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just-eyris-things · 1 year ago
Rant i czepianie się bo nie podobają mi się polskie tłumaczenia w GW1
o matko, od czego tu zacząć....najlepiej chyba od początku.
Zanim się odpalę, to chciałabym zaznaczyć dwie (2) rzeczy. 1. W polską wersję językową grałam bardzo krótko (parę minut, nie dało się tego znieść), większość moich informacji co do tłumaczeń pochodzi z chatu polskiej gildii, do której należałam.
Ok, mamy najważniejsze z głowy, to lecimy z tym koksem!
Pierwsze co jakoś mi nie siadło to tłumaczenie charrów na popielaki. Ze strony ludzi jest to ok, ale nie sądzę, by charry o samych sobie mówiłyby w ten sposób. Do tego, "popielaki" zostały popielakami dopiero po Spopieleniu Ascalonu, więc czemu nazywać je popielakami wcześniej? W sumie jak teraz to piszę to myślę sobie, że w sumie nazywanie ich popielakami od początku jest w porządku, w końcu charry posługiwały się głównie magią ognia i zostawiały za sobą popioły, I guess działa. Popielaki oceniam na 2.75/5.
Następna rzecz to Kintaj i Iskra. Zacznijmy od Kintaju. Jeśli nigdy nie graliście w GW1 to wiedzcie, że Kintaj to Cantha. Nie wiedziałam co ma piernik do wiatraka, więc jak to ja, żaliłam się kumpeli, a że kumpela studiowała antropologię... to się dowiedziałam, że dawno, dawno temu tak nazywano Japonię. Pisząc tego posta próbowałam znaleźć tę informację na szybko ale przyznam, że jej się nie doszukałam. Doszukałam się mostu Kintai w Japonii, o! "No dobra, Eyris, ale mając tę wiedzę, to Kintaj i Cantha... jak dla mnie dobre połączenie!". Musimy pamiętać, że Cantha jest krajem wzorowanym na wielu krajach azjatyckich, nie tylko Japonii czy Chinach. Uważam, że tu byłoby dobrze zachować oryginalną nazwę, najwyżej spolszczyć pisownię do "Kanta" (w końcu przerobili Ascalon na Askalon, to czemu nie?). Miałoby to kilka plusów. Po pierwsze, zachowujemy część świata fantasy w jego oryginalnej formie, co czyni go bardziej interesującym. Po drugie, jeśli ktoś nie jest w temacie (tak jak ja) to nie zauważy połączenia między Kintajem a Canthą i będzie się zastanawiał skąd to zostało wzięte. Po trzecie, aspekt społeczny: zostawiając Canthę Canthą nie tworzymy podziału między polskimi a zagranicznymi graczami. Tłumaczenie Cantha-Kintaj oceniam na 2/5.
A Iskra? Iskra, Iskiereczka nasza co na Wojtusia z popielnika mrugała, to przecież Glint! Szczerze mówiąc to nie wiem jak się czuję z tym tłumaczeniem. Z jednej strony mogłoby być spoko jeśli popatrzymy przez pryzmat GW2 i Zephyrites (Zefiryci? na ten moment nie wiem), który nazywali się imionami takimi jak Dusk (Zachód), Dawn (Wschód) czy Thaw (Odwilż). Są grupą wyznającą Glint i widać powiązanie między ich zwyczajami nadawania imion oraz jej imieniem. Ale z drugiej strony mam wrażenie, że Iskra traci na...majestetyczności? Nie wiem, to może tylko ja. Tłumaczenie Glint na Iskra oceniam ostatecznie na 3.75/5 (czyli takie 4 minus!)
"no dobra, Eyris, ale weźmy np taką Grę o Tron, tam lokacje są tłumaczone! To czemu nie przetłumaczyć takiej Canthy na Kintaj a Glint na Iskrę?"
Owszem, ale w Grze o Tron te tłumaczenia mają sens. Już dawno nie czytałam ani nie oglądałam GoT, ale z tego co pamiętam, to "Orle Gniazdo" w oryginale nazywane było "Aerie" - zastosowano tu dosłowne tłumaczenie. Nazwa ta ma znaczenie w świecie przedstawionym przez Martina. Jeśli dobrze pamiętam, była to wysoko położona forteca górska, a z więzienia było bardzo łatwo wypaść bo było "otwarte" - prawie jak prawdziwe gniazdo!
Inne tłumaczenia w fantastyce możemy zaobserwować w cyklu książek Xanth gdzie gry słów są prawie na każdym kroku. Spotykamy Ortograficzną pszczołę (spelling bee, serio, propsy dla tłumacza bo chyba bym umarła na tym), możemy zrywać wiśniowe bomby (cherry bombs), a tymianek to ziele czasu (thyme).
Pisząc to chcę pokazać, że tłumaczenia na polski często są trudne, podejmowane decyzje wymagają potem od nas konsekwentności (jeśli przetłumaczę np. seeweeds na widzorosty (tłumaczenie moje) czy 7 Kingdoms na Siedem Królestw (Gra o Tron), czy Kendom na Kenstwo (Barbie the Movie - dubbing), to muszę się tego trzymać do końca serii). Nad tłumaczeniami należy się dobrze zastanowić - co wnoszą one do tłumaczenia? Jak przetrwają nieznaną nam przyszłość (o tym trochę niżej)? Dlatego Kintaj oceniam bardzo słabo, ale Iskiereczkę już lepiej.
No dobra, ale czy to znaczy, że żadna nazwa w GW nie powinna być tlumaczona? Większość nazw to nazwy własne, takie jak Shiverpeak Mountains (góry Shiverpeak????) czy choćby taka Black Citadel z drugiej części gry.
Jak wspominałam wyżej - przy tłumaczeniu należy dobrze się zastanowić co dane tłumaczenie nam da, a co spowoduje jego brak. Tu mamy świat fantasy, a nie realny, gdzie możemy ładnie przetłumaczyć Warsaw na Warszawę, a Mikołajki zostawimy jak jest (lub uprościmy ł na l). Fantasy jest trudne.
Z tego co wiem, Shiverpeaki zostały przetłumaczone na Dreszczogóry. Nie jest to złe, ale przyznać muszę, że przy Dreszczogórach to mi lekko zęby zgrzytają (pun not intended). Poszłabym w kierunku Drążcych Szczytów. A skoro juz wspominałam Black Citadel, to tu byłoby po prostu Czarna Cytadela pewnie, chociaż jak dla mnie trochę traci na... z braku lepszego słowa, na majestyczności w tym polskim tłumaczeniu. Dreszczogóry oceniam na 3.5/5
Gdybym miała tłumaczyć GW2, pewnie spędzałabym całe dnie na mailowaniu z Anetką by tłumaczenie było w miarę wierne ale też sensowne i zachowało dobry wydźwięk. Kiedyś już zastanawiałam się nad tym i myślałam "może Żelazna Cytadela?" w odniesieniu do tam panującego Smoldura i jego Żelaznego Legionu? I tu właśnie wskakuje pytanie "Czy Żelazna Cytadela miałaby prawo bytu gdyby Anet wprowadziła nad do charrowej ojczyzny i tam byłoby miasto o mianie Iron Citadel?"
Dosłowne tłumaczenia są spoko. Ale czasem trzeba też zaszaleć (ale nie tak jak z Kintajem, pls).
Aaaa żeby nie było tylko negatywnie, tooo chciałabym bardzo podziękować tłumaczom za ciekawe przetłumaczenia Echovald na Drzewoskałę! Chociaż dzisiaj w GW2 to chyba by nie przeszło, ta dzicz trochę już odżyła, ale wtedy? Kiedy historia odnosiła się do skamieniałych lasów? Wstaję i klaskam (not really, kręgosłup mnie napierdala w chuj)! Gratuluję też za White Mantle czyli Białe Opończe! Chociaż mi to tłumaczenie średnio leży, Białe Płaszcze czy Okrycia czy Zasłony brzmiałoby słabo albo po prostu głupio. No proszę państwa, wyobraźcie sobie stać na przeciwko Caudecusa w GW2 a on do was HEJ DOWÓDCO JESTEŚ NICZYM W PORÓWNANIU DO MOICH BIAŁYCH OKRYĆ!!! Także za Drzewoskałę 5/5 i za Białą Opończę 4.75/5! Słoneczne Włócznie (Sunspears) też oceniam pozytywnie na 4.5/5!
Także o, koniec czepiania się. Przypominam, że ten post składa się głównie z MOICH OPINII i każdy ma prawo się ze mną nie zgadzać.
Chciałabym także zaznaczyć, że nawet, jeśli tłumaczenie mi się nie podoba, to doceniam ciężką pracę tłumaczy bo bez nich wielu ludzi nie tknęłoby GW palcem. Za wasz wysiłek, państwo tłumacze, 12/10!
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bugsinapocket · 8 months ago
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Redscape community are you here
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curlybiter · 2 months ago
nsfw curly headcanons
whaddup mouthwash nation i don't normally make posts but i was sick in bed thinking abt curly all day n i got inspired by other ppl's hc posts on here ☺️ so im throwing my hat in the pile.. these are kinda disorganized but the first part is curly x long-distance reader (reader doesn't work on the tulpar), second half is more general stuff.
this post features; afab reader, cunnilingus, masturbation, various other things
when he's single it's pretty easy to get in his pants but it's embarrassingly easy for him to catch feelings for ppl he sleeps w. nd once that happens it's OVER he can't even Look at anybody else bro he is Dedicated
during hauls when he can't be with u it's rlly hard for him to get u out of his mind, esp when he's working bc there's no immediate outlet .. under normal circumstances he doesn't rlly masturbate that often, but when hes away from u it's a lot more common^^; just whenever he can get some privacy alone tbh. he prob does smth rlly lame like look at a picture of u while he does it LMFAOOOOAOA
he gets rlly pent up in the week or so before he gets home especially... once he finally gets home to u he can keep himself in check in public + around others, but once u two are alone at home he's all over u for basically the rest of the night DJFKG hope u dont have work the next day
100% service top no question. nothing turns him on more than your pleasure. he's fine w piv sex if that's what u want but honestly i think he rlly prefers to give oral/handjobs/etc. he'll make sure u cum at Least once before he gets any, especially!! when he's just got back from a haul. he likes to put off his own satisfaction as long as possible bc he tends to fall asleep after he cums but he doesnt want the night to end so quickly^^;
after hes finished getting u off he likes to hold u for awhile while u calm down.. n then he'll let u do whatever u like to him^^ i think he likes when u touch him the most, but really as long as you're enjoying it he's not too picky abt how u get him off
honestly he prob cums pretty fast bc he stays turned on for so long w/o stimulation, but he likes it when u edge him a little bit (not too much tho!)
i honestly don't think he's that much of a talker, esp while receiving. he gets too into it to form coherent words. u can try dirty talking him but u won't get much more than an enthusiastic nod or a whispered "yes" .. oh but he does love saying yes to you::3
THIS MAN WHIMPERS BTW. esp if u pull his hair while he's eating u out, it drives him crazy😭
very much an oral fixation kinda guy, he likes putting your fingers in his mouth, kissing, biting, licking, marking, anywhere he can get to but mainly ur neck/chest
SAYS I LOVE YOU DURING SEX IDC‼️ he melts if u say it too..
reaaaally really likes it when u take charge n tell him what to do, he'll follow ur every word
also into body worship, both receiving and giving. he works hard on his physique! tell him he's beautiful!! (he also thinks your body is perfect and will appreciate it at any opportunity ofc)
he is addictedddd to your voice n it's a big reason why he's so into pleasing you over himself, he lives to hear you whimper n gasp and moan for him. doesn't matter if ur loud or quiet, he loves ur voice bc it's yours
he also really likes to watch your expressions to see how he's doing, and because he thinks you look beautiful writhing under him, but!!!! he'd understand if u were a shy type who gets embarrassed easily, n he'd hide his face in ur neck or vice versa so he cant see u^^ he'd prob just verbally check on u a liiiiitle more often::3
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bonus-links · 2 years ago
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RUINS, pt. 13
first | << prev | next>>
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parkerstorms · 6 months ago
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im sorry i dont usually do this but this post pissed me off so fucking bad and op has replies turned off (because of course they do)
fellas. is it gay to wear pink and have long hair and sing and dance? cause i didn’t realize we were using bioessentialism in movie analysis now that’s crazy
sarcasm aside this is literally why i don’t go in tags anymore because none of you are media literate. not a single one of you. longlegs is not wearing makeup in the movie. it’s shitty plastic surgery; that’s why his lips are red. you can literally tell by just looking at him that it’s not lipstick. the clothes he wears are all off-white or white. the falsetto he’s doing is very obviously meant to mimic that sort of “goochie goo” baby talk a lot of adults unironically use towards children. also coding? ‘coding’ is not when you interpret something from a movie as anything you want because you feel like it. coding is an intentional act committed by creatives to further their story and allude to specific real life things for a specific narrative purpose. it is an intentional act of storytelling. it is not you looking at a movie and assuming something as fact based off slight vibes
and i’m just gonna say it. if you see a male character with long hair that’s acting generally creepy in the vicinity of a child and automatically assume that that character is being coded as a transwoman, YOU ARE THE ONE BEING TRANSPHOBIC.
like holy fuck some of y’all have never actually looked inwards once in your life and it shows
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rayroseu · 1 month ago
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RAMBLES.... This is just a little thing I found on Knight of Dawn's sprite, but HE ACTUALLY WEARS THE AURORAL RING AS A RING??? LIKE ON HIS HAND??? I assumed all this time that him and Silver always wore it as a necklace bcs both their rings has a chain on it and it glows only on their chest.
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Maybe they just draw it like this bcs the screen of the game is very limited. It would look awkward if all this time, Dawn wore it as a ring and they tried to place the glow on his hand (which will be hidden by the thick dialogue box lol) TWST just pls make cutscene illustrations for once--
Although this is so interesting though?? What do you mean that Dawn has a seperate sprite where he has no armor and we can actually see the ring on his hand (despite the fact that all this time they have only been implied to wear it as a necklace) I feel like this guy will really come back on main story once we get to the lore of this ring 😭✨✨
PLS twst im clawing at your door,,, the RING LORE,,, we dont know anything about it fr, at least for Princess Glow, we know that stone only works with Meleanor and its able to grant miracles like restoring health, but for the ring, we only know it didnt come from the Silver Owls, it was left with Dawn ever since he was born (so he didnt create it) and its able to guide you out of the darkness and it only operates with Silver's UM.
Now that I think about it, isnt this auroral ring and Princess Glow operates the same way lol Only follows one caster/magic and able to create miracles (auroral ring's miracle is that its able to fight against the darkness and we know no one has been able to rise up from the darkness yet except Silver with his ring)
I personally think that other than Malleus, Silver will still be a relevant character once we get to Book 8. This magic and Malleus' UM sounds like it'll be useful to make Yuu meet Mickey or make them go home ig. Malleus' UM allows you to initiate a dream while Silver's UM allows you to travel around that dream conciously.
Also wild guess, but if Grim's overblot happens, I just know Silver will be the one to make it 😭
If Book 7 allowed Silver and Sebek to work together, maybe Book 8 will be about Malleus and Silver working together??? 🥺🙏✨
full sprite if anyone wants to see it lol (its from @twstassets)
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WAITING FOR THE PART THAT SILVER GETS TO CAST A SWORD LIKE KNIGHT OF DAWN TOO ALKSJDALKD LOOK i feel that they made their model look exactly the same bcs they're trying to reuse this animation on Silver on the latter part of the book----
also looking at his normal outfit,,, Dawn's clothes really resembles too much with RSA's uniform 😭✨
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soggisquid · 10 months ago
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I just realized I don’t think I ever posted this here so here’s a Luke if he got a different fit for plvsaa
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arcadeii · 3 months ago
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update: the good thing about being into a musical i liked when i was 8 is that i still have all the songs memorized… the downside of that musical being cats is that everyone thinks its stupid lol
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scitty · 1 year ago
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happy cwilbur pressing the slay button day😝😝!
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felassan · 1 month ago
I received a few asks around a similar topic, so I'm popping them together here. ( ´ ▽ ` ) DA:TV spoilers under cut.
[the Felassan Files]
hello! ◕‿◕ thank you for the lovely and fun ask messages!!
lavendervoids asked: "i’ve been dying to know what ur reaction was to seeing felassan in the game was???? the moment i saw him i was yelling and hollering and my first thought was “omg what does tumblr user felassan think of this” LMAO and thank you for all the documenting you’ve been doing up until and past the release of the game, i ended up blocking every dragon age tag a couple months back to avoid any sort of spoilers but i still came to your blog everyday cause i knew you wouldn’t spoil me haha"
hhhh ( ´ ▽ ` ) tysm for thinking of me at that time!! and for the nice comment about this blog and visiting it. I'm really glad to know that my approach to spoiler tagging etc has been okay for you.
littlerune asked: "i don't even know you but you and dragon age felassan are so intrinsically linked in my brain that when he appeared in veilguard all i thought was "ohhhh i wonder how tumblr user felassan feels about this"
hhhh :D 🥺 thankyou so much for thinking of me!! ♡ some say that his ghost operates this tumblr blog, or that he lives still
songofamazon asked: "I'm still on my first play of the game, but whenever I got to the memories in the Crossroads, I thought to myself, "I hope Tumblr Felassan is having a great time. Did you?"
I had a great time playing the game and when playing the Crossroads memories sections, I loved them a lot, they were very cool and a highlight of the game. thankyou sm and for thinking of me, and I hope that you did too!!
phantabula-interactive asked: "im so glad you're enjoying the game!! I had to ask; how did you feel about seeing Felassan in game?? I was so excited to see the notes from him, I wasn't expecting a boss fight MUCH LESS. FULL CAMEO!!! They made him a lot prettier than I was expecting too (/pos)"
thankyou!! I hope that you've been enjoying it too!
so: I was sooo excited and shook to see Felassan in the game!!! I was like
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(I yelped/hooted out loud like a clown) and then
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and then it was suddenly like too much (pos) and my soul left my body and i astral projected into space/paradise/the Astral Plane/the Void or something etc
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and then it took me some time to process or gather my thoughts about it.
obviously I was super hoping that we would see him in the game. I was sure that there would at least be some references to him in codexes/notes etc or allusions made in passing dialogue like Cole and Solas' lines about him in Trespasser. then when the marketing mentioned that we would see flashbacks from Solas' past in the Crossroads, I was like aaa omg, wouldn't that be the perfect time to actually show Felassan??, as a Fade memory or flashback or spirit echo or something. so then I was hoping like 🕯️🕯️🕯️ and yea. but even so, still when I saw him in game for the first time it was still a huge shocked Pikachu moment for me.
I was already feeling psyched from the first Felassan codex/note that I found, then I couldn't believe (pos) just how many codexes/notes scattered around written by him that there was?? I was already feeling spoiled (not spoiled by spoilers but like spoiled from eating good) from that (a bunch of codexes/notes might not seem like a lot but when your fav is a side character that has only appeared in one [1] tie-in novel..) and then he goes and actually APPEARS, AAAA. I feel like I ate so good. with the Betrayal fight and the rune at the end as well, it felt like he was threaded throughout the game and was really haunting the narrative. some assorted thoughts:
first of all everything about his DA:TV appearances/DA:TV references continues to underscore that he is the greatest of all time
it also continues to underscore the pain of his death/story and of his friendship with Solas
may I please go and start a new life living in Solas' memories of Felassan on repeat. i simply do not care that my body would waste away in the waking world from lack of sustenance
in the endgame I was trying to concentrate and punch Elgar'nan in the face and save the world but I like couldn't see straight through the tears after having been given Felassan's Magical Boyfriend Super Rune (morrigan pls.. what a way to twist the KNIFE at an extremely critical moment for thedas hhhh..)
expansion pack where we relive Solas' memories of him and Felassan dating (he didn't deserve Felassan tho fr. but then, does anyone..?)
I know that Felassan would treat Lavellan sooooo right. so well. so respectfully. felassan would pull their chair out for them at restaurants and open car doors and whatever
Betrayal of Felassan refers to Solas' betrayal of Felassan, not Felassan's betrayal of Solas
also i love how they made him DEVASTATINGLY handsome?? in the game (they didnt need to go that hard), but also how, at the same time - even before the TME Deluxe edition illustrations, we all just inherently knew deep in our bones that he was, you could simply just tell from his energy and vibes and dialogue even in only the written word. cool rolls off this guy in waves, and always has done
did his model have smoky winged eye makeup? love that. love that for him
I liked his sense of style. the hair his model has happened to be one of the ones I was debating using for my Rook. it's one of my fav ones from the CC
I appreciated the attention they paid to detail when making his model. Mythal vallaslin, violet/purple eyes, an undercut - as he was previously described or shown in TME, dev social media comments and the TME deluxe illustrations
I liked the actor they chose for him, his voice was cool
I felt like his codexes and notes that he wrote captured his voice and his character. you can see the depth of his loyalty and devotion to his friend, his concerns, and he retains his 'voice' in terms of some snark, wit etc
it's fun thinking about whether Felassan originally manifested from the Fade (and if so, what was he a spirit of) or whether he was born the usual way of other elves. (it could be either one)
Betrayal of Felassan as a manifested embodied regret and its lines like "his back, turned".. very raw. that fight was hard enough mechanically for me as it was, then the lines were like being hamstrung LOL. how could they??? (pos/lh)
I always thought that, a long time ago, Solas was essentially the player character in a different game, the main character of another story. the leader of his own group of companions and friends on their own quest (to stop the Evanuris), and that Felassan was one of those companions. Alistair to his Hero of Ferelden if you will. in DA:TV we learn that not only was he one of his companions, he was basically the second-in-command of his rebellion, a General, his closest friend aside from Mythal and his right-hand man.
he was so cool back in his heyday
pain. paaaaain. but like in a good way (I unironically love to be hurt by stories pls continue 💀...)
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there are a few further posts containing more bits of my reaction and thoughts scattered through my Felassan tag. ^^
There were also a few other asks about this in my inbox, but Tumblr appears to have eaten them?? :< so if you've asked me about Felassan and my reaction since launch but the message isn't in this post, thankyou sm and I'm very sorry. 😔 pls feel free to re-send it. :)
I do remember that one of the vanished messages asked me what the Slaughter of the Pillars boss regret refers to - the Pillars of the Earth are the Titans. ("Hail Mythal, adjudicator and savior! She has struck down the pillars of the earth and rendered their demesne unto the People! Praise her name forever!") That undead boss embodies another of Solas' greatest regrets, namely what he and Mythal did to the Titans during the war with them - sundering every Titan from their spirit, severing them from their dreams, which resulted in the Blight as the dreams were driven mad. it also in a sense broke the dwarves in two and caused the fall of the fate of the dwarven people. Beyond the mural-memory that pertains to this in DA:TV, there are depictions of this time in the ancient past in the DA:TV artbook: [one, two]. Annotations there describe Solas rendering the Titans tranquil and capturing their souls; dwarves as a consequence then losing their connection to magic and fleeing into the now-Tranquil earth; and the Evanuris then building Elvhenan using the power of the captured Titan souls.
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mamadarama · 3 months ago
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butch naruchan........... save me.........
(yapping and versions with no lighting) ↴
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man this took me ages , i didnt intend for this to be such a big piece but i kept adding stuff :P not too happy w the pose or the outfit but whatever she still looks cute and i learned a lot from making it. i never do full renders like this..... oh also i made the card frame by hand from scratch isnt it cool !!!!!!!!!
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wellexcusemeagain · 1 month ago
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UMMM hi. I drew more kinky eprocto gross art of my fave lowkey embarrassing fictional guy to draw YIPPEEE. I’m not attracted to men irl but I’d let him do things to me y’know what I mean
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pokituu · 2 months ago
had a dream the newest slang was "squid situation" in reference to how minecraft squids will beach themselves and then just shit and die. those squids get themselves in situations they can't help it. so ppl would use it in situations where where someone just really can't help but fuck themselves over, with or without realizing they're even doing it. all this to say i think we're collectively in a bit of a squid situation lads. many such cases
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onnoffwrites · 9 months ago
After recent events, I ended up going back to the beginning to check things, because my first reaction will always be "wtf, this is shit, why would you do this" and my second reaction will always be "okay maybe that was a bit much, maybe he's not THAT bad, maybe has a good reason-
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Okay.. that doesn't rly mean anything, maybe she's just worried kaito found something he shouldn't-
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Okay.. okay this looks, well maybe he's just leaving some recordings in case kaito found something he shouldn't! It's not like they can hide it forever! The room is part of the house! Kaito lives in the house-
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Excuse me... What did .. what did you say...? Wha
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What do you mean "designed"?
What??? What do you MEAN "designed to open after 8 years"???
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I have been angry since April 12th and I've reached a point where I don't even know what to feel anymore I don't even know what to tell y'all.
Like, wow, omg, movie reveals. Other than family relations, the other thing isn't exactly anything new. We've all read Midnight Crow. We saw Kaitou Corbaeu. We've been in denial until finally reaching acceptance. For me at least. And then we spend a few years bargaining, bc surely there's a good reason kaitos not in the know. That kaito has to be KID. Surely there's a reason? Right?
At this point we don't even truly know if Jii is in the know and was acting as planned out by the parents or not. Or if he's just like kaito. Tricked, lied to, played for fools. At the very least ginzo doesn't know, so there's that. Not sure how much that would help kaito when he inevitably finds out. Because he will. The fact remains that it's quite suspicious that Jii just so happen to choose to don the KID outfit and become KID to draw out toichis murderers exactly 8 years after toichis death. EXACTLY the same amount of time that was set for that trap door portrait to open to kaito.
There's a lot of implications to think about
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draculaurennn · 6 days ago
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𝔒𝔯𝔭𝔥𝔢𝔲𝔰 𝔈𝔶𝔢𝔰 . Non-Default Eyes for your simmies.
@saruin has been a huge inspiration to me as a simmer and previously, I've ported some of their eyes to non-default versions for myself and others to use.
Now, inspired by saruin's work, I've handpainted and coloured a set of eyes that my friends have encouraged me to share with the world. Honestly, these eyes have overtaken all of my sims and I'm so so proud to be sharing something I made myself from scratch. I really hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them.
These eyes run the gamut of colours from basic greens and greys to fruit gummies, galactic inspired, and all inbetween. I love a ton of variety in my eye colours so there should be something for everybody in this eye set.
Shoutout to my lovely simming friend @marzipaneavocado for taking the beautiful preview pics for me!
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✦ over 40 swatches at least.
✦ (should be) Base-game compatible
✦ does NOT override defaults
✦ enabled for everyone but infants because I don't know how. :)
✦ enabled for random to minimize glitches
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baizhu-big-naturals · 4 months ago
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god's gift
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