#for aa3 to end its examination of her character the same way the past 2 games did:
masonsystem · 10 days
oh maya fey...
#my main source of anguish with her character mainly stems from the fact that not enough ppl hate aa3 LOL#but i mean it.. if u like maya aa3 should make you furious. hence why im so weirded out by maya likers who like aa3 cuz like#what actually is it about maya do you actually like? just that shes a silly goofy girl?#cuz she has all this trauma and hardships.. that the story glosses over. entirely even at the very end#for aa3 to end its examination of her character the same way the past 2 games did:#'yeah shits happened to her but wow its so admirable that she keeps up a strong face for you and pearl! 🙂'#DISGUSTINGGGGG MOTHERFUCKER I HATE IT 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬#edgeworth gets to change gets to breakdown and fake his DEATH#gumshoe of all people has a crush to deepen his motivations#franziska leaves her resentment and pride of being a von karma#phoenix gets to be distressed and we see how that challenges him#but maya? FUCK HER MAN shes still smiling smiling! no need for critical change or examination or to treat her#like a character worthy of respect! worthy of change!#she was designed to be a silly character to make investigations more fun and thats what she'll be for the entire franchise#and people will just eat it up..... BRAHHHHH she deserved so much better#hate aa3 forever. and also aa fans ur in the line of fire now too#fucking... cant believe aa3 of all things is a top title like goddamn just play gh*st trick. just fucking play gh*st trick#wowed by aa's first attempt at a long + connected narrative.. go play gh*st trick
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