#pkne droids
uncaaj · 1 year
Scanlation: PKNE #07 - Droids Episode 3
Writer: Alessandro Sisti Artist: Claudio Sciarrone INDUCKS Code: I TL 3287-6P
EPISODE 1 | EPISODE 2 | episode 3
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pkondrugs · 3 months
Do you know where English translations of the PKNE chapters after “Droids” can be found? BankingtheDuck stopped at that point, and I’ve been searching for ages now
Hi! @uncaaj has made some wonderful scalanations for PKNE. Here's the link to his masterlist.
If anyone knows other English scalanations, please comment! <3
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winterpower98 · 6 years
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I finally had time to finish this!!!
I liked the PKNE Droids comic a lot and decided to make a fan cover of it Hope you guys like it!!!
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glowing-gravity · 6 years
the new PKNE (or, at the very least part 1 of it) takes place in 2179- 9 years before Odin Eidolon was built (that was in 2188)- so it’s still just Uno running Robolab... is it too much to hope maybe, just maybe... PK will finally find out who Odin is??
also idk about anyone else, but. hmm. not sure I trust tyrrel, especially considering PK is missing memories, but it could just be that he’s been directly following time police orders, and that ended up getting in the way of what PK wanted to do (if I had to guess, maybe he began sympathizing with the criminal droids/ something like that and wanted to help them?).
like, from what I remember from the PK2 issue with him, the problem they’d had before was that he doesn’t really... care if whatever he’s been told to do by his superiors is incorrect or bad, he’s just doing his job? or, in that previous case, trying to get back to HQ. but PK does care, especially when it’s the timeline he and his friends live in, and Lyla cares (leading her to get in trouble with her superiors a couple times), so PK sees it as Tyrrel being a villain by doing his job (even if Tyrrel’s also a Jerk, but I’m hoping what he said at the beginning of Droids here was referring to the fact that he’s become at least less of a jerk, even if he’s still committed to his job)
uh. just some rambling thoughts, idk how much of this was just Obvious but I wanted to share, haha,
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uncaaj · 1 year
Scanlation: PKNE #07 - Droids Episode 2
Writer: Alessandro Sisti Artist: Claudio Sciarrone INDUCKS Code: I TL 3287-6P
EPISODE 1 | episode 2 | EPISODE 3
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winterpower98 · 6 years
PKNE Droids
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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[I am Paperinik and I’m a hero!]
[I live in the 21° century, but I happen to travel to the future!]
[Sme time ago, someone tried to stop me...]
PK: ... and maybe today you're trying to make me waste time!
PK: Hey, where...
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???: PK?
PK: Tyrrel Duckard?
PK: I’m ok, thank you for asking! And you?
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Robot Agent: Do not move, this is a police check!
Robot Agent: You are violating the law on public order!
Tyrrel: Everything in order, agent!
Tyrrel: We were chasing the wanted man who knocked out my partner!
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Tyrrel: Excuse him, he woke up a little confused!
Robot Agent: Explanation recorder, you can go!
PK: Let me understand too ... especially why you’re calling me partner!
Tyrrel: Because we work together!
PK: You and I?! But you were the one who wanted to erase my reality!
Tyrrel: UHM ... You got hit pretty bad!
PK: You mean you weren't the one ...
Tyrrel: Who knock you out? If so, why would I have taken you to 2179!
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PK: Who am I suppose to thanks then?
Tyrrel: I’ll explain everything with a warm drink!
Bartender: Nice cape, friend!
PK: Thank you, I’m happy it’s still an ongoing trend!
PK: Well then? Talk!
Tyrrel: I’m in this century because of an ongoing investigation!
Tyrrel: Since the timepolice has reinstated me ...
PK: O-oh! You’ve become a good droid!
Tyrrel: You can bet!
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PK: Keep going then, I’m listening!
Tyrrel: Even if you can’t remember it, we are on the same team!
Tyrrel: You understood that when I came and asked for your help!
Tyrrel: The situation is delicate, a group of droids escaped from the 23° century!
PK: This should be an everyday job for you?
Tyrrel: Not this time! The timepolice discovered where they went ...
[ ... And when! A decisive year for their evolution!]
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Tyrrel: We were about to capture them, but something went wrong!
PK: Let me guess! They put me k.o.!
Tyrrel: Yup! We located their hideout!
[ While I was inspecting it, you stayed outside on lookout ...]
[ And one of them caught you off guard!]
[ LuckllyI had all the necessary to neutralize their weapon effects!]
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Tyrrel: And when you woke up, you hit me!
PK: I suppose I own you an apology then!
Tyrrel: Nevermind, partner! Let’s get back to the hunt instead!
Robot agent: Bartender!
Robot Agent: Those two are regular customers?
Bartender: UMPF! Luckily they’re not!
Bartender: That guy with the ask ruined my menù in 20° century style!
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Bartender: It was printed on authentic vintage replypaper!
Tyrrel: This is my office!
PK: So, you’re here in official capacity!
PK: I thought you timepoliceman acted in disguise!
Tyrrel: And it is! This is only a cover!
Tyrrel: I came from the 23° century and in 2179 time travel was already invented, but it’s secret! I can’t attract attention!
PK: Don’t worry, the furniture isn’t too flashy!
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PK: But I did expect a device to track down the fugitives’ signals!
Tyrrel: They don’t have any signals, they are standard models!
Tyrrel: Only us timepolice droids have locators and cronoengine!
PK: The how did they escape!
Tyrrel: From a normal public cronostation! Those droids are property of Ruvo Chandra, a big guy in 2298!
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Tyrrel: The temporal travel permit was in his name!
PK: Great! Now tell me you don’t even know what they look like!
Tyrrel: Don’t exaggerate, I have their record card! She is Zyba, personal secretary of Chandra!
PK: An updated model of miss Quackfaster! EH EH!
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Tyrrel: Miss who?
PK: Nevermind, keep going!
Tyrrel: Soren was his bodyguard ...
Tyrrel: And Moris his attending replica!
PK: Attending what?
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PK: Use my words, I can’t understand yours!
Tyrrel: “Attending replica” means he is Chandra lookalike!
Tyrrel: Every celebrity has one for dangerous or ... annoying situations!
PK: It’s not much to track them down!
Tyrrel: We have another clue! I found it in the timepolice archives!
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Tyrrel: Recognise someone?
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PK: Impossible! I have never been to this future before!
Tyrrel: Well, this proves the opposite!
PK: I ... don’t understand!
PK: Actually yes! You used me!
Tyrrel: Nothing personal, everyone knows your the droids friend!
Tyrrel: You could have been in league with them!
PK: And if this is another me?
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PK: One that came from who knows which century, for example!
Tyrrel: plausible hypothesis! Meanwhile, take a look at the view!
Tyrrel: If you didn’t notice, there is the headquarters of Robolab!
PK: The name is not new ...
Tyrrel: I believe it!
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Tyrrel: It’s the society that has been studying droids since the 21°t century!
PK: I don’t think I saw any of them around!
Tyrrel: At the moment there are only robots, but in a few years droids will be everywhere!
PK: EH EH! They will fall in price?
Tyrrel: They ever told you you’re funny? They lied!
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Tyrrel: The Robolab was bought by a young genius who will revolutionize the research!
Tyrrel: You should know him, his name is Odin Eidolon!
PK: Maybe he is the goal of the fugitives!
PK: What could they want from Odin?
Tyrrel: For example, grant droids more freedom rights from the beginning!
Tyrrel: Or take his place!
PK: You’re raving! They don’t look like him!
[ But this gives them an advantage because Eidolon never appeared in public!]
Odin: Good day, gentlemen!
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Tyrrel: Once in command of his industries, the droids could rewrite history!
PK: ULP! No trace of the other me ...
PK: ... But that is Soren!
Tyrrel: Stop! If we follow him he will bring us to his ...
???: Detective Duckard?
Inspector Wuff: I am Inspector Wuff! I would like to talk to you!
Tyrrel: Hard to say no with those assault Robotagents that are with you!
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PK: Don’t try to escape, big guy!
Soren: OOOH! PK!
Soren: What are you doing in the 22° century? I would never have hoped to meet you here!
PK: Eh?! Did you hear him ...
PK: ... Duckard?!
PK: This was not planned!
PK: Now you tell e why did you hit e and what are you and your partners planning!
Soren: I ... what?! And What partners?
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Soren: We left the future to save us!
Soren: Let me explain!
PK: Alright, but be convincing!
Soren: Good, but let’s go away from here ...            ... There are too many curious persons!
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[Here is a completely different thing, eh?]
PK: There are at least one billion people!
Soren: Exactly! In this crowd, who would think of us?
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Soren: Zybra and Moris will be here in a bit!
PK: I wonder why did I let you call them!
PK: If you’re thinking of pulling a trick, you didn’t understand anything!
Soren: I just want to tell you everything with them!
Soren: I’m not good with words, I’m programmed as and action droid!
PK: I know! After all, you’re the one who sent me sleeping before!
Soren: GASP! D-do you often do that?
PK: Actually, I didn’t remember being able to! Maybe it’s the amnesia!
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Soren: It looks like a verification protocol of the mnemonic transfer!
PK: Protowhat? What are you talking about?
Soren: During the memory upload, fragments of elementary contents are distributed!
[The droid activates only when ...]
[ ... manages to reassemble them!]
Soren: Are you sure no one manipulated your memory?
PK: What have I got to do with it? I’m not a droid!
PK: But she is!
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PK: She didn’t see us, let’s go to her!
Tyrrel: PK!
Soren: ARGH!
Tyrrel: Don’t lose time! Neutralize him!
Soren: I thought you were on our side!
Tyrrel: Move! We’ll lose him!
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PK: I can’t use the shield with all these people!
Tyrrel: old-fashioned scruples?
Tyrrel: At least moved from the shooting line!
Men: YAGH!
Soren: You won’t take me back!
Men: UH?
Soren: I didn’t do anything bad!
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PK: Are you alright?
Tyrrel: Yes! Nice catch, partner!
Tyrrel: Now let’s finish the job!
PK: But .. he’s not stopping!
PK: Is that gadget useful for something or is it only ornamental?
Tyrrel: Don’t be in a rush!
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Tyrrel: He’s slowing down, see?
Tyrrel: The inhibitor disables any droid without risk to living beings!
PK: The effect is not really instantaneous, eh?
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Tyrrel: No, but it works! Why didn’t you use it?
PK: Maybe because we don’t have that in the 21° century!
Tyrrel: That’s why I gave you one, forgetful!
Tyrrel: Look here! How much interesting material!
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Tyrrel: There is nothing else, we can deliver him!
Tyrrel: The Chrono - translational will bring it back to the 23rd century!
[ An unwanted journey in the future would confuse anyone, but not PK! Well, more or less .. by the way: better to travel in time at a standard speed and in a week you will know how the mission is going! ]
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winterpower98 · 6 years
PKNE Droids
Part 1
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Part 2
Part 3 
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PK: What will happen to Soren? Will he be dismantled?
Tyrrel: You joking? A droid is worth a fortune!
Tyrrel: They will change his software, this way he won’t try to descant anymore.
Tyrrel: Instead, he won’t remember anything! it’s a safe and painless procedure!
PK: Maybe, but I don’t think I would like that!
Tyrrel: Between you and e, neither do I!
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Tyrrel: I care about my memories! With everything that I saw ...I can’t even imagine that!
PK: BOF! If you didn’t see my creditors at the end of the month, you didn’t see anything!
???; They found us!
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Zyba: I need to warn Moris!
???: Please, identify yourself! Access to the garage is reserved for the staff!
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Doorkeeper 19: You are asked to leave immediately!
Vertighel: Stop the procedure, Doorkeeper 19!
Vertighel: I will think of the lady!
Doorkeeper 19: Performed, Doctor Vertighel.
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Zyba: Leonard Vertighel, the droid’s genius?
Vertighel: That’s me, thanks for the compliment!
Vertighel: You seams in distress, can I help you?
Zyba: I ... I don’t ...
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Zyba: I need a safe place!
Vertighel: Follow me, then!
Vertighel: Even if I don’t know you, I’d like to help!
Zyba: Are you always this nice to everyone?
Vertighel: Actually no, but in you ... I sense something!
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Vertighel: Follow me! I was recently hired here at Robolab!
Vertighel: I was looking for a large enough laboratory to conduct my experiments!
Vertighel: So my new boss offered me an entire floor of an old building!
Man: It happened all so fast, agent!
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Man: I don’t know who they were, I never have seen them before!
Moris: I came too late! Zyba and Soren disappeared without a trace ...
Tyrrel: He almost escaped! You should have used the inhibitor, PK!
PK: Aside from the fact that I didn't know I had one ...
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PK: Talking to Soren was useful ... instead of neutralizing him!
Tyrrel: UHM ... What did he tell you?
PK: Enough to get me thinking you might be wrong about this droids! Maybe they don’t have bad intentions!
PK: I would like to know more about the reasons they fled their time!
Tyrrel: It’s not something that it concerns us!
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Tyrrel: They belong to Chandra! He has the rights to have them back without complications!
Tyrrel: He's about to become The Minister of Robotics and this could be embarrassing for him!
PK: Especially if there something going on! Have you tried asking him?
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Tyrrel: To a client ... a character of that level you don’t ask inopportune questions!
Tyrrel: From now on you will do well to put aside doubts and follow my instructions!
PK: Is that an advice or a threat?
Tyrrel: It’s just a choice! Don’t forget that you need me to get back to your century!
PK: And what if I wanted to go back now?
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Tyrrel: It would be a problem, partner!
PK: I see! This discussion is postponed ...
PK: ... But the research will continue separately!
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Zyba: You work here, then ...
Vertighel: Yup! The Robolab has great ambitions and they will let me achieve them!
Vertighel: Those are only robots! I work on droids!
Vertighel: I want to equip them with a real personality!
Zyba: For what end?
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Zyba: Turn them into more efficient servants?
Vertighel: Oh no! The opposite!
Vertighel: It won’t be easy! Look at this prototype!
Vertighel: It presents incredible difficulties in the integration of logical blocks, but I will overcome them! 
Vertighel: Droids will be something ... no, someone in which we would recognize us!
Zyba: You work alone on this project?
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Vertighel: Yes! I’ve never been good to interface with my fellow man!
Vertighel: Expect for my new boss, Odin Eidolon!
Zyba: Did you meat him?
Vertighel: No, he is even more lonely than me! A kind of hermit!
Vertighel: He only writes or calls me, but without the video mode!
Vertighel: But I am a curious type and ...
Zyba: You have tracked his calls!
Vertighel: You guessed! I discovered that Mr. Eidolon never leaves this same building ...
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Vertighel: The Ducklair Tower!
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PK: I hope I’d find you here, Moris!
Moris: I found your message!
Moris: Why here?
“At Ducklair Tower                          PK”
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PK: It’s one of the few places that I was sure I would find in this Duckburg!
Moris: I thought my companions were with you!
PK: I’m sorry, I don’t know where Zyba is! For Soren ...
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PK: ... He was captured by the timepolice!
Moris: Oh no!
Moris: And you? Are you here to help me or ...
PK: I’m trying to decide that!
PK: I should capture you since you are an outlaw cronaut, but I’m starting to doubt of what I’ve been told!
PK: Some of my memories are uncertain as if I didn’t actually live them!
Moris: False implanted memory?
Moris: I thought that could only be done to droids!
PK: Don’t you start!
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PK: I am not a ...
Moris: UH?
Moris: Zyba? You’re safe!
Zyba: Yes, but we are in danger!
Moris: Where are you?
Zyba: In Leonard Vertighel’s laboratory!
Moris: The greatest creator of droids after Odin Eidolon?
Zyba: In person! Isn’t that incredible?
Moris: If they knew what forced us to escape from the future ...
Zyba: ... Maybe they could prevent it! I thought about it too!
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Zyba: They both reside at the Ducklair Tower! Come now!
Moris: I’m coming!
Moris: Did you hear that, PK?
PK: Enough to decide that we will go together!
PK: I will hear your story when you tell it to those two!
Moris: Wat! I have to call Zyba back!
Moris: I didn’t ask her the number of Vertighel’s apartment!
PK: We don’t need it!
PK: We’ll look through the window!
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Vertighel: Did you hear from your friend, miss?
Zyba: Yes, doctor! He ...
Zyba: How is this possible?
Zyba: SIGH! It was just an interference!
Tyrrel: Good ...
Tyrrel: ... no, bad!
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Tyrrel: PK could be of in the way!
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Droid: Prototype 986 operating!
Zyba: Shut up!
Vertighel: What the ... Zyba?
Zyba: It’s not what it looks like, doctor Vertighel! I ...
Vertighel: It is, and it’s marvelous!
Vertighel: So you ...
Tyrrel: You’re mine!
Droid: Danger!
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Tyrrel: Surrender! You can’t go anywhere ...
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Vertighel: Order to all robots, general activation!
Vertighel: Stop the intruder!
Tyrrel: Don’t bother, I'll do it alone!
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Tyrrel: First, I just need to make a delivery!
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Vertighel: Zyba!
Tyrrel: Don’t take it badly, doctor!
Tyrrel: It’s better for everyone, believe me!
Vertighel: N-NOOO ...
[ Mumble ... It seems that PK's doubts about his "partner" are founded! What does Tyrrel Duckard have in mind? And why are the droids on the run? Seven days yet and you will know everything!]
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winterpower98 · 6 years
PKNE Theory Time!
First of all, Droids is inspired by Blade Runner, so there’s probably going to be a lot of references to the movie!
For the people who don’t know Tyrrel Duckard is a timepolice droid, who once was Lyla’s boyfriend, and that because remained stuck in the 23rd century. of the distortion of the space-time continuum.
The first thing weird that I notice while reading is the background in the first panel of the first page. Those kinda look like building you could see in the 21° century, don’t they? Now keep that in mind, I’ll bring that back up later.
Second thing that looks weird to me: When PK stops Soren, the droid looks very surprised to see him, he didn’t hope to see him in this century! And when PK asks him why did they escape the 23° century he answers “to save us”! That isn’t the classic answer a bad guy would give.
Third: Soren talks about a verification protocol of the mnemonic transfer. Now, if you’re a writer there is one thing you don’t do while writing a story (comic, book, movie it doesn’t matter): You don’t give random information! Because it will only confuse the reader! So I’m certain that this is a very important information!
Another useful information Soren gives us is by asking PK if anybody manipulated his memory! In fact, PK not only doesn't remember how he got to this time, but he also doesn’t remember he could do origami!
If you go back to page three, in the second panel, we can see Tyrrel using some device on PK, specifically plugged on his head! It’s true that Tyrrel said that he used it to neutralized the weapon effects on PK but it would also explain PK memory loss and why he’s capable of doing origami!
Another weird thing happens during the chase in the market: Tyrrel tries to shoot Soren but instead, he hits a civilian. And what does Soren do when he sees what happen? He helps the man! What kinda of runaway criminal does that?! He also yells that he did nothing wrong, it is something a bad guy would say to look like an innocent but technically speaking he was already discovered, so why would he say that?
Then wheTyrrel manages to stop Soren he says that his weapon only works on droids and not humans, but it’s not true! And we see it when he accidentally hits that civilian! Why lie about that? Another thing is that Tyrrel knows of PK memory loss yet he doesn't remind him of the weapon he gave him before!
Now let’s go back to the background in the first page. We can say that Tyrrel didn’t lie about bringing  PK from the 21° century, but I don’t think that the reason to why he did that is to track down “fugitives”. I think those droids have something Tyrrel wants, most probably a  key to decode information. What information? The one Tyrrel encrypted into PK head with that device he used at the beginning!
What is this information? I have absolutely no idea!
Also, two things will 100% not happen in this comic ( even tho it would be pretty cool!):
PK is the droids who activates with origami ( it would be an interesting plot twist but I doubt the comic will go in that direction).
We well see Odin ( there are no reasons for us as the audience to see the soon to be Odin and no reason for PK to meet him, sadly)
Welp This was longer then what I thought! XD
I’m tagging @glowing-gravity because they seams interested in my silly theory.
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uncaaj · 6 years
Scanlation: PKNE #07 - Droids Episode 1
Writer: Alessandro Sisti Artist: Claudio Sciarrone INDUCKS Code: I TL 3287-6P
episode 1 | EPISODE 2 | EPISODE 3
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pkondrugs · 6 years
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soo I’m not saying i am a bit disappointed but… yes, I’m a bit disappointed
plus, enjoy my master editing skills
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uncaaj · 5 years
UncaAJ’s Disney Duck Scanlation Masterpost
PKNA (Paperinik New Adventures) (Duck Avenger)
#6 - Spore!
#10 - Trauma
#12 - Second Draft 
#13 - The Darkest Night 
#16 - Special Repairs 
#22 - Fragments of Autumn 
#23 - Memory Lapse
#1 - Ducklair
#5 - The End of History
#1 - Might and Power
#7 - Droids
PK - A New Hero subseries
PK - A New Hero 
PK - Danger Dome 
PK - Ur-Evron
Slam Duck
The Lucky Break
Head in the Clouds
The Failed Masterpiece
The Missing Snowperson’s Report
Ducks in Space - Extreme Bodybuilding
A Ducky Palindrome
The Artistic Deep-Dive
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uncaaj · 5 years
Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you knew if there were anymore Duck Avenger comics from the PKNE series after the Droids issue. I want to make sure I have that series finished before I read the new series. Thank you for your time.
Thanks for writing in! As for as I’ve seen, Droids is the latest PKNE story published before we got PK: A New Hero. I don’t know if this means there will be no more PKNE, but yeah, there wasn’t another one after Droids.
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pkondrugs · 6 years
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Finally the time has come!!! The next week the new PKNE saga will be out and apparently it will be named “Droids”!! I really can’t wait 😍😍
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winterpower98 · 6 years
PKNE Droids
Part 1
Part 2 
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Part 3
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Moris: We’re going in?
PK: Bad idea, Duckar may come back
PK: I’d rather have a chat with Odin Eidolon!
Moris: You know at which floor he is?
PK: Not exactly, Moris ...
[ ... But there is only one suitable for him!]
Moris: You’re wrong, it’s empty!
PK: But not uninhabited, or in disuse!
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PK: There is equipment that I have never seen before!
Moris: You already been here?
PK: It’s a long story, I’ll tell you another time.
PK: Rather, while we wait for Odin why don’t I hear yours?
Moris: It starts from the year we escaped from ...
[... the 2298!]
Man1: The drones are better quality than the robots manufactured by us, Chandra!
Man1: Our companies are likely to close!
Man2: You're the president of the constructors' association, you have to do something!
Chandra: I already did, gentlemen!
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[ Nothing will prevent me from making the new generations of droids less intelligent ...]
[ nor to remove components for old ones from the market!]
Man: It's out of production, it can not be repaired!
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Chandra: The droids will become obsolete and even dangerous!
Man1: This way the customers will not want them anymore!
Chandra: Exactly! No one will protest when we declare them outlaws!
Man1: Our robots will go back to conquer the market again!
Man2: Great plan! When will you bring it to a close?
Chandra: Very soon! I’m waiting for a final report!
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PK: How do you know all of this? An intrigue like this will be secret, especially for droids! Moris: It’s true, PK ...
[ ... But the unforeseen also exist in the 23rd century!]
Moris: As a minister, I will renew this sector!
Crowd: Good job!
Woman: Hail Ruvo Chandra!
Man: Pssst! Mister Chandra!
Soren: Don’t come closer, pal!
Man: I have an Alpha Plus code, big guy!
Man: We are ready, in here there is the documentation you were waiting for!
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Man: Very soon, the droids will stop bothering us!
Chandra: Moris!
Moris: Here I am, mister Chandra!
Chandra: I hate making speeches ... luckily there is you!
[ I should have given him that data-box ...]
[... But I didn’t]
Zyba: It’s terrible, it will be our end!
Soren: Let’s inform the authorities!
Moris: He is the authorities, Soren!
Soren: You’re right! We can’t stop him ...
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Zyba: ... But we can take advantage!
Zyba: I have an authorization for Mr. Chandra and his staff!
Agent: Confirmed! Chrono translation unit number four!
Woman: Good travel, Mr. Chandra!
[ We chose a not too remote past that would guarantee us a tranquil existence ...]
[ ... and the necessary spare parts!]
PK: You run away without thinking of saving your like?
Moris: YOu are a hero, we are not!
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Moris: Ruvo Chandra is too powerful for the illusion of being able to stop him!
PK: But Odin Eidolon surely will!
PK: He will not allow that criminal to take away what he has accomplished!
Moris: No ... if in 2298 Mr. Eidolon was still alive!
Moris: Despite the progress of science nobody lasts forever, PK!
PK: That’s why Chandra could act undisturbed!
PK: But today, in the 2179, Odin is alive, and knowing in advance what will happen, he will have time to prepare himself!
PK: We have the proof of the crimes Chandra did and ...
Tyrrel: ... You will be so nice to give them to me!
Moris: The timepoliceman! How did he get here?
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Tyrrel: It wasn’t hard, thanks to the Position Indicator!
PK: Then you where ling when you said that serial droids don’t have one!
Tyrrel: Not exactly, it’s you who have it!
Tyrrel: it’s useless to search for it, you won’t find it!
Moris: Why are you doing this? You too are a droid!
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Moris: How can you defend the one who wants to eliminate us?
Tyrrel: You said it yourself, Chandra is too powerful to fight!
Tyrrel: So I joined with him! it's worth it! The return of that data-box guarantees me a favored treatment!
PK: A future without droid won’t fit you?
Tyrrel: I have all the past at mine at my disposal!
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Tyrrel: So get out of the way or I’ll do it myself!
PK: With the inhibitor?
PK: I don’t think so, droid!
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Tyrrel: Nice shot, PK! You have hit me!
Tyrrel: A shame that you need something more to deactivate a timepolice unit!
PK: I’ll do it the old way, then!
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PK: EEEH?! The Extransformer isn’t working!
Tyrrel: What a shame! Any other idea?
Tyrrel: Let me get comfortable, let see what you can do!
PK: Oh, no ...
PK: ... Not here!
Tyrrel: Ridiculous! What do you think you’re ... ARGH!
Tyrrel: This doesn’t make sense! How did you do it?
PK: Good question!
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PK: Let’s say it was a lucky hit!
Tyrrel: Alright, end of the game!
Wuff: You’re right, Duckard!
Tyrrel: Inspector Wuff ... and the timepolice!
PK: Your ex-college, Tyrrel!
PK: I thought you weren't one of them!
Wuff: Once he was an excellent unit!
Wuff: But when he came back from the 21° century his programming was unstable!
Tyrrel: That’s false, the tests are wrong!
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[ We couldn’t take it back to service, nor reprogram him against his droid rights!]
PK: Then what is he doing here?
Wuff: He has a private time-detective license!
Wuff: He obtained it with the support of a very influential person!
PK: Let me guess! Ruvo Chandra?
Wuff: Exactly, but do not worry!
Wuff: Our colleges in the 2298 already have him!
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PK: Would you look at that! You are a policeman in the 2179 ...
Wuff: ... But also the timepolice sentry-droid of this time!
[ When I discovered that you were here, I became suspicious!]
[ Duckar was authorized to conduct an investigation in the 22° century, but not to bring the hero fro the 21° century!]
PK: So you kept an eye on us!
Wuff: All the time!
Wuff: When the central informed me of the plot, I was ready to intervene!
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Moris: It wasn’t necessary for us to flee! How did you find out?
Wuff: it was Mr. Eidolon who denounced Chandra in 2298!
PK: Odin? But Moris said ...
Wuff: No, PK! Not Odin Eidolon!
Wuff: His nephew Eldos Eidolon took over the family business!
PK: Nephew?
PK: I didn’t know that ... Hey, wait a second! You have to get me back to the 21° century!
Wuff: Negative! We don’t have any instruction about that!
Agent: Someone else will provide for you!
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PK: Someone ...
One: Congratulation, how did you guess?
PK: Well, who else could unleash an arsenal on Duckard?
One: Not you! Since you only activated the air conditioner! EH EH!
PK: You know how it is ... EHM ... It was getting hot in here!
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PK: And! Only you could listen to Moris story and then use it in 119 years!
PK: Because you are ... you will be Odin Eidolon, right?
One: Correct!
One: And probably the nephew Eldos too when the time will come!
PK: Before someone will find strange that Odin can last forever!
One: HEY!
One: Avoid jokes about my hardware, alright?
PK: IH IH! How susceptible you are!
PK: And now, if you don’t mind. I think I deserve to rest!
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PK: And even this time. we did it! It’s time to ...
One: TO?
PK: To go back home, in the good old 21° century!
PK: If you told the timepolice to leave me here, it means you have a Chrono translation unit!
One: EHM ... Right! Settle down and rest, while I complete the preparations!
One: Meanwhile I’ll tell you what you don’t know yet of this story!
PK: UH? I’m listening!
PK: What could possibly be that I don’t know already?
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One: For example, that duckard was worried by your presence here in the 2179!
PK: But he ... brought me ... here ...
One: Because He hoped he could use the Droids’ friends to attract the fugitives!
One: He couldn’t ask an authorization to take him from the past without providing details of its mission ...
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[ ... Nor do it illegally without the timepolice discovering it!]
[ So he decided to only partially use the real PK!]
[ And after having stunned him in the 21st century, he duplicated his personality ...]
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One: ... to pour it into a droid!
One: Your memory is safe, friend!
One: Who knows, one day I could give this to PK, so he will know that he has lived this adventure ... through you!
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winterpower98 · 6 years
I just read the last episode of PNKE Droids!!!
I am fucking screaming!! I can't process what I've just read!!!
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