I’ll do as I please.” His voice sounded darker and more upset as Muzan stepped closer and looked at his baby over your shoulder. The boy has already calmed and closed his eyes. The baby looked much more peaceful nuzzling against your body like that. “Hm.” He quietly noted how his son preferred your presence over his.
He turned away from you and stepped out of the nursery. The sound of a biwa being strung echoed through the halls of the infinity castle as your husband disappeared again. You glanced down at your baby boy.
“It’s okay, the scary man is gone now.”
I may or may not really really love this man, alongside the other demons. Don’t get me wrong, I fell inlove with almost all the characters in the kny-verse (except a couple characters like the clomes of Upper Four, Emmu, Obanai…), but I just feel magically pulled towards the upper moons, the angry wind hashira, his brother, the sun breather and his brother as well. Thank you so much for requesting, this was so fun!!
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough <3
Take care of yourselves <3
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vrystalius · 22 days
I was watching Sanemi's training episode and thought about this ask."Sanemi was training the hunters,his wife called him and all the hunters to have lunch with the delicious food she made,but when the hunters saw Sanemi's wife they were enchanted by her beauty and kindness,how would Sanemi react to seeing the hunters enchanted by his wife's beauty?" (Sorry for my bad english)
❕Sanemi’s reaction to his trainees being enchanted by you
You were kind enough to prepare meals for Sanemi’s students after a long and gruelling training session. They absolutely adore you! How will your husband react?
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Note: Thank you so much for requesting. Your english is very good, don’t worry! I have another request in my inbox I’m planning to write and publish today. Sorry for not being very active today.
Pairing: Sanemi x fem!reader
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— Sanemi has been letting his assigned slayers suffer. He beat their ass with the wooden training katana until it broke, or until the slayer passed out. If the wooden katana broke before the trainee did, Sanemi made sure to continue with his fists. Is this even proper training anymore? Striking or even coming close to this maniac seemed impossible!!
— You knew that your husband is not holding back with his assigned slayers, and so you prepared beforehand: You had a fully stocked pantry and medical closet. You made sure to grab extra medicine and bandages from the butterfly mansion even before the first slayers arrived, wanted to make sure everyone is surviving Sanemi’s training.
— While Sanemi was taking on his trainees, you were cooking some veggie miso soup with a side of steamed dumplings. While that was brewing, you were making a small batch of ohagi just for Sanemi. It’s also very tiring for him, and you’re sure he’d want something sweet to eat during his break.
— Shortly after pouring the soup into the bowls and arranging the dumplings on side dishes, the first starved and badly bruised slayers arrived. Well, they more likely crawled towards the scent of food.
— While they wolfed down their bowls of veggie miso soup, you carefully tended to their wounds while they were distracted. You dabbed on an ointment and wrapped some bandages around their torso’s, arms and legs, speaking encouraging words to them. After the slayers ate and managed to rest up for a while, they actually realised from who they got all this caring attention from.
“Mrs.Sh-Shinazugawa! You’re an angel! Our saviour!”
“Can I have another bowl of soup? Pleeeaase?”
“My shoulder hurts, can you massage me a little? Pretty please, Mrs.Shinazugawa!!”
— But one question lingered on their minds collectively: How the hell did Sanemi find such an angel of a woman like you?! And how the hell did you agree to marry him? Were you forced? Paid? Beaten into submission?!
— Regardless, more and more of Sanemi’s poor trainees showed up crawling, sobbing or being carried/dragged across the dirt by their mates. They desperately needed nourishment and tending to their wounds, or there will be fatalities. You didn’t know if you were supposed to laugh or cry at the sight.
— Sanemi noticed how more and more of his slayers disappeared. Are they seriously hiding from him? Idiots. He started stomping through the training ground, following the smell of green tea and miso soup. That’s where he found you and almost all of his slayers.
— You tended to almost every single slayer personally, patching them up and giving them encouraging words. Some of his trainees even started following you around, trying to help you out and leave a good impression. Maybe you’ll give them extra portions of food or kind praises? Your voice sounded like a healing melody in comparison to Sanemi’s constant yelling and insults.
— But the peaceful atmosphere of you giving out some leftover miso soup and holding some light conversation with the trainees here and there was interrupted by Sanemi’s yelling.
“You’re all useless!! Ya think hiding behind my wife is allowing you to skip training, hah?! Back to the training grounds, shitheads!!”
— Yes, Sanemi is incredibly angry about his slayers hiding from him, especially crawling to you for safety and respite. But he’s more angry about the fact how they were all trying to get your attention and affections. Sanemi doesn’t mind when you interact with other people, or even men. He gets slightly jealous when men get too comfortable and start flirting with you,but Sanemi trusts you. He will interfere if things get too much though, just like now.
— Sanemi is feeling very jealous right now. He saw how you tended to the slayers. Your fingers were wrapping bandages around their wounds and bruises, and you were being so incredibly gentle and soft. You were blushing at their compliments and thanked them gracefully when they help you out.
— Your gentle touches should only be reserved for *him when you patch him up after a long night. Your hands should only touch *his skin with such carefulness and gentleness, and only Sanemi is supposed to make you blush with his* praises. Not these… good-for-nothing slayers.
— You are not oblivious, and you realised why Sanemi was really shooing them away. That’s exactly why you prepared the small batch of ohagi, just to show him that in the end, he’s the only one that received special treatment and affection from you. Although Sanemi only stops grumbling and complaining to you about his assigned trainees’ behaviour once you give him at least one kiss and some reassurance. But he still gave out severe punishments afterwards.
“Their annoying asses are getting on my damn nerves. I’m gonna have a fucking headache in the evening… soo… cuddles? Later?”
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed.
Anways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
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vrystalius · 22 days
How would Sanemi and Tengen react if they were jealous? For example,a random guy looked at his wife and said a compliment.
❕Sanemi and Tengen’s reaction of a guy trying to hit on his wife.
Someone is trying to hit on you while you’re on a date with your husband. How will he react?
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Note: Thank you so much for requesting! I had lots of fun writing this. Sorry about Tengen’s part being so short, I got really tired. My requests are open and I look forward to writing more! <3
Pairing: Sanemi, Tengen x fem!reader
(Creep behaviour in Sanemi’s part, mentioning of sickness and vomiting in Tengen’s)
💚 Sanemi Shinazugawa 💚
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— Sanemi really looked forward to finally go on a cute, simple date with you again. He’s a very busy person with a lot of responsibilities, and he felt like he was neglecting you for a while now. So, Sanemi planned out a cute date for you two: first stop, the main city. A new restaurant just opened and Kyojuro seemingly really enjoyed it, so he decided to take you out for a nice night. After eating, Sanemi wanted to take a walk with you on the outskirts and maybe do some light shopping, and then finish the night off with making some desserts together at home.
— Sanemi held you close to himself, lazily wrapping his arm around your waist and glancing at you every now and then. You made yourself look so pretty tonight, he can’t help but stare a little. Your pattern kimono was matching his new yukata he recently bought. You’ve made your hair look really pretty tonight, even though it’s always gorgeous.
— After eating out, he spotted a gold-plated hairpin with green gems in a shopwindow. He didn’t want you to spot it right away and gift it to you as a nice present to remember this day by, so Sanemi send you out on a mission to go to the sweet-stand across the street and grab some sweets for yourself and some ohagi for him.
— As you were ordering, you cannot help but notice how overly friendly the stand-owner was talking to you. He asked you what moved you to be out here tonight, what you were planning on doing and if you were alone. You mentioned multiple times that you were here with your husband, and that you were buying the ohagi for that said husband. The owner didn’t seem to care and shrugged it off.
“How about we talk for a little more? You’re nice company, and I might give you this stuff for free if you do.”
— This guy was seriously creepy. You expressed multiple times that you had a husband and were not really interested in holding a longer conversation with him. That made the owner pout and whine about your behaviour and how ungrateful you are. He just offered to give this to you for free!
“Didn’t you hear her, dipshit? She’s. Not. Interested.”
— While you two talked, Sanemi came back from the shop. He was surprised that you weren’t finished purchasing yet, so he wanted to make sure everything’s alright. That’s when he noticed how uncomfortable you seemed. You had a scowl on your face and your eyebrows were furrowed. You seemingly still tried to be nice and kindly push this creep away in a nicer and gentle manner and just get the damn sweets you ordered, but that guy just kept going.
— Sanemi was fucking mad. He waited to have this nice date with you since forever, and now this creep was fucking ruining it. He balled his hands into fists after threatening the stand owner, standing beside you. His blood is boiling, and it’s starting to get hard to hold back and make sure this guy will never be able to creep out another woman like this with more violent means.
— Realising that Sanemi was the husband you meant, the owner apologised to you and handed you your sweets and ohagi. He seemingly didn’t expect your husband to be this intimidating looking.
— After walking off and taking a small walk, not even ohagi managed to lift his mood. Sanemi was so pissed at this creep for making you uncomfortable. Ohhh, how badly he just wants to go back and beat this shithead into the curb.
— Sanemi’s mood lightened up slightly after seeing your happy face when he gifted you the hairpin after you and him got back home. He was glad that this date night wasn’t complete shit.
“Let’s go on another date again. This time in the woods or something, picking flowers n’ shit. I don’t wanna go back there for a while.”
🩷 Tengen Uzui 🩷
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— Tengen and you went out to run some errands. The other girls got sick with the flu and you and your husband are the only ones who are still healthy. So, you two went out to grab some medicine, food, (a new carpet after Makio accidentally threw up on the old one) and some blankets for you and your husband, since Makio, Suma and Hinatsuru stole the cosiest ones.
— While you two shopped, Tengen remembered that he promised to pick up a basket of sweet potatoes for his friend Kyojuro the next time he went out. So, he quickly dashed off to grab one.
— But while Tengen was gone, another man quickly found his place beside you and struck up a conversation.
— This man seemed nice, complimenting you on your appearance and choice of blankets. He was seemingly flirting with you, and you noticed that. You tried subtly explaining that you wanted to buy blankets for you and your husband, the husband you loved very much.
“Well, your husband is very lucky to have such a beautiful lady like you.”
“Beautiful? Surely you meant astonishingly gorgeous, flashy, beautiful AND incredibly attractive? Yes, I’m extremely lucky!”
— While this man was complimenting you, Tengen snuck up on you two and scared the life out of this random man with his voice. He easily held the basket of a sweet potato on his shoulder with one arm, towering over this man and looking down at him.
— Tengen doesn’t really get jealous. He trusts you and will instead show his affections to you right in front of the person, making them uncomfortable enough to leave. He would wrap his arm around your waist and coo at you, calling you cheesy petnames and smooching you all over your face. Sometimes, if he feels especially playful today, he’d cup your face and kisses you, holding his lips on yours for up to ten to fifteen seconds, or until you need air to breathe. This would make any person trying to flirt with you so uncomfortable, they’d quickly disappear.
— After an event like this, Tengen would tease you immensely about it.
“See? I’m not the only one who knows that I have the flashiest wife in all of Japan. No, no… the flashiest wife of the whole world!!”
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed.
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
Here’s my Hashira masterlist.
Here’s my Demon masterlist.
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vrystalius · 23 days
What does Sanemi like in a woman in terms of appearance and personality?
💕 The hashira’s preferences and likes in a partner
What do they like and prefer? Keep in mind that those are what I imagined for them and maybe won’t align with your imagination! Forgive me. <3
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Note: I know you asked for Sanemi, but I decided to add the other hashira. I don’t want to neglect the others, but I made sure to make Sanemi’s part extra long! I hope you don’t mind <3 Anyways, thank you for requesting and enjoy!
Pairing: Sanemi, Kyojuro, Gyomei, Tengen x female!reader
(Mentioning of being motherly in Gyomei’s part)
💚 Sanemi Shinazugawa 💚
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Sanemi doesn’t care about appearances, at all. The only thing he would prefer someone with a little more weight.
If you let him, Sanemi adores to just lay his head on, or preferably, between your thighs. They are so warm and feel so perfect resting on his shoulders. He’ll wrap his muscular forearms around them and gently give them a squeeze, smirking up at you.
Sanemi is a cuddle-bug and loves to be the big spoon and hold you. His calloused palms would travel over your whole body, lingering a little longer on your stomach. He likes holding and squeezing it a little, just to feel you squirm a little. It makes him chuckle.
Another thing I can think of appearance wise is that Sanemi would like someone shorter than him. He loves picking you up and just toss you around for giggles. Also, head-pats!
You’d be doing whatever when Sanemi would walk up behind you and give you a small head-pat, and then move on with his schedule. He’s also loves it when he needs to lean down slightly to kiss you. It makes him grin every single time.
Personality wise, Sanemi needs someone patient. He has a lot of issues, some he isn’t even aware of himself, so he needs a lot of time to work through them all, step by step. He craves reassurance and safety because that’s something he never truly had.
Sanemi needs someone that listens and understands what he’s trying to express, even if that’s through yelling or desperate attempts at trying to explain himself. He needs a partner that can calm him down, that listens and that shows him reassurance.
Also, Sanemi is incredibly afraid that he can loose you any moment. Perhaps by you being fed up with his personality or through a tragedy like a demon or crime, so he’s going to be very overprotective and clingy. He needs to make sure that you are safe and are going to stay with him. Again, this poor man needs a lot of reassurance and love, so be patient and loving with him.
Something that he needs in a partner as well is someone who is openly affectionate. He wants you to show him off, that you are glad and proud that he is your partner. It may make him flustered and he will complain about it, but please continue doing it.
In conclusion:
Appearance: Big thighs and stomach
Personality: Patience, reassurance, lots of affection
❤️‍🔥 Kyojuro Rengoku ❤️‍🔥
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Kyojuro doesn’t care about appearance either, but he’d had to choose something, it would probably that he prefers someone with a bigger chest. He enjoys putting his face right between them, enjoying the warmth and intimacy.
They’re also like pillows for him.
Kyojuro can rest his head on top of them, listening to your breathing and heartbeat, while at the same time getting cuddles from you and being affectionate. It’s perfect!
Kyojuro perhaps also appreciates bigger thighs, just like Sanemi. He likes watching them “melt” when you sit down. Looks like a perfect place to rest his head if you ask him.
His favourite thing is when Kyojuro lays his head down onto your thighs while you run your fingers through his hair. He’s going to have the biggest smile ever while his chest rumbles slightly, almost as he’s purring. Maybe he’s a cat in disguise?
Personality wise, I think Kyojuro would prefer someone either that matches his loud and booming personality, matching his energy and loudness, or someone very calm.
If were to match his energised and cheerful personality, you two would be unstoppable. Your conversations will be heard by everyone, if they like it or not. You both support each other in the fullest in whatever you’re doing, and you will be each other’s biggest cheerleaders and supporters. Also, you two would play wrestle around, tickle each other and have affectionate play-fights.
If you are a calmer person, Kyojuro likes how much of a calming effect you have on him. Not that he looses any energy around you, he just has more moments where you two can relax and lay low for a while. Kyojuro will still be your biggest cheerleader and motivator out loud, while you are quietly support him with lots of kisses and praises. Also, being around your calm aura gives him reassurance and safety, wich he appreciates greatly.
In conclusion:
Appearance: Bigger chest, thick thighs
Personality: Either matching his or a calming one
🧡 Gyomei Himejima 🧡
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Appearance wise, again, Gyomei doesn’t care what you look like. The only thing Gyomei would perhaps prefer in a partner is someone short. Not that that’s hard. Gyomei knows that he is a giant, and he absolutely adores holding you close and feeling the size difference. It just makes him cry and melt at the same time.
Also, perhaps Gyomei likes it when his parter is physically weaker person. Again, not that it’s hard to be weaker than him given that he is the strongest hashira, but Gyomei gets warm on the inside when you need his help to lift something. It makes him smile when he hears you gasp when lifts something you could never imagine lifting or carrying yourself, while Gyomei does it with ease. It’s adorable to him.
Regarding personality, I think Gyomei would appreciate someone who is very caring and attentive, even to strangers and especially to children. We all know that Gyomei has a soft spot for children, and he would cry a river if he’d hear you interacting with children and being motherly with them. It makes him think things.
Also, Gyomei would like someone that is affectionate. Doesn’t necessarily need to be pda, he just loves it when you randomly kiss, hug and call him pet-names throughout the day. It makes him cry and feel loved for.
You once made multiple bento boxes for Gyomei, being worried about how intensely and long he has been praying and training. You thought that he would pass out at this rate, so you insisted on him taking a break and eating every single dish you made for him. He appreciated it greatly how much you were caring for him.
In conclusion:
Appearance: shorter, weaker than him (I really hope this doesn’t sound weird)
Personality: Caring, motherly, affectionate
🩷 Tengen Uzui 🩷
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Now, Tengen would care a little more about appearance. He probably likes it when you have a bigger chest. Looking at Hinatsuru, Suma and Makio, it’s not a big surprise he’d like that. When group cuddles come around, Tengen will whine if you don’t let him rest his head on your chest and he will not stop until you let him cuddle your chest.
Also, Tengen would probably like someone that knows how to take care of oneself. For example, skin-care, elaborate shower routines, maybe even make up. Out of all the other hashira, he probably values appearances the most, although it’s not the most important to him.
Tengen would maybe value someone who is shorter than him. He himself is a giant, and he loves comparing sizes to you. Your hand in his? So adorable! You’re a head shorter than him? Head-pats, all day every day.
Tengen would maybe like someone who more calm and collected. You just radiates a safe aura to him.
If you are on the calmer side, you’d be like the voice of reason along side Hinatsuru. Tengen appreciates it how you can calm Suma, Makio and himself with just a couple of words or touches.
He loves it when you cup his face and just hold him quietly, permitting him to rest his head on your chest as well. Your calming aura makes him feel safe and comfortable.
Thank you for reading! I’m sorry if it fell a little short or doesn’t fit your own headcanons, I tried my best.
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
Here’s my masterlist for the hashira.
Here’s my masterlist for the demons.
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