#platonic!god the bounty hunter
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Pen Pals
A/N: Written for @the-slumberparty this is my second entry for the Bingo card combining “penpals” and “bounty hunter AU”. Reader is implied to be female (”spinster”) but no other descriptors. Possible Triggers/Warnings: mentions of stalking? Please let me know if I missed any.

Hello Hunter,
Hope you’re doing well and that your job isn’t running you ragged. How is that push for higher quality office coffee going? The library has been talking about joining up with a local coffee shop but, in looking over the paperwork, I really think it’s a no-go. Maybe we can do smaller events for the Summer Reading programs or something for the college kids that come home during Summer/Winter breaks.
Thank you,
Hello Y/N,
Once again I’m afraid I’ll have to switch up to sending you postcards. My work is having me do a lot of travel so I will be unable to receive your letters from the PO Box. But I do appreciate having someone to share my adventures with. The postcards are likely to be infrequent but I will write you a full letter when I’m back home and am able to receive your letters again.

True to their word, Hunter sent you postcards and other notes from around the globe. You weren’t sure what he did for work, just that they told you “it’s a lot of waiting for something, then running around like mad when it happens.” Part of you enjoyed the postcard breaks, it gave you time to build up more stories to put into your letters. Goodness knows you don’t have a very interesting life. Just a boring spinster librarian at a small town library.
Pretty much the most exciting thing you’ve ever done was join up with the pen pal program, just looking for something to look forward to. Many other pen pals had come and gone, losing interest in the program entirely, but Hunter kept at it with you. For five years now, you’d been sharing stories, complaints, hopes and tastes. You appreciated the distance, it helped you feel safer to share a lot of these things. And the postcards made you feel a bit of a thrill, you knew someone who had gone to all of these places that you knew you’d never be able to visit.
Seemingly too soon you received a letter from Hunter indicating he was home and looking forward to reading your letters again. You fretted for days because there was simply nothing to write about. Nothing interesting, no new people, no new programs. It was same-old-same-old. You got so caught up in having nothing to write about that it was almost a month before you finally thought about sending something.
Hello Hunter,
I’m so sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I wish I could say it’s because I was caught up in work or something but the fact is, there’s simply nothing to write about. I’m so sorry but, I fear I’m simply getting to that part of life where nothing interesting ever happens. I may need to space out my letters more, possibly even stop writing at all for a while. There’s just nothing worth writing about going on here.

It’s been almost three weeks since you wrote to Hunter. You feared that you’d never hear from them again and were starting to mourn the loss of the one exciting thing in your life. You missed the postcards, the letters, the hints at a world outside of your small town. It’s not that you don’t like your life. It’s quiet, yes, but you live with dignity and kindness and that’s what matters. In another world you’d very much be a Hobbit, but with books instead of food; helping educate others, instead of cooking for them or making them tea. It’s not a bad life.
So you allow yourself to mourn by treating yourself to some breakfast at the diner. It’s nice to have someone else make the food and coffee as you allow yourself to feel sad.
As you sit in the booth, lost in thoughts, you hear someone cough. You look to the source of the noise and see a tall stranger with short, dark hair, a stubble covered chin and dark blue eyes that seem to carry a permanent sadness to them.
“Can I help you,” you ask. You just can’t help it, it’s almost a reflex to ask whenever someone looks at you.
“You do help me, Y/N. You help me a lot more than you know.”
“How do you know my name?”
“I’m Hunter. May I sit with you?”
Your jaw drops and you try to say something, anything, but all you can think to do is gesture to the seat across from you.
As he sits, he tells you, “I know you can’t verify it’s me just from me being a stranger who knows your name. So let me show you.” He pulls a binder out of his bag and opens it to you. It’s full of all of the letters you ever wrote to him.
“I…I don’t…what’s going on,” you stammer.
“You said you were thinking of not writing again because you felt there was nothing to write about. I can’t have that,” he replied. His sad eyes growing more intense as he spoke. “I need this, need your letters, need your contact. My work is dangerous. I’m constantly looking over my shoulder. Writing to you calms me down, reading your letters helps me catch my breath. Please, don’t stop writing to me, Y/N.”
As you stared into his eyes you saw them brimming with sincerity. He was speaking to you in earnest and, while his intensity was almost overwhelming, you found yourself appreciating it. Trusting him.
“You couldn’t have just written this,” you asked with a chuckle.
“No,” he asserted. “I need you to know how important this is to me. I’m a bounty hunter who often sees the worst the world has to offer. I’m constantly on edge with no end in sight. You are the calm, quiet corner of my world that provides the only sort of stability I have.”
“Two things,” you quip. “One, you do realize how…scary this all sounds? Like a stalker/yandere kind of thing? And two, your name is Hunter and you’re a bounty hunter? This just adds to the potential scariness of the first thing, like you’ve been using a fake name with me or something.”
He blinks a few times. Clearly he wasn’t expecting this kind of response. He looks away for a bit and quietly says, “huh. I guess I didn’t think this through.”
The waitress brings out your breakfast at this point, looks at Hunter and asks, “Ooo! Y/N! Who’s your friend here?” You bite back a “not now” response, knowing that no matter what you say it’ll be all the gossip in town for the next month at least. So you reply with a simple truth, “he’s a friend of mine from out of town who’s just passing through.” You turn to Hunter and say, “order whatever you want for breakfast, I’ll cover it.”
“No, thank you,” he shakes his head. “I don’t eat before 8 AM.” The waitress looks a bit confused, but is clearly happy to have the start of some gossip for her later customers. She nods and walks away with a quiet, “enjoy your meal, Y/N.”
You nibble at your food as you each contemplate what to say next.
“Let me start again,” he said slowly, not looking directly at you. “I think I panicked because I don’t want to lose this connection, this life line.” You nod in understanding as you take another bite. “You are right, that my name isn’t Hunter. It’s actually a name I chose based on my moniker because my real name is kept secret for good reason. I joined up with the pen pal program to get some information on one of my targets and that’s how you and I started writing. You weren’t the target,” he assured when he saw the surprise on your face. “Nor was it anyone you knew. It was completely by accident. But, I found myself really enjoying the peacefulness of your letters. The simple joys of trying a new recipe, or a new kid joining the story group, and just…It helped me slow down when all I knew was how to rush.”
“I was scared to write,” you confessed. “I know my life isn’t boring to so many people. I like it, but I know it’s not for everyone. So I just…I think I just stopped thinking of things to write because I got the feeling I was repeating myself and you’d get tired of hearing from me.” He turns sharply to look at you and you continue, “you wouldn’t be the first.”
“Give me their names and I’ll hunt them down for you.” You chuckle at that, getting the sense that he’s being completely serious.
“There’s no need for that,” you promise. “I’ve just never had a friendship last so long and I think it scared me. I’m sorry you had to feel the brunt of that, I honestly didn’t think you’d care. But now I know better.” You reach out a hand towards his, “is it okay if I hold your hand?” He nods and you gently clasp his hand and smile. “I promise, I will continue to write. I’m genuinely sorry that I scared you.”
Hunter nods and packs up the binder of letters. He moves to leave but you stop him, “I have to know either your name or your moniker that created the name that I know.” He froze for a second before looking you in the eyes and telling you, “God the Bounty Hunter.” You raise an eyebrow and he continues, “it’s because every time I showed up the target would say something along the lines of, ‘oh god it’s the bounty hunter’. Eventually it just got shortened and caught on.”
“Well,” you smiled, “that’s certainly not what I expected. But, I promise not to make fun of you for it.” He smiled at that and headed out.

Hi Hunter,
So I’ve been trying my hand at growing plants again, I’ll make sure to keep you updated on that but please don’t hold your breath. I’m horrible at growing plants, even with all the resources the library has to offer! Though it might be fun to create a seed library. I’ll have to look into that.
I want to thank you, again, for your visit. I’ve actually found it much easier to try some new things. New recipes, new shows, new teas. Nothing big, of course, I don’t need much. I think it’s because I have someone who’s excited to hear about these things. Doing things for me is nice, but it’s so much more when you have someone who wants to hear about them as well. Thank you for being such a good friend.
Thank you,
#platonic!god the bounty hunter x reader#god the bounty hunter x reader#navy and roo's sleepover#god the bounty hunter fluff#platonic!god the bounty hunter
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In The Lonely Shadows (2/2) Dean W.
Summary: Crowely's always there to help convince you everything's going to be okay after Dean leaves with Lisa & Ben.
the first part of this was requested by my beloved wife @midnight-moonlight-and-mars sometime back in March.
Request: I've got a Crowley request! It can be platonic or romantic. It takes place the year Sam is resurrected and dean is living with Lisa. The reader was close with the Winchesters but after the fight with Lucifer dean abandoned the reader to be with Lisa and cas never answers ( unrequited love maybe?) so the reader teams up with Crowley and becomes like a bounty hunter for him for Lucifer loyalists.
A/N: It's technically not Crowley x reader since she's pining for Dean. Oops, but I hope you enjoy this all the same, my love.
A/N #2: people were rabid about asking me for a part two. So please, enjoy!
WC: 1.7K
Warnings: mentions of loneliness, and blood, the reader feels abandoned and unloved, crowley’s nice, dean returns. sassy & protective crowley
Read on Ao3!
Dean watched as your chest heaved up and down with every breath you took. The wind was howling outside, with rain pouring down. He was only partially soaked, having run for cover under teh pitiful awning above your hotel door. A suitcase was tucked into one hand and a backpack filled with supplies slung over the shoulder. He'd wanted to say goodbye before he left. But he couldn't. He was a coward, after all. He'd had a few visits from Castiel and Crowley, neither of them saying a word about you.
Though, he asked. He hasn’t spoken a word about Sam, either. The horror of watching Sam fall into the pits of Hell with Adam devastated him. So he ran away. He ran away to the person who would get him away from the hunter’s life, Lisa and Ben. He played pretend for as long as he possibly could.
Until he couldn’t keep up with the facade anymore. All he did was think about you, and the life the pair of you could have had. He’d find himself hovering over your name in his cellphone but never pressing the call button. Oftentimes, he’s stay up late at night, while Lisa laid peacefully next to him sleeping. He knew he couldn’t lie to her forever about what - or who - truly had his heart.
Oftentimes, when he dreamed, it was about you, your face and your hands wrapped tightly in his as you started behind him on hunts. Thats what he loved about you the most, how much you trusted him to protect you.
So months after he departed, he located you in this dingy motel, where rodents and garbage littered the parking lot, and a few street lamps flickered dangerously in this damned storm. He’d gotten a replacement key to your room, claiming to the sketchy old man at the kiosk that he was your husband and you didn’t leave the key outside for him. So, on the threshold of the hotel room is where he stood, his fight or flight response kicking in the moment he laid eyes on you again.
He hadn’t seen you in months, far too long. But not long enough to forget the way your cheeks puffed out while you were embarrassed or the way your hair always fell into your face when you’d laugh at his stupid jokes. He couldn’t forget the way you would shuffle into his warmth at night, either.
God, did he miss the way you infected all of his clothing with your perfumes.
He hesitantly stepped into the room, only to stop midway through in almost a panic. What if you moved on? What if you didn’t want to see him? What if you shot him? He wondered at that moment if you held any protection on you, or if you’d thrown all of it away.
But he took the chance anyway and stepped fully into the room, closing the door behind him quietly. He quietly toed out of his shoes and turned around before fully surveying the room. He couldn’t see any other person’s belongings in the room, so he assumed you were indeed alone.
Nervously, he tiptoed to the bed and studied your face for a long moment. He remembered everything about you-- your eyelashes, the dimple on your cheek. He wanted to reach out to you, nearly stopping himself as he felt his arm move without his command. He brushed his fingers against your cheek before he knew what he was doing and stepped back as your eyes had flung open in terror.
“Y/N,Y/N, it’s me, it’s Dean,” he said, reaching behind him for the pistol he always carried with him, though, he would never attempt to hurt you in any sort of way. “Hey, hey.”
“Dean?” you blinked through the darkness of the room. You must have been sleeping. Because you thought you heard Dean’s voice. And you thought you seen him standing mere inches away from where you slept on the bed.
Before he could get the chance to respond, another voice filled the room, a voice you’d come to recognize and acknowledge throughout these last few months.
“She doesn’t need you, Squirrel. She’s doing great without you.” Crowley’s voice echoed in the small room.
Pulling yourself into a sitting position on the bed, you wiped at your eyes before switching your gaze between the pair in front of you. Crowley had been watching you over the weeks, which you had grown weirdly accustomed to, so it was no surprise that he had appeared out of the blue. What had startle you, was the other man standing mere inches away from you. If you just lifted your arm a few inches, you would be able to clasp your hands together.
“You left her high and dry after Moose had fallen into the depths of Hell, where, mind you, he’s been shacking it up with Lucifer. You should hear the agonies and woes from him.”
You could see the agitated twitch in Dean’s cheekbones, even in the poor excuse of light shining through the cracked window curtains.
“But now, back to the matter at hand, hmm?” Crowley snapped his fingers, and the two-night lamps turned on, casting the room in sudden brightness that none of you was prepared for.
“How’s Lisa and Ben?” Crowley smirked as Dean looked entirely uncomfortable at the jabs. “Didn’t want to be a family man anymore, huh? Did she decide she didn’t want your baggage?”
“It’s none of your business, Crowley,” Dean quipped. He snuck a look towards you and almost melted at the sight of tears in your eyelids. He wanted to erase the heartbreak he had caused you. He wanted to erase the pain away from you.
He only wanted you to forgive him. He wanted you and only you. He wished he hadn’t run off after Sam had gone to Hell, but he was broken and insecure. He was scared that you would leave him as well, so he did the only thing he could think of doing at the time: He ran away.
He begged for Lisa to forgive him, and she did. She took him in immediately, even after he explained all that went down with Lucifer and Adam and Sam. She took care of him. And for a while, he could forget all the pain. He could mourn the loss of his brother in peace. But there had always been a hole in his heart that Lisa nor ben would veer be able to fill.
He hadn’t known it at the time until he had sat up the night before and wallowed in misery after having nothing but dreams and nightmares about you for months.
“No harsh words, Not Moose?” Crowley taunted as he took a step toward you, causing Dean to nearly topple backwards onto the bed you were still sitting on. “No quips? Nothing? What do you have to say for yourself? Because while you were playing house, I was left to pick up the piece of her broken heart! How noble of you. Leave her behind to wallow in misery, and now what? You expect her to swoon because you're back? Pathetic."”
You never thought you would see the day when the king of hell would be red in the face at the Winchesters. But here he was, pointing a threatening finger in Dean’s direction while the other man looked like a kicked puppy.
You wanted Crowley to stop the insults at Dean. But the fact that he was protecting you in this way meant so much to you. You never knew how much Crowley actually cared about you.
"I bet she’s just thrilled to have you back. Nothing says 'I care' like a good old-fashioned abandonment, right?" Crowley scoffed.
“Crowley, enough,” you sighed as you finally pushed the duvet away from your body and stood up, causing Dean to look at you with hope. With your request, Crowley quieted down, though he didn’t cease the glare or scowl on his features. Ignoring him, you took a breath, taking Dean’s height in stride. “So, what? You show up at my doorstep and nearly scare me to death, for what?”
“I was wrong,” Dean swallowed, blinking slowly as tears piled against his eyelids. “I never should have left you the way i had. You were mourning Sam as well, and I was a coward for leaving you. I never once stopped thinking about you. I never once let you out of my mind. Lisa knew it, Ben knew it.’
“I’m not forgiving you, Dean.” you held your ground, even as you had to wipe the tears away from your cheeks. “How could I forgive you? Do you know what the hell I’ve been through? You weren’t the only one to lose a brother, you know? Sam was my family as well.”
He opened his mouth, only for you to cut him off.
“It’s been fourteen months, Dean—fourteen long, terrible months. I celebrated Sam’s birthday without you. I celebrated your birthday without you. Crowley was the only one to check with me. Do you know he saved me from death on numerous occasions? That could have been you.”
He looked utterly defeated at the mention of the birthday celebrations. He could only imagine you singing to yourself with some cheap cake and a gas station lighter, wishing for the family you once held as you blew out the candles.
“Dean, I don’t know whether to hit you, kiss you, or put a bullet in you.” you scowled, pushing past him to walk over to the bathroom to wash your face. Leaving the door open, you heard Dean shuffle around Crowley to get to you again.
“I can’t leave you, not again. Never again,” he watched your reflection as you grabbed for a hand towel and wiped the water from your face.
Glaring at him momentarily, you sighed heavily before turning around and leaning against the counter. “Crowley will kill me for this. But I can’t help but think that I’m still in love with you. We can talk more about this in the morning. I had a long few weeks, and I’m absolutely exhausted.”
Eagerly, Dean followed you out of the bathroom, barely noticing Crowley’s absence as he tucked you into the bed before he climbed in himself.
**totally up for a part three IF people want it. So please, please, please, if you enjoyed this reblog this & leave comments.
#dean winchester x reader#dean winchester x you#dean winchester x female!reader#dean winchester x ofc#dean winchester x sister!reader#dean winchester imagine#dean winchester is saved#dean winchester icons#dean winchester is bi#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester fic#dean winchester fluff#dean winchester fanart#supernatural imagine#spn imagine#spn x reader#supernatural x reader#spn fanart#spn fanfic#spn family#spn fandom#spn famdom#dean winchester supernatural#dean winchester spn#dean winchester series#dean winchester smut#jensen ackles x you#jensen ackles x reader#jensen ackles x y/n#jensen ackles x plus size reader
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✎ masterlist part 2 . . .
yandere villain x gn reader x yandere hero part 2
yandere general
yandere celebrity
yandere side character
yandere octoman
yandere drider
yandere teacher
yandere janitor
yandere sugar baby
yandere sugar daddy
yandere slasher
yandere fiancé
yandere auctioneer
yandere vampire
yandere milf
yandere cosplayer
yandere hero
yandere ex crush
yandere monster
yandere rich girl
yandere boss
yandere blade oneshot (hsr)
yandere tomie
yandere platonic grandpa
yandere sahsrau
yandere academic rival
yandere female best friend
yandere twins
yandere food delivery driver
yandere immortal
yandere god
yandere sleepy bf
yandere imaginary friend
yandere yoga teacher
yandere wedding planner
yandere burger chef entity
yandere figure skater
yandere cannibal
yandere dad's loser bestie
yandere french fry chef entity
yandere platonic clown
yandere catboy
yandere loveless loser
various yandere mr loverman drabble
yandere detective
yandere mean boy
cute classmate
soft girl
soft boy
yandere female lead
yandere camboy
yandere lucky fella
yandere rich guy
platonic yandere himbo
yandere mobile phone plan shop worker
yandere younger brother's best friend
yandere killer harem
yandere cringe loser harem
yandere one eyed monster
yandere prison warden
yandere rental boyfriend
yandere tsundere
yandere foreign exchange student masterlist
yandere masseur
yandere teddy bear
yandere "good boy"
yandere genius
yandere shortie arsonist
yandere golden retriever
yandere death god and yandere life god
blue eyed yandere
yandere infected harem
yandere sweetheart
yandere manager
yandere influencer
yandere first date
yandere singer
yandere enemy
out of pocket yandere
yandere argenti (hsr)
yandere fwb
yandere seller
yandere t-rex hybrid
yandere lifeguard
yandere sunday (hsr)
yandere bounty hunter
yandere jingyuan (hsr)
yandere co actor
yandere criminal
yandere polar bear hybrid
yandere ghost husband
yandere gym rat
yandere beast
yandere demon harem
yandere casino owner
yandere malewife
masterlist part 3
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lf you have the time to make part 4 of friends after the events of part 2 stellaron hunter m/n take a break so he go to xianzhou to see the event ( moze,jiaoqiu,any chance feixiao saw then and go to he friendly enough to talk them) image feixiao saw m/n watching her.fighting hoolay and joined her and fight along side any characters of your choice
BTW you will have finished it I don't know what happened next BC I will have a break to HSR so yeah I WANT FLUFF AND ANGST (oh boy this one will be different)

Note: 2.5 is out, I can finally do this! This can be taken as romantic or Platonic.
Kafka: M/n~
M/n: Kafka.
The two greeted each other. M/n cracked his neck and walked over to her.
M/n: So what’s happening? Was firefly talking shit again?
Kafka: Hah. Since when did firefly ever do such things? Are you still held up about our little ‘bounty’ competition?
M/n: Your god damn right I am! She came in outta NOWHERE and took my place as the second most dangerous stellaron hunter! Fuck that! She used a whole as fucking mech suit to do that!
Kafka watched, with an amused smile. It’s always a joy to see m/n rant on about this like an irritated child. She let him talk for a bit more, before patting his face.
Kafka: Now now. As much as I’m enjoying this, I’m afraid you have a mission~
M/n: Hah? I do?
Kafka nodded
M/n: FUCK!
He flicked his body around, walking around before stopping and taking a breath.
M/n: Come on! I had to take care of that little trailblazer in belabog and the xianzhou abit before it was reveled I was a stellaron..— WHATEVER—! Sigh, what’s the mission?
Kafka: Similar to fireflies mission in penacony. You’re going back to the xianzhou. Elio has seen that you must find something there. That and, you must lend a helping hand when the problem comes.
M/n: Back to the xianzhou? and I have to find something…is it something internal like firefly…when do I leave?
Kafka: You have 5 minutes before wolfie teleports you somewhere safe at the luofu. Put on your best outfit, handsome.
She waved before walking out of his room. M/n stood there for a minute before sighing.
M/n: Firefly found something at penacony, and now me… is Elio trying to heal us or something? No… we have nothing to lose anyway… why would destiny bother with that?
M/n had been at the xianzhou for not even 2 hours and shit had already hit the fan. Guess that’s the xianzhou specialty nowadays. M/n had been walking around, rooftop to rooftop, trying to find anything.
He did see the nameless and played around with them for a bit, before leaving. And now, hoolay had escaped and his friend jiaoqiu had been captured as hostage.
M/n cursed at the whole situation. A part of him still was a cloud knight, seeing everything go to shit had stung him, but it wasn’t what bothered him. Honesty, the whole luofu could get destroyed and he wouldn’t care. But the borisin have his friend!
As he was searching for him, many unpleasant memories came rushing back to him. How he left the yaoqing, how he joined the stellaron hunters to revert himself back to how he was before he was forced to face an identity and internal crisis after meeting his ‘o so great mother’ how he regretted the way he left, but ultimately he accepted all this.
He eventually came across moze, trailblazer, and feixiao. He stopped, seeing how injured Moze was and listened in to their conversation, learning that hoolay was headed to the ship where the war dance was being held.
He immediately headed there, managing to jump his way up there. He quickly searched the entire ship, finding some borisin and killing then off after asking for jiaoqiu’s location. Apparently only hoolay knew. Much to his annoyance and slight excitement. He felt the ship shake and immediately sped up to the arena, seeing feixiao face off with hoolay.
He watched silently. Should he help? Why should he…?! It was HER fault why Jiaoqiu got kidnapped in the first place…. No.. no he’s just being childish. He jumped up and landed a diving kick onto the warheads jaw, having enough strength and rage to break his jaw.
Feixiao, March, Yanqing, and yunli watched in pure shock. Stellaron hunter m/n was here! But he was helping them!? M/n didn’t face them yet, he landed on the ground before turning around and slamming a fist onto hoolay’s chest, pushing him away from them.
March & Feixiao: M-M/n!?
Yunli & Yanqing: Stellaron hunter!?
M/n: I see I’m famous
He joked turning to face them, well mostly feixiao. Walking towards her, she clicked her tongue before getting ready to fight.
M/n: Your pointing that at the wrong person.
Feixiao: What’re you doing here!
M/n: Tsk. You see me after our little meeting in the interrogation room and this is how you react? Typical. I’m here to help fix YOUR fuck up.
Feixiao: M-my.. what’re you—
M/n: Jiaoqiu is captured. So point your damn blade at that mutt over there!
He stood besides her, talking out his own dual blades. Feixiao could only stare in surprise. She knew that m/n’s meant to make her feel guilty for Jiaoqiu, which worked, but… she can’t help but feel happy that he’s here, fighting along side her once more.
Feixiao: Fine.
March, Yunli, Yanqing: WHAT!!?
M/n: You three are still here?
Feixiao: Relax. Right now we have a common enemy. And that’s hoolay. We’ll deal with the m/n situation later!
M/n: Glad you care about me THAT much!
He bit back as feixiao smiled. Hoolay roared and ran towards the duo as they dashed in. The two began to bombard hoolay, their old teamwork slowly reviving and putting on a show for anyone who watched.
Feixiao couldn’t help but have a smile carved in her face. What was meant to be an emotional turmoil for her was quelled with m/n’s presence here. Just like back then. How it should’ve been, how it SHOULD be.
Hoolay was quickly defeated, but then ripped his heart out and threw it in the sky, infecting foxian’s with moon rage. Feixiao however, used her power to swallow the crimson moon, becoming the enemy. The trio swordsmaters wanted to help. But m/n refused, out right kicking them down to the luofu, leaving the arena with only HIM and feixiao.
-Inside Feixiao’s Mind-
Hoolay: Ahh.. that man. M/n? Possibly your biggest regret.
Hoolay teased as an imagine if a confused and crying m/n appeared in front of him and feixiao. Feixiao’s eyes widened as she stared at this afterimage.
M/n: I hate this… why do I even care!? Why should I care!!? I DONT GET IT!! WHAT THE HELL AM I MEANT TO FELL HERE!! AM I EVEN HUMAN!!? HELP!! WOULD SOMEONE JUST… HELP!!
It yelled, making feixiao wince at the sight and hoolay laugh.
Hoolay: The “lacking” general. Lacking in worries, regrets, and rivals! Hahahaha!! What a pathetic front! This one man destroys that foolish title of yours!
Another afterimagine appeared, showing m/n standing ontop of corpses of abominations and borisin, His eyes looked dead, his body limp.
Hoolay: Instead of helping your ‘friend’ you sent him off to fight in a war! And that’s when he realized how you truly felt about him! You only ever saw him as a soilder!
Feixiao’s eyes stung as she walked up to the afterimagine. Which changed to make its head stare ahead, right where Feixiao stood.
Hoolay: A capable warrior indeed! A powerful solider that was meant to be used by their superior! A remarkable weapon! That’s all you ever saw him as. And he knows it!
M/n: I’m…not even human. When have I ever been… even to the cloud knights. I’m just a pawn, a dog meant to die when they order me to… even SHE sees me as a dog…
Feixiao reached out, putting her and on his face as her saddened eyes stared into his dead ones as hoolay continued to torment her.
Hoolay: You only ever comforted him once, and you made it clear that you just wanted him at his best so he could battle!!
Feixiao: You were never a dog nor solider in my eyes.. your were ALWAYS my friend. You will forever be my closest friend… it’s me… I’m the one who saw myself as a weapon! You were always the only one that made me feel human!
She yelled, before slapping the afterimage away, once again ridding herself of the guilt she carried within herself for all these years. Hoolay didn’t seem pleased as a battle quickly escalated between her and a shadow of herself, the darkest parts of her.
As she held up her waraxe, two people appeared beside her. Two m/n’s from her own mindscape.
Evil!Feixiao: What?!
Feixiao: M/n…
Past M/n: You look troubled general~ don’t tell me that your scared I’ll take your general title~
Present m/n: Get your head together. You always pull me into your shit feixiao.
She looked at the two before smiling as the three got ready to battle hoolay.
-Timeskip, after the battle-
M/n groaned as he flopped against a wall of an alleyway. He finished his battle with feixiao and hoolay, and now he was tired, very tired. But, he didn’t let himself rest, he still needed to find jiaoqiu.
He had to escape from cloud knights and now was pushing himself to continue his search. He decided to head to the alchemy commission, to steal some ornaments. Once he arrived, he saw jiaoqiu! And he was walking!
He sighed in relief, knowing he can leave in peace. He took out his phone and messgaed silverwolf, ready to get teleported away. Only for her to replay “Elio said you still have some people to confront”
M/n: …fuck me…
He sighed before watching jiaoqiu walk towards the waves. He waited as feixiao walked to jiaoqiu and moze reveled himself, but he froze. Should he actually go out and talk to them? Does he have that right anymore?
Moze: Will you revel yourself.
Moze said as they all faced the direction where m/n was. M/n sighed, knowing he should’ve expected them to know he was here. He walked out, holding his side for a few seconds before facing them.
Moze: M/n..!
Jiaoqiu: What..!?
Moze said, shocked that it was him that was spying on them. Feixiao offered him a warm smile, and m/n looked back with slight irritation. Looking at jiaoqiu and his much duller eyes, showing m/n his blindness.
M/n:…I blame you.
He said looking at feixiao. Whose face twitched with guilt. Moze looked towards Feixiao, wondering if he should attack, but she shook her head.
Jiaoqiu: M/n..? Is that actually you…!
M/n:…yes.. it’s me—
M/n’s eyes shot open, seeing Jiaoqiu running towards his voice with a clenched fist. He raised his hand but stopped, deciding to not block it. He allowed jiaoqiu to hit him, actually feeling some blood drop from his nose.
Jiaoqiu: You have any idea how much I’ve wanted to do that…?
M/n slowly looked back, swiping the blood from his nose away with his thumb.
M/n: Yeah. Some level of idea.
He said moving his hand to ruffle his hair like he always did back then. Jiaoqiu allowed it to continue for a few seconds before slapping his hand away, not forgiving m/n.
M/n looked saddened by this but understood. He looked towards moze who looked indifferent of the whole situation, but m/n could see through moze. He was happy, and abit irritated m/n was here.
M/n: it is nice to see you again, Moze. Taking care of lil’ jiao for me?
Moze nodded and jiaoqiu looked away after hearing his old nickname. M/n looked towards feixiao. Looking abit more stoic.
M/n: general.
Her ears twitched at the title, shaking her head.
Feixiao: No please. Call me feixiao.
He re-greeted, which earned a soft smile from her. M/n sighed, not knowing where to go from here.
M/n:…you all have something to say to me. So say it. I already checked the area. It’s just us here… let me have it.
Jiaoqiu: Your a selfish prick.
Moze: Your an Irrational fucking mongrel!
Feixiao: Your a reckless dumbass that doesn’t think of others first!
M/n, stayed still. Accepting the verbal insults. He crossed his arms and looked away, his mind still in abit of a frenzy. After about 10 minutes of verbal abuse, the three calmed down.
M/n: well…guess all that was warranted.
Jiaoqiu: You think?
Jiaoqiu bit back. M/n just sighed and responded with a ‘yes’
M/n:…well. I believe we’re done here.
He turned around but his hand was instantly caught by feixiao.
Feixiao: Wait!
M/n did as he was told. Standing still, he looked back to see feixiao and her pleading eyes, looking as if she’d die right there if he left.
M/n: what do you want general.
Feixiao:…I know.. you don’t like me. Back then. You came to me for help because you weren’t truly at all good with emotions. So when you met your—
M/n: skip the fucking recap.
Feixiao: Mm—…. I’m sorry. I’m sorry my actions that day, which left you even more in turmoil than you already were in. I’m sorry I was being a general and not a friend. I’m sorry I made you think you meant nothing to me… in truth you meant everything to me. You WERE everything. Not just to me, but to us.
She said, holding out an arm towards moze and jiaoqiu.
Feixiao: Please… tell me how I can fix this. There has to be a way. A solution! Please, tell me anything. I’ll do anything to prove how sorry I am.
M/n: oh? And what if I want your life.
Feixiao: Take it.
Jiaoqiu and moze released a slightly surprised sound, as m/n held his blade against her neck.
Feixiao: If that’s what it’ll take for you to forgive me. Then I’ll gladly die by your hands.
M/n:….tsk. No need to be serious…. I forgive you…
He said, putting his blade away. Feixiao looked surprised but smiled, allowing the most joyful smile ever to grace their eyes. M/n, released a breath, turning to leave.
M/n: I guess we’re don—
Feixiao: Can you stay longer!
M/n: huh..?
Feixiao: Can..can you come back! Stay with us. Become a cloud knight with us again!
She said desperately. Wanting to spread more time with him, as did moze and jiaoqiu. M/n looked away and scratched his hair.
M/n: i don’t think I—
He was cutoff by a notification from his phone, taking it out and seeing a message from… blade?
Blade: Kafka has informed me to message you. She said your mission was complete, I read your script. If you want another opinion, I’d suggest you either take your generals head, or work on fixing your relationship with them.
M/n: no fucking way he wasn’t manipulated into sending this message!!
He said in his mind, but sighing. Putting his phone away. He looked towards the three and walked back to them.
M/n: Lucky for you, I have time off… let’s..get a party going I guess.
He said, abit awkwardly. Feixiao smiled and jumped onto him, hugging him tightly, much to his surprise. Jiaoqiu also joined in while Moze simply patted m/n’s head.
Moze: Let’s get a move on. I haven’t cleaned your house today.
M/n: You’ve been cleaning my house this whole time!?
-The End-
#honkai star rail#hsr#male reader#anon asked#anonymous asks#anon ask#anon answered#2.5 honkai star rail#2.5 hsr#stellaron hunter male reader#feixiao#feixiao hsr#feixiao honkai star rail#feixiao x male reader#jiaoqiu#jiaoqiu x male reader#jiaoqiu honkai star rail#jiaoqiu hsr#moze#moze x male reader#moze hsr#moze honkai star rail#xianzhou yaoqing#yaoqing trio#yaoqing trio x male reader
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oh my god, platonic brother Gojo is delicious, what is Toji’s reaction to reader being taken from him???
Obv he is maaaadddd. I mean its clear Gojo took u, the bodies of his clan members are all proof.
Toji will find you, way sooner than Gojo could because he's an excellent bounty hunter and he's gonna be using all contacts and resources to find your whereabouts. And maybe a week later, he finds you but he doesn't attack right then. No, no. He waits, bides his time to strike at the right opportunity.
Meanwhile, you're having the worst time of your life because you just overheard Gojo discussing with Mei Mei about a spell/talisman to terminate your pregnancy, which as much as you hate Toji now, the baby was a product of consensual love (or so u thought. You didn't know Naoya and the clan had used a spell to remove your IUD), and you wanted to have this baby. You confronted your brother about this, thinking that he must have the notion that you want an abortion, but Saturo simply smiled and patted your cheek patronisingly, telling you not to worry your head about this because you don't know what's better for you (which isn't your fault. You've been brainwashed by Toji) and your brother is here to take care of all your problems now.
You found this incredibly insulting and told Gojo off, but he simply grabbed you and began dragging you towards a room where he was going to use the spell to "rid of the monster in you", and youvjust began struggling against him, wailing and crying for help.
That's when Toji strikes, using his cursed weapons to pull Gojo away from you, but of course Gojo has his infinity on, not only on himself, but on you too.
"Let. Her. Go." Toji grunts, whipping those iron chains out.
"I'm glad you came. I can finally kill you." Gojo smiled before pushing you into a room and locking the doors, while you banged against it.
The two men fought, with Gojo clearly having the upper hand and he was getting close to winning when suddenly- he felt a major drop in your cursed energy, followed by a blood curdling scream.
Knocking Toji out, Gojo teleported into the room he had locked you in, and to his horror-
You were in labour.
All the stress had caused you to go into labour prematurely, and you were screaming as you began pushing the baby. Gojo scrambled towards you, eyes widening as he tried to figure out how to help you. You tried to push him away, yelling him to get away from you, but then you started screaming again, your face scrunching up and Gojo immediately knew you needed assistance right now or you would die.
"I'm taking you to Shoko! Stay still-" but you shook your head when he put his hands under your knees to pick you up. "I- I cant move! Get Shoko here! NOW!" You yelled, and Gojo was forced to listen as he saw the blood on his hands. He teleported out of the room, going directly to the infirmary to drag Shoko out and back to you.
A few minutes later and Shoko told that she needed to cut you open now to get the fetus out or you would both die. Gojo couldn't give two shits about the baby, he just wanted you to be safe and so, like a DIY project, Shoko told you to take a deep breath as she began cutting you open, all while Gojo held you down.
It was like a scene from a gorey movie: blood everywhere, your screams echoing the room, while two people who have clearly no experience in gynaecology pulled your baby out.
"Its a-" Shoko was cut off by Gojo. "Dont care! Help Y/n! She's bleeding out! Drop the fucking child!"
Shoko placed the baby to the side and began using her cursed energy to heal you, but by this time you had already lost too much blood and went into shock.
Shoko instantly took you to the infirmary while Gojo remained behind, holding your baby in his hands. Shaking his head, he brought it along with hin to the infirmary, handing it to a nurse.
He can worry about killing child later. For now, he needs to focus on you.
Days went by and you finally woke up, waves of pain hitting you from all directions. Just then, Shoko walked in, smiling as she asked how you were feeling.
"We almost lost you there. Who knows what gojo would've done if I couldn't stitch you up in time, hm?" She joked, neither of you laughing as you both knew the horrific truth behind those words.
"Sho- shoko, where's my baby?"
When she didn't reply, you repeated your question, this time begging her to tell you.
She looked towards your window, a grim look on her face.
"Saturo is in the garden. He took the baby from the nursery this morning-" you didn't need to be told twice as you began pushing yourself off the bed, your body screaming in pain as you staggered towards the garden, not caring about your stitches opening.
That's when your spotted Gojo, holding your baby over the edge of the mountain, ready to drop-
"SATURO, DONT!" You begged, stumbling towards him.
He turned towards, tutting at the bood stain from your abdomen. "Y/n, you should be resting. Now Shoko will have to redo your stitches." He chided, as if he wasn't just about to kill your baby.
"Saturo, please. He's my baby, let him go-"
"No." But you clung on to his arms.
"Please, I will do anything! I'll do whatever you say, Saturo. You want me by your side? I'll stay. You want me to stay in my room? I won't take a step outside! Whatever you say, I'll do it! I'll be good, Saturo, please! Just spare his life!" You cried and he patted your head, before gently lifting your head.
"Aww, its okay. You'll obey what I say either way! It's cute how you thought you had a choice, though!" He said before throwing your baby over the edge, holding you back from following it.
You screamed in horror as Gojo began dragging you back before eventually picking you up and taking you back to the infirmary.
"I know it seems like I'm the bad guy here, but in time, you'll understand that this was for the best" Gojo said as you began hurling insults and curses at him until Shoko finally sedated you and took you back in for surgery.
"Oh and Shoko?" She turned towards him, only to find him grinning manically. "Dont ever try to interfere in my family matters again." The "or else..." didn't need to be said. The threat was clear.
At the bottom of the mountain, your infant cried softly in his arms.
Toji Fushiguro may have caught his baby, but he didn't know how to comfort his newborn son when all of his focus was on freeing you from Gojo.
He swayed the baby gently.
"Shh, I know you want your mama, but you'll have to wait. Don't worry though, I'm gonna bring mama back soon, okay?"
#yandere gojo saturo#yandere gojo x reader#yandere gojo satoru#yandere gojo#yandere toji fushiguro#yandere toji#yandere jjk#yandere jujutsu kaisen
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Random hcs for kuina and zoro in a kuina lives au
- platonic x10000
-have begrudgingly pretended to be a couple for plans but they exclusively pretend to be a toxic couple on their way to divorce
-equally chaotic. She is NOT the voice of reason, there is no voice of reason. God is dead and they killed him for a klondike bar
-they become bounty hunters together pre-straw hats. They decide to run away as Kuina faces more and more pressure to be a ‘proper’ woman and stop training. They do end up lost/at loose ends and start taking bounties
-Demons of the East Blue “Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro” and “The Unshakeable Swordsman Kuina” bc she has a spectacular RBF
-They trade the three swords they have between them back and forth. Zoro aquires a fourth and starts perfecting three sword style. Eventually Kuina gives him Wado permanently because she wants to prove she can do things her way, including with swords that have no history
-mid to late puberty zoro makes a point to compare chest sizes and claims he’ll become the greatest swordsman WITH boobs bc he’s not a coward
-share clothes. In fact there is no his clothes and her clothes there’s just a pile on the floor or a bundle in the bottom of their backpacks that they grab from and sniff test each time they change
-this works bc he’s a smidge wider and she’s a bit taller. Around the post timeskip era she shoots up one last time and grows into her Tall Ass Wano Lady heritage. He of course gets bigger like in canon
-nap sitting up back to back often
-they also share a bed pretty often, a habit from their broke bounty hunter days, when they would do so to save money. Again it’s totally platonic but it infuriates Sanji to no end, which only makes them do it more
-kuina sort of bops in and out of the plot as they go while on her own training arc journey
-she’s def with them in wano, the bloodline connections alone would be hilarious
-kuina, standing between Kiku and Yamato: it feels like the universe is trying to tell me something I swear but I can’t figure out what it is goddammit but I can feel it in my bones (🏳️⚧️)
-armament heavy arm work zoro v armament heavy core work kuina (fueling her power from the whole body, since she doubts her upper body strength, also keeps her arms quick and her base steady). I just think it would be interesting to see them apply the same skills in a different was
-kuina has a great sense of direction and a stunning dyslexia/discalcula combo. Duo minmaxed for street smarts but they make up for each other so it’s fine
-Zoro still hates fighting Tashigi, because he sees her hesitance as an insult to female swordfighters and thinks she’s giving kuina a bad reputation. Literally no one else thinks they look similar, since Kuina stopped having a baby face like a decade ago
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(Clears throat)
So what is Dog?
pulling out my red string board like <3 they're gods weirdest soldier and my silly little guy who's gone through a few different iterations ! the very first being a purple/violet blood cusp troll

before being switched to a human design on the basis of "oh this would be SO funny"
(one of their more recent versions)
their timeline deviates from Homestuck canon, by the time is dog is born earth is pretty well absorbed into the empire and humans are an odd but not Entirely unheard of sight. what IS pretty well unheard of is someone Like Dog
under the cut for Rambling Length <3
their name is actually Jackal Glass, formerly an imperial spy who was constantly on edge but also enjoyed their job. until they had a meeting with the Empress who asked if they wanted to join up with the Church, jackal was too 👁️👁️ to do anything BUT agree (especially with the Grand Highblood, the Clown Pope, in the room) (and also Her Hound, the Orphaner Dualscar behind the throne)
jackal within the church falls under something of an interrogator and bounty hunter, and initially is NOT having a good time but soon enough feels at home. they eventually form a relationship with the grand highblood (bachus) as moirails and jackals pretty dead set that's It (they don't think humans can Feel pitch like trolls, they're some flavor of vaguely aromantic, and moirails for them is closer to a queer platonic relationship)
they're proven Very Wrong however when they meet the Orphaner Dualscar (saturn) as part of a job where they play emissary for the church. they hate each other IMMEDIATELY. very much a "I see the worst parts of me in you and I HATE that" deal (+dog has Issues i've touched on b4 and am gonna rb) which is also how they earn the name dog
bc saturn refuses to remember their name, calling them dog instead and they go "yeah okay. fuck it"
the timelines always Fuzzy but they do end up together + married and dog spends their time going back an forth between the church ship and his
their role is still something of an emissary but it's mostly for show and they still work predominantly as something bounty hunter like
there's also a few different timelines/verses !
troll!dog is the one where they wake up as a troll and just kinda roll with it (art by @almostourgalaxy bc LOOKIT THEM....)
came back wrong verse where saturn dies but is brought back to life All Wrong and dog is (purposefully) ignorant
ghost!saturn where he dies but isn't brought back, and dog is haunted both metaphorically And literally
both of those are also by ahab who lets me play around in his cities <33
#jackals barks#alicen tag#ship: hate made us feel so alive <3<#ship: reach out touch faith <>#saturn tag#tryin to think of the relevant details and Not do a 30 page essay- /hj
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Sometimes i just listen to a song and get such vibes for some of my favourite fictional people/OTP/fam relationships
For example
Devil- the wondering hearts
Its a loki/thor vibe so so much romantic or platonic it doesn't matter its them. Need proof ....
"You can call me the devil in disguise
I don't care, call me anything you like
I can see my redemption in your eyes
From my fool's paradise
Don't forgive me when I fail
'Cause everything I touch just turns to pain
I don't struggle either way
Suppose some things never change"
So much loki vibes! First of all "devil in disguise" obvious
"My fools paradise" always sacrifcing for thors benefit
"Everything i touch just turns to pain" give that boy a hug!!!!!
Army- lady antebellum
Its wonder woman/batman/the whole JL vibes
"On the front line she's a statue, a safe place to run to
The strength I need to get through every day
So if anybody thinks I'm a hero
When they watch me walk right into the flames
I'm just marching to the sound of her heartbeat
Yeah, I'm a solider but if I'm a solider
She's an army"
Like come on you cant tell me im wrong! I dont even need to explain this one.
Karma- taylor swift
Like need i even explain that this is Batfam
"Karma is a cat, purring in my lap" Damian
"Floating like a god damn acrobat, me and karma vibe like that" Dick
"Karma is a god" Bruce (while thinking about clark) (fight me)
"Karma is my boyfriend" Tim (while thinking about Kon)
"Karma is the breeze in my hair" Jason on his motorcycle riding around gotham
Karma is a bounty hunter, gona track you down" Dick again(this time thinking about his assasin husband slade)
So what im saying is...... do you have any songs that are obviously about certain characters
#dc comics#wonder woman#batfam#batman#justice league#loki#thorki#music#vibes#taylor swift#thor#dick grayson#bruce wayne#jason todd#damian wayne#tim drake
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Fletcher and Militsa actually play a role in my AU and I want to talk about them because they are incredibly precious to me. Rambling ahead:
Starting off by officiating that Militsa broke up with Valkyrie again on account of the evil god thing, they’re both very sad about it but Militsa is firm in her decision and Fletcher supports her in it.
Fletcher and Militsa aren’t dating (I headcanon Militsa as lesbian), their relationship is very platonic, but they do live together because it’s very crowded in Roarhaven and so it’s hard to get places to stay. It’s also safer because they can protect each other more.
Because really, they’re disaster besties. The world has pretty much ended and their ex is an evil god, they are not having a fun time and are trying to salvage what little of their life they have left. They mutually decided to not go work at the university because while it is safer, it also requires a sacrifice of morals and both of them are very motivated by being good people.
Currently, they both still sort of work as teachers, but they definitely don’t do so officially. Mostly they find empty spots in the city to hold little meetings that students can show up to and learn so that they get some form of education. Some of the other teachers from the school show up as well or hold similar meetings separate from them. The Sanctuary is working on a new education system since the old one kind of got messed up by…everything, but the two of them are doing their best to help people with what little resources they have.
Fletcher is a very jumpy guy who is also very protective of Militsa, and he stays by her side pretty much all the time. If there is ever anything that vaguely resembles danger, he will immediately grab her and teleport. He sometimes does this on a false alarm and Militsa doesn’t really like it, but she also understands that he has had everything stripped away from him and he doesn’t want to risk losing his best friend too.
I haven’t decided how long Valkyrie’s parents survive for in this AU, but if they make it to Roarhaven, than Militsa and Fletcher would absolutely help take care of them until they eventually die of old age. The two of them also took care of Xena until she died too, so really the two of them did a lot of tying of the loose ends that Valkyrie left behind.
Fletcher is eternally an optimist who believes that there does exist a way to fix Valkyrie, but he was absolutely appalled (although sadly not too surprised) at finding out that Skulduggery low-key emotionally blackmailed Valkyrie when she was a teenager. Militsa has more complex feelings but she is also horrified. However, she’s not quite as optimistic as her friend that Valkyrie’s situation is reversible
If the two of them were to survive long enough, they’d probably end up taking some other, likely most sinister job in order to survive (I’m considering bounty hunter) but I haven’t decided on what yet.
Until then, they’re just two sad best friends at the end of the world who’re trying to help those around them. I wanna hug them both.
#skulduggery pleasant#squeezing them#I wanna give them both angst grrr#battlescape of the gods au#i am once again skulduggeryposting
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A magic user wanted to hoard summer to themself, so they built a vessel to hold it (a baby) and trapped summer inside and then trapped the child somewhere only they could reach. Person A, the baby now grown up, is content to live in their giant garden that they built around themselves with the help of their powers. Person B is someone who, after hearing the reward for returning the season of summer from the gods, goes out along with many other adventurers with the same goal, but Person B works alone. Person B is clever and finds the garden and, instead of killing the young adult and taking summer from inside them (since they don’t have a way of holding summer aside from the human vessel), they convince Person A to leave with them. The two journey together as Person B guides them towards where the gods want them brought. But the longer they travel, the more Person B comes to care for the vessel of summer as a person, and doesn’t want the gods to kill Person A to take back summer. So Person B begins working toward keeping them both under the radar, now with the goal of protecting Person A and not because they want to keep the reward all to themself.
#Mod Poss#plots and prompts#Mage AU#fantasy au#god au#supernatural au#adventure AU#travel au#platonic#romance#summer au#bounty hunter au#death tw#(mentioned?)#writing prompts#creative writing prompt#writing prompt
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What are your top five "they either would or should put 'It's Complicated' as their relationship status" ships for Star Wars?
iofjgdfijs OH GOD I feel like a lot of my ships would do that but hmm my top??
(in no specific order tho)
Quinlan/Obi-Wan: this one may seem weird as an "it's complicated" but I think that Quinlan and Obi-Wan probably live in this weird in between world of "we are madly in love with each other" and "we are platonic soulmates/heterosexual life partners" (like the trope not that either of them are straight lol). They're exclusive and they're open. They keep falling in love with pretty girls who could murder them. They have semi-successfully co-parented two children together into knighthood.
Rex/Ventress: oh man I have been thinking about this ship in the back of my mind since you first starting sharing those "romance protag" videos dfijssiths. they are mortal enemies they are allies of circumstance they are both being held back by their lives even when they are feeling like they are doing the right thing they are also probably making out in the middle of a hostage situation when ventress is supposed to be interrogating rex and they are both angry about it afterwards.
Mandocule: (mainly thinking of Boba/Din/Fennec/Luke/sometimes Cobb but others too) I think polycules always make things a little complicated (I say as a polyam person) but especially when you have like... several bounty hunters, two of which turned community leaders, a former son of a "smuggler"/rebel turned Jedi, and a former slave turned sheriff, and it just gets... so chaotic. Especially when you consider the amount of trauma, daddy issues, mommy issues, and more this group has collectively, and they are all trying to co-parent a baby jedi who is older than the majority of them. All of them are probably wanted criminals on at least one planet.
Cody/Anakin: while I do think that they could have an actual "we talked it out" relationship, I think what is almost more likely for them specifically is that... lmao they wouldn't. They are both kinda sleeping with a superior/subordinate. They are butting heads all the time but kind of obsessed with each other. They would kill for each other but also might team up to kill Obi-Wan because he is driving them nuts. They both have extreme little brother energy and have both been usurped by a babier sibling that they are suddenly in charge of (Rex and Ahsoka). They both are a lot deeper than they give the other credit for, and they probably only really figure this out after they've already started fucking.
Padme/Sabe: I wasn't going to put this one on the list originally but the more I thought about it the more I realized it is up there even though I don't talk about it often. It's got so much good potential for juicy undefined tropes. Sabe is literally Padme's bodyguard/knight to her Queen, even moreso than Anakin is. She is hopelessly devoted to her and would do anything for her, and Padme is the same back but is also the one actually in a position of power and is extremely important to society. They're in love and have probably been in love since they were kids, even if Padme marries Anakin. And Duty would hold them back in a way it wouldn't for a lot of other ships in star wars. Their love is always there in the background!
this took me way too long to do but it was so much fun thank u nixy
#the problem is so many of my fave its complicated ships are either polycules or situationally complicated#so tried to reflect ones i almost always see as complicated lol#asks#phoenixyfriend#so if this ends up in the tags but i wanna tag for organizational purposes later on#also no there arent any clone ships on here bc tbh the way i view clone dating culture involves a lot of unspoken rules#and just works a bit different than natborn dating culture since they were raised to die yaknow#much more cest la vie and live for the moment#codykin#codakin#rextress#quinobi#obiquin#mandocule#padme/sabe#sabe/padme
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So I’ve been wondering for a long time, what is the deal with the double g’s in Tech Tuesday?
That kinda depends on what "the deal" you're asking about is.
In terms of characters, they're Geralt of Rivia (Cavill in The Witcher) and God the Bounty Hunter (Stan in Ghosted).
In terms of their job, they're the quality assurance checkers. They hunt down all the possible bugs that the programmers wouldn't even think to look for. They live by the motto:
"Whenever you make something foolproof, God just makes a bigger fool."
In terms of their relationship, the best label I could probably give would be Queer Platonic Partners. They have no sexual or romantic interest in each other but they're probably as close to soulmates as you can get. They're each other's emergency contact, reliable support, check in person, etc.
They do share an apartment because it makes sense for them. Cut the rent in half, only need one car to get to/from work, etc.
They're very comfortable with each other which is saying a lot for them. Geralt used to get bugged by his buddy Jaskier to be more sociable. Meanwhile God's bullies would always hound him about "how weird" he is. Together, though, they can just be themselves without judgment and that's something they're willing to fight to keep.
If you were asking about something else, please let me know!
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what's your royal au about? (premise, setting, characters, whatever you want to talk about)
so, basic premise: zam is the prince of a still unnamed kingdom, and he's heir to the throne. he has a sister, delilah. zam's childhood best friend is pangi, a village boy he would sneak out to see and spend time with! he would bring him food and gifts and whatever else he could, because the village is mostly on the poorer side. that upsets zam and delilah, obviously, but their parents r very mehh and aren't the best at caring for their people, but the prince and princess do enough good deeds that the people aren't super upset about it!
there's this scraggly group of village kids who get together one day, and decide hey, we don't want to be poor anymore. we don't want to have to rely on the good deeds of the prince and princess to survive. this group is composed of mapicc, a tiefling that saws off his own horns to try and look more human, a boy named parrot, who was training to be a knight, a kid named ro, a spellcaster in training. he's an elf! there's another boy, named spoke, who's apart of this group. he's studying necromancy under vitalasy, a high level mage who works for a guild with oasis, a shapeshifter. they do a lot of healing work.
anyway, this group of kids call themselves the leviathan. they decide that their goal is to topple the kingdom, and they want to start with the prince, the heir to the throne.
so they attempt to "kill" him. this happens while zam is in the village, unguarded — he doesn't like being surrounded by guards, he doesn't like having to rely on others like that, feeling weak and like he's dragging them down — besides, he's plenty capable himself.
but he makes a near fatal mistake. walks down the wrong alleyway, and brushes past a hooded tiefling. and this tiefling stabs him in the stomach, blood on his hands, and taunts zam. it's a power move, it's not to kill him, not yet. it's to get into his head. tell the people that the leviathan is rising, that they are capable of killing the prince. after this, zam and delilah are assigned knights, personal guards to follow them wherever, protect them with their lives. the leviathan only let zam live because they could kill him, and they wanted to send a message. and oh, the message was sent.
delilah ends up with reddoons, and they get along pretty well. and zam? he ends up with subz. subz is highly skilled and originally takes the job for the gold. that's what he tells everyone, anyway. but he cares for the prince. he cares about protecting him, so he swears his life to protecting him.
branzy is a tinkerer who lives in a kingdom a little far off. midmystic is the ruler of this one, but branzy gets bored. he's been exchanging letters with his best friend rek, a pirate, for years, and once he gets word that rek's crew, and their ship, the echocraft, will be docking at mid's kingdom, he arranges to see his best friend again. he meets chief, the captain of the crew rek is apart of, and they get a little too drunk and end up getting married. whoops!
clownpierce is the court jester, but also the kingdom executioner. he does bounty work in his spare time. he's extremely good at it. people theorize that he is not entirely human.
ivorycello is a monster slayer/bounty hunter. she works off and on with clownpierce. she's known as the "god-slayer" for rumors that she killed a deity, something she's never confirmed nor denied. she finds it funny that people have made themselves that scared of her.
ANYWAY!!! that's not nearly everything but !!! :333 if u have any more questions PLEASE ASK THEM!!! this is my pride and joy
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More Bounty Hunter!Anakin thots...
[OG post here] With Anakin being found by QuiGon and then being rejected by the Jedi Council he is aware of what the Force is. He goes with Padme to Naboo to grow up instead of waiting for Obi-Wan to outstubborn the Council. Only later for Obi-Wan to circumvent the council's decision anyway to give Anakin some training. He pops up on Naboo every so often, stays for dinner and a drink (or several) and gives Anakin some guidance. Not true training, just enough so he doesn’t accidentally shatter something or cause objects to start floating without meaning to.
With Anakin growing up alongside Padme I feel like their relationship would have danced on the romantic side a few times before eventually falling into the platonic camp. (no friends with beenfits is not a favourite trope of mine what do you mean). This also means that Anakin and Obi-Wan have a much better approach and understanding of one another to actually be brothers in all but blood. At some point, Obi-Wan visits and he finally has a padawan in tow? A fiesty Togruta who takes a shine to chaotic spirit Anakin and Obi-Wan can feel himself age on the spot.
Obi-Wan: What have I done? Padme: You brought this on yourself
Shmi is freed but she does not leave Tatooine, choosing to stay and use her knowledge to help other slaves too. Plus, it becomes well known that her son has become a rather famous bounty hunter who even the Hutts can’t buy. There has also been more than a few slavers that disappeared after they refused his terms. He, of course, tries to do everything legally at first - or as legal as you can get on Tatooine - with Padme’s support but, man, some people just really want to die apparently. If Padme happened to look the other way at the time she can’t be held accountable. Anakin almost goes back to Tatooine but Shmi was adamant about him keeping up with what he was doing (even if she wasn’t aware of the more illicit things he was doing for his job) as he’ll have more opportunities out there. But he gets to keep in touch, which is the important thing, and visit more often now that he has his own ship and can fly himself places (or he and Padme ‘escape’ on adventures together). While on Naboo as he’s growing up I like to imagine he trains to be a licensed pilot within the Royal Space Fighter Corps and graduates at 16 years old because of his skill level and his efforts during the Trade Federation Blockade. Defeated an entire station at 9 years old because of his intuitive force use and quick evasive flying. Plus, the Royals actually like him and please god they’ll use anything at this point to get their dignitaries to accept the security assigned to them. A couple of years later, he decides he wants to try living somewhere apart from Naboo. He’s seen so little so far and while he’s good at working in the military, he wants to explore. Like his heart yearned to when he was a trapped little boy.Only now he has the choice to do whatever he likes.
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb: The god of the forge…Life was good in the Neosphere District. I’d made a name for myself as a renowned supernatural bounty hunter, holding the record for most harpies slayed. But the best part about living in the future? Avoiding the other Olympian gods. Banishing a guy from Olympus because he was “imperfect” tends to make one hold a grudge. Go figure. And no other god possessed the means to time travel. But I did. Thanks to the portal hopping device I forged.Yup. Life. Was. Grand.Until a bounty popped up on a certain love goddess. Aphrodite and I had been friends since we were wee gods. I’d be lying to myself if I never thought our “innocent” flirting banter were real on occasion—kidding myself if I said I never wanted things to go beyond platonic. Hence, why I recently kept my distance. For my own sanity. So, of course, I made the grave mistake of taking the godsdamned bounty.The goddess of love… Since reconciling with my son Eros, after centuries of bad mojo, I’d decided it was time to clean up my act. Ride the straight and narrow. My companion service, Sans Solo, became just the ticket I needed. And it allowed me to use my powers in disguise in modern California under the name Vena Milo. With the aid of my best friends, and fellow goddesses, the Graces, we ran a legitimate business. All was right in the world. Until the volcano god showed up. Hephaistos. Heph—a lifelong friend who never failed to confuse me mind, body, and soul. Especially when he showed up with a magical pair of handcuffs. His audacity pissed me off, but the mere sight of him, the smell of him, made my stomach flutter. That…I couldn’t deny. And when Heph's plan goes to Tartarus things got even dicier and we became...the hunted. -A cyberpunk fantasy Hephaestus x Aphrodite romance that defies myth but answers true love's call-
A new cyberpunk take on Hephaestus and Aphrodite? Sign me up! In a world where the Greek Gods live in the modern world, the god of the forge lives in the Neosphere District, a grimy, cyberspace time in the future. Rather than live in the modern world, Hep has decided to live in the future, a place where he can make a name for himself as the most renowned supernatural bounty hunter. Life is dirty, bloody, and good. Well it was until he gets the bounty for the one Greek God (or rather Goddess) he never expected to see... the goddess of Love, Aphrodite. Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love who currently live sin the modern world, after finally reconciling with her son Eros, she is on the straight and narrow, running her successful companion business. Yet she has one little secret... her powers are nearly gone... they’ve disappeared and she has no idea why. When her childhood friend and someone she’s had a crush on since forever shows up to claim a bounty on her after not seeing her for years... to say she’s mad is putting it lightly. Hep has always been in love with Aphrodite, but she is the unattainable, he’s tried to nip his crush in the bud. How can someone so beautiful and perfect love someone as grim, dirty, and scarred as him? When Hep shows up to collect the bounty for Aphrodite... things take a turn and he is definitely going to have to turn the client down... which means now they’re both on the run from the client who has now placed a bounty on both of them. Now Hep and Aphrodite must work together to figure out how to end their bounty, save themselves, and finally face the feelings they have for one another. They’ll have to fight off against hunters, harpies, ancient beings, old enemies, and vengeful individuals from their past. This was such a cute and fun retelling of the relationship between Hephaestus and Aphrodite. The romance was great and the chemistry between them was adorable. The cyberpunk storyline mixed in with Greek mythology was so much fun and definitely such a unique take on the story! I can’t wait to read the rest of the retellings from this author and see what her next couple/story goes!
*Thanks Netgalley and Carly Spade, World Tree Publishing, LLC for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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Find Hell with me- Chapter 1
Platonic Bad Batch X Reader
Chapter 1- Wanna Find Hell with Me?
Summary- A western tale of loyalty, betrayal, and bravery -
The reader, a ranch hand and small-time thief, agrees to be a guide to the Bad Batch during their search for an outlaw. However, when she recognizes a familiar face, things get a little more complicated.
A/N- This is set around 1900 in the deserts of New Mexico. Think of the movie “Tombstone” and you’ll get the general idea. Also I gave the boys names so that their “nicknames” make sense in the context of the time. It is as follows:
Morgan Hunter (Hunter)
John Cross AKA John Bassett ( Crosshair)
Warren Jones (Wrecker)
Timothy Hughs (tech)
I didn’t include Echo or Omega because I just felt like I couldn’t work it into the story. Also Fem!reader
Any gore/violence warnings will be included at the beginning of the chapter in the Author's notes. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this. As always, Kudos and comments are always welcome and appreciated. Let me know if you have any idea for future fics.
Rated M for language, violence and gore.
Warnings for chapter 1- Language
Cross-posted on AO3
It was another hot day in this God forsaken town. You were inhabiting your usual spot in the back of Kate’s saloon, scouting out new marks, when two men you’ve never seen before stroll into the bar. It was not unusual for strangers to pass through these parts, but something about these men piqued your interest so you decided to listen in on their conversation.
“What’ll it be boys?” the bartender asks as they walk up.
“Whiskey,” the dark haired one grumbles. While their backs are turned, you decide that this is your chance to size each of them up.The gun belts strapped to their hips indicate they are not visiting just for pleasure. The one who ordered has his dark brown hair held back by a bandana. His suit indicates that he has some form of stable income, and, by the looks of the dark circles under his eyes, it’s not an easy job. Even with a birthmark covering half of his face, he is still what many would consider to be handsome. Ok dark and broody, who is your friend? Unlike him, his friend has short hair. Even though he doesn’t look old enough, his hair is all grey. He has a scar over his eye and an ever present look of disgust adorning his face. You could have sworn you’d seen his face somewhere.
Lawmen? Bounty hunters? You search your mind for some occupation that fits the two of them.
The door swings open and you see two more strangers walk it. They must know each other since the men at the bar wave them over. The newcomers are quite the pair, one is a large muscular man that stands around 6’6 while the other is shorter and has oversized glasses on his face, making his eyes seem just a little too big for his head. Now we have Muscles and the Professor. This just keeps getting more interesting.
“So you boys some kind of bounty hunters or something?” the bartender questions as he lean over the counter top to hand over their drinks. All of the men look back at the bartender before the gray haired one speaks. His voice is cold and calculating, the type you wouldn’t want to be on the bad side. But, judging from his next comment, you think that just about everyone is on his bad side.
“What’s it to you?” he sneers. The bartender seems to get the message that none of them are interested in a conversation and turns around to leave the men to their drinks. He sure seems pleasant, probably gave himself that scar.
The noise in the bar picks up, the piano drowns out their conversation. As the four of them quietly chat amongst themselves you make up your mind on who seems like the easiest target.
Hmm Dark and Broady? No, poor man already looks like he’s been through enough without me stealing from him. Muscles? No. The Professor? Bingo
Dark and broody calls the bartender over to refill his glass, as the bartender does this he leans in and appears to ask him something.
However, before you can make your move you see the bartender gesturing to you. What could he be talking about? Dark and broody stands and begins making his way over to you.
I guess I’m about to find out.
“Ma’am, the bartender told me you might be able to help me out,” the man greets you.
“If yer lookin for a workin’ girl, yer in the wrong place. The cathouse is two buildings down,” you respond before taking a swig of your beer. The man raises his eyebrows in surprise.
“Oh no, it’s not that kinda help,” the man explains, a little flustered.
You motion for him to join you at the table before leaning forward a little.
“So what can I do for ya?”
“We’re lookin for a man,” Dark and Broody begins to explain.
“So am I,” you smirk, throwing the man off a little,” sorry, continue.”
“This man to be exact. We’ve heard he’s been hidin out in the mesas around here.”
Dark and Broody pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket before unfolding it and sliding it across the table for you to see. It’s a wanted poster for Frank ‘Hellcat’ Hardin, con man and leader of a notorious band of outlaws, you’ve seen it before in the sheriff's office. You look at the smug face of the man. Your old boss. But there is no way he could know that, could he? You decide the best course of action is to play dumb.
“I’ve seen this poster before, but I don’t rightly know how I can help y’all find ‘em,” you comment as you push the poster back towards him.
“Well the bartender was tellin’ me you know yer way around that particular area of the desert. To make a long story short we need a guide and heard you are the best there is,” Dark and Broody explains. Ah so he doesn’t know. Let’s keep it that way.
“Say I do help ya find this man, what’s in it for me?”
“You’ll be paid of course. $1000 total. $500 up front and $500 when we return,” the man announces.
$1000! You could live comfortably off that for at least the next six months. You could even get out of this town, maybe even travel eastward.
“I might be able to help. Why ya lookin for this feller anyway?” You ask as you try to figure out the man in front of you.
“No ma’am. We ain’t bounty hunters. We’re US marshals,” the man states. Damn. That’s even worse.
You lean back as you assess the situation. On one hand going with them could put you at risk, being a thief and all, but on the other, that is a lot of money and you’d hate to pass it up . Well if all else fails I can just take the $500, shoot them then leave ‘em out in the desert.
“Alright, ya got yourself a deal,” you announce before holding your hand out to shake on it,” so what should I call ya marshal?”
“My name is Morgan Hunter, or just Hunter for short and you?”
You sure as hell aren’t going to give the man your real name, so you think up a false one quickly.
“You can call me Sadie Hart.”
“Alright Miss Hart. Looks like we’ve got ourselves a deal.”
You nod in reply.
“Well then Miss Hart. I’ll introduce ya to the others when we get the supplies for the journey. Can you meet us at the general store tomorrow morning, say around nine?” The man asks with a smile.
“I can. When you boys wantin’ to get started?” You question back.
“Soon as we can. Tomorrow after we finish the supply run.”
“Alright. So when do I get my first payment?” You ask, wondering if you might be able to get it now.
“Tomorrow, when you show up.”
Damn it, he’s too smart for that trick.
“Right. I’ll see you boys tomorrow. Now if you’ll excuse me,” you state as you push back from the table to stand up,” I gotta go get some things together.”
As you leave the saloon, you see the man with the eye scar staring at you, frown still on his face. What’s his problem?
You walk back behind the saloon to the alley way there. All of a sudden you are slammed up against the back wall of Kate’s.
“What the—“
You reach for the knife in your pocket but are stopped by the man grabbing your wrist causing you to drop the blade. It lands in the dirt with a soft thud.
“I know what you are.”
You look up to see the man with the scar hovering over you. Once again his face seems so familiar.
“Oh yeah and what’s that?” You sneer as you wrangle your wrist out of his grasp.
“A thief, a con…. A murder.”
How in the Sam Hill would he know th—- oh. That’s where you’d seen his face. A wicked smile spreads across your face as you look up at the man.
“Why the hell are you smiling like that? You know I could just turn you in right now. Tell ‘em who you are.”
The man is obviously angry with your reaction. You slowly sink to the ground to pick up the blade before standing back up. The entire time keeping eye contact with him.
“But you ain’t,” you reply with an unconcerned tone as you wipe the dirt off of the knife using his jacket. The man bristles at the action.
“What makes ya say that?”
“Cause I know who you really are,” you say as you lean a little closer to emphasize your point,”Crosshair.”
The man’s face falls when you say that name. You know who he was alright. John Cross AKA Crosshair, regarded as the best sharpshooter in the West Hill gang or any gang for that matter. Wanted in seven US states. He was also thought to have died.
“When did you know it was me?”
“It didn’t take me too long, but I don’t remember you havin that pretty little scar,” you smile as you gently trail your finger over the mark,” a lot of people think you’re dead. It’d be a shame if someone were to let the US marshal in there know that his friend is a wanted outlaw.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Crosshair hisses.
“That depends.”
“On what?”
“A couple of things. First off you don’t tell ‘em who I really am,” you demand. Crosshair just nods in silent agreement at your request.
“And secondly, you’ll give me whatever you’re makin’ for this job. And third, you’ll tell me how you got to be in the company of a US marshal.”
“Anything else?” Crosshair snaps.
“I’ll be sure to let you know if I think of anything.” The wicked smile still plastered on your face.
“So do you want me to tell you about the marshal thing now or….?”
“No. We can save that for another time, after all we will be spendin’ a lot of time together these next couple of days,'' you smirk as you straighten his tie.
“What makes you think I won’t just shoot you and get this whole thing over with?” Crosshair scoffs, thinking he once again has the upper hand.
“Oh you won’t because if a US marshal shoots an innocent young woman just trying to get home, that man would be found guilty and hanged for his crimes. And neither of us want that, do we?”
Crosshair growls and clenches his fist, realizing that you are right.
“Well goodnight Mr. Cross,” you chirp as you brush past him to continue on to the stables where your horse is. Crosshair just stands there seething for a couple of minutes before he makes his way back into the bar.
That evening you backup your few possessions in preparation for the journey and hope you will never have to return. After this you hope you can head east or up north, away from all the desert because you don’t like sand, after all.
“Good mornin’ miss,” Hunter greets as you walk over to the general store, “thought I should introduce ya to the boys here.”
The three men stand back alongside wagon loading gear into it. You watch as Muscles load a huge crate into the back without help.
“The big guy over there is Warren Jones, most people just call him Wrecker.”
Wrecker tips his hat at you before continuing to load more into the wagon. You watch as Crosshair approaches Hunter with a bag of ammunition.
“I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m Sadie Hart,” you smile wickedly at Crosshair. His lip curls slightly at your words.
“This is John Bassett. He is quite the shot,” Hunter says, motioning to Crosshair.
“It’s a Pleasure,” Crosshair grunts before turning around and walking back to the wagon.
“And this is Timothy Hughs,” Hunter says as he gestures to the man in the glasses. The man notices the two of you and strolls over to greet you with Wrecker following close behind.
“But you, my dear,” the man says, giving the back of your hand a quick kiss, “ may call me Tech if you prefer.”
Wrecker leans over to you and says, in a not so hushed whisper, “ Nobody rightly knows what it means. We think it’s some German word or somethin’.”
Tech just rolls his eyes at Wrecker.
“Is it perhaps short for ‘technology’?” you question with a smile. Tech’s eyes light up at your words.
“Yes, that is what I was going for with the name. It will be so nice to finally be able to have some intelligent conversations on this trip,” Tech exclaims before proceeding to take inventory of the supplies.
“So are you all marshals?” you question.
“No. Wrecker and I are but John here is a gun for hire, he’s been kind enough to offer his services in helping us catch Frank. And Tech is a doctor, he agreed to come along with us for the chance to get to study the climate of New Mexico,” Hunter explains.
"It's definitely not that fact that he's your brother who, and I quote, 'doesn't get out enough'," Crosshair derides, earning a look of contempt from Hunter. Tech elects to ignore the sharpshooters comment.
"Yes, I am eager to get a chance to observe some of the native flora in the Cactaceae family, along with this region's peculiar venomous lizards," Tech interjects as he hands the inventory list to Hunter, Hunter looks over the list before handing it to you. You make a mental note of anything that is missing before you and Hunter walk into the general store. After making your selection, you walk out of the store with two bags in tow.
“Now let’s get these loaded and—-“
Hunter’s words are interrupted by a bullet flying past, just barely missing your foot. You both turn to see Crosshair standing over to the side holding a rifle.
“John!” Hunter yells, looking at the man incredulously.
“Sorry, hand must have slipped,” Crosshair utters as he continues cleaning the gun as if nothing even happened. You know that was just a warning telling you not to get too comfortable.
You give him a scowl before mounting your horse. Hunter also mounts his horse while Crosshair, Wrecker and Tech pile into the wagon.
“After you Miss,” Hunter says, tossing you a wad of cash and he motions for you to take the lead. You secure the cash in your saddle bag as you start out of town.
“You boys ready to go find hell with me?” You grin as you utter the words. Here we go.
#the bad batch#tbb hunter#sergeant hunter#tbb crosshair#tbb tech#wrecker#star wars tbb#tbb x reader#tbb wrecker#tbb fanfiction#star wars#clone force 99#clone wars#wild west#fem reader
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