#pixilated edition
ashironie · 2 months
im really proud of this and i don’t wanna bother my friends so im posting it here
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and the animation under the cut
part two, electric teeth apple (electricity not guaranteed): https://www.tumblr.com/ashironie/757204645146935296/aspirin
I made another one!!!: https://www.tumblr.com/ashironie/757214568442413056/okokokok-so-i-got-another-idea-for-one-animation
masterpost: https://www.tumblr.com/ashironie/757215405756547072/ok-so-here-is-where-im-going-to-put-all-of-my
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dare-g · 3 months
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@sleepythug tagged me to list my 4 favorite first time watches in May! I put these screenshots to give people an idea of the plots if you're not familiar! It was fun and somewhat difficult to decide though tbh if it was just watches in general then this rewatch would have made it for sure
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Anyway I'm going to tag a lot of you cause I'm nosey and feel free to just tell me in the replies if you don't want to continue the chain! (Also if you don't have 4 from May feel free to say anything you liked recently)
@skatalite @geckoafterlife @phibes @everyones-into-weirdness @jimphelps @arpicot @l-ultimo-squalo @fieldrecording @jacketrepresents @cowhidepillowcase @woyzeeck @filmplanet @nononookytv @vivereh1merda @vagrantbiatch @donnerpartyofone @herzoghaircut
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rabbittongues · 2 years
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site-127-unoffical · 8 months
Oh god it's worse.
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Is that the flag? I don't instantly recognize that symbol.. but if you're still concerned I'll pass it around the office to see if anyone does! :)
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New characters I have for a story I probably won't fully develop, but is definitely inspired by @bread--queen so look at her art pls!!
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neil-gaiman · 2 years
Hi, Mr Gaiman!
Thank you so much for these pixilated pictures of Crowley, and all the other small bits of information about good omens 2 that you have given us. I love them all! Now it's time for an important question, is there any pixilated photos of Aziraphale? And if so, are you willing to share so we get a completed set?
I looked on my phone. These aren't from the broadcast on the day. They were from a glitchy day with the remote co-editing software where I got so grumpy I filmed it to show what was coming through on my end. But here you go... Happy holidays!
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nem0-kn0ws-n0t · 7 months
Hermit Permits- or Hermitconomics101
I would just like to start off by saying I adore the concept. It's perfect. But also, I'm a massive nerd and I wanna talk about it.This is such a fascinating little economic model. Like, the usual hermitcraft economy is already so fascinating.
Warning-Long post! Also might Slightly skew your perspective of the Gimmick.
At first Glance, the Hermitcraft economy is the epitome of a Perfect Market economy -the basic selling/buying market you think of when thinking of markets-which has a few requirements
1. Homogenous products: gunpowder from Doc's shop is the same gunpowder from Tango's or Iskall or whoever sells it
2. No barriers to entry and exit: anyone can decide to sell. The technology's there. Any hermit can decide to make a farm or manually harvest something, set up shop and sell
3. Sellers are Price takers: If say, X and False are both selling copper ingots (for example), and X prices his higher than False (and they both keep their shops stocked), Hermits will buy from False. So X has to price the same (or lower but shhhh) than False.
4. Product Transparency: If you pay 1 diamond for a stack of iron blocks, you know you're getting 1 stack of iron. (usually) no shenanigans involved
And now the interesting point->
5. Many sellers- In a perfect competition market, the market is usually saturated with sellers, to the point that everyone needs to price the same, or at exactly the cost of production (or whatever needs to be to have the last seller joining the market to have economic profit of 0 but that's real hard to count in diamonds). Usually, this is done by having many firms coming in (free market remember) and undercutting each other until it's at the point where Supply is equal to Demand (yes, exactly the graph you're thinking of). In hermits' case, rarely is there more than one shop for an item unless there is an obnoxious amount of demand for it, and often, they'll buddy up in the same shop and split the profits and the work (I'm thinking of all the wood groups) for the highly in demand items. (More on that later).
So the sellers aren't usually competing with other hermits to sell resources- they're competing with the hermits' other way of procuring resources- The Endless Grind
Think about it- The rule of thumb for establishing the scope of a market (and its competition) is to ask yourself- where do I go if the shop becomes too expensive? In our real-life situation, we go to other shops- hermits just roll up their pixilated sleeves and get to work themselves. They are the alternative. (or Lag but stealing throws off all economic models so we're assuming it doesn't exist.)
A hermit shop, to have sales, needs to price its resources low enough that other hermits will see it as a better (cheaper) alternative than acquiring it themselves.
But Nemo, I hear you ask, isn't it always going to be cheaper to collect the material themselves? All the hermits already have all the tools/technology they'd need to get the resources they'd want, so shops wouldn't work.
But they do work, every season hermits "get rich" which implies there's something "wrong" with my model, which there is.
It's Time. That's the main currency in Hermitcraft.
Any hermits can decide to get any amount of resources with no real limit except Time. Sure, some hermits are more likely to build farms and have it done quicker than others, but all of them can decide to pick up a tool and just grind away (which they do, often). The point of the shops is to be convenient. You could spend 3 hours getting 15 stacks of oak wood, but you could also drop 30 diamonds at Ren's shop and get that done in less than a minute. Which, when you're a content creator on a tight deadline, already spending hours upon hours just building and editing and living outside of work, time is precious. So Time is the real trading currency on HC.
And so there comes a wrench in the plan as you have 2 "types" of goods- you have the Sellers' resources (that cost you diamonds but less time) and your own resources (which cost you Time but fewer diamonds)
Which invalidates point 3. Price Takers- There are 2 very different prices, which you are willing to pay at different times to different degrees. Somedays, they grind somedays they pay.
And thus, there goes the perfect competition model-
~~And in comes Monopolistic competition.
Now, listen to me, this is crucial ish- this is not the same as a Monopoly.
Monopolies imply there is 1 seller. 1. there is 1 way of acquiring the good (at this point in time) (everything is taken as if time is held constant). YouTube has a monopoly on hermitcraft videos (kind of). You can't watch Hermitcraft videos anywhere else, as the hermits don't upload their videos on other websites. If YouTube started charging 10000$ per video watched, you probably wouldn't watch hermit videos anymore. That's a monopoly.
Monopolistic competition is when a few firms sell slightly different products. Think Pepsi and Coca-Cola. They're functionally the same thing (don't @/me for this), but they both still work as companies, because people tend to prefer one over the other.
And thus our model. A monopolistic competitive market.
The real competition was not store vs store (unless for the bit), it was Sellers vs the Grind.
(There are also sunk cost fallacies exhibited, when hermits make their own farms for materials they know they'll need a lot of, which then reduces the time spent, especially with AFK'ing, thus the active time spent being reduced but server time still fluctuating but that can be hermitconomics 102 lmao)
But Back to this season-
With the introduction of Hermit Permits (which, is such a fun term, I wouldn't be surprised if they came up with that first before the concept) they are forcing there to be a single official seller. But hermits are still able to collect their own resources and make their own farms. So the market stays the same.
Which is probably not what you were expecting was it. All this fanfare but theoretically, the model doesn't change. It might change the point at which a hermits decides it's better to grind it out instead of spending diamonds, but not the theory.
But here's the second hole in this theory.
One of the first assumptions one makes about any market model is that everyone involved wants to maximize profits. (which irl, is making the most money).
But the same was as the real currency is Time, the real Profit for Hermits is Content (and engagement, and a whole bunch of parasocial scales to do with audience retention but I'm an economic major, not a sociology or business student damn it, we'll stick with Content) .
Theoretically, nothing changes in the economic model, but the result changes. The potential to change things up is massive, simply because they at least superficially changed something. Rebranding something, in a way that shakes up previously established norms- That's what they're getting out of it. Forcing people to do content about things they normally wouldn't even touch, which inspires viewers to be invested, so see our favourite blorbos overcome the challenge. It's a narrative device.
(If anything, I'd expect this to actually "promote the economy" as hermits would be motivated to stock up their shops, thus making more farms/farm building episodes, or the competition occurring from additional permits being circulated.)
So yeah. Hermitconomics 101- The not-so-perfect competition. Sorry If I burst some bubbles, I just think it's fascinating.
Thanks for reading to the bottom!
TL:DR :This is gonna be so fun, and the hermit economy makes economists everywhere cry
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anameistoohard · 7 months
Hello! We thought it might be good to have a pinned post so y'all can know a bit about us.
I guess start with the obvious thanks to that title: We are a we.
The bit less obvious: We are one person :p We learned we were a system in September 2022. There's a bunch of us in here but not everyone fronts. The ones that do often have a lot of identity confusion/blendyness so we don't usually specify who's speaking. If you don't know, you can refer to us by the body's name, Taylor, and the pronouns we us irl, she/her.
We are also a trans woman: Or at least... the body is? It's complicated. The majority of us are girls/strongly fem leaning but we have some guys and enbies in here too. We started hrt in October 2021 so we were already a year into it when we learned about our system. After a lot of questioning we came to the consensus that we should continue hrt. The guys are willing to put up with it and overall we are quite happy with the changes.
Autism and dyslexia: These make our writing a bit stilted/disjointed sounding sometimes. The two of them combined can make socializing online exhausting, trying to figure out what to say and how to say it (anxiety is no help either). If we don't respond right away, or at all, just know we're sorry 💜
Art! The reason you're probably here lol: We create art in just about the most inefficient way possible, in ms Paint, where there are no layers, you can only rotate in 90° intervals, and if you try to resize a picture it becomes a blurry pixilated mess. And we do so without a drawing tablet. When we make pixel art we're manually placing squares one at a time. But there's something kind of soothing about this slow monotonous inefficiency. We mostly do pixel art, but sometimes we make comics, or just whatever we feel like making.
If you have any questions, this is an open invitation to ask: Curiosity is a good thing! Don't worry if you're using the "wrong" language or you think something might be too personal, as long as you're respectful and kind, feel free to ask us anything about us/our experiences/our art. If we don't want to answer we don't have to, so there's no harm in asking. Just please don't turn to us for links/resources, we're not good at keeping track of that kind of stuff.
Written by Mark (they/them), Danny (he/him), and Taylor (she/her)
(Edit: I guess we should mention we have a twitter too)
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Baby’s first kick
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Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x fem!reader
Summary: Bob comes home from his posting to find you asleep.
Word count: 1k
“Darlin’ I’m home…”
Closing the door to the entrance of his shared house he called out to you. He had only been gone for a few months but goddamn it felt like a lifetime. A lifetime away from the his sunshine.
He shifted further into the house upon hearing nothing but radio silence. Putting his keys in the teal, porcelain bowl on the mahogany drawer as he dropped his luggage near it. The hallway leading to the living room was silent. The stairs leading up to the first floor were stripped of any sight of you. Only containing pictures and framed memories of your lives, in snapshots.
He walked up to a particular one. His favourite. It was the day he graduated from Top Gun, he’d invited you and his parents and sisters to see him in his big day. It was you and him in the picture, him kneeling on one knee with a ring box in his hand as you stood there, baffled. A hand on your mouth and tears streaming down your face. The other hand held in Bob’s as he slid the ring on your finger. A smiling reflection was watching him back as he went to move up the stairs.
Carefully climbing up as he examined every photo that lined along the staircase. A picture of you and him on his parents’ ranch when you both were teenagers. You were wearing his cowboy hat. Staring at him while he straddled you. He had tried to help you up the horse but you ended up tripping and both of you fell face down on top of each other. His sister had taken that one, telling you both that it was too perfect of a shot to miss.
A little further up and it was yours and his family gathered at an annual summer barbecue, years ago. It was a weeks before he was due to be shipped off. You and him were in the middle of a makeshift dance floor, your head on his shoulder, his hand in yours as the other held your waist. His cheek rested on top of your head, both of your eyes closed as you took in the moment. That day his mother had pulled him aside and gave him her mother’s ring, a family heirloom for the right girl.
“I knew that girl was right for you the second you came home from your first day at school, blabbering about this beautiful girl that wanted to sit with you at lunch.”
It took him years to build up the courage to ask you. “The right time, son.” His dad had told him.
As he ascended the last few steps he came across to the newest edition to the “memory walk” (you had tried to name the thing). A black and white picture, that was a little blurry and pixilated but you could just make out the outline of a head. The head of an infant. His baby. Your baby.
He smiled to himself as he moved further up, finally coming onto the first floor of the house. He noticed the door to your shared bedroom was open wide. As he entered he noticed a blanket spread out, under it; you were sleeping soundlessly, a hand in your swollen belly. God, he had missed so much of your pregnancy.
The sun rays pattered down sneakily from behind the curtains, a fresh breeze of wind blew past him, causing him to shudder and you to shift under your blanket to get away from it. He smiled, a soft loving smile. He walked to his side, making sure to not step on certain floorboards to avoid any noise that’ll wake you. Slipping into his side, his hands moved to your waist towards your belly. He heard a gasp leave your mouth as you woke to see who the intruder was.
“Rob! Jesus you scared the shit out of me!” You screeched before sitting up and pulling him into your arms tightly. Burying your face into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you carefully.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. Didn’t mean to scare ya’.” The southern drawl was one of the things you had missed about him. But that smell, his smell was something you could never get enough of. Clad in his clothes this very moment, and you still couldn’t get enough.
The two of you broke off from the hug but Bob held you close, his hands moving further up to cup your face. Thumbs tracing cheeks and under eye. He looked you dead in the eyes, those damn eyes. He could never get enough of you. Not just your body but your personality, the way you talked when you were passionate about something. But damn those eyes always managed to knock him out everytime you made eye contact.
“You look beautiful.” He mumbled before leaning in to kiss you. He felt you let out a sigh, as if finalising that he wasn’t a dream. That he was here, really here.
His lips were soft against yours, fitting perfectly. Your fingers danced their way up his chest to his hair, running through it. Heavy breaths and content sighs were all that could be heard through the room as he pulled away from you. Pressing a small kiss to your forehead before resting it against his.
“I missed you both, so much.” He panted. One of his hands made home onto your stomach. Trying to feel something. Before his hand stopped a few centimetres above your belly button. He moved his hand up and down on that spot, as if he were petting it.
“We missed you too, daddy.” As if on cue, you felt something kick against your stomach, the same spot his hand was on. You looked at him with wild eyes, mouth dropping slightly. This was their first kick.
“How did you-“
“Call it a father’s intuition, honey.” He replied smugly. Pulling away from you to put himself right in front of your belly. “Hey, champ. Did you give your mamma a hard time?”
You thought that it was ridiculous of him to talk to the baby when they couldn’t hear him. But all was proven wrong when you felt another kick. You out a gasp, looking down at Bob who wore the same expression. You pushed glasses back up his nose as he peppered small kisses all over your belly, making you laugh. His eyes held so much love in them. You thought it was safe to say that maybe the baby could hear him.
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ihave1braincell · 7 months
I did a small thing based off my CCCC theory.
So, in my theory, Heart, Mind, and Soul all live within their Whole and take care of their body. (Basically the movie Inside Out) Every person has their own Heart, Mind, and Soul, but they are normally merged into one entity. Sometimes this entity splits into three. (This is what happened with Chonny Jash and the CCCC album)
Anywho, this got me wondering what MY Heart, Mind, and Soul would look like if they were split (ngl it feels like they are sometimes) so… I came up with these!
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It’s only a cleaned up sketch, but here’s what I imagine my HM and S looks like! I’m too tired to elaborate on their lore but I’ll say that their body and hair shape being different IS on purpose. (And I couldn’t keep a consistent art style.)
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I wanted to work more on my editing skills. especially since I won't have my picsart subscription forever. I'll get into Photoshop fully someday to replace and out-do picsart. But picsart has been a tool I've been using for years. I've seen it grow. It's excellent for beginner editors as well as it has a simple and easy to understand interface with a lot of customization.
The reason I won't renew my picsart sub is because I have hopes to grow and gain experience. Not only that, edit professional quality photos. Picsart blurs or pixilates the quality depending on how you edit it. But nothing can compare to the processing power of a PC compared to a mobile app.
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okamiz36 · 1 month
Some pixil art- totally not me debating on just being a pixil only artist rn- yes ill do the non pixil version after XD anyways heres more persona art- I EDITED THE DESIGN YET AGAIN SO NO MORE MOUTH (i hate drawing expressions even tho they fun)
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moralleets · 3 months
came here to complain.....
i've been creating cc for quite some time now, as you know, and i've never encountered what i've encountered in the last few weeks more than once already
most of the textures i create/edit for my cc, for some reason, are incredibly pixilated in game and look fucked up, honestly. this is the reason why there is such a big delay in releasing cc right now. i really apologize, but i don't want to post something that looks...well bad, in general. i will definitely try to solve this problem, but i can't find a solution on my own or on the forums, which is very frustrating.
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saunteringdownward · 4 months
Sorry David, much as you're a hottie and I enjoy having you as my icon, nothing can overstate my enjoyment of michael sheen, full beard, chest hair out, long hair and dressed like a slutty history professor lmfao
Here's the icon in case anyone wants to use it too??
I might make some of these, do a wee edit series even though this took me like 3 mins in canva... he's also a bit pixilated but that's cos canva sucks lol
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meowmeow96240 · 9 months
woowowowoooo cheddar cheese cookie sprite edit 🫣
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edit is the one on the right...
contemplated making him not ginger but I changed my mind, I didn't like his ginger umbrella though so I changed it to match his coat. added an orange overlay and changed his tone to match is pallet better because it felt a little off. he's pretty monochromatic minus his eyes. added a glowish blur effect too because why not (the brush strokes looked insanely pixilated and it barely fixed shit)
also I'd love to make more of these so feel free to request if you like my stuff, but preferably crk characters over ovenbreak because it's hard to find nice quality sprites from ob 😭
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andy-wm · 11 months
AI couple photos are crossing the line.
What's with all the AI edits suddenly??
The elves, vampires, pirates... fine. Those are fun and cute, although im a bit over them now. Fantasy characters I am okay with, but I am not comfortable with the family portraits. They are just... wrong.
And now this... Even worse!
I unfortunately happened to stumble on intimate (not explicit but very personal) AI edits of JK & T on inst@
I can't imagine how compromising it must feel for them to have all this real-looking manufactured intimacy floating around the web. It's bad enough that AI songs are using their voices but this is another level.
(I've pixilated/filtered these because i don't want to contribute to the problem)
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Edits of intimately close couple shots . This is crossing a line.
I'm not specifying who the members are. I'm sure these exist for many pairs that delulu shippers want to see together. I did NOT go looking for jikook photos - i dont want to see them.
I'm sure Hybe knows already - is also their job after all, to protect their artists - but i have reported it on the protect@ email address.
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How far will it go?
I'm incredibly frustrated that people who call themselves ARMY are creating and sharing these. If you are doing it, please stop. Put yourself in their shoes. I dont know in what universe it's ok to create photorealistic images of real people doing things they would never do (certainly not in public) and think its all a bit of fun.
It should be illegal imo.
Just as bad are the comments insinuating they are 'real enough'.
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Remember the hysteria over the Taennie Paris photos? Especially the ridiculous the cosplay accusations?
It worries me where this will go,
When people are so desperate to prove their ship that they manufacture evidence, where will they draw the line?
If you are tempted to go looking for these, please report them when you find them.
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