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forte-days-and-knights · 6 years ago
Show Me Your Moves! || Forte & Raguna
It had been a long while since she had a training partner. The idea of it even put a little pep in her step as she walked to her training spot in the forest. Back home she had a secret training spot only she and her father went to, but she didn’t mind sharing this one with other people. 
After checking to make sure she had all her gear for sparring, she headed straight to the spot to wait. As always, she arrived a little early, but that was okay with her. This way she could warm up as she waited for him. The young man from the scavenger hunt she met, Raguna. She didn’t really know what his capabilities were, but she figured since he wanted to train he was at least interested, and that was enough for a good training session.
Starting her warm up exercises, she made sure to keep an eye out for him. Hopefully, her directions weren’t confusing.
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thepelagoislands · 6 years ago
I'm very sorry to those I've had connections and threads with, but as the muse currently feels... stuck, I shall be retiring Raguna for a much needed break. May he return one day soon! Until then, I would like to place a reserve for Rod from ANB. New year new muse, yeah?
I have until January 17th to send the blog in~ R.I.P, Rags. You shall be missed, my son.
Everyone, please unfollow Raguna!
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thedensedoctor · 7 years ago
Pelago FDA Approved || [[Ford & Raguna]]
Ford had put the add in a while back. There were some for Leuda, but the one that he got a response to was one he had put out in Arcadia, on a whim.
Looking for a test subject volunteer for a the development of new medicines and potions. All volunteers will receive 5,000G for their time. Please contact Dr. Ford at the Magnolia Clinic.
After a short amount of time, Ford had gotten a response from someone named Raguna. They were able to set up a time for the appointment. Ford attempted to make it in the afternoon, around the time people would be on lunch break, so he didn’t interfere with Dr. Trent’s work too much. Of course, Ford also requested that the man clean himself up before arriving. 
Around the appointed meeting time, Ford spotted a man walk into the clinic. He walked up to greet him. “Good afternoon. My name is Doctor Ford. Are you here for the volunteer work?”
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lest-i-forget · 7 years ago
You Too?! || [[Raguna/Lest]]
Lest glanced down at the paper in his hand, then up at the building in front of him. The Arcadia Explorer’s Guild... Yep, that was the place. Feeling a bit nervous, Lest opened the door, almost sort of peeking in before widening the door and walking in like a normal person a second later. 
There was no reason to feel so nervous. If he wanted answers, he had to do this. And he did want answers, didn’t he? ...Of course he did! Doing nothing to figure out who he’d been before this... It felt lazy. So, he was doing this.
“Yeah, um, hi?” he greeted the first employee he was able to meet eyes with, approaching them. “So, this is going to sound a little weird, but- I’d like to, uh... Report a missing person, I guess?”
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rxzberries · 6 years ago
@therunefarmer | @thepelagoislands
These were just rolls, but posting for proof. Raguna ultimately won and Georgia was carried off by the bees~
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bxughsofholly-blog · 7 years ago
Berry Nice to See You Again
・✧ *:・゚❁ — It had been a few months since Holly was on the archipelago, Arcadia specifically, but she didn’t forget the wonderful people she met while she was here. One of those being her (admittedly dorky) boss, ex-boss, Raguna. It was a good thing she wasn’t working for him considering she sort of told him that to his face. It was all in jest, but some people could take that the wrong way. Luckily for her, he was a pretty lax person, from what she could tell. 
Not exactly as an apology, but more as a note of appreciation, and just a simple visit. So, the blonde made a trip to the farm she once worked at with a little something for the farmer. In the short time she worked here, she learned several things from him, so as thanks, she brought a basket full of fresh fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. 
She held a hand up to her forehead in search of him, but it didn’t take long for her to spot the person she was looking for.
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“Raguna!” She waved over to him, then skipped over to the brunet. “I brought a gift for you! Oh, and I’m back, but that’s kinda obvious, hehe...” She held up the basket and held it out to him. 
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stardust--shadows-blog · 7 years ago
Be Safe || Ivan & Raguna
Ivan knew who the first person he’d check up on had to be.
The flames, while gone, had left behind ash and a strong; dry scent. Remains of buildings were scattered here and there, and just seeing them sent an icy chill down Ivan’s spine. If he wasn’t running before, he sure was now.
Coming up on the farm, it was evidently undamaged, soothing his nerves only by a bit. That wouldn’t stop him from making sure his brother was okay. Out of breath, he knocked on the door rapidly.
“Are you okay...?!” 
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7umi-blog · 6 years ago
Falling For... }♡{ Raguna&Lumina
    Lumina took one last glance at the mirror before deciding it was time to go. Giving her hair a final touch-up, she closed the door behind her with a click and then bounded down the steps of her apartment to the dirt pathway. She walked at a rapid pace. Work didn’t start for another hour but she greatly enjoyed the stroll and figured that being early was preferable to being late. Besides, the extra hour meant plenty of time to enjoy the changing countryside. It was that time of year when everything was in between, and flowers still bloomed despite the chill but the trees were no longer dark greens but rich shades of walnut and crimson as they fought to find where they fit into the season. Basically, it was beautiful and something you just could not find in the city. The brilliant colors and the magic  of the outdoor’s air were only two of the reasons that Lumina was happy to have chosen to move here.
    Her speed slowed down to a crawl almost immediately as she passed by a farm filled with neat little rows of plant shoots and untamed wild flower bushes. Towards the back she could see a few rows of animal houses but Lumina wasn’t sure the man actually had any animals as she hadn’t seen them. Plants maybe were his focus?  Back home there had only been two farms but Arcadia was home to several, each more beautiful than the last. Several more reasons she was thrilled to have moved here. Along the trail some of the wild flowers and bushes that covered the perimeter of the farm and busted through the sides of the wood fence were bigger than even her and she had to walk on her tiptoes to peer over the top of them, eager to take in as much as she could. It was a silly thing to do but she was too distracted to think too hard about it. Lumina finally reached a clearing at the entrance where the plants had not grown as tall. She stopped and tentatively entered the open gateway. Peering past the fields to the cottage at the side she wondered if maybe the man who owned the farm was away. With no sign of him near his fields, she began to turn to leave until she noticed a figure approaching her.
    Her hands began to shake and she started anxiously flipping through excuses as to why she was standing around aimlessly on his property. She wondered if it was obvious as to why she had been visiting so much. Surely her love-lorn eyes weren’t too much of a giveaway? A brief flash of an idea was that she should not wait around for him but instead run right past him. She couldn’t be questioned if she ran. Pushing that thought out of her head she realized that not only would that make her look even more like a weirdo but he was already mere feet from her. Lumina straightened up and smiled nervously, a shiver in her voice, “ H-hey! Isn’t this such a nice place…? ”
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emeryfern-blog · 6 years ago
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My Tumblr Crushes:
( Just posting this because Jam is still number two on this, despite the fact they haven't talked since the last time I played her XD )
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thetownsflower-blog · 7 years ago
Thistle Pass || Raguna & Felicity
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For some reason, it was a particularly bad day for Felicity. On her walk to work, she’d suddenly felt overcome with fatigue, like she might pass out on the very road itself if she didn’t take some time to rest. Having learned long ago to heed her body’s warnings, Felicity took a seat under the nearest tree, its limb and leaves shielding her from the sun, and closed her eyes. 
It was frustrating to live like this. Accepting her limits had been a complicated process, but it was better than ending up in the hospital. Again. Of course, if her father ever found out, he likely wouldn’t let her work anymore. One job had been pushing it, a second had taken a lot of convincing. 
Breathing slow and steady, Felicity opened her eyes to see someone coming down the street. Oh, she hoped it wasn’t someone she knew, but maybe she could get them to run up to the animal shop and tell Georgia she would be late coming in. 
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oceanprimrose · 7 years ago
Gleam n’ Glow || Raguna & Lisette
❁ @therunefarmer​ ❁
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“It was not a silly story...”
The blonde mumbled to herself while aimlessly walking around. She recently had the most unpleasant interaction at a nearby café where someone had the audacity to criticize the book she was ready. They started by saying she needed to grow up and stop reading children’s stories, then continued to bash the story about how unrealistic it was and how it could never happen in real life. It was nothing but a silly story from a lonely heart.
A sigh left her soft, pink lips as she continued her journey to nowhere specific, holding the book close to her chest. That person wouldn’t have understood the story’s true meaning anyway... They were more like the villain and villains didn’t know anything. Everything that had happened had Lisette wrapped up in her own thoughts and she didn’t see that someone was walking directly in her path. It was only a matter of seconds before she bumped them.
“Oh! I’m very sorry.”
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dannysdinghy · 7 years ago
Farm Delivery || [Raguna/Danny]
Danny checked the address again, although, he doubted he had the wrong one. Kardia farm. Thankfully, the delivery wasn’t terrible. It was just a crate of seeds. It was a little heavy, but not unbearable, now that Danny was accustomed to physical work. As he walked into the farm, he motioned towards the first guy he was able to get the attention of. He looked like he worked here, at least.
“Hey!” He called. “I got a shipment of seeds for someone called Raguna! Am I in the right place or what?” 
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thepelagoislands · 6 years ago
Raguna's donating 5,000G towards the Dragon Shrine!
Wow! Money!
15,000G / 50,000G
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dragon-god-of-water-blog · 7 years ago
Nature lover |closed|
Kardia farm? It’s a name that caught his attention in the map he “borrowed”.
Being a Dragon of water, a common element used in farming crops and sustain life, he couldn’t help but be a bit curious to see how this farm looked. There was no particular reason he needed to go there or check the plants, it was something he just simply wanted to do. Farms had always interested him... Quiet little places where life flourished,whether it be animals or plans, often away from heavily populated places that Aqua never really enjoyed.
He had always preferred nature to people.
What better place to visit than a farm right?
Hence why he was casually strolling, hands in his pant pockets as he finally approached. It was a nice little place, He smiles as he gets to the fence, hand grabbing onto it gently as he looked over the area. If he had to pick a place to stay, somewhere like here fit the ideal situation in his head. Quiet, thriving with nature, preferably away from others, indeed that was what fit him.
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“Such a lovely place...”
He can’t help but mumble that out loud.
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strawberrypriestess-blog · 7 years ago
Snacks with a Smile || Raguna & Sonja
Today was a slow day at Brie and Beaujolais, though that’s because the dinner rush hadn’t hit yet. Of course, Sonja never minded the break between break between brunch and dinner. She kept herself busy with polishing tables, washing the dishes, and making sure everything was presentable for later on in the evening.
She looked at her freshly cleaned table with a satisfied smile on her face. She could practically see her reflection clearly on the table, it was practically a mirror. Then, the door opened, and Sonja looked up with a slightly surprised look on her face. She greeted the man with a bright smile anyways, though she wasn’t really expecting anyone to actually come here so early.
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“Welcome! Take a seat and I’ll be right with you!” she said, moving to get a menu for this man.
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wanderingwhiimsy-blog · 7 years ago
@thepelagoislands / @therunefarmer Spectators: @thenervousnurse @muscadelle @apiescatch 
A pinkette and brunette have a hot battle! Winner: Popuri!
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