#phoenix soldier
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supercap2319 · 1 year ago
Being the Phoenix Soldier, and Spiderman saving you from Psycho Red.
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Being the Phoenix Soldier Ranger was one thing, but along the way you managed to make some very powerful enemies in your short time as a Ranger.
You helped the Cosmic Fury Rangers against Lord Zedd and his mission to destroy the earth with his Squidrills given to him my Bajillia Naire. It was fun working with a team of Rangers, but after everything was said and done, you moved to New York to help the heroes there.
The earth was home to the Power Rangers. Along with the Avengers. A band of extraordinary people that came together to protect the world. So, you were no stranger to heroes like Ironman, Captain America, or Spiderman. People like yourself just protecting your home and the people that lived in it.
Along the way, some supervillain thought you were too comfortable in your new life, so they resurrected a Ranger enemy that was very dangerous: a Psycho Ranger. Specifically, Psycho Red. Psycho Rangers were created to hunt Power Rangers by tracking their energy, voices, and communicators. They had an unbeatable battling style against the Ranger they were assigned to destroy. That's where you came in.
Psycho Red attacked you in New York. He would stop at nothing to destroy you. Every chance he got, he would attack you, and you barely escaped his wrath. And this last time, you almost didn't.
You and Psycho Red were locked in a sword match as you defended and attacked with your Phoenix sword and shield. "Hahaha! You're getting better."
"You mean I'm winning?" You asked.
"That's what you think!" Psycho Red pushed back and slashed you hard and kicked you onto the floor as you rolled. "Hahaha! Finally. You've slipped through my fingers too many times. But this time I outsmarted you. Goodbye, Ranger!" He raised his sword and swung down towards you, but something blocked his attack as you looked up to see Spiderman in his Iron Spider costume.
"Hey, Buddy. I think you've done enough rough playing don't you think?" Spiderman asked.
"You!" Psycho Red roared.
"Well, who'd you expect? Batman?"
You watched as they began to fight. Spiderman weaved and dodged Psycho Red's attacks until he shot a blast of lightning at the hero as he flew back. The evil Ranger turned to you and smiled. If he was capable of smiling. "Ah ha! Don't think I've forgotten about you, Ranger." He ran towards you with the intention of ending your life once and for all, but he was suddenly webbed up by Spiderman.
"Phoenix Soldier. Do it now!" Spiderman called.
You stood up and charged an attack as you slashed at Psycho Red until he exploded in a burst of energy. You were breathing heavily underneath your visor as Spiderman walked towards you.
"Are you okay?"
"I don't know. Everything's dark." You fell forward and would have hit your head if Spiderman hadn't caught you in his arms. You fainted in his arms. "Don't worry. I'll get you some help." He swung you back to Avengers' tower as you demorphed.
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just-a-tf2-artist · 10 months ago
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Nickname: Phoenix Soldier
Real Name: Slate
Likes: Fire (Of course), His bestie (Cat Spy), and Flying fast... Like Reallly FAST!!!
Dislikes: People making fun of the color of his clothes and people touching his wings without permission.
Backstory: Slate is also an alien from a different planet, just like Cat Spy. He met Cat Spy when Cat Spy went to his home plant to explore. They both got to know each other and become very close. Now they go everywhere with each other... He has a sibling... A long lost sibling... He doesn't know if they are alive or not.
Age: 21
Fears: Losing his friend and not being able to fly ever again.
Eye Color: Light Green
Hair Color: Yellow
Sexuality: Straight and Asexual
Pronouns: Him/He
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attyrocious · 9 months ago
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doodled some blondes at work
i also just want you to see how cute law's outfit is today
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grandline-fics · 3 months ago
Unconscious Protector
DESCRIPTION: When you suddenly lose consciousness 
WARNINGS: Descriptions of fainting and sleep walking
CHARACTERS: Sabo, Killer, Marco | Luffy, Zoro | Law, Sanji, Ace
WORDS: 2,247
A/N: Here's another part for this prompt that you guys voted for my belated birthday and 2k follower milestone event. I'll probably do another one of these with other characters at some stage but I hope you all enjoy this version with these characters.
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When Sabo needed a sparring partner there was no-one he sought out more than you. You both made it gruelling and challenging but also fun in equal measure. Your sparring sessions could last as long as you both could stand or until someone else came along in need of either of you for a meeting or a mission. Some people would have called your long bouts impressive which he’d agree with. But when they’d call it excessive, Sabo would disagree. Because of the busy schedules you both had and missions now taking you both longer and further away from the base it meant the sparring was really the only opportunity he had to make spending time with you plausible without fearing a rejection had he just asked you out like a normal person.  
Sabo walked through the base, his eyes searching and bright as he looked for you. He slid to a halt and whipped his head to the side when he finally spotted you out of the corner of his eye. Excited he turned towards you and called out your name, grinning when you immediately turned and beamed when you smiled at him in greeting. When he approached, his grin hardened and he closed the distance, throwing his arm out which you managed to block with your forearm. Obviously he wasn’t going at full strength or speed and neither were you. At this point it could be compared to two normal people saying ‘hello’ but then again, you and Sabo’s relationship never could be defined as normal. 
You never could say no to Sabo and his requests to train. It was how you could selfishly have alone time with him. Most of the time the sparring sessions were more fun than gruelling and you didn’t realise you’d been training until you felt the effects the next day. Now had you used your brain a little more instead of thinking about your crush on the Chief of Staff you should have declined this sparring session because you were already exhausted having just returned from a mission. You should have just done the smart thing and said 'maybe tomorrow’ or even 'maybe later’ instead you all but raced him to the training room. Now you were truly suffering for you lack of thought. Attacks you could have avoided with ease took greater focus than normal. You were still holding your own but now you could feel the extra weight on your limbs and noticed the sting in your eyes. The exhaustion was mounting but you still couldn’t bring yourself to stop sparring.    
Sabo caught your wrist when your threw a very obvious attack at him. Quickly he spun to knock you to the floor but his confident smirk feel into a horrified expression as your body went slack and eyes fell closed, unconscious before you’d even hit the floor. Frightened for a moment he’d went too far even though he knew you’d both fought each other with more ferocity in the past, Sabo quickly checked you over, desperate to make sure he hadn’t actually hurt you. When he was assure by his own observation that you’d just fallen asleep he finally let out the breath he’d been holding and slowly lay down to settle beside you on the training mats. He wasn’t going to count this as a win in the long running and very balanced tally of wins and loses between your spars.
Instead he tucked a hand behind his head and closed his eyes. If anyone came by they’d just think the two of you were both relaxing together. Sabo also used the time to let his own body unwind, realising that maybe he was putting his own body under too much strain too, it would’t have been good if he fainted in the middle of training too. Silently he was grateful no one was around to see this and was able to enjoy spending the chance to rest peacefully alongside you. Now Sabo began to think of other ways he could spend time with you. 
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The Victoria Punk was always loud and energetic. On days when the crew were navigating fierce storms and engaged in explosive battles, it followed the same code as it did when things were peaceful and fun; the louder the better. For two days straight you and the rest of the Kid Pirates sailed through one of the worst storms you’d encountered in a long while, yelling out to each other and shouting acknowledgement to Kid and Killer as you hurried through the rain and crashing lightning and rolling thunder that you’d heard their orders. Then came the explosions of canons and gun fire when a Marine ship appeared through the darkness and heavy veil of rain, launching their attack when they thought your crew’s attention was distracted by the weather but they soon learned the chaos was what you all thrived on and met the challenge with wide grins and drawn weapons. 
The Marines engaged with you were relentless, you’d give them that much but ultimately they were overconfident and their weaknesses could be exploited by you and the others with ease. When the storm died, so did the fight, the Kid Pirates the victors over both encounters and your cheers filled the air as the night skies cleared. Now that the waters were calmed the only thing on all of your minds now was the thought of an all out celebration. With everyone’s duties completed, you all cleared room on the deck and dragged out the barrels and bottles of booze and anything that was or could loosely resemble something to sit on. As the ship’s doctor you had to tend to those hurt-with thankfully just minor injuries- from both the storm and fight and were last to find somewhere to sit. You grabbed your drink and scanned the area already loud and infectiously in good spirits. Your gaze zeroed in on a spot and you closed the distance, sitting down on the deck and settling your back against Killer’s leg. 
Beneath his mask, Killer briefly glanced to see who was using him as an improvised support and couldn’t help but tense slightly to see it was you. You and Killer had a casual back and forth with each other. A flirty comment here, an affectionate touch there. Never anything heated, usually just the brush of fingers against the other when helping out in the ship’s duties or a brief placing of a hand on the other when either of you needed to get by in the usually bustling and hectic hallways and deck. Killer usually favoured his hand on your lower back and you favoured your hand on his upper arm. For you to settle against him shouldn’t have been a surprise or anything new by comparison but still Killer couldn’t help but be aware of your presence. Even while you were talking away to Wire and he joked with Killer it was hard to fully ignore how effortlessly comfortable it was.
Further into the night, you shifted slightly to get more comfortable, lounging back instead of just sitting, and lay your head back while you continued the conversations. The second you adjusted though, Killer’s hand instinctively settled against the back of your head; keeping you in your comfortable position and began to absently play with your hair. Kid faltered mid-sentence with his second-in command to glance briefly down to see you had already all but melted into Killer’s touch, your eyes growing heavier as you tried to focus on your conversation. Unfortunately in a matter of seconds you were out like a light and your nearly empty mug dropped with a dull thunk which caught Killer’s attention your way. 
Across the deck two other crew members burst out into loud laughter at their own conversation causing you you stir slightly. Swiftly Killer grabbed an empty bottle and threw it at their feet with precision that ensured they wouldn’t get hurt but definitely caught their attention. Nervously they looked towards their vice-captain who rose a finger to his mask in a clear signal to shush. Effectively everyone on board lowered their voices to a more respectable level which for anyone else would still be pretty loud but so long as you continued to sleep soundly, your unintentional guard dog of the night was content.
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Everything was calm on the Moby Dick as it usually was. As an Emperor’s ship as noticeable as his, practically everyone with any sense in their skulls left Whitebeard well enough alone. Night watches were merely a formality and mostly to keep an eye out in case a freak storm hit or another Emperor felt inclined to cause trouble out of boredom. Marco used the quiet of night to go over his medical stock and see to any last minute tasks that he couldn’t get to when the ship was rowdy in the day. In the middle of writing his list of what medicines and ingredients he needed to replenish, Marco stifled a small yawn. 
Not wanting to stop and leave the remainder of his duty for another night he decided instead to pause and go to the ship’s kitchen. As much as he tried to avoid drinking coffee after a certain time of the day he knew the caffeine would help. When he stepped out onto the deck he heard a yelp from above and lazily glanced up to see one of the younger and newer additions to the crew peer out over the top of the crow’s nest. They let out a shaky sigh of relief to see it was just Marco staring up at them blankly. “What’s wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost-yoi.”
“I did!” The crewmate hissed, casting a nervous glance out onto the large ship’s deck. Marco tilted his head curiously and looked around the darkened deck. The moon was completely shrouded in cloud so the lack of light and chill in the air could be eerie to some, easy to let the mind play tricks on itself at this hour especially when alone. The pirate in the Crow’s Nest could feel Marco’s skepticism and bristled defensively. “I know what I saw! You have the powers of a mythical creature, you can't tell me ghosts don’t exist!”
“Didn’t say they didn’t” Marco chuckled with a lazy shrug. He’d seen enough strange and crazy things on these seas to encourage an open mind even after all of these years. Still though, a ghost on the ship was a new one. Holding back a yawn, Marco stretched his arms out and smiled calmly. “I’ll take a look around. If you see the ghost, just call okay?”
Without waiting for the response, Marco continued towards the kitchen, pausing by the door when he heard a faint creak against the floorboards. Slowly Marco looked behind him and around the corner seeing there was no-one there. Letting out a small chuckle, he shook his head and pressed inside only to suppress the curse in his throat and hold back the urge to jump in shock when the outline of a person was standing in the corner of kitchen. Flicking on the light Marco let out a small breath to see that it was you. “You’re playing the long game waiting in here and trying to scare someone-yoi.“ He teased lightly only to become concerned when you didn’t respond. Instead you remained in the corner. “Hey, you okay?”
Marco approached slowly and only saw now that you were asleep, eyes heavy lidded as you stared emptily at the wall. Now he saw you were sleep walking. Knowing better than to wake you, Marco approached carefully and gently set his hand against your wrist, lightly coaxing you to turn.
“Time for bed.” He instructed softly, smiling when you seemed to react enough to his words. Slowly you walked towards the door and Marco could see now why your movements could have been mistaken for a ghost on board. Marco’s smile twitched when you made the wrong turn after leaving the kitchen, needing him to softly redirect you with another subtle touch which thankfully set you on the right route. “There we go.”
For the entirety of the confusing, winding and slow paced journey you took through the ship Marco remained your vigilant protector. In your sleep induced state you seemed determined to veer in every wrong direction, even getting close to walking straight into one of the canons and potentially hurting yourself which you would have had Marco not been there to stop you. Finally he managed to help you into your sleeping quarters and assisted you into your bed, your body relaxing instantly. Exhausted Marco rubbed his eyes and headed straight for his own bed, managing to catch a couple hours sleep before the sun rose. 
As expected you had no memory of your sleepwalking adventure but approached him at breakfast with a bright smile. “Wanna hear what I dreamt about last night?”
“This should be good.” Marco grinned, unable to be in a low mood when you smiled at him like that.
“Dreamt I was lost in a maze.” You began. “No matter which way I went I just couldn’t get out. Next thing I knew, you were there and rescued me. Guess I can always count on you to help me out.” At that Marco’s smile grew. 
TAG LIST (If I’ve missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa @kabloswrld , @atanukileaf , @ane5e , @stuckinthewrongworld , @deathsmajestysworld , @cloudysunset04 , @extremely-ashtridic , @decayingpizza , @liesatemyocean , @ace-for-ace , @nerium-lil , @destynelseclipsa
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cyborg-franky · 6 months ago
Who cheats at games?
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Would NEVER cheat! Jinbei, Chopper, Corazon, Whitebeard, Koby, Yamato, Koala, Vivi, Bepo
Cheats but isn't slick at all and gets calught right away. Luffy, Ace, Perona, Shachi, Buggy Cheats and get's away with it. Brook, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Doffy, Law, Sabo, Marco, Izou, Crocodile, Shanks, Penguin, Rayleigh Looks like they'd cheat but doesn't. Franky, Killer, Whitebeard, Mihawk, Roger Looks like they wouldn't cheat, but tottaly does. Brook, Robin, Law, Marco, Izou, Boa
Cheats but everyones too scared to say anything. Nami, Kid, Doffy,Izou, Crocodile, Boa Doesn't ever cheat but people think they do and their banned anyway. Corazon, Thatch, Roger Cheats - but always loses anyway. Luffy, Ace, Sabo, Shanks, Perona, Penguin, Shachi Cheats - always wins. Usopp, Doffy, Law, Marco, Crocodile, Rayleigh, Buggy Never cheats - always wins Jinbei, Chopper, Whitebeard, Mihawk, Koby, Koala, Bepo,Benn
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buckrecs · 2 years ago
𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 : 𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙚
masterlist | monthly fic rec masterlist
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Exhausted by @moonvis
Uncle Bucky by @/moonvis
Trying To Study by @pitubea1910
Secure Your Back by @writingcroissant
poppies and babies’ breath by @lizzie-is-here
More than friends by @theeleggymeggy
Lovesick by @/theeleggymeggy
Protecting What’s His by @jobean12-blog (bodyguard!bucky)
Pieces of Us by @majestyeverlasting
As Many As You Want by @/majestyeverlasting
How I Met Your Father by @pomelo-villano
Nerd by @imgoingtofreakoutnow
Trouble Doubled by @certifiedskywalker
magnetic mishaps by @aneluvs
Angel Eyes by @killatravtramp
hint dropped by @rocketrhap3000
pre-mission blues by @buckysblanket (husband!bucky)
Nightmares by @waiting4inspiration
Safe and Sound by @talesofesther
voicemails by @lovelybarnes
Chicken Soup for the Soul by @sebbytrash
Baking (fails) with bucky by @winter-soldier-vibes
booked on a feeling by @intrepidacious (librarian!bucky)
Theater by @loving-barnes
Sleepyhead by @tom-holland-parker
A Good Man by @/tom-holland-parker
A New Uniform by @hopelessromantic423
Manicure by @itsapeterthing
Speechless by @/itsapeterthing
I’ll Stop The World And Melt With You by @shamevillain
Flustered 2 by @/lovelybarnes
Aroma by @navybrat817
The Animal Within by @/navybrat817
ending unplanned by @starryevermore (bookstore au)
only angel by @cherryrogers (40s!bucky)
IDGAF by @amandaoftherosemire
Sleepy by @sunflowers-and-bucky
Happy Beans by @/rookthorne (barista!bucky)
Imagine by @buckyalpine
Shy Boy by @hiddles-and-skittles
A Good Man by @beyondspaceandstars
Meet The Parents by @/navybrat817
before sunset, i fell by @atlaese (modern au)
Lemonade and shields by @/atlaese
Old Fashioned by @rookthorne
Tip of the Tongue by @bucky-fricking-barnes
Who Did This To You? by @espinosaurusrexex
“Accidentally” by @/pomelo-villano
Just Tell Her by @girl-next-door-writes
New Love by @ro-is-struggling
jealousy, jealousy by @malum-forev
Jealous by @sweetbbarnes
A New Life? by @/waiting4inspiration (phoenix!reader)
We mend each other by @/talesofesther
Green by @/itsapeterthing
Smoke by @shurisneakers
The Ultimatum by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
feel me by @flordeamatista (siren!reader)
youngblood by @sebbies (boxer!bucky)
Safe Place To Land by @sunlightdances (modern au)
Too Much (Not Enough) by @touchstarvedirl
Be it revenge or moving on by @writingsoftheloser
Cherry by @sweetdreamsbuck (camboy!bucky)
Your Daddy Did It Better by @princessbellecerise (billionaire!bucky)
Wrapped In Red by @/flordeamatista
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whoishotteranimepolls · 8 months ago
"Who's Hotter?" One Piece Fandom Wars
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years ago
Why must I be struck by the thought of dead (but only sleeping) Ahsoka with an army of terracotta (clone) soldiers
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heylolita00 · 2 years ago
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agentsanonymous · 3 months ago
Okay...crackpot idea.
All the secret agents, spies, assassins, all of them...
...in one room.
Can't get the idea out of my head.
The chaos.
...nope. think I'm gonna make it.
Hold on.
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aristotletchaykovskyzero · 8 months ago
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He is such a multi-fandom
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quinloki · 7 months ago
Who do you think are the biggest fans of holding hands during sex?
Marco, Sabo, Thatch come to mind off the cuff.
Crocodile isn't against it either, though he does rather prefer to hold your hands down. (Sabo and Marco fall into this category too).
Kid's not against holding hands, but he prefers to see your fingers flexing against the ropes while you're losing your mind.
Sanji definitely likes to hold hands, and I think Zoro's for it, but he'll move his hands away from yours when he's close, cause he doesn't want to flex his hand in the moment and accidentally bruise you (or worse, that beast).
Doffy enjoys it, but only as something he imposes on his partner - there's not really any softness in it.
Law doesn't by default, but you can get him to do so easily. I think he's very tactile, and once you open those gates he's into it.
<.< Robin holds hands all the way through that lucky lady.
Oh Heat is definitely a hand holder
Killer too I bet.
Shachi is more of a hand holder than Penguin, but only cause Penguin's hands tend to wander a lot. (I feel like Sabo's a wandering hands guy... I think Sabo just like... hands. Sabo's hands. My brain is happy to think about them in Every Context.)
Ace holds hands. Whimpery little golden retriever man whining in your ear while he's holding your hands. (I don't know why he's just so vocal in my head canon during sex).
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grandline-fics · 8 months ago
The Grand Line's Bounty List
Have to now split the Masterlist into multiple posts now because of the amount of links.
Law The Moment They Started Seeing You Differently Seeing You Differently Part Two An Angry Confession You Need Liquid Courage To Act Lazy Mornings With You Comforting Him On A Bad Day You Get Pregnant After A One Night Stand You Call Them A Term Of Endearment They Touch Your Cold Hands/Feet At Night They Hurt You While Controlled The Little Things They Love With You Confronting Your Feelings After Being Silently In Love Prompt: Accidental Kiss You're There To Ease His Pain They Have A Nightmare You Marry Someone Else You Say Their Name In Your Sleep The First Time They Hear You Sing Prompt: Jealousy Kiss w/Do You Have Any Idea How Much I Want To Kiss You Right Now? You Try To Hide Illness From Him When You Fall Unconscious When You Unexpectedly Appear In The Paper Prompt: "No! Don't Give Me Those Puppy-Dog Eyes!" Valentines Event: Single Red Rose Valentines Event: Cupid's Arrow
Kid The First Time They Hear You Sing You Call Them A Term Of Endearment They Touch Your Cold Hands/Feet At Night The Moment They Started Seeing You Differently The Little Things They Love With You You're Shorter Than Him Their Favourite Moments To Kiss You The Have A Nightmare You Marry Someone Else You're His Opposite Prompt: Jealousy Kiss w/Do You Have Any Idea How Much I Want To Kiss You Right Now? Prompt: Accidentally Saying 'I Love You' They Hurt You While Controlled Prompt: Desperate Kiss
Killer He Has A Crush On A Strawhat! Reader The Little Things They Love With You You Say Their Name In Your Sleep When You Fall Unconscious Valentines Event: True Loves Kiss
Ace Lazy Mornings With You You Call Them A Term Of Endearment You're Serious Until You See Something Cute They Hurt You While Controlled The Have A Nightmare You Marry Someone Else They Finally See You Jealous The First Time They Hear You Sing The Crew Interfere To Get You Together Prompt: Jealousy Kiss w/Do You Have Any Idea How Much I Want To Kiss You Right Now? Prompt: Taking The Hit For Them Prompt: Secretly Dating w/Desperate Kiss Prompt: Fake Dating (Modern!Au) When You Fall Unconscious He Gets Turned Into A Younger Version Of Himself
Marco You Call Them A Term Of Endearment Lazy Mornings With You They Finally See You Jealous The First Time They Hear You Sing When You Fall Unconscious
Katakuri The Have A Nightmare You Marry Someone Else Valentines Event: Love Potion
Rosinante/Corazon They Catch You In Their Clothes
Doflamingo Immune To Your Charms, Ch.2, Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.9 Ch.10 Ch.11 Ch.12 Ch.13 Ch.14 Valentines Event: True Love's Kiss
Other Masterlists:
Red Hair Pirates, Cross Guild, Marines, Revolutionary Army
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cyborg-franky · 7 months ago
One Piece Chars Playing A Horror Game
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They think it won’t be scary and end up jumping at everything. Nami, Brook, Ace, Thatch, Roger, Buggy, Perona, Barto
REFUSES to play or be in the same room as you playing horror. Chopper
Won’t play but watches and enjoys. Brook, Thatch, Rayleigh, King, Killer
Won’t play but watches and still craps themselves. Usopp, Nami, Izou
Is a rock, unmoved by anything. Zoro, Robin, Sabo, Marco, Mihawk, King, Law, Kid, Killer, Crocodile
“You think that’s scary, you should see the inside of my head.” Sanji, Usopp, Robin, Ace, Sabo, Mihawk, Queen, Law, Killer
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK -throws the controller across the room- Usopp, Ace, Buggy, Barto, Kid, Corazon
Pre-jumps at everything, turn a corner, they jump even if there’s nothing there. Usopp, Nami, Thatch, Buggy, Yamato, Oden, Barto, Corazon
Sits there with a big smile on their face utterly loving it. Robin, Franky, Luffy, Marco, Rayleigh, King, Law, Kid, Killer Plays for five minutes and is haunted for a week. Sanji, Usopp, Buggy, Barto, Corazon
Is so bad at the game nothing ever happens and you leave the room. Zoro, Jinbei, Izou, Roger, Shanks
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somnolent-scout · 2 years ago
The Team Fortress 2 Cosplay meetup at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2023!
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This year's meetup was absolutely AMAZING. We had a total of 26 people come to the meetup, blowing last year's record of 12 people out of the water! We have yet to pass Salt Lake City Comic Con 2022's record of 37 people. But next year, I hope we can have an even bigger meetup! Although, we definitely need to find a new spot not in the way of everything. I apologize to the Phoenix Convention Center security staff for our massive inconvenience.
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This year, we had two totally new characters join the meetup! We finally have a Ms. Pauling and Saxton Hale!
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And our Saxton Hale was just as strong as the Australian fella himself...
And of course, the video where I told everyone "You already know the answer to this one!"
[Me, Scout: "Is TF2 dead?"
Crowd: "No!"
Me, Scout: "Are we gonna keep going?"
Crowd: "Yeah!"]
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amberandomly · 1 year ago
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Mashing the 2 shooty games I suck at
Literally only made this bc Spy looked good in Cypher's fit
But Demo tho-
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