#phil hunter
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Information about The Bill for use in fan fictions or anything similar. (aka: how I found out there's a character limit on Tumblr) This will be edited, please feel free to comment anything you want adding or editing.
Part 2
Nicknames for the police/officers:
The Old Bill, Bizzies (busybodies or 'too busy to help'), Feds, Bluebottles, Coppers, Bobbies, Rozzers, Peelers, The Filth, The Fuzz, Dibble (Officer Dibble from Top Cat), Pigs, Plod, Plonk (Person Of Limited Or No Knowledge), The Thin Blue Line, Bacon ("Can you smell bacon?") "The Babylon" (Jamican slang), Boys In Blue, Hawaii 5-O, Woody/Woodentops, The Scum, PoPo, The Law, Gammon.
In the earlier series, CID would refer to Uniform as Woodentops and Woodentops would refer to CID as Superstars.
Community Support Officers: CHIMPS (Completely Hopeless In Most Policing Situations), Hobby Bobby, Plastic Policeman,
Police Lingo, acronyms and abbreviations
ABE: Achieving Best Evidence - recording a victim of serious sexual assault on video for their first statement so it can be played in court to show how they were/the state they were in and try and limit the victim having to be there in person/cross examined etc.
ABH: Actual Bodily Harm
AMIP: Area Major Incident Pool (now Specialist Crime And Operations)
ANPR: Automatic Numberplate Recognition
AP: Agrieved Person - Victim
ARV: Armed Response Vehicle
ASBO: Antisocial Behaviour Order.
ASNT: Area Searched No Trace.
ASP: Baton
Big Red Key: The enforcer
BIU: Borough Intelligence Unit - this is where they could check facial recognition, check through CCTV and use the computers to check for suspects and find out peoples backgrounds.
BLO: Borough Liaison Officer
Blues and twos: Lights/Sirens on police cars
CAD: Computer Aided Dispatch
CIB: Complaints Investigation Bureau, later DPS (Directorate Of Professional Standards)
CID: Criminal Investigation Department
CIM: Critical Incident Manager - Inspector usually who oversees all the big jobs and makes decisions to keep things rolling smoothly rather than lots of chiefs making conflicting decisions.
Civvies (normal civilian clothes - ie a PC changing for an obbo)
CO19 (Used to be SO19 - armed officers. Smithy and Max used to be CO19 officers.) Apparently now MO19!
Code 11: Off Duty
CPS: Crown Prosecution Service
CPT: Child Protection Team
Crimint: Criminal Intelligence
CRIS: Crime Report Information System
CS Spray: Sprayed at criminal resisting arrest. Temporarily makes them unable to see properly and irritates their respiratory system. to enable them to be arrested. Sometimes now called PAVA spray.
CSE: Crime Scene Examiner (was SOCO- Scenes Of Crime Officer)
CSU: Community Support/Safety Unit Now joined with DVU and called SODAIT - Sexual Offences And Domestic Abuse Investigation Team
CLO: Community Liaison Officer
D&D: Drunk And Disorderly.
DVU: Domestic Violence unit. See CSU.
ETA: Expected Time Of Arrival "ETA, 5 minutes."
FATAC: Fatal Accident
Fence: Someone who buys and sells stolen goods
FED REP: Federation Representatives. Officers trained to support officers who are accused of crimes or otherwise want to take the service/bosses on.
FIU: Financial Investigation Unit
FLO: Family Liaison Officer (supports the family members/person who is going through a horrendous time. IE: Jim when Eva's daughter when missing and Smithy to Leanne Samuels when her daughter Carly was murdered)
FME: Force/Forensic Medical Examiner (Police doctor who reviews and treats criminals (and occasionally injured staff) who have gotten hurt, have complex medical issues or who need medication)
FPN: Fixed Penalty Notice - an on the spot fine.
GBH: Grievous Bodily Harm
Grass: informing on someone who has done a crime. Handling: someone who has accepted/bought stolen items either knowingly or unknowingly dependant on circumstances.
IBO: Used in later years instead of the CAD room, the Integrated Borough Operations handled non emergency telephone calls, CCTV viewing, contacting officers and similar. The CAD room was not needed as emergency calls were answered at Scotland Yard or Hendon and then sent to the relevant IBO Operator for the borough (which would be at Bow Central Communications Command) who would then send it to Sun Hill's IBO so all information can be relayed to the officers attending. Much like CAD, the IBO has a Sgt and PC's who would monitor the CCTV and IBO computers and assign officers to calls.
IC1-6 This is how the officers described skintones when searching for suspects/victims/witnesses.IC1 is White skinned european. IC2 is Dark Skinned European. IC3 is Afro Caribbean appearance, IC4 is Asian appearance (Indian Pakistani or Bangladeshi), IC5 is Chinese or Japanese appearance and IC6 is Arabian/Egyptian appearance.
Index: Vehicle registration - spelt out phonetically
India 99: Police helicopter.
IRB: Incident Report Book (Notebook) apparently now it's a force/work phone!
IRV: Incident Response Vehicle
LIO: Local Intelligence Officer
LEO: Local Enforcement Officer
LOS: Lost or Stolen
Misper: Missing Person
MIT: Major Incident Team (Used to be Murder Investigation Team)
MP: Met Police Information Room (Scotland Yard)
NCPA: No Cause For Police Action
NCS: National Crime Squad
NFA: No Further Action
NOIP: Notice Of Intended Prosecution. You're not arrested but the police are coming to take you to court soon.
Nonce: Sexual Offender - most used for Paedophiles.
OBBO: Observation - Keeping watch on suspects
OP: Observation Point
PACE: Police And Criminal Evidence Act - The police are bound to act by all rules, objectives and codes of conduct of this act of parliament in every part of their work.
PANDA: Normal police car that's not used for pursuing other cars. That's generally left to the Area Car or an IRV.
Pimp - someone who takes money from a woman on the sex trade. Also known as living off immoral earnings.
PIT: Precision Immobilisation Technique Manoeuvre (usually they try using a stinger to burst the tiers of a car thats speeding away from the police but it's not always possible. Where the road is wide enough and no one will become endangered by it,advanced drivers who are TPAC trained can do a manoeuvre to the car they're chasing and put it into spin to stop it. It CANNOT be done to busses/trucks/motorcycles etc and it's advised to not do it to a car you fear may be carrying armed occupants but to be honest it's not a massively used thing in the UK.)
PNC: Police National Computer = Real time checks on criminal records, outstanding warrants, missing and wanted people, registration checks etc.
PolAc: Police Accident (Ie car crash or hitting a pedestrian etc when it's a police officer involved)
PR: Officers police radio.
Refs: Refreshments/break time
Ringer - A vehicle that has been made up of parts of other cars or identity changed. Sometimes called a Cut n Shut.
RJ: Restorative Justice - a criminal doing something instead of being cautioned/imprisoned - like painting over their graffiti with a new coat of paint.
RTA/C: Road Traffic Accident/Collision
Rule 43 (Now 45): Vulnerable Prisoners in a prison. Smithy endured bullying to avoid being put in this as it means segregation and would bring him more attention and also a lot of isolation. This is for prisoners who are sex offenders, mentally ill, have a target on their back for grassing or being a convicted police/prison officer etc.
RUI: Released Under Investigation - bailed but the case is still being investigated and can be rearrested at any moment. The police hate this but the government have got touchy over bailing people.
Section 59 - Anti Social Behaviour Vehicle Seizure - you've kept driving like a prat so they're taking your car.
Section 165 - Seizing a car for no insurance. Most likely to be crushed.
Shout: A call out/incident communicated over the radio.
Sierra Oscar: Sun Hill Station Call Sign
Snout: Registered informant who gets paid for giving info. NNo sometimes CHIS - Covert Human Intelligence Source or Informant.
SO10: Now Covert Operations - Undercover Policing - can be long term and go really deep undercover. Stevie used to be in this dept. Now includes Counter Terrorism.
SOCA: Serious And Organised Crime Agency
SOPO: Sex Offenders Prevention Order (useless essentially!)
SOR - Sex Offenders Register
Stretch: Prison sentence.
TIU: Telecoms Investigation/Intelligence Unit
TOA: Time Of Arrival "Show me TOA 13.23"
Tom: Prostitute
TPAC Tactical Pursuit And Containment - trained officers who bring vehicles to a stop - like boxing cars in etc.
Trojan Unit: Armed Police
TSG: Territorial Support Group
TWOC: Taking a car without owners consent
VIN: Vehicle Identification Number
VRN: Vehicle Registration Number
Phonetic Alphabet Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebeck, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, Xray, Yankee, Zulu.
Areas Of Sun Hill/Canley Wharfs/Docks Jubilee Wharf, India Wharf, Limeharbour Dock, Sussex Wharf, Limeharbour Dock, Sussex Wharf, Old Jubilee Dock & Boatyard, Masters Wharf, Dockland Pier, Skippers Wharf
Council Estates Aldbourne, Bronte, Abelarde, Antrim Green, Canley, Farley, Parkmead, Jasmine Allen, Coal Lane, Cockcroft, Whitegate, Hardie, Larkmead, Tankeray, Copthorne, Netherlake,
[The earlier series had Riverdale Estate and one of the blocks was called Elizabeth Garret Anderson]
Other Stations Barton Street (Sierra Bravo) , Spicer Street, Putney Green, Stafford Row (Sierra Charlie), Tottenham (Echo Oscar) Diplomatic Protection (Delta Papa)
[Tower Wharf mentioned in series 2]
Industrial Estates
Cheetham Road Industrial Estate
Streets Trafford Way, Loftus Road, Leermont Road, Gatley Street, Purchase Road (Red light district), Brands Square, Jamaica Lane, Larkway Street, Godwick Street, Sun Hill Road, Shadwell Street, Harlow Street, Dunsford Street, Brown Square, Victoria Road, Dorral Road, Alforn Street, Mallan Street, Ashon Street, Brim Road, Rudcus Street, Cheetam Road, Cheetham Side, Jessop Street, Halpern Street, Tallow Street, Hoxton Road, Backhouse Street/Lane, Mournemouth Street/Avenue, Rudkin Road, Bagford Street, Brunell Avenue, Askill Road, Limefield Walk, Railton Street, Canley High Street, Ida Lane, Tubbs Lane, Claydon Street, Woodley Heath Road, Ballina Road, Starkwater Road, Calico Street, Tedder Street, Greenroad Way, Greaton Road, Mooreland Road, Ibbot Street, Rudleigh Road, Westway, Abbey Road, Broom Lane, Foundry Way, Humber Street, Muston Street, Valance Street
Prisons Longmarsh
Hospitals St Hughs
Cheetam Primary/Junior School, Shad Thames Infants School, Elcott Primary,
Canley Comprehensive, Harvey Wallace Comp, Deansgate Comprehensive, Cheetam Bank,
Canley Arms, Askill Arms, Rose And Crown, The Green Archer, The Bears Head, The Elcott Arms, The Seven Bells, The White Swan, The Scales, The Grape And Bottle, The Dog And Gun, The Pikes Head, The Thames Tavern, The Pikes Head, The Tully Arms, The Boat Inn, The Tug, The Emma Hamilton, The Cock And Crown, The Sultan. Lord Banbury
North Canley Sports Center, Canley Fields, City Farm, St Ann's Church, Cheetham Community Support Center,
Earlier series
Miskin Manor High School (mentioned series 5)
Bob Cryer's youngest son attends Medway Comprehensive.
St Clements is a hospital mentioned in series 5.
FME is first called 'FME' in Bad Company (series 5) before then it is divisional surgeon.
#the bill#alex walkinshaw#dale smith#smithy#roberta taylor#gina gold#smiffina#ray steele#reg hollis#steve loxton#rod skase#jim carver#iain fletcher#tom butcher#mark wingett#jeff stewart#cass rickman#suzanne maddock#scott maslen#phil hunter#diane parish#eva sharpe#sam callis#callum stone#stevie moss#lucy speed#kerry young#beth cordingly#kim tiddy#honey harman
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AoS + text posts pt. 10/?

#agents of shield#text post meme#aos text posts#aos#agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.#shield#phil coulson#daisy johnson#skye aos#leo fitz#jemma simmons#fitzsimmons#cal johnson#calvin zabo#bobbi morse#lance hunter#huntingbird#melinda may#marvel#marvel mcu#mcu#marvel edit#mcu edit#marvel entertainment#marvel television#marvel tv
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agents of shield is the best kept secret of the mcu.
on one hand, i hate how underrated it is, on the other, i love that due to it's underratedness (?) it hasnt reached the mainstream toxic marvel fanbase and we get to appreciate it as it deserves so
#agents of shield#leopold fitz#jemma simmons#phil coulson#melinda may#daisy johnson#grant ward#marvel#mcu#lance hunter#leo fitz#fitzsimmons
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watching a show
#winter speaks#agents of shield#marvels agents of shield#phil coulson#melinda may#daisy johnson#jemma simmons#leo fitz#alphonso mackenzie#antoine tripplett#lance hunter#bobbi morse#robbie reyes#ghost rider#lincoln#does he have a last name? fuck if i know#anyway. look at my meme slides boy#meme slide tag
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Phil: Can I just say– The biggest W ever was achieved. Listen to this:
[Replaying a clip from the recent Monster Hunter: Wilds news]
Commentator: You can see I'm choosing my armor here, in previous Monster Hunter games, you had "male" and "female" armor, they're separate. I'm happy to confirm that in Monster Hunter: Wilds, there's no more "male" and "female" armor, all characters can wear any gear.
Commentator: That's awesome, fashion game is officially the endgame.
Phil: [Laughs]
#Philza#Phil#August 21 2024#Monster Hunter#Monster Hunter Wilds#I wish he'd played more of the Japanese presenter's commentary because for once I could've actually TRANSLATED that for folks
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as social media quotes series part 42/?
The rest of the series
#agents of shield as social media quotes series#fitzsimmons#agents of shield#marvel memes#grant ward#melinda may#phil coulson#huntingbird#lance hunter#bobbi morse
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Endless List of Platonic Relationships I Love - SHIELD Team
"One thing I don't need time to understand is that we are all in this together."
#agents of shield#aos#phil coulson#leo fitz#daisy johnson#melinda may#jemma simmons#alphonso mackenzie#deke shaw#lance hunter#bobbi morse#lincoln campbell#elena rodriguez#antoine triplett#sapphirebluejewel#im here yet again to say found family is my favorite#if you didnt notice#not ward tho#fuck that guy#this show is dark as hell#literally#these are so dark
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S2 E11 Agents of Shield 10th Anniversary
10 years ago today we…
Were worried about Skye.
Watched as Coulson was ready for some vengeance. (#AngryDadModeActivated)
Saw what Raina became
Became worried about what Simmons might do to Skye when she finds out about her powers
Gasped as Fitz revealed that something is wrong with Skye!
Smiled as Fitz comforted Skye (One of my fav moments in the show!)
Welcome Back! I’m excited for the second half of the second season!
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#agents of shield#mcu#marvel#aos#marveledit#aosedit#skye#skye johnson#daisy johnson#phil coulson#grant ward#melinda may#leo fitz#leopold fitz#jemma simmons#fitzsimmons#lance hunter#alphonso meackenzie#bobbi morse#clark gregg#chloe bennet#brett dalton#ming na wen#iain de caestecker#elizabeth henstridge#henry simmons#aos season 2#AOS10THA#its all connected
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Favourite CID Era
S4-6 also includes Don't Like Monday (Tosh's family at the bank) and Ted and Roxanne's first appearance together as officer/snout
Series 7-9 inc Viv's death, Dashers guesting after leaving, Frank disappearing without warning for a mystery job and Harry Haines arriving. Danny Pearce, Jo Morgan and Alan Woods also arrive. Jo is promoted to DS after a few eps. Jack is demoted to DCI and returns as a regular rather than guesting as part of AMIP.
Series 10-13 includes Rod being rather chauvinistic to poor Suzi who becomes CID in this series. Jo returns for a guest period and is about to move back permanently before.. ahem. The Target trilogy are a particular work of art in series 11. Don arrives in series 11 when Deakin is promoted to DI after Sally goes. John Boulton arrives not long after too and finally in series 12 Geoff and Liz arrive and Alan goes and Tom Proctor brings up the rear in S13. There is a lot of Alistair and Suzi fun however as she gently teases him throughout.
Series 14-16 brings Duncan and Kerry Holmes with Tosh leaving through sad real-life happenings and Alistair transferring as does Suzi. Series 15 brings Danny Glaze and Claire Stanton as an undercover CIB agent trying to catch Don. She doesn't expect to fall in love with another CID member, however. Unfortunately, we do lose Liz in 15 but she does pop back a few times. Series 16 is a BIG CID-focused series. Rod jumps before he's pushed and the truth about Don comes out after he and John have a fight. We lose John, Don, Kerry, Claire, Geoff, Deakin, Tom, and Tom. We gain Paul Riley, Kate Spears, Vik Singh, Alex Cullen, and Debbie McAllister. A somewhat unfair exchange. Saving the best until last however for series 16 as Mickey also arrives and is at his cheeky scamp best.
Series 17-18 Near the end of series 16 we got a whole new bunch of CID after a mass exodus due to Don being revealed as a dodgy officer. To give them a chance to bed in properly, there were no cast changes to CID in series 17. The new lot featured heavily, Mickey went undercover as a rentboy for a bit and then as a football hooligan. Debbie's snout was her lover and there was quite hoo hah about him, There's a couple of guest appearances from Liz, one of which is a multi-parter that terrifies Kate Spears, Claire follows Don over to Australia to tr catch him and bring him to justice. In series 18 we lose Vik, Paul, Kate and Alex Cullen but gain Eva, Ken Drummond, Phil Hunter, Sam Nixon and Brandon. Series 18 is also the beginning of the numbered episodes and Paul Marquess...
Series 19-21: we gain Juliet for a short time before Rae gets fed up of the sexualised bisexual obsession for her storylines and we also end up with sexist arse, Rob Thatcher whilst losing Duncan, Danny and it's the first exit of Mickey too post-rape and the death of his mother over to MIT. It's not all bad, we also get Terry, Ramani and Neil. In series 20 we lose Rob when he finishes his vengeance against The Radfords by murdering Irene and being shot by CO19. We also lose Debbie and Brandon and Eva transferred to MIT. We gain Suzie in return, however. Series 21 we lose Ken in an explosion and Jim walks away after losing June and Ken. Gary who has been playing in CID for a little while gets short and transfers to the Manchester police. Jo arrives and Mickey returns from MIT. There's a mysterious newbie when Adi Mateen pretending Zain also arrives when it turns out that he's not the annoying gangster that's been buzzing round Sun Hill but has been undercover!
Series 22-24 - In series 22 we lose Ramani and Suzie, however, we gain Stuart and Kezia. THISISNOTAFAIRSWAP. Ahem. In series 23 we gain Grace and also Max at the very very end, Zain reaches the end of his tenure after being drawn to the dark side with Kristen and Phil transfers out rather suddenly as Scott appears to have jumped very quickly over to EastEnders. Series 24 welcomes Stevie and Banksy and we don't lose anyone!
Series 25-26 - I ummed and ahhed about making the last series a stand-alone selection on its own because it's a reboot but given it's only essentially half a year long and that the character changes happen in series 25 I put the two together. So, in this series we lose Jack as DCI because he becomes Superintendent. However we don't gain a new DCI, Neil just remains DI and does both jobs. Jo gets promoted but moves to uniform. Sam, Stuart and Kezia go (Could not have taken Sam being promoted to DCI!) and no one else leaves (other than Will) from CID until the very end. We have Mickey undercover as a homeless man, Max's drug problem and Mickey and Terry confronting him. Grace and Neil get together but Neil's son is diagnosed with cancer and so much more. Finally the entire station works together to nail the rapists of poor Jasmine (Respect 1-2)!
(Yep you guessed it, I meant to post this in the sierra-Oscar comm but got distracted.)
#the bill#CID#Roy Galloway#Ted Roach#Mike Dashwood#Jim Carver#Kim Reid#Frank Burnside#Rod Skase#John Boulton#Don Beech#Mickey Webb#Max Carter#Grace Dasari#Jack Meadows#Neil Manson#Stevie Moss#Stuart Turner#Tosh Lines#Alistair Grieg#Danny Pearce#Sally Johnson#Geoff Daly#Phil Hunter#Sam Nixon#Zain Nadir#Kezia Walker#Will Fletcher#Banksy#Jacob Banks
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AoS + text posts pt. 8/?
#agents of shield#agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.#aos#shield#marvels agents of shield#marvel's agents of shield#phil coulson#melinda may#philinda#grant ward#daisy johnson#skye aos#leo fitz#jemma simmons#fitzsimmons#lance hunter#marvel#mcu#marvel mcu#marvel television#marvel tv#text post meme#aos text posts
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Remember when Agents of SHIELD had the team in a reality where everybody was Hydra so they remade the main poster for every season up to then to reflect that? Iconic.
#agents of shield#agents of hydra#phil coulson#daisy johnson#melinda may#jemma simmons#leo fitz#alphonso mackenzie#grant ward#mack#Lance Hunter#Bobbi Morse#Lincoln Campbell#I just wish the arc's main poster wasn't just an edit of the ghost rider one...but oh well
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I don’t know why, but I’m feeling oddly nostalgic for the good ole days when “Agents of SHIELD” was still premiering. I mean, today, it has a fairly solid reputation as a sci-fi action superhero show. But if you only started watching after the show ended, you have no idea just how much drama this show created. There’s like…whole arcs of drama with AOS. I actually kinda miss the drama, it was lowkey fun to follow.
Off the top of my head, there was the:
* “1st season is complete garbage, why is this even a thing” arc.
* “Stand With Ward” arc. Just…Grant Ward in general.
* “Jemma has a space boyfriend/the creators ruined Fitzsimmons” arc.
* “10 PM time slot is gonna kill this show” arc.
* “Fandom hates that Fitz has a Nazi Doctor alter ego” arc
* “Is this show even canon after season 5” arc
* “This show wants to be X-Men so bad with the Inhuman persecution” arc
* “Did the show blow its budget? Where are the lights?” arc (subplot: Ghost Rider really ate up the budget, that’s why we could only afford Gabriel Luna for 9 out of 22 episodes)
* “Season 6 was really fucking weird” arc
* “Fuck this show for killing Fitz. Wait, I forgot he’s technically not completely dead” arc.
* “Fuck this show for teasing which main member of the team will die in the S3 finale” arc (side note: the drama from this was milked so much that I remember Marvel actually made a poll in which you got to vote who you think was gonna die. Lincoln won the poll, followed by Fitz.)
* “I hate how the show just forgot that Daisy used to be Skye the hacker. It’s like they completely erased Skye from the canon in favor of the comic character. She doesn’t feel like the same character anymore.” arc (yes, this was an actual complaint I saw from people at the end of season 2/the beginning of season 3)
Ah…good times, good times. Marvel TV show drama nowadays feels much less interesting in my opinion. AOS was a drama goldmine.
#agents of shield#agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.#marvel#mcu#marvel cinematic universe#aos#daisy johnson#marvel television#marvel tv#phil coulson#melinda may#leo fitz#jemma simmons#alphonso mackenzie#grant ward#lincoln campbell#robbie reyes#ghost rider#skye aos#lance hunter#bobbi morse#elena rodriguez#deke shaw#holden radcliffe#quake#aos season 4#gabriel luna#leopold fitz#agent coulson#marvel agents of shield
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as social media quotes series part 43/?
The rest of the series
#I should do a side characters round that's just side characters no members of the main team#I need to get victoria hand back in this series I miss that bitch#agents of shield as social media quotes series#agents of shield#marvel memes#phil coulson#lance hunter#melinda may
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If the SHIELD agents didn’t live together, where the hell would they go?!
#agents of shield#agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.#agents of shield edit#agents of shield meme#agents of shield text post#aos#aosedit#aos edit#aos meme#aos text post#phil coulson#daisy johnson#melinda may#jemma simmons#leo fitz#yoyo rodriguez#alphonso mackenzie#bobbi morse#lance hunter#alannacouture#ouat.t100.adow.sab.etc#ouat.t100.adow.dw.reign.etc
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#🥺 a Spy’s goodbye#bobbi morse#lance hunter#phil coulson#melinda may#mack mackenzie#daisy johnson#jemma simmons#leo fitz#agents of shield#agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.#s3#3x13
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Jemma: Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… Daisy and I are dating.
Daisy, Mack, Coulson, Bobbi, Hunter: *gasp*
Jemma: Daisy, why are you surprised?!
Coulson: May, Fitz, why aren't you?
May: Nothing gets past me.
Fitz: I'm the best friend, I've heard about it nonstop.
#agents of shield#agents of shield incorrect quotes#skimmons#bioquake#daisy johnson#phil coulson#melinda may#leopold fitz#jemma simmons#lance hunter#alphonso mackenzie#bobbi morse
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