activatemyheart · 4 years
books and brains | charles & frey
[ @mintteaprincess​ ]
•。 ✧ Workaholic is, admittedly, an accurate word to describe Charles; from attending meetings with business associates to supervising the foundation on Arcadia - as well as supervising the mining company on Leuda, every day he dedicated himself solely to his work. He did not burn out easily from the hustle and bustle of each day, but sometimes, it was essential that he take a brief break for himself unless he wanted to explode like an invention gone awry; therefore, he cleared his schedule for at least an hour or two in the afternoon, and he visited the Central Library to search for any new additions to their wide collection.
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“Dammit,” the businessman cursed under his breath, wandering from one aisle of shelves to the next in an attempt to find where they had moved the science fiction section; it was a nuisance - why they believed it was necessary to move it, he did not understand. “Excuse me, Miss-” he approached someone who appeared to be an employee there - sighing between gritted teeth at himself for asking for help, “could you please direct me to where the science fiction section is? It’s not where it has always been, which honestly does not make sense to me.”
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Flower Festival: Planetarium
@constellux | @crystalball-predictions | @dearestfrey | @bathlovingwitch | @ofspicesandstars
While Maru was a relatively new addition to the Kismet Planetarium crew, she was already starting to feel close to her fellow staff. She joined in on the flowery festivities, passing out bundles of a couple yellow roses, white freesias, and sunflowers each.
“Happy Flower Festival, everyone! It’s too bad they’re not selling asters down at the city hall. Although, sunflowers are close enough in namesake. And I think they’re in the same family of plants, if I remember right?”
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Flower Festival: Kismet Planetarium
@constellux, @crystalball-predictions, @ofspicesandstars, @strawberrystarwatcher & @dearestfrey YOOO STAR FAM ★
[★] — Melody never grew up with a family. Not a conventional one, anyway. 
And though it remained to be a source of both motivation and sadness for her, even to this day, she was grateful for the people she did have in her life. The wonderful friends and co-workers who, in her short time here, had already become like family to her. She had truly been blessed.
So when the Flower Festival comes around, she bursts into the Planetarium, excitedly giving out bouquets to every and any one she came across. Each one consisted of pink peonies, blue roses and red alstroemerias--- all a very colorful way of representing her relationship with them, she thinks. Good-hearted and close knit friends, all with a shared love for something out of their reach.
And yet, they never stopped reaching. That was a philosophy Melody herself personally lived by.
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“Happy Flower Festival, everyone! I love you~! ♡”
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rxzberries · 7 years
Lunch Date || Georgia & Frey
[🐎] — With a yawn and stretch, Georgia walks over to the mint-haired girl standing out in the pastures, her most recent employ at the ranch, and someone she was definitely intent on getting to know better. A good boss kept themselves acquainted with the people that worked under them, after all!
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“Howdy, Frey!” She greets the other girl casually, waving. “Are you about done with work for the day? I figure we could head out for a bite to eat if you were.” Because how could one be friends with Georgia if they didn’t go out to eat with her at least once?
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vishoutofwater-blog · 6 years
dual delivery
✧ “Frey, I have something for you!”
✧ Knock knock knock on her door, a bouquet of 10 red alstroemerias (friendship and devotion), one sunflower (loyalty and longevity), and one blue lisianthus (life-long bond) in one hand, which Vishnal hands over. 
✧ “Happy Flower Festival!” he chirps, then looks around for her roommate, the man he’d given a bunch of chocolate to. “Uh... if your roommate’s not in, would you mind giving him these for me, too?” Four red alstroemerias, to be exact-- he doesn’t want to leave him out of it, when he had said he’d start giving the man more gifts.
✧ “Thank you!”
@constellux & @dearestfrey
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tied together
~★ Though she may not be the best at expressing her emotions, Cinnamon would rather believe that she can say what needs to be said than not. And there’s a lot that needs to be said about the planetarium. Family, friends, a place she can easily access one of the things that always seems to ground her...
~★ She’s forever grateful for the environment here, which is why there is one lavender rose (love at first sight) settled in a vase somewhere in the area, no note needed. For the employees, though-- namely Alicia, the proud icon, Maru, the genius, and Frey, the compassionate friend-- there will be one red alstroemeria for each, accompanied with a note settled near the small bundle.
These stand for friendship and devotion. I hope you accept them as tokens of my own devotion towards you and this place, and that they may also signify the friendships we’ve built.
- C
@strawberrystarwatcher & @dearestfrey & @crystalball-predictions
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neildownpeasant · 6 years
Flower Fest: Nani the Fuck?
[ @melodyofwonder | @dearestfrey ]
He wasn't sure why he had received flowers in the first place. It would have been nicer if he hadn't, but since it seemed the right thing to do was return the favor, he bought two tulips for each of those mysterious girls. One of them he knew worked on Sunset Ranch so he left one there for her. The other... well, he just left it where he had last seen her. If someone else picked it up, it wouldn't bother him.
In each of their notes, he wrote: 
I hate flowers, but I forgive you. ..... Thanks....? I guess...? -Neil
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unknightlyhero-blog · 7 years
Magic and Wonder {kiel/frey}
     Kiel was usually incredibly groggy come the first two hours in the morning. He was either up too late into the night reading, or he got immersed into a new game. This time around, it was because of a book he was reading. A tale about a thief who was tasked to save the world. Kiel wasn’t done reading it yet, but he was sure to finish it some time in the next day or so. For now, his agenda was breakfast.
     He went out to get some fresh milk and came back ready to make the meanest batch of french toast one could possibly have in the morning. He stops in his tracks, however, when he recognizes someone idly standing by outside one of the inn rooms.
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     “Hey-- you okay?” Kiel waved his hand over to the familiar face, hoping to snap her out of her daze. He recognizes the girl in twin tails from the bookstore he works in, and if someone comes by a lot to check out books, you’ll eventually recognize them despite not being friends. She seemed to be troubled by something. Locked out, maybe? “Are you actually... locked out?” 
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dirkonthego-blog · 7 years
Swordplay { Dirk/Frey }
     Dirk kept both his hands in his pockets as he walked idly along his twin-tailed workmate. The flower festival made them quite busy, what with all the deliveries that piled up. Even the day after had some last minute gifts. With his pal out of town, Dirk didn’t feel like going to the bar after work that day. The next best thing was to ask a friend our, or a stranger. That ‘stranger’ came in the form of Frey. They worked together at Pelago Express, and he was sure she was that very same girl he met before, but somehow, she doesn’t remember him.
     Maybe they just had the same name? Hair? It wasn’t every day you meet someone with green hair and eyes, but if she says she doesn’t know him, then who was he to insist that she does?
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     “You know, when I asked you to chill after work, this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.” He says jokingly, although he is quite surprised when he was dragged instead to spar. There’s a first time for everything. “What made you feel like sparring today? No offense, but you don’t really give off the fighter vibe.” If anything, she felt more magical rather than the physical type. 
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Hotel Blues || Leon & Frey
Leon pulled his hair back as he made his way down the stairs of the Bell Hotel; he planned to go to the spa or hot springs to bathe, but for now, honestly, he was still waking up. That could wait until later.
He was about to make his way out the door, until one of those unfortunate situations happened where one person pulled the door open and the other pushed at the same time; causing an almost head on collision.
He looked down to see a girl with long pigtails on either side, and then laughed a bit. “Woah there! You should really watch where you’re going, ya know?” He said with a slight smirk on his face. He thought he had seen her around the hotel before, but he had never really interacted with her or thought about it.
“Kidding. Just as much my fault, I’ll admit it. I’m not really awake yet. I don’t know how people wake up this early, to be honest. Seems like a waste of sleep.” He said, chuckling a bit and waving his peacock-feathered fan a little bit to combat the slight warmness that came from outside.
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Starlight, Starbright || Frey & Melody
[★] — When Melody opens her eyes, the sky that greeted her was one of darkness, its only source of light being the moon, and a sparkling canopy of stars. She blinks for a moment, trying to focus her eyesight as she sits up, trying to remember what she had been doing before she nodded off.
Rubbing her eye, she glances around the hill she was currently seated on, the feel of cool grass pricking at her legs and fingers. When she looks down at her lap, she sees a book-- a recipe book for several different potions and alchemical concoctions, and realization begins to dawn on her. “Oh...” 
She’d come out to a hill on the outskirts of the island, near the farmlands, and had been doing some reading when she ended up dozing off. But it was still noon time when she fell asleep, though... yeesh, she must’ve been out here for a while. 
“Alright! Time to head back home...” She says to herself, nestling her book under her arm as she brushes off her cloak and gets back to her feet, ready to head back when she sees--- 
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The girl in question had been sitting not too far from her, and Melody couldn’t help but wonder if the mint-haired girl had noticed her here, napping. But her presence also begged the question: “W-what are you doing out here?”
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rxzberries · 6 years
Flower Festival: Sunset Ranch
@neildownpeasant, @runawayfarmhand & @dearestfrey;
[🐎] — After a quick stop at the animal shop, Georgia heads out once again, this time to her ranch. She probably could have waited until tomorrow to gift the workers there, when they were coming in for the day, but she didn’t want to wait. In her mind, it was best to knock out everything at once, so she wouldn’t have any loose ends or lingering regrets to deal with.
For the three of them, she had a red lisianthus and blue alstroemeria each. Some of them she had a friendly relationship with, and others not so much... but for today she would put all of that aside to show appreciation for the help they gave her on the ranch. Without them, she certainly wouldn’t be able to run it and the animal shop as smoothly as she does.
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So once she gets to the ranch, Georgia goes around and seeks out her employees, giving each of them the two flowers she had picked out. And with each one, she gives a cheery, “Happy Flower Festival! Thanks for all that you do.”
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vishoutofwater-blog · 6 years
𝓫𝓽𝓽𝓹; 𝓼ame 𝓫oat! | frey + vishnal
three years ago...
✧ Vishnal doesn’t think he’s really sat down since the boat launched. He could, of course... Not many people are on this particular voyage, anyways. But his legs can’t stop jumping whenever he even tries to sit, and he taps out a rhythm on the railing as he stares out at the waves. He feels them in his body, tossing and turning his stomach, his lungs, his heart, up in a big, weird soup of excitement.
✧ And nervousness.
✧ He’s never really been this far away from home, before, and this time he’s moving. He had promised his family to see them soon, kissing each of them on the forehead to varying degrees of success and/or participation. He remembers their waves and grins, especially those of the younger siblings, who thought their big brother was going on some grand adventure.
✧ Their final pieces of advice ring in his head, too. Some were a little too heavy for moving out, but he still keeps them close to his heart.
✧ The one he follows first is his little sister Aira’s. She’s only five, but she had some fantastic life advice to give with such a serious expression: Make friends or be sad.
✧ Well, he definitely doesn’t want to be sad! So he turns to another passenger, one with a shade of hair matching his own pale tone.
✧ “Have you ever been on the ocean before?”
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Thief in the Night
     The clock strikes midnight, and Chase, like Cinderella, was sent running into the night, away from a hotel room he just scouted and into the empty streets of the city, just outside Bell Hotel. He was sneaky and made little to no mistakes, careful not to leave any clues or hints that someone had just trespassed. There was an assumption that the people who lived at Bell Hotel were of the richer variety, but much to his surprise, they were mostly average nancies. Disappointing, but it wouldn’t hurt to check out for possible targets.
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     He’s empty handed for now, and it’d be easy to simply waltz right back in the hotel and head to his room. But, as he was about to turn towards the direction of the hotel entrance, he spots someone  heading out. “At this hour?” Chase asks aloud, out of curiosity. Soon enough his feet leads him to follow the girl of vibrant green hair in two long ponytails. The girl was certainly odd, and odd meant special. She might be a good target.
     “Ah- sorry.” Chase deliberately bumped into her, disappointed at the lack of pickpocket-able items, but who would be foolish enough to take a late night stroll with jewelry on? He lets the disappointment pass, and he proceeds with the careless attack, stumbling somewhat before regaining his footing. He offered a hand to the girl he knocked over by ‘accident’, and apologized again. “Sorry, wasn’t looking. Are you alright?” 
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xiaobaopai-blog · 7 years
How Far I’ll Go || Xiao Pai & Frey
The moonlight reflected beautifully. 
The sky was close to a full moon- or perhaps it was drifting away from a full moon. Either way, the moon was nearly full, and Xiao Pai loved the sight of it reflecting on the beautiful vast sea. 
She tended to get strangely entranced with things like that- but especially the ocean. After all...it went on for what seemed like forever. You couldn’t see any speck of land on the horizon for how long it went...it was frightening, yet beautiful at the same time. She only wished she could travel the sea one day on a boat or something of the sort; just to see how far the sea went. 
However, this moment was cut off quickly when she heard the sound of footsteps not far behind her, and she whipped around immediately. 
“I-I’m so sorry! My apology!” She said, worried she might be in the way of said person, although, she supposed even if that was the case they could have just gone around...after all, there wasn’t hardly anyone else on the beach. 
She almost apologized again until she squinted through the darkness and saw familiar green eyes glinting in the moonlight, and not to mention two long pigtails.  “Frey! Is that you?” She laughed, breathing somewhat of a sigh of relief. “Did you come to see the moon on the sea as well?” She asked, smiling up at her.
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slackoffandplay · 6 years
Gales your WHAT?!|| Witchie & Frey
How terrible, Gale’s living in a house, while Witchie is living in squalor. Well, surely he didn’t have many rat friends so there.
She huffed. She deserved to live in a big castle she deserved a palace! She was, after all the great Witchie! The future QUEEN of witches!!! But people just had no idea how to treat royalty here. Tsk. What a shame.
She was still going to go bother Gale about having an expensive house though. How dare he live in better conditions then she does.
She quickly zoomed her little self over there on her broom.
She’d got the address from some stranger so she was hoping that it was right house. If not then she’d just try the next house, no biggie.
Witchie banged her hand on the door a few times and shouted “Open up!!!”
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