jillraggett · 2 years
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Plant of the Day
Friday 3 March 2023
A common houseplant Chlorophytum comosum 'Variegatum' (spider plant, spider ivy) is often neglected but here it has been beautifully grown and displayed so the cascading plantlets can be appreciated.
Jill Raggett
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oaresearchpaper · 1 month
Yield Potential of Meristem-Derived Potato Varieties
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Ten exotic potato varieties (var. All Blue, All Red, Cardinal, Diamant, Daisy, Granulla, Green Mountain, Japanese Red, Pontiac and Summerset) were used the present experiment during November 2010 to January 2011. In vitro grown plantlets were spend 21 days old and achieve 4-5 cm long with good root system, were transferred and established in the trial field for showing yield performance of tuber number per plant and tuber weight per plant from 10 randomly selected potato plants of each variety. The highest tuber number (57.52) per plant was recorded in var. Daisy and the lowest tuber number (8.82) per plant was recorded in red varieties. On the other hand total tuber weight per plant was the highest (344.60g) recorded in var. Diamant and total tuber weight per plant was the lowest (65.05 g) recorded in var. All blue varieties showed the most potential yield in this experiment.
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Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important food and cash crop in Bangladesh. It is a member of the family Solanaceae and belongs to the genus Solanum. Potato varieties are highly heterogeneous and usually vegetative propagated. Potato can be grown in all types of soil, except saline and alkaline soils. Loamy soil, sandy loamy soil and organic matter enriched soil are the most suitable for cultivation of potato crop. The potato is a crop of temperate climate and it is moderately tolerant to frost. The young plants grow best at a temperature of 24 0C. Late growth is favored at a temperature of 18 0C. Tuber production is the maximum at 20 0C and decrease with rise in temperature. At about 30 0C the tuber production is totally stop. Relative humidity is need above 50 %. Photo period are need 14-16 hours. The varieties can be grouped into two parts in Bangladesh such as indigenous potato varieties and modern varieties. Indigenous potato varieties are popular for good test but low yielding and high price. On the other hand modern varieties are high yielding. Potato is very much susceptible to the viral diseases. The yield reduction may be up to 75 % caused by the infection of some viruses. Meristem culture is one of important methods to produce virus-free stock plants. The virus-free clone produced more vigorous haulm and about 10% higher yields, attributed to more tubers rather than large ones (Bawden and Kassams, 1965). The technique has been widely applied in many countries. In our country, average production of potato was 14-16 MTs/, hectares (2008).But in our research field and many developed countries of the world it's yield 30-40 MTs /hectares. The main causes of yield reduction in Bangladesh are lack of quality seed potato, pathogen infected seed potato used, low yielding variety used and faulty management. It is proved that use of quality seed potato may produced 20-30% high yield. However, at present there is no alternative way of high yielding variety developed in the world. Because agricultural land has decrease and the people increase. Plant Breeders feel of this subject and conducted research for developed and selection of high yielding variety. As that part, study of yield potential of plantlets of ten exotic varieties of potato developed through meristem culture.
Source :  Yield Potential of Meristem-Derived Potato Varieties | InformativeBD
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sunshineram · 29 days
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what a stunning before and after lol (august 8th-29th)
my moms mother of thousands(that was outside‚ potted) got bad root rot, so i snipped it to try and save it! it obviously worked- i swear this is the same plant LMAO look at all those plantlets!!!
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tjerra14 · 4 months
omg finding a Horizon fan while I am currently playing Frozen Wilds? what are the odds agahsgs
also yeah I support spider plants being queer
if not by nature than by assimilation or whatever bc mine are around a queer person and that's how things work
the fandom sneaks up on you like Aloy on a Lancehorn
Frozen Wilds might honestly be my favourite bit of the whole series for totally Ikrie-unrelated reasons what are you talking about so I hope you're having so much fun with it! The Banuk easily stole my heart, and the DLC area is just illegally beautiful. We'll just ignore the rocket-propelled Scorchers throwing you off cliffs.
also yeah. you see my vision. not a single straight thing about these plants, just look at them
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najia-cooks · 11 months
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[ID: Sweet potatoes with black, charred skin on a decorative plate. One has been opened to show bright orange flesh, sprinkled with sugar. End ID]
بطاطا حلوة مشوية / Batata hiluwa mashwiyya (Roasted sweet potatoes)
Sweet potatoes are considered a traditional and nostalgic food in Palestine—a gift from the land, a seasonal delicacy, a potentially profitable crop, "red gold." Every fall and winter, as they are grilled in taboon ovens throughout Gaza, their smell fills the air.
This recipe uses a method of preparation common in rural Palestine, which applies direct heat to char the potatoes; the black, crackly skin is then peeled off, leaving tender, steaming, sweet flesh with a roasted aroma. The peeled sweet potato is eaten on its own, or sprinkled with sugar.
The recent history of sweet potatoes in Gaza is a microcosm of Israel's economic control of the region during that time. Though they grow well in Gaza's soil, they are a risky commitment for its farmers, as the seeds or seedlings must be imported from Israel at considerable expense (about 40 shekels, or $10, per plantlet), and they need to be weeded every day and irrigated every other day. Water for irrigation is scarce in Gaza, as Israel drains and contaminates much of the supply.
Nevertheless, the crop would be a profitable one if Gazan farmers were allowed to export it. In the shmita year of 2014, for the first time since the Israeli military's deadly 51-day invasion two months prior, restrictions briefly eased to allow Gazans to export some agricultural products to Europe; the first shipment contained 30 tons of sweet potatoes. However, an estimated 90% of the sweet potato crop was at that time unsuitable for export, having been damaged by Israeli shrapnel. The Gazan Ministry of Agriculture estimated that damages of this kind cost the agricultural sector about 550 million USD during this year.
Gazan economist Maher al-Taba’a holds that Israel temporarily allowing export of a token amount of sweet potatoes “is nothing more than media propaganda which is meant to confuse international audiences" by giving the impression that the siege on Gaza was looser than it had been before the 2014 ceasefire agreement; meanwhile, the number of allowed exports had actually decreased since before the invasion occurred. Gazan farmers, in fact, were not even allowed to export produce to Palestinians in the West Bank until 2017.
The next shmita year (an agricultural sabbath during which ultra-Orthodox Jews allow their fields to lie fallow) began in September of 2021, around the same time as the beginning of the sweet potato harvest. In anticipation of the shmita year, and in keeping with the trickle of Gazan exports that had been allowed into Israel in the intervening years, many farmers had planted more than they otherwise would have. But Israel delayed accepting the imports, leading many farmers to throw away rotting produce, or to sell their produce in the local market for far lower prices than they had been expecting.
Israel's habit of closing off Gaza's exports arbitrarily and without notice recurred during the harvest season of 2022. When Israeli former MK Yaakov Litzman called on Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Oded Forer to import sweet potatoes from Gaza due to a shortage of the produce in Israel, Forer refused, citing Israeli soldiers whom Palestinian resistance fighters had taken hostage as rationale for his decision. Other officials were surprised at the linking of an agricultural matter to a political one.
Farmers had no choice but to enter the harvest season hoping that the decision would be reversed and that their time, labor, money, and scarce water resources would not go to waste. With these last-minute decisions that cause Gazan farmers to be unable to fulfill their contracts, Israel damages the future viability of Gazan exports to European markets.
Support Palestinian resistance by calling Elbit System’s (Israel’s primary weapons manufacturer) landlord and donating to Palestine Action’s bail fund.
A fire, wood-burning oven, gas stove, or broiler
A baking sheet
Sweet potatoes. Choose a variety with red or orange skin and orange flesh, such as garnet or jewel.
Sugar, cinnamon, date syrup, or tahina, to serve.
1. Wash sweet potatoes. Place them at the bottom of a taboon oven, or on a baking sheet or griddle laid over a cooking fire or gas burner. You may also place them on a baking sheet or cast-iron pan inside an oven with a broiler setting.
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2. Turn the gas burner on medium-high, or the broiler on low. Heat the sweet potatoes, occasionally rotating them, until their skin is blistered and blackened in multiple places and they are tender all the way through.
3. Remove potatoes and allow them to cool slightly. Slice each potato open lengthwise, or peel away its skin, and eat the interior.
Roasted sweet potatoes may be eaten on their own, or sprinkled with sugar or cinnamon-sugar, or drizzled with date syrup, tahina, chocolate sauce, etc.
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msprayforever · 6 months
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This plant is called "Mother of Thousands"
Scientific name Kalanchoe daigremontiana. It's a succulent that produces numerous small plantlets on the ends of its leaves, which can easily detach and grow into new plants.
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sphylor · 1 year
little Mountain thought of the night before i go seep: the other's calling him sapling, seedling, sprout, bud, sprig and plantlet as terms of endearment when he regresses
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glowstone23b · 1 year
warden/ancient city thoughts …
Anicent cities aren’t actually cities, they’re actually massive temples instead that devoted themselves to a certain god (im not sure what god the old builders would worship akandk)
They laid many people to rest in those underground crypts, that a bit of their souls leaked out of the bodies and infected the glowing cave vines, resulting in a strange mutation of sculk
and as more people died and got places in those tombs,,, the more sculk spread
Eventually some worshippers caught notice of this and assumed it to be some gift from the gods, so they continued to add fuel to it, experimenting with it, etc, finding out that when a creature dies— instead of the soul ascending to an afterlife, it is instead pulled down by the sculk and merged into what was like a sentient hivemind of connected souls working together to become something akin to an organism
At some point, as evolution of the sculk furthered and sculk sensors formed, it eventually led to a sculk shrieker
and after worshippers activated it a couple times in a row,
It summoned the massive, blind hulking beast known as the warden. It harvested as many souls as it could from the worshippers as it chased after them, leaving no one in it’s wake, before retreating back into the biomass until the next time there is a significant amount of soul that alerts the shriekers once more
Ok mini rant story thing over. i like to think that sculk works in a weird sort of method
Catalyst farm and form the extra sculk needed to begin an infection —> sensors pick up on sounds made by noises that supposedly could be creatures with a soul —> shriekers sound a scream that helps determine if a warden should form —> warden harvests any nearby creatures to help the sculk spread. if killed, the warden drops a catalyst, so it can all begin again
The warden itself is a weird amalgamation of human souls stuck together fused with the sculk. the main reasoning for it being blind (other than cave animals usually being blind since low to zero light requires little need for eyes) is because detecting sound means a very high chance of something w soul
Sculk sickness …. Possibly a rare disease only picked up by deep miners. nasty no good and probably hurts as the sculk eats you from the inside out
Illagers came across the ancient cities and set up camp for a short amount of time to try and study the sculk . you can imagine what happened to them
[ i like to think every ‘living’ creature in minecraft has a soul. that keeps them alive and thinking and breathing and stuff. and undead mobs have soul residue which leaves them with very basic instincts or things they subconsciously remember how to do ITS A FUN THOUGHT ]
[ in my little au illagers love experimenting w souls . because the more you experiment the more messed up results you get (vexes being the fused collective of 2-3 allays, or creating abominations via sticking two different mob souls together… possibly how ravagers came to be since they look a bit like villagers that got turned into beasts . fun theorizing ]
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Hey invention? Phanon? I love your mind, it's wonderful. Have a drawing!
I've never drawn a warden before, mostly because it's been very daunting, but I think I got it out the way I wanted it to!! Sculk itself is kind of like... a fungus-y tentacle-y mixture, and i got some inspiration from the devil's fingers fungus irl! Really cool, I suggest giving it a look-see.
In my head, sculk would start off kind of like little eggs or pips or... whatever those things are... there's a name for it, when a plant or a cell decides to split off to make a new plant or cell? Mitosis? Bulbs? Plantlets? There's a word I'm looking for. Anyways. They'd probably grow mini sculk bits off of more mature ones so they can drop off and spread on their own, kind of like some types of succulent if that makes sense? Which explains the little sticky-outy bits on the wardens' horn things. Man, there's gotta be proper terminology for this, my brain is not finding the right words today.
They'd release some sort of bioluminescence when disturbed, and have an almost tar-like substance produced to trap smaller mobs (spiders, bats, etc.) that happen to wander too close, akin to fly traps. It wouldn't work as well for humans, but it's not uncommon to have your foot tugged on by some sculk in the hopes it can digest you.
I went off "The warden itself is a weird amalgamation of human souls stuck together fused with the sculk" because it's FREAKING COOL, so !!! Yeah!! I've got some of the larger/longer sculk tendrils used as arms and 'fingers' in a sense, though they're not all that precise in use. It just opts to smack the heck out of people usually. The bones in the shoulders and feet I thought were really cool on the in-game design, so I feel that the sculk would grow around any sorts of bones it had access to to keep a more stable structure. Keeping yourself upright if you're a soft mass of plantiness/fungus-yness would be a little tough, I think. Also, keeping bones close to the sculk might make it easier to tether souls together? Who knows!
It'd be neat to see what types of matter the sculk would attach to to form a warden-- it could be enderman bones, for all we know! Big and long and short and stubby, and all of the bones are in the wrong places. Using femurs for toes, or ribs for arms... it'd definitely not be fun to see in person.
Sculk sickness sounds SO NEAT TOO!!! I imagine you might be able to inhale it, like spores? Since it feeds off of xp or souls, you just keep fueling it once you're infected whether you like it or not. Does it have any cure, or would you have to have some sort of surgery to try to remove the existing sculk from your body? That'd cause a heck of a lot of complications, if it were to block anything internally. Wild, but neat to theorize about.
And YES on the experimenting with souls thing! Especially with the update so vexes look a lot more like allays-- definitely experiment material. I wonder how many more mobs are out there that we haven't seen because they haven't been made yet? Just mish mashes of any sort of soul they could get their hands on, inhabiting a body that doesn't feel quite right. Kinda interesting!
Thank you for sharing as always ily you rule. Your theories slap, may your inventory be full of diamonds or something. May the Nether's fire guide your way, idk. More piglin-y, as per my blog, lol.
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oaresearchpaper · 5 months
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prince-liest · 1 month
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I wasn't able to buy this plant because the big box store I found it at doesn't take mobile pay so I proplifted a couple leaves, and then when I came back next week there were none left so this is my only chance qq
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ruthbancroftgarden · 1 year
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Agave vilmoriniana ‘Stained Glass’
Agave vilmoriniana is sometimes called the “octopus agave” because of its long sinuous leaves, which with  little imagination can be likened to the arms of an octopus. Like other agaves, it dies after flowering, and it is a species that does not make offsets, but it manages to keep going by producing many little plantlets (bulbils) on its flower stalk. These bulbils are clones of the mother plant, and they serve as a back-up means of reproduction in case no seeds germinate successfully. This species occurs over a large area of western Mexico along the Sierra Madre Occidental. The cultivar ‘Stained Glass’ is a variegated form, with yellow margins on its leaves.
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think-through-pen · 1 year
To My Love (2)
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Dear Love,
Drenched from tip to toe, I miss you. I haven't seen you once, but it feels as if my heart will spill like ink when you will reveal yourself to me. I won't hate the rain anymore. I won't bring umbrella thinking you must be loving rain, and what use am I if I were to take shelter from it?
The wind blows in my face as if holding my hand to take me to you. The time is still not due. My feelings drip from my notebooks in the form of ink, though warm. The flapping of the leaves remind me of how your scarf might flap in the wind. Shall I take it as a summon?
The rain has stopped. Everything is fresh, rejuvenated. So is my love, born from the ashes of its former self. Plantlets of hope sprout under my feet. Is this the sign that my love has bonded with you from this land to wherever you are?
Yours Truly,
Taglist: @most-ment @jordynhaiku @hauntedandwholesome @somebodyssongbird @sunlovemoon @twisted0limbs @a-moonlit-poet @distilledmelancholies @fordothepoet @heywriters @loveletterscollective
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garden-da-luciano · 5 days
The Prolific, Mother of Thousands and Mother of Millions
Kalanchoes are succulent plants that originate from Asia and Africa, but many species are now considered invasive elsewhere. They grow in arid climates which means that they are adapted to drought and heat. Many of the species proliferate prolifically through growing plantlets along the leaves. The species that tend to grow plantlets don't rely on seeds for reproduction and may even be sterile. The species that don't grow plantlets or grow few of them rely more on seeds for reproduction. Many Kalanchoe species are also monocarpic, which means that they die after flowering. I personally grow Kalanchoe panamensis, Kalanchoe laetivirens, and Kalanchoe x houghtonii. All three have been easy-to-grow plants that thrive on neglect. I received the Kalanchoe laetivirens and Kalanchoe x houghtonii at a local plant swap last fall. I have given multiple starts away of those two as they proliferate so quickly.
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shayandas · 2 years
"Like a young sapling, my child", beamed the mother and went on further with a sigh, "As if you are a freshly sprung plantlet of rose, I'd water you, assume every minute necessity of you as my own, and defend you from every ruthless squall until you bloom to your fullest albeit the only flower I receive in my lifetime is at my funeral".
Shayan Das
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jedi-bird · 6 months
More potting soil was acquired today; still need a lot more to finish my projects, but it's a start. I tidied up the area under where the tree branch fell. Repotted the fallen echeverias; started some broken off jade plant branches; repotted some offshoots that I had started a few years ago into bigger pots; and set some leaves up in a tray to see if they'll grow little plantlets.
I repotted some of my amaryllis bulbs since they were getting pot bound. Found some more ginger hiding in a pot I thought was empty. Reorganized one of the shelves and bought some new resin pots at Big Lots (they were pretty cheap and I'm going to have to remember to check them first next time).
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The wildflowers are starting to grow, including a lupin which thrills me; I love them but they rarely ever grow for me. Hannibal, despite now being tilted in his pot, has some flowers starting. The poinsettia is finally getting some color and my yellow rose (Radiant Perfume) is now over 8 feet tall.
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nitannichionne · 2 years
If He Was Your Fan (A Henry Cavill Fanfic), Chapter 75: American Lady
The minute you rise you feel like you are going to faint.
Weeks ago you were worth maybe a hundred thousand. Now you are worth closer to a hundred million. You look to your right and left at Graham and Wilson who are standing by the doors but on opposite sides of the room. They humor you and wear Christmas tree pins with their Men In Black wear.
You look down at Henry. How is he taking this? You look down at your hand and get a lump in your throat as you see he still has it, warm and strong as it envelopes yours. You sit and your eyes go straight to his.
“I have a lot of questions,” He smiles, shaking his head in disbelief as he takes both of your hands into his.
“It’s been an interesting few weeks,” you admit softly.
“I think it’s time we catch up,” he rises from his seat. He offers you your cape.
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He escorts you out on deck in the moonlight. “So, how did this start?”
“They found Al, my great great grandfather, buried at Edenvale.”
“He was buried not far from the house he was supposed to inherit,” You tell him. “He must have come to claim his birthright, and was murdered. The SIS found out before it could be taken or destroyed. Remember the Eden family was of some rank, so finding a missing heir was a bit of a cold case.”
“But how did you—” he pauses. “The DNA test.”
“Yes, London Grand Dame always wants to know if they have nobility or notoriety in their midst,” you exhale. “so…this year, the search proved successful?”
“So what’s been going on the past few weeks I’ve been gone?”
“A lot,” you confess. “First there was the matter of releasing funds. I was given the house and grounds right away. Landcaster and Devlin was about to put up a fight, but the DNA tests were so conclusive, especially when they compared Alden to Al then to me. They moved quickly on it, but I am not sure why. Then, I was introduced to the people of Edenvale-about eight hundred or so, at a village meeting.”
His look turned to one of concern. “Oh, how did that go?”
Your mind’s eye reflects on the meeting. “Some are curious, some are threatened. They asked if I wanted anything or planned to make changes. I have been.”
He went still. “You have?”
“Well, yes, I’m updating and expanding the library at our elementary school, and I’m reopening a business and turning it into a hostel with a library and all day café-nothing like the Red Lion. Just bunkbeds, tea sandwiches, soups and pastries all day, a collegiate feel. And I’m looking to open a clinic.”
“That’s a lot!”
“It’s what is needed,” you say. “The Red Lion is really nice, but if we want to catch the college students or their visitors this may work. Oxford isn’t far, you know, so I am in talks with Plantlet, our closest secondary school in the next town for some funding...I’m excited.”
He raises an eyebrow. “They want this—”
“They’ve been wanting to develop, and I can help.”
“So how are you paying for this?”
“Out of the money.”
His concern returns. “You really should try to—”
“The projections for all projects is less than five million, though I’m not planning on more than seven,” you shrug. “that’s more than the cost of your house in California, and about a tenth of my fortune.”
“You are going to make it home?”
“One of them, I think,” you nod. “There is still leadership and a council of sorts, and I am not disturbing it. I am reopening a business and establishing a small medical resource, building as little as possible, but reusing or repurposing buildings. I am not dangerous to them. They want a doctor here, they don’t mind rekindling a business, and I am expanding their educational resources.”
“You sound like you are going to run for office, love.”
“I have no desire to participate in politics of any kind,” you say quickly. “I am just respecting and investing in my ancestors’ birthplace.”
“Lady Edenvale?”
“Uh—” You turn slowly. “Yes?”
“Dancing is starting.” Graham nods respectfully.
Your eyes narrow at “Alright?”
“It seems that you have a dance card?”
Henry is as incredulous as you are. “A what?”
“For charity?” Graham says. “And besides, it’s impressive. Important people, people who can help with your projects for Evendale, milady.”
“I haven’t even—”
“Word got around quickly,” Graham chuckles softly. “The second your name was entered in the book of Lords, everyone got an announcement.”
“But I’m not a member of parliament or—”
“Maybe not, milady,” Graham nods. “but your fortune was untouchable. That is no longer the case now that you are here.”
“I don’t like the way that sounded.” Henry’s voice is a growl.
“Please, milady,” Graham looks around. “for charity?”
“I guess…I should go?” you say to Henry, pleading for understanding.
“I guess I’d better find that dance card,” Henry gives a small smile.
“I think it’s full,” Graham says apologetically.
“Save the last dance,” Henry tells you.
You nod. So much unsaid, you think as he walks away, noting his step is all business. What to do now? “Alright, Graham, let’s go.”
Just as you go back inside, you see none other than Lara Winters. When did she arrive? Was she here the whole time? Your stomach turns, and you fight your inclination to go back to Henry. Truthfully, it wasn’t much a fight, with Graham pushing you along and advising about alliances and such. At the moment you couldn’t care less.
The night becomes an endless dance on the floor. You barely get to talk to your friends, and Henry appears and reappears. He offers dances to help at the charity, and you see he is watching you a little every time he is on the floor with someone. You only feel upset when Lara buys a few dances but Chiru and Sophie work up a dance card for him and cut her off, stopping Sara from making selections of her own, saying it’s only fair to have a list. Thank goodness for friends. Graham gives you a quick “who they are, where they’re from, what they do, and why they are interested in you” rundown before they come to claim you from your chair, which never gets warm. They are surprisingly young to unsurprisingly old, but all well-mannered.
The last song played is supposed to be a jazz version of “We Wish You A Merry Christmas,” but then Henry goes to the DJ and talks to him.
“One more song,” The DJ smiles. “I am in the spirit and truthfully, I just looked outside and it fits.”
Henry walks to you and offers his hand. You stand up and he gently leads you to the floor.
“What did you do?” you giggle, almost ready to outright laugh at Graham’s outrage and Wilson’s amusement as Henry rocks you to the beat.
“I told you I’d have the last dance,” Henry tells you, and kisses your forehead right on the floor.
You swoon against him as others join in. “It feels like they don’t want us to be together, love. It feels like they’re trying to pull us apart.”
“Only if we let them,” he nods. “So, are you coming home with me for Christmas?”
Your eyes drop. “I want to.”
“I am supposed to be in Edenvale for some activities on Christmas Eve Day and attend mass.”
“And you’re free after?”
“Perfect,” he smiles widely. “We’ll drive back to London after.”
“But Henry—”
He kisses your forehead again. “Let it snow, darling.”
“Don’t you mean let it go?” you joke in reply.
“Eh, snow, go,” he rolls his eyes and whispers, rubbing noses with you. “the cold doesn’t bother us anyway.”
You laugh at that, and though you want to really talk about your relationship-where it was when he left before the junket-you just want to enjoy tonight, the holidays. You just want to be in his arms.
@mistress-of-ward​  @nuggsmum​  @messyinsomniacbookgirl  @jencanbeyouryengeralt​  @sweetdreamsofgelato​  @mary-ann84​  @omgkatinka  @the-soot-sprite​  @viking-raider  @keanureevesisbae  @henryobsessed​  @summersong69​ @kinbhot4henners  @sunshine96love​  @michelehansel​  @radofrivia  @thelastsock​   @defffcc  @tenaciousneckpartypainter  @rn7rocksn @mrskikirazz  @daydreamin83  @ruthoakenshield  @musicartmayheminmyheart  @michelehansel  @tumblnewby  @defffcc @tenaciousneckpartypainter @rn7rocksn  @daydreamin83 @ruthoakenshield  @forallthebrokenheartedthings  @alphacancrii @liquorlaughslove @designerewriterchic @sofiebstar @tamychm  @nikkilynn303 @circesgirl @aaescritora @xoxohannahlee  @pixie88 @fckdeusername@maan24@rn7rocks @kaatelyyynn  @october505 @absentmindedreader @introvertedmouse
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