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Pizza Night || Dirk & Komari
[ ✉ ] — “Komaaaaa... you didn’t get the anchovy pizza, did you? I think I'm gonna actually die if I have to eat anything a fish has touched.”
Dirk was sprawled out on his friend’s sofa, scrolling through channels as Komari unboxes the pizzas they ordered on a nearby table. He can smell the awful scent of fish wafting through the air, mixed in with the tomato sauce and cheese, and finds himself gagging. Ugh. He hated fish.

Raising up into a sitting position, he peers at her from over the back of the sofa. “Tell me you at least got cheese? Or meat lovers, or something?” She was the one paying for the pizzas, so it really wasn’t his place to complain. Buuut... he was gonna do it anyway.
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Walk With Me || Komari & Forte
Busy, busy, busy. Forte had been so caught up in her work, she barely had time to sit down with the force’s newest recruit. It was a shameful state of affairs for the chief of police, and she internally kicked herself for not doing so earlier. Now there was time to get to know them, though. Or at least, she hoped.
Always early, Forte kept an ear out for both the arrival of both her officers that day. Lest had been doing well, though she did want to help him train more. She wasn’t sure how the other was holding up though. Once Komari arrived, though, Forte poked her head out from her office.
“Officer Akiyama,” she called out as she moved into the doorway, “good morning! Would you accompany me on a patrol this morning?”
It would be the perfect opportunity to get to know her most recent subordinate; to see how well they did in the field, and how they were taking to the work.
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Coworker Appreciation || Clorica and Komari
@anephemeralwish @sombersonata
Early before opening time, Porcoline slipped into Euphoria bearing a couple dozen flowers in his arms. It’s been over a year since he joined the ranks of the maids at the cafe. The name may have changed, and many of the staff have come and gone, but the place still held a very important place in his heart.
Clorica, a long time fellow employee and now owner of the cafe, would receive a mixture of irises, pink gerberas, and purple alstromerias. And for a relatively new face at the cafe, Komari, Porcoline brought a bouquet of yellow tulips, orange alstromerias, and yellow lisianthuses.
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Nani the Heck? || Georgia & Komari
[🐎] — Some might say that Georgia wasn’t the most cultured of people. It wasn’t that she lacked class (though she definitely lacked tact), or that she was stupid (even if her heart had a tendency to override her brain sometimes). She just wasn’t very worldly. Having grown up with an incredibly sheltered upbringing under the care of her single father, and having never traveled too far from home, all she really knew was the small world around her.
And honestly? She thought that was fine. There was nothing wrong with being comfortable with home, and not wanting to branch out and see the world.
But when Neil cheekily spoke another language to her the other day --- one that she was... pretty sure?... had been Japanese --- something about her limited viewpoint changed. What if she stayed so set in her ways that Neil started to get bored with her? Or considered her not stimulating, or interesting enough to be around?
Now, Georgia refused to outright change who she was for any man, that definitely wasn’t a rabbit hole she’d be falling into again. But learning something new to impress your boyfriend... there wasn’t anything wrong with that, right?
No... there wasn’t! There better not be.
“S-So... you’re gonna do it?” She asks her friend, tone uncharacteristically timid as they hung out in Komari’s apartment. “Teach me Japanese?”
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Is This Yours? || Sabrina & Komari
♛ - Unlike most of the other beach-goers who were out playing in the water or on the sand, Sabrina was spending her time sitting in the shade of her umbrella, enjoying some light reading as the cool ocean breeze washed over her.
However, her moment of tranquility is broken when she feels something hit her feet, and she glances up from her book to see a ball. It must have been thrown over here...
Sabrina gets to her knees and reaches for it, only to stop when another (much tanner) hand grabs for it instead. Blinking, she looks up at the girl with the bright smile and sun-kissed skin, momentarily taken aback as she tries to think of something to say.
“T-this is... yours?” Goodness, as if that wasn’t already obvious! Great conversation starter, Sabrina.
#pi:komari#komari:is this yours#sombersonata#(( figure the beach would be a good meeting point for them ))
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Break Time || Felicity & Komari
[ ♥ ] — A soft sigh slips through rosy red lips as Felicity seats herself at an empty table, exhausted after coming off a particularly busy lunch rush at the Oakwood. Three hours of nonstop serving, walking, and ordering, with little room for rest in-between. Now that it was well after noon, and most customers were heading back to work, the blonde was in dire need of a break... at least before dinner rush came along.
At least her co-worker, Komari, could share in the pain this sort of work could bring. Felicity loved her job, but goodness, was it hard work.
“That was quite the busy rush we had today, hm?” She asks the girl sitting across from her, “Do you think you’d be up for going out to lunch, or would you rather stay here...” Felicity trails off with a bit of a sheepish laugh. Hopefully Komari would pick the latter... her feet were killing her, and she was done with walking for a while.
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Removing Thorns {Chase/Komari}
Passion and energy. Even without knowing the meaning behind the flowers, Chase already had his eyes out for the orange roses he saw on display. Not only was he reminded of the orange garbs the person he was going to gift this to, but he had a particular bias with the color and was immediately drawn to it. Along with a custom bouquet for a different person, Chase was overall happy with his purchase. It was all the more convenient when the people he was going to give gifts to happened to live together.
With a bouquet and two roses in hand, Chase headed back to the hotel to drop off his gifts. He was just about to knock on their doors when he heard the door unlock, soon opening itself. Out came one of the recipients-- Komari.
“Going out?” Chase hides the two orange roses he bought from the City Hall in light of the flower festival, not intending to give it yet. She could have been busy and had to go somewhere important. Handing her a rose to carry around might be an inconvenience. “I meant to talk to you but if you’re busy I could come back later?”
#littlejxsmine#pi:komari#komari: removing thorns#{ just putting this up. i know you've been busy lately :* }#thread: komari
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@treasuresunknown | @littlejxsmine
In which a waitress and treasure hunter fight. In the end, the treasure hunter comes out on top~
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bttp: Aren’t You Sweet? [Dia, Komari, and Ash]
@littlejxsmine & @gildedfrostlily
Ash was always excited for after school hangouts with his two upperclassmen friends, Dia and Komari. If he wasn’t at band practice with the other boys, he would be hanging out with them. Gigs and practices were also a good way for his friends to meet each other but of course Ash would be a little shy inviting people over to band events because he would be performing. But he didn’t really mind if it were his two upperclassmen friends since they were pretty close to him after all.
But for now, he waits for Dia and Komari at the school gates after class. He holds his bookcase in one hand and his bass slung across his back like a backpack. He checks his watch and mumbles to himself, “Is their last class together..?”
Ash squints his eyes against the sunlight and waves his hand when he spots them. “Dia! Komari!” he calls out to them even though they were a distance away.
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Despite putting up a hell of a fight, Kai finally gets taken out by his Noona. Way to go, Komari!
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Hunger Pangs || Jamie & Komari
The purple-haired boy stepped onto the Leudan shore. He didn’t come to Leuda probably as often as he should, but it always tended to be a bit too crowded for him there. People bustling everywhere and the like.... He huffed to himself. The first thing to check off the list was to get something to eat. He hadn’t eaten even a scrap all day, and his stomach was paying for it. Thankfully, he didn’t have to look far. It appeared there was a diner just across the way. He sighed in relief and headed towards it. As he approached, it thankfully didn’t seem very busy at the moment. Definitely another win for him. He walked in and looked around, not sure whether it was a seat-yourself sort of place or if he needed to wait, he stood by the entryway, crossing his arms and waiting for a waitress to either tell him he could sit anywhere or seat him themselves.
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In which love advice is given, two gals suddenly get attacked by a bear, and much museception ensues.
@arigatosmiles | @littlejxsmine | @therunefarmer | @xwingsofvalor
#pi:chatzy#pi:campingtrip#pi:soseki#pi:komari#pi:raguna#pi:frey#arigatosmiles#littlejxsmine#therunefarmer#xwingsofvalor#(( tfw camping prompt becomes some avenger teamwork montage-- a very accurate summation by rach ))#(( LMAO tfw ur museception levels are over 9000 by this point ))
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Hell’s Kitchen [ Chase/Komari ]
There were very few things that truly ticked off Chase. Squid irked him, but not enough to piss him off. The same goes for dishes he just so happens to dislike. Now, if you were instead to invade his territory- his sanctuary- then that was a different situation all together. For Chase, work hours meant him being in the kitchen for 8 hours or more. Not some cheery brunette who should be out waitressing.
His arms were crossed, a flat line on his face. The waitress hasn’t noticed he was already there, staring rather intensely from the kitchen doors as she busied herself with his ingredients and tools. He was far from pleased, but he gave the brunette a chance. A benefit of the doubt, if you will. She could very well be just there to clean. Anything, anything, but cook when it was his job to do so. He might have been a few minutes late- the first after so long- but it didn’t mean he was gone for the entire day.
When it was clear she had no intention of simply doing anything but cook, it was Chase’s cue to speak up. Normally, he wouldn’t mind spectating others cook. He’d volunteer to taste test, even. But he’d prefer being asked first and foremost, not blatantly invaded simply because he was out of touch for half an hour. The contact list was there for a reason, she might as well make use of it.
“What are you doing in my kitchen?” Chase finally speaks up, tone monotonous but with clear emphasis on what was his. Now, technically this was Kai’s kitchen, considering he was the boss and owner. But Chase has been working here long enough to mark it as his territory, and he’d rather not sully the already unremarkable sales of the diner with the hands of a newbie. The person being questioned was no stranger, but she was certainly no friend. Just the new waitress in town, probably bored out of her mind, or hoping to make it big with a one-time, big-time meal. Too bad you actually had to work hard to be good at cooking. He taps his fingers on his arms as he waits for a response, patient, but growing impatient by the second.
#littlejxsmine#komari: hell's kitchen#pi:komari#{ here you go! }#{ someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed lol }#thread: komari
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Flower Festival: Komari
Even though he’d already sent her some flowers recently for her birthday, the farmer didn’t think sending her a few more would hurt at all. She was his precious childhood friend, and also his savior in a way, so there was no way Raguna was letting this day pass without showing his appreciation for her.
In a delivery sent to Leuda was a note and three flowers-- a pink rose for the eternal gratitude he felt for her having pulled him off the shore on that fateful day, a yellow rose for their friendship, and a blue iris for the hope -- no, faith -- that she would someday find her dream and way in the world.
As for the note, it read:
I hope you’ve been doing okay in the time since we last talked. I know you’re probably busy with work and your life on Leuda, but my offer from before still stands, you know! You and Yuzuki are welcome to come back and visit anytime you guys are ready to. I’d love to see the both of you again. :)
Oh, and did you know? I recently met up with Kana, from our old defender of justice gang? We ended up partnered up on a volunteering job together, and he’s actually a lot cooler than I expected. He has a girlfriend now that he’s pretty head over heels for, too. It can be a bit much at times, but it’s kind of endearing in a way, heh. I’m planning on hanging with him again when our schedules aren’t so busy-- when you visit, you should go see him, too. I’m sure he’d like that.
Happy Flower Festival, and have a wonderful day, Komari! Thanks for being such a great friend over the years.
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