#pirated anime ship
smooshednetwork · 2 days
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This might be pirated anime! (My friend came up with the ship name and you are obliged to use it/j)
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mamoru-chiba-ua · 10 months
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elizabugz · 17 days
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inkmizzle · 6 months
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my two gay dads (they left to be pirates but i love them still)
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ectobabble · 8 days
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Every, like, year or so I get re-obsessed with this man. Like, c'mon.
First watch when it came out I was like; -woah the accent... >u>; -CYBORG! -Aw! he can cook! -Aw! he's funny! -AW! He likes small lil' animals yay! -oooo he's morally ambiguous~ -Oh god. The Dad Energy <3 -'Yer gonna rattle the stars yeh are.' Shut UP! STOP. *Crying.* -The space bear saved his son!!! :D -'It's a lifelong obsession, lad. I'll get over it.' I need to hug this man. -Oh god I want that hug, that looks like a good hug.
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Look at those fuckin' dad hugs.
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sadisthetic · 2 years
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skybound doodle. that one place thats just a hole in the ship. why was it like that. it was literally just a hole. who designed this ship. perfect place for a guy at rock bottom tho
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anacarolinaflr · 6 months
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zennipede · 7 months
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💜 Valentines 💙
For a secret Valentines art event on Instagram hosted by @/tzororz and @/clouudybunz! Piece for @/Such_Kirk
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whoishotteranimepolls · 3 months
"Who's Hotter?" Pride Month Event: Battle of the Cursed One Piece Ships
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There will be a part 2 because I couldn't fit all the cursed One Piece ships into one poll. So, whoever came up with these. I hope you're proud of yourself. Plus, using the Pride Month event as an excuse to torture us with these, it's so slimy. The celestial dragons would be proud
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one-piece-user-boxes · 4 months
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mamoru-chiba-ua · 4 months
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turntechgaykid · 7 months
I live in fear of posts where Law is with the Strawhats, It's all fun and games until people start adding surprise Lawlu
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chelseajackarmy · 6 months
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mingot-studios · 7 months
I am losing my my mind someone actually wrote these tags
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sukunas-play-thing · 10 days
Birthday Kisses and Cake
Sabo x Oc
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my birthday is today, and im feeling a little at my lowest, so this is mostly self comfort and self indulgent. Feel free to read if you like regardless. slight dark themes, hurt/comfort, mentions of death, it's OC based, but you can read it as reader if you want Thank you.
this also includes a little bit of Gravity Falls sprinkled in there, mostly bc I'm a sucker for multiverse work.
Birthday Kisses and Cake (Sabo x Selim)
she woke in a good enough mood, she had well rested rest with Sabo next to her. She knows she did, she didn't fall asleep upset.
The night before, was spent watching her best friend play the newest game release, Sun Wukang, before she had taken a break to check on her lover, Lindberg. Leaving Sabo and Selim alone to chat about anything and everything, Sabo had found Selim's criminal record she had gained during a summer vacation one year with distant family, and Sabo spent most of the time reading them off, laughing, and asking her what half of them meant, or what on earth prompted half her arrests. She'd laugh, explain things.
"Sweetheart, you've gotten 32 counts of murder!?." Sabo gasped looking at the paper in his hands, he lays on his back on the bed, Selim, tucked under his arm with his arm wrapped around her waist to pull her closer. She groans as she hides her face in his chest. "I told that officer Durley, they were zombies! No one believes me!." She would say.
Sabo couldn't help but laugh at this, rolling his eyes. He never realized the women was such a criminal, nonetheless. "Okay..um..what's "pug trafficking" ?." He asks her as his eyebrow raises. Selim was quick to respond with her ppunter finger up. "That. Was all Grunkle Stan! I had nothing to do with that!." She says, oh so matter of factly. Sabo let out a hearty laugh.
He liked her crazy shenanigans. It reminded him of simpler times, when he was younger, and spent his childhood time with Luffy and Ace, she reminded him a little of the two. Her hot headed and aggressiveness similar to Ace, to her bright and happy smile like Luffy's. Sabo felt warm, whole, contented in this very moment. He threw the papers on the ottoman by her bed, and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his chest, hugging her so tight she'd groan in protest. But he ignored it. He placed sweet kisses to her head, before he'd mumble, "You know what tomorrow is?." He asked her, She hummed in response before she began naming off possible scenarios, holidays etc.
"Umm…. memorial day?." Sabo shakes his head, she pouts. "It's not your birthday… That was in March…" She mumbles to herself, Sabo chuckles. "It's not our anniversary… is it!?." She's quick to panic at the notion that she had forgotten, Sabo was quick to comfort her. "No darling, think harder." He simply says, as he softly pokes her nose. She scrunches her face in mock annoyance, before thinking to herself again.
"Is it Luffy's birthday???." She asks. Wrong, she's so cute when she's clueless, or forgets things, especially like days like her birthday.
He shakes his head and sighs, playfully rousing her hair. She slaps him. "Get some sleep darling…We have a long day tomorrow." Is all he says, she goes to say something but Sabo's soft smile, and his finger to his lips in a gesture of silence, stops her. she pouts again, nuzzling to his side, and finally falling asleep.
She slept good, she did, she had a good night.
So why does she feel this way? This feeling of inadequacy?
Low, sad and broken?. She turns to her side, seeing Sabo had already gotten up for the day.
She sighs and plops herself down on the bed again she feels heavy like weight sitting on her chest. Refusing to let her move. She groans at this and forces herself off the bed, rolling to the side. She reaches for a cigarette. She's out. She sighs before getting up to find herself some caffeine. Only to open the fridge and see she has no more monster. She slams the fridge shut. She walks back to her room to get dressed, She'll just walk to the store real quick. No biggy!
She gets to the store, grabs three cold cans, and then heads to the counter to get some smokes for herself and her friend. "I need to see some ID." The clerk asks, rather rudely, in Selim's opinion, but she ignores it and realizes quickly. She didn't grab her ID. She groans and tells the clerk to just scan the drinks, please. Selim walks back home, the sky is cloudy, bleak, and a little bit of a sprinkle of rain begins. She whimpers. She makes it back to the house, grabs her ID, and storms back to the store. gets them finally, and walks back home. By now, she's sweaty and a little cold from the soft patters of rain hitting her seething body. When she gets back home. She goes straight to her room, and anger boils down to a deep depression. 'Ah, so it's gonna be like that.' She'd think to herself as she sits down, she's been wanting to get back into writing again, Similar to Sabo, he inspired her to want to write a book about her life, the people that's impacted her. But words aren't wording. And she groans annoyed yet again and walks away from her project.
She sighs, lighting the lighter that won't work so she throws the lighter and sits there in silence for a moment. She takes deep, even breaths to control her rising anger and frustration. Her den den mushy rings, and she leans over to grab the receiver. 'Cuhlick.' The sound emanates.
"Hey Sissy!!!." It's her twin brother, Elliott. "Hey Bubba." She says softly, feeling a little calmer now. "Happy Birthday." He says, and it finally hits her, 'Ah, that's what Sabo's behavior was about last night.' She muses to herself. She shakes her head in deep thought. Her silence muses her brother, as he chuckles on the other end.
"You forgot, didn't you?." He says, a slight tease to his tone. They talk a moment. Luffys voice is on the other end, demanding he speak to her. "HEY MILLIE HAPPY BIRTHDAY." Luffy hollers. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DUDE BROOOO. I hope you have a SUUUUUUPER BIRTHDAY." That was Franky. She can see in her head the commotion Elliott must be surrounded in. Everyone crowding him and yelling in his ear. All the strawhats wishing her a happy birthday, wishing they were there today. Luffy asks to tell her he said hello to Sabo when she sees him again. Selim nods. When things die down. It's when Elliotts tone changes to a somber one. "Hey, um, by the way. I found a voice recording from our late friend and crew mate, it's for you. He sent it Before he died and im just now finding it.." Elliott speaks. Before sending selim the voice recording. She opens it up, says thank you to her brother, and hangs up. She curls into herself as the voice recording plays.
Voice recording:
"Hey, kiddo, it's me. Ches, Listen, I heard you've been having a bad day today. And I just wanted to say that I am proud of you. I know sometimes life can be hard, it can be really hard. But just know this, you're stronger than you give yourself credit for. And to always be kinder to yourself. You have an amazing brother who'd do anything for you. A bestie whose your ride or die. And your brothers crew and me. Who'd give you the whole world. Always think of the good things life has given to you. Always remember how far you've come, regardless of how hard it was to be on this earth you still shined bright. Still got up in the mornings to tackle the day. And still has a heart full of love. So. Please, go take a hot shower, put on your favorite clothes, make your room dark, put on your favorite show or movie. And remember, that you are number one. Thank you for being in our lives. See ya later, kiddo! "
Selim didn't realize that she had been crying. Hot tears fell from her face to her knees. She missed him so much. And every day, she's grateful to being on this earth because of him. Hearing his voice was weird, considering he'd been dead for two years. He fought his battle and lost, and here he was, still encouraging her to keep going herself. It was the hardest bit of reality she's ever faced. She broke down. Sobbing uncontrollably when her bedroom door opened. Sabo had returned from running errands with Lindbergh and selims best friend. Seeing her in this state caused Sabo to drop everything and rush to her side. Checking her to see if she was hurt physically. Only to see she wasn't.
This pain was emotional. So he did what he knows best. He wrapped her in his arms and held her so tightly. In his signature, bone crushing hugs. He let her cry. Let her cry all of what she felt out. Closing his eyes and choking back his own sobs. He hated seeing her this way. Seeing her cry made him cry. Even though he wanted to be strong for her above all else. But she's taught him to be vulnerable when it was just him and her. And so he did. When she calmed down. He asked what was wrong. To which she told him she received the voicemail she had never gotten until now. Sabo knew of their old crew mate. They talked about him often. How kind he was, how selfless he was. And how it tore their crew up when he passed. He understood loss all too well. He fixes her hair. Wipes her tears. He holds her hands in his gloved ones.
"Darling... I want you.. to have the best birthday ever, let's get you cleaned up. Me, you. Lindbergh and your friend are all going out for your birthday. I, want you to know. We're happy you're here. Happy birthday sweetheart. The most very special lady I've ever met."
She swooned at how sweet and thoughtful Sabo can be. She shakes her head, thinking she couldn't be presentable. But Sabo disagrees. He helps her up, indirectly giving her the strength she needed to move again. His strong arms hold her upright, his strong legs, helped her walk, his strong hands wiped her tears, and his sturdy chest grounds her. He grounds her.
He helps her get cleaned up. He helps her get dried off, She fixes her hair. And dots her lips with a soft color tint. She picks out her outfit and sprays her favorite perfume. Her friend and Lindbergh are waiting in the living room when Sabo and Selim emerge together. She wears soft colors and a beautiful shawl Sabo bought for her birthday today. A dark blue laced color that matched her dress wonderfully. The four set out for the day to have lunch and then to walk along a beach shore. They call the strawhats and her brother back, and they all sing happy birthday to her as she hides her face bashfully. The sun begins to set. And they go out to dance. The lights and music soothe her weary soul. Sabo looks absolutely handsome in his blue black suit. He kisses her full of love and adoration as the song ends. And when they walk back to the house. They are greeted with the entire revolutionary army members. All with their own, specially wrapped presents, just for her. Ivankov made a beautiful pink and purple cake. With 27 birthday candles on it, with the words; "Happy Birthday, Millie!"
Gracing the decorated treat. They all sang happy birthday. Selims a giggling mess as Sabo sways side to side with his arm wrapped around her. His voice, a soothing balm, calming her tumultuous waves of pain and anxiety, and washing it all away with just a simple look. His charming smile, makes her heart flutter. She wraps her arms around him as he places many kisses on her face as the song concludes. Everyone's clapping and cheering. And when it was time to blow out her candles. She thinks for a moment.
There's nothing to wish for. She has her friends, all here. Her brother is alive and well and with the strawhats. Luffys is happy, her friend is happy. And Sabo, sweet, caring, funny, darling Sabo. Is right here with her. Her whole world was crashing down when she met him. And he's slowly building her pieces back together again. Even if he doesn't realize it. She smiles and kisses his chest. And blows out her candles. Everyone cheers and claps again. Before music begins to play.
"Thank you, everyone."
I'm sorry this was sad. I don't know why I'm feeling sad hut here we are. Thank you so much for reading. Have a lovely day/night mootisies.
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animechick2015 · 10 days
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I knew it was coming. I prepared myself for it
Holy shit, my heart is hurting.
It feels like I've lost a friend
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