#alicen tag
jackals-ships · 4 months
(Crashes through your window)
[f/o numbers game]
i swear there was a vine meme Smthin with 27 but Google is withholding that information ANYWAY :} the boy
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baby boy. baby <3 yes im including the fact he stabs a man who's rude to you at ur first meeting in my baby assessment !! also fun fact he's the first one i Fully romanced bc i didn't realize you could at first then i went 🥺 you can kiss him???
so fallout!jackal is, hilariously, one of my few s/i's who is just Some Dude. literally just Some Guy except this some guy has PUPPY EARS !!! and a tail which they keep hidden for Safety Reasons. they also have a very,,,not quite Meek demeanor but they're pretty shy and avoidant when around larger groups bc projecting time babieee so for awhile they're kinda aaaAA around Hancock bc he's Boisterous and Excited to see a new face and they're like i just wanna feed the rad roaches by myself please
anyways they accidentally rob him (which you can do in game) and he's like "....... fahrenheit are you SURE-?" "they confessed and everything" "..... REALLY?" and he's like Upset but they're Also the epitome of 🥺 and they DO feel bad !! so he has them working for him doing odd jobs in return for Not Shooting Them For Stealing From Him which helps them get closer and jackal opens up slowly <3
also the first time he saw their ears he was like "damn. weird trip I'm on-" until he saw jackal getting alll squirrelly then he was like "...OH SHIT THEY'RE REAL- can I touch 🥺?"
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Thinking about how my s/i could interact with other people's and I had the idea of a lifetime including @askthelovenest and bowser
A ransom and kidnapping adventure!
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one-winged-dreams · 11 months
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@sunstar-of-the-north @little-shiny-sharpies
@moon-and-stars-selfship you're a true gentleman amongst gentlemen.
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asterroses · 7 months
if anyone would like 2 kno - the fantasy story im currently working on [in my head mostly] is abt a soldier who is revived after being dead for several hundred years by a parasitic fungal "god" who is attached to him like a growth and wants his help to restore her body . and in turn , she helps him find out how he died ^_^ i need to work out more of the plot tho but these guys r my main ocs rn vexus is also there
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sunstar-of-the-north · 3 months
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Name: Alicen Blaski
Age: Adult
Sex: Female
Gender: Woman
Species: Human
Occupation: N/A
Bio: Alicen Blaski is a close friend of the Auto-Bots. One day when she was visiting the Homebase, she came across Ratchet experimenting with the space bridge. After a freak accident, she was sucked into the bridge and landed in a strange planet. It was similar to Earth, but something about it felt very different. She quickly came across the Maximals. After a slight misunderstanding, the young woman joined forces with the rag tag group.
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velnica · 2 years
Desert Gold
Fandom: FFXIV Ship: Sanson/Guydelot Tags: Bunny Sanson, Established Relationship Rating: Explicit
Gift for @charmwitch
The Captain handed the missive from the Twin Adder to Roland, who scanned it with great interest. On paper it was a simple mission—trail the newly-risen smuggler Alicen Fairclough and catch her in the act with her Ul’dahn conspirator at the Gold Saucer. The problem? Sanson might need to pose as a Bunny Chief to maximise their chances.
Can be read as a standalone but contains mentions of the Breathe In universe.
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“Took you long enough, Chief,” a warm voice whispered against the top of his head, kissing him between the bunny ears. Sanson pressed back against the Elezen’s long body, wondering if he could convince Guydelot to take another bath.
His bard, however, had other ideas.
One hand snaked down, fingertips tracing the ridges of Sanson’s abs through the fabric, massaging the skin under the deep-V of the bustier hem. Without stopping they continued their travel downwards, following the top of the panties and down the side of his legs, dancing along the criss-crossing threads of the stockings, occasionally slipping under to better caress the skin before retreating back out again. Teasing. Playing. Coaxing gasps out of Sanson that turned into a whimper when a finger traced the outline of his cock, pressing just enough to make him squirm. A second fingertip joined the first, each running on either side of his length and working him up until he strained against the silk, hips rutting against the maddening touch that was both too much and not enough at the same time. He moaned, loud and unbidden.
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 11 months
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twistedtangledfate · 2 years
//Also, every time I see the tag for Alicent my brain keeps reading Alicen thightower. You heard it here first, Alicent got sturdy thighs, can hold up a whole tower.
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the-dancing-sage · 6 years
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Arts! These are courtesy of the very lovely @sunnyarts
It's the lively squish mom!
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mellomadness · 6 years
RULES: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by @arina-shavel and then double tagged by @miss-loonylove, thank you both of you xD
Edit: I was also tagged by @allevallie xD Did you all plan this?
a // age: 18
b // birthplace: San Diego, CA
c // current time: 1:50 pm
d // drink you last had: coffee
e // easiest person to talk to: my mom, my best friend Alicen, and my other best friend @i-am-against-being-touched
f // favorite songs: Mr Blue Sky by ELO, Africa by Toto, Anpanman by BTS, 땡 by BTS, 4 o’clock by Taehyung and Namjoon, Candy (So Good) by The Rose, Like We Used To by The Rose, 너와 by The Rose, I Wait by Day6, Congratulations by Day6, Portland by theklipp, Fake Happy by Paramore, 26 by Paramore, and Ariel by ideadead
g // grossest memory: uh... probably when I had to change my little brother’s diaper when he was a baby and he managed to get poop all up his back into his hair.
h // horror yes or horror no: as a Halloween fan: hell yes!!! As a paranoid and easily excitable person: still yes, but less enthusiastically
i // in love: if celebrities count as someone I can be “in love” with, Kim Namjoon. But otherwise.... I have my dog :)
j // jealous of people: depends on how attached I am to someone, but otherwise I’m only jealous (???) of people’s skill levels and it makes me want to work harder
k // (there’s no k omg)
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again?: I believe love is something you grow in and work at, so no, not love at first sight. However.... infatuation and attraction at first sight? God yes
m // middle name: Ellyse
n // number of siblings: 6! Two older half brothers, three younger siblings (2 younger sisters and 1 younger brother), and one older cousin who I refer to as my brobro because he’s basically my older brother anyway
o // one wish: to be able to make people happy with what I create, and that I can be happy doing so
p // person called last: apparently my mom, which is weird because we talk in person all the time
q // questions you’re always asked: “Oh you’re an artist? Can you draw me?” and “What’re we gonna make for dinner?”
r // (there’s no r!!! dang i was hoping i could plug my last name or something))
s // song you last sang: Hate to See Your Heart Break by Paramore
t // time you woke up: 9ish? Probably later. Summer is the time I sleep forever
u // underwear color: blue
v // vacation destination: personally I really wanna go to Quebec and Seoul with my mom, but alone I’d love to visit Italy or Spain... or just go to South Korea and visit as many cities as I possibly can and just enjoy the people and places. I don’t vacation often so... gotta make the most of it I suppose
w // worst habit: either swearing like a sailor, staying up until 3 am every night, or piling laundry up until I’m out of clothes *cough*procrastination*cough*
x // x-rays: I’ve had one on my left elbow after a particularly nasty slip on ice in MN, but recently I had some done on my left foot for an old ankle injury that should’ve been looked at years ago and I’m just now addressing
y // your favorite food: red pozolé
z // zodiac sign: Libra
Aight, time to tag! @i-am-against-being-touched (love you :p) @safyresky, @shittyelfwriter, @lifeisablackhole9, @conditionallyme, @nelts, @sovietgrocerybag, @insane-halloween-lover, @annakaashi, and @theragamuffininitiative :)
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jackals-ships · 4 months
🎫 + Lotor
y'all just hear the muffled sounds of scampering b4 im breaking thru the door koolaid man style like MY BOY MY BABY M- hfkkd
anytime i think about him i just
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which is why this took me A Second bc im SO. hmmfj baby, bastard. kissing his entire face as we SPEAK i love him so much, he's also the one that made me realize im ficto? which is. objectively hilarious!! because i got into voltron Late late and was mostly in it on the basis of “oh fuck yeah space animals.” and then in he comes with the steel chair !!! made himself at home in my head won't pay rent !!! (partially literally. i think i talked about the post endo scope brain lotor story? maybe? idk i can tell it again it's a funny story to me hfj)
anyways he's so. squishes his face. he is soso smart that's one of the things that made me Immediately Fond, like he's book smart and PEOPLE smart,,,,which he uses for crimes but it's fine he was just in a silly goofy mood 😌 we're ignoring the fact that his manipulation absolutely worked on me also the first time i watched Voltron /lighthearted
ALSO HES SUCH A SHOW OFF like i feel like ppl don't talk about that part enough. like yeah he has the strength to back it up but it's SO funny having him roll up in the arena to throw down then do his Dramatic Reveal + throw down AGAIN (complete with dramatic moves. like sir you and I know that wasn't necessary. you're doing it anyways tho for the vibes) and then rolling up again later and pretty much going “yeah, I'm ✨the best bitch here✨ none of you are on MY level"
10/10 drama queen energy and i love it so much hfdk
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one-winged-dreams · 1 year
Alicen did this interesting picrew and i'm starting the thread over because it was like, super long
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I tag whoever wants to do it.
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photofabulicious · 7 years
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|| a l l a • f å r • l i g g a || ..... Läste igår ut min fjärde bok i år ”Alla får ligga” av Henrik Fexeus. Har haft den i många år men inte brytt mig att läsa den. Desperat som jag är tyckte jag att det var dags att få lite hjälp på traven... haha. Det mesta i boken är självklara saker tycker jag. Men det är bra att bli påmind lite då och då, eftersom att det är lätt att glömma bort dessa grejer. Tror inte att denna bok kommer att få mig att ligga. Inte alls faktiskt. Haha. Tyvärr. ..... Betyg: 2,5 av 5 ..... Annars var det en fullsmockad dag igår. Sov som vanligt nästan ingenting. På kvällen blev det överraskningsmiddag på La Oliva för Sussie med Leo och co. Maten var mycket bra! Grym tapas. Efter detta blev det Ankan för att möta upp den nya pokerkursen som hade sitt avslut. Kul att vi blev ett gäng. Och ännu roligare att Alicen och Jack dök upp! Jag mådde inte speciellt bra under kvällen dock... Hatar att vara så här låg! För det här är verkligen inte jag. Känner inte igen mig själv någonstans. Jack och Arman ville muntra upp mig och drog med mig på efterfest hos Arman. Det hjälpte faktiskt! Mår mycket bättre nu. Sov över där och kom hem nyligen... Tack grabbar för att ni tog hand om mig! . . . . . Tags: (på/i Stockholm, Sweden)
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sunstar-of-the-north · 6 months
Rules: tag 10 followers you want to get to know better.
I decided to make a new post since the original was so long
I was tagged by @littlerascal13
Name: Alicen
Sexuality: Heterosexual/Hetero and Andro-romantic
Hogwarts House:
Dog or Cat Person: Both
Current time: 12:51 pm
Dream job: I just want a job that I enjoy and makes me money.
Favorite animal: Wolf
Blog creation date: August 17th, 2018....HAS IT BEEN THAT LONG?????
Reason for url: I was into the Warriors series as a kid...plus it sounded cool lol.
I tag whoever wants to do this! Thanks Rascal!
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I had to give my WoW selfinsert an ottuk when I happened to stumble across one in the tags!
Meet Eis the ottuk pup! She was given to Alicen as a thank you from Tuskarr she met on her travels. Eis is albino, but seems to have average vision. She's about 7 months old.
(Her name is pronounced as 'ice'.)
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the-dancing-sage · 6 years
Waltz for Menphina
((A little story based around an RP I did a good while back with @quinnsolanum ​ with the two ladies practicing the waltz~. Includes a little collab from her!))
After clearing the room of its obstructive furniture and setting up a few rolls in the orchestrion Alicen turns on the ball of her bare feet, facing towards Quinn with a warm smile. As if the slow build up of music changes the atmosphere in the room so too does it seem to shift Alicen’s demeanor, her steps slower, more measured and her entirely being seeming more ethereal like she’s drawing on the music box like tones of the melody that starts to play.
A hand on the other’s upper back and the other tangling her fingers with Quinn’s she steps in close. She takes a moment, waiting for the music to hit a new bar. With a nod and a smile she starts into the soft pace, taking the lead in their steps and following the rhythm effortlessly. The sweet, calm melodies guide their paths around the room, filling the space with a mystical rhythm as she shares the moment with the other, her emerald eyes not gazing away from Quinn’s as they move slow but steadily.
Quinn was excellent at following the music, and following her partner. Her eyes closed for a moment, feeling the soft aetherial music pulse its way through her soul, guiding each step. Her eyes opened again, and bright magenta met emerald, a calm, content smile on her full pink lips.
Her hand rested around Alicen's waist, her fingers gently squeezing the hand that held hers affectionately. Magic was music and music was magic, the Bard always felt, and here was no different.
With graceful steps, not only did music intwine their hearts and bodies, but so too did the aether rise in the room, tingling across skin like brushes of a feather.
More and more the woman fuels the magic energy that suffuses the room, the glimmering lights trailing in their wake like fireflies, dancing along in their own little steps. For a little while the sparks of magic shine brighter yet, giving, for just a minute moment, a sense of resonance between them as Alicen takes Quinn by the waist, lifting her off her feet in an almost weightless step.
The music around them intensifies, more strings joining them into a powerfully intense crescendo which trails out into a sweet, gentle melody, like the last drops falling from the trees after a down pour of rain. The music eventually halts and Alicen, breathless and beaming brightly simply hugs Quinn close with a soft laugh, enjoying a comforting embrace between them.
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