#phil especially was really fun to draw
jae-birde · 18 days
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Mumbo Jumbo joining Tommyinnit's Minecraft server was not on my 2024 bingo card, but I enjoyed it so much nonetheless!
(Not pictured is Mumbo's immense and hilarious embarrassment over trying to craft a pickaxe with planks instead of sticks)
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thegreatstoryteller · 3 months
The Great Shift: Turning 30
The Great shift was a huge time in many people’s lives. Especially those with birthdays who fell around the time of the great shift. Some turning 18, others turning 80! But still others had their hearts set on a time in their life that was quite pivotal. However, because of the shift some may have to wait a little longer to reach that milestone, while others have jumped leaps and bounds beyond it!
Harvey Singh (30 years old)
Fuuuck my head… and my clothes apparently. Damn. This is not what I imagined turning 30 would be like! 
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Before the world went insane, I was so close! The damn great shift just had to happen right before my birthday. I was working at this law firm, a pretty shady place at first. Lots of scummy people taking advantage of others, but my boss was trying to turn it around! We kicked out those idiots who were causing trouble, got them arrested! I was gonna get promoted and help lead the charge for helping others… but not anymore.
The great shift landed me inside of Skyler Marlo! 18 year old quarterback for the local university. And right after a big party too. I couldn’t find a stitch of clothes to fit my new larger body. I was really lucky this frat house I woke up in had a towel nearby. But that was just the beginning of my nightmare. 
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You see that smile of distress? Yeah that’s me. Instead of writing briefs and taking on clients in need, I’m here on the football field. Apparently after the upheaval the shift caused people are having trouble verifying identities and gaining access to their property/funds. That’s totally something I could be helping with! Instead I'm stuck back in the life of a teenager again. I wasn't a big fan of 18 last time I was in college.
The only thing that could get me after the shift was taking on this guy’s college scholarship. It gives me a place to stay and access to their college library, but I had to join the college football team. Some organizations like college athletics don’t seem to care who is shifted or not! As long as they got the players they need to draw in a crowd, they seemed perfectly content letting anyone play. Though who can blame them. If they saw me before I doubt they’d want some angry short king running their drills. No… now I’m not the 5’0 Indian guy who got overlooked in school. I look the picture of boy next door prom king that rules the college. 6’2, 195lbs of lean muscle, and size 15 feet. That last one took awhile to get used to! Finding cleats that size was the hardest part of this change. 
So here I am, sweating it out day after day to maintain my scholarship, while I wait for the day I’m recertified with my state’s bar! Once I’m a lawyer again I swear I’ll help out others like me forced to cling on to new lives while the system sorts things out. It sucks having to practice every day and do all these drills and grunt work! The college even has me posing for their promotional material to draw in bigger crowds at the game! Who would want this kind of life?!
Then again… it’s already been a few months… I may as well get used to college life… I was a nerdy brown kid my last run in college, mostly studying and doing what my parents wanted… now at least I can get a look at how the athletes lived… That frat did ask me if I wanted to join… I guess it couldn’t hurt to have a little fun while I wait to get my life back.
After all, I do get pretty excited after an intense practice, and judging by some of the looks from my teammates, I may not be the only one eager to get to know my new body better. 
Phil Inver (30 years old)
People need to learn how to relax. I don’t know what the big deal is. So a bunch of people swapped bodies. What’s there to worry about? See me? I don’t have a care in the world. When I was turning 30 doctors told me I was overweight and at risk of diabetes, my work would always be on me for not applying myself, and my girlfriend said I was always too lazy in our relationship! 
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But my mindset since the shift hasn’t changed! It landed me in this nice smooth and lean body! I’m glad that this guy kept in such good shape. Having actual abs is insane! Same for these toned arms! I’m not sure if he’s the shaving kinda guy or if he’s naturally smooth, but it sure as hell beats taking care of an unruly beard and body hair!
Turns out now that I look like this people are a bit more receptive to my ideals! Doctors say my heart is as healthy as a horse! Says my stress free lifestyle is a large part of that! My work? They now say my chill attitude makes things a lot more zen around the office. Guess they don’t care I don’t get too much done whenever I flash them a smile. And my girlfriend… or my boyfriend as he goes by now, certainly thinks I’m taking an active role in the bedroom. Who knew that my new stud of a boyfriend had a thing for Asian guys!?
So what am I gonna do now? Listen to music, chill as my boyfriend showers, and wait out the day as normal. Sure I’m turning 30, but it’s just another day in paradise for me! Oh what’s that? This body is only 21? Even better! I’ve got plenty of time to relax before I turn 30.
Devon Lin (30 years old)
So I was a bit nervous about turning 30. I feel like I haven’t really done all the things I wanted… and all my friends were joking saying it’s all downhill after that. I wasn’t dealing the best with the stress… Well like it or not the shift had me face that hurdle a few year further than I expected.
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And I gotta say. It’s not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Sure I’m a bit older, but hell  I look a hell of a lot more manly! Could it be that the shift landed me in a handsome 37 year old with a built body, tan skin,  and perfect beard? Maybe… but hey. Age is just a mindset… but these muscles sure aren’t! Boom!
You like that? So do the guys at the bar! They keep insisting I don’t shave my chest or pit hair too. I think I could pull off that look. That being said, I think anything looks good on a 6’5 stud like me. Tall, dark, and handsome all the way!
Before I would jump around from job to job. Bartender, janitor, waiter, and housekeeper, but lately I’ve found my job as a bouncer at the local bar a lot more rewarding. You’d be surprised how many fights stop once I take my shirt off and start playing pool with the patrons. I’ve won nearly every game of billiards I’ve played! Though I have the sneaking suspicion it may be due to the guys staring more at me than the balls.
Guess that’s one of the benefits to working at a chill gay bar! You know, I was always a bit insecure about my body and experimenting sexually. Being a shorter gay man with a chip on his shoulder would do that to you. Now… well let’s just say now I feel like I’ve got a lot more confidence! I may have missed my 30th birthday, but I think I know how I’m gonna spend my 38th!
Marcus Garcia (30 years old)
They say when you get older you begin to value things differently. Honestly I didn’t know what to expect when I turned 30. Was I supposed to be wiser all of a sudden? Have a plan for things? In truth plenty of people younger than me had their life together compared to me. Partners. Kids. A stable job. A house.
In short. I thought I had more time. But we don’t always get to choose how fast life comes at us. I mean look at me. Didn’t expect the shift to make me 55.
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Losing 25 years of my life was definitely not the easiest. The great shift nearly tears the world apart and I’m running for my life looking like retirement is right around the corner. That first day was definitely a wake up call that I did not have the same stamina that I used to. In that opening week of the shift I was pretty much running on adrenaline and coffee wherever I could get it. I took lots of naps just to stay sane. 
As the days went on and society slowly readjusted to some version of normal, I began to actually have time to look at my body. I mean I was a pretty skinny guy before, my sister would always say I needed to workout more. But I guess all it took was 25 years of my life to finally get in shape. 
Not only that, but I’m admiring the body hair. This guy was a pretty hairy dude. The salt and pepper stubble had guys starting me daddy at the gay bars, while the chest hair was still dark like my eyebrows and made my impressive physique pop. 
My feet were pretty big too. Size 14! Twice as big as my old feet, but just as hard to find shoes my size. 
Needless to say there were highs and lows to my new life. Was I happy that i was 6’6 now? Sure! Loved being tall and nearly bonking my head on doorframes. Was I upset lots of my joints were sore and that I could only take my coffee black to avoid dairy and sugar? No… that sucked. I liked my sweet drinks and I missed not waking up in pain.
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Omar LeRon was a guy that lived along my street. He was a single dad raising his 5 year old, all at the age of 45.
I later learned he had a few wild days in his early 40s that lead to Omar Jr. And now in his mid 20s again he’s glad he could be more present for his son! Even if his son is the same age as him now.
He told me all of this one day when we both left our house for a jog. He found that doing some running in his new body helped him vent some much needed energy from his body, while I needed to do something physical if I was to have any hope of maintaining healthy workout routines for mine! 
Needles to say he offered some words of wisdom growing up and it really helped put some things in perspective. Meanwhile, I gave him some tips about helping his son. Turns out all those years working at my aunt’s day care counted for something, even for post shifted kids!
Our conversations started as friendly advice and then grew into more! Talks became dates. Dates became moving in. Moving in became an engagement! Now a few years after the wedding I guess you truly can call me a daddy now. Jr. sure does. He’s doing great in school and is looking forward to next week when my sister is gonna watch him for the summer.
My husband and I are gonna take our first real vacation since the great shift! We’re looking forward to it! We’ll be celebrating Omar’s 30th birthday in his new body now! He keeps making jokes saying, “Well I’ve done it before. Nothing to it the second time around.” And “Well here I thought your 30th birthday was extreme. I doubt I could top that”
He also never stops teasing me about how he loves being married to an older man and that I’m not as young as I used to be. We know it’s all in good fun. I mean, I can still keep up with him in the bedroom, where it counts… as long as he gives me a few minutes to recover after. Young guys like him are insatiable. I’ll try to power through though. After all, you only turn “30” once.
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bridgertonbabe · 8 months
I’m popping this here in case you get the urge
But the great Cluedo incident of ‘19…
I need to know what happened!!
BSSG Group Chat
Penelope: So other than all of that
Penelope: How did you enjoy your first game night @ Phillip @ Michael?
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Phillip: ⬆⬆⬆
Michael: To say I didn't enjoy a single second of last night would be an understatement
Simon: Yeah sounds about right.
Phillip: I can't lie.
Phillip: I did google how to go about getting a restraining order.
Penelope: Honestly Phil that's fair
Simon: I did the same thing after my first game night with them
Phillip: Did you actually go through with it?
Simon: I really was on the verge of it ngl
Simon: But alas, I knew it would be far more trouble than it's worth.
Simon: And besides I should have known what I was marrying into after my first game of pall mall 💀
Penelope: And look as much as we love you guys, if the events of last night were enough to scare you off we'd completely and whole-heartedly understand if you wanted to go NC with the rest of the fam.
Phillip: Just one question
Phillip: Is it just game nights and pall mall that sets them all off like that?
Michael: Yeah we really need to know now if they're triggered like that by anything else
Michael: Because if so...
Simon: It's only anything competitive that sets them all off in that way.
Simon: You have my word on that.
Penelope: ⬆⬆⬆
Penelope: Yes and they're particularly at their worst when they're playing as a family.
Penelope: They really know how to push each others buttons but none of them know when to draw the line
Michael: Yeah no shit
Michael: I managed to pick up on that last night when I was trying to put out an actual fucking fire
Simon: I do have to say that last night was an all time low
Simon: They really were all at their absolute worst
Simon: Even I didn't think they could collectively be that bad, especially after the Pictionary incident of '16
Phillip: I mean I guess it's somewhat of a relief to hear that last night wasn't just a bog standard Bridgerton game night
Phillip: Though from the way you guys are talking about it and now with the mentioned "Pictionary incident", it seems their game nights are always a cause for concern and never fun in general
Michael: Very that
Kate: What?!
Kate: What are you talking about?
Kate: Of course game nights are fun!
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Simon: Kate
Simon: Are you actually insane
Kate: Just because last night got a little bit crazy doesn't mean game nights on the whole aren't fun!
Phillip: A little bit crazy????
Penelope: Kate multiple people had to go to hospital last night
Kate: Yeah and?
Kate: It's not like it's the first game night we've ended up in A&E
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Michael: What do you mean this isn't the first game night that you've ended up in A+E?????
Phillip: ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆
Phillip: ???????????????
Penelope: Kate 2 casualties as a result of a Bridgerton game night is to be expected but 9 is still nine more than any of us would like
Michael: 2 casualties...
Phillip: I
Kate: Omg Pen it wasn't 9 casualties
Kate: The doctors were just covering their arses with keeping most of them in over night
Kate: They were fine
Simon: They had smoke inhalation Kate
Michael: Your husband had his eyebrows burnt off
Penelope: Which is what happens when you and Anthony throw a tandem strop and set the kitchen alight
Kate: Objection!
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Kate: If you want to point the finger at who caused the fire then look no further than your wife @ Simon
Simon: First of all I wasn't pointing fingers
Simon: And secondly I was too busy trying to stem Greg's bleeding to notice the fire happening or who caused
Kate: Deflect all you want but your wife was the firestarter 🔥🔥🔥
Kate: The number of casualties was only so high because of her
Penelope: God I just hope Sophie's ok
Michael: Yeah ngl she's the only one I'm concerned for
Kate: I'm sure she's perfectly fine
Kate: Seriously you guys need to chill
Kate: I don't know why you're all being so negative about last night
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Kate: Omg why are you so mad?
Kate: It's not like she attacked you
Phillip: Oh and I should be so fucking grateful should I???
Phillip: That after attacking 3 others Anthony wrestled it off of her before she could get to me????
Michael: Who tf even let her have a switchblade in the first place???
Penelope: I did tell Colin he'd live to regret getting it for her
Phillip: And he got it for her because?!?!
Penelope: It was the one thing she asked him for when he was in Japan and he thought she just wanted it for ornamental reasons even though I explicitly warned him that definitely wasn't the case
Sophie sent a photo
Sophie sent a photo
Penelope: Omg Sophie!!!!
Penelope: 😍
Sophie: Everyone, meet Alexander 💙
Simon: Oh thank god, congrats Soph! x
Michael: Aw made up for you Soph, he's a right lil beauty! 😘
Phillip: Congrats Sophie 🤗
Penelope: He's so beautiful 🥰 how did it go?
Sophie: As smoothly as it could be considering he's 3 weeks early
Michael: I have to say Ben's rocking that eye patch
Sophie: I mean it's not exactly the get up I expected our son to meet his dad wearing but c'est la vie
Simon: How's Charlie finding being a big brother?
Sophie: I think he's more delighted with his dad looking like a pirate than with his baby brother tbh
Sophie: He very excitedly went to his dress up box and put on his pirate costume so he could be just like his daddy and refused to take it off when we were taking photos of him with Alex.
Sophie sent a photo
Penelope: Oh bless him he looks pleased as punch
Sophie: He couldn't hand Alex back to me fast enough so he could have a sword fight with Ben and make him walk the plank
Phillip: Btw just wanted to say Sophie that I'm really sorry that El accused you of faking your water breaking just to get out of the game.
Penelope: I'm sorry on Colin's behalf too Soph
Sophie: It's ok guys, I appreciate it and besides you were the ones who called the ambulance for me.
Simon: Unlike someone.
Michael: @ Kate
Kate: Omg Alex is absolutely gorgeous, congrats Soph! x
Simon: ...
Simon: Anything else you'd like to say?
Penelope: Yeah any apology to extend?
Kate: Ok ok ok
Kate: Sophie I know I didn't believe you were in labour and refused to call an ambulance
Kate: But from my side of things it just seemed really convenient that your contractions started just as you were losing
Michael: This isn't an apology???
Simon: Your newborn nephew isn't evidence enough that you were clearly in the wrong???
Kate: Ok fine I'm sorry for not calling an ambulance when you needed it Sophie!
Sophie: K.
Kate: But I will add, who's to say she didn't fake contractions and then get induced once she got to the hospital?
Sophie has left the chat.
Michael: Jesus fucking Christ
Simon has removed Kate from the chat.
Simon has added Sophie to the chat.
Simon: Don't worry I removed her.
Sophie: Thanks Simon x
Phillip: One more question.
Phillip: Did the Bridgertons corrupt Kate to be like that or was she god forbid like that anyway?
Penelope: Unfortunately Kate married in being equally as deranged as them in any competitive setting 😔
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Simon: Very that.
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sunny-and-vicious · 1 year
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My other old art of mcyt
I especially love the first sketch, cuz he came out pretty naturally, and I made it based on a very funny stream. I love origins, they are so much fun. Especially Phil's and Sneeg POV
It's sad to see this server get reset and abandoned every time. /PeopleSad
I didn't really bother to draw some proper background, sorry
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bloodsadx · 3 months
thanks to everyone who has sent me asks and such saying i understand how to draw for being nice and stuff. i'm going to ramble about some influence/process stuff below if you want to read abt it
this might read as some kind of artistic statement or defense or something but i like to talk about this kind of thing just in case anybody can ever get anything meaningful out of my own thoughts and practices. i got to where i am after a lot of careful consideration and spending time thinking about what i like in other people's art, just like anybody else that makes art to any serious degree.
my "style" is very much a deliberate series of decisions that i have honed into being very fast for my own pleasure and enjoyment because i am very inspired by people like king terry/garo magazine/the heta-uma style, keiichi arawi, inio asano, hiroyuki imaishi, toru nakayama, phil elverum (as a cartoonist), gary panter (who was a friend of matt groening and wrote an essay about selling out that is worth reading and did a lot of stuff with RAW magazine which is one of my favorite things to think about), DIY/skatewear brand t shirt cartoons, early MSPA hussie stuff, etc. a lot of my favorite artists walk a line between constant high effort and low time investment art; often contrasting elaborately planned perspective grids or high resolution rendering with simple cartooning. asano and arawi i think are very clear and famous examples of artists that use 3d rendering and photography for backgrounds while drawing very deliberate and expressive characters on top of them. toru nakayama is really inspiring to me because he, like toriyama, has a very deep understanding of form AND cartooning and has a way of making extremely densely crafted cartoons which feel visceral and almost like plastic toys you can pick up and play with on the page. also just one of my favorite colorists. and i think hussie and arawi and imaishi are all fantastic character designers with very strong understandings of designing art styles that convey information very quickly and deliberately; i think bryan lee omalley and jamie hewlett were also big early influences on me for the same thing- they all have art styles with very clear line/negative space proportions, strong shape language, etc, and for a long time in my life i have sought to grasp a similar understanding of these things. and then i think phil elverum's fancy people adventures cartoons and just like skate brands and "shitty" DIY drawings and stuff (the album art for nana grizol's love it love it is like burned into my brain forever; seeing basquiat paintings and poems in a museum when i was 15 made me feel whatever and crazy and etc) are just something that serve as a constant reminder to me that some of the most effective art is art that is simply fun to look at, especially when it comes to making comic and cartoon art. simplicity and joie de vivre are very important to me as artistic concepts.
and i mean, i do fuck with crazy painter dudes and shit too; i was huge into goya when i was 14 and had a print of the witches sabbath taped to my wall until i was like 22, i fw waterhouse & bruegel the elder insanely. i am like a sponge for most kinds of art and i do a lot of art research all the time. most of my first book was heavily influenced by compositional techniques from pre-raphaelite painters and the iconography of egyptian & greek wall art and especially especially extremely crowded gothic art and the concept of horror vacui.
but anyway, im not really insecure about my art, i know how much effort and time and practice and research i've put in, i definitely know my strengths regarding cartooning and stuff, and i'm even more aware of where my work needs "improvement" in order to be "commercially viable." i've been in multiple positions in the past several years of taking art seriously where other people have been dismissive of my art and i've seen other people fail to capture the energy & simplicity that i am able to get in my own art, etc.
for people interested in my Process and the things that i work on to draw the way that i do, the way i have gotten whatever skills i have has been mostly through drawing the same things over and over and over (toenail, cavity, pimple, gunk, making different expressions and doing different poses); i draw in pen MOST of the time, and i have for a very long time, and i make few edits, and i focus on keeping energy and confidence in my lines; i do perspective studies, i've spent a lot of time doing gesture drawings and environmental studies inside and outside. i draw a lot of movie frames and do color studies of youtube videos and stuff like that. i remember reading some kind of criticism of post-KAWS/street art infiltration of commercial art that artists now are most rewarded for drawing literally the same thing over and over and over like their hands are printers and that the main thing artists are then allowed to do within that context is express themselves through minor variations within that key theme; i don't think im THAT rote but it has definitely informed my perpsective on what i do and what i am interested in doing. on some level i have designed my art to be easily reproducible by myself because i want to make comics and sometimes even to animate my characters and that requires me to be able to draw a lot of drawings relatively quickly. this is another reason why character designers and video game key artists are such massive influences on me, takehito harada and akiman and toshiyuki kusakihara being some huge ones i've spent a lot of time doing studies of i didn't mention previously.
and because the main way i make money at this point in my life is through screen printing & reproducing my drawings as items for sale, i spend a lot of time making my art Distinct, Eye Catching, and Iconic, to the degree of instant recognizability even on a t shirt or a sticker from far away, and i try to make my drawings strictly legible and generally focus on communicating ideas and emotions through big thematic and emotional gestures and strong colors that can be easily separated. this is one of the main reasons i havent developed as strong of a rendering/coloring habit; that kind of stuff is difficult to color separate for the purpose of solo DIY screen printing. but i've spent a pretty decent amount of time doing that stuff, and i spend time studying forms regardless, with the lines that i do use. a lot of my sketchbooks are me drawing literally the same thing over and over slightly differently until i have something that i feel is a strong enough cartoon to make into a shirt or patch or sticker design that satisfies a litany of criteria i have for what i consider strong cartooning.
anyway that was a very rambling post but i hope at least people get something out of it even if its just slight entertainment from me blowing hot air out of my mouth for 20 minutes.
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themarkofoxin · 3 months
still time to delete your post. you were uninformed, that’s fine, but now you know that there is a pattern of racist behavior on dan’s end and we are right to be upset. him outright saying that he won’t tour in ‘third world countries’ like mx and brasil during a WAD show is racist. calling my home a third world country is racist. this is not in the past, you can say logistics all you want but dan outright said that he will not tour in our ‘third world countries’. it is not logistics. it is racism.
if i'm remembering correctly, dan did not "outright" say he just wouldn't tour in mexico & brasil. he made a tasteless, dismissive joke, sure, with the fans as the butt of the joke in the same way fans were the butt of the joke in many wad segments; it was insensitive and dismissive because the fans he was poking fun at weren't actually there and, obviously, have real frustrations with his behavior. but the meaning and implication of the joke was never that he actively avoided those places and would never go there--hell, they have been to brasil, to show a recorded version of ii and do a q&a. they had a mexico date for ii but it fell through, right? claiming he "outright [said] that he won't tour in 'third world countries'" is a mischaracterization as much as it would be to say "he outright said he hates phil" because he's said it in competitive gaming videos before. the key difference is he has failed to build a rapport with latam fans so it was insensitive and hurtful.
also, it is very much influenced by logistics. as much as it sucks, we absolutely cannot dismiss that. i was too sarcastic and dismissive in my additions to the post, and i've deleted those, but i stand by the original paragraph. regardless their (but especially dan's) racist comments, booking venues in countries where
1) english is not the predominant language,
2) they are not widely known,
3) once the venue learns about them they figure out they may be well past their peak in popularity and,
4) in some cases, it is relevant that they're gay and much more open about it than ii,
DOES actually make it significantly more difficult to convince a venue that it will be profitable for the venue to put on your show. most of the time, that is all venues are worried about. will people actually show up, or will these two faggots who peaked ten years ago draw in an audience of like, 20 people, and the venue will lose money when they could have booked a more profitable show? if the venue manager had to google them, are they really that popular anyways? the venue managers don't care unless they are certain they will not only break even but profit from dnp more than they would profit from literally anyone else they could book that night. why do you think they were able to do locations in asia for ii, but don't have them now (yet)? in 2018, they could reasonably argue their profitability, and even that wasn't enough in manila.
i am hoping, genuinely and from the bottom of my soul, that they will use the speed at which most of their shows sold out when the tickets went up to prove to venue managers in places other than the US and europe and commonwealth oceania that it is worth it. i hope they try very hard, and that they're able to add more dates. it certainly seems like they want to. i think it's also likely--whether it's right of them or not--that their experiences in MX & manila have led them to believe it's better to stay entirely quiet before they're absolutely sure they can announce a date and it will work, which makes it look like they're not communicating at all, but they may see it as them saving people from getting their hopes up if it doesn't work out. idk which is better, honestly. it at least seems to me like they're telegraphing that they're trying to book in other regions
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saturdaymournings · 12 days
DS tour :)
Hiiiiiiii y’all :) I’m finally making this after putting it off for ages! It’s not going to be completely coherent and I don’t care because I’m making it purely for the pleasure of myself and bestie jay xiaomiao on spacehey <2
I have a New Nintendo 2DS XL in white and orange. I’ve had it since September of 2017, making it almost seven years old! It’s held up really well in my opinion, especially seeing as it has been thoroughly abused and enjoyed by me since the age of 11. A particular incident springs to mind that occurred on a school trip— I dropped the damn ds on the floor and it slid around the aisle of the coach I was on until we stopped Dx
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This is the top and bottom half of my ds. As you can see she has been stickered to fuck, I have no shame and if you’re going to be like bitches on Reddit and start bitching about it getting all sticky then I’ll have to inform you that 1) you are like bitches on Reddit. Embarrassing for u and 2) I have used alcohol wipes to get gunk off of this fucker a concerning amount of times before and I’ll fucking do it again. Isn’t she beautiful tho don’t we think so
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This is my splash screen I just think it’s a vibe don’t u. It is a good reminder to see this pop up every time I open my ds
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This is my theme it’s Miku admittedly I’m not big into the miku I like to listen to like three of the songs, simp over kaito and play the 3ds game that’s about it but the theme is cute and it plays one of the three songs I really like
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Some examples of my games!!! I originally took pictures of every single game but it was too many files for tumble to handle lol. The games I’m currently like super duper playing are Ace Attorney Investigations 2 (fan translation), miitopia and animal crossing new leaf! Casually tho I will occasionally pick up tomodachi life, project mirai dx and ofc I do my daily wordle on the ds lol.
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My Bluetooth headphones broke a while back so I was exclusively listening to music on my disc Walkman, but I managed to get an mp3 player on my ds and now I can use this for all my music! It’s very handy and it works with the clam shell hingey thing shut :) plus because I have the rainbow light mod I can look at the rainbow light while my music is playing it’s kinda silly but it makes me happy idk if the reason is goofy lol. Also admire my sick ass taste in music!!!! You WISH you had as good taste in ska as me
I also have an mp4 player chock full of Dan and Phil and Shelbizleee videos for on the go which is fun especially seeing as I can no longer get YouTube working on my ds because they fucked up the app and the other app and the website :( thirdtube works for a lot of people but not me unforch
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I also do most of my drawing on my ds nowadays purely for 1) the gimmick and 2) the chunky glitter pens that I hacked into swapdoodle. It’s nice to be able to do more drawing for fun again because I totally fell off last year and it’s good to enjoy things
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BONUS: archive of our own is more than functional on the 3ds browser. It is a thoroughly enjoyable experience to use it on my ds! Purely for research purposes I have also found Pornhub is difficult to navigate but ultimately useable. And for once I haven’t actually been utilising this feature I literally just get curious. Rare lack of perversion from silly girl we ball <2
anyways tysm for reading this! Jay tysm especially for allowing this to happen in the first place, you rock 🎸 peace
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yonpote · 10 months
i really want to write a full analysis comparing dnp to that one stupid lil gay furry indie rock album with the dogs on the cover but that requires way more research than i thought... so for now here is a lyrical analysis of "Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)", the final song off the album Twin Fantasy (Face to Face) by Car Seat Headrest, and comparison to dnp wrt to their careers and lives.
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the original context of this album and this chorus is that the narrator is reflecting on a tumultuous past relationship, at first viewing this romance through rose-tinted glasses (the dark, inside, fantasy) before finally being able to see the truth (the sun, outside, reality.) the pain of looking at the sun is the pain of revisiting the narrator's past. often times we use pain as an indicator that we are experiencing reality (pinching yourself to make sure you're not dreaming.)
these lines repeat throughout the song, yknow like a chorus...
the past few years of dnp's careers and lives have been very much on the reflective and introspective side. for them, the "fantasy" is the explosion of their careers, their success as creators, the audience who has stuck with them. of course all of this is true, but at the same time, the reality is that during the absolute height of their careers, they were in the closet, had repressed mental health issues, had overworked themselves, and had their boundaries frequently overstepped. and they have been reflecting on both sides of this coin.
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the story and memories the narrator has retold will never disappear. the fond memories of the relationship will always be there, both figuratively and literally as they have been recorded in song form.
this is true for dnp as well. the memories that they share, both with each other and with the audience, won't go away. we will always have pinof 1. we will always have videos of them being silly and goofing off and just having fun with each other. and even when they have deleted stuff in the past, they are no longer trying to take any of it down and even reference deleted videos and old posts as they no longer have anything to hide in showing them.
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dude im not even gonna analyze these lyrics i just wanted to add them here cuz like just fuckin read them what the hell is this gay shit this is so dnp (and also its the same concepts as seen above)
edit: i lied i am going to expand my thoughts on these lyrics
dnp have basically built their careers on having fun. they've taken jobs and sponsorships they didnt want necessarily, they were workaholic closet cases, but like. they always made sure to have a good time. you can especially see this in the very early videos as well as on the gaming channel, where they felt ever so slightly less pressure to put up a front. they LOVE creating stuff together, they love hanging out with each other, theres absolutely no denying this! theyre not kissing and theyre not fucking i mean who knows lmao but instead of interpretting that literally, its more like. thats not the point, that was never the point. are there shippers amongst us? yes fer sure, but that isnt what pulled us all in. what pulled us in was their connection, their dynamic, and how much fun they have on camera together!!!!!!! these two brothers lovers boys and their smooth-cocked youthful adventures!
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the cover of twin fantasy is a very simple drawing of two anthropomorphic dogs in an embrace, their arms seeming to be conjoined, and the eye of one dog overlapping with the similarly drawn nose of the other dog.
dan and phil. are so symbiotic. how much of this do i have to explain... from the very start, from their first meeting. yes there are the superficial similarities (tall gay british emos who like the same media) but anyone can have those similarities. dnp knew immediately that there was a connection that they shared that was different from anyone else's. there was some sort of inescapable pull toward each other, call it fate or soul-bonding or autism, they simply could not keep away from each other even if they wanted to.
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ok ok so there are two versions of this entire album, and in the rerecording (which is what we're analyzing) some lyrics have been changed. this part is spoken word, and is completely different from the original. in the og (mirror to mirror) version, it seems the narrator is lamenting this awakening into reality, and breaking the fantasy for him is dark and twisted. in this new version, the narrator is no longer talking about himself in third person. he is Actually breaking the fantasy now, literally breaking the fourth wall, and directly addressing the person whom this album was written about. the contract is up, the names have been changed, aka, they no longer have to be tied down by this dark history. in the real world, the songwriter and this ex are still friends (or have become friends again?) and said ex even drew the art for the album that came after this rerecording. this story that the narrator had put out into the world, they no longer allow it to chain down what could happen in the future.
DAN AND PHIL. OK WAIT ACK OK so like circling back to what i was saying earlier about THEIR fantasy and reality, i mentioned how their reality was dark compared to the fantasy that they showed to us on youtube. and now they have shown us that reality. BUT AGAIN. they refuse to let that tie them down!!!! yes it took a few years of recuperation but they are creating stuff together again! AND AGAIN! the version of them that can exist outside of everything, is in their old videos. we can always go back! they will always be there for us (both dnp and the audience) to revisit. in theory i mean things get deleted but ykwim tho... the contract is up. they are no longer obligated by their management or by publishing or by radio to censor themselves or hide any aspect of themselves. the names have been changed. dan rebranded in 2017, but phil also very subtly and very slowly rebranded in his own way. the gaming channel literally came back from the dead, got a facelift, and yeah itll always be the same ole dnp banting and jesting but from the very first return video the energy is SO MUCH DIFFERENT and i PROMISE it is not just bc they are out as gay although OBV thats a huge part of it but they are just. happier! and more themselves! and its so visible in their faces and body language and tone and EVERYTHINGGGGG.
but listen, remember, these are only lyrics now. theres a version of them that exists outside of everything. and that version is in the old videos. yes they were closeted and overworked and mentally struggling, but they were still happy there too. and they never ever discount how happy those videos have made US. they know how much all of their older content means to us bc it means so much to them too. "you are as important to us as we are to you."
i'll end this with the last line, that repeats over and over before the song finally ends. this line can be interpretted so many ways imo, but i just think it generally ties together my entire thesis. thank you for reading my deranged gay rambling <3
when i come back, you'll still be here.
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steppedladder · 2 years
what is the inspo for your au? like clothes, armor, and maybe even systems(exemple: church system, kingdom, quest, etc)!
ofc, only say what you can say! i dont want to force you to say anything you dont want to share.
for a while i got really into drawing knights and dragons. unfortunately i haven't drawn any dragons in this au. until now.
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i started drawing phil, techno, tapl, and will in various medieval fantasy-themed clothes/scenarios. for a long time i designed/worldbuilt around scenes that i thought would look super cool in my head, because i wanted this to be a fun, not-so-serious project. these are some of the earliest drawings i have of this au! you can see that phil hasn’t changed much, while the others changed a lot.
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i was inspired by a lot of other incredible mcyt artists' work, especially their design work. i wanted to see where i could push my designs in ways towards and against aspects i saw in others' designs. i take a lot of inspiration for clothing and weaponry from medieval clothing from around the 14th century, but also the renaissance, because. well.
there's a lot of other sources i drew inspiration from, like minecraft mechanics, music i was listening to, story archetypes from wherever else, probably beowulf at some point.
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aqua-dan · 6 months
Fav artist for Garth?
I have been thinking about this ask for multiple hours, and I am unsure if I can pick a true favorite because there are so many wonderful artists who have drawn Garth over the years! However, I think I built a pretty solid list of my top 5 artists for Garth (oops!), so here goes:
#1: Phil Jimenez
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I have so much love for the way he draws (and writes) Garth! Of every artist out there, I feel he has the most love for drawing Garth and I can feel that care and attention to detail in all his work. I am absolutely in love with the way he draws Garth's expressions too! He allows him to have exaggerated expressions and really allow us to feel the emotions of the story through the art. He's not afraid of showing him in painful and less than idealistic moments, and allows his face to reflect that. I think it's something that a lot of current comic book artists shy away from for fear of making characters look "ugly." But Jimenez goes all in on it and still makes Garth look stunning 24/7!
#2: Ramona Fradon
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Ramona Fradon was one of the co-creators of Garth, and was, in my opinion, one of the most incredible people in the comic's art industry. She sadly passed away last month at age 97, and she only just announced her retirement from art a month prior to her passing. Her influence on the industry, especially for female artists, was monumental, and her art style stood out so uniquely amongst others. I've always loved how fantastical her art is. She creates fascinating underwater creatures and has an absolutely precious way of drawing Garth. I appreciate that she made the decision to draw him looking as young as he was at the time, especially since a lot of other teen sidekicks were drawn to look older. I feel very lucky that I was able to get a piece of art from her (the first pic in this section!) around the time of her passing. I will treasure it forever!
#3: Nick Cardy
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There is something so charming about the way that Nick Cardy draws Garth! There's a simplicity and retro feeling to it that comes off as so fun! I don't know exactly what it is about his art, but it always makes me smile!
4: Mark Buckingham
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Buckingham's style is like if "stretch and squash animation" was a static art style, and I LOVE it. It looks so funky and bouncy and expressive! It's one of those styles that I don't think everyone loves, but it really works for me and makes the comics extremely enjoyable to read for the art alone! It's not super polished and has some rough edge qualities, but that's precisely why I like it!
5: Lucas Meyer
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Meyer is a newcomer in the scene of comics, but WOW! I am not immune to how gorgeous his art style is. I'm so happy that he's been named the ongoing artist for the current series! (Even if I can't get good writing, I'll at least take the nice art!) I think his style is so clean and pretty. I do wish that he went more "all-in" on expressions sometimes, as I do feel that his characters all look slightly generically pretty and don't emote particularly much. That said, the art is undeniably gorgeous, and he's already skyrocketed himself up onto my personal favorites list despite only starting with DC in 2022.
I do have a few honorable mentions as well, which include: Ivan Reis and George Perez.
There have been plenty of artists who did a great job, but these are my personal favorites! Thank you so much for the ask!
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zahri-melitor · 10 months
New(ish) Comics:
Action Comics #1058: So much Supertwins this month! …wait what? Etrigan is where? (also. I’m laughing so hard, you’ll understand later). The Kong Kenan story looks cute, and hey I like seeing follow up stories about the mindwipe. (Hit musical Franklin hah)
Amazons Attack #1: “why is Mary Marvel here” well Josie Campbell is writing this and Mary’s a magic user who just had her connections to the Greek pantheon reinforced. I’m fine with Mary hanging out with Amazons. I do wish Cassie was here, especially as her status under the circumstances is probably the most interesting of the lot, even more than Donna’s, but I’m patiently waiting for someone writing this plotline to remember both Cassie and Donna have American citizenship (and probably can’t be exiled/deported).
Anyway! Amazons Attack! Look I think the whole setup for this story is deeply stupid and unnecessary, but the writing is fun and bouncy. (Also hello Hoppy!)
The Flash #2: I realise this may be controversial in Flash, but I’m not minding the existential horrors we’re getting here at the moment? What you can do with the Speedforce being treated as horror is certainly a big switch up from Adams’ run, but I’m willing to give Spurrier some time.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold #6: The Joker story is done thank goodness, and Pygmalion looks far better. Aurora is genuinely adorable, even if the premise does have that level of ‘why is nobody looking for you, Bruce?’. It’s a tiny girl Tim explaining very seriously all of Batman’s rules and behaviours. In the Stormfront story, the art and colouring here is still so very very good. I can’t get over how much I love Rose’s braid, it’s the best, I am shallow and I adore it.
Green Arrow #5: Mia costume sighted! I swear they’re just teasing us at this point. And okay, the art decisions here! Grabbing Phil Hester to draw part of this was a genius idea. The plot itself is still crawling very, very slowly, and I have no idea how they originally planned to wrap this up in 6 issues.
To read later: Alan Scott. The Detective Chimp Casebook. I really will sit down and work through ‘Tec some time soon
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An Idea for Croods 3??
Even though they’re probably already working on it lol.
So I find myself thinking about that concept art for Croods 2 and the scrapped characters. I’ve thought since the beginning that I wished something could have been done with the designs. I’ve been mulling an idea about it tonight for some reason so here goes:
Croods and Croods 2 were funny as heck and if they made a third film of course the focus would still need to be on comedy. However! I feel like if the Croods 3 were to end the whole shebang, and it probably should, then it should be the most daring of the Croods movies, with the most to say and, well, just “goes there”. 
The first Croods movie actually briefly touched upon a few of these kinds of issues but I think they need to really tackle them head on in a final film. What am I talking about some of you might wonder? Abuse. Of course though none of our main players would commit such acts, so we need a new family with these problems. And I think I know just the one!
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Croods is in need of a proper, hate-able villain... And I think this guy should be him.
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They probably originally designed him as more the bumbling/overbearing but ultimately loving/caring and well-meaning type dad like Grug is supposed to be. However, since Grug already fills that role, I think this guy would be better suited as a villain/the dark combination of Grug’s strength and Phil’s intelligence and need for perfectionism. Like he might get along with both dads at first bc he has things in common with both, but eventually he gives off the vibes as being the kind of guy who expects what he thinks of to be as perfection/idealism, or else. His own general appearance gives off this vibe, but then you look at the art of his potential wife...
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This woman... Bugs me so dang much. XD;;; Like the art itself is cute, she looks fun and fun to draw, but she looks so disgustingly perfect for a cavewoman, and she especially looks out of place as a Croods cavewoman. But I think that could be what possibly elevates this character and makes it make sense. Maybe there’s a reason she looks and acts so unnaturally “perfect”. Maybe it’s bc it’s what her husband demands of her, and her perfection reflects her fear of her imperfections ever being seen...
After all, the caveman stereotype we tend to think of is a much more violent type of man. Grug himself taps into this violence when he thinks he needs to protect his family, but I just can’t stop thinking about that “joke” Gran made about her father essentially tearing her apart from her true love and actually SELLING her to another mate. THAT’S FKIN CANON LIKE DAMN. So why not have at least one villainous caveman type character? Why not have one jerk who is willing to pull his wife by the hair and order her around who the others eventually have to square up against as a true family?
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Also I feel like this girl...
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And this one were probably meant to be sisters, maybe...? They look too unlike each other to be the same character I think, but I also think that’s what they should do with her. Like the first image is who she is forced to be at first by her dad, making her into a mini version of her mother who he also molds through intimidation. But the second image could be closer to what she really wants to look like/looks like by the end. Cavegirl BFFs are great but what about a whole Cavegirl Posse, dude!
Also speaking of Gran, if this third story were to focus more on issues like these, I feel like it would only be fair to go back to Gran’s issues too. But that doesn’t mean we can’t still have just a lil fun with it lol...
Like I’m thinking it would be hilarious if Gran just casually mentions something horrifying happening to her in her youth like she did that one time at the dinner table, and she’s laughing it off at first, but then Hope/Dawn or Eep/Thunk or someone casually remarks to her, “Wow Gran, that actually sounds really awful! If that happened to me I’d probably be traumatized for life!”
At which point it slowly dawns on Gran how messed up it actually was. She slowly starts to sob. It gets SUPER massively uncomfortably awkward while she’s crying, all the other characters look really unsure what do to at first... Finally, one of them reaches over and gives Gran one or two quick pats on the back, and she immediately stops sobbing and exclaims in her normal voice, “ALRIGHT, I’M OVER THAT! I’M TOO OLD TO BE TRAUMATIZED! GIMME MORE FOOD!” XD
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lucawrites11 · 3 months
Ok so a follow up questions, do you have anyone in mind who can be a good coach for a team like norway, I think it's like England men team , they have superstar and best players but plays like shit and is so boring to watch ...
The norway players talents are being wasted... Haug has been underrated playing for Liverpool and she has been the focal point for Liverpool to start and attack... I just want my pookies caro and ingrid to win something in international.... The day norway management get their heads right (hopefully in future) its gonna be so fun to watch them
i think there's a couple of options. i think gemma grainger can do a good job the more familiar she gets with the team. i'm okay giving her time, they aren't always boring to watch, they have definitely had some good games against some lower-ranked teams especially croatia in their nations league play offs but they can't perform against teams at equal or higher levels to them, i think this has been clear in their recent matches against italy
i'm happy to give her a little more time. hege rise really ruined the team, she's a terrible coach and she was at england and norway. the way she treats her players is never acceptable, no matter how good of a player she was in her day
i think the best players do perform for norway but they aren't often placed in the line-up together so a few players are working overtime to compensate for poor players and a team that's not gelled together - something that takes time. i think in opposition to england, norway's players are consistently underrated whereas england's stars are overrated and they have good potential in management that england's men don't. (leaving phil foden on that entire euros match was criminal and taking saka off when he was the most positive player in chance creation was a terrible idea, as well as playing kane when he's consistently playing poorly at country and not scoring when palmer is on the bench - gordon should've started on that left wing)
honestly, i want to see gemma's management against the netherlands and finland later on. i am going to give her a little more time to build something with a team that was left in pieces and familiarise herself with options available to her in the call-ups since she seems to be recycling the old list. if they fail to qualify for the euros at all though through play-offs, she needs to go and norway need to spend whatever money to bring in someone decent to manage their women. gemma did a good job with wales: earning a draw with germany, portugal and scotland was very impressive last year, with that team she exceeded expectations so i'm happy to give her time with norway. she's had a tough string of fixtures to bring the team together especially when she doesn't speak the language and the team is in such disarray
edit: if my country was less of a sexist hellhole i would put emma hayes as england men's coach, i think she'd whip them into shape
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forensicated · 7 months
Found a rather long list of quotes on an external HD whilst sorting. I assume it's from Sierra-Oscar as otherwise I don't remember compiling it, especially as they're not all the fun ones! So below - the first two pages! Will add more here and there.
*Mickey and Duncan are going to see Santa, who is now rehearsing for Panto* Mickey: "He's behind you!" Duncan: "Oh, no he's not!" Mickey: Tell you what - it is a right laugh at murder….gallous humour me governor calls it Mickey: Good old Debbie with that big fat mouth of hers. Mickey: He held me in his arms…the grumpy old DCI….gruff Jack Meadows the guv’nor….he let me hug him…. Andrea: Really? Tell me more? Mickey: I could tell you loads girl, but I’d have to shoot ya! Andrea: What about Inspector Gold, she’s a right character! Mickey: Well she is a bit of an old dragon…..rumour has it that her and Okaro had an affair….in about 1922… Andrea: *laughs* come off it….she’s not that old….*drinks* Her and Okaro were a couple?! Eva: *walks up behind and slams the evidence bag on the table* CCTV Footage….Alan Shields office… Andrea: I….I better be going…. Mickey: Yeah….see you later…. Andrea: See you later….. *walks off* Mickey: timing….I was in there! Eva: I’ll buy a hat for the wedding….come on….. Debbie: She’s going to MIT? Jack: Do you have a problem with that? Debbie: No - I just…err… Mickey: Don’t kid yourself Debbie….please!!! Debbie: *Scottish accent* Something about the crime scene just didn’t add up, so I thought I’d flutter my incredibly long eyelashes at the DI…I mean I’m so clever! Mickey: Debbie… *Debbie looks round and sees Andrea stood behind her* Mickey: You sticking around? Andrea: Well, I’d love to….but I’ve gotta be somewhere else… Kerry: Oooh - a man!? Andrea: Just a friend! *walks off* Mickey: I thought I was in there! Kerry: You and every man in the place…..where’s my drink? Mickey: So - you’re gonna be training with my squad for 6 months….you reckon you can handle it? Eva: I’ll be showing you up mate! Mickey: Ooh come and have a go girl if you think you’re hard enough!
Smithy: The lido? Reg: Yeah - open air swimming pool….actually that one’s the scene of my triumph as a young man….. Smithy: What triumph? *Reg beckons him on, Smithy sighs and follows* Mr Hipkiss: It’s kids….they get in via the broken security grills…. Smithy: Well perhaps you need to replace the broken security grills…. Smithy: Alright every one, listen up, we’re all really pleased that Des has been nicked, and by us, not MIT….but we need to decide how we’re gonna handle him…so…off the record, no rank *sits down* Phil: Who’s on custody? June: I am Phil: Can you sort out the CCTV? June: Why? Phil: Cos some of us might like to pay Des a visit….you know what I mean… Tony: Well forget it….you heard what the Super said…anything happened to Des while he’s here, and his brief will have a field day! Phil: He killed 6 coppers Tony! Tony: Yeah – and they were my friends – not yours! Nick: And mine….you saying I shouldn’t spit in his food? Tony: Well if you do that Nick, where we gonna draw the line? Nick: *looks at Smithy* Speak freely right? Cool….well personally Tony I’d like to kick his head in….are you telling me that you wouldn’t? Tony: Yes I am…. Nick: Right…. Smithy: Ok…let’s calm down…now Des has made fools out of us for a long time….and I know we’d like to pay him back for that…and we are gonna get our chance…. Nick: Yes we will…. Smithy: Yeah – in a court of law Tony: Hear hear… Smithy: What if Des stands up in court and says we intimidated him? Who knows….he might even walk free…..what would the families of the people who died think of us then? Gary: Scum…. Smithy: Let’s not give him a glimmer of hope…. Phil: Oh come on! Smithy: Nobody touches him, nobody spits in his food….no-one even looks at him funny….while he’s in this nick, we treat him like royalty! Phil: Royalty! Are you taking the mick? June: Well I agree with Smithy….show him we’ve got a bit of bloody dignity – even if he hasn’t…..*all stand up and leave* Polly: Well said Tone…. Tony: Cheers Pol…I’m not too sure Nick isn’t right though! Smithy "But if I am right, and he was raped, he'll need support won't he?" Debbie (under her breath) "Lucky him!"
Smithy - 'But our clubs just a bit of a laugh, that's all.' Gina - 'Not if Gabriel Kent's behind it all.' Smithy - 'What's your problem with Gabriel?' Gina - 'Cos he's bad news. And you'll find that out in your own sweet time.' Gina: I quoted him word for word. He said you're a homophobe... Smithy: Not at all Gina: ...that you're a disgrace on the service... Smithy: That's not right Gina: ...and - and this is the part I particularly like - that you're probably just trying to hide your own side underneath it all! Gina: *To Smithy* "You've got a couple of keen officers. *Smithy looks puzzled.* Beauty and the Beast?" Smithy: "Sorry Ma'am?" Gina: "PC's Young and Taviner."
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homocrafting · 1 year
hi sorry if this message is sudden. Im deep in cold medicine so its not going to be coherent.either. But i reblogged ur richarlyson fanfic and brooooo uts fhcken awesome. i cried. idk if its some hidden sense of brazillian pride or whateves but i rlly love ur interpretation of himmmm. can u share hcs about richarlyson as a person and or post your snippet to ao3?
AAAAAA TYSM THIS MADE MY DAY!!!! everytime someone says they cried/almost cried bc of that fic I gain 5 points of strenght btw. this is a good thing
I might post it to ao3 soon!! just gotta get Tge Willpower for it, I'll add the link to it in the rbs of the og post when I do
hcs abt richas under the cut bc I love read mores (starts off as just more general stuff then gets into hcs abt him)
Richarlyson is such a fun character bc he's like the main character, just a little guy, the dude who dies to start the main character's story, and the symbol of hope charactersare given in their time of need, all at the same time
he's the main character in the way that the world revolves around him. like, he showed up, 5 people became obsessed with keeping him alive, safe and happy, his older brother (Bobby) tries to steal his spotlight, some people wanted him dead from the moment he was born, one of his fathers wants him to be a killing machine, he knows 3 languages, you see my point. and now, like, so many people are working on keeping him safe. he's the only uncracked egg, that has to mean something
he's just a little guy because he is just a little guy. he makes cute drawings for his dads and hangs out with his friends and has a bunch of siblings and is learning the flute and has a gun. he's 5 days old and he already lost a life
if he dies it's the beginning of so many terrible arcs. what is Forever's grind for if not his son's safety- to end the world, to get phil to love him? who does the emerald in Felps's house belong to? what's the point of the football field? what's the point of all the training? what if you lose a third (?) chance.
he's Quackity's hope, also, I guess, to be the parent he tried to be but never could, even if all he has is 1% of his custody
Due to being the youngest egg, the others have varying types of Older Brother behavior with him
Despite whatever his siblings do, Richas still loves them
He's been taken to Tilin's grave quite a few times now, and each time he just gets... really sad. It doesn't make him value his life the way they want it to- instead, it convinces him he can't, by any means, let himself get killed, otherwise his dads will end up like 1% dad quackity (very very sad), and his siblings will mourn him and that won't be nice
he's an incredibly sweet kid- this isn't an hc as much as it's an Actual Real On God fact, I just think it's very important
because he is such a sweet kid, the lessons about hurting other things are the ones that he dislikes most
he loves tax evasion it's his favorite crime to commit
he picks up other people's habits very easily! things like tics, stims, speech patterns, etc
he's scared being manco will make his dads like him less. no matter how many times they tell him it's fine, he feels he has to compensate for it somehow
his gun is like a comfort object to him, and staying away from it for too long makes him very uncomfortable
despite being scared of bulls, he doesn't hate them, not like Leo hates whales, for example. Killing that bull he had gotten phisically close to wasn't pleasant
as he grows, he tries to put on a bit of a tougher persona because of, especially, Cellbit's expectations, although all the other dads' also contribute in different ways
ultimately, he sucks at keeping that up, and 99,9% of people can see right through him
he cherishes his first stolen emerald so so much
he uses braces due to his bad leg! that leg stops at the knee, and Forever is working on a prosthetic for him
he loves watching Forever work on the prosthetic, and will often comment on things he wants on it
he has a hard time understanding romance, due to having 5 dads who aren't in love with each other, Chayanne's dad being one of his dad's crush (he THINKS that's it), whatever cellbit and roier have going, etc
he forgives very easily
he doesn't really... like his definetly not a captivity room. he thinks he understands why he has to sleep there, and the attempts to make it more cozy worked a little, but it's too dark and quiet and small in there. there's barely any space to shoot his gun and soon there won't be space for paintings
somewhere, he has a whole ass habitat for his pet jabuti
he loves Dapper's (I think it's Dapperd I forgor) zoo
he has flute lessons with Tallulah every 2 days or so
and I thiiiink that's all for now? I've taken way too long to answr this already sorry :( but I hope it was worth the wait
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
So Roses. First of all I love me some royalty au’s. Especially, with succession struggles. So when you do get around to writing it, it will eat that shit up. That’s also what instantly hooked me on Stars royalty + space.
Anyway, you are once again creating an speaking story simply by flipping the overdone dynamics around. I can’t speak for Techno or Tommy, but so far none of SBI are royalty. It’s very fun to see Phil as the royal advisor (who definitely has his own agenda with all the secret messages). I do think he has a lot more power than you would think. He got his way very easily with Sam. Like he basically got permission to make the decision.
I’m gonna be honest, I was expecting Phil to try and push Wilbur as a potential heir, but I think he’s more trying to set up a puppet king situation. Like he wants Quackity at the palace because if he does become heir he’s more likely to take Wilbur as his advisor if he already knows him. Also I feel like the tnt duo is going to be off the charts in this story. It feels like it’s going to be childhood friends/rivals maybe both.
And then there’s Sam. Sam who doesn’t want to get married because he has Ponk, even if he could get married and keep him. I do think that’s very sweet, but that action has consequences. We’ll enjoy the fallout.
YEAHHH ngl spruce I was excited to post this partially bc i knew you were gonna be so game for it lmao
oh yeah phil's definitely got way more power than you'd think he would. the inspo for sandduo in this au came from house of the dragon actually, and while this won't make sense if you haven't seen it, at one point I was like "man what if Otto Hightower wasn't a total dick to Alicent and she was actually into his scheming and the two worked together when she was younger they'd be a very powerful father daughter duo" and then the idea of 'advisor to the king phil who has so many schemes of his own going on + wilbur his son working with him and learning from him' popped into my head. (that's where the inspo ends tho bc like. there aren't gonna be any marriage manipulation plots in this fic lol)
sam is not really a... forceful king to be honest. he relies a lot on phil for his advice, and the Consil's role also includes taking over for the king if he's sick or unavailable at a certain time. so the Consil is essentially the second most powerful person in the kingdom. also related to what you said at the end, he doesn't want to get married because he has ponk yes, but it's going to cause a lot of fallout. he doesn't really care though. when it comes to running the kingdom, he's more than happy to let phil do the hard stuff for him. but he has one line and he's gonna draw it there, succession crisis be damned
the thing is, wilbur as a potential heir would never work. because this is based (albeit loosely) off medieval royalty politics, which were all about blood. wilbur and phil don't have any blood ties to the royal family. wilbur could never be an heir because he's not blood-related to sam, unlike niki who is sam's cousin, and quackity who is his nephew. so yeah, that's off the table so what's phil gonna go for instead? second best option :)
ohhhh the tntduo is gonna be so fun in this fic. the main wilbur relationships I think I'm gonna focus on are (in no particular order): rainduo, crimeboys, tntduo, and sandduo (with a healthy dose of sweaterduo too)
you guys have no idea how much I've been brainrotting this I spent a ridiculous amount of time the other day figuring out what historical fashion trends are gonna be present in this hand wavy alternate universe medieval but not medieval era. I'm in DEEP
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