#picrew is from elena illustrate
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kangel92 · 3 months ago
Hiiiii, Ame :3 , I know you know me a little, but I want to ask you about your MD oc Ame :3, How Ame's voice sounds, calm, quiet, sharp, her voice somewhat strong,? things she does :3 and I wanted to ask you if I can have your permission to VA this comic with my voice so that why I am asking you this question:3
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Hiii sorry, seeing this ask very late! 😭 Good thing you dm’ed me on twitter too lol
Now that you already did the VA (that btw, came out amazing!!! I love it, thank you for your hard work!🥹💕) I’m gonna use this post to do a voice claim KAHSNSJSKA
I imagine Ame’s voice to be something raspy alike Hynden Walch !!! I think Princess Bubblegum’s voice from Adventure Time fits, but I was aiming for something that sounded more…. Innocent or naive? And Bonnibel sounds… so sure of herself and clever… things that Ame isn’t lol.
M’ggie’s voice, from Broken Age, it’s soft but energetic! I like it!
Human!Jame screamer at the end lmao
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karolinarodrigueswrites · 3 months ago
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Wip intro made on canva, through its resources, with images from the windswept picrew by Elena-illustration.
✨The ghost-hunting-show-run-by-a-demon wip intro!✨
This was supposed to have been ready around Halloween, but moving to an apartment and health stuff happened, so it ended up greatly delayed.
I just noticed the image quality is not fully loading on standard display, but it does look normal when you see one by one. I also noticed I typed "heavy lifting" in two different ways. It's enough now that you get the meaning.
It's a bit on the longer side, but I hope it will be given a chance to be read.
tagging: @writeouswriter
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hubernies · 2 months ago
this picrew has purple hair now we are so fucking back
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[ID: A Picrew from user Elena-Illustration. It roughly depicts Hubert and Bernadetta from Fire Emblem Three Houses.
Hubert is on the left. He touches Bernadetta’s cheek with a hand scarred black by magic. His nose is hooked and the tip of it presses into her cheek as he kisses her. His skin is slightly more pale than hers, and a blush is evident on his cheeks and nose.
Bernadetta is on the right. She has a cheerful expression. Her arm is around Hubert’s neck, covered by a pale purple sleeve. Her complexion is white, but warmer/pinker than Hubert’s.
The background is black, with white leaves forming a circle.]
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auntiepezzasupdates · 1 year ago
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Thank gods it’s Friday to my guys, gals, and non-binary pals! Our weekly news roundup:
Basil led the Hermes cabin to victory in a prank war against the Ares cabin.
The primary casualty was Hunter’s hair. We’re told it shall return to it’s natural state… Eventually.
Emily from Aphrodite is going on a date with Darren from Dionysus. Wish them luck (she’ll need it)!
Tune back in next week for more hot goss 😘😘😘,
Auntie Pezza
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For Super Six and the Siren's Call, co-written by @read-and-write- @inexplicablymine and @happiness-of-the-pursuit. Credit for the amazing picrew maker to @elena-illustration!!!
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varganardi · 8 months ago
OC introduction
Sergio Bernardi
CW: Mention of dr*gs
Nicknames: Gio
Age: 31
Pronouns: He/him
Height: 193 cm/6’4
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Orientation: Questioning
Occupation: Chef, restaurant owner
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Sergio is the older brother of Laura, four years older than her. When he was a kid, he and Laura moved from Italy to the US together with their father Benjamin. They lived with Benjamin's parents, so Sergio and Laura naturally got close to their grandparents. 
At a young age, Sergio had tendencies to get in trouble, a talent his sister also got later on. 
He’d often get into fights at school and it was difficult getting friends. 
Apart from trouble, Sergio had an interest in music and cooking food.
In high school, Sergio met Ignacio Varga and Domingo Molina. They were in the same class and they all bonded really well.
The trio often smoked together, skipped classes and went to town instead. At nights, they snuck out to parties. 
Around the time Nacho and Domingo met Tuco, Sergio too joined the illegal operation. He saw it as a “quick way” to earn money, and became a drug-dealer. He did so for about a year, until he realized the dangers he put himself and his family in. After a lot of struggle, he successfully left the business. He continued to hang out with Domingo and Nacho, but the friendship had changed after a lot of arguments. All of them had grown into different persons and things felt different. Sergios' friends kept working for Tuco, and eventually he cut contact with the both of them, not wanting anything to do with the Tuco nor the cartel anymore. 
He had also, without realizing so, developed feelings for Domingo. But he never acted on his feelings, and instead distanced himself from both Nacho and Domingo.
He developed his interest in cooking food and developed a talent. He started taking his passion seriously and started studying at university, where he learnt about the restaurant business. 
Later on in life, Sergio opened his own restaurant, named “BenGio” - a combination of his name and his dad - the man that taught him some of the recipes for food that is served at BenGio. It is located in Denver, where he moved in his early adult years. 
Sergio is very close to his sister Laura, and they’re very supportive of each other. 
He is a workaholic and social butterfly. Apart from cooking, he likes attending parties and meeting new people. He’s very confident and energetic - and very good at hiding his insecurities and the loneliness he tends to feel. 
He’s a hopeless romantic in search of finding “the right one”.
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Sergio appearance
Picrew template by @elena-illustration
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Young Laura and Sergio!
Used this Picrew for the image
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Been having this idea in my head for quite a while! 😅
A bit different from what I usually post but hope you guys find it interesting! :3
I have too many OC's and UGH I need to talk about them more LOL-
What do we say about Sergio and Domingo? 👀
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unlikelysaintdelele · 7 months ago
Howdy. Fun fact about me, I like to make Google Docs dedicated to any OCs I create for games. It helps me keep track of their values, interests, and basically anything that contributes to the rp. But also so I can have one place for their visuals. I am not particularly talented at drawing, mostly finding enjoyment in lil doodles and sketches. Because of this, I turn to picrews to better visualize my characters. Here's some I made of my Grey Warden Mage Adalia Amell!
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This is Adalia before she becomes a Grey Warden. Ngl, I totally forgot to clothe her and felt too lazy to go back and design her again just to put her in a purple robe. I also imagine her needing glasses to read, but since she doesn't wear them all the time I left them out. But she has dimples! Two of them (I only have one, lowkey jealous)! And freckles (a common trait I like to add to OCs whenever I get the chance because I also have them, they're just too light to notice unless you're right near my face in good lighting lol)! She's pasty because she never goes outside due to living in a Circle.
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This is Adalia by the end of DAO. Some battle scars from Drakes. She definitely has a huge bite mark on the back of her thigh where one of them tried to take a chunk off of her. Also, I know the process of becoming a Grey Warden doesn't technically leave any visible change, but I wanted there to be something subtle. If you notice her eyes, they look a lil faded and have a ring of red around the pupil. The fade is because people infected by the taint (or ig just Hespith) get these grey eyes that look like they can't see very clearly. The red is so that there's something more identifiable when you look closely, something that looks off, to show what makes Grey Wardens different from others.
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Recently found out the artist did this little smooching picrew and I saw an opportunity to make a cute Alistair x Amell moment. She totally is the one who initiates most of the physical intimacy. If you haven't noticed by now, Adalia has a ton of piercings. Since all mages had to wear the same robes every single day, I liked the idea that they found other ways to express individuality. Adalia got a crap ton of piercings. I also have a ton of piercings so I will admit I wanted this character to have a bit of me to her. And yes, Alistair does have slightly pointed ears even though half-elves/elf-blooded don't get that passed on to them, but that's lame. I much prefer to think his ears have a slight point to them, making it so humans think they're just weirdly shaped but elves can recognize he's one of their own.
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Then there's this lil guy. She's busy traveling to find a cure to The Calling so she can stay with her beau until they're all grey and wrinkly. And the red flower in her hair is another rose from Alistair. It became a tradition after the first rose he gave her. She tries to preserve it for as long as possible. She has a collection of dried roses.
and that's it. go check out the picrews by this artist! they're some of my favorites.
art/picrew by: @elena-illustration
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somereaderinblue · 10 months ago
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It's you! Despite everything, it's still you.
Somewhat spoilery fanart for my WIP MSM2017 Parksborn fic Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King, an AU where Harry gets bitten instead & after something goes wrong, is manipulated into becoming Dark Goblin's top enforcer. But that doesn't stop him from developing a soft spot for the Parker family.
Spider!Harry got an undercut to make the mask-wearing easier & I added the bandaid to humanize him a bit since his average Tuesday is getting walloped by some villain or another.
The second pic is an older Harry who's been through....stuff. He has wet meow meow hair, he's banged up & his nose has been broken god knows how many times but he's alive.
Since Peter wasn't bitten, he never stopped wearing glasses. As an adult, he is stressed because he has to balance being a single parent, a TA & work two extra jobs to pay the bills.
Both pics were done using this amazing picrew by @elena-illustration
(tap pics for better quality xP)
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that-one-i-think · 9 months ago
Theee More OC's important to my Liochant's backstory! (All images thanks to Elena-illustration picrew! Check them out!)
These three are a few of the people that "sponsored" Liochant as a gladiator. 3/4 of his owners, with the only one not pictured being not pictured for a reason, a true monster. Long post so read more time!
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The Soldier - Sir [Redacted] (Age 67)
Sir was a general for the Northern Tu'la army and was responsible for the initial seige on Solspear. He ended up being Liochants first handler, receiving 12-year-old Liochant as a gift for his service and he trained the boy to become an asset. The older mei'fwa wasn't kind nor was he cruel, he punished Liochant when he failed and rewarded him when he succeeded.
The old mei'fwa was a follower of Esmund, and he valued protecting what he believed it and instead valuing protecting lives. A twisted perversion of the faith but never the less religious. Being faithful, he did allow Liochant to practice his religion, something Liochant held onto.
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The Stylist - Lady Kanika (Age 48)
She was Liochant's second owner, having received him as a "gift" from her status obsessed husband. Lady Kanika came from a northern temple of Menphia, and she herself was a strong temple priestess before it was dismantled due to "treason against the king." . After that, she was forced into a marriage with her husband at the age of 32.
She was the kindest of Liochant's sponsors, for she did not support the gladiator pits but knew that any opposition could result in her death. So with that she tried to give Liochant an easy time. She allowed him to practice his religion, even helping him become a fully fledged priest of Menphia and gave him all of his tattoos.
Her passion was fashion design and was a great inker and sewing, for stabbing with a blade and stabbing with a needle is all on flowing motion. She treated Liochant like an almost son, but even then Liochant did not have it easy as when Lady Kanika's husband was around, he was nothing more than a punching bag.
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The Scorpion - Runihura
He was Liochant fourth and last sponsor. The Scorpion of southern Tu'la and the one who betrayed the previous queen of the desert. He chose riches and a higher social standing over his country, a poison on the earth thus earning the name Scorpion.
He plays up the party act, but deep down, he feels deep and immense regret for it. Betraying your country with an act that then forced children to fight to the death for the entertainment of rich people will do that to ya. So, to fix his mistakes, he smuggles out gladiators to give them better lives. Not without a price though.
The Scorpion found Liochant undeniably handsome and kept Liochant around longer than normal as he made amazing arm candy. A selfish man through and through who will spend the rest of his life making up for his actions.
Another thing I want to add about him. "A man adorned with flowers" is an insult in southern Tu'la as the scent of flowers masks the stench of rotting things.
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thespookybean14 · 6 months ago
Hi y’all!! Because people have been sharing their alien series OCs recently, I decided to share mine!!
I will say I don’t have a whole lot developed for her, at least in terms of a storyline, but I can tell you a lot about her anyway (as well as provide some art and a couple moodboards)!
To begin, her name is Calypso Warner and Calypso goes by she/her pronouns. She’s twenty-nine-thirty years old, and the pilot on the USCSS Daedalus. She’s 5’7” in height, goes by “Cal” only around close friends and family, and is a lesbian. Calypso personality wise is very patient yet practical. She can be polite, although a bit reserved when someone first meets her—it seems almost like she’s “detached”, even though she’s not. She begins a relationship with another crew member on the Daedalus named Sidney, who’s an engineer. (Sidney belongs to my friend Quill!)
Sidney is a bit of a loner in general. She’s very nomadic, going from ship to ship constantly when working. It’s hard for her to make attachments because they’re just brief romantic escapades. She can also be very blunt and carefree, besides her transient nature. Despite this, she fell for Calypso anyway. She never expected their bond to really be that strong, but she knew after surviving this mission with Calypso that she only wanted to be with her. Calypso was perfectly okay with that. She also had feelings for Sidney as well.
It’s 2132-2133. The crew is just like your average cargo crew, they’re not really out there to research anything, just carry cargo. that is, until they get a signal from a nearby ship on a different planet. The other ship is requesting assistance from someone who is supposedly injured (according to their science officer) and trying to find a way home. Calypso, of course, is a bit reluctant on the idea, it doesn’t feel practical—but she decides (after being peer pressured by the science officer 👀) maybe it is a good idea to help or at least try to do something. Unfortunately, what that crew doesn’t know, is that the place is infested with Xenomorphs. Now, they have to try and find a way out to survive. (This storyline could change)
Here’s some moodboards and art I’ve done!
1. Calypso moodboard
2. Calypso and Sidney moodboard
3. Calypso reference (by me!)
4. Sidney and Calypso art
5. Art reference
6. Picrew of them by Quill (credit to @elena-illustration , picrew will be linked)
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winchesternova-k · 5 months ago
31 Days of Dragon Age - Day 2
favourite origins romance
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[picrew by @/elena-illustration]
leliana’s romance has been my favourite so far and i ended up writing a ficlet about her relationship with havella
leliana and havella were friends before things became romantic.
havella was intrigued by her from the start, and had a bit of a crush, but they were always friends first and foremost - and by the time they actually get together, havella would say leliana is her best friend. she finds leliana’s dream about the blight and the tale about the rose fascinating, and sees no reason to argue whether it’s a sign from the maker. she hasn’t mixed her religious beliefs yet (but is open to doing so), but sees no reason why the maker couldn’t send a sign to its believers while the stone sends signs to its. they discuss theology a lot early on, and it’s a breath of fresh air for havella after hearing some of the more awful chantry beliefs at ostagar and in lothering. leliana does not and is not trying to convert her, which havella appreciates, they both just enjoy swapping their opinions and beliefs back and forth.
there’s also mutual respect and admiration from the moment they first meet. havella appreciates her for stepping in at the tavern in lothering, and admires her for sticking so strongly to her beliefs and moral code. she is also but a humble lesbian, and leliana looked beautiful with her knives.
they become fast friends after that, and havella is surprised when leliana calls her pretty. hardly anyone had ever complimented her before. even more rarely had they been sincere or without ulterior motive, and almost never had it been a woman. she’d never had a girlfriend before (though she had kissed a handful of other girls when she was a bit younger), and she’d had no idea that her feelings for leliana might have been mutual. their flirting is a bit awkward at first, but very earnest, and havella feels very vulnerable. leliana never breaks her trust or makes her feel like she’s made a mistake for trying to come closer.
soon, she’s spending more and more time with leliana, both for romantic and platonic reasons. leliana compliments her hair one night and before she knows it havella is asking her to do it for her. she’d never had much time to learn different styles and what she did have she spent on rica’s hair. she basks in the attention that leliana offers. leliana talks to her about orlesian fashion, and havella listens eagerly. she’d similarly never had the money to bother with orzammar’s trends and she enjoys listening to leliana’s tales and her voice. she’s never had much interest in fashion, or the resources to have the interest, but she has the time now to decide if she might. if nothing else, she enjoys learning more about the surface and it’s cultures, and laughing with leliana.
it doesn’t take long for her crush to grow into real romantic feelings. and those feelings only grow stronger when leliana tells her the truth about her past. she feels oddly relieved when she does. they’d already been together for a little while at that point, but it made her feel like they were on even ground somehow. she’d always known that leliana wasn’t judging her for her past, but hearing that they had so much in common and so many of the same feelings just hammered it home. leliana is also eager to become a better person and make amends for her past, and their pasts are so similar it makes havella feel more fully understood than she ever has with anyone else. it makes her want more than ever to be better. and it makes her feel like she won’t always be trying to live up to the image leliana had been projecting. that she won’t always be trying. maybe someday she’ll just be good. maybe they both will. but for now, they can be equal at least.
the night leliana tells her she loves her is the happiest she’s ever been. havella had been in love with her for a while by that point, but she’d been too afraid to tell her. she knew that leliana would never be cruel to her, but she was worried that if leliana didn’t feel the same, or wasn’t looking for a serious relationship (at least with her), she would ruin the relationship they had, both platonic and romantic. she’d never had a real relationship with anyone before, and she already knew that if leliana would let her, she’d spend the rest of her life with her. and when leliana told her she felt the same, they decided then and there that they would never be parted.
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noahsteensonfilms · 1 year ago
And now for the THIRD member of the POLYCULE!
Niles the Bass player. He also is the main songwriter of the group.
He's also the only member who has dyed hair 🤷🏻
He is Bisexual, and the only member of the polycule attracted to women.
The member of the group with the most support from his family, hence the allowing to dye his hair (his parents (most likely) know he's dating the other boys, and really don't care, as long as it's private)
Once again, credit to @elena-illustration for this amazing picrew I keep using.
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karolinarodrigueswrites · 1 year ago
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Wip intro made on canva with images from the windswept picrew by Elena-illustration.
Not quite a fairy tale retelling, but an exploration of fairy tales and fairies.
If any character looks familiar, this wip started out as an au of my own ocs.
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fellow-human-writer · 3 months ago
Character Introduction: Saroth
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(Picrew by @elena-illustration! Thanks a lot :D)
I promised character introductions, so let's do this thing! If you haven't seen my previous posts, don't fret, I'll give you all the information you need, but here's an explanation of my world's magic system and here you have a snippet of writing :]
For the sake of simplifying things, I'll repeat here the basic concept for the setting: The main trait this fantasy world has is that its two continents (gigantic floating islands/landmasses) are situated in such a way that the one on top (the "highlands") block most of the light/sky for the residents of the one below (the "lowlands").
First, a quick explanation of the relevant background:
The highlands are fertile, full of life and wealth. They have large cities and a vast population, and the territory is divided and ruled by noble houses. A feudal system, you know the drift. The lowlands are poor. Crops struggle to grow, and as such the population is much smaller than that of the highlands. They live more isolated lives, with most of the population living in rural villages. A more ancient way of life. The highlanders consider them backwards and dull-witted, but they aren't too interested in the shadowy lowlands, so the only interest they take in them is making sure they do not climb up. The highlands are theirs. As such, travel between the islands is highly restricted, but this only goes one way. As the story goes, the past few winters have been unbearably harsh. Crops have a harder time growing than ever in the lowlands. This has led to a certain group of lowlanders banding together and deciding that enough is enough, and the highlanders ought to share their resources or else they will take them for themselves. This, of course, does not go too well. The nobles of the highlands are used to bickering and warring amongst themselves, and they were more than able to crush the "invading" force with ease. They have retaliated by sending their armies down as a united front and invading the lowlands as revenge for the crime of daring to mess with them.
And that is where Saroth comes in. He is a lowlander. He was born in a village where he spent most of his life, quietly isolated. He was orphaned at a young age, and had to take care of his even younger brother, Net. An old villager took pity on them and helped Saroth throughout the years. Saroth refers to him as his master. He taught him how to hunt, and how to fight.
Even though there was no reason to learn how to use a sword in a quiet village like theirs, the old man was obsessed with a great war to come. He said he had visions. Most in the village thought he was crazy. One way or another, Saroth learned how to fight, and how to fend for himself. The only thing in his mind was protecting his brother and his home.
That all fell apart when the armies from the Highlands arrived. They burned his village to the ground. They killed his master. They killed Net. They killed everyone. Leading the attack was a mysterious man with a scar on his forearm and a glowing red eye. Someone who could use magic.
Saroth was spared, for some reason. He was taken prisoner, and dragged to a camp halfway across the island. His story starts there, with him as a captive who has just lost everything. As to what happens next... You'll have to wait a little bit to find out.
I hope all of you are enjoying these posts as much as I am enjoying making them! Leiden's introduction is coming very soon. I'm also planning on sharing other aspects of my worldbuilding, and gradually posting more snippets as I (hopefully) get back into the rhythm of writing. If you're interested in learning more about my story: Thank you! I hope you'll keep an eye out for future updates. I will gladly answer any ask I receive :]
Have a wonderful day, my friends! As always, I'm rooting for each and every one of you in your own creative endeavors <3
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the-void-writes · 1 year ago
OC Smash Or Pass 2
Using the tag from @sergeantnarwhalwrites again because I wanted to do a option for women lovers as well lol
OC: Pedra Castillo
Credit to Brightgoat, Elena-Illustration, and WB for the picrews.
Links here: 1 | 2 | 3
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Pedra (she/her, transgender, bisexual) is an immortal 18th century Spanish pirate. She’s a hopeless romantic, a thrill-seeker, and an excellent fighter.
Again, suggestive content under the cut:
-Years of hoisting sails, lifting anchors, and sword-fighting means that she has muscles for days.
-Do you like soft guitar and candlelit dinners and walks by the sea, with the possibility of sinking an enemy ship? Your dates will never be boring.
-Her wife will attest to it: She’s got a gifted mouth, and she wants to hear you sing.
-She’s got her own boat, which means you can have all the privacy in the world.
-Pedra is all about service, and she’ll do whatever you want. She may tease you a little for it, but it’s all in good fun.
-Hot, tension-filled sparring sessions that end with someone pinned to the wall.
-She gets into trouble with so many other pirates. You may have to pull her out of a fight, or a whole town.
-Has a habit of sacrificing her own wants for others.
-She’s a little forgetful and distracted sometimes. She’ll see you in her baggy shirt and mentally blue-screen so hard that she forgets she has the oven on.
-Is not afraid to be risqué in public. The thrill of being caught is too exciting to her.
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wren--bee · 7 months ago
Another edited picrew (the original from @elena-illustration's lovely windswept picrew! Who gave permission for edits.)
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My alchemist Reed from Arcadia Fallen! (They/them) (I realised doing this that if my characters don't have black hair and dark eyes they usually have dark red hair and green eyes, hmmm...) I wanted to make the lineart similar to the game style, and a simple shading style leaning into the same. I'm not sure I captured that- and it felt like a shame to go over the picrew so thoroughly!- but it's close and it was a lot of fun. It feels good to be being creative again!
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An edit of an in-game sprite of Reed. :) And the original picrew-
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vox-monstera · 1 year ago
Tagged by @fereldanwench @pozerjacket and @ghostoffuturespast 💕 Thank you all so much!
Find the picrew by @elena-illustration here!
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Got my four bby girls here, two from Cyberpunk and two from Baldur’s Gate!
Vox Monstera - Cyberpunk 2077 (main)
Żhe’renäde Sŷlekh - Baldur’s Gate 3 (main)
Leonora Vice - Cyberpunk 2077
Køhrok Ðhak’ēr - Baldur’s Gate 3
Not quite sure who’s done this or who hasn’t yet, so take this as a tag, you’re it! 💕
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