#pkne spoilers
astralhope · 21 days
The prompt of the day 9 of @zexalmonth, "G for Gate", gives me the chance to talk about something that, since it came to my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about.
My love for Zexal has always been so great that it led me to see similarities between it and my other favorite things, in this case, one of my favorite comics of all time, PKNA.
Both of them have:
(Astral and Uno)
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a very intelligent and logical character created with a purpose who became best friends/partners with the main character and, thanks to him, learns about emotions and what it means to feel alive. They have ways to think and act very differently from their partners, but they trust them completely and are ready to do everything to help them. They also have little to no autonomy and can't interact very much with the world around them, and most of the time, only the main character can see and talk to them.
Plus, they are both extraterrestrial, in a way.
(Spoiler: they both “die” momentarily and have a heartbreak scene where they say goodbye to the main character. They come back, luckily)
(Number 96 and Due)
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a sort of evil copy of Astral/Uno who took over the latter and thinks of being better than the other one, but he is defeated by him and the main character.
(Eliphas and il Custode)
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A character connected to the first one who is very strict on following purpose for which he was created and starts antagonistic to the main character, but then changed thanks to him.
(Yuma and Donald)
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A main character who feels his emotions very intensely most of the time and tries his best to help everyone and whom most of the cast end up loving (even adversaries). They changed the lives of the people around them. They also have a very strong connection to extraterrestrial beings.
(Kaito and il Razziatore)
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A character who started as an antagonist and then became an ally, who can manipulate time and has a younger relative whose he cares very much. They also are (kind of) thieves.
(Spoiler: they both die sacrificing themselves but they are later brought back)
Maybe some of them are a little of a stretch (it has been a while since I read the PK comics), but I had fun doing this comparison (and it made me remember how much I love PKNA, and also PK2 and PKNE. I have to read them again one of these days).
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patemi-pk · 11 months
Allora, riuniamo qualche pensiero su "Rinascita" ("Il nemico del ragno" non è ancora nelle mie mani).
Iniziamo dai testi. Miglior Faraci pikappico dai tempi di "Fuoco Incrociato" (di cui condivide un po' di mood, IMHO; assieme all'altra storia verso la quale i riferimenti sono evidenti, tanto che nominarla sarebbe un po' spoiler). Con grande abilità giostra fra ironia, azione ed introspezione. A dispetto della sua consuetudine di impegnarsi in episodi "continuity-light" (a parte, forse, per "Zero Assoluto", che all'epoca nascondeva snodi di trame xerbiane rilevanti), qui ci oropone uno stand-alone che, però, non teme di confrontarsi con le trame recenti e si cala con scioltezza nelle situazioni che Pkne aveva generato. Certo, io sono della chiesa che ritiene le comparsate di un certo personaggio, dopo la sua introduzione, siano state sempre ridondanti, ma qui il revival si difende meglio che altrove. Un appunto che mi trovo a fare è il finale, un po' anticlimatico.
Per quanto riguarda Pastrovicchio, la sua evoluzione, nel corso degli anni, lo ha reso il disegnatore per eccellenza per quanto riguarda l'azione Disney. Ad ogni prova supera le aspettative.
Terzo nome che devo fare è quello di Stracchi, che abbiamo imparato a conoscere in questi anni. La sua opera sugella un comparto grafico spaziale. In questa storia si lascia un po' alle spalle i virtuosismi di alcune occasioni precedenti, per produrre quella che definirei come la sua prova più matura. I disegni di Pastrovicchio risplendono grazie ad una colorazione che coadiuva la narrazione, contribuendo a distribuire l'attenzione del lettore.
Insomma, la storia ha superato le mie aspettative. Ora aspetto di sapere come troveranno una conclusione le trame di sisti sul fuoriserie (forse per rivederlo sul Topo, se questa storia va bene, a dare una closure alla sua figlia fumettistica?).
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jetblock · 5 years
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glowing-gravity · 6 years
the new PKNE (or, at the very least part 1 of it) takes place in 2179- 9 years before Odin Eidolon was built (that was in 2188)- so it’s still just Uno running Robolab... is it too much to hope maybe, just maybe... PK will finally find out who Odin is??
also idk about anyone else, but. hmm. not sure I trust tyrrel, especially considering PK is missing memories, but it could just be that he’s been directly following time police orders, and that ended up getting in the way of what PK wanted to do (if I had to guess, maybe he began sympathizing with the criminal droids/ something like that and wanted to help them?).
like, from what I remember from the PK2 issue with him, the problem they’d had before was that he doesn’t really... care if whatever he’s been told to do by his superiors is incorrect or bad, he’s just doing his job? or, in that previous case, trying to get back to HQ. but PK does care, especially when it’s the timeline he and his friends live in, and Lyla cares (leading her to get in trouble with her superiors a couple times), so PK sees it as Tyrrel being a villain by doing his job (even if Tyrrel’s also a Jerk, but I’m hoping what he said at the beginning of Droids here was referring to the fact that he’s become at least less of a jerk, even if he’s still committed to his job)
uh. just some rambling thoughts, idk how much of this was just Obvious but I wanted to share, haha,
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pkondrugs · 5 years
Xadhoom and the Raider at some point in their lives:
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sleepy-oggyoger · 5 years
PKNE - The Event Horizon:
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Same energy
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sonicdrift2 · 6 years
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Lyla Lay // PKNE #2
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adamarinayu · 6 years
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I mean Donald took that SO much better than I expected him to, tbh I would have loved a much more dramatic and emotional reveal but
This just in
Admittedly not the best PKNE story (in fact I’d say it’s probably my least favourite issue so far) but the fact that Donald now knows Uno and Odin are the same person has me so psyched
But like come on there could have been a much more emotional reveal just sayin
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akirapolarbear · 2 years
Ok but why is no one talking about her
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For those who don’t know who she is
Her name is Dunia Voyda and she is the new Ducklair tower owner
She is a new character yeah actually she appeared for the first time in the new pkne issue realased on April called “la danza del ragno d’oro” (the dance of the golden spider); in this issue she helped DuckAvenger, Xadhoom and Uno in their mission.
I’m not going through details because I don’t want to spoiler ;)
I hope we will see her again in the next stories 🥹✨💞
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sleepy-oggyoger · 5 years
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you turn, and someone betrays you.
Betray him first, and the game's reversed
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sleepy-oggyoger · 5 years
Hi! If your taking request can you draw the “I told you not to get close to me” with Custodian killing Paperinik? (RAIN THE ANGST)
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“I told you not to get close to me”
Gonna push aside all my older requests(sorry guys;;) to finish this one ‘cause damn I sure love good angsts between these two.
Also I’m so sorry that my request took a really long time to finished this time . I was kinda busy and want to draw something for myself more so That’s why I wasn’t in the mood for doing requests.
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pkondrugs · 6 years
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so I'm really bored
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sleepy-oggyoger · 6 years
Where did you go ?
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akirapolarbear · 2 years
I found this fanfic
is set between PK2 and Pkne so it might contain spoilers…?
(It’s written in Italian)
I don’t know how to explain the story lol
I’m just saying that if u ship Donald and Uno you might feel a little bad while reading this hahaha 🧎‍♀️
(I’m not crying ur crying 💀)
There is a part two too and you can find it in the same website
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blyanten · 7 years
misseccentric replied to your post: [[MOR] So what I’m getting from this is that the...
Faraci: No, Everett’s a GOOD guy just doing his best, I swear! Look, he ended up actually saving moldrock’s life! SEE!?!???
Ha! :D
I’m actually okay with that, though. Killing prisoners that you clearly have safely under control is iffy at best. So’s keeping them frozen, mind you, but then we’re already far into sci-fi territory, so...  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aaand I’m not sure whatever is going down on Corona is entirely Everett’s fault? I mean, that place was going somwhere dark sooner or later anyway. And...
We barely got a glimpse of what’s happening at Corona, but how on earth did Juniper become queen? She’s the angry, angry duckling, raised far away from Corona, and now she’s suddenly supreme ruler of planet No-Emotion? And what happened to the previous queen? Did she conveniently die/step down or did she “conveniently” die/step down...?
Speaking of missing people, where’s Korinna?
*sigh* I have questions and nowhere near enough information to answer any of them. 
Which is probably the point.  Stupid sequel hooks. *grumbles*
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adamarinayu · 6 years
I was about to go to sleep when I noticed Banker had uploaded the next part of PKNE.... and as awesome as it was one part jumped out to me.
(Cut because there’s a panel from the comic and also some spoiler)
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I know Solomon occasionally called him by name, but I legitimately don’t remember any time Uno’s called him Donald? Usually he calls him Avenger, even in the most casual of instances.
So hey, feel free to send to me/tell me about other instances of Uno calling him Donald, because if it’s happened before this I honestly do not remember it and it made me happier than it probably should have.
(Also, lowkey amused that Uno’s “he’s the copy and I’m the original” about Solomon came back around and actually meant something to the plot lol, and holy crap are the Evronians coming back???  Also, I think the Uno V. Solomon part could have been a good chance to make a callback to when Uno learned to think outside his programming, during Earthquake when he had to make the choice between what was logical (letting the project go on and killing thousands of people to help millions of others) and what was right (stopping the project so no one had to die at all, at the cost of all that new, unclaimed fertile land), giving Solomon that chance to break away from the programming by his own will as well. But that’s just me.)
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