#phoney baloney
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scoutingthetrooper · 6 months ago
some mornings I wake up with the banana phone song stuck in my head like a fever dream from when I was 12
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beefbroganoff · 9 months ago
You know what. I miss bananaphone
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muzaktomyears · 11 months ago
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George Harrison remained an enigma to many people, even those who were close to him. For a man who lectured passionately about karma and the meaning of existence, he seemed self-protective and closed off. Witty when called upon, there were also moments when he could be quite boorish. Perhaps it was because he was only twenty years old when the Beatles became a global sensation. That might not seem particularly young in today’s world of social media fame, but at the time, it was uncharted territory for the kind of adulation he was experiencing.
It was also difficult living in the shadow of Paul and John. In the beginning, they were openly dismissive of him. Paul said he always thought of George as a little brother. At first, John pretended not to know his name and sardonically referred to him as “that kid’’. Ironically, one of George’s compositions, Something, became the most covered song in the Beatles catalogue.
This interview was conducted at George Harrison’s palatial home, Friar Park, in Henley-on-Thames, on November 5, 1980. George was gracious but cool. He made a pot of tea in the drafty, vast kitchen of his 120-room estate, and spent two hours lecturing about Transcendental Meditation and the details of a limited edition of his autobiography, I Me Mine, which is certainly how he must have felt getting out on his own.
In 2000, George was diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer. George died on November 29, 2001, in the company of his wife, Olivia; his son, Dhani; musician Ravi Shankar; and Hare Krishna devotees who chanted verses from the Bhagavad Gita. He was 58 years old and left nearly $100 million in his will. George told Olivia that he didn’t want to be remembered for being a Beatle, he wanted to be remembered for being a good gardener.
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‘It was a transcendental experience that was beyond the mind’
On taking LSD
LSD was just such a violent, big experience. Before it I was totally ignorant, and afterward I knew I was totally ignorant and I was now on my way to having some sort of knowledge. I related it to the childhood experience of Catholicism and going to church on a Sunday and seeing all that phoney baloney. The moment I’d taken LSD, it just made me laugh because I understood it inside, just in a flash. I understood what the whole concept of God or religion was just by seeing it. I could see it in the grass in the trees.
It was an absolute truth; like a light going ching. I took three very powerful trips — big, very important — and then it left me a bit unsure because I had to try and figure something out. By that time I had gotten into Indian music and spent time in India, [and] there was so much about it that felt like home to me. Not the surface that you see — all this poverty and the flies and the shit everywhere — [it] went beyond all that. Smells in the atmosphere and the people’s attitude and the music, the food, the religion, everything about it … home.
‘I’d hear his voice wailing at five in the morning’
On the death of Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones
I liked Brian a lot, and later on, I realised it was probably because we were both Pisces. We both had similar natures. He was also similar in that he had a Keith and a Mick, whereas I had a John and a Paul. We both had that problem of two mighty egos to deal with in order just to try and survive. I was very susceptible to dope, and Brian [Jones] was even more susceptible. He’d come [to my house], and I’d just hear his voice wailing at like five in the morning: “George, Geeooorrgggeeee.” So I’d wake up, see what was going on, and I’d look out the window, and he’d be all white and just shattered walking around the garden — just looking for somewhere to be.
I would always meet him at that time of day and just try to calm him down. And I saw him a lot before he died in that sort of circumstance. The last time I saw him, I think, was when I’d been in hospital to have my tonsils out and he came to see me in hospital and the next week he was gone. He was like all of them who kicked the bucket — it was sad because there were too many pressures, really. Not just the pressure of being famous and having the press hounding you day and night and young fans hounding you day and night. Plus the drugs hounding you day and night.
‘F*** it — I could do better than that’
On his childhood inspiration, Cliff Richard
I remember being a kid of about twelve, dreaming of big motorboats and tropical islands and things which had nothing to do with Liverpool, which was dark and cold. I remember going to see Cliff Richard and thinking, f*** it — I could do better than that.
‘I think being Elvis was lonelier than being one of the Fab Four’
On fame — and Elvis Presley
We kept realising we were getting bigger and bigger until we all realised we couldn’t go anywhere —you couldn’t pick up a paper or turn on a radio or TV without seeing yourself. I mean, it became too much. We became trapped, and that’s why it had to end, is what I think … We were like monkeys in a cage. I think it was helped a bit by the fact that it was four of us, who shared the experience. I mean, there was more than four of us, there was Peter Brown and Brian Epstein, but there was only four of us who were actually the Fab Four — whereas Elvis had an entourage and maybe 15 guys, friends of his, but there was only one man having that experience of what it was like to be Elvis Presley. I think that was far lonelier than being one of the Fab Four because at least we could keep each other laughing or crying or whatever we did to each other. It was definitely an asset being in a group.
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liquidstar · 7 months ago
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when spongebob points out the receipt from the phoney-baloney mustache emporium, if you really think about it, it makes sense that it was on the ground because this is consistent with the tattletale strangler's littering habit from earlier. this is deep
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locustsend · 5 months ago
"phoney baloney" kyle u will always be famous
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koishicat · 9 months ago
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ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone!
ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone! i've got this feeling so a-peeling for us to get together and sing sing! ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone! ding dong ding dong ding donana phone! it grows in bunches i've got my hunches its the best! beats the rest! cellular modular interactabodgular! ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone! bop dop badoopadop ping pong ping pong ping poanana phone! its no baloney it aint a phoney my cellular bananular phone!!
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cetaceanhandiwork · 2 years ago
okay so one of the big arguments you hear against moving away from prisons as a society is that there’s always going to be some % of folks who have no interest in improving their behavior & would always be a danger if ever allowed to walk the streets again. and like, yeah, that % is probably low after you factor in all the other ideas ppl have for solving the root causes of crime (and the number of ppl right now who are imprisoned for incoherent ass reasons to begin with), but it’s never gonna be zero
but today I thought of a very stupid but also very funny solution to that problem: if the # really is as low as has been claimed/estimated, then even if there’s no prisons you can still put those people under house arrest
totalitarian regimes that are facing international pressure for political imprisonments do it all the time. sure, the number of political prisoners they have to treat that way is usually pretty low; it’s not a scalable solution. but you don’t need a scalable solution. we’ve already established that we’re dealing with the exceptional case, here! and in exchange, by using a non-scalable solution, you avoid all the costs of building something scalable. you never build  infrastructure of incarceration. this has several benefits:
nobody’s phoney baloney job relies on there still being a certain number of people imprisoned. you can scale down, even to zero if you get lucky, without that being a political football.
people under house arrest will be able to use normal ass things to live, instead of using special “for prisoners” stuff that’s secretly designed to be off-the-books torture. no special concrete buildings. no special phone companies that turn every phone conversation into a roll of the dice as to whether your recipient can figure out how to get quarters into its collect call wallet. no need for the state to suddenly being responsible for wiping a guy’s butt just because he’s in custody. and for the state, this is cheaper than the alternative! even the savings from cruelly bargain basement economies of scale can’t beat the savings from “that isn’t my problem in the first place”.
scaling it up is costly. yes, I mean it when I say that’s a benefit. consider this: it means that anyone who comes after you & wants to do mass incarceration is going to be bad at it. they’ll have to start from scratch. they’ll have to put in the startup costs and build the infrastructure. the thing you’re building will be harder to use for evil than it is to use for good. that’s the kind of legacy you want in politics.
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infectedpaul · 2 months ago
i wish i could just sit n yap about all my infected paul headcanons. and how she is simulatenously the best version of paul that she could be and the worst because none of those good positive qualities are in service of her theyre totally for the plot/the narrative . its all fake phoney baloney but like no one knows that More than her. she knows shes a living farce and she embraces that cause its better than not being anything at all like she used 2 be/was 'pretending' to be
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toolusingmammalgirl · 1 year ago
❌ Phoney-Baloney
✔️ Phogna-Bologna
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scooby-review · 7 months ago
Scooby Doo Where are You? S2 E5-E8
5. Haunted House Hang Up
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This episode is the final one included on the Creepiest Capers DVD I used to watch all the time when I was younger! It was my least favourite of the four then, and it’s my least favourite of the four still, but this is nothing to sneer at - I adore this episode still! But when your competition is Hassle in the Castle, Go Away Ghost Ship and A Night of Fright is No Delight, it’s a stacked set to stand against.
Haunted House Hang Up follows the gang on their way to a rock festival, only to find themselves lost along the way, the backroads guiding them to a haunted mansion they simply can’t resist entering. 
The Headless Spectre haunting the house is likely inspired by the headless horseman, who comes from mediaeval folklore, of course, here we simply see a well dressed spectre without a head, no horse in sight. I love this villain, he’s great, his design is so fun, just being a headless ghost in clothes resembling a portrait upon the wall. However, he is only made better when we learn he is not a villain, merely trying to scare off the person attempting to steal his fortune, believing the gang to be the culprits. It’s so fun and the first time we see a fake-out villain lead into a different villain! 
Which takes us to The Phoney Phantom, who is a man in a poorly constructed ghost costume, simply a sheet that falls to his waist, leaving his blue jeans visible. This design is great because of how funny it is, how it plays on an earlier monster, The Phantom, and then shows an awful version of a similar design. His axe wielding only makes him stand out more, it’s a purposefully poor design which works so well because of how it stands in contrast to the main monster of the episode. I love this silly guy. 
Despite the episode being a concept we’ve seen before, a haunted house with gothic aesthetics as the gang attempt to solve the mystery despite the isolated setting, it’s almost a breath of fresh air within this season, it’s still so unique thanks to the twist, but moreover, it’s just fun! The villain is great, the setting is great having a greenhouse and barn too, the house feels monstrous in size, impossible to completely search, it places you in the villain’s shoes! The house is filled with secret passageways and balloon mechanised ghosts, it’s a perfect setting! 
I actually noted while watching this one that the ghost isn’t a threat throughout, instead attempting to scare off the gang after they break in and attempt to thwart the ghost, it’s something interesting to note, that the gang will investigate any supernatural occurrences, not simply somewhere they know there’s been a crime committed by these ghosts or where they arrive somewhere just to be scared away. 
Also I find it so funny how much they abuse the score, playing the menacing crescendo over Scooby stealing a slice of baloney here. 
Again, the chase is great, maybe the best! It’s classic Scooby antics as we see the spectre popping up in fireplaces, jumping on beds, coated in ash and the gang on a bike which they cycle across a wire. Not to mention we get the Spectre’s laugh, which is a great way of presenting him as more evil, I love it!
This one is almost on par with Jeepers it's the Creeper for me! It’s everything I wanted this season to be, it’s got the tighter writing style and some really nice character interactions, but paired with a more interesting ghost and expansive location! It can be funny and creepy, the perfect tone balance for the show! 
Love this episode so much!
6. A Tiki Scare is no Fair
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Unfortunately, this episode is one of my least favourites in the series. It takes everything I disliked about Nowhere to Hyde and Mystery Mask Mix Up and then dials them up a whole heap. 
I’ll skate through this one swiftly, because, to sum it up simply, this episode is a boring, culturally insensitive mess. As mentioned earlier this season, the episode isn’t bad because of the way they characterise certain groups of people and their cultures, this leads to some uncomfortable moments sure, but the episode is bad because it’s boring, doing nothing to keep my interest throughout. Unlike many of the others, it’s poorly paced and always uninteresting. 
The only part of the episode I enjoyed was the ending, where it’s revealed one character we’ve been following was in disguise, and is actually an undercover police officer, who then pays for Shaggy and Scooby to have loads of food. 
This one is simply a slog to get through, being the only season two episode not to include a chase sequence, which have consistently been the highlights of these episodes. 
Also, this is the first time we see a villain trope redone, that being the medicine man, although where Decoy for a Dognapper had a Native American Medicine Man, this episode uses a Hawaiian one. Researching the trope even slightly unveils the harmful stereotypes that are attached to these 
kinds of characters and how the term used consistently is something many from these cultures dislike. I will say the design and colours are striking, it’s a unique palette we haven’t seen before, and some of these shots, notably when the character is encased in a glowing amber light, look so pretty! It’s not enough to redeem anything here, but I do appreciate that. 
It’s just dull, I have nothing more to add.
7. Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf
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This episode follows in the previouses footsteps, reusing a villain trope! This time, it’s a werewolf! I didn’t love the design of the werewolf in that episode, so this gives them a chance to do something different! I complained it was too ghoulish, and that the design didn’t really convey that he was a werewolf too well! However, given the opportunity to do something different, maybe this design could be more wolf-like! 
Or they could make him even more ghoulish, that works! 
This episode follows the gang on a camping trip when they encounter a werewolf, having to foil his smuggling plan. 
Returning to the villain, his name is The Werewolf, in contrast to last season's Wolfman, both of which have different connotations. The latter allows for a more humanoid design, it alludes to the hybrid that this person is, whereas a werewolf implies the character will be a wolf, sure with humanoid aspects, but the character's design at its core should be evocative of a wolf. Therefore, this character having sickly green skin and feeling like a thinner retread of the previous wolfman is frustrating. I’m all for innovation in their designs, to make their villains stand out against the rest, and I would argue that the Wolfman does this, sure I don’t love the design, but evidently he has a place in the core of the series, he is a stylized character for better or for worse. However, this design feels like if someone’s only reference of what a werewolf looks like is the previous Wolfman. 
Technically, this is a zombie werewolf, which is a neat idea! The gang find the monster as a result of an open tomb, and I would be happy to look past the fact it is never mentioned that he is a zombie, however, not only is the design still the same idea as the Wolfman, but in an admittedly funny gag, Shaggy and Scooby shave the monster’s hair. This does not help him look like a wolf at all, instead making him look entirely ghoulish because the only way of somewhat deciphering that he was a werewolf was from the hair on his head! So now we have this bald man running around which only exacerbates his design further! 
Despite this episode's downfalls, mainly the villain and simply being another boring episode to me, I will praise it for this setting! It’s good. Camping is such a perfect scenario to plunge the gang into and I wish it was more of a focus here, but regardless, the backgrounds here are still my favourite of the season, the exterior backgrounds at least. They are grungy and dark, they truly waft with the horror allure that defines season one and half of season two, and I adore it! 
This episode falls so flat because there’s nothing happening really. It falls into the same tired writing style as A Tiki Scare is no Fair and Scooby’s Night with a Frozen Fright from earlier this season. They have a clear and solid set up, before drearily taking us to the unmasking. Anything between the first and last five minutes is tiring. 
Another aspect I will give props to is that the episode likely plays homage to Abbot and Costello meet Frankenstein, when we see the Werewolf stalking Shaggy and Scooby. And on a similar note, this episode is used in the 2012 movie remake of dark shadows, where the vampire Barnabas Collins watches it, describing it as “a very silly play”. 
That’s all I have to say, it’s not great!
8. Don’t Fool with a Phantom
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I am happy to report that I love this episode! 
Don’t Fool with a Phantom follows the gang as they enter a televised dance competition, only to be interrupted by a Wax Phantom. From there, the gang must head out to the wax museum to search for this meddling phantom. 
To start, I love this monster! The Wax Phantom is a hulking humanoid made of wax, the design is simple reflecting this, yet the textures and size of the character add to this basic design, it’s not a glob of seafoam green, but this gloopy creature who it is certain you wouldn’t be able to survive. His design is further exemplified by his ability to glow in the dark which is simply a fun design feature! He talks too, which worked well for me, personally, it gives the character a unique personality which blends with his really cool plans. 
I think this episode sees my favourite attempt of murdering the gang. Because the Wax Phantom decides to try to turn the gang into wax figures. It’s so cool, it reminds me a lot of a movie like A Bucket of Blood, which I adore! The concept is so creepy! Also, this instantly makes him so memorable, it’s so fun! 
I’m not too sure if he’s inspired generally by wax figures, or if the episode as a whole is inspired by House of Wax, and I couldn’t find out whether this was an inspiration, but I definitely drew a connection between certain sections of the episode and the 1953 movie. 
We see a lot of what I love about this season all done to great effect, such as a great location and opening, a pretty solid and concise story and a great chase scene! When this season is good, it’s good, believe me! It’s just rarely up to this quality consistently, and I think part of what makes Don’t Fool with a Phantom so great is how it wields all of these plus it has a great villain, the world feels so much more inspired and interesting! 
Funnily enough, the character Mr Grisby creates an interesting concept in this episode, alluding to the idea that the supernatural may indeed be real, he’s not the villain, his house is filled with all these tricks and they leave it up to us to decide if they’re real or not! Also his design is a recolour of Elias Kingston I believe. 
I really don’t have much more to add, it’s just a solid episode! I am so happy to end on such a good one. 
Episode Ranking:
Haunted House Hang Up
Don’t fool with a Phantom
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
A Tiki Scare is no Fair
Villain Ranking: 
Headless Spectre 
Wax Phantom 
Phoney Phantom
Hawaiian Medicine Man 
Next Ranking: SDWaY S2 Villains Ranking
Previous Ranking: SDWaY S2 E1-4
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piko-rose · 2 years ago
This sucks.
First animators and the animation industry, and now this.
The writers and the writing community are getting pushed aside all for some phoney baloney next generation of mankind.
The animators and animation were treated like a joke for so long all because some Oscar winning bitches thought it was for kids, even though it really isn't. It's for everyone. And it's been like that since literally forever.
Hell, even some movies and shows made for a younger audience like My Little Pony have huge praise, love and support from human beings of all ages.
Don't pretend shows like Futurama, Primal, Bob's Burgers, Inside Job, ect. don't exist because their animated. If done right, an animated show for adults can be outstanding. Sadly, there are some that are kind of try-hards (Swearing and sexual jokes every ten seconds or whatever) that is just becomes a mediocre, or worse, terrible show, that it might just prove someone's dumbass theory that animation is for kids and kids only.
Again, not fucking true.
My two favorite animated shows, both targeted at different audiences, are DuckTales and Futurama. I love their characters, the stories, the comedy, the drama, the music, but I especially love the animation.
DuckTales may have been made for a TV-Y7 audience, but the people who worked on it made it for anyone to enjoy, wether it's kids, adults, or fans of the original DuckTales show. It was made for ANYONE.
Just like every other "kids" show, anyone is allowed to enjoy it and scream their heads off over the coolest and craziest thing they ever seen on Gravity Falls or cry tears of joy when Luz and Amity are together in The Owl House.
Also, animators are fucking awesome and talented and even though it is hard work, it's what they love doing and it's what brings our favorite shows and movies to life.
Every day I think about any movie or show that has 3D animation, 2D animation, stop-motion, ect. and just go "Damn, that was the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life." Even though it was only, like, five seconds of animation of Sonic blinking and smiling.
Animation and animators deserve lots of support and love every day because of these great shows and movies.
But do you know who else made these shows and movies happen? Another group of talented humans that made them to begin with? That no media can live without?
If you're gonna make something come to life in the wonderful world of animation, you gotta write and story.
Figure out the characters and what should happen in the third act.
Keep track of the story as the show goes on and write down the funniest one-liners Dewey had ever said.
You can't have literally any animated media without writers. No. Not just animated media. EVERY. SINGLE. MOVIE, OR, OR VIDEO GAME, THAT HAS EVER EXISTED.
These guys? Right here? Mean the whole world to me.
Even if it's fanfic writers, they are so goddamn amazing.
They are responsible for your favorite franchises. I can tell you right now that the world would be gone to shit without writers.
I write stories as well and let me tell you, it's also hard work, but dammnit I love it.
Writers and the writing community are one of a kind and they are extremely important. And just like animators, they are talented and love what they do.
But despite all of that, H*llywood has other ideas.
Ideas that should never light up even the cheapest of light bulbs.
Mother. Fucking. AI.
AI, also known as Artificial Intelligence (Doubt they have any tho) are the scum of the earth. For some time it was used for art, writing and even used for cartoon voices.
By the way, that's fucking theft.
There are literally real human beings who can draw for you, write for you, voice act for you, (By the way voice actors are also my whole world and I would be nothing without them) but you'd rather choose AI to do all of that for you??
Why would we even use AI at all when human beings, with a mouth, a brain and hands are RIGHT HERE?!?!
Also, some AI voice memes (Sonic btw) almost got an voice actor in trouble for something THEY HAVE NEVER SAID. Yeah. A robot almost got someone in trouble. That is really bad.
AI art and writing and theft and straight up plagiarism. And AI voices are theft as well. Imagine using an AI voice of someone who passed?
Do you know how fucking awful that sounds??
Yet today, people are still using this trash and worst of all, Hollywood is in on it too.
That is absolutely insulting and hateful towards artists and writers of all kinds.
I thought we were done treating talented humans with a heart like shit.
I thought we were done.
I thought we were fucking done.
I am tired of amazing artists and writers, especially writers, being pushed to the ground and being replaced with AI. I wish artists and writers don't have to suffer like this. They deserve better.
They deserve so much love right now.
These awesome people have no right to be treated like this. They are people too. They have feelings, and you are hurting them. Saying your using AI to write is literally saying that the writers are useless and you don't need them anymore.
You made them believe that.
That's why their on fucking strike.
Writers want justice. Writers want goddamn justice and you're not giving them that, all because you think AI is the short cut.
You can't even do anything now that their on strike, but the worst part? I have a feeling you're gonna keep using it anyway after this is all over.
Is that right? Do you still wanna be a piece of shit to these real talented creators, after all these messages we kept shoving down your throats?
I know I sound harsh but sometimes raising my voice is the only way for you to listen. But I know damn well your gonna keep ignoring me, ignoring us, so we're gonna raise our voices higher.
I wish AI never existed so that way these wonderful artists, animators, writers and voice actors would never be forgotten. I don't want them to be forgotten.
I mean it when I say they changed my life.
When I was a kid, I watched all of the bonus material from the movies I've seen. All of the movies. Something about watching all these behind the scene footages from artists and actor just makes me so happy.
All these people made all of our favorite movies and shows, even though it took them a long time to make, but they were having a blast making them. They wanted to make something special for the audiences, and they never stopped.
Especially when I watch interviews and I just have this fuzzy feeling that working on a movie or show in any role is such an amazing feeling. It inspires me to write to begin with.
I love hearing people's thoughts on the media they worked on and how it made them feel to see audiences loving the thing they were involved in. Makes me emotional every time.
In fact, there's one person who I absolutely adored for a few years and loved his works from beginning to end.
His name is Ben Schwartz.
Not only he's an actor but he's also a writer. He is so funny and sweet and just an amazing person. He is incredible and talented and always got that smile on his face.
He's the spirit of optimism in my opinion. He inspired me the most. To keep going.
And also? He's on strike too!
He is a writer so of course he's on strike and I am forever proud of him.
I am also proud of everyone who is on strike right now.
To the animators, writers and actors everywhere: Never stop fighting.
Even when the strike is over, for the love of God don't stop fighting.
You guys are kicking ass right now and you are making your voice heard, loud and proud.
I am so, so proud of all of you!
You deserve all the support, respect and love for the rest of your life for what you are doing!
Never stop doing what you love and keep going!
You got this!
To all the writers, animators and voice actors out there fighting for their voice: You are not alone and we love you!
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bachelorgirl · 1 year ago
If you think I'm such a phoney baloney then maybe you should eat me up
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crashmantherealman · 1 year ago
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whoever has username CRASHMAN is phoney baloney!!!!!!!!!!
other platforms (not twitter, snap, or insta!!): crashthelunatic
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tollighophyne · 2 years ago
He’s Soo phoney baloney
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commodorebuzzkill · 13 days ago
I have to say, I'm getting really sick of seeing the Trump administration set the country on fire, and to all of you who spent November pearl clutching and getting angry that Kamala Harris wasn't liberal enough, or the Gaza crisis wouldn't be solved by her administration, well congratulations, idiots. Trump wants to bulldoze Gaza, so you made that worse, and you handed our country over to the worst conman in American history. Also, you fucked over Ukraine. So now 3 countries are fucked because you didn't vote. Fuck you. To the idiots who voted for Trump, double fuck you. Go die in a fire. I should be more sympathetic, but I'm not feeling that right now. Like it or not, America is still probably the most powerful nation on Earth, and you don't get to stay home and hand it over to a mad man. Because you don't just fuck over your own country, you fuck over the world. You live on this phoney baloney planet too, so you have to fucking care! Its a big fucking responsibility and you have to put on your big boy pants and accept that. This concluded my venting session for the day.
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brummie-man-interests · 2 months ago
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Phoney baloney! LUCKY JIM [1957]
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