#paperinik new era
ducktoonsfanart · 3 months
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Donald Duck as Duck Avenger (Paperinik-Pk) and Odin Eidolon with their family and friends - PKNA - Duck comics and Duckverse - My version - Gift for my friends
I drew this because I was amazed by reading PKNA, Pikappa and Pk2 comics in which Donald Duck as the Duck Avenger (Paperinik) in addition to fighting against alien dangers also travels through time, more precisely to the future, to the 23rd century where it looks completely different there. In the future Duckburg is the main Odin Eidolon and one of the richest and most powerful people in Duckburg and the world in the 23rd century, as well as the owner of the largest production of androids, by the way, was originally Uno, Duck Avenger's closest ally and mentor. And often in those comics when Donald is stuck in that future time, he gets tasks from Odin, but also becomes his best friend. After all, I've seen a lot of drawings and read fanfictions where Odin and Donald are even in a relationship, so I decided to dedicate one drawing to that. It's just that Odin understands Donald a lot, and he himself in the past as Uno Ducklair (a computer duck) helped Duck Avenger as much as he could, only that Donald does not know that Odin is Uno, and the question is whether he will ever find out.
Of course, I drew Donald Duck as a superhero as Duck Avenger (Paperinik) in the version of PKNA where the partner is Odin Eidolon, and with them are friends who make up their future family. The Raider, a cocky former thief from the 23rd century who worked for The Organization, however, during the fight against the Duck Avenger turned away from it and became in certain situations also the best frenemy of the Duck Avenger, and there is his son Trip. There is also Lyla Lay, a journalist and secret agent who works for the Time Police against The Organization and herself comes from the future in the 23rd century and she is an android by the way and has had a difficult fate. There is also Lyonard D'Aq, an old-timer who was an assistant to the old superhero (Destroyer Duck), and then became a worker and lives in the old abandoned factory Century and helps Duck Avenger. There is also Omega, an artificial intelligence created by Everett Ducklair, with a similar appearance to One, who sets tasks and helps Duck Avenger, but adapts him to new methods for dealing with new dangers and new technologies. Appears in PKNE (Paperinik New Era) comics. And finally, Donald's naughty nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck who are like little Paperiniks or Duck Avenger Juniors, as Paperiniks' successors. And all together together. I drew in my own style, and sorry if I made a mistake somewhere.
Feel free to like and reblog this, just don't use my same ideas from my drawings without crediting me. Thank you! Also, I intended this as a gift to my dear friends @kiiriminna and @uncaaj who love this love gay couple between Paperinik and Odin Eidolon. I hope you like it. :D
Also Happy Belated Father's Day and Belated Birthday Donald Duck and Duck Avenger (Paperinik)!
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patemi-pk · 1 month
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I regret the recent opportunity I missed to ask a question to Fabio Michelini about what I call the 90s revival era.
In the 1990s Michelini found himself at the helm of a sequence of unrelated stories, which functioned as revivals of important Topolino sagas, working with the original artists connected with those stories:
Topolino e la bella addormentata nel cosmo (Saga di Ghiaccio saga feat. Massimo De Vita);
Zio Paperone e il deposito gommoso (Little Gum saga feat. Giulio Chierchini);
Zio Paperone e la minaccia spaziale (OK Quack saga feat. Giorgio Cavazzano);
Paperinik e il ritorno a Villa Rosa (Classic Duck Avenger saga feat. Giovan Battista Carpi);
Pippo Halloween (Goofy & Hazel saga feat. Luciano Bottaro).
Two revivals feat. the original artists may be a coincidence, 5 in a decade seem like a project. Was it a project to boost the saga appeal of Topolino and reclaim those characters for a new generation of readers, providing engagement for the earlier readers? Was it an actual project or one story came off well, so other followed? Were these stories asked by the editorial direction he was tasked to pursue or they were his own ideas? How came he to be the 90s man of revivals?
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labmousin · 1 year
Send 💭 for a muse I wanted to write for but did not. ~ accepting
The Duck Avenger from the Paperinik New Adventures / New Era series
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"You know nothing of the responsibility that lies on the shoulders of a superhero... And I used to be the same. Can it be any harder than raising three kids as a young adult father figure? Nah, not much is, actually, especially if your kids are a bunch of little geniuses."
"But being a superhero and fighting off an entire race of aliens is a very close second."
"I can't say I don't enjoy it though. I've met a lot of good people and friends through this. It strengthened my resolve, taught me a lot about our world. Stuff that even my uncle is unaware of."
"I had to sacrifice a lot, of course, but... What's new? Cape or no cape, I will get in trouble anyway, so I will make the most of it as Duck Avenger!"
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madmachaca · 3 years
Speaking of PKNE, I still not over the fact that Odin became the leader of a resistance group agaisnt a very hostile Alien species and his outfit of chioce was a freaking golden armor
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Which I choose to believe has some real gold on it (even if it's nit entirely made of it) and I believe he is wearing it
1) because he has a physical body and he can wear whatever he wants (have you seen how he normally dresses?)
2) he is filthy rich...he can afford to be extra
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winterpower98 · 5 years
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finally had time to work on my version of Duck Avenger/Paperinik and Uno!
I just hope that I’ll have the time to work on the mini-comic I had in mind that could introduce Uno and PK in the Ducktales series (I’m talking about this one)
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frustratedpker · 5 years
I was super excited for a moment because THIS happened in Potere e Potenza:
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And I almost had a mini heart attack of joy
But then it was revealed that this Paperinik was just a droid programmed to have Paperinik’s personality and memories
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Is there hope for a future reveal?
So guys, this is the closest we ‘ll ever get to Paperinik finding out about Uno being Odin
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lospaziobianco · 6 years
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adamarinayu · 6 years
I was about to go to sleep when I noticed Banker had uploaded the next part of PKNE.... and as awesome as it was one part jumped out to me.
(Cut because there’s a panel from the comic and also some spoiler)
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I know Solomon occasionally called him by name, but I legitimately don’t remember any time Uno’s called him Donald? Usually he calls him Avenger, even in the most casual of instances.
So hey, feel free to send to me/tell me about other instances of Uno calling him Donald, because if it’s happened before this I honestly do not remember it and it made me happier than it probably should have.
(Also, lowkey amused that Uno’s “he’s the copy and I’m the original” about Solomon came back around and actually meant something to the plot lol, and holy crap are the Evronians coming back???  Also, I think the Uno V. Solomon part could have been a good chance to make a callback to when Uno learned to think outside his programming, during Earthquake when he had to make the choice between what was logical (letting the project go on and killing thousands of people to help millions of others) and what was right (stopping the project so no one had to die at all, at the cost of all that new, unclaimed fertile land), giving Solomon that chance to break away from the programming by his own will as well. But that’s just me.)
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littlelegend · 7 years
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Me (reading Paperinik New Era): JUST HUG ALREDY!!!
I mean, come on, you haven`t seen each other for such long time, you simply have to hug!!!
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duck-avenger · 2 years
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akirapolarbear · 3 years
The Concept/pkna_0 version VS the final version ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎
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zany-the-nerd · 8 years
Interesting trailer for PKNE
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sleepy-oggyoger · 6 years
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Stuff that I'm proud of !
I just found out that New Era Odin's SUPER HOT and also ready to beat the shit out of Raider.
+ My random sketch !
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ducklooney · 3 years
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Now, a big SURPRISE! Especially for fans of Darkwing Duck and Duck Avenger (Paperinik). Another drawing related to the 90s era, but this time related to super heroes.
Although it may be too late, I still struggled for this for three or three days, in order to guess the essence of this. Yes, I drew according to my fanfiction story that I should continue, and in connection with the jubilee of two cartoon series, as well as the jubilee of a Duck comic. Yes, it’s the 25th anniversary of PKNA (Paperinik New Adventures) as a new form of Paperinik as well as the 30th anniversary of the Darkwing Duck series and the 25th anniversary of Quack Pack, so I’ve combined that into one drawing, to make it a joint anniversary. 
Yes, as you can see there are Darkwing Duck (Drake Mallard) with Gas Gun and Duck Avenger (Paperinik) with his gun (old version of Duck Avenger before PKNA) and a super powerful hand, given by One (Uno-computer A.I. duck), but there are also their closest members of their family. In addition to Darkwing Duck, there are Launchpad McQuack, Morgana Macawber and Gosalyn Mallard as Quiverwing Quack (yes Gosalyn is a teenager here and is the same number of years as HDL). Their way of dressing and wearing hairstyles, took inspiration from other fanarts and I thank the authors for that. 
Also, on the Duck Avenger (Paperinik-Donald Duck) side, there's his mentor One (Uno), Super Daisy (Paperinika) and T-Squad (Huey, Dewey and Louie as superheroes). Yes, I know the T-Squad in Quack Pack looks different (The Really Incredibly Fast Guy, Brain Boy, and Captain Muscle), but this is my version that reshaped them to look more serious and in line with their traits. He also took inspiration from other fanarts and comics. Huey is Red Shadow here and the inspiration is taken from Shadow and Darkwing Duck. Dewey is here Blue Cyclops and the inspiration is taken from Cyclops from X-men, Ironman and Gizmoduck, and Louie is a Duck Avenger Junior or Paperinik Junior and tests his strength on a small auxiliary automatic hand he uses like his uncle. Yes, that's how I see my superheroes, and why not, they are an important part of their company, even if it doesn't sound like a canon. Of course, this is just my headcanon so don't blame me for this. I hope to draw other drawings related to Darkwing Duck and PKNA soon.
Happy once again the 30th anniversary of Darkwing Duck and the 25th anniversary of PKNA and Quack Pack.
P.S. Sorry the photos turned out like this because they all had to fit on one drawing. Next time I will add superheroes from Justice Ducks and Ultraheroes. Yes, two are drawings without a background, while one with a background. Sorry for my longer text and my bad drawing. Happy anniversary once again to my favorite characters and two superheroes.
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calisotadreamin · 5 years
Chronicles of the Evronian war: introduction.
As a child, I loved Donald Duck. Instead of an allowance, my parents had bought me a subscription of the weekly comic book and the monthly pocket book. And perhaps coolest of all were the stories of the Duck Avenger, or Stål-Kalle. The very idea of Donald Duck as a superhero might be laughable to some who only know him from the cartoons, but it worked. The Duck Avenger fighting crime and bad guys in the modern comics were cool and his earliest adventures were even cooler. I knew of his past as a vengeful thief because of a hardcover book that collected those early stories by Guido Martina and Giovan Battista Carpi.
Like most European kids reading comic books, I wasn’t much for superheroes, except  The Phantom and the Duck Avenger. Whereas Spider-man and Superman seemed odd and unpleasant. But with the Duck Avenger, the familiarity of the duck characters made the superhero stories accessible to me. Maybe it is just that the incontrovertible fact that Donald Duck is cuter than Bruce Wayne.
The Duck Avenger of course only appeared in the pocket books. I didn’t know at the time that was because the pocket books unlike the weekly magazine mainly published Italian duck comics, and the Duck Avenger was an Italian creation. And about when I was born in the mid 1990s, new winds were blowing through Disney’s Italian division.
What was happening isn’t clear to me, there is a language barrier on top of the ordinary anonymity and secrecy duck comics creators were long forced to work in. What I have been able to piece together is that a group of young creators like Alessandro Sisti, Ezio Sisto and Claudio Sciarrone wanted to do something new with the Duck Avenger. They wanted to create a darker take on the character, far darker than anything ever published starring Disney ducks. They openly acknowledged being influenced by American superhero comics and wanted to merge that style with that of Italian duck comics. And the editors, accepted this idea, despite it being unlike everything they ever published before.
The Result was Paperinik New Adventures, a new comic entirely dedicated to these “new adventures” of the Duck Avenger. It was first published in 1996 and continued monthly until early 2001. And the results were strange and wonderful, as you shall see.
The comic ended in 2001 after about five years of monthly issues. The story was continued in 2001-2 by PK2, but that was replaced by a widely-disliked reboot, Pikappa. But the story was revived in the 2010s in the form Paperinik New Era, but we’ll get to them in time.
PKNA was soon localized and published in several European countries. My father occasionally brought home issues of this he bought in shops when I was child. It was random issues, from the middle of the series. Without context, they seemed like alien objects left by UFOs. The fact that they starred the Duck Avenger didn’t explain things, it was in fact that which made the comics so strange. The young me was confused, yet intrigued.
It wasn’t until much later that I learnt from the Internet what PKNA was, and the cult following it had. The scanlations made by Banker made it possible for me to re-acquaint myself with the comic. And it wasn’t until relatively recently that I read the entire thing in chronological order. I was very impressed.
Now I want to talk about it all, every issue. My plan is to read all 50 or so issues of PKNA and write down my thoughts. Try to analyze this weird thing. I will call this project “Chronicles of the Evronian War”. That might be overly pretentious, but it’s better than something utterly generic like “my great PKNA read-through”.
Banker’s scanlations are the main source of images in this series, unless noted.
I will probably also go into the continuation series PK2 and the 2010s PKNE stories. Although I’ll probably won’t do the Pikappa reboot, for availability reasons and probably reasons of quality as well.
My inspiration is things like Andrew Rilstone’s analysis of Ditko/Lee era Spider-Man stories, I’ll probably won’t reach these heights, it’s my sincere hope that whoever will read this will enjoy this series.
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lospaziobianco · 6 years
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