#pk omega
onenicebugperday · 2 years
okay what about oneMADbugperday, eh? just angry little guys. Still nice, but miffed.
You know what I support that here's one
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Okay, so I was complaining about that manga, right? Well, I'm back at it. This panel is fine - no one is horribly out of character this time (which is both good for you and my sanity) - but one question, right? One question.
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Prince Poo... doesn't. Like rice either. For context: this is from the American manual. (Which I know has its errors, but I know what errors those are.) All foods that Poo doesn't like heal only 6 HP. You can see that the only things he does like are water and Brain Food Lunch. Rice. Is not one of those things.
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I am seriously questioning if they even touched the source material.
No comment on the soybeans. That seems fine.
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true-blue-sonic · 9 months
How would Silver deal with a robot designed to defeat him in the same vein Omega did with Shadow in 06?
Hmm, would that have to mean he was on good terms with the robot first before it got reprogrammed to capture him? I'm actually wondering just how Omega managed to defeat and capture Shadow... I know Omega was made specifically by Eggman to keep Shadow contained, but Shadow is the Ultimate Lifeform and insanely strong on top. In a battle between them, I am not sure if Omega can come out as victor. Was that ever touched upon in '06?
That being said, if there's a robot that can defeat Shadow, I think it's not impossible to create one that can defeat Silver. I figure it'd be smart of its creator to make one that directly plays into Silver's PK, either through no-selling or countering it, as that is Silver's main mode of attack in most games. As for what Silver would think of it, I do think he'll take the threat seriously once he sees that this robot can absolutely have a victory over him. For all his black-and-white thinking, I figure even Silver knows that if he's defeated and captured, that is it for the safety of the future. It's not something I can imagine he's willing to risk! Thus, retreating from the battle might be his best choice, though I doubt he'll be happy with that. But better to live to fight another day, I do suppose!
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clovewitcharts · 2 years
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Ana devastating all in her path. Might draw more Mother 1 stuff later xp still need to draw Toadette/finish my Toadette pic
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littleguysdaily · 2 months
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Donation request for @pk-sonica-omega
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ducktoonsfanart · 3 months
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Donald Duck as Duck Avenger (Paperinik-Pk) and Odin Eidolon with their family and friends - PKNA - Duck comics and Duckverse - My version - Gift for my friends
I drew this because I was amazed by reading PKNA, Pikappa and Pk2 comics in which Donald Duck as the Duck Avenger (Paperinik) in addition to fighting against alien dangers also travels through time, more precisely to the future, to the 23rd century where it looks completely different there. In the future Duckburg is the main Odin Eidolon and one of the richest and most powerful people in Duckburg and the world in the 23rd century, as well as the owner of the largest production of androids, by the way, was originally Uno, Duck Avenger's closest ally and mentor. And often in those comics when Donald is stuck in that future time, he gets tasks from Odin, but also becomes his best friend. After all, I've seen a lot of drawings and read fanfictions where Odin and Donald are even in a relationship, so I decided to dedicate one drawing to that. It's just that Odin understands Donald a lot, and he himself in the past as Uno Ducklair (a computer duck) helped Duck Avenger as much as he could, only that Donald does not know that Odin is Uno, and the question is whether he will ever find out.
Of course, I drew Donald Duck as a superhero as Duck Avenger (Paperinik) in the version of PKNA where the partner is Odin Eidolon, and with them are friends who make up their future family. The Raider, a cocky former thief from the 23rd century who worked for The Organization, however, during the fight against the Duck Avenger turned away from it and became in certain situations also the best frenemy of the Duck Avenger, and there is his son Trip. There is also Lyla Lay, a journalist and secret agent who works for the Time Police against The Organization and herself comes from the future in the 23rd century and she is an android by the way and has had a difficult fate. There is also Lyonard D'Aq, an old-timer who was an assistant to the old superhero (Destroyer Duck), and then became a worker and lives in the old abandoned factory Century and helps Duck Avenger. There is also Omega, an artificial intelligence created by Everett Ducklair, with a similar appearance to One, who sets tasks and helps Duck Avenger, but adapts him to new methods for dealing with new dangers and new technologies. Appears in PKNE (Paperinik New Era) comics. And finally, Donald's naughty nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck who are like little Paperiniks or Duck Avenger Juniors, as Paperiniks' successors. And all together together. I drew in my own style, and sorry if I made a mistake somewhere.
Feel free to like and reblog this, just don't use my same ideas from my drawings without crediting me. Thank you! Also, I intended this as a gift to my dear friends @kiiriminna and @uncaaj who love this love gay couple between Paperinik and Odin Eidolon. I hope you like it. :D
Also Happy Belated Father's Day and Belated Birthday Donald Duck and Duck Avenger (Paperinik)!
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twothpaste · 6 months
some folks are harsh on lucas' smash moveset cuz he uses pk fire freeze thunder (iconic & easy to understand abilities from his series) instead of healing alpha counter omega offense up defense up (huh). imo it is fine & cool & fun actually that his moveset gets to represent his party, game, and series as a whole, instead of being limited to only his canon abilities. what smash lucas Actually needs is an obnoxious little guitar sound effect that plays every time he gets a consecutive combo hit.
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emmatgc · 8 months
Tommy and the Art of Grieving
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This picture is very telling to me and im sure for a lot of PK and Tommy x Grace shippers. Some call it haunting, I call it aching. It hurts seeing him hurt but he aches for her, all the time.
Tommy's soul in in constant torment. No amount of sex, money, guns and death can change that. It only stopped once, with Grace.
After Grace died, the aim was to push Tommy to the brink of no return and get unhinged as a monster that he should become. Alpha monster, no heart and soul just Alpha. But people forgot, his omega was Grace. They were two of the same.
When she died, he died, too.
Tommy grieved more than he should have. For all the talk that Tommy is not an ordinary man, when it comes to Grace, he was the most normal man ever. That was the most humane thing he did- fall in love earnestly.
He thought he will always have her. She spoilt him with her love and he thought it would never end. When it ended, he wasn't about to let go.
Portraits throughout history are normal. Its sizes and placement do matter, though. I always wonder why Tommy changed or took down their family picture and changed it. The bigger the size, the bigger the why. The color was gold. Reverence and royalty, treasure and priority. She was and will forever be. I initially thought, of course, for the sake of the new wife any sane husband would hang the new family portrait instead, but alas it was not the case. It was still Grace, and this time, solo.
My mom is a psychologist. To be precise, a city psychologist of my beloved city for 3 decades and when retired,a private one. In real life, she deals with the likes of Tommy, with ptsd, and other mental illnesses. She deals with criminals among others, too. Once we talked about moving on, and mind you I relayed this picture and back story to her. We both love movies, but series she doesn't have time. She affirmed what others like her say all the time about grieving.
Grieving is a natural process, she started. The grieving becomes tougher when you lost someone you deeply love. However, people grieve differently. Normally, it takes time but it gets easier or worse, it depends on the person. Never forgotten but moving forward. Things, pictures , etc are moved away or kept for good, maintaining a few pictures or momentos for remembrance to live by. But in Tommy's case, she said, it is deep, dark, desperate and tragic. All in the name of love. My Mom simply said, he hasn't moved on yet, doesn't want to, for sure.
When I told her he married another one and still has this huge portrait, she asked, "and the new wife is ok with it?", I said No but he doesn't care. To my surprise, and very decisive answer "well, she doesn't love her at all, nor respect her or at the very least, doesn't love her enough". Her words not mine. I sigh and was relieved, for we have been saying that all along. We were right. Not from our mouths but from an expert of almost 5 decades.
She went on to say "If the husband truly has moved on, the portrait wont be there anymore. Her being solo and a big one says a lot. She is alive in his memory, his heart , his being and his house. He wants everybody to know that, too. He is not denying it, nor shy about it. He wants them and us viewers to know. Red flag for 2nd wives all throughout and the best way is to get out".
Perhaps, everything we said was true. He wants to keep things the way they are and he doesn't care one bit about others. To choose to be comforted by the dead rather by the living is like saying he would rather be in hell if it means being with her forever.
Any woman after Grace will always feel insecure for she looms all over. She is not tormenting his soul. He wants her to be tormenting his soul for she alone can calm and sooth him as well. Each and everytime he is in the tunnel and worse, he goes to Grace, dead or alive to be with her. Just to be with her and her presence.
So, no moving on for Tommy. He will always be grieving for Grace. 💔 She maybe dead, but that doesnt she is not alive in Tommy. She is. Always will be
Thank you, @tommygrace , @tommyxgrace-always forthe picture! Thank you to my Mama! I love you to bits! ❤️
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linskywords · 7 months
would you ever add to the wolfverse again?
Would I!!!
I feel like I get some variation on this ask every month or two, which is delightful, since it gives me a chance to remind myself of my plans for the wolfverse and keep it all fresh in my mind. Currently among the six (6!) scrivener documents I have open on my poor old bedraggled writing laptop are two different installments of wolfverse: the interconnected stories of the two elder Hughes brothers (Quinn/Brady and Jack/Nico, featuring ace!Quinn which I'm SO excited for). After I finish my current commissions, it's a bit of a tossup whether I dive into those or the Trevor sequel to the Jack/Nico D/s story, since I'm super excited to write all of them. I'm also planning on:
Trevor/Jamie (gotta fix that trade)
TK/Patty (omg so overdue, and probably needs to happen before Trevor/Jamie)
Cole/Nick?? idk, I've made him and Jack and Trevor all omegas on the USNTDP together, so it seems unfair if he doesn't get a story 😆
And then there are some throwbacks which I might write or which might just get folded into the other stories where there's team overlap:
PK/Carey -- I already made Carey a wolf in one of the Bennguin stories I think, so I'll need to decide what's going on with him and Carey before I write Jack/Nico
Claude/Danny -- Ditto with Claude and the TK/Patty story
Eric Staal/Jeff Skinner -- I was more excited about this one back when it looked like they'd be on the Sabres together for a while and before Eric was a jerk about Pride jerseys, but hey, still fun to make him a gay wolf!
I've also had asks about Lardunn and Roope/Wyatt, who I could see being included down the line, and Caroline Ouellette and Julie Chu have been on my list for ages (it would be so fun to explore what it means to be a female alpha). So as you can see, no plans to wrap up this 'verse anytime soon. 😄
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mother-btls-cddj · 2 months
Update 8:
Despite some issues I had with the Internet, the freezing weather, and some things I’m working on with my life, I was able to make some progress:
☆ Enemies now have their respective battle backgrounds.
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☆ Skills and animations are almost ready, I just need to add some descriptions and make some adjustments regarding the Skills.
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Regarding the animations, I need a little help.
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You see, I only need two animations for Pk Gamma and Pk Omega and I was wondering if someone could make the graphics for me or at least recommend a place where I can find the resources to do it.
It would be very helpful.
Now, since we’re talking about animations, let me show you some:
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That’s all I’ve for now.
I’m going to keep working as usual, and maybe soon I’ll have more to tell about the game, the characters, and what I’m planning for the future.
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bwoahtastic · 9 months
STFU, Jenson and Lando have always been my favorite rare pairing.
Lando who loves sitting in Jenson's lap, and jenson playing with his curls. Jenson who helps take care of his curls.
Jenson who loves leaving marks on his little omega who loves it and practically melting under his mouth
Jenson who loves having Lando bounce on his cock and Lando gets so drunk off of it and loves being manhandled
Lando who wants nothing more than to suck his Alphas dick after getting a podium. And yeah they get a little freaky and jenson loves bending him over and taking him and Lando loves it
Plss thy would be so cute!
Jenson loves that lando is a little cuddle bug, always cuddling into him and pushing his head against Jenson's head for some scratches. Jenson's lap is his favorite seat and he just melts back into his Alpha!
Plss Jenson scents lando as much as lando can handle from day 1, and starts leaving little hickeys and bites long before rhey get rhe mating ones! Ans lando melts having jenson kiss his neck or lick him!
They foe sure would have an active sex life lol! Lando loves his Alpha's cock and Jenson loves having the little Omega bounce on his cock. Lando gets so knot drunk and giddy and Jenson has never liked another Omega more around his dick!
Pks jenson having to bat away lando after a good race cos Lando would suck him off in public if he could lol, but he has to wait until they are home or in a safe room!
And plss Jenson manhandling Lando and they definitely would get a little freaky, sex is good and sex with each other is better and they love to experiment!
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
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@pk-sonica-omega submitted: No ID needed, this is my Phidippus arizonensis, Taranza. Unfortunately, he passed recently, but he lived a good long life! He was the cutest little dude, and I wanted to share him with the OneNiceBug community. I hope you all appreciate him as much as I do ;w;
RIP, Taranza! I’m glad he lived a nice long spider life. He is very cute.
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fluffydice · 1 year
I keep reading your ABO posts cause they’re like AHHHH✨✨ they fit so perfectly im love 💕
Aaahhhh thank you so much :3 here, have some more thoughts about this
We'll talk about Kuboyasu a bit here because he's my other blorbo. Here's some things of him in his gang:
Kuboyasu is also an example of someone who didn't latch onto their family pack properly. Unlike Kusuo, however, he sought out another pack in his gang.
He's never had the opportunity to act as a puppy in a pack dynamic: playing around, being taken care of and carefully taught. He's always been the pack leader. It's gives him that idea of being a man that he's so attached to in canon.
People in more dangerous and/or violent environments tend to be closer in sync with their hindbrain. Kuboyasu is very in tune with his, and it helps give him those finely-tuned battle instincts. It also, however, has the side effect of making him a bit more stereotypical, acting as a sole provider for his pack and more chivalrous toward omegas.
This gives him weird behaviors during his ruts, like obsessively cooking for his gang members. He's also a lot more possessive about his things than most, and doesn't really like it when people try to touch his stuff. His pack members are fine to touch any of it, except for a few key items (his bike, helmet, a specific favored weapon that I haven't decided on yet, etc.)
His gang is an all-alphas one, both men and women. This has the unfortunate side effect of him never actually really being close to any omegas or betas. And because none of his friends are omegas, nor his parents, he's never actually been inside a nest. He tends to give them a pretty large radius out of worry he's intruding.
Most people don't really tend to contest his authority. Kuboyasu's reaction, as a result of both his father's treatment, his violent environment, and his closer connection to his inner alpha, is usually to snap his teeth at them and growl instead of...talking about it. Very few people will continue to push after that. Nobody really questions it, though, because that's how a lot of gang leaders are.
As you might be able to tell, Kuboyasu is often a foil for Saiki in this narrative. His reaction to his trauma is almost the exact opposite of Saiki's.
Now here's some of him at PK:
He's very protective of Saiki and Kaido, and later, Teruhashi and Akechi. It more shows itself in an over-reaction to a perceived threat, rather than something in his day-to-day behavior.
When he first got to PK and started assimilating with Saiki, Kaido, and Nendo, he initially clashed a lot with Saiki. The reason being that Saiki was their pack omega, essentially their 'leader'. Both of them squabbled a lot sometimes because Kuboyasu, if you can believe it, tends to be more lax than Saiki about letting them fuck around and be dumb. Saiki's even more protective than he is, but it actually shows itself in his normal interactions.
Kuboyasu, in the midst of an argument, snapped his teeth at Saiki. Kuboyasu got such a bone-chilling growl in response that even his alpha thinks twice about doing something like that again. It's a necessary correction, and Kuboyasu kind of calms down a bit after that.
*Cocks gun* you thought it wouldn't be Kubosai, huh. He eventually does manage to win Saiki over, and kind of fills the role of pack alpha. Of course, there's a clear deference to Saiki in more stressful situations, but most of the time Saiki is content to let Kuboyasu smooth things out.
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electricalstemplates · 8 months
Omega Mart themed, medium length, alter and sys, pk, prefer symbols with little emojis, quote bars at the top and bottom!
self tag @mothspirited
Here you go!!
❝ [*lyr/quote*]❞ ꒰⸝⸝₊ʚ♎ɞ┊Sys name ꒱
↶__Collective name__∤ 🛍️〽__Collective Pronouns__∤ ↶__Collective Gender/Orient__∤ 🛍️〽__Age__∤ ↶__Host(s)__∤ 🛍️〽__Extra__∤ ↳˗ˏˋFrequent Frontersˊˎ˗ ↴ ⟣Na**me** 〽 Age Ω __Pronouns__⟢ ⟣Na**me** 〽 Age Ω __Pronouns__⟢ ⟣Na**me** 〽 Age Ω __Pronouns__⟢ ◇──◆──◇──◆ |-) 🛒 Inter~~action~~𖦆 Y/A/N |-) 🛒 P~~DA~~𖦆 Y/A/N |-) 🛒 Tou~~ch~~𖦆 Y/A/N |-) 🛒 Flir~~ting~~𖦆 Y/A/N |-) 🛒 Nick~~names~~𖦆 Y/A/N |-) 🛒 Pet ~~names~~𖦆 Y/A/N |-) 🛒 Pi~~ngs~~𖦆 Y/A/N |-) 🛒 D~~ms~~𖦆 Y/A/N
❝ [*lyr/quote*]❞
“ *Lyr/quote* ” 🛒ΩNa~~me~~⌇ 🛒ΩA~~ge~~⌇ 🛒ΩPro~~nouns~~⌇ 🛒ΩGender/~~Orient~~⌇ 🛒ΩTer~~ms~~⌇ ◇──◆──◇──◆ 〽♎↳Ro~~le~~⌇ 〽♎↳Alter ~~type~~⌇ 〽♎↳Sou~~rce~~⌇ ◇──◆──◇──◆ 🛍️⸝⸝**Interaction**⌇Y/A/N 🛍️⸝⸝**PDA**⌇Y/A/N 🛍️⸝⸝**Touch**⌇Y/A/N 🛍️⸝⸝**Flirting**⌇Y/A/N 🛍️⸝⸝**Nicknames**⌇Y/A/N 🛍️⸝⸝**Pet names**⌇Y/A/N 🛍️⸝⸝**Pings**⌇Y/A/N 🛍️⸝⸝**Dms**⌇Y/A/N
“ *Lyr/quote* ”
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justpked · 1 year
Already enjoying the hypothetical thought of playing as a Big, Assertive, Aggressive MC that everyone thinks is an alpha but is actually a breedable Omega (and vice versa for the actual Alpha too!)
Thank you for the new rot in my brain, PK 👍👍👍
I stan this.
You go anon.
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learn2chillax · 10 months
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(Edit, including the link here since either Tumblr did a oops or I did, pfft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv7w1n7jnDM )
Hi hi~
It's been a bit since a posted on here, back back in a college class and thinking about what I wanna use my Tumblr for will do that, lmao
But I come here with a post!
I took part in my pal @maplemoriko 's Lucas vs Everything Collab!
Through concept art PK Torremt (as shown, using the notes @kirb-crew gave me), along with use of PSI Shield Sprites I made for fun in my spare time! (They're the Blue Diamond [PSI Shield, Beta and Omega] and Pink Shaped Octagon with a small Diamond in it [PSI Counter/Reflect].) Along with something else I'll keep hush hush so y'all will sooner watch it, lmao
It's movie length, so if ya do, grab some popcorn.
Anywho, this was fun! I hope to continue doing stuff like this~
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