#pianist steve harrington
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soupinaboot · 1 year ago
Fuck it. Every Steve Harrington headcannon I have because I've been rotating that boy in my head like a pig on a stick
- Has had glasses since he was young but mostly wore contacts throughout high school due to being bullied in middle school for looking like a nerd
- Plays the piano or the violin, your pick
- In addition to the piano, he mostly plays jazz cause thats my favorite genre and I think it would be his too
- Has ALWAYS had horrible migraines but have since been a lot more difficult to deal with due to you know all that other shit that's been going on
- Does not know popular culture, I know it's very popular within the fandom that he only listences to what's on the radio or watchs only the recent released movies but that boy could barely name a single movie he does NOT know popular shit (this also goes with my jazz headcannon that he mostly just listenes to jazz in the car or at home)
- Surprisingly amazing at chess, no one in the party has managed to beat him
- Horror fan(books,shows,movies,etc)
- His best subject in school was math and I will die on this hill
- Between him and Eddie, he is the black cat
- Bisexual obviously, but a really do like the headcanon that he kinda knew he liked boys when he was younger and doesn't need Robin or Eddie to tell him(he was the one telling Robin that Vickie could like both just saying)
- Also asexual maybe
- Can cook
- SMOKER!!! He smokes in the first season, and in the third he makes a reference to smoking marijuana, he is NOT new to this
- Has really bad bedhead
- I can see him as having some form of OCD or ADHD
I'm forgetting most so be prepared for a part 2
Part 2
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zeddpool · 2 years ago
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One day I’ll redo this with like, proper perspective and a background and everything, but for now I just had to get the idea out.
Steve Harrington plays piano and I will defend this headcanon with my life 🎹
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paradimeshifts7 · 2 years ago
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐘𝐨𝐮 🎶🎹
Rated E | 65k | angst, smut, happy ending, jazz au
Beautiful art by @lonely_flies on twt 🖤
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airandangels · 2 years ago
you know what I'd add to this? not only their personality but their abilities. If you feel a need to make them smarter - not just give them some talents or skills unseen in canon but pretty consistent with their known interests and canon abilities, but make them much smarter with talents or skills way beyond anything they've been shown to have - you never really liked them that much.
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katyawriteswhump · 9 months ago
the freak in the penthouse part 2
E-rated (for sexual content), accidental millionaire eddie/sex-worker steve.
Part one here On AO3 or search #thefreakinthepenthouse
Part two: room service
Steve hopped up to grab another glass from the minibar and poured them both a double shot of vodka. He insisted on bandaging Eddie’s knuckles before they got on with anything else. 
It felt… odd, intimate. He couldn’t help thinking, though: This guy just smashed the plasterwork!
He’d stepped into this room feeling concern for Eddie. He should jack-knife right back to being anxious for himself. Next round, it could be my face that gets smashed.
Still, Eddie seemed more downcast than buzzing with pent-up violence. Steve continued worshipping Eddie’s slightly unsteady hands, dripping with weird silver rings. Which had fortunately missed the worst of the smashing stuff or Eddie really would be badly bruised.
Pianists’ hands, Steve thought.
Which brought a lump to his throat. 
Now was so not the time to think about everything that had gone to shit in his life or his crappy loser-ville dreams. He forced a smile, trying to catch Eddie’s eye. He consoled himself with the matter he found Eddie attractive, which was a rare win with a John, plus he seemed… nice. Edgy, fidgety, but an all right dude.
Steve neatly tied the end of the bandages and chugged back his drink. Down to business.
“What’s your trip gonna be, Eddie? What sector of paradise city you wanna go cruisin’ thru tonight?” He internally face-palmed. Way to go, Harrington. Real smooth. “You wanna party first?”
A smirk twitched across Eddie’s soft-looking lips. “Weeeell, I don’t party up here much.”
“You’re kidding?” Steve leaped to his feet, waving his arms literally everywhere. “How can you not? This place is wild! We’re gonna party, okay? We’re gonna have an awesome time, man.” Raking his hair from his eyes—that cheap gel never was worth jackshit—he absorbed a few more details of his plush surroundings.  “You got one of those sound systems that takes 8 CDs at a time? That’s totally mental! And… shiiiiiit! Is that your guitar?” Steve dived to grab one of the coolest six strings he’d ever seen, a slender beauty with two-tone cream bodywork. “It’s totally rad! Do you play? I mean, that’s a dumb question. You must, I guess…”
He trailed off. Eddie stared at him, squirming slightly. It bordered on creepy. Steve kept blabbering because he was already waaaay too far down shit creek without a paddle to stop.
“Hey, should we put music on?" asked Steve. "Or do you wanna jam? You know, I kinda dabble myself from time to time… Uh, you okay?”
Eddie had finally got up. He took two paces across the room and yanked the guitar from Steve’s grip. “Nooooo music.”
“Is that some kinda rule?”
That teeniest smile again. “Shouldn’t you be telling me your rules, Steve? Like how much is a ‘party’ with you gonna set me back? Not that I give a rat’s ass, so c’mon, hit me.”
Another internal facepalm. Steve had intended to be upfront about rules and prices. Then again, it was the first time he’d negotiated for himself.
“You want me to stay the whole night?”
Eddie shrugged. Up close, his dark eyes were intoxicating, sucking Steve in, which was probably why Steve said, flustered: “Two hundred bucks and I stay till daylight.”
You were gonna quote four! If Kline comes sniffing, he’ll have at least a hundred off you.
Eddie nodded, laughed. The air reeked of vodka now. As well as the weed. Steve cleared his throat, pressed on:
“Rules. Okay. Nothing that leaves any marks on my skin. No breathplay. Got any weird kinks?”
“Not right now.” Eddie started fiddling with his rings on his unbandaged hand. “Nothing other than a hankering to fuck a really cute guy.”
Steve blushed like an idiot, and his heart gave a crazy thud. What the fuck? “And we gotta use rubbers,” he said.
“Obviously. Anything else? Like, do you kiss on the lips?”
Steve snickered. “You watch too many movies, Eddie.”
“Not much else to do, stuck up here with cable. So, you do kiss on the mouth?”
“Sure thing.”
Truth was, Steve had been thirsty for Eddie’s lips since that first merest hint of a smile. He edged forward so they stood pretty much nose to nose. He slipped a hand to cup Eddie’s jaw and plastered his mouth enthusiastically to Eddie’s. Eddie gave a surprised grunt, not yet parting those tempting lips.
Steve panicked. Shit, too much?
Then Eddie plunged his tongue straight towards Steve’s tonsils and they started kissing for real, and… Wow!
It was some kiss.
Steve dove straight in with his best tricks, sweeping the depths of Eddie’s mouth, hands roaming everywhere, trying to figure out what Eddie liked best. He threaded his fingers down the length of Eddie’s hair, which was salon-smooth and silky to the touch. Trouble was, the kiss was too damn pleasurable, and Eddie was giving it some too, messing up Steve’s hair, mashing their faces so it got kinda bruising. Steve plunged a hand down the front of Eddie’s loose jogging pants, grabbing his package.
“Hello big boy,” purred Steve, as they broke for air. “You fancy a little kiss down there?”
Ugh. Way to go with the cheesy lines again, Harrington.
Eddie didn’t seem to hear anyhow. His gaze locked so hard on Steve that he seemed almost in a trance. “I want to feel… Oh shit, I don’t know what I want.” Eddie clamped a hand in the small of Steve back, crushing Steve so close that his hand got squashed between both their erections. “I want to fuck you, Steve. Basic stuff.”
Steve smacked another sloppy wet kiss on Eddie’s parted lips. “Your wish is my command. I’ll, uh… be right back.”
After Steve left, Eddie sank down on the couch, buried his fingers deep in his hair. Wtf am I doing? What the fuck, WHAT THE FUCK?
He’d got a giant erection from the kiss alone.
Steve was gorgeous, and yeah, Eddie wanted to fuck him bad, and he was already having the best evening he’d had in eons. Didn’t stop his stupid brain racing onward to the black hole of doom that would follow.
You pay for fuck-buddies, now? Seriously, Munson? Seriously! 
His heart was already dying a little death, and part of him withered with embarrassment too. He knew the staff of this place thought he was a weird-ass freak. The God-like Dungeon Master and the front man of Corroded Coffin wouldn’t have given a damn about that.
But now? Eddie was embarrassed, and Christ, that was pathetic. And where the heck was Steve? If he took any longer in the bathroom, Eddie’s nerve would snap, he’d ask him to leave. It would be yet another date with Mr Palm and his five sons.
Tentatively, he tapped on the back of the door—it was the smaller of two washrooms in the suite. The one without the plunge pool. “You okay in there? Getting lonely here, brother.” Shit, ain’t that the truth, and was Steve doing drugs or something? If so, the son-of-a-bitch should share.
“Yeah. I’m just… Look, I’m not powdering my goddamn nose, okay? It’s, you know… lube. Been a while since I… um… yeah.”
Eddie’s knee-jerk disappointment overrode his spiralling nerves: “No way! I wanna do that.” 
He opened the door a crack. And there was Steve—jeans around his thighs, no underwear, fingers plunged between sweetly rounded ass cheeks, eyes wide as a startled bunny-rabbit. Eddie’s grin made his face ache. Damn, he’d not used those muscles in way too long.
“Sorry, I… Look, man, I’m gonna be straight with you.” Steve had backed up against the sink as Eddie closed in on him. “Most clients just wanna get in there, and—”
“I want in , believe me,” said Eddie, still grinning. He’d pretty much forgotten how good feeling this fucking hot for somebody was. “Fingers first. Seriously, I love playing with a guy’s ass.” 
“Well, that’s kinda cool. Because you have the most gorgeous hands I’ve ever seen.” Steve grasped the wrist of Eddie’s uninjured hand, drew it up to his wet shiny lips. The hrrrr of Steve’s breath alone was enough to make Eddie’s cock spring even farther to attention. Steve sucked Eddie’s fore and middle fingers deep, rolling his tongue around them, even emitting a douchey little moan. Didn’t sound as fake as Eddie felt it ought.
Slowly, almost torturously, Steve mouth-fucked Eddie’s fingers, eventually dragging them free with a wet pop.
“Jesus Christ,” murmured Eddie. Steve had gotten some full-on come-hither-shit going on in those ridiculously pretty eyes, and it was almost too much, too soon. Eddie was going weak at the knees, just letting Steve take the lead, and his brains were disintegrating to mush. 
Steve—the slutty little torturer—dragged Eddie’s fingers around toward his butt, guiding them along that warm cleft between his cheeks. “You want in?” murmured Steve. “Then get in me. Though, seriously—you got a whole penthouse, and you’re gonna do me against the sink in your second-best restroom?”
They stumbled toward the bedroom. Steve almost tripped over the jeans he’d gotten tangled around his ankles, and Eddie nearly collided with another fake-marble pillar. They wound up on Eddie’s gigantic, four-poster Emperor size bed, with Steve splayed naked, ass upward, on the grotesque pink satin covers.
Eddie crawled up over him on all fours, ready to go. Damn, he didn’t wanna rush this. Didn’t want it to be over. Steve looked fucking edible, one knee hitched, chin tilted to the side, chewing his lower lip in a deliciously filthy fashion.
Eddie leaned back and gave his own dick a couple of pumps. He mingled his own precum with lube, rolling it gleefully between his thumb and forefinger, before sliding the latter into Steve.
Steve’s little hiccupping gasps were precious. Eddie snickered—he knew just how awesome it could feel, all those nerve-endings set alight. And Steve’s hole… Eddie wasn’t gonna complain that Steve had loosened himself up. It was like gliding into goddamn honey. He pressed another digit in, scissored, literally crumbling at the sound of Steve’s sexy hitched breaths.
“Oh God, Eddie… Yeah… there… fucking awesome. You got me dripping, man. I’m gonna fuckin’ come.”
“Liar, liar, ass on fire. Nobody’s that easy.” He curled his fingers, deliberate delving for Steve’s prostate.
“For you… I’m… uh… uh… whatever you w-want me to be.” Okay, that was a wake-up call. Eddie was maybe enjoying this a little too much. But the corny lines felt way faker than Steve’s needy sighs. He pulsed and clenched around Eddie’s fingers and Eddie revelled in it. He kinda wanted to slide his fist in, but Steve was still pretty tight, and…
“Oh Gooooood,” wailed Steve. “I should be paying you.”
“Nah. I’m having fun here, Sweetheart.” Eddie really was. 
“I… uh… uh… charge extra for pet-name. J-joking.”
“Okay, Princess.”
That earned Eddie a punishing clench. “Sh-shut the f-fuck up.”
“Gimme that tough lovin’ around my dick, Princess.”
Eddie grinned harder than ever, slowly eased his fingers out. For a joyful split second, he realized he was feeling himself again. Eddie flip-the-bird-at-the-whole-fucking-world Munson was back!
Nah, don’t think too hard. Don’t lose the illusion…
He gave Steve light swat on the ass.
“Ow! Uuuuh, Jesus, I feel empty.” Steve waggled that insane cute butt. “Eddie, you gotta fuck me. I want you, man. I need you.”
Eddie stared down Steve’s little hole, and the rest of the world might as well have gone nuclear. He slipped the rubber on his dick—Steve seemed to have lost it so far, he’d forgotten even to remind Eddie—then he slid into Steve’s tight body and fucked him hard.
“Can I have my two-hundred dollars, please?”
Steve hated asking the question of Eddie.
Eddie was nice. And hot. Even while peeping from beneath the bedcovers like a vampire scared shitless of daylight.
Last night was pretty damn good, really. Far better than Steve had any right to expect. So yeah, he hated asking, and his stupid fingers were shaking, which was annoying and weird and meant he really struggled with the buttons on his shirt, but… 
He needed the money. He needed his meds, and he’d still gotten that hopelessly colossal hospital bill from last winter hanging over him.
“Uh, Eddie? Look, I’m really fucking sorry I woke you, man, but I gotta go serve breakfast. Oh, and try not to limp. You got quite the python in your pants there, dude.” It was a dumb cheesy line, but not entirely flattery. Steve hadn’t been fucked in a while. Eddie had ridden him three times in the end, before they’d snatched a few hours of sleep. “So..?”
“Yeah. Right.” Eddie finally lugged himself into action, wandered into the lounge. “Okay… wallet. Not sure where I left it, uh… You need help with those buttons?”
Standing in the doorway between the rooms, Steve wrinkled his nose in surrender. “Please?” 
That just proved fresh torture. Eddie got up close and personal again with those hands, one still bandaged, and those lips, and…
Get over it, Harrington. He paid to dick you for the night. You got lucky that he’s a nice guy and now you’ve got a dumb crush on him?
“Uh, you might wanna do something about your face,” mumbled Eddie.
“Eyeliner? You look like a stray member of Kiss, Honey.” Eddie gently dabbed beneath Steve’s eye with a fingertip, and Steve… kinda froze. Then he flinched away. Eddie wandered off again and still couldn’t find his wallet. Steve was gonna be late, so after he’d washed the rest of the crap off his face, he settled for a fifty-dollar bill that Eddie found stuffed down the side of one of the couches.
“I’ll have the cash later, promise,” said Eddie, rubbing bleary, blood-shot eyes of his own. “You’ll come back?”
“For my fee? You bet,” mumbled Steve. He grabbed his knapsack, and made for the door. Eddie caught his wrist lightly:
“Yeah, but… You wanna come back for more than that?”
Despite his rising stress levels—Kline was gonna flay his ass—Steve’s heart gave another crazy little pulse. He mentally slapped himself, schooled his features into a weary mask of don’t-give-a-shit.
“That’s up to you, not me. I mean, it’s gonna cost you another two hundred dollars on top of the one-fifty you already owe me.”
“Done,” said Eddie, almost too quick, and then… 
Shit, Steve couldn’t help himself. He leaned in, brushed his mouth lightly against Eddie’s. He sensed the moment when Eddie’s slightly parted lips curved toward a smile. He just about managed to smirk rather than grin back like a besotted idiot.
“That one’s on the house.” Steve tugged his wrist free and literally sprinted from the penthouse to the service elevator.
Chapter 3 on AO3
Chapter 3.1 on tumblr or search #thefreakinthepenthouse
Likes and reblogs appreciated and will feed the bunnies :) 🐰💕🐰💕🐰💕🐰💕 thank you 💕🐰💕
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rogueddie · 1 year ago
Different Time AU, Steddie Fics
Important: READ THE TAGS! Also, leave a comment and kudos! These fics are amazing and I love them and I hope y'all do too 🕓
I'm a Fool to Want You
Steve Harrington is a regular at Valentine’s, a word-of-mouth, traveling party for queers. As a hard-knocked detective in a town meant to kill you slowly, he’s not meaning to be anything but drunk at tonight’s shindig. Somehow, with the help of a gorgeous pianist, he finds himself in love.
Words : 7,755 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
( Set in the 1940s )
Don't threaten me with a good time
No sooner is Eddie through the door, bottle in hand, than he’s being swept up in someone’s arms and pressed back against a wall. He blinks a few times to steady his vision after the near-whiplash move and comes face-to-face with Coriolanus himself, Steve Harrington. He’s got one hand on Eddie’s waist and the other has smoothly made its way into Eddie’s hair at the back of his head. And Eddie’s still clutching the damn wine bottle neck so he only has one free hand to grasp at Steve’s sweater.
The last time Eddie had seen the beautiful man, he’d been on stage, covered in fake blood and waxing poetic about all the bad decisions he made in his life to land him where he was. Which was hot , if a bit sad, but definitely fucking hot.
“You’re—” Eddie starts, but Steve cuts him off.
“Gonna kiss you now, if that’s alright,” Steve says, already staring at Eddie’s mouth.
Words : 7,496 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
( Modern au )
What Do You Want?
Sharpbutsoft (BuckysButt)
He hears the clink of glass pearls first, then feels a bare arm pressed alongside his own, warm through his thin cotton shirt.
“You here alone, handsome?” asks a low, husky voice, right into his ear. Steve turns to see the most beautiful person on whom he’s ever laid eyes.
Tall, with long, dark hair and darker eyes. A gash of red lipstick on her full lips, a stylish fringed dress and a strings of pearls hanging off her boyish frame.
Words : 1,543 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
( The whole series is great, and it is also written / co-written by dodger_chan. Set in the 1920s. )
May I Have This Dance?
Steve attends a masquerade with Robin, and ends up meeting a handsome stranger who awakens a new feeling.
Words : 3,162 Chapters : 2/2 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
( Set in the 1800s )
Moments can be Monuments to You, if Your Life is Interesting and True
Working 911 dispatch in a small town is equal parts stressful and rewarding. Steve likes to think he's making a difference.
Eddie quietly returns to Hawkins and is surprised by everyone who chose to stay.
Why would a golden boy like Steve Harrington stick around in this dead end town?
Words : 58,749 Chapters : 7/7 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
( Set in the 90s )
Betting On Your Name
“But I don’t want her Eddie!” The prince throws his hands up. “Why can’t my father see there are other candidates who are closer to me, right here at home!”
“Who do you want then?” Eddie asks his breath catching in his throat, his hands itching to reach out and reassure. This is a dangerous game. Far more so than a silly childhood bet. It’s a very easy thing to say he’ll give Prince Steve the air from his lungs, and another entirely to do so.
Words : 4,533 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : General Audiences
AO3 : x
( Medieval au )
the devil’s camaro (please don’t remember me, it’s only 1993)
It’s 1993. Eddie works at his local garage after serving time for a drug charge in high school. There he meets Steve, a typical well to do suburban dad type, who turns everything Eddie believes on his head. And he’s married- but also flirting with him?
Words : 32,798 Chapters : 6/6 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
Here is the Repeated Image of the Lover Destroyed
He could feel the warm, wet red of his blood slipping down over his fingers and dripping onto the forest floor. He had been stabbed before of course - it came as part of the job - but never quite like this. He could feel himself dying, his life slipping through his own weak grasp.
It was no longer a case of ‘if’, but ‘when’.
Words : 1,744 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
( Medieval au )
Blood 🩸 & Caffeine ☕
Eddie's got a little vampire...problem. You see, he normally feeds once a month from the blood bank at the hospital where he works. And that's normally fine. The blood provides him with life for a few days - breathing, hunger for real food, a healthy sex drive. And then that fades away, replaced by a mild bloodlust that gets stronger until he finally needs to feed again. This cycle is fine as long as he doesn't go too long. As long as he feeds before he gets so numb and so hungry that he loses himself. Except one day, that's exactly what happens. And it's only been a few weeks since his last feeding. Way too soon. In a panic, he feeds early and now needs silly human things like sleep during his scheduled night shift. Guess it's time for a trip down to the coffee shop. But on top of meeting a hot barista, Eddie finds that his little problem is only getting worse.
Words : 17,756 Chapters : 9/9 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
( Modern AU )
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steddieunderdogfics · 6 months ago
The Very Thought Of You by ParadimeShifts
Rating: Explicit
65,877 words, 9/9 chapters
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), Jazz Musician AU, Pianist Eddie Munson, Singer Steve Harrington, Top Eddie Munson, Power Bottom Steve Harrington, Dom/sub Undertones, Rough Sex, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Light Bondage, Frottage, Dacryphilia, Spit As Lube, Angst with a Happy Ending, Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Eddie Munson Whump, Rich bitch Steve Harrington, Pretty Boy Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, we all know this, Eddie Munson's unexpected praise kink, they're just obsessed with each other, Fluff, Look I PROMISE there will be fluff -- you can trust me, Jazz piano as a metaphor for love, Overuse of musical terminology, Author is a huge nerd and is not sorry, Dry Humping, Coming In Pants, Mirror Sex, Crying During Sex, in the emotional release way
The jazz music scene explodes when world-renowned pianist Eddie Munson is spotted getting cozy with a mystery man in New York City. Journalists have managed to link the pretty face to the prestigious Harrington name, an old money family with business all over the globe and a direct link to Diana Harrington, famous jazz starlet. But reports of bad trades and schemes gone wrong are beginning to muddy the waters of this particular love story, and it’s only a matter of time before the real origins of this torrid affair emerge.
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Challenge Monday. The challenge this week was Fics with 9/9 chapters.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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mojowitchcraft · 1 year ago
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2024 Fic Tracker
I decided to start tracking the fics I'm reading for 2024 and I thought I'd maybe do a monthly round up of my favourite fics and post on here, but I'm one week in and there's already so many great fics that I'm reading that I wanted to yell about!
Not sure how consistently I'll post these, but I love hyping up my fellow writers and friends, so here's some of my recent faves, mainly Steddie fics but some others in here!
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change your mind
by helix_stomper [@pixelizedrifles] Rating: E | Words: 168k | Chapters: 13/17 | Pairing: Steddie
After his breakup with Nancy, Steve Harrington keeps it a secret that he hasn’t made an effort to meet his soulmate. When he accidentally wakes up next to them a few days after his 18th birthday, he’s surprised to find that it’s not only another guy, but somebody else in Hawkins. Between losing all his old friends, learning how not to be an asshole, and balancing his newfound sexuality in a closed-minded town, Steve has his work cut out for him. Eddie Munson doesn’t believe in soulmates, but that doesn’t stop him from waiting in the dreamscape every night for his. Balancing life as an openly queer, drug-dealing super senior in Hawkins, Indiana is no cakewalk, especially with Billy Hargrove on his ass. But maybe, just maybe, there’s something to that whole soulmate thing after all.
📓 💭: [Read most recent chapters of this ongoing WIP] I was so excited when I saw that helix_stomper was writing a soulmate fic, and it does NOT disappoint. It's a totally different vibe from the Boots & Budweiser series but it's so so excellent. A completely fresh and interesting take on the soulmate trope with dreamscapes, a healthy dose of identity porn and some *drama*
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they're going to send us to prison for jerks
by @greatunironic Rating: E | Words: 16k | Chapters: 1/1 | Pairing: Steddie
GARETH 11.46am it’s been like five hours should we do a welfare check on him? JEFF 11.47 am why? you think it’s possible to die from jerking it too much? GARETH 11.47am ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah In which Eddie is TikTok famous, and his personal favorite creator just had an unexpected face reveal.
📓 💭: I love me some modern au / alt format / social media shinanegans and this did not disappoint! Super fun and cute
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Paint & Glitter
by unhappy_peaches [@ghast1yghosts] Rating: T | Words: 2.3k | Chapters: 1/1 | Pairing: Steddie
"face painter Steve's next in line is an excited 20 y/o Eddie who wants a dragon"
📓 💭: [Reread] This came up in covo with a friend and I had to reread it cause it's so damn cute.
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by Eddywow [@eddywoww] Rating: E | Words: 90k | Chapters: 11/? | Pairing: Steddie
“Oookay," The woman drew out, one ringed hand sweeping at Stevie's hair. "Hey there, Uhh. You're kind of in my lap. Can you get up?" Rude. Couldn't she see Stevie was trying her best?
📓 💭: [Read most recent chapters of this ongoing WIP] I was a little late to the party starting to read this but it's SO FUCKING GOOOOOOOD!! (would we expect anything less of Eddywow? Doubtful) Love going wild with my friends about stressy depressy big tiddy Stevie. Such a fun dynamic between them in this gender bent girl band modern au.
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We Can't Both Be Billy Joel
by audacity_of_bluejays [@audacityofbird] Rating: E | Words: 34k | Chapters: 4/5 | Pairing: Steddie
Classically trained concert pianist Steve Harrington’s dreams went on pause when the world shut down in 2020. When you’re the last one in, you’re the first one out when the concert halls shut down, no matter how much time, effort, work or talent you put in. So, three years later when his adoptive father and owner of Skeleton Keys Piano Bar in Indianapolis calls him home from New York City to help save the family business, he finally has a way to use his skills and experience. Turns out you can come home again. The only problem is, the plan is to bring in dueling pianos and Steve has to work with the current piano player on staff. Eddie is stupidly talented, annoying and friendly even when Steve isn't. It's infuriating. Can they work together and save the bar from closing? Or will they both get more than they bargained for?
📓 💭: [Read most recent chapters of this ongoing WIP] love love loving my gal Birdie's modern au piano bar fic. Honestly did not expect to get turned on by them playing the piano but the 'playing the piano as foreplay' tag did not lie to me! This is super fun and sweet and the final chapter is getting posted tomorrow!
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Steve & Robin
by audacity_of_bluejays [@audacityofbird] Rating: M | Words: 46k | Chapters: 8/22 | Pairing: Evental Steddie, with on and off Stommy as a treat
It's 1995. Two sets of best friends find themselves in Chicago and in each other's orbit as they try to figure out how to best navigate the world, work, relationships, family, and friendships in their mid-twenties. Chrissy is starting a new job in a new city with only an old friend to help tether her. Eddie tries to help his band find their big break. Steve tries to get his matchmaking family off his back and Robin hatches a plan to help him do that in an unconventional and seemingly logical way. They're all finding themselves and their way to each other. So, who cares if they stumble along the way? At least they have each other.
📓 💭: [Currently catching up on this ongoing WIP] Another one that I was putting off reading and I'm now obsessed with!! Birdie has really found her niche with this fun screenplay style alt format. The way she describes the scenes and the cuts between things is SO FUCKING FUNNY and I can totally visualize it. My new fave sitcom.
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stand still (so i can see your sillouette)
by audacity_of_bluejays, pizzabones [@glitterfang] Rating: E | Words: 4k | Chapters: 1/1 | Pairing: Stommy
Immediately following the events of Chapter 7 of Steve & Robin, Tommy and Steve consummate this new version of their relationship. Will this be the beginning of something beautiful or the end of something that's run its course? Maybe Both. Tune in:
📓 💭: oh my god it's like if my favourite sitcom had a late night special. wowoowoweeeee!!! Love me some Stommy smut but also I couldn't relax and enjoy it the whole time cause I don't trust that man!!
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by Adure [@toburnup]
Rating: E | Words: 5.8k | Chapters: 1/1 | Pairing: Stommy
Tommy draws his knees up toward him and leans his folded arms on top. He stares, unashamed, at the length of Steve's neck as he looks around. His chin. His nice smile. Tommy's drunker now that they're sitting in the brunt of the sun, and maybe that's why it takes a few extra seconds for him to realize that Steve's stopped talking. "Is there something on my face?" Steve asks, rubbing his cheek with the back of his hand. He looks confused. And he's waiting, because Tommy is slack-jawed and a little bit in love and he's really, really not ready for this shit. (Tommy can't help but look, and Steve can't stop catching him.)
📓 💭: some soft and squishy Stommy to heal the wounds that the above rec might give you. I love me some happy ending Stommy, just two dudes in love with each other trying to figure it all out!! Absolutely adored seeing my bestie Becca @glitterfang partner up with Vio and do some amazing art for this fic!!
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Hungry Like The Wolf
by beetlesandstars [@beetlesandstarss] Rating: M | Words: 10k | Chapters: 1/1 | Pairing: Steddie
“Are you a manifestation of my subconscious?” Eddie asks, tentatively shuffling closer to the wolf. He sways a little, stage-whispering, “What are you trying to tell me?” He knows the pills he took were strong but, well - he didn’t think they were ‘hallucinate a giant dog’ strong. (Or, the one where Steve turns into a wolf and befriends Eddie Munson.)
📓 💭: Werewolf Steve!! WEREWOLF STEVE!!! I need so much more of him!! Absolutely loved the identity porn of it all and wolfy cuddles. So good.
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Sneaky Link
by morningberries [@morningberriesao3] Rating: E | Words: 121k | Chapters: 17/20 | Pairing: Steddie
HailToTheKing: tell me what you look like   ELMst01: tall, pale af, few tats here and there   Steve lifts his eyes from his phone. He must be wondering why Eddie is smiling like a fucking idiot. He pretends not to notice Steve sizing him up from head to foot. Judging bastard.   HailToTheKing: sounds hot   HailToTheKing: just my type   OR   The only thing worse than Steve Harrington, is the fact that Eddie got paired with him for his college assignment. At least the sexy guy he subscribes to on OnlyFans is a good distraction to keep Eddie's mind away from Steve, and the annoying crush he hates that he's starting to develop on his project partner.
📓 💭: [Read the most recent chapter of this ongoing WIP] I've been loving this fic since the begining. I'm always feral for a modern au + university/college au + only fans? Come on!!! So much good soup in here. Plus the added Eddie is a thick headed dummy is so good
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Slide It In
by gayhandshake Rating: E | Words: 1.7k | Chapters: 1/1 | Pairing: Steddie
Without thinking, he yanks his hand back, Steve yelping, “Eddie!” in response. “Why does it feel like that?” Eddie asks, his mouth pinched. His voice is high-pitched and whiny and incredibly embarrassing, but seriously, why does it feel like that? He shakes his whole body out, wiggling his arms to dislodge the sensation. Steve cranes his neck to glare at him. “Like what?” “Like ‒ squishy and weird!” --- Eddie struggles with some features of the human body.
📓 💭: okay this is just pure silly crack and it made me laugh so fucking hard.
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a snowfall kind of love
by @hexiewrites Rating: E | Words: 46.5k | Chapters: 7/11 | Pairing: Steddissy
Chrissy has always been top of her class at the North Pole. She’s worked her way up to the matchmaking department, and has an impressive track record of successful Christmas relationships under her belt. This year's assignment should be easy, which is good, because if you asked her out of earshot she might tell you the whole thing is getting a bit… tired. Still: a happy but lonely mechanic meets an ornery author in the biggest slump of his career, whose bike breaks down outside of his secluded cabin in the woods where he's settled for his annual winter writing retreat. A house call, a little bit of that ‘snowed in, only one bed’ magic, Chrissy knows she’s in for an Elf of the Year award for this one. Only... what happens when the mechanic and the author are just as charmed by Chrissy as she is by them? When her little bit of snow gets a little bit out of control? With three of them snowed in, still with only one bed, and an elf fully cut off from her powers, can Chrissy still pull it off and help her marks find love? Or, can her marks help show her that there’s even more magic when Christmas ends, but the love is here to say?
📓 💭: [Read most recent chapter of ongoing WIP] Man I LOVE this, Steddissy is so much fun, plus the added hallmark cutesy christmas holiday of it all is so fun. I was howling with laughter about Chrissy being a covert Christmas elf, ducking behind things with bells in her hair wearing the LOUDEST Christmas outfits. Super cute and fun (and now smutty cause they doin the do and it's yum yum delicious)
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alwaysteveswife · 2 years ago
Midnight | a Stranger Things Series.
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A series featuring the characters from Stranger Things in a Modern!Band! AU that tells the stories of the members of Midnight, the pop-rock band of the moment.
Now you can hear the playlist! Just press the character's role and you can listen to it 💕.
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Fake it till you make it | Steve Harrington, The Singer.
The day I'll Steal your Breath Away | Chrissy Cunningham, The Soloist.
Until we become an us | Jonathan Byers, The Producer.
To Vickie, From Robin | Robin Buckley, The Pianist.
Ps.: I always loved you | Eddie Munson, The Guitarist.
A Second Chance | Billy Hargrove, The Bassist.
General Masterlist
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afewproblems · 2 years ago
Fic Master List
There's quite a bit apparently so I will leave everything under the cut!
But first, hello! Linz here, I am currently writing for the Psych fandom with a focus on Shassie, but previously worked on several Stranger Things fics with a focus on Steddie. I have an AO3 as well and will link that here. My AO3 fics are all currently locked and visible only to registered users due to AI and predatory third party companies.
My Asks are open for prompts as well as questions, and general screaming about Steddie or if you just want to say hello!
This is an 18+ Blog so please keep that in mind!
Stranger Things
Multi-part Complete Works
Mean!Eddie Misunderstandings AU (You can only Remember What You Want to Forget)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Read on AO3
Warm My Cold and Tired Heart
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Read on AO3
Season Two Halloween Party AU
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven , Part Eight , Part Nine , Part Ten (Final) Read on AO3
Cheating!Eddie Rockstar AU
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Always Quick and Never Painless
Part One, Part Two, Read on AO3
Essential Songs to Woo a Metal-Head (Prompt 53. I'm flirting with you!)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Multi-part WIP
In My Heart is a Memory (And There You'll Always Be)
Part One, Part Two Read on A03
Lost and Lonely, Just Like Heaven (Ghost!Eddie AU)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three Part Four
Steddie Breakup/Fix It
Part One, Part Two
The Mouth of the Wolf, the Eyes of the Lamb (Kas!Eddie AU)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
You're On Your Own Kid (angst prompt 13 "why would you say that?")
Part One
One-Shots and Snippets
Ghost Eddie
Hard of Hearing Steve Harrington
Steve as a Dancer 1
Steve and the Fruity Four Dance AU
Steve as a Pianist 1
Follow up Steve as a Pianist
Steve, Eddie, and Robin Go to a Bar
Of Paradoxes and Parents (Read on AO3)
A Clear and Present Threat of Tongue (Read on AO3)
Just a Little Push (Read on AO3)
Ice Cream Sundaes and Cherry Lips (Read on AO3)
Steve and Eddie's First Time
Steve Finds out About the D&D Game
Steddie Pride and Prejudice AU
It's Okay to Cry
Chocolate Kisses
Quiet Confessions
Original Fic - Hero and Villains solve problems with kissing
First Ever Spicy Fic (Steddie Mutual Pining)
Special Delivery
Multi-part WIP
Difficult Days
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six Part Seven, Part Eight or Read on AO3
Shawn has Amnesia
Part One, Part Two
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steddiebang · 1 year ago
We Can’t Both Be Billy Joel  |  Explicit |  38k
Author: audacity_of_bluejays ao3 / audacityofbird twt Artist: sungodshealing Beta Reader: pizzabones ao3 / glitterfangart twt Beta Reader: Weird_witchcraft AO3/ mojowitchcraft twt
Classically trained concert pianist Steve Harrington’s dreams went on pause when the world shut down in 2020. When you’re the last one in, you’re the first one out when the concert halls shut down, no matter how much time, effort, work or talent you put in. So, three years later when his adoptive father and owner of Skeleton Keys Piano Bar in Indianapolis calls him home from New York City to help save the family business, he finally has a way to use his skills and experience. Turns out you can come home again.  The only problem is, the plan is to bring in dueling pianos and Steve has to work with the current piano player on staff. Eddie is stupidly talented, annoying and friendly even when Steve isn't. It's infuriating. Can they work together and save the bar from closing? Or will they both get more than they bargained for? 
Fic | Art
Pairings: Steve/Eddie, Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley, Jim Hopper & Steve Harrington, Joyce Byers/ Jim Hopper, Eddie Munson & Max Mayfield, Jim Hopper & Benny Hammond, Jonathan Byers/ Argyle, Steve Harrington & Eleven | Jane Hopper Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Jim Hopper, Robin Buckley, Jonathan Byers, Argyle, Max Mayfield, Mike Wheeler, Murray Bauman, Alexei, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Benny Hammond, Eleven \ Jane Hopper, Joyce Byers, Will Byers, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Tags: Grumpy/Sunshine, Rivals to Lovers, Modern AU, Dueling Piano Bar AU, Bitchy Steve Harrington,  Ray of Sunshine Eddie Munson, Concert Pianist Steve Harrington, Autodidactic Pianist Eddie Munson, Blended Families, Found Family, Max Mayfield thinks she’s in The Hulu original series The Bear, and I’m not telling her any different, Workplace comedy if you squint, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson, Playing the piano as foreplay, Smut, Body worship, Slight Hand Kink, Slight Praise Kink, Touch Starved Steve Harrington, Oral Sex, Anal Sex Trigger Warnings: Fatal Car Accident (mentioned), Parent Death (mentioned), Foster Care(mentioned),  no archive warnings apply / 2020 pandemic causing end of employment
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paradimeshifts7 · 2 years ago
🎹 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙑𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙏𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙔𝙤𝙪 🎹
Link below ↓
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wynnyfryd · 2 years ago
AO3 first lines
rules: post the first lines of your 10 most recently published AO3 stories. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
a masterpiece of art, it’s true | yogi steve x adhd eddie pt 3, M, 3k
In the three minutes it takes them to get from the couch to Steve’s bedroom, Eddie seems to remember that he’s completely worn out from the combination of whiskey and coming so sweetly all over Steve’s tongue. Steve licks his lips, savors the evidence still lingering in his mouth, and tries not to look too over the moon when Eddie flops back onto his mattress with an exhausted huff.
stupid fucking star stuff | stardust au, M, 3.4k (in progress)
“Munson, stop tongue-fucking my merch displays,” Guy scolds him, shoving Eddie away from the glass he’s been drooling over. His beloved is laid out inside the case, lit up from behind like some fair maiden sleeping in a mystical wood, just waiting for her one true love to come and plant some sick riffs on her gleaming body.
“I’d be so good to you, baby,” Eddie whispers to the guitar, fingertips trailing over the glass lid.
relax (that’s that) | yogi steve x adhd eddie pt 2, E, 2.6k
The bats are choking him. One of the stupid little fuckers has its tail around his throat, and three more curl around his thrashing limbs, sinking their teeth into the soft flesh of his belly, gnawing their way through to the good bits, the muscle and sinew and his fucking intestines and—
“—Eddie!” Steve shouts, shaking his shoulders with his big warm hands
relax (lay back) | yogi steve x adhd eddie pt 1, E, 12k
“Eddie!” Steve calls out playfully as he weaves his way through the rows of mats, surveying the class’s posture. “Get those buns out of the air, come on, now.”
So yeah, becoming weirdly close friends with his former sort-of nemesis turned yoga instructor crush in the wake of surviving unspeakable evils together is, uh…
It’s going horribly.
TITS! magazine | exactly what the title says lmao, E, 11.8k
Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I came on the tits of a guy with great hair
No Son of Mine | hurt-comfort, M, 4.4k
I seen those boys kissing boys
Open-mouth in the street
But I raised my son to be a righteous man
I made it clear to him what fear of God means
The path we walk is only narrow and straight
No son of mine will wander astray
- Desert, Brand New
Steve shows up at Eddie’s door at 8:46pm.
i’ll stop the world and freeze with you | ice skating drabble, G, 617
Eddie flounders, arms flailing as his feet slip out from under him for the fourth time, and he lands chin first on the scuffed-up ice with a hard thud.
The Great Scavenger Hunt of 1986 | christmas fluff, T, 7.9k
“Steve,” Dustin calls as he skids into the Harrington kitchen on Christmas Eve Eve with his muddy shoes still on.
babysitters and book signings | famous author eddie au, G, 4.4k
Eddie’s not staring. The man currently shepherding a gaggle of college kids up to his booth is tall and blond and tan with wire glasses perched on his freckled nose and biceps that threaten to burst right out of his silly striped polo shirt, and Eddie is a professional who meets thousands of fans at conventions every year and he’s. not. staring.
patience is a virtue | edging pwp, E, 1.7k
Steve’s gonna fucking die. He’s close to planning his funeral arrangements at this point, absently running through a list of florists and pianists he might still know from his church days, desperate for a distraction because—
“Keep your hips still, sweetheart,” Eddie chides, forearm like a crowbar over Steve’s jolting hips as he pins him down again.
thank you for the tag @infinite-orangepeel 💜 tagging @gorgeousgreymatter-x @steddielations @aidaronan and anyone else who wants to play
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senorablack · 2 years ago
I'm a Fool to Want You
Words: 7755 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Steve Harrington's Parents, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham Additional Tags: Film Noir, Murder Mystery, Possessive Sex, Nonbinary Character, Alternate Universe - 1940s, Infidelity, Jealousy, Angst, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Minor Eddie Munson/Original Character(s), Reunion Sex, Blow Jobs, Cock Warming, Cock Slapping, Minor Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham, Drama & Romance, possible anachronisms tbh, Bottom Eddie Munson, Sex Work Summary: Steve Harrington is a regular at Valentine’s, a word-of-mouth, traveling party for queers. As a hard-knocked detective in a town meant to kill you slowly, he’s not meaning to be anything but drunk at tonight’s shindig. Somehow, with the help of a gorgeous pianist, he finds himself in love.
No city did violence like Hawkins, and there was no better reprieve than Valentine’s.
They called the traveling party a mine. Said that you could find gold if you knew where to dig. So he dug. Over and again, he dug. True to tale, tonight’s locale was dressed down in the color. From the shimmering table runners, to the stem of every champagne glass, and to all the glittering jewelry that hung from the neck and wrists of this town’s tipsy, queer underground. 
Valentine’s was an unofficial title and never did once fall on its namesake. It fell whenever and wherever they could find a spot discrete enough to host it. Valentine’s because you were meant to find a sweetheart. Or so it goes. He wouldn’t know. And wasn’t ever expecting anything sweeter than a cube of sugar dropped in his highball. Sweetheart? Sure. Nothing’s been sweet on his heart for years. No, sweet was hard to find in a town hellbent on turning you sour.
Detective Harrington grimaced. He sat back and loosened his tie. Rolled up the sleeves of his white dress shirt. Looked onto the lively crowd with a smile that felt real enough, watching his best gal con another into a dance. It’d been their third time attending and Robin always begged him to try. Try to have a little fun, she’d say, let loose. Try to find what they all came here for, she didn’t. Which was fair enough, he supposes. He never said so either—hadn’t it in him to tell her that he’d gone off trying a long time ago.
As if sensing his mood, the music shifted. Where once was the jaunty trumpet and drums that had spelled the room to twirl and shimmy, was now replaced with something softer. Somber. Subdued. The room mellowed out with it. Pairs either embracing closer, or falling apart and retreating back to the bar for refreshers.
The sax—it weeped. The bass was plucked at like a nervous tick. The shy brush against the high hats came in as if it was unsure of its welcome, but nonetheless continued on persistently at its turn. All of this had instantly weighed something fierce in him. His body gave in. His fingers almost let loose of his drink. Until the piano came in. The piano came in like fishing wire—hooked in at the core of him, drawing him taut and pulling him to his feet. There was no fighting the hold, so he let himself be reeled back to its caster.
Sat there at the keys was a vision in black velvet. A delicate cut of shoulder peeking out of a mink shawl. Rouge shiny at their lips and dusted at the high points of their cheeks. The siren, god, they played like a whisper. Like a secret long coveted and longing to be shared. And Steve wanted to be so badly its keeper, that he didn’t wait for the coda. He couldn’t. He could steal a bottle of extra dry. He could pour two glasses. He could very well perch himself opposite of the pianist in quick, silent appreciation until they take notice. But patience, he could never do. Nor coy.
“They’re the fools, you know.” He said.
“Who?” Asked the pianist, without a look his way.
Their voice was sweet and potent—refreshing, like a mint julep. And Steve was reminded of last years dog days, browning his shoulders and blushing his cheeks, as he went warm all over and thirsty. Then a strand of decadent brown curls fell from its up-do and Steve had smarted up, reaching out to softly brush it from the pianist’s porcelain shoulder.
“Everyone in this room who’s not watching you play.” Steve said quickly.
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another copy paste from discord
imagine a "you hear their music" au where a pianist and a guitarist play together despite not even knowing who/where the other is… now imagine that's steddie just secretly a pianist steve who taught himself to play to deal with his emotions and eddie one day hearing his soulmate playing the piano again and deciding to just pick up his old accoustic and play an accompaniment, the piano falters for a moment before resuming and it slowly goes from depressed and lonely to a peaceful kind of joy
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queenerdloser · 2 years ago
the downside of sporadically writing a stranger things steddie band!au is that my music taste is so limited because i basically listen to the same ten songs over and over again so like. how am i supposed to give each of these characters complex and multi-layered musical taste. but the Drive to write ex-boyband pop star steve harrington is SO strong i cannot fight it.
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