#phi and hyde
pepels · 16 days
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Anyone remember this show?? No?
I guess this fandom is dead...
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0iam0 · 7 months
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This is the best I can scan this. Happy Birth Hyde and Ohio.
The twins are now finally 5. I had a canvas in progress to make something for today but it's gonna take a while. So while I wait for that to cook, I just woke up and decided to draw something on my notepad thing I bought today.
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Yea, them dressed as Count Night and Evel cuz switch is my favourite game and art subject. The bed sheet prolly being a good frame in here.
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dreamcorexbeyblade · 2 months
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Ah yes, the holy trinity: The punk, the goth and the emo
I headcanon Sisco as a kind of elitist punk who gatekeeps the music from you and calls you poser if you like pop-punk.
Hyde/Hearts def listens to tradgoth music.
And Daina loves Pierce the Veil, I just know it.
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g0reoz · 8 months
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beybladeninja · 5 months
Continuing on with the "Beyblade Burst God AU x Epic: The Musical" crossover!
Next is "There are Other Ways", the fourth and final song in the Circe Saga!
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I drew Phi, the God of Darkness, singing as Circe. I know that I'd previously drawn Hyde singing as Circe, but I picture Phi as depicting more of the seductive side of the witch. I'd like to think that he'd come to his brother's aid when he finds out that he's in trouble. Not so much to protect him, more so to show him "this is how you deal with mortals". He'd toy with Odysseus, trying to butter him up before preparing to deliver the final blow.
(@heartsyayayayay , @eggiari , don't worry - Big Bro to the rescue!)
But when Odysseus resists his advances, he and Hyde are stunned. No mortal has ever been able to resist Phi's dark charm before. This makes him intriguing in the Dark God's eyes. When Odysseus tells him about his wife Penelope, Phi decides to humor him. His powers are limited when it comes to getting Odysseus and his men home, but he would have no problem in getting them to the Spirit World, where the most powerful fortune teller of both heaven and earth is known to reside. After some persuasion, Hyde also reluctantly agrees to return the men that he’d turned into pigs to normal.
It’s not really because Phi wants to help Odysseus - more like he wants to see how far he goes for his own amusement.
Here is the song that the drawing is based off of, animated by the ever-so talented @anniflamma ! It’s only a WIP, but they’ve been posting a lot of sneak peeks and I am so excited to see the finished piece!
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awkward-thinker · 1 year
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All right, so I think about… three days ago, Beyburst officially ended. And I’mma be a bit nitpicky, so if you’re not feeling it, don’t read this! I’m also mostly going to be talking about the Turbo characters. xD
So, first of all, I’m happy that we actually got to see some of the gangs from the first three seasons! :Dc It’s a lot better than not getting to see them, after all, and it’s nice to know that at least for a few frames, they were let out of the beysment. (Pun’s a courtesy of one of my best friends, Dani-Phantom. She’s got amazing stories on Wattpad if anyone wants to read, by the way!)
But now I’m gonna get into what I don’t really like. XD
Okay, so it definitely makes sense that the past characters weren’t given redesigns or more screentime—this is the ending episode, so why would they be? The importance wasn’t on them anymore. But from a story perspective, I just… really don’t like how it looks like time stood still for them even though YEARS have passed. And also, it makes me sad that it seems like Hyde hasn’t gotten Hades back seeing as he’s still lost his throne to Phi and just has a stepstool. ):
Overall, it just didn’t feel satisfactory for me. I’m most interested in Turbo, which as we all know, was a majorly flawed season with good characters, so what bothers me the most is that most characters’ arcs weren’t exactly resolved, or we weren’t given enough screentime to SEE that they were, and then we never got another season to see them again.
Fubuki, for example, just up and left for nine episodes, and when we saw him again, we just got a flashback telling us that he realized he stopped having fun blading and that was what was dragging him down. We didn’t get to see exactly how he felt about his friend/co-captain betraying him, we just got little snippets that implied how he felt.
Suoh’s arc was also left unfinished, because after the cruise, he didn’t get enough screentime for us to see how he’d improved upon himself. He just stayed the same… and yet he and Fubuki somehow became friends again. Things happening off-screen don’t count. Dx
(I’m also frustrated that we didn’t get to see Toko have an arc, either, when he could have had a great one. Toko’s thing is that he tries being like other people he perceives as strong to BE strong, but he doesn’t realize that he just needs to be himself. That realization is supposedly what gets Treptune to resonate with him, and for Fubuki to pass on the title of Beigoma Academy Bey Club Captain to him, but do we see how he came to that realization? Nope!)
The ending of Beyburst didn’t feel satisfactory for me because not everyone got their stuff resolved, but it feels like the show is trying to act like they did. And also, I feel like the past/not focused-on characters have been done dirty by them only getting what are basically screenshots.
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zackadadeonda · 7 months
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Phi: "Listen to me, little cuck. My tastes are GOD and yours are zzzz. I'm based and you're cringe. I'm a chad and you're a virgin, and there's nothing you can do to change it"
Hearts: ???
Hearts: Shut up, a$$h0l3
Happy Birthday Phi and Hearts! 🥳🥳🥳
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eggiari · 1 year
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Suoh stuff
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Phi and or hyde hcs pleazd
On it boss 🫡
This might be a long post because I’m more personally attached to the antagonists and that also includes Phi and Hyde so… yeah 👍
thinks he’s all that when he really isn’t all that
dresses up on the regular like he is going to a fancy rich people party that they set up in hotels and they discuss buissness there
Secretly wants to wear ball gowns or those really thought form fitting black leather dresses
Has a fully maxed out (not really) Royale high account where he spent like a bagillion Robux on before
Has a canopy bed. Also, has a big room. Everything is neatly organized and it’s so clean it gives a horror movie aura
Has Hyde’s contact number named as “spare parts”
Also, constantly harassed Hyde during their childhood cause he is a little b*cht
Wears heels. I mean. Cmon why wouldn’t he
Is a bigger drama queen than what he pretends he is.
Doesn’t really have any friends LMAO-
Is probably aroace. There is no love for anyone behind those eyes 👀
One time Hyde said that his eyes looked like the Nintendo switch and Phi was ready to drop everything and throw hands
Only really gets along with Evel. And even then they are just awkward aquantiances
was 15 years old by the time Turbo happened
Spends a lot of money on clothes too make it look like he can’t afford clothes
Finds shattered glass cool. Once shattered a mirror just to glue the pieces of that mirror to another mirror
Both Him and Phi had Pokémon once in their corsponding consoles. One time Hyde’s pickachu won against Phi’s Pokémon, so Phi broke his console. Hyde gets all sad when he thinks about it.
Unironically likes Vocaloid
One time he hosted a Vocaloid fan club and the only other person that showed up was Aiger (who also likes Vocaloid) and that’s how they became friends.
Is some kind of gender outside of the binary. idk witch one but it’s one of them.
Looks up articles on how to be a better older sibling, prints them out and shoves them violently into Phi’s face.
His room is a mess but in an Aesthetic kind of way.
Is probably friends with Arthur (yes, Arthur Peregrine 😅)
One time broke into Phi’s room and broke one of his many mugs and then just left.
Hyde invites random people to stay over at dread tower. Hense why Kyle is here.
(I might have WAY more but that’s all I can remember 😌)
Time for my personal ratings
solid ✨9.9999999999999999999/10✨ Is a lil b*cht that holds no regards to the safety of others and manipulates people (Phi really be like “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss!” Huh) but honestly, that’s the charm. I might be biased because he is one of my 5 baby girls and the only one from beyblade for that matter, But… he’s a genuenly good character ngl. Good job for the story writers for writing him well.
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… do I really need to explain.
I do??
ok 👍
✨10/10✨ straight up one of the best characters in the series. He is my third favorite so I’m way way WAY more biased with Hyde that how I am with Phi lmao. He deserves all of the nice things in the world. It just cause, at first, you think he’s also a jerk like his brother, but he just acts out and acts that way because Phi… didn’t really care for him. It becomes more obvious as the season goes on. It just makes you sad and it makes you want to hug Hyde. Also. I like the color purple. I’m biased. Enough said
(I’ll do the rest tomorrow! For now, ask away!)
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snowboyclarkov · 1 year
Beyblade Burst - Main Antagonist Introductions
Beyblade Burst has a series called Meet The Bladers, which goes through certain people in the series and describes them. It often includes scenes of the people themselves from episodes. This post is a collection of all the introductions of the main antagonist bladers who have been part of the Meet The Bladers series. Before that, a list of who I consider to be the main antagonists, listed per season.
Disc 1 refers to someone who takes the role until the true main antagonist comes along, whether as a rival, a minor villain, or any other role. An antagonist is not a villain and can even be an ally/friend of the protagonist that they battle.
As it is for bladers only, there was nothing of this kind for Theodore Glass. Weirdly, Arthur Peregrine doesn't have one despite being the overarching main antagonist of Rise/GT. Shu and Spryzen are listed on the same line as Spryzen possessed Shu and became the main blading antagonist alongside its blader.
Shu Kurenai (Burst - Disc 1)
Lui Shirosagi (Burst)
Free de la Hoya (Evolution - Disc 1)
Joshua Burns (Evolution - Disc 1)
Shu Kurenai (Evolution) | Spryzen (Evolution)
Kurt Baratier (Evolution)
Valt Aoi (Turbo - Disc 1)
Hyde (Turbo - Disc 1)
Phi (Turbo)
Delta Zakuro (Rise - Disc 1)
Arthur Peregrine (Rise)
Gwyn Reynolds (Rise)
Lain Valhalla (Surge)
Rashad Goodman (QuadDrive)
Pax Forsythe (QuadStrike)
The lines in which there is no name attributed, and are in italic, are those said by the narrator of the Meet The Bladers series.
Lui Shirosagi | Lost Lúinor Nine Spiral (The Spear of Ruin - Christian mythology - Basis: St. Longinus and his Holy Spear)
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Hanami: He's won 4 National Tournaments in a row, and he's one terrifying force of nature. Please welcome Lui Shirosagi!
Crowd: *Cheering*
Nika: He's the one who beat Shu?
Right, and their rivalry's intense. See, Lui's frighteningly powerful and he knows it.
Lui: I only accept an opponent's challenge if they seem like they'd be worth the effort.
To him, other bladers are just waiting to be beaten.
Lui: You're a terrible blader.
Valt: Huh?!
Totally reckless, (Lui: Heh heeeh.) Lui couldn't care less what happens to anyone (Valt: Aah!) as long as HE wins.
Valt: You almost hit me, dude.
Lui: Ha, whatever.
Lui/Valt: Let it rip!
Lui's bey is an incredibly unique attack type. Lost Lúinor spins counter-clockwise. It's most trusted move?
Lui: Lost Spiral!
Lúinor: *Roars*
Watch Lui and let it rip on Beyblade Burst.
Lui: I'm gonna smash your dreams into bits!
Joshua Burns | Blast Jinnius 5Glaive Guard (The Wind Genie - Islamic mythology - Basis: The Jinn/Djinn/Genie)
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Today, we're taking a look at one of the strongest teams in the world, America's Raging Bulls. Their owner, Theodore Glass, is always 5 steps ahead of the curve. (Free/Shu: Rip!) He cherry-picks (Fafnir: *Roars*) top talents to beef up (Spryzen: *Roars*) the Bulls roster. For instance, Japan's wonderkid, Shu Kurenai.
Raging Bulls Staff Member: He's won more matches than the two of you combined.
Then, Glass poached the world champion of Beyblade, Free de la Hoya.
Theodore: I've got very high hopes for your performance.
These days Glass has tapped up blockbuster movie star and Beyblade supernova to be the captain of the Bulls, the inimitable...
Joshua: Joshua. Heh. Joshua Burns.
Joshua: We're ready!
Word is, Joshua joined the Raging Bulls just to prove himself to Free. Free's kind of his idol.
Joshua: Wait! Free! I'm coming! We'll grab lunch! Do you eat lunch?!
And Joshua definitely has a reputation to uphold. He's one of the Big 5, the top bladers in the world. His bey, Blast Jinnius, is a defence type featuring two techniques loaded with star power. Cyclone Wall raises Jinnius during battle to keep it free from harm.
Joshua: Time to end this thing!
Then, it's curtains with Cyclone Counter. Jinnius' layer slams down on its opponent with a powerful show-stopping strike. Can Joshua take the Raging Bulls to the top of the box office?
Joshua: I smell a best actor nod!
Watch Joshua and the Raging Bulls and let it rip on Beyblade Burst Evolution!
Free de la Hoya | Drain Fafnir 8 Nothing (The Golden Dragon - Norse mythology - Basis: The cursed dwarf-turned-dragon/worm Fáfnir)
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Check it out! It's Free de la Hoya.
Valt: You recognise that guy?
Rantaro: The world's top blader? Of course I do.
Not only is he the captain and secret weapon of BC Sol, Free is a blader of seemingly superhuman abilities. I know, I know. He's not what you'd expect.
Free: *Yawns*
Valt: He seems so... bored.
Rantaro: Uh, dude? You look like you've been hypnotised or something.
Lots of people think Free's a bit of a space case. Not so! He just, uh, marches to the beat of his own drum. As BC Sol's owner, Kris is one of few who truly understands Free.
Trad: Hey, Free! Pay attention!
Kristina: No, never mind. Just leave him.
At first glance, Free may seem lazy, but he trains harder than anyone else. He's unique in every way. Even Free's bey launch is one of a kind.
Valt: Where's your launcher?
Free: Not using one.
Valt: Huh?
Speaking of his bey, Drain Fafnir, it may look shaky, but it gets stronger each time its hit by a clockwise-spinning bey.
Free: I'm absorbing your power.
Silas: No bey can do that!
Free: Well, mine can.
Free: Rip!
Because of his out-of-this-world skill, plenty of teams have their eyes on Free.
Theodore: What a shame he's on the wrong side. He'll come to us.
Free loves BC Sol more than anyone, and he'll do whatever it takes to help his team, even... leave?
Valt: *Gasp*
Shasa/Rantaro: *Gasp*
Kit/Honey: *Gasp*
Free: See ya around.
Watch to find out just what Free is up to next on Beyblade Burst Evolution!
Shu Kurenai | Legend Spryzen 7 Merge (The Protector Giant - Cornish mythology - Basis: The Spriggan)
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Spryzen (possessing Shu Kurenai) | Spryzen Requiem 0 Zeta (The Protector Giant - Cornish mythology - Basis: The Spriggan)
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Version 1:
Introducing Shu Kurenai.
Reporter: Many are calling him the most talented blader to emerge in over a decade.
A member of the Supreme 4, the greatest bladers in the country, he gets the game inside and out.
Toko: Awesome!
Nika: He's so cool!
(Fangirls: *Fangirling*) Beloved by fans the world over...
Nika: Shu, we love you!
...Shu Kurenai is a Beyblade superstar. But fame hasn't changed him. Shu remains humble, hard-working and trains all the time. With his bey Storm Spryzen and their amazing signature move Counter Break, (Spryzen: *Roars*) Shu's putting a new spin on the game that's all his own. But above all, Shu is cool, cool, cool!
Valt: What do you say?
Shu: I'm not really a club-joining kind of guy.
Valt: Aaah?
That's a classic cool guy move.
Valt (muffled due to mouth being full): What do you call this stuff?
Shu: It's called spaghetti carbonara.
(Valt: Mmm! Oh!) And he can cook too?!
Watch Shu and let it rip on Beyblade Burst!
Shu: Hmm.
Version 2:
Shu Kurenai is missing.
Valt/Rantaro: Huh?!/Ah!
Wakiya: I know where to start our search!
Wakiya: I've found it.
Deep in the dangerous jungles of Mexico...
Daigo/Rantaro: Hm?
Snake: *Hiss*
Valt: Aaaaaaaaah!
...Rumours tell of a secret Beyblade society. Their single-minded objective to train the strongest, most savage bladers (Two snakes: *Hiss*) of all time. This is the (Snake: *Hiss*) Snake Pit.
Security: Enter if you dare.
(Snake Pit bladers: Ah!) Here, only the strong survive.
Snake Pit bladers: *Sounds of hard training.*
Theodore/Black Eye: Failures must leave./*Gasp* Aa!
Black Eye: Aaaah!
No underground society would be complete without a shady ruler.
Theodore: You may call me Ashtem.
And his shadier disciples. Hey, those beys look familiar.
Daigo: They're just like ours.
They've got shadow versions of everyone's beys?! Who ARE these copycat bladers? Ashtem's most powerful disciple is...
Shu: Red Eye, and my bey is... Legend Spryzen.
Valt: Huh?!
Hey! That's Shu Kurenai's bey! What's going on here?!
Shu: I know how to harness its true strength.
Legend Spryzen is a balance-type bey that can spin both clockwise AND counter-clockwise.
Shu: Axe Launch!
Spryzen: *Roars*
Valt: Aa- aa.
Is there any stopping Red Eye (Spryzen: *Roars*) and the rest of the Snake Pit? Find out on Beyblade Burst Evolution!
Kurt Baratier | Boom Khalzar 7Under Hunter (The Hurricane Bird God - Mayan mythology - Basis: The war serpent deity Kukulkan)
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Bisuke: Hooligans, punks and goons, draw near! Time for you to cheer as your dear Emperor is here.
Kurt's gang: *Cheering*
Introducing the one and only Kurt Baratier. Before Free became (Free: Rip!) number one, Kurt Baratier, (Kurt: Heh heh heh) a.k.a. The Emperor, (Kurt: Let it rip!) was the world's top blader.
Kurt: I rule the blading world.
He reigned over the rankings without a single loss to his name. Having risen to the top of his game, Kurt grew bored with the official tournaments, then one day, he left the blading world altogether. He began battling in an underground blading ring with seriously high stakes.
Kurt: If Valt loses, I take his bey. It's that simple.
This is where Kurt holds court over his motley crew of loyal subjects.
Bisuke: Coming through, out of the way! Didn't anyone ever teach you to make way for royalty?
Bladers: Nnh?
Bisuke: Ngeeheheheheheeh.
His bey, Boom Khalzar, is a high-speed attack type.
Kurt: Arise, Khalzar!
Khalzar: *Roars*
It commands 2 regal techniques, Thunder Attack and...
Kurt: Bolt Attack!
Now, Kurt's returned to official Beyblade competition (Crowd: *Cheering*) as a (Kurt: Hnn hnn) wild card in the (Bisuke: Yeah!) International Bladers Cup. (Gang member: Show no mercy!) But why? Has The Emperor set his royal sights on reclaiming his crown? (Khalzar: *Roars*)
Kurt: Be very afraid. Things are only going to get worse from here on in.
Watch Kurt and let it rip on Beyblade Burst Evolution!
Valt Aoi | Wonder Valtryek 12 Volcanic + Turbo Valtryek Zenith Evolution (The Battle Goddess - Norse mythology - Basis: The Valkyrie)
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Valt: *Gasp*
Valt: Let's do this thing!
This is (Valt: Yeeeaaaah!) Valt Aoi.
Valt: I'm gonna crush this!
Yeah, (Valt: *Gasp*) Valt's enthusiasm and energy are way off the charts.
Valt: Alright!
Sometimes, it makes up for the fact he (Valt: Aaaaaagh!) tends to lose his cool. Valt's heart's in the right place, and he's a great communicator.
Valt: *Imitating a bey battle*
He makes friends wherever he goes. Even with his toughest Beyblade rivals. Beyblade is everything to Valt, (Valt: Let it rip!) and with his bey, Victory Valtryek, (Valt: Let's go!) and their awesome signature moves...
Valt: It's time for a Rush Launch!
...They may be headed... to the top of their game.
Valt: Together we're gonna become the best Beyblade team in the world!
Join Valt and let it rip on Beyblade Burst!
Valt: Time for my happy dance.
Hyde | Dread Hades 11Turn Zephyr' (The Underworld God - Greek mythology - Basis: The underworld deity Hades)
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Phi | Revive Phoenix 10 Friction + Dread Phoenix 10 Friction (The Immortal Bird - Greek mythology - Basis: The Phoenix)
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They say he appeared from a fallen meteor.
Naru: Wait, do you think he's an alien?
No matter what the rumours say, the facts are, Phi is one terrifying opponent.
Phi: It seems your eyes have seen something they never should have stumbled upon.
His bey, Revive Phoenix, is a defence-type bey with a mind-blowing secret.
Aiger: We did it! Nngh. It didn't burst.
That's right. The first time Phoenix bursts it only loses its outer armour. It can even use its armour as a weapon.
Phi: Revive Crush!
Phi draws his power as a blader from his intense resonance with Phoenix. He senses a similar connection between Aiger & Achilles and it fascinates him.
Phi: Seems Achilles wants to battle as much as we do.
But Phi's not the only one who's noticed there's something about Aiger.
Hyde: Ah, so this is why Phi wanted to toy with him.
Phi's twin brother Hyde and his bey Dread Hades have also taken an interest in Aiger's power. A balance-type, Hades is one of the heaviest beys in existence. But its strength is never more obvious than when Hyde's using...
Hyde: Dread Gravity!
Hades encircles its opponent, smashing them around like a bey-shaped pinball. These techniques are driven by Hyde's own warped resonance with Hades.
Hyde: What magnificent power! Now this is true resonance!
With that kind of intensity, it's no surprise that these brothers have taken sibling rivalry to a whole new level. As children, they fought over who would get (Hyde: Ah, I want this one!) Hades... and Phi lost. That resentment fuels the tension between them to this day.
Phi: You shall lose everything!
Tempers are boiling over as Phi finally exacts his revenge and takes back what's his. Keep watching to find out how far Phi & Phoenix will go on Beyblade Burst Turbo!
Delta Zakuro | Venom/Erase Devolos Vanguard Bullet + Master Devolos Generate (The Devil Dragon - Christian mythology - Basis: Satan)
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Endless style and talent, burning passion, Delta Zakuro's got it all.
Delta: Nnh!
But what he doesn't have is patience for bladers who aren't on his level.
Delta: You're a nuisance.
Delta puts in hours of hard work to be the best, and the fruits of his labour shine through when he battles.
Delta: Go, Devolos!
Devolos is a balance-type that can alternate between two modes, the clockwise-spinning Venom Devolos and the counter-clockwise-spinning Erase Devolos. So no one has any idea how he'll attack... unless he tells them.
Delta: I'm going with Erase Devolos.
Kinda like that. When they unleash their signature move...
Delta: Dual Phantom!
Devolos' tip splits in two! The small clone then attacks their opponent while Devolos focuses on spinning.
Delta: Devolos is going to swallow up all of your light!
Devolos: I'm starving!
The blading world better watch out 'cause these two are a force to be reckoned with.
Watch Delta & Devolos and let it rip on Beyblade Burst Rise!
Delta: Only one star in the sky can shine the brightest.
Arthur Peregrine | Prime Apocalypse 0Dagger Ultimate Reboot' (The Sword of the End - Christian mythology - Basis: The dragon that bestowed power upon The Beast and caused the Apocalypse in the Book of Revelation)
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ERROR 404 - Meet The Bladers episode not found.
Gwyn Reynolds | Royal Genesis Hybrid + Eclipse Genesis Hybrid (The Beginning Shield - Judeo-Christian mythology - Basis: The origin of life detailed in the Book of Genesis)
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Mystery + intelligence + a mastery of hyperphysics = Gwyn Reynolds, an enigmatic math whiz with a knack for solving the toughest of equations. As a newcomer to the blading world, Gwyn's inspiration to battle was brought to life when he witnessed Dante and Delta's face-off with Arthur Peregrine.
Gwyn: You know, Beyblade... might just be fun.
Even with his Royal Genesis undefeated, Gwyn never stopped reaching for something more.
Gwyn: It's complete. Eclipse Genesis.
Eclipse Genesis is a defence-type with a Burst Prevention System, making its super high defences that much tougher to crack, and nothing says defence like blowing your opponents away!
Gwyn: Eclipse Pulse!
Gwyn thinks he's got it all figured out, but can Dante inspire him one more time?
Watch Gwyn & Genesis and let it rip on Beyblade Burst Rise!
Gwyn: Finally... I found the answer.
Lain Valhalla | Vex Lucius Mobius 2D + Lucius Endbringer Kou Drift (The Fallen Angel - Judaic mythology - Basis: The light-bringer Lucifer as in Jesus Christ)
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A rookie blader is out to topple the blading legends and he's got one name.
Shu: Lain.
Hyuga: Lain!
Hikaru: Lain...
Senor: Lain Valhalla!
Lain: Nnnrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaargh!
Lain's a powerhouse who came out of nowhere and he's trained by Shu Kurenai himself, so you know he's got skills.
Lain: There's nothing in this world I can't do.
Now, the blading legends are in his sights and he's not backing down.
Lain: Who needs legends? They're nothing but a waste of space!
But if he's going to take on the world's top bladers, he'll need a bey unlike any other.
Lain: The most powerful bey ever, Vex Lucius!
Vex Lucius is an indestructible defence-type. That's right. In-de-structible. When it unleashes Vexing Wall, nothing can even touch it. Powered by a raw energy he calls Flare, Lain continues to grow beyond his limits. But if no one can touch Lucius or Lain, who will stop his Flare from devouring him completely?
Watch Lain & Lucius and let it rip on Beyblade Burst Surge!
Lain: I'm gonna need you to up your game to fuel my Flare.
Rashad Goodman | Glory Regnar Over High Xtend+' (The Archangel of Light - Christian mythology - Basis: The archangel/angel Raphael)
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Make way! Make way! Beyblade's knight in shining armour has arrived. Rashad Goodman's always wanted to be just like his idol, Valt Aoi.
Rashad: I know everything about you and Valtryek. I mean it! I know more than anyone else.
And Valtryek made Rashad the blader he is today. Ernest, good-hearted and true, Rashad is a prime example of what a blader should be.
Rashad: Us bladers got to stick together, right?
But its his skill that earned Rashad the title of High Prince, and his partner Glory Regnar is the perfect crown.
Rashad: I'd like you to meet Glory Regnar.
Regnar is a balance-type bey. When it armours up with Glory Crown, it keeps its weak points out of harms way, making it nearly impossible to damage.
Rashad: I summon the brightest light, with Glory Crown!
The High Prince is a gallant blader who can do no wrong. He's a shining light to guide the way, a role model through and through.
Watch Rashad & Regnar and let it rip on Beyblade Burst QuadDrive.
Rashad: This is one step closer to my TRUE goal.
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art-ember · 2 years
Random idea I had
A role swap au between beyblade burst and beyblade metal where everything is the same, except Dynamis and Hyde have switched roles
Dynamis is now one of the turbo four who lives in dread tower
And Hyde is one of the legendary bladers, the one who lives in zeus's temple and is responsible for splitting the star fragment into 10 parts
Just imagine the chaos
Hyde: You all have come to my domain! Myst Mountain!
Yuki: Mister Hyde, please lend us your strenghth to defeat Nemesis--
Hyde: *maniacle laughing* So you think I'll join you? Ha! Defeat my Dread Hades first!
Yuki: Wait-- Hades?
Gingka: Guys did we accidentally find Nemesis--
Madoka: This wasn't the plan!
Hyde: ...
Hyde: Who's nemesis?
Ryuto: I want to get the star fragment!
Hyde: Uh, can't exactly give it to ya. It's sorta stuck in my bey. But your welcome to try stealing it!
Ryuto: I'll get it no matter what!
Hyde: Looking forward to it!
Meanwhile in the world of Burst
Aiger: *bragging about how he defeated Phi*
Dynamis: *interupts the interview, calmly walking over in front of the crowd* The stars tell me you speak the truth, however I am rather puzzled on how Phi could have been defeated by a person like you
Blader DJ: Wow! It's one of the turbo 4, Phi's younger twin brother, Dynamis!
Aiger: Wow, you're Phi's little brother? Alright, I challange you to a battle!
Dynamis: Our battle has already been foretold in the stars. The heavens have told me that I will cone out victorious with two burst finishes
Aiger: Heavens? Stars? You lost your crystal ball or something?
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0iam0 · 2 years
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Happy Birth to the cool brothers, Hyde and Phi. That's on 29th February which would be 1st March on non-leap years. Drawing manga is kinda fun, I started an experimental series but since it's story is long and unplanned, I did this short 4-page comic thingie to test my skills on drawing comics.
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sum extres 🎉
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They're on good terms. This is what I see their relationship after the events of dread tower be like, where Phi, no matter what he tries, just can't intimidate his "little" brother anymore. He's basically some equivalent of a drama queen now. And ig it is actually canon that Hyde's fear of his brother is gone, cuz if he can literally TAUNT him while he's raging (btw Phi's rage is bad, really bad, scary even imo), yea Hyde knows how to deal with him.
It makes a little sense that it's Hyde's birthday everybody be celebrating and Phi to not even celebrate his birthday given their personalities in the show being like, Hyde likes company and Phi doesn't. Phi's the loner. Hyde on the other hand be getting wishes from not only the dead gran crew, but also his viewers, he's a bey reality show host after all lmao. He's a youtuber. He's awesome. Despite that I just wanted them to be wholesome brothers for at least some time. Punching your brother w cake is so wholesome.
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Here's the black and white versions I've reached max image limit lmoa
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ura-0m0te-lovers · 1 year
gay badguys tournament... phi is queercoded but im not ready to talk about that
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Minnie Julia Riperton Rudolph (November 8, 1947 – July 12, 1979) was an American singer-songwriter best known for her 1975 single "Lovin' You" and her four octave D3 to F♯7 coloratura soprano range. She is also widely known for her use of the whistle register and has been referred to by the media as the "Queen of the Whistle Register."
Minnie Riperton grew up in Chicago's Bronzeville neighborhood on the South Side. As a child, she studied music, drama and dance at Chicago's Lincoln Center. The youngest of eight children in a musical family, she embraced the arts early. Although she began with ballet and modern dance, her parents recognized her vocal and musical abilities and encouraged her to pursue music and voice. At Chicago's Abraham Lincoln Center, she received operatic vocal training from Marion Jeffery. She practiced breathing and phrasing, with particular emphasis on diction. Jeffery also trained Riperton to use her full range. While studying under Jeffery, she sang operettas and show tunes, in preparation for a career in opera. Jeffery was so convinced of her pupil's abilities that she strongly pushed her to further study the classics at Chicago's Junior Lyric Opera.
The young Riperton was, however, becoming interested in soul, rhythm and blues, and rock. In her teen years, she sang lead vocals for the Chicago-based girl group the Gems. Eventually the group became a session group known as Studio Three and it was during this period that they provided the backing vocals on the classic 1965 Fontella Bass hit "Rescue Me".
After graduating from Hyde Park High School (now Hyde Park Academy High School), she enrolled at Loop College and became a member of Zeta Phi Beta sorority. She dropped out of college to pursue her music career.
Her early affiliation with the legendary Chicago-based Chess Records afforded her the opportunity to sing backup for various established artists such as Etta James, Fontella Bass, Ramsey Lewis, Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters. While at Chess, Riperton also sang lead for the experimental rock/soul group Rotary Connection, from 1967 to 1971.
On April 5, 1975, Riperton reached the apex of her career with her No. 1 single "Lovin' You". The single was the last release from her 1974 gold album titled Perfect Angel. Riperton's third album, Adventures in Paradise was released in 1975. Despite the R&B hit "Inside My Love", some radio stations refused to play "Inside My Love" due to the lyrics.
Her fourth album for Epic Records, titled Stay in Love (1977), featured another collaboration with Stevie Wonder in the funky disco tune "Stick Together".
In 1978, Richard Rudolph and Riperton's attorney Mike Rosenfeld orchestrated a move to Capitol Records for Riperton and her CBS Records catalog. In April 1979, Riperton released her fifth and final album, Minnie. "Memory Lane" was a hit from the album.
Riperton provided backing vocals on Stevie Wonder's songs "Creepin'" from 1974's Fulfillingness' First Finale and "Ordinary Pain" from 1976's Songs in the Key of Life. In 1977, she lent her vocal abilities to a track named "Yesterday and Karma", on Osamu Kitajima's album, Osamu.
In January 1976, Riperton was diagnosed with breast cancer and, in April, she underwent a radical mastectomy. By the time of diagnosis, the cancer had metastasized and she was given about six months to live. Despite the grim prognosis, she continued recording and touring. She was one of the first celebrities to go public with her breast cancer diagnosis but did not disclose she was terminally ill.
In 1977, she became a spokesperson for the American Cancer Society. In 1978, she received the American Cancer Society's Courage Award, which was presented to her at the White House by President Jimmy Carter.
Riperton died of cancer on July 12, 1979 at the age 31.
During the 1990s, Riperton's music was sampled by many rap and hip-hop artists, including Tupac Shakur, Dr. Dre, A Tribe Called Quest, Blumentopf, The Orb
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beybladeninja · 1 year
Now it's time for Beyblade royalty!
First up is Phi!
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Phi is the God of Darkness. As the patron of darkness, he is a very quiet god that usually sticks to the shadows, but when he speaks, it usually contains some dark undertone. And give him enough incentive, he will quite literally become the stuff of nightmares.
He created darkness itself. Not the kind of darkness made by shadows or nighttime, no... the kind of darkness that swallows up every form of light until there's nothing left. The kind of darkness that smothers one's senses until all they know is complete and total blackness. The kind of darkness that makes one loose all semblance of sanity if they're stuck in it for too long.
Phi delights in his creation and the madness it causes. He enjoys spreading his darkness across the world and watching its progress as it consumes all in its path. Needless to say, he's not on very good terms with many of the gods, like Dante, the God of Color.
Because of his antics, he has been deemed a "Dark God", and is constantly outcasted by the other deities. In that, he finds solace with his brother, Hyde.
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(@heartsyayayayay , this your boo?)
Hyde is the God of Monsters. As creator of such unique creatures, he is a very inquisitive god that strives to know the purpose of every feature of every animal out there, if only to figure out how he can incorporate them into one of his own designs. Given enough incentive, though, he can transform into the worst monster humankind has ever known.
He is one of the handful of gods who can create life from scratch by imbuing items with his breath, though he takes it a step further. The other gods have standards that they won't cross when it comes to creating, but Hyde has none. Where other gods have lines, Hyde crosses them. He gives his creations features that other gods wouldn't dream of giving. His creations are often so grotesque that they have been coined the name monsters.
Some view Hyde as an inventor - others, a psychopath. He doesn’t mind either way. He loves all of his creations as if they were his own children.
The main problem with his creations is that they rely on a lot more life force in order to keep themselves alive; Hyde’s breath can bring them to life, but they require more in order to stay alive. To that end, Hyde has taught them to search for and consume the wandering souls of deceased humans. In his mind, the humans don’t need their souls once they’ve died, so no one will mind if a few go missing. His antics have certainly kept Daigo, the God of Deliverance, busy.
The two brothers are known as the Princes of Chaos, as their actions can disrupt the lives of mankind as we know it.
What do you think of Gods Phi and Hyde?
And get ready to venture back into the Snake Pit, because Norman is up next!
To keep the list going, who do you want to see as a god next?
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phieral · 3 months
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ㅤ 𝄢 Soy Phieral, o Phi. En esta Masterlist encontrarán todos los diarios de Monster High. Si estás usando computadora, presiona "ctrl + F" para tener un buscador interno en esta página, de esta forma podrás buscar el nombre del personaje de tu interés. Se aceptan recomendaciones, asimismo se aprecian reblogueos, likes, y comentarios. Los pedidos están siempre abiertos, si hay algo que te gustaría que traduzca, estaré encantada.
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𐔌♫ྀི SIGNATURE GHOULS: WAVE 1 ・Diario de Clawdeen Wolf ・Diario de Draculaura ・Diario de Frankie Stein ・Diario de Ghoulia Yelps ・Diario de Holt Hyde ・Diario de Lagoona Blue ・Diario de Cleo de Nile ・Diario de Deuce Gorgon
𐔌♫ྀི SCHOOL'S OUT: WAVE 2 ・Diario de Abbey Bominable ・Diario de Clawdeen Wolf ・Diario de Cleo de Nile ・Diario de Frankie Stein ・Diario de Lagoona Blue ・Diario de Spectra Vondergeist ・Diario de Draculaura ・Diario de Clawd Wolf
𐔌♫ྀི CLASSROOM: ACKADEMIC PUBLISHINGS ・Guía de Supervivencia para Recetas Caseras de Frankie Stein ・Guía de Supervivencia para Educación Física de Ghoulia Yelps ・Guía de Supervivencia para Ciencia Loca de Lagoona Blue ・Bitácora para Recetas Caseras de Abbey Bominable y Heath Burns
𐔌♫ྀི CAMPUS STROLL ・Diario de Nefera de Nile ・Diario de Operetta ・Diario de Toralei Stripe ・Diario de Howleen Wolf ・Diario de Meowlody y Purrsephone
𐔌♫ྀི BETWEEN CLASSES ・Diario de Jackson Jekyll ・Diario de Robecca Steam ・Diario de Rochelle Goyle ・Diario de Venus McFlytrap
𐔌♫ྀི SCARILY EVER AFTER ・Clawdeen Wolf como Little Dead Riding Wolf ・Draculaura como Snow Bite ・Frankie Stein como Threadarella
𐔌♫ྀི SCARIS: CITY OF FRIGHTS ・Diario de Frankie Stein ・Diario de Rochelle Goyle ・Diario de Clawdeen Wolf ・Diario de Jinafire Long ・Diario de Catrine DeMew ・Diario de Skelita Calaveras
𐔌♫ྀི PICTURE DAY ・Diario de Abbey Bominable ・Diario de Cleo de Nile ・Diario de Draculaura ・Diario de Spectra Vondergeist ・Diario de Lagoona Blue ・Diario de Frankie Stein ・Diario de Operetta
𐔌♫ྀི POWER GHOULS ・Spectra Vondergeist como Polterghoul ・Clawdeen Wolf como Wonder Wolf ・Frankie Stein como Voltageous ・Toralei Stripe como Cat Tastrophe ・Wydowna Spider como Webarella
𐔌♫ྀི GHOULS NIGHT OUT ・Diario de Lagoona Blue ・Diario de Rochelle Goyle ・Diario de Spectra Vondergeist
𐔌♫ྀི 13 WISHES ・Diario de Gigi Grant ・Diario de Howleen Wolf ・Diario de Lagoona Blue ・Diario de Twyla
𐔌♫ྀི FRIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! ・Diario de Clawdia Wolf ・Diario de Elissabat ・Diario de Honey Swamp ・Diario de Viperine Gorgon ・Diario de Operetta
𐔌♫ྀི ARTCLASS ・Sketchbook de Abbey Bominable ・Sketchbook de Draculaura ・Sketchbook de Robecca Steam ・Sketchbook de Skelita Calaveras
𐔌♫ྀི NEW SCAREMESTER ・Diario de Catrine DeMew ・Diario de Clawdeen Wolf ・Diario de Jinafire Long ・Diario de Catty Noir ・Diario de Gigi Grant ・Diario de Twyla ・Diario de Invisi Billy
𐔌♫ྀི SWEET SCREAMS ・Diario de Draculaura ・Diario de Frankie Stein ・Diario de Abbey Bominable ・Diario de Ghoulia Yelps
𐔌♫ྀི ZOMBIE SHAKE ・Diario de Meowlody y Purrsephone ・Diario de Rochelle Goyle y Venus McFlytrap
𐔌♫ྀི GHOUL SPORTS ・Diario de Clawdeen Wolf ・Diario de Spectra Wonderwolf ・Diario de Toralei Stripe
𐔌♫ྀི FREAKY FUSION ・Diario de Ava Trotter ・Diario de Bonita Femur ・Diario de Sirena Von Boo ・Diario de Clawvenus ・Diario de Cleolei ・Diario de Dracubecca ・Diario de Lagoonafire ・Diario de Neightan Rot
𐔌♫ྀི MANSTER 2-PACK ・Diario de Deuce Gorgon ・Diario de Gillington 'Gil' Webber
𐔌♫ྀི MONSTER EXCHANGE ・Pasaporte de Draculaura ・Pasaporte de Lagoona Blue ・Pasaporte de Lorna McNessie ・Pasaporte de Marisol Coxi
𐔌♫ྀི GLOOM AND BLOOM ・Diario de Catrine DeMew ・Diario de Jane Boolittle ・Diario de Venus McFlytrap ・Diario de Cleo de Nile ・Diario de Jinafire Long
𐔌♫ྀི HAUNTED ・Diario de Kiyomi Haunterly ・Diario de Porter 'Paintergeist' Geiss ・Diario de River Styxx ・Diario de Vandala Doubloons ・Diario de Rochelle Goyle
𐔌♫ྀི LOVE IN SCARIS 2-PACK ・Diario de Garrott du Roque
𐔌♫ྀི BOO YORK, BOO YORK ・Diario de Elle Edee ・Diario de Luna Mothews ・Diario de Mouscedes King ・Diario de Astranova ・Diario de Catty Noir ・Diario de Cleo de Nile ・Diario de Deuce Gorgon ・Diario de Nefera de Nile
𐔌♫ྀི WHEEL LOVE 2-PACK ・Diario de Lagoona Blue y Gillington 'Gil' Webber
𐔌♫ྀི FREAK DU CHIC ・Diario de Gooliope Jellington
𐔌♫ྀི LOVE'S NOT DEAD 2-PACK ・Diario de Ghoulia y Sloman ´Slo Mo' Mortavitch
𐔌♫ྀི BRAND-BOO STUDENTS ・Diario de Batsy Claro ・Diario de Isi Dawndancer ・Diario de Kjersti Trøllson
𐔌♫ྀི GREAT SCARRIER REEF ・Diario de Kala Mer'ri ・Diario de Posea Reef ・Diario de Peri y Pearl Serpentine
𐔌♫ྀི SELF-STANDING SIGNATURE ・Diario de C.A. Cupido ・Diario de Catty Noir ・Diario de Jane Boolittle ・Diario de Casta Fierce ・Diario de Amanita Nightshade ・Diario de Finnegan Wake
𐔌♫ྀི SDCC EXCLUSIVE ・Diario de Frankie Stein ・Diario de Ghoulia Nekrocon ・Diario de Scarah Screams ・Diario de Hoodude Voodoo ・Diario de Manny Taur ・Diario de Iris Clops ・Diario de Kieran Valentine ・Diario de Djinni 'Whisp' Grant ・Diario de Wydowna Spider ・Diario de Robecca Steam ・Diario de Hexiciah Steam
𐔌♫ྀི HAUNT COUTURE ・Diario de Clawdeen Wolf ・Diario de Draculaura ・Diario de Frankie Stein ・Diario de Cleo de Nile ・Diario de Lagoona Blue
𐔌♫ྀི COLLECTORS EDITION ・Diario de Draculaura ・Diario de Skelita Calaveras ・Diario de Abbey Bominable ・Diario de Cleo de Nile ・Diario de Ghoulia Yelps
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ㅤ 𔘓 ﹙ 𝔓HI⎯⎯ 𝐸𝑅𝐴𝐿 ﹚ 🪦 ̸̷ׅ ׄ ㅤ “𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑖” ultima vez act. 25 de junio de 2024
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