#phew hope this suffices!
multicolour-ink · 1 year
♡ for Mia and Pio???
Headcanon meme
♡ - romantic
Ooohhh hohoho 🤭 I could gush about Mia and Pio's romance for HOURS, and I still don't think it would be enough to get out in this ask! But I'll try and keep it focused on the overall aspect of their relationship.
Please note this will not be so much a headcanon, and more an interpretation that I am going by in my own series.
I also found a website that talks about the 7 styles of love ^^
- The main basis of Mia and Pio's relationship is trust and emotional connection. Both of them have been filled with expectations since their earliest days, and when they meet each other, they learn that they can open up to each other more than anyone else.
- At first they started off as friends, but not even long after that the relationship gave way to feelings of desire and lust. They wanted more from this. They wanted, needed, to be together, because they could only be truly happy with each other.
- Pio is a physical lover. He does all the cute little gestures like giving Mia little kisses any chance he gets (leaving for work, walking passed her in the kitchen etc), and letting her snuggle into him during movie night. He just wants this woman to know every day how much he loves her 💕
- Mia is the emotional lover. She was given expectations on what to find in a partner, but always brushed off any suiters as she didn't feel any connection. It was only after she met Pio that this side of her was able to be let out. She feels comfort in his support, and is able to draw out the emotional side of him using her patience and compassion.
I also want to talk about their very intimate moments, as it does play a major part in their romance. But it may be too much for some people so I'll put it under the cut.
- Both Mia and Pio have different outcomes with past dates, but overall had the same outcome; Pio is ultimately a giver, but was taken advantage of when others would expect him to put in the work. Mia was hoping to get something back from her suitors, but never did on account of what she was expected to look for, not who she felt was actually good for her.
- After the two of them met and built a trust with each other, they worked out that there was something they had both been missing. The two were already falling in love, but they had to earn each other's trust. Pio and Mia knew they needed each other to break their own barriers down.
- After finally getting the courage to take it further, the couple knew that this felt right. This felt good.
- Often in my fics I do portray Mia and Pio as being very intimate with each other, and while most of it is just fluff, it is often there to highlight that this couple treasure their intimacy as a core part of their relationship. I'm not saying that every couple needs to have this in order to have a fulfilling relationship (because some couples choose not to) - but for Mia and Pio, they're a couple bonded by desire, love, and assurance. They treasure it and fulfil it when possible.
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bananafire11 · 5 months
Recent alastor art dump woooh
TW for a bit of gore and blood !!!
I'd Rather Drown -- a piece based off this song, by Set It Off
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A dtiys entry hosted by keemevee over on instagram
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Doodles of the fine fellow
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A practice with perspective
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A quick Alastor featuring Tord my beloved
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My own redesign of sorts. He got hit with the old man beam. Let the evil cannibal be repulsive (let the demons be scarier in general begging pls PLSSS)
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Big toothy guy
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And bonus of an alastor dino. Maip alastor huzzahh!
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shkika · 1 year
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a self-indulgent little drawing
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asradisiac · 2 years
Do you actually offer fortune telling or is that just a cutesy little gimmick for your ask box?
mhm i do actually do tarot readings! uhhh for free on this blog if thats info u want but yeah i got a couple decks you could choose from but since its an arcana blog might be more on theme to just use that deck since i have it.. yes lets go with just The Arcana tarot deck for here :> so yep if u want ur fortune read just shoot me another ask with ur question and i'd be happy to pull a card for you!! <3
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rubyreduji · 2 years
hehe i am actually the teacher jihoon anon and also the ceo jihoon anon!!! i guess i am career woozi anon now 🤔 but i just wanted to say thank you for making my thoughts come into reality!! thank you for writing them and i’m glad i could help you get out of a lil writing rut with the teacher idea <3
but 👀 since we are on the topic of jihoon… i recently got his fts carat vers album and in the pcs there is one of him with one of his feet on like something a little bit smaller than a table… if that makes sense, ever since i got it i can’t stop thinking about ceo jihoon or just jihoon fucking you in a similar position 😵‍💫 after you purposely make him jealous too or wear something revealing… phew. i hope i described the position well enough? but i’m sure u can look at the pcs! hehe just some jihoon brainrot i hope i can dump my thoughts in ur inbox 🤲🏻
first off hi im so sorry this took so long (im always saying that but i do feel bad that im such a mess) but i didn't realize you're the same anon haha! i love it sm thank you for all of your requests <<33
secondly so i actually can't find the pc you're talking about 😭😭 i feel so bad and i can't tell if im imagining the position well but i love the idea of jealous ceo jihoon so i hope this suffices (if not maybe send me an ask with the pc and i'll see what i can do?)
pt. 1
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[minors dni]
it's been a few weeks since the encounter between you and jihoon in his office and thought it seems like jihoon has stopped his mistreatment towards you, he hasn't alluded to that day at all
he's nothing but proper around you; formal greetings in the morning, considering your ideas in meetings, praising the work you turn in. it's strange and you almost wish he would go back to degrading you every second, at least then you knew he acknowledged you, it's almost like you don't exist anymore
you tell yourself he probably regrets it. he's your ceo for goodness sakes, of course he regrets it. you hate yourself for caring so much because you know jihoon is nothing but a up tight, rude man who thinks of only himself first. the thing is you thought that just maybe it meant something, the other day in his office. he literally called you his favorite how can that not mean something?
well if he's not going to care about you, then you're not going to care about him. it's not like it would have gone anywhere anyways, jihoon isn't worth your worries
"y/n!" you look at the call of your voice to see kwon soonyoung approaching your desk. you like soonyoung, he's upbeat and nice and has always backed you when jihoon was too harsh
"hi soonyoung. how can i help you?"
"would you mind if i ate lunch with you today? it just feels like it's been a while since we've caught up"
"no i wouldn't mind at all" you smile up at the man and he grins happily back at you
soonyoung takes a seat at your desk and pulls his lunch out. you two start a conversation about your lives outside of work. you listen to soonyoung talk about his secondary job as an afternoon choreographer at a dance studio and you can't help but get lost in his stories about his students. you can tell he has a passion for what he does and loves the students he works with
eventually the conversation switches over to you and you're telling soonyoung your own stories when you hear your name shouted across the office
"y/n l/n! my office. now." you look over to see jihoon standing by the elevator, an angry look on his face. soonyoung gives you a worried glance and you quietly excuse yourself before scurrying over to the elevator
jihoon doesn't speak as you two ride up to his office. he doesn't say a single thing until you two are inside his office, the doors shut and locked
"you really do know how to get someone's attention, don't you?"
"i don't know what you're talking about, sir"
"you and kwon soonyoung. don't think i didn't notice the way he was all over you"
"he was just being friendly"
"is that what wanting to get into someone's pants is called these days?"
"jihoon i don't understand what the problem is here. soonyoung and i are friends. it was just lunch"
"the problem is you belong to me" jihoon grabs your face and forces you to look directly at him "you got that?"
you're feeling bold so you spit out "you've barely acknowledge me for the past two weeks"
"so you go and throw yourself at someone else? i didn't take you for a slut, mx. l/n"
"i- that's not- jihoon-"
"do you not want to belong to me?" he's asking permission. in his own fucked up, power hungry way, he's asking permission
you take a big gulp before answering "i- i do, sir"
"that's what i thought. be good now"
with a hand still cupping your face jihoon pulls you into a rough kiss. your lips are messy as they press against each other, desire running through your body
jihoon's hand slides down your neck and to your shirt where he starts to unbutton your shirt. his fingers are nimble and soon your bare skin is exposed to the room. his hands run over your torso, his fingers cold against your warm skin, and you shiver. you feel jihoon smirk at that before his fingers breech the waistband of your pants
his fingers trail against your skin and you gasp into his mouth when his hand plunges deep and cups you over your most sensitive parts. you whine a bit and buck into his hand
"so needy" jihoon tuts
his fingers push back further until his digits trace around your entrance, teasing you
"jihoon please" you beg
"please what?"
"please fuck me. i need it. i need you"
"that's what i like to hear"
jihoon pulls his hands out of your pants and quickly unbuttons them and pulls them down along with your underwear. there's a coffee table sitting in the corner of his office and he points to it
"bend over"
you quickly follow orders, rushing to bend over the table for him, not wanting to prolong him not being inside of you any longer. you feel a big embarassed with your whole ass exposed to the room, wantonly waiting as jihoon takes his time to walk over to you
you hear his own pants drop to the floor before he squirts some lube onto his fingers and shoves them inside of you. you jolt and moan as he fingers you open. he doesn't keep his fingers inside of you for long though, because soon he's pulling them up and grabing your hips to pull them up to meet his cock
without much warning he thrusts into you and you have to bite down on your lower lip to keep your screams in. you breathing gets choppy as jihoon pistons into you, pounding into you fast and hard
his cock is heavy and large and feels even better than his fingers did the last time jihoon touched you
it doesn't take long for you body to start to feel heavy with pleasure, your mind fuzzy with the only thought floating through you head being jihoon jihoon jihoon
jihoon props his leg up onto the table and pulls yours hips into his and you whine at the way his cock digs into your sweet spot at this angle
"only i get you like this, got it? you're my pretty little thing and no one else's. especially not kwon soonyoung's"
"fuck jihoon, only you. no one else makes me feel this good. promise"
"say it again"
"only you jihoon. i'm yours"
"yes, that's it. so good for me"
one of jihoon's hands reaches around to rub at where you ache the most for his touch
"so tight y/n" jihoon grunts "not gonna last much longer"
"sir please cum in me, please"
your words and the breathlessness of your tone is all it takes for jihoon to spill over, filling you full of his seed
your own release comes quickly after as jihoon presses a kiss to your neck, the press of his warm lips against your neck sending you over the edge. you shake in jihoon's grip as your insides pulse around jihoon's cock
you're panting as jihoon pulls out of you. he grabs a tissue off of the coffee table to wipe you both off
you both get dressed again and for a second you're both awkwardly standing around until you turn to leave
"y/n wait" jihoon grabs your arm "i- uhm, i'm sorry...if i came off too strong earlier. i've uh, never done something like this before so-"
"it's okay jihoon, i get it. don't worry. i won't tell anyone either, if that's what you're worried about"
"no! that's not it i just-" you don't think you've ever seen your boss so distressed before "would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"
oh. that's not what you were expecting at all
"oh! uhm. y-yes, i'd like that a lot" you can feel your face heat up with your fluster
"good. well uhm. i'll see you tonight" jihoon stands there for a moment like he doesn't know what to do before he quickly leans in to press a kiss to your cheek and then he turns and walks over to his desk like he didn't just do that
you smile to yourself as you head out of jihoon's office, giddy for what's to come later
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citrus-cactus · 2 years
Hello! If you don’t mind, can you answer 3, 16, and 21 for the ask game? I hope you have a wonderful day/night 💛
Of course, Sluggy! Thanks for the ask 💛
Under the cut because this ended up kind of long XD
Here is the ask game if you're interested!
3. Least favourite things to draw?
Hmmmm well. I always struggle with backgrounds and just like… inanimate objects. I think I find them boring to practice! Would much rather draw a cute face or a body in motion, so shockingly, that is 95% of my drawing output XD
6. Which artists inspire you right now?
Ooh, well, all of my digi-mutuals for sure! There is so much amazing fic and art on my dash. Y’all are constantly producing so much high-quality stuff that it’s a little overwhelming sometimes!! But don’t stop, this is a great problem to have (though it makes me slow to respond, particularly to long-form fic orz).
Here are some other (non-digimon) artists I follow who have been hugely inspiring to me recently:
Trungles (Gorgeous art-noveau style! I have their tarot card deck)
Umishima Senbon (Bought their artbook at a con recently. I WISH I could draw that many beautiful lived-in spaces and inanimate objects!!)
Popsicle-stick (Dracula art)
Marghen (Dracula art)
Professorcalculusstanaccount (Tintin art and animations)
21. Weirdest thing you’ve ever drawn?
HMMM. That is a REALLY difficult q. to answer, because I used to draw a LOT of stuff that is utterly incomprehensible out of context (and it's something I still kind of enjoy doing, hehe). So here are some sample "no context is the best context" drawings I have on my hard drive (they're all REALLY old; most involve Tai, and some could be considered a little racy/in poor taste, take that as you will):
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(Daisuke gets the better of Goth TK; a pogo stick and a hippity-hop is involved. One poem and one mini-fanfic now lost to time may explain how we got here.)
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(The oekaki board I used to be on had a Whole Thing about Dai being infatuated with Tai. This drawing was a response to someone else's drawing that happened at Halloween. The person in the Sailor Moon costume is Matt; Tai's hand is visible and he's dressed as Tuxedo Mask.)
(gOD I miss oekaki! I would kill for the ability to do that kind of screentone shading so easily again DX)
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(Recreation of a dream I had, before the words "Fox" and "News" were quite as bad as they are today 🤮 Digimon used to air on the Fox channel in the US, and they did a LOT of weird promos. My subconscious made her own)
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(Panel of a comic that is meant to look 0_0 but isn't really, I swear!!)
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(Satirical commentary on certain digimon fanfiction trends circa 2010 and earlier, via Kate Beaton meme)
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(Teen Girl Squad/Digimon crossover ft. the digigirls pre-Tri and Joe. Cheerleader! So-And-So! What's-Her-Face! The Ugly One!)
I'll be honest, there's probably a LOT more weird stuff in my sketchbooks. I don't really want to comb through years of old drawings for the most WTF-inducing ones, but suffice it to say, they're there, and the fact that the sample size is THIS big almost certainly says something about me :3
Phew. If you made it this far, thanks for letting me ramble and show you some weird stuff from the vault! I hope you have a great day/night as well!! 💛
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 years
We've mentioned princes. If you'd like to do another ask, what types of princess would Marnie, Bea, Nessa, Opal, and Melony be?
Marnie: Not many now of Piers sister, with the exception of her kingdom of course. She doesn't mind, much. Keeps the attention away. Marnie sees everything. The way her kingdom is treated. The way her people suffer under terrible circumstances. The way her brother seems to almost let it happen. The way her brother suffers alone trying to make things right. It angers her. Boils her blood, that it does. She's going to figure this all out. She's going to save her kingdom. She's going to save her beloved brother. She's going to or die trying.
Bea: An aloof child, the type to turn heads whenever she walks into court. While going against the grain, many admire Bea for embracing her femininity. She doesn't care what they think, she wasn't raised to be a diplomat. She was raised to be a warrior. Days upon days of training honing her skills to perfection. Her parents are watching, she has too. Though, and this is rare, she relaxes. Some of the maids her age would sneak her some sweets and they would just talk and gossip together. Bea would try and teach them some moves for self defense. It always ends in quiet laughter. She tells herself that she's to bring Allister with her next time slowly, of course.
Nessa: Princess Nessa is best known for her beauty, often being compared to a beautiful mermaid that swim in the depth below. Sadly that's all people ever talk about and it pisses her to no end. She knows she's pretty, duh, but she has other qualities too! Her kingdom had the best fishing economy there is! Not to mention there boats! They're boats are the best! But noooo, it's always the ' ever beautiful Nessa' blah blah blah. Milo has those muscles and no one else boils him down to that. It's his kind nature, or his farming skills, or- or... whatever! It's just infuriating to hear it all the time, breaking her back for her kingdom. The only thing that comes out of it that more people are willing to negotiate with her....even if it's for trivial reasons. Oh, and Sonia do visit often. That's always a plus. ( Sometimes she wonder what pirate life is like. Is it as freeing as they say? Would people finally respect her then?)
Opal: Queen of the Fae, probably more untouchable than Leon. Is Marnie sees everything then she knows it- not that she would tell you of course. Many of the kingdoms both respect and fear her for her capabilities, as well as her, er, eccentric nature. For someone so old, it's very hard to keep up. It doesn't help with all her riddles and questions. Though, above all else, she is to be admired. She's been a ruler for a kingdom more ancient than she is ( don't tell her that) and if she wanted to , would very easily overpower all of the known kingdoms. This is why it's always good to be on her good side ( even if it's hard to tell). She seems to have a fondness for the younger generation, and rumor has it she's stepping down for her successor. Ask her about it, if you can even make it, and she'll give you a riddle. Or a curse. Or a curse in a form of a riddle. It really depends on her mood.
Melony: The Ice Queen. She's known for being like a mother bear: brutal and cold to her enemies, but loving and warm to those she loves. At least she tries to be. After a fight between her son, which could have very well lead to a civil war, her kingdom was quite literally divided. Half belongs to her, and half belongs to her son . For a while, she was angry. How dare he throw away what she has set up for him. After all the love and support! If he never wanted to see her again, so be it. But it wasn't soon after she realized the pain she caused. All her son wanted was to try something new, something that could probably help there kingdom, and she refused. She made him feel insignificant, like his choice didn't matters, and she never wanted that, ever. Then there's the rest of her children, missing their older brother, wishing he was home. Their kingdom, their people. Those who took sides and are angry at the other. Those who didn't and are now stuck with the consequences. They didn't deserve that. She- she messed up. She messed up bad. She wants to make it right, she has to. She just doesn't now how. Not yet.
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caniseirios-blog · 7 years
💡do you wanna try this good bean?
[Tries your muse.] - no longer accepting
She rarely steps out during daylight. Somehow it makes her differences more contrast. As the light shines brighter, the shadow it casts also becomes darker. She doesn’t fit, she’s settled on that long ago, the moment she steps back to this world. It’s changed from the one she knows of, or maybe, she’s the one who’s changed.
Despite towering over her in such an intimidating way, Giratina’s gaze is encouraging. Comforting. She found solace in place there shouldn’t be any. Home is where the heart belongs and her home has shifted. 
Or has she forgotten of her old story?
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There is more to this, she knows and believes so. But in this intersection, of the many branches in life, she doesn’t know which path to choose. Will they end up into the same road? Like rivers, accumulating to the ocean. Or will it each be a different story? Nothing will intersect, there will be no more crossing. There is fear eating her slowly from the inside. Either she consumes it or it consumes her first. The outcome will, again, be a branch. 
She takes a step forward. Giratina doesn’t follow.
Has the sun always been this harsh?
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xxdragonwriterxx · 3 years
🔥Shattered Me🔥
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A/N: Hey guys! Phew this is a long one! It’s also really angsty so sorry not sorry about that. It’s not all angsty, I promise, but this one was both fun and torturous to write. I’m just a huge fan of the amnesia fics so I wanted to give it a try for myself as well as add a little twist to it! I know I have a lot of requests in my inbox and I wanted to let you guys know that I am currently working on two of them at the moment that will hopefully be out soon! This fic has just been in my drafts for a while and I finally had time to edit it so I figured this would suffice for now until I can get some of my requests finished up! I hope you enjoy!
[TW: mentions of manipulation, attempted sexual assault, violence, and cursing (it’s Levi, duh). You guys know how I am about nonconsensual content, so none of that is explicitly stated nor described, I just wanted to make things clear going into it! Also, while this fic is not 18+ I would very much appreciate audiences staying in the 16+ range due to certain themes. Thank you!]
🐉 Song Recommendation: “Zephyrus” by The Oh Hellos 🐉
Word Count: ~9.7k
Levi had experienced a lot of loss in his life, that much was obvious. From the death of his mother as a toddler, to watching his two closest friends get ripped to shreds in front of his very eyes, to losing his squad to the Female Titan in various gruesome ways, it was clear that the poor man was haunted. But he knew in that moment that nothing could compare to what he was seeing right now. Aside from watching her being eaten of course, but this was a very close second, as he watched himself lose (Y/N) in a different way.
Amnesia. He had never thought about the condition much, only attempting to console the few soldiers who had suffered from it after a horrible accident, telling them about their lives until they were able to be handled by a doctor, friend, or family member. But now, the idea was front dead center in his mind as he watched his lover from across the Mess Hall, trying his hardest not to kill the bastard who was sitting next to her with his arm curled possessively around her waist.
Levi hadn’t been there when it happened, only hearing about the attack from her squad after the fighting was over and the dust had settled. Apparently, she had killed a titan to save one of her squad members, only to get caught in the crossfire when an abnormal had jumped at her from below. She had managed to twist out of the way before her body could be bitten in half, but the sharp, sudden maneuver had caused her to slam into a tree. By the time Levi had finally heard about the incident, (Y/N) had already been placed in the medical wagon, her head wrapped in bandages as everyone just hoped the amazing Squad Leader would live to see another day.
While he could’ve cried out in joy when the doctors finally announced she would make a full physical recovery, he had never felt a dread quite like the kind he had felt when they also informed him that she had no memory of who she was nor what she did for a living. She had no memory of Levi nor the Survey Corps whatsoever, despite having been by Levi’s side since their early days in the Underground.
At first, Levi had tried everything in his power to get her to remember him. He had taken her out on trail rides like they had done when they were too busy for proper dates. He had made her coffee the way she liked since she isn’t as much of a fan of tea as he is. He had even sat her down and recounted to her the many memories they shared, spanning from the time she had saved his ass in the Underground to the time she had confessed to him one stormy night in his office. Nothing had worked, but he had refused to give up, talking to her everyday and trying his hardest to help her regain her memories. Until the day he saw them together.
Levi had nearly ripped the man’s throat out when he had seen him cuddling up to (Y/N), nuzzling her face and kissing her throat, only to be stopped by Erwin and Hanji holding him back and forcing him into an empty room to talk things over with him. It had pained them to see their friend hurting this way, but it wouldn’t be right to force (Y/N) to be with him, not when he was essentially a stranger to her. 
Levi felt a soft hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts, and turned to see Miche looking at him with a pained expression on his face, his green eyes showing Levi his own anguish at the situation. Levi looked away, unable to hold his friend’s gaze for long, and shrugged his hand off of him.
“What?” Levi snapped at Hanji’s soft coo of his name.
“I…” the scientist glanced over at (Y/N) from across the hall, her eyes threatening to spill over with tears when she saw her friend and the random cadet together. “I’m so sorry.”
Levi didn’t respond with anything but a low growl, trying to look anywhere but at them, only to fail when his eyes betrayed him, locking onto his girlfriend no matter how much he begged himself to look somewhere else. The tray of food sat untouched in front of him despite the fork he held in his hand, slowly rolling the utensil through his fingers as he watched the pair interact.
The cadet’s name was Brandon Rio, a boy that was rumored to be funny, polite, and wildly popular amongst the other cadets, always willing to lend a hand while simultaneously being the life of the party in every situation. He was tall and had light brown hair with a sandy undertone, his blue eyes shining as he looked down at (Y/N), who was giggling at a joke he told her. Levi knew because he had done extensive research on the boy, obsessed with knowing everything there was to know about him despite the fact that he knew he should just harden his heart and move on. He knew it would be for the best that way, to seal away his battle worn heart behind strong walls just as he had done in every other tragic situation in his life, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
(Y/N) had burst into his life in the Underground, refusing to take no for an answer when she had point blank stated she was coming to live with him after saving his ass from a group of thugs. He had been frustratingly annoyed with her at first, her confident personality throwing his carefully structured plan for survival completely out of whack. But he had slowly but surely come to love the little spitfire, his spitfire, counting on her to watch his back as they made their way through the world together, as she tore down his walls brick by brick and blasted through his cold personality like it was made of paper. 
Even though she had forgotten all of that, he couldn’t just leave her. Whether she knew it or not, he was still her best friend, her guardian, and her lover. If he had to love and protect her from afar, then so be it.
But it hurt so bad. Levi could hardly stand it when he saw them together, his heart fighting with his brain as he mulled over killing the boy and making (Y/N) hate him forever or suffering alone for the rest of his days.
Levi’s whole body tensed, his muscles as tight as a steel rod when Brandon leaned over and nibbled on (Y/N)’s ear, making her squeal with delight. Each little action that brought a smile to her face that was made by the other man was a stab to Levi’s heart, but there was nothing he could do about it. He felt so broken, so alone, and yet the one thing that had always been able to heal him in the past without fail, was sitting at the other end of the room, snuggled in the embrace of another man. 
Suddenly, Levi couldn’t take it anymore. The raven-haired Captain downed the rest of his piping hot tea in a single gulp, ignoring the way it burned his throat like fire, and stood from his chair so fast the whole table shuddered.
“I’m going to my room,” Levi stated before turning on his heel and leaving the Mess Hall, not waiting for a response from his friends.
The other superior officers looked at each other in alarm, concern for both of their close friends only growing more intense with each passing day. None of them had failed to notice the dark bags under Levi’s eyes, the messiness of his hair despite his usual clean freak tendencies, the fact that he barely ate anything, leading to his normally toned, athletic body to become weaker with each passing day. None of them had ever been more worried about Levi, and yet there was nothing they could do but watch from the sidelines, their gazes trained on (Y/N) and her new boyfriend, feeling queasy at the sight.
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Levi was dragging his feet as he wandered down the halls. He didn’t really know where he was going, and he would’ve stayed in his room if it weren’t for the restless feeling that was plaguing him, urging him to move his feet even when he didn’t really want to.
He idly wondered if he was losing his mind. He had never acted this way before, even when Isabel and Farlan had been ripped away from him. He had been wracked with grief, sure, but this felt different. Maybe it was the fact that she wasn’t really gone, just unreachable for him. Maybe it was the jealousy that was poisoning him, slowly killing him in the most painful way possible. 
His entire being ached for her as he walked down the halls, not really seeing anything as he moved. She had always known what to say to him to make him feel better. He knew that if she were here, she would subtly grab his hand and tug him back to his quarters, where she would hold him and stroke his hair, murmuring words of comfort to him and letting him lean on her both physically and emotionally.
But she wasn’t here.
His heart was shattered into even more tiny pieces at the thought of her doing those things for Brandon. The thought of her holding him and kissing him as he held her against him, his face buried in her neck, made him want to be sick.
Shaking his head, Levi tried to force those thoughts out of his mind, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. Making his way through the labyrinth of the Survey Corps headquarters, Levi decided to set his sights on Hanji’s office, hoping her loud personality and rambunctious antics would take his mind off of things for a while. His strides were brisk, forcing himself to move as fast as possible so as to avoid losing himself in front of everyone, if it came to that.
He was just passing Erwin’s office when a voice made him pause and retrace his steps, moving to peer through the slightly opened door. His eyes widened when he caught sight of Brandon, his arms crossed as he faced the Commander, who was staring him down with a cold, hard look; Hanji giving him a more venomous look from beside Erwin.
“Look, I don’t know what you two are playing at, but I’m not breaking up with my girlfriend just because a superior officer is pining after her. She is mine, and I’m not giving her up,” Brandon said, making Levi work hard to suppress the growl that bubbled in his throat.
Erwin sighed in obvious annoyance, his hand coming up to rub at his temple. “Cadet Rio, Captain Levi isn’t pining after (Y/N). As I said before, she is his girlfriend, they’ve been lovers for years, but her accident out in the field made her forget her relationship with him. This isn’t about you, it’s about helping them rebuild the relationship they once had until (Y/N) gets her memories back, and we would really appreciate it if you would be a bit more cooperative.”
It was clear that Erwin was trying to be patient with the boy. Levi didn’t know how long this conversation had been going on, but something about the way his two friends were acting towards Brandon told him it had been going on for a while. Brandon frowned at the two officers in front of him and tapped his foot in frustration.
“Listen, I understand what you guys are trying to do for your friend, and I think it’s nice that you are trying to make him happy, but (Y/N) confessed to me before we started going out. Whatever they had before her accident, doesn’t exist anymore, and I’m not going to make things worse by breaking it off with the best thing in my life, so stop trying to convince me otherwise.”
Levi saw spots in his vision as he fought to stay conscious. She had confessed to him? The past two weeks had been absolutely miserable, but Levi had been able to pull through by telling himself over and over again that some part of her still loved him, that this was all just part of the amnesia. But Brandon’s words made him rethink everything. She had confessed to him? Of her own volition? Even when Levi had still been trying to revive her lost memories?
Levi leaned against the wall for support. Did this mean that none of it was real? Looking at Brandon, he could see the appeal. Brandon was tall and handsome, with shining blue eyes and soft, wavy hair. He had a chiseled jawline and his longer hair framed his face nicely, giving him a very attractive look, especially in his Scouts uniform. He was nothing like Levi, the short, raven-haired man with piercing silver eyes completely different from the warm appearance of the younger cadet.
Levi fought to breathe properly, feeling like his throat was closing. He was drowning as the negative thoughts continued to flood through his system like a damn tsunami. Of course she would confess to him, how could Levi possibly compare? He was always so cold and closed off, no wonder she had immediately gravitated towards someone who was open and loving. It was like comparing a reserved lone wolf to a fluffy brown bear. Of course she would go for the man who could compliment her easily, give her the love and affection she deserves. He wouldn’t even be surprised if she had been waiting for a way to let him go before her accident had even happened, only to be gifted with the perfect opportunity to leave him, no strings attached.
Memories of their time together flitted through his mind then. The warm cuddles either in the morning when they were still sleepy or by the fire on a rare day off, the massages she would so graciously provide when she knew he was sore, ignoring his protests and making him feel good anyway, the kisses she would give him, making him feel so loved as she showed him what it was like to receive affection. Was any of it real? If it wasn’t, it was no wonder he had never noticed, everything had felt so genuine.
 Breaking the Captain, it was something that nobody had ever done before, maybe it was all just a game, something to be able to display to everyone, the heart she held in her hand like a trophy.
Levi shook his head at the last thought. (Y/N) would never do something like that. Even if she hadn’t been in love with him, she would never be cruel like that. She wasn’t evil, and she had still been his best friend before the accident, so it wasn’t likely she had had any intention of hurting him. What had most likely happened was, she had discovered his feelings for her and had confessed to him out of pity. The thought made his heart clench, but he knew it was a better thought than the alternative. 
Levi was about to stumble back to his room, unable to deal with this anymore, when Hanji’s voice cut through the air, sharp, angry, and full of venom.
“That’s a lie and you know it, Cadet. I was there when you confessed to (Y/N) two weeks ago. She didn’t even know you at the time because of her amnesia, she had no reason to come up to you nor admit any feelings for you, unless she is some super human who has the ability to develop undying feelings for a person on sight. You asked her out knowing she had just lost her memory, you fucking bastard.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Brandon snapped back.
“What the hell is wrong with you!? Can you not see how much it is affecting both of them? You’re just willing to sit back and fuck with people’s lives as if they’re pawns in your chess game? (Y/N) lost her memory, and yet you are still willing to manipulate her?” Hanji roared, her seething anger able to be felt all the way out in the hall.
“Hanji, please,” Erwin said, although it was obvious his warning call of her name was only half-hearted. “Cadet, I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but this needs to stop. (Y/N) may not remember it, but she is still a high ranking officer, and the harassment of said officer is not tolerated here, so once again, I implore you, please cooperate with us.”
“Now listen here, Commander, I have been in love with (Y/N) ever since she was brought up from the Underground when I first laid eyes on her. In the past, she always ignored me, I’m sure she didn’t even know my name before now, even before her accident, but that is only because she was clouded by her old life in the Underground. She learned early on that she could only trust a few people  to ensure her survival, and so when she came to the surface, she didn’t stray from that lesson, and settled for her very limited options in the end.”
“This amnesia is doing a service for her, not inhibiting her. It freed her from her past and opened her eyes to the real benefits life has to offer. I have worked too hard for too long for this, so if you think for one second that I’m just going to nonchalantly let her go and watch as you use your rankings to have your way with her, you are dumber than I thought, and I won’t hesitate to report you for sexual misconduct.”
Erwin and Hanji were speechless as they stared at the normally polite, boisterous young man that was very popular amongst the other scouts. Neither of them could believe how much they had underestimated this man, this new side of him rearing its ugly head in their faces for the first time. They had both thought this would be an easy conversation. They had expected him to be disappointed, maybe even upset but still cooperative, as his usual personality suggested. They had not been prepared for the fact that this man was purposely manipulating the people around him for his own personal gain.
Erwin opened his mouth, about to say something in response when the door to his office slammed open so hard it bounced off the wall. Erwin and Hanji snapped their heads up, both of them hoping it was (Y/N) having overheard the conversation, only to see a very angry Captain standing in the doorway, his whole body tensed to strike and his eyes promising a painful death unlike any other as they settled on Brandon’s shocked form.
Erwin and Hanji were both grateful for their fast reflexes and quick thinking as they simultaneously lunged for Levi as he flew at Brandon, just barely managing to catch their friend as he aimed to kill. The two officers held their Captain back as he thrashed against their holds, fighting to claw Brandon’s eyes out.
“You… fucking… bastard… using (Y/N) for your… own personal gain!” Levi snarled in between panting breaths. His eyes were wild with hatred, burning into Brandon as the young man scrambled on the floor from where he had fallen, his hands flailing in an attempt to help himself up. Levi lunged again and his friends almost lost their grip on him.
“Levi! Get a grip on yourself!” Erwin growled.
“We will figure this out, Levi, but you have to stop! If you kill him, he will just win,” Hanji murmured to him, tightening her grip on his arms tight enough to bruise.
Levi was just about to snap back at them when a growl made everyone in the room freeze.
“Excuse me? What the hell is going on here!?”
Everyone turned to see (Y/N) standing in the doorway, a murderous look on her face as her eyes flickered between Brandon on the floor and Levi being held back by two commanding officers.
“(Y/N), I-”
“Shut up!” (Y/N) snapped when Levi tried to talk, making his eyes widen.
Throwing a dirty look at the three officers in the room, (Y/N) darted over to Brandon, kneeling on the floor to check him over and help him up off the ground. “Babe, are you okay?” She cooed.
“Yeah, I’m alright, better now that you’re here,” Brandon murmured, taking her extended hand and lifting himself from the floor, before pulling her to him and anchoring her to his side.
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you!?” (Y/N) snarled as she turned to face Levi, her face immediately changing from one of love and concern when she looked at Brandon to one of fury.
“(Y/N), please, I was just-”
“No, just nothing! I don’t know who the fuck you think you are but you need to stop what you’re doing, right now. I endured you taking me everywhere, and talking to me every day, and trying to be a part of my life every minute of every day, but this is where I draw the fucking line. I know you like me or something, but this obsessive behavior has gone far enough. Attacking my boyfriend to claim me as your own? Do you really think I’d ever fall into bed with you just because you get rid of my lover? You’re disgusting.”
For the first time in all of their time knowing him, Hanji and Erwin saw and felt Levi flinch. His eyes were closed and a few tears even fell from his eyelids to slide down his cheeks, making their eyes widen in shock.
Levi on the other hand felt like he was being buried alive. Each word she said was a new slice to his very soul, breaking him bit by bit until even the great Captain Levi couldn’t hold in the tears, even in front of Brandon. He had never been vulnerable in front of an enemy before, having learned early on from Kenny that it was detrimental to do so, but he couldn’t help himself, his body starting to shake as her words ground him to dust.
“P-Please,” Levi whimpered softly, begging her. Another thing he hadn’t done since he was young, when he was a dying four year old, begging his mother to wake up after she died.
Something flickered in (Y/N)’s eyes, something he couldn’t read, but it was gone just as quickly as it appeared, making Levi question if it had been there in the first place or if his mind was once again being cruel to him, showing him the things he desperately wanted to see. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what we had before, if anything, if this isn’t just some ruse you created to get me to spread my legs for you,” (Y/N) said, making Levi wince again. “But the old me is gone. If we really were something before, I’m sorry it had to end this way, but it’s clear that you can’t let me live the life I want to live. Brandon is my lover, but since you can’t get that through your thick skull, I need you to get the hell out of my life and never come back.”
Erwin and Hanji felt the panic rise in their chests, building and clawing until it was suffocating both of them, and they weren’t even on the receiving end of (Y/N)’s wrath. Neither of them could even begin to fathom the pain Levi was in. Hanji opened her mouth, about to say something, what, she had no clue, but she was determined to make (Y/N) see reason, when Levi stood up straight, gently prying himself from their holds. He looked at (Y/N) for a moment longer, his eyes filled with love and heartbreaking sorrow, before he nodded curtly once and left the room, not looking back.
“Come on, babe, let’s go get some food from the Mess Hall,” Brandon said, breaking Hanji and Erwin out of their shock. Turning, both officers saw (Y/N) holding Brandon’s arm, her eyes trained on him as she checked him for injuries, the loving look in her eyes making both of her friends want to vomit or cry or both.
“That sounds like a good idea,” (Y/N) said before looking at the two officers in front of her. “Thank you, for stopping that man from hurting Brandon. I do appreciate it, especially since I’m sure it was difficult with him being your close friend and all.”
(Y/N) then left, Brandon leading her out of Erwin’s office, not waiting for a response from the stunned pair.
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If Levi’s friends were worried about him before, there weren’t enough words in their language to describe how concerned they were for him now. The normally active Captain hardly ever came out of his room, sitting at his desk with his head in his hands for hours, piles of unfinished reports sitting scattered around the room, leaving one of the other superior officers to come in and pick up the slack.
He looked horrible. His normally clean, neat hair was messy and his clothes were thrown on haphazardly. His skin was a pasty pale color, his eyes sunken into the dark circles that had taken up permanent residence under his lids. His body was weaker than ever before, the lack of food making him look sickly. He never slept, sometimes even going so far as to collapse when his body finally gave out. Hanji often went to his room to force him to eat a little, making sure he drank water and calming him down when she found him pacing restlessly around his room. The man was a wreck, completely lost after his lover’s harsh rejection of him.
Hanji sighed as she walked through the halls, her mind preoccupied with her friend’s condition. She knew she should be focused on the upcoming expedition, but she had no room left in her mind for that. She honestly didn’t know what they were going to do. One of their most powerful Squad Leaders had amnesia and was in no place to lead, while Humanity’s Strongest was too sick to fight, too lost in his grief and self-loathing to do more than get eaten should he be released outside the walls.
She was headed to his office, something in her gut telling her she needed to be with him right now. She hated leaving him in the first place, genuinely worried he would do something reckless, but she also knew he needed his space to figure things out. Losing (Y/N) was the hardest thing Levi has ever had to overcome, she couldn’t do it for him, no matter how much she wanted to. She knew Levi loved (Y/N) more than he had ever loved anyone in his life, making it difficult for her or any of their other friends to help him. They could only imagine how he was feeling, he was the only one who knew for sure, so they were forced to resort to the few comforting techniques they did know, fighting to help their hurting friend in any way possible.
When she neared his office, the sound of retching made her eyes widen and her strides lengthen until she was sprinting for the door. She burst in to see Levi dry heaving over his trash can, his eyes squeezed shut as he fought against another wave of nausea. Glancing out the window where she could see the entire courtyard, Hanji saw (Y/N) and Brandon sitting together beneath a tree, the same tree she and Levi used to cuddle beneath, (Y/N) kissing Brandon senseless while sitting straddled across his lap. The sight alone was enough to make Hanji gag, so she quickly tore her eyes from the sight and focused on Levi, sliding to the ground beside him and raising a hand to rub his back in comforting circles.
“T-Thank you, Hanji,” Levi croaked after a moment of silence when he’d finished.
“It’s nothing, Levi, don’t you worry about a thing,” Hanji murmured, rubbing his back more, digging her fingers in a little to help release a bit of his tension.
Levi fell silent again for a long while, slowly sitting back on his haunches, leaning away from the trash can in front of him. Hanji allowed him to lose himself to his thoughts for a while, staying quiet as she just appraised her friend, making a mental note to bring him more food soon.
“It hurts, Hanji. It really hurts.”
The sound of his voice finally broke Hanji. The normally joyful, energetic scientist succumbed to the despair in her heart. She choked out a sob and threw herself at the short man, curling her arms around him and pulling him to her chest. She felt Levi stiffen in her hold, unused to the gesture from anyone but (Y/N), but he eventually relaxed in her grasp and reached up to pat her arm, his way of showing his gratitude.
“I am so sorry, Levi, I am so so sorry…” Hanji whispered over and over again as she held him, causing him to finally let the dam break, his own tears sliding down his cheeks.
“I am too, Hanji,” Levi murmured. “I miss her so fucking much.”
“I know, I miss her too,” Hanji said, images of the times she hung out with (Y/N) flashing through her head. 
Before her accident, Hanji had been (Y/N)’s best friend aside from Levi, the two often laughing and joking late into the night when she wasn’t hanging out with Levi. Now, (Y/N) always avoided Hanji, her body tense when she saw the scientist. Despite having thanked Hanji for saving Brandon, the incident in Erwin’s office had shaken (Y/N), making her wary of the scientist and the Commander. 
She knew she couldn’t hold a candle to the pain Levi was in right now, but she did know a little bit about how he was feeling, having lost one of her closest friends to this incident. She missed (Y/N) so much, missed hanging out with her late into the night or while they ate in the Mess Hall, missed doing experiments together and fawning over the discoveries they made, missed bouncing ideas off of each other during meetings and causing trouble when they were alone, making Levi and Erwin roll their eyes affectionately at their two lovers spending time together.
“I don’t know how much longer I can stand this, Hanji,” Levi said so softly she wondered if she had imagined it, even when she knew she hadn’t. Somehow, her heart broke even more.
“I’ve got you, Levi. Please, hold on, for me, for the Scouts, for (Y/N). Just hold on a little bit longer, and everything will be okay,” Hanji knew she was lying. (Y/N) may never get her memories back, but she also knew it was what Levi needed at that moment. “I’m here, Levi, and I know I’m not (Y/N), but I’ll be here for you until she can take over again, okay?”
Levi nodded, not trusting himself to speak, but was more grateful than he could express for his friend being there for him. The two sat like that, comforting each other as they held each other on the floor, wishing for the pain to go away.
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(Y/N) blinked the sleep away as the sun shining through the window woke her up, the harsh light making her groan and sit up in an attempt to escape the stabbing pain in her eyes. Reaching up, she rubbed her face and sighed, fighting the urge to yawn. She had slept horribly, again. She had no idea why, but every night since she was told her memories had been lost, she had been unable to sleep for more than a few hours at a time before she shot awake, sweating and shaking. She had no idea what could possibly cause this phenomenon, but she was starting to get frustrated. Every night she was left breathless, scared, and sweaty but she had no way to fix it, despite the fact that her body was screaming at her to look for a solution. It was almost as if her body knew how to help her, but her brain hadn’t caught up yet.
(Y/N) glanced to the empty spot beside her, her brow furrowing as she frowned at the cold space. That was another strange thing. Whenever she went to sleep, she always felt like something was missing, almost like she was supposed to have someone or something in the bed with her. 
An image of a man with jet black hair and intense silver eyes flashed in her mind and she shook her head quickly. She had no idea why his face kept appearing in her dreams but she was starting to get annoyed. Was it because of how he had pursued her for so long before their confrontation? Was it because he had tried to attack Brandon? Was it because of the look of utter pain and despair on his face when she had snapped at him? She shook her head again with an irritated growl, trying to force thoughts of the handsome Captain from her mind.
She finally succeeded when the sound of her door opening made her look up, her lips breaking into a smile at the sight of her boyfriend carrying a tray of food for her. Surprisingly, an odd feeling of unease settled in her gut beside her happiness at seeing him, something that had happened every time she saw him. It made her angry, almost like her heart didn’t like him even when her brain told her she did. It was so disorienting, why would she be nervous at the thought of her own boyfriend? He had never been anything but kind and loving, so why did she feel like a part of herself hated him with every fiber?
“Morning sunshine!” Brandon cooed as he placed the tray on her bedside table and leaned in to kiss her. “Sleep well?”
(Y/N) hummed in response but felt that strange, uneasy feeling swell to a peak when he kissed her. That was something that had been happening a lot lately too, no matter how many times she kissed him, no matter how much time she spent with him, her stomach always churned whenever their lips met. There were a few times when she even worried she was going to vomit all over him. It wasn’t like she found his lips to be unsavory, they were warm and plush and soft, and always made her own lips feel tingly, but something about him made her body balk at the idea of kissing him.
In an attempt to quell this feeling, (Y/N) had even straddled his lap when kissing him the other day in the courtyard, hoping that if she made herself feel more confident that the feeling would go away, wondering if it was maybe just nerves that made her feel so weird. Unfortunately, no matter how many times their lips met underneath that tree, she still felt gross. In fact, the feeling had gotten worse under the tree, as if the tree were some sort of taboo place to be with Brandon. Everything was making (Y/N)’s head hurt and she was considering going to the infirmary to see if she was experiencing some sort of side effect from her accident.
“Hey babe, something wrong?” Brandon asked, snapping her out of her thoughts.
“Oh, you just seem hesitant, like you’re kind of out of it lately, are you alright? Levi hasn’t been harassing you again, has he?”
The sound of Levi’s name made her body warm as another image of him flashed in her mind. (Y/N) paused at the reaction, her heart practically humming in her chest as she thought about his gorgeous features and soft silver eyes. Quickly waving him away, (Y/N) shook her head.
“Oh no, I haven’t seen him at all since that day in the Commander’s office. I’m just feeling off today, I think I’m still a little sick from my accident so I might go to the infirmary later, see if there is something they can give me to help my head.”
(Y/N) was startled when she suddenly felt a hand on her thigh, her eyes snapping over to meet Brandon’s icy blue ones, quickly realizing how much closer he had gotten to her. (Y/N) slid back, moving until her back was pressed up against the headboard, the pillows cushioning her ass as she sat on top of them.
“Mmmm, (Y/N),” Brandon purred, sending a shiver down (Y/N)’s spine, and not the good kind. “I have an idea on how I can make you feel a little better.”
“What are you doing? Brandon?”
His eyes darted from her eyes to her lips and then trailed down the rest of her body, making her hyper aware of the fact that she was just wearing a t-shirt and some low cut sleep shorts. He licked his lips, making (Y/N)’s heartbeat spike. Something about this was wrong. Really wrong.
Her thoughts were suddenly cut off by the feeling of his lips smashing into hers, his tongue shoving its way past her lips to lick at her mouth. (Y/N) let out a noise of surprise and tensed completely, her entire body screaming at her one thing: 
This is not right. Something is wrong. Get the fuck out of there. 
Shaking herself out of her shock, (Y/N) placed her hands on his chest and pushed him away from her, breathing hard as he parted from her and licked his lips again.
“B-Brandon, s-stop! I don’t want this.”
“Oh? Why not, sweetheart? We’ve been dating for a while now, I think it’s about time you reward my patience with something I want to do.”
“I’m not ready for something like this, Brandon. My head is still really fucked up right now and I don’t want to rush into anything, not when I can’t make decisions for myself without knowing all of the information I need to know. I am not ready to take this next step and I need you to respect that. Please, get off of me.”
To her horror, Brandon just came in closer, his arms caging her in, trapping her against the headboard. His eyes were bright with a wicked look, but she also noticed the anger that coiled in them too, making her heart leap in her throat.
“I’ve been very patient, (Y/N). I’ve waited for a long time for this, and now I am tired of waiting. Let me have you. Now.”
“We’ve only been dating for a month!” (Y/N) shouted, anger swirling down to mix with her fear, making her sit up a little taller.
“Oh, (Y/N), I’ve wanted you for far longer than that. I may have only been able to call you mine for a month now, but I’ve lusted after you for years, since I first met you.”
That was when (Y/N) realized something, her brow furrowing at his words.
“If you’ve loved me for so long, why didn’t we date before I lost my memories? Clearly you weren’t too nervous to confess to me, since you did just that a month ago, and you told me during your confession that you happened to see me from across the Mess Hall and thought I was pretty so you asked me out, so I know we didn’t date before and I just forgot about it. What are you hiding from me?”
Brandon’s eyes widened before they narrowed and darkened, giving him a dangerous look. Quicker than she could react, Brandon grabbed both of her wrists in his hands and pinned them above her head. (Y/N)’s eyes widened in fear and shock as Brandon rutted against her, his hard cock grinding against her core, her legs forced open by his own thighs. She struggled against him but Brandon just tightened his grip on her, his lips parting to pant heavily against her throat.
“Brandon! Get off of me! Now!”
“No, you are mine. You are finally mine, and I am going to claim you before you can be claimed again by any other. I have waited long enough for this moment, and I am not letting go. You are my pet, my slut, my bitch. You are mine to kiss, mine to own, and mine to fuck, and I think it’s about time you finally learned your damn place.”
As he leaned down to force another kiss onto her lips, (Y/N) acted. She may not have remembered being the powerful warrior everyone claimed she had been before her accident, but her body sure did as she head-butted him hard and wrenched her wrists out of his grip, reaching back to punch him in the face, a dormant beast in her chest snarling in satisfaction at the sound of his nose breaking. When he flailed back, his eyes watering and his hands coming up to hold his head and nose, (Y/N) aimed a kick for his crotch and sent him flying off the bed to land hard on the floor, his yelp of pain making the primal part of her roar in triumph.
As soon as he was disarmed though, (Y/N) felt herself return to her usual shy self, the one who wasn’t used to killing titans and sometimes humans on a daily basis. The one who was in a confusing new world, who knew nothing of herself, her friends, or her family except for what others had told her, everyone’s differing explanations making her feel overwhelmed easily.
Her whole body was shaking as she stared at the comatose form of her supposed boyfriend, who had been knocked out when his head had hit the floor. Her eyes were wide and her breathing was ragged, making it feel like she was breathing in shards of glass. She had to get out of here, find someplace safe, tell someone she knew she could trust.
Without even thinking, (Y/N) turned and tore from her room, running to the one place she knew deep in her heart fit all of these qualifications.
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Levi had been staring mindlessly at the surface of his desk, his fingers clenched in his hair when his door was slammed open. He didn’t even look up, assuming it was Hanji bursting in yet again to force him to eat some food. He didn’t react until he was suddenly barreled into, the force of which knocked him out of his chair.
Levi looked down in shock, ready to rip into Hanji. He was grateful for her persistent efforts to make him feel better, but this was too far and too much. Only, it wasn’t Hanji. The words died on his tongue, his entire body freezing at the sight of the familiar (h/c) hair splayed over his chest. This had to be a dream, no way this was real. But she was there, sobbing against his chest and shaking, her fists clenched into his shirt.
(Y/N) stiffened a little at the sound of her name, her eyes closing as she remembered how she had treated him last time they had met. Of course he’d be confused, the last time they had talked she had told him to get the hell away from her and to stay out of her life. 
Lifting her head, she went to apologize and explain when she saw his face, her eyes widening and her jaw dropping almost comically. He looked horrible. His eyes were lined by circles that were so dark they looked almost as if they had been painted on. His face was gaunt, his cheeks sunken in and his skin so pale he looked as if he’d just been dragged from a frozen lake. His hair was a complete mess and his clothes were in shambles. 
Did I do this?
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Levi asked, his hands coming up without a second thought to wipe the tears away from her cheeks.
(Y/N) didn’t know why but she felt comfortable in his embrace, the odd feeling she had had around Brandon disappearing completely. She melted into his touch without hesitation, her heart speeding up at the glimmer of happiness that flashed in his silver eyes before he shuttered it.
“B-Brandon, he was l-lying to me. I don’t know exactly what he was hiding from me, but he was d-definitely using me. He tried to… he tried to…”
“It’s okay, take a deep breath, what did he try to do?” Levi murmured, cupping her cheek in his warm palm, making her feel even more safe.
“He assaulted me, tried to touch me,” (Y/N) said, cutting right to the chase. She wasn’t going to sugarcoat it, he needed to know, and she wasn’t going to do Brandon the service of making his actions seem less despicable than they really were.
Levi visibly darkened, his whole aura becoming murderous in a way that made (Y/N) shiver. She normally would’ve pitied the one on the receiving end of that wrath, but now, that beast in her chest growled happily once again, almost as if she wanted to go kill Brandon with Levi.
“What?” Levi asked, his voice two octaves lower than normal as he sat them both up, still holding her to him as the sound skittering along her bones.
“He came onto me when I woke up this morning after getting me breakfast. I told him I wasn’t ready to take the next step and he forced himself on me, even when I repeatedly told him no, claiming he had waited for years to take me. That was when I knew he was lying to me, since it didn’t make sense that we weren’t dating before my memory loss. I knew that if my past self hadn’t dated him before my accident, that something might have been wrong with him. I couldn’t be sure, but I’ve had a weird gut feeling about him this entire time, so I trusted myself, even if I don’t have all of the pieces. He just reinforced it by not taking no for an answer. Apparently, all of the nice, loving things he’s been doing for me lately have all been a set up, something to lure me in until he could overpower me.”
“Where is he now?” Levi snarled darkly.
“I actually knocked him out to get away so he’s still in my room, splayed on the floor. That is, if he hasn’t woken up yet. If he has, it’s likely he hasn’t gone far.”
Levi didn’t say anything else, he just stood up, carrying her with him despite her surprised squeal, and set her down in his desk chair after putting it back to rights from when he had been knocked out of it. Reaching around, Levi unclasped his jacket and draped it over her shaking form before standing and aiming for the door.
He stopped when he felt a soft hand wrap around his wrist. Looking back, he was about to tell her point blank that he would not spare any part of Brandon, expecting her to try to defend the bastard, only to find her eyes watering as she looked at him with a warm gaze.
“Thank you, and I’m sorry… about everything…” she murmured.
Levi softened, a breath of knee wobbling relief even escaping past his partially parted lips. Turning back to her, Levi gently tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and gave her forehead a soft kiss, his heart pulsing warmly when she didn’t balk from his touch. Leaning back to meet her worried gaze, he genuinely smiled the first in a long time, just for her.
“Maybe someday, if you want, you can make it up to me,” he said.
“You got hurt.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time, nothing to fret over.”
“But you didn’t have to do that. You got hurt because of me.”
“Well maybe someday, if you want, you can make it up to me.”
Suddenly, a storm of memories crashed down on (Y/N). Everything came back in a flood of remembrance. Her name was (Y/N) (L/N) and she was a powerful Squad Leader for the Survey Corps. She came from the Underground, where she used to live with Levi, Isabel, and Farlan, fighting for survival. She remembered getting busted by Erwin and joining the Scouts, she remembered losing her friends to a titan on that horrific stormy night, she remembered her confession to Levi, and everything that followed afterward. All of it, spurred by his words, the same words she had said to him when they had first met and Levi had apologized for an injury she had received in the chaos of saving his ass from a group of thugs.
(Y/N) gasped loudly, making Levi’s smile immediately falter, his hand quickly yanking away from her as if burned. He was such an idiot, she had just gotten done telling him she was almost violated in the worst way possible by someone she thought she could trust and he went and told her she could make it up to him. How else was she supposed to interpret that phrase? Of course she’d assume he was trying to get into her pants, it’s what she’d thought about him a month ago in Erwin’s office, why would that change just because she came to him for help? Levi was about to apologize and explain himself, desperate to show her he wasn’t the monster she thought he was, when she cut him off with a blinding smile.
“Levi…” (Y/N) sighed, her eyes filled with love in a way that made Levi’s breath stop short. She couldn’t have…? Could she? Levi tried not to get his hopes up, he didn’t think his heart could take it if it turned out to be a ruse.
“(Y/N)?” He called breathlessly.
“LEVI!” (Y/N) suddenly launched herself out of her chair, crashing into him and knocking him back down onto the floor for the second time that morning. Levi barely had enough time to think before her lips were smothering his, her desperation clear in the way she joined their lips together.
Levi hesitated for just a second from shock but quickly snapped out of it, reaching up to cup the back of her head, holding her to him as he kissed back with just as much, if not more desperation. Mouths opened and tongues tangled as if the world was ending, both of them reacquainting themselves with the other’s taste until they were seeing spots from the lack of oxygen. The pair parted to quickly suck in air before diving right back in, devouring one another until once again, the need for air became too great.
“Levi, oh Levi, I remember, I remember everything,” (Y/N) panted, leaning down to press demanding butterfly kisses all over his face, jaw, head, and neck. “I love you, I love you, I love you so much, and I am so sorry for everything. Gods I love you so fucking much.”
Levi whimpered at her words and kissed her back even harder. He couldn’t get enough of the woman on top of him, his whole body aching for her love, his heart finally picking up the shattered pieces and sealing them back together. “I love you too, (Y/N). I missed you so goddamn much. I’m never letting you go ever again.”
(Y/N) moaned, their reunited love and her immense guilt making her feel overwhelmed. Gods, she had fucked up. She had fucked up bad. She knew the accident hadn’t been her fault, she hadn’t lost her memory on purpose, but she would never forgive herself for the things she had said and done to him.
“Levi I am so fucking sorry. Please know I didn’t mean any of the things I said to you in Erwin’s office. I love you so damn much and I am so sorry for all of the pain I put you through. Oh gods, you look like shit and I know I’m the cause. I am so sorry,” (Y/N) sobbed, tears streaming down her face unchecked as she fussed over him, leaning back to get a good look at his face and kissing every part of his skin, her hands stroking him reverently as she apologized over and over again.
“(Y/N),” Levi said, his tone making (Y/N) meet his eyes and lean back, letting him sit up with her. “Listen to me and listen well right now. I know you feel horrible, and I won’t lie, losing you was the worst thing I’ve ever had to experience, but you don’t have to apologize. You were being manipulated when you were at your most vulnerable, and I wasn’t dealing with the situation in a manner that helped anything. I can see, when you didn’t know who I was, why you said the things you said. Why you thought I was being creepy and violent for seemingly no reason. It hurt, more than any pain I’ve ever felt before, but the important thing now is that you’re back. You’re back and you’re alive and well, okay? Stop hating yourself for what happened, it’s not your fault.”
Levi’s words just made (Y/N) cry harder but she managed to nod. What the hell had she done in this life to deserve such a perfect man? She was convinced it was nothing, but he constantly showed her how much she did for him through his carefully chosen words and loving actions, and that was the beauty of Levi. She loved this man so fucking much, her heart throbbed with how much she loved him, her chest feeling too small to contain it all.
Levi leaned in and gave her a kiss, this one just as passionate as the others but more gentle, leisurely tasting her as he reclaimed her as his own and vice versa, (Y/N) allowing herself to tentatively map his mouth as she had done a hundred times before. (Y/N) became a puddle of mush in his embrace and cuddled up to him, her body shaking as her nerves fired constantly. Her body felt like it was going haywire, but she wouldn’t have it any other way as she reunited with her lover, their tears mixing as they went back in for another kiss.
When they finally parted, Levi sat up straight, clearing his throat and smirking at her with a wicked light in his eyes. (Y/N) frowned at the look he was giving her, her heart rate increasing even more when she saw the dark look of fury mixing with the wickedness in his gaze.
“(Y/N), I would like to properly formulate a request to go rip Cadet Rio to shreds. I just want to avoid a damaging argument this time and make sure we are both on the same page.”
(Y/N) flushed when he brought up their argument, the guilt washing over her all over again, but she shoved it down and met Levi’s dark teasing look. She knew he wouldn’t take no for an answer, but this time, who was she to deny him?
“Hmmm, let me quickly send this proposal over and see if it’s worthy of approval,” (Y/N) said, placing a finger on her chin as she pretended to think hard on the idea.
“Well? What do you say?” Levi asked, playing into her little game.
“It looks like your request has been approved! Under one condition.”
“And what is that condition?” Levi asked, raising a brow as he helped her to her feet.
(Y/N) smiled mischievously, unravelling the chain from around the neck of the beast inside of her chest, finally recognizing it as her fighting spirit after all this time and welcoming it with open arms. “You let me help.”
Levi smiled at her again, his lips spelling out a dark promise as he claimed her lips one last time, his eyes shining with all of the love he held for her. The kind of love he usually kept hidden away, deep inside himself for him to enjoy, now out on display for her to see in all of its glory. “With pleasure, darling.”
(Y/N) shivered at his tone and the rare nickname but didn’t lose her smile as Levi wrapped his arm possessively around her waist and led her from the room, the pair set on getting revenge for the pain that a stupid little bastard had caused them before they would let everyone know about (Y/N)’s improved condition. It seemed someone needed to be taught a lesson, who better to teach him than the two strongest soldiers in the Corps?
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yeosatinyngz · 3 years
Chapter III
“Reality Sucks”
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➼A/N: I am not at all confident with this series so I hope you all are enjoying it so far😬 I hope I don’t disappoint anyone…
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After that day Izana unfortunately went down with a fever and couldn’t attend school till he was fully recovered. While laying in bed his thoughts kept fluttering back to you. Your hug. Your warm, soft, and comforting hug. He didn’t know what this feeling was that was erupting in his stomach, but he didn’t like it one bit. Why are you stuck in his mind, you’re nothing but a nobody. He doesn’t have time to think about people that don’t matter. He can’t grow attached to people because they’ll all leave him. He can’t trust anyone. The only thing he cares about is getting revenge on Mikey for taking away his beloved Shinichiro.
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You walked into English class and noticed Izana was here today but he had his head on the desk. Ok phew, hopefully there will be no interaction with him today. The class went on as usual but about ten minutes before the class ended your teacher informs you guys that he’ll be assigning a project for tomorrow. “For this project I decided to give you guys the freedom to pick your own partner, so for the remaining time of today’s class go pick your partner.” You wouldn’t exactly describe yourself as shy but just quiet. You never spoke to others unless they spoke to you, and because of this not many people approach you. You’re just sitting quietly at your desk not getting up and asking around for a partner because you already know no one would willingly want to partner up with you and plus it seems everyone has already gotten themselves a partner. You sigh, guess I’ll just ask the teacher if I can work on this project alone.
It seems your sigh caught Izana’s attention because he finally raised his head from his desk and turned around to look at you. Why are you looking at me, please turn your head right back around. “Yo” “Hi?” “Let’s be partners.” UHM WTF, I DON’T WANT TO BE HIS PARTNER😭 “Are you sure?” “Yeah, plus there’s no one else without a partner so you’ll suffice.” EXCUSE ME?! THIS RUDE LITTLE BITCH! IT’S NOT LIKE I EVEN WANT TO BE HIS PARTNER😤 “Ok then…” You hesitantly agreed. Before you could ask about how you two would be splitting up the work, the bell rang and Izana immediately walked away. “Wait, what about-” Oh never mind🙄
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➼Taglist: @sunahyejin @cryszus @soushswag @gabytodd @wakasagurl
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NSFW or SFW alphabet for geten?? Or if you prefer can you do the letters C,I,M,O,P,X,V???
(When I tell you I had to google the alphabet thingy for this ask phew. I’ve got to be out of touch now lol. Anyway, this is my first time doing the alphabet thing so I hope this is correct because I put my own spin on it during certain parts!)
~Smut Alphabet: Geten~
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-Cumming: (What is he like during the finishing moment?) I feel like during the final moments up to cumming, Geten is a biter and a groaner. Like I feel as though he will literally pull out, finish himself off while biting your ass cheek and groaning curses. Doesn’t happen all the time but is pretty obvious with it.
-Intimacy: (How intimate is sex for him?) Sex is a pretty intimate thing for him considering he opens up and shows his al during the act. He’s not gonna just be out here fucking anybody and everybody. It takes a pretty special person to put up with his prickly personality, and you just so happen to be that person. Take pride in knowing how special you are to him, and that you’ll never have to worry about him giving his love to any other person but you.
-Motivation: (How to motivate him to get into the bedroom?) Sending nudes is a pretty easy way to get him ready to go. He spends a pretty large amount of time on his phone so that’s the best way to get his attention. If you really wanna rile him up, wait until he’s far from the house before starting your digital teasing. Easy way to get fucked up when he steps through the door.
-Oral: (How is oral?) Oral is pretty good coming from him, but he’s inexperienced since he’s not sure what to do most of the time. Going down on you (or sucking dick considering whatever the reader prefers to have down there) is a learning experience for him so make sure to take your time and get him lots of practice;)
-Pace: (What’s his pace like?) Relatively slow and steady all the way until the end. If you want him to speed up a little early into it, try talking dirty in his ear. That makes him speed up more and more
-Xxx: (Is porn a thing with him?) I feel like no. He doesn’t get enough time into his day to touch himself. His training takes up most of his time and he never really got those urges until falling for you. Once he’s finally started dating you, he still doesn’t need porn when you’re right there and ready to satisfy him instead. 
-Volume: (How loud is he?) Stubborn and tries to hide how much he likes it but his pillow biting doesn’t suffice in silencing his pleasure. He will moan and groan very loudly. 
(Again, I’m sorry I mixed up some of the categories in order to do my own thing. I’m really hoping that I did a good enough job!)
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KH OC Week: Day 2
Original Prompt: Adventure
Summary: Day 2 for @khoc-week and this one? It took me awhile to write. Ephemer and Anora are such a sweet couple imo, but writing about them has gotten harder since I put Daybreak Academy on hiatus. They’re just too... mild mannered, I guess? Despite how casually chaotic Ephemer is. 😅
Word Count: 758
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Being with Ephemer again was like having a massive weight lifted from Anora’s shoulders. She wasn’t going to admit it easily, but she had her doubts the past few months. Chirithy tried to encourage her. Ephemer didn’t forget about her, he just got busy. It was easy. Simple. Even if it didn’t exactly sit right, at least it offered the hope that they could talk to each other again. Today that hope had wrung true.
If only the Heartless would get the memo that the friends were trying to reconnect. It didn’t matter where they went, they were followed by a small group of Heartless at each turn. They weren’t the only wielders fighting them back either- so the duo could get through an area without having to tag down every Heartless. But in the next area over? They usually weren’t as lucky twice.
“Phew, the Heartless sure are out and about today.” Ephemer huffed as they caught their breath. “At least it’s the easy guys. Still...” He looked over at Anora, admiring that she really didn’t look much worse for wear considering all the fighting they were doing. She wasn’t even concerned about collecting Lux either. That was good- that meant it had been a good choice to bring her into the new world with the rest of the Dandelions.
“Let’s take a detour.” Ephemer suggested. “Shake off some of the Heartless and have some time alone for once.”
“I know it’s a dumb question, considering what happened the last time we got together, but… Do you trust me?”
Anora recoiled for a moment. Could she trust Ephemer after he broke his promise to her? He was making it up now, wasn’t it? Perhaps it was time for bygones to be bygones…? At least he was here. At least he was safe. That was already more than what she had hoped for. Besides, she had really missed him.
Carefully, Anora gave a nod of her head.
“Great!” Ephemer beamed. He extended his hand out Anora for her to take. There wasn’t any hesitance as she accepted his gesture. A wide grin was etched onto Ephemer’s face as he dragged her through a secluded alleyway.
Anora thought for only a moment that she should be surprised that Ephemer knew the alley as well as he did. Every corner, and crack, and trash bin, he went around like he had gone through the area so many other times over. They were not in the alley for long, and when they came back out, Anora wondered if they were still in Daybreak Town at all. In front of them, the brick underlay became grains of sand, and a little beyond that were gentle waves crashing along the shore. The top of the ocean surrounding sparkled under the high noon sun. It was so beautiful that Anora didn’t even notice a large Heartless coming up on their left. Ephemer noticed it, though, and he was not pleased at all to see the Assault Dragon turn their way.
“Yep. Figures.” Ephemer said as he drew his Keyblade. “We can take this guy. Right, Anora?”
His friend nodded her head, calling her Keyblade as well. Ephemer couldn’t help the wide grin as he admired her. On his mark, they went for the Assault Dragon with everything they had.
Either Ephemer had gotten rusty from his duties as a Union Leader, or Anora had gotten a lot stronger since he last saw her. They were able to take down the Assault Dragon before it was able to get a second attack in. Ephemer cracked a wide grin as the heart lifted its way back to Kingdom Hearts. His euphoria only grew when he turned back to Anora.
“Hey Anora.” Ephemer mused. When the girl turned to face him, he tackled her around the middle. He made sure they landed in the sand, and refused to let go of her as they rolled close to the water’s edge.
“I can’t believe it took me this long to come visit you.” Ephemer laughed. “Don’t ever let me wait this long again. There’s always some kind of adventure surrounding you.”
Anora, suffice to say, was rather confused. And had sand in places that was going to take days to get out. But she didn’t let Ephemer go. Instead, she helped them into a sitting position before holding him just as tight.
“I missed you so much.” she admitted in a small voice. She almost thought Ephemer didn’t hear her before he said;
“You have no idea.”
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Games of 2021
Due to the inexorable passage of time, it is nearly the end of 2021, which means it’s time for my yearly retrospective of all the games what I gone done played like. Managed 40-odd games this year, down from last year’s 80-something, but y’know. Real life and stuff happened. Video games! 2021 saw me become a Twitch affiliate, thus proving my sister wrong all those years ago- video games CAN make you money!!!! It also saw me fail to start any of my intended projects. How surprising. 2022 is the year of the Steam Deck, aka the Backlog Buster. I’m very very excited to get mine- we’ll see next year if I’ve actually played the damned thing or if I just put a load of emulators on it and then didn’t touch it afterward. To the list!
Pokemon Fire Red Randomiser Nuzlocke Trailing off from the end of last year, our pokemon journey came to a happy ending as we were declared Champion of Kanto. SugarHurt, Yellow, Daddyama, Goggles, Bootsy, and Swampbert enter the hall of fame, and the history books. A fantastic run and a great deal of fun, I can’t wait to do it again some day. - Pikmin 3 This is Pikmin Perfected, striking the ideal balance between its two predecessors, maintaining the pressure of the first game but in a much less stressful manner. The bonus mission modes are all enjoyable too- rare for me to enjoy these things but P3 got it right. - Fire Emblem Three Houses Phew, alright. I’ve spent four hundred hours in this game so far, currently halfway through my fourth run (of four). It’s fair to say I have fallen utterly in love with this game. It was the subject of many months’ discussion and debate with midgi who played alongside me, as we unraveled the mysteries of Fodlan together. 3H is a vastly different direction for the series and one they’re unlikely to replicate for future entries. I honestly have lots of thoughts about this game that exceed the scope of a write-up like this, but suffice it to say FE3H is my Game Of The Year. - Touhou 18 Went in with high hopes, having enjoyed the demo a great deal. Second half not as strong as the first half in my opinion, but still a lot of fun. I like that ZUN was honest and said he didn't actually put any thought at all into how balanced the ability cards are, but it really shows in Extra where you either get lucky with the random cards or you lose. It's a shame cos I like the Extra stage, but having certain runs just straight up give me three extra lives makes it frustrating when you don't get that. - Yooka Laylee Hmmmm, I kinda rushed my way through this one. A game that steadfastly and deliberately refuses to learn any lessons since 1999, it's really hard to review this. The bad parts are deliberately bad, and they are bad in a very authentic way, does that mean it was good??? I dunno. Ultimately I had a little fun with it but almost equally as much frustration, and I certainly didn't even entertain the idea of 100%ing it. - Gris (Some spoilers ahead) This was a tremendously effective and artistic depiction of grief. The most striking part of the game for me was the giant shadow bird- how Gris just utterly shut down when it first appeared, nothing she could do about it. Much later in the game, Gris has more powers and has grown and recovered so much, and the bird appears again out of nowhere... and she's just as powerless against it this time as she was the first. It's a striking moment because games won't usually do that and that is also true to how grief will suddenly knock you down even so long after you feel you've recovered. I truly wish they hadn't included the collectible achievement items as it only detracts from what is otherwise a great piece of art. - Hades Pyre is still my favourite Supergiant game, but at this point if Darren Korb handed me a bucket of broken glass and said "hey, I need you to eat this", I'd do it. GOTY (I'm allowed to have two, leave me alone) - Zwei Argh, it was a very very shaky Fin when I played it, and when I came back to it I just... couldn't. It's a gorgeous game, but between the horribly clunky interface, the poor camera, confusing directions, and baffling progression system, it was too much work for too little payoff. A real shame. - I hate this game I love this game! Hahahahaha sorry. Some really neat parallel thinking here, 100 rooms deep so it doesn't outstay its welcome. Decent chiptune soundtrack rounds off a nice little evenings-worth package. - Milo and the Magpies Really enjoyed my hour with Milo, it's another cozy fit for an evening. Very sweet and cute and charming. My BBLC writeup says it all. Strong recommend. - Kero Blaster The main game is great. The unlockable extra story relies a little too hard on bottomless pits and instakill mechanics and suffers as a result. Cave Story still the magnum opus, but Kero Blaster is worth a punt if you like retrostyle run'n'guns. - Metroid Dread GOTY (I can have three! Shut up!). Goodness, the entire internet has lavished praise upon this to the degree that I don't know what I can really add. I've only played through it once- I sorely need to get back to it and start doing speedruns. Holy crap, what a tour-de-force. Finally learning what became of the Chozo, after so long, and that WHOLE end sequence that I won't spoil. Damn! What a game! - Hollow Knight I certainly wasn't as taken with it as many seem to be, with a pile of frustrations keeping me from LOVING it, but overall I did have a good time with Hollow Knight. The boss fights are the main draw here, very challenging but the controls are SO tight and well-tuned that they still feel great to battle. only a few optional bosses crossed the line into bullshit. - The Swapper Enjoyable up to a point- it eventually became a little too pixel-finnicky for my tastes. Execution became so precise that it was hard to tell if I had the wrong solution or I was doing the right thing but slightly off-position. - Iconoclasts Haven't gotten back to it yet since writing by BBLC post. It's next up in line though! - Sin And Punishment Another one I haven't got back to yet. I actually haven't even written the BBLC post for it yet because I'm depressed! Oops! Maybe by the time I publish this I'll have put it out? [EDIT: I did! But I'm still two behind ;_;] - Pokemon Shield/Moon/X In an effort to combat seasonal depression at the start of the year, I made it a personal mission to complete a living pokedex, and so scoured all my old carts for blighters to port forward and fill any gaps. It was a nice nostalgia trip and I got to see all my fantastic nicknaming decisions across the years. - Master of Orion 2 I'm telling you, it's going to be on this list every year until the end of time. This year, I streamed it for the first time, hoping to catch a few flies in the web. Don't think anyone took the bait, but my offer stands, I'll buy you a copy if you have a genuine interest in trying it. - Touhou obviously I think I played all of them at some point this year. Someone made a neat package for the first five titles that makes it super easy to run them and They Just Work, which was very cool. I've played them before but the emulation was atrocious at the time, was nice to see them in proper glory. Th01 is really weird. - Donkey Kong Country (diddyspin) I only technically played this. It was for a project that hasn't seen the light of day yet. I wanted to start it in the summer, but alas it didn't work out. I'm still figuring out how to do this. We'll see if 2022 is the year. - Ocarina of Time It has aged far more significantly than a lot of people are willing to admit, and the fan-patcher is pretty much required at this point. It's still great and has an impressive command of atmosphere for an early 3D title. The music in the Spirit Temple still gives me shivers. - Final Fantasy 5 Four Job Fiesta I ran the FJF four times this year! First time was the Corona Two event raising money for covid treatment, a cause dearer to our hearts now than it was the first Corona event. I then ran the main event in the summer raising money for the PCRF and we raised over $100, which is FANTASTIC, and to celebrate I did a second run off-stream just for my own enjoyment. Finally, to celebrate the release of the Pixel Remaster, we ran it again in November, which is technically a different game but I'll lump it in here. The PR version is probably the best version out there, although we're still figuring out all its foibles and exploits. Hopefully by the next summer event, it'll be fully explored. PR is the version I'll be using from here on! - Pokemon GO As mentioned earlier, this was part of the effort to battle seasonal depression by completing a living pokedex. It also had the advantage of giving me an excuse to go for a walk in the cold, which definitely helps the brain. I'm not a big fan of the way the game works, but it did what it needed to do. - Wonderboy 2 I love this weird old game, nostalgically and otherwise. This year I wanted to try to recreate a glitch I remember my brother stumbling on when I was a wee babby, with limited success. I was able to replicate it using memory modification to force the issue, but obviously he didn't do that back in the day. Still a cool game that I recommend people give a try. It's pretty difficult but save states mitigate all of that. - Fire Emblem 7 Having run a Girls Only stream of FE8 last year, I wanted to do it again with my favourite of the FE titles. It's a lot more challenging in this game as you don't actually GET any combat-ready girls for quite a long time (in the main game at least), so I allowed use of the main Lord Eliwood as well. It's not like he's some super powerful unit who would break the challenge, so I didn't mind that small allowance. - Chrono Trigger Another game I played for the stream to share it with people who NEEDED to know. Chrono Trigger is widely heralded as one of the best games ever made, and I don't disagree with that assessment. It simply gets so much right, and what it doesn't get right is charming enough that it's forgivable. The love and effort and thought put into every single facet is palpable. - SIF / SIFAS SIF is a game that means a great deal to me, but its heyday is long past. SIFAS is a game that I wanted to try again having bought a new phone that can actually handle it without crashing, but I still just don't really get it. Regardless, you're probably going to see both of these games on next year's list. - Metal Gear Solid 2 This is a game I played hundreds of times as a teen, and I'm very familiar with it and have a nostalgic fondness for it. Going back to it these days it's a little hard to recommend, too busy trying to tell a completely nonsensical story to linger on the actually fun parts of the gameplay. It seems like you spend just as much time skipping cutscenes as you do playing the game. It's also just as guilty as the others in its treatment of women and the general sense of grossness is far more off-putting as an adult. What I'm saying is, I had fun with it but I am not at all going to try to convince anyone it's good. It was a very important game in the history of such things, and an important game for me, but I don't think anyone going back to it will have a good time. - Grand Theft Auto Vice City Not the re-release. Every so often I get the urge to fly across the city in a helicopter to the tunes of VROCK radio station, and the rest of the game is fun enough that getting to that point isn't too much of a chore. But really, just flying over the city, between buildings and under the bridges and over the beach, all to a fun 80s rock soundtrack... it's hard to beat that feeling. - FE3H Girls Only Still working on this, of course- it's a long game! We'll be playing this well into 2022. I really hoped playing this would gather a bigger audience, but oh well. As long as the audience I do have is having fun, it's worth it. - Touhou Danmaku Kagura Touhou rhythm game! It just seems like such a no-brainer, taking a series known for its killer original soundtracks AND the absolutely uncontrollable fanbase producing endless rearrangements, and making a rhythm game based on that, doesn't it? Alas, me and gacha games just don't seem to be compatible, especially this one. Top marks for not tying progression to gacha rolls- every single song is available to play from the start, and you can ignore the mobage aspects entirely if you want- a very cool touch that garners many bonus points, and I'm sure was one of ZUN's stipulations to secure his cooperation. But then there's no sense of progression, and that's a killer for me personally. Events are also handled weirdly, the prize being an exclusive card for a girl who wasn't featured in the event... I stuck with it for a while but eventually realised I was just playing it because I felt I should be, rather than because I was having fun. That's when it's time to stop. - Kokurase 2 + 3 Chapters two and three of a cool RPG maker game, this is unfortunately a story that is likely never to be finished, as no translation studio seems interested in picking up chapter 4. Chapter one is a closed story worth playing by itself, and the next chapters were good for what they are. - Final Fantasy 4 The Pixel Remaster of my personal favourite FF game, this absolutely blew my socks off. Soooo much better than the 3D remake and for my money the GBA remake too. That remastered soundtrack is just phenomenal. I'd love to share this on stream some day. - BMX XXX This gamecube game was universally panned at the time of release and I was always fascinated by it, so having discovered a recent love of aquatic mammals I took a look. Good gravy, it's truly abysmal- an utterly fetid turd of a game. The attempts at humour are pathetic, feeble and embarrassing. Holy Dooley, it's worth playing for all the wrong reasons. - Metroid Fusion I wanted to play through this before Dread to catch back up with the story, but I was too slow and ended up finishing it AFTER Dread instead, so now canon states Samus forgot her computer was called Adam for some reason and had to relearn it. Fusion is great. I understand the criticisms but it's great. - TF2 This year I sold all of my inventory, intending to quit wholesale, and instead discovered that selling all my junk was actually quite liberating and brought back some sense of the Old Days of TF2. Plus I made $100 of steam credit towards my Deck! I still didn't get that one hat I've wanted for nine years though. The botpocalypse brought ruin to the Halloween event, with spinbots everywhere, but they all spam an absolute tune over the voice chat so I didn't mind. - Diddy Kong Racing Both the N64 and DS versions, which I guess are technically different games. The DS version really suffers badly with touchscreenitis. The second race isn't even a race, it's an autoscroller! I quickly jumped ship back to the N64 version, which is wayyy too easy except when it isn't, in which case it's wayyyy too hard. Very odd balance. - Baba Is You Haven't made it back to this one yet since my BBLC stream, but I kind of want to save it for my Steam Deck. It feels like such a great fit for a handheld. - Donkey Kong Land 2 On the recommendation of Supper Mario Broth, I gave the Gameboy version of the best DKC title a go. It's pretty good, surprisingly authentic, and I keep tripping myself up remembering where the secrets are only to be reminded that the level design has been altered for this version and the things I remember being there are in fact no longer there. Quite tricky to unlearn such things. - Bins: REVOLVER 360 Nimbatus Ninja Pizza Girl Turok Final Fantasy Adventure Bit Trip Runner Soul Axiom
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askqueencobra · 3 years
Hello, Tumblr! Pleasure to meet you all! (Promo post!)
Hello everyone! My name is Queen Cobra, and I'm the protector of Sitie City! Well, protector is one word, but saying Hero sounds more grand than it really is.
All I do is fight off villains that are constantly being a pain. Be it thieves robbing the Store of Everything, supervillains planning on taking over the world, or random characters from other universes coming over and causing a whole mess! Phew!
Anyway, feel free to ask me questions! This blog should be a good thing to do while Crime is down. And Cealtrice seems to like this blog, so I trust her judgement.
Hello! I'm Cealtrice! :D
Heh, Cealtrice is a good friend of mine! Feel free to ask her questions, too.
If you couldn't tell, I'm a mutated cobra! My powers are spitting venom, summoning other snakes and reptiles to help me fight, transforming into other snakes, and hypnosis! Though I don't use the latter very often, I usually only use it to make the villains easy to capture.
Oh, and Cealtrice is a normal Cobra that's smart enough to speak english.
and can type! :>
So go on! Ask us anything!
((Character Info and such under cut!))
NAME: Queen Cobra
OCCUPATION: Hero of Sitie City
AGE: Has been mutated for a few years, acts around 24.
PRONOUNS, ORIENTATION, AND GENDER: She/her, Cis gender, Straight.
APPEARANCE: A large, brown cobra with a medium sized hood, with a rattlesnake's rattle at the end of her tail. Atop her head lies a crown with 4 points, and 4 red gems.
HEIGHT: Idk, haven't really thought about the height before...Let's say 6 foot 5.
SPEAKS: Like this!
NAME: Cealtrice
OCCUPATION: She stays in QC's secret hideout, running Super Computer (SC) and overall keeping things in check.
AGE: Dunno, she's a cobra lol
APPEARANCE: A small-ish cobra!
HEIGHT: Idfk a couple inches below the average for cobras.
SPEAKS: Like this!
Test? Test? Is this thing on?
You're typin' into a computer, mate.
I know that, Zookeeper--Whatever.
Greetings, Tumblr. I am Techno, one of the many villains that fight against that...retched Queen Cobra. With me are 2 other of QC's Enemies:Charmer, Zookeeper, say hi!
Hello, internet..Hm. This is...New, to say the least.
G'day, mate, name's Zookeeper. I'd tilt my hat atcha, but, heh, can't exactly do that through text, can I?
We shall be here to answer any questions you may have as well. With my incredible intelligence, I can hack into this account at any time and answer questions. We are also not the only villains out there. There are many, many more, but...we should suffice, for now.
Enjoy your stay!
NAME: Techno
OCCUPATION: Supervillain
AGE: I have no fucking clue I honestly have NOT thought about this before-
PRONOUNS, ORIENTATION, GENDER: He/him, aro/ace, cis.
APPEARANCE: A tall, bald man, usually in black, having a red-lensed, mechanical eye.
HEIGHT: Short-ish.
Speaks: Like this!
NAME: Charmer
OCCUPATION: Supervillain
AGE: No clue. But he is an adult, along with everyone else.
PRONOUNS, ORIENTATION, GENDER: He/him, straight, cis.
APPEARANCE: Imagine your everyday snake charmer, but with light blue attire.
HEIGHT: Average height.
Speaks: Like this!
NAME: Zookeeper.
OCCUPATION: Supervillain
AGE: No clue!
APPEARANCE: A tall-ish man with brown hair, and a fedora, and usually has some sort of gun slung across his back.
HEIGHT: Tall ish.
Speaks: Like this!
(HELLO! Mod here! When I speak, I'll speak in Pink Text! @docjusticeandasecretcombo heavily inspired me to make this blog! Go check that blog out, it's really pog.
I hope you enjoy your stay! Standard ask blog rules apply.)
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You Are Strong
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A/N: Phew, I worked on this most the afternoon. I am not sure if m’gonna write some more for the rest of the night. I need to take a little break to refresh myself! But, this fanfic is part 2 to the one I released yesterday, which was called, “You’re Not Weak” So if you wanna understand this one, read that one first <3 I hope you guys like it!!!
Summary: King decides to bring Ram back to his own dorm instead of his condo. It is there that King gets to observe what Ram does to calm himself down and also gets to join in on those said activities.
Word Count: 2176
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While he thought about taking Ram to his own condo, King hummed as he thought against that and changed his destination, heading towards the Engineering Dormitory. Sure his condo was quiet and could probably help Ram’s over-sensitivity to everything around him, but Ram had only been there one time and it wasn’t for long. He knew that the boy would be more comfortable if he was in some place that was familiar to him and his dorm room would have to suffice. Noticing the change of direction as King grew silent, Ram eased the earphone back in his ear and kept his eyes towards the ground, vaguely aware that King was leading him back to his own dorm instead of heading to the senior’s condo. Keeping his grip on Ram’s arm soft, King glanced back every once in a while to make sure Ram was doing okay before they finally made it to the brick building that was the dorms. Still keeping quiet, King slowly pulled Ram a bit closer as he walked them in, deciding to stay out of the elevator since it was an enclosed space and he wasn’t sure if Ram was ready for that sort of thing just yet. 
“Mind if we take the stairs, Cool Boy?” King asked, just making sure his conscience was right, grinning softly when he saw the soft nod Ram gave him. Squeezing his wrist to make sure Ram knew that he understood, King continued to lead them up the stairs, feeling the soft taps of Ram’s thumb on his hand, letting him know which floor to stop at.  Hitting the second floor, King felt Ram moved and before long, he was the one being led towards the junior’s dorm room. Hitting the end of the hallway, Ram could not be happier as King’s headphones muffled the noise around him as he finally got to his room, shakily grabbing the keys out of his pocket and unlocking the door. Pulling King in and shutting the door behind him, Ram took in a deep, shaky breath and removed the earphones, handing them back to King as he dropped his bag ungracefully on the floor, moving towards his bed as King pocketed his headphones. “Okay...are you okay now? If so, I should go so you can have your alone time. Remember though, Cool Boy, if you need anything, don’t be afraid to text me, yeah?”
Swallowing the lump that was still in his throat, Ram watched silently as King waved and turned to exit. Clenching his bed-sheets, Ram bit his lip and quickly shot up, reaching out and grabbing the back of King’s Engineering vest tightly, making the senior yelp and halt all his attempts of leaving. Blinking at the floor as he felt the tremble of Ram’s hands, King slowly turned and eyed Ram who was keeping his gaze on the floor, a slight flush filling his cheeks as he realized what he did to make King stay. Frowning softly, King reached out and gently took Ram’s wrists in his, rubbing his thumbs against the undersides, trying to show through his actions that it was okay. Letting his eyes finally meet King’s Ram hoped that his silent wanting for the senior to stay could get through just by the pleading gleam he had in his eyes.
“Do...do you want me to stay?” King asked, keeping his voice soft as Ram nodded, the gesture barely there but still enough for King to see his answer. Taking in a deep breath, King let out a hum to show that he agreed before he let go of Ram, moving to take off his shoes and placing them down next to Ram’s when he did the same. Gesturing King further in the room, Ram slowly stepped towards the couch and sat down, waiting for King to do the same as he pulled the coffee table closer. Leaning over the couch, Ram picked up his backpack and opened it, trying not to pay attention to how much his hand was still trembling. Watching him silently at first, King leaned back when the junior pulled out a work packet for the class he was currently missing and set it down on the table, digging through his bag for the pencil King had gifted to him. “Cool Boy...you don’t need to do that right now...why don’t you relax a little before focusing on doing classwork?” 
“...” Pausing as he took in what King had told him, Ram closed his fist around the pencil and stared at the packet on the table, not really sure what he wanted to do if he was being honest. Noticing the way he was struggling to decide, King licked his lips and reached out, gently wrapping his hand around Ram’s wrist, pulling it out of the bag as he took the pencil out of his grip. Not saying anything when he saw that Ram was using the pencil he had given him, King bit back a satisfied grin before he placed it on the packet, leaving it there as Ram moved to let his bag drop to the carpeted floor. Pulling out his phone, Ram pulled up King’s name and texted him, turning his eyes to the side when King’s phone pinged and the senior checked his message. “What should we do then?”
“Well...what do you normally do to relax? Just do that and I’ll follow your lead,” King hummed, leaning back against the couch with a soft smile. The last thing he wanted to do was make Ram do things that he wasn’t comfortable with, so he stayed quiet as Ram slowly pushed himself off the couch and moved towards the kitchen area of his dorm, setting up the tea kettle before he leaned back against the counter. Brushing his fingers through his hair, King stood up and followed Ram into the kitchen, humming the song that he had the younger boy listen to as they were making their way towards the dormitory. Listening to the humming as King still next to him, close but not close enough to touch, Ram closed his eyes and shyly lessened the distance, pressing their shoulders together as the warmth of the senior spread through his chilled body. “What kind of tea are you making?”
Turning around so he could open the cabinets above them, Ram pulled out a plain yellow box with a picture of a white flower decorated on the cardboard. Showing King the box, Ram watched as he grinned and held his hand open. Handing to him, Ram leaned back against the counter again, keeping their shoulders pressed together again as he listened to King ramble on about how this tea was right for calming anxieties, stress and how it can help with insomnia. Seeming to realize that he was rambling, King bit his lip as an adorable blush began to stain his face. About to text him that he was truly listening, Ram paused as the tea kettle began to whistle, telling both of them that it was ready. Jerking his chin towards the cabinet next to the fridge, Ram moved to turn off the burner as King picked out two mugs for them. Noticing a black mug with a silver lineart of a wolf, King picked that one for Ram while he got himself a mint green mug that reminded him of one of the plants he had in his condo.
“Let me pour the water! Please?” King asked as he placed the mugs on the counter, waving his hands around as he noticed Ram try to lift the hot kettle by its handle. Freezing up at the urgency King had in his voice, Ram allowed the senior to take the kettle, standing back as he watched King pour the water in the mugs. Deciding to let himself put the teabags in, Ram tried to steady his hand as he dunked them in, letting them sink to the bottom of the mugs before he pulled out a spoon and gently stirred, letting his eyes settle on how the water changed to a dark color and the smell of Chamomile filled his nose. Letting out his own sigh at the smell, King shuffled closer to Ram as the boy took the spoon out and placed it in the sink so he could wash it later. “How about you go change into something more comfortable? I’ll set this stuff down on the table and let it cool while you do that!”
Biting his lip as he thought, Ram knew that King was probably right so with a sigh, Ram spun around the older boy and moved towards his room. Watching him disappear, King let out a snort and picked up the mugs carefully, walking them back into the main area of Ram’s dorm, setting them back on the table as he sat down on the couch. Leaning back, King stared at the turned off television until a sound of shuffling feet caught his attention. Peering up, King bit back the embarrassing squeak he wanted to let out as he took in Ram. The gel must’ve been quickly washed out of his hair since his bangs were down and partly over his eyes. Letting his eyes lower down Ram’s form, King took in the way he was wearing a shirt that seemed to be too big on him and just a pair of boxer shorts that barely peeked out from underneath the shirt. Not to mention the boy was carrying a black and grey checkered blanket around his shoulders that was still being dragged against the floor. Noticing the look King was giving him, Ram swallowed the nerves he could feel growing in his throat and began to fidget, shifting on his feet, left to right. Shaking his head to dismiss what wanted to slip from his lips, King smiled softly and patted the spot next to him. 
Rubbing his eyes as the sunlight peeked through the open windows, Ram walked towards King and threw the blanket on top of his senior, who sputtered and shrieked in shock. Covering his lips to hide a growing smile, Ram walked around the room, shutting the curtains so that the blinding sunlight wasn’t making his eyes hurt before he flicked the light switch off, making the fluorescent lighting turn off and bathing the room in a muted darkness that helped ease the unnerved feeling that was making his whole body itch. Pulling the blanket off his head, King blew some of the bangs out of his eyes as he observed the way Ram was making everything perfect for his current state of mind. Moving to sit next to King, Ram shakily grabbed the remote and turned on the television, turning on Netflix before he handed King the remote, letting him choose whatever he wanted to watch. Taking the offered remote, King searched through all the sections of Netflix while Ram fixed the blanket around them, scooting a bit of closer to King until their thighs were touching and the blanket could sit comfortably around the both of them. 
“How does a Disney movie sound? Hmm...but which one?” King asked, tapping the remote against his knee as Ram reached forward and brought his tea close, taking a careful sip of the still hot beverage. Knowing that Ram would like something with dogs in it, King squinted his eyes as he was stuck between Fox And The Hound or Oliver And Company. Choosing the latter, King placed the remote between them and grabbed his tea, leaning back against the couch as Ram felt his tense body finally relaxing as the beginning credits for Oliver And Company and the tea filled his senses. Noticing this, King hid his pleased smile behind the mug as he took a sip, letting out a contented sigh as the tea warmed him from the inside. Peering to his side, Ram tightened his hold on the mug and slowly slid, falling against King’s side. “You okay?”
Nodding softly, Ram took another sip of his tea and kept his eyes on the movie, trying not to pay attention to the way his cheeks were filling with color and how King was observing him. Squirming a little, King freed one of his hands from his mug and slowly laid his arm over Ram’s shoulder, pulling him a little closer as he fixed the blanket around them. Rubbing Ram’s back, King settled back again and moved his gaze to the movie, not seeing the way Ram was smiling into his mug as he finally could feel the deep rooted paranoia that he woke up with fade to something just a bit more bearable. Snuggling closer to King’s warmth, Ram slowly linked their ankles together and settled, relaxing himself in his senior’s warmth as the first song to the movie played, bringing a soft smile to both their faces as they pressed against each other, the warmth of the tea and King’s body lulling Ram into a silent sense of comfort.
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raksh-writes · 4 years
Aaaaand I just wrote the last scene for this chapter I've been dictating for, because I clearly can't help myself. I had a small bit of it written already and I was in the mood, so I just decided to give it a go, just a little bit.
And now it's finished. I wrote 1,2k just now. Like, damn, I was supposed to be going easy on my wrists still xd I hope that's not going to impact them badly...
Anyway, another scene for the chapter done at 1,7k - a short one but hoooooo boy, phew! That's some hot stuff right there.
Suffice to say - I am satisfied. Lmaooo
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