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radio-historia · 2 years
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weirdlookindog · 3 months
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Day of the Dead (1985) - Thai poster
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bru111271 · 4 months
Amerò sempre tutto ciò che sa volare, un gabbiano, un aquilone, un pensiero perché sa di appartenere alle ali del vento, all'impero della luce, alla leggerezza del cuore.
( Massimo Lo Pilato )
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astralbondpro · 1 year
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Day of the Dead (1985) // Dir. George A. Romero
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monochromiamen · 1 year
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Tony Pilato
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tripleaaze · 2 years
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Tony Pilato
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canesenzafissadimora · 3 months
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Torneremo a dare un nome ai giorni, un senso al tempo, riscoprendo la meraviglia in ogni nostra vecchia abitudine.
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gurumog · 1 year
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Day of the Dead (1985) Laurel Entertainment Dir. George A. Romero
Joe Pilato as Captain Rhodes Richard Liberty as Doctor Logan
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lunamarish · 1 month
A sera tornano a farsi sentire tutte le mancanze che non tramontano mai.
Massimo Lo Pilato
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horrororman · 4 months
Remembering Joseph Pilato (March 16, 1949 - March 24, 2019).🕯
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weirdlookindog · 19 days
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Day of the Dead (1985) - Italian poster
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omercifulheaves · 6 months
Proof of concept trailer for From Dusk Till Dawn from 1991 starring Day of the Dead's Joe Pilato. Shot back when the movie was going to be directed by KNB FX's Bob Kurtzman and star, according to an old magazine interview, "Brion James, Robert Englund, Ted Raimi and Angus Scrimm." Then Kurtzman asked his buddy Quentin Tarantino to do a rewrite of the script -- which he agreed to on condition KNB do the ear cutting effect on his movie Reservoir Dogs for free -- and the rest is history.
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duranduratulsa · 3 months
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Day Of The Dead (1985) on glorious vintage Media Home Entertainment VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #dayofthedead #nightofthelivingdead #georgeromero #ripgeorgeromero #Zombies #loricardille #JosephPilato #ripjosephpilato #anthonydileojr #tomsavini #TerryAlexander #GaryHowardKlar #ripgaryhowardklar #GregNicotero #shermanhoward #richardliberty #riprichardliberty #JarlathConroy #ralphmarrero #vintage #vhs #mediahomeentertainment #80s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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