🍒Silly Cherry🍒
1K posts
"Now, I ask myself daily why I even joined the Decepticons, but... It's not too late to make things right." |Sad excuse of an Ask/RP blog for post Predacons Rising Knock Out.|Mun is of age.|Knock Out roleplayer from the Netherlands coming to steal yo girl.|#1 Celldweller fanboy.|Multiverse friendly.|Crossover friendly.|OC friendly.|English is not mun's first language and he apologizes for any mistakes.|Please be patient.|
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
"You're welcome." He said, smiling. It was actually two presents packed in one package. A silver necklace with a sapphire heart on it and the Ready Player One movie. "I thought you'd love the necklace and I watched that movie recently. I think you'll love it."
Silverblade’s Sparkday
((Open role-play starter. Anyone who is willing to role-play with me on this post, is allowed to reblog this.))
Silverblade was standing outside behind the Autobot’s base on Earth, gazing at the lovely sunset’s view in the sky. What a nice sight to see on her sparkday. Although her day was pretty quiet, she still felt at peace and wondered if anyone else would approach her on this fine evening, and remembered her special day.
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
‘‘Hehe.’‘ He chuckled again, nodding. ‘‘Yes, it was me. Here.’‘ He smiled, giving her the gift. ‘‘you’ll enjoy it.’‘ 
Silverblade’s Sparkday
((Open role-play starter. Anyone who is willing to role-play with me on this post, is allowed to reblog this.))
Silverblade was standing outside behind the Autobot’s base on Earth, gazing at the lovely sunset’s view in the sky. What a nice sight to see on her sparkday. Although her day was pretty quiet, she still felt at peace and wondered if anyone else would approach her on this fine evening, and remembered her special day.
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
He would tap her again, this time on her other shoulder, and moving away again so she wouldn't see him. He chuckled softly, revealing his presence.
Silverblade’s Sparkday
((Open role-play starter. Anyone who is willing to role-play with me on this post, is allowed to reblog this.))
Silverblade was standing outside behind the Autobot’s base on Earth, gazing at the lovely sunset’s view in the sky. What a nice sight to see on her sparkday. Although her day was pretty quiet, she still felt at peace and wondered if anyone else would approach her on this fine evening, and remembered her special day.
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
Knock Out stood behind her, tapping her on her shoulder and then swiftly moving over so she wouldn’t see him. He was holding a small gift in his servo. 
Silverblade’s Sparkday
((Open role-play starter. Anyone who is willing to role-play with me on this post, is allowed to reblog this.))
Silverblade was standing outside behind the Autobot’s base on Earth, gazing at the lovely sunset’s view in the sky. What a nice sight to see on her sparkday. Although her day was pretty quiet, she still felt at peace and wondered if anyone else would approach her on this fine evening, and remembered her special day.
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
//Thank you! 
Since it's Silverblade's 4th sparkday, I'd like to thank all of my roleplay partners who took the time, effort, and interest to roleplay with me on here. You all are amazing!! I enjoy and have fun roleplaying with all of you! Your characters are really great! And I love the creativity you put into writing them, and in your roleplay replies! :D
@silly-cherry , @arianna-faebot , @bumblebeethescout , @megatronoftarn-071-980 , @resiliently-l0ving , @sassy-wolf-satyr , @princessjetstream , @corruptedoptimusprime and the rest who are no longer active on here.
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
//Why am I not able to tag my other blog? 
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
Ready, Player One?
//I just made a Wade Watts/Parzival RP blog: @parzival-the-gunter (for some reason I can't tag it?)
So yeah, head over there if you wanna follow. It's my first time roleplaying as a non Transformers character, I think. I hope I'm good at him. I also hope the Ready Player One fandom actually exists on here. Lol
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
//I'm not gonna delete my account but I'll move a lot of RPs to Discord. So if you want to continue them there, tell me.
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
//I'm thinking of deleting my account here. But... I'll move the roleplays I have and people want to continue to Discord if I do delete it. It'd make it easier for me.
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
Oh, well, I'm a medic. I could paralyze you before you could even touch me~
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Come on! You don't like the wing rubs?
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Alright look, you’re obviously new here so let me explain just this once.
I don’t have a problem with wing rubs, quite the contrary but what I have major issues with is being touched in general. Especially if i’m not expecting it or haven’t given permission.
Backwards logic I know but that’s just how my processor and many years of war-induced trauma work.
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
Oh, yes, that's understandable. I know it all too well. I do apologise for touching you when you haven't given permission.
Come on! You don't like the wing rubs?
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Alright look, you’re obviously new here so let me explain just this once.
I don’t have a problem with wing rubs, quite the contrary but what I have major issues with is being touched in general. Especially if i’m not expecting it or haven’t given permission.
Backwards logic I know but that’s just how my processor and many years of war-induced trauma work.
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
//I don't know what I want with KO honestly. He's way too nice most of the time. I know it's what makes him different but idk.
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
Knock Out smiled gently, wanting to hug her but it was probably a bad idea to do so. She could accidentally hurt him. "You're welcome." He said, nodding at the next thing she said. "Understood, I will take you to Shockwave's lab."
From this meme 
In front of Knock Out, stood Silverblade, but not in the same way as he last saw her as. She has become a deformed, scary creature that would scare the scrap even out of the most cowardliest of Bots. She was not in her normal Cybertronian mode anymore, nor in her other two alternate modes. She is in a beast mode now that has Shockwave’s doing written all over her.
Silverblade stood on all fours, her servos and pedes, now sharp claws. Her seeker wings had become large metallic bat wings. A long tail had grew out of the end of her spine. Her normal teeth were now sharp, in the same shape of Megatron’s teeth, and had four, really pointy fangs. Her optics were no longer blue, but bright neon yellow that hinted viciousness in them. Her face and helm had took the shape of a Cybertronian wolf’s head. The only thing left from her old self was that her color scheme remained the same. 
The femme let out a vicious growl towards the medic, baring her sharp teeth at him.
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
After a while though the medic realized Scream wasn't there so he just decided to go to Kaon, hoping Starscream was there. He decided to also show his new ability.
Elemental RP with @cherry-doctor: After Predacon Rising
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
He cuddled her for a moment before smiling, nodding. "I will. Oh, mind if I watch you for a while?"
Silverblade approaches Knock Out, shoving a bouquet of roses and a box full of heart-shaped Energon candy into his servos. "Happy Love day, my fabulous mate!" She happily said, kissing him on the cheek.
He took it from her with a smile, blushing at the cheek-kiss. ‘’Oh, thank you!’’ 
//I am so late >.> 
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
"I see." Good, Knock Out thought, not knowing what to say now.
🌷 Muse of choice: Megatron
It’s been a while since Megatron left, so the medic didn’t know he had returned. The medic was just exploring Cybertron when he saw the former warlord sitting alone somewhere.
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silly-cherry ¡ 6 years ago
"I know. It's been years. But I did not forget you." He smiled a bit, befogr frowning. "I know. He has thaught me a lot. I sometimes miss him too."
Continued from xx
Arianna looked at Knockout in shock. “Knockout?” She couldn’t believe her optics, it was her favorite cherry medic. She got up and hugged him tightly, burrowing her face into his neck. “Oh Knockout, it good to see you. I’m sorry I took off.” She hadn’t seen him since then day her dad died. She was only a sparkling then. Now she grew up into a fully grown femme.
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