#pink idol warrior
kpop-bbg · 5 months
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laboitediabolique · 1 year
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Video sleeve for a late 1990′s VHS re-release of Daiei’s 1995 direct to video Cosplay Warrior Cutie Knight. This video was mostly a tokusatsu heroine comedy with guest appearances from Noriaki Yuasa, director of the original series of Gamera films and “sexy idol” group Pink Satan.
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candyheartedchy · 11 months
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So first up is these two. Selene (the sheep) and Jade (the rabbit).
Their story takes place in space where Selene runs away from her duty of being a princess to become a singing idol. Along the way she picks up two strangers on her travel through the galaxy, a rabbit android and a sleepy dog (still working on her design) who all form a band where they eventually find themselves confronted by dark forces of each from their past.
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These two are based on The Nutcracker story. Pretty much Carmen (the one on the right) is a costume designer who discovers that her best friend, Fayette (the one on the left), is a fairy princess from another realm and quickly finds herself becoming a knight as evil forces are not only after her friend's world, but also her own.
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For this story it’s sort of a blend of Rainbow Bite meets He-Man. Basically when a powerful warrior dies at the hands of evil forces, her sidekick, Starlette (the grey one), finds herself thrusted into the hero role to protect the universe. Along the way she meets characters like Leonore (the lion), Sue Nova (the purple one) and others (the pink one who has no name yet…).
And those are just some ocs I have for stories I been working on :3
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napsfor-technoblade · 2 years
Guys please vote for my silly little guy. My oink oink. My pink princess. My blood warrior. My big brother. My favorite wet rock. My braid buddy. My idol. My anarchist. My advanced interrogationer. My potato prince. My crown king. My little pig guy. My animal lover.
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salternateunreality2 · 7 months
Another Awkward Sefikura date idea, since @snowbanshee asked:
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Cloud asks Sephiroth out:
Cloud practiced in Angeal's bathroom mirror with the pickup lines Zack gave him. He took deep breaths. Sephiroth and he hang out with the group; this is fine. They knew each other. Sephiroth (probably) wouldn't be offended. Just because he's Cloud's childhood idol and crush and only the hottest, most skilled warrior on the planet didn't mean he'd be an asshole to the lowly third that tags along.
This is fine. Cloud is fine. The worst he can say is no. Deep breaths. He was just outside on the balcony while Angeal was putting the finishing touches on dinner with Genesis (aka they make out in the kitchen) and Zack ran an errand. Cloud "fuck you" Strife could do this.
Cloud didn't hear the knock on the door over his "deep breathing" (panicked panting). He only saw it open a crack. He was in the middle of saying "I'm Cloud 'Fuck You' Strife, I can do this" with his whole chest. He thought it was Zack, and intended to calmly say "I'm ok, I can do this".
Instead, on a big exhale, he accidentally screamed, "I CAN FUCK YOU!"
To Sephiroth.
Who was coming to check on him.
Stunned, Sephiroth looked down at him.
"Um, ok," Sephiroth replied. "Do you...um, right now? I don't know, I never...but I'd like to...but dinner... I'm sorry, I am unprepared for this conversation."
Cloud fainted, bashing his head on the counter on the way down.
When he came to, he thought he had died and gone to heaven. Understandable, as his head was lying in Sephiroth's lap.
"Mmmmm... Sephangel? Can...can I kissh you now that I'm dead?" Cloud asked in a daze.
"No, I will not take advantage of an injured friend. You are not dead."
"That's hot," said Cloud, blinking slowly. "So respeshful."
"Yep, definitely a concussion," came Zack's voice, too loud. Cloud winced and shut his eyes, turning his face into Sephiroth's stomach. That made it hurt worse, but feel better, as he could sense Sephiroth's body heat. He sighed softly, tickling Sephiroth with his breath.
Sephiroth looked to his friends for help, pink coloring his cheeks.
"Hey Spike, you'll thank me later," Zack said. Cloud groaned. "What were you going to ask Sephiroth?"
"Wanna go on a date," mumbled Cloud. "Yer sho cool, Speh. Go onna date. W'me."
"Cloud, I would love to, but first, can I take you to medical?"
"Mmmnooooooo. Date."
"Ok, I'll take you on a date right now, downstairs. Can I pick you up?"
Everyone but Cloud held their breath. Cloud was notorious for being difficult to treat medically. They could force him, but it would mean a fight.
".....mmmmm ok, date w'Seph." Cloud decided.
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the pair headed off on their first date ever.
Highlights of the date:
* Cloud ordering Zack to go away, he had to "romance Sephiroth and your hedgehog assh is in the way".
* Sephiroth almost combusting on the spot as the medical staff overheard.
* Jello. It was Sephiroth's first taste of sweet jello. He thought it was the best thing ever at the moment, because it came from Cloud.
* Cloud trying to feed it to him, but feeding it to the wrong Sephiroth, since he had double vision.
* Sephiroth catching Cloud's vomit with a trash can in a move so beautiful, swift, and elegant, the nursing staff would sing its praises for ages.
* Cloud regaining his faculties and turning so red that the nursing staff immediately checked for a fever and worried over his heart rate, which had spiked.
* Sephiroth waiting until just after the staff left to ask if Cloud was serious about fucking him, causing the situation to repeat, and the staff to threaten to kick him out.
* Cloud only not fleeing the hospital because Sephiroth formally asked to hold his hand.
* Sephiroth asking if Cloud needed anything, and Cloud sarcastically saying "yeah to get the fuck outta here and go home with you", knowing from past experience that that was highly unlikely.
* Sephiroth taking him literally and moving heaven, earth, and Nurse Vaughn to free his chocobo, with promises to check in with the nurses every hour.
* Cloud kissing Sephiroth's cheek as Sephiroth carried him home. Good thing they were already at Sephiroth's door because Sephiroth.exe stopped working for a solid minute and a half.
* Cloud smiling quietly into Sephiroth's neck where he hid his head.
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tinka-tank · 5 months
(They didn't have the Paldea one 😭)
Part 3 in the DC Pokémon AU, please see previous posts for more lore and I'm still open to more help and suggestions
Check the #dc pokemon au for it
These are just things I shit out and maybe someday I'll properly render everything but my design process for these is make them have a color that their typing has as in pink for fairy and blue for water etc.
Very special thank you to @illusionsignmisdirection for the help with this au and all the wonderful suggestions and ideas
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Alec is the ice type gym leader, he is the 1st gym leader overall. His gym is a library and he is the main librarian. He's planned to be apart of the villain team (known as Team Idol) as their leader so under the gym is the secret base which has those annoying ass ice puzzles we all are too familiar with.. and the gym is on top of an ice mountain because your first task is going to be haul ass up that mountain #absolutely and yes he is divorced and his wife took their son as she should #yup He's the only one with a party decided with a Delibird and Snorunt and his later party as the final team boss is to be decided.
For his design I went with icy librarian man that's literally my thought process and a tattered coat to show age and tired energy
Gabby and Ellie:
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Gabby and Ellie are the grass type gym leaders, the second gym leaders overall. It started off as Gabby, but I imagine she had Ellie join her seeing as Ellie is a good battler herself. I like to think they're married or at the very least promised to each other, as see by the matching rings I gave them. They are so in love really... and I like to think Ellie made their outfits for each other (I couldn't pick which Gabby design I liked better so I put both) because I still think she's a fashion designer and probably her job is working at an office or freelance design, as seen w the pencil skirt and flats I gave her. I wanted her to look cute and professional to show that looks can be deceiving because she's also apart of Team Idol and maybe Gabby might be too, depending on what happens in dcas w her and the villains alliance. Gabby is supposed to give whimsical yes, like the most whimsy grass girl ever who waters her flowers and would shoot you if you litter type of shit. I think sometimes Gabby is solo then Ellie takes over other hours or sometimes they both battle together. Gabbys job is probably the city/town gardener, probably sells herbs and healing items that aren't found in Pokémarts
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Hunter is the ghost type gym leader, he is the 3rd gym leader overall. I like to think his gym is some kind of abandoned warehouse or some other abandoned place turned ghost rave ! Ally is the DJ and does all the electrical work while Hunter battles challengers and puts on performances with the fellow ghosts roaming around. I based his design on the fact that he should be allowed to wear whatever he wants and the neon glowsticks and bracelets are based on his team colors !! Also the pale face paint and make up bc he's a performer duh and a crinoline with tattered fabric bc he's fancy like that. Didn't wanna add too many skulls bc that's Jake's brand he was the first one move over Hunter and his job really just is performer like he performs all the time for cash and relies on Ally dj money too 😭
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Riya is the flying type gym leader, she is the fifth gym leader overall. Yes her flying type is because of her assassination attempt on Aiden no one can change me I'm a woman. And also because her with a Bombirdier fits and also an Altaria and Vespiquen, but it's still to be decided. Her design was inspired by sky trainer bodysuits and her shoes height are to reflect her incredible balance and how she's always above everyone else both physically and mentally. I liked adding armor that looks like she's a warrior because let's be real here she is here to WIN. Also gold. She's regal. Love her sm... I think she puts on air show performances and is a celebrity, movie star all over again... like she's so fabulous how can you look away ? Her gym in my head is probably a runway of sorts or movie studio, probably shoots her battling to add into her movies really and yes she's apart of the villain team, she's second in command because why wouldn't she be
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(Queen) Miriam is a retired gym leader, she once was the fairy type gym leader, formerly the eighth and last gym leader. Jake now is in her spot and she sometimes visits the gym. She normally is at home baking and providing for the neighboring Pokémon. I like to think her ace is Alcremie cause of obvious reasons and that Jake gifted her a Fidough to keep her company when he's busy at his job and the gym. She has a more bright and "good" aesthetic than Jake, so her gym was more different than his currently is. I like to think she could be challenged later on if this was a game, like post game ! I like to think she also exposed Team Idol and either was kidnapped or just. Roams free who knows. But she's strong and a wise mentor to Jake who helped him calm down a bit so he doesn't destroy everything with his powers when losing.
Other tidbits:
- This is the Tipiskaw Region and it's like side game regions where no new Pokémon are introduced but old ones are available like from previous generations
- The order is:
1st gym: Alec (ice type)
2nd gym: Gabby and Ellie (grass type)
3rd gym: Hunter (ghost type)
4th gym: Connor (steel type)
5th gym: Riya (flying type)
6th gym: James (electric type)
7th gym: Grett (dragon type)
8th gym: Jake (fairy type)
Elite four: Oliver (normal type)
Elite four: Emily (psychic type)
Elite four: Derek (dark type)
Elite four: Trevor (ground type)
Champion: Kristal
- The name of the Villain team is Team Idol, consisting of Leader Alec, second in command Riya, Grett, Yul, Ellie (maybe Gabby) and Fiore and their goal is for complete domination
- Yul is the first fight due to being brash and a show off, many people believe he's the leader of the team because of this and he is a fire type speicalist (also Yul has big beef w James as they are rival idols and both have Oricorio aces)
- Fiore is a NFE specialist (not fully evolved) specialist with Pokémon that just aren't fully evolved yet, but she is still strong in her own right and she trashed Tom's cop car definitely
- Grett is the dragon type specialist and a gym leader herself who later decides to help you the player (Lake and Drew) to stop the team bc she realizes it's wrong and gives the key pass to the secret base she is STRONG
- Also yes Lake is the female MC and despite not being an all star, Drew is the male MC. Lake is the talkative protagonist Drew is the silent protagonist
- Aiden is the friendly rival with legit one Pokémon, that being Pidove and it eventually evolves into a Tranquill and just stops there. Ellie is the hating ass rival, maybe, I think so yeah
- Tom is a police officer and almost a Looker figure as he is constantly going around the region and yes him and Jake had a thing and it's going poorly like in all stars
- Tom will be kidnapped by Team Idol yes, and other shit occurs which the gym leaders (that aren't in on it) have to help save the day
I like to think this is Jake's reaction to the shit storm Ellie throws at him bc she kidnapped Tom:
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I'll make another post later on with all the complete details of all the characters and their rolls, I'm primarily focusing on the dcas cast
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divine-donna · 2 years
Hello there :) please could i request House of the dragon headcanons where they fall in love with Viserys’s adopted daughter who has had a dragon since birth and is a warrior 💙
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hi! yes you may. however, i am making a few changes to your request if that is alright.
the first is that "daughter" will simply be changed to "child." a daughter implies a female reader and i don't believe a female reader is necessary. i want everyone to be able to read my work! however, i will be saying that (y/n) is perceived to be more feminine than their peers (if that makes sense).
the second thing is that "adopted child" will simply be "person viewed as an honorary child." idk if this may just be me, but i am not a fan of incest. and yes, it's inherently part of the show. that does not mean i'm going to write it. personally, i just don't want to do that. i did not state in my rules that i don't write for incest because i did not think it will come up. however, from now on, incest is always off the table with me. there are plenty of writers willing to go the extra mile. i'm just not one of them.
there is no debate here about if (y/n) being viserys's adopted child would make it technically not incest if certain characters fell in love with them. it's just incest, point blank.
anyways, sorry for the lengthy note. we'll dive right into it!
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(y/n)’s backstory
the child to a dragonkeeper and a maidservant, you were born amidst unexpected circumstances. as a winter storm raged outside, you came into the world, fighting with as much might as possible with your little heart. perhaps it was a sign from the gods that you were destined for greatness, but none could tell. until that dragon egg your father was watching over hatched and bonded itself to you.
it was a strange occurrance, something sure to never happen again. but when told of this, king viserys took it as a sign that you were meant to be great. and so, instead of trying to put out your flames, he fanned them. you were raised to be a dragonkeeper, yes, but were also trained alongside his children. and in the process, you became a skilled warrior despite the conception that you were meant to be nothing more than a dragonkeeper and an avid watcher of tourneys rather than a participant.
the dragon that hatched from the egg you named viserion. to be fair, it wasn’t your choice to name your dragon viserion. you wanted to name it after a braavosi figure who you adored and idolized, partially because your family originally hailed from braavos prior to their migration to westeros. viserion was named in honor of the king. however, despite viserion being a masculine name, it was unknown if your dragon was male or female to others. only you knew but such trivial matters did not concern you.
viserion was a dragon that eventually grew to the size of syrax. a beautiful dragon, it was off white with a tint of pink within its scales and dark eyes. it was an aggressive dragon, one that only listened to you. even so, sometimes you had trouble giving viserion commands. weirdly enough though, viserion was very fond of vhagar. it reminded you very much of a young puppy playing with a much older, more tired hound.
ser criston cole
a someone seen with the same status as rhaenyra and aegon, criston knew that falling in love with you was wrong. it was wrong for him, a common man, to fall in love with someone perceived as highborn. and it was wrong because of his oath as a member of the kingsguard. and yet, the more he attempted to push his desires away, the stronger they came back towards him. he treated you with such contempt that you were convinced he hated you. the man would go out of his way to avoid you, if possible. it wasn’t until you confronted him about it, late at night, that he apologized for his behavior. alicent decided to slap some sense into his head. and while it does not excuse his behavior, at least he apologizes. and you know he meant it, because he became softer, nicer, kinder. and soon, you found yourself asking him to come take a ride with you on viserion, head to the vale for a diplomatic mission. and maybe he was a little more than eager to want to become your sworn protector even though you didn’t need one.
“i must apologize for my rude behavior, (y/n). it was not my intention to be aloof. i simply...have feelings for you. and these feelings are unbecoming for a man such as myself.”
daemon targaryen
daemon’s always liked challenges. when you entered into his brother’s court, he didn’t expect much of you. sure, a dragon had hatched and bonded itself with you. but to him, it was nothing special. he doesn’t pay any attention to you at all. not until years later when you participate in a tourney. you carry no flag, for you are of a much lower birth than the nobles you fight alongside. but when you knock daemon off his horse and then beat him in a trial by combat, he can’t help but feel his heart quicken. your sword almost pierced his head, stabbed next to it into the ground. yield. is what you told him. or would you prefer to become dragon feed? a strong warrior you were, he decided to seek after you. you had a small interest in the rogue prince but what really attracted you to him was how he treated you as an equal, as a capable fighter. perhaps because you had already proven yourself. either way, daemon has a thing for people with strength. defeating someone at a tourney in front of hundreds of viewers is the perfect way to get him to fall in love with you. even if it wasn’t on purpose.
“it’s not often that a warrior can defeat me. the last time it happened was with ser criston cole. tell me, little one, how did you do it? why even bother to let me live after knocking me down into the dirt?”
rhaenyra targaryen
rhaenyra very much admired you from the moment she met you. it did not matter your lowborn status. what mattered is that you rode a dragon. and therefore, you could ride with her. alicent preferred to stay on the ground. but with you? rhaenyra was free to go as high as she wanted and you would follow suit as a fellow adrenaline chaser. forget your duties and your lessons. you wanted to cross the narrow sea with rhaenyra and eat only cake. it was so easy for her to fall in love with you. she loved the way you nuzzled up to viserion, the way you smiled as viserion dove downwards through the clouds, the way syrax was always happy to see you. there were other things too, like the way you fiddled with your fingers when you were nervous or how you and her would have secret conversations in high valyrian. the way you swung your sword was effortless and with precision and grace. however, you were bound to your duty and firmly rejected her advances when you both were young. she understood, despite the shattering of her heart. rhaenyra expected you to side with her former best friend when the war of succession came around, as you were bound to the hightowers by an oath you promised to king viserys. and yet, viserion landed on the beaches of dragonstone with you on its back. and she was joyful because after all these years, she never fell out of love. only deeper.
“it has been years since i last saw your face and yet, i still remember vividly how you laugh. perhaps one can say i am sick with love. but i can never forget the first of them.”
alicent hightower
despite your lowborn status, the mere fact that you possessed a dragon mount made alicent view you as a deity, someone untouched by regular people. and yet, despite that untouchable status, she never stopped thinking about you, wanting to touch you. she was courteous when you were young, but she was cold. you did not think much of her, not until after she married viserys. it was a shock to you, much like how it was a shock to rhaenyra. and it was only until then did the two of you begin to interact more. it was how alicent got to know the real you. you would sit and listen to her laments, how she felt utterly destroyed by her sense of duty. you were all too familiar with that. despite all the good that came from your status, you wished you had stayed as a mere dragonkeeper. being...more was tiring, exhausting. and after taking care of her children, the two of you would lay by the godswood together, soaking in each other’s presence. and when the war of succession came, you bent the knee to aegon, second of his name. but not for him. no, you firmly believed aegon to be a rotten man, someone undeserving of alicent’s care and love. you bent the knee for her and it wasn’t until you bowed before her son that she realized how deeply in love with you she truly was.
“my family demands things of me. they are my duties. there is only one person who doesn’t demand from me (y/n), who has treated me with kindness. and that is you! i’ve been such a fool to ignore how i truly feel! and with you at my side, i feel not only powerful, but loved.”
aegon targaryen
aegon has always resented you. you were viewed as viserys’s unofficial other child. and at every turn, he was being compared to you despite the fact that you were younger than him! you always did what you were told, followed your duties. best of all, you were a talented warrior and dragonrider and were sober. all the time. it just made him hate himself even more. aegon was always cruel to you, much like how he was cruel to others. and what annoyed him the most was that you were nonchalant about it. you didn’t care. and in a way, you proved to him exactly how others felt about him. of course, that wasn’t the case. many, many times you dragged aegon back to the red keep after he got drunk too much or carried him back to his room. there was one time where you bathed him because his clothes were just dirty (and frankly, he smelled a little funky). he made leecherous jokes to you, called you cruel names. and yet, you sat there, sponging him down with warm water and scrubbing so hard his skin was red. and it was then he broke down. he didn’t want to open up. it was word vomit. but you sat and listened and said something so unexpected: i understand. how could you understand? and when he asked that, you simply told him that your duties feel too much to bear but you wanted to give your parents a comfortable life. he learned that night, as you dried him and dressed him, that you were like him. exactly like him. maybe not on the surface, but deep down you both were the same. and when he sobered up, he approached you to apologize. aegon has never really apologized so sincerely to someone. and yet, for you, he did. perhaps that should have been the first sign that he had fallen in love.
“you infuriate me because you represent everything i should be. and i cannot be everything you are! perhaps it is unfair to resent you to a certain extent. but i cannot bear the weight of pressure from your existence alone!”
aemond targaryen
aemond likes a warrior. he likes someone who will be on an equal playing field with him. as a child, he admired your skills even though they weren’t fully developed. after all, you had just come into court. and he didn’t know viserion was your dragon, foolishly attempting to bond with it. of course, the tips of his hair got burnt to a crisp. you simply grabbed a pair of scissors and trimmed his hair so his mother wouldn’t scold him for having gone back to the dragonpit. but despite the niceties, part of aemond resented you. because, honestly, how can a lowborn such as yourself be bonded with a dragon before him? a targaryen prince? the idea was so preposturous! it led to a weird hot and cold relationship with him. sometimes, aemond would be kind and open up to you. other times, he was cold, distant, and even short-tempered. you didn’t bully him. in fact, you got a bit of revenge on aegon for the pig prank he pulled. you were on his side. or at least, you desperately wanted to be. he just refused you at every turn. and then, he claims vhagar. vhagar, the biggest dragon. it was no surprise to you that aemond became quite arrogant, constantly bringing up how much bigger vhagar was to viserion. you did not care. and he hated how you didn’t care. you dare ignore him after he has successfully bonded with the biggest dragon? of course you didn’t care. it did, however, mean having to spend more time with aemond. because viserion loved playing with her. she looked very tired whenever it was around but had a fondness for viserion all the same. and as you grew older, you let yourself fall into aemond’s shadow. it was nice to sit back and not have to deal with expectations. after all, you already defied them when you were younger. and yet, after all these years and all the spotlight, aemond still aimed to oneup you. you made a jest towards him when he challenged you to a race on your dragons. you must be in love with me to keep egging me on for a race or a challenge. of course, he firmly denied the statement. but when he returned to his room and sat in a chair, it slowly dawned on him that maybe his admiration from long ago had evolved into something deeper.
“helaena, i fear i have let my ambition get the best of me. i have been meaning to prove myself to (y/n) for years. and yet, they don’t seem to care. and their jest today...perhaps i am sick with love.”
helaena targaryen
amongst the children with valyrian silver hair, you were an outsider. their hands, soft and smooth, were a stark comparison to yours which were rough and calloused from years of working in the dragonpit. you felt like an outsider. you didn’t talk like them, didn’t act like them, didn’t have the same manners. you may have been better at speaking high valyrian, but they trumped you in everything else. you were an outsider, someone unwelcomed by the other members at court. so you found yourself feeling lonely. that is, until one day while resting at the godswood, a gentle voice tells you not to move. you open your eyes, watching as the princess helaena gently urges the large spider to leave your body for her hand. and once it is off, she sits besides you, watching it move and make her hand its temporary safe place. helaena understands what it’s like to be alone, to be tormented and talked about behind doors. despite being born as royalty, she was treated as a peculiar woman. aegon especially did not spare her from his cruel remarks. so you found comfort with helaena. she was easy to talk to and understood what you meant when you talked. she did not think of you beyond a platonic sense. and it wasn’t until you both were much older did you reveal how you truly feel to the princess of the targaryen dynasty. the spark she felt inside of her when you kissed her, gently and tenderly, with so much love that it felt...unnatural. and she kissed you back as proof that she reciprocated your love.
“people are...fickle. but you, (y/n), are not. there is no one else i can think of that would hold me like you hold me, kiss me like how you kiss me, listen to me like how you listen. you are one in a million and i am grateful to the gods that you are mine.”
jacaerys velaryon
many people proclaimed you a bastard, a bastard king viserys. they cited your hair and eyes, which were passed onto you through your mother. you were clearly your mother’s child. many people presumed that viserys was your father because he brought you into court. part of you wishes that he didn’t. your life was comfortable, yes. but were such luxuries worth the constant chatter of your bastardy? many people, but especially otto and alicent hightower and her sons, loathed your existence. you were never welcome within them and aemond went out of his way to torment you (clearly as an outlet, which you don’t blame him for necessarily). there was someone who understood the insults well and was familiar with them: jacaerys, the first born son of princess rhaenyra. his bastardy was claimed always, lacking the signature silver valyrian hair. of course, his bastardy is true. but he understands the pain and loneliness. and one night, he unexpectedly visits you in your room with cakes and wine, asking if you would want to talk over some snacks. you let out everything, how much it hurts to hear that king viserys might be your father when that was nothing but false. the two of you have more in common than you initially thought. nevertheless, you are very happy to have someone you can lean on. it is only from there do you grow closer, training together, dancing together. it just clicks in his head one day as the two of you dance silently in his room. the way you move, your smile, and your gaze of love. he felt his heart quicken in pace and that feeling known as love began to creep up within him. and he just acted upon it without a second thought.
“(y/n), this may be sudden, but i want to ask if you would like to come to dragonstone with me. we leave on the morrow. king’s landing...you don’t belong here. i don’t belong here. we don’t belong here. so please, come to dragonstone with me. i assure you, swear to you, that you belong with me, with us, at our ancestral seat. you may not be a child of the targaryen dynasty, but you are a dragonrider and you belong with us.”
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autisticsupervillain · 5 months
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Stats Equalized!
This Month's Fighters...
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Pearl vs Undyne!
Undyne starts in base.
When the monsters begin walking down from Mt. Ebott to rejoin with humanity, the Crystal Gems mistake this for a full on monster invasion and begin to fight them off. Acting in self defense, Undyne locks spears with Pearl.
Analysis: Pearl
What would you do if you were born into servitude? If all your life, you were nothing but an object to be owned. A thing to be bought. What would you do, if after centuries of a life spent like that, someone finally set you free? Well, if your name is Pearl, then you'd fall head over heels in love with them.
Pearls are the servant class of gem society. From the moment they sprout fully formed from the ground, they're handed off to high class gems to manage their needs and chores. Pearl originally belonged to White Diamond, the big ruler of all gemkind herself, but was handed down to the bratty little kid of the royal diamond family, Pink Diamond. You see, Pink.... "broke" her original Pearl.
Pink was very... innocent, for lack of a better term. She was childish, bratty, and unaware of the consequences of her actions at the best of times. That's why she was never trusted with running her own colony and expanding the Empire. She simply couldn't handle it... until her complaining finally annoyed her fellow Diamonds enough for them to give her her own planet: Earth.
It was there that Pink learned what colonization entailed: wiping the slate clean. Sucking all life from the Earth and leaving nothing behind. Disgusted, Pink took on the alias of Rose Quartz and staged a rebellion against herself, with Pearl as her dreaded sidekick, the terrifying Renegade Pearl.
Pearl idolized Rose for this. Feel in love with her deeply and completely, in a way she never knew she could feel about anyone before. So much so that, even as the consequences of Rose's actions feel down around them, Pearl held her up as something untouchable. Someone perfect.
These insecurities followed her years after the thousand year rebellion came to an end and even after Rose's death after that. Rose would give up her life to create a half human child and Rose would be tasked with raising him. An innocent young boy named Steven.
As one of the last three remaining Crystal Gems, Pearl is a deeply intelligent warrior, fighting on the front lines in a thousand year long war and continuing to fight dangerous superhuman beasts after that. She keeps a plethora or swords and spears stored in her gemstone, the very culmination of her being, which she can use to seal away objects and people. Her ambidextrousness and athleticism allows her to switch up strategies on the fly, fluidly dodging attacks with a dancer's grace, alternating between swords and spears on the fly, and summoning holograms of herself to train with her or assist in combat.
Pearl is skilled enough to train Connie Maheswaran up from a regular teenage girl into a nearly superhuman swordmaster who can cleave a car in half. Though it helps that her spears can shoot lasers from the tip. Not to mention all of her unique Gem powers. As a Gem, Pearl's body is actually a hard light inorganic construct that she can shapeshift to her will. She doesn't age, is completely immune to any human weaknesses like diseases, and she can regenerate her body from any amount of damage so long as her gemstone remains intact. Furthermore, she can trap and teleport opponents away with a bubble and fuse with any other willing Gem for an exponential boost in power.
It took a long time for Pearl to begin to process her grief and begin to see Rose for the flawed, nuanced person she actually was. Not helping matters how she and everyone else sort of treated Steven like a Rose 2.0, giving the poor boy a massive complex. But, as Steven did what his mother could not and brought peace between humanity and gemkind, Pearl grew and matured alongside him, redefining what it meant to be a Crystal Gem and learning how to always find a way to save the day.
Analysis: Undyne
Monsterkind has not seen the surface of the Earth in generations. Sealed away by mistrustful humans long ago, monsters now live beneath the surface of Mt. Ebott. With limited resources that will one day run dry, the monsters live a life without light and without hope.
The Underground needs a hero. Undyne, the Captain of the Royal Guard, is willing to step up to the challenge.
Inspired by heroes who served in the Human-Monster War, Undyne dedicated her life to training, hoping to claim the soul of the next human who fell Underground so that monsters can break the barrier and save themselves. And if she had to kill a child to do so, so be it. Monsters have suffered long enough.
Undyne, as Captain of the Royal Guard, is Natura one of the strongest monsters in the Underground, one of the few whose blows can stagger King Asgore himself. She can summon her spears to attack from any direction, even directly beneath the enemy's feet, and can circle around you to attack from the opposite direction they came from. Her magical spears do damage to both body and soul simultaneously, potentially even destroying your soul with one hit. Furthermore, Undyne can turn a foe's soul green, physically rooting them in place to keep her foe from evading or escaping her blows. Though, her sense of fair play does bite her here, as she has a tendency to provide her opponent with a shield to defend themselves with.
But, above all, Undyne's greatest strength is her determination. Her shear stubbornness rivals even that of other humans, allowing her to harness the spiritual essance of Determination in a way no other monster can. Regenerating from being split in half in a burst of desperate willpower to become the Undying.
As the Undying, Undyne is far and away the strongest being in the Underground, trumping even Asgore in sheer strength by a wide margin. Her attacks from every direction become nearly unavoidable and her sheer durability makes any fight with her a marathon.
The only problem is, it doesn't last forever. When Undyne reaches her limits in this form, she will begin to melt, as her body just cannot handle high concentrations of Determination like a human body can. As a monster, Undyne is extra vulnerable to attacks with a high killing intent, which Determination can't quite entirely negate. Against a human with greater Determination, her defeat is inevitable...
Luckily, if the Player has any conscience at all, that won't happen. If Frisk is allowed to show mercy, Undyne gets the chance to realize that not all humans are evil, setting aside her prejudice to help Frisk save the Underground from absolute destruction and break the barrier.
No matter your choices, Undyne will always be the Hero of the Underground.
Throwdown Breakdown:
This matchup is absolutely fascinating.
Calling back to my verdict in Peridot vs Sir Pentious, I do thoroughly believe that Gems have souls. Certain abilities such as Steven's astral projection and his ability to enter minds have spiritual connotations, so they should be susceptible to soul based attacks. As such, Pearl has never displayed any resistance to attacks that directly destroy your soul and could therefore be one shot by Undyne if she manages to get any hits off.
So, the question becomes: can Undyne land a single hit on Pearl?
Pearl far outstrips Undyne in terms of skill and experience. While Undyne's training with Asgore and Papyrus is impressive, especially considering the attacks both are capable of throwing out, she lacks Pearl's thousands of years of live battlefield experience. For every moment she's free, Pearl is going to be dancing and weaving circles around Undyne, with Undyne's short temper and tendency towards frustration exasperating this. If Frisk is capable of luring Undyne into Hotland for an environmental advantage, I think a fighter as acrobatic as Pearl is capable of the same.
However, Pearl's reliance on acrobatics means she's going to struggle that much more to adapt to Green Mode, effectively forcing her to stand there like a wall and deflect shots from all sides. It's a complete shift in mentality for her. It doesn't help that the few times Pearl has actually gotten hit, it's been because she was either distracted and thrown off her game, or suprised by something she's never seen before. This is both. She her losses against Spinel, Peridot, and the time she got poofed by her own holo-Pearl.
Back in Pearl's corner, she isn't very likely to push Undyne into the Undying state. Even if this were an "all morals off, Death Battle" scenario, Pearl is not a genocidal monster who would one shot Undyne through sheer hatred like the Player did in the Genocide Route. Undyne isn't going to be inspired to save the whole world from her. That said, this point goed back in Undyne's corner. Even without Undying, Undyne is still extremely tough to put down through sheer determination and Pearl is going to have to work very hard to wear her out.
In situations where Pearl wins, it'll come in the late fight, with Pearl adapting to Undyne's tricks with superior skill and experience while using her Holo-Pearls to outnumber her and beat her down from various ranges and with various styles. See her later rematches against Spinel and Peridot after adapting to their tactics. Unfortunately, Pearl doesn't have the margin for error she needs to last that long. Without any resistance to direct soul destroying attacks, Pearl is dead if she makes a single mistake, where Undyne can and will keep fighting even while melting into goo.
Pearl has all the tricks she needs to beat Undyne and she's doing everything right for a fight against her, but to win consistently, she'd have to be absolutely perfect. And given her track record in similar situations, she simply isn't.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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moonlightreal · 21 hours
The Mermaid Magic post
I guess Rainbow needed a show to prove they could still make shows with season 9 taking so long, so they made a little Netflix-length thing called Mermaid Magic. And it’s good fun!
And, I think, it’s the practice run for season 9.
Mermaid Magic stars young mermaids Merlinda, Sasha and Nerissa. Merlinda is the princess of Mertropia, and is basically Bloom with different hair. Her color scheme is even aqua and pink. She’s brave and determined and when she discovers that her father and the kingdom are in danger she heads to the mystic portal to Earth to find the magic pearls they need.
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Sasha has the name they almost gave Stella, and she’s kind of an airhead and very social media obsessed. Sasha also gets the most derp faces. The animation is quite good in general but when it does go wrong it seems to always go wrong by stretching Sasha’s face in weird ways. Sasha has a pet merpuppy named Beau Junior who runs around being cute.
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Nerissa is leader of the royal guard and the princess’ bodyguard. She’s athletic and very protective of Merlinda. And yeah, she’s kinda Aisha.
I really like the look of the show. Yeah, Sasha gets weird-face but in general the characters are able to make facial expressions and have some body language. The male characters are noticeably less good than the female ones, so I’m not sure how the Specialists are gonna look. There are a lot of background citizens in Mertropia and they all look different from each other so that’s good. And it’s pretty! The transformations when the girls turn into their warrior form are really good! Their magical girl-ed up tridents look great!
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When I first was the warrior mermaid forms my thought was, “Ooh, I hope the Winx get a transformation like that!” and… wish granted, in the video we talked about last time! Now my wish is, “I hope the Winx get transformations that AREN’T like that, eventually!” The look is very structured and warriorish, so this CG can definitely handle something like Bloomix. But softer looks like Enchantix? We’ll have to wait and see if the animation program can handle something that looks like softer fabric.
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As for the story of Mermaid Magic, it is in a word, predictable. Not one single thing happened that I didn’t see coming a mile away. Gee, I wonder if they’ll get rescued by a cute human boy? Gee I wonder if they’ll find themselves having to go to human school and be humorously fish-out-of-water? Gee I wonder if there will be signs of Merlinda’s lost Mom? Gee, I wonder if they’ll do a bit of idol singer-ing sooner or later?” “Gee, I wonder if that mysterious merman is Merlinda’s uncle?” So yeah, the story didn't surprise me or wow me or even make me laugh, but it was a nice chill time watching the tropes unroll. I do hope Winx doesn’t go quite THIS predictable though. The joy of Winx is how it does dumb stuff with style and panache and that’s why it’s the show I love!
Mermaid Magic is ten episodes. It does tell a complete story but there are some threads left dangling for a second season, and I hope it gets one. In the last episode we have one villain still undefeated, Merlinda’s mother still missing, and the school’s mean girl just discovered our heroines are mermaids.
And I think this mean girl will have a big part in future seasons, because she has interesting hair.
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So since I had good luck predicting season one, I’ll have a go at predicting season 2! The remaining villainess will recruit the mean girl and give her a magic doodad that turns her into a mermaid. They’ll start making trouble and the cute boy and his sister will call their mermaid friends to come help. Then... hmm... Merlinda's going to want to get her mother's magic ring back from the villain and well, of course in the end they find Merlinda's mother. Yeah. Now we can wait and see if I'm right or not!
My friend Lisa over at The Princess Blog is more of an actual professional blogger than I am, here’s what she thought of Mermaid Magic.
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RAMBLING about my silly lu splatoon au at 1 am and at 6%!!
raised by octolings and octarians, knew something was different about him
was part of dj octavios army but escaped before he was put in hypno shades
met wild in the deepsea metro
connected to above, but received his scar by being sanitized (like agent 3, basically)
mains dynamo rollers
was part of dj octavios army, hypnotized
was an elite octoling
heard the calamari inkantation, lost his memory, ended up in the deepsea metro
number 10,117
met time in the deepsea metro
mains tristringer, chargers
something happened when he was a little inkling and now 4/6 tentavles are colored differently (green red, blue, purple) same with his eyes
main tentacle color is yellow, sometimes fades into 1 of the 4 colors from time to time
works with sheldon to create new weapons (his apprentice, LOVES talking abt weapons too)
difficulty deciding teams for fests
mains brushes, (sometimes) chargers
fascinated by salmonids, has a little buddy
the agent 4 equivalent? maybe he IS agent 4 in this au?
LOVES salmon run shifts
JUST became old enough for turf wars and such
has a little baby octoling sister
was not part of dj octavios army, descendants were somehow able to escape
mains dulaies (dapple)
(startjng from here everyone gets less developed, im open to ideas)
fell into the furry mucky stuff and has been a fluffy boy
<< not as welcomed because of this
so he has claws, fur, more mammalian features
lived in a rural inkling town?
mains...dynamos? blasters? give ideas-
will literally buy every single weapon, shoes, shirt, hat, and has probably filled out his catalog for the season
had an octoling gf named marin (idk what happened to her, but shes gone)
tip of tentacles are slightly pink
ravio works with harmony (I think thats her name)
majns chargers, brellas (maybe ravio mains brellas)
heard the calamari inkantation at a very young age, had to hide this fact
< once it was found out he was considered a traitor and he was on the run
met legend and lived with him (just thought of this rn, might change later)
tentacles are oddly brown (but skin and tentacles are fluorescent, green glow)
doesnt participate in turf war much
tried working at crusty seans (banned)
mains your average splattershot
(Okay now I REALLY dont know about these guys)
fashion freak, clothing style > abilities (me fr)
SNAZZIEST idol on the splat TV!
mains... brushes? splatanas?
(ughghghhf BASICS)
mains splatana
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craycray-wolf · 7 months
Here's notes I have on MCSM New Order's (as of S1 anyway pretty much everyone in S2 is part of it lol) families. And when I say "notes" I mean it lol, like this is just what I randomly typed out in between classes back in November (with a couple recent additions). Grammar and spelling isn't 100% and nothing is serious. You're welcome.
Why am I posting this? For FUNNSIES. Also to hopefully share my obsession with block people worldbuilding and stories of my future MCSM fanfic with others! To encourage discussion and questions, because I like that. It's fun and I often find it helps me out greatly with writing! I hope anyone reading this enjoys! 😁
Olivia has a single dad (mom MIA) who moved in with his sister and nows helps at her farm. While maybe both dad and aunt are super busy and thus don't have the most time with her, they greatly love their Olivia and Olivia them. Her aunt thought for a while that her want to pursue Redstone was silly ("you have everything you need right here, and all that gallbittyglok is ridiculous!") but soon came to support her dream when seeing how passionate she was. Dad supported her Redstone interest from the start, proud that she was so smart and could understand things far beyond him. They also care for Jesse and Axel, happy Olivia has friends. She was super shy timid bahbee so extra impactful
Axel is adopted, with parents (haven't come up w occupations for them) and a couple siblings (one is older, other is younger) who care for him but don't see eye to eye at all. Axe very much black sheep. They were always disappointed with his trouble making and disagreed with his idolization of Magnus/want to pursue the griefer lifestyle. The fam greatly appreciated Jesse and Olivia as they could see the positive influence they had on Axel (also worried at Axel's lack of friends and chasing away of everyone else). Axel even became cuddlier with the family after Jess and Liv helped him open up and learn how to better express his feelings. While they still don't quite understand the griefer-ness they see he is doing so respectfully and are proud of his heroics.
Petra was a spawned baby (humans are kinda like pink sheep and have a rare chance to spawn every so often, babies having an ability to so but EXTRAORDINARY rarely. They are usually around 6 mos. old in comparison to newborns), and her cries attracted a pack of wolves who adopted her and loved her as if she were a wolf herself. Petra thought she WAS a wolf for a long time, even learning wolf body language and behaviors. Her speech sounds were mimics of nature sounds for the first few years of her life, only learning human speech/stuffs when someone came and tamed a couple of wolves from her pack. The humans in the nearby town insisted she start going to school and learning the ways of people (not that they helped her at all). Dealing with people made her even more survival oriented and hesitant to spend too much time with people. She always considered it beyond her to have and trust human friends until she met Lukas in middle school. She was struggling and Lukas offered to tutor her, Petra insisting that she pay him back with one of her famous trades, beginning their relationship. Lived with Villagers in their... villages, a couple times in the past, maybe why she's into the trade biz?
Jesse's parents care very deeply for him and have always done their best to support him. Always called him their "young warrior" upon learning about Jesse's love of the OG Order, particularly Gabriel. They're the ones who gifted him his armor stand seen in S1 Ep1. His mother is a miner and his father a gardener (that one day took a job helping with Olivia's aunt's gardens, which is how Olivia and Jesse met). They're simple but happy people. Mom is a bit more serious than the dad but still willing to have fun. Dad is a bit of a doofus, mom loves him anyway. Jesse gets his tenacity from Mom and goofball-ness from Dad. They also greatly care for Olivia and Axel, coming to see them as an unofficial son and daughter. I have a lot more about these two but that's the gist. Need to develop other guardians lol
Lukas' parents are complicated. They're snooty rich-ish creeps who have a terrible relationship (on-off? Similar to divorced? Idk there's drama), and had Lukas more as an accessory. Due to weirdness his sweet little (paternal?) Grandma became his primary caretaker from a young age and helped him become the wonderful Lukas we know today. Nurtured his love for writing?
I'm figuring out the appearances of the other families but for now Jesse's mom has the same colored hair and eyes as him, which are brown and green respectively as I like to play with Red Suspenders!Jesse. His dad has tan hair and blue eyes, and the way the hair grows out from the head is similar in both parents so all 3 family members share this trait. The mom, while only an average height, is taller than her husband and Jesse is smack dab between them. I think it's cute and also unusual in a cool way to not only have a woman be taller than her male partner, but also her son. Plus the dad is just short AF considering how short Jesse is lmao
I think it's a very similar situation with Red Hairclip!Jesse (who I also like to play as), except her mom instead has features like hers as opposed to the brown hair and green eyes in the previous passage. The dad doesn't change lol
THX FOR READING 📚 You're real
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meximango · 4 days
Day 23 - On Cloud Nine - Cahsi/Y’shtola - PG
Spoilers for the Dawntrail raid series.
Summary: Cahsi gets a bit loopy during Honey B. Lovely’s battle.
“Hope you’re ready for me to steal your heart!” The twang in the Arcadion idol’s voice was like something out of Shaaloani, but sounded like the idol was putting too much effort into it. Cahsi wouldn’t have called it sexy or alluring, exactly, but whatever Honey B. Lovely did with a flick of her wrist seemed to throw an enchantment over the field that certainly changed her mind a little. Oh, so it was going to be one of those fights. 
With such inspired move names as ‘love me tender’ and ‘loveseeker’, the entire battle seemed to be riffing on this theme.
“Now to savor the sweet sting of Honey B.’s charms. Oh she’s definitely feeling your love!” the announcer rang out as a pink, smoky haze covered Cahsi and the holograms she’d summoned to help her with the fight. The special effects during these fights were a treat meant to entertain the adoring fans, but they doubled as a helping guide that clued her in on what was about to happen and what to do. It would be the idol’s downfall.  
An image appeared over the red mage’s head: three empty heart containers. Well, wasn’t that adorable? Cahsi was reminded of when she had to fight the primal Lakshmi, ages ago, and hoped it wouldn’t end up like that again. It had taken her a week to get that cloying perfume scent out of her clothes and hair!
“Can the challenger resist the irresistible? I know I can’t!” Metem continued to drive the crowd wild with his commentary. The arena was filled with people dressed up like Honey B. Lovely, decked out in black and yellow, bee wings, and proudly holding up signs declaring their love. Cahsi wondered how much was the charismatic persona that drew people in, or if she just threw this spell on the regulars to keep them coming back. 
An unavoidable pink heart appeared above her, exploding into a fresh dust of perfume and charm. Cahsi felt herself slipping away a bit as one of the hearts on her gauge filled up. She couldn’t help but gaze at Honey with a bit more adoration, her attacks becoming just the slightest bit more sluggish and weak.
Cahsi was impressed despite herself. Honey B. Lovely had a great thing going on here. Cahsi herself was familiar with adoring fans. It was one of the perks of being the infamous Warrior of Light–though the people in Solution 9 did not know of her reputation. She was a nobody here, until she defeated Black Cat in the first round. She was just an up-and-coming underdog, here, which was both funny and refreshing.  She didn’t want admirers getting too in her space all the time, but she’d always craved attention, and it was strange having most of the arena ignore her in lieu of the bug lady. Though to be fair, said bug lady had some knock-out gorgeous legs. Those heels were doing something to her…
 Cahsi dragged her gaze away to instead look at the small section of the seating area that was dedicated to her own cheering fans: her friends. They all waved at her, cheering her on–with Raha and Lamat’yi competing for the loudest. Even her lovely Shtola seemed to be having fun, if the expression on her face was anything to go by. It screamed ‘kick this bee’s ass’, so that’s just what Cahsi intended to do. The only sexy thigh-high boots Cahsi wanted to unlace with her teeth belonged to her partner, Shtola. This idol was nothing!
Cahsi fought the good fight, but Honey B. Lovely was quite the dominant fighter. She kept forcing her into corners. If she didn’t take this tower, the entire arena would explode, and she just did not have the fortitude to take that head on, so she was forced to soak up another heart to avoid having to forfeit.
“Alas, her charms were not to be denied!” 
Thanks, Metem. As though she couldn’t feel her limbs become even more heavy, her head filled with cotton and her vision sparkling at the edges. Honey’s skin was so smooth and perfect, and that peek at her midriff was so delectable…
Meanwhile, even the idol’s theme music was taunting her: “B. mine forever, and always play your part! / B.-fore it's over / I'll capture your heart! “
Of course, it was in the middle of this that Honey B. Lovely decided she had to up her game. She threw out an assault of floating hearts that acted like homing missiles, blew kisses that took up entire swathes of the arena, and threw love bombs from above, whose radius of effect varied in size. Cahsi, who was stuck close to her opponent thanks to her melee combo, had very little room to maneuver. She could have tried to disengage, but that would have lost her precious attack time, and she was just as likely to backflip directly into an attack anyway. She kept fighting, putting as much aether as possible into her verholy, scorch, and resolution. 
That’s ok, Cahsi still had one empty heart displayed over her head. So long as this wasp didn’t send anything too crazy at her, she could still get through this. The idol was flagging, herself, showing signs of weakness. Cahsi guessed if she could get up to a third level limit break, she had this in the bag. With back-to-back casts of embolden and manafication, Cahsi leapt forward for a flurry of swipes with her rapier, starting a devastatingly powerful combination of melee attacks and magic.
“I’ll make you mine, darlin’!” The idol mocked her as she saw that Cahsi wouldn’t be able to move out of the way of at least one of these hearts, no matter what fancy footwork she tried to pull out.
The message appeared overhead for all the audience to see as she got hit with one final heart: The challenger is head over heels for Honey B. Lovely… Unable to move, all Cahsi could do was sway and gaze adoringly at the queen bee in front of her. Screw being in Solution 9, she felt like she was walking on cloud nine right now. It was so nice. Her vision had a pink filter over it. She had never seen such a beautiful specimen in front of her. If she gave up now, maybe the idol would take her into her arms and smother her with her bosom. It wouldn’t be a bad way to lose…
Distantly, she heard her friends trying to snap her out of it with their shouts. Especially as Honey B. Lovely was gathering power for a finishing move that would certainly throw Cahsi out of the tournament.
“Here comes her fearsome venom strike!” came out over the speakers. The audience gasped, knowing exactly what that meant. It seemed Cahsi didn’t have much time left to end this. 
Some of her most steadfast fans booed at Cahsi’s victory, but most of the crowd went wild with applause. Cahsi curtsied, took a bow, and ran off to go find her friends as soon as Metem was done announcing her victory and information about the next challenger Cahsi would have to face on the upcoming night.
“No hard feelings if I kill you?” Miss Lovely’s cackling laughter was so menacing and degrading, but that only made it more of a turn-on. Whatever her opponent had in store for her, Cahsi didn’t care. The danger was alluring. It had to be what was best, and she welcomed it with open arms–
Ouch! It wasn’t until blue magic entered the corners of her vision, overpowering the pink, that brought her out of it. A few tiny familiars that took the familiar visage of drippy–certainly Shtola’s doing–had pinched her ears and slapped her cheeks. They shimmered, delicate and nearly see-through. Certainly it was cheating to allow the audience to help, but Shtola’s magics were easily overlooked against all of Honey’s flashy pink spells and glaring lights. Metem made no announcements about it, and the idol wasn’t screeching about unfairness yet, so the referee must not have noticed the little water familiars that helped her out. Cahsi motioned for them to settle down in her collar, completely out of sight. She wasn’t taking any chances.
“What? Oh, you’re kidding me, it didn’t work?!” Honey finally realized the glazed over expression had left Cahsi’s face. That’s right, her opponent was no longer peering up at her like a delectable steak; instead a determined scowl took over the miqo’te’s features. The idol seemed highly surprised that the spell wore off so quickly. This might be one of the first times her victim got away in time. Too bad for her, the move she was powering up for with her poison stinger couldn’t be interrupted.
Now look who’s stuck!
Luckily, Cahsi’s holographic helpers had helped her charge her limit break while she was down for the count. She heard the telltale ping that marked the third and final level had charged up. “It’s been nice, darlin’, but I think it’s time you buzzed off!” Cahsi shouted as she blasted the bee with everything she had. Once the blinding white light died down, Honey B. Lovely was just a crumpled form on the ground. Her beast soul charge had worn off, and she was back to just being a normal hyur woman.
Cahsi launched herself at Shtola as soon as she could find her group of friends, crushing her in a hug. “Thanks, babe!” She peppered her face with smooches, causing her partner to laugh. Her little summons poked out of Cahsi’s collar, seeming to seek affection of their own, so Cahsi obliged and provided them with much tinier smooches of their own. They giggled and danced, then dissipated when they’d had enough. “I admit, I may have been a bit jealous of all the attention you were giving that idol. She seemed too cutesy for your usual type.”
“Oh, you know how those charm magic types are. But believe me, you don’t need those types of spells to sweep me off my feet, honey!” She threw a leg around Shtola’s waist, allowing her to support her weight. Her partner raised an eyebrow, but didn’t let her fall.
The friend group who’d been watching and waiting to congratulate her coughed awkwardly. Cashi was always publicly affectionate with those she cared about, but she normally didn’t try to climb her partners like trees in the middle of a busy plaza. “Ah heh heh... It must be a side effect of that magic, still. Everything is a bit softer on the edges. I’m craving affection.”
Shtola leaned down to murmur quietly, “The others can wait. Why don’t we away to a private inn and help you work off the rest of the magic, hmm? A proper celebration of your victory.”
Cahsi’s face turned pink enough that the rest of the group could certainly guess as to what the black mage had whispered into their warrior of light’s ear. “I…I have to go, everyone! Just me and Shtola!” Their friends waved them off without much fuss, muttering about how they’d buy her a drink and catch her later. 
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Akane’s birthday was always the least thing to celebrate. No one was able to pay for a cake or a gift, no one to wish her a celebration, no one to even remember her birthday. She was more someone who would try and make her siblings’ birthdays a blast even if she gifted them something like a cheap car toy or a teddy bear made out of one of her old shirts and then feeding said birthday sibling something from the store or food cart with the money she saved up from her part time job. 
For years that’s how she lived, always orborating around her seven siblings like the Earth around the sun and never letting them not feel loved, never even once.
For years she dealt with being in the shadows while her parents didn’t do anything that isn’t lounging about and making love every night, making sure all seven were fed and bathed and got homework done before all her own needs. For years she dealt with working and doing the hardest tasks of her jobs so the little ones could at least get a rice ball in their stomachs. For years she dealt with the uncomfortable amount of lustful stares and wandering hands for the sake she won’t somehow seem weak to her siblings.
For years she never once bid to the selfish side.
A scream echoes across the hospital walls with the summer sun shining outside, people rushing and hurrying to the room with the scream’s source. Akane never once became selfish for years yet on the day of her 29th birthday her water broke.
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It started a few years ago, a few weeks shy of her 18th birthday, when she became a mother for the first time with the help of her dearly beloved Nekomaru helped convinced her and their dearly sweetest Teruteru on helping him raise their small fireball Masaru after hearing what horrors he went through growing up. That boy grew fed, loved, cared for, and thanks to that household Masaru grew up very well alongside the other adults.
The three never really desired to get married at first but after Akane’s 21st birthday the men proposed to her and she quickly became from Akane Owari to Akane Nidai Hanamura, wife of top chef Teruteru Hanamura and mother of strong young boy Masaru Nidai. 
God, does thinking of that firework’s speech during the wedding melts their heart as he thinks how far he has grown since being that cocky scared boy.
Masaru paces back and forth in one of the waiting rooms, indeed no longer a scared little boy and now growing in his teen years strong and wise alongside the previous Warriors of Hope. “Will ma be okay?” He asked, his anxiety not hiding in his voice too well as his big blue eyes wide as his black nails pick and mess with his twitch of eager angst. 
Kotoko, like Masaru and the others grown quite well in her new family with her pink hair now cut in a very short style in a way it’d obviously modeled after the group’s idol, reaches up and stops his pacing with a soft yet firm wrist grab. “Calm down there tiger,” Said she, her voice still an adorable song bird but now softer and toner like a mocking jay’s sing song, “Your mama can handle a lot, that much is true. I don’t think she would like seeing you so stressed too.” 
The boy breathed in and slumped into a chair next to her with a heavy sigh.
After a few more minutes of defending slicing after the random screams and the wall clock clicking, the tall muscular man with a neat beard that is the most famous Gym Manager Nekomaru Nidai comes out of the room in scrubs and a look of awe and tears in his face.
Everyone stands on their feet watching him walk closer until they can read his beaming big smile before his booming voice shouts out, “It’s a girl!”
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After some turns walking in people were finally able to see the tired Akane holding a wrapped bundle of joy in her hospital bed with a tearful face of Teruteru sitting beside the bed, red faced and sniffing with a big smile on his face. Her tired, tearful, yet beyond happy eyes finally look at the guest as she moves the blanket some showing the beautiful face of her newborn baby girl. “Hey guys, meet Momoka Hanamura.”
Meaning behind the name?
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The ship?
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I will die on this ship and me liking Teruteru
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hanajay769 · 7 months
Describing the anime’s that I’ve watched in a few words with recommendations! PT 4 (because I really like doing this)
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Nanbaka: a bunch of prison buddies in a jail cell, they try to escape whenever they’re bored but never actually end up getting out. Not like they want to leave anyway..
(My sister introduced me to this show actually)(honestly if I lived in this jail I wouldn’t want to leave either)(very much a comedy series season 1 but it does get more serious in season 2)(so I’ve been told.. I actually haven’t watched season 2 yet)(recommend for funnies and the interactions between characters!)
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FREE! Iwatobi swim club: super cute boys in a swim club
(That’s.. it)(Why are sports anime always gay? Watching free will not give you the answer)(no I’m being Fr, Free is somehow gayer than Yuri on Ice. AND THATS SAYING SOMETHING)(I never actually finished free but it’s very unforgettable I’ve been meaning to go back to it)(recommend bc honestly it’s a fun watch and sports anime’s are always nice!)
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Yona of the Dawn: pink haired princess is forced out of her castle and now she’s following the road the gods have left for her by reuniting the 4 dragon warriors.
(Naïve kind of annoying princess turns badass with a bow)(sorry for calling you annoying yona but.. you were)(another show my sister got me to watch)(filled with very likable characters, I’m not kidding. I have at least 3 favs)(if you love adventure animes, traveling to help out an oncoming war and relationships then this is the Shojo for you!)
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Youre lie in April: A traumatized pianist finds a lively violinist one day and she inspires him to play again.
(“Inspires” more like forces😭)(KIMIDAYO KIMI NAN DAYO OSHIETE KURETAAAAAA)(literally so pretty and nice and so so heartbreaking like if you don’t cry at least once watching this then idk what to tell you)(I’m sorry for recommending an anime that will make you cry but…)(ITS SO GOOD THO)(recommended for heart feeling,
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Yuri on ice: black haired male Japanese figure skater gets trained by the best white haired male Russian figure skater which also happens to be his idol.
(Pt 2 why are sports animes so gay?)(WE WERE, BORN TO MAKE HISTORY)(the sub for this show is my baby, the dub will make you double take at the shit being said but those are the GOOD dubs)(i’m a sexy pork cutlet bowl *eros plays*)(wait but can we TALK about the music in this anime like I’m obsessed!!)(recommended for peeps who like figure skating, funnies and for Yuri, bc he’s my favorite character (: )
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DHIP day 6, night 6, day 7, night 7, day 8, night 8 AND THE WINNER
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"Okay, so uhmmm...Nothing interesting happened other than one person got their stuff stolen and one person got injured. For the rest, nothing interesting happened, so you know what? I'll just post the screenshots of day 6 and more until something interesting happens."
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"Finally, another kill..."
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"And that kill came from a stupid mistake...Rest in peace pink nova idol...Rest in peace..."
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"Also is it me or do they know eachother? I think they're from the same blog I think???"
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"Preparing to bring the flowers to the deceased? Aight, I can respect the guy. He seemed a bit tougher than what I think at first."
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"I'm not sure that'll treat her injury but at least she can use the water to drink!"
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"Yeaaahhh...Nothing special happened."
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"Aaaand nothing special...Sheesh, is there nothing interesting happening today?"
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"...O-OKAY-- I originally wanted to SKIP this night... BUT A BOMBSHELL JUST HAPPENED!"
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"GOKU DIED TO A PIT! This fight has gotten interesting AND IT DID!"
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"The last three survivors got into a fight, with the pinkette taking the last two kills that was necessary to declare the winner!!"
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"And thus to my shock the winner was not Goku, n'or Vegeta, n'or some of the warriors, but the pink heroine from Lawain City, the White Angel herself--"
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"The victor for this year's Dimensionals Hunger game Interdimensional Party goes to:"
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"Nanada Hanaka from District 9!!!"
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Asgore for the ask meme!
Sexuality Headcanon: Panromantic asexual, for a pleasing symmetry with Toriel.
Gender Headcanon: I haven't really thought of it overmuch. One of my favorite headcanons about him is that he was never intended to be king of the monsters, due to having several siblings in line for the throne ahead of him, but 'was never going to be in line for the throne because he's trans, and only became eligible when the people became a little more desperate' could also work with that headcanon.
But I also like him as cis and gender-non-conforming? Like, I really don't think he participated on the frontlines of the war, but I think he did see a lot of the devastation and the grief of those left behind. I think, too, he gained a strong appreciation of 'women's work' like sewing and cooking, and things that needed to be done to support the war effort, while also seeing how pride and warrior culture can be deeply detrimental and bad. So I could also imagine him as being cis, but having a great appreciation first for what were considered 'womanly' values, and then later on adding some feminine and non-conforming traits to his gender expression. His openness emotionally, his love of flowers and tea, braiding his hair and beard, how he wears pink, maybe painting his claws? I like Asgore painting his claws.
I don't think this is the only thing that leads to monsters being more open about sexualities and genders. With all the incredibly different body-types and cultures of the remaining monsters, I think they were already maybe a little more open-minded than certain prolific human cultures can be. But someone like Asgore being king for, possible, a couple hundred years would really help.
A ship I have with said character: It's not one that possesses my brain but Asgorudy's nice. Two old divorced men who find love again despite numerous complications, to say nothing of complicated lingering feelings for their exes.
A BROTP I have with said character: Asgore and Gerson's dynamic is horribly overlooked, but so is Asgore and Sans' dynamic. (Actually, everything involving Gerson is horribly overlooked. Gerson deserves more attention in general.)
A NOTP I have with said character: It's not quite as intense as a NOTP, but I'm not incredibly fond of Kingdings. I feel like the fans of Kingdings stories (whether romantic or platonic) I see tend to be meaner to Toriel than is warranted--and also just generally don't explore the parts of Gaster or Asgore that actually interest me.
That said, this is very just much my opinion and my feelings. So long as you recognize that, for now, Kingdings is basically an Asgore/oc ship, I don't really care whether you ship it or not, and I can sort of see why some would.
A random headcanon: Did I already say the thing about Asgore having not actually participated in the war? I did?
In that case, I like to headcanon that he does NOT remain King on the Surface. He does NOT help Frisk out with their ambassadorial position. Toriel fires him from being King and he goes on a walkabout, and he spends a few years not interacting with any monsters at all. Monsterkind didn't just love, respect, and adore him. They made him a GOD. They put so goddamn much pressure on him. They idolized him. He spent so long being a king and living for just their desires that I think he actually grew to resent the surface to some extent--to his subjects it was a symbol of hope, but he and Gerson actually agreed that it would have been better not to return to the surface, and now he's got to systematically destroy his own mental health to return to a place he didn't WANT to return to, to drive away his wife for this purpose. I like to think by the time Frisk came around, he hated the idea of the surface.
So. He spends a few years not being king. He spends a few years instead exploring the surface as a perfectly average monster, seeing the beautiful sights he missed, learning about new plants which did not appear in the Underground. He rediscovers why the Surface was such a symbol of hope for so many monsters, that they were excited to fight and kill for it.
And he finally, finally, FINALLY puts down the burden of being King. Perhaps once and for all. Perhaps only for now, until he recovers. But for now, he's doing so much better as just an average monster.
...I say that he spends some years away from monsterkind but maybe he still talks to Gerson. Gerson seems like he'd be disrespectful to the King of Monsterkind in the sort of way Asgore needs to hear, instead of blindly adoring him. People sometimes act like Toriel should've talked some sense into Asgore, but I think Gerson also had that capability.
General Opinion over said character: I like him! I like him a great deal. Shame so few people seem to get him right. People are starting to realize more and more that 'bloodthirsty tyrant and conqueror' is very much wrong, but 'uwu soft boi' is also wrong. He makes mistakes. People need to now realize that BOTH he and Toriel make mistakes, and that both are well-intentioned, and that both have valid reason to take issue with the other. Asgore is not the villain of their relationship, and neither is Toriel. (And no, Chara isn't either. They caused things to go wrong, sure, but the way characters usually tend to get characterized in Undertale, they probably also made some really awful well-intentioned mistakes, which Mental Health and Pride made them unwilling or unable to correct. Just look at Asgore, Toriel, Alphys, Undyne, Mettaton...)
...Also so many of his most interesting relationships are overlooked. Give me Asgore and Chara. Give me Asgore and Gerson. Give me the awful awkward-yet-still-care-about-each-other dynamic between Toriel and Asgore, not them immediately making up, not villainizing Toriel, not being too forgiving of Asgore because he's in love, not assuming they NEVER loved each other. Give me the AU where Asgore DOES NOT kill himself and actually does adopt Frisk and we see he's not so different from Toriel and they're honestly messes of equivalent size--
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