cloudbattrolls · 1 month
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Hazard is more scared of his ancestor than anyone else; he can be shy at times but he’s not too easily frightened by most other people unless someone is threatening him directly, he’s just cautious, so as long as Vil didn’t hurt him or anyone in his library he wouldn’t mind him too much.
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rabbit-system · 11 months
i NEED to know if you guys have ever read homestuck
-vriska ginkgosys
not yet but at this point its inevitable
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shushilda · 2 years
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TS3 + TS4 Animation pose - Drunk dance
I conducted an interesting experiment to determine which motion capture service is better. I compared three services: Rokoko, Plask, and Deepmotion. I uploaded the same twenty-second video clip of a dance to each service. I found that the last service performed the best. I was disappointed that the overhyped Rokoko service performed worse than the others. I converted the best result to Sims 3 and Sims 4.
The animation turned out to be strange, of course. Therefore, I called it "Drunken Dance." If your sim gets drunk at the club, it's perfect!
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alexx013 · 1 year
Hey there, can I make a request for genshin impact?
So, a friend of mine slowly started to neglecting our friendship because they have someone who they're very close with and developed feelings for them. That's why we rarely talk anymore and every time I try to reach them, they say something like "oh sorry, I don't have time, I'm meeting (random name) soon". So it's pretty painful to watch this gap between us growing more and more and sadly, I can do nothing about it.
So my request would be, can you write this scenario but with the sumeru boys (tighnari, cyno, alhaitham, kaveh) noticing reader's situation and trying to comfort them? Something like "don't worry, I'm here for you and never going to leave you". I really need some comfort because this makes me so sad..
If you have a character limit, could you at least write for cyno and/or tighnari please? ;_;
Reader can be gender neutral but personally I prefer f!reader.
I hope this is okay for you and thank you ;_;
A/N: Hii there and thank you for the request. I'm so sorry that happened to you, it must have felt terrible. If you, or anyone else reading this post wanted to talk to someone, you can add me to friends on Genshin (it ain't much, but still is sth) . There will be a second part to this story.
My UID: 720520373
TW: panic attack, bitchy friend
Slight spoilers in Alhaitham story!
Second person, f!reader
Characters: Alhaitam, Cyno
It was a sunny afternoon on a Thursday. Y/n just finished her lectures for the day and happily walked towards the main building of Akademiya, glad that school was over. The sun shone through the window illuminating the stony floor. Being a student of Rtawahist definetely wasn't easy, and even if Y/n didn't have any homework assigned for tommorow, she would still have to work a bit on some projects. But that could be done later, now was time for her tradition - a girls' afternoon with her best friend, Aisha. Y/n waited for her to finish her lectures, because she was from Haravatat and it always took her longer to get to the main hall. It's true that Aisha was busy a week ago, and two, but this time it'd be different... right?
Not so long after a tall girl with almond shade skin and black hair styled in a simple updo walked into the main hall, looking around as if she was searching for someone. It was Aisha, Y/n walked over to her with a bright smile appearing on her face but the closer she got, the more she saw that her best friend's smile started disappearing
- Hii Aisha
- Hi, do you know where F/n is? They also go to Rtawahist, and we're having a girls' night
- But.. those on Thursdays were our tradition
- Oh, um yea... Maybe we could do that next week.. or sometime
Aisha quickly walked away, but Y/n just stood there in shock. In this very moment her last bits of hope disappeared. Her mind was a mess, tons of different emotions and words she wanted to say this moment overlapping in a chaotic way. Her eyes burning like they were on fire even though tears started appearing in their corners, and her lips quivering unable to let out a proper sentence. All Y/n wanted to do was run away from this place, so she did. She sprinted out of the main hall before anyone noticed. Or so she thought
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Alhaitham 📖
Y/N sat on a cold tile, under the bridge in the small library leading to the House of Daena. She tried to muffle any sounds coming out of her, so no one notices her, by covering her mouth with her hand. Tears falling out of her eyes were falling to the ground, and making a *plask* sound when they hit the tiles, but no student seemed to notice. They were hurrying to get back home, or to go to the library.
Y/n wanted to scream out of anger, but her voice got stuck, not allowing her to even say anything. Her throat hurt, like it was on fire but it looked like there wasn't any good solution to solving that. Focused on trying to make her voice work again, she didn't hear footsteps behind her.
- Y/n, why on earth are you sitting on the floor here
She looked up and saw a certain gray haired tall male, who also was your boyfriend. Y/n tried to reply, but only some rough shrieks came out of your mouth. He sighed and said:
- Get up, we're going to my office
Y/n silently followed the new Acting Grand Sage. When both of you got there he told you to sit on his old chair, back from when he was a Scribe, and went off somewhere. Not so long after he reappeared, putting a mug with a liquid inside along with a bowl of fruit. Y/n must have looked confused because he said:
- Zatyun Peach tea, will help with sore throat and a bowl of fruit. Eat, I'll continue with my work but you can talk if you want
Y/n took a sip, and then words started spilling out of her. And he listened, to every single one. When she finished, he looked her in the eyes and did something he rarely does, as he isn't really fond of making affectionate gestures - he put his hand on her cheek and stroked it with his thumb saying:
- You're enough
Y/n couldn't help it, out of shock and his sudden words tears started to reappear in her eyes. Alhaitham, considering the best option after a while moved closer gently trapping you in a light embrace.
Few hours later, as the sun started to fall behind the horizon, Y/n was comfortably sitting on her boyfriend's lap, reading a book while he filled out the papers laying on his bed. The room was filled in silence, except for her slight humming (which normally would annoy tf out of Haitham but it's you, he'll suffer through), yet no one wanted to change it.
It was perfect the way it was, just the two of you.
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Cyno ⚖️
Usually Y/n took her sweet time walking the way to her home, talking with the vendors and adoring the newly planted Paradisah. But today was not like any other day, she sprinted towards the only place she considered a safe space right now. Tears were building in her eyes, slightly blurring her vision, but Y/n didn't wanna have a public meltdown so she focused on running.
Then Y/n's heaven on earth appeared: a small house with white walls, green roof, wooden framings and entrance door. She quickly searched for the keys, and found them in her back pocket. She inserted them into the key lock, as the heart locket keychain swished in the air from sudden movement.
When Y/n entered the four walls, closing the door behind her, she slided to the floor gripping her head. The tears stopped, along with the sadness but something else appeared. Her lungs felt like they were wrapped in barbed wire so taking even a tiny breath hurt like hell, her hands were shaking and could not be trusted with even the tiniest tasks as helping Y/n get up from the floor. Even if it was a space she knew well, it suddenly felt big. She felt like a mosquito: small, annoying and not important. Y/n crawled over to a grey couch and took off a blanket thrown over it, which then she covered yourself with. Y/n took another shaky breath and closed your eyes.
- Y/n... Y/n, wake up!
She slowly opened her eyelids, but upon the sudden attack on her vision by the sun shining right in her face, she closed them again scrunching her face in uncomfortability. Then Y/n felt a warm hand covering her eyes. She asked the owner of the hand over her eyes - her boyfriend Cyno:
- Did I forget to lock the doors? How did you get in?
He left out a chuckle and she could hear his soft voice saying:
- You gave me the keys a month ago, I let myself into your house after I saw you running out of the Akademiya in panic
When he saw her lips starting to quiver again he added:
- Take deep breaths Y/n, slowly
He rubbed Y/n's back as she complied to his request: a deep breath in, hold for 3 seconds, and then out. And it helped, a bit but still something. When he saw her slightly calm down he moved onto the couch, beckoning for her to do the same. When Y/n joined him, comfortably leaning into him, he asked:
- Who? Do I want me to serve them justice?
She shook her head, then nuzzling it into his neck. Y/n could feel his body getting hotter out of embarrassment, cute that even after half a year he still got affected by such small displays of affection.
- Just hold me - she answered
He pulled Y/n closer, his arm wrapped around her waist, his head on hers. Then, with a bright smile on his face (which she sadly couldn't see, bc her face was still in the crook of his neck) he asked
- Do you wanna hear some jokes?
Y/n simply hummed in approval, and she heard his breathing as gears in his brain worked trying to come up with some good ones
- Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth... Then it's a soap opera
Y/n lightly chuckled as he told her more and more of his jokes. Some were funny, some were not, but it's the thought that counts.
Soon the sun was down, and you still were sitting entangled one into another.
Simply his presence was enough.
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hkpika07 · 9 months
Happy new year Red!! Hope you have a good days during this year!! You're one of the best people that I met on tumblr :D
WHEBWBWBUWBWU PLASK YOURE SO SWEET THANK YOU SO MUCH! You're one of my favorite ttte artists I adore your style its so cute. And OUGH your digital art is PEAK.
I hope you have a great New Year's and that your year goes well for you!
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whitewaterpaper · 1 year
GO2: “Every Day” [S02E06].
Serie: Good Omens. Skapare: Neil Gaiman. Författare: Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman (boken). Författare: Neil Gaiman & John Finnemore (avsnittet). Regissör: Douglas Mackinnon (avsnittet). Publicerad: 2023. Medium: Amazon Prime Video.
¡Oi! Spoilers, stavfel och alternativa fakta kan förekomma rakt föröver!
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Så kom den, den stora upplösningen och svaret på alla frågor som vi haft under säsongen: Vad hände med Gabriel? Varför jagar himmelens agenter honom? Och kommer den lilla flugan bränna ned biblioteket? Okej, den sista frågan är kanske lite ur det blå.
När allt kokar ned och förklaringen kommer så handlar det om Harmagedon: Uppföljaren[1],  där Gabriel som ärkeänglarnas överkucku numero uno resolut sade nej till. Till allas frustrerade förtret. Det är faktiskt med viss underhållning som man ser ärkeängeln Michael styra himlen snarare som en maktfullkomlig diktator med ett gäng nickedockor vid sin sida och hela ”rättegången” som känns som det största spelet för gallerierna genom tiderna. Vad säger vi om resten av förklaringen då? Det finns något sött i att Gabriel och Belzebub fallit plask för varandra och nu ger sig av på egna äventyr. Minnes bilderna vi ser från detta och hur det förklarar de fragment av mysteriet som Aziraphale följde under serien är både roliga och intressanta.
Slutet skvallrar om att det från författarnas håll finns en öppning för mer: för visst känns det som om serien slutar med en cliffhanger nu när Himlens och Helvetets Dream Team™ verkar gå åt varsitt håll? Visst är det kul att se hur Aziraphale får sig en befodran, men jag kan inte låta bli att misstänka att det finns en dold agenda bakom utnämningen. Och visst vill vi veta vad denna ”andra återkomst”[2] innebär? Enl. artiklar på ScreenRant finns det en säsong 3 uppskissad men WGA-strejken kom emellan. Jag tror chanserna att Amazon Prime förnyar serien är goda.
Serien @ playpilot.se.
Serien @ epguides.com.
Neil Gaiman Gives Good Omens Season 3 Update Amid Strikes: "It's Planned & Plotted" @ screenrant.com (Jun 23).
Good Omens Season 3: Renewal Chances, Release Date Prediction & Everything We Know @ screenrant.com (Sep 23).
aka: Armageddon: the Sequel.
aka: The Second Coming. (Undertexterna på Prime Video översatte det som ”Kristi Återfödelse två” eller liknande.
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minvaerrehalvdel · 2 years
En tur i søen
To på en gang
Et plask
Et Lille
Et stort
En forventning i søen
To på en gang
Et pladask
Et kys
Et kram
En sommernat i søen
To på en gang
Én tur
Én forventning
Én sommernat.
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444names · 3 months
Names generated from the C0da by Michael Kirkbride
Ablamill Acesherrink Agagoddlegy Aling Alloused Altark Anchinge Ancienting Anknobeed Apejoissill Apipts Aposes Arist Asing Asymbeled Aught Avisemany...
Babluelf Bacapoles Badams Bagullown Balext Banded Banturrait Bated Becars Beres Bionstory Biscara Blasts Blothroger Boach Boady Boldes Bracalturs Bracen Bragence Brand Brang Brappregy Bried Brinfords Brings Brome Browildnele Byets Calealay Callingle Cally Carvised Caver Ceaces Chakentind Chanage Chectint Chemittly Cheriestor Clasope Cloade Clotogaze Clower Cocuthrest Coldin Comeasized Comed Comedle Comerry Congles Conscaviess Coreen Corked Coster Coting Courn Couts Crait Crawly Crifff Cringrap Cupgraposic Cutesse Cutter Dampothenty Darthes Deadeash Deards Dellock Deoner Diderty Dievecosive Digirears Discre Distarides Diterwast Dorting Drablu Draid Dreaks Drinmeal Dropeong Dukater Eadeogari Eaked Earch Earcial Eireshe Eitabraing Emard Emnatrimay Erchell Evallow Evert Exacal Excung Exhas Exialy Explatoppes Exposess Exprorts Exprowinda Facen Facking Fakes Falking Famble Faventer Favied Feader Ficks Finaporice Finimited Flample Fland Flazes Foamig Forephilve Forick Fried Frocamars Fucks Fully Fuslivine Garrint Gents Ghelooddy Giatitanses Givel Glock Godly Goond Gotiss Graged Grastart Gring Groks Guremash Hancogelf Hanotly Hansiont Hatterwart Haver Hembeasse Heming Heragoodled Hilip Hishotin Hnhomes Holting Homect Homegges Hostri Hougarna Houghty Hounsirdy Humes Ideore Illes Iltery Imebot Indings Infifyinds Itegs Jasities Joket Kicatery Kimming Kinglying Kinoth Kncialant Knicut Knoped Knormalmant Lablay Lames Lariarice Laver Lazed Lecrourel Letansit Lifing Lifter Likesce Limplath Lines Linfing Liten Lizatels Loater Locularker Lonsubt Loode Loons Loter Lulead Lumen Lummull Madight Makagand Manes Marmakily Martits Mashance Masniza Massmaket Merlied Merly Mewelfally Milique Molds Momed Momes Mormask Morrouti Mostery Movery Movis Musion Muthing Necomet Neled Nemancten Neoves Nestop Notha Nousty Numistamen Oblevat Obvies Oculting Ocutyling Offews Onspick Onted Opers Oples Ougle Ounce Pards Parth Pernives Phery Plame Plartight Plasks Plasnage Plegial Pliterivand Plittly Plusly Ponion Ponnywhing Ponter Poret Pothes Potted Prensels Prets Pride Pripeove Pritiousink Probs Prognizated Pronder Pront Prougles Prounat Purristy Putfic Quied Quiliky Quinge Quirionell Rabigh Rable Ranmed Readn Reart Reefall Reeks Refustue Rentits Rephy Retchopeary Retery Ricing Rigianiorn Roongues Rubetch Runce Safled Sagaay Salumeshing Sared Sarro Scaphod Scasetter Scaur Sciang Scorneum Scrobles Sells Selly Sellypeal Semolf Senought Serforihhh Sergethes Setted Seuma Shalive Shapookends Sheepict Shenter Shery Shignan Shime Shopes Siandanoth Siong Sirke Siviblote Skiloss Sling Slitral Smagaves Somforme Somic Soraltint Sostrize Soustelown Spartar Spelman Spikeng Splames Splath Spoledgenct Sporrage Sposer Stableaman Stabler Stoes Storkere Strableell Strabs Strazy Stuld Sultichist Surger Swesindense Taiteres Tardy Tating Teards Temeng Terancley Thash Theatits Thelf Therferient Thonexpled Thourtly Thriser Throaters Throuty Ticiany Tictsemid Tiong Tivecielly Tooryineed Toprounds Toring Torround Trices Tring Trobles Truns Tulsome Turty Tweraltel Ugled Undishing Untion Upied Ureardneld Usheading Uttle Vales Vatecone Veloa Verisend Vigant Viong Vions Viverse Volled Wathaj Wattight Wattly Waying Weirly Whalls Wheathemide Whelly Wheltats Wherfouly Whimers Whimpt Wholar Whormormod Widet Wilver Winat Windany Wininged Winshapos Woravion Worindle Wortariver Wortiory Wraninge Wreed Wroweepory Yonnels Younfons
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sonicboooom · 4 months
Tänk att ha en badsjö mitt i stan, coolt att ta sig ett plask då och då!...bruh!:)))
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cloudbattrolls · 9 months
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Various sketches because I got two new drawing pads for Christmas and boy am I making the most of them.
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Almost finished with this short after a few months. Models made in Anim8or 1.0. Animated and Rigged in Blender 2.92. Mocap in Plask.
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yishionsunglory · 2 years
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How to make stainless steel water bottle flask? WhatsApp/Skype/Telegram: 86-18826082225 Email: [email protected] Wechat: yishion182 Stainless Water Bottle production line SS thermia manufacturing factory SS water plask production line SS pickled bottle manufacturing line #Flask #Thermos #Bottle #Vacuumflask #Vacuumbottle #Pickled Bottle #Insulatedflask #Thermos #Tumbler Production line for stainless steel water bottles Stainless steel thermos factory SS water bottle production line SS insulated line for making bottles #flesk #thermos #fles #vacuumflask #vacuumbottle #insulatedbottle #insulatedflask #thermos #trumblers Line for the production of stainless steel bottles The factory for the production of SS thermos The line for the production line of SS Line for the production of stainless steel bottles #flask #thermos #bottle #vacuumflask #vacuumbottle #insulatedbottle #insulatedflask #thermos #trumblers Stainless Steel Canteen manufacturing line SS Thermos Flask manufacturing plant SS Water Flask production line SS Thermos Bottle manufacturing line #フラスコ#thermos#ボトル#vacuumflask #vacuumbottle #insulatedbottle #insulatedflask #thermos #trumblers Stainless Steel Water Bottle Line SF thermal bottles manufacturing plant Line of production of the SS water bottle Isolated bottles manufacturing line #bottle #thermal bottle #vacuum bottle #vacuum bottle #vacuum bottle #isolated bottle #thermal bottle #thermal bottle #thermal bottle https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm0qeELP-m1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alexx013 · 1 year
Diluc x reader angst
A/N: a random story I wrote yesterday evening Arranged Marriage 2 person (so for all readers) Written to: "Stolas Sings" from S2 ep 1 of Helluva Boss
It was a June evening in Mondstadt. The inside of Dawn Winery was dimly lit by the sunrays coming in through the windows. The tables were filled with fancy cutlery and wide variety of food. The maids walked around the bottom floor holding trays with drinks, trying to avoid bumping into any guest. You sat on a couch, the navy-blue long gown with little diamonds making it look like night sky along with a red see-through cape gently rippled along the edges of your seating. You were drinking some white wine and chatting with grandmas wanting to know more details about your marriage. 
You had an arranged marriage with Diluc Ragnvidr, mostly for business reasons. You and your family were famous for owning blacksmiths selling the best quality of weapons, and he was the most famous in the wine industry. You quickly developed feelings for the male, but those were not reciprocated. Both of you kept up the illusion of being a happy couple, mostly for the public or to avoid nasty rumours. He treated you well, making you feel welcome and providing anything you needed. But he also was distant and cold. To celebrate your marriage Elzer suggested throwing a party because it would be “appropriate among your social circles”.  
Besides influential people both of you decided to invite some of the knights (you wanted to invite them so you could chat with Kaeya or Amber, whom you got along with nicely). It was a definitely a lively night. While answering the grannies’ questions you looked around the room trying to see where Diluc went. You saw him chatting with Jean, he wasn’t smiling but you could clearly see that he was in a better mood than usually. One day Kaeya told you about their relationship as teens. Luc seemed not to be over his old feelings. A hint of jealousy and sadness swirled in your mind, he never talked to you that way he’s towards her. He never looked at you with such feelings.  
You knew that you couldn’t force your feelings on anyone, yet it still hurt. It hurt like hell when he was looking at her, when he walked over to you to act like a good, loving husband. He looked at the grannies, holding your shoulder gently.  
-Good evening, everyone, my Love. Are you all being satisfied with the party? - he asked 
-Yes, dear. Everything is great, your sweet spouse is so lucky to have you as a husband. You two are a perfect couple. – one of the Grannies said
-Excuse me everyone, I need to take a little breather – you say as you awkwardly smile at the comment of the elder 
You walk out of the mansion and now stroll amongst the vineyard alleys. That little break was much needed as you needed to calm down from the mixture of emotions before. But before you can divulge in those you hear a stern voice saying: 
-Get back inside, you’ll get sick. 
It was your husband, you turned around, so he stood in front of you. You were about to obey him, but suddenly all of those feelings you kept inside started getting harder and harder to ignore.  
-No. I need to talk to you, right here and right now – you said 
He sighed but nodded, waiting for you to talk.  
-You know that I have fallen for you. We got married purely for business purposes, but... I can’t stop my heart from doing its thing – you started 
(On stage and you walked in my room and light sparks in the dark) 
-The moment we met, I felt like this was something special. Something so beautiful and unique. Life was suddenly thrilling and new – you added 
He looked you deeply in the eyes and sighed. 
-I’m sorry, I don’t feel the same. We married for business reasons, and I never saw you as something more. Whether we love each other or no, it’s better to act like we do. It will be better for both of ours's reputation.  
At this moment droplets of water started falling from sky, sliding off you and hitting the ground with a *plask* noise. Neither of you budged to move though. It was as if it wasn’t raining. Two people standing in a distance from each other but facing the other one as rain falls on them creating puddles on the ground. Tears started streaming from your face, uniting with the rain. As you softly caressed the smooth vines with spiky ends you looked at Diluc with displeasure in your eyes. 
-What's between you and I, just a comfortable lie. – you said then looking at the ground and adding - I'm the fool who believes when you look in my eyes. 
You took a deep breath, trying to control yourself. Then looked up again, only to see bewildered Diluc not knowing what to say and how to word it. You looked at the mansion trying to avoid his gaze 
-I can see that you still have feelings for Jean. Even if it hurts me, heart doesn’t choose. – you faintly smile through the tears – But I want a divorce. I can’t act like a joyful spouse when that’s far from truth. 
-I understand, we’ll get a divorce then. I hope you’ll find someone who will be better for you – Diluc says nodding 
Then he covered you with his cape and walked inside the mansion. It meant something, it was a start of something new. 
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sunflowerfarmresale · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: TRETORN PLASK MID RAIN BOOT - GUNMETAL - WOMENS 8.
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d23cozy · 2 years
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amrselim · 2 years
Plask برنامج ذكاء صناعي لجعل الكمبيوتر يقلد حركتك تاكد انك مشترك في القناة 💯 ومفعل الجرس عشان يوصلك كل جديد 🔔 وما تنساش تعمل لايك للفيديو 👍 نشرك للمقطع هو اكبر دعم ممكن تقدمه لي ... https://bit.ly/3IZuihv أتمنى أن ينال الشرح أعجابكم ...................................................................... https://bit.ly/3N9F3OH https://bit.ly/3ux7pwI شير مشاركة #BIMarabia اشترك في القناة لمتابعة الشروحات الجديدة videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYaOLTtPmOQX1fgtDFW52Q?sub_confirmation=1 بيم ارابيا https://bit.ly/1TSqEbr ❤️ رابط الاشتراك في القناة https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYaOLTtPmOQX1fgtDFW52Q?sub_confirmation=1 ❤️ روابط التواصل ✅ انستجرام https://bit.ly/2JY3wZP ✅ الفيسبوك https://bit.ly/3AcrQBO ✅ تويتر https://twitter.com/bimarabia ✅ لينكد ان https://bit.ly/2nqASDv ✅ قناة التلجرام https://bit.ly/3bu9Pod ✅ الموقع الالكتروني الشخصي https://bit.ly/3N9F3OH https://bit.ly/3suwyqU https://bit.ly/3bEr3zh July 24, 2022 at 07:04AM by Omar Selim BIMarabia عمر سليم بيم ارابيا
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