#platonic buckingham
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 4 months ago
From Hell to Home to Back Again
Summary: At the talent show, Chrissy Cunningham is so hungry that she nearly collapses. When she's found by Hopper, her parents ended up losing custody of her. She ends up being placed in the care of the Hendersons, and she finally finds the family she so desperately needed. She also ends up falling in love. What other changes are made in this alternate universe?
@emen-98 @1lostsoul0fishbowl @vulpixsworld
Prologue. . .Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chrissy Cunningham was hungry. Her mom didn't let her finish her meal this morning. It was starting to happen a lot more lately. It was her first day of cheer practice, and she wanted it all to go well. She didn't want to disappoint her mother again. She was always disappointing her mother. Chrissy walked into the gym and towards the group of girls who were chattering away nervously. Not everyone was there yet. Chrissy set her bag on the floor just as her stomach growled. She cursed her mother.
"Are you hungry?" A girl behind her asked.
Chrissy turned around to find a pretty girl about her age with brown curly hair and dark brown eyes. She smiled kindly at Chrissy.
"A little, my mom was in a rush today, so I didn't get a chance to finish eating breakfast," Chrissy admitted.
"Well, that's not right," the girl frowned frowned and then she smiled. "I have a sandwich in my bag. We can split it and the chips!"
"I couldn't - " Chrissy said.
"Nonsense," she said. "You can't work out on an empty stomach."
She handed Chrissy half her sandwich and her chips.
"Thank you. . ." Chrissy trailed off.
"Heather Holloway," she said.
"Chrissy Cunningham," she said and bit gratefully into the sandwich, her stomach thanking her.
Chrissy was floating. . .no, she was being carried. She kept her eyes closed tightly. It wasn't real. No, Heather couldn't be dead. She sobbed into someone's back. Oh. Someone was giving her a piggyback ride. She knew that hair that was tickling her nose.
"Chrissy?" Eddie asked. "Sweetheart?"
Eddie was moving off to the side and setting her on the ground. They were in the mall again, and everyone was moving around them. Steve, Robin, Ronnie, Erica, and Dustin looked at her in concern. She could feel the blood drying around her nose. Eddie's eyes were clear.
"You're back," Chrissy said.
"Yeah, that was one hell of a trip," Eddie said.
"Heather. . ."
"Yeah, Ronnie caught us up," Eddie said. "Did you really feel it?"
"Yes," she sobbed.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry, baby. . .I know you probably don't want to, but we're going to have to run. There are Russians after us. Do you think you can run for us? For Heather?" Eddie asked, trying to hold back his own sob.
"Yeah. For Heather," Chrissy whispered.
She took Eddie's bandaged hand. She could feel Eddie in her head now, and she felt stronger, knowing that the voice couldn't get to her when Eddie was there. She walked with Dustin, Eddie, and Erica. At her back were Steve, Robin, and Ronnie. They all blended in with the crowd of people.
"Well, shit, that worked," Erica said.
"Of course it worked," Dustin said. "We just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come."
"Uh, Dustin, Chrissy," Steve said nervously.
"What?" Dustin asked.
"Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house," Steve said.
"Well, I might have given them your full names. Both of yours," Steve said.
"What is wrong with you?" Dustin asked. "You didn't tell them about Chrissy, did you?"
"No! Dude, I was drugged," Steve said.
"You resist. You tough it out. You tough it out like a man," Dustin said.
"Oh, yeah, it's easy for you to say," Steve said.
"Dustin!" Chrissy hissed at her brother. "You're sounding a lot like your father right now. "Tough it out like a man?" Wasn't that the kind of bullshit he used to spew to you?"
Walt Henderson was before her time before Dustin and Claudia came back to Hawkins. She knew enough about him from her mother and brother, though. He was a cheater, and he never liked that Dustin wasn't the kind of son he had envisioned. So, he was also a huge asshole.
"Hey, that's not fair," Dustin frowned.
"Neither is you making Steve feel bad about getting tortured and drugged," Chrissy said.
"You're right," Dustin sighed. "Sorry, Steve."
"I know you're scared," Steve said, squeezing his shoulder. "We all are."
Chrissy squeezed Eddie's hand gently and looked at him. She couldn't imagine what those assholes put them through.
"Guys?" Robin asked nervously.
They looked forward. Up ahead was a big, scary-looking man with a dark ponytail asking people questions. Chrissy was pretty sure he was a Russian and that he was looking for them. They quickly turned on their heels and started running in the opposite direction when the Russians spotted them. They tried to get down the escalators, but they were sectioned off with rope, which meant they weren't working. They had no choice but to slide down in between them to get to the bottom. They quickly found a spot to hide behind the food counter, and pretty soon, they were left alone with the Russians. Chrissy looked at Eddie and looked back at her. Did she look just as scared as he did? Chrissy pressed her forehead against his.
"I love you."
"I love you."
She wanted to say anything else, but she found her mind to be as blank as his was. She just needed to feel him inside of her mind, and he clearly needed it, too. She could hear the echoes of their footsteps. She couldn't see them but she could hear them. She could probably guess that they were probably getting ready to kill them. They were probably raising their guns right now. Wait. . .what was stopping her from using her powers right now? Nothing. Just as Chrissy was about to stand up, she felt it. . .someone else with powers. . .who needed her help. She recognized it. . .El. Chrissy closed her eyes, and together, she helped El lift the car. It rolled over the Russians like they were bowling pins. Chrissy stood up, her nose bleeding as she looked up at the second floor. El stood there with the others behind her: Argyle, Jonathan, Nancy, Mike, Lucas, and Will. They all moved at once, racing towards each other.
"You flung that thing like a hot wheel," Dustin said as he hugged El and Mike before pulling back to hug Will.
"Are you okay?" Will asked his boyfriend.
"I'm fine, dear," Dustin asked, and Will snorted.
"Lucas?" Erica asked as she ran towards him.
"What are you doing here?" Lucas asked.
"Ask them. It's their fault," Erica replied.
"True, yeah, totally true. It's absolutely our fault," Steve said.
"I don't understand what happened to that car," Ronnie said.
"El has superpowers," Dustin explained.
"Steve, what happened to your face?!" Nancy asked, touching it gently.
"Our boyfriends got tortured by Russians," Chrissy said.
"And drugged by them, too," Ronnie said, wrapping an arm around her girlfriend.
"Oh my god!" Nancy exclaimed and began fussing over him.
"I'm fine, baby," Steve said. "I'm here."
"You are not fine!" Nancy yelled furiously. "You got tortured - oh, I'm going to kill them!"
She softened and kissed the corner of his mouth that wasn't swollen, her eyes filled with tears.
"I don't doubt that you would totally kill them all," Steve said. "We kind of need that firepower here, though."
"Noted," Nancy said, smiled and tucked herself gently into his arms.
"What Russians?" Jonathan asked.
"The ones who just got flattened into pancakes by that car," Eddie said.
Just like that, everyone began arguing over the Russians. No one was focused on El anymore, except that Chrissy noticed that she had wondered off. She pulled herself away from Eddie and followed after the girl. Chrissy caught her just as she collapsed.
"GUYS!" Chrissy yelled.
Everyone stopped and rushed to their side.
"El!" Mike screamed.
"Oh, man, it's her leg!" Eddie yelled and unraveled the bandage. "Oh, FUCK!"
Chrissy, still holding El, looked down at her leg and gasped. There was a nasty looking wound and. . .something alive. El screamed.
"What is that?" Erica asked.
"There's something in there," Mike said.
"Jesus Christ!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Oh, I'm going to be sick," Ronnie said. "What the fuck?!"
"Keep her talking, keep her awake!" Jonathan yelled as he ran off.
"Hey, hey, sweetheart, look at me, it's Eddie. Can you focus on my voice?" Eddie asked.
El looked up at Chrissy, still writhing in pain. . .still screaming. She looked at Eddie.
"Yes," El said, but she closed her eyes.
"Hey, hey, stay awake," Mike said and then looked at Chrissy. "Let's get her on this side, on this side."
Mike took El from Chrissy and turned her around, laying her head in his lap. Jonathan came back with gloves and a hot knife.
"Okay, alright, El?" Jonathan asked. "This is going to hurt like El, okay?"
"Okay," El sobbed.
"Need you stay real still. Hey, you're going to bite down on this, okay?" Jonathan asked, handing her a wooden spoon.
Just as Jonathan had sliced open her leg, Chrissy got the idea. He was going to end up rooting around in there, and she knew the thing would only move away. There was another way. Chrissy grabbed his hand.
"I can use my powers. It's better this way," Chrissy said. "El?"
"Yes, yes, do it," El said.
Chrissy held out her arm and focused on the creature. It felt like she was pulling it out with her very own hand, but she was grabbing it and yanking it out with her powers. She screamed with El, and as the windows shattered around them, the thing was pulled from El's leg and tossed away. Someone's boot slamming down on it. Chrissy collapsed against El and Mike, breathing heavily. They all looked up to see Hopper and Joyce standing with a balding man with glasses.
"Oh, hey, it's Murray!" Argyle exclaimed, pointing to the balding man. "Oh, right, we don't like you."
Hopper moved to pick up his daughter, glancing around the place.
"What the hell happened?" He asked.
"Oh, man, I think we all have different stories to tell. I think Ronnie might know now," Argyle said.
"Yeah, I do," Ronnie said, her face pale.
They all gathered together in the middle of the mall, right by the fountain. Together, Joyce and Hopper patched up El, letting her lay between them. She was basically their daughter, Chrissy thought. Which would make El, Jonathan, and Will her cousins. . .right? Chrissy leaned against Eddie as Mike spoke.
"The Mind Flayer, it built this monster in Hawkins to stop El, to kill her and pave a way into our world," Mike said.
"And it almost did," Nancy said. "That was just one tiny piece of it."
"How big is this thing?" Hopper asked.
"It's big," Jonathan said. "Thirty feet at least."
"Yeah, it sorta destroyed your cabin," Lucas said.
"Okay, just to be clear, this big fleshy spider thing that hurt El, it's some kind of gigantic. . .weapon?" Steve asked.
"Yes," Nancy said.
"But instead of, like, screws and metal, the Mind Flayer made its weapon. . .with melted people," Steve said.
"Yes, exactly," Nancy said.
Melted people. The words floated around in Chrissy's mind. She didn't know how Heather died. . .only that she did. She was a part of that thing. . .it broke her down. . .squashed her like a bug. . .and used what was left of her to make itself stronger. Chrissy stomach rolled, and she rushed to the nearest trashcan. She didn't make it. She slipped and fell, releasing the contents of her stomach all over the floor. Her body shook with sobs.
"Chrissy, honey?" Joyce asked, and Chrissy felt her come up behind her. "Are you okay?"
"Of course, I'm not okay!" Chrissy shrieked, slapping her hand and moving away from her. "None of this is fucking okay! Heather. . .Heather, she died, and I felt it. I felt her die. She's - She's a part of that thing. She's gone. Gone!"
She collapsed backward, her entire body shaking with sobs. It wasn't the right time for this but she couldn't help it. She had failed. She had failed to save Heather. What would she tell Tina? Oh, God, Tina.
"Heather," she heard Nancy sob. "I wanted to believe she somehow made it. I'm sorry, Chrissy."
"GODDAMNIT!" Argyle screamed.
She had never heard Argyle scream like that, and it was almost chilling. She felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around her, and she looked up to see Eddie. He was cradling her, tears of his own on his face. She hated seeing him cry. She managed to sit up slightly. Nancy was sobbing into Steve’s arms, while Jonathan was doing the same with Argyle. Ronnie was letting Robin cling to her. They had all lost a friend.
"Sorry, Chrissy," Steve said, tears of his own in his eyes.
Chrissy clung to Eddie, the both of them crying. Eddie pressed kisses into her hair, and she could feel his salty tears.
"I'm so sorry, baby," Eddie said.
"It's my fault," Chrissy sobbed.
"No, sweetheart, it's not your fault. It's the Mind Flayer, he did this," Eddie said.
"I should have been able to save her. . .why do I have these powers if I couldn't use them to save her?" Chrissy asked.
"Even your powers have limits," Eddie whispered. "You can't do everything, okay? It's just not possible. You are not responsible for Heather's death, okay?"
"I don't know if I'll ever believe that," she whispered.
It was her fault. She was killed because Heather was her friend because that's what the Mind Flayer needed. . .he was controlling her every action, and she couldn't even say anything.
"Look, I know how hard this is for you, for all of you, but right now we can't afford to waste any time mourning, if we want to get justice for your friend the best thing that we can do is fight this thing," Hopper said.
Chrissy sniffled and nodded before pulling herself out of Eddie's arms. Hopper was right. With Eddie and Joyce's help, she got up off the ground.
"Are we sure this thing is still out there, still alive?" Joyce asked as she made her way back to El and Hopper.
"El beat the shit out of it, but yeah, it's still alive," Max said.
"I can feel it," Chrissy whispered.
"Me too," El replied.
"But if we close the gate again - ," Will said.
"We cut the brain off from the body," Max said.
"And kill it," Lucas said. "Theoretically."
Chrissy sat in Eddie's lap as they gathered around the table to go over how they were going to break into the Russian base. She couldn't find it in her to be amused by Erica's antics, but she appreciated it none the less. She never met Murray, but he gave her a not so good feeling. Something told her that he had crossed a line last year with Argyle, Jonathan, and Nancy. She tried not to let herself drown over the fact that Heather was gone, that she was never going to see her again, and tried to hold on to the people who were still there. She focused on her brother's voice as he helped show Hopper the best way to make it to the gate room.
"Okay, see this room here? This is a storage facility," Dustin said. "There's a hatch in here that feeds into their underground ventilation system. That will lead you to the base of the weapon. It's a bit of a maze down there, but between me and Erica, we can show you the way."
"You can show us the way?" Hopper asked in disbelief.
"Don't worry, you can do all the fighting and the dangerous hero shit, and we'll just be your. . .navigators."
"No way in hell!" Chrissy snapped at her brother.
"Chrissy!" Dustin exclaimed.
"No, you are not going back down there. I won't have my little brother getting killed or captured by Russians!" Chrissy yelled.
"How else will they be able to get there?" Dustin asked. "The walkies don't - "
"Cerebro, dumbass," Chrissy rolled her eyes.
"Oh, yeah," Dustin said.
Once Dustin explained to Hopper about Cerebro, Hopper began to prepare for his descent into the base. Dustin wondered over to his boyfriend and their friends. Meanwhile, Argyle, Jonathan, Steve, and Nancy all took their place at the table in front of Chrissy. Nancy grabbed Chrissy's hand.
"You and Steve were there for me after Barb died, we're going to be here for you, too," Nancy said.
"Will you be there when I tell Tina?" Chrissy asked, tears in her eyes.
"Of course," Nancy whispered.
"Oh, man, if you want all of us there, we'll be there, too," Argyle said.
"Thanks," Chrissy said.
Argyle reached for Chrissy's hand and placed it on top of Nancy's. It wasn't long before the rest of them followed suit. Eddie was the last one, and he placed a kiss in Chrissy's hair as he did so. Suddenly, Steve got up, motioning for Ronnie and Robin to help him. They came back with small cups filled with soda. They all raised their cups.
"To Heather," they all said and paused before toasting to her memory.
"I love you, guys," Chrissy whispered. "I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you."
"We love you, too," Eddie whispered.
Chrissy leaned her forehead against Eddie's, brushing away his own tears with her thumb. She hated seeing his face so bruised and beaten. She hated the fact that they ripped two of his fingernails off, and she hated the fact that they were all going through this. Were they ever going to have a normal life, or were they all destined to die young?
After a brief rest, Steve, Robin, Dustin, Ronnie, and Erica took the car that Hopper stole to Mount Weathertop to bring Dustin to Cerebro. That would be where he would navigate Hopper through the Russian underground base. Meanwhile, the others would be going to Murray's house in Indianapolis to wait it out there. Chrissy hated not being involved, but she also knew that El needed protection in her weakened state. Hopper nodded at Chrissy, and she pulled away from Eddie to wonder over to him.
"I know, I probably don't need to say this," Hopper started to say.
"I'll look after El," Chrissy promised.
"I know you will, but don't forget to look after yourself," Hopper said. "You're important, too, and not just what you can do for all of us. Okay?"
"Okay," Chrissy nodded.
"And kid? I'm so sorry about your friend. I would have given anything to protect you from that, you know that, right?" Hopper asked.
"I know," she whispered. "It hurts."
"I know it does, kiddo," Hopper whispered and pulled her to his chest. "You've got heart, don't lose that."
"I won't," she said and hugged him tightly.
"Benny - your father would be proud of you," Hopper said.
"He'd be proud of you, too," Chrissy said.
Hopper sat down next to El, pulling Chrissy next to him.
"My battery is low, but it will recharge," El said.
"I know it will, kid," Hopper said.
"I can fight," El said.
"Better than any of us," he said. "But right now, I need you safe. I need both of you safe. This thing is after you. It's not after me. Do you understand? Hey, I need you to understand. Okay?"
"Hey," Mike said, and Chrissy rolled his eyes at his timing. "We should probably go."
El smiled at Hopper and hugged him tightly. With Mike and Max's help, she stood up.
"Mike?" Hopper asked. "Be careful."
They walked off ahead of them, and Chrissy stood up, facing him.
"You be careful, too," she whispered and hugged him again before running to catch up with her boyfriend.
Chrissy held Eddie's hand tightly as they walked outside.
"I fucking hate being split up like this," Eddie said.
"I know," Chrissy whispered. "Me too."
Mike and Max got El into the back of Nancy's car. Jonathan went with Argyle to his van along with Eddie and Chrissy while the kids piled into Nancy's car. Both Argyle and Nancy tried to start their vehicles only for them both to sputter.
"Argyle? What's wrong?" Chrissy asked.
"I don't know, I just fixed this baby up and put gas in her!" Argyle exclaimed.
"Did you leave the lights on?" Eddie asked. "Wayne is always getting onto me for doing that shit."
"No, that's the first thing that I make sure is off," Argyle replied.
"Do we have gas?" Chrissy asked.
"Wait. . .did I fill up? No, I definitely did," Argyle replied.
"Okay, stop, man. Pop the hood!" Eddie exclaimed.
Argyle jumped out along with the rest of them after opening the hood. Jonathan grabbed a flash light from the floorboard and shined it over Argyle's shoulder.
"What the hell?" Jonathan asked.
"Shit! The ignition cable's gone," Eddie cursed.
"Oh, did someone rip it out?" Chrissy asked.
They looked to find Nancy checking out her car, too.
"Damn, look like's Nance is having the same problem," Jonathan said.
"Fuck, what are we going to do?" Argyle asked.
That's when they heard it. . .the sound of the engine, and Chrissy felt it on the back of her neck. The group whirled around to find a flayed Billy Hargrove revving his engine at them.
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wrayofmoonshine · 8 months ago
*grips your shoulders tightly* listen to me. you HAVE to make stobin weirder, okay? you have to make them the embodiment of that Secret Third Thing™️. they’re those cats at a shelter that you can’t separate for anything. make them do examinations of each others bodies cause they’re worried about a health issue. make them share a single piece of gum. make them swap pronouns and names and clothes on a regular basis. make them shower together. i need one of the kids to call for steve in a different room and have robin come to help instead because they’re one person. i need steve to show up to work wearing robins tag cause she’s too sick to come in. they have to get weirder, do you understand? it’s for their health.
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arelliann · 9 months ago
Tumblr media
@astrangersummer Week 8: Pool
Hey, hey guys, hey guys watch this, watch, hey, hey guys, hey, you weren’t watching :(
See their Roadtrip of ‘86 Series so far here
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every-aj-needs-an-angel · 2 years ago
Okay this one's been stuck in my head all day but I have absolutely time to write it so please share this vision with me
Try as they might, Steve and Robin couldn't get tickets to Chrissy Cunningham's arena tour, but they could get tickets to a festival she was playing.
The last thing Steve ever wanted to do was go and stand in a muddy field for sixteen hours while they waited for the headline act. But he was pretty sure Robin was in love with her favourite musician, and he wasn't about to deny his best friend a chance at love.
So he helped her make personalised t-shirts because honestly all the other bands in the line-up kinda sounded like they sucked.
His read, "Only Here for Chrissy" on the front and "I'm Steve" on the back and Robin's read "Chrissy, Will You Be My Girlfriend?" on the front and "If Lost, Please Return To Steve" on the back.
And it turned out, as they stood against the barrier in a not so muddy field, on a lovely, warm, but overcast, May day, that even bands that sucked could be fun. Even if it was only because they spent their day with earplugs in, so their eardrums wouldn't combust, bitching about each artist's lack of ability to put notes or an outfit together.
During the lunchtime intermission, the pair made friends with the lesbian couple next to them, Kayla and Jess, who were also eagerly awaiting Chrissy's set and similarly liked to mock those who committed crimes against sound and fashion. Steve was glad to have met them, they were really nice, and he felt better about leaving her to use the bathroom or to fetch food, knowing Robin was in safe hands.
He also felt better about letting her wander off, not that it stopped him from stressing out when she and Kayla had been missing for over fifteen minutes. He spread himself out to keep their places against the railing with his back to the stage, watching the crowd intently. Jess wasn't quite as chatty once they were alone, but she seemed content enough, bobbing along to the band that'd appeared on the stage.
Steve didn't turn back around to face the stage until he spotted the girls heading back towards them, he gave them a wave and turned around to look at the guys who hadn't been attempting to destroy anyone's hearing and was met with the face of the most gorgeous man he'd ever seen. Pretty face, long curly hair tied up in a bun, muscle tee showing off his many tattoos, piercings and chains and glittery Docs; Steve felt himself owl blink and blush.
God's gift to mankind was kneeling centre stage, guitar in hand making the most beautiful sounds Steve had ever heard as his fingers flew over the strings, and it was only when the rest of the band kicked back in that the man looked up, winked directly at Steve, and then jumped back to his feet, spending the rest of the song bouncing around the stage.
Steve only realised his mouth was agape when Robin finally arrived next to him and elbowed him hard in the ribs, giving him the same look she did whenever he was embarrassing in the club. He watched the rest of the Corroded Coffin, according to the backdrop, set in awe. Screaming and clapping along when they wished everyone a great day, throwing picks and drumsticks into the crowd and taking a bow; patting each other on the back as they wandered offstage.
As soon as it was quiet again, Robin wanted to know what the hell was wrong with his face and honestly, he couldn't answer her. He didn't even believe in love, not for himself at least, and he certainly didn't believe in love at first sight. It didn't stop him from spending the next couple of hours watching the faces at the sides of the stage, hoping to catch a glimpse of his new favourite guitarist, though.
As soon as Chrissy hit the stage, Steve got lost, between filming the set and watching Robin trying not to hyperventilate when Chrissy spotted her t-shirt, pointed to her, and giving her a coy little wink, blew her a kiss.
"An old school friend is here with me tonight, and I'd like him to help me out with this next track. Especially for the beauty in the front row, this is Girlfriend!"
The crowd went wild as the beat kicked in, but Steve was still watching Robin because it looked like she'd stopped breathing altogether. That was until she gasped loudly and started smacking Steve in the way she always did whenever she got overly excited; pointing wildly at the stage, and it was only when he looked over he saw Corroded Coffins guitarist bouncing up and down next to Chrissy.
Instead of the black muscle vest and skinny jeans he'd been sporting earlier in the day, he had changed into pale blue board shorts and a baggy white t-shirt that read "Hey Steve!" written in black sharpie with a giant winking smiley face underneath that could only really be seen when he swung his guitar around his back to copy Chrissy's dance moves.
The song ended, and the friends hugged, Chrissy waving him off the stage and calling out, "Eddie Munson everybody!" letting the crowd go wild for her friend before launching into the rest of her set.
By the time Chrissy had actually left the stage, Robin looked exhausted, having screamed and sung and danced herself out. They hung around a bit, said goodbye to Kayla and Jess, wishing them a safe journey home, and they were just taking one last look at the now empty stage when he heard someone yell his name...
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stevieschrodinger · 7 months ago
Part One Two Three Four
Steve sits with his head pressed against the steering wheel.
In the passenger seat, Robin’s doing her make up.
“What are we doing here, Rob?”
“You mean like, in the cosmic soul searching sense, or here specifically?”
“Here. Specifically.”
“Well, your beautiful brunette boyfriend-”
“You don’t score points for alliteration. And he’s not my boyfriend.”
“All right then, the man who is under the distinct impression that he’s your boyfriend, suggested we all hang out together. So we are here. At the place I suggested.”
“Because you know I hate it here.”
Robin makes a non committal noise, Steve looks, she’s pulling the horrendous mascara face. He goes back to resting his forehead on the steering wheel.
Steve does hate it here. Reminds him of...fucking work brunches with his father and Sunday lunches with his mother and he just. Hates it.
Steve sighs like a Victorian maid who’s betrothed has not yet returned from sea. He’s certain he’ll die from consumption at any minute.
“Shut up you big baby,” Robin tells him as she fluffs her hair, “all I want is to finger bang this chick in the bathroom and then rub my cunt on her face, is that too much to ask?”
And Robin has been wholly supportive of Steve so far, so, “no, I suppose-what the fuck Robin? Did you choose this place because-”
“I like the bathrooms-”
“-the bathrooms are nice-”
“Oh you fucking-”
“They’re romantic kinda’.”
“They’re bathrooms, Robin!”
“The lighting is good. I like the vibe.”
“Oh my god.”
Steve’s stares mournfully after his best friend. She’s at the bar with Chrissy, because Chrissy wanted to watch the guy make their cocktails, look he does tricks with the thing, like in that old movie with Tom Cruise.
Steve could physically feel himself ageing as she spoke.
“It’s so cool they’re dating.” Steve does not point out that whatever Robin's about to do to Chrissy, it will be a four letter word, but that four letter word is not ‘date’.
“You think?”
Eddie smiles big. The dimples come out. Huge happy brown fucking cow eyes. He’s not attractive Steve reminds himself viciously. He’s playing with his cutlery because he can’t sit still and...his chins too pointy. Or something. “Well yeah. It’d be so cool if they get married.”
Steve nearly chokes on his drink.
“Hey man, you okay?”
“Fine, fine,” Steve’s nose is burning from the bubbles going up there, “what makes you think they’ll get married?”
“Well...why would you date someone if you can’t see it going somewhere?” Steve hopes this is going somewhere; like to a bed, specifically, “so there’s a chance, right? I can tell Chris really likes her. I hope it’s like, a long term thing.”
Steve feels himself slow blink. He doesn’t explain to Eddie that you date someone because you want to stick your penis in them. Eddie turns to watch the girls again, they laugh, and Eddie grins at them, all happy and fond.
Steve sighs.
“You okay?”
“You just...you don’t seem so happy to be here man. Kind of tense.”
Steve has no idea how Eddie even noticed, usually people don’t notice. Or usually people don’t care, but it amounts to the same thing because coming to somewhere like this is just the step you take before you step into a bedroom.
“I...I actually don’t really like it here much.”
Eddie looks at him, leans close. He’s ready to really listen. He...cares. About Steve. Steve wonders if he’s going to come up in a rash; it feels like the sort of thing he should be allergic too. He wonders vaguely if there’s antihistamines in the glove box.
“Well...I.” Steve pulls a face. He doesn’t talk about...meaningful things, but he figures it can’t hurt this once, he can be vague. Especially if it increases the chance of doing the no pants dance with Eddie, “I don’t have the best relationship with my parents. I mean, they’re good parents, I had really good nannies growing up, had a great education, the best boarding school, they funded my degree, gave me a solid start at work, so they are great...we just don’t exactly get on all the time. We used to come here for pretty much every family meal.”
Eddie’s frown deepens the more Steve talks, “how often were the...family meals?”
“I don’t know,” Steve hums, “holidays I guess, when I was away, and then...maybe fortnightly? We don’t do it now, obviously.”
“Oh. Me and uncle Wayne had one meal a day together, at least, when I lived there. It was like, a house rule.”
“Oh that’s...you’re close?” To Steve that already sounds like something out of the fucking Brady Bunch.
“Yeah. Speaking of which, he’s invited you to dinner.”
“Dinner?” Steve asks weakly.
“Yeah, since you’re courting that boy, he said.” Eddie puts his hands up to do the air quotes. And then he grins. That big stupid grin. He looks so happy. So genuinely happy to see Steve. So happy about the prospect of just...seeing him again.
Steve does not point out that a blow job at a garden party, humping each other in a public bathroom, and one co ed BBQ does not courting make.
“Awesome, I’ll let you know when,” Eddie drums two forks on the edge of the table. Steve stares at his bony wrists. His mind suggests phrases like, ‘slender’ and ‘delicate’ and Steve ignores those and thinks about how he could very easily hold both of those wrists in one hand. “listen, do you want to get out of here?”
“Well, the girls won’t care,” and he’s probably right there, “and you don’t like it here, and I don’t care where I am as long as it’s with you.”
Steve riffles through his internal Rolodex and comes up blank; no one has ever said anything that sincere to him in his life. And Eddie means it too; he means everything he says in a completely unguarded way Steve has literally never encountered before. It’s like meeting an alien. Steve wants to put him under a microscope.
“I just want you to have a nice time, you know. I want you to be happy.”
Eddie reaches out and takes Steve’s hand.
Steve lets him.
Part Six
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fantasticallyfruity4 · 2 years ago
After months of bullying Steve that Eddie’s gay, he has to be, and has to be into him. Because he’s flagging Steve! Go for it! He’s totally into you! Robin finally makes Steve hang out with Eddie away from the kids. Dinner plans, but Steve insists it has to be casual and cool just in case, just pizza with them, her, and Eddie’s friend Chrissy.
Anyway after these months, Robin finally meets Eddie’s friend chrissy.
Chrissy Cunningham, finally outside of Hawkins high, is a different sight, outside her usually cheer uniform or substitute preppy outfits.
No. Be still her gay heart. Here’s chrissy in her mom jeans and her bandana and her combat boots and her flannel (Eddie’s flannel)
There’s a fucking carabiner on her left belt loop.
And Steve has a sadistic grin in his eyes.
Oh my god. Did Steve out play her?
“Oh right, you’ve never met chrissy properly. I thought you two would get along” he smiles.
And Robin knows he’s bluffing. He’s being a douche canoe on purpose right now.
She’s giving him the “Are you serious” eyes and her whole face is red. Her whole body’s probably red.
“If I’m having a gay crisis you’re gonna have one too” he whispers before they sit down, respectively next to their gay crisis incarnate’s.
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lavenderstobins · 8 months ago
have we considered robin wearing steve's letterman jacket and chrissy is inexplicably upset whenever she sees her in it. she can't quite pinpoint why until she sees steve and robin laughing together when he picks her up and realises with a jolt that she's jealous... of steve
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wheneverfeasible · 3 months ago
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link to prompt
Jim rubbed at his eyes which were pained in exhaustion, a headache blooming behind them. He released a heavy sigh before dropping his hand to stare at the nervous and embarrassed adventurer before him. He’d been advised against using the disgraced knight for the job, but Jim hadn’t been able to look past the man’s success rate.
Or the fact that he’d been the only volunteer to go up against the infamous demon lord who had been snatching up their virginal young women for whatever nefarious hell he was submitting them to in his lair.
“I sent you to slay the demon, not—”
“I brought Miss Buckley back!” Steve protested, hooking a thumb over his shoulder to indicate the most recent victim who looked just as put out as Jim did. Though she snorted when Steve hastily covered the gold on his hand with his other palm, while Jim just let out an aggravated sigh.
“To be fair, dingus, he was getting ready to toss me out anyways,” the young Buckley maiden pointed out. “Apparently he was getting tired of my ‘prattling,’” she scoffed at Jim, lifting her fingers in air quotes.
Steve shot her a dirty look. “Well I did convince him to let Lady Chrissy go, but she didn’t want to leave,” he huffed, as though offended at having his talents besmirched. As though the ring on his finger wasn’t mocking enough.
Jim let out another heavy sigh.
Steve turned back towards the warden of the realm with a small grimace. “Turns out Miss Holloway was taken by someone else too, Eddie said he didn’t tou—”
Steve’s smile turned dopily fond, and Jim’s annoyance turned sharper when he heard three sets of giggles come from behind a nearby grate. He’d had to have another talk with the triplets (they weren’t really triplets, one being biologically his, one being from his wife’s first marriage, and one being adopted, but they certainly acted like it enough times) about eavesdropping on important business matters again.
“Yeah, Eddie,” Steve sighed like the lovesick. “He said he didn’t touch Miss Holloway, but he said he’d find her for you if you call off any more manhunts against him.”
“And I’m supposed to trust the word of a demon?” Jim scoffed.
“Hey! That’s my husband you’re talking about! I mean…oops,” Steve said with another embarrassed little smile.
Right. Jim had too much of a headache to continue these talks. He needed a stiff drink. Hopefully Benny didn’t mind opening the tavern’s bar a little earlier than normal today. He waved a dismissive hand, causing the man before him to grin.
“So I can go back to my honeymoon now?”
Jesus Christ. “Return with Lady Chrissy to collaborate your story, and your whatever has a deal,” Jim grumbled.
“Chrissy isn’t going to be too happy about that,” Robin muttered, but she walked up to Steve and gave him a grin. “Let’s go.”
“Robin, you can’t come with me,” Steve rolled his eyes.
“Yeah? Well who’s gonna keep Chrissy company while you let that drowned rat of a demon lord ravish your body?”
Steve’s face pinked up as the giggles in the grating turned to full fledged snickers. Yup. Jim was done and needed that drink immediately.
“OUT!” he bellowed, which his somehow successful hired hero and the demon’s latest victim seemed happy to do.
He was going to make Benny make that drink a double.
Hostage Hotties (open):
@derythcorvinus @katyawriteswhump @honeii-puff @scoops-aboy86 @dotdot-wierdlife @everywherenothere @bumblebeecuttlefishes
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sc00ps-ahoy · 2 years ago
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months ago
From Hell to Home to Back Again
Summary: At the talent show, Chrissy Cunningham is so hungry that she nearly collapses. When she's found by Hopper, her parents ended up losing custody of her. She ends up being placed in the care of the Hendersons, and she finally finds the family she so desperately needed. She also ends up falling in love. What other changes are made in this alternate universe?
@emen-98 @1lostsoul0fishbowl @vulpixsworld
Prologue . . . Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
"The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west," Chrissy, Robin, Ronnie, Dustin, Steve and Eddie read together.
They had finally gotten the message translated. It was long after closing, and all the customers had left. They were the only ones left in Scoops Ahoy and in the mall. Chrissy still felt that sense of fear that something was wrong with Heather. It lingered in the back of her mind no matter how many times she reassured herself. She promised herself to call the Holloways when she got home. Hopefully it was nothing.
"It just can't be right," Steve said as he closed Scoops Ahoy.
"It's right," Robin replied.
"I think it's great news," Dustin said.
"How is this great news? So much for being American heroes?" Steve asked. "It's nonsense."
"You guys want to be American heroes?" Chrissy asked in amusement.
"It certainly would change people's perspectives of us," Eddie said and sighed. "As much as I try not to care about that. . ."
Chrissy and Eddie's hands swung together as they walked through the empty mall. Since no one else was here, Robin and Ronnie were doing the same. It was strange being in the mall alone at night. It made the hairs on Chrissy's neck stand up.
"It's not nonsense. It's very specific. It's obviously a code," Dustin said.
"What do you mean a code?" Steve asked.
"Like a super secret spy code," Dustin exclaimed.
"That's a total stretch," Steve said.
"I don't know, is it?" Robin asked. "I mean, after all that we have been through? With, you know, Higgins selling drugs to kids, Billy putting Chrissy in the hospital. . .Eddie's house blowing up because his father got him involved in a drug heist. . .and other things. . .okay, so let's say this is a secret Russian transmission, what do you think they're going to say? Blow the warheads at noon?"
"Yeah, okay, so you have a point," Steve frowned.
"She usually does," Ronnie said and then frowned. "I'm just going to ignore the other things that you won't tell me about. I trust you, I guess."
Robin looked guiltily at her and then shared a look with Chrissy. She looked back with sympathy, knowing how much you wanted to talk with your partner about these things but also knowing you couldn't. Robin quickly changed the subject back to the secret message, discussing with Dustin what it might mean. Meanwhile, Ronnie stared at her suspiciously. Chrissy had been watching them so closely that she didn't even notice that Steve had fallen behind. They found him putting quarters into a little horsey ride for kids. He fumbled with his change and cursed as it spilled all over the floor.
"Hey! I need a quarter," Steve said.
"Are you sure you're tall enough for that ride?" Robin asked and Eddie snorted with laughter.
"QUARTER!" Steve yelled urgently and Robin tossed him one.
They all watched him as he put the quarter in to start the machine.
"Need help getting up, little Stevie?" Robin asked, and Dustin laughed.
"Would you two just shut up and listen?" Steve asked as he pointed at the Indiana Flyer.
"Holy shit," Dustin realized. "The music. . .the music!"
"It was on the tape!" Chrissy gasped.
"Shit, nice catch, Stevie," Eddie said and clapped him on the shoulders.
"I don't understand," Robin said.
"It's the exact same song on the recording," Dustin told her.
"Maybe they have these in Russia," Robin said.
"An Indiana Flyer? I don't think so," Steve said.
"This code. It didn't come from Russia. It came from here," Steve said.
They all stared at the rocking horse in shock. Russians in Hawkins? No fucking way. Chrissy shared a look with Eddie. Well, there was another world under Hawkins. . .why not Russians, too?
"No way, that's insane. Russians in Hawkins, you've got to be shitting me," Ronnie said. "What would they be doing here? This is a joke, right?"
"Oh, yeah. Total joke. Got you!" Robin chuckled weakly.
"Okay, babe, you're a terrible liar," Ronnie said. "What the fuck is going on? What aren't you telling me?"
"What? I'm not - I am telling you the truth!" Robin exclaimed.
"I don't think any of you have been telling me the truth since Chrissy was put into the hospital," Ronnie sighed. "But whatever, if you don't want to tell me what's going on. Fine."
Ronnie walked off, far ahead of them. Robin watched her, looking sadly at her retreating form.
"She's not going to let this one go, is she?" Robin asked.
"She's Ronnie Ecker. Of course she isn't," Eddie said. "I hate lying to her, too."
Eddie put his arm around Robin and hugged her tightly. Steve moved to her side.
"Hey, if Nancy and I can get through this, then so can you and Ronnie," Steve said. "She's just mad because she cares about you, about all of us."
That night, they all went home with their thoughts running wild. Chrissy went to the phone and immediately called the Holloways.
"Hi, Mrs. Holloway," Chrissy greeted cheerfully.
She never really had a problem with her, but her husband, on the other hand. . .he was a real meathead. She knew Heather hated how much her mother drank, though, because of him.
"Oh, hello, Chrissy, how are you?" She greeted politely.
"Oh, I'm good, Mrs. Holloway," Chrissy said. "How are you?"
"Well, some days are better than others but I'm getting by," she said.
"That's good. . .well, I was calling to check on Heather to see how working at the pool went," Chrissy said.
"Oh, she absolutely loved it until that awful Billy fellow started working there. I know how much he bothers her. You're such a good friend for checking on her," Mrs. Holloway said. "Heather isn't here right now. She's spending the night at Tina's, I think. Hopefully, my baby will be a good influence on that girl."
Chrissy rolled her eyes. If only she knew. . .which she didn't. Heather's mother was usually too deep in her own problems to notice what was going on with her daughter. She didn't even know Heather was a lesbian or that she and Chrissy used to date. After talking with her for a while, Chrissy was finally released from the conversation and hung up the phone. She went to her room and plopped on her bed, feeling a sense of relief. Heather was with Tina. So. . .why did she still feel so worried? Chrissy rolled over and hugged Peggy to her chest, letting Eddie inside her head. She drifted off to sleep with Eddie's presence washing over her.
The next day, Chrissy was dragged to Scoops Ahoy by her very annoying brother. Robin was leaning against the counter with headphones over her ears as she looked over the translation again. Meanwhile, Steve was busy trying to cover for her. The last customer walked away, and the Hendersons took their place at the counter.
"Ready to scout the area for any. . .enemies?" Dustin asked cheerfully.
"Yeah, just hold on," Steve said as he took off his hat and apron.
"Oh, hey, I didn't ask. . .how's Nancy doing at the Newspaper?" Dustin asked.
"Oh, well, she actually has an investigation of her own going on. Something about the rats going crazy and eating fertilizer. . .I don't know what that's about, but Nancy's determined to crack the case even if those stupid misogynistic assholes at the paper try to stop her," Steve replied.
"Well, I'm sure Nancy will show them," Dustin said.
"Yeah, she's great like that," Steve said smiling fondly.
"STEVIE! DUSTY!" they heard a voice yell.
Eddie skidded into the ice cream parlor with a pair of binoculars around his neck. Breathing heavily, he stood in front of Dustin and Steve. He was wearing his cutoff shorts again and a stolen polo of Steve’s. He had torn off the sleeves as well. Eddie was wearing a bright pink scrunchy of Chrissy's in his hair. It wasn't that strange. They had all stolen each other's clothes from everyone amongst their friend group. Gareth had stolen a couple of pieces from Jeff and Eddie. One of them was a red flannel that he cut the sleeves off. Robin either stole from Tina or from Ronnie or Steve. Nancy, Chrissy, and Heather usually swap amongst each other. Robin always joked that no one would be able to tell if anyone was cheating. It was just something that they did.
"Jesus, I don't think the entire mall heard you, Eds," Steve said sarcastically. "Might want to yell a little louder."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. . .Reporting for duty, captain," Eddie said, and Chrissy cleared her throat. "Oh, hey, Chrissy. . .what are my orders?"
"And he greeted me like I wasn't his fucking girlfriend," Chrissy pouted.
"Oh, shit, no! Hi, my love!" Eddie exclaimed. "I swear I'm just excited about the quest."
"I'm really worried that you really are going to leave me for Steve," Chrissy said.
"What?! No, I love you!" Eddie yelped. "Baby, listen. . ."
Eddie pressed his forehead against hers, and she smiled as she felt his love for her pour through their connection. Chrissy sighed happily.
"I love you, too," She said and paused. "Okay, I've decided. You can go play your little spy game with Dustin and Steve."
"Yes!" Eddie exclaimed and kissed her deeply, pouring everything he had into the kiss.
Chrissy watched him fondly as he took off with her brother and Steve as they went to look for evil Russians. Ronnie had entered just as they had exited.
"Do I want to know?" Ronnie asked.
"No," Ronnie and Chrissy said.
"I came here with him, but the asshole took off when we came through the door," Ronnie said. "I figured he was excited to see you, Chrissy."
"At the end of the day, he'll come running to me when he tires himself out," Chrissy giggled and stepped aside to let Ronnie approach the counter.
"Are we okay?" Robin asked Ronnie.
"I thought a lot about it last night, and I can't force you to tell me if you're not ready to. It's just frustrating not knowing what's going on with the people I love," she said.
"I'm sorry, I wish I could tell you," Robin said softly.
"Well, that makes me feel a little better," Ronnie said. "I love you."
"I love you too," she said. "Does it make you feel even better to know that I wish I could kiss you?"
"It does. . .you still working on that message?" Ronnie asked.
"Let me help."
" . . . A trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly," Robin read the other part of the message to her.
Ronnie leaned against the counter, frowning thoughtfully. Yeah, Chrissy couldn't figure it out either. Before Ronnie could open her mouth, Erica Sinclair marched her and her friends into the parlor to take advantage of their company policy. Ronnie and Chrissy moved back to let Robin deal with her. Once that was done, they went back to it until a delivery guy dropped off a package for Scoops Ahoy, and that's when Robin connected the dots. The message was talking about the stores in the mall. It was a time and place for them to meet or to drop something off. Chrissy and Ronnie had stared at her like she was crazy as she stood up tall in the middle of the mall. Although, Ronnie looked at her more appreciatively. They had run into the guys on the way out, and they had followed after them.
"I cracked it," Robin said. "I cracked the code."
It was how they later ended up looking down at the back end of Starcourt wearing raincoats late at night as the rain came pouring down on them.
"The things I do for you," Ronnie muttered, and Chrissy giggled.
"There's your Russians," Robin said.
"What do you think in there?" Steve asked, talking about the boxes they were moving.
"Guns? Bombs?" Dustin asked.
"Chemical weapons," Robin said.
"Dragons," Eddie said, and they all looked at him. "What? Like that idea is totally out of the realm of possibility?"
"Well, whatever it is, they're armed to the teeth," Dustin said as he looked through Eddie's binoculars.
"Great, that's great," Steve said.
They watched as the Russians down below opened a set of double doors to put boxes inside a room.
"It's just more boxes," Dustin said.
Of course, Steve and Dustin had to fight over the binoculars. Their tussle ended up causing a ruckus and alerted the armed guards. They all quickly ducked for cover, and Chrissy squeezed Eddie's hand with hers. She noticed Robin, Ronnie, and Steve doing the same. They managed to make their way safely back inside and out of the rain.
"Well, I think we found your Russians," Robin told Steve.
"Holy shit! Russians really have invaded Hawkins. . .what the fuck?!" Ronnie exclaimed. "I mean, why would they come here of all places? What's so special about Hawkins?"
Chrissy shared an uneasy look with her brother, Eddie, Robin, and Steve. Ronnie definitely didn't miss the way the way they all tensed up, and she let out a frustrated yell.
"Still excited about your quest?" Chrissy asked Eddie.
"Not so much," Eddie said. "The minute I saw the guns. . ."
They all waited inside the ice cream parlor for the rain to let up, and then they all escaped the mall. Eddie offered to drive Dustin and Chrissy home, squeezing in the back of his van with their bikes. He dropped a quiet Ronnie off at her house, wincing as she slammed the door. Chrissy crawled into her spot.
"I hate when she's mad at me," Eddie nodded.
"She'll understand," Chrissy said softly.
"Is it really that much safer if she's left I'm the dark?" Eddie asked.
"We have no choice, Eddie, we all signed NDAs," Dustin spoke up.
"Yeah, I know," Eddie replied. "I just put her through hell before with lying to her and everything about what happened with my dad."
"Yeah, you put Chrissy through hell, too," Dustin said, narrowing his eyes at him. "Don't think that I forgot about that. Any, you can NOT tell because they'll cart all of us off to jail or juvie or foster care. Hell, maybe they'll kill all of us and cover it up. Whatever they do, I'd rather we keep our family together."
"Dustin!" Chrissy exclaimed.
"What? It's the truth!" He yelled.
"You could be a little more sensitive about it," Chrissy said.
"I don't know how anyone can soften the blow for that," he replied.
"By the way, I think you're being a little hypocritical for someone who ended up being the one that let it slip about all of this," Eddie said.
"That's exactly why I'm saying this, Eddie! I did all that to impress a girl! I brought something dangerous into the house! It killed Mews, but it could have killed Chrissy or our mom or you! Bringing you into all of this, it's my fault. I can't stop you from following me and making sure I'm safe and we have no other choice but to stop these bastards from coming into our home! We have to cause as little damage as possible, and we can't worry about NDAs or worry about more people getting involved when they shouldn't!" Dustin yelled.
It got quiet in the van, and a moment later, they heard Dustin sniffling. Eddie stopped the van and turned around.
"I'm sorry, shrimp," Eddie said.
"I'm just tired," Dustin said softly as he rubbed his eyes. "I just don't want anything to happen to anyone, but I also want all the shit that we've been through to mean something."
Eddie leaned over to wrap his arms around Dustin, hugging him tightly.
"You've got the biggest heart of anyone that I have ever met," Eddie said. "Never change, Dustin Henderson."
"I won't," he said and sobbed into Eddie's shoulder.
"You don't have to carry this crap alone either," he said. "Okay?"
"We're going to get through this together," he said.
Chrissy watched them fondly and let them have their moment before wrapping her arms around both of them. After all the tears were shed, Eddie pulled away and started the van back up. When they pulled up in front of their house, Chrissy turned to her brother.
"Why don't you go in? I'll be there in a few minutes," Chrissy asked.
"Why? What are you going to do to Eddie?" Dustin asked.
"Do you really want to know?" Chrissy asked and Eddie snorted.
Dustin huffed, pulled the door open, and slammed it before storming into the house.
"I love you," Chrissy said softly to Eddie.
"I love you, too," he replied and paused. "You know that I don't want anything to happen to Ronnie either."
"I know that," Chrissy said. "And Dustin does too."
"Do you think the reason that the Russians are here is because of the Upside Down?" Eddie asked.
"I can't think of any other reason they'd be here," Chrissy said.
"Yeah," Eddie said. "Fuck!"
"I'm tired of this shit, too, Eddie," Chrissy sighed.
The wall that they had put up earlier was still there, and Chrissy could feel it now more than ever. She hugged him but they didn't kiss goodbye and as she walked to the front door, she couldn't help but wonder why she didn't kiss him. Maybe she was just too tired. When Chrissy entered the house, she found their mother fussing over Dustin and his wet clothes. Claudia had immediately turned on her as well. After drinking hot chocolate and watching some TV with their mother, they went off to bed. Dustin had nodded off on the couch and nearly spilled his hot chocolate. Chrissy crawled into bed and curled up with Peggy Munson. Thoughts of Russians, Eddie, and Heather filled her head. It was too late to call Nancy and talk about it all with her, Chrissy thought as she drifted off to sleep. Shit! Steve said something about Nancy investigating rats, and she had been dreaming about rats. Chrissy fell asleep before she could question it further.
Chrissy was falling, and she was falling fast. She was in the void, and she could hear someone calling her name.
She appeared before Chrissy, looking gaunt and scared, tears running down her face.
"I just wanted to help. I know he hurt you, and even though he did that, I couldn't help but reach out to him. . .but there's something wrong with him, Chrissy. There's something wrong with Billy, and I don't know where he brought me. I don't know where I am," Heather sobbed.
"Heather, what happened?" Chrissy asked.
"He attacked me, and there was this monster. . . ," she cried.
"What monster?" Chrissy asked.
Suddenly, the void and Heather disappeared. Chrissy was standing in an old abandoned house.
"Chrissy. . .she does NOT matter to you," a voice in the darkness called out to her. "She's unimportant, unlike me. . .you shall soon discover. . .where your heart truly belongs. . ."
A dark figure came rushing out at her, and vines wrapped around her body. Chrissy screamed. Darkness overcame her.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
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artbean · 1 year ago
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by @annanevermore (nevertheless_5 on ao3)
“I cut my hair and it’s…not good. I know you can fix it. I should have gone to you first. I was just feeling annoyed and frustrated and suddenly tired of my hair, of all the expectations of looking like this…”
He could almost see her waving her hands at herself, even over the phone. She would make it look cute. He smiled at the mental image.
“Eddie, I need you.”
on to the second @strangerthingsreversebigbang! this one was an absolute blast and i’m thrilled to have put more platonic hellcheer content out in the world. make sure to check out the fic!<3
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arelliann · 11 months ago
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For @astrangersummer Week 1: short shorts & nail polish
I'm hoping to do a polaroid for every week of the event, mostly Steddie, a lil Stobin and Buckingham on the side, following them all on a summer road-trip
I'll be adding them all here
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yearningagain · 8 months ago
it's enough (to make a girl blush)
HIIII EVERYONE so you know that fic i was asking for a beta reader for?? well i found one!! and i'd like to present the first chapter of it's enough (to make a girl blush), my first SERIOUS fic that i 100% intend on finishing!!
i'd like to thank the amazing @kayleeofcamelot for being my lovely beta reader <3
also on AO3!
wc: 1.1k | rating: e (18+) | pairing: steddie | cw: none | tags: a/b/o, alpha eddie munson, omega steve harrington, modern au, baker steve, famous eddie, getting together, gay eddie, bi steve, soulmates/true mates/scent mates, side buckingham
part two | part three
"God, fuck- alpha, please ..." Steve begs, sat upon a man's toned, yet lean thigh, grinding and rutting against it as he chased his high. The man chuckled darkly, his hands coming to grip Steve's hips, tight enough that Steve knows there will be bruises, guiding him along roughly.
With barely open eyes, he managed to peek at the hands that would surely leave marks come morning. Dark tendrils of tattoos that stretched from the man’s second knuckle and up his arms. Fingertips calloused and dexterous, nails bitten and paint chipped, and almost every finger has more than two silver rings adorning it, save for his right hands ring finger. No, that finger holds only one ring. An aged, loved, golden band with three small red crystals set in a line.
Small gasps left Steve's lips, every roll of the omega’s hips pressed his cocklette deliciously against the fabric of the omega's thin shorts. Both pants had surely been ruined by the amount of slick that poured out of him, but he couldn't make himself feel bad about it, even if he tried. Something inside him, his omega , told him that the alpha was having just as much fun as he was.
"Ah- ‘M close, alpha..." Steve pants, head feeling pleasantly fuzzy. He could smell how his own scent had changed, the spiced apple scent turning into something heady and thick. Suddenly, he got hit with the most divine scent in the world. Campfire smoke and pine, a hint of petrichor and old books. Home- a whispered thought. It almost sent him over the edge.
Then, all of a sudden, everything felt wrong . It was as if he was floating away from his body, his mind a balloon escaping a child's loose clutch. He couldn't smell the alpha, just his own scent turning sour and rotten. The cool sensation of the man's rings where they pressed into bare skin suddenly spread all over, no longer comforting, but as if ice water had engulfed him. Something nagged at him, though, in the back of his mind. Something like a spark, settling into the omega and igniting coals to keep him warm and happy.
And Steve opened his eyes.
Steve glared at himself in the mirror, bare in preparation for a shower. There were no marks, no evidence of anything happening. One more glance over his entire body confirmed that there was nothing left of the alpha. It was a simple wet dream. The only thing that kept him from dismissing the dream entirely was his strong disappointment when he woke up alone, and the low thrum of energy he could feel stemming from his inner omega. (And the slick-soaked sheets he'd have to deal with later.) If he focused hard enough, he could almost hear the whispering rumble of "Mate. Alpha. Mate. Alpha."
He shook himself from his stupor and hopped in the shower. What did it mean, this newfound warmth over someone he'd apparently made up in his mind? Was he really that lonely? No, of course not. 
(Yes. He was.)
After turning over question after question in his mind only to come up blank, he sighed. He'd have to talk to Robin about this. 
Reluctantly set in his decision, he got out of the shower and patted himself dry, threw his hair up in a towel, and put on a fresh pair of sweats. Throwing a glance at his alarm clock, it read 9:57 AM . Robin should be awake by now, hunched over their dinky coffee machine with her eyes still closed and dried drool on her chin. 
It was Sunday, so Robin didn't have class and the bakery Steve worked at, Claudia's Cakes , was closed for the day. He figured he could take her out to lunch. Maybe the deli two doors down from the bakery? He had been having a craving for their Cubano recently. 
Stepping out of his room and shuffling to the kitchen, Steve found Robin exactly like he thought, arms braced on the counter to pillow her resting head. The coffee machine gurgled away, the strong scent mingling with Robin’s earthy strawberry aroma.
"Morning, Robs."
A small groan is all he got in response. He chuckled softly and fetched the sugar and creamer, setting it on the counter next to his best friend's birds nest of bed head. Taking his place at their table, he opened up his phone to check his messages (mostly from Dustin talking about some band he found online).  Soon, Robin slumped into the chair across from him, a mug of coffee placed in front of him as she sipped on her own. Now that she was actually awake, she looked at him with a curious expression.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" Steve asked her.
She hummed, taking a calculating look. "No, nothing on your face. You just... you smell different. Not bad different! Just different, like instead of cinnamon apple cake, you smell like roasted apples. And honey? What's up with that?" 
Steve is surprised she doesn't spill her coffee all over the place with how she flings her arms around, emphasizing her question with a pointed finger and finally slamming her mug down.
"I don't know, dude.” Another glare from her. "I really don't! Anyways, did you want to grab lunch at the deli today? My treat."
Sighing and giving him one last glare, she shrugged. "Yeah, sure. I’ve been meaning to stop by the record store, could we swing by on the way back?”
Steve threw a pointed glance to their overflowing record crate below their old record player, a housewarming gift from Robin’s mom. She huffed in response, crossing her arms and mumbled “I just want to look.”
Crimson painted her cheeks and she avoided his gaze, which was all Steve needed to know. He knew Robin had made a friend (or crush rather) in her music theory class at UIC, and she and Steve were basically some sort of cosmic twins, and he knew all of her tells. So when he asked if he’s finally going to meet her, she really shouldn’t be that surprised. She still looked up at him with wide eyes, dropping her arms to the table. Another pointed look from Steve and she relented, “She told me to stop in when I could because she wants to show me this really cool limited edition vinyl the store got in recently and she looked so pretty when she asked, Steve. She had these pigtails and she was wearing this eyeshadow that made her eyes pop and she was wearing the skirt I told you about, the one with the hearts? Yeah, that one! And her sweater was, like, four sizes too big and she looked tiny! Anyways, how could I possibly say no when she looks like that?! She batted her eyelashes at me, Steve. Don’t give me that look.”
The omega simply sighed, shook his head fondly, and stood up. 
“Be ready in an hour, Buckley.”
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whathehonestfuk · 19 days ago
Platonic hellcheer where Chrissy gets a crush on Robin but because of how stobin is assumes she's dating Steve Eddie offers to flirt with Steve to distract him and maybe get them to break up so Chrissy has a chance (whether he admits to offering this solution so quickly is because he has a crush on Steve is debatable)
Que shenanigans and flustered confused stobin
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stevieschrodinger · 7 months ago
Part One Five
“Robs!” Steve shouts through the apartment, toeing his shoes off at the door.
Steve heads through, and he can’t help but notice something looks kind of off. It looks different in here but he can’t quite put his finger on it, “Robs, did you do something to your apartment?”
“Yeah, I cleaned it.”
“Oooh. Yeah,” Steve looks back through the kitchen doorway, “yeah, that’s what’s different.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Nice to see you too, bitch.”
Steve frowns, there’s a cookbook propped open and actual like, fresh ingredients on the chopping board, “what are you doing?”
“Is that a rhetorical question because-”
“Robs, I have literally never seen you cook anything more complicated than eggs and toaster waffles, what is this,” Steve goes over to be nosy, “chicken satay skewers and bang bang cauliflower- what the actual fuck. I didn’t even know you knew what recipe books were.”
“Fuck off. And it’s for Chrissy, she said it’s her favorite-”
“Oh my god. I’m dead. I’m dead aren’t I. I got into a crash on the way-”
“Alternate dimension-”
“Jesus Christ-”
“Abducted by aliens?”
“Steve, I can cook a nice meal for my girlfriend, alright, it’s not, like, illegal-”
“Your what?!”
She stops and actually turns to look at him, she’s wearing her absolute dead serious face, “Steve. I like her. A lot.”
“So now you’re what, fucking pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen-”
“Steve! Look. She’s clever. She’s funny. She’s kind. She calls me out on my bullshit and she is extremely hot doing it. She plays volleyball Steve. Volleyball. Have you ever seen girls play volleyball? Not only is it insanely aggressive but the shorts are so tiny they’re on the verge of disappearing up her crack and it’s socially acceptable for me to go out and watch that Steve.”
“Yeah but- you don’t have to like, date her to get all of that-”
“I do. I do Steve. Because I want to. We can’t just do,” she gestures vaguely, “this for our entire lives.”
“But whyyyyy?” Steve whines.
“Because we have to grow up at some point.”
“Yeah but...now?” Steve knows he’s pouting.
“Good a time as any, anyway, aren’t you literally about to go to dinner at Eddie’s uncles place? Literally the only notable family member that he has? His only parental figure and therefore the most important person in his life-”
“You can stop now.”
“I’m just saying that sounds kind of serious-”
“I will throw myself off the roof to get out of this dinner. Don’t test me.”
Robin completely ignores him, “I’ve seen how Eddie looks at you,” Steve scoffs, rolling his eyes, “Steve, that boy looks at you like he’d crawl a mile over broken glass to sniff your farts. Could you just like, appreciate that about him for thirty god damn seconds.”
Steve has a range of acceptable beer. He has picked up a six pack of something from uncomfortably near the bottom of that range. He takes a deep breath as he grabs it off the passenger seat.
Steve’s pretty sure he’s never been inside a trailer once in his damned life, and he has absolutely no idea what to expect. From the outside it looks...cramped. Steve’s certain his entire bedroom is bigger than this whole place.
Steve prepares himself to be polite about whatever he’s about to walk into.
Eddie fucking lights up when he opens the door, it makes Steve skin itchy while simultaneously something flaps about in his stomach, “oh wow, you bought the good beer!” Eddie looks thrilled as he takes it to put in the fridge.
Which he makes it to in about four steps because the kitchen is like, right there. And Steve’s taken one step in through the door and he’s already in the middle of the lounge, which is, efficient, he guesses.
“Here, come sit at the table, Wayne’s about done with dinner.”
“Errr...thanks.” Eddie indicates a place at a cramped little built in breakfast nook type thing, and Steve slides in just as Wayne appears from down the hall.
It was fucking awkward getting in, it’s even more awkward getting straight back out again so he can shake Wayne’s hand, “good to see you again Sir.”
Steve gets a firm handshake, and then not two minutes later he’s eating the first bite of what might be the best thing he’s ever put in his mouth. Wayne Muson makes a pot roast that should win a Michelin Star. Who could have fucking predicted that.
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year ago
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Greatest Wingman In History Steve writing this in Robin’s place and making her deliver it to her coffee shop crush, Chrissy.
Biggest Pessimist in History Eddie reading the note with Chrissy and thinking he has no chance with his own crush cause not only he’s straight but he’s interested in his bff
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