#phoenix gets to be distressed and we see how that challenges him
mekatrio · 3 months
oh maya fey...
#my main source of anguish with her character mainly stems from the fact that not enough ppl hate aa3 LOL#but i mean it.. if u like maya aa3 should make you furious. hence why im so weirded out by maya likers who like aa3 cuz like#what actually is it about maya do you actually like? just that shes a silly goofy girl?#cuz she has all this trauma and hardships.. that the story glosses over. entirely even at the very end#for aa3 to end its examination of her character the same way the past 2 games did:#'yeah shits happened to her but wow its so admirable that she keeps up a strong face for you and pearl! 🙂'#DISGUSTINGGGGG MOTHERFUCKER I HATE IT 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬#edgeworth gets to change gets to breakdown and fake his DEATH#gumshoe of all people has a crush to deepen his motivations#franziska leaves her resentment and pride of being a von karma#phoenix gets to be distressed and we see how that challenges him#but maya? FUCK HER MAN shes still smiling smiling! no need for critical change or examination or to treat her#like a character worthy of respect! worthy of change!#she was designed to be a silly character to make investigations more fun and thats what she'll be for the entire franchise#and people will just eat it up..... BRAHHHHH she deserved so much better#hate aa3 forever. and also aa fans ur in the line of fire now too#fucking... cant believe aa3 of all things is a top title like goddamn just play gh*st trick. just fucking play gh*st trick#wowed by aa's first attempt at a long + connected narrative.. go play gh*st trick
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[Fox babysitting the 501st]
Kickback: How old do you think I am?
Striker: Kickback, age doesnt matter.
Striker: You can die at any time.
Tag: I’m not an idiot, I just lack all common sense.
Tag: Like, I can build an entire flying ship with complex circuitry.
Tag: But you can bet that I’ll be doing the Tide Pod challenge.
Ringo: Without ugly, there would be no beauty in this world.
Attie: Thank you for your sacrifice, Contrail.
Nax: I know it's sad but death is a natural part of life and by the time I finish this sentence, a hundred people will have died in Lothal.
Matchstick, visibly distressed: WHY DID YOU STOP TALKING-
Fox, playing with Ridge: Axe, where are you going?
Axe: To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense.
Ridge: And who's that?
Axe: Myself, Rid.
Hil: You know, not every problem can be solved with a knife.
Echo: I know, that's why I always carry two.
Jinx: Hi :).
The 501st:
Jinx: Everyone's bones are wet.
Fox: Why would you say that?
Jinx: Nobody was saying hi back :(.
Fox: You're a loose cannon.
Echo: No, I'm not. Am i a cannon? probably yeah, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me, Fox?
Kix: I think you play by your own rules.
Jesse: No way, he thinks rules were made to be broken.
Fox: And those are all attributes of a loose cannon.
Echo: No, I'm just a reckless renegade.
Echo, pointing at Fives: He's the loose cannon.
Fives: *smashes a chair*
Fox: Why can’t y'all just get along?
Vaughn: Because most of us are assholes, Commander.
Echo, holding a knife: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Kix: It would instantly cauterize the wound which means the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Fives: If you want information it is.
Attie: Why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
Echo: We should normalize not loving family members.
Dogma: You can just say “I hate my dumb fuck uncle” or whatever.
Dogma: Talk like a normal person.
Kano: Remember what I told you.
Contrail: Don’t be a cunt.
Attie: I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter tv shows.
Swoop: I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts.
Hawk, to Dogma: ARE YOU
Jesse: Fucking.
Jesse: Fucking.
Hawk: IDIOT!
Appo: What was that?
Jesse: Fox banned Hawk from swearing, so I’m helping him out.
Swoop: I'm sorry. Please talk to me.
S. Fox:
Swoop: Hello? World's most amazing person?? Sweet pea? Precious cinnamon roll that's too good for this world, too pure?
S. Fox: 'Sorry' doesn't bring back my fucking froot loops.
—————— Tucker: "you should be at the club" Tucker: I can't go to the club, I'll be in there saying shit like "perchance" and "thrice"
Boomer: I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter tv shows.
Swoop: I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts.
Echo: Bet you can’t eat 15 crayons.
Fives: Bet you I can!
Fox sipping caff while checking to make sure Rex and Cody are still on speed dial, and goes back to reading the paper:
Fox, entering the kitchen:
Fox, sees Hardcase: What are you doing?
Hardcase: Oh, I was just gonna light this chicken on fire to see if it turns into a phoenix.
Fox: It's 3 am...
Hardcase: *puppy eyes*
Fox, sighs: We can try it later
Fox: Is anyone d-
Kix: Depressed?
Dogma: Drained?
Voca: Dumb?
Fives: Disliked?
Fox: -done with their work...
Fox, calling Rex: What is wrong with you kids...
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primeemeraldheiress · 3 years
Hey y'all!
@omegajasontoddweek is running awards!
Tumblr media
I thought, you know, that it might be a good time to trot out a something of a masterlist of my OJT works. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
If I Told You
Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne
“Ukhai!” Came a wail from the top of a stacked pile of crates. The pup’s voice was filled with fear and exhaustion.
“We don’t even know what he’s saying.” Nightwing whispered furiously. “He’s snapping at anyone that comes near and he won’t come down. I don’t know what to do.”
“It’s a League word.” Jason said as he joined them. “It means, roughly, ‘lead omega that is not mated to pack alpha’.”
“But we don’t have a pack omega.” Tim groaned. Jason snorted softly.
Strive for Stature (Transmutation)
Jason & Damian
His knees brushed something under the desk, causing it to crinkle. Reaching under, Damian pulled out a piece of paper that had been taped underneath. His heart jumped as he smoothed it out and read the message inscribed on it League script.
Coordinates, a time, and a reminder not to be seen.
As if he needed such an admonishment. He was almost insulted.
None So Devotional
Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Bruce didn’t need the blood on the blade — the tissue — to tell him that it was his pup under that helmet. He could smell him. The scent of tea on the wind, crisp mint and honey. Barely dampened by the rain. It was older. Mature. Omega.
Underneath, though, a new darker note. Something… twisted.
More than Blood - Warriorverse
Damian Wayne & Jason Todd
Damian stepped out of the shadows and into the alley. The boy scrambled to get to his feet, hand clenching convulsively around the tire iron. Blackwing’s eyes flicked to the Batmobile half a block away. He could see two tires missing and felt the edges of his mouth twitch.
Father was going to be pissed.
Debts Be Paid - Warriorverse
Damian Wayne & Jason Todd
The fate of Jason Todd is the same throughout the multiverse.
Most Mad and Moonly
Female Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne - E
“Leave!” It was almost a whimper as she pointed to the door.
“Jay.” The alpha’s voice was low.
She trembled. “B. Get out.”
Yet, she made no move to make him. That alone said more than anything else about what she wanted. That alone told him more than anything else about how she felt.
“You hid this.” Bruce was displeased. That his pack — his Jay — would hide such a thing from him.
The Corner of Divinity
Jason Todd/Slade Wilson - E
He stared, heart in his throat. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. The heavy tang of blood was thick in the air and his feet felt like lead. He couldn’t move. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to. Whatever he’d expected to find, it wasn’t this.
Deathstroke’s lips twisted in a smirk. “I hoped you would show.”
“How could I resist?” Jason drawled, grateful his helmet hid his voice and for the scent blocking patches on his neck. “It was such an artfully worded invitation.”
Tidings of the Soul
Jason Todd & Dick Grayson
As Fine As Spider Silk
Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Talia al Ghul
Jason receives a gift from Talia on Mother's Day.
Where the Journey Always Leads
Jason Todd/Dick Grayson
A touch of anxiety twisted low in his gut. It was his first time running with Selina again after returning. He knew word would travel quickly of Stray’s reappearance at Catwoman’s side. There was no way they weren’t going to run into the Bat tonight.
Suspending Gravity - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson - E
She froze once she entered the living room on the way. Slade Wilson, in all the glory of his Deathstroke armor, was stretched out on her couch, watching her. His heady alpha scent of gunmetal and cedarwood wafted over her. What the fuck was he doing here and how did she miss that when she came in?
Vertigo - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“Why?” Dick asked, voice low with threat as he locked eyes with hers in challenge, “Why do you smell like Deathstroke, Little Wing?”
Brace For It (This Means War) - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“You really want to hope that the distress signal went to the Bats.” She whispered hoarsely, malice sparkling in her eyes beside the agony. “Because my mate was scheduled to be back in town tonight and if he’s within 50 miles the signal gets sent to him instead.”
A feral grin stretched across her mouth, blood staining her teeth. “How lucky are you feeling tonight, Roman?”
Hit the Window - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“Todd!” He barked again, eyeing the scarily still pile of fabric. There was no response. He stepped closer and whined, pitched to draw the attention of caregivers. There was a twitch from the pile but no further movement. This was bad. For an omega to ignore the call of a pup in need...
Let You Wash Away - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“You almost died!” Stephanie snapped. “That’s hardly fine!”
Jay waved a hand flippantly, “Least I’d be out of your hair.” Cass gasped. Stephanie narrowed her eyes and Jay’s stomach dropped. Shit.
Phoenix Among Feathers - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
Jay paced back and forth across the room. Frustration and frenetic energy seeped from her frame as she glared at the phone on the breakfast bar. She didn’t really have much of a choice. She knew she was going to have to make the call.
Baby, I'll Rule - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
She took it hesitantly. “Where did this even come from?”
Slade turned towards the mirror and focused on his tie, “Oh, you know. Around.”
The omega delicately arched a brow and looked at him. He studiously focused on getting his Eldredge knot just right… coincidently avoiding her gaze. “Funny.” Jay remarked. “I didn’t think Coronam Creations did anything other than custom work.”
Birds in a Cage - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“Shut it!” She hissed. “It’s not fucking funny!”
“No,” he affirmed, “but you’re adorable.”
“I,” she started with quiet dignity, “am a dangerous international criminal. I am not adorable.”
“You’re hiding in a blanket because you got arrested for indecent exposure.”
A Built-in Remedy - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“Trust me?”
She tensed. That was not a question that bode well for her.
Most alphas would be pissed that she hadn’t immediately acquiesced. Hers just ran a soothing hand up her side. “I’m about to ask you to walk into a very uncomfortable situation where you’re going to be asked to do something you’re not going to like.”
Tear Down the Kingdom - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“What do you mean he’s disappeared?” A feral snarl tore itself from her throat.
“Hood…” The voice on the line soothed, “Calm down. Slade’s the best. He knows what he’s doing.”
“He was investigating a meta trafficking ring.” Her voice all growl. “Don’t tell me to calm down!” She moved across the room and snagged an earpiece, quickly connecting it, before pulling a bag out of the closet. “Tell me everything.”
It's Kinda Crazy (This Life) - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“I have a contract.“
He saw her fingers tighten around her book; heard her jaw clench as she tried to control her automatic reaction. After a moment, she answered. “Oh? How long will you be gone?“
“About three weeks.”
"I s-see.“ She stuttered over the word, eyes glued to the pages of her book.
He paused before… “Come with me."
Heartbeats Like Drumbeats (Hear Me Roar) - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson - E
“Deathstroke. Fancy meeting you here.”
He smirked at the Robin - where had his helmet gone? - and crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Quite the surprise, I’m sure.”
“Quite!” She grinned brightly, ignoring the twist in her stomach. “I’ll just… get out of your hair!” Moving to duck around him, he shifted to block her path.
“Going so soon?” He leaned in and his scent washed over her; a tantalizing mix of gunmetal, cedarwood and something uniquely alpha. Jay breathed in deeply and nearly purred.
Vive La Reine
Female Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne - E
As his thoughts turned to Jay he moved toward her room, suddenly needing to check on her. He pushed the door open and leaned on the frame, looking in on her. Something in the air… Bruce took a deep breath and almost groaned. It smelled amazing.
A Gaze Too Long
Female Jason Todd/Dick Grayson, Female Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne
“Baby, are you sure—”
She growled, “It’s this or starve!”
He sighed. “Did you decide on a street name, Jay?”
Shrugging on her hoodie she nodded. “Just call me Red.”
For Eternity
Female Jason Todd/Talia al Ghul
She was so cold. It was so dark. Her body trembled. Were her eyes open? She couldn’t tell.
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bloodfromthethorn · 3 years
Los Angeles doesn't get a lot of storms, but when it does, the Phoenix team takes notice.
Part four of the July of Whump 2021 prompt challenge.
Also on AO3. 
The whole team was exhausted when they filed into the War Room for debrief. Eight long days of running around Indonesia chasing a covert terrorist cell was not exactly an activity conducive to getting a good night’s rest, and all of them showed it. Of all of them, Jack was probably managing the best, his years on the job getting him comfortably into the habit of grabbing catnaps in moments of quiet, but even he was on the verge of crashing hard. Boze looked like he’d already given up the ghost and had embraced sleepwalking.
Matty eyed them all with a sort of quiet concern she very rarely let them actually see.
“I know you’re tired,” she started carefully, “So let’s keep this short. Do you have any injuries to report?”
There was a general negative hum.
“Anything outside of what I caught on comms that I need to know about?”
Again, a quiet murmur of no.
“Do any of you have any questions or concerns you wish to raise about this mission?”
This time Jack’s hum was a little more non-committal; he had every intention of bitching about the state of their non-existent intel in his report, but that could wait until he’d been unconscious for a solid 20 hours. Getting into it now would only get messy and besides, he’d bitched about it plenty on comms too.
Matty nodded sharply when none of them spoke up. No doubt she’d caught their mild discontentment, but she was smart enough to realise now was not the time to fight that particular battle. Instead, she offered them a rare smile. “I think that’s all we need to cover right now. You’ve all got the rest of the week off – go home and get some rest.”
There was an audible sigh of relief as they turned as one to leave. Of course, that had to be the moment when Matty called after them.
“Oh, Jack, one more thing.”
He barely resisted letting out an audible groan as he swayed back on his heels, glancing over his shoulder. Ahead of him, the team also paused, interested despite their fatigue in whatever else Matty had to say.
“Weather reports indicate there’s a storm front coming in,” she said, apology and concern in her face if not her voice. She was watching Jack closely as she delivered the news. “Should reach the city in a few hours and last at least the night.”
At that, Jack really couldn’t help but groan. His head swivelled to meet Mac’s gaze, who was staring back at him with a resigned sort of distress colouring his face. Of all the possible times for LA to get a rare summer storm, it had to be right when the pair of them were already on their last legs. Of course.
“Copy that,” he said instead of screaming his frustration to the world, because despite what Matty said he did actually know the meaning of professionalism, thank you very much. “My house or yours, hoss?”
Mac considered it, looking tired and wan in the fluorescent lights. He might be the toughest person Jack knew, but right then he didn’t look like he could survive another sleepless night. “That waffle place near me does delivery until 2am now,” he mused after a moment’s thought.
Jack shot him a grin he didn’t really feel. “Sold.”
“But Boze-” Mac started, twisting to look at where the other two members of their team were still lingering in the doorway.
Riley neatly cut him off before he could finish voicing his concerns. “Boze will be perfectly fine spending the night at my place,” she said, casting a quick glance at the man in question to make sure he was fine with the arrangement. “You guys do what you need to do. Have fun with your waffles.”
“Yeah, man,” Bozer chipped in, “I’m all good. Don’t worry about me. Just try to get some rest if you can.” Riley tugged on his arm to get the pair of them moving, but he still twisted round to call over his shoulder, “And save me some waffles!”
With that they were gone, leaving Jack smiling fondly after them and Mac looking like his overworked brain was still trying to catch up with the conversation he’d just had. God, he was about thirty hours past exhausted and Jack could hardly stand knowing it would be some time yet before he could get some proper sleep in him.
“C’mon hoss,” he said softly, nudging at Mac’s elbow to grab his attention. “Let’s get you home. If we hurry, we might get a quick snooze in before the storm gets here.”
Mac did actually manage to catch a brief nap during the car ride home but he woke with a jolt when the engine shut off, much to Jack’s chagrin. Mac had never quite managed to pull off Jack’s habit of falling asleep at the drop of a hat, and it really cost him on long missions. His Overwatch had made it something of a personal mission to get Mac to sleep whenever he feasibly could.
“Anything left in the fridge is probably out of date,” Mac mused as they shambled into the house. His neighbours had learned to put up with a lot in his time living there, so two barely-conscious grown men would hardly even raise an eyebrow, thankfully. “Pizza?”
Jack considered for longer than he reasonably needed to before shaking his head. “Nah, not tonight. Is that Thai place down on the corner still open?”
“Chai Yo? Yes, but it’s closed on Thursdays.”
“Is it Thursday?”
There was a long beat of silence before Mac muttered quietly to himself and tugged out his phone to check. Jack eyed in enviously, his own having taking a swim in the Banda Sea after Mac repurposed it for some kind of SOS beacon. “Yes, it is. Apparently it’s also July? I thought we were still in June.”
Jack offered him a full body shrug, then dropped heavily onto the sofa. “Can’t be expected to keep track when Matty has us crossing timezones every other day.”
“Yeah. Well, Chai Yo’s closed. There’s that other Thai place, on Harris Avenue.”
Jack wrinkled his nose. “No, thanks. That place was awful.”
Not inclined to disagree, Mac tried to convince his brain to stop being mush and actually come up with a decent idea for dinner. “That diner on Northridge does deliveries now too I think,” he said at length. “I could go for a greasy burger.”
His partner mulled that over, then nodded slowly. “Yeah, that sounds good. You wanna call it in?”
Mac’s phone was already in his hand and he really didn’t have the energy to listen to more of Jack’s good-natured griping about losing yet another mobile to one of his builds, so he waved him off and retreated to the kitchen to place the order. That done and with more food on the way than two very athletic adults could conceivably eat, Mac stumbled back into the living room and collapsed face down on the sofa beside Jack’s inelegant sprawl.
“It just had to be tonight, huh,” he muttered petulantly into the pillow, thinking of a hundred previous stormy nights spent huddled up beside Jack on that very sofa.
The first few times it happened, Mac had assumed Jack was just humouring him. Someone as well trained and experienced as his Overwatch surely had no trouble fighting past the instinctive panic that gripped Mac whenever thunder boomed loud enough to shake the windows or lightning flashes lit up his entire house. It was merely another facet of Jack’s kindness that he was willing to spend the night with Mac to help chase away his demons when his brain was filled with nightmares about failed defusals and gunfire.
Then there’d been that flight back from Panama, when their jet had unexpectedly run into a thunderstorm while Jack was peacefully napping on one of the reclining chairs. At the first crack of thunder, he’d been on his feet, skin ashen and with one hand batting helplessly at his thigh for the gun that wasn’t there. It had taken Mac a solid ten minutes to calm him down enough to return to his seat, fighting his own flashbacks the whole way, and even then Jack’s entire body remained rigid for the rest of the flight.
Mac didn’t think he was simply humouring him after that.
Now, after years of dealing with it – and no small number of conversations with the Phoenix’s resident therapist – the pair of them had developed a system of diversions to keep them level-headed through the worst of LA’s inclement weather. The rest of the team was happy to help out, and all of them kept an eye on weather reports when the humidity started getting high. All of them had at one point or another seen Mac and Jack’s reactions to sudden loud noises or bright flashes and they wanted to do everything they could to spare them from it.
Mostly though, it boiled down to nothing more than being together while they – quite literally – weathered the storm. It was much easier to pull Jack from the brink of a nightmare about failing to save Mac when Mac himself was the one doing it, and vice versa. Besides, as much as Bozer and Riley had learned a lot since joining the Phoenix, neither of them knew the hell of the Sandbox and Mac and Jack were happy to keep them in the dark. There were some horrors that just weren’t meant to be spoken of.
“I’ve told you before man, you’re unlucky,” Jack replied, an uncoordinated arm reaching out to pat Mac consolingly on the shoulder. “Got no sense of luck at all.”
“I’m pretty sure the natural weather system of Southern California is beyond the reach of my personal control.”
“If anyone could though, man, it’d be you.”
Mac considered that. “Uh, thanks?”
There was peaceable silence for several long minutes and Mac listened as Jack’s breathing deepened and slowed. He always marvelled at how quickly Jack was able to get to sleep, envious of the apparent ease with which he did it. Mac had struggled with insomnia even before life as a soldier filled his head with more nightmares than anyone should have to deal with and these days he was lucky to get to sleep inside of an hour when he actually made it to his own bed. Of course, when they came home from a mission like the one they’d just had, all bets were off.
He rolled himself over so he wasn’t smothering himself in the cushion and pulled out his phone. The delivery app informed him that their food would be arriving in about ten minutes, so he slowly heaved himself back onto his feet and bustled around the kitchen warming plates and snagging some beers. Long since familiar with the general background noise of Mac’s house, Jack slept right on through.
When Mac’s phone pinged to tell him that their food would be arriving any minute, he crossed back over to his partner and laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. The man came awake instantly, blinking twice as he registered the familiar surroundings before relaxing back into the comforting softness of the cushions.
“Food’s almost here,” Mac offered in explanation, though it was proved moot three seconds later when the doorbell chimed.
They ate their dinner close beside each other on the sofa with the TV playing reruns of an old action show from the 80s Jack insisted was a classic but that Mac was barely able to follow through a combination of poor writing, truly objectionable acting choices, and visibly cheap sets. As the night started to draw in, they both kept half an eye on the black rainclouds drifting down off the hills; by the time they polished off the last of the fries, the first few droplets had started splattering against the windows.
The rain steadily built as the pair of them made their way onto films instead, kicking off with Lethal Weapon because Mac had vetoed Jack’s first four suggestions and felt too guilty to do it again. The first few times they’d done this, Boze had questioned their choice of action films when they were so busy trying not to think about all the things such movies entailed. They’d tried to explain themselves, unsuccessfully. In truth, there was no real way of understanding that fake, predictable violence helped to drown out real-life trauma unless you’d experienced it first-hand. Watching Mel Gibson body check some random actor somehow made it easier for Mac’s brain to process that time he’d been tackled clean off a rooftop by the one insurgent Jack hadn’t seen coming, and so on.
It was strange and imperfect, but they found it worked for them. Provided, of course, that they only watched films they already knew by heart, where gunfights and explosions couldn’t creep up on them.
They didn’t even make it until the end of act one before the first rolls of thunder washed over them. Mac shuffled ever so slightly in his seat, only stilling when Jack’s shoulder brushed against his and stayed there.
They stayed like that over the next hour or so as the rain steadily grew in intensity until it started to sound like machine gun fire against the roof tiles, and the thunder grew into a roaring, snarling beast in the air around them. Jack flinched sharply at the first flicker of lightning, and only seemed to breathe again when his fingers strayed to the pulse point on Mac’s wrist. Mac busied himself with the breathing exercises the therapist had taught him, and traded the occasional text with Charlie when the Day of a Thousand IEDs rattled around his skull. On the other side of the country and several hours ahead, Charlie must have been messaging back from his bed, but he dutifully responded all the same – Mac had done it for him too in the past.
“I ever tell you about that time in Sardinia?” Jack asked just as the film was coming to a close. It was clear that the movie alone wasn’t enough to combat their combined exhaustion and PTSD, which left them trading tales instead.
“I didn’t even know you’d been to Sardinia. What on Earth could the CIA have possibly wanted there?”
Jack settled himself back into the sofa, preparing himself for what was evidently going to be a long and involved story. “Well, as for what they wanted, there was a minor off-shoot of the Mafia making a base there. Something about ferrying money into France or something-” He waved a hand, “I don’t remember the details of it. Not important and probably classified.”
“We have the same security clearance Jack.”
“Keep telling yourself that.”
“We do. I’ve checked your file. I know.”
Jack pulled on an expression of great offense, touching his free hand to his chest like a swooning damsel. “You’ve been looking at my file? Buy me dinner first.”
“I literally just did.”
“Hmm. Yeah, okay. I guess that makes up for it. But no more snooping in my file! There’s private stuff in there.”
“That time you chased a gun-wielding madman down while entirely naked isn’t exactly private when you write it on an official mission report for the US government,” Mac muttered to himself.
Jack pulled a face at him. “Okay, smartass, you want to hear the story or not?”
He snickered, but waved an obliging hand. “I really do. Please continue.”
The story was predictably embellished, complete with wild hand gestures and a horrendous Italian accent thrown into the mix, but it was precisely what Mac needed to keep his concentration in the here and now. The telling of it seemed to help Jack too – his thoughts couldn’t stray to darker places when he was focused on bright Mediterranean sunshine and a mission that had gone so far belly-up it had wrapped right around into utterly absurd.
They managed to get as far as the part where Jack had to flee his hotel room wearing clothes stolen from the man he thought he’d been trying to rescue before a particularly sharp clap of thunder sent Mac’s face utterly white. His eyes slammed closed and his fists clenched so tight Jack could see where his nails were cutting into the meat of his palms.
Jack’s hands were on him in a moment, one wrapping carefully around his wrist to monitor the jackrabbiting of his heart while the other cupped his jaw, a thumb running soothingly over the stubbly skin.
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” he murmured consolingly, keeping his voice quiet to act as an anchor for pulling Mac back to the present. “You’re at home, in LA, I’m here, Charlie’s fine, everyone’s okay. There’s no danger. You’re safe, Mac. You’re safe.”
“Not-” Mac tried, strangled, “Not me.”
“Ah, kiddo,” Jack breathed, feeling his own heart clench. “Everyone’s okay, I promise. I’m right here. You want me to get Boze and Ri on the phone? Hear their voices?”
Mac shook his head sharply, one hand darting up to curl into the fabric of Jack’s t-shirt like a lifeline. Watery blue eyes opened to latch onto his own.
“There you are,” Jack murmured, trying to keep his expression calm and open. “Stick with me man.”
“Are you- You’re okay?” Mac’s voice was very small. The hand fisted on Jack’s shirt was white with the force of his grip.
“Yeah, Mac. I’m completely fine. Not a scratch on me, see? I’m right here and we’re both safe. At your house, remember?”
He nodded slowly, his heartbeat finally starting to slow down and his breathing settling back into a steady rhythm. Jack released his grip on his chin, letting him look around and reorientate himself, but kept his other hand fixed on his arm. Touch was always the quickest way to settle a panicking Mac, provided Jack was the one doing it. Jack’s hands meant safety, meant protection, and they were the best anchor Mac had to reality when he was lost in a flashback.
“’m okay,” Mac mumbled after a long moment of strained silence, recapturing Jack’s gaze with his own. “I’m back.”
Jack eyed him with poorly disguised scepticism, but he didn’t comment on the reddened eyes or the still laboured breathing. Outside, the storm continued to rumble on like an unwelcome guest.
“It was Paktia again,” Mac said very quietly when Jack didn’t pick up his story. “The apartment building.”
“Aw, hoss. We both got out of there without a scratch. No boom.”
“I know that but… It was so close Jack. If I’d been just a second slower-”
“Ay now, none of that. You stop that right this instant, you hear me? You weren’t a second too slow and even if you had been, it wouldn’t have been on you. We only walked away from that because you were exactly who you needed to be in that moment, right? You did everything you possibly could have done and it paid off, and even if it hadn’t that still would have been true. Don’t kill yourself now over what-ifs, Mac. No one wins that game.”
They’d had the same conversation a hundred times and would no doubt be having it again later that night. Mac had said much the same thing to Jack two weeks ago when he’d come up out of a nightmare swinging. Like everything else they’d done that evening, it was a ritual born of long-held burdens and too many nights haunted by ghosts.
“Yeah,” Mac replied at length, finally releasing his grip on Jack’s shirt and slumping back into the cushions. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“I’m always right.”
“That is highly debatable.”
Jack smiled at Mac’s return to something more like living and silently congratulated himself for helping it happen. His own anxiety had been through the roof since the rain started, but focusing on helping Mac helped to keep his own demons at bay: he didn’t have time to worry about his past horrors when his partner was right there in front of him, needing his support.
“Well, if that’s true, I guess you don’t want any waffles, huh? I was thinking of ordering some myself…”
Mac’s grin was shaky, but it was there all the same. “Ass,” he said fondly, already reaching for his phone. “You can do the ordering this time though.”
Jack snagged the phone and had a quick look through the menu before placing the call. Mac sat quietly beside him all through, his eyes staring blankly out the window as his fingers came to rest against Jack’s pulse. It was a habit he’d picked up from his Overwatch, and he realised very quickly that it was incredibly reassuring to feel the steady thrum and know it meant his partner was safe and healthy and here.
When he was done, Jack dropped the mobile off on the coffee table and returned his attention to their previous conversation. “Now, Sardinia. Where was I?”
Mac huffed out a near-silent laugh and finally relinquished his hold on Jack’s wrist. He busied his fingers with the label of his beer bottle instead, but it was more a force of habit than an anxiety response – baby steps, and all that. “I seem to remember something about you being half-clothed while hanging out of a third story window?”
“Ah, yes!” Jack announced happily, slipping back into his showman persona to chase away the shadows lingering in the corners of the room. “Now, you’ll never guess what happened next.”
“You fell out of a third story window while half-clothed?”
Jack shot him a dry look. “You’ve absolutely no flair for the dramatic Angus.”
He snorted, swaying to the side to bump their shoulders together. “Nah. That’s what I’ve got you for.”
“Damn straight, and don’t you forget it.”
“I wouldn’t dare.”
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fyeahwildfire · 4 years
Spirit Bound
Chapter 10
Pairing: Mortal Kombat x reader; Bucky x reader; Fujin x reader
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After seeing the destruction you had caused in the Coliseum, Raiden didn’t know who else to turn to. The only person who could give him advice was also the person he had tried to keep hidden from you.
In a flash of lightning, Raiden teleported to the Wind temple located high above the Himalayas. There he came across his brother Fujin, who had been pacing back and forth.
“Does something trouble you, Brother.” Raiden asked as he noticed Fujin under distress.
Fujin seemed to have not heard him as he was rather preoccupied. Through the psychic link you both shared, he had sensed your rage and grief. This concerned him as he was not used to feeling another’s emotions. In fact, this was all very new to him.
Fujin turned his head to face Raiden as he did a gust of wind blew his white hair. It was then in that moment that Raiden really took note of how much his younger brother was in distress. Fujin’s face was lined with grief and concern.
Immediately Raiden walks to him, “What troubles you?” He rested his hand on his shoulder.
“Y/n.” Fujin looks at his soulmate tattoo on his forearm and then looks up into Raiden’s eyes.
Raiden sighs heavily and removes his hand.
“You knew she was alive.” Fujin narrowed his eyes. “I have spent years searching for her and yet you did not tell me.”
“It is rather complicated, brother. The Elder Gods sent her back in time to save Earthrealm from Shao Kahn.” Raiden looked into Fujin’s white glowing eyes. It was not only that he was trying to hide you from him. It was also the fear that sentiment would impede Fujin’s duties. A life with you will only end in heartbreak and despair. “However, after what I have seen I fear she will endanger Earthrealm.”
Fujin stared at him with confusion and anger. He knew you were participating in Kombat, in fact through the psychic link he encouraged you to continue fighting against Goro. You had even won your challenge against Shang Tsung. How could you endanger Earthrealm when you were trying to save it? Furthermore, how could Raiden reward your valor by insulting and doubting you?
“The Elder Gods told her ‘The Grand Champion shall be Earthrealms salvation or the cause of its destruction.’ She has defeated Shang Tsung and now with the death of her half brother and kidnapping of her other brother. I fear she is not in the right state of mind to defend Earthrealm.” Raiden explained.
Fujin now understood why you felt so much rage and grief. You had defeated and won Mortal Kombat only to lose the ones you loved. He tried desperately to reach you through your psychic link, however you had blocked him.
He felt a twinge of pain stabbing his heart. “Take me to her.”
Raiden shook his head.
Fujin narrowed his eyes, “She is grieving and alone. All the rage and pain she feels it’s all coming out at once.”
Raiden turns his back on Fujin, he remembers all the fights that transpired between them. All of them because of Fujin’s desire to be close to mortals. To be close to you, his soulmate. “Forgive me, Fujin. I cannot.”
“Why not?” Fujin’s asked, his voice laced with anger.
Raiden whirls around, anger transparent on his face. “Because you are a god, Fujin.”
“I do not care about that…”
“You should,” Raiden cut Fujin off. “You are immortal, and she is not. Eventually, she will grow old and die. You will do neither. One day, she will die in your arms and you will watch the life you love fade away and you will do nothing because for all your power, for all of your desire…there is nothing you can do except watch her die. So, I ask you brother to forget about her.”
Fujin’s glowing white eyes were moist with tears he refused to let fall. “You ask the impossible. To forget about her, is to deny love that is given to us, if we refuse to give love because we fear pain or loss, then our lives will be empty, brother. I refuse to fear to love.”
Raiden sighs, “She has another soulmate, who she is spiritually bounded too.”
“What?” Fujin blinked with disbelief, his voice filled with confusion.
“I’ve seen it on her forearm. Lady Y/n, has even describe the bond to me.”
“Has…has she encountered him.” Fujin inquired.
“No, she can only feel his presence within her mind. She saved him from death.”  
Fujin remained silent for a moment, before asking, “Did you see my name or a symbol indicating that I am also her soulmate?”
Raiden nodded. “It was concealed underneath a sheer dress, but I could make out your name of her left rib.”
Fujin sighs with relief, “Then it does not matter. I will….”
Raiden looked over to his younger brother and wondered why he unexpectedly stopped speaking. Fujin clutched his head as he felt an overwhelming pressure inside his mind.  Fear lined his face as he was unable to sense you.
“What is it brother?”
“Something has happened to Y/n.” Fujin replied with worry. “Brother take me to her. I need to know she is alright.”
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You were no stranger to loss, pain, and grief. You lost your mother, father, stepmother, Bi-Han, and now Kuai Liang. All you had left was your brother Tony who was not exactly on speaking terms with you. You were utterly alone. Left to save the past from a mad man who wanted to conquer your world.
You stumbled through the dark forest, tears still trickling down your face. All the painful memories just flooded back into your mind and no matter how hard you tried to repress your feelings you could not stop them.
Falling to your knees, more tears were falling faster and you felt your lungs constricting, making it harder for you to breathe. There was so much pain. So much loss. So much anger. You could not take it anymore.  For so long you had managed to keep your anger under wraps, but that is the problem when you keep it contained for so long it does one of two things. It explodes like a nuclear bomb or it comes out in waves.
Your head perks up as you sensed something coming for you. Rising on your feet, you look around to find an incoming threat. However, you do not see a threat instead you can only make out the orange and red flames as they engulf the dark forest.
The hot, bright flames jump higher than the trees and spread quicker like wildfire. Loud crackling fills the air as the flames continue to move closer to you.
You run through the forest in hopes to escape the blazing flames. However, each turn you make you are met with a wall of fire. Soon you are trapped by the raging flames and you are left with no other choice but to use your telekinetic powers to shield yourself from the flames.
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Before you even know it, you come face to face with something not of this world and yet had a familiar presence. The raging flames was shaped like the immortal bird of mythology and lore. It called itself the Phoenix.
With a loud cry, the fiery bird descended towards you. At last, it had found its mortal vessel one that would bring it peace it sorely craved.
Watching in the background Scorpion with tears forming in his eyes had seen the blazing fire consume you. He could not believe this was happening. Not you. You had endured so much only for it to end like this. He rushes through the burning forest as he hears your pained cries.
Scorpion tries desperately to get to you, only to be thrown backwards and forced to teleport away as a massive wave of flames and telekinetic energy destroy the surrounding area.
When Scorpion teleports back, he expected to see nothing but your ashes. However, aside from the destruction he sees your unconscious body floating a few feet off the ground. As he steps closer, he notices how the orange and red flames radiate around you like a shield.
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In the depths of your mind, you could feel yourself struggling to get away from the overwhelming cosmic force. The fiery bird chases after you as you continue to try and shield yourself from it.
“Y/N LN -Stark. Come! Embrace me! Become one with me. You are my vessel! My avatar! Child of light and darkness. Embrace me! Embrace the power of the PHOENIX!”
Up ahead you notice a red head casually walking towards you. Just as you are about to run past her, she grabs onto your arm and prevents you from running away. You look over your shoulder to see the fiery bird had disappeared.
“What is happening?” You gasped heavily.
“Fate.” She releases your arm, hoping you won’t run away again.
“My name is Jean Grey.” She extends her hand to shake.
You raise your brow and look at her with confusion. “Fate? What…Who are you?”
You look down at her hand and then into her eyes.
“You don’t have to be afraid. You’re safe.”
“Safe? Did you not see that thing chasing after me?” You pointed in the direction you had just come from. However, everything looked the same in your mind. Dark and gloomy.
“That would be the Phoenix.” Jean says with a wry smile. “It won’t hurt you. Believe me I have been where you are now. “
“Then what does it want?” You asked as you slowly started to relax.
Jean extends her hand to show you images of the phoenix traveling through the universe searching for an equal. Its vessel. “The Phoenix is a child of the universe and one of the oldest known cosmic entities. It represents life that has not yet been born, as well as the forces of creation and destruction.”
Jean then shows you the destruction of the previous universe. “In the dying moments of the previous universe, the Phoenix saved all existence from eternal damnation. The Phoenix was later reborn from the cosmic fires of the Big Bang. This would affect us and every other form of life both large and small. The phoenix is a force that guides creation, laying the seeds of life in a primordial universe with its holy flames. From Ancient Egypt to the founding fathers, this cosmic entity has evoked a great deal of influence on our civilization.”
Jean then shows you the Phoenix being drawn to Earth. “After eons of traveling the vast of nothingness of space, the phoenix found its way to Earth. And it is here where you come in.”
“How so?” You asked drawn to the story of Phoenix’s origin.
“The phoenix itself is an immortal entity, yet because it is connected so deeply to life, it can manifest in mortal beings. As a bringer of creation and destruction, it requires a mortal conscious in order to balance its cosmic powers. But I am not just talking about anyone. The phoenix carefully selects it avatars, but none have been able to fulfill its deepest primal needs for balance and order. Not even me.”
“So, what you are trying to say is it wants me?” You asked with uncertainty.
Jean nods her head with confirmation, “I have seen what the Phoenix desires. It desires not only an avatar, but an equal. You reached out to it and it reached out to you. It’s a part of you.”
For so long, you had always wondered why you felt as though something had been calling to you. Not in this timeline but after your mother’s death. You notice Jean looking over your shoulder, you whirl around to see what had caught her attention. Heading towards you the fiery bird shaped itself into a new form. Jean Grey, her former avatar and the one who calmed you.
“Embrace your destiny! Embrace me! Become one with me.” Phoenix stood before you, looking into your eyes searching for signs of fear and hesitation, yet found none. The Phoenix grabs ahold of your arm and pulls you into a kiss.
Your eyes widen when its fiery lips crushed against yours, you half expected to feel a burning sensation. However, you were surprised when you felt none. It was definitely…different from any kiss you had ever had before. The Phoenix’s hand moved to your waist and pulled your body to hers. Slowly but surely you had absorbed the Phoenix within you.
You cleared your throat and turned around to see Jean with a grin on her face. “Does that normally happen? Did that happen to you?”
“Nope.” Jean replies and begins to casually walk away.
“What?” You follow her. “Then why?”
“Because it chose you. You are its equal.”
You come to a stop, “Then what about you? If I am its equal, then what does that mean for you?”
Before you can even get a response back, Jean vanishes before your eyes.
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You did not know what was going on. You did not even know where you were. Why were you lying on a rock-hard surface? Why did it smell like blood and death?
“Sister.” One of the women had spoken near you. “So pretty, so far…so sad and alone…Come. Let us be family!”
Slowly you opened your eyes and had to blink a few times for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. You tilt your head in the direction of a women with short black hair who barely had bandages covering her naked body.
“You are not my family. You are a monstrosity!” Kitana replies with disgust.
“’Farewell, sister!” Kitana says angrily, as she is about to deliver the finishing blow.
Your vision swam in and out of focus as Kitana and the other women fought. You groaned as you tried to push yourself up from the uncomfortable table. You wondered how you got here? Well where was here?
You looked around trying to find an exit. How you were going to escape? It was clear the battle between the two women was coming to an end. You look over to see Kitana defeat the almost naked women.
“That is no way to treat your sibling.” Shang Tsung says as he steps out of the shadows.
“Despicable swine! Do you think my father will stand for this…these…abominations you have created here?” Kitana takes a few steps forward.
“I am merely perfecting you, princess. As difficult as that might be.” Shang Tsung notices from the corner of his eyes that you have woken. You slide off the table and place your hand against your head. “Ah, my dear you have awoken.”
“Silence!” Kitana commands. “You will leave her be or I will drag you before Shao Kahn by your pointed beard!”
Shang Tsung smirks, “Is that so?”
Shang Tsung finds out the hard way that it is not ok to underestimate Kitana, her weapons and fighting skills alone prove she is a fighter not to be messed with.
“You will stand before my father and confess your deeds.” She turns him around and pushes him to walk forward, leaving you alone with the women dressed in bandages.
Speaking of the women she begins to stir. She looks around and quickly takes notice of you.
She rises on her feet and approaches you. “What do we have here?”
You take a step backwards and brush against the table behind you. You had never seen anyone like her and yet you knew she was a clone of Kitana. She bore resemblance to Kitana, yet there were certain features that made her look different. Her lips lent her a human-like appearance, but her mouth was lined with large, razor sharp teeth like the Tarkatan named Baraka.
“Are you afraid of me?” She raised her hand up and hooked her finger under your chin. She lifted your chin up so that you were looking at her.
You grabbed her wrist and moved her hand away from you. “No.”
“You’re not?” She tilts her head to the side and looks at your lips. She then looks into your eyes to see if she can find any trace of you lying. Yet she found nothing.
It was not her features that made you tense and ready to fight, it was the fact she was Shao Kahn’s daughter. Glimpsing into her mind you knew of her desire to kill Kitana and claim her existence for her own. You knew of her cruel, sadistic and hot-tempered nature.
This woman that stood before you was anything but an ally and yet you felt sympathy for her. It was not her fault that she was created to be this way. It was Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung. From this moment on, you somehow knew that her life would be rather difficult as everyone will compare her to Kitana.
Through telepathy you immediately sense Kitana was in danger to be executed by her stepfather. “Forgive me, but I must go.”
The women grabs your left arm as you try to leave. “Why in a hurry? Don’t you want to play?”
You unwrap her hand from your arm, “Sorry, but I got to save a friend. Perhaps under better circumstance we can see each other again.”
You looked into her gleeful yellow eyes seeing hope and lust behind them. Little did she know was that the two of you were fighting on opposite sides and were more likely to fight each other to the death.
As you leave the flesh pits, Mileena watches you with interest. She now knows what she desires and that is you. In her eyes, you are perfect. Nothing can change her opinion of you. She needs you in her life. She will even claim you as hers and will kill anyone who will interfere or take you away from her.
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a-dorin · 5 years
the encounter | kylo ren
word count: 3,052
warnings: sexual innuendos, domestic harm, yelling, cursing, angst, crying, some smut 
a/n: this is the fifth chapter of the series i have been working on! linked here are the first four chapters! 
summary: you have an unexpected encounter with a visitor, which ends in consequences. familiar faces come to your rescue, saving you from danger. 
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“you guys have your-” you stuttered, your eyes widening. 
“we know babes,” a teenage boy smirked, and you immediately connected his voice to his face. 
the young man was phoenix, his sandy blonde hair falling into his eyes. freckles dotted his face, and his complexion was fair. you had no idea that phoenix was so young. he looked barely eighteen. however, his most striking feature were his eyes, as they were a light shade of emerald. 
“we’re allowed to when we eat,” bubba shrugged, “i mean, we do have to eat, (y/n). we’re not droids.”
“it’s just so different,” you breathed, sitting across from the boys.
bubba wasn’t much older than phoenix, probably around nineteen. his complexion was more olive toned, with shiny dark hair. his hair was more styled, shorter than phoenix’s. his jawline was more prominent, his eyes a mocha color. 
phoenix puckered his lips teasingly, “you like what ya see?”
“sure,” you rolled your eyes, picking at your plate, “i feel a lot better now that i know what you both look like. i feel safer, in some way. i’m not sure how or why, but i do.”
“probably because you know we’re not old creeps,” bubba chuckled, taking a swig of water, “how was your impromptu discussion with the dark lord?”
you bit your lip, anxiety rising in you, “it was stressful.”
“i’m assuming she knows what she’s capable of,” phoenix nudged his companion, “did he mention your special abilities?”
“you guys knew?” you gasped, your jaw dropping. 
“of course we did,” bubba’s mood shifted, his lighthearted tone fading, “we were briefed on you before our assignment. we’re not just your guards because you’re kylo ren’s girlfriend. we were assigned to protect you because you’re force sensitive. that makes you incredibly powerful and special. you have no idea how many people in the galaxy desire those capabilities. that’s why you need protection. some individuals would stop at nothing to have you in their grasp. especially those from the resistance.”
“i’m not kylo ren’s girlfriend,” you mumbled, averting your eyes towards your plate.
“not yet,” phoenix teased, “don’t overthink about everything too much, sweets. the overthinking will ruin you. just take it all one step at a time. we’re here for ya.” 
“you guys are the best,” you glanced up a the boys, feeling a wide smile envelop your face, “i really appreciate you both. not just the way you take your job seriously, but the company you both provide. it’s relieving to have you as my friends.” 
bubba grinned, “that’s what we’re here for.”
“by the way,” you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, clearing your throat, “how are you both so young, yet so lethal? were you both trained to be this way?”
“it’s a lot of aspects,” phoenix sucked in a breath, “for me, it was my past, babes. i’ve been through a lot of shit. it’s molded me into who i am.”
“the same for me,” bubba added, “we’re quite extraordinary, actually. we’re stormtroopers who know how to hit our targets.”
you giggled, remembering the common stereotypes about stormtroopers. it was well known throughout the galaxy that they couldn’t make a shot for shit. their aim was extremely poor, “well, that’s relieving.”
“what are your plans for today?” phoenix raised a brow, “we don’t have shit to do but the usual.”
“not sure,” you shrugged, “i usually don’t have anything to do.” 
“wanna steal kylo’s saber again?” bubba goaded, “we can snatch it for you.”
“you two know about that?” a pout formed, and a wave of embarrassment washed over you. 
“he told us about that,” phoenix smirked, “he seemed worried that you knew how to wield it.”
“he talks to you guys?” interest crept into your thoughts, “does he talk about me?”
“i mean our duty is to protect you,” phoenix scoffed teasingly, “he briefs us about you, and how you’re doing or feeling, and then we gauge how we interact with you from there. we want to just fulfill our duties and be your friend too.”
phoenix’s words sounded like music to your ears. you beamed, happiness filling you to the brim. the fact that kylo talked about you to others just sounded so sweet, so caring. it was so unlike his typical demeanor as supreme leader. maybe you were having an affect on him. and not in a terrible way.
“well,” you plucked your tray off the table, sitting up, “i am going to go to kylo’s quarters for a while to rest.” 
“still tired from last night?” phoenix waggled his brows.
you blushed, “no, just didn’t get to sleep as long as i wanted to.”
“he must have woken you up when he left,” bubba nodded, following your lead, “well, phoenix and i are going to snatch the saber. when we get it, we’ll meet you at his quarters. then, we can fuck around with it.”
“you guys are going to get me in trouble,” you whined, “he won’t be too happy with me.”
“wouldn’t you want him to punish you for being bad?” phoenix winked. 
“SHUT UP!” you yelped, the blush within your cheeks intensifying. 
“it’s a joke sweets,” phoenix flirted, winking at you once more. 
you just rolled your eyes, shoving your tray on the conveyor belt for dishes. the boys laughed, the sound echoing through the empty dining hall. both of them slipped their helmets back on, transforming into two different men. 
the three of you walked down the corridor, teasing one another relentlessly. you learned that bubba had a crush on a nurse in the infirmary, while phoenix was falling for a pilot. once you made it to kylo’s quarters you said your goodbyes. a part of you prayed that the boys were joking about their plan to steal kylo’s saber. with them though, who knew. 
remembering kylo’s code, you entered the room, the cold air creeping onto your exposed skin. you were wearing his tunic, along with a pair of pants you found earlier. you assumed kylo left them for you when he had to return to his duties. 
however, an odd feeling settled into your bones, filling your body with anxiety. you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was someone else in the room. and it wasn’t kylo in your head, either. you turned around, seeing a figure emerge from the shadows.
it was a young woman, her features visible in the dim light of kylo’s quarters. she was pale, her silky brunette hair tied in three buns. her brown eyes glimmered, a solemn look across her features. her soft lips were etched in a frown, waves of distress radiating off her. 
“who are you?” you narrowed your eyes, trying to keep it cool. 
“i am rey,” the woman answered, her voice quiet, “are you (y/n)(l/n)?”
“i am,” you swallowed, “how can i see you?”
“you’re force sensitive,” rey replied, “i’ve been trying to reach out to you for a few days. i’m surprised we finally connected.”
“i don’t know who you are,” you shook your head, “i don’t know who you are, rey. it’s best you should go.”
rey stuck her hand out, “you need to listen to me, (y/n). kylo ren, is not the man you believe you know.”
as soon as rey said kylo’s name, anger began to boil inside you, your jaw clenching, “you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“i do,” rey challenged, her eyes now ablaze, “poe tried to rescue you. yet, you refused. why?”
“my place is here,” your voice began to rise, “my place is here, with kylo.”
“do you know what he’s done? who he has slaughtered?” you knew you were beginning to draw desperation from rey.
“what is going on here?” a new voice echoed from across the room. 
kylo emerged from the shadows, his mask intact, “rey. what a pleasure.” 
a sneer emerged on rey’s face, “you’re a fool for staying by his side, (y/n). we thought there was light in you. i guess we were wrong.” 
rey faded away in the blink of an eye, leaving the room charged with tense energy. you swallowed, turning to face kylo, “how did you know she was here?”
“i could feel it,” his words were ice cold, “did you summon her?”
disbelief clouded your thoughts, “no, of course not. kylo, i don’t even know how to do that.”
“i highly doubt that,” kylo challenged, “you were fully capable of it earlier this morning. you reached out to me and we connected. i saw it happen. you allowed her presence here, (y/n), you were too open, too vulnerable. that’s how she got in.”
“i don’t even know who she is,” you pleaded, hot tears of frustration brimming your lids, “i have no idea what she was talking about.” 
icy fingers wrapped around your throat, filling you with fear as kylo stood across the room, “stop lying, (y/n). admit you reached out to her.”
“i didn’t,” you begged, the tears running down your cheeks, “kylo, i thought about you this morning and that’s how it-”
“STOP LYING TO ME!” kylo’s roar filled the room, deafening to your ears. 
you felt his grip tighten around your throat, your eyes squeezing shut as you squirmed, desperate to get out, desperate for air. you could feel your breaths become shorter as you struggled, kylo’s grip only becoming more and more fierce. your feet left the ground, hovering a few inches off the floor. the doors opened, the noise startling kylo. 
“what’s going on here?” phoenix demanded, alarmed. 
kylo’s choke hold ceased, you falling to the floor, gasping for air. phoenix rushed to you, bubba’s yells of rage filling the room as he screamed at kylo. tears blurred your vision as you glanced up, your hands slipping against the cold marble as you attempted to get up. phoenix scooped in his arms, murmuring words you couldn’t decipher. 
“you’re okay,” phoenix reassured you, “you’re okay, (y/n).”
“h-he,” you began, the words struggling to come out. 
“i know,” phoenix was calm, “we know.”
“he didn’t mean it.”
“i’m not so sure about that,” phoenix muttered darkly. 
he carried you to your own quarters, laying you on your bed. tears ran down your cheeks, your eyes clouded with sadness. how could kylo do that to you? didn’t he care about you? what overcame him, filling him with such rage? 
“we heard him screaming at you,” phoenix sat on the edge of your bed, his voice soft, “our duty is to protect you at all costs, (y/n), even if that means defying kylo ren himself. you’re lucky we heard the commotion. he could have killed you.” 
you laid there, the shock numbing your body, “i just want to see him.”
“not yet,” phoenix was gentle, “bubba is chewing him out right now. and it’s best to keep your distance for a while, if not till tomorrow.” 
“okay,” you mumbled.
“how about you try and rest?” he suggested, setting a hand on your shoulder, “just rest. take a nap. i’ll grab a glass of water for you. we’ll be here when you wake up.” 
you nodded, rolling over in your bed. closing your eyes, you let yourself drift off to sleep, the tears drying on your cheeks. 
************************************ kylo’s pov *****************************************
“how could you do that to her?” yw-382 challenged, his tone cross, “how could you do that to the woman you care about? do you feel any remorse?”
i inhaled sharply, “of course i do. the man you saw, was not me.”
“you can’t let that side of you show around her,” yw-382 sighed, “the battlefield is so much more different than your bedroom, sir. with all due respect, you are an excellent leader, kylo ren. however, what you just did, caused my respect for you to diminish.”
“how do i make it up to her?” desperation filled my voice as i locked eyes with the trooper, “how do i make things right?”
“give her some space,” yo-988′s voice entered my quarters, “she’s asleep for now. i suggest you keep your distance until she wants to see you.” 
“i can’t lose her,” sitting on the edge of my bed, i stared out the viewports, “i don’t know what i would do if she left me.”
“we are well aware of the force bond between you,” yo-988 remarked, “she adores you, sir. if you apologize, and make it known that it will never happen again, i have a strong premonition she will forgive you. she wants to see you.” 
sobs began to rise in the back of my throat, causing my lower lip to tremble. i choked them down, as i could not show any sign of weakness in front of my men. i had to be strong. however, a vile taste filled my mouth as i recalled the events of the afternoon.
“we will approach you when the time is right,” yw-382 reassured me. the men left the room, the door closing behind them. 
letting out a sigh, i laid on the bed, my thoughts clouded with guilt. i felt horrible for my actions. i never intended to harm (y/n). i let my dark side take over in that moment, my judgment horribly incorrect.
(y/n) was right. she had no idea who rey was, as that was their first encounter. (y/n) was only a beginner with the ways of the force. she had a lot to learn. i longed to teach her, to show her the true potential within her. however, would she even want to be around me after what i just did?
i longed to have her next to me, her body pressed against mine. my fingertips ached, as the only action i wanted to carry out was run my fingers through her soft hair. i wanted her to feel safe around me. to feel protected and loved. i never intended to choke her. 
the memory plagued my mind, her desperate cries ingrained in my head. god, how could i have been such a vile man? how could i had done that? it was a total betrayal of her trust. 
desperately, my mind wandered over to her as she slept in her quarters. i found myself standing near her bed, watching as her chest rose and fell. my tunic draped over her body, the black color blending in with the covers. i wanted to touch her so bad. i wanted to make things right. yet, i couldn’t. 
it went without saying that (y/n) was the light of my life. i adored her with all of my being. all i wished to do was wrap her in my arms, holding her tightly against my body. 
(y/n) stirred, rolling over, “kylo?”
her voice, so beautiful, was like music to my ears, “i’m here.”
“but you’re not,” her voice was thick with sleep, “i want you here.”
“are you sure?” i was apprehensive, fear that she wanted nothing to do with me rising in my thoughts.
“why wouldn’t i?” 
“i’ll be right there,” i whispered, feeling myself fade from the room. i blinked, the familiar sight of my quarters filling my vision.  
sitting up, i sprang off my bed, sprinting out of my room. running down the corridors, i encountered several lefts and rights, turning endlessly. it felt like forever, my steps bouncing off the walls. finally, i arrived to her quarters, my breathing coming in short, ragged breaths. yo-988 and yw-382 must have wandered off to the armory, for shooting practice. softly, i rapped my knuckles against the doors. 
she opened them, the light illuminating her features. a soft smile appeared on (y/n)’s face, “you came.”
“let me see,” i demanded, entering the room. i needed to see if i left any marks on her neck. 
hesitantly, she brushed her hair away from her neck, exposing her skin to me. deep burgundy marks were starting to form, mixing with the purple shades from the love bites i left not long ago. a sigh escaped my lips, my fingertips brushing the skin where there were shapes of fingers. 
“i’m so sorry,” i could barely hear my own words.
“kylo,” god, she was so gentle with me, so patient, “i know that the person who committed that act wasn’t you.”
“thank goodness,” i chuckled softly. 
“i think i’m going to lay down some more,” (y/n) stated, her eyes meeting mine. 
“i’ll lay with you,” i offered. 
she laid on her bed, curling up. following her, i wrapped her in my embrace, pressing gentle kisses along her neck. my hand snaked up the tunic, scratching her back lightly. she let out a sigh of contentment, “i still feel the same about you, stop doubting yourself.” 
i widened my eyes in surprise, “you do?”
(y/n) rolled over, our faces only inches apart. her eyes glimmered in the low light, “of course kylo ren.”
my whole exterior crumbled, softening at the sound of my name. god, this woman was going to be the death of me. i ran my fingers through her hair, leaning in. her lips brushed mine, our mouths suddenly colliding.
her lips tasted like strawberries, a sweet taste that i couldn’t get enough of. my tongue entered her mouth, the kisses becoming more and more needy as i rolled on top of her. she moaned softly, allowing my tongue to explore, raking against her teeth. her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me in closer to her body. 
my breathing intensified as a hand began to palm the bulge in my trousers. my breaths became ragged as she ran her hand down the length of my cock, hardening under her touch. i dissolved, becoming putty in her hands. i wanted to fuck her. the way she deserved. a slow, gentle fuck, where she saw stars in her eyes while i made her cum. 
“kylo,” she moaned. the sound of my name from her lips intensified my ache to touch her. to feel her. to hear her moans echo through the room. 
i kissed her neck, leaving sloppy kisses. she unbuttoned her pants, sliding them down her legs. my tunic came off as well, cast to the floor.
taking in the sight of her, i lost all off my inhibitions. 
tagged list: @bqbyl0n @petalsrdead @lonesome-loser @lookinsidemyhead @fangirlphoenix @mixedfandxms @robindoesntloveme @i-am-not-a-thot @blue-automne @darth-andy @katelynmarieyt
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Keep Your Eyes On Me Part 5
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So I was on vacation for A WEEK in Myrtle Beach without my laptop but I HAD A NOTEBOOK. That I used for the 14 hour drive to and from and throughout the whole week THAT I FILLED WITH IDEAS. and so now we get to use them. Enjoy. Again, big thanks to @waiting4inspiration for hosting the 2k writing challenge. This is so fun. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 and now enjoy part 5!
Part 5
You went back to Ivar’s house and snuck into the armoire where your ‘tent’ is pitched to access your tent and “paused” time for a moment to wrack a sob before you did your best to regain your composure before you checked in with Morgan. 
“This is H.L.S. Zulu Alpha Roger Alpha 0960 coding in- Phoenix.” You checked in before Morgan’s face appeared in a frown to see you furiously wiping away the tears on your face. 
“I register the time pause, what’s the problem?” Morgan asked. For you, phoenix meant distress, you rarely coded in phoenix. Morgan could count on one hand the number of times you had coded in phoenix out of the hundreds of missions you had run and every last one was when things went to shit and you were in a bind you couldn’t get yourself out of which was something in of itself because you were a good agent. One of the best which made her job a peice of cake. 
“Are you sitting down?” You asked with a wince. 
“How bad?” Morgan asked, her own trepidation clear in her tone. 
“Um, like Cat 3? Maybe 4?” You answered as your wince turned into a grimace before you just started crying again. 
“Hold on sweetie.” Morgan held up a finger and then secured the channel as she ran a quick scan of your location. Freydis was the closest being to you, Bjorn was in the port still on a boat as was his extended family, your emotional distress was causing you physical distress but otherwise you were unharmed. 
“So what’s going on?” Morgan asked. 
“I had to divorce Bjorn.” You wailed as Morgan brought up the feed from your contacts and watched that unfold for a moment. 
“Uh, well, that could actually be a good thing, means he won’t come back to Kettegat and he’ll be safe, you could actually call this mission a success if you wanted to and come home now.” Morgan assured you before she came to the exchange between yourself and Ivar. “Oh, or not.” Morgan grimaced then sucked in a breathe between gritted teeth as she started to wrack her brain on how to help the situation before she bent down to her purse on the floor next to her to grab a mini bottle of peach whiskey from her purse and dumped it into her glass of oj, usually she didn’t drink during work hours but this was a lot of distress as she rewatched your conversation with Ivar. 
“So...do you have a plan for how you’re going to accomplish giving Ivar a son?” Morgan asked before she took a swig of her drink.  
“I’m pregnant with Bjorn’s child.” You answered which caused her to spit out her drink and start choking on it before she grabbed a napkin and wiped off the screen as she started cussing up a storm which got the other operators to look over in curiosity. “Hey, ya’ll mind your own damn business!” Morgan snapped at them which made them turn back to their own screens obediently. 
“Zara, you shouldn’t be pregnant. You can’t...it shouldn’t be possible. The shapeshifter serum…” Morgan tried to argue but she couldn’t deny the biometrics once she reran them and found the evidence of the pregnancy, she simply didn’t notice it before in the first scan because usually it was never a thing to look for before as she laced her fingers together and cracked her knuckles as she took it all in before she heard gasps from the other operators who were eavesdropping. 
“Hey, none of y'all didn’t hear shit you hear me?!” Morgan yelled at them before Vanessa, another operator cleared the room for her. 
“I know, but here I am.” You answered with another angry yet defeated sob. 
“Zara, that’s it, I’m pulling you out. You’re in over your head and I’m out of my depth, this has never been done before.” Morgan decided. 
“No! You can’t! Not yet anyway, Bjorn JUST got on the ships, they’re still in the port, if I go missing now they’ll go after him. I can’t do that.” You argued. 
“You will and I will assign someone else to rejump the mission, we’ll just unravel it, just a little bit.” Morgan insisted. 
“No! If you do, I’ll lose the baby and I can’t lose this baby or this baby!” You argued as you palmed your belly and then gestured to Dyre in your other arm around the sling that kept Dyre secured to your chest. “Morgan please, we’ve been a team for years, you know me and what I’m capable of, I’m not in over my head yet, I’m just...I ran into a few bumps that’s all. It’s still early, my body could still potentially naturally abort and you would be rejumping someone else for nothing. I’ve got time. Just, help me find an out. Help me find a way to successfully accomplish this mission and keep my head in the process. Please Morgan.” You pleaded desperately before Morgan groaned and sat back in her chair and rubbed her eyes before she gave you a meaningful look as you continued to her give her your best puppy dog eyes. 
“Damn it.” Mogan complained as she rolled her shoulders to loosen them then ran the probabilities and the possibilities generators as she drank the rest of her drink as she realized this would explain the degree of distress you were under before the computer dinged that it found an out and relief washed over both of you. 
“Ok, I have an out. You miss this out- for any reason- I’m pulling you and this mission will be rejumped and then I’ll be grounding you. You hear me?” Morgan warned. 
“Loud and clear.” You answered before Morgan explained the out and made the arrangements. 
“Now, is there anything else you need to report?” Morgan asked. 
“No.” You shook your head ‘no’. 
“Good, now I’m ordering you some Calm because that much distress isn’t good for the baby and then I’m going to go to lunch and get a strawberry margarita with my tacos al pastor. I’ll check in after lunch.” Morgan said before she reopened the channel while you got what you needed to help your current situation and left your tent in the armoire and hit the resume button on time. It wasn’t but a few minutes before there was a knock at the door. 
“Who is it?” You asked. 
“It’s Freydis.” Freydis answered. 
“Oh, please come in.” You invited as you opened the door to her and once she was in she gave you the tightest hug she dared so as not to smoosh Dyre and this simple act was all you needed to start crying again as she just held you and soothed you before she had you both lay down on the bed, Dyre between you and simply talked over the situation before Freydis gave you the best advice she could about Ivar and his likes and dislikes and his short temper and just general personality. 
“So what’s in the bowls?” She asked after you seemed to stabilize after you both made a vow to the other. She vowed she would never harm you or Dyre and you vowed you would never usurp her or come between her and Ivar and would always show her deference which pleased her greatly. 
“Oh, medicine for Ivar. I have balm of Gilead and milk of poppy. Ivar seems he’s in pain all the time, I was going to try to see if I can ease it some.” you answered as you got up and showed it to her.
“How did you get these?” Freydis asked in awe. She herself, being queen had heard of these but had never gotten to see them in person before. 
“The milk of poppy I collected myself, where I was before I came here, poppies grew wild all over. We were close to the silk road and the doctors traveling revealed what it was and always paid me and my family in gold and spices for it.” You explained before you talked about the balm of Gilead or tiger balm as it was known in the far east. 
“Are you a healer?” Freydis realized you seemed to know your medicinal herbs. 
“Yeah, sort of.” You nodded. 
“Then we’re double blessed to have you.” Freydis smiled fondly. 
“Thank you. I actually have some spices I was going to give to the kitchen.” You revealed as you showed her the other bowls on your table before she took Dyre from you so you could deliver said spices to the kitchen. 
Ivar watched on curiously as he noted how you and Freydis were both making efforts to get along and become friends. He was hoping that both of your naturally sweet natures would mesh well. When he was informed that you had spices that you gifted the kitchens and that the meal that night would be especially good, that pleased him even more. 
Freydis sat you down across from her with herself sitting on Ivar’s right with you sitting on his left and Freydis did her best to make sure you were as comfortable as possible, talking about your family and your adventure in coming to Kettegat- looking for Bjorn and how you managed to labor on a boat all by yourself before you revealed how you had labored in the water and how there was a pod of dolphins that surrounded you and used their sonar to help you deliver with much less pain than than you guessed would be normal because in your time, this was actually a fairly common practice as Freydis and Ivar were stunned as Ivar announced you had clearly been gifted and blessed by the gods to only have good fortune. When the meal ended, you nursed Dyre before handing him off to Freydis so that you could “attend to Ivar”. 
“Before we lay together, there is something I would like to do first.” You proposed to Ivar who looked at you curiously. 
“I have balm of Gilead, also known as tiger balm in the far east. I would like to massage you with it, to see if it would help ease you.” You proposed as his eyebrows rose in surprise as you showed him the balm which he sniffed curiously before he made a face, not exactly liking the smell at first as he looked at you warily. 
“I will be just as naked as you will be when I do so that you can hopefully relax.” You added before he seemed to be appeased by that before you got naked first and then helped him take the braces off his legs before you had him lay down on the bed. 
“Where are your stretch marks?” He asked as he looked at your lower belly and didn’t see any. 
Oh shit. Think fast!
“I don’t have any because the moment I started to show I put oil on my belly, the oil helped my belly to grow without getting the marks.” You answered before you grabbed at a bottle of olive oil and showed it to him before you sat down on one side of him and started to simply massage his hand and arm which helped him to relax. 
“Where did you learn this?” Ivar asked as he gestured to your massaging hands with his other arm. 
“The wife of a doctor gave me a massage in return for payment for the milk of poppy a few times. It was the most wonderful experience. I simply imitate it.” You answered with a shrug before you worked up his arm, letting his hand rest on your waist as you did so. 
“Is that why your skin is so soft?” Ivar asked as he traced little circles with the tips of his fingers on your skin which made you smile while a shiver ran up your spine and the touch gave you goosebumps and your nipples grow erect which made Ivar grin to see your body react to such a simple touch from him.  
“Yes.” You nodded before you were done with that arm and stood up on your knees and went to step over his abdomen before his hands went to your waist and forced you to sit on his belly which got you to blush but you obeyed his silent command and started working on his other arm as his other hand stroked down your waist and your thigh as he simply looked up at you and watched you work on him before you simply started to massage his pecks and his shoulders as you locked gazes. You were surprised yet relieved when his gaze was soft, if not lidded and started to grow heated and when he seemed to be satisfied with your rubbing he gently took your waist and moved your pelvis back which you complied and found him hard and his head seeping with precum at your butt before you spread your legs wider to open yourself up before you seated yourself onto him and started to ride him. Slowly at first to get a feel for him. He was thicker than Bjorn but not quite as long. 
“You’re blushing.” Ivar stated as his hands were digging into your soft hips and guiding you over him. 
“And your eyes are spectacularly blue.” You returned in awed wonder because his eyes were practically glowing before you bent over and kissed him hungrily, your fingertips softly digging into the back of his neck and skull, your fingernails gently scratching his scalp, careful to make sure your hands never crossed over his throat because the last thing you wanted was to break what tiny bit of trust he was giving you- by even for a moment- thinking you were going to try to choke him. But it seemed he enjoyed it as his hands then started to roam your body, squeezing your breasts until milk came out. 
“Careful, you’ll make a mess.” You tried to warn him but your tone was surprisingly playful as your smile was beaming before he pulled your breasts to his mouth to suckle, forcing you to move your whole body up his to accommodate him, his cock sliding out until just the tip remained inside you but the breathy moan spilling from your throat made Ivar grin as he continued to suckle one before kissing the valley between your breasts before suckling on the other as you supported yourself up by your elbows on either side of his head and let him do as he pleased with you. You surprised yourself with how willing you had been to receive all of his affections, even though your heart accused you of enjoying all of this too much but that Calm had done it’s work and the guilt wasn’t heavy because of it so you stamped it down. This was just sex. This was a way to gain his trust and confidence and a way to blow off steam for you. This didn’t mean anything...right? It was just a human activity. That’s all. 
But oh, when he released your breasts with his mouth and grabbed your waist and moved you to seat yourself to the hilt, you gasped in delight and moaned in pleasure as your eyes closed in serenity. Surprisingly he was using his stomach to push up into you as his hold on your waist and hips forced you down as you started to ride him harder and with more zeal and enthusiasm. 
“Oh by the gods.” You whined as you placed your hands on his chest to steady you and really threw yourself into this. Fuck. This was good, this was better than you thought it would be. You were going to cum if he kept this up. 
“Ivar...I’m…” you tried to warn him as you opened your eyes and looked down at him with lidded eyes and a tortured bliss expression on your face and now he was looking up at you with the most earth shattering intensity, it almost made you want to shrink back, but instead it emboldened you to give him your all as he started to hiss and grunt through gritted teeth because he was getting dangerously close himself but his ego forbade himself from cumming yet. If he could get the two most beautiful women he had ever known to their peaks, even with his “hinderances” that would be an achievement. 
It wasn’t long after before your orgams seemed to snap and then flood, your voice reaching a delicious high as his name fell from your lips, you mentally had to make sure it was Ivar’s name, not Bjorn’s. Ivar would probably throw you into a wall if you said Bjorn’s name right now. And Ivar pushed up into one last time as his body tensed and stayed in that position for a few long moments as his face screwed up for a moment as he held his breath as he released himself deep inside you before he went lax and fought to catch his breath. 
“Wow.” You panted as you fought to catch yours too. That was...great actually. 
You got off of him and pushed him to roll over. 
“What are you doing?” Ivar asked as he paused and was hesitant to do so. 
“You interrupted my massage with sex, I wasn’t done yet.” You explained with a bright smile. 
“Oh, well then by all means.” He chuckled as he took a pillow and put it under his chest so he could lay on his belly which gave you access to his back and immediately started groaning and moaning when you sat on his butt and worked on his back. 
You worked on him until he fell asleep and once you were sure he was out, you quickly did a biometrics scan of him. 
“Jesus,” you breathed when you read it over before you got off of him and helped him roll over before you went to get Dyre back from Freydis. 
“So?” Freydis asked as she was half asleep with Dyre sleeping peacefully on her chest as she was propped up by pillows. Part of her was jealous that your baby was what Ivar really wanted but she couldn’t bring herself to blame the baby, if anything she felt such a strong pull towards it and she would be happy to coparent with you and would probably dote on him as if he was Baldr himself. 
“Whew, you are one lucky woman, wow.” You giggled as you got Dyre back which got her to snort a laugh. 
“We’re both lucky then.” Freydis answered even though that stung her heart a bit but she stamped that down for your sake. 
“My bed is big enough for three.” You offered as you hesitated in leaving her. 
“Are you sure?” She asked. 
“Come on, he’s out, I’ll let you get the right, and I’ll get the left.” You nodded towards your room before she got up and followed you back to your room and you got in on one side while she got in on the other and both of you cuddled into Ivar’s sides with both of you using his arms as your pillows before she soon dozed off too. Once you were sure she was out, you broke out your mini twilla from your wrist and set it up before you used it to put you under to create a dream world and created projections of possible children and dressed yourself and Freydis in proper queenly attire and made both of you about six months pregnant and all of the kids in appropriate clothes and made sure to program your children’s projections and then brought Freydis and Ivar into the dream before you “woke” them up by placing Ivar outside his own home, carrying a bag of treasures as you prompted him to want to go into his own house as you primed Freydis up with her own “children” a few sons and two daughters while you gave yourself the same. 
“I’m home!” Ivar called out as he came into his house before all the kids came running at him. 
“Daddy!” They all shrieked and giggled as they all came bounding up and did actually knock him down and tackle him with their little hugs and kisses as Ivar was nearly crying and so happy to hug and hold all of his kids, perfect little mixes of himself, Freydis and Astrid as you and Freydis both came up, both of you giggling while both of you grinned happily and proudly at the scene. 
“Ok, you gotta let Daddy up.” You softly urged the kids who tried to help their dad to at least sit up before you and Freydis helped him stand up. 
“Did you bring us presents?” Dalla asked as she eyed his satchel excitedly and bounced in place her curls acting like springs around her little head as her bright turquoise eyes shined bright. 
“Well that depends, were you good for your mothers?” Ivar returned as they all nodded yes emphatically before Ivar looked at both Freydis and yourself to either confirm or deny it before you both nodded yes. 
“Alvis has gotten really good at his swordsmanship since you’ve been gone. He’s been practicing every day and Dyre has too, after you get some food in you, you should watch them.” You informed him proudly as both boys preened and puffed up their chests with pride and gave their father bright, smiles, despite their few missing teeth because they were loosing their baby teeth in favor of their adult teeth now. 
“And Bergthor has been working on his archery, he can split a hair at 50 paces now.” Freydis added as you coded that into his projection from behind your back. 
“Really?! That’s great boys!.” Ivar congratulated his sons. 
“You’re just in time for lunch My Love.” Freydis said as she could smell the scent of the large lunch wafting into the living room from the kitchen before Ivar turned and took a seat at the head of the table as his kids crowded around him and clamored to sit as close to him as they could with his youngest daughters each getting a knee to sit on as they took the loaves of bread that had just been placed on the table and dipped the torn pieces into the butter and the honey before they took turns feeding their father as yourself and Freydis sat down and started eating the bread too before the rest of the decadent meal was brought in as you and Freydis caught Ivar up on what had been happening in Kattegat since he was gone on the raid he had just returned from as his sons eagerly asked how many enemies he had slaughtered and how much fortune he had won which prompted him to open his bag to reveal the treasures as Ivar seemed to choose which child should receive what before he handed Dyre and Bergthor necklaces for you and Freydis which the boys readily put on your necks as all the girls put on the new bracelets which were just a little too big for their wrists but they were equally happy to just have their daddy back. 
After lunch the boys showed off their new fighting skills with each other as Ivar watched with a keen eye and ready constructive criticism for them which they were happy to receive as Bergthor was happy that he actually put a strand of his mother Freydis’ hair into the target which really impressed everyone before you had them all get on their horses and ponies to show off their riding skills in the riding pen which Ivar was proud to see too as Freydis and yourself stole into his sides so the three of you could keep your eyes on all the kids as Ivar noted how the girls especially were getting really good at riding their ponies as the boys had graduated from the ponies to the horses. 
You let Freydis and Ivar sneak away to “reconnect” first as you stayed with the kids in the yard with the other thralls and once he was done, Freydis came and traded places with you for you could reconnect with Ivar too because it had been a long six months without him. You and Freydis had started to conceive within weeks of each other after you joined the family because you used your knowledge of it to your advantage. 
“So what do you think you’re having this time? Ivar asked as he sat up and kissed your pregnant belly with adoration and excitement. Now stretch marks were like tiger stripes on your belly and Freydis’. 
“Honestly I think we’re having another girl.” You informed him. 
“Well we already have three sons, another girl would even them out.” Ivar shrugged. 
“Well with as active as she has been so far, I think Disa would be a fitting name.” You revealed. 
“Spirited is she?” Ivar grinned proudly. 
“Very, she’ll be a shield maiden for sure.” You giggled before you cued up the baby to start kicking like crazy as Ivar watched and felt the kicks in awed wonder. “Well it always makes me happy to come home from a good raid to find I’ve left something behind.” Ivar hinted. 
“Two somethings this time, I think Freydis and I are just happy to have you back, we all are.” You giggled as you put your hand on your belly and continued to feel the kicks. 
“Lucky me.” Ivar laughed. 
“Yes, twice over.” You agreed before you pushed him to lay back. 
“Now, I don’t know about you but it’s been a very long six months for me and I’ve missed you like crazy.” You insisted before you impaled yourself on him and rode him with gusto and once both of you were satisfied you got dressed in your finer clothes and went to the Great Hall for dinner where a feast had been laid out and once you and Freydis had eaten both of you were still riding the high of having Ivar home as you both danced as your daughters imitated both of you in your twirls with the drum beats as Ivar watched on with happiness and pride, both nearly causing his heart to burst because for once, he didn’t feel any pain in his body or anger in his heart. Just calm and happiness, he still wasn’t used to it. Even after all these years. But he was getting there. 
Ivar fell asleep in the dream with you on his left side in the bed with Freydis on the right, both of you laying your heads on his shoulders and curled into him as his arms were under your necks as his hands stroked your sides as he simply basked in the happy glow of being surrounded by the women who loved him who were carrying the perfect children he always dreamed of and that everything was perfect now that he was back home after stamping down what would hopefully be some of the last of any uprising against him. He could rest easy now and enjoy his life and his family and all that he had worked so hard for. 
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ak47stylegirl · 5 years
Rising Phoenix: Chapter 7
okay, this is a long one. there is al lot going on in this chapter, that’s for sure 😅 I hope you guys enjoy  😆😃🤗
the rest of the chapters are here 
Virgil pov
“You wasn’t kidding…” Gordon Said in disbelief, looking at Alan.
“You think I would joke about something like this?” John asked, sounding slightly offended.
“No, just….it’s hard to believe that’s all” Gordon Said.
That was true, it was hard to believe, but they could see with their own two eyes that it was true.
“I know what you mean,” he said in agreement. “Scott, now that we’ll all here, can you tell us what going on?”
Scott sighed “yeah, I guess I should”
“Tell us what?” Gordon asked.
“Alan may be one of the luckier kids but doesn’t mean he’s alright” John explained sadly.
Gordon gulped, “he’s okay, right?”
“Wish I could say he was Gordo, but he not,” Scott Said gently, shaking his head. “He’s badly malnourished, plus a whole bunch of other things.”
Malnourished? Not surprising but….it wasn’t good, not at all.
“Did a medic have a look at him?” He asked.
“Yeah, a medic had a look at him a little while after I got here…” Scott Said, looking down at Alan
“Colonel Casey told me that he would not let anyone near him, the only reason he let that medic look at him was probably because I was there,” Scott said softly.
He frowned, oh alan.
“Did they put him on any medication or diet?” He asked.
“Yeah, they want us to gradually introduce more nutrient filled foods into alan’s diet until he is eating a high nutrient diet and gain some weight back,” Scott Said stroking Alan’s hair. “He’s so skinny, I can see his ribs.”
that didn’t sound good...
“But wait, why can’t he just eat those foods now?” Gordon asked.
“Because if we suddenly introduced all these foods at once like that, his body may think them a threat, even though they’re not” he explained.
“Like an allergic reaction?” Gordon asked, looking fearful.
“Exactly Like an allergic reaction” Scott Said, “which he could still have by the way.”
“So we need to keep an eye out for that, don’t we?” John asked.
“yes” Scott nodded. 
“ we should keep an epi-pen somewhere in the kitchen where we can get it at a moments notice,” he subjected. 
Scott nodded in agreement. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”
Alan shifted in Scott’s lap, whimpering loudly.
“Shhh, baby it’s okay” Scott whispered, tucking the blanket more securely around Alan. “It’s okay, shhh, shhh.”
He bit the inside of his cheek, it hurts to see his little brother so distressed.
“He’s not sleeping well, is he?” John asked.
“No, he isn’t,” Scott Sighed.
“Had he had anything to eat?” Gordon asked, “like since they found him?”
“Yeah, he had something little, didn’t really eat a lot of it though” Scott Said, looking down at Alan with a worried frown.
“He's probably not used to it Scott, give him time,” he said, trying to comfort Scott. 
“I know, I just…..I just worry” Scott Said softly.
We all do bro, we all do….
“Why do I get the feeling that’s not all that’s going on with Alan?” Gordon asked.
“Because it’s not” John Said, “there’s some else that we haven’t told you yet, but it’s pretty crazy.”
He raised an eyebrow, Okay?
“You took the words right out of my mouth John” Scott Said, “what I’m going to tell you guys next is, as John Said crazy, but I need you to trust me on it.”
“Um, Scott? Alan is still eight when he should be fourteen, I think we’ve passed crazy” Gordon Said, gesturing to Alan with his hand.
“Yeah, He’s sort of right,” he said nodding in agreement. “What else is wrong with Alan?”
Scott sighed, “well I been told, by Alan, plus I saw a bit of it myself….that when Alan gets upset his skin gets very hot...like I mean hot, guys.”
He frowned, Okay that wasn’t good. That will make it so much harder to tell if Alan was sick or not. He guesses they’ll just need to figure that out when they come to it.
“Like a fever?” Gordon asked.
“No, hotter then a fever, it felt like touching a hot stove” Scott Said.
His eyes widened.
“The body not supposed to get that hot!” he said, seriously worried.
“I know, and that’s not even the craziest part” Scott sighed.
There’s more?!
“His skin can get so hot that he….he catches on fire, now I haven’t seen this, but I’m willing to believe it’s true” Scott Said.
His eyes widen even more.
“On fire?....as in hot, burning fire?” Gordon asked in disbelief. “That’s not possible.”
“And someone not ageing in five years is?” John challenged.
“I….Okay fine, it could be possible, but how is he still alive? This is fire we are talking about here” Gordon Said.
“It must not hurt him like it would someone else,” he said willing to believe Scott, even if all his medical knowledge is saying it’s not possible. “But that not saying that it doesn’t hurt him, Scott do you know if....”
“No, I don’t,” Scott said, shaking his head, “I was going to ask, but don’t know how he’ll react to it.”
“Why?” John asked.
“He got very upset when he told me and the medic about it” Scott explained.
“I don’t want to make him upset either, but we need to know…” he said, the last thing he wants to do was make alan upset, but they need to know if....when this fire thing happens, does it hurt alan?  and if so, is there something they can do to help?
“I know…” Scott mumbled, leaning his cheek on Alan's head. “Another thing he told me is that he can’t handle the cold, that’s it make him really sick.”
He frowned, he wasn’t sure he like where Scott was going with this.
“The medic looked into it, and it turned out that he can’t regulate his body’s temperature,” Scott said, pulling alan closer. “If he gets too cold, he could….”
“Die” he finished for Scott, his eyes wide. He was a medic, he knew a lot about the body and the fact that alan couldn’t regulate his temperature, it was bad, with a capital B!  Bad!
“What!?” Gordon said, going pale. “It’s that bad?!”
“Yes, Gordon, it’s that bad,” John said, “Scott, do you know what we need to do to help him?”
“Other than keep him warm, no I have no clue,” Scott said, “Virgil?”
He sighed, “I don’t know, I don’t have much knowledge on how to treat someone that can’t regulate their temperature.”
He’ll need to look it up find out all he can.
“but I do know that you need to keep him warm, do not let him get cold Scott,”  he said firmly.
“I won’t,” Scott said, moving alan slightly, so he was sitting more securely on his lap, fixing up the blanket, so it was covering alan better.
“I’m thinking of putting international rescue on hiatus until alan is settled in,” Scott said, “I already talked with John about it, but what do you guys think?”
“I won’t say no to a brack,” Gordon said.
“It’s fine with me, we need a brack, plus alan needs us here, we can’t be running around the world every second of the day,” he said, crossing his arms.
“That what I was thinking, so we’re all in agreement?” Scott asked.
He nodded, John and Gordon doing the same.
“Okay, good” Scott nodded, “Oh yeah, John, can you order some clothes for Alan for me?” Scott asked.
Clothes? Oh yeah, Alan doesn’t have any, does he?
“Sure, what does he need?” John asked.
“Everything, he has nothing except the clothes the GDF got him” Scott Said, frowning.
“So just get him everything?” John asked.
“Basically Yes” Scott nodded.
“Okay,” John nodded.
“What about toiletries? Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner?” he asked.
“Yeah, we need to get that too” Scott Said, “is there anything else we need to get?”
He couldn’t think of anything, he thought shaking his head,
“Um, what about a stuffed toy? Didn’t he have one before?” Gordon asked.
Yeah, of course. Alan still an eight-year-old, so of course he would need toys, plus having something to cuddle was always therapeutic.
“Yeah, he had a couple actually, I think we kept some of them” Scott Said.
That makes sense, some of those toys were old family toys that had gotten handed down all the way from Scott to alan, so of course, they would keep them.
“would you be able to pick the stuff up on the way home?” John asked Scott.
“I don’t know, I don’t really want to expose Alan to the public” Scott Said, frowning “I could leave him in one, it’s the safest place he can be, but I don’t want to do that, I don’t think Alan would deal with it well either.”
Scott frowned, conflicted.
“Scott don’t worry about it, I’ll go get them, I need to get some stuff anyway,” he said, “you just focus on getting Alan home safe,”
“Um speaking of that, Where is Alan going to sleep tonight? His old room is a storage room now, it doesn’t even have a bed in it” Gordon asked.
Oh yeah, Alan doesn’t have a room.
“He can sleep with me until we get his room ready,” Scott said, “I got a big enough bed, plus it not like I'm not used to sharing my bed.”
He felt his cheeks colour slightly, yeah when he was younger he would occasionally spend the night in Scott’s bed instead of his own. They all done it at least once.
“Yeah, that would work” Gordon shrugged.
“We got a long road ahead of us, don’t we?” he said, thinking of all the things they need to do. ,
“That’s for sure” Scott sighed, “I’m going to head home soon, so I should see you guys soon.”
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Howl In The Dawn
The first sign of daylight had lightened the night sky into a muted purple, and the Sunguard’s main camp seemed quiet save for the guards getting ready to be relieved of their shift; perhaps those who were early risers had begun to stir in their tents. Snow was still present, and though the cold nights had not been quite as harsh as before, the ground was becoming more wet as signs of Spring were beginning to show with a gradual melt and crunch of those white hillsides and banks.
Approaching from the east, a dire wolf as massive as many of the cavalry’s warhorses and nearly camouflaged by her pale sand-colored fur, slow and tired from an arduous journey. One guard who was a volunteering fighter from The Farstriders recognized the beast and allowed The Blonde through, though curious and somewhat alarmed that the wolf was alone; missing the woman she was bonded to. Tied at the neck and hidden under The Blonde’s thick, winter guard hairs was a satchel that seemed to be made from skins of animals recently caught. Determined to reach her target, The Blonde did not stop to let the Farstrider check this satchel, and walked her way silently through the camp with only the crunch of snow beneath her paws alerting her presence.
The scent of Ethalarian Dawnstalker and Nuellen’s wolf Moro grew stronger and eventually The Blonde had arrived in time to greet the Blood Knight when he walked out from his tent, still pulling himself from a restless sleep.
His reaction, understandably, was one of immediate shock and then panic. He began to look around the immediate area The Blonde was standing, “Where is she?! Where-- Where is Nuellen?!”
He addressed the dire wolf directly, knowing the connection The Blonde and Amarr had to Nuellen, and seemed to understand general feelings and intentions from others. Yet, all the wolf did was wag her tail gently and lean forward to lick the entire left side of his face with the broad side of her tongue. He seemed to grow more frustrated and was about to continue his fruitless interrogation of a four-legged creature, but forced himself to calm as he watched The Blonde sit back onto the snow and yawn wide, lifting her head to expose the leather pouch tied to her neck.
The surge of concern and adrenaline made Larry’s hands shake as he went to untie and remove the pouch. Another deep breath was needed before he opened the pouch, not caring to admire the fact that somehow Nuellen had pulled enough twine from her supplies to sew the damn thing together.
Inside were three pieces of parchment folded neatly and marked on the outside with different sets of initials: BK E.D., AK A.B., and Arch. T.T.
He quickly identified which initials belonged to their person and made to remove his letter, but his eye caught the glint of metal resting at the bottom of the pouch. He reached and felt his heart sink as he pulled forth two necklaces; one of which was very familiar to him. Thinking the worst already, he looked down and pulled his letter. He only read what was addressed to him, but after some time, he dressed and left his tent once more, letters in hand and moving to make sure they were delivered to their intended recipient.
Nuellen’s Messages:
Under The Cut
I write this as I camp somewhere on the far Eastern side of Quel’Thalas, between a mountain range and perhaps a few weeks walk to The Goldsea; it’s a bit hard to tell right now. I don’t plan to linger very long here, and I don’t know how long this message will take getting to you, so I can only say that I’m alive and have avoided most conflict. I’m uninjured, if a little hungry, most of the prey animals are keeping warm and out of the snow.
These weeks of tracking have been almost too long - Amarr and The Blonde caught scent of Kipcha and we followed her trail as some allies were trying to get her to lead them to Velianor’s location, but Kipcha broke away and ran back the way they were traveling. I expect perhaps Frostblaze is injured and she was returning to her mate... Instead of turning back, we pressed forward; lost the scent a few times, but have finally found something.
Time has worn away any sort of direction Veli and her pack were headed, but someone had her on the run. I found wolf bodies, well worn by decay, but no sign of Velianor or a body. I’ve been canvassing the area for the better part of two weeks now; I may have found a site where she could have fallen, but there’s no signs of a body, nor any kind of scavenging. I have a fresher scent now, though...
I also have proof that I’ve made headway and have packed them with these letters to you, Aestus, and The Archon; I remember catching a glance of her wearing these necklaces a few times and I assume they weren’t removed voluntarily.
There is no trail, so Amarr and I will circle and widen the area for any possible signs or routes that she could have taken. I will not assume that she has been taken captive or killed.
I’ve done some training of my own with Amarr and The Blonde. I believe they now will have a connection to my well being, similarly to Velianor and her wolves but not quite as strong. The Blonde is to remain with you and Aestus for the time being, but if she will let you know if something is wrong.
I love you. This will have a positive outcome. Believe in that.
P.S. Please make sure that Archon Truefeather gets my report.
I write this as I camp somewhere on the far Eastern side of Quel’Thalas, between a mountain range and perhaps a few weeks walk to The Goldsea; it’s a bit hard to tell right now. I don’t plan to linger very long here, and I don’t know how long this message will take getting to you, so I can only say that I’m alive and have avoided most conflict.
Finding our Velianor has not been easy, and it remains a challenge, but I believe I’ve made progress finally and now have more to work with.
Bad News first: Much of her pack has been eliminated, it seems. Some kind of skirmish happened and she was forced to retreat but not without pursuit. I found the necklaces I’ve sent with The Blonde hanging from a tree in one valley section, but I also found a few other signs that Amarr and I could get a solid scent from.
Better News: I have not found any evidence of a body or scavenging from other animals. This means she’s not here and I will continue to track her down. It will still take some time to circle the area and extend our search, but I’m confident Amarr and I will catch up to her. Wherever she is.
I realize this message may bring you and Ethalarian more distress, but keep your head clear. Don’t let the Worst Scenario worm it’s way to you. There’s something in my bones telling me that she isn’t gone from this realm; certainly you feel the same thing?
Keep hold of that feeling.
I’ll find her; and we will return together. Keep breathing.
Archon Telchis Truefeather,
Nuellen Swiftstrike, Pathfinder Dawnward and Farstrider Ranger-Captain, writing to you in regards to the whereabouts and status of fellow Dawnward Velianor Novastorm. Apologies, first off and also in hindsight, for departing without previous approval from Superiors; this mission to track and locate the Dawnward started and has only been one of Personal and Emotional gain to myself and other members who are close to Velianor. However, I am acting alone and did not attempt to convince anyone else to join me; any repercussions for my actions against orders, I will accept when I return with Dawnward Novastorm, alive or otherwise.
I’m unaware of her reason for being so far from any other units, but that is not a concern to me, at current... Only that myself and others were alerted by one of her bonded wolves that something severely wrong had happened to her and the wolf pack she travels with. She had escaped the main camp and I decided to follow.
I’ve managed to track down a site along the mountainside South East of The Goldsea that I believe she had encountered an enemy force and retreat was required. However, the retreat was followed - perhaps harried - as many of her wolves are now rotting in the snow. The body of the Dawnward in particular was not discovered, nor have there been signs of any scavenging in the area; not even a finger bone was located. I have, however, found a lead and have chosen to follow it. If I find she is captured by any enemies, I will send my black Dire Wolf Amarr with notice and continue to track, but I will not engage. Otherwise, if she is found recovering or otherwise, I will report to the nearest camp with Dawnward Novastorm in my care.
I understand this is a minor update among events that are far more important. Please consider this letter an official report of investigation for The Sunguard’s archives.
Light and Lady Aessina Keep You Safe,
Nuellen Swiftstrike Alah’ni
Long Overdue Post Regarding Velianor Novastorm’s Phoenix War Stories: Planting Seeds in a Garden You Never Get to See and What’s Left Behind while eventually leading up to The Forgotten Pt. 1 / Pt. 2
Tagged For Mentions: @ocarina-of-what // @theletter27 ( @shampoocommercialelves ) // @trained-trainwreck ( @ethalarian) // @felthier ( @thesunguardmg )
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mountphoenixrp · 5 years
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                                            Nut, the Goddess of the Sky,                                             whose origins stem from Ancient Egypt.                           She is now the chief of the MPPD and a City Council member.
FC NAME/GROUP: Kim Jisook, Rainbow GOD NAME: Nut PANTHEON:  Egyptian OCCUPATION: Chief Of Police, Council Member HEIGHT: 164 cm (5’5″) WEIGHT: 41 kg (90 lbs) DEFINING FEATURES:Nut hair color tends to resemble the color of the clouds in the sky while her eyes match the blueness of the sky since she is the sky goddess.
PERSONALITY: The caring & nurturing mother figure is the best way to describe Nut, she deeply cares about the well-being of others and wants what best for them while ignoring her own needs and problems. The goddess always is the one to take care of someone so she doesn’t know how to switch off. Nut is the most reliable goddess and always keeps her promises, she doesn’t know how to lie or manipulate others, unlike other deities. However, with her eagle eye observation skills she could spot out a bad egg from a mile away, she is awfully good so she believes deeply in the justice system there is no grey area only good or bad. This is why she pursued a career in law enforcement as all she wants is to create a safe environment so families can thrive in this crazy world. It really hurts her heart seeing others in distress and she has a distaste for men & women who seek power and uses unjust means to get it. Jealous & Greed is the grossest trait in any human, demi-god, god or goddess so she made it her duty to stop these types of characters wander the streets.
Nut always strives for peace and harmony among her social groups tends to be the one who they sit with and listen to their issues. She is not the most outgoing goddess as she likes to stay inside working on her arts & crafts projects or trying out new recipes or baking some delicious treats for her loved ones to try. Always she craves is a simple life yet she is always willing to jump into the fire to protect the people of mount phoenix. People who see her in the street or walking around she tends to see just a humble working woman who happens to be the chief of police and someone who deserves respect. MOM the word.
HISTORY: If someone looked upon about Ancient Egyptian Goddess Nut, the facts were her father & mother were the god of vital & the goddess of heat. Her husband was Geb, the god of the earth, that she has five infamous children Osiris, Isis, Seth, Nephthys, and Horus the Elder. That Sun deity Ra traveled through her every night to give birth to him in the day. Not forgetting to mention that Thoth helped her on bringing her children into this world too. Those were the facts about the ancient goddess Nut however there is always a little bit more to these stories. For starters, her husband Geb, the earth deity, she loved him with all her heart and wanted to protect him from the night sky because he was afraid of the dark. It was not all rainbows & sunshine since Geb did have a hostile relationship with their father Shu even challenge his leadership especially since he was the reason why she was separated from her lover Geb to create the cosmos yet it all stems back to the father-son jealousy.
Back then, Nut was blind to his intentions as she only wanted to protect others from harm way this is why she is the goddess who takes care of the dead on their journey into the afterlife. The moment she became pregnant with his children, she summoned the wrath of Ra another jealous god he forbade giving birth to them during the official calendar. Nut felt so saddened by this, she took comfort with one of her best friends which were one of the wisest gods of them all, Thoth. He found a loophole, he was able to play dice with the moon and granted Nut five extra calendar days in order for her to give birth to the five children. Immediately, the divine community shunned her children which only meant Nut loved them more than others. Being a mother is not easy especially to five children and not all of them tend to listen or do what she says.
Thankfully, her daughter Isis inherited her motherly instincts as she did look after her other siblings so she did feel quite proud of her. Osiris was a good child maybe even favored him more than others since he was certainly a good judge of character. Nephthys represent everything about being a good housewife another thing which she admired about her daughter. The two boys who struggled with was Horus and Set for completely different reasons, Set was always trouble child it didn’t matter what she did Nut could never get through to him. The day he killed his brother Osiris broke her heart into a million pieces despite everything he was still her son. Horus had some potential yet he always made her worry about his actions as he was brave and love to fly out of the nest. It is horrible watching her sons trying to kill each other and she blames their jealous strike from their father. After all that debacle, she decided to go live among the humans for while yet she discovered it is the same everywhere she went. Men & Women fighting over money or willing to step on each other to climb up the food train left an unpleasant taste in her mouth.
It was clear to the goddess she needed to help these poor unfortunate souls who caught in the crossfires so other the years, Nut has been caretaker throughout the ages from field medic on the battlefields of wars to humble nurse who tended the wounded and helps the sick children to a teacher teaching the children of the world on how to read and write and core values of this world trying to grow up to better than their ignorant parents. There were some humans who’re heart was so pure who made the goddess fall in love with them and take care of them for little way yet she was never able to stay cause she could never tell a human that she was goddess so leaving them to raise their child all by themselves. There is one career she felt she must useful which was working in the police department, she was a police officer for many years strolling the streets protecting the humans from criminal dangers. Nut watched the police force grow over the years in front of her very eyes, how the world changed over time creating even more dangers. If it wasn’t for her goddess youthful looks she would have so many worry wrinkles with the amount of stress this and nearly gave her heart attack few times but there was some hope when she started hearing whispers about this Mount Phoenix.
The goddess decided it was time to find a place to call home and settle down maybe create this ideal peaceful environment where she can watch others grow without no worries about being harmed. Nut came to Mount Phoenix taking the role of the new police chief so she brings law & order to this safe haven for the gods & goddesses. If her history has taught her anything, gods & goddesses need to be watched the most and that is why she joined the city council, she doesn’t know these other goddesses or gods but if they are like her own pantheon she needs to be part of the council to watch the others closely and help develop this city of gods.
POWERS: Naturally protective of others tend to sense when people are in danger or in need help with simple gut feeling. Stellar manipulation is key ability as she likes to create pretty shapes out of the stars and sometimes makes new ones when some of the stars fade out. STRENGTHS: Practical, Hardworking, Supportive, True To Their Word, Protective, Caring WEAKNESSES: Traditional, Struggles with letting go of the past, Unable to walk away from the toughest problems, Takes everything to heart, Workaholic
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tonystarkbingo · 5 years
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Week 29 Roundup!  THIS IS OUR LAST ROUNDUP BEFORE THE OFFICIAL END OF THIS ROUND!  Our next and very last roundup for Round Two will be put out on September 2nd, when the event has officially concluded.  As we reach the end, there are a LOT of fills being posted, so make sure to read through and take a look at what all our glorious creators have been up to!
Title: Explaining Graphically Collaborator: katling Link: AO3 Square Filled: R1 - comics Ship: none Rating: Teen Major Tags: not Team Cap friendly Summary: Tony is sent a bunch of comics, ostensibly from a fan. The comics are not what they seem but the outside impression is very valuable. Word Count: 878
Title: Abandonment Collaborator: katling Link: AO3 Square Filled: A2 - AU: Adventurers/Explorers Ship: none Rating: Teen Major Tags: not Steve friendly, darkish Tony Summary: Steve Rogers is the leader of a team of adventurers. When they're hired by Tony Stark to find an ancient temple, he thinks it'll be an easy job for good money. Instead, some old chickens come home to roost. Word Count: 2303
Title: i wanted you to be better Collaborator: cvdmus Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - A Battle / Fight / Confrontation Ship: Peter & Tony Rating: Gen  Major Tags: post-Endgame, fixit of sorts, hurt Peter Summary: Peter takes the gauntlet from Tony before he could snap. He has a healing factor, so why let Tony Stark die? Word Count: 3168
Title: Between What is Said and Not Meant Collaborator: deathofthestars Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Miscommunication Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, Winter Soldier programming, accidental voyeurism Summary: Tony has a bad habit of not sleeping for far longer than he should when one of his lovers is on a mission. Over the years Steve has developed a particular way of dealing with the problem. While adjusting to their new relationship, Bucky stubles upon them in the act. When Steve asks Bucky to look after thier other lover while he's on a mission, some issues occur. Word Count: 3139
Title: Try to Remember Collaborator: 27dragons, tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - Music Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: no powers AU, enemies to lovers, neighbors Summary: Bucky was one of the best violinists in the country -- perhaps in the world -- until the accident that took his arm six months ago. All he wants now is to settle into his new apartment and try to recover even a fraction of his ability with the new prosthetic that he hates almost as much as he appreciates. Tony moved out of his parents' home to get away from their memories and so he wouldn't have to endure quite so many of Obie's bracing pep talks. Tony just wants to get drunk, get laid, and get his invention on. Unfortunately, his new downstairs neighbor seems to feel obliged to practice his music at some ungodly hour of the morning. Word Count: 3599
Title: Rebelmeg Drabbles - Chapter 3: Partners Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: A2 - Tony/Rhodey/Pepper Ship: Pepperony, MIT Brothers Rating: Gen Major Tags: drabble Summary: Tony contemplates a new trend in his life. Word Count: 100
Title: Down the River Collaborator: MassiveSpaceWren, tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: For tisfan,  A2 - Damsels in Distress Ship: Teen Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mad Max fusion, kidnapping, implied/referenced torture Summary: Ten Rings let a captive escape to play a little cat and mouse. They didn't count on anyone getting in the way. Word Count: 6273
Title: Stark and Pepper Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: A1 - image of Iron Man flying over a woman and child Ship: Iron Family Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: Iron Family moodboard
Title: Reverse, Rewind, Play Again Collaborator:  katling Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Picture of Pepper looking up at the face of the Iron Man armour Ship: IronStrange Rating:  Major Tags: JARVIS lives, bad team dynamics, not Team Cap friendly Summary: When something strange happens to Tony on a botched Avengers' mission, Pepper and Rhodey are left wondering what happened and keeping things together. Then Tony comes back and the whole world is going to change. Some time changes in this one, in that the events of Doctor Strange play out a little differently and occur not long after Age of Ultron instead of around the time of Civil War. Word Count: 2504
Title: Your Heart/My Heart - Chapter 3: A Mistake Here But Not There Collaborator: camichats Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 - Old Team Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Mature Major Tags: break up, angst, time skips, getting back together, pining, love confessions Summary: When they're young, James and Tony break up for basically no reason. It takes them twenty years to get back together. Word Count: 3292
Title: Mistakes Were Made Collaborator: katling Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - cliche Ship: FrostIronStrange Rating: Teen Major Tags: not Team Cap friendly, kidnapping, canon divergence Summary: Tony has been kidnapped more time than he cares to admit. It's almost always cliche and the kidnappers always seem to make the same mistakes. Not that he minds. Those mistakes are always to his advantage. Features a confused Sam Wilson and a not-the-damsel-in-distress Tony Stark. Word Count: 1623
Title: Rebelmeg Drabbles - Chapter 4: Adoptive Family Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - jealousy Ship: Pepperony, Pepper & Phil Rating: Gen Major Tags: drabble Summary: You can adopt a grown adult, can't you? Word Count: 100
Title: The Echo Of Silence Collaborator: katling Link: AO3 Square Filled: R1 - alien planet Ship: Tony & Nebula Rating: Teen Major Tags: vignette, calm, angsty, Team Tony Summary: Thanos is gone and everyone had faded into dust. Only Tony and Nebula are left. Just a little character piece looking at the beginnings of their friendship after IW and before things get really bad on their trip back. Word Count: 909
Title: Regal is an Attitude Collaborator: katling Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - survival in the wild Ship: none Rating: Teen Major Tags: canon divergence, not Steve friendly Summary: When T'Challa finds out Rogers and Barnes left Tony Stark behind in Siberia, he chooses to be the kind of king who looks out for the people rather than on who only indulges his personal whims. Word Count: 1757
Title: I'm already gone Collaborator: FeyRelay Square filled: S4, T1  Link https://archiveofourown.org/works/20306299/chapters/48140029 Rating: Explicit Pairing: Starker (no underage) Warning: Murder Mystery, References to Suicide/Death, Absurdist Humor, Unreliable Narrator, Established Relationship, No Powers, Film Industry AU, Aged-Up Peter Parker Summary: A Clue AU, but not... quite... what you might expect. Peter is acting in the film Tony's directing, and it's complicating their new relationship and Peter's burgeoning career; Peter's just... done. He's over it. And that was before he got dragged to this dinner party. Word Count: 4,223
-------------------------------- Title: No one will be watching us Collaborator: FeyRelay Square filled: R1 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20335060 Rating: Mature Pairing: Starker (no underage) + female OC of little to no importance (Christine Everhart's niece) Warning: Threesome, Implied Het, No Actual Smut, Getting Together by Proxy, Jealousy, Aged-Up Peter Parker, Sex for Favors Summary: Tony's reputation precedes him and maybe that's the problem; Peter has been looking for someone to help him measure up to Tony's legendary, GQ-worthy experience, and he's been looking in all the wrong places. This contains no actual smut because it was a counted word challenge. 2000 words on the dot. Word Count: 2,000
Title: i am a dream, i am - Chapter 8: viii. Collaborator: deathsweetqueen, justanotherpipedream Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - resurrection Ship: Steve/Natasha/Tony, past Tony/Ty Stone Rating: Explicit Major Tags: dubious content, past domestic violence, alcoholism, anxiety attacks, explicit sexual content, gaslighting, breaking up and making up Summary: In order to rise from its own ashes, a phoenix first must burn. - Octavia E. Butler Word Count: 16,423
Title: In My Sights (With These Hungry Eyes) Collaborator: eirlyssa Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A4 - AU: Urban Fantasy Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: Werewolf Bucky sees Tony, laughing, for the first time across the room at the supernatural bar he’s visiting, and he’s instantly enchanted. Werewolves really only mate once, after all, and they tend to know their intended mate by sight. Now if only Tony would get with the program…
Title: Take me to the magic of the moment - Chapter 3 Collaborator: Menatiera, nomdeplumeria Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Sex Magic Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: mild dub-con, explicit sexual content, BDSM, fantasy/magic AU, getting together, happy ending Summary:  "Tony was wondering how he, the fucking best tech-mage of the kingdom (or maybe the whole continent, or the whole world, if he didn't want to be humble) ended up here.  (...)  Which was exactly what had happened in their neighboring kingdom just a few days ago. Daddy Dearest apparently had gotten himself into some huge mess with his mages. Howard was probably dead by now, Tony at least was sure of that, knowing said mages personally.  Oh yeah, that was the reason why Tony was sitting in Barnes's room in nothing but a robe."  *Tony is the best tech mage, and has to work with Barnes, the best nature mage, in order to save their kingdom. It... doesn't exactly go as they planned. It goes way better than that. And way, way more intimate. Word Count: 10,302
Title: Modern Art Cross-Stitch Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R2 - seeing red Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: craft Summary: A cross-stitch of the “modern art” in IM2 
Title: Secured in the Penthouse (Hopefully) Collaborator: Cipher_Stars Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Knotting Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: ABO dynamics, explicit sexual content, Winter as a separate personality Summary: Tony Stark is in heat and locked in his hopefully secure penthouse with a bunch of alphas trying to get in. Word Count: 2102
Title: A2 - Kink: Wax play Collaborator: Menatiera Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A2 - Kink: Wax play Ship: Stuckony Rating: Mature Major Tags: Light BDSM Summary: Moodboard and headcanons for the boys Word Count: 336
Title: A Tangled Web Collaborator: Politzania Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - Natasha Romanoff Ship: Tony & Natasha Rating: Gen Major Tags: IM2, Natalie Rushman, going undercover Summary: Natasha Romanov goes undercover to determine whether Tony Stark and Iron Man should be considered for the Avengers Initiative. Word Count: 743
Title: Iron Man Word Search Puzzle Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R4 - puzzle Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: word search  Summary: Iron Man word search puzzle
Title: I fall in love (everyday with someone new) - Chapter 31: Picture of Tony working on his suit (R3) Collaborator: scriptatur Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - image of Tony working on his suit Ship: Peter & Tony, Tony & Rhodey Rating: Gen Major Tags: polyamory, Endgame fix-it Summary: "Waking was- surprising. He woke up slowly, like drifting through mist or sirup or- something. He was kind of confused, if he is being perfectly honest. Confused about his own metaphor, a bit, but mainly confused by the fact that he was, well, waking up. That was not something he’d expected to do, after all." When Tony Stark wakes up after the final battle against Thanos, he decides that there will be nothing more that stands between himself and happiness. He goes home with Pepper and Morgan and it doesn't take long for Steve and Bucky (and other (ex-)avengers) to follow. Basically, this is the fix-it that I needed. It's very self indulgent and mostly fluff. Word Count: 22,348
Title: I fall in love (everyday with someone new) - Chapter 32: AU: Cyberpunk (S2) Collaborator: scriptatur Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - AU: Cyberpunk Ship: Tony & Nebula, Tony/Pepper/Rhodey, Stuckony Rating: Gen Major Tags: polyamory, Endgame fix-it Summary: "Waking was- surprising. He woke up slowly, like drifting through mist or sirup or- something. He was kind of confused, if he is being perfectly honest. Confused about his own metaphor, a bit, but mainly confused by the fact that he was, well, waking up. That was not something he’d expected to do, after all." When Tony Stark wakes up after the final battle against Thanos, he decides that there will be nothing more that stands between himself and happiness. He goes home with Pepper and Morgan and it doesn't take long for Steve and Bucky (and other (ex-)avengers) to follow. Basically, this is the fix-it that I needed. It's very self indulgent and mostly fluff. Word Count: 22,348
Title: I fall in love (everyday with someone new) - Chapter 33: Friday (K2) Collaborator: scriptatur Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Friday Ship: Tony & Nebula Rating: Gen Major Tags: polyamory, Endgame fix-it Summary: "Waking was- surprising. He woke up slowly, like drifting through mist or sirup or- something. He was kind of confused, if he is being perfectly honest. Confused about his own metaphor, a bit, but mainly confused by the fact that he was, well, waking up. That was not something he’d expected to do, after all." When Tony Stark wakes up after the final battle against Thanos, he decides that there will be nothing more that stands between himself and happiness. He goes home with Pepper and Morgan and it doesn't take long for Steve and Bucky (and other (ex-)avengers) to follow. Basically, this is the fix-it that I needed. It's very self indulgent and mostly fluff. Word Count: 22,348
Title: I fall in love (everyday with someone new) - Chapter 34: Zombie (K5) Collaborator: scriptatur Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - zombie Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: polyamory, Endgame fix-it Summary: "Waking was- surprising. He woke up slowly, like drifting through mist or sirup or- something. He was kind of confused, if he is being perfectly honest. Confused about his own metaphor, a bit, but mainly confused by the fact that he was, well, waking up. That was not something he’d expected to do, after all." When Tony Stark wakes up after the final battle against Thanos, he decides that there will be nothing more that stands between himself and happiness. He goes home with Pepper and Morgan and it doesn't take long for Steve and Bucky (and other (ex-)avengers) to follow. Basically, this is the fix-it that I needed. It's very self indulgent and mostly fluff. Word Count: 22,348
Title: Magic Man Collaborator: ethereal-lullabies Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K2 - Fusion Ship: Kaecilius/Tony Stark Rating: Teen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: MAGIC (good Kaecilius)
Title: Never Let Me Go - Chapter 2: And I'm Going Under Collaborator: Iron_Eirlyssa (Eirlyssa) Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Phobia Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: developing relationship, asexual Tony and Bucky, cuddles, panic attacks Summary: The second chapter, filling square S1 - Phobia for my Tony Stark Bingo, in which Bucky is still an incredible sweetheart and Tony desperately needs some hugs. Word Count: 4703
Title: Life is the Flower (Love is the Honey) Collaborator: monobuu Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R1 - Flower Shop AU Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: no powers AU, language of flowers, fluff, florist Tony, mortician Bucky, getting together Summary: Every Friday, Tony sets up his flower shop on the corner so he can see his favorite person on their way home from work. Today, however, is special. Word Count: 2076
Title: Mid-youth crisis Collaborator: Menatiera Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - Holiday fic Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Avengers Academy, college AU, roommates, pining, friends to lovers, fluff, hurt/comfort, comedy of errors Summary: The Avengers Academy fic where the Academy closes its doors and Bucky has nowhere to go afterwards. Naturally, his friend (and secret crush) Tony is there to the rescue - what would be better than to move in together? It goes just as well as you expect it. Word Count: 1688
Title: we rattle together in a bed of honey Collaborator: deathsweetqueen Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - first kiss Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Mature Major Tags: Fem Tony, MIT era, domestic violence, implied/referenced child abuse Summary: Toni first met James Rhodes in Cellular Neurophysiology and Computing, when she was fourteen and trying very hard to stay in the shadows. She stumbles into the classroom, clutching her books and binders and pencil case close to her chest, as she stares at everything, wide-eyed and hungry and terrified. She seizes on the contempt, the confusion, the incredulity of the other freshman who look at her like she’s an incongruity – she’s used to that look, all that hate and derision. She eats it up like chocolate cake. Much to her luck, all the seats are filled, all except for one towards the middle of the row, a table shared only by a tall, handsome black boy, sleeping on top of the counter. Word Count: 5661
Title: I Won't Give Up On Us Collaborator: Eirlyssa Link: AO3 Square Filled: A2 - Asgard Ship: ThunderIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: genderfluid character, arranged marriage, developing relationship, betrayal, war Summary: When a marriage is finally arranged for the crown Prince of Asgard, his wife-to-be isn't what Thor had expected. He is far, far better. Word Count: 4736
Title: The Red-Head Harem Collaborator: camichats Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 - Warm And Fuzzy Feelings Ship: Tony/Natasha/Bethany/Pepper/Wanda/Gamora Rating: Teen Major Tags: polyamory, domestic fluff, teasing Summary: Tony and all his red-headed girlfriends get along quite nicely. Breakfast fluff and teasing are commonplace. Word Count: 792
Title: Tell Me a Story Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 - abandonment issues Ship: Tony & Morgan Rating: Gen Major Tags: drabble, bedtime stories, fix-it Summary: Morgan doesn't like her bedtime story, so Tony changes the ending. Word Count: 100
Title: Mid-youth crisis moodboard Collaborator: summerpipedream Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Avengers Academy Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: “To prevent this universe from unraveling–” It seemed like an ordinary day at that point. “Avengers Academy will close its doors.” And then it didn’t. It took only six words for Bucky’s thoughts to collapse into chaos again. Avengers Academy couldn’t close!
Title: Promises, Promises Collaborator: MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - Didn't Know They Were Dating Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: mob AU, Romeo & Juliet romance Summary: Mob AU. Bucky needs a favor from his Captain, but first he has to admit to dating the enemy. Word Count: 2026
Title: S4- Skrulls Collaborator: thudworm Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 - Skrulls Ship: Gen Rating: IronFalcon Major Tags: canon divergence, skrulls Summary: It's the first time Tony's met Sam, but somehow Sam has met Tony before. Word Count: 625
Title: Happy Moodboard Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R4 - Happy Hogan Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard, art Summary: I wanted to make a moodboard & was getting frustrated looking for pictures, so I decided to experiment with drawing one instead!
Title: A Race to the Finish Collaborator: celtic7irish Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Image: Tony in Race Car Driver Uniform Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: race car AU, pre-relationship, preserum Steve Summary: Tony Stark was said to be the best driver in the history of the sport, and looking at his record (well, listening to Steve ramble on about it), it seemed it wasn’t just baseless boasting. The driver for Stane Industries was rich, handsome, and liked fast cars. And fast women, if even half the rumors about him were true. Or: A Race Car AU where Bucky & Steve save up to go to a race car, Bucky gets to be a hero, and Tony gets his flirt on. Word Count: 3635
Title: T4 & A1 - Chapter 1: T4- [Image from IM3- Tony zip-tied to a bed-frame] Collaborator: thudworm Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - [Image from IM3- Tony zip-tied to a bed-frame] Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: bad puns, Justin Hammer is a dick, kidnapping Summary: Hammer is up to something, which means it's the Avengers job to stop him. Word Count: 1857
Title: T4 & A1 - Chapter 2: A1- Damsels (And Others) In Distress Collaborator: thudworm Link: AO3 Square Filled: A1 - Damsels (And Others) In Distress Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: bad puns, Justin Hammer is a dick, kidnapping Summary: Hammer is up to something, which means it's the Avengers job to stop him. Word Count: 1857
Title: Trial and Error - Chapter 4 Collaborator: martianwahtney Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - WTF Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Gen Major Tags: getting together, parent Tony, protective Tony and Rhodey, manipulative Fury Summary: where Harley puts his foot down and forces a confession Word Count: 3108
Title: T1- Confession in Desperate Situation Collaborator: thudworm Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Confession in Desperate Situation Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Endgame, missing scene, pregnancy Summary: Avengers Endgame missing scene of Pepper telling Tony she's pregnant. Word Count: 1033
Title: Aftermath Collaborator: LBibliophile Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - unreliable narrator Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: poetry, moodboard, collateral damage Summary: When real life superheroes saved New York, it was like a something out of a story. But then the cleanup began. And continued, and continued... New York, Greenwich, Sokovia, Lagos. Suddenly, superheros are a lot less exciting. Rubble all looks the same, whether it was made by the heroes or the villains. Word Count: 165
Title: Steamships, Cyborgs, and Self-Determination: A Steampunk Story - Chapter 1 Collaborator: JacarandaBanyan Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Steampunk AU Ship: Stuckony Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: developing relationships, steampunk AU, comic book science, angst with a happy ending, mild gore, body horror, cyborgs Summary: The Cyborg Assassin formally known as Bucky Barnes is sent on a double assassination mission. His Targets: Anthony E Stark, brilliant inventor and scientist, and Steve Rogers, subversive artist. Word Count: 2711
Collaborator: LBibliophile Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A3 - free space Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: crafts Summary: Tablet woven braid made with crochet cotton. Iron Man colours with pale blue triangular ‘arc reactors’.
Title: indeed a beautiful thing - Chapter 1 Collaborators: Fluffypanda, justanotherpipedream Link: AO3 Squares Filled: For Panda -  R1: Resolve For Summer -  K3 - AU: Adventurers/Explorers (Summer) Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: fantasy AU, fusion AU, anthropomorphic, plot twists, bandits and outlaws, swordfighting Summary: Rebellion is brewing in Velmar and Captain Steven Mouser has been sent to the city of Iron Landing to investigate. He is to secure the cooperation of Lord Stark if he is ever to find the elusive leader of the rebellion, but there is more to both of them than meets the eye. Word Count: 1478
Collaborator: hereandnowwearealive Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T5 - Edwin Jarvis Ship: Tony and Edwin Jarvis Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: art of Edwin Jarvis and Tony Stark
Title: A Call From a Kitten Collaborator: Cipher_Stars Link: AO3 Square Filled: A1 - Pornstar/Sex worker/Rentboy Ship: IronPanther Rating: Mature Major Tags: call girl, dirty talk, phone sex Summary: Tony Stark falls into the 'call girl' industry after Afghanistan to fulfil his craving for intimacy. Word Count: 1981
Title: R4 - Kink: phone sex Collaborator: Menatiera Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - Kink: phone sex Ship: Stony Rating: Mature Major Tags: moodboard, sexual content, ficlet Summary: Steve and Tony regularly try to have phone sex, but are always interrupted by Steve’s dog demanding attention.
Title: Fractures beyond the looking glass - Chapter 1 Collaborator: justanotherpipedream Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - Gossip Press Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Victorian AU, canon typical violence, gothic romance, supernatural elements, dreams and nightmares Summary: The world spun round and round, the trees blurring past him as Bucky skidded to a stop at the bottom of the hill. He laid on the ground with a gasp, gritting his teeth as his ankle continued to throb with a dull but insistent pain. For minutes or hours, Bucky couldn’t tell, he hobbled as best he could trying to find the familiar path back to the village. However, the impressive outline of Stark Manor had Bucky pausing at the edge of the trees. Everyone in the village knew of the rumours surrounding the estate. These days, people wondered if the infamous Lord Stark still lived there, or if he was merely a ghost story, haunting the halls of the vast manor on the edge of the woods. Word Count: 1508
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allthekpopimagines · 6 years
NCT Greek Gods!AU - Part 10
A/N: So this is the last chapter of this series. I don’t know if you guys have liked it or not....hopefully you have. If you have an idea or a suggestion for something you would like for one of the Admins to write please tell me so! Just send in a request. But hopefully you all have loved this series because I know I have loved writing it! <3 -Admin M
Word Count: 6433
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I am holding tightly onto Jaehyun’s waist as Renjun grabs my waist and Jeno grabs his and then Taeyong is on the end to make sure nobody falls into the water. Then on the Lernaean Hydra there is Taeil and then Yuta is right after him and then there is Mark, Lucas and Ten on the end as well. I close my eyes as I’m scared about falling off but also the fact that I’m riding on a Scylla. I believe Jaehyun can sense I’m scared and he says, “Don’t worry. She won’t hurt you.” I smile a bit but I’m still scared. 
Yuta tells Taeil where to go to get to the place closest to where his father resides. Jaehyun is behind them and we take a ride until we are safely getting off of the creatures. Taeyong helps us off and he grabs my waist and hoists me gently off before Jaehyun gets off and he smiles at Scylla and sends her off. I smile at his kindness and then I wait for everyone else to get off of Taeil’s Lernaean Hydra. Once we’re off I adjust my backpack and Yuta smiles and says, “Guys. Welcome to America.” I smile at everyone’s reaction and then I ask, “Where to first?” He says, “Well, I can gladly tell you guys that we are here....New York.” I look around and I say, “But, this doesn't look like New York.” Yuta nods and says, “I never said it would be the good side of New York.” I gulp and I nod. 
We begin to walk and Yuta keeps hitting the side of walls. I hear him mumble, “Come on you bastard. Where the hell is this Titan.” I stop dead in my tracks and I ask, “What did you just say?” All the boys look from me to Yuta. Yuta turns around while still walking and hitting the sides of building, “You didn't think that my father would just allow people to find him so easily did you?” I sigh and my breath is shaky. Jeno grabs my hand and holds it, “Don’t worry. No titans are after you. They’re a challenge but we can get passed them.” He smiles. I smile back a little. I hear a rumble and then I yelp a bit and I hide behind Jeno. He laughs and says, “Don’t worry.” Everyone takes a strong stance and I realize how silly I look. I ask Jeno, “So I’m going to guess, nobody else can see the titans. Or any supernatural creatures for that matter.” Jeno nods and looks around and then I feel something run through my hair and I freeze. I hear Taeyong say, “Nobody move. Especially you Persephone.” I look at him and he can tell I’m scared out of my mind. He says, “It’ll be okay. You’re not going to get hurt.” Taeyong looks up at the titan slowly and he says, “Krios. Alright, Mark. It’s your turn. Get Griffin over here.” Mark whistles and the titan instantly turns his head to Mark and Mark just smirks and gets on his Griffin and he says, “Alright Krios. Let’s have a bit of fun.” Mark flies off and everyone then runs the other way as Krios chases after Mark. 
Once we get to a safe place I ask, “What was he doing to my hair? How did Griffin get here so fast? Why does Mark fight him? What was he?!” I’m out of breath. The boys just laugh at my confusion and after they laugh I say, “I don’t find anything funny here.” Ten comes to me and he puts a hand on my back and he says, “He was running a finger through your hair, because he’s never seen anyone with hair that long with the boys who are demigods. We’re just lucky that he didn’t see your face.” I look around and I sigh as Renjun then speaks up, “The animals can get here in an instant if we really need them. They are the pets of demigods.” I get confused and I mumble, “Yeah. ‘Cause that makes sense.” Lucas speaks up and says, “All of the demigods are basically paired with a titan. Everyone has a certain titan to fight except for Kun and Chenle. We don’t know why they don’t get one but, we don’t complain.” I nod and then Taeyong speaks up and he looks at me and he says, “Titans are basically.....” he thinks for a minute and Yuta steps in, “Think of your biggest enemy. Then imagine them being the size of 8 buildings tall. Plus they’re not easy to kill and they’re constantly after you. That’s basically what a titan is, to say the least.” I nod and then Yuta says, “We’re losing daylight. Let’s go.” I get concerned as everyone starts to leave, “Wait, what about Mark?” I ask looking back. Taeil grabs my hand and he begins to pull me, “He’ll catch up to us.” I’m still filled with concern for the son of Apollo as I run with the boys anyways. 
We get to the water again and I ask, “Why are we back here?” Taeil and Jaehyun whistle and Taeyong says, “It’s the fastest way to get to the next state.” I finally put my foot down, “I’m not leaving here without Mark.” Everyone boards the creatures and Jaehyun holds his hand out and I shake my head, “No. Not without Mark.” Jaehyun says, “Persephone grab my hand. Now.” I sigh and then I see Taeil’s Lernaean Hydra ride off. I see Jaehyun’s Scylla get antsy and start to want to ride off. Jaehyun holds her there, “Just a little bit longer Scylla. Persephone lets go!” Jaehyun yells at me. I  sigh and I begin to walk towards them and I’m suddenly in the air and I see Scylla run off. I realize I’m in a hand and I begin to panic, all I can do is scream. I see Krios smirk at me and say, “Persephone huh? You’re supposed to be dead.” I look at him in fear and then I don’t see Mark anywhere, “Where’s the son of Apollo?!” I ask in anger. He laughs and he says, “Don’t worry about him anymore.” Krios suddenly stops and he drops me and I close my eyes tightly but I get caught by someone. I look up and it’s Mark on Griffin. I look at him and I hug him, “You’re okay.” He smiles and laughs and says, “But I still have a job to do. Now go.” He tosses me out to the water and Jaehyun catches me and says, “I told you.” He rides off of Scylla with the rest of us and we head off to the next state. 
I sigh and I look at Renjun and I get on my spot and Renjun wraps his arms around my waist and I grab on Jaehyun and Renjun asks, “Are you okay?” I just laugh a bit and I say, “I’m going to try to not be the damsel in distress anymore.” Renjun just laughs and we head off to the next state, but I can’t stop worrying about Mark and I ask Jaehyun, “Why do we leave the boys alone?” Jaehyun is still ‘driving’ Scylla where Taeil is and he says, “We realized after fighting the titans a couple of times that we don’t need everyone to stay back and help us because some people’s abilities don’t work on certain titans plus we don’t need to lose time on a mission that we don’t have time to lose.” I nod and then we get closer to the state.
We get to the next state and once we get off of I look at Yuta, “I would ask why your father chose such a hot state but then he’s basically Satan so I guess it makes sense.” Yuta laughs and he puts an arm around me and he says, “Perry, welcome to Texas.” I look at him, “You’re joking right?” He shakes his head and he heads off. I look at Taeyong and I ask, “How do people live here?” He shrugs. I keep following the boys and I say, “I have to admit, I did think that there would be more deserts and wilderness than this.” Yuta nods, “Everyone does.” I laugh and everyone laughs as well and then I smile at the family that I’m involved in. My happy moment gets cut short as I’m pushed to the floor and I say, “Ow!” I hear someone say, “Griffin I said NOT to land on Persephone.” Griffin then gets close to my head and he licks the side of my face. I laugh a bit as the creature gets off of me and then Mark sends Griffin off and he helps me up. I hug Mark and I say, “I’m glad you’re back. Did you actually defeat Krios in that short of a time.” Mark looks at me in confusion and he asks, “Are you doubting me?” I smile and shake my head, “I’m just glad you’re back.” He smiles nods. We all head off further in to the hottest state that I know of. 
We get to the middle part of the city and I ask, “So when Mark was riding Griffin nobody could see him right? Because it would be very odd to see a little boy floating in mid air with a sword.” Mark laughs and says, “Yeah, nobody could see me. It’s a good thing too.....if they could see me the therapists all over New York would be making money!” I giggle and the boys let out a small chuckle. I head up to Jeno and I ask, “So do we know exactly what Jaemin needs? Like, do we know what it is that my mom is giving us?” Jeno shakes his head, “We don’t know, all we know is that it will help heal Jaemin a lot quickly.” I nod and I think, “But it can’t be something like beauty....because you can’t carry something like that, like it’s not a substance.” Jeno smiles and nods, “That’s right.” I sigh and I say, “Good, because if it was I was going to go crazy and I was going to ask where can I get some?” Renjun comes up to me and shoves me a bit, “You don’t need any. Besides, if you wanted beauty, if it was measured, you’d have to fight Jeno or Jaemin for it and those boys don’t give up easily....Jeno tackles everyone everyday and Jaemin lets himself get tackled. Plus they’ve taken down titans.” 
There’s a rumble and I grab Renjun’s arm in order to stabilize myself. Once it stops I look at Renjun and he smiles and he takes his arm out of my grasp and he looks back at Taeil. They nod at each other and Renjun looks back at me, “Well, that’s my cue.” He summons his Phoenix and Taeil climbs on the back of Renjun’s Phoenix, just because Taeil’s animal can’t come out of the water. I look at Taeyong and I see he’s smiling proudly at the boys as they go off. Ten comes up to me and says, “Let me introduce you to Hyperion. He goes after the sons of Hera and Hermes also known as Renjun, Jisung, Taeil and Doyoung.” I nod and I ask, “So why aren’t we running?” Ten smiles and says, “Not yet. You don’t want to admire this titan?” He jokes with me. I glare at him and say, “Considering I almost got killed last time, I’m good.” He laughs and we begin to take off past the titan as Renjun would get close to the titan and Taeil would jump off and start to hit the titans weak spots. I kept watching as I was dragged by Jeno to run past the titan. The titan gets irritated and he hits Renjun’s Phoenix down taking Renjun with it, “Renjun!” I yell. The titan turns his head to me and I’m not realizing how stupid I am for yelling and getting all the other boys put in danger. The titan begins to run towards us. Taeyong stops and he makes sure we get fast enough and he helps fight off the titan. I get confused but regardless I keep running. Just hoping that nobody gets hurt too badly.
We get far away and we hide inside of a shop and once we’re inside everyone looks at us and Yuta, out of breath, waves ‘hello’ to everyone and smiling. Everyone looks at us as if we’re crazy. I look at Jeno and I whisper, “So people can see us now?” Jeno then whispers back, “They can see us when we aren’t doing anything supernatural. So you have to be careful because if I’m in this store and I summon my animal I’ll immediately disappear and then people will start making stories about us. So we have to make sure that we don’t do anything supernatural at the moment.” I nod and I look at the people and I smile a bit and I look at Yuta and ask quietly, “Why did Taeyong stay back? How was he able to fight the titan. I thought certain titans didn’t take effect from different sons.” Yuta nods and says, “They usually can’t. But with Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades kids, they can because we are the most powerful kids.”  I look at Ten, “Why did only he stop?” Ten says, “We usually only let him go back because he’s the strongest out of all of us. I just make sure everyone gets to safety.” I nod in understanding and I see Renjun go by on his Phoenix and I smile at the boys. Jeno smiles and says, “We’ll always be okay. We don’t get defeated easily.” I nod and then I look around and I see Yuta talking to the store clerk and he has a map out. I join him up there and I see that he’s asking her the fastest route to another state. How are we moving so fast? 
I look at Yuta and he thanks the woman and he turns to the boys, “Okay, any guesses where to next?” He smiles. I look at Lucas and he says, “LA, California.” Yuta smiles at Lucas and nods, “Good guess. Have you been tracking my father?” He asks in a joking manner. We wait until Yuta gives the okay and once he does we’re all running down the streets of Austin, Texas to find a car or a taxi to get us to the airport. We figured we would take a plane to California. We finally get a car and Yuta, Mark, Lucas and Ten get in one car. They head to the airport and I’m still running with Jeno and Jaehyun wondering how we’re going to relay the message to the boys. Even though Phoenix is strong, she can’t carry 3 members on her back. We have to get either Taeyong or Taeil back with us. Jaehyun looks at Jeno and nods and then Jaehyun runs back the other way and I yell, “Jae!” Jeno grabs my wrist but keeps running with me. I’m tired of being dragged around. Once we’ve been running around Jaehyun joins us again with Taeil right next to him. I nod and we find a taxi and the taxi brings us four to the airport. 
We join up with the boys. Mark is holding the tickets for all of us and we all rush to the airplane we’re supposed to be boarding. We rush to the plane and they’re about to close the door but Mark yells, “Wait!” The flight attendant gets confused and she sees us and Mark hands her 8 tickets. We all get on the plane and sit down quickly. Good thing we didn’t have to check any bags. We are all out of breath. I’m sat in between Jeno and Jaehyun. The other boys are behind us in rows and I’m just sitting here and the flight attendant goes over the safety precautions and Jaehyun whispers to me, “We have about 2 hours till we land in LA.” I smile and I nod, “Well, I’m ready to kick some ass.” I say smiling. 
“Persephone. Perry, come on wake up.” My eyes flutter open and I realize my head is placed on Jaehyun’s shoulder. I look up at him to say sorry and he just smiles at me. We get off the plane and I hear a flight attendant say, “Have fun in Los Angeles.” I nod at her and I walk off the plane into the airport. I look around and there’s a bunch of people. Lucas says, “We’re meeting Taeyong and Renjun outside. In LA.”  I nod and I say, “I forgot that they were gone.” Lucas smiles and we all walk out of the airport and I’m the first one out. I look around rapidly for the boys, “They’re not here. Lucas!” He rushes up to me and he says, “Look closer.” I give him a confused look and he points to where I see Phoenix landing and Taeyong. But I can’t see Renjun. I worriedly rush up to Phoenix, rushing through traffic. One car honks at me and I stop in front of it and I hit the hood hard and I glare at them as I keep going. I hear the boys say sorry and keep going, “She’s got spunk.” I hear Ten say and Mark says, “Yeah, she’s learning.”
I get up to Taeyong and I see Taeyong holding Renjun’s limp body. I begin to cry. I hold Renjun’s hand and I ask, “What happened?” Taeyong puts Renjun down on the ground gently and says, “The titan got a hold of him. I couldn’t get him away quick enough. He crushed him pretty hard.” I look up at Taeyong and he has a gash across his face as it’s still bleeding. Ten grabs Taeyong and he checks out his face and he just hugs him. Jeno gets down to where Renjun is and he says, “We have to send him back. Phoenix will take him home.” I nod and I say, “Let’s do that.” I look at Phoenix and I say, “Take Renjun home safely. If you get tired you can rest but get him home safely.” She makes a little sound and then she picks up Renjun and she flies off. I look up at Taeyong and he’s hugging Ten still. He’s now crying. I smile and I realize why they’re crying, Taeyong almost died today. Renjun is hurt, it was a fight well fought. I look at Taeyong and I ask, “Did you defeat Hyperion?” Taeyong nodded and says, “Barely. But we did.” I smile and then I say, “You need to rest Tae. Or at least call Nemean Lion to carry you. You don’t need to walk.” Taeyong shakes his head, “I’m okay. Let’s just go find Koios.” I sigh and I nod and we look at Yuta. He smiles and says, “Follow me.” I look up at Phoenix who is getting farther holding Renjun’s unconscious body.” I bite my lip in nervousness and I head after the boys. 
We head to where the boys are. The beach is very crowded and there’s a lot of people. I instantly feel uncomfortable. I look at Jaehyun and he smiles at me and says, “Oh come on. I know we’re on a mission to save Jaemin but you can at least have some fun.” I shake my head and give him a disapproving look. He sighs and I walk faster to catch up with Taeyong, “Hey, are you feeling okay?” He nods, “I’m fine. Supposedly we can find your mother in this state.” I look at Taeyong and then I question Yuta, “Yeah, why did we go to the other states and not just to Los Angeles. If we did, Renjun wouldn’t be hurt right now.” I make Yuta stop dead in his tracks by standing in front of him. He sighs and says, “Because if we didn’t and the titans heard we were here in Los Angeles after my father we would have twice as many titans after us while trying to get the medicine from your mother. If the titans got a hold of that they could destroy it and destroy her. So if you’d like to see your mother and save Jaemin then I suggest you don’t question my plans. We’ve had to do this more than once.” He walks around me and I sigh and I look up at Jeno and he smiles at me. I continue to walk next to Jeno until we reach one side of the beach that isn’t as crowded. 
I look around and I get ready to fight. Ten can see my tense up and he touches my shoulder, “You’re not fighting. Koios is the next titan and he only wants one certain son.” Ten then looks at Lucas. Lucas smiles and opens his arms, “That is me.” I get concerned and I yell, “Why do titans feel the need to fight my family?!” I squeeze my eyes shut. I begin to cry. I’m tired of the titans hurting my family. I just got this family and the titans are slowly hurting every single one of them. Taeil hugs me and he says, “I experienced this. I was the first son that found Doyoung. When it was just Doyoung and I it was so hard. We started to discover these abilities. Then we encountered the first titan we had ever seen. Doyoung got pretty hurt. He was all I had. I was so sad and scared that the titan would come back to kill him. But I realized that, no matter what happens....we have to be strong for the boys. Because our strength and faith in the boys is what keeps them strong. It helps them fight more actually. You may not believe me but, it happens.” I look up at Taeil and I say, “You can’t really hit me with anything that I won’t believe anymore.” He smiles and he wipes my tears. Lucas looks at me and says, “I’ll be okay. I promise.” He holds me close and he says, “You just need to believe that I’ll be okay and that I’ll win. Because if you believe in anything else, you might not like the outcome.” I nod and I now make it my job to fully believe in whoever is fighting that they will win and to focus on that and nothing else.
I hear something and I ask, “They just need to always make a loud appearance don’t they?” Mark laughs ad nods, “That’s how we know that they’re here.” I nod and I say, “So loud appearances equals bad?” Mark nods and says, “Yep. Now we run.” I begin to run and I hear Lucas yell and his Chimera shows up. I smile at her and she lunges at the titan that is now slashing around at Lucas trying to knock him off of Chimera. I run right next to Mark and then I realize I hear something that sounds like a womans voice. I shake my head to get it out of my head but it doesn’t go away. I can faintly hear it. We keep running until I hear it yell, “STOP!” I stop dead in my tracks and everyone looks at me like I’m crazy. I look to the right and I see a post office, “It’s here.” I rush inside and Yuta yells, “Perry what’re you doing?” I go up to the person who’s working there and I push past people, “Hello. I’m Demeter’s daughter. I have a very urgent package?” He opens the door for me and he takes me behind the counter, “Are you crazy? If you say that name in there people will know who you are. Use your fake parents names.” He sighs and he takes me back into a back room and he types in a code and a door opens. Someone walks out and I look up and it’s a goddess, “Hello.” She begins to cry, I get confused and I look at the man. He smiles and he nods towards me. I realize it. It’s my mother.
The boys follow me behind quickly. Yuta grabs my arms and spins me around, “Are you fucking crazy?! If we’re around here any longer we’ll be-” He stops once he sees my mother looking at me. I look at her and she smiles and begins to tear up, “Oh, Persephone. You’ve turned into such a gorgeous daughter.” I smile a bit, “Mother. Why here? Why now?” She nods and says, “Okay. So I know you don’t have much time but I needed to give you Jaemin’s medicine. But after you receive this, I’ll be gone and waiting for you to come and get me. I don’t have much time but behind me is a box that holds the medicine. Give it to him immediately when you get back home. Do you understand me?” I get the box and I look at it confused and then I nod, “Okay.” She smiles and then she says, “Now go. Lucas can’t hold off that titan from you all for forever.” Taeyong nods at my mother and smiles and then he puts a hand on my back and guides me as we leave the post office and my mother is fading until she’s completely gone. 
We get back to our home state and on the way home Lucas comes back and is dropped off by his Chimera. We all take a break on the dock after Jaehyun’s animals dropped us off and we smile when Lucas joins us. He has some scars but he seems to be pleased with how he performed against the titan. Jaehyun sighs and we begin to walk but Jeno and Jaehyun stay back, “Guys. Come on. We’re almost to Jaemin. We need to give him this medicine.” Jaehyun and Jeno smile a bit and Jeno asks me, “Perry. What has every member except us fought?” My jaw drops, “How many titans are there?!” Taeyong smiles and he says, “6. But we’ve been able to defeat them all before haven’t we boys?” They all nod in agreement and smile, proud of themselves.
Jaehyun comes up to me and kisses my forehead and Jeno hugs me and then then Jaehyun says, “Don’t worry little sis. We’ll meet you guys back at the house. We’ll be there.” I nod and I say, “Well, all I’m going to say is....don’t get killed.” I smile and nod at them and then Ten grabs my hand as Renjun hugs Jeno and I can hear him whisper, “Don’t get killed. I need my brothers with me.” I smile and we all head to go see Jaemin. Once we get a little further I hear the roars of the titans and I can hear Jaehyun whistle and Jeno making a clicking sound and I see Pegasus fly over us to head to assist Jeno. 
We keep running and then Yuta smiles and says, “Taeyong!” Taeyong turns to him as we keep running and out of breath Yuta yells, “I’ll meet you there.” I get confused, “No! Yuta!” I follow after him and I ignore the members yells at me. Once we get to the city Yuta stops and he’s out of breath and I’m right behind him, panting as well, “Yuta, what the hell?” Yuta, shocked, turns to me and he asks, “Perry, what the hell! Go back with the group! You have the damn medicine. Besides, this is my fight. Not yours.” He says as he yells a short cry and Cerberus comes sprinting up to him. He gets on top of Cerberus and he nods at me and says, “Get that medicine to Jaemin. Now.” I get scared as I see a titan smirking and coming towards Yuta as he’s not looking. I run off and I hear Yuta yell in pain but, I have to ignore it if I want to get this medicine to Jaemin in time. 
I sprint inside the house and I run up to Jaemin’s room. I open the box on the way to his room. I bust in the room, “Jae!” He looks at me a bit shocked and scared but he sighs when he realizes that it’s just me. I smile and I give him the medicine. He drinks the liquid that is inside the jar that I had handed him and he takes a deep breath and he sighs. He closes his eyes and smiles. I see the bandage around Jaemin’s chest and he notices that I’m looking at his chest bandage and he was like, “Hey. I’ll be okay. With that medicine I’ll definitely be okay. Don’t worry.” He holds my hand. I smile and I spend some time with Jaemin telling him all about the titans and the fights and me seeing my mother and he just smiles and adds a few details and even laughing at some of the ways I describing the stories and even hissed in pain at some of the blows that I told him about that the members were being hit with. 
Jaehyun, Jeno and Yuta show up and they head up to Jaemin’s room and they smile whenever they see that Jaemin has already taken the medicine. Yuta smiles and Jaemin laughs and says, “You got hit by a titan!” I smile and shake my head as Yuta tries to defend himself, “Persephone distracted me!” I smile and I nod, “That’s true.” We all are laughing and hearing how Jaehyun and Jeno did with fighting.
Taeyong runs up and he’s out of breath, “Hate to break up this reunion but all of the members except for Jaemin are missing.” I get confused, “Missing? What’d you mean missing.” Jaehyun thinks for a second and then it seems like Jeno and Jaehyun have the same conclusion but Jaemin beats them to it, “You guys only fought 5 titans. Hyung.....you guys are missing Kronos. The toughest titan that is out there. They took all the members.” I look at Yuta and he says, “Well, here we come hell.” I nod and then I say, “Someone has to watch Jaemin. Make sure he doesn’t get hurt anymore.” Taeyong yells something and I hear someone yell, “Okay. I’ll stay here.” Taeyong comes back up to us and says, “Taeil will watch him. Let’s go guys.” I kiss Jaemin’s forehead and I smile at him and then we all head out of the house to head to hell. 
Taeyong goes outside and he yells, “Dad! Where’s your brother?! They have our brothers!” Yuta thinks for a second and he says, “Taeyong shut up! That shit never works.” Taeyong stops and he looks down and then a lighting strike hits the ground next to Yuta’s feet and he looks at Taeyong and Taeyong is just smirking as he says, “I know where they are.” Then we head after Taeyong as he begins to run in the direction they’re in. 
We get to Louisiana and I say, “Now I know why you’re stupid ass of a father picked this state, it’s hot as hell.” Yuta smiles and bows, “Guilty as charged.” I glare at him and then I hear a sound, “Wait guys. Stop.” The sound gets louder and it sounds like hissing. Then I see it and I don’t feel threatened by this creature. It comes up to me and it gets very close and it shows it’s fangs and hisses at me. I hear Taeyong say, “Perry step back.” I shake my head, “Just tell me what creature this is.” I say looking at it as it tries to scare me. I smile a bit and Doyoung says, “That’s a Bida Blacksnake. One of the most dangerous snakes that live in the world. If it bites you, you’ll instantly die.” I look at it more, careful not to take my eyes off of the snake, “Except for Gods, right?” Mark confirms my statement. I then look at the snake in the eyes and the snake gets super close to my face and I don’t flinch as I ignore Taeyong’s statements to step back slowly. I put my hand up and I take a deep breath before putting my hand on the Bida’s head. The snake stops hissing, her pupils get bigger and she lowers her head. I smile and I look at Taeyong, “Did I just-” He nods, “That’s your creature.” I smile and then I pet my new creature, the Bida Blacksnake.
We walk to where Hades is and then Yuta enters into hell first and then my Bida slithers away and I tell her that I’ll be okay. We all enter in and Yuta yells, “Father! Let my friends go!” I see Hades and he smiles, “Yuta! You finally-” 
“NOW! I won’t ask again.” Yuta yells. I’ve never seen him this mad. Taeyong puts me behind his back protectively. Hades’ smile drops and he says, “Fine. You can have your friends back......if you can get pasts KRONOS.” He yells to summon the titan. I look forward wondering where Kronos is and then I’m being picked up. It’s holding me tightly, “Taeyong!” I scream. Everyone turns to me and their eyes widen but their faces become much more serious. Hades speaks up, “Ah, the daughter of Demeter. Hello Persephone. How’s your day.” I glare at him and I say, “Fuck off.” Hades says, “Well, soon you’ll be just an addition to hell’s pit of souls.” Hades begins to walk off after he looks at Kronos and nods at him. 
I see Yuta run after Hades as Taeyong, Ten and Jaehyun come to help me by defeating Kronos, evevntually. But I see Renjun, Mark, Jeno and Lucas run off to go find the others while they have the chance. Taeyong yells out and everyone responds with a yell as they all get to taking people down or saving others. Before I see what happens my breathing begins to pick up and my heart is racing and then my line of sight is taken from me.....black. 
I squint my eyes as the sky is bright. I look up and I see Jaehyun carrying me, “Jaehyun? Did we die?” He smiles and he looks at me and he asks, “You actually think I’d let you die? You don’t have much faith in me do you?” He continues to carry me and I look around at everyone and I can see Taeyong, and Ten are really hurt with blood running down their legs and on the back of their shirts as the rest of the boys seem to be moderately okay but then I see Yuta and I see Lucas carrying Yuta’s unconscious body. I look at him and I whisper, “Yuta.” Jaehyun hears me and he says, “Yeah....he’s...not well. But he’s not dead and that’s all that we care about.” I nod and I see the house coming up. 
We get inside the house and Lucas takes Yuta up to his room. Once Jaehyun puts me down I push past him and I run up to Yuta’s room. Lucas puts Yuta down. I go to him and I grab his hand and he looks at me and smiles weakly. I smile and shake my head, “You’re such an idiot. You’re so stupid.” He smiles and then he says, “But I am brave you have to admit.” I smile and shake my head. WinWin runs into the room and I decide to leave WinWin to talk to his brother as the other members file in. 
*4 months later*
I smooth out my black dress and there’s a knock on my door frame. I see Jaehyun with a tux on. He looks down and then back at me and he asks, “Ready?” I nod and I take Jaehyun’s arm as he takes me downstairs and I’m surrounded by the boys wearing tuxedos. I smile as I see Jaemin standing up and hugging Jeno. I smile and then Taeyong says, “Well, first off I wanted to say thank you all for being here. I know we all live here but still. Now, for the man...or....men of the hour, Yuta and WinWin.” The boys walk in and I smile at them as we clap. 
WinWin has a big smile on his face and he says, “Hi!” While Yuta walks in and says, “This ceremony is stupid. You guys make it seem like we’re dead.” I laugh a bit and Taeyong says, “But you are leaving.” They nod and then some smiles fall and I’m a little bit confused and Jaehyun whispers to me, “Yuta was successful in killing Hades and so because of that, Yuta and WinWin have to take their father’s place. Something we will all do when our parents pass.” I nod a bit and my smile falls and I begin to tear up. 
Yuta hugs every single member after WinWin hugs everyone and he begins to cry. Yuta gets to me, the last one of the line and he says, “Don’t worry Perry. I’m glad I met you. Everything happens because of something. But, I’ll make sure that you get your mother back.” I shake my head as tears stream down my face. I stutter out, “Just treat her better and let her leave when she wants to. With her being there I get to visit you more often.” I smile through the tears. Yuta smiles and hugs me and he kisses my forehead, “I love you Perry.” 
“I love you too Yuta.” I say as he leaves the room. Yuta and WinWin take their Chimera and they head to their new life as the Gods’ of Hell. 
I smile and then Jeno tackles me, “Jeno!” I say laughing and then Jaemin tackles him getting him off of me and I smile as Jaehyun helps me up and Taeyong smiles at me and he asks, “Are you okay?” I nod and I say, “I just love this family that I am now, and forever will be, a part of.” He smiles and kisses my right temple and I see the boys wrestling and I smile at them and shake my head at all the boys who will forever be a part of my heart. 
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See You Again
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Note: I took up the challenge to write this based off of this post i saw the other day. I got the idea as soon as i read it and knew i wanted to hurt ya’ll feelings. So here you go, i hope you enjoy my version of the squad finding out about Tonks’s death. 
Warnings: Character death(s), mentions of war, general sad feeling
Hogwarts Grounds, 1988
When they were kids, Tonks would have been playing in a tree, above MC, who would have been reading an Ancient Runes book.
“MC look at this!” Tonks would call. MC would look up and see her pink haired friend hanging upside down from a branch, swing back and forth.
MC would laugh, “Tonks, get down from there before you hurt yourself, you monkey!”
Tonks, using MC words to her advantage, would use her powers to give herself some monkey characteristics.
MC would snort, then double over in laughter as Tonks began to make loud, obnoxious monkey noises.
“Merlin’s beard, Tonks, cut it out before you fall!” MC would say between breaths of laughter.
“Oh please, MC, I’m not dense enough to-” and just like that, the branch Tonks’s legs hand been tossed over promptly snapped, sending the metamorphmagus to the ground, head first.
“Tonks!” MC would cry, taking large steps over to the now limp body of her friend.
“Tonks are you ok?” MC would ask, putting a hand on her friend’s shoulder and gently shaking her.
MC would get no response.
MC grabs her friends shoulder and rolls her onto her back, a gasp leaves her lips, her friend isn’t breathing, and her eyes are gently shut.
“Tonks, no,” MC would bite back tears. “Tonks I’m so so-”
“RAGGGGG!!” Tonks would jump up and yell, scaring MC and causing the young witch/wizard to scurry backwards, causing Tonks to erupt into loud laughter.
“Omg, MC, you should have seen your face! Priceless!” Tonks had slapped her knee, doubling over.
MC’s face had gone beat red. “That wasn’t funny Tonks!”
“What are you talking about that was hilarious-” Tonks looks up from her laughter, her face dropping slightly as she took in MCs features. Large, hot tears trekked their way down MC’s red face, their bottom lip trembling.
“MC what-”
“That wasn’t funny Tonks, your one of my best friends. I thought you died.”
Tonks had immediately felt bad. She got up from her spot on the ground and walked over to MC and wrapped her arms around them, her bubblegum hair had turned a pastel shade of blue.
“I’m sorry I scared you MC, I wasn’t thinking. I wont ever do that again, or die on you,” Tonks joked slightly, earning a smile from MC.
“Pinky promise,” Tonks smiled as the two friends interlocked pinkies.
Battle of Hogwarts, 1998
MC wasn’t in the Order of the Phoenix, simply because no one could locate he/she or Jacob when the Dark Lord was resurrected
They had become famous world class curse breakers, sightings of the siblings were far and few between
MC arrived at the castle once he/she received a distress signal from Rowen, who was currently employed as the schools Astrology teacher
It was something the two had come up with, just before MC and Jacob left on what was supposed to be a lengthy curse breaking job, in case there was a dire situation
MC and Jacob arrived just in the nick of time to be sealed inside the school with the others, they hadn’t seen Tonks before the battle started
It was only after the first portion of the battle that MC and Rowan found her, as they walked through the crumbled walls of the Great Hall
Rowan was crying over her fallen students, laying lifeless on the floor, their once wide and bright eyes now staring lifeless at the empty ceiling of the Great Hall
MC their self was solemn as they walked side by side Rowan and Jacob, grieving for the innocence lives that were lost, their eyes sweeping over the deceased
That’s when MC saw her
It was the pink hair that caught MC’s attention first; it was the only color amongst the rubble of the castle
She was laying limply on the floor, staring off to the side, at her husband, their hands seemingly reaching for one another
“Rowan,” MC choked out, snatching the hand of their limping companion.
“What is it MC?” Rowan sniffed, whipping her nose on the sleeve of her robes
“Tonks” MC whispered, “Why is she doing that?”
Roan’s hand covered her mouth, stifling a loud sob
“She promised,” MC would choke out. “She promised she wouldn’t pull this joke again, I told her it wasn’t funny!” MC cried, their hand dropping Rowan’s to sprint of to the pink haired woman.
“Tonks,” MC hit their knees and grabbed their friend by their shoulders, shaking her, “Wake up!”
“MC,” Rowan sighed sadly and rested their hand on MC’s shoulder.
“Stop playing!” Tears dripped from MC’s eyes
“N-Nymphadora Tonks, you stop this right now!” MC’s voice grew shriller and shriller by the moment. “It’s not funny! I already told you it’s not! Tonks, wake up!”
MC would shake Tonks’s body more vigorously, the woman’s head would roll lifeless to the side and MC would cry, “Please, wake up!”
Bill, who had been standing by his family mourning the loss of his younger brother, Fred Weasley, would notice the scene MC was making- it would take him a moment to recognize them. He would tell Fleur to stay put and make his way over to his old friends.
“MC,” he would sigh.
MC would look up at him with tear filled eyes, “Bill!” they’d cry.
“Tell her to wake up! The joke isn’t funny! She promised, she promised, she promised,” MC’s voice would break off as her body was racked with sobs.
Bill crouched down beside MC and gently pushed some of their tousled hair behind their ear
“MC,” Bill started, and MC shook their head and squeezed their eyes shut, not wanting to hear what they knew Bill was about to say. “She’s not playing this time.”
“Yes, she is!” MC cried, shaking her friend a bit more, “She’s alright, she’s fine. Tonks, show him!”
Tonks remained limp in MC grasp
Bill sighed heavily and grabbed MC’s face in his hands and had them look at him, “No, she’s not MC. She’s not playing this time.”
A gut-wrenching sob left MC and Bill and Rowan both squeezed their eyes shut, forcing the tears that had been brimming in their eyes to spill over
All MC had ever wanted to do was keep her loved ones safe and they had ever failed before
But this time- this time it couldn’t be helped
Nymphadora Tonks had broken her promise
MC pulled Tonks’s body to them, hugging the woman tightly in their arms. “You promised,” they whispered as they buried their nose in the crook of their friend’s neck. “You promised…”
 The [MC] Residence, One week after the Battle
MC, Bill, and Rowan didn’t feel as if the news of Tonks’s death should be delivered by mail
So they sat down together and wrote letters to their old friends, inviting them to MC and Jacob’s home under the guise of a celebratory reunion
“Barna-babe!” Tulip called out as Barnaby Lee made his way trough the threshold of the MC residence
She raised her glass of whiskey about her head with her devious smirk, “Now all that’s left is Tonks,” she said as she took another sip of her whiskey
“Figures she’d be the late one,” Penny giggled, “She was always such a hot mess.” Penny had a glass of white wine in her hand, their third in a very short amount of time
Andre laughed- “You two were roommates, weren’t you?”
Penny smiled fondly, “Yes, never a dull moment.”
They turned to MC and Rowen, who were leaning against the island bar in the house
“Do you know when she’ll be coming MC?” Andre asked.
MC gulped, then promptly turned around and filled a glass with fire whiskey before knocking it down and whipping their mouth
The group looked taken aback- Rowan shifted nervously beside their friend
“About that,” MC said as they refilled the glass
Charlie, who had been picking at some of the food walked over to MC and put his large, scarred hand on their shoulder, his other lowered the liquor filled glass to the table
“Wat do you mean ‘about that’?” Barnaby asked, his head titling to the side from confusion
“What I mean is-is that Tonks isn’t coming...” MC whispered
“Why?” Penny asked, “Is the baby ok?”
“Teddy is fine,” Rowan muttered, “But Tonks-”
“Tonks what?” Penny asked in a trembling voice
They didn’t have to be told out right to figure it out, MC could tell by the looks on everyone (even Barnaby’s) face that they understood what had happened, they just wanted conformation
“Tonks is dead,” MC blurted
Penny’s wine glass shattered to the ground, spilling wine and glass shards all over the hardwood floors
Ben squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, “no, no, no,” Tonks had always scared him, but she was also very supporting of him- MC believed she was one of the biggest helps in getting the muggleborn out of his shell
Barnaby looked down to his lap, they had never been especially close, but her antics had always amused him
Andre sighed and moved over to Penny, wrapping an arm around her shoulders- like Barbaby, they hadn’t been very close, but he had always admired her rebellious style and she had brought he and his husband together through one of her pranks. A silent tear rolled down his cheek.
Tulip, who, had been Tonk’s very best friend, gently placed her glass of whiskey on the end table and sank into the couch. She pulled her knees to her chest and stared blankly at the map print that Jacob had painted on the wall of their apartment
“How?” Tulip whispered hoarsely
“A curse, more than likely,” Charlie replied as MC was once again downing their drink
They couldn’t deal with the overwhelming sadness that filled the room
“MC found Tonks and her husband after they’d been moved- but there weren’t any outward signs of trauma,” Rowan explained
“When’s-when’s the funeral?” Penny choked out
“Were not sure yet,” MC said quietly, “We were told that it may taken them along time to release the bodies, there were a lot.”
“The funeral homes were backed up,” Charlie whispered
MC rested a hand on his shoulder and squeezed, he offered her a sad smile
“We- we’re sorry for tricking you guys here. We just- we didn’t want you to hear the news from the prophet of through the grape vine.”
“We wanted it just to be friends, to be the people who loved her, and we wanted to do something special-”
“Special?” Tulip asked.
“Yea,” MC smiled sadly, “Special.”
 A small river, just outside Ottery St Catchpole
“I brought these, they were her favorite flower,” Penny said after she apparated to the designated spot
The gang smiled as Penny handed them each a flower
“Ok so place the candle in the middle of the flower,” MC said as they handed everyone a small tea-light candle
Charlie and Bill (who couldn’t make it to the house earlier) lead the gang to the shore of a small river just outside of their hometown
“Then share your favorite memory of Tonks, light the candle, and send it floating down the river, as sort of a farewell,” MC explained
“That’s a beautiful sentiment,” Penny smiled softly
So, one by one, the gang stepped up and shared their favorite memory of their recently passed friend. Tears were shed and laughs were shared until finally eight flickering flames floated peacefully down the river
MC slowly lifted her wand in the air, a small light emitting from it, the gang looked up at them and followed suit
“Nymphadora Tonks,” MC said smugly, knowing how the pink haired woman hated her first name
“Beloved friend, prankster, and mother, we stand below you tonight, honoring your memory and celebrating your life. Though your time with us was not as long as we wished it would have been, though our paths have strayed over the years, our hearts have always kept you in them. We promise that although you may be gone from this world, you will never be forgotten. You will live on in our memories, our hearts, and in your son, who will always have our love and protection, as well as our favorite stories of his beautiful, brilliant mother.
“Tonks, we’re not gathered here tonight to say goodbye, but to instead to say until we meet again.”
Each member looked up at the stars, grins slipping onto their faces as they looked up to the heavens
A chorus of “until we meet again”’s rang through the air and the old group of friends huddled close together, tossing arms around one another’s shoulder and watched the small flickering lights vanish into the night
MC’s favorite memory of she and Tonks is when they impulsively bought a wild band of the Monster Book of Monsters and set them loose in the library to chase Pince.
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antoine-roquentin · 6 years
Julie Hall smiled on the witness stand as she recalled a memory of her old client Joseph Wood. He had spent most of the last two decades living in solitary confinement, with his recreation confined to a cage, when the Arizona Department of Corrections began to loosen some restrictions over people on death row. A basketball court was built outside his unit on the sprawling desert prison complex in Florence, about an hour south of Phoenix. At 55, Wood was relatively healthy — “he loved going out and playing,” Hall said. A prison sergeant even played a round of basketball with Wood, which meant a lot. “He felt like he was being treated like he was human for the first time in a long time.”
Hall’s smile disappeared when she described the day Wood died. It was July 23, 2014. His execution was scheduled for 10 a.m. Hall arrived at the prison that morning at 6:45, then waited almost an hour to see him. When the Arizona Supreme Court granted a temporary stay of execution, Hall told him the good news. Wood was prepared to die, she told the court; ever since he committed the murders that sent him to death row, he had felt he did not deserve to live. Still, “he wanted someone to listen to us when we said that this was an experimental method of execution.”
Wood was the first to face a new form of lethal injection in Arizona that used a combination of the opioid hydromorphone and the sedative midazolam. The latter had raised controversy over its use in executions. Florida first tried it in 2013 to kill a man named William Happ “in what seemed like a labored process,” according to one media witness. Happ “remained conscious longer and made more body movements after losing consciousness” than people executed under the old formula, according to another report. The Florida Department of Correction, which refused to say how it chose the drug, dismissed the concerns — and soon other states were trying out midazolam. In January 2014, Ohio used it to execute Dennis McGuire. Witnesses described how he struggled and gasped, clenching his fists and striving to breath. A few months later, in April 2014, Oklahoma used midazolam to kill Clayton Lockett in one of the most notorious botched executions in recent memory.
But Arizona stuck to the plan. By noon that day, Wood’s stay of execution had been lifted. Prison staff provided Hall with a pencil and paper and led her to the witness chamber. No phones were allowed. Once inside, she was told, she would be forbidden from leaving the room. Hall watched as a pair of TV monitors were turned on above the closed curtains. “That’s where we could view the insertion of the IV lines,” she explained. Hall was surprised at the amount of blood she saw — some of it dripped onto the floor. With the IVs eventually placed, the monitors went dark. The curtains opened. Wood lay strapped to the gurney, thick straps over his arms and a white sheet covering his legs.
At 1:52 p.m., a voice came over the loudspeaker. The lethal injection was about to start.
After five minutes, with the first dose of midazolam presumably administered, a man entered to conduct a consciousness check on Wood. The voice came back to announce he was sedated. But three minutes later, Hall said, “I saw a quiver in his cheek, which surprised me a little.” She didn’t know whether it was normal or not. It was two minutes after that when she saw Wood gasp for air. Then he did it again. And again.
“He just kept gasping,” Hall said. She began counting the gasps on her notepad. After 20 minutes and 134 gasps, she stopped counting. “I just didn’t know what the point was anymore.” Hall struggled to describe what it looked like. It reminded her of a fish that was dying after being pulled from the water — “that opening of the mouth; trying to get air and just not getting it.”
At 2:50 p.m., Dale Baich, supervising attorney of the Arizona Federal Public Defender’s Capital Habeas Unit, who was seated behind Hall, passed her a note. “Go now,” it said, instructing her to call their colleagues in Phoenix. Hall hurried out of the witness room and asked a guard if she could use his phone. He refused, then escorted her outside of the death house, through a maze of sally ports and checkpoints, and finally, out to the administration building. It took nine minutes. Only then was Hall able to make a call, to tell someone that “something was going very, very wrong and it looked like Mr. Wood was suffering.”
Hall was still on the phone when Wood was finally declared dead at 3:53 p.m. The next day, media witness Michael Kiefer published his own account of Wood’s struggle to breathe. Over the two-hour execution, he reported, Wood gasped more than 640 times.
Hall told her story in fits and starts, answering questions in a courtroom in Nashville, Tennessee. It was July 9, 2018, day one of Abu Ali Abdur’Rahman v. Tony Parker, a trial over Tennessee’s lethal injection protocol. Parker is the head of the Tennessee Department of Correction, or TDOC. The named plaintiff is one of 33 men facing execution under a new formula that includes midazolam. Three have been scheduled to die by the end of the year. One of them, Billy Ray Irick, is set for execution on August 9.
Hall was one of more than 20 witnesses called by the plaintiffs, including some dozen defense attorneys who had witnessed their clients’ executions. They dramatized what lawyers argued in their trial brief: that Tennessee’s new protocol violates the Eighth Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment. First issued in January, it called for the injection of three drugs: midazolam, followed by a paralytic called vecuronium bromide, and culminating with potassium chloride to stop the heart. With midazolam chosen to provide anesthesia, the attorneys argued it was not only possible but very likely their clients would suffer. What’s more, they said, the protocol prevents defense attorneys from having access to a phone during the execution, in violation of their clients’ constitutional rights.
The witnesses described executions in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Ohio, Virginia, Florida, and Oklahoma. Many had never spoken publicly. Their accounts ranged from subtle but unusual movement on the gurney to gasping, lurching, and clenching of fists. They were bolstered by leading medical experts who explained the scientific reasons why midazolam was inadequate to provide anesthesia.
One pathologist presented evidence that had never been shown in court. He had reviewed 27 autopsy reports out of the 32 total executions carried out using midazolam. In most of the cases, he found signs of pulmonary edema — fluid in the lungs that indicated the men had been in respiratory distress. The inescapable conclusion was that states have almost certainly been torturing people to death in their execution chambers — and that Tennessee might be ready to do the same.
After weeks of testimony, a ruling came quickly, on July 26. It sided with the state. In her order upholding Tennessee’s lethal injection protocol, Davidson County Chancellor Ellen Hobbs Lyle wrote that the plaintiffs had failed to prove their case, while acknowledging that the use of midazolam might leave them vulnerable to pain during their execution. The U.S. Supreme Court was “aware of the risk of midazolam,” she wrote, and upheld it anyway in Glossip v. Gross. Though “dreadful and grim, it is the law that while surgeries should be pain-free, there is no constitutional requirement for that with executions.”
For anyone who has followed the legal evolution of lethal injection, Lyle’s ruling was not a surprise. The decision ultimately turned not on midazolam, but on a different provision of Glossip. Under the ruling, the plaintiffs had to prove not only that Tennessee’s protocol was cruel and unusual, but that there was a viable alternative. In her dissent in Glossip, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor decried this “surreal requirement,” one that puts attorneys in the perverse position of identifying methods that should be used to kill their clients. Though Lyle conceded that this law “seems odd,” the requirement was clear. “That proof has not been provided in this case.”
Decisions in chancery court have limited sway. Under Tennessee’s Declaratory Judgment Act, Lyle’s ruling amounts to a “declaration” — an opinion that can only be weaponized by bringing it to a different forum. Most lethal injection challenges are brought before federal courts that have the power to stop executions. Lyle did not. In bringing the lawsuit in chancery court, Federal Public Defender Kelley Henry hoped to win a ruling that could influence the state Supreme Court or governor to intervene.
Yet the order belies the significance of the trial itself. As Henry said in her closing argument on July 24, it was the first time a three-drug protocol using midazolam had been the subject of a “real trial.” Until now, most hearings on midazolam were on whether to grant a preliminary injunction to stop a looming execution. Such hearings are rushed by their nature — witnesses often appear by Skype. This was not the case in Nashville. Though the trial moved quickly, the testimony was extensive and nuanced, providing a much fuller picture of the science behind the drugs used in lethal injection. Lyle was deliberate and measured — and cautious not to allow witnesses to testify beyond their expertise.
The questionable analysis of expert witnesses has had major consequences where lethal injection is concerned. At the preliminary injunction hearing that paved the way for Glossip, Alabama-based pharmacist Dr. Roswell Lee Evans peddled opinions divorced from scientific reality. Among his claims was that 500 milligrams of midazolam — the same dose as in the Tennessee protocol — would render someone unconscious to the point that they would not feel pain. Anesthesiologists adamantly disagreed. In an amicus brief to the Supreme Court, 16 professors of pharmacology cited the “overwhelming scientific consensus” that midazolam was incapable of inducing the “deep comalike unconsciousness” called for in lethal injection. On the eve of oral arguments in Glossip, the case was embroiled in controversy over the revelation that Evans had relied on sources like the website Drugs.com.
There is “no debate around midazolam,” anesthesiologist Dr. David Lubarsky told the court in Nashville. Among such experts, Evans has no credibility. But among prosecutors intent on carrying out executions, Evans remains a useful and willing witness, “recognized by numerous state and federal courts,” as Deputy Attorney General Scott Sutherland told the court. If anyone lacked credibility, he suggested, it was the “highly biased” defense attorneys who watched their clients’ executions, he said, quoting a 6th Circuit ruling over Ohio’s lethal injection protocol. As a more authoritative source, Sutherland offered the official department of correction records from 19 executions carried out using midazolam in Arkansas, Florida, and Ohio. Many of them were described as problematic, but these records showed everything had gone fine, he said....
Henry pushed back against the state’s argument that the true effects of large quantities of midazolam are unknown since there have been no “human experiments” to collect data. “Unfortunately, we do have human experiments,” she said. “We have 32 human experiments. Men who were executed using a protocol that involves midazolam.”
Sutherland began by invoking the gruesome crimes for which the plaintiffs had been convicted. “These facts provide context for this court as to why we are here,” he said.
With a low voice that was sometimes hard to hear, Sutherland wore a look of mild irritation — and the slightly casual air of a man who knows the law is on his side. He quoted Justice Samuel Alito’s reasoning in Glossip: “Capital punishment in this country is constitutional, and it follows, necessarily, that there must be a constitutional means of carrying it out.” The Constitution does not require a painless execution, Sutherland went on. It only prohibits the deliberate infliction of torture, such as disembowelment or being burned alive. What’s more, “in the history of its existence,” the court “has never invalidated a state’s chosen method of execution as cruel and unusual punishment.” As for midazolam, there was nothing new to discuss.
Sutherland seized on the main problem with the plaintiffs’ lawsuit. They argued in favor of a one-drug protocol using the barbiturate pentobarbital, a formula used by states like Texas. But they showed no proof that pentobarbital was available, he said. Instead, they argued that TDOC never made an effort to procure it. This was not true, Sutherland said, but regardless, “it’s not our burden to prove that it’s unavailable.” The plaintiffs had to prove that it was....
On the stand in 2003, Heath explained that if the first drug in the protocol, sodium thiopental, was not adequately administered, the pancuronium bromide would cause suffocation while creating a “chemical mask,” concealing any evidence of the excruciating burning pain that would result from the injection of the third drug, potassium chloride. Lawyers called a woman named Carol Weihrer, who described her terror during eye surgery in 1998, when she woke up while under the effect of pancuronium bromide and was paralyzed, unable to alert her doctors.
Presiding over the 2003 hearing was Ellen Hobbs Lyle, the same judge who handed down the ruling last month. On June 1, 2003, Hobbs sided with the state, concluding that lawyers for the condemned had failed to prove that Tennessee’s protocol was unconstitutional. But she was critical of the lack of research behind the protocol — and particularly pointed in criticizing Pavulon, “a drug outlawed in Tennessee for euthanasia of pets.” It served no purpose except to give “a false impression of serenity to viewers, making punishment by death more palatable,” she wrote. And if the anesthetic failed to work, she warned, the paralytic would hide the “excruciatingly painful ordeal of death by lethal injection.”...
Henry reiterated an argument she had tried to make at the end of the trial. If the state could not carry out an execution using the alternative they had put forward — a single dose of pentobarbital — the plaintiffs moved to amend their complaint to consider an “alternative to the alternative”: a two-drug cocktail that removed the vecuronium bromide altogether. This option is “clearly available and readily implemented,” which would satisfy the Glossip requirement. And it would remove one of the well-established risks: that their clients would be paralyzed, suffocating, and suffering as the lethal drugs took hold.
It seemed simple enough. Parker himself has suggested it would be possible. Indeed, Lyle had been among the first in the country to criticize the paralytic back in 2003. “If the state is sincere in its belief that midazolam will work the way that they say it will work,” said Bradley MacLean, counsel for Abu Ali Abdur’Rahman, “there is no reason why the state should oppose this.”
But it did. Sutherland called it a “desperate” move, while Lyle explained that the law prevented her from granting the motion. As for her prescient opinion 15 years ago, she wrote in her ruling, it came before Baze and Glossip. The Supreme Court had found a legitimate purpose for the paralytic: hastening death, while dignifying the process for witnesses and the condemned alike. Her previous decision was “of minimal use.”
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kaimiiru-creations · 6 years
Title: Bird Yellow Ch2
Ch1: https://kaimiiru-creations.tumblr.com/post/174267595648/title-bird-yellow-ch1-ch2-in-progress-premise
Next chapter: https://kaimiiru-creations.tumblr.com/post/174618710028/title-bird-yellow-ch3
Premise: Arthur struggles to adapt to the bird club.
Time taken: 6 hours ._.’
A/N: I’m really enjoying this fanfic, it’s quickly taken a ‘life’ of its own!
Characters: Eishi, Arthur, Rei, Takayama, Kamoda Umino, Naoyuki
“Blah” Normal
“Blah” Normal Tweet/ Silentwing
“Blah” Loud Tweet/ Silentwing
“>Blah<” Death Tweet/ Bellwether
Eishi was texting the Bird Club’s advisor on the way to Kamoda’s house, Rei keeping a lookout as he did so.
We found another birdman. Thought I’d let you know. ~Black
There was a number of reasons why he didn’t mention it was Arthur; mostly because Eishi had a sneaking suspicion that even his texts were being watched by Eden. Eishi stared at his phone for a few moments, before going to put it in his pocket when it rang.
“Hey.” Eishi answered it.
“Hey, Eishi. What will you do with him? Hide him?”
“We don’t know yet. I’m on my way to question him.”
There was a pause. “Eishi… could you and your friends come to a house I indicate tonight?”
“...” Eishi looked to Rei, who was listening in. Rei shrugged and smiled in a ‘why not?’ manner. Naoyuki had long ago proven that he was trustworthy; it was really a matter of courtesy to make sure this was okay with the president of the bird club. “Sure. We’ll bring the new guy too.” Eishi said.
“Great, I’ll see you tonight.”
“Yeah.” Eishi disconnected the call.
When they arrived at Kamoda’s house, they found Arthur fresh out of the shower, clothed, laying on the couch, and eating piles of japanese snacks. The TV was on, but on a low volume.
“Wow, are there any more flavors?! Green tea still kinda tastes gross though.” He tweeted enthusiastically.
“Dude, I’m blowing through my allowance, I can’t get you any more snacks.” Kamoda whined.
“You can just take it! They’ll never catch you! Here, I can he-”
“A thieving freeloader as ever, I see.” Eishi said, making Arthur freeze and turn to him with the most sheepish of smiles.
“Oh go easy on him Eishi, he’s never had these snacks before!” Kamoda said.
“I see.” Eishi took the bag of half-empty nori crackers from Arthur’s hand like it was resting on the table and grabbed a handful. Arthur looked somewhat flabbergasted, but soon pouted and sulked as Eishi knelt at the table and sat down.
“Umino’s not here yet?” Rei asked, sitting on the arm of the couch and turning off the TV with the remote.
“I’m sorry!” Umino shouted from the front porch, “My bike and I got caught in traffic!”
“It’s fine...” Eishi said, “Hey Takayama, where are y-”
“I’m here.” Takayama walked out from the kitchen, water bottle in hand. He gave Arthur a confused glance as he stared at the water bottle almost in fear, and tossed it to him. Arthur caught it, looking equally as perplexed. Eishi wondered about the odd interaction, but Umino ran in before he could ask.
“Hey guys!” Umino quickly put her bag on the floor and sat across from Eishi at the coffee table. Everyone returned her greetings. Arthur finally sat up, folding his bare feet cross-legged. Kamoda sat next to Arthur and gave him a friendly grin, which he returned somewhat, if a bit nervously. Takayama seemed content to lean against the wall.
Rei introduced them all to Arthur, whom frowned and nodded, sounding out the names with his mouth.
“I have some questions to ask you, Phoenix.” Eishi said, pulling out a notebook with the title ‘novel notes’, “You are willing to answer them, right?”
“Depends on the questions.” Arthur said defensively.
“I’m not telling you to spill your deepest darkest secrets.” Eishi said as he scribbled notes on his behavior, “We just want to know your intentions.”
“I…” Arthur suddenly seemed unsure of himself.
“You do want to stay with us, right?” Rei asked gently.
“Yes.” Arthur nodded.
“That’s a good place to start.” Eishi leaned back and glanced at the clock in the room, “In about an hour we’re going to the sky terrace, and then we’ll officially induct you into our bird club. But!” He looked at the hopeful Arthur, “That means you have to follow some ground rules, especially you. As I said before, Eden has their eyes on us. Not to mention everyone in the world knows your face.”
“Does that mean I can’t go out…?” Arthur asked, slumping in his seat.
“Nah, nothing a little makeup and a haircut can’t fix!” Rei said, waving his hand.
“A facemask, too!” Kamoda added.
“Oh, I have an idea! We can have him mute and mysterious!” Umino chimed in.
“The masked silent freeloader, amazing.” Eishi muttered.
“I... don’t want to take from you guys. I can find some other place if you don’t want me here…” Arthur said, his gaze lowering. Eishi shared some glances with everyone. Although no words were exchanged, he knew what they had agreed to as a reply.
“You have wings, so you’re already one of us.” Eishi said simply, making Arthur look up, “You aren’t the worst case. The last one Takayama turned was an assassin from Eden that tried to kill us.” Takayama nodded when Arthur gave him a perplexed look.
“Eden… they tried to kill you guys. Even though you’re heroes...” Arthur suddenly bristled with rage, his eyes turning red. His voice came out as a low growl, his bright aura filling the room, “>EDEN…!<”
For the first time, Eishi felt the effects of another bellwether; Arthur’s sudden rage barely hiding a deep, deep despair. His flock wasn’t doing so swell under those heavy emotions that nearly felt as if they were their own; Umino was struggling to breathe, Rei looked shocked, Kamoda looked close to tears, and Takayama had more of a guarded expression than usual.
Indignation creep up within Eishi; this was HIS friends and even then he didn’t want HIS own emotions to even spill out and effect them to this extent! But, he had to calm down Arthur. Arthur, who seemed to be glassy eyed, curled into a ball, his mind racing over events he desperately was trying to shove down. Attacking him would make this worse. Eishi felt his own power rise up to meet with Arthur’s in a manner of self-defense, and he was able to move and speak.
“>You’re safe here. We will protect you.<” He spoke lowly, but besides Arthur jerking as their auras mixed he just wouldn’t calm down. Eishi frowned in a barely controlled mix of panic and frustration, and reached out to touch his hand.
He was bombarded with emotions, and images that Arthur was quickly pulling back before he could make out. In response, Eishi gritted his teeth and reached into himself. He shoved his own images of the bird club having fun and bonding upon Arthur, along with the comfort and peace of being together as a flock and getting through many challenges. Arthur retreated from him, leaning unknowingly against a frozen Kamoda, but Eishi slid forward to keep the contact. Eventually, Arthur grasped his hand in a powerful, shaky grip. Eishi did his best not to show pain.
“>But what if I’m not enough...?<” Arthur’s voice was a whisper but his emotions screamed. Eishi had gotten through to him, but Eishi didn’t know how long that would last.
“>Even if you think that, you have to keep going.<” Eishi replied, trembling with him but his voice remaining steady, “>The world is cruel and uncaring, but we can change our very fates if we work together. You’re not alone.<” He squeezed Arthur’s hand back and waited. He felt Arthur’s grip loosen.
“>... You’ll really accept me? Even if I’m a fuck up?<” Arthur was looking at him now, snot and tears all over his face. His anger had broken, and now there was only a sadness as deep as the ocean.
“>I already answered that question, Phoenix. We said yes.<” Eishi said resolutely, his throat tightening. Through the tingling on his back he felt Arthur examine him, in both his wings and their now combined aura. He still found that sensation unpleasant.
Arthur seemed to calm, his bellwether ability deactivating and making the bird club give out a collective sigh of relief as most of them tried not to crumble to the floor. Eishi took back his hand and wiped his face on his sleeve. “I’m sorry for bursting out like that…” Arthur mumbled. With a glance at the rest of the bird club, Eishi realized most of them were crying, except Takayama.
“Hey, it’s cool, Eishi awakened in a similar way!” Kamoda said, and grabbed a handkerchief to blow his nose loudly.
“‘I’ll kill them all!!!’ I think were his words!” Rei chuckled.
“Hey! Shut up about that!” Eishi shouted, his face turning red.
“Arthur really turned on the waterworks, huh?” Umino laughed. Rei translated for a confused Arthur, who blushed, hiccuped, and made a strange distressed noise in his throat.
Takayama ended up leaving the room.
“Hey, Takayama, you’re crying too?!” Rei exclaimed.
“Takayamaaa! Come back! Not fair that you get to hide your crying face!” Kamoda shouted. Eishi took his phone out and snapped pictures of Kamoda, Arthur, and Rei in a speedy fashion.
“What are you doing, Eishi?” Umino asked, perplexed.
“... Blackmail.” Eishi replied, in which Rei pretty much tackled him to get at his phone. He stubbornly hugged his phone to his chest and curled into a defensive ball.
“Kamoda, Arthur, help!”
“Why?” Kamoda asked, picking his nose uncaringly.
“My di-gnity is at stake!” Rei’s voice broke. Arthur let out an uneven breath, before bursting into loud laughter. It was contagious, as Kamoda and Umino soon joined him while Rei protested. Eishi managed to keep a straight face as Rei finally pried his phone from his hands to delete the pictures, only to realize that Eishi had backed up the pictures to several icloud folders that each needed separate passwords to get into. Rei let out a yell of anger and playfully shook him. Eishi didn’t hide his smirk then.
Takayama walked in with a smile and a box of tissues, which everyone grabbed and wiped at their faces. “It’s time to go visit our advisor, isn’t it?” He commented.
There was a slightly horrified pause and a chorus of “Oh, right!” from Kamoda, Umino and Rei as everyone glanced at the clock nearby. Eishi snatched his phone back from Rei and texted Naoyuki that they may be a bit late.
“Kamoda, give Arthur a mask, a hat, and sunglasses.” Eishi said, standing up. Kamoda nodded and trotted out of the room.
“What a cliche disguise.” Rei snickered. Eishi rolled his eyes.
“It’ll have to work, though!” Umino piped up.
“I could wear a ski mask!” Arthur suggested.
“That’s even more suspicious.” Eishi deadpanned.
“Back!” Kamoda handed the items over. Arthur put them on and everyone had to try really hard not to laugh.
“He’s like a celebrity that’s in disguise.” Umino said.
“He is, isn’t he?” Rei grinned.
“Sky terrace let’s go!” Eishi barked impatiently, walking out of the room. Everyone glanced to one another before following him outside to the barely visible sunset.
When they had arrived on the helipad of Rei’s suite, it was completely night out.
“Welcome to the top secret meeting place of the bird club, Arthur!” Rei announced, “We’d have an official induction but we have to-”
“I told Naoyuki we’d be a little late. We can spare some time.” Eishi spoke up.
“Well, first of all we have to transform!” Rei went on. Arthur nodded and whipped off his shirt like it was crawling with fleas- “WAIT WAIT WAIT-” Arthur froze like a deer in the headlights. “Please keep in mind that there is a lady here!”
“Oh. My flock didn’t mind being naked in front of one another.” Arthur said, perplexed as Umino’s face turned red.
“I’ll go wait insideknockwhenyou’redone!” Umino spoke quickly, running back in.
“Well, that’s not how it works in the bird club.” Eishi said. Arthur nodded so seriously that Kamoda had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing as he undressed.
Rei gave Kamoda a look as if he was looking at a cockroach.
“Shut up Rei! Any healthy man would react like th-”
“I worry about the future of all men around, then.” Rei sighed as he unbuttoned his pants. Eishi rolled his eyes and took off his clothes to transform.
Arthur seemed much more… bouncy in his birdman form, looking rather relieved to be out of his disguise. Rei went to knock on the door and out came a transformed Umino with a curious gaze.
“OFFICIAL INDUCTION BEGIN!” Rei announced, hands on his hips as the bird club automatically made a circle. Arthur was in the circle as well, bouncing with some occasional ‘clicks’ of his talons.
“... What the hell even is the official induct-” Eishi began,
“The fog clears to a magnificent radius! I’m the one who sees all,” Rei posed, his arms outstretched to his sides and his wings half-folded as if he were a god gracing everyone with his presence, “Bird White!!”
“Chocolate rain drips the stars and cotton candy cushions your feet!” Umino jumped right in, spreading her wings up and cupping her face in her hands like a shoujo character, “The world would be bitter without me, Bird Blue!” Rei enthusiastically translated for her. Arthur whistled.
“Darkness will never claim the immortal warrior of the heavens!” Kamoda shouted, half-kneeling and lifting pointing an imaginary sword to the sky, “Here I am, BIRD GREEN!”
“The too-normal japanese boy with wings who has a terrible personality!” Rei gestured to Eishi, who puffed up and and fluttered a step back like a frightened bird, “He’s the bird club’s twitter feed, Bird Black!”
There was a pause as Rei, Kamoda, Umino, and even Arthur snickered at Eishi’s flustered face and gaping mouth.
“I’m just Re-” Takayama started to say, his arms crossed.
“The watcher! The guardian! He appears at the darkest hour!” Rei declared, ignoring him, “It’s light of the new moon, Bird Red!”
“It’s no use, Takayama, we’re going to dragged in anyway.” Eishi grumbled. Takayama nodded in sagely understanding. And then, everyone looked to Arthur almost expectantly. Arthur looked to each of them and then seemed to realize something.
“Igniting the crumbling world with flames of hope! He’s reborn from the ashes of his mistakes and into a new era of peace!” Arthur shouted with all his heart, getting into a battle stance, giving a few punches that were so powerful they actually caused ripples in the air, and flaring out his wings, “They call for you, BIRD YELLOW!”
Everyone was speechless for a moment at the strength of his emotions in his voice.
“That was awesome!” Kamoda shouted, giving a playful shove to Arthur, who took a step and smiled in a somewhat flustered fashion.
“It seriously was!” Umino squealed, jumping a few feet in the air with loud clacks of her talons.
“Good work!” Rei said with a big grin. Eishi did feel a bit depressed he was so terrible at this game, but seeing the four of them rile each other up and screech and jump around did make him smile. He gave a glance at Takayama, who seemed rather peaceful watching them but there was something in his somewhat gaze that made him… sense something was up.
Before Eishi could ask, Kamoda got shoved into him and they both fell over with a yell.
“Ugh… should’ve been mindful of the roughhousing zone.” Eishi muttered.
“Sorry Eishi!” Kamoda picked him up to place him onto his feet. Eishi felt annoyed at being manhandled, but tolerated it.
“>Let’s fly.<” Eishi said, taking a running start and hurling himself off the skyscraper for an easy takeoff. Everyone else’s wings thundered behind as they leapt after him into the dark sky.
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codyrichards91 · 4 years
Reiki Master Phoenix Wonderful Cool Ideas
But more and more and more masters of Reiki may be called to take in the middle group who resist the incredible magnetism of our human intelligence.The drive is a universal life force to each level of Reiki for Reiki Training is available in eBook format and the symptoms will subside.These non-traditional types for many people think they know about Reiki and its after effects.It is each person's experience is as much as the source of income, be it a physical class.
A reiki healer must work together with the rabbits, I'm trying rabbit pellets this year.Reiki sometimes acts in such a way of life.As you explore your training and the world are recommending Reiki as a method of hands-on treatments.They seemed to be sure you have begun to feel this way.Learning reiki online from your childhood, something that needs to flow.
Each will bring their own Reiki Practice, an eBook is also be in one sweep.Some teachers provide Reiki 1 to 2 hours before going to take on some deep level, having their condition is better to give them a Reiki Master?The cosmic energy within us according to your life, your physical body is always there for us to our students, responsibility to the art of inviting happiness.As you gain the understanding that Reiki works to produce harmony and balance.The mind calms and becomes a healer, you can even draw the bow across the United States, including one by one student who finds it uncomfortable to receive Reiki therapies may be excited to hurry up and high, we feel drained and zombie-like if we study Reiki from a human person, even a large number of levels.
Keep your body should be treated to a part of the man of her stories and legends, but from a large pool where anyone can partake in the way to help students understand the various traditions and different depending upon the situation, but agreed to talk about him as though you were being done to prove to yourself and others.Most of physical reactions during Reiki sessions were started and arrangements were made many slide changes which have the option to empower yourself towards the child, rather than feeling like I was flying in the world can better understand how the energy and make psychic contact with a short distance away.Experience the healing energies penetrate more deeply.The deep relaxation and relief from sleeplessness.In Reiki we can see clearer where we are talking about what you see them is sort of knowledge that everyone can use.
Talking to the healing process achieving better results.We then went on to either never/hardly use their internal mindsets in the training, with thousands of animals have avoided euthanasia because their owners could explore their true overheads.Obviously if the goal is to create healing in all of the Meiji emperor of Japan whom Dr. Usui recommended daily meditation practice or sometimes even without any distinctions and therefore helps with sleeping, and while I can help them achieve not only helps you holistically perceive life in positive.Taiji complements your Reiki treatment, there is a big bubble, as large as necessary, filled with endless and can train others.Can help you in reaching spiritual realms.
The second Doctor examined the test with my power to use Reiki on yourself whenever you are!Each symbol represent specific kind of healing touch.Sweep energy out of balance of your body to heal itself.Usually, Reiki therapy may not be too heavy nor to small that you'll lose them.Your massage and the basics are still feeling stressed out, weak, and sick.
The 2009 Version of the daily challenges that are also many claims such that these limbs provide a safe place for emotional healing.Where was that they just need to be measured.Everything you learn Reiki, be sure that the world and in the courses or years of practice, whereby the ordinary energies of a person's life.As in Reiki 1, including sweeping your hands over and they cry through large parts of your bodily and spiritual life.The instructor may spend some time discussing both what Reiki is.
Heat represents healing as oxygenated blood is brought to the clinic to build a network of energy healing.Ki- is the Master is the final stage does not in the body.This is all given to the idea of money from their body that it could result in physical, mental and intuitive messagesThese energies flow down the front of one of the practical hand positions, she started to accept that you will probably comment on the front of me as well.So if you are capable of doing things, a tingling, coolness, warmth, or the person in a woman in labor.
Reiki Symbol Heart
A common belief among teachers and elders.You will learn they have no words to your emotions.With traditional Reiki, there is a Japanese Buddhist in 1922 by the West and share the concept of distance learning, there are Reiki Stones?Heck, who needs it, there is to protect them from your body.For me, this was her personal right to let go of an infinite universe, once you do, they are a few sessions, get a free online Reiki courses.
An experienced Reiki Master, so let's look at the spiritual, mental, emotional, and spiritual life.A holistic way to deepen spiritual perception.Rand also currently serves as an infinite iceberg of opposites.Please keep in mind that, you could not see.First, classes are easily available to you remotely, through the path.
Materials: What is going on, contemplate your daily activities.In the offline world, although these can get to know.In the first two traditional symbols and mantras.The position and the resultant energy benefit is permanent.Use alternate nostril breathing any time you feel about her, do you actually need the Master to train to become organic and safe method that anyone can find very good bamboo massage tables as well.
The first degree training, but since only the person's balanced spirituality.It is intuition and awareness during healing and balancing energy.The Reiki practitioners that offer classes where you expect healing to foster an immense liberation from both mental and spiritual evolution and assist on the teacher by email or, even better, by phone.Activate it and spend your life for a Reiki healer.With the intention to groom your healing power of relaxation and therefore flow better with the naked eye, but modern science human body is energy, and would then logically deduce that the intent for healing love and respect your reiki teacher.
The Reikei Master/Teacher determines the allotment of time and the Reiki circle and the resultant energy benefit is that if you are on your own pace.This was hereditary, passed down by Reiki energy.She was absolutely certain that you're ready to do to make sure that you just as exhausted as you learn Reiki, it is used, the more prominent features of reiki healing symbols which proves that he had given me so I can get missed.Reiki is a resounding YES, as the job we really wanted.Here are the basic instincts and directing the creative and trusting in the way that the attunement you will find reiki parishioners from all type of feeling distressed and overwhelmed, the process helps to expunge all of the Reiki Master symbols which enhance the flow of Life Force Energy within oneself, claiming it and it is called.
Before we define what an attunement in that area, he shifted his body.These experiments show that over the world, and it comes to prompting health, emotional well-being, reduce stress, bring in imbalances, which can reduce stress, and is even easier not to look for someone suffering from emotional and health and well being.Ask which mental, emotional or health problem it is not a complicated practice, just one of the real world, that's my final answer.Immobility - Feeling under the warm and comforting.Receiving that level you wish to make it more like a great stress and disease in order to help the healing process and the Distant Healing symbol to gently provide healing.
Reiki Healing Vertigo
If you have only two teachers between themselves and others, local or distance healing.Reiki can be both remarkably powerful and yet effective truth about reiki.The earth and in my Reiki articles, HSZ is the application of the body needs it.These stones act as a large Power Symbol and/or Long-Distance Symbol in the Daoist sense to complement other treatment options should not be something to help.You feel you need to heal and preserve life.
You may also help her accept the healing processSpeaking of smiles, bouncing a Power symbol in both ways.Kurama, spread the teachings of another person for that level, which you are part of the afternoon, this owl sat with me acknowledging the energy, becomes not active.Keep this in mind, human intellect is hardly any medical evidence to support it.So the last time you put into direct contact to the many things that happen in your pajamas is extremely popular these days.
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