#Jim Carver
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forensicated · 8 months ago
A Tumblr Community for The Bill...?
Is there any interest in creating a community for fans of The Bill to discuss and have more opportunities to interact/chat about the show almost like a forum from what it sounds like?
If you'd be interested, please like/comment/reblog this post to show your potential interest so we can all see if it would be worth attempting to create one or not.
Tumblr is beta testing a new 'community' idea [apparently not available to all as yet but should appear for most] that it says is:
Communities is a new feature in development, currently in beta testing. Our hope is to empower everyone on Tumblr to create new, dedicated spaces to connect with people over shared interests. It’s a bit like using tags but more contained, it’s a bit like having a shared blog but with more options, and it’s a bit like a group chat except it’s slower. Access to communities is not yet out to all users, and currently has incomplete support across the Tumblr mobile apps
Labs blog post
Help page post/more information
It's still in testing mode and they're asking for feedback. They state it can be a private group or more open access.
Public communities can be seen and visited by non-members, logged in or logged out. However, only the feed of posts in each community tab, and the About page, are accessible. Non-members cannot view the member list, see who reacted with what, or see community comments. Non-members with an invite can see everything a member can see, but cannot interact with anything until they accept the invitation.
Private communities cannot be seen or visited by non-members at all. The existence of a private community is not hidden, however, if someone has the URL (they’ll see a message like “this is a private community”). Non-members with an invite can see everything a member can see, but cannot interact with anything until they accept the invitation.
I wrote a tag list of every member of the cast including notable long running guests. It took FOREVER. And this is what Tumblr cuts it down to. FGS.
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augustusaugustus · 7 months ago
13.65 A Rock and a Hard Place
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Matthew Wingett did enjoy writing cynical Jim episodes for his brother! Another guest appearance by Catherine Tate as well.
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jimcarver · 6 months ago
13.82 No Guarantees
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rodskase · 7 months ago
Series Twelve Minor Appearances
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inspectormonroe · 11 months ago
10.110 Threats and Promises
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Andrew looks so teeny-tiny next to those giant men.
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sweetonsugden · 3 months ago
“confirmed Berens was going to leave the show for the final season but stayed so he could see that storyline through, confirmed that there were "stages" to how Destiel was treated in the show, it started out with fandom viewpoints, and then some winks and nods done by the show, and then eventually the writers were working in hints in that direction, he confirmed that yes he and Jensen discussed it, confirmed at a certain point they started playing into it more deliberately (seemingly in pace with the writers and the story hints)”
Here's a clip of more from Misha's panel and he confirmed Robert Berens intentionally wrote that confession to mean romantic love not love in a "love ya bro" kind of way, confirmed Berens was going to leave the show for the final season but stayed so he could see that storyline through, confirmed that there were "stages" to how Destiel was treated in the show, it started out with fandom viewpoints, and then some winks and nods done by the show, and then eventually the writers were working in hints in that direction, he confirmed that yes he and Jensen discussed it, confirmed at a certain point they started playing into it more deliberately (seemingly in pace with the writers and the story hints) and reiterated he was really stunned that they were able to give Cas an open love declaration like that.
This is confirmation of writer intent. Confirmation the actors talked about it and knew about it and played into it, following the writers. Confirmation of creative deliberation. No this was not just some headcanon or fandom delusion.
People at the show, who make the show, were for it, and since the network was never going to let that be full-open mutually confirmed they did their best to convey it however they good. Snuck it in the back door. And we've already been told there was a lot of careful chess-playing to get the confession to air and they were all worried the network might cut it.
No amount of screaming and hate and denial from spnstanbunchanumbers on twitter is going to undo it or make Destiel shippers "delusional" for noticing, make it less canon.
The creatives at spn were on your side. This was not a queerbait. If you want to accuse anything of that, please aim it at the cw network and it's cap on representation and its queer erasure, because broadcast TV networks are like this. They are still like this, things do seem to be changing a little, as Misha said, things are becoming a bit more inclusive and open, but it's not like the whole system reforms all at once.
Cas being gay and canonically in love with Dean got erased in show-connected PR, and for a time, stifled on CE con stages. That doesn't make it not canonical.
FYI for historical context, the reason "canon Destiel" even became the major discourse that it did was because of how the show started handling it differently. That shift happened in Carver era. And Carver hired Berens.
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dsboulton · 5 months ago
14.47 Sale or Return: Part Two
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steveloxton · 10 months ago
11.72 Big Hitters
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derekconway · 11 months ago
10.86 Public Spirit
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sgtsteele · 1 year ago
9.119 Gift of the Gab
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forensicated · 2 months ago
05x13 - The Key Of The Door
Dashers pulls up outside a house. The posh lady who answers thinks he's there to view the property before he clarifies that he is Detective Constable Dashwood from Sun Hill Police. She mutters in response about 'the most hideous thing'. Mike doesn't understand so she gestures at the For Sale Sign. Mike tells her she doesn't have to have one if she doesn't want to.
Bob finds Pete crawling around a car. Pete explains the car belongs to a disqualified driver. He's planting a stone to prove his suspicions that the man is still driving it. "This your route back to CID is it?" Bob smirks. "Come on Sarge; three convictions for drunk driving?" Bob tells him he should have used chalk on the kerb to mark the wheels.
Tosh and Jim are sitting outside a suspected brothel, watching men leave. The men are averaging half an hour before leaving. They suggest hanging on a bit after one has just gone in before going inside. Both men claim they've not visited a sex worker themselves.
Dashers updates his victim that a glove print and plasticine was found during a forensics sweep. He asks for information about prospective buyers. She tells him to ask the Estate Agent but he's interested in what she remembers. She claims a 'fat and 50-year-old couple with dyed hair and lots of vulgar jewellery called. The woman had a very loud voice and told her husband which walls she would knock down if they bought it so she decided not to sell to them. She claimed they looked like market traders. "... Yes, I'm a snob." Mike smiles and tells her it's alright, so is he!
Bob chases a mugger - who luckily only spots the officer running at him just before he reaches him (!) Bob gives chase up some stairs onto an estate but loses his suspect. He calls the description in and returns to the shaken victim, Avril Hebberd. Avril doesn't want to report it and tries to sidestep him. Bob tells her work can wait and he'll walk her home and make her a cup of tea. Avril gives in and tells him the mugger only got £10. An elderly man greets Bob and tells him that he is doing much better than [Avril]. Avril shouts at the elderly man to shut up because it's none of his business. Bob's spidey senses are tingling.
The Estate Agent is not sympathetic to Posh Lady's plight. Her concern is only that she might drop the price or take her house off the market. Mike tells her it's not the only house targeted after being listed for sale locally. The Estate Agent snaps back that it can't be linked because she is the first one on their books that it happened to. While bringing up a list of those who viewed it, she tries to sell Mike a starter home on a rather exclusive estate.
Avril tries to stop Bob following her inside her flat. He insists on making them both a drink. It looks like the flat has been burgled as everything is in disarray. He asks if she's been burgled and presses her to talk to him. Avril ignores his questions until Bob asks if he's looking for a burglar and a mugger or if they're the same person. She finally speaks up. He's neither. He's her son.
Tosh and Jim watch as the 4th man leaves the suspected brothel. Jim suggests it could be something innocent like aromatherapy or reflexology. Tosh just scoffs at his innocence. "Ken Melvin's girlfriend, who's a medical student, told me that if you-" "Come on." Tosh cuts him off to avoid hearing more. "Depends what parts you press, that's all!" Jim pouts, following him out of the car. "Neighbours who complain about feet being massaged?" Tosh snorts. They hesitate outside, neither wanting to be the first. "Kim's Massage Parlour?" Jim asks as the door is answered by an attractive blonde. The woman confirms they're in the right place and leads them inside. An older redhead asks if they're 'equipment salesmen' because she thinks that's what they look like. Jim shakes his head and says they're just customers and they had trouble finding them because there isn't a sign outside. The redhead claims they like to be discreet and asks them if they want a massage or-... Jim cuts in quickly, "Just a massage." She smiles. "Just a massage to start with." They each hand over £10 - or rather Jim hands over £20 because Tosh only has a handful of loose change.
Bob gets Avril to sit down and makes them both a cuppa. He starts to clean up the broken pottery whilst Avril talks. She tells him that her son is 14 and only happy when drunk and fighting. He regularly assaults her and has done so since he was young. His behaviour is worse when he wants money. She's ashamed and tells Bob she's done her best and given him everything she could but it was never enough for him. She loves her son and although she doesn't like him anymore, she won't have harm come to him.
Bob calls Pete - who is chalking marks on the kerb.
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Bob sends Pete to call in at Miskin Manor High School to speak to Avril's son, Richard. If Richard is at school he wants him to be brought to him at the flat. Avril wants to head for work at her daughter's school as a dinner lady as she knows her daughter will be worried if she's not there given her brother's behaviour. Bob asks her to at least give it a few minutes whilst they continue to tidy up and wait for Richard. Avil explains that her daughter is a good girl who avoids Richard. She hasn't been raised any differently to Richard so she doesn't get why he behaves as he does. As they talk the door slams open and Richard demands to know 'Why aren't you at work, you old slag?' Bob stands. "Hello, Richard..."
Richard sits with his head down as Avril explains that Bob saw them 'arguing' on the street and brought her home to make sure she was OK. Bob asks him why he isn't at school. Richard ignores him until Bob leans in and growls that he's talking to him. Richard claims he's off sick and Avril quickly confirms that 'he's had a bit of a cold'.
Mike calls Frank and tells him that he hasn't had a lot of luck at the first estate agent and so is going to call in the next one and will meet him in the pub as arranged in ten minutes. The Estate Agent stands in the doorway watching Mike. ".. Actually Guv, can you make that twenty minutes?" He tells her that he's going to give the starter home a miss and she laughs and says he's too tall for them anyway and invites him back inside.
She has remembered an 'off the books' couple who only had a telephone number as they had returned from Spain and were staying in hotels whilst house hunting. They gave their names as 'Mr and Mrs Rudge' and the telephone number is that of a pub. They hadn't heard of the Rudges when she rang it to give them an update on a new property. They are cash buyers, not wanting to go through the books. "Fat and fifty, dyed hair, lots of jewellery." "That's him..." "Him?" "I don't remember a lot about her except for her voice." Dashers is amused. He then asks if Julie [the agent] is leasehold, freehold or vacant possession'. Smooth... She shows him her engagement ring. "Under offer. But I'm quite happy to be gazumped." I bet she is...
Richard snaps at his mother that the tapes he wanted are sold out so she should have given him the money on Saturday when first asked. He tries to walk to his room and Bob tells him to help his mother clear up. Richard ignores him and goes to his bedroom, slamming the door and blasting his music. "You've seen him. Now you can leave us alone." She tells Bob, refusing to press charges. Bob tells her the problem won't go away and Richard is lucky there are no visible bruises on her as he would have taken him in. Avril refuses help from Social Services and insists she doesn't want Richard taken into care as the local children's home is known as "'The Rent Office' with children as young as 12 on the game." Bob tries to get Avril to call the police for help if she can't handle what happens. He doesn't want to split her family up, but he does want to help her.
"... Well it wasn't reflexology...." Tosh murmurs getting back in the car.
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"Just dropped my motor round the corner. Fifty quid for a tune up! I'm in the wrong business!" Frank claims, getting in. He asks if the house is a brothel and both men instantly say yes. Frank says they can return in the afternoon and 'nick the old slag'. "I thought she was quite a nice sort of person actually, guv." Jim cuts in, thinking it's unfair that she gets arrested for providing a service whilst the men who demand the service get off scot-free. "Not if they've been with Kim Hammersley they don't..." Frank murmurs, leaving Tosh looking rather uncomfortable.
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Dashers tells Frank that a 'dodgy looking couple' attended the house of their burglary victim. Their description matches the description of a dodgy couple who go way back with Frank and Mike. Bobby and Vera Swan had 'retired' to Spain years ago but their son has just been released from prison. The couple are due to view two properties that day and Mike wants to mount an operation. The burglary matches Bobby's MO but he's too old to do the required acrobatics to get in through an upstairs bathroom window. Geoff - their son - isn't though... Frank agrees to go with him to catch them.
"Hello, it's Jim and Alf again!" Jim smiles, knocking on the door of the massage parlour. Kim is the only one present as the other, Paula, has just 'popped out for a yoghurt'. Jim comes clean and shows Kim his warrant card. "I'm too trusting, that's my trouble!" Kim offers a list of her regular clients and Jim says it's not necessary. "If you're keeping a-" "Disorderly house? That's what it was called in me mum's day," she says, handing him her record book. "I'm very methodical." Jim sighs. "In the eyes of the law, it's you that's guilty." "Yeah, the laws a man, innit." Kim sighs, putting her shoes on to go with them.
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Frank and Mike pull up outside the first house suspected as the next target. They watch as the couple leave and confirm their suspicions. It's Vera and Bobby Rudge Donnelly Swan. Bobby plays the innocent and tells Frank he's too late to make an offer on the house they've just viewed as they'd paid cash for it after Vera fell in love with it. Frank asks if 'Young Geoff' will have his own key or if he'll use the bathroom window?" Bobby's expression changes... he knows the game is up.
On his way to Avril's to check on her, Bob passes where Pete's target car had been left to find that has gone. Pete radios Bob to tell him that the teacher has told him that Richard has a problem with women and frequently lashes out at girls and female staff but doesn't touch the boys or male staff She recalled his father was much the same before he left the family. She had heard on the school grapevine that the mother often has a black eye or fat lip when she reports to work. Bob thanks him and tells him that the red Cortina has moved.
The car is back in place when Pete gets to the scene. Pete feels the bonnet and snaps at the owner who he spots speaking to a neighbour with some cans in his hand. The owner admits going to the off-licence for his cans but denies driving, claiming the neighbour turns the car over for him so it doesn't seize up when he's able to drive it again. Pete points out the chalk kerb marks but can't do anything about it as it's lined up again - or rather, given that the owner throws a cloth at him - he'd rubbed them off and marked the kerb himself. Thankfully for Pete, the stone has not been replaced. Pete smirks and points it out before he arrests him.
Bob knocks on Avril's front door as he hears her son shouting at her inside. He looks through the letterbox and hears Avril screaming and things being thrown. Bob breaks a window to get in and catches Richard strike his mother. He restrains him and Avril watches in tears as her son is arrested for GBH with intent, dabbing her bleeding lip.
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augustusaugustus · 5 months ago
14.27 Good Faith: Part One
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In which we learn just how dodgy Don is—throwing a court case for £20k kind of dodgy. Hugh Laurie in a great guest appearance as the opposing lawyer.
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jimcarver · 9 months ago
12.40 Party Pooper
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Another "you can pair Jim with anyone" episode—this time with Nick.
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rodskase · 11 months ago
10.93 Legacy
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Hair miraculously grew back between e91 and e93...
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inspectormonroe · 6 months ago
13.122 Straying
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dciburnside · 1 year ago
9.29 School of Hard Knocks
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