#pixal: *to zane* what is this about
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jordanhaszane · 6 months ago
Pixal comes back to the monastery with Zane and Frohicky rushes over
Frohicky: AH! Master Zane! So glad you have return- notices Pixal Oh! Well if it isn't the woman from the broom that Master Zane keeps talking to, it's good to meet you in person! Pixal: Wh- what? Frohicky: Oh yes, Master Zane has been talking to this broom with your picture on it all the time and he says that it helps him solve problems, and I have even caught him sleeping with it- Zane:
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kindaasrikal · 4 months ago
Jay becoming evil and Zane suddenly being treated as equipment and acting less like Zane almost seems like it links.
Because none of us should forget that the first person who humanised, was non-judgmental, understanding and quickly accepting to Zane’s non-human insides was Jay.
Before the big reveal, in the early seasons Zane was still considered strange and weird. His personality and the way he behaved was strange to others and the ninja, and despite Jay still thinking that, he was one of the first people to not judge Zane based off of such a thing and was even willing to help him understand how to socialise more. I mean yeah sure he was still a butt towards Zane at times but he never actually hated or judged Zane for who he was.
When Zane’s reveal as a nindroid was shown to them Jay quickly jumps in with how despite the fact that Zane isn’t human, that doesn’t mean he isn’t still Zane. Nothing changed when they found out Zane was a nindroid because he was always a nindroid, they just know that now. Jay even starts making jokes about it five seconds later, this man has horrible timing.
Jay himself seems like before the ninja he was always overly self conscious about how his life was like and how his quirks made him behave, so i think when he first met Zane he wasn’t just going to judge and push him away but instead help him and accept him.
Now, with Jay being evil and having worked under the same group that is calling Zane equipment and unable to actually feel, is there anyone out there who will actively encourage and support Zane through who he is? Pixal my love come back and fix your man’s horrible mental health. Maybe smack him with the broom your face is on.
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h00tzz · 4 days ago
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fugking legos...
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phibsies · 2 months ago
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haven’t posted much .. have these ninjago doodles i also did for my insta stories :3
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and these that i did in class i guess
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arolegos · 6 months ago
please please pleasee do the other ninja as cowboys 🙏🙏🙏 /nf
have the whole team actually :3
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the little blorb drafts
+ wgatever this Is
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al-luviec · 7 months ago
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big fan of these two
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spinjitsuburst · 10 months ago
robots who have been given wiring and parts mirroring internal organs and have wires that function as nerve endings and they're essentially "biologically" just like a human but with artificial parts are so cool and awesome yes this is about zane ninjago
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baptaincarnacles · 5 months ago
would u ever rank ninjago ships? it'd be cool to see :3
Ranking Ninjago ships is so silly, actually.
These are my personal rankings, so- please be considerate of that!
Dragon Rising spoilers! Kinda!
(Pr*shitters DNI, also if you don’t like Cole/Geo, you may leave or you can stick around and read my other ratings, I guess)
Ranking system:
Geode/Lostshipping (Cole/Geo): S-tier. Alright, so this may be an unpopular opinion, especially because it has the fandom weirdly divided- but I do really enjoy the ship. They’re so soft with one another, and they act very domestic. I mean- Cole and Geo show multiple times that they’re affectionate: holding hands, hugging, and just looking at each other with the most lovesick expressions I’ve ever seen a Lego character have.
Not to mention they literally basically have two adopted (three, counting Bonzel) children. They’re literally found family, and it it the most adorable thing ever. Cole literally does everything for Geo and their little family- protects them, cooks for them, and comforts them.
And… guys… Cole literally confesses that he needed Geo to realize his true potential. Their elemental powers formed a HEART. If that ain’t gay, I don’t know that is.
Wyldfyre/Roby: S-tier. People got so mad over this happening, and it’s genuinely hilarious. Wyldfyre, from my recollection, is a teenage girl- and yes, she may have been raised by dragons, she may be tom-boyish and hotheaded- but that does not exclude her from having teenage-girl feelings.
And not to mention their dynamic is adorable. A tech-obsessed boy and a girl who doesn’t really understand tech but admires his nerdiness anyway. I mean- come on- they literally roar at one another. They match each other’s energy, and I really enjoy it.
Also, they are just silly- Wyldfyre literally got over one of her fears for the sake of Roby. Two dumb kids in love, let them be.
Glaciershipping (Zane/Cole): S-tier. I personally also really like this one. Maybe it was the color dynamic with their gis or really just their little bits they had throughout the seasons (before Dragon Rising). Growing up, this was one of the big ships of the fandom, and I’m pretty sure it still is? Nonetheless, early seasons really peaked with these two.
Banter really makes up a lot of their dynamic. When the silly robot man and silly Earth ninja bicker it’s like watching a married couple. And really, they’re both just big dorks who share a single brain cell with one another (Zane always has it).
The Rocky Dangerbuff and Snake Jaguar bit really drove the point home, because they’re literally so stupid (/affectionate) it’s adorable.
Pixane (Pixal/Zane): S-tier. Oh my goodness, this ship is actually the most adorable thing. Zane and Pixal- for some reason- have such a special place in my heart. Perhaps it’s the way they sacrificed for each other- the way Zane willingly gave half his heart to her. Their banter- their love- the way Zane jumps into Pixal’s arms.
Their dynamic has always been so cute. Nerdy idiots who fall deeper in love the longer they’re together. In Dragon Rising, Zane is literally so desperate to have her back- it’s honestly so sad- but it’s so sweet that he cares so much about her (Ninjago, this is my plea to bring Pixal back).
Not to mention, they’re one of the only canon couples in Ninjago who get a good dynamic (other than Jay/Nya).
Jaya (Jay/Nya): A+-tier. Alright, to explain myself here. The only reason I knocked Jaya down from S-tier is solely because some bits in their dynamic kinda threw me off- and of course, there was that weird love triangle thing that they- for some reason- went through with (Ninjago, what was that).
Otherwise? They are an adorable couple. Jay and Nya work well together- Jay being a bit nerdy, and of course, at first, nervous- and Nya who has always been on the more confident end. They are Yin and Yang. As they grew, their understanding grew, and overtime, they started to go from that awkward couple phase to really being in love. And of course, like all good couples in Ninjago, apparently, they sacrificed for one another- risked their lives- and stressed when they were apart.
I genuinely miss that dynamic in Dragon Rising. Jay needs some sense knocked back into him (/lh).
Bruiseshipping (Cole/Jay): A+-tier. This one was another very popular one in the fandom as I grew up. And, again, dropped from S-tier solely because the few off-points the two had.
While the two are known for their bickering and their fights, it’s stated multiple times that they’re best friends (and friends to lovers trope sits amazingly with me). Cole and Jay would clearly do anything for each other- and probably play-bully their way through it. One defining feature of their canon interactions is how they always have different outlooks, or completely agree on a matter- and it’s always hilarious because they’re similar in the most different ways.
Otherwise, it’s a good ship. They could work.
Oppositeshipping (Kai/Zane): A+-tier. I believe they’re also called Peppermint (haha, red and white), but I personally think the opposites attract dynamic works well between these two. Hotheaded and levelheaded, brains and brawn, fire and ice.
I think I started liking this dynamic a bit more in the middle-seasons of the original Ninjago franchise, when they really started building the dynamics between the ninja. Kai and Zane have always had their banter, and their contradicting view points, but at the end of the day, they have each other’s back. And, of course, they do have their on-screen sweet moments.
(This also applies to the Ninjago movie, I love their dynamic there as well.)
Lavashipping (Kai/Cole): A-tier. Ah, I can’t remember if this one was ever very big in the fandom. I mean, I’ve seen fanart, but of course, it’s hard to tell with other popular ships.
I personally like this one- not as much as others- but their dynamic is cute, and they have their moments. Kai is always seen as protective, and Cole is a defender. So- when something happens to one or the other, they tend to panic. I can’t remember the season name, but the best example I can think of off the top of my head is when the Oni take over Ninjago and cover it in a dark fog- and Cole falls inside of it. And of course, there’s those scenes where the two hug.
They have a lovely dynamic. Fire/Earth, it tickles the brain.
Technoshipping (Jay/Zane): A-tier. If I’m not wrong, that should be their ship name (I actually had to Google and look at Reddit to find anything about it). Much like Lava, I think this ship is good.
For a long while, Jay was a big technology nerd- and oh? Who was his muse? Zane (/j). But, no, the two have their banter, and the silliness between tech-wiz and sentient robot is always hilarious in my mind. And of course, they do care a lot for each other. Not to mention the short where they literally perform a music act together- and Jay spins and dips Zane moments before that.
I put this in A-tier because, of course, there’s better ships in my mind- and the two have had their own disputes.
FrozenGear (Dr. Julien/FORMER Master of Ice): A-tier. I’ve seen fanart of this ship, and I ADORE it. It’s such a silly concept, and I love the idea that the Former Master of Ice fell in love with this scientist- and gave their robo-son his elemental abilities.
I don’t even know if that’s their ship name, I’m basing this off of a ship wiki.
But, all and all, it would explain the reason why Zane was gifted the element of Ice.
Dareth/Ronin: B-tier. I put this here solely because I’ve always viewed this ship in more of a crack ship kinda way. It’s silly, and of course, they banter.
Dareth and Ronin have their bits where them dating (even in an on/off) kinda way makes sense- I mean, hell, the two argue like a couple and they’re always goofing off.
Otherwise, I’d say the ship is a solid one, some people like it more than others.
Lloyd/Akita: B-tier. I was heavily debating where I’d even rank this ship, solely because I have no strong opinions on it. But, in the end I chose B-tier. While not being a ship I think about, it’s one of the only good ships I’ve ever seen with Lloyd- after they started getting along, anyway.
I suppose I can see why people ship it, but it was only a season thing- and we haven’t seen Akita again- so it’s very likely she was a one-off character to have, solely because Lloyd is tragic (/lh) and needs a new love interest every few seasons to build trust issues.
Zane/Frohicky: B-tier. Before anyone says anything, it’s solely because of their dynamic. I like this ship a bit, and I think that they’re a silly duo. Frohicky, after all, is a very caring individual, and is always trying to make sure Zane is okay/comfortable.
And there was that scene where the two sat together through Zane’s identity crisis after losing his look-alike competition.
They’re just cute.
Samuraishipping (Pixal/Nya): B-tier. It’s not a bad ship. They have a welcoming dynamic with one another, and a similar interest in technology.
In scenes where they work together, it’s often expressed that they work well, and build off of each other’s abilities, enhancing a singular creation further. Not a ship I obsess over, but a ship that lingers in my mind sometimes and makes sense.
Arin/Euphrasia: B-tier. Again, another ship I don’t think often about, but I think they could be a really good duo- bot teenagers figuring out their elemental abilities and learning what they can do.
I also like their playful attitudes and lighthearted humor- Arin being a little more clueless than Euphrasia, of course.
But, they would be cute.
Plasmashipping (Jay/Kai): C-tier. I know some of you might get mad at me for this ranking, but truthfully, I never liked this ship all that much. It was very popular in the fandom (up there with Glacier) but, I never found the full appeal.
Of course, they have their bits and banter, but I prefer their silly dynamics in a goofball friend way. But if you ship this, go right ahead- they do have their moments when they’re shippable.
Solid ship, just not for me.
Garmadon/Vinny: C-tier. This is another one I always kinda viewed as a crack ship- I really don’t know when or how it spurred into being something that I saw maybe… three pieces of fanart for? I personally thought it was silly.
There was that moment where Garm asked Vinny to help him become good- maybe that started it? I dunno, but I do think about that season sometimes and giggle a bit.
Zane/Nya: C-tier. I don’t know if they have an actual ship name, but oh well. I don’t love this ship, but I also don’t hate it. It’s an interesting appeal.
Personally, I think their dynamics are alright, they tend to chat and banter, but they’ve always felt more friendly towards one another to me. I do enjoy their moments together on screen, their little side-rambles. They’re both nerds.
Kailor (Kai/Skylor): C-tier. More of you may get mad at this, but I never liked this ship. Didn’t hate it, but still, didn’t like it. It felt forced, and it was incredibly awkward. It almost felt like they were trying to get all the characters a s/o, because at that time, Pixane was established- and I can’t remember if Jaya had started or was being hinted at.
It improved some- and then it just wasn’t touched again. Felt like a crush rather than them actually falling in love at any point- which was probably the idea there. I can see why the ship is popular, but it’s not my cup of tea.
WolfCat (Sorra/Jordana): C-tier. They’re one of those dynamics I feel could work. Especially if it’s enemies, to friends, then to lovers. I am ranking this C-tier, solely because their dynamic has only been explored to a certain extent- showing their problems with one another- and of course, Jordana trying to break away from being possessed.
If they’re explored more, I feel this ranking could rise higher on the list.
Lloyd/Morro: D-tier. No. Just… no. While it’s not the worst possible ship, I still think it’s one of the weirdest. And at this point, I don’t even know what to say about it- other than Morror is a spirit who possessed Lloyd. I think they’re represented to be around the same age, but still… it’s such an outlandish ship because… Morro has been dead for… years.
I know at some point the fandom liked it for god knows what reason. But, I’m really starting to think people like shipping Lloyd with antagonistic characters.
Conya (Cole/Nya): D-tier. Again, another big nope from me. I know some people ship it, there was that whole love triangle thing- but throughout that entire bit, Cole really just felt like he was competing with Jay. For shits and giggles.
And Cole and Nya’s dynamic always felt more like best friends to me- like, they care about each other, but not in a romantic way.
Conia (Cole/Vania): D-tier. I can’t see this one really at all, but it’s not F-tier material. Vania’s and Cole’s relationship felt platonic- Vania seemed innocently curious about the ninja.
They just seem like friends who have one another’s backs, and they call when the other needs a pick-me-up. Good friends.
Lloyd/Harumi: F-tier. Oh my god. There are so many reasons I personally DESPISE this ship. For starters, and the most obvious reason- she tried to kill him. Multiple times. Some of you might say she had a redemption arc, I DON’T CARE. She- first of all- was manipulative. Secondly, I know she had a rough past that she blamed on the ninja but… where was that their fault? Third of all, she played with his feelings repeatedly.
Oh, and- I don’t know if anyone even begins to remember this- but in Sons of Garmadon, Garmadon literally adopts her. Calls her his child and everything. I don’t know if people forgot that, or if it’s dismissed as nothing- but guys. GUYS. He adopts Harumi.
And I think it’s easy to say that she gave Lloyd trust issues- major trust issues. Dude literally has trouble trusting princesses over her.
I just want to take this ship and burn it in a fire.
Lloyd/Ras: F-tier. Listen, I’ve seen maybe two people ship this, and no offense to anyone that does- but SERIOUSLY. Ras is a whole ass manipulator, for one- secondly, he’s another antagonist- three… He has also tried to kill Lloyd.
Ras is an entity of mind games, and Lloyd is an insomniac trying to live up to his Uncle’s standards. That doesn’t mix.
Lloyd/Any of the other ninja: F-tier. Get the fuck out. One, even if he aged up, he’s still mentally younger then they are. Two, they’re all basically his older siblings. Three, it’s GROSS.
Lloyd has only ever acted like a younger sibling towards the other ninja. The other ninja protect him like a younger brother. I will throw hands.
When I get the motivation, I’ll probably do another rating list like that with other forms of Ninjago ships (like side characters and what-not).
If you all have any ships you wanna see me rate, you can send in an anonymous message, or you can comment! I’ll get around to it :)
And they can’t be fucking weird- thank you.
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writer-room · 2 years ago
I had an idea, and so I made some low effort memes. Happy Dragons Rising everybody
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That is all
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lightning-and-dragons · 11 months ago
Don't think about P.I.X.A.L in Dragons' Rising, about how no one has found her yet, about her wandering the realms searching for someone that she knew. Zane. Kai. Cole. Nya. Jay. Lloyd. Sensei Wu. Anyone.
Don't think about P.I.X.A.L being found by the Administration, being captured by them, claimed as a machine, and having her memories taken away.
Don't think about P.I.X.A.L working for the Administration as one of their machines, not knowing who she was but knowing that she was meant for more than a mail room.
Don't think about P.I.X.A.L meeting an agent who treats her with kindness, who also doesn't remember who he is, who she soon becomes friends with.
Don't think about this friend coming home from a mission, speaking of another machine they were trying to catch, one called Zane, and how the name sounded familiar to P.I.X.A.L.
Don't think about the friend telling her that he had lightning powers, and that P.I.X.A.L wasn't as surprised as she probably should've been.
Don't think about P.I.X.A.L and the friend speaking about knowing that they were someone greater than who they were with the Administration.
Don't think about the two escaping the Administration together, searching for answers and searching for who they truly are.
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guplia · 1 month ago
My eighteenth fic for @badthingshappenbingo!
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Fandom: Ninjago
Trope: Tonsillitis
Also available on AO3!
Sick of These Movies
Zane woke up coughing for the eighth night in a row. He thought the problem would go away by now, but his condition was worsening day by day, and every once in a while a new symptom of his suspected illness would affect him, persuading himself even more to just get the surgery done. But he didn’t want the others worrying about him. Yeah, that was the only reason he didn’t want to get treated. He definitely wasn’t scared.
He glanced at the clock on the wall– 3:47 a.m.– and made his way towards the hangar bay, where he knew he would be alone. Well, sometimes even a nindroid can be wrong.
He sat on the chair in front of the supercomputer’s monitor, and started his research on the anatomy of a nindroid. That’s when he realised he wasn’t alone.
“And what do you think you’re doing at this time?” Pixal asked from behind him. Zane flinched and turned around to see his girlfriend standing behind him. “Have you made it a new routine to wake up around this time and roam around the monastery?”
“Pixal, I–” Zane stammered, lost for words, before frowning. “What are you doing awake at this time every night?” He retorted. 
She was taken aback by the question, not sure of a response, and decided to come clean. “I’m worried about you,” she sighed. “You keep coughing, and you’ve made it obvious you’re irritated in other ways too. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how exhausted you are, and how you’re not eating much these days. I know you don’t have to but it’s something you enjoy that you are no longer doing. Not to mention how the ice you’re making melts almost immediately.”
Zane groaned, knowing that he also had to confess to Pixal. “Pixal, I think I have tonsillitis,” he said, his eyes scanning her face for a reaction. “My tonsil drives seem to have gotten a virus from somewhere. I suspect I might have gained it while downloading a movie into my system from tinyurl.com/freemoviesatninjago.”
Pixal dragged a hand down her face. “Why were you pirating movies, Zane?”
“It was not piracy. The website said “100% free, safe and legal. Rated five stars from the government of Ninjago.”
“Zane– you know what, this is ridiculous. We have to fix this.”
“Report the website to the police?”
“We’ll do that later. For now, we have to fix what’s wrong with you.”
“You want me to train myself so that I can easily tell who’s a scammer and who’s not?”
“Well… that too. But for now, I’m talking about your physical wellbeing, Zane. You need to get your tonsils removed.”
“Fine. But make sure it doesn’t hurt, alright?”
Pixal smiled. “You know I’d never hurt you, unless my system gets hacked by malware, although the chances of that happening right now is about 0.36961389999999999…”
Nya was startled awake by the sounds of a loud drill working underground. She got out of bed groggily, and tried to process where the noise was coming from. Underground… what’s underground? There’s… there’s… the hangar bay! There’s an invasion! 
She jumped out of bed, swiftly but quietly, and snuck her way through the monastery. As she got closer, and the noises got louder, she could now also make out Pixal’s voice, repeatedly calling out the word “nine”. She’s been hacked! And whoever broke in must be trying to pull her apart using that drill!
Fueled by her own assumptions, she made her way to the relaxation room and threw a couple of darts at the board on the wall, and got through the entrance, ready to deal with the heartless people who thought they could get away with what they did.
As she entered the bay, she expected to see Pixal’s mutilated body on the ground or something. Well, someone was broken apart, but it wasn’t Pixal. Instead, she was met with the sight of the samurai holding Zane’s detached head and drilling through the bottom of his neck.
Nya screamed. “Pixal, NO!” She ran to her and snatched Zane’s head away from her, causing the nindroid to stop reciting the same number over and over again. “Who hacked you?”
“Let me go, Nya,” Zane’s head spoke, earning another scream from her and being dropped to the ground. The head rolled so that it was facing the water ninja. “She has not been hacked. She is performing surgery on me.”
Nya looked at him in disgust. “What sort of surgery requires beheading? And why haven’t you been given an anaesthetic!?” 
“I am a nindroid. I do not need pain medication. I just turned off my nerve circuits. And as for the ‘beheading’, Pixal said it was much easier to remove my tonsil drives that way. As I do not bleed, I am not in danger. Pixal made sure to be careful and detached everything properly.”
Despite the explanation, Nya gagged. “Okay, okay,” she said, handing Zane’s head back to Pixal. “Just do your work, Pix.”
It only took fifteen more minutes for the procedure to end, while Nya sat on a chair a couple metres away, looking at the floor and holding her head. She didn’t want to watch Zane’s head being drilled in Pixal’s hands, but at the same time she wanted to make sure he was okay.
As Pixal tightened the last screw on Zane’s head, she gave Nya a thumbs up. “We’re done. You can look now.”
Nya lifted her head, and smiled as she saw that Zane had been fixed up. “You’ve gotta tell me, Zane,” she laughed. “Why do you even have tonsils in the first place? And what got them inflamed?”
“I’m not sure,” he responded. “I guess my father-- I mean, creator, Dr. Julien, wanted me to look as human-like as possible. I have an appendix drive, too. I hope I don’t install any malware there too, because it would be far more invasive to remove that.”
“Well, don’t go looking for films on ‘tinyurl.com/freemoviesatninjago’ then.”
Zane pouted. “But Jay said it had everything...”
Nya sighed. “Well, now we know the culprit of this mess. Remind me to check for viruses in his computer in the morning.”
“Remind me to tell Wu to punish him,” Zane frowned. “I can’t keep my nerve circuits off for too long and my throat hurts.”
Nya looked at the tonsil drives on the table. “Yeah, those look nasty. And gross.” She looked at the clock and groaned. “Master Wu’s gonna go to wake me up in less than an hour, and I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep in that much time. What do I do?”
Pixal picked up a drive. “Well, I could attach these to Jay’s computer, and the movies are still installed on these, so...”
The girls turned to Zane, who rolled his eyes.
“Fine. Use your sick friend for your own benefits.”
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anabetel35 · 2 years ago
Honestly the best part about season 16 is not the fact that the ultimate technique for defeating the overlord are literally the lyrics to the theme song of the whole show, but the fact that the weekend whip canonically exists in Ninjago, bacuse in The Royal Blacksmiths, the ninja dance to it in the competition. Which means that all of the ninja knew the song through the vast majority of the series. And also that some random band managed to not only guess the correct combination of moves the ninja had to do in the correct order, but they also managed to make the song popular enough to the point where four (possibly) teenagers living in secluded places, namely a monastery out in the middle of nowhere, still knew about it and liked it enough to make it their song in a dancing/singing contest/talent show that meant a lot to one of their teammates.
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nerdyenby · 2 years ago
I love ninjago for so many reasons but the way personhood is never a doubt does something to me
It’s never even a question if artificial life forms count as people. Even way back in season one when Zane found out he was a robot, it threw him for an existential loop but all his friends were like “oh wow, huh… kinda explains some things, you’re still you though.” There’s the internal tension of questioning one’s own identity and self-worth, but his loved ones love him nonetheless. New information doesn’t change anything — he’s always been a nindroid, just as he’s always been Zane.
In season three when we meet Pixal the gang is concerned at Zane’s willingness to give up half his power source for her, not because they don’t think she’s a person but because he hasn’t known her that long. There’s the short lived question of her allegiance, but Zane confidently argues that she has free will just the same as him when not under the overlord’s control. The whole situation reads more like being surprised at how serious this new relationship is than questioning or invalidating Pixal’s autonomy.
And then, of course, we have Prime Empire. When Okino — an NPC — is told that the world they’re currently in isn’t real he is quick to denial, but as soon as the truth becomes inarguable he falls into a depressive episode. His whole life is fake, everything he sees is fake, he is fake. Even as Okino vehemently argues that he should be left behind, that his presence as part of the game puts them in danger, that their enemy — the creator of said game — could use him against his new friends, the ninja refuse. They firmly tell him “No, you’re our friend. You’re a good person and we trust you, trust yourself too” and it just freaking breaks me for some reason.
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localguy2 · 2 years ago
Hey check out what I found
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Let the man get his beauty sleep Kai
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arolegos · 4 months ago
cooking up a ninjago arcane au rn and what if i was evil
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thewafflebear · 5 months ago
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We are going to ignore everybody besides Kai, Nya, and Pixal...I was using a pen and zero references 🫣
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