#picking up blue mage too probably
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wildstar25 · 1 year ago
more thought about end of endwalker Arsay recovering from the big fight and having her hands like so completely unusable. I mean, most her body was unusable for the first two weeks; but she really did a number on her hands in that fist fight. Tbh I imagine in the desperate attempts at keeping Arsay alive on the ragnarock, they didnt really get a chance to make sure every bone was set right before blasting her with healing magicks. Once she got looked at by an actual medical professional in Old Sharlayan it was determined they'd have to re-set a lot of those joints and fractures.... painful stuff to say the least.
The healing was the hardest part. Complete lost of dexterity meant no dual wielding and no mudras for months. She started relying on her carbuncle to pick things up for her. Wrapping her hands and wearing gloves gave some support as she began what could ostensibly be called physical therapy. Lots of daily stretching to get the soft tissue and muscles back to being adventure ready, the instructions of which were sent by Alphinaud. (He would instruct her in person had he not already be off in Garlemald.) G'raha and Y'shtola would supervise and provide lots of encouragement. She'd start trying to channel aether via her mudras, only to get the form slightly off and end up with Couscous (carbuncle) on her head (I hc that instead of the rabbit for arsay specifically). G'raha would do whatever he could to lift her spirits, Y'shtola would push Arsay to keep at it.
More months pass and eventually she can cast her mudras again, and the grip on her daggers have never been stronger. Still, subtle signs of trauma are there if you look long enough. Scars on her palm and knuckles and a finger or two that is always a little bent. The hand which struck Zenos that final time looking much worse for wear than the other. She doesn't care, it's nothing a little glamouring or gloves couldn't cover. If her hands work, that's all the matters.
Tataru gets in contact with Arsay one day. She's got a new outfit, custom, made with Arsay in mind. The set included a pair of gloves: one that covered her main hand almost fully, the other composed of perfectly aligned straps of leather that supported her hand and wrist. She thanked Tataru immensely.
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months ago
Aizawa x reader - newfound secrets
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I've been a sucker for that man. Like reader is a pro hero too, probably in the top ten ranks with some sort of magic like quirk(mage?) And reader just randomly opened a portal while he's in class to drop him lunch or forgotten paperwork or his precious sleeping bag. And 1-A is shocked to find out their teacher has a lover, much less a hero who's a complete opposite of him. Either gf/bf/neutral or married is completely fine! - Anon💜
You were wondering about your apartment doing some cleaning now that you had a few free days from work.
You were slowly making your way from room to room, doing what had to be done in each room, and as you got to the kitchen you paused as you looked at the kitchen table.
With a small laugh, you shook your head slightly and picked up the bright yellow sleeping bag that was on the table.
You had warned Aizawa time and time again if he kept leaving it on the table he’d forget it one day, and true to your word he had.
Holding it under your arm, you activated your quirk, a purple orb appearing in your hand as you tossed it at the wall, opening a small doorway which you walked through and in less than a second you were in his classroom which was bustling with chatter of the students.
“Hey it’s Druid!” One of them shouted excitedly.
Immediately all of the teenagers turned to you with curiosity, some with excitement.
“Hey guys, where’s your teacher?” You asked.
“He’s behind his desk sleeping!” A stern looking blue haired boy called out.
You beam brightly at him, walking over to the desk and looking behind it, and just like the student said, there was Aizawa fast asleep propped up against the wall.
With a gentle sigh, you walk over and crouch down in front of him.
“I wouldn’t wake him up, he gets pretty annoyed when someone wakes him up…” a girl mumbles.
You wave your hand dismissively.
“It’ll be fine.”
Setting the beanbag down, you reach out, gently tapping on his forehead with the back of your knuckles.
“Hey, wake up for a moment…”
Aizawa lazily opens an eye, looking at your tiredly.
“Why’re you here…?” He mumbles.
“Missing something?” You grin, holding up the beanbag.
“Was wondering where I put that…” he mumbled.
Aizawa took the sleeping bag from you, climbing inside of it and laid down again on the ground.
Reaching out, you zipped the sleeping bag up for him, and pat his forehead a few times which earned you a slight huff from him as he closed his eyes again.
“Thought you had work…”
“That’s next week, I’ve got a few days off this week. Seriously Shouta how you actually manage to function is beyond me. Have you eaten?”
You raise a brow, standing up to look at his class.
“Has Aizawa had lunch?”
“No!” They called out.
From the ground you could hear him grumbling about them being traitors, and one of the girls raised her hand.
“My names Mina! Why did you have Mr Aizawa’s sleeping bag?!” She asks almost a little too excited.
With a small laugh you rubbed the back of your head slightly, ignoring Aizawa’s warning glare he sent you.
“Well, that’s because we’re married, and he left it on the kitchen table.”
Immediately the class burst out in shouts of shock, confusion and disbelief that their grumpy, almost emotionless homeroom teacher had actually managed to find somebody to marry him.
Aizawa gave you a slight glare, but you could still see a small bit of softness behind his tired gaze.
Everybody was shouting out questions to you, wanting to know everything and you laughed a little bit, raising your hands to try quiet them down.
“Hey, hey quiet down. You’ll get your answers, but for now I have to go, but I’ll be back soon and then we can talk, promise!”
They all nod excitedly, and as you walk back to your portal you hear Aizawa mumble something out about bringing him some jelly pouches and coffee which makes you roll your eyes.
You closed the portal as you stepped back into the apartment and quickly work on making a simple and easy lunch for Aizawa, putting on a pot of coffee as well.
While you were there, Aizawa had to deal with the unfortunate consequences of you telling his class you two were married, and he zipped his sleeping bag fully up covering his face knowing his students weren’t stupid enough to try and unzip it.
After about 15 minutes, you open another portal and step through, setting a box of food on Aizawa’s desk, along with a cup of coffee, and dropping a few jelly pouches on his sleeping bag.
He let out a grumble, but unzipped his sleeping bag just enough to grab them and put them inside, it was like watching a squirrel hiding its food in a tree.
Sitting on the floor next to his desk, just slightly behind it so you could still keep an eye on your husband, you turned to his class.
“Okay, questions one at a time.”
Immediately they all raised their hands and you picked them out one by one, answering their questions and learning their names along the way.
While you talked with them, you saw Aizawa out the corner of your eye sit up in his sleeping bag, grabbing the coffee and the food from the desk.
He then shuffled over, resting his back on his desk as he ate still half asleep.
Every so often his head would droop, and you’d have to slightly nudge his knee to wake him up.
When he finished half the food, he set the box in your lap, handing you the chopsticks as he focused on drinking his coffee now, watching your carefully.
“Eat…” he mumbled quietly, just loud enough for you to hear.
With a small smile, you start eating while still talking to his class while he kept a watching eye on you, rummaging through through your pocket, pulling out whatever you had in there.
His class seemed very invested in their teachers love life and carried on spilling out questions, and you knew for a fact Aizawa wasn’t going to be living this down any time soon
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occasionallyprosie · 1 year ago
Have a lil ficlet
"Round Five"
He was eight the first time, ten the second, twelve the third, and then sixteen the fourth. He's seventeen now and he is ready for round five.
Aka, Legend runs into Ganon... again.
This is crack, this is pure, badly written crack.
Inspired by this
To be honest, the last thing Legend expected to see when they finally tracked down the being that was being the Shadow... he shouldn't have been surprised, but he really was when he saw a mage and they'd arrived just in time to see the mage use The Shadow to revive Ganon.
Ganon, in all his blue, pig faced not-glory, stood before them. Legend heard Four hold his breath, he saw Hyrule freeze, he noticed the other heroes tense, but he just laughed.
Ganon, freshly revived, fully revived, landed his gaze on Legend who pushed the other heroes back with the flat of his blade.
"You want to go for round five?" He called across the room, grinning.
Ganon groaned. He actually groaned and glared at the mage. "Really? That one? You had to bring that one here? I kill one hero and now I'm just cursed to be killed over and over by this brat."
"Vet?" Four hissed.
"I got this," Legend promised. "Handle that wizard guy and make sure the Shadow's dead. I call pig face."
Ganon just sighed and hefted up his huge blade. "How old this time?"
"Seventeen. Next time we'll have our ten year anniversary date," Legend replied wryly, he heard someone make a slightly scandalized noise, probably Warriors frankly, and someone else snorted and laughed, that sounded like Wind. "When will your lackey's learn that it's just not worth it to bring you back as long as I'm alive?"
"I don’t know," Ganon glared at the mage, who withered under the glare. "Sooner rather than later." He looked at the other heroes. "Wait you’re here too?!"
Four cleared his throat and waved awkwardly. "Umm, hi."
"There's only one of you this time... but--I don’t care. Let's just get the fight over with. It's not like Din ever lets me win."
"If you weren't going to destroy Hyrule in the aftermath I'd let you live," Legend said casually.
Ganon paused. "Deal."
They all stopped.
"Huh... Okay."
"You can't agree to that!"
"I just did, deal with it. Hey can you pick apples from trees without squashing them or am I dumping you on the Gerudo?"
"They'd kill me for last time."
"Fair enough. Guess Ravio's got a new employee."
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rannadylin · 2 months ago
Veilguard: Ranna's Rook intros!
Waaaay back in November, I might have posted a time or two about my first Rook? Since then I've been a bit distracted from Tumblr by, uh, playing three more of them. XD I just started the fifth playthrough so I'd better pop in and show some Rooks off before I get too far into this one and forget how to blog again!
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Possibly mild spoilers to follow along with pretty pictures and very brief summaries beneath the cut...
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Caeda Mercar, Shadow Dragon rogue who romanced Lucanis (alas, yes, she saved Treviso at the expense of her home Minrathous! worth it. She did also flirt a bit with Davrin early on when Lucanis was still being shy about it, but basically I started the game thinking I'd probably romance Emmrich and then Lucanis spited right out of that Ossuary cell and through a gaggle of Venatori in five seconds flat and Caeda went all heart eyes and set her cap for him irrevocably.) Started out more of an archer rogue (usually one of my favorite DA playstyles) but halfway through she started leaning more toward daggers. We'll assume that was her favorite Crow's influence. (Or that Ranna was figuring out how to play XD)
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After Caeda I jumped straight back into CC to make...
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Veryl Ingellvar, Mourn Watch mage who romanced Emmrich. Whereas Caeda had the first-playthrough honor of just picking whatever dialogue options I felt like at the time, so she had a pretty broadly mixed personality, this one specialized in what, in ages past, we would've called Blue Hawke personality. :-D Very golden-retriever, Miss Positivity, etc. (She reminded me of Violet Itzli sometimes. :-D) I thought she'd be a staff mage but then I fell in love with orb & dagger so she did a lot of that too, though not as much as the yet to come 4th playthrough would...
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Next up we have:
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Akish Thorne, Grey Warden Warrior who started out sword & board (throwing shields is fun!) and switched to mostly two-hander (when I realized you can still throw the shield even when you're not apparently holding one!). He romanced Bellara (who reminded me of Yolotli Itzli from the moment I met her :-D ...Akish is not exactly Anselm though), and if Veryl was a Blue Hawke Rook, Akish was mostly Red Hawke, except for being a big softie whenever it came to Bel. (Also, for his endgame I played through once with Neve doing the wards on Tearstone and then again with Bellara and...I like that second one better. Oh the narrative parallels between him being a blighted Warden and then seeing Bellara get blighted but survive it too! Also I like Bel better for that part of endgame in general; it's a bit of character development - her moving from seeming more of an innocent to someone who has survived something pretty massive and draws strength from it to save the day in the end! - that she just needs more than Neve does.)
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Other than Bellara, Akish's favorite thing in the world is griffons. :-D Also his eyes are supposedly violet though the screenshots make it hard to tell.
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I had plans to play an Adaar Inquisitor in DAI but never got around to that playthrough before burnout hit so Akish is my first Qunari OC and I had such fun with him!
Next up: I just finished playing Rook Number Four:
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Arucari "Rook" De Riva. Yes, Rook is short for Arucari. :-D She romanced Lucanis because, um, it appears that he is my Daeran for this game (i.e. I played WOTR 7 times through one summer and romanced Daeran for three of them. Guess I've got at least one more Lucanis romance to go this time around. XD) She is a mage because I missed playing as a spellblade, and a Crow because it is technically the Crow Spellblade specialization, and because I wanted to see how romancing Lucanis with another Crow went. (Conclusion: It went spectacularly! She was such fun.) She was my Purple Hawke girl, always teasing and deflecting with humor anytime things are awkward, but also generally positive beneath that. Also she got extra-large eyes in homage to DA2 elves. :-D Here is a better view of them:
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She is an excellent Crow. No one ever expects assassination from anything this cute.
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And last but not least...
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Linza Laidir is my 5th playthrough, just barely begun! Go Team Dwarf. :-D (Team Dwarven Rogues, to be specific! We gained a Neve just after this screenshot and dear Neve has never looked so tall, being surrounded by Children of the Stone.) Don't know yet if she will be more of an archer rogue or a daggers rogue, whichever lends itself more to Gold and Glory, of course! Not sure yet about her personality (probably swinging between Blue and Red Hawke types? She did beat up everyone in the bar to get Neve Gallus' location, whereas most of my Rooks have talked the bartender down. But I think despite a knack for highly effective violence she's also a sweet little Team Mom who will be teaming up with Lucanis and Bellara for the cooking. And probably romancing Davrin. (Was I inspired by Antoine & Evka's elf/dwarf dynamic? No comment.)
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So clearly I'm enjoying Veilguard overall, and from the factions & romances I've played so far, I rank them as follows:
Grey Warden
Shadow Dragon
Mourn Watcher
Lucanis <3
Which. Considering I went into the first playthrough expecting to fall for Emmrich, is interesting to see how it actually played out so far! Also, clearly I need to play a Warden for my third Lucanis romance, right? :-D
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scrollsfromarebornrealm · 2 months ago
another way to die-- meet you at the docks
(behold, these two.)
"I am so sorry, Sunforged!" The Landsguard spellcaster gestured helplessly behind her. "There was an accident in the harbor this morning, and now we're backed up by several hours. We can try to expedite your request--"
"No no, don't!" Sebastian said quickly, holding up his hands. "Please. Don't. Things happen." He glanced around the Mamool Ja, taking in the snarled chaos that was Tulliyollal's docks. Tents were set up nearby, with Landsguard directing traffic as needed to individual setups. One was white with green and red ribbons--the healers--and quite a few people were being assisted inside.
"What happened, if you don't mind me asking?" The Boonewa woman followed the hyuran man's gaze.
"From what we know right now, it seems like a ship ran aground on the worst part of the reef." She said. Sebastian winced visibly, and the Mamool Ja woman nodded in agreement.
"It does not help that the sea is high and rough right now, which is hampering rescue efforts."
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Sebastian offered. The Boonewa gave him a warm and toothy smile.
"You are generous, but no. Things are well in hand. Are you certain you do not want me to-?"
"It's a care package for my brother, the healer. Nothing that can't keep until things get organized again." The gunbreaker assured her. "Besides, I may not be able to even pick it up anyway. He may need to come to the docks to sign for it."
"Ah. Controlled substances then?" Seeing Sebastian nod, the Boonewa hummed thoughtfully. "On that, I am not too certain of. At least allow me to send you a message if matters here clear up enough that the customs agents can start processing goods again."
"Fair enough." Sebastian agreed. He accepted a wooden token from the mage.
"This will turn blue when they're back to work." The woman told him. "Keep checking every so often."
"Your business here, outsider?"
"Work." Brucemont answered. The Xb'raal guardsman narrowed his eyes, surveying the elezen from head to foot.
"What kind of work?"
"A friend of mine told me about some Sharlayan scholars putting out a call for sell-swords to accompany them on survey trips." Brucemont answered. He'd swapped out his spear for a plainer but well-maintained weapon, and had replaced the upper half of his drachen mail with a reinforced leather coat. Combined with the battered satchel he was carrying, it gave off the air of 'itinerant adventurer'.
I keep forgetting, I need to thank Lady Fortemps for gifting me her holding spell. Riven had given him a bracelet charmed with her most powerful storage array, which permitted one to magically transport...well, damn near anything. It also allowed fast armor and clothing changes in and out of combat. The Landsguard grunted, looking back down at the papers.
"Ishgard." He rumbled, tapping one with a claw. "Aren't you going to melt out here? They say the place is naught but an ice cube." Brucemont snorted, putting his hands into his pockets.
"I've spent enough time outside home that I can easily adjust." He replied. "Though I admit, I've never been anywhere that's so colorful!" Around him and the immigration agent, the Tulliyollal docks were an explosion for the senses. Bastion had been excitedly chittering in the back of his mind at all the colors--and Brucemont indulged his other half, turning his head to take in the view.
<Is this place brighter than Thavnair?!>
Probably might be, or give them a run for the money. Brucemont thought. His gaze landed on the tents, and he frowned. The Landsguard turned his head, noticing where the elezen's gaze had went.
"Ah. That. Boat ran into the reef this morning." He said, going back to Brucemont's paperwork. "You were lucky, getting in when you did."
"I would have thought that the captains that sail here know how to avoid the shallows?"
"Think someone fell asleep at the wheel. Nothing to declare?"
"A bottle of Limsa Black." Brucemont replied. The Xb'raal snorted, producing an official looking document with the Tulliyollal emblem stamped near the bottom.
"A child's drink. I won't charge you for bringing that in." Carefully he filled out the blank spaces on the page. "Where is this Sharlayan expedition you're joining?"
"Ur...Ur...kopacha?" Brucemont stumbled over the word.
"Urqopacha." The Landsguard corrected him. Brucemont felt Bastion shift in his thoughts, tasting the word's sounds. "You're permitted entry there and to the city. If your people want to go anywhere else you'll have to reapply--but I imagine your handlers will take care of that." He handed Brucemont the paper, and the elezen accepted it.
"Thank you."
"Welcome to Tulliyollal. Next in line!"
<One wonders what drinks they have here if they consider Limsa Black to be child's play.> Bastion commented as his dragoon picked up his satchel and started to walk away from the processing point.
"Tequila for starters." Brucemont replied. "And I should probably plan to bring a bottle or two back for the others. Otherwise I'll never hear the end of it."
<Don't give it to Helgrim. He'll drink it all and try to fight everyone again. Including Aymeric.>
"Don't remind me." Brucemont sighed. Climbing up the steps that were the main entry and exit for the harbor, the dragoon, the elezen came to a stop. If the docks were a sensory explosion, what he was seeing before him was a riot. People were everywhere--merchants hawking their wares, guards on patrol duties, children laughing and and playing in the streets under watchful eyes. The air was filled with the smell of salt, of spices, of sweets, of something savory--too many scents for Brucemont and Bastion to distinguish.
<Don't even think about it.> Bastion suggested. <You'll be overwhelmed.>
"No argument there." Brucemont agreed. He'd had the brief thought of opening his senses to see if he could pick up on Reinhardt. Better to let Bastion be the one to handle the sensory overload and give him the needed information first. His stomach growled, reminding him he'd had naught but a bowl of grits on the boat that morning.
<Food is a good idea.> Bastion commented. <Food keeps you from falling flat on your face in front of strangers. Or the Azure Dragoon.>
"That was one time!" Brucemont snapped.
<Or the Lord High Commander.>
"Fury's tits, look! I'm going to find something to eat now!" And with that, Brucemont began to walk forward once more, looking around for a food vendor...
And he froze. Bastion flared in alarm--and then paused, realizing what his dragoon had just found. With a quiet hum he respectfully pulled away--leaving Brucemont to stand in the middle of the street, staring.
"I can stick around if you want me to, Mathye."
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Sebastian was here.
"No, it seems like they have things under control. I asked."
Sebastian was here. In front of him.
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But he'd...changed. Or...had he? Brucemont blinked. He suddenly felt like he couldn't breathe, like a thousand butterflies had just exploded to life in his stomach, his brain trying to reconcile the last memory he had of the gunbreaker with...what was in front of him. Unaware he was being watched, Sebastian deactivated the pearl. As his head turned--his gaze caught Brucemont's own. The hyur froze, surprised.
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"Brucemont?!" He exclaimed. Brucemont couldn't reply. He could only stare back, dumbfounded.
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Sebastian was in front of him. Sebastian was safe. Sebastian was alive.
But he'd...when had he become...? The elezen swallowed. Now it wasn't the just the butterflies in his stomach, now there was a coil of heat too...
"Hi." He got out, his mouth suddenly dry. When had Sebastian become beautiful?! He'd always been lovely, but this... Brucemont swallowed again, trying to form words.
"I...Your--your last letter..."
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dpr-stay · 1 year ago
Good Taste in Wine | D.R
Diluc x Reader
Warnings: not sure how i feel, might come back and add more. also unedited!!!
Wc: ~3.0K
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It was hard to take your eyes off the red-haired man in the corner of the room. He was dressed in a black cloak with eccentric detailing, but the most noticeable thing about him was his bright red hair. It was long, a ponytail being able to be seen when he’d turn his head to watch someone. He was also incredibly handsome, you mused to yourself as you remained behind the catering table. His face was posed into indifference, like he didn’t care to be where he was. Though, he wasn’t leaving.
Movement in front of you drew you away from your observing, and you offered the patrons before the table food from the various platters scattered around it. Everything they enthusiastically pointed at you picked up with tongs and placed on a plate. They chittered away, asking you questions about the desserts before eventually thanking you and taking their plate.
After they left, you let your customer service visage drop for a second with a sigh before taking on a small smile. Who would’ve thought a celebration dedicated to Mondstats infamous crime fighter, the “Darknight Hero”, would’ve spanned so far into said night? The sun had set long ago, the vigilante himself probably long gone and fighting some kind of trouble maker, whether it be a stray hilichurl or something you’d only heard of whispered in passing like an Abyss Mage.
You shook your head for a second, no way one random citizen of Mondstat could take on an Abyss Mage. You went back to the theory you’d been creating in your head, that the Darknight Hero was a Knight of Favonius who wanted five minutes of fame, probably tired of not being revered over the way Captain Kaeya was. You’d seen too many intoxicated housewives cooing to themselves whenever they saw the blue-haired man walk past on patrol, giggling at them from your place at the table by the entrance of the Angel’s share.
Now that you thought about it, maybe the Darknight Hero was Captain Kaeya. He did have a flair for the dramatics, Paimon had made sure to mention it loudly whenever he strolled past her and the traveler. He also had the swordsmanship to finish the job and then get out of there before the rest of the knights arrived.
You looked out around the gathered crowd, trying to ignore the lingering presence in your peripheral and your face scrunched when you found Kaeya, drunk out of his mind. The eyepatch hadn’t come off but, Archons, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him so clumsy. You almost felt bad for the traveler who had placed a hand on his arm, trying to get him to move away from the elaborate fountain and subsequent disaster placed in the middle of the large hall in the Knights of Favonius headquarters. 
They were the ones hosting the event, an event which wasn’t rushed but also didn’t seem all too put together. Jean, who was an old friend, had come up to you a day ago and asked you to fill in for one of the catering staff who’d dropped out due to a nasty cold. You didn’t have the heart to refuse her… after she’d promised a hearty amount of mora in return. 
You didn’t especially understand the politics of the Knights of Favonius hosting a celebratory event for a vigilante who seemed hellbent on not being associated with said institute, but you didn’t really want to think too much about it. You had a few more hours before the party ended and you could treat yourself to the left-over cakes and the leftover bottles of wine, though that was only if some blue-haired fellow who couldn’t stop singing and rhyming took a few steps away from the booth. 
You took your mind off it and allowed yourself a glance back in the red-head’s direction only to find him already looking towards you. It didn’t seem accidental either, his eyes didn’t skim past you as he looked around the room. No, he was looking at you. 
Your eyes met his stare, resisting the urge to quirk an eyebrow for a few seconds before it won out. He responded to your movement with a small twitch upwards at the corner of his lips, so small that if you hadn’t already mapped out the topography of his face from your previous ogling you would’ve missed it.
His attention was drawn away when Kaeya stumbled onto him, you having to stop yourself from laughing when his cool expression was broken by one of pure shock. The traveler quickly grabbed Kaeya by the arm and started dragging him away, Paimon laughing as she floated beside the apologising explorer. Kaeya only seemed to revel in the contact, throwing himself on the traveler while the red-head watched with barely concealed… disbelief? You couldn’t get a read on him. 
For a few seconds after he remained looking at the trio who were walking away, before ruffling himself and adjusting his coat. He glanced back at you and saw the poorly hidden amusement on your face. His face didn’t sour like you half-expected it to, his eyes seemed to catch fire when they met yours. It was hard to explain but you couldn’t see well before he averted his gaze.
It was weird but explainable when your eyes quickly darted down to his hip to see the Pyro Vision hanging off of his hip. Maybe his eyes actually were on fire. You didn’t even let yourself laugh at that.
A tap on your shoulder caused you to turn and look away. Another one of the caterers was standing beside you. You recognised her as the girl who was in charge of the wine booth. Yeesh, you did not envy her having to pour all the drinks. Diona was busy and, from the reactions of the crowd, she did not meet Diona in any standard.
“Hey, could you please cover my table? You’re right near the bathroom and I want to see if I could slip away without anyone noticing?” She asked, though you recognised it to be a plea when you saw her hopping from foot to foot. 
It would be inhumane to deny her so you just nodded. She squealed and ran to the bathroom while you made your way to the wine booth. A line was already forming by the time you got here, so you quickly got to work, taking order after order, recommending your favourite wines from your time indulging at Angel’s Share, and pouring glasses until your wrists got tired of the repetitive motion.
Eventually you whittled the line down to two people. You quickly moved through the first customer, earning yourself a tip which you weren’t sure if you were allowed to take but weren’t going to say no to, before the second customer stepped up to the opposite side of the booth.
You started your introduction before noticing it was the red-headed man. He was looking at you before he spoke.
“Do you part-time as a sommelier?” He asked and you did a double take. Archons, if your voice was that nice to listen to you’d never shut up. You eventually registered what he said and tried to copy his tone. “Do you spend your time sitting in corners at parties?” You countered and he only shrugged before glancing down at the menu printed on the front of the booth.
“I prefer the solitude.” He said as he read and you scoffed skeptically, as you doubted there was any quiet place in this hall.
“Is being a coat rack for the Captain of the Knight’s of Favonius included in that solitude?” He glanced up at you from the menu, seeing the teasing smile on your lips. His eyes seemed to damper a little bit. You realised you may have touched a nerve and quickly tried to divert the conversation.
“I haven’t seen you around before? Do you spend a lot of time in Mondstat?” You asked, and he started, a slightly shocked expression appearing on his face.
“Yes, a bit of time.” He said, as though testing the waters. You weren’t sure why, was he someone important and you didn’t know? Hopefully not.
“Though, I could say the same for you. I don’t recognise you.” He eventually stated, relaxing back in his stance and crossing his arms. Strangely, it didn’t come off as defensive.
“I spend a lot of time in Springvale.” You replied, trying your best not to echo his stance. “I come into the city occasionally.” 
“Do you work in the city?” He was asking a lot of questions, you noted before shaking your head.
“No, the taverns are better here than in Springvale.” He seemed to inflate at that, his posture becoming more prideful. You neglected to mention how there is no taverns in springvale.
“Well then, if you’re a tavern regular, what should I get?” He motioned to the menu below. You briefly pondered if he was reading it for show. A smile came onto your lips as you leaned forward. 
“My personal favourite?” You inquired and he nodded, letting his eyes settle into contact with yours.
“My personal favourite is…” You trailed off before turning around and looking among the crates. A readjustment here and a bit of foraging there before you finally pulled out your favourite. It was a dark brown bottle, sealed by wax, made from Wyotl grapes, a specialty of the Dawn Winery. It radiated a subtle elegancy, which you thought was very fitting of the man behind you.
You turned around and presented it. His eyes seemed to darken, though you could tell it wasn’t from anger or sadness. No, your words seemed to burn more fire in his eyes instead of dampening it like earlier. 
He looked up at you as you walked back to the booth and swiped a glass from below the counter. You poured a nice portion before corking the bottle and lifting the glass. You brought it under your nose and swirled it, letting the heavenly and rich aroma sink into your nostrils and the wine aerate. 
“Is that your preference?” He asked, drawing you out of your trance. Opening your eyes, you nodded. He didn’t smile, but you could tell he was pleased. You handed the drink to him when he raised his hand. He then raised the glass and sniffed it.
His eyes closed and you let him a few moments while he basked in the smell. When they opened, they made contact with yours. A few seconds passed of intense eye-contact before an actual smile graced his face. Sure, it was small but it was there. A shudder rolled down your back.
He placed the glass on the counter, before looking down and patting the pockets of his coat. He extracted his wallet and, after glancing again at the menu, placed down the appropriate amount of Mora. You picked it up and slid it into a collection box as he put his wallet back in his pocket. 
He then turned and started walking off into the crowd. You blanched at his abruptness before realising he didn’t take his drink with him. Immediately you called to his retreating back.
“Excuse me!” He didn’t respond, not turning back. You tried a few more times before calling out loudly “Sir!”.
He immediately halted and turned around. His face was apathetic before he started striding back to you. You were not expecting that, nor his strong pace, so you quickly rearranged yourself before he stopped in front of you.
“Yes?” He then asked, tone unidentifiable.
“You forgot your drink…” You said, gesturing to his wineglass on the counter. He looked down at it, and then back at you, and then back at it.
“No, I don’t think I did.” He claimed before turning around to leave. You reared back and shook your head, leaning over the counter and grabbing his arm. He stopped before slightly turning his head to look at you.
“Sir,” You ignored the way his eyes hardened at the title, “you left your drink.” He looked at it before shaking his head. 
“No, I believe it’s yours.” His words were spoken as though true and you drew your eyebrows together. 
“Excuse me?” You asked in confusion.
“I believe I bought you a drink.” He spelled it out for you, and you leaned back off the counter, letting go of him as you processed that information.
“Oh.” Was all you could muster before you felt your cheeks grow warm. You were definitely flirting with him, you just didn’t expect him to actually act on it.
“Was that too forward?” He asked bluntly and you immediately shook your head.
“No, I just-... I don’t even know your name, nor do you know mine.” He thought about that for a second before leaning in slightly over the bar.
“My name is Diluc Ragnvindr.” He then held a hand over the bar. It was covered by a black glove, but it swallowed your hand whole when you took it. You introduced yourself likewise and Diluc gave you a strong hand-shake, which was, admittedly, a little awkward from a man who’d just bought you a drink.
“Ummmm.” The sound of someone clearing their throat caused you to drop his hand and turn, catching the incredulous look the girl from the bathroom was giving you. 
“I can take this booth over again if you want.” She said plainly and you nodded, before picking up your glass. You frowned as you noticed that Diluc had disappeared into the crowd before the girl was at your side and shaking your arm forcefully.
“Dude!” She exclaimed. “I don’t know how you could flirt with a guy like that and not lose your cool!” Ignoring the fact you didn’t even know her name, you focused into another part of her sentence.
“What do you mean by ‘a guy like that’? Is Diluc important?” She stared at you, shell-shocked. She started nodding before saying rather loudly “Duh!” 
“How on earth could you not know who he is? Oh my god, that’s incredible! Especially the fact he seemed almost as into it as you!” She was rambling, not letting you get a word in. It started to grate on your nerves after a while.
“Hey!” You interrupted her. “Is he important?” You reiterated and the girl could only look at you before shaking her head.
“You’ll find out.” Was all she said before moving past you and to the counter to deal with customers that had built up over the time she was talking to you. 
Well that was useless, all it did was make you slightly paranoid. Which was really annoying. Groaning, you trundled back over to the desert stand and stood there, sipping from your glass. You only waited two minutes before Diluc appeared again, in front of the desert stand this time.
“You don’t have to get me anything this time, the deserts are free.” Was what you started with, watching his face for a reaction. He only nodded, a small smile gracing his lips, before looking down to the table. 
While he did that, you glanced around the room. You hadn’t really been paying attention due to the man in front of you but you quickly surveyed that quite a lot of people were looking at you. The attention caused you to flush, feeling like the amount of eyes was unnecessary, especially when people leaned in to talk to their friends after making eye-contact with you. 
After a few seconds, you spouted a question that was residing in your mind, unable to shake it off if you didn’t get a denial or confirmation. It would make sense if the answer was yes, considering how important he seemed to be if he was worth gossiping about.
“Are you the Darknight Hero?” You eventually blurted, taking note of the way Diluc’s head snapped up to stare at you in shock.
“P-pardon?” He stuttered, and you knew enough about him to tell that that was very uncharacteristic.
“I-I just mean that everyone’s staring at you and stuff, I know you are in some way important and well y’know..” You lifted your hands up and gestured to the decorated space. “It kinda makes sense for people to be staring at the Darknight at a Darknight celebration.”
He opened his mouth to respond but nothing came out, only a few breaths. His eyes were wide and his jaw was open. The longer he remained in place the more embarrassed you were becoming, especially with the way the chatter around you picked up pace. He eventually responded by shaking his head.
“Uhh no..” He finally stated before clearing his throat and saying strongly, with more fervour, “No.” You only nodded in response.
“I do own the Dawn Winery.” He said after a second and your eyes widened. Oh. No wonder he seemed happy when you said your favourite wine was, well, one from his own company. And no wonder he bought it, considering most of the money would go back to him anyway.
“Oh wow.” You said simply and he nodded. You awkwardly laughed. Archons, he must be rich. Archons, you’re such an idiot.
“It’s funny that you didn’t know that, considering the winery is closer to Springvale than Mondstat.” He thankfully continued the conversation, saving you from trying to think of something else to say. However, you could only nod, more than aware this is one of the richest people in probably the whole of Tevyat. 
The conversation went stagnant for a few seconds, a tension that wasn’t really a tension but just a barrier that needed to be broken formed between you. Finally, you sighed.
“I’ve never actually been to the winery.” He turned to you with slightly raised eyebrows.
“Really?” You only nodded in confirmation. He stilled before continuing a few seconds later.
“I could take you one time and give you a tour.” You looked and made eye contact with him, before nodding again.
“I’d like that.” He smiled at your response.
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himluv · 5 months ago
DA Review Series: Blue Wraith
<<< Previous Review: Deception
I've been away for a hot minute while my spouse and I survived the flu. But, I've been reading some and watching Absolution on repeat, so I should have a few reviews out in rapid succession.
(Please do keep in mind I wrote some of these reviews whilst ill, so I apologize for any strangeness/errors lolol)
Title: Blue Wraith Author/Illustrator: Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir/ Fernando Heinz Furukawa Year Published: 2020 In-World Year: ~9:40-9:44 Dragon Verdict: While the narrative format isn't my favorite in this one (lots of jumping between groups AND time), there is A LOT that matters to the state of Thedas here. Plus, I mean... It's Fenris!
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Blue Wraith picks up right after Deception, with all of our comic book friends finally together. Marius and Tessa have reconnected with Ser Aaron and Vaea, and they now have Calix Pryde, Francesca Invidus, and the Mabari, Autumn, in tow. (We also see flashes of what Fenris has been up to in the past few years, roaming Tevinter to kill blood mages/Venatori.)
This blissful union doesn't last long however. In the group's hunt for yet another insidious magical artifact, Francesca learns that her father may be in great danger from an infamous assassin — The Blue Wraith. So, Autumn and Vaea set off with her to see if they can rescue her father and just maybe recruit the assassin to their side.
Meanwhile, Ser Aaron tries to cheer up Calix, to no avail. The boy is increasingly aware that he's not built for the thrill of battle, as he freezes during a conflict with the Qunari. But, they survive the battle and find the caravan they were chasing. And there's a familiar foe traveling with it — the Orlesian Marquette that Vaea bested in Knight Errant.
Francesca and Vaea meet with Fenris, aka the Blue Wraith, on the road and things aren't quite friendly. Vaea has to lean on her association with Varric to get Fenris to team up with them, on the condition that he can't kill Francesca's father. Which... Doesn't go well.
Turns out her dad is a member of the Venatori and staunchly believes she is an embarrassment. That she should have died in Ventus, instead of her brother. And while Fenris upholds his end of the bargain, Magister Invidus cannot be made to see reason. Francesca ends up killing him to protect her friends, but not before he mentions the "sarcophagus".
This leads our two teams back together, because the Orlesian thief and the artifact our friends have been hunting is the restored sarcophagus that burned lyrium into Fenris's skin. We're shown that only elves can survive the sarcophagus's torture, and its head has a now very familiar crescent shape...
(This is the part where I wildly theorize that the sarcophagus was made by Ghilan'nain as one of her experiments.)
The artifact escapes, heading for Tenebris. Calix leaves the group, but offers to be a source of information in the future. He just can't handle the violence, which is fair. And then our remaining heroes set off to chase down this artifact and the Venatori.
While I'm always happy to spend time in Thedas (and see Fenris!) this volume of the comic series did suffer from trying to weave a few too many threads in too little space. The pacing felt off, and the jumps in time and focus were often jarring. Still, if you're reading the comics and prepping for Veilguard, this one's probably important.
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llamagoddessofficial · 2 years ago
Thank you @cams4 for an adorable Sans x OC commission 🥺 I love plant mages, if I could pick any magic power it would probably be something plant related <3
Calypso came in from the rain, closing the backdoor behind her, cutting off the sound of the downpour that had quickly descended over the skeleton household. She pulled off her coat and hung it up beside the door, moving into the kitchen with a collection of cut plant stalks in one hand. The stems were long but not that thick, the ends dotted with what looked like hundreds of clusters of tiny balls.
When she arrived in the kitchen, Sans was already there. He was leaning on the countertop, casually, a cup of coffee in hand and an easy smile on his face.
(She hadn’t seen the way he jumped at the sound of her coming in. Though it wasn't unusual for her to come over, he hadn't been expecting to see her. She hadn’t seen how he pulled at his dirty shirt, counting the stains and wishing he’d worn something less gross. She hadn’t seen how he scrabbled at some dirty plates he’d bought down from his room and teleported them into the sink- and she hadn’t seen the three poses he’d attempted, before settling on the most casual-seeming one.)
“hey caly.” He said, smooth and warm.
... Calypso’s fern-green eyes only needed to land on him for a few moments, before he already felt himself slightly losing his cool, cheekbones prickling and threatening to flush blue. He swallowed, shifting his weight a little more onto one foot.
She visibly brightened. Raindrops hung suspended in her golden hair, like dozens of little pearls. “Sans! You’re up early!”
Sans was up early. 11am- early for him. He winked. “yup, i can’t be-leaf it either. whatcha doin’ out in the rain?”
His joke earned a modest snort, despite the innumerable amount of times he’d said that same joke to her. “Just some gardening for Papyrus. Is he home yet?” 
“not yet. still working out, probably.”
He didn’t really understand why Calypso bothered with gardening. She was a mage- capable of making plant life grow on command. And yet she often still insisted on taking the long route.
“... I just think it’s much more rewarding to let the plants grow themselves, and help them along a bit. Listen to them, rather than forcing them to make the journey faster. They’re just as pretty when they’re growing as they are when they’re grown.”
... He didn’t get it. The only plant he’d managed to keep alive was a little potted cactus she’d given him a few months ago, a creature who sat happily on his windowsill and seemed to thrive on his neglect. If he had plant powers he’d use them all the time.
... But maybe there was an element of comfort, to him, about the fact that the girl he was so hopelessly head-over-heels for preferred a fixer-upper to something already perfect.
“what’s pap growin’ now, then?” He asked.
“He likes dahlias, so I’ve just planted some. He described them as ‘POSITIVELY MATHEMATICAL’.” She drew a vase out of the cupboard, filling it with water and dropping the large trimmings in. “They might take a while to grow, but that’s alright.”
Sans couldn’t help but chuckle. Of course his brother was obsessed with such a symmetrical flower.
“gotta admit, i’m comin’ up short on dahlia puns.” He supported his chin on his elbow, swirling the remaining dredges of coffee in his cup. Talking to her... it just made him feel so... relaxed. So okay. “what’re the ones in the vase, then?”
“Just some of the hydrangea. It’s getting huge, now. It’s good to garden them when it’s raining.” She gently rearranged them. “I thought they’d look nice inside, when they bloomed.”
He grinned. “bet they’ll be bloomin’ unbelievable.”
Calypso suddenly shifted. She looked... nervous? She bit her lip.
... Sans immediately felt himself shift too, instinctively, smile losing a few millimetres. He lowered his mug.
“... something... wrong?” He asked, carefully, after a few moments of silence.
She had no idea how much that single sentence meant, coming from him. Sans, famously terrified of any emotional subject, had a tendency to evacuate the room even when his closest friends got too upset. But with her, he felt a degree of comfort he’d only felt before around family. 
... He wanted to make sure she was okay.
“N-no, not at all.” She needlessly adjusted the flower in the vase again. “I’m fine. Uhm... It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
The thought of her not being able to tell him something made him feel itchy. 
“... you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. but, uh... you can tell me anything, heh.” He was wearing his most disarming smile. “‘sides, if it’s botherin’ you, it’s usually better to get it out.”
If Papyrus had been in the room he would’ve fainted at the sight of Sans not only avoiding the easy way out of the conversation (just accepting her 'I'm fine'), but actively pushing for greater emotional honesty.
As a monster, he had exceptional hearing. He didn’t want to tell her that he could hear her heartbeat getting faster.
“I’m...” Her eyes darted around, focusing on anything that wasn’t him. Were her cheeks getting red? Shit, had one of his jokes landed badly? He racked his mind for anything he could've said to make her upset. “Y-you’re right. It’s... it’ll be better to get it out.”
He was getting nervous now. Was it bad? Should he be concerned? “mhm.”
She stared at the hydrangea. She fidgeted with the side of the countertop, took a breath in...
“I... I really like you.”
“.......... huh?”
“... Like... erm...” She tucked some hair behind her ear, still not looking at him. “... Romantically.”
Not what he was expecting to hear.
The sound of the rain outside filled the room. Sans stood there, staring at her blankly, waiting for the punchline. Waiting for her to start laughing, grin and say it was a prank. Waiting for the gotcha!
There was no way she liked him. It was too good to be true.
... Not when he liked her so much, too. 
Calypso glanced at him- his expression must’ve been something else, because she immediately looked away again. He could smell regret starting to seep out of her.
“I-I mean... it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to do anything. It’s no big deal.” She laced her fingers together, then unlaced them, tapping them on the countertop, as unsure of how to stand as he had been minutes earlier. “I just, uhm... figured you should know... nothing has to change though. A-and it’s fine, I’ll probably-” 
Her cheeks were getting progressively redder and redder, and her voice progressively smaller and smaller. She was being honest. 
“i-i like you too,” he blurted. 
She finally looked at him. She stared at him as blankly as he’d stared at her. 
... He had to let go of his mug, for fear of cracking the handle. 
“... romantically.”
Calypso's face flushed. As it did, her eyes glimmered green for a split second- and every bud on hydrangeas in the vase instantly opened, a vivid bunch of bubblegum pink.
It kinda matched the shade on her cheeks.
“Y-you... do?” Her voice cracked.
His Soul was in his mouth. If it turned out she was pranking him, he’d never forgive her. don’t laugh at me. 
“... you sound like you don’t believe me.” He said, as playfully as he could, in the state he was in. He could feel his eyelights all but twinkling in his sockets, they were probably embarrassingly big and fuzzy.
“I... w-well. You’re just... you’re so cool, and I...”
... Sans laughed. He couldn’t help it. It was a short sound, he covered his mouth- she quickly gave him a quizzical look. Though she seemed comforted by the sound. 
i feel like my bones are gonna fall apart.
“i-i’m sorry. i just...” He dragged his hand down his face, his grin was so big it was starting to ache. “i can’t believe you said that. that’s exactly how i feel about you.”
The hydrangeas went from pink to red. Again, just like her face. “... You think I’m... cool?”
He had word vomit. “who wouldn’t?”
He was so... excited? Happy? He couldn’t put his finger on it. He wasn’t used to not knowing exactly how he felt.
“... I didn’t know you could go that colour.” Calypso giggled, gently.
Sans quickly became self-conscious of the amount of magic he could feel prickling in his cheekbones. His face must’ve been absolutely cerulean; he itched his cheekbone, letting out a weak chuckle of his own and glancing away. 
“guess, uh... my crush confessing to me blue me away, heheh...”
She reached across, and took one of his skeletal hands in hers.
He stared at the two limbs, entwined. Warmth spread through his chest. Whatever he was feeling, he really liked it.
“pap is gonna lose his shit when he finds out.”
“I know, right?”
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lettersfromaphrodite · 2 years ago
| your love is holy |
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―pairing : Childe x Lumine ―genre : fluff ―word count: 1.679 ― summary : they kiss, that's it that's the fic
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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Lumine hissed in pain, ungraciously falling on the ground as cold droplets of rain kept falling over her body, making her enemy’s attacks even more powerful and effective. «Over here!» the mage’s lively and arrogant voice spoke, as she appeared right behind Lumine before casting yet another spell aimed at her; Lumine planted her sword into the soft and wet ground, gritting her teeth and clenching her hand around the helm of the blade, in the almost vain attempt to get on her feet and effectively trying to counter attack the electro mage.
“Paimon will never let me hear the end of it if I fail such a simple task,” Lumine said to herself, as if the image of her small floating friend could give her enough strength to fight back. With a strained groan, Lumine gripped her sword with both hands and rapidly stood up, managing to hurt the mage and consequentially interrupting her spell. However, Lumine’s relief was short lived, since the mage caught the opportunity to lean towards her, brushing a fingertip over her naked and wet shoulder, only to cast another quicker spell; if it were a sunny afternoon, Lumine would not have felt anything, but the rainstorm currently happening was making everything unbearable for her. Lumine felt her grip around the sword loosen, and gradually, her world started turning black.
The last thing Lumine felt were strong arms preventing her to fall on the wet ground. «Aether…» she mumbled, feeling safe, as she let darkness absorb her.
«If I’m not mistaken,» Childe spat as he effortlessly picked up an unconscious Lumine in a bridal style, «these were not the orders.»
«I’m sorry,» the mage immediately spoke lowering her head, kneeling on the ground as her voice filled with worry; as much as she was enjoying the fact that she was about to kill the so rumoured Traveller, she knew better not to anger one of the Harbingers, «I-»
«I don’t want to hear it,» Childe harshly interrupted her, quickly moving his head in order to brush off the ginger strands of hair falling in front of his bright blue eyes, «disappear from my sight, I’ll deal with you later.» the mage wordlessly nodded, before disappearing into thin air at once, and Childe let out a frustrated groan. Immediately, he inched closer to Lumine’s features, relief washing over him at the fact that she was still breathing; he instinctively tightened his grip on her, as he made his way under the rain towards the nearest teleport waypoint.
«Aether,» he mumbled to himself as he made sure Lumine’s face was safely nestled in the crook of his neck, preventing too much rain falling into her face, «who is that, now?» he wondered with a sigh, trying to ignore the feeling of jealousy making his way through his soul.
With a weak and pained whine, Lumine slightly twitched in Childe’s arms – probably unconsciously still feeling like being electrified, and the young boy snapped out of his thoughts; he could have questioned himself about the nature of his feelings for Lumine another time, even if he already knew the answer. Now, he needed to return to to Liyue, and ask some doctors to treat her, or – judging by the girl’s pale and pained features, he could have teleported to the nearest Statue of the Geo Archon and let her heal in a much faster way. Not wanting to let her go, Childe pressed his shoulder against the teleport waypoint, and the two of them disappeared in the blink of an eye.
Much to Childe’s relief, the weather was sunny and warm over Qingyun Peak, meaning that their clothes would have dried quickly; even if Childe didn’t completely understand the purpose of a statue on top of a floating platform, but it definitely came in handy during moment like these.
Moreover, Qingyun Peak was one of his favourite places – not to mention the floating house in the sky almost on top of said statue; truth was, Childe always visited those places whenever he needed time to think. As much as he loved battlefields and challenging his enemies, he loved the sensation of his gaze losing in the landscape, as silence surrounded him and he could feel like he could hear the silence between his thoughts.
Of course, once again, he had refused to let Lumine go and that’s how he found himself sitting on the stone platform under the Archon’s sitting statue as Lumine was slowly recovering, partially sitting on his thighs and securely framed by his arms.
«You should wear something more functional for battle,» Childe sighed with a smile, his gloved hand gently brushing the skin of her thigh as the statue’s blessing kept healing her.
Lumine woke up with a groan, confusion written all over her face; instinctively, she rubbed her temple in the vain attempt to make her headache disappear.
«Hi, girlie.» Childe welcomed her with a bright smile on his lips; although Lumine was confused about how she got there and why the boy’s delicate features were so close to hers, she fought back the instinct to smile back at him.
«What happened?» she asked, noticing the sudden change of location; only then Lumine noticed the position they were in, and quickly moved in order to stand up and sit next to the young Harbinger. Although Childe’s first instinct was to tug on her wrists and let her stay on his lap – already missing her comforting warmth, he brushed that feeling off, trying to ignore his own emotions once again. With a smug smile Childe leaned back, balancing his weight on his hands, simply saying that he was passing by in the right moment – of course, he wasn’t spying on her, wasn’t he? Lumine didn’t completely believe in his words but nevertheless, she nodded at him.
«Thank you, then.» she offered, a sincere and polite smile on her features; Childe was momentarily taken aback, since he was definitely not used to the sight of Lumine smiling – except anytime she was in front of some delicious dish.  
«I didn’t fight one of mine for a “thank you” in return,» Childe lied with a scoff, then quickly placed a finger to his cheek as if he was deep in thoughts, «how about a reward?» his gaze locked with Lumine’s, and the mischief flashing in his blue eyes definitely didn’t go unnoticed.
«Reward? You’re the rich one, I have nothing much to give you, beside some flowers.» Lumine furrowed her eyebrows, adverting her gaze in the vain attempt to hide how nervous she was, since Childe was as reliable as he was unpredictable.
«How about a kiss?» Childe asked, and Lumine petrified, her eyes as wide as the moon. Of course Lumine had a crush on her enemy, but did he find out about it?
“He can’t know about it, I haven’t told anyone!” Lumine thought, as the possibility of Childe liking her as well slowly made way into her heart, only to disappear in a blink of an eye; Lumine was strictly convinced that the young Harbinger could have never returned her feelings, and so she had tried her best to lock them away.
However, if she only had paid a bit more attention, she would have understood that her feelings were required with the same intensity and passion.
«A… kiss?» she asked, a faint embarrassed blush covering her cheeks.
«Of course!» Childe tilted his head towards her, as his gaze rapidly travelled from her eyes to her lips, «Although I don’t want to overstep any boundaries, you know, boyfriend or secret lover or … anything.» he added, hoping for her to fall into his trap.
«Boundaries?» Lumine asked, confused; she had been travelling since the day she woke up in Teyvat, how could she have had time to get a lover?
«Yeah, for example…» Childe trailed off, wondering if Lumine was honestly oblivious of what he was implying or she had something to hide; with a sigh, he decided that it was all or nothing, «who’s Aether?»
«What?» Lumine’s head snapped towards him, and she immediately caught a hold of the boy’s slim yet toned arm, «Did you see him?» Childe looked at her with furrowed brows; who could that boy be for her to have such a reaction? Of course, there was only one way to know, wasn’t it?
«It doesn’t work like that, pretty lady,» he chuckled, his gaze darkening, «I asked first.» Lumine sighed, and slowly detached herself from the young boy; of course, she could have told him, but would her secret be safe with him? Although he had always proven to be somehow trustworthy, he was still a member of the Fatui…
Lumine’s gaze was lost somewhere in the landscape in front of her as she made up her mind; after all, everyone knew she was looking for Aether, and his identity could have been an easy information to get.
«He’s my twin brother.» Lumine said, and if only her gaze wasn’t unfocused in an unspecified spot in front of her, she would have seen Childe’s relieved expression.
«We used to travel together,» Lumine went on, as the wind gently moved her short hair, «He got-we got separated.» Childe hummed, «Want me to look into it?»
«I don’t want to be affiliated with the Fatui.» Lumine scoffed, but still politely thanked him.
«You wound me, girlie! I’m one of the Harbingers, I could always happen to… overhear some informations… and casually throw them your way…» he said, gradually leaning closer to Lumine. Lumine’s gaze shifted to Childe’s eyes to his lips, and she gladly noticed that the boy was doing the same.
«I’m sure you’ll ask for something in return.» she tried, barely above a whisper, and Childe was sure that if they weren’t this close, her whisper would have been carried away by the gentle wind.
«That’s true,» Childe’s eyes were unwavering from her lips, «that one kiss has just doubled.»
Lumine hinted a nod, «That can be arranged.» she mumbled again, before leaning in and meeting Childe’s lips halfway.
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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raidtheradio · 2 years ago
Body and Soul
Read it on Ao3!
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Summary: A novice mage is recruited to the Hextech gang to help surpass a roadblock in their research 
Notes: Deviates from cannon a lot sorry. Watch me make up shit about league of legends magic system lawl. 
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Sweet, explicit stuff will happen later on, first viktor fic after simping for this man years oops, i made up the magic system i dont know much about lol lore outside of arcane, i havent written anything in so long and ive never made a series before please be nice to me LAWL
Summary: A novice mage is recruited to the Hextech gang to help surpass a roadblock in their research
Chapter One
    This bed is atrociously comfortable. The soft, plush pillow where your head rests, the heavy and thick duvet which weights you down into the memory foam mattress. This whole bed is dedicated to making your stay as enjoyable as possible, and you despise it. Being used to mattresses so hard and lumpy they might as well be metal or a simple sleeping bag draped over grass and dirt meant that when you were given the rare opportunity to rest in a plush environment you simply couldn’t relax. Even the temperature was set perfectly, you were neither shivering nor sweating. The room was pitch black, as opposed to the usual fire or candlelight that you’d normally dose off to. And the worst part was that there was no noise, so silent to the point that your ears were ringing. Two hours were spent tossing and turning, constantly having to move because one side felt itchy or the duvet was pressing too hard against you so that you couldn't breathe. What was meant to make you slumber had instead made you incredibly claustrophobic. 
     Soon the sky went from pitch black to the faintest deep blue. The sun was rising and so were the bags under your eyes. When you first came to Piltover Academy that morning, you noticed the lush courtyard which students often used a  take a break from rigorous studying. The greenery was magnificent, so much so that bushes that lined the brick path seemed so large that you could fit your entire body in them. That's when you were struck with an idea. While folding up your heavy duvet, you hoped that there weren’t too many night guards patrolling the halls. You stacked a pillow on your duvet and headed towards the lavish courtyard. You didn’t need an extra blanket to place under you as the fabric in your hands was so large and thick it could in case your entire body and protect you from the harsh soil. Getting outside was easy, you’d memorized the way when you first walked through the doors as you recognized you’d most likely be using the courtyard space often. 
    You walked the grey brick path and picked a bush that would offer you the most comfort, and when you finally settled yourself inside you immediately conked out. What helped your sleep the most was the outside ambiance that surrounded you. Even when sunlight seeped through the leaves you slept, up until you heard frantic footsteps accompanied by bickering male voices approach your makeshift bed. 
    “I told you not to scare her off!” You recognized the voice, Jayce Talis, the one that invited you to the academy in the first place.
    “I scared her off? You were the one talking the most, she looked exhausted, and you probably strained her further with your stories.” That one was Viktor, the partner of Talis, and the less… ecstatic of the two. When you first arrived at the gates, Talis was practically bouncing off the walls having only ever met a mage once in his life. He shared how when he was a little boy he and his mother were stuck in a snowstorm and would’ve died had not a hooded mage appeared and transported them to safety. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that your knowledge of magic was limited and could be used for basic healing purposes only. While you and Talis chatted, a lean pale man supporting his weight on a cane tailed you both and hadn’t said a word until you reached your designated room. Only stating his name and handing you your key. ‘Don’t lose it’ he told you. You stuck your head above the bush to observe the two bickering.
    “Well excuse me for having the decency to actually try be nice to her. Don’t think I didn’t notice how quiet you were being. Seriously would it kill you to develop some social skills.” 
    “Jayce I- Ohmygod!” Viktor's voice became shrill when he finally noticed your head. Talis’ gaze immediately snapped to where Viktor was looking, his expression could only be read as ‘What the Fuck?’. 
    “I'm sorry I was uh-” You shambled your way through the shrub, your duvet dragging along in one hand and your pillow in the other “I was having trouble sleeping, so I came out here to clear my head.” Leaves were tangled in your hair and Jayce’s expression held while Viktor sighed. You couldn’t tell whether the heat in your face was from embarrassment or the sun's rays. Even if you spent most of your life camping with little to no people around, you knew that the situation the men had found you in was more than abnormal. Jayce clapped his hands together as if to snap himself out of his head which startled both you and Viktor. 
    “Well then, shall I show you to the cafeteria? If we rush we might be able to make it before breakfast stops.” As you begin to follow Talis, you hear a soft voice pipe up.
     “I’ll meet you both in the lab.” The sound of Viktor's cane echoes through the halls behind you as Jayce leads you to the cafeteria. 
    Breakfast consisted of cold scrambled eggs and bacon. Jayce left you alone to eat and, like Viktor, he would meet you in the lab. Since you were so late the cooks could only scrape together what was left behind by bustling students. Once your stomach was left full but unsatisfied, you stumbled your way through cool brightly lit halls. Piltover Academy consisted of everything you weren’t used to. Having spent so much time in towns less fortunate it was quite the change in pace. The underside of the city however was what you more so understood. While still large and crowded the streets were filled with sick and elderly unable to work, that is what was familiar to you. You first heard of the Undercity of Piltover through your patients. People who you had healed and begged for you to travel to the city of mines and gas, telling stories of loved ones who traveled there for work only to be injured by the incredibly low-quality safety guidelines. You of course obliged seeing as how you traveled wherever there were people that were in desperate need of help. It didn’t take long for word to pass through the undercity and into the privileged few who got to live on the upside of the city. Word of the mage performing miracles on the injured and sick made it to Piltovers top University. And there Jayce had written a frantic letter to you, requesting immediate aid towards the magical project that would help the city for years to come. You, having the same drive to help people as the man who wrote the letter decided to come in and check out what this ‘Hextech’ was. You knew nothing of science and engineering, and while technically a mage your academic knowledge in magic was minimal. However, if there was even a smidge of contribution you could provide for the safety of PIltover then it was at least worth a look in. You finally made it to the lab, had you understood the layout of the building more it would’ve cut your time in half. You opened the large doors that house what the two men were passionate about and- holy shit.
    “Ah, you're here. Did you enjoy your breakfast?” Talis had noticed you first, as he said his greeting Viktor looked up from the little contraption he was working on and stared at you through his welding goggles. You were way out of your element here, way more than you thought you’d be. The large room was lined with counters, and space that wasn’t filled with intricate gadgets and gizmos were scattered pages lined with complicated notes and equations you couldn’t even begin to comprehend. Yea no, there was no way in hell you were ever going to be able to help these guys. 
    “Um, yes the food was fine.” You began trudging your way through the machines, Viktor continued his welding, and Talis strides toward you. The tan man led you to the blackboard where he begins to explain in detail the goals of Hextech. They have unlocked the power of magic through the usage of runes and machines and now had hit a roadblock on how to direct that magic into becoming an energy source. You felt dizzy, you didn’t even specialize in the type of magic they were using. Spirit Magic, the one you used, was unlocked by sensing the energy flowing through one's body. Technically, magic flows through everyone, it's what fuels every species that resides in this world. However, it takes time to even be able to be aware of its existence and even more time to learn how to manipulate it to speed up the healing process. That was what you did, it was what your mentor managed to teach you before they passed on. So for this scientist to look you straight in the eye and ask how to direct magical energy into powering these intricate machines was just… you don’t even know what it was. Clearly, these men were inexperienced with magic seeing as they thought a spirit mage would somehow be able to help with engineering. 
    “Viktor, do you think you could help with the explanation of our inventions?” Talis nods his head toward the Russian. Viktor raises his head from his gadget again.
    “Of course.” He says. He grabs the cane that was set beside him and raises himself from his stool. The sound of his joints popping was accompanied by a groan and you winced when he fully straightened his back. You didn’t even have to do an assessment to know that there were many energy points in his body that needed to be cleared. 
    “Now if you’ll follow me here, I’ll show you the latest versions of our machines” You stopped him before he began vain explanations.
    “I’m sorry,” You began, both the men had their attention on you. “Viktor, Mr. Talis. It was fantastic meeting you both and being able to see your work but,” Light immediately began to drain from Talis’ eyes while Viktor listened intently. “I’m afraid there's not much I can do to help you. Mixing magic and Engineering is way out of my league and the energy I use is called spirit magic. I can’t even imagine explaining it with equations as it's mainly conducted through the soul and body”  You rub your hands together and your mouth upturns into an awkward grin. You felt bad, you really did. The duo seemed to really be dedicated to improving lives and perhaps if you were a more talented mage you could help them. 
    “Please, call me Jayce. Mr. Tallis is much too formal.” Jayce begins, Viktor closes his eyes and sighs before walking toward the worn blackboard. “Viktor and I appreciate you coming to see us, even if nothing came of it.” He places his hand on your back and begins to lead you out the door.
    “Perhaps there is a way she can help us.” A soft Russian accent sounds through the room and both you and Jayce turn toward Viktor. “You said you specialize in Spirit magic, yes?” The light tapping of his cane synchronizes with his steps as he walks toward you.
    “Specialize is a strong word but I suppose you can say that.” He’s now in front of you and holy shit his eyes are gold that’s so cool.
    “I believe that as scientists we must take every opportunity to study the unknown, even if it's not what we are working on.” He leans more weight on him, both hands now gripping the handle. “I admit we have reached a dead end in our research, pressure from the council is getting heavier by the day and we promised something big in terms of our inventions. If we can get a fresh pair of eyes on our work, a mage's eyes no less, then perhaps we would be able to surpass this roadblock.”  You know only the fundamentals of spirit magic, and this man wants you to teach it? To two renowned scientists no less?
    “I'm not necessarily going to say no, but I am going to warn you that my knowledge is a lot more limited than it may appear.” As you’re saying this Jayce stands behind Viktor.
    “Trust me, considering the situation we’re in we’ll take just about anything,” Jayce says with a laugh. Viktor nudges his partner.
    “It sounds like you're saying this woman is not capable in her field of work,” The Russian says. 
    “It’s not that I just- Viktor come on.”
    “Now who is the one who needs social skills.” Jayce scoffs while Viktor smirks. Of course, you’ll say yes to the offer, most of the injuries that people sustained in the undercity were from poor working conditions. People were sick from chemical spills, infected amputation wounds, and just downright too elderly to be working so hard. If helping Hextech build better futures would permanently reduce the number of people in need then the choice is obvious. 
    “I’ll offer whatever knowledge that I can.” You declare, even with a face so pale color seemed to come into Viktor's features.
    “We truly appreciate your help, if there's anything that we can provide to make your stay here more comfortable we’d be more than happy to provide it,” Jayce exclaims.
    “Yes of course,” Viktor nods along with Jayce. “For example, if the room was inadequate we’ll do what we can to make it more..” Viktor gestures his hand as if trying to find the right word. You’re reminded of the incident this morning. You had hoped they just forget about your stupidity.
    “THAT'S quite alright,” you interrupt him “The room is fine, I look forward to working with you two.”
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purple-templar · 6 months ago
I don't know what demon has possessed me to finally post something on here, but I saw this post about this event way too late at night and it just triggered something in my brain and now I have like several pages worth of fanfiction, so now I feel like I have to post it lol. I don't really know what I'm doing, and I'll probably come back later if it's possible and edit because I'm not the biggest fan of my first draft. (It was possible, and I have edited it -8/26/24) It seems a lot more novelistic than fanfictiony to me but oh well. It's just a small snippet, I might write more but I'm not sure. It's just a little, way too long opening I wrote with my version of Yuu and a little too much foreshadowing that probably makes no sense if you don't know my version of Yuu's intricate backstory lmao.
It felt like she was walking through jello or trying to walk underwater. It was hard to breathe and it took every single amount of focus to continue walking forward and not to drift off. It was completely black, and nothing was visible as she stepped forward.
It felt like hours, but barely 2 seconds had passed. Time seemed to move slowly as if it was stuck, its gears and old rusted as they tiredly turned out of obligation. Then, without warning, she emerged. She stepped out of the mirror slowly, the glass rippling behind her as it let her pass; the glass acted almost like a non-Newtonian fluid in how it moved. Parts of it seemed to cling to her almost as if reluctant to let her pass before snapping back into its golden frame as it stilled, hardening again into the reflective glass of a mirror.
The sky overhead was overcast, dark clouds overhead casting the area into shadow. Despite the clouds overhead, the rest of the weather was pleasant. A gentle breeze consistently blew past that prevented it from becoming too humid. Her destination stood before her, the large stone castle looming above her, casting a shadow across everything. Before she could examine her surroundings anymore she was jumped.
A familiar grey and blue form leaped into her arms, beaming smugly up at her as if he owned her arms. Grim grinned at her smugly, his tail twitching and swaying behind him lackadaisically. His blue flames flickered, emanating brightly from his ears lighting up his strange eyes. Grim's eyes crinkled as he grinned; his sharp, pristine teeth flashed in the light from the lamp posts that illuminated the path that they stood on. His smile was odd, almost uncanny in its human-like quality. The bright white fluff that composed his chest rubbed up against her, eliciting a small giggle as it tickled her arm. At her giggle the Grim pouted irritably, whacking at her arm as he settled down in her arm.
"What took you so long Anna? I swear you always take longer than everyone else to go through the mirror. You're going to have to do better than that if you want to be the hench-human of such a great mage like me," Grim lectured, speaking as easily as if he were human as it glared up at her.
Anna grinned down at the cat-like creature in her arm, gently ruffling its head. "Oh Grim, it's just in your head. It doesn't take me any longer than anyone else to get through the portal" Anna replied to the creature in her arm with a laugh.
She was lying. But Grim didn't know that. None of the other people around them in their student's uniform did. None of them would. Unlike back home they couldn't recognize the way her head twitched to the right as a warning tell of her deceit.
Anna looked up from Grim, noticing the rest of her classmates who she had befriended, and started to consider family ever since she had awoken in a coffin in this strange world. She quickly ran forward, catching up with them as they all walked towards the huge castle in front of them. Anna breathed deeply, enjoying the fresh air and the scent of pine and rain in the air. She picked up her pace slightly falling in step with one of the other students in the group. He was a tall, imposing figure. His bright, almost teal, green hair stood out easily among the crowd as well as his uniquely stiff way of walking.
"So this is Briar Valley?" Anna asked with a small laugh, gently running her fingers through Grim's fur, easily causing him to nod off in her arms. "I have to say it's exactly like you described. You can almost feel the magic in the air. Are you excited for this huge event? I didn't realize Briar Valley had its own magic colleges though I suppose it would be weirder for it not to."
"OF COURSE BRIAR VALLEY AS IT'S OWN SCHOOLS!" Sebek snapped, quieting down at the glares from their other classmates.
"Relax Sebek, we're here to have fun," Silver chided tiredly, rubbing at his eyes as he trudged alongside his fellow knight.
Before Sebek could make a retort, Anna grabbed his arm, dragging him off towards the rest of the other first years to avoid an argument as they made the trek to the castle. "Hey Sebek, why don't you tell us about this Black Cauldron College? I've never heard of it before, do you know anything about this event that we're supposed to be participating in?" Anna said quickly, knowing that a surefire way to get Sebek to not make a scene was to distract him by giving him something to rant about.
"Yeah, I mean I know we're going to win, but what's the huge deal?" Ace interrupted, grinning at the rest of the grip with his usual smug grin.
"Oh shut up Ace, don't get ahead of yourself. I bet you'll make us lose," Deuce retorted earning him a playful shove from Ace as Sebek watched on with disdain.
"Shut up Juice!" Ace snapped, his face turning red.
Before it could turn into another fight between the two of them a quick glare from their house warden shut them as they started walking slightly faster, not wanting to earn Riddle's wrath so early on in the trip.
"Is it a physical competition?" Jack asked, his boots clomping down along the winding stone road up to the stone castle, Black Cauldron College.
"As long as it's not anything prissy I'm down," added Epel, scowling when Ace ruffled his lavender hair.
"We're here to participate in the Battle for the Black Cauldron," Sebek snapped, glaring at the other first-years as he shook his head at their lack of decorum that he had long since given up on constantly trying to correct. As he spoke thunder crashed in the distance, creating a rather ominous edge to his words
"Well, that sure wasn't ominous," Anna commented, looking up at the sky with a raised eyebrow, trying to distract from how she had jumped when she had heard the thunder and how her body remained tensed as if ready to bolt. Anna shook herself slightly, focusing on the feeling of the still-sleeping feline beast's fur under her hands. "This is going to be an adventure. Glad I brought my camera."
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inkybloom-luv · 2 years ago
Words Unsaid
I'd like to say that when I first met you I fell for you instantly and I knew. But I didn't know. And it wasn't even a meet. I saw you at orientation first, trying your damnedest to put out the fire breathed out by the stupid mage cat that had tried to steal my spot as a student, not that I really knew what was going on at the time, that had somehow spread to your Housewarden's robes.
I didn't have much time to look at you then, frantically trying to avoid the chaos and near frozen by fear and confusion. But even in that you looked gorgeous. I blamed it on the lighting at the time, running to catch up with the grey and blue creature.
The second time I saw you was after I'd been enrolled for a while, chaos seemed to follow me as I adjusted to everything. By then I'd had to replace my glasses, not that I think the headmage intended to replace them until I had begged Riddle to bring it up with him, as I could hardly see any board or far from me and using my phone camera only did so much. I must've looked weird to you. I was staring, I know, but I could not help it, even if I was supposed to ask about your, albeit not as severe but incredibly inconvenient, injury that would keep you from participating in the spelldrive tournament.
I couldn't tear my eyes away from you then, unable to find any excuse for such behaviour even now. Only then did I learn your name, Jamil Viper. Had I known that name would haunt my every waking thought, I would not have asked it. Your hair looked so lovely that day. And the accessories you wore, I wondered if they'd look good on me, if I could watch you do your hair up.
I saw you play basketball the other day. I was sent to the school Gym to help do maintenance on the equipment. You had your club activities supervised by coach Vargas at the time, seeing as I was also there. Unbeknownst to you, the band on your uniform that you wear around your arm had fallen in the cafeteria in the lunch period before. I noticed and picked it up, sure enough that I would see you and return it eventually.
When I actually saw you there I stared again, as one with a crush does, I guess. You take my breath away. Coach Vargas yelled in my ear on accident, which embarrassingly made me flinch and cower. I have not gotten over loud noises, but I don't think I need to. God I still hope you didn't see that. But you might've.
Somehow I actually managed to talk to you and return the armband. Told you I liked the way your hair was up, that you looked cool playing basketball. I wish I could've kept talking but really, I probably only would have embarrassed myself. If you knew how red my cheeks were, how hot they felt after I'd gone out of sight. I'm sure you'd laugh at me. But I can't help myself, not when my heart threatens to break my ribcage when I so much as think about you. Your eyes are gorgeous too. Can't believe I never noticed them, but I don't look people in the eyes when speaking all that much.
Your eyes though, your eyes I adore. They are endlessly beautiful to me. They ensnare me, hold my attention, I can't look waya no matter how much I try, not that I want to though.
Not that you're ever going to read this. I'm going to hide this away later. I just had to get my thoughts out. But I, Inky, do adore you. Moreso than I have anyone before. But I won't call it love. I don't think I'd be worth that yet. Maybe one day, Jamil, maybe one day I will be worthy of calling you my love. Until then, I do hope you don't think I'm too weird.
I've got to leave it here though, the damned bird is calling me in again, for no reason I bet. My allowance better get higher, lest I go nuts here.
Aaand here we have my Yuu-sona being down bad for the snake man. In case of terrible formatting, I am, in fact, on mobile. Might make more depending on how well this goes over but I hope it's not too obvious that this is my first writing piece,,, ya. Hope y'all enjoy! <3
Can be read as x reader, it's only my Yuu-sona, feel free to change the name in y'alls lil delulu heads cause me too<3
716 words
Part 2 Part 3
Part 4 Part 5
Part 6 Part 7
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officerwhitmore · 2 months ago
The Best Time to Wear a Blue Sweater is All the Time
The morning felt surreal, charged with a strange electricity that had Vince gripping the steering wheel tighter than necessary. The soft light filtered through the half-frozen windshield, creating a golden haze that contrasted sharply with the sharp crunch of slushy snow beneath the tires. June was perched in the passenger seat, her purple monster backpack—complete with googly eyes that bounced like manic marbles—resting on her lap. Pins clinked against each other with every turn, creating a kind of metallic soundtrack to her non-stop chatter. She was a mosaic of her own personality, vibrant and unapologetic: the backpack, the oversized hoodie, the pins that showcased everything from Mario characters to a shimmering enamel dragon, green-scaled and new. Definitely Wizards of Starlight Hollow.
“They’re keeping all the choices, Daddy!” June’s voice was breathless, tumbling over itself with excitement. “Like, not just the dragon color but also stuff like whether you save the villagers or join the rebellion. And the endings depend on the alliances you make too, not just the dragon! So, like, if you pick the blue dragon and help the mages, you get this whole ‘reviving the ruins’ arc, but if you join the bandits, it’s all about smuggling artifacts and surviving in the wastelands. And—oh! Oh! It’s coming out right before my birthday in January. Isn’t that perfect timing?”
“It is perfect, monkey,” Vince murmured, though his tone lacked the enthusiasm June clearly wanted. Her words flowed in an endless stream, and while he was trying—God, was he trying—to keep up, his mind felt like it was moving at half-speed, bogged down by something he couldn’t quite name. Maybe it was the anxiety buzzing low in his gut, its presence as unshakable as the early-morning frost clinging to the car’s edges. He glanced at her briefly. She had the book in her lap, her small hands gripping its massive spine like it was a holy text. The silver title caught the sunlight: Wizards of Starlight Hollow. Vince had to admit, it looked good. Not just good—great.
He’d read parts of it when June had first begged him to, flipping through the thick tome late at night when he couldn’t sleep. It was the kind of book that shouldn’t have worked—it was too much, too ambitious, the kind of story that probably should’ve been a text-based adventure game first. But there was something magical about flipping from page 45” back to page 10 just to see how a decision played out. Something tactile. Retro. It felt like a quiet rebellion against the era of constant scrolling and endless screens.
And it wasn’t just a ‘good kids’ book.’ It was smart. It had layers. It didn’t talk down to its readers, and Vince appreciated that. He liked the moral complexity of it, the fact that even the ‘good’ endings weren’t completely tidy, that choices carried weight. It reminded him of the books he’d loved growing up. Books like Harry Potter. Or, more accurately, what Harry Potter had meant to him before J.K. Rowling had torched her legacy by being—what was the word? Baboon came to mind. No, scratch that. Baboon was too kind. Baboon implied something harmless, bumbling, maybe even a little sad. Rowling was… worse. A raging, sanctimonious black hole of bigotry? That felt closer. He sighed, shoving the thought away. He didn’t have the emotional bandwidth for her brand of nonsense at—he checked the dashboard clock—7:15 in the morning.
“Daddy…” June’s voice broke through his thoughts, not whiny but insistent, laced with that sharp curiosity she always carried. “What kind of dragon would you pick?”
“Huh? Oh, right. Uh…” Vince racked his brain, vaguely recalling the options. “Blue.”
“Blue?” June tilted her head, the disappointment in her voice immediate and obvious. “But that’s so boring! The blue dragon’s all about rebuilding the old ruins and working with the scholars. You wouldn’t even get to fight anyone! You only picked that because it’s your favorite color.”
“And?” Vince shot her a smug look, his confidence unshaken. “You think I’m ashamed of that? Blue is the best color, objectively, and it’s a blue dragon. Come on, it’s perfect.”
June groaned dramatically, flopping back against the seat. “You’d be so boring at this game, Daddy. You’d miss all the cool stuff—no treasure hunts, no dragon battles. Just fixing broken stuff and reading books all day. You’d just be... boring and nice.”
“Boring?” Vince gasped in mock outrage, pressing a hand to his chest like she’d just insulted his grandmother. “It’s called making the world a better place, Junie. Not everyone needs to go around setting things on fire, you little anarchist.”
June’s giggle burst out, bright and infectious, the kind of sound that could chase away clouds if Vince believed in that sort of thing. Her braces caught the light as she grinned up at him. “I just think dragon battles sound way cooler than ruin-restoring.”
“Spoken like someone who’s never had to rebuild a broken coffee maker,” Vince retorted, glancing at her with mock seriousness. “Trust me, fixing stuff takes real skill. And besides, I’d probably end up finding the coolest treasure while everyone else is too busy fighting over shiny rocks.”
June raised a brow, her expression sharpening with what she clearly thought was the ultimate gotcha. “Except there are no treasure hunts in the blue dragon storyline, Daddy.” She sat back, folding her arms like a pint-sized lawyer delivering a closing argument.
Pursing his lips, Vince rolled his eyes in an exaggerated show of defeat. “Whatever.”
June shook her head slowly, like an elderly sage disappointed by the folly of youth. “Very mature,” she muttered, tsking under her breath for added effect.
Vince barked out a laugh, throwing her a mock glare. “Stop learning new words just to weaponize them against me.”
“Never!” June shot back, her voice devilish, her grin impossibly bright. For a moment, the weight on Vince’s chest lightened, the tension loosening as her laughter filled the car. He reached for the heater dial, adjusting it until the warm air brushed his face, chasing away the last bite of cold.
June dove right back into her rambling, her excitement spilling out in a rapid-fire cadence Vince could only half follow. He nodded along, smiling faintly, but his mind drifted, slipping into that dangerous, familiar territory.
The name came unbidden, unshakable, wrapping itself around his thoughts like smoke. Of course he was thinking about him—he was meeting him right after this. At Chapter Brew & Bookshop, no less. Vince wasn’t naïve. Tony probably had no intention of actually reading Wizards of Starlight Hollow, despite the show he’d made of jotting down the title at Fright Fest. But he’d surprised Vince that day. The genuine curiosity Tony had shown in June’s interests had been… rare. And it wasn’t just polite small talk; it felt real, intentional. Like Tony actually cared about what lit June up. More than Stella ever did. Hell, more than most adults ever did. That memory alone made something warm unfurl in Vince’s chest, something that felt dangerously close to affection.
The school came into view—Goodacre Elementary & Middle School, named after Dr. Lena Goodacre, a Coldwater native and pioneering environmental scientist. Vince smiled faintly, remembering how much June admired her, how she’d once begged him for weeks to let her dress as Goodacre for a school project (something he unfortunately couldn’t allow — Goodacre was a Black woman and that would’ve opened up a whole can of worms none of them needed to deal with). His gaze flicked to the book in June’s lap, and a thought struck him: Should he buy Tony a copy? Would Tony like it? Or would he think it was weird? Maybe it was too much, too soon. What the hell was Vince even doing, meeting him like this? This wasn’t a date.
But then he thought about earlier that morning, standing in front of the mirror. The chunky blue sweater he’d found at Second Chance had been an impulse buy, oversized and cable-knit, warm in a way that felt like a hug. He hadn’t realized it was technically women’s clothing until he looked up the brand later, but he didn’t have a fuck to give. It flattered him. The cut was unique, the way it curved slightly at the bottom, accentuating his ass in a way that made him raise a brow in the mirror. Paired with black jeans and his nicest pair of walking shoes, he looked... good. Better than he should, considering this wasn’t a date.
And then there was the perfume—Clinique My Happy Indigo Mist. Vince had bought it years ago on a whim, a guilty pleasure he’d never quite managed to justify. He still remembered the moment vividly: standing in the cosmetics aisle, overwhelmed by rows of sleek bottles, the air thick with a kaleidoscope of florals and citrus. Stella had been browsing nearby, hunting for a specific perfume she’d hinted at wanting for weeks. Vince had been dutiful, a husband on a mission, but then he’d caught the faintest whiff of it.
It was fresh, almost startlingly so—like the air after a spring rain, crisp and dewy, carrying hints of apple and grapefruit with just enough pink pepper to add a subtle kick. Beneath that brightness, there was something grounding, a softness that whispered through the edges of the scent: violet leaf and jasmine mingling with the delicate sweetness of orris root, wrapping it all in a cool, earthy undertone. And then the base—Cashmeran and cedarwood, with the barest touch of amber—warm and rich, like sunlight breaking through the storm. It wasn’t overly feminine, but it didn’t force itself to be masculine either. It existed in this perfect, undefinable in-between, fresh and light but layered enough to feel intriguing, almost intimate.
He’d bought it impulsively, tossing it into the cart alongside Stella’s selection and hiding it in the guest bathroom when they got home. He hadn’t dared use it—not because it smelled like a woman’s perfume, but because he didn’t know how to explain why he’d wanted it so badly. What kind of guy buys himself perfume? It didn’t make sense. At least, it wouldn’t have to Stella. But this morning? This morning, Vince had sprayed it on with a confidence he didn’t entirely feel, and now it lingered on his skin, subtle but unmistakable, settling into the soft knit of his sweater.
He caught himself now, clenching the steering wheel a little tighter as his mind betrayed him, conjuring up the image of Tony leaning in close. He could see it: Tony’s breath ghosting over the curve of his neck, his nose brushing lightly against Vince’s skin as he inhaled deeply, murmuring something low and indecipherable. The thought sent a shiver ripping through him, heat curling low in his belly. His grip on the wheel tightened, and he forced himself to exhale sharply.
Jesus Christ, get a grip.
“It’s not a date,” Vince muttered under his breath, the words more for himself than anyone else.
“What’s not great?” June’s voice cut through his spiraling thoughts, sharp and curious. Vince startled, his heart lurching as he glanced at her, caught completely off-guard. She was staring at him with narrowed eyes, her head tilted in suspicion, the googly eyes on her monster backpack wobbling slightly as she shifted in her seat.
“Nothing, monkey,” Vince said quickly, his voice a little too tight, a little too high. He pulled into the carpool lane, focusing hard on the steady crawl of vehicles ahead of him. Anything to keep from meeting her gaze.
June didn’t let it go. She scrunched her nose, leaning closer to him as if inspecting a crime scene. “You’re dressed up,” she said, her tone edging toward accusation. “And you smell good. Are you doing something without me today?”
Vince huffed out a laugh, a mixture of amusement and mild panic. “You’re nosy, you know that?” he said, reaching over to pull her into a quick, one-armed hug as the car rolled to a stop. “Go on, monkey. Don’t keep your friends waiting.”
“Uh-huh,” she said, clearly unconvinced but willing to let it slide. She grinned at him, sliding out of the car with the ease of a kid who trusted the world completely. Her monster backpack bounced against her back as she joined a cluster of friends near the school entrance, the googly eyes on its flap bobbing with every step. The slushy snow on the ground soaked into her boots, leaving faint, imperfect footprints behind her. Snowflakes fell softly, dotting her dark curls and catching the morning light, turning her into a walking snow globe.
Vince watched her go, his chest tightening with a pang of guilt. He hated lying to her, even by omission. She deserved better than that. But how the hell was he supposed to explain this? What was this? He didn’t even know himself.
A light tap of a horn behind him jolted Vince back to reality. He startled, quickly throwing the car into drive and pulling away from the school. His mind refused to quiet as he navigated the slick roads.
Tony. The name lingered in his thoughts, heavier with every mile he drove toward Chapter Brew & Bookshop. His nerves twisted tighter, anticipation and dread winding together like a live wire sparking just under his skin.
It wasn’t a date.
But God, did it feel like one.
Vince parked his car just outside the cozy brick façade of Chapter Brew & Bookshop, the building’s vintage charm glowing in the early morning sunlight. The windows were fogged slightly from the warmth inside meeting the mid-October chill, and the rich smell of roasted coffee beans wafted through the cracks in the door as someone stepped out carrying an oversized latte. His stomach tightened—not unpleasantly but not comfortably either—a mix of nerves and excitement churning low and constant. This wasn’t a date. He had to remind himself again because the thought had become as intrusive as a pop-up ad in his brain. Not a date.
But as he stepped inside and was immediately enveloped in the shop’s sensory overload—rich coffee, the warm scent of aged paper, polished wood floors creaking softly beneath his boots—it felt like it could be. He stopped just past the threshold, overwhelmed in a way he didn’t entirely expect. The shop was everything Vince loved: rows of bookshelves crammed with stories and knowledge, the air punctuated by the faint metallic clink of an espresso machine steaming milk, and hanging just beside the counter, a row of bookmarks that shimmered in the soft lighting like jewels. Everything about this place felt cozy, warm, and yet Vince’s stomach churned like he was walking into a damn interrogation room.
Vince hesitated near the counter, glancing at the coffee menu handwritten in curling script on a blackboard. Should he grab a drink now or wait for Tony? The indecision made his palms sweat. For a guy who made decisions under literal fire, it was laughable how paralyzed he felt standing in front of a chalkboard menu.
His smartwatch buzzed lightly as he turned his wrist to glance at the time. June’s face beamed back at him from the background, just her this time, no Stella. He’d swapped it days ago, and somehow, it still hit him like a punch every time he saw it. Not because Stella was missing, but because it felt better this way. It was easier. And that was the worst part—the ease, the relief. A deep pit of guilt opened in his stomach, sour and familiar. God, he was so tired of feeling like this.
It was 7:36. Too early to justify a drink.  He shoved the thought aside as his eyes wandered, drawn instinctively toward the kids' section. It didn’t take long to spot Wizards of Starlight Hollow on display. The book stood out even among the colorful chaos of the children’s area—a leather-bound special edition that practically screamed indulgence. Vince drifted closer, his steps slow and deliberate, like the book might catch him in the act of even thinking about buying it. Its sleek black cover gleamed faintly, embossed with silver dragons twisting around the title. Vince’s hand hovered over it for a moment, the weight of the decision settling heavily in his chest. Would Tony even like this? Would he think it was weird? Too personal? Too… much? He shook his head, laughing softly at himself. Christ, this wasn’t prom. He wasn’t trying to impress Tony with a corsage.
Still, his fingers grazed the leather, and before he knew it, the book was in his hand. The silver-edged pages glittered in the warm light, and Vince ran a thumb along the smooth edge as he opened it to the first page. The text was small but crisp, the kind of print that demanded attention. And for just a moment, he thought about how Tony might react if he actually handed it over. Would he joke about it? Tease him for the expense? Or would he crack it open, intrigued, maybe even a little touched? Vince tried to picture it, stomach fluttering with butterflies that entirely didn’t belong .This wasn’t a date, and yet here he was, standing in a bookstore, clutching a goddamn book like it was a bouquet of roses.
Before he could talk himself out of it, someone bumped into him from behind, startling him out of his thoughts.
“Oh, shit—sorry!” a woman’s voice said, startling him. Vince turned, the book still in his hand, and came face-to-face with a petite woman in her late twenties. Her fiery red hair was pulled into two fishtail braids that framed her sharp features, and her black apron was slung over one shoulder, the faint aroma of coffee clinging to her like a second skin. Recognition flickered in her eyes, followed quickly by something more flirtatious.
“You’re gonna make me late standing there like that,” she said, a crooked smirk tugging at her lips.
It took Vince a second, but he remembered her—the dominatrix from Fright Fest. Well, she’d been dressed as one, anyway. Without the leather corset, thigh-high boots, and whip, she looked much less intimidating, though the flash of her gaze still carried a teasing edge.
“Sorry,” Vince muttered, stepping back slightly. He opened his mouth to say more, to let her down easy or something, but she was already gone, slipping behind the counter and disappearing into the back. Vince shook his head, bemused. How someone on a barista’s salary could afford all that gear was beyond him. That whip alone had to cost a fortune.
Humming softly to the Sara Bareilles song playing overhead—one Stella used to play on repeat back when things were still good—Vince turned back to the display. His chest tightened as he looked down at the book again, turning it over in his hands. He loved the feel of it, the weight, the richness of the leather. The only thing better, he thought absently, would be running his hands over Tony’s suede jacket, the one he’d be wearing today. Vince imagined the texture, imagined leaning in and pressing his face against it, inhaling the scent of Tony’s soap mixed with the earthy warmth of leather.
Jesus Christ, get a grip, he thought, clutching the book tighter.
Still holding the book, Vince drifted toward the bookmark display he’d noticed earlier. The bookmarks hung in a neat row, shimmering in the light like miniature works of art. One depicted a lush forest scene with tiny silver leaves etched into the edges. Another showed a starry night sky, the paint so vivid it almost looked real. But the one that caught Vince’s attention made him laugh under his breath—a glossy, hyper-realistic painting of a bright yellow egg sizzling on a cast-iron skillet. The edges were trimmed in gold and silver, and the black velvet ribbon attached to it gave it a touch of elegance that somehow felt absurd next to the playful design. It was perfect.
He plucked it off the display, holding it by the ribbon for a moment before swinging it into his palm with practiced dexterity—a skill he’d honed dueling lightsabers with June in their living room. The bookmark was sturdy, thick cardboard that seemed practically indestructible. Vince looked up at the price on the display and felt a small swell of satisfaction. Ten bucks. Pricey for a bookmark, sure, but for one of this quality? It felt like a steal.
Grinning to himself, he took both the book and the bookmark to the counter. The cashier, a young man with dark curls and a kind smile, wrapped the book in thick brown paper before sliding it into an elegant bag stamped with the shop’s logo. Vince pocketed the receipt and tossed it into the trash on his way to the nonfiction section, trying not to think about how Stella might question the charge on their shared account later. He’d figure out an excuse if it came up. He always did.
As he wandered past rows of books, Vince found himself drawn to the true crime section out of habit. His fingers brushed the spines of titles promising grisly tales of murder and intrigue, but nothing caught his eye. He scrunched his nose as a woman walked by, the sharp smell of cigarettes trailing behind her. Turning down a quieter aisle, he found himself in the mental health section, the shelves lined with memoirs and self-help books. The air here felt different, quieter, as though the books themselves demanded a kind of reverence. The smell of coffee and paper was stronger here, and Vince felt a strange sense of comfort, like he belonged.
His hand stopped on a book that seemed to call to him—An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness. The title struck a chord deep within him, and he picked it up, reading the blurb on the back. It was about bipolar disorder, a subject his therapist had suggested this book once, back before he’d stopped going to sessions altogether. The bag with Tony’s book hung loosely from his wrist as he cracked open the memoir and started reading the introduction. The words gripped him immediately, speaking to parts of himself he usually tried to ignore.
The writing was raw, honest, pulling him in immediately. He leaned against the shelf, the bag with Tony’s book dangling loosely from his wrist, and let himself get lost in the words. For a moment, the world outside the page faded away, replaced by the familiar ebb and flow of someone else’s struggle, someone else’s story. He barely noticed the soft shuffle of footsteps approaching until they stopped near him, the spell bursting open like—well, like an egg yolk. Vince snapped the book shut, his heart skipping a beat as he turned and looked, his eyes locking on the figure in the shadows of the aisle. His lips curled into a grin, his nerves flaring all over again.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Tony,” he breathed, the warmth in his voice undercut by a shaky edge. “Do you get off on scaring the fuck out of people, or am I just special or something?”
Vince hastily slid the book back onto the shelf, the bag with Tony’s book swinging slightly from his wrist. His grin remained, but his heart was pounding hard enough to make him feel dizzy. He stepped forward, hand outstretched in a gesture that felt weirdly formal, even ridiculous, considering everything they’d been through. But it was a reflex, a desperate grasp at normalcy in a situation that was anything but.
“It’s great to see you, man," Vince said, his grin twisting with just a hint of mischief despite the butterflies in his stomach. “I gotta say this is definitely the first time I’ve ever shaken hands with someone I’ve—” He cut himself off abruptly, swallowing the word deepthroated and plastered on a crooked smile instead. “...you know, demonstrated a lightsaber duel in front of. But you know what they say. First time for everything."
Tony’s warm, rough palm met his own in a firm handshake, the strength behind it almost grounding. But as soon as Vince felt the jagged texture of cuts along the back of Tony’s knuckles, the humor drained out of him. His fingers instinctively tightened, holding on just a second too long as his mind pieced it together. The scars were fresh, raw and scabbed over like a mosaic of anger and pain. Vince didn’t need to ask to know when it had happened.
His stomach sank.
The night. The night he’d drawn that line, friend-zoned Tony, and told himself it was for the best. Tony had gone home and done this—punched a wall, vented his frustration against an unforgiving surface rather than… rather than Vince. That thought brought with it a mix of alarm and sadness that hit Vince like a tidal wave. He tried not to flinch, tried not to let it show, but it was impossible to ignore the guilt clawing its way through his chest.
He’d caused this.
And for what? Vince didn’t feel worth the energy, the pain, the goddamn blood that Tony had shed over it. He was just some washed-up, mentally ill cop with a failing marriage and no sense of direction. The idea that Tony had gotten so angry, so hurt, because of him made Vince’s throat tighten with self-loathing.
Before he could stop himself, Vince turned Tony’s hand over gently, his thumb brushing back and forth over the scars with a tenderness that startled even him. The rough texture of healing skin was grounding in a way he didn’t expect, the warmth of Tony’s hand anchoring him against the tidal wave of his thoughts. His voice softened, low and quiet, the words coming from somewhere deep in his chest.
“Jesus, Tony…” Vince swallowed hard, his brows furrowing as he stared down at the hand in his grasp. “I’ve seen people break their hand punching walls like that. Don’t hurt yourself again. Not for me. Not because of something I did.”
He looked up then, his big blue eyes locking onto Tony’s warm brown ones, and Vince felt how dangerously close they’d gotten without him realizing. Tony’s height was as imposing as ever, making Vince feel small in a way that wasn’t unpleasant but undeniably charged.
“Get fired up about—fuck, I don’t know—deforestation or trans rights or goddamn Kyle Mulligan eating onions with his bare hands like a cave goblin,” Vince continued, his voice tinged with a hint of humor, desperate to break the weight of the moment. “Just… not me, okay? This stuff might seem painful right now, but I promise you, Tony, I’m just not worth that kind of energy. I need you to believe me when I say that.”
The words hung in the air between them, raw and unvarnished, as Vince searched Tony’s expression for any sign that he understood. More than anything, he needed him to understand. Even if it hurt. Even if it made this whole meeting unbearably uncomfortable. Tony deserved better than this. Better than him.
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theghostbunnie · 2 years ago
*grabs you by the shoulders forcibly* tell me your Nerris hcs RIGHT NYEOW
AAAAA OK SO she's hinted to be Nonbinary I believe when juggling balls colored the same as the nb flag. So, that's like, cannon actually. (Even if this next part was for a joke they still decided to add in them saying "Well technically human female I prefer elfkin" and even if you jokingly make a character queer it still happened no take backsies! lmao.)
and Yes non-binary people can use she/her pronouns but I think she'd probably use she/they/elf (as in neopronouns) too!
•Nerris is definitely the type of kid that when you're playing pretend they'll bitch that you're not playing it right. It's just when it comes to what SHE'S into it has to be done "accurately" "properly" ect (aka the way elf wants it done) on "Nikki's last day on earth" she's all like nu uh you can't be the knight I am. now the princess runs and gives me a hug for saving her! Which was kinda
(🫵🤨 🏳️‍🌈⁉️)/hj
And she's friends with Nikki, too. She does a slightly similar thing telling Harrison he can't be a mage bc they are. Nerris the type to battle you over the player one controller fr.
Hot take all of her bad behavior is just from being an unchecked child and she'll grow out of most of it. I actually don't like the concept elf bullies Harrison bc she has a crush on him- (don't get me wrong this is 0 Nerrison hate I just don't like when they start from that.) I think she's actually jealous? Threatened of him maybe? Hear me out, before David had all their names remembered he was pulling a Cameron and grouping some together. Specifically only Nerris and Harrison. Nerris reacted childishly like children do and didn't take kindly to that and saw Harrison as immediate competition. (They even argue at one point about who's the most magical.) So that's why she targets him and treats him like a loser to keep him down and make herself feel higher.
It gives me the same vibe kids competing with each other academically rather than in sports bc once something is labeled as a team Nerris actually seems to do okay in it. So I think this is a behavior she learned way more in school, and why I HC her to be one of those honor student types who likes being recognized as the teacher's favorite.
I don't believe Nerris is even that deeply aware of the whys and how's of why they act like this. They just do things, man. Then do silly little flossing dances after.
They probably played movie star planet and all the other child website roleplaying games and started fantasy roleplaying groups on there which was probably difficult with all the family roleplays and wolf clans being a way more popular choice to pretend as. Elf needed something to do in the winter when it got too cold to larp outside !!!! They probably switch over to more writing based forms of roleplay as they got older.
In the show we actually see her playing a game called "Pixies and Pythons" or something instead of DND and there's like hot pixie women on the cover and I'm choosing to believe she DIDN'T bring that from home camp campbell just has offbrand EVERYTHING.
Both of her parents sew and they make all of their costumes for her and I like to think Nerris is very "navy blue starry wizard" aesthetic so they mostly stick to that. Her mom's supportive and will add anything she wants to it but her dad gets excited with hisown ideas and opinions too.
I think Nerris' gender exspression being neutral might've got them certain comments in school and why she specifically decided to make her character's title "Nerris the cute" and why often the first thing she aims against Harrison is his looks. (That, or, the "Nerris the cute" is a title her dad came up with for her before she could. Yes I'm saying this man brought the baby to larp in a carrier.)
Has a whooole collection of dice and she gives some to her friends when they come over but has to specifically pick out the ones she DOESN'T want anymore first.
Them and Harrison are Lord of the Rings VS Harry Potter. (It's possible to like things without supporting, liking, or agreeing with the creator of it. Nerris knows this...) Still calls him a transphobe whenever he brings the franchise up. Can't even defend himself bro they just go "is it bc I'm trans/j"
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nirikeehan · 2 years ago
Happy Friday Niri! For DADWC, how about #31 from Artifacts of Thedas, for Cullen and Dorian (heh heh): A Satinalia mask
HI DEMA thank you!! This deliciously fit right into my ongoing masquerade side quest fic set in Pravinquisition AU, previous installation here
Also I was an absolute maniac and managed (I hope) to shove five Cullen & Dorian prompts into one scene, so thank you @zenstrike, @rosella-writes, @kiastirling, and @liza011 for these additional prompts:
overdramatic arguments about non-important subjects
All I Do is Wear Cool Outfits, Tell Jokes and Hide My Depression
doing things in sync
'Rule one: Don’t get caught.'
Madness. But perfect for them and I think I got them all
For @dadrunkwriting
WC: 1350
Cullen stood sentry in the corner of a marble-pillared room, watching the revelry with distaste. A pair of inebriated Orlesians had taken it upon themselves to climb upon a makeshift stage and butcher the Fereldan tavern song Andraste’s Mabari. He was nominally glad the panther-shaped mask he wore hid his grimace, though the rest of him wanted to wrench the damn thing off his face. It made his forehead itch something awful. 
He was grateful to see Dorian stroll into the room and make eye contact. The Tevinter mage looked far more comfortable at this soiree than Cullen knew he would be in a million years. Dorian cut a sharp figure in blues and greens. He wore a black half-mask; it was adorned with feathers and sparkled even in the dim light.
“I hope you’re not grinding your teeth too hard in there, Commander,” Dorian said jovially, sidling up with a goblet of wine in one hand. “You’re like to give yourself a headache.”
Cullen opened his mouth to protest, only to realize how correct the mage was. He worked his jaw, trying to loosen it up. “I didn’t think I’d have to suffer attacks on my homeland when I agreed to come here, that’s all.”
Dorian tilted his head, caught wind of the lyrics, and took a stiff sip of his drink. “I see your point. Perhaps we ought to go somewhere a touch, ah, quieter?”
They ducked down a hallway that spilled out onto a small courtyard. The chill night was a welcome respite from the stuffiness of the Comte de Valette’s estate. The place seemed deserted, so Cullen removed the mask to the feel the relief of open air on his face. Any moment an angry Orlesian noble would probably materialize and command he put it back on — the allure of secrecy and all that — but for the moment he could think unburdened. 
“Tut, tut, Commander,” Dorian chided, smirking at his clear hatred of the mask and all it signified, “do you also remove your helm mid-battle?” 
“This farce of a party is hardly the battlefield,” Cullen grumbled. “And perhaps if I hadn’t let Fidencio design my entire outfit I’d feel less like a made-up doll.” The whole ensemble had been the bard’s idea. Cullen stood all in black, with a paisley patterned in velvet on his jerkin, gold trim on the sleeves, and a black overcoat. He already felt like a mummer’s idea of a pirate, but then Fidencio had insisted upon the damn mask to complete the look. Because a lion — Cullen’s suggestion — was the official sigil of Orlais and would send the wrong message. “Did the bard pick out your costume as well?” 
“Don’t take this the wrong way, Commander, but I’d never need a theatre man to dress me properly.” Dorian smirked into his wine goblet. “I happen to dress this sharply on the regular, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. Why, this was just my Satinalia mask from last year.” 
“I bet.” Cullen paid the boasting no mind. “Anything to report?”
“Sadly not. The Inquisitor and I spoke to all the premiere nobles of the Orlesian court — you think they’d want to hide their identities better, but I found them quite easy to identify. They had little and less to say. Nothing but praise for the Comte, but curiously no one can find the man.” 
“Strange, do you think?” Cullen asked. “That the Comte should be so aloof?” 
“Ah, who knows?” Dorian countered. “I’ve been to galas in Tevinter thrown while the host wasn’t even in the country. He’d do it just to remind everyone he still had more money than the Maker.” 
“And Lady Thalia?” Cullen asked, scanning the windows facing the courtyard. In the orange glow of the rooms, the revelers cut ghastly, demon-like shadows. Or maybe that was just how it seemed. The mind could play tricks, and Cullen hadn’t wanted Thalia to accept the Comte’s invitation even before he learned that de Valette was rumored to be some dark mage. 
“She was with Fidencio, last I checked. In that room with the enchanted butterflies.” 
“Maybe I should check on her. No offense to Fidencio, but I’ve seen him in the sparring ring. He’s more of a lover than a fighter.” 
Dorian snorted. “That he is, for certain.” 
Cullen waited for a snide remark about Fidencio’s swordplay in alternative arenas, but Dorian merely smirked. It seemed he was too polite to grasp for the low-hanging fruit. That was fine with Cullen, who had uncovered a strange sense of foreboding he couldn’t shake. He replaced the asinine mask on his face and headed back inside with Dorian matching his stride.
Dorian led the way to the butterfly room, which was full of the flitting insect lanterns and simpering party guests, but no Inquisitor or the headwear-loving bard. Cullen’s bad feeling worsened. 
“Well, they were just here,” Dorian added unhelpfully. 
Cullen walked brusquely from room to room, checking with his stationed soldiers along the way, but none had seen the Lady Thalia. Even Blackwall confessed they’d only crossed paths before she’d met up with Fidencio. 
Dorian kept pace, cracking bad jokes along the way, until Cullen finally snapped, “Are you incapable of taking anything seriously?” 
Dorian sobered. “Ah, yes, the humor is just my dominant coping mechanism, I’m afraid. I’m actually a bit nervous myself.” 
Cullen let out a slow breath. “Any idea where they could have gone?” 
“No, but I think we must employ process of elimination here, Commander.” He leaned against the wall in a small, winding corridor and crossed his arms. “Thus far the masquerade has been confined to the ground floor of the chateau and surrounding environs. As Inquisition soldiers have been stationed in both places, I think it’s safe to assume they’re not there.” 
“So that leaves, what, upstairs? In the guest chambers? ” Cullen did not like to think about what might be transpiring up there. One heard tell of what transpired at certain Orlesian parties. “I hope Fidencio would not be fool enough to let Thalia near any sort of—” Could he even say it?
“I think it’s unlikely Fidencio would have led her to an orgy,” Dorian said blithely. “Unless she asked to go— which is also unlikely,” he added before Cullen’s pulse could spike too much. “Goodness, you have met the girl, haven’t you? She can barely handle one man, let alone a whole gaggle.” 
Cullen chose not to dignify any of that with a response. “So then, where else?” 
A silent beat passed between the two men, and they spoke in unison: “The cellar.” 
“There must be one,” Dorian said. “This is a castle. What’s a castle without a wine cellar?” 
“And a dungeon,” Cullen said darkly. What if the Comte de Valette had made an appearance after all, and now Thalia was his captive? 
“Commander, your imagination is at times alarming,” Dorian said lightly. 
“I’m in charge of an army. I’m paid to think about the worst case scenario.”
“Be that as it may.” Dorian paced back and forth in the corridor, and raised a finger in the air. “I think I might know a way in.” 
“Oh?” Cullen asked. 
“A little staircase I came across when I took a wrong turn earlier in the evening. A pageboy assured me it was just the servant stairwell and steered me back to the party.” 
Cullen drew the mask from his face, wiping the perspiration from his brow. “Do you think you can find it again?”
Dorian stroked the end of his mustache. “I’m fairly certain, yes.” 
“Though I suppose we’ll have to think of a fine excuse, to allow ourselves entry,” Cullen mused. “Unless we want the entire chateau alerted to our movements.” 
“Spoken like someone who never snuck around much in his youth.” Dorian flashed him a mischievous grin.
Cullen sighed. “What do you want me to say? The Templar barracks were well-monitored.” 
“Oh, don’t misunderstand me; that was not meant to be a slight. I only mean, Commander, you’ve not yet learned rule number one in subterfuge: don’t get caught.”
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dariusult · 6 months ago
FFXIV Write Day 9- Lend an Ear
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"I'll admit, it came as a bit of a surprise when you darkened my door. But not an altogether unwelcome one."
The scent of freshly brewed tea mingled with the odors of herbs and alchemical concoctions in the somewhat cluttered but immaculately organized atelier of one Ms. Koyuki Godo. Magnolia sat in an old but well-maintained chair, upholstered with what appeared to be some sort of shell design. Probably a hingan pattern. The Ishgardian woman smiled awkwardly at her host, who was preparing a kettle of tea made from a variety of herbs taken from a massive apothecary's cabinet containing nearly too many drawers to count. "Well it just occurred to me that we've never really spoken to one another, despite our shared associations."
"Yes, of course." Koyuki smiled faintly at Magnolia as she looked up from preparing the tea. It was a polite smile; not exactly warm, but sincere. "I imagine you would be curious about the mysterious mage who associates with children and war criminals, Miss Magnolia Eclair." She paused as she turned to retrieve two identical tea cups from the cabinet behind her, placing each on a tray with the tea pot alongside an assortment of tea biscuits. Having arranged all that she needed on the tray, she then brought it over and placed it on the small low table in front of Magnolia, taking a moment to smile up at her. "Or do you still go by Mrs. Magnolia Eclair?" This smile was cold; It carried the implicit threat that Magnolia was not welcome if she had come to pry into Koyuki's affairs.
Magnolia didn't have nearly as much social poise as Koyuki, but she had made forays into Ishgardian high society enough times to know a politely veiled warning shot when she saw one—Koyuki hadn't mentioned Magnolia's dead husband as an unintentional gaffe. The Dragoon's smile faltered for a moment, but she covered her lapse with a quick chuckle. "Either one is fine." Magnolia hadn't come to pry or play games, and she wanted to make that clear. "Though I think I'd prefer just Magnolia."
"Okay, just Magnolia." Koyuki said pleasantly as she reached down and gently picked the teapot up with the practiced grace of an expert. "This is a unique blend of mine that I generally reserve for special guests, I hope it's to your taste." She poured Magnolia a cup, the steam wafting up from the porcelain vessel was vaguely floral, with a rich, earthy undertone.
Once the cup was poured, Magnolia nodded graciously to Koyuki and picked the cup and saucer up from the tray. She took a moment to admire the design of the cup—her training in proper teatime etiquette still being second nature to her. The cup was a delicate white porcelain with light blue leaves and vines arranged in a neat pattern across the outside, she liked the design- it was understated, not as showy as some of the patterns you'd see during tea time with many Ishgardian nobles; when she had been making her rounds through high society, Hannish designs had been all the rage—increasing amounts of fine metal filigree and intricate patterns as nobles competed to buy more and more opulent tableware than their peers, as was their wont. Once she had spent sufficient time admiring the teacup, she took a moment to appreciate the aroma of the tea from up close. Magnolia was by no means an expert, but she could at least identify the familiar fragrance of Coerthan tea leaves—likely a conscious choice on Koyuki's part given her company. After the aroma came a polite sip; not a gulp, nor a slurp. The flavor bloomed across Magnolia's tongue, a robust taste that began lightly sweet but progressed to a pleasingly bold earthiness as she sipped. Unexpectedly, there was a sharp tingle that lingered after she swallowed the hot liquid, almost like the tea had been spiced.
"Is it to your liking?" Koyuki asked as she took a seat next to Magnolia and prepared a cup of tea for herself as well.
"Yes, it's quite nice." Magnolia replied, taking another sip and nodding appreciatively. "Is it spiced? It has a rather interesting finish."
"There's a bit of Jhammel Ginger in it." Koyuki said as she lifted her own cup and savored the aroma. "It has some light medicinal properties, but I mostly enjoy it for the flavor." The Raen woman took a long, slow sip of her tea, and let Magnolia sit in silence for a moment before she set her cup back down and shifted her focus back to the Ishgardian sitting before her. "But you didn't come here to make small talk." Her gaze was trained on Magnolia and it was sharp, piercing. "What do you actually want?"
"I didn't come here to not make small talk." Magnolia quickly said back, putting on her most diplomatic smile. "I just wanted to see for myself what kind of person you were." A nonchalant shrug. "I didn't want to place too much stock in secondary sources when I could just find out on my own."
Upon hearing the Ishgardian woman's response, Koyuki couldn't help but let out a light chuckle in spite of herself. The notion that Magnolia elected to simply come directly to her to get her measure was so incredibly direct; very unlike most people Koyuki treated with. "You just decided to come and see, hm? Most folk would act with a little more caution if they knew anything about me." The Raen woman smiled slyly at Magnolia. "Not only that, but you accepted a drink I offered without hesitation."
"Would've been rude not to." Magnolia replied very matter-of-factly, taking another sip of her tea to illustrate her utter lack of trepidation. The thought had crossed her mind, of course, once when she initially took the tea and again when she felt the tingling sensation on her tongue; but she hadn't given Koyuki a reason to poison her and the Alchemist didn't seem like the sort of woman to just poison an acquaintance for her own amusement.
Koyuki raised her own cup to her lips and scoffed. "I suppose the notion of a poisoned cup of tea wouldn't give much pause to someone who threw themselves at the snapping maws of dragons for a living." She took another sip and set the cup down, sighing. "Frankly, I'm simply relieved this visit wasn't to inquire after raising the dead."
Magnolia's brow knit together into a frown. Was Koyuki needling her on purpose? She must have been. The dragoon elected to take the high road and pursue the line of conversation Koyuki had laid out for her. Quickly regaining her composure, Magnolia glanced quizzically at the woman sitting next to her. "Does that happen often as an Alchemist?"
"More often than you might think." Koyuki replied, the faintest hint of satisfaction playing across her face. She'd noticed Magnolia's initial reaction. "While raising the dead is technically possible—both via alchemy and other means—the reality of what such methods achieve is seldom what the individual making the request had in mind." She took another sip of tea, then continued. "Though I suppose it's preferable that people seeking such things at least consult an expert instead of trying to use alchemy, or, twelve forbid, void magics to achieve their ends on their own." Koyuki then made a knowing glance in Magnolia's direction. "Though I'm sure you know all about the dangers of the void from that business with Beithir. You are Magnolia Eclair, after all."
Magnolia smiled sheepishly at Koyuki's remarks, while it was true she had earned the moniker of Eclair from successfully driving off Beithir in single combat—all of the times she had clashed with the dragon had been before the ill-fated creature had resorted to strengthen itself by absorbing aether from the void. When the time finally came for Beithir to meet its end, it was at the hands of another. "Actually, as much as it pains me to admit it... I was not involved in finally bringing down Beithir. Odette and the others were the ones who are owed credit for that."
"Oh, that's right." Koyuki said, seemingly suddenly remembering that point; though Magnolia was sure she had never actually forgotten. "My mistake, I often forget that Odette's was the lance that finally put an end to that creature. You were indisposed at the time?"
"I was elsewhere." Magnolia replied flatly, making a clear indication to Koyuki that that was the end of that line of inquiry. Magnolia's time spent as a wandering killer, hunting corrupt temple knights and dragon cultists in the snowy wastes of Coerthas wasn't something fit to discuss over tea.
"Of course." Koyuki nodded and took another sip of tea, taking the brief pause as an opportunity to easily pivot to another related subject. "Speaking of Beithir, I had heard that she was quite venomous. Particularly potent even among dragonkind." She set her now empty tea cup down and neatly folded her hands on her lap. "I'm sure you can understand, I have a professional interest in such things."
"She was." Magnolia responded gravely. "It nearly killed the man who first trained me as a Dragoon: Ser Ancel Vandauroix." She paused, thinking back to that first encounter with the serpent. "It probably would have killed him if he hadn't been bleeding so much." She smiled wryly. "Most of the venom wound up pooled beneath him on the ground instead of in his body." Ser Vandauroix had survived the encounter, but much like the other survivors of Beithir's fury his fighting days were put behind him. Magnolia hadn't been back to see him since everything that had happened with her husband, but the last she saw of him the retired Dragoon was doing well enough, all things considered.
Their conversation continued on, with Koyuki discussing the properties of dragon venom with Magnolia. Clearly when the Auri woman said she had a professional interest in the subject, she hadn't been joking. The amount of knowledge Koyuki had about how dragons who were venomous developed their abilities was genuinely interesting to Magnolia, who, having been a career dragon slayer, had plenty of her own practical insights to provide. The Ishgardian had felt put off-balance before, but now she was in her element and was at ease conversing with Koyuki. The conversation continued as the two women slowly drained the tea pot—their topics ranging from draconic venom, to Ishgardian cuisine, to Temple Knight training regimens.
Before long, the sun had begun to sink low in the sky and Magnolia had to say goodbye, she still had errands to run before the day was done. The two women said their farewells and Magnolia set out from Koyuki's quaint Gridanian cottage-turned-atelier with a spring in her step, feeling as though she'd made a new friend. As she walked, the Dragoon revisited the conversations in her head, and her pace slowed. Eventually coming to a halt as she realized that in the hours she had been visiting, and through all of their conversations, Koyuki had managed to avoid talking about herself in any meaningful way even once. "Heh..." Magnolia scoffed and smiled to herself. "Not bad..."
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