#pjo x cm
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grimdarling69 · 4 months ago
Leave All Your Longing Behind
Emily had been having a pretty good day until the organized crime unit showed up.
"Spencer Reid? Organized crime Unit, im Agent Dawes, and this is my partner, Agent Dexter."
"Yes?" Spencer asked confused standing up from his desk.
"We'd like to ask you some questions? We believe you might be helpful for a case of ours." Spencer seemed confused and startled. He looked around, confused, searching for help. She's about to question them when Hotch speaks from above them on the platform.
"You need to go through the proper channels to use my subordinate. And I have to approve it which I know I haven't."
Hotch walked down the stairs coming to stop in front of them.
"A child's life is on the line. He has relative information to our case. We don't have time for the proper channels." If that was Dawes' attempt at intimidating Hotch, he was going to he very disappointed.
"How about we take a look at the case as a team. Send it to our liason. Now excuse us. We still have work to do." Dawes seemed upset, but after his partner whispered in his ear, he seemed to come to a decision.
"Fine, I'll send it, but hurry children's lives are on the line. We're running out of time." With that, they turned around and left the bullpen.
"Meeting room 20 minutes. Reid, my office." He motioned for Reid to follow him and turned back around.
"You want to tell me what all that was about?" Hotch asked cocking his head to the side. Spencer was still confused. Kidnapping? Organized crime? He tried to think of any cases he's seen like that would be possibly the Robles case, but the entire team worked on that they wouldn't just question him. He had an eidetic memory he should be able to remember if he knew of any information. He couldn't help but think of...all the quests possibly. When they used the cover of Ares kidnapping them and trying to escape from him to clear their names. Could someone or even Ares himself if he grabbed his children from people who didn't want them to go to camp. Gideon was supposed to be the only one who knew.
"Reid?" Hotch prompted softer this time.
" I don't know... I-"
"Reid, you know something." Hotch commanded him this time. He was profiling him.
"I was taken-when I was younger and he was-never...caught..." he supposed that was the only way to describe. He was technically taken a lot as a child, so it didn't completely count as a lie.
"That's not in your file..." he said quietly like it was only for himself.
"Gideon buried it deeply."
"Of course he did." The look hotch gave him was hard to describe. He tried not to profile it, but anyone could see the regret in his eyes. The hurt from him not telling him maybe. He didn't mean to hurt him or his friends it was just Spencer Reid wasn't a demi-god. He wasn't a war veteran and wasn't a 'daughter' of athena. He didn't have to bend in all those directions for the gods. He doesn't have to run all the time well traveling half way across the country weekly does help.
"Meeting room with the others in need to do some things." Hotch dismissed him and didn't loop up from the papers. He glanced back at him when he was about to leave the room, but his face was more closed off than ever. He didn't even look up.
"Look up his past, Garcia. Reids whole childhood." Hotch told her. Oh, Spencer, what did you get yourself into this time?
"Come on hotch he's standing right there." Morgan defended their friend.
"It's fine. It's important." Spencer spoke, sitting in his chair, not meeting anyone's eyes, only reading the case file. Morgan just stared at him in disbelief. Emily and Rossi were silent sentinels sitting in their chairs.
"Um-born Annabeth Chase...was labeled a runaway at 7 years old then went off grid...oh my god..." She read the screen horrified by all the known things that happened to her best friend. What else had happened that wasn't written in these reports?
"Were you kidnapped, or did you run away?" Rossi interrupted her thoughts.
"Why chase?" Emily questioned. She was wondering the same thing.
"It's my father's last name. Reid is his sisters married name. Diana took me in for my high school years. She's like a mother to me."
"Father Dr. Fredrick Chase reported her missing, his wife, Spencer's step mom, according to this report filed her as a runaway the next day. Police initially labeled her as a suspect because of the reported problems between the couple and, according to their friends, it was over Spencer..." She had read important information she usually told to the team, but it was so different reading about her friends than just suspects or victims on their cases. She always hated looking into her friends' past. It wasn't usually a good sign.
"We didn't get along."
"They removed her from the suspects list because she had an airtight alibi from work on camera." Better to be safe than sorry, and she already checked out the cameras listed in the report.
"What about the mother-i mean reids blood mother?" Morgan was trying to treat it like a regular case, but he takes their teammates' cases sometimes... too personal.
"Unknown, father reported finding him on his doorstep when he submitted an application for her birth certificate." Must have been hell of a wake-up call for him he was still in college at this time. The mother could be anyone from a random party to a rundown college bar. Spencer's mother... God, she thought she knew everything about him, and now this?
"Is this really relevant to the case?" JJ questioned, trying to save atleast some of Spencer's mystery.
"Yes, every single one of the kids that went missing has at least one absentee or unknown parent." Hotch explained, tacking up some pictures from the file. Including one of 'Annabeth Chase' the picture was clearly a school photo. She guessed age 7 he was smiling but it didn't reach his eyes. He was dressed...girly? She knew he was trans heck she had leant him a pad before! It was just strange to see evidence of it? Before he transitioned, she means. He had long blood hair and a giant pink bow on, for gods sake.
"Do we really need that photo?" Spencer spoke softly, sounding defeated he didn't look up and just stared at the empty chair across from him. Hotch took the tac out and turned the photo around.
The door opens, and the agents walk in, looking smug. "Glad to see you changed your mind." Dawes condescends, and Dexter judges and smirks at the board like he was about to start mansplaining how to pin pictures to the board. She could tell he was staring holes into the white back of the turned around photo.
"Looks like one of the photos got turned around. Let me fix that for you." Dexter reaches his hand up to touch it. Hotch grabs his wrist tight enough she can see his knuckles turn white.
"No need." He grunted out, staring in challenge. Dexter winces from the pain and steals his hand back. "Just trying to be friendly." He tries to appear unaffected and light, but the pained grimace and wringing of the hand ruins the illusion.
"I was hoping to start with an interview? We need to know everything that happened that wasn't recorded in the reports." Dawes interjects, leaning forward on the empty chair to subtlety enter Spencer's space.
"Why do you feel like the reports are lacking?" Emily questions arms crossed, and JJ stands at her side, looking down on the man leaning halfway over the table. Without missing a beat, Dawes argues, "Well, most reports just don't have all the little details, you know? Luckily, your boy genius here has one hell of a memory, correct?" If looks could kill Dawes would be road kill. If not from Spencer's glistening grey-eyed glare, then from everybody else glaring swords through him.
"I believe i lost the right to be called boy genius when I gaimed the right to drink, but yes, I do have an eidetic memory." Spencer sassed him, and she could see the tightness grow in Dawe's smile. God, it was beautiful.
Spencer rose from his seat and huffed at the nervous look shared between the agents.
"Let's get this over with." She shared a look with Derek. His eyebrows pulled in concentration, his eyes dewey. He looked as sexy as ever, and this was just another instance she wished she was a profiler. To be able to know them on the level they know her and eachother.
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raindear-a · 11 months ago
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Percico Commission
Thank you for the order🫶💖
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autisticrosewilson · 5 months ago
What's ur crackiest crack ships for Jason? mine r probably Jason Grace/Jason Todd, Oliver from NNK/Jason Todd, Evan NNK2/Jason Todd and Dipper Pines/Jason Todd. or maybe even Mabel Pines/Jason Todd. that would be interesting. do u have crackier?
David Rossi (Criminal minds)/Jason Todd. I want to fuck that old man and I'm going to live vicariously through my favorite blorbo to do it.
Spike from Buffy the vampire slayer, exactly the same reason as above and also they have SO MANY similarities and ik Spike would treat him SO right.
Ethan Nakamura/Jason Todd....ETHAN/ALABASTER C. TORRINGTON/JASON.... this is just me being self indulgent because Ethabaster is my favorite rarepair in pjo.
Does Jason/Bucky count as a crack ship if they parallel each other so explicitly that they're practically narrative foils even in different universes. I call them soulmates personally. Only comic Bucky though idk what's going on in the MCU.
Jason/Logan, once again I want to fuck Wolverine and I think Jason does too.
And I'm coming out as a gross Homestuck because Jason Todd/Dave Strider is CORRECT I'M SO RIGHT ABOUT THIS they could be so fun.
There are probably more but that's all off the top of my head
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blankerthought · 2 years ago
fuck it i'm gonna start publishing fanfic recs with basically no theme whatsoever. you'll get the things i read and liked last week and you will LIKE IT.
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catofadifferentcolor · 2 years ago
Terrible Fic Idea #58: Percy Jackson x Criminal Minds
While perusing the PJO tag for the first time in ages, I stumbled across yet another crossover I never would have thought of trying - and which, naturally, hasn't escaped my head. It managed to mash together the worlds of PJO and Criminal Minds... and so, naturally, I thought: if I were going to write this crossover, what would I do?
aka the Unknown Demigod fic
Just imagine it:
Everything follows canon - until MoA. There Percy plays off the judo throw in New Rome to avoid starting a war with the Greeks, but after they're alone on the Argo Percy tells Annabeth that he doesn't appreciate 1) being blamed for his disappearance, as if Hera had asked him if he wanted to lose his memories and half a year of his life, and 2) being physically attacked by his girlfriend outside of weapons practice.
Naturally, Annabeth doesn't take this well and doubles down on her position, and the two fight like cats and dogs throughout MoA and HoO. By the time they reach Akhlys, Percy is hardly inclined to listen to Annabeth at all, and so doesn't stop poison-bending.
It's not obvious at the time, but not stopping fully unlocks Percy's divine powers. He's now immortal, like Chiron, but not a god. It's also rather the final straw for Annabeth and Percy's relationship.
Because he doesn't immediately realize he's immortal, Percy goes on with normal human things like high school and college - attending both at Camp Jupiter, which is better equipped to handle demigods than the average mortal school. It's only after he starts grad school at nearby Stanford University and gets a lot of comments on how young he looks does anyone start realizing what's happened.
Fast forward to about 15 years after HOO, when Percy has joined the BAU - because even immortals have to pay the bills somehow.
In my head I picture this to be S8/S9 of CM, largely because I enjoyed Alex Blake's character and think she'd be a good outsider POV for the story I want to tell, but dealer's choice.
Percy proves to be the BAU cryptid. His primary and secondary school records say unsub in the making... then he double majors in marine biology and classics in college (because everyone who survives four years in the legion or slays a particular number of monsters gets a classics degree when they graduate by default). Then he goes on to get a doctorate in psychology from Stanford... and swim twice for Team USA in the Olympics. He once went on vacation in the Keys and found the wreck of a lost Spanish galleon free diving. He's polite and mild mannered and goes nowhere without at least three knives on his person and a week's worth of survival gear. When he's tired, his reports sometimes slip into Ancient Greek or Latin. He may be a Hellenist and speaks of Hell as a place that he's been.
Percy is, in short, unfathomable to his profiler colleagues. They like him, but every new thing they learn about him only complicates the profile they're definitely not putting together.
He's been in the BAU for about 18 months before they receive reports of a serial killer's dumping ground in the Oakland Hills, not more than a mile from Camp Jupiter. The victims are all in their late teens and signs indicate all were killed in a ritualistic way. Most of those the investigators can identify are runaways.
Once the BAU is on site, Reid determines that someone is trying to recreate an obscure Ancient Roman sacrifice.
More importantly, Percy realizes that, yes, these are definitely the bodies of Roman demigods - and not one of them was killed by a monster before they could get to camp. In fact, he's pretty sure there's a secret entrance to camp not 100' away from the oldest body.
It's this last point that causes Percy to lead his team to Camp Jupiter. This is a revelation in itself and should answer many of the team's questions about Percy but give them twice as many new ones.
It should also be perfect timing, as they arrive just as praetors Frank and Hazel were thinking of reaching out to Percy, as he's the only real investigator either camp has. They're not aware of most of the murders, as it's not unusual for one or two demigods every year to be killed after leaving the safety of camp, but the last three victims went missing in the last three months under odd circumstances.
(One was a granddaughter of Apollo who'd talked about wanting to join the Hunters of Artemis, and when she disappeared everyone assumed that's what she did, only for the Hunters to visit later claiming she never showed. The most recent was a daughter of Bacchus who hated the regimented life of the legion and wanted to transfer to Camp Half-Blood where things were a little more their speed. Most the others were legacies or the children of minor gods.)
They set up shop in Percy's house - in part because CJ has no police force beyond the legion, which houses their main suspects - in part because Percy's house is built like a Roman temple on the edge of the temple district and no one would dare sneak into it.
(The demigods have been actively treating immortal Percy as a god, because if deification worked for Nero, they can make it work for Percy. And a deified!Percy could only be good for them.)
In the end it comes out a grandchild of Hecate/Trivia was sacrificing other demigods to their ancestor in hopes of obtaining more power - they should be just powerful enough to disguise their actions with the Mist but not much more, and intensely jealous their ancestor handed already-powerful Hazel more power during the Giant War.
Bonuses include: 1) Thalia and the Hunters showing up to help, as do Nico and Will. This should be an intensely confusing family reunion to watch from the outside given that two are immortal. Extra bonus points if the BAU recognize Nico from some wildly successful paranormal investigative channel on YouTube and are shocked to find out all the ghosts are real; 2) Will calling Percy "mom", on account of the fact he's been dating Apollo for the last five years now - Apollo's longest relationship ever - though Percy refuses to consider marriage or children until fifty years have passed; and 3) One of the BAU being tangentially involved with the mythological world already - Hotch had a relationship with a disguised Justice before meeting Hailey and their child is at Camp Jupiter? Reid has just recently met a disguised Athena at a conference and is now worried he'll arrive home to a baby on the doorstep?
And that's all I have. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back to me if you chose to do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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caitlynsverse · 2 months ago
ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ !!
name: caitlyn (cait or caity for short!!)
age: 14 (this year)
my drs: 2x pjo, scream, teen fame, nepo baby, adult fame, singer, x-men (deciding fc), model, avengers and cm dr (criminal minds)
tiktok: @themultiversecontroller , im changing it to @caitlynsverse soon (when tt allows me to finally change it)
insta: @caitlynsverse
pinterest : @caitlynsverse
X (formally known as twitter) : @caitlynsverse
things i like: pink (the colour), bows, lana del rey, arianna grande, taylor swift (i like some songs), laufey (i listen to everything but they are the main ones), i love shopping at supre + peter alexander, i like hello kitty, hibiscus and lilys are my fav flowers, i like Victoria secret perfume, my fav perfume scents are vanilla + dragon fruit, i love big bang theory and brooklyn nine nine, i ADORE starwars, pjo show + movies are rewatched monthly and i like editing
facts abt me: i have 3 siblings (yikes), i am a shopping addict, i love makeup and doing my curly hair routine, i have curly hair (if you couldn’t tell from what i said 2 seconds ago.) and i have SO many celebrity crushes it isnt funny.
what i look like: (description because my ipad has ATROCIOUS photos of me and my phones dead..)
i have like pale skin (ivory), to help you imagine that i glow in sunlight and have been called a vampire. 😢
i have honey brown / auburn hair thats kinda fading to brown, and its curl pattern is 3B or 3C (sadly idk because curl police is telling me so many diff things.)
i have blue eyes, not the type that will like suck your soul out (honestly it kinda is), but its a darkish blue.
i wear street fashion (idk what its called), but my room and style is very coquette (OLD COQUETTE..) and light pinks, blue, yellows and a white.
i will answer any questions and will probably post some photos later when my phone wants to charge
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batdiangelo · 7 months ago
[give me random mortal parent headcanons!]
alright I spun a wheel, you're gonna hear all about Pandora Bates-Wayne.
unlike other mortal parents, she...well she's not mortal. She's a demigod. A daughter of Athena, to be specific!
She attended camp from ages 12-18, and in those years, she became a legend.
Her step-mother and father had a little difficulty understanding how Camp worked and whatnot.
they are from another pantheon, so it took a few hours with Chiron for Barrett and Amy to trust CHB with their daughter
But once they learned, Things went smoothly!
Their pantheon is a secret for now, but trust me, It's been so fun working on them as characters hehehehe ok back to Pandora!
She spent a week in cabin 11, and once she was claimed, made a petition which nearly the entire camp signed.
the petition was to get a cabin specifically for unclaimed demigods, and it had Hestia's approval for the cabin to be dedicated to the goddess of family and the hearth.
Unfortunately, the gods denied her request.
Pandora was the last person before Annabeth to win four consecutive capture the flag games.
Pandora won a camp award for most enemies defeated in a single training session. The only other person to hold this award prior to Percy is Luke.
Pandora once told Zeus not to turn Apollo mortal for something the sun god did.
her argument was simply "There's other punishments out there. Don't you think stripping him of his godhood is a little extreme?"
she survived the encounter and since then, the camp has seen her as legendary.
Aurora Gonzalez of Cabin 10 was incredibly lucky to fall in love and marry Pandora.
Cabin six all talk about her, to this day.
the rest of camp talk about the IT sapphic couple that is Panuroa (Pandora X Aurora)
Annabeth grew up hearing stories of what Pandora did.
She also grew up asking Marcus Gonzalez-Wayne questions about her.
Marcus didn't mind the questions, He loved talking about his mom.
Then when she was 12, She met Pandora's bumbling, idiotic son, Alexander.
AJ tried so hard to keep it a secret that he was the son of a legend, but when he tells people Marcus is basically his twin brother, People make the connection.
Marcus and AJ do share a birthday but they're not literal twins. Marcus is an hour older.
anyways, After AJ and Marcus are born Aurora and Pandora's careers took different turns than what they planned
Pandora became a field agent in the Boston FBI field office
Aurora became a physics professor at Boston University
back to Pandora, I wanted her job to reflect her abilities and general skills and as a Criminal Minds fan, I knew she'd fit right in as a Profiler at the BAU
that being said this is NOT a CM/PJO Crossover. The FBI really does have a Behavioral Analysis Unit, and that is where Pandora eventually ends up working.
She runs the unit in Boston.
Marcus thinks that is literally so cool.
AJ, on the other hand have extreme anxiety trying to find his way at camp under her shadow because she's well known as a demigod
and then finding his way in school when people know she's the BAU Unit Chief; and that He's her son.
it's a lot of pressure for the 15 year old.
Pandora does her best to reassure AJ that he doesn't have to do stuff like she did, all he has to do is enjoy camp and stay alive. That's all she wants.
Pandora is literally the best mother ever, send tweet
Aurora too.
ok thats all, I hope you enjoyed!!
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postsofbabel · 1 year ago
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silentwaters4 · 6 years ago
The relieving air conditioners in each fandom when it comes to snuggling (a continuation of this hc):
Marvel: Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, Nat X-Men: Charles, Mystique, Gambit Spn: Sam, Cas, Mary, Jody, Claire GOTG: Quill, Groot Kingsman: Eggsy, Tequilla Harry Potter: Harry, Neville, Ginny PJO: Percy, Clarisse, Luke CM: Prentiss, Rossi, Reid NCIS/LA: Abby, Vance THG: Katniss, Gale SW: Kylo, Luke, Poe, Jyn MR: Thomas, Newt, Teresa Psych: Gus, McNab
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vorgoths · 2 years ago
14 questions + 14 people
i was tagged by the wonderful milo ( @gracelcdomas ), thank you so much! 💖
nickname: i usually just go by my actual name kim, but my family calls me kimmy while my friends call me kimberly, kimborly, kimberlina, kimmothy, etc.
sign: virgo
height: 5'1" or 155 cm
last thing i googled: the grinch
song stuck in my head: the fall by banks
amount of sleep: 4-5 hours if i have a daylight shift the next day or 8 hours if i have an evening shift or i have the day off the next day
dream job: growing up, i wanted to be either a movie director/screenwriter or an architect
wearing: black tank top and black sweatpants
movies/books that summarise you: this one is pretty difficult, but if i had to decide on a collection of my favorites: everything everywhere all at once, to all the boys i've loved before, pacific rim, x-men movies, sw: rots, the addams family values, pjo series by rick riordan, and frankenstein by mary shelley
favourite song: no plan by hozier
instrument: sadly i don't play any instruments, but i would love to learn how to play either the guitar or the piano
aesthetic: i tend to wear a lot of black and be reserved so i guess a combination of wednesday addams, nico minoru, and bruce wayne
favourite author: rick riordan and also a special mention to guillermo del toro for some of his screenplays too
random fun fact: i'm currently watching iron man 3 as part of my christmas movies watchlist
no pressure to participate, i'm tagging @bitchlestat, @guinevereslancelot, @castlesrichards, @reputation, @benoitblanc, @jakeperallta, @sci-fi, @fireplceashes, @scarlet-sky, @cinemetography, @heroeddiemunson, @milfmas, @meganqwynn, @bat-omens, and anyone who sees this and wants to do this ( feel free to tag me )!
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swiftletinthecloud · 5 years ago
Check in tag
Tagged by @secretlibraryoj
Thank you!! 🥰
How has your day been?
Okay-ish. I didn’t do much.  I exercised so that’s one productive thing I did today.  Finally was able to write something for a PJO x CM fanfic that I haven’t updated since 2017.  I’ve reread the chapters that I’ve finished and posted multiple times throughout the years to kick start something, but it’s always just eh. Finally was in the mood today and wrote some bits, did some research. Basically scrapped what I had initially written for the chapter before.  I was really in the zone before I stopped to do something, and then totally lost it so I’m been periodically clicking back to the document without any use.  My mom made phở for dinner so that delicious!
What was the last thing that made you smile?
When I was rewatching The Mummy and The Mummy Returns yesterday.
What’s keeping you entertained these days?
Just a lot of shows, Chinese and Korean dramas, movies, and fanfics. Made a few gifsets as well. I have an IDEA for a GonJo gifset but I have to download all the episodes for The King: Eternal Monarch and My Country before I can even start giffing 😭. A standing weekly virtual movie night with @almightypeach since April? We went through seasons 1 & 2 of Kingdom, The Half of It, The King: Eternal Monarch, and currently The Romance of Tiger and Rose. 😅 Also made new tumblr friends @itsdeanwinchester and folks on MacDesi discord, so that’s wonderful. Appreciate you guys! 
EDIT: I can’t believe I forgot about Bayern! Their double wins have been one of the highlights of my recent days. Looking forward to when they come back for Champions League and to them winning the treble this year because they definitely can!
If you’re in quarantine/ isolation, is there anything you’d like to achieve during this time?
Read actual books that are on my to-read and currently reading list rather than only fanfiction… Finish my fanfic that’s been on hiatus since forever, or at least get the next chapter finish.  Start planning for work
Tagging: @dangermousie, @itsdeanwinchester, @almightypeach, @imjustasmith and anyone who wants to do it.
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grantairelibere · 8 years ago
tagged by @analcoholic-grantaire​, another of The Best
name: Percival nickname: Percy or Perce  zodiac: Aquarius height: 167 cm orientation: bi AS FUCK  favourite fruit(s): pamplemousse (aka grapefruit but look at the french word for it. isn’t it great) favourite season: summer favourite book(s): les mis obvs but also harry potter, PJO, and the lesser-known Pendragon series (which has nothing to do w king arthur) favourite flower(s): wisteria. Daffodils are pretty cool too favourite animal(s): sheep, bunnies, owls, and sharks favourite beverage: ginger tea average hours of sleep: it’s been around 7-8 lately i’ve been good favourite fictional characters: this is literally my least favourite question to answer bc I love so many Im gonna skip it today
number of blankets you sleep with: like three
dream trip: I’d love to live/work in New Zealand or Australia a little while
number of followers: 1125 (!?!?!?) a - age: 22 b - birthplace: Canada c - current time: 5:45 am d - drink you last drank: a single sip of orange pekoe e - easiest person to talk to: my gf  f - favourite song: Demons--Imagine Dragons
g - grossest memory: food poisoning h - horror yes or no? eh no i - in love? yeah 
j - jealous of people? like. occasionally, and always over stupid shit like “why did you get more ice cream than me even tho we ordered the same size”  k - killed someone? i don’t understand why this Q keeps popping up in these 
l - love at first sight or should i walk past again? lmao what m - middle name: im still in the choosing process. James is looking good. im trying to tell myself not to go with Marius but it’s harder than u think n - number of siblings: a brother o - one wish? stop the discourse over pointless things p - person you last called? my uncle  q - question you’re always asked: what’s your background? r - reason to smile: sunrises
s - song you last sang: lmao it was red and black like 3 days ago t - time you woke up: yesterday, 10:30 am for class u - underwear color: ...they’re pikachu print v - vacation: i’ll be in england this year  w - worst habit: procrastination x - x-rays: had a couple on my feet y - your favourite food: defs sushi   z – zoboomafoo was a great show
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swiftletinthecloud · 8 years ago
tagged by @boleynqueens!
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
hand sanitizer
a pack of keenex tissues
a pen
Blistex lip balm
a hair tie
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom: 
book shelf 
a calendar 
some picture frames
some movies that I have on dvds (my bedroom is fairly boring since the only time I’m in there is when I go to sleep)
5 things I’m into at the moment:
documentaries narrated by Lucy Worsley
Legacy by Susan Kay
Bayern Munich always
crying over Philipp Lahm’s impending retirement 
dctv shows
5 things on my to-do list:
complete my daily lesson for Duolingo language app
make some edits for the footballeditschallenge 
read Legacy
work on my pjo x cm fic
return to my original fic that I started for a class at some point 
5 things people don’t know about me:
I don’t really understand the hate that Nickelback get.  I haven’t really listen to anything by them recently, but I like the stuff from 2001-2010. “Hero,” “Savin’ Me,” “I’d Come For You,” etc.
my tumblr url is the literal translation of my Vietnamese middle and first names, in that order. 
In the words of Jessica Huang from Fresh Off the Boat, I’m a “mostly lapsed Buddhist who believe in some Chinese Vietnamese superstition but also like Christmas but in a festive, not-religious way.”
When I watch Asian dramas, I only like watching them in Vietdub. It’s a thing from my childhood.  Watching them in English or with English subs is weird and I feel like I’m missing out on something, and I can’t read Vietnamese quick enough to watch with only Vietsub.  
I had a pen pal back in elementary school for a class.
tagging @thestoriesbehindthepictures @alextriestousetheinternet @thelitttlelion@raejustrae @porpentinygoldstein @travelingstrawberry @thatmasquedgirl and anyone that wants to do it can say i tagged!
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