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Rant i czepianie się bo nie podobają mi się polskie tłumaczenia w GW1
o matko, od czego tu zacząć....najlepiej chyba od początku.
Zanim się odpalę, to chciałabym zaznaczyć dwie (2) rzeczy. 1. W polską wersję językową grałam bardzo krótko (parę minut, nie dało się tego znieść), większość moich informacji co do tłumaczeń pochodzi z chatu polskiej gildii, do której należałam.
Ok, mamy najważniejsze z głowy, to lecimy z tym koksem!
Pierwsze co jakoś mi nie siadło to tłumaczenie charrów na popielaki. Ze strony ludzi jest to ok, ale nie sądzę, by charry o samych sobie mówiłyby w ten sposób. Do tego, "popielaki" zostały popielakami dopiero po Spopieleniu Ascalonu, więc czemu nazywać je popielakami wcześniej? W sumie jak teraz to piszę to myślę sobie, że w sumie nazywanie ich popielakami od początku jest w porządku, w końcu charry posługiwały się głównie magią ognia i zostawiały za sobą popioły, I guess działa. Popielaki oceniam na 2.75/5.
Następna rzecz to Kintaj i Iskra. Zacznijmy od Kintaju. Jeśli nigdy nie graliście w GW1 to wiedzcie, że Kintaj to Cantha. Nie wiedziałam co ma piernik do wiatraka, więc jak to ja, żaliłam się kumpeli, a że kumpela studiowała antropologię... to się dowiedziałam, że dawno, dawno temu tak nazywano Japonię. Pisząc tego posta próbowałam znaleźć tę informację na szybko ale przyznam, że jej się nie doszukałam. Doszukałam się mostu Kintai w Japonii, o! "No dobra, Eyris, ale mając tę wiedzę, to Kintaj i Cantha... jak dla mnie dobre połączenie!". Musimy pamiętać, że Cantha jest krajem wzorowanym na wielu krajach azjatyckich, nie tylko Japonii czy Chinach. Uważam, że tu byłoby dobrze zachować oryginalną nazwę, najwyżej spolszczyć pisownię do "Kanta" (w końcu przerobili Ascalon na Askalon, to czemu nie?). Miałoby to kilka plusów. Po pierwsze, zachowujemy część świata fantasy w jego oryginalnej formie, co czyni go bardziej interesującym. Po drugie, jeśli ktoś nie jest w temacie (tak jak ja) to nie zauważy połączenia między Kintajem a Canthą i będzie się zastanawiał skąd to zostało wzięte. Po trzecie, aspekt społeczny: zostawiając Canthę Canthą nie tworzymy podziału między polskimi a zagranicznymi graczami. Tłumaczenie Cantha-Kintaj oceniam na 2/5.
A Iskra? Iskra, Iskiereczka nasza co na Wojtusia z popielnika mrugała, to przecież Glint! Szczerze mówiąc to nie wiem jak się czuję z tym tłumaczeniem. Z jednej strony mogłoby być spoko jeśli popatrzymy przez pryzmat GW2 i Zephyrites (Zefiryci? na ten moment nie wiem), który nazywali się imionami takimi jak Dusk (Zachód), Dawn (Wschód) czy Thaw (Odwilż). Są grupą wyznającą Glint i widać powiązanie między ich zwyczajami nadawania imion oraz jej imieniem. Ale z drugiej strony mam wrażenie, że Iskra traci na...majestetyczności? Nie wiem, to może tylko ja. Tłumaczenie Glint na Iskra oceniam ostatecznie na 3.75/5 (czyli takie 4 minus!)
"no dobra, Eyris, ale weźmy np taką Grę o Tron, tam lokacje są tłumaczone! To czemu nie przetłumaczyć takiej Canthy na Kintaj a Glint na Iskrę?"
Owszem, ale w Grze o Tron te tłumaczenia mają sens. Już dawno nie czytałam ani nie oglądałam GoT, ale z tego co pamiętam, to "Orle Gniazdo" w oryginale nazywane było "Aerie" - zastosowano tu dosłowne tłumaczenie. Nazwa ta ma znaczenie w świecie przedstawionym przez Martina. Jeśli dobrze pamiętam, była to wysoko położona forteca górska, a z więzienia było bardzo łatwo wypaść bo było "otwarte" - prawie jak prawdziwe gniazdo!
Inne tłumaczenia w fantastyce możemy zaobserwować w cyklu książek Xanth gdzie gry słów są prawie na każdym kroku. Spotykamy Ortograficzną pszczołę (spelling bee, serio, propsy dla tłumacza bo chyba bym umarła na tym), możemy zrywać wiśniowe bomby (cherry bombs), a tymianek to ziele czasu (thyme).
Pisząc to chcę pokazać, że tłumaczenia na polski często są trudne, podejmowane decyzje wymagają potem od nas konsekwentności (jeśli przetłumaczę np. seeweeds na widzorosty (tłumaczenie moje) czy 7 Kingdoms na Siedem Królestw (Gra o Tron), czy Kendom na Kenstwo (Barbie the Movie - dubbing), to muszę się tego trzymać do końca serii). Nad tłumaczeniami należy się dobrze zastanowić - co wnoszą one do tłumaczenia? Jak przetrwają nieznaną nam przyszłość (o tym trochę niżej)? Dlatego Kintaj oceniam bardzo słabo, ale Iskiereczkę już lepiej.
No dobra, ale czy to znaczy, że żadna nazwa w GW nie powinna być tlumaczona? Większość nazw to nazwy własne, takie jak Shiverpeak Mountains (góry Shiverpeak????) czy choćby taka Black Citadel z drugiej części gry.
Jak wspominałam wyżej - przy tłumaczeniu należy dobrze się zastanowić co dane tłumaczenie nam da, a co spowoduje jego brak. Tu mamy świat fantasy, a nie realny, gdzie możemy ładnie przetłumaczyć Warsaw na Warszawę, a Mikołajki zostawimy jak jest (lub uprościmy ł na l). Fantasy jest trudne.
Z tego co wiem, Shiverpeaki zostały przetłumaczone na Dreszczogóry. Nie jest to złe, ale przyznać muszę, że przy Dreszczogórach to mi lekko zęby zgrzytają (pun not intended). Poszłabym w kierunku Drążcych Szczytów. A skoro juz wspominałam Black Citadel, to tu byłoby po prostu Czarna Cytadela pewnie, chociaż jak dla mnie trochę traci na... z braku lepszego słowa, na majestyczności w tym polskim tłumaczeniu. Dreszczogóry oceniam na 3.5/5
Gdybym miała tłumaczyć GW2, pewnie spędzałabym całe dnie na mailowaniu z Anetką by tłumaczenie było w miarę wierne ale też sensowne i zachowało dobry wydźwięk. Kiedyś już zastanawiałam się nad tym i myślałam "może Żelazna Cytadela?" w odniesieniu do tam panującego Smoldura i jego Żelaznego Legionu? I tu właśnie wskakuje pytanie "Czy Żelazna Cytadela miałaby prawo bytu gdyby Anet wprowadziła nad do charrowej ojczyzny i tam byłoby miasto o mianie Iron Citadel?"
Dosłowne tłumaczenia są spoko. Ale czasem trzeba też zaszaleć (ale nie tak jak z Kintajem, pls).
Aaaa żeby nie było tylko negatywnie, tooo chciałabym bardzo podziękować tłumaczom za ciekawe przetłumaczenia Echovald na Drzewoskałę! Chociaż dzisiaj w GW2 to chyba by nie przeszło, ta dzicz trochę już odżyła, ale wtedy? Kiedy historia odnosiła się do skamieniałych lasów? Wstaję i klaskam (not really, kręgosłup mnie napierdala w chuj)! Gratuluję też za White Mantle czyli Białe Opończe! Chociaż mi to tłumaczenie średnio leży, Białe Płaszcze czy Okrycia czy Zasłony brzmiałoby słabo albo po prostu głupio. No proszę państwa, wyobraźcie sobie stać na przeciwko Caudecusa w GW2 a on do was HEJ DOWÓDCO JESTEŚ NICZYM W PORÓWNANIU DO MOICH BIAŁYCH OKRYĆ!!! Także za Drzewoskałę 5/5 i za Białą Opończę 4.75/5! Słoneczne Włócznie (Sunspears) też oceniam pozytywnie na 4.5/5!
Także o, koniec czepiania się. Przypominam, że ten post składa się głównie z MOICH OPINII i każdy ma prawo się ze mną nie zgadzać.
Chciałabym także zaznaczyć, że nawet, jeśli tłumaczenie mi się nie podoba, to doceniam ciężką pracę tłumaczy bo bez nich wielu ludzi nie tknęłoby GW palcem. Za wasz wysiłek, państwo tłumacze, 12/10!
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Redscape community are you here
#I had a bad day so I draw hermitshipping#redscape community moved on too quickly from hotguy fanboy mumbo k jumbo#I think they’re sweet#redscape#mumscar#hermitshipping#hermitshipblr#hermitcraft#<— am i allowed to main tag??#hermitcraft fanart#mumbo jumbo#mumbo jumbo fanart#goodtimeswithscar#goodtimeswithscar fanart#gtwscar#gtwscar fanart#<— AM I ALLOWED?? TO MAINTAG???#my art#shivering my timbers#slightly terrified posting this#pls don’t burn me at the stake#hotguy#hc hotguy
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nsfw curly headcanons
whaddup mouthwash nation i don't normally make posts but i was sick in bed thinking abt curly all day n i got inspired by other ppl's hc posts on here ☺️ so im throwing my hat in the pile.. these are kinda disorganized but the first part is curly x long-distance reader (reader doesn't work on the tulpar), second half is more general stuff.
this post features; afab reader, cunnilingus, masturbation, various other things
when he's single it's pretty easy to get in his pants but it's embarrassingly easy for him to catch feelings for ppl he sleeps w. nd once that happens it's OVER he can't even Look at anybody else bro he is Dedicated
during hauls when he can't be with u it's rlly hard for him to get u out of his mind, esp when he's working bc there's no immediate outlet .. under normal circumstances he doesn't rlly masturbate that often, but when hes away from u it's a lot more common^^; just whenever he can get some privacy alone tbh. he prob does smth rlly lame like look at a picture of u while he does it LMFAOOOOAOA
he gets rlly pent up in the week or so before he gets home especially... once he finally gets home to u he can keep himself in check in public + around others, but once u two are alone at home he's all over u for basically the rest of the night DJFKG hope u dont have work the next day
100% service top no question. nothing turns him on more than your pleasure. he's fine w piv sex if that's what u want but honestly i think he rlly prefers to give oral/handjobs/etc. he'll make sure u cum at Least once before he gets any, especially!! when he's just got back from a haul. he likes to put off his own satisfaction as long as possible bc he tends to fall asleep after he cums but he doesnt want the night to end so quickly^^;
after hes finished getting u off he likes to hold u for awhile while u calm down.. n then he'll let u do whatever u like to him^^ i think he likes when u touch him the most, but really as long as you're enjoying it he's not too picky abt how u get him off
honestly he prob cums pretty fast bc he stays turned on for so long w/o stimulation, but he likes it when u edge him a little bit (not too much tho!)
i honestly don't think he's that much of a talker, esp while receiving. he gets too into it to form coherent words. u can try dirty talking him but u won't get much more than an enthusiastic nod or a whispered "yes" .. oh but he does love saying yes to you::3
THIS MAN WHIMPERS BTW. esp if u pull his hair while he's eating u out, it drives him crazy😭
very much an oral fixation kinda guy, he likes putting your fingers in his mouth, kissing, biting, licking, marking, anywhere he can get to but mainly ur neck/chest
SAYS I LOVE YOU DURING SEX IDC‼️ he melts if u say it too..
reaaaally really likes it when u take charge n tell him what to do, he'll follow ur every word
also into body worship, both receiving and giving. he works hard on his physique! tell him he's beautiful!! (he also thinks your body is perfect and will appreciate it at any opportunity ofc)
he is addictedddd to your voice n it's a big reason why he's so into pleasing you over himself, he lives to hear you whimper n gasp and moan for him. doesn't matter if ur loud or quiet, he loves ur voice bc it's yours
he also really likes to watch your expressions to see how he's doing, and because he thinks you look beautiful writhing under him, but!!!! he'd understand if u were a shy type who gets embarrassed easily, n he'd hide his face in ur neck or vice versa so he cant see u^^ he'd prob just verbally check on u a liiiiitle more often::3
#mouthwashing smut#mouthwashing x reader#captain curly x reader#curly x reader smut#curly mouthwashing#too embarrassed to put this in the main tag lolol but u can if u reblog ❤️🩹#ive never posted before this is rly scary and im being so brave so pls be nice to me
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RUINS, pt. 13
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#anyone else have a transcendent experience the first time u realized there were dragons in the sky in botw#just me?#i'll post the rest of this update next week#also!! slate's not going to stop using sign from now on don't worry!!#no totk spoilers in the replies pls#bonus links#bonuslinks#main comic#bonuslinksdotjpg#botw#breath of the wild#skyward sword
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im sorry i dont usually do this but this post pissed me off so fucking bad and op has replies turned off (because of course they do)
fellas. is it gay to wear pink and have long hair and sing and dance? cause i didn’t realize we were using bioessentialism in movie analysis now that’s crazy
sarcasm aside this is literally why i don’t go in tags anymore because none of you are media literate. not a single one of you. longlegs is not wearing makeup in the movie. it’s shitty plastic surgery; that’s why his lips are red. you can literally tell by just looking at him that it’s not lipstick. the clothes he wears are all off-white or white. the falsetto he’s doing is very obviously meant to mimic that sort of “goochie goo” baby talk a lot of adults unironically use towards children. also coding? ‘coding’ is not when you interpret something from a movie as anything you want because you feel like it. coding is an intentional act committed by creatives to further their story and allude to specific real life things for a specific narrative purpose. it is an intentional act of storytelling. it is not you looking at a movie and assuming something as fact based off slight vibes
and i’m just gonna say it. if you see a male character with long hair that’s acting generally creepy in the vicinity of a child and automatically assume that that character is being coded as a transwoman, YOU ARE THE ONE BEING TRANSPHOBIC.
like holy fuck some of y’all have never actually looked inwards once in your life and it shows
#longlegs#horror#main tag dont care! op ur stupid and just looking for smth to be mad at#how hard would it to be like ‘i found it boring and reductive’ no you just have to create a moral issue around smth you personally dont lik#and spread misinformation while ur at it!#NEWSFLASH. YOU CAN DISLIKE THINGS OR EVEN HATE THEM WITHOUT HAVING TO ASSIGN SOME SORT OF MORAL PURITY TO IT#PLEASE FUCK OFF HORROR IS NOT THE GENRE FOR YOU!#ask to tag#pls i have no idea what kind of trigger tags to put here if any#long post#lou.txt
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It's inescapable. Humanity. Our very essence. Our emotions. Rage. Compassion. Hate. Two sides of the same coin, inextricably bound. That which inspires us to our greatest good...is also the cause of our greatest evil.
#arcane#arcaneedit#loledit#animationedit#tuserrue#userangelic#useraurore#userchess#viktor arcane#viktor#flashing gif tw#long post#*#shows#what if i said he's the main character. what then#........you'd call me biased 😔#but pls let a girl believe her wife is the most important person in the entire world. also i'm right#anyway. 1) vik actually isn't listed for 2.03 BUT THERE HE IS and i love that shot and also 🦋#2) he IS listed for 2.05 but it's salo!vik and i'm not putting him in here because full disrespect i cannot stand salo's ass#3) don't look too closely at some of these thank you. having to color s1 is basically the bane of my existence#ok gonna post this now and dip because i don't hate this yet
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RAMBLES.... This is just a little thing I found on Knight of Dawn's sprite, but HE ACTUALLY WEARS THE AURORAL RING AS A RING??? LIKE ON HIS HAND??? I assumed all this time that him and Silver always wore it as a necklace bcs both their rings has a chain on it and it glows only on their chest.
Maybe they just draw it like this bcs the screen of the game is very limited. It would look awkward if all this time, Dawn wore it as a ring and they tried to place the glow on his hand (which will be hidden by the thick dialogue box lol) TWST just pls make cutscene illustrations for once--
Although this is so interesting though?? What do you mean that Dawn has a seperate sprite where he has no armor and we can actually see the ring on his hand (despite the fact that all this time they have only been implied to wear it as a necklace) I feel like this guy will really come back on main story once we get to the lore of this ring 😭✨✨
PLS twst im clawing at your door,,, the RING LORE,,, we dont know anything about it fr, at least for Princess Glow, we know that stone only works with Meleanor and its able to grant miracles like restoring health, but for the ring, we only know it didnt come from the Silver Owls, it was left with Dawn ever since he was born (so he didnt create it) and its able to guide you out of the darkness and it only operates with Silver's UM.
Now that I think about it, isnt this auroral ring and Princess Glow operates the same way lol Only follows one caster/magic and able to create miracles (auroral ring's miracle is that its able to fight against the darkness and we know no one has been able to rise up from the darkness yet except Silver with his ring)
I personally think that other than Malleus, Silver will still be a relevant character once we get to Book 8. This magic and Malleus' UM sounds like it'll be useful to make Yuu meet Mickey or make them go home ig. Malleus' UM allows you to initiate a dream while Silver's UM allows you to travel around that dream conciously.
Also wild guess, but if Grim's overblot happens, I just know Silver will be the one to make it 😭
If Book 7 allowed Silver and Sebek to work together, maybe Book 8 will be about Malleus and Silver working together??? 🥺🙏✨
full sprite if anyone wants to see it lol (its from @twstassets)
WAITING FOR THE PART THAT SILVER GETS TO CAST A SWORD LIKE KNIGHT OF DAWN TOO ALKSJDALKD LOOK i feel that they made their model look exactly the same bcs they're trying to reuse this animation on Silver on the latter part of the book----
also looking at his normal outfit,,, Dawn's clothes really resembles too much with RSA's uniform 😭✨
#AJLKFDKSDKLSDF PLEASE PLEASE TWST VALIDATE MY BELIEF THAT MALLEUS AND SILVER ARE THE GREATEST DUO EVER PLS#ITS TWO PRINCES!!! THE TWO ARGUABLY** MOST POWERFUL MAGICIANS RN FROM THE CAST#YES I'LL DIE ON THE HILL THAT SILVER IS MORE MAGICALLY POWERFUL THAN VIL OR LEONA !!#I was trying to post thsi on my side acc but it saved on my main so im posting this here lol its not organized im sorry </3#twst theories#twst diasomnia#disney twst#twst wonderland#twst#twisted wonderland#disney twisted wonderland#twistedwonderland#twst silver#twst knight of dawn#twst dawn knight#twst headcanons#twst theory#twst book 7#yk im going insane when i discover one little thing about meleanor and dawn and i immediately spout essays from it#this post feels like im just impressed Dawn is wearing a ring as a ring 😂😂 ohh thats how u know im beyond saving </3
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I just realized I don’t think I ever posted this here so here’s a Luke if he got a different fit for plvsaa
#I’m pretty sure this is over a year old at this point#but I don’t hate it so I’ll post it now#UGH WHY DIDNT THEY GIVE THE MAIN CAST MEDIEVAL FITS IM STILL MAD ABOUT THAT#professor layton#luke triton#pl vs aa#professor layton vs phoenix wright#professor layton vs ace attorney
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update: the good thing about being into a musical i liked when i was 8 is that i still have all the songs memorized… the downside of that musical being cats is that everyone thinks its stupid lol
#cats 1998#cats fanart#cats fan on main#cats fandom#cats the musical#cats musical#my art#mr mistoffelees#misto!!!!#mistoffelees#mistoffelees cats#i also drew this without a reference so if its wrong oops#i have also progressed in my journey to draw these guys without it being hideous so pls disregard previous posts
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Imagine Pre-Accepting Anxiety Virgil walking into the common room and seeing the Light Sides having a tickle fight. Now he has to find a way to keep his tough guy act while dealing with being a secret lee!
HAPPY TICKLETOBER EVERYONE!!! we're starting off strong with this ask, sent to me on jun 18 2020 lmaooooooooooo. if this prompt seems familiar, it's b/c it was also sent to @why-not-a-tickle-blog around the same time! (link to her story here!) and when i tell you've literally been working on this wip on and off ever since i got it,,,,, i am such a wip harder AJDFHGHDJ
and now, without further ado, let's let tickletober 2024 begin!
tickletober day 1- "anticipation"
word count: 7,580 words
So... the Light Sides were weird.
Virgil knew that way before he’d started hanging around their little group. From movie nights to sing-alongs to family dinners, they were overall obnoxiously chummy and irritatingly comfortable with each other.
Case in point: when Virgil finally managed to roll out of bed at about two in the afternoon, there was a strange sound in the air. Not Princey’s singing, or Logic’s lecturing, or even Morality’s incessantly cheerful... whatever he does.
After reapplying his smeared eye shadow, he meandered out of his room and headed to the common area. As he got closer, it sounded like... laughter?
He huffed a sigh as he swung himself down the stairs.
“Can you all please keep it down--”
Virgil froze, one hand on the railing as he took in the scene before him.
There were the three Light Sides, but he’d never seen them like this. Princey-- ugh, fine, Roman-- was lying on the floor, but what caught Virgil’s eye was the state of disarray he seemed to be in. Next to him was Patton, sitting cross legged and looking similarly rumpled, and next to Patton was Logan, who was normal except for the blush riding high on his cheeks.
That wasn’t the weirdest part, though. The weirdest part was the way Logan was pinching at Roman’s knees and thighs with a careful accuracy, or the way Roman was reaching to vibrate his fingers all over Patton’s stomach, or the Patton had a hand on both Logan’s and Roman’s sides and was squeezing away with reckless abandon. Or the way all three were laughing together in delight at the tickle fight Virgil had somehow managed to walk in on.
Speaking of Virgil: when he processed the scene happening before him, he couldn’t help but let out a surprised little gasp. That noise, quiet as it was in the chaotic room, still managed to stop the other three in their tracks, and they all turned to look at him.
Patton, of course, was the first to speak. “Well, hey, Anxiety!”
“Um--” was all Virgil managed to say. His face turned hot, and he prayed that it wasn’t as bright red as it felt. He gripped the railing under his hand and avoided eye contact. “I--”
Roman scoffed, hurriedly sitting up and pulling away from Logan’s tickly hands.
“Is there something we can help you with, villain?” he asked brusquely, but Virgil got the feeling that he was more embarrassed that Virgil saw him getting tickled than annoyed that the anxious side was there. Still, his words were enough to snap Virgil out of his spell, and he managed to roll his eyes.
“I said,” he repeated, hoping his voice wouldn’t fail him, “would you please keep it down? You’re gonna wake the whole Mind Palace with your... game.”
There was the crack in his voice; Virgil knew it was going to come, and he felt himself grow even warmer. Thankfully, no one commented on it.
“Apologies, Anxiety,” Logan said, straightening his glasses. “We didn’t intend to be so loud. We got... carried away.”
Patton giggled, his hands creeping back to Logan and Roman’s sides. “’Carried away’ sure is one way to put it, guys--”
The other two swatted his hands away, but Virgil caught the flustered grins that adorned both of their faces. Their eyes darted back to Virgil, and he swallowed, suddenly feeling very out of place.
“Uh, okay, fine. Whatever. I’m going back to bed.”
He turned on his heel and marched up the stairs, ignoring Logan’s calls about maintaining a proper sleep schedule, as he tried to stop thinking about what he’d just witnessed.
It wasn’t working. All he could think about now was tickling. How often did the Light Sides tickle each other? Was it often? Who was the most ticklish, and who was the best tickler? Was it always the three of them altogether?
Would they let him join, if he asked?
Virgil’s eyes widened at the thought that just ran through his head. No. Absolutely not, no way, don’t pass go and don’t collect $200.
Like, fine, maybe there was a small part of him that was maybe, just a little, interested in the concept of tickling. And... maybe there was an even smaller part of him that found the idea of being tickled by the Light Sides-- any of them-- somewhat intriguing.
But, fuck. He was Anxiety, for fuck’s sake. He couldn’t like stuff like that. If he asked to be a part of their stupid little game, they’d never let him live it down.
... But. Maybe if he didn’t ask?
He slowly stopped walking as he thought it over in his head. It wasn’t an awful idea. The Light Sides were weird enough that maybe, if he played his cards right, he might be able to lure them into tickling him without him asking.
Honestly, if the idea had come to him on another day, he probably would’ve shoved it way back to the back of his mind and pretended it had no appeal to him. But he could practically still hear the Light Sides’ laughter ringing in his ears, and as much as he was loathe to admit it, he kinda wanted to be a part of their game. So his plan was made.
His first target was Patton, which made sense for a lot of reasons. Patton seemed to tolerate him more than the other Light Sides-- more than tolerate, to be honest; it was as if he actually kinda liked him. Another good thing about Patton was his attitude: while Virgil normally found that much cheer to be a little nauseating, he couldn’t deny that if anyone was going to start an impromptu tickle fight, it would be Patton.
“Thanks for helping me with these cookies, Anxiety!” Patton said, bringing Virgil out of his thoughts and back to the present situation. He leaned against the counter, trying his hardest to appear open and approachable.
“Whatever,” he replied. “I don’t really have anything better to do, so. Uh. Yeah.”
Fuck, why was he always so awkward?
Whatever-- at least Patton didn’t seem to notice or care; instead, he was focused on pulling out all of the supplies and ingredients and laying them on the counter.
“Okay, first up is the dry ingredients!” he instructed. “Kiddo, you wanna hand me the flour?”
Virgil nodded, pushing himself off of the counter. “Where is it?”
“It’s, uh...”
Patton paused, looking around he kitchen, and Virgil smirked a little as he was reminded that the paternal figure wasn’t nearly as good at cooking as he implied.
“Oh! It’s right up there!” he finally chirped, pointing past Virgil to one of the cabinets. Virgil followed his finger to the very top shelf of the cabinet.
His eyes widened. Finally, an opportunity.
As casually as possible, he moved to the cabinet and braced on hand on the counter. The other hand, he raised high in the air, stretching out his entire body and putting himself in a very vulnerable position. He even stood on his tiptoes as he stretched, hoping Patton would take the hint and deliver what Virgil wanted.
He reached for the flour for as long as he reasonably could, but after about ten seconds, he had no choice but to grab it and pull it down. He turned around, only to find Patton carefully measuring out baking soda, not even paying attention to Virgil’s attempts at vulnerability.
Virgil kicked himself internally, and after a moment he moved forward and dropped the flour onto the counter.
“Here,” he said shortly. Patton turned, giving him a wide smile.
“Thanks, bud!” he said earnestly, opening the bag and grabbing his measuring cup. “Wanna do this one for me while I get started on the eggs?”
Virgil blinked. He’d kinda forgotten that his whole excuse for hanging out with Patton was baking cookies. “Um, sure.”
Patton gave him yet another sunny smile, and Virgil felt compelled to give him a small one in return as he accepted the measuring cup from him.
The two worked together, measuring and mixing ingredients as Patton chattered away. It was-- kinda nice, to be real? Like, maybe Virgil should offer to do this more often, and if he weren’t in one of the most massive lee moods he’d ever been in in his life, he’d probably be able to appreciate it more.
“Alright, time to get these babies on a cookie sheet!” Patton announced, handing a big spoon for Virgil to use. “And afterwards, don’t tell Logan, but we’re totally gonna lick the bowl.”
Virgil nodded, but he didn’t wanna give up on his mission just yet. “Um... can I, uh, get anything else for you?”
Patton turned and looked at him, blinking in surprise before his smile brightened.
“Well, sure, kiddo!” he replied. “There are some chocolate chips on the top shelf, do we wanna add some of those?”
He pointed to the cabinet that was right above them, and Virgil’s heart beat faster. This was it.
“Sure,” he replied as casually as possible. “I’ll get them.”
He placed a hand on the counter to brace himself, and raised the arm closest to Patton as high as he could reach, pretending to scrabble around for the bag of chocolate chips for a few seconds longer than necessary. He even angled his body as subtly as he could, so that his midriff was practically in Patton’s face as he left himself totally exposed.
But nothing happened.
Virgil frowned, but after a few seconds grabbed the bag from the cabinet anyway, lowering himself back to the floor as he broke the seal on the baggie.
“Here,” he muttered, passing it to Patton without making eye contact. There was the slightest pause, but then the bag was lifted from his hand with no more than a cheery, “Thanks!”
Virgil felt himself suppress a sigh as he helped Patton mix in the chocolate chips. Well. On one hand, he got to spend some time with Patton (and even got cookies out of the deal). On the other hand, his genius plot to get tickled had failed with his first target. It was time for target number two.
The sound of operatic singing through the halls of the Mind Palace lead Virgil directly to his next target.
He sighed as he nibbled on one of the chocolate chip cookies he and Patton had made, trying to dispel some of his nervous energy before he reached the living room. It wasn’t even just nerves about his current... desires (although there were plenty of those inside of him right now) but-- fuck, he didn’t do this, he didn’t hang around in the common areas like the rest of them, and if it would be totally weird for him to even try, and they were gonna get angry at him, and it would make getting to know them even more difficult in the future--
“Oh, Anxiety.”
A voice full of suspicion snapped him back to reality. He blinked and realized that he’d made it to the living room, where Roman was standing with some sheet music in hand, rehearsing for some musical, based on how loudly he’d been singing moments before.
“To what do I owe the displeasure?” he continued, eyes narrowed sharply. Virgil mentally shook himself and put on his trademark ‘evil’ smirk.
“Hey there, Princey,” he drawled, holding out the Tupperware container in his hand. “Wanna cookie?”
Roman peered down at the peace offering like it was a bomb. “From you? What, are they poisoned?”
“Yep, I poisoned the cookies,” Virgil deadpanned. “That’s why I’m eating one right in front of you, genius.”
He counted the look of embarrassed realization on Roman’s face as a small victory.
“Well-- well, you might’ve poisoned all but one of them, just to throw me off!” Roman added haughtily. “So, ha!”
Virgil raised an eyebrow at him. “Ha.” He looked at Roman for a moment more before taking another bite. “Well, you were rude to me, so now you get no cookies.”
“What-- hey!” Roman replied indignantly. He moved to Virgil, but the dark side easily held the box out of reach. “Anxiety! That’s not fair!”
“You’re gonna have to work a lot harder than that to get these cookies,” Virgil said smugly. He was all to aware of how exposed he was making himself-- it would take so little effort for Roman to grab his side, or scribble at his armpit, or...
But, as expected, nothing came of it, and instead Roman moved away with a derisive sniff.
“Whatever,” he said, turning away. “Even if they’re not poisoned, you probably added salt instead of sugar and cumin instead of cinnamon--”
Virgil narrowed his eyes in annoyance. “Hey, Patton and I made them together, and they’re actually good, so--"
Suddenly Roman's arm shot out, taking advantage of Virgil's distraction to swipe a cookie from the box. “Ha! Got one, thank you!”
Virgil blinked. “You--"
He cut himself off at the genuinely triumphant grin on Roman's face, and it took more willpower than he would've admitted to keep from smiling along.
"Yes, yes, you’re very smart," he said, flopping on the couch and rolling his eyes. "Shut up.”
As he reclined against the sofa, he let his eyes drift shut (insomnia's a bitch, even for a man on a mission to get wrecked), but very quickly it became clear that the other side was going to make a fuckin' production out of eating this cookie.
“Mmm... Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm!" Roman pondered with his mouth full. He waved his arms emphatically as he continued, "This is just the most scrumptious, the most divine, the most splendiferous cookie I’ve ever--”
Virgil's eyes snapped open. “Are you always this dramatic and loud? I’m trying to relax.”
That caught the creative side's attention. Roman turned to look at Virgil with his regular suspicion back in his eyes.
“Relax? Here?”
His tone made Virgil tense up behind his cocky facade. “What about it?”
A few second went by as Roman looked at him skeptically. “Nothing, it’s just... You’re always in your room, hiding away like a hermit in a cave.”
“Hiding?" Virgil repeated, eyes narrowed. "What, from you? Not likely.”
Roman moved closer, suddenly leaning over Virgil's laid out form and coming just inches away from his face.
“Aw, don't tell me that I scare you, little Anxiety?”
With that one sentence, Virgil mood came back even stronger than before. There was something in Roman’s voice-- either his teasing tone or his babyish words-- that made Virgil’s stomach do a completely rude and uncalled-for flip, but he merely rolled his eyes.
“The only thing scary about you is your ego,” he retorted. He scanned Roman up and down before closing his eyes again. “Otherwise, you’re just soft.”
Roman scoffed, turning to leave. “Shut up.”
“Make me, loser.”
He watched Roman’s back as he froze in place, and slowly the creative side turned back around.
“You wanna say that again?”
Virgil felt his breath catch, but he forced himself to stay calm. Now was his chance.
He opened his eyes, shooting Roman the cockiest smile he could muster.
“What, make me?”
The prince was glowering at him, his arms folded across his chest. When he spoke, it was in a deep, smooth voice that sent a shiver down Virgil’s spine.
“You don’t want me to make you.”
Virgil smirked, folding his arms behind his head and gazing up at Roman with a smug look on his face.
“I’d like to see you try, Princey.”
That was it. Roman’s eyes narrowed, dark and competitive, and Virgil had to bite his cheek to keep from laughing preemptively.
“You’re gonna regret that,” he muttered lowly, stalking over to Virgil and-- holy shit, he actually straddled Virgil’s waist and placed his hands on either side of his torso, and this was happening, this was happening, this was--
“Oh my goodness gracious, there it is!”
Roman voice derailed Virgil’s train of thought, and he blinked in confusion at the creative side, who wasn’t even looking at him anymore.
Roman laughed lightly, reaching over Virgil’s head and pulling something out from between the couch cushions.
“My sketchbook!” he said triumphantly, shifting off of Virgil and flipping through the pages. “Finally, I’ve been looking for it forever. I had this great idea where I can use a mix of paint and glitter glue to--”
Virgil’s head spun with the shift in the conversation as Roman rambled about his newest project. The anticipatory tension in his stomach started to lessen, leaving him feeling dazed and confused.
“Um, you-- so-- you--”
Roman wasn’t even listening to him; he easily stood up from the couch-- and Virgil definitely did not try to lean into his touch as he moved away, shut up-- and moved toward the door.
“I must get started right away! My paintbrushes aren’t going to wait any longer!”
He hurried out of the room, leaving Virgil alone on the couch, face flushed and mind full of visions of how exactly he wanted Roman to use those paintbrushes.
He dropped his face into his hands. Why was this so hard?
The rest of the afternoon passed without another little event like that-- Virgil had been so flustered, he’d had to go back to his room for several hours, alternating between screaming into a pillow at his own awkwardness, and daring to reminisce about the feeling of Roman's weight pinning him down.
This was such a bad idea. Not only were there a million ways it could go wrong (he could make a fool of himself, he could genuinely cross someone's boundaries on accident, his plan could be found out and his desires could be rejected-- the list goes on) but now he also had to deal with coming so tantalizing close to what he wants more than anything, only to have it slip just out of his reach.
He sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that night, flopping back on his bed--
pressed against the couch cushions, Roman easily holding you down with one hand as the other searches all over for the exact spot to make you beg for mercy, which you know he won't give you, he wants to make you scream--
Immediately he shot up again, face flushed. God, he was jumpy tonight, and that was saying something. He stood up, stepping cautiously around the piles of clothes on the floor to work some of his jitters out. He tried to recall some of the simple exercises Logan had shown him once to help relax him before bed: rolling his neck and shoulders, twisting back and forth to crack his back, raising his arms and stretching them high to the sky--
Patton right behind you, grabbing your hands and holding them nice and tight as he laughs and whispers in your ear, taking full advantage of your riding-up shirt to spider all over that one tickle spot just above your belly button--
His arms snapped down with a choked-off gasp.
Okay. Being in his room was fucking with him. That was definitely why he was feeling jittery and twitchy and sensitive to his own shirt rubbing against his skin. No other reason.
... He had to get out of there.
Grabbing his phone and flipping up his hood, Virgil slid back out into the hallway. It was later in the evening, past dinner time (well, past the time the Light Sides had dinner-- his dinner would involve cold leftovers eaten in front of the fridge at 2 AM) and the Mind Palace was quiet.
Well... mostly quiet.
Virgil crept down the hall to the top of the stairs. From the top, he could make out some sound coming from the living room-- no laughter this time, thankfully, but some quiet droning noises coming from the TV. Probably Patton or Roman-- Logan didn't watch much TV.
Virgil stood with one hand clasped to the stair railing like a life line. He gnawed on his lip, a fluttery, delicate feeling lighting up his chest.
He wanted to try this. There were very few things Virgil ever, ever wanted to try... but he wanted to try this. It was clearly something that was normal among the Light Sides, and-- and despite what he'd previously thought, they don't actually... seem to despise his company. This was-- this was something he could ask for, even just to ask, and even he could admit that the idea of one of them saying yes wasn't impossible.
All at once he lunged down the stairs, feet thumping loudly as he got closer to the living room. He would do it-- he'd go right over to the couch and shove his feet onto someone's lap and surely then, surely then, someone would take pity on him and just freaking tickle him already!
Virgil rounded the corner into the living room, and before he could question himself he hopped over the arm of the couch and threw himself down on the cushions, shoving his feet directly onto the lap of the side sitting at the other end of the couch.
Immediately, he felt two inquisitive eyes boring into him in bewilderment.
"... Anxiety?" Logan asked. "Are you alright?"
Aaaaaaand there went all of Virgil's confidence. He hadn't planned for Logan to be there, not now, not when his mood was at an all time high and he was face to face with the person least likely to do anything about it.
Virgil ignored the tense, mortified feeling in his stomach. “Yup.” A beat, and then he pulled out his phone, as if he hadn't just jumped over the couch just to put his feet in Logan's lap--
“Can I... do something for you?” Logan continued.
Yes, you can pull my socks off and hold my ankles down and--
Silence fell once again. Virgil was all too aware of his body, too tense to move a muscle or disrupt Logan any further.
“Is this comfortable for you? To have your feet on my lap?”
But... he'd come this far, he'd already pushed past the walls he'd built between himself and the other sides. If nothing else, if this plan failed and he never got what he wanted, at least he could say that he tried.
He shrugged. “Yeah."
He felt Logan's eyes on him a moment longer.
“Very well, then.”
Logan turned back to the TV, and Virgil felt himself wavering already. This was maybe his most ill-conceived idea yet-- they weren't even doing anything together, not really, and try as he might he couldn't think of any way to engage Logan in conversation about anything, let alone anything related to tickling--
“Hey, gang!”
Virgil froze, his stomach plummeting. He shot a desperate glance at Logan, but the logical side paid him no mind as Patton and Roman entered the room, carrying snacks and blankets.
“Ah,” Logan said, turning to the two of them without another glance in Virgil’s direction. “I had forgotten that was tonight.”
Virgil couldn’t help letting out a sigh of frustration, making Roman raise an eyebrow.
“Oh, and I suppose you’re just too cool to deign to join our movie night, huh, Doom and Gloom?”
“Now, Roman, don’t be mean,” Patton gently chastised, placing the snacks on the table and beaming down at Virgil. “We’re happy to have you with us, Anxiety! It’s about time you start joining our group activities.”
Like tickle fights? Virgil thought but didn't say. His ever-growing lee mood was making him feel all fuzzy, and all he could think about as he looked between the three other sides was Patton’s hands, Logan’s fingers, and Roman’s voice, all teasing and tormenting him in unison.
“Whatever,” he finally said, forcing himself to shrug blithely. “I don’t really care--”
He cut himself off with a choked gasp as Roman leaned down and abruptly picked up Virgil into a bridal carry. They stayed still as Patton sat down next to Logan, rearranging the blankets and chattering innocently about what movie to watch, but all Virgil could focus on was the feeling of Roman’s hands on his body and the teasy, squirmy feeling building up in his chest and stomach.
“Are you staying with us or not?” Roman asked lowly, and Virgil had to fight the urge to squeak as his warm breath hit his ear.
“Uh-- sure.”
Roman hummed, and then he was leaning forward, dropping Virgil into Patton’s lap with his feet resting on Logan’s thighs.
“Woah!” Patton chuckled, looking at Virgil with amusement. “Comfy, kiddo?”
Virgil face flushed red. “I-- I didn’t--”
“He’s gonna stay anyway, and we all know he likes to sit in weird places, so,” Roman explained, flopping down on the couch next to Patton and throwing an arm over the back of the couch. He pulled a pillow into his lap and gently pushed Virgil back by his shoulder, until the Dark Side somehow found himself stretched between all three of them on the couch.
“Anxiety, is this acceptable for you?” Logan asked distantly, and Virgil peeked up to find him observing him closely. Virgil froze in his gaze for what felt like far too long, but eventually managed a short nod.
Patton clapped. “Awesome! Now we all get to hang out together. It’ll be so fun!”
He leaned forward to grab the remote, and Virgil swore he could feel his hands as they ghosted over his stomach. He squirmed minutely, both hoping that no one would call him out on how flustered he was, and praying that they would.
This was way more than he was expecting.
"Ah," Logan said as the movie began playing. "I do love this opening number."
He moved like he was folding his hands in his lap, but really, he placed his hands directly onto the tops of Virgil's ankles. The music started, and Logan-- Logan tapped out a rhythm against Virgil's skin, matching the tempo of the music on the TV.
Virgil clenched his jaw so quickly he wondered if they could hear it. It... didn't tickle, not really. The touch was too light, too quick, too inconsequential to really light his nerves in any way. But the anticipation was there, bubbling inside him, and he found himself shifting his legs restlessly at the touch.
"Is something wrong, Anxiety?" Logan asked, and Virgil paused. It-- it must've been his imagination, that spark in Logan's eye that matched the spark in Virgil's stomach. "No," he said, just slightly breathless. Logan hummed and returned his eyes to the screen.
Then his hands moved: one hand tapping more firmly against his ankle, and the other running its nails along the top of Virgil's foot.
Virgil tensed every muscle in his legs; it was so much worse this time-- not only did being stretched out make Virgil feel so much more vulnerable, but now there were two other people he had to hide his reactions from. Roman was right there, for God's sake, his face mere inches above Virgil's-- Virgil had to turn his head completely toward the TV just to hide the small smile that was already on his face.
He stayed in that position as the movie played, but he couldn't tell you anything that was happening on the screen. All he could focus on was Logan's fingers as they slowly migrated from trailing the top of his foot, to tapping directly over his socked toes, to drawing delicate circles along the ball of his foot. His other hand stayed on Virgil's ankle-- like a restraint.
Virgil felt flushed, and prayed that the dark lighting of the room would cover it. Distantly he heard Patton laughing, and he could feel Roman's chest rumble where it was pressed against his shoulder.
And then he felt Logan take all five fingers right to the center of Virgil's sole and tickle.
"Nah-hahaha!" Virgil screamed, yanking his leg back and just barely missing Patton's face with his knee. He felt both Patton and Roman jump underneath him.
"Anxiety, are you okay?" Patton asked in a panicked voice. He didn't even seem bothered that Virgil had almost thrown his knee into his nose.
Roman looked down at Virgil with bewilderment. "Jiminy Crickets, is the movie that funny to you?"
“Ah,” Logan said. “My hypothesis was correct.”
Virgil froze.
Patton quirked his head. “You have a hypothesis?”
Roman eyed down at Virgil suspiciously for just a moment more before gesturing to Logan. “Please, Teach, explain."
Alarm bells went off in Virgil's head. He was suddenly desperate to leave the entire situation before it was too late, but Logan's hand resting on his ankle felt like a vice he couldn't escape.
“Well," Logan began in his lecture voice, "for the past few hours, Anxiety has been expressing an interest in becoming closer with the three of us through quality time, amicable banter, and excessive physical contact. The physical contact is really what gave it away, but it all comes down to the fact that this change in behavior occurred immediately after Anxiety walked in on our... roughhousing this morning.”
Virgil was distracted by the way Logan tried to avoid saying the word tickle (and man, Virgil thought, it’d be so much fun to see him forced to say it, oh my god shut up brain) but Patton’s gasp of understanding brought him back to his present situation. He looked away from the moral side, but to his distress he found himself face to face with Roman, who was looking at him with a growing interest.
“Wait a minute,” he said slowly. Virgil squirmed.
“Shut up.”
“Are you telling me--”
“Princey, I swear to God, if you don’t stop talking right now--”
Suddenly Patton’s hand was on his leg, his fingers pressing in just above his knee, and Virgil’s words turned into a choked gasp.
Patton quirked his head. “Are you ticklish, kiddo?”
Virgil’s mouth opened and shut. “I-- I--”
And of course, Logan chose that moment to drag his nails all the way down Virgil’s foot, the hand resting on Virgil's ankle suddenly tightening to keep him from jerking away as his fingers wiggled right against Virgil's tickle spots.
Virgil couldn’t help it: he squealed, loudly, and immediately buried his face in his hands.
“That seems to be the answer to that question,” Logan said, sounding far too pleased with himself for Virgil’s taste. “The more important question, however, is whether or not Anxiety wants to be tickled. Although I believe we know that answer to that question, as well.”
Even with his face behind his hands, Virgil felt all three pairs of eyes on him.
"I--" he squeaked, then coughed, blatantly stalling for time as his mind spun in circles. "I-- um-- you don't-- I guess--"
"Kiddo, is that really what you've been trying to do all day long?" Patton asked gently. Virgil made one short, choked sound, and nodded rapidly.
"... So when I told you to be quiet earlier," Roman said slowly, "and you said 'make me'... that was you trying to get tickled?"
A beat, and then Virgil nodded again. He quickly debated the merits of allowing himself to be swallowed by the floor.
Logan's voice was laced with something that Virgil was wholly unprepared for.
"It would be a shame," he continued nonchalantly, "if Anxiety came so far out of his figurative shell only to not receive any recognition or praise for how difficult that must have been. Perhaps some positive reinforcement will help encourage him to continue this behavior in the future."
Logan didn't even have to finish his sentence before Roman dove for Virgil's wrists. Virgil yanked as hard as he could, but Roman was in a better position and easily managed to pull his arms above his head. Immediately Virgil's fight or flight instincts kicked in, and he was about to start literally kicking (even though his brain was screaming at his body to shut up stop it play dead holy shit they're giving you what you want) before Patton leaned as far over his torso as he could manage, keeping his middle pinned in place.
"Anxiety..." he cooed, actually cooed, and yup Virgil was totally gonna die. "Wanna look at me, sweetheart?"
It took Virgil a second to realize that his eyes were screwed shut in anticipation. He peeked out only to find Patton looking at him with the most soft, loving, mughy-gushy expression Virgil had ever seen, especially directed towards him. It made him feel like he was melting.
"When we play our tickle games," he continued, "we always say 'red' when we need a break. Is that okay for you, too?"
Virgil couldn't even speak, so he gave a jerky nod.
"For safety, we should proceed slowly," Logan said, "in order not to overwhelm him." The way Logan was talking to the others like Virgil wasn't there sent a small thrill down his spine.
"I disagree," Roman replied. "I think our poor, sweet Anxiety has waited much too long already." His upside-down grin made Virgil want to spit curses up at him, except he was pretty sure the only thing that would come out if he opened his mouth were pathetic squeals.
"Where should we begin?" the creative side continued, tracing his thumbs around the soft skin of Virgil's wrist. "His... bright red ears? Or his wiggly hips? Or his bouncy little tummy?"
"Fuck off," Virgil gasped.
Roman clicked his tongue. "Temper! Patton doesn't like swearing!"
"Oh, let him fuss," Patton replied. "This is all very overwhelming for him, it's okay! If I had known you liked tickling too, Anxiety, I would've gladly done it for you a long time ago!"
"I don't--"
Then Virgil gasped, and fell into helpless frantic giggles. In unison Roman and Patton swiveled their heads to look at Logan.
"There's no use in lying now, Anxiety," he said calmly, his fingers flicking and fluttering all over Virgil's soles. "We all know that if you didn't like tickling, you wouldn't let us do this at all. Ergo you must enjoy tickling, more specifically being tickled, otherwise you wouldn't have put yourself in this position in the first place. Does that make sense?"
Virgil couldn't answer, because he was in heaven. Or maybe hell. Logan's fingers were deft and torturous, flitting back and forth faster than Virgil could process. Belatedly he wiggled his feet, trying to hide one behind the other and continuously failing. And damn Logan for real for being so observant, because when he noticed the spot on Virgil's arches that made him kick the hardest, he focused all of his attention there, switching between his feet as fast as he could.
"Wait wait wait, waitwaitwhaihaihaiait!" Virgil couldn't believe the noises that were coming out of his mouth right now. He had never laughed like this around the light sides-- had barely ever laughed at all-- and now they were getting to hear him like this, his giggles embarrassing and dorky and loud--
So loud, in fact, that he barely even heard Logan say, "Patton, would you like a turn?" before ten fingers dove in to vibrate all over his vulnerable, ticklish stomach.
"Nah-ahahahaha!" The shriek that left his lips shocked everyone in the room, and Virgil used the confusion to yank his arms out of Roman's grasp, sitting up and trying to launch off the couch in the same motion. He would've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for Patton's meddling arms around his waist.
"Woah!" Patton laughed out. "Easy now, kiddo! Don't wanna waist this chance to get tickled!" On cue he tazed his fingers where they laid in the divots of Virgil's sides, causing the anxious side to jerk and flop like a worm on a string. His hands grappled desperately for Patton's, but he made no progress getting them off before Roman's hand entered his vision.
"Come back here, Gay-Lee Shrilliams!" Roman sang. Blindly, he grappled for Virgil's wrists, grabbing one and yanking him back towards Roman's end of the couch. Virgil was disoriented, and took the time to inhale greedy breaths before he was suddenly flipped around again. Now Logan was sat straddled over his shins, Patton kneeling on the floor beside him, and Roman's chest was pressed against his back with his wrists in each hand.
For a moment there was silence.
"Well," Logan said curtly. "Let's try that again, shall we?"
And immediately his hands were clamped above Virgil's knees, and they were off to the races.
"There we are," Logan said, a hint of smugness in his voice as he prodded up and down Virgil's thighs. "We'll have to avoid any further interruptions if we're going to find all of your ticklish spots, Anxiety. Please behave yourself."
"I'm-- you-- nahahaha!" Virgil squealed; Patton had placed his hands on either side of his ribs, and was now squeezing them as if Virgil were a particularly squeaky bagpipe.
"Hold him down!" he called affectionately. "He's a squirmer!"
Virgil gasped through his laughter as the other two followed Patton's instruction; he could feel them rearranging their positions on his arms and legs in order to keep him even more stuck than he already was. Blearily, he turned onto his side as much as possible, facing the back of the couch and weakly attempting to hide his stomach from his ticklers.
"Uh oh, where are you going?" Roman asked, all sugar sweetness. "Is someone trying to hide away? Hm? Big bad Anxiety trying to run away from the tickles?"
Without warning he released one of Virgil's hands, and took it upon himself to use his free hand to investigate all over Virgil's exposed armpit. Virgil spasmed and shrieked. His free hand might as well have not been there at all, considering how absolutely useless it was at protecting his armpit, or his ribs, or--
"Uh oh," Patton cooed, voice sickeningly sweet, and Virgil could only look on in giddy terror as he wiggled his fingers in the air. "Don't think I just forgot about that tummy, Anxiety!"
Just like before, Patton pressed all ten fingers into Virgil's stomach fat, wiggling mercilessly; unlike before, Virgil couldn't shoot himself off the couch with Patton himself kneeling in the way. Logan and Roman had stopped their tickles, but only so they could restrain him even further to avoid another escape attempt.
"Nihihihiehehehehehe!" Virgil didn't even know what he was begging for anymore. For less tickles, or more?
"A ticky-ticky-ticky-ticky-ticky!" Patton sang. "Who's a ticklish goober? Is it Anxiety? I think it is!" He giggled as he easily avoided Virgil's free hand, darting back and forth as it fruitlessly tried to cover his stomach from Patton's wiggling fingers.
Through his teary eyes, Virgil accidentally made eye contact with Roman. He immediately regretted it: both because he saw something akin to actual affection in Princey's eyes (which, gross) but more because he watched that affection slip away to smug mischief.
"Hey, don't be greedy, Padre!" Roman announced. "I want a turn!"
And with that he let go of Virgil's other hand, but the anxious side had no time to do anything about that before he, too, was digging his fingers into Virgil's stomach. Virgil squealed again, arching hid back and curling in on himself over and over in an endless loop. While Patton had no trouble attending to Virgil's tummy pudge, Roman's hands were positioned at the top of his stomach just below his ribs, and he had no issues at all jumping up to pinch and massage along the sensitive bones every few seconds.
"Fascinating," Logan said, and oh god, why did his voice make Virgil feel even more trapped than he already was? "Patton, scoot down a bit. I'd like to try something."
Virgil felt Patton slide his hands slightly up Virgil's torso, still plucking away at his oversensitive nerves like guitar strings.
"Slow down for a moment," Logan instructed, and the others listened, thank God. Virgil took the opportunity to breathe, his eyes screw tightly shut. He couldn't handle seeing Roman's smirk, or Patton's giddiness, or Logan's studying stare.
"I've noticed something in his reactions," the logical side continued. "And I have another hypothesis."
Virgil should've opened his eyes.
If he had, he might've been prepared for when Logan's fingers descended all around his bellybutton and squeezed.
Virgil shrieked. He screamed. He yelled and hollered and wailed and every other synonym he could think of, except he couldn't think at all because Logan was flexing his fingers over and over and over again with terrible, ruthless accuracy. Virgil used all his strength to try to curl up, but with Logan on his hips, Roman behind his back, and Patton in the middle, there was absolutely nothing he could do to protect his tummy from ticklish agony.
"I think we found his favorite spot!" Patton cooed.
Yeah, no fucking shit, Virgil thought wildly. He could barely breathe, his face hurt from smiling, his head was melty with joy, and his innards felt as if he had swallowed a dozen butterflies that continued to dance around inside of him. He felt trapped, and teased, and embarrassed, and desperate, and he--
And he loved it. Oh my God, he loved it. Had he been missing out on this all along?
It took a long, long time before Virgil realized that Logan had stopped. His hands, warm and heavy, laid flat on his stomach, and his palms rubbed firmly against his skin. He blinked his eyes opened-- when had he closed them?-- and realized he was practically lying down again, having slid so much he'd ended up resting his head against Roman's thigh. It took another minute for him to realize that his hand felt strange; looking over, he flushed anew when he saw Patton's large hand wrapped around his own, fingers intertwined. Did Virgil do that?
Reality jolted back into him, and like a bear trap he sprang up and closed in on himself, shrinking away from any touch.
"Um-- I'm done-- red," he stuttered. God, why was he a loser? They had already stopped tickling him, he didn't need to say the safeword-- but his skin still felt alight with nerves, and despite how the whole experience had made him feel, he really didn't think he could handle anymore tonight.
Virgil didn't know why it surprised him that all three of moved back, Logan and Roman scooting to either end of the couch and Patton leaning back on his haunches. It surprised him, but it shouldn't. Because they're them. The light sides, the "others" as he'd always thought of them-- they were nice. Fun. And they cared.
And of course, there was Princey to ruin it. Virgil dared to shoot his eyes over and was met with the smuggest goddamn look he's ever seen on Roman's consistently smug face.
"Was it everything you hoped for, sweet Anxiety?" he crowed. Immediately Virgil dropped his face into his hands and groaned.
"Aw, there he goes! Too much sweet talking for such a sourpuss like you?"
Virgil hissed at him, only to hear twin snorts from the other two Sides. He looked up, betrayed.
"Apologies, Anxiety," Logan said, biting his bottom lip as he smiled. Patton was covering his own mouth with both hands. "I can assure you we hold no judgement or mockery for you. It's just that this entire display was... objectively adorable."
"Noooooo..." Virgil whined. He slid down in his seat and covered his face again. His cheeks burned against his palms.
It was only a few seconds before he felt a tap on his knee, and after a moment he lowered his hands enough to peek out beyond his fingers. Patton was there, ducking his head a bit to catch Virgil's eye.
"Was that fun?" he asked gently. A beat. Virgil nodded. "Would you like to do it again?"
Virgil snapped his arms down to his sides and slammed back against his seat. Patton raised his hands placatingly.
"In the future!" he said. "I just mean..."
He looked at the other two Sides before confirming, "Well, I think we all had fun. And we can work out what exactly you're comfortable with later, but... I hope you'd like to do that again sometime."
"Please--" Virgil blurted. "I mean. Yes. I want to. Again."
"Good," Logan said. "Now lay back down."
He looked over, inquisitive, only to flush again as Logan leaned back and patted his lap.
"You can't seriously think I'm gonna fall for that."
"We are not going to tickle you again unless you explicitly ask for it," Logan said (and wow, now Virgil was gonna have to store that away in his anxiety-fantasies, not getting tickled anymore unless he uses his words). "You've just been exerted very quickly in a very short amount of time, you've been anxious and twitchy all day prior to this evening, and even now you're struggling to remain upright."
Virgil blinked; it was true. His head was lolled back against the cushion. His body was tired, it's true, but his mind felt somewhat hazy, somewhat calm. He blinked slowly.
"... Are you gonna put the movie back on?"
Roman scoffed. "Of course we are. We know you need background noise, Sleeping Beauty."
Right. Of course they knew that. Because they knew him, now.
Virgil fidgeted, then nodded. "I'd... I'd like that."
And he did.
#my posts#my writing#tickling#tickle fics#tickletober 2024#augtickletober2024#tt24#sanders sides tickling#lee!virgil#ler!patton#ler!roman#ler!logan#(technically they all get tickled at one point but for tagging purposes i'm just including their main roles here lol)#prompt#drafting on june 19 2020#also i really hope none of the light sides called him virgil at any point hhsdghsj#if they did pls tell me so i can fix it
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happy cwilbur pressing the slay button day😝😝!
#dsmp#tntduo#quackbur#dream smp#wilbur soot#quackity#dsmp wilbur#posting this on main bc all my mcyt mutuals are here. pls follow my art blog.please#dsmp quackity#dsmp fanart#dsmp art#tntblr#tntduo fanart#mcyt#cwilbur#cquackity#cquackbur#c!quackity#c!wilbur#c!quackbur#artists on tumblr#IVE BAITED YOU SORRY!!! they are not rly kissing but they are. in my mind. i am just rly exhausted and wanted to just let go pf this piece#already. i was brewing since like august i think??? so whatever. cq were supposed to lick cwils lips OK. but i couldn't find right refs#so whatevaah!!!!!!!#simartz#tnt duo#ctntduo#also alex look i did it wow are u proud of me#suggestive
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𝔒𝔯𝔭𝔥𝔢𝔲𝔰 𝔈𝔶𝔢𝔰 . Non-Default Eyes for your simmies.
@saruin has been a huge inspiration to me as a simmer and previously, I've ported some of their eyes to non-default versions for myself and others to use.
Now, inspired by saruin's work, I've handpainted and coloured a set of eyes that my friends have encouraged me to share with the world. Honestly, these eyes have overtaken all of my sims and I'm so so proud to be sharing something I made myself from scratch. I really hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them.
These eyes run the gamut of colours from basic greens and greys to fruit gummies, galactic inspired, and all inbetween. I love a ton of variety in my eye colours so there should be something for everybody in this eye set.
Shoutout to my lovely simming friend @marzipaneavocado for taking the beautiful preview pics for me!
✦ over 40 swatches at least.
✦ (should be) Base-game compatible
✦ does NOT override defaults
✦ enabled for everyone but infants because I don't know how. :)
✦ enabled for random to minimize glitches
#s4cc#s4cc eyes#mycc#goddamnit i posted on the wrong blog again#pls dont follow this account its not a simblr on main#go to my cc page its a simblr on main
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Ford defenders like you are now called "Ford apologists": https://eeveelotions.tumblr.com/post/772624427048419328/hey-ford-apologists-dont-interact-with-my-stuff
i feel like. I can kind of understand where this person is coming from like yes he does have flaws and make mistakes and I acknowledge this but there's a difference between saying a character doesn't have flaws and defending them from fans who demonize/heavily mischaracterize them.
in fords case, there are so many people shitting on him for things that are false or misinterpretations of things he’s said and done. a good chunk of the fandom has an irrational hatred for him.
as well as this the fandom also waters down his trauma to make it seem like nothing compared to Stan's as well as making countless jokes about his trauma. for example, the thousands of jokes made about bills abuse of ford. I cannot count the times I've seen people look at this abuse and their only takeaway/only thing they have to say about this is 'haha he fucked the triangle.' as someone who's been in an abusive relationship in the past it is extremely tiring to see these jokes constantly thrown around about bill and fords relationship. either people are ignorant and cannot see that their relationship is textbook abuse or they do know but just don't care(what is wrong with you) and I genuinely don't know what's worse.
as well as this, there is a tremendous amount of victim blaming being made towards ford when discussing ford and bills relationship. I've seen so many people straight up say it's ford's own fault for getting abused by bill and it was because of his 'hubris' and 'huge ego' and his 'selfishness', which is no thing to ever say about a victim of abuse. ive also seen people call ford 'stupid' for getting manipulated by bill, which is a) wrong, because bill has successfully manipulated and abused many others before for(have you read tbob), and has manipulated other members of the pines family shown in the show, and b) just victim blaming. I don't even know what else to say about this but many of you cannot be normal about abuse victims in media.
regarding his growing distance with fiddleford during portal construction era, this is caused by bill isolating ford from him, one of the only humans he's in contact with which is a technique often used by abusers. many people claim this is because ford 'views fiddleford as lesser', or 'has little respect towards him', which is straight up wrong. ford states in the journal that he is a great friend and a brilliant scientist and engineer, and his appreciation of him is shown through his excitement of his arrival and immediately gets to making him feel welcome in his home and gifts him with microchips and banjo strings. in fact, when they first met in college, ford was the only one who genuinely believed his theory and he immediately jumped to helping him prove it for 9 hours, despite barely knowing the man. their bond, whether romantic or platonic is strong and that's why bill's isolating ford from fiddleford is so vital to bills abuse of ford.
not only that but these people are obsessing over Stan's homelessness for ten years but don't dare acknowledge that ford has been homeless for thirty. they fail to acknowledge that both Stan and ford were being abused by filbrick even if it showed in different ways. ford wasn't favored by his mother(his mother favored stan) and his father didn't see him as anything but a way to make money for his family, providing him only conditional love and not seeing him as his own person aside from his intelligence and his hands. this is often something many immigrant children experience, having endless pressure to succeed and get top notch grades and choose a high salary career in order to raise their family out of poverty. and if they were to slip up, they would often get severely punished or even physically hurt as a result. so logically, ford being upset by this is very understandable, not to mention he was also a teenager when this happened.
i have more examples I could use, but tldr, defending ford from fandom mischaracterization, victim blaming, and from claims being made about him that are blatantly false is not equal to saying he lacks flaws or hasn't made mistakes.
#maybe I'll main tag this but if anyone makes an addition saying something stupid I'm turning off rbs#also pls do not harass op of that post. Incase I need to say it even tho I shouldn't have to#ford pines#Stanford pines#gravity falls#ask#time to shut up bella#bill cipher#fiddleford mcgucket#stanley pines#fandom discourse#i could yap more about this but I'm a bit tired rn#long post
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Pili: Hey this song is so Pangi from the realms
The song is Love of my life by Queen
#someone told me to post this on main so here it is#I am indeed gonna cry#given my blot is back pls#trsmp#pili dtowncat#pangi#pangili
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I received a few asks around a similar topic, so I'm popping them together here. ( ´ ▽ ` ) DA:TV spoilers under cut.
[the Felassan Files]
hello! ◕‿◕ thank you for the lovely and fun ask messages!!
lavendervoids asked: "i’ve been dying to know what ur reaction was to seeing felassan in the game was???? the moment i saw him i was yelling and hollering and my first thought was “omg what does tumblr user felassan think of this” LMAO and thank you for all the documenting you’ve been doing up until and past the release of the game, i ended up blocking every dragon age tag a couple months back to avoid any sort of spoilers but i still came to your blog everyday cause i knew you wouldn’t spoil me haha"
hhhh ( ´ ▽ ` ) tysm for thinking of me at that time!! and for the nice comment about this blog and visiting it. I'm really glad to know that my approach to spoiler tagging etc has been okay for you.
littlerune asked: "i don't even know you but you and dragon age felassan are so intrinsically linked in my brain that when he appeared in veilguard all i thought was "ohhhh i wonder how tumblr user felassan feels about this"
hhhh :D 🥺 thankyou so much for thinking of me!! ♡ some say that his ghost operates this tumblr blog, or that he lives still
songofamazon asked: "I'm still on my first play of the game, but whenever I got to the memories in the Crossroads, I thought to myself, "I hope Tumblr Felassan is having a great time. Did you?"
I had a great time playing the game and when playing the Crossroads memories sections, I loved them a lot, they were very cool and a highlight of the game. thankyou sm and for thinking of me, and I hope that you did too!!
phantabula-interactive asked: "im so glad you're enjoying the game!! I had to ask; how did you feel about seeing Felassan in game?? I was so excited to see the notes from him, I wasn't expecting a boss fight MUCH LESS. FULL CAMEO!!! They made him a lot prettier than I was expecting too (/pos)"
thankyou!! I hope that you've been enjoying it too!
so: I was sooo excited and shook to see Felassan in the game!!! I was like

(I yelped/hooted out loud like a clown) and then

and then it was suddenly like too much (pos) and my soul left my body and i astral projected into space/paradise/the Astral Plane/the Void or something etc

and then it took me some time to process or gather my thoughts about it.
obviously I was super hoping that we would see him in the game. I was sure that there would at least be some references to him in codexes/notes etc or allusions made in passing dialogue like Cole and Solas' lines about him in Trespasser. then when the marketing mentioned that we would see flashbacks from Solas' past in the Crossroads, I was like aaa omg, wouldn't that be the perfect time to actually show Felassan??, as a Fade memory or flashback or spirit echo or something. so then I was hoping like 🕯️🕯️🕯️ and yea. but even so, still when I saw him in game for the first time it was still a huge shocked Pikachu moment for me.
I was already feeling psyched from the first Felassan codex/note that I found, then I couldn't believe (pos) just how many codexes/notes scattered around written by him that there was?? I was already feeling spoiled (not spoiled by spoilers but like spoiled from eating good) from that (a bunch of codexes/notes might not seem like a lot but when your fav is a side character that has only appeared in one [1] tie-in novel..) and then he goes and actually APPEARS, AAAA. I feel like I ate so good. with the Betrayal fight and the rune at the end as well, it felt like he was threaded throughout the game and was really haunting the narrative. some assorted thoughts:
first of all everything about his DA:TV appearances/DA:TV references continues to underscore that he is the greatest of all time
it also continues to underscore the pain of his death/story and of his friendship with Solas
may I please go and start a new life living in Solas' memories of Felassan on repeat. i simply do not care that my body would waste away in the waking world from lack of sustenance
in the endgame I was trying to concentrate and punch Elgar'nan in the face and save the world but I like couldn't see straight through the tears after having been given Felassan's Magical Boyfriend Super Rune (morrigan pls.. what a way to twist the KNIFE at an extremely critical moment for thedas hhhh..)
expansion pack where we relive Solas' memories of him and Felassan dating (he didn't deserve Felassan tho fr. but then, does anyone..?)
I know that Felassan would treat Lavellan sooooo right. so well. so respectfully. felassan would pull their chair out for them at restaurants and open car doors and whatever
Betrayal of Felassan refers to Solas' betrayal of Felassan, not Felassan's betrayal of Solas
also i love how they made him DEVASTATINGLY handsome?? in the game (they didnt need to go that hard), but also how, at the same time - even before the TME Deluxe edition illustrations, we all just inherently knew deep in our bones that he was, you could simply just tell from his energy and vibes and dialogue even in only the written word. cool rolls off this guy in waves, and always has done
did his model have smoky winged eye makeup? love that. love that for him
I liked his sense of style. the hair his model has happened to be one of the ones I was debating using for my Rook. it's one of my fav ones from the CC
I appreciated the attention they paid to detail when making his model. Mythal vallaslin, violet/purple eyes, an undercut - as he was previously described or shown in TME, dev social media comments and the TME deluxe illustrations
I liked the actor they chose for him, his voice was cool
I felt like his codexes and notes that he wrote captured his voice and his character. you can see the depth of his loyalty and devotion to his friend, his concerns, and he retains his 'voice' in terms of some snark, wit etc
it's fun thinking about whether Felassan originally manifested from the Fade (and if so, what was he a spirit of) or whether he was born the usual way of other elves. (it could be either one)
Betrayal of Felassan as a manifested embodied regret and its lines like "his back, turned".. very raw. that fight was hard enough mechanically for me as it was, then the lines were like being hamstrung LOL. how could they??? (pos/lh)
I always thought that, a long time ago, Solas was essentially the player character in a different game, the main character of another story. the leader of his own group of companions and friends on their own quest (to stop the Evanuris), and that Felassan was one of those companions. Alistair to his Hero of Ferelden if you will. in DA:TV we learn that not only was he one of his companions, he was basically the second-in-command of his rebellion, a General, his closest friend aside from Mythal and his right-hand man.
he was so cool back in his heyday
pain. paaaaain. but like in a good way (I unironically love to be hurt by stories pls continue 💀...)
there are a few further posts containing more bits of my reaction and thoughts scattered through my Felassan tag. ^^
There were also a few other asks about this in my inbox, but Tumblr appears to have eaten them?? :< so if you've asked me about Felassan and my reaction since launch but the message isn't in this post, thankyou sm and I'm very sorry. 😔 pls feel free to re-send it. :)
I do remember that one of the vanished messages asked me what the Slaughter of the Pillars boss regret refers to - the Pillars of the Earth are the Titans. ("Hail Mythal, adjudicator and savior! She has struck down the pillars of the earth and rendered their demesne unto the People! Praise her name forever!") That undead boss embodies another of Solas' greatest regrets, namely what he and Mythal did to the Titans during the war with them - sundering every Titan from their spirit, severing them from their dreams, which resulted in the Blight as the dreams were driven mad. it also in a sense broke the dwarves in two and caused the fall of the fate of the dwarven people. Beyond the mural-memory that pertains to this in DA:TV, there are depictions of this time in the ancient past in the DA:TV artbook: [one, two]. Annotations there describe Solas rendering the Titans tranquil and capturing their souls; dwarves as a consequence then losing their connection to magic and fleeing into the now-Tranquil earth; and the Evanuris then building Elvhenan using the power of the captured Titan souls.
#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age the veilguard spoilers#<- this is my spoiler tag#rook#dragon age: dreadwolf#dragon age 4#the dread wolf rises#da4#dragon age#bioware#felassan#Best Elf#mjs mailbag#video games#feels#lavendervoids#littlerune#songofamazon#phantabula-interactive#longpost#long post#smoking cw#alcohol cw#cole#spirit boy#morrigan#queen of my heart#alistair theirin#this post is just a silly little ramble pls feel free to ignore it. not to be a felassan fan on main but also that is my url soo..#gpoy
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butch naruchan........... save me.........
(yapping and versions with no lighting) ↴
man this took me ages , i didnt intend for this to be such a big piece but i kept adding stuff :P not too happy w the pose or the outfit but whatever she still looks cute and i learned a lot from making it. i never do full renders like this..... oh also i made the card frame by hand from scratch isnt it cool !!!!!!!!!
#pls dont tag as kin/me/id#<- ik putting this in the tags defeats the purpose of it but its really embarrassing to have in the main post#my art#enstars#ensemble stars#enstars fanart#arashi narukami
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