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valkyrgwen-blog · 6 years ago
@thepelagoislands | @ladysmithy 
Spectators: @icequeendia @deadeyeartisan
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gourmaid · 6 years ago
Cooking by the Book || Felicity & Dia
[ ♥ ] — Felicity stares intently at the cookbook in her hands, examining every single word of the blueberry pie recipe over and over again. Why? Because she was baking with Dia, and wanted to make sure nothing went wrong. 
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It was... surprisingly difficult, being the one making the food instead of just eating it, but it wasn’t anything she hasn’t done before. She and Tina often baked pastries together. To... varying results, mind you, but that wasn’t really the point here.
Aside from the few times she would spot the other woman during her visits to see Tina at the Pelago Express, Felicity didn’t cross paths with Dia much. She had known the younger girl since her school years, and had taken on a bit of a sisterly role during that time. Because of the work and subsequent travels that eventually pulled her away from Leuda, the two of them had fallen out of touch.
But Felicity had every intention to remedy that, now that she was back on the island for good. And what better way to bond than over a fun baking session? Food had a magical way of bringing people together. 
“So, do we have the blueberries?” She asks Dia, glancing up from the cookbook.
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rxzberries · 8 years ago
Georgia wins and moves on to the next round!
@gildedfrostlily | @thepelagoislands
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sorellinalilli · 8 years ago
How to find a dragon fang || Lillian and Dia
(5,500g)  @animalafficionado for scavenger hunting
Dia had sent Lillian a text asking if she could help with locating a wind dragon tooth. Surprisingly enough? It wasn’t too hard to find one. Maybe she just got lucky. 
Either way, with the dragon tooth in hand, Lillian sent a message to her best friend.
> [txt] Hey Dee! (^v^) I got the dragon tooth for you! Want me to come over and give it to you?
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ashonthemountain-blog · 8 years ago
bttp: Aren’t You Sweet? [Dia, Komari, and Ash]
@littlejxsmine & @gildedfrostlily
Ash was always excited for after school hangouts with his two upperclassmen friends, Dia and Komari. If he wasn’t at band practice with the other boys, he would be hanging out with them. Gigs and practices were also a good way for his friends to meet each other but of course Ash would be a little shy inviting people over to band events because he would be performing. But he didn’t really mind if it were his two upperclassmen friends since they were pretty close to him after all.
But for now, he waits for Dia and Komari at the school gates after class. He holds his bookcase in one hand and his bass slung across his back like a backpack. He checks his watch and mumbles to himself, “Is their last class together..?”
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Ash squints his eyes against the sunlight and waves his hand when he spots them. “Dia! Komari!” he calls out to them even though they were a distance away. 
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penny4urthought-blog1 · 7 years ago
Intimidating Interview || Dia and Penny
She stood outside the headmaster’s office for quite some time, having arrived much earlier than the specified meeting time. She had a rather strange look on her face, one that a stranger passing by might have mistaken for anger. She was running through all the prepared answers in her head for all the questions the headmaster might ask her. She really, really wanted this job. Teaching was her life, her mission, her... everything. Yes, ma’am. I’ve been teaching and tutoring friends since I can remember. When I lived on the mainland, I often tutored the children of the area in groups and one on one-... 
Would that be good enough? She groaned after a moment, her hands reaching up to grab at her hair. She was pretty confident in herself, having studied many teaching books, teaching methods for various grade levels, various developmental texts, etc etc. She knew it, it was just a matter of convincing that woman beyond this door that she was worth it.  After much deliberation of self-esteem boosting, Penny lifted a shaking hand to knock on the headmaster’s door. 
“Hello. May I please enter?” She asked, her voice small and timid. 
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lettuce-swim · 8 years ago
Just one splash of water could ruin her life. Of course it was the restaurant that would get her in trouble and not the aquarium. As she was waiting tables, a customer accidentally knocked over a glass of water, splashing Leia. It probably looked odd when she ran off, into the bathroom. It was just water after all. But as soon as the door closed behind her, Leia fell to the ground with no feet to support her. If anyone were to come through that door, she would be in big trouble.
Leia began dragging herself to the nearest stall. Like that would help. She didn’t know what else to do. Leia had only made it half way when the door swung open. Freezing she waited for a scream or gasp or ...something.
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unknightlyhero-blog · 8 years ago
Window Shopping { kiel/dia }
      An interest for magic naturally leads him to Sorcery Emporium. Despite his lack of proper funds, it does not stop him from going into the shop and canvas on possible goodies he could buy in the future when he actually does have some Gs to spend. As he looks around, he’s sure he can spare some of his savings to maybe buy a potion or two. But what catches his interest the most is the Book of Shadows they had for sale.
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     “Do I really need this...” Kiel contemplates out loud, book already in hand. The design of the book itself was marvelous, and he could tell just from a quick scan that he can learn a lot if he reads it. The only downside was it was already half of what he already has in the bank! It would be very careless for him to go spend it all for a book... but... “Perhaps as an investment...?” Kiel continues to speak aloud, his dilemma still there. To buy, or not to buy?
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claireitie-blog · 8 years ago
A Mid-day Snooze || Dia & Claire
Finally, all of the books were stamped according to the library’s rules. She stretched her arms above her head, her nose crinkling with the effort of holding back an oncoming yawn. It was only about 1 PM but she was so exhausted already. Two jobs weren’t a joke at all! At least when she was done at the library, she could go to the stables and relax with the horses.
Still, Claire set down her final book and took a glance around. It seemed like the library was vacant, except for the few scatters of people on the few computers and information directories. She took it as her opportunity for a much deserved break! Making sure to leave a “be back in 15 minutes!” sign on the bell of the desk, she slipped out from behind the counter and slid to one of the corner tables.
The blonde dropped herself into a comfier than expected chair and sighed, taking one last glance around the space before setting her head down on her arms. She closed her eyes, and nearly immediately fell asleep -- completely certain no harm would come to her in time. 
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valkyrgwen-blog · 6 years ago
@thepelagoislands​ | @deadeyeartisan​ @healingstitches​ @icequeendia​
Conclusion: Taking the five books with them, Dia entrusts them to Gwen and to Arcadia Explorer’s Guild. To leave them here in the island would risk them being stolen. And so, to immortalize them and their story, they are protected at the guild and are advertised to the public. If they wish to see Storyteller’s Keep and live the experience each book holds, they may ask a Guild member to accompany them to the island to unlock the dome and place the books in the pedestal. They might have accidentally removed the magic from one book (blue book), but the four others were still locked-- as they should be.
The Guild was entrusted with the duty to make sure those books would remain locked and accessible for all that wish to see the stories made by a loving father for his daughter.
And the photo they acquired from the first book? It’s put up in display in the guild, along the storyteller’s journal. So all that wish to know their tale may see the love shared between the family of three.
The books they salvaged from the burnt house, on the other hand, were preserved and restored, now displayed at Clove Villa. The illusion books and notes were sent along to Arcadia Explorer’s Guild together with the personal belongings of the family. But the novels they have collected remained at Clove Villa.
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Dear Miss Dia || Letter
@forpetessak3 - 1,000G for the shipping fee [13,250G in wallet]
Phillip had been crying most of the day. Not only had he been brave enough to buy his own farm, but Dia had paid 10,000G so that he would become the owner of it. Needless to say, he had puffy eyes and a snotty nose the ENTIRE day, but they were tears of joy and thankfulness. When he was finally composed enough, he began writing a thank you note to his benefactor. He’d have to come up with something more for her, as well...
Dear Miss Beaumont,
Sorry if that was too formal to start out with! Maybe I should have gone with Miss Dia? Oh well, this is my last sheet of stationary... I’m just writing to thank you for giving me a chance to run my own farm! It baffles me that someone would simply buy someone a farm out of the goodness of their heart, so I had to let you know how truly touched I am!
I don’t feel like this note is even good enough to show you how grateful I am, so I’m working on some sort of surprise for you! Oh, and I want you to know that you’ll always be able to get whatever veggies, herbs, flowers, or fruits for free from me, and I won’t take no for an answer!
But until I can finish your gift, at least let me treat you to lunch or tea. We can go out, or I can even cook for you! At least, if you like vegetarian food.
Let me know if you ever need anything at all. I hope I can fully pay you back one day.
Sincerely, Phillip Hawthorn
Phillip wiped his eyes, ensuring none of the spare tears hit the paper, and slipped it into the embroidered envelope. He finished it off with a wax seal, a design he had carved himself with the help of his father. Thorns encircling a detailed rose. Smiling, he hurried to mail the thing in time for the next delivery.
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pineapple-player · 8 years ago
Impromptu Reunion - Kai and Dia
Kai shifted from one foot to the next, looking out the window of the diner, debating on whether or not to simply close up shop today. The whether was getting worse and the place was empty as a result. It looked like a storm might be coming in, and he doubted anyone would come in with the weather so rotten outside. He’d already let his waitress head on home, as he didn’t want her getting stuck here in the storm either. 
“Maybe I should call it a day...” he murmured to himself, heaving a sigh as he untied the apron from around his neck. He slung the garment over his arm and headed to the door to turn the sign to closed just in time for said door to swing open, revealing a soaking wet head of raven hair. 
“Oh, hello there.” he said, surprise evident in his tone of voice, although said tone would only grow more surprised when the pretty face finally turned toward him. He hadn’t seen that face since high school, and for a moment, he stared at her in stunned silence. “No way.... Dia? Is that really you?!”
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sorellinalilli · 8 years ago
OH. || Lillian & Dia
Well. That was a weird encounter earlier. “I should probably text Dia.” Lillian mumbled to herself, taking out her phone.
[txt]: ( ᐛ )و eyyyyy Deeeeeee, i saw this weird thing when i was walking earlier. it came out of the pond and told me to go away and threw a thing at me. Also I legit don’t remember if I’ve told u anything interesting lately so there’s that. Wana meet up somewhere? or should I go to your place? if you’re free I mean
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leuda-sebastian-blog · 9 years ago
Adventures of Gordaan
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It was a typical night for Sebastian, sitting on his desktop as the dark clouds started to swell and churn outside of his window. He pulled one leg up, bending it to his chest, while clicking around on his home-screen. Normally he’d be in the middle of an Overclock match, or sniping others in CSNO, but his online friends had logged off and insomnia crept in. Slowly bringing the cursor over to the large red circle labeled ‘Internet’, Seb pulled up an empty homepage. 
He hesitated for a second, before typing in a website he knew well. Top-500-MMOs.isl, and instantly large stone gates popped onto the screen. The cursor clicked onto the large red ENTER button, bringing up a very detailed list of games. Shooters, casuals, ThirdLife-clones. Everything in the internet was there, at his fingertips. And most, if not all, were reviewed by Sebastian. 
One single title stood out, a single empty space in the various levels of red and green ratings. “Hm... Adventures of Gordaan?” he muttered, and double clicked. 
Within the hour, the game was downloaded and his account was made.
The game pulled up to a title screen, Victorian style-d housing behind the large golden letters and the screen began to pan around the world’s vast landscape. Sebastian hesitated, watching the cinematic, as it begun to change. It featured various types of classes; a typical Elf (of course), but also some newer races. Urdars, large ogre like creatures that had dark hue’d colours on their skins, with a large burly build. The Ri’kins, a race of small child-like humans who were proficient in magics. Briths, the seductive demons who each had their own tattooed insignia. And finally, a small fur ball of cuteness rolled onto the screen - Yuffs, small animals that acted as humans. 
Now you’d think a strong, confident man like Sebastian would pick the Briths, or maybe an Urdar. Nope. As soon as the small fox ran across his screen, Sebastian knew what character he’d make. It only took twenty minutes to perfect his own little ball of fluff. 
A few hours of game play later, and a good amount of grinding, and his little fluff-ball became an unstoppable tank. When Sebastian was wandering into a newer town, looking for the nearby inn to replenish his health. Unlike most of the starter cities, this one was nearly three times the size and the mini-map didn’t really help. Looking across the crowd of players, he spotted one who seemed experienced and right clicked her name. Bringing up the whisper menu, he quickly typed in;
TheDarkBite whispers  “Hey. Looking 4 the inn. Can u help?” - 1:00AM
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rxzberries · 8 years ago
Text Meme | send ☏ for a vague text
[ to: Dia ]: They’re heeeeeeere~ 😍
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