poweredbyadhd4life · 5 hours
Here are some of my thoughts about Wynonna Earp's piolet episode:
It did actually have a decent start. Not great but not exactly awful either.
I felt it was a pretty good introduction to Wynonna's character. It showed that she does care about people and helping them. But she had a hard time showing it.
Waverly is a badass, even if she doesn't always show or seem like it.
Champ is an awful boyfriend. He literally tried to sleep with his girlfriend's sister, knowing full well who she is. And then they never talked about it? Like how did they not immediately break up after that? It's bullshit. It it was pretty obvious that Champ had tried to or had cheated on Waverly before.
The pacing was just very bad and made me not want to continue watching it. Seriously what was up with the pacing, it was way too fast to even get the least bit attached to the characters.
The acting wasn't really the best either, with the majority of the characters.
It is a low budget show. So not completely awful CGI for a low budget supernatural show. Not wonderful though.
Wynonna acts out for attention/because she knows that nothing she does will really have an affect on how people see her in Purgatory.
The show does not know how to shoot camera angles.
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poweredbyadhd4life · 13 hours
So I watched episode one of Wynonna Earp and I almost stopped watching it entirely. But I looked through some reviews and found that its pretty much unanimous that the piolet episode is the worst episode in the entire series and that it should get better in episode 3-4 and it did. Episode 2 was already tremendously better than episode 1, so I do have hope. Also I got invested in Waverly and Nicole's relationship from their first interaction.
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poweredbyadhd4life · 2 days
A few headcannons, because why not.
Daisy once threw a soccer ball at Hunter's face after he provoked her and he ended up needing to get fixed up by Jemma and they both got a very long lecture
Mack and Fitz play COD a lot
They ended up getting everyone else playing too
And they all got destroyed by Coulson once and he bragged about it nonstop
Until May decided to put him in his place and destroyed him
A Wii was snuck onto the base and Hunter ended up destroying a controller by yeeting it into a wall
It was unsalvagable
Fitz managed to sneak a monkey unto the Playground once, with the help of Daisy and Jemma, but the monkey ended up getting lose and none of them could catch it because (of course) it ended up being an evil genius. They had to call in May. She was not happy.
Mack has accidently broken a few controllers
Fitz once got stuck in a doorway
Daisy fell down the stairs once and just stayed on the ground, staring at the ceiling. She didn't get up for thirty minutes, contemplating her life choices
Daisy is an amazing bartender because she once had a job as a bartender when she was younger.
Daisy once hid speakers all over the Playground and started playing 'What a Man' and 'Starships' repeatedly, all night long.
Bobbi had set the kitchen on fire once and framed Hunter and to this day nobody knows it was her.
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poweredbyadhd4life · 6 days
D'arcy definitely calls Harry a dinosaur sometimes. Just to get under his skin.
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poweredbyadhd4life · 6 days
I love Percabeth but... Pipabeth.
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poweredbyadhd4life · 6 days
Clint: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you’re single?
Natasha: Do not do that.
Clint: You won’t even notice!
Maria, entering: Clint, you wanted to see me?
Clint: Natasha's single.
Maria: That's good to hear.
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poweredbyadhd4life · 6 days
It's been years and I'm still mad about the time skip from season 1 to season 2. We missed so many things. Like watching Dick go from Robin to Nightwing, watching him grow into leadership. Watching Wally and Artemis's relationship develop. I'm really mad about that one. There are so many things we missed.
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poweredbyadhd4life · 6 days
Jemma: Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… Daisy and I are dating.
Daisy, Mack, Coulson, Bobbi, Hunter: *gasp*
Jemma: Daisy, why are you surprised?!
Coulson: May, Fitz, why aren't you?
May: Nothing gets past me.
Fitz: I'm the best friend, I've heard about it nonstop.
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poweredbyadhd4life · 7 days
Daisy: Jemma, do you love me?
Jemma: Of course I do.
Daisy: Would you still love me if I did something bad?
Jemma: Well, of course I… would…
Daisy: I mean something really, really—
Jemma: Daisy, what did you do?
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poweredbyadhd4life · 9 days
D'arcy: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy. Asta: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep. D'arcy: I said within reason, Asta. How about I murder that guy? Asta: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't? D'arcy: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
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poweredbyadhd4life · 9 days
Daisy: When you've been on the internet for as long as I have, you develop thick skin. Hunter: Black isn't your color. Daisy: Black brings out my eyes you prick! *Chases after Hunter*
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poweredbyadhd4life · 19 days
Coulson, to Rosalind: If you don't leave my daughter alone I will fuck you!
Daisy: It's 'fuck you up' dad.
Coulson: Wait, what did I say?
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poweredbyadhd4life · 19 days
Coulson: Daisy, can I see you in my office for a moment?
Daisy: Ohhhhh, someone's in trouble!
Daisy: It's me, I don't know why I said that.
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poweredbyadhd4life · 20 days
I still think that Babylon was used a secret make out spot for Rosa and Gina sometimes. Among other things. 😉
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poweredbyadhd4life · 21 days
You cannot tell me that Piper and Nico do not hang out sometimes. That Piper does paint Nico's nails during sleep overs. That Nico doesn't rope Piper into watching scary movies all night until they pass out at dawn and labeled missing for the next day. That Piper doesn't teach Nico how to do makeup and that Nico doesn't teach Piper how to do the perfect eye liner. That Nico isn't one of the first people she introduces Shel to. That Nico didn't teach Piper how to play Mythomagic and she didn't get him a rare and expensive card for his birthday.
I wish there were more scenes with their friendship.
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poweredbyadhd4life · 21 days
Piper: WHY. why did you give Leo a KNIFE?!
Nico: He said he felt unsafe.
Piper: Now I feel unsafe!
Nico: Ok
Nico: ...would you like a knife?
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poweredbyadhd4life · 21 days
Alex: If karma doesn't hit you, I fucking will.
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