#phishing alert
motherhenna · 1 year
hey PSA: I think the "I need money to help my cat" phishing DMs are coming back because I just received an ask that has a very similar script to one's I've seen in the past. So friendly reminder to avoid donating to random people's gofundme's on here regardless of the sob story: I've fallen for the cat thing before and lost ten bucks as a result. If you've known the OP for awhile and they've verified their story, then by all means: venmo them all the cash you want. But otherwise, please don't let your big heart get taken advantage of. A 19 yr old tiktokker was recently arrested for faking terminal cancer and profiting off a fundraiser so there is no such thing as "too low" for some of these grifters.
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puella-1n-somn10 · 1 month
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I ain't answering that, nor am I clicking your fucking link. Honestly, if you're going to phish someone, pour a little more effort into your acting.
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walks-the-ages · 1 year
ao3-liberation-front for your free scammer blocklist.
both an a03 worshipper, proshipper shitstain, anti-asian racist, and is literally trying to scam their fellow Ao3 supporters by making a gofundme ""for the a03 volunteers!!" which is a blatant attempt to capitalize on a03's official donation page being down, so they can pocket the profits instead.
Don't forget to report for phishing as well.
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redbuddi · 3 months
This morning I woke up to this email
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Scary right? It looks as though all of a sudden I owe over a thousand dollars to some studio I've never heard of. This would be enough to make anyone jump to correct the situation. But if you get this email or ones like it, stay calm, do not call the number, and do not click ANY of the links.
This email is fake. I logged into paypal through normal means and there was no such invoice sent to me. While obviously I didn't call the number or click the links to check for sure, this is most likely a classic phishing scheme. Essentially if you click any of the links or call the number, you will be asked for your login information in a way that looks legitimate, but once they confirm your login they will disconnect you, change your password, and have complete access to your paypal.
tl;dr, If you get the email pictured above or anything similar, delete it immediately. Do NOT call the number it provides. Do NOT click on any of the links it contains.
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stetsonnewsie · 9 months
Hey folks!
Nothing new for us, but there seems to be a new phishing scam going around.
Remember to stop and think before you click a link.
Are they creating a sense of urgency? Especially if they are asking for money.
Did you solicit this information?
Has their blog been active long?
Does the username seem randomly generated?
Is the information accurate? Are there misspellings and grammar mistakes?
You can check a link by copying it and pasting it on a word document, notepad, etc.
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Username may be different. They are sending this message block in asks, and have the same thing pinned on their blog. The link does not direct to a gofundme as tags suggest, but rather a paypal
Stay safe out there <3
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quotidian-oblivion · 2 months
Friendly Reminder:
If you feel uncomfortable with any conversation with someone online...
Block them.
If you receive very suspicious and unappreciated messages.
Report then block them.
This is the line you must not cross. For your own safety. For the safety of others.
You don't even have to say anything to them before you block them. They're not your responsibility. Their feelings do not matter when compared with your safety.
Block. Report. Do not budge from this rule.
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indigorain54 · 6 months
Ok so I haven't seen anyone post about this new issue yet but it needs to be talked about.
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If you have seen posts like this one DON'T CLICK THE LINK!!!! It's a phishing attack and is considered spam. They will steal your data and this is not a real job ad. Please report them when you see them and block them. If you see a post with a suspicious link don't click it.
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Their blog page will usually look like this, with multiple posts of the same false ad. With the wrong tags to it.
Be safe online everyone!
Don't fall for phishing and scams!
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girlwiththegreenhat · 2 years
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Reminder to report these scam asks by using Report > Report something else > Unlawful Uses of Content > Phishing. This is much more effective than reporting them as bots, as they are a different breed than the spam-followers we've had as of late.
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disdaidal · 5 months
Btw I got a call from Paypal this morning, which sounded a helluva lot like an automated message (a female voice spoke in English, but it sounded distant, almost robot-like). And this voice said something similar to "we have received a request to withdraw money/funds from your Paypal account" (the requested amount was around a hundred-something) and "if you want to cancel it, press 1".
I hung up immediately. The phone number on my screen showed (+359) and "Bulgaria". I'm Finnish.
After ending the call, I immediately googled the message that I had heard on the phone, and it seems like a lot of Paypal users have gotten similar emails from 'Paypal' (I'm no stranger to such scam emails myself), but none of them mentioned a phone call. So I searched for that number and couldn't find it—or at least nothing that suggests that it's 'potentially harmful'.
I thought about reporting it to PayPal (still might), but somehow I doubt that'll do anything. I also checked my Paypal account activity in case of any new suspicious activity and transferred my money to another bank account (not linked with PPL) just in case.
I'm sure it was just a phishing attempt and nothing serious happened because I didn't respond, but you really can't be too careful these days.
Anyway, if you use Paypal and get emails or phone calls like this, don't answer them. Don't give them any information. Just hang up and delete those emails and/or mark them as spam. If you're not sure if they're legit, go to the Paypal official website and contact their support. They should know.
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pendragyn · 5 months
Hello this a long shot call, am Yusuf a citizen of Palestine. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin (Humalog), I was diagnosised with type 1 diabetes and due to current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week
hello shitstain of a scammer, fuck off forever. Have the day you deserve.
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Please blow this up. I almost got scammed and I don't want it to happen to anyone else.
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this user is a scammer. I made a post asking for help because I'm in desperate need of money. this person responded.
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I was wary but desperate so I decided to try.
this is their number:
(402) - 913 - 0144
it started off simple enough, they offered to send me $250 but it became clear today that it was all a scam.
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the only reason I didn't fall for it is because of the inconsistencies they were saying and because I have a friend that works at a bank. other people may not be so fortunate. please block them.
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these screenshots are only some of the bullshit they were spouting.
once I called them out on their inconsistencies they stopped responding. please don't fall for it, scammers are disgusting and the scum of the earth.
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yulia-inferis · 21 days
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lyesoap · 2 years
scam alert! (image descriptions in alt text because this post is already very long)
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the ask goes on for a few lines after this asking for donations. if you search aydin or aydinb01 or barisaydino2two on tumblr you can read copies of the same ask that people actually answered.
getting reblogged by @one-time-i-dreamt wasn't a lie (post here) but according to an anonymous tumblr user who sent multiple asks to different people, the ask and the og post are both scams.
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reverse image searching the images in the post reblogged by one-time-i-dreamt makes clearer even that was a scam. doing that, i found these: links to the first and third images
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the second image was harder to parse for but if you want to look through the guardian's now-closed, old live blog of the turkey and syria earthquakes, go ahead.
there was also a video added to the og post that's also likely to be stolen from a different source, but i think the pictures are enough proof. if anyone wants to search for the source of the og video, please do.
it's awful that some people are stooping so low as to try to profit off of a real tragedy that's killed so many people and has ruined so many others' lives. it's also awful that some people have actually fallen for this.
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here's a link to the fundraiser if you want to report it. if you want to donate, donate to ahbap instead.
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laurettelarue · 2 months
****SCAM ALERT!!***** @dianaartworksblog is a SCAM attempt! But only when you allow it! I blocked and reported this blog. You will be lured into believing they will pay you a lot of money, provided you first send them a commission... 🤣 which they never intend to return, in spite of their promises.
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Don't fall for this! And this is not the only one either!
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sauljudgeman · 2 months
REPORT THIS DISGUSTING ASSHOLE @androgynousavenuevoid! This asshole is scamming people out of money, claiming that he needs donations for problems relating to insulin. I'm actually so fucking mad that this is happening. It just sucks that this bitch ass nigga is giving a bad name to the people on this site that ACTUALLY need the help.
I highly recommend going to @cluelessbot 's account and looking at their posts. Give them a follow! They actually deserve it, and they're the reason I know that this fucker is a scammer, in the first place.
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shift-shaping · 1 year
Hi there! :c I’m very sorry to bother you at this time of the day but I’m kinda hoping if you’d be so kind to check the post that I pinned on my blog and maybe give it a little help by boosting/sharing it? it’s for my cat :((( and we need help to get him the tests that he needs. Thank you if you do as it would really mean the world to me and I understand if you don’t, still appreciate you and stay safe! Btw, please do send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately instead as I dont want other blogs to think im a spambot or what, sorry for asking this, praying you’d consider! 🥲🙏
How about I share the real GoFundMe instead of your bullshit scam?
This person is using the PayPal mriggs859, which belongs to a scammer stealing money from a real fundraiser. How dare you take advantage of people's compassion like this. What is wrong with you?
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