#anyway daaaaaamn
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autistme · 1 year
you cannot grasp how much this video has rewired my brain
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undyinglantern · 2 years
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How could google lie to me like that
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inconmess · 28 days
The sheer insanity of today's episode?
I mean daaaaaamn
The poor emissary. The amount of failed modify memories and his fate because of it… If only you had a lower save…
Technically too many hits to the head should've caused him brain damage anyway
I mean BH are chaotic but this was next level even for them!
Summoning Bor'dor as a guard dog??
The staged play?
The constant shifting of plans? Let's talk, no let's kill. No no no no TALK! Nvm, kill it is he's not talking and we don't want to leave evidence. Bells Hells - the Cleaning Crew, people
The sheer amount of fails on Bane and Modify memory and silvery barbs??? If FCG trying to commune with the changebringer was one thing, this is the next level. At the beginning of the episode and the end of the episode
Matt: You need 4 Marisha: *rolls 1* Matt: You need 3 and above Marisha: *rolls 1* Matt: You need 2 and above Marisha: ... *rolls 1*
That die had a bad day today and Matt's had a really good one
Gaes is back baby! Also poor Dorian the whole time at Nana Morri's place. Looked kinda spooked and miserable and it's a fair reaction
Also I wanna say the Sorrowlord will be missed but really, I don't feel it. Good conversation and a really interesting end tho. The Loom was certainly something. Killing him was a decision tho... I feel sorry for Gloamglut :(
And BH finally have a conversation. Effective maybe not but at least everyone has put most of their thoughts on the table?
Ashton commenting about coin flipping, cold
Chet being the only one to actually ask Imogen and Fearne
Orym… Put his point across really well tbh. And I kinda agree. It's it really worth putting a whole population at risk trusting an unknown entity just because you want the gods gone???
I get trusting no one than trusting yourself *flashbacks to the crown keepers* but is it really better in the longer run?
The crisis of faith I guess will happen regardless. Either due to the gods running, the clip of Aeor or something totally different. Also Braius commune??? And his night with Morri? (I think)
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blakeivy80 · 4 months
An early Inspo in the morning (no wonder why...), so good morning everyone !
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As I said in another post, yyeaaahh I really think I'm lost, soooo daaaaaamn looooost - but you know what ? I like it 😝
Sometimes it feels good to be just in that other imaginary universe, on and on, and feeling that ache of being thirsty over him, and never get enough (because well, there's planty of material on the net but, sometimes, you feel it's never enough.....right ? yeah, don't mind me, I'm crazy 🤪)
So just I saw yesterday evening the new story he or his girlfriend posted on IG, and I felt soooo envious. Because, everytime I see his pics, it makes me dream and wish I could do the same, traveling around the world just as he does. Gosh what a life ! 🤔
An also, I must admit (and I feel a bit ashamed about it 🫣) , feel a bit jealous about this woman, whoever she is, that she can share all of this with him.... I mean the travels, the beautiful sights, the simple time spent in Nature and discovering the world....just the two of them.......And of course, the fact that she is the one that touches him, the one that he loves and etc.... I mean, Girl, you really need to get him off your mind ! 🧐
yeah I know but......not now !! 😁
Have you ever felt like this about someone totally out of your reach ?
It feels stupid, but I can't help it, so anyway.......the sweetest heartache .. because ...
P is for Panting everytime he does this grin
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A is for those amazingly beautiful green eyes he gots
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B is for Bloody Belly of mine
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L is for Loooook at that !!!
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O is for the Obsession that swalows the whole of me
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Yeah I really feel like I got it bad .....
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onesidedradiostatic · 7 months
helluva boss s2e3-5 reaction
wow the episodes are actually maintaining the 20ish minute length unlike season 1
episode 3
oh my god WHAT
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ah I see he's moxxie's dad
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LMAOOO him being both their exes is hilarious
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OH MY GOD and that's what led him to meeting blitzo LMAO
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oh geez
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also verbal "I'm bisexual" that's neat!!!
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OH MY GOD was that his mum???? oh man....
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oh my god
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millie's very cool
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"now we aaaall fucked the same guy" oh my fucking god blitzo
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episode 4
okay cool! I get to hear her have some semblance of calmness LMAO
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"what does he look like your highness?" "sexy?" "that's STRIKER sir" I'M CRYING????
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and got to a scene I've seen a clip of already, can't say I'm a fan of the ableism here but I'm sure it's been criticised to death by others already, I'll move on
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well. I'm glad I get to see stella with another character that she's not shouting at
yeah I'm glad we're getting something more than a pompous laugh and anger from her
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"harder" oh my god
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oh yeah um the "he can get hurt?" scene is something I've already seen
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saw it on a clip on twitter before, figured it had to do with injury via angelic weapons, cool to see the context now though (even though I was somewhat able to guess the more I learnt about the show)
it's cool that you can see stolas is giving blitzo some space and suggesting not doing sex stuff
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really nice to see blitzo showing concern for him
episode 5
this one is seeming a lot more lighthearted but I wanna put 6 and 7 together so I'm just gonna put this here
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woah what's that
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something that's not the grimoire opening a portal???
is "the voice of an angel" really a compliment when you live in hell?
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okay I thought the "barbie" person might've been blitzo's sister
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well then! I've been fighting with the 30 image limit probably was a mistake to put 5 together with 3 and 4 after all but whatever!! anyways
first two in the set, pretty good character moments, last one although was more lighthearted but definitely had its serious moments with moxxie and millie
I see fizzarolli in the thumbnail for the next 2 episodes, I have been WAITING for this, gonna be very very promising
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episims · 10 months
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Sara "-just got this hunch that I might have a chance. So, what do you think? Should I ask her out?"
Felix "Mmm, yeah. Sure."
Sara "Felix. I would go on a date. With a real mersim."
Felix "Huh. Cool."
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Sara "Oh, nice to meet you too, Mr. Wall! Glad to be talking to you instead of my DEAF FRIEND HERE-"
Felix "Shit, Sara! You don't need to- uh, I might've missed what you said-"
Sara "You don't say??"
Felix "I'm sorry, okay? I just have my head full... nevermind."
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Sara "Like, for real. I get that playing on a professional level is serious stuff but you can't focus on anything-"
Felix "Eh, stop. It's nothing to do with football."
Sara "Uh-huh. What's this other thing you're capable of thinking?"
Felix "Geez, just... could you please promise to not be a jerk about it? Only this once?"
Sara "You're such a puppy, dude. Fine, you have my word of honor."
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Felix "A couple weeks ago or so I hung out on the beach with Shay-"
Sara "He put a spell on you or something?"
Felix "Sara."
Sara "Uh, sorry! I'll be super considerate, I promise. Go on."
Felix "Yeah, well, it was nice, just chilling and stuff. Then Shay made this, uh, he called it an illusion. To hide us. I sorta got caught in the moment... and we woohooed."
Sara "Daaaaaamn, finally!! I told you he's crazy about you. What's the-"
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Sara "-ooooof. Dari?"
Felix "Look... I'm not even sure if it's worse that he'll kill me or that I've started to feel like I deserve it, anyway."
Sara "Oh, baby. You need a hug."
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
It's 4am where I live and I literally dreamt this shit and woke up and now I have to share
Your shifter au, especially the mink!reader one, consumed 102% of my brain and its all i think about now ✨
So anyways I'm not sure how exactly my dream went but here's the recap? Man idk it's 4 am so
And sorry for any typos in advance
Y'know how mink was captured and they skinned her (bad torture and all that) and the boys rescued her and all
Well what if we reverse it?
What if the boys get captured on a mission to dismantle a shifter trafficking ring, because it was in fact, a trap, and their captors had tranq guns ready (I mean would bullets be effective? I don't think so) and let's pretend mink was on another mission or on leave for the sake of the story😂
and they keep them drugged so they can't do anything but are aware just enough while they make new delas or something
And then mink gets back to base and they're not there
Don't imagine mink finding out and going apsolutley quiet, which is the total oposite of how she is and it scares people, carnage on her mind because how dare they touch her boys
While she's tracking them down they force the boys to shift, and forced shifts are painful, so they can torture them for information because they are military and those fuckers want to know how compromised they are with the ring and all
When she finally tracks them down and gets to the location she goes apsolutley beserk (I imagine her sneaking around as a weasel and takes half of the ring with silent kills) and then gets to the main cage rooms and doesn't find her boys and she thinks she's to late but refuses to give up (she would go to the end of the world for them) and then she finds Horangi drugged up he can't even twitch, tied to a interrogation chair, full of cuts and bruises, overall injured
He sees her and tries to tell her to run while she can because it's not safe, but she unties him and supports his weight and unresponsive limbs and drags him to a safe corner
She goes to search for her big bear but doesn't find him, and she looses her shit because hes not here where is he?
Evac comes and they take Horangi out on a stretcher with mink not far behind
Anyways I woke up there, but imagine a few days later they find out where they took Konig, Horangi is still recovering because the drugs apparently have long lasting effects and she seethes with the thought
And she goes behind everyone's backs and finds Konig in a cell, in his human form, unconscious and unresponsive with various injuries and suspicious black bruising along his ribs which are 100% broken because the drugs prevent him from healing
Carnage follows, no one is alive when the team comes, they just find her stabbing the already dead bastard over and over and over again
Long story short she had to be sedated because she was down right feral
she helps them recover, like they did her and doesn't leave them out of her sight, and everyone's afraid if she doesn't see one of her boys she will go feral again
This was a dream you had?? Damn. Daaaaaamn.
🦐 anon, we got another one! 😂
Okay but for real. Mink would absolutely go AWOL and feral if she needed to, in order to get her pack back. She would not stop. She would be absolutely vicious. Nobody would expect it looking at her, especially with her habit of being a little chaos gremlin, but she is absolutely lethal.
The people who took her pack learn that. Briefly. In the short time before they're all dead.
We're putting these three through so much pain, I love it
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ultfan · 1 year
@jcurneysend continued from this ask.
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"I mean- yeah. That makes sense for you, Komaeda."
A flick of a oddly placed mushroom that somehow, someway found herself in her hair, and Junko stood up, stretching and cracking her back, giving a sigh.
"You probably expected you weren't gonna live long anyway."
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"I mean, you're basically terminal, yeah? Not much else you can do to fuck around on this green ol' earth anyway.." Nonchalantly, she glances back, a vile sort of glare in her eyes. Komaeda was Naegi's antithesis- at least in her mind, in her warped vision, that was Komaeda Nagito to her. Rattle on about hope this, or perform his strange acts for the glory of mankind's hope that...
Like killing off his entire classmates or even getting near it since they were oh so easily swayed by her judgement and manipulations. Jeez! How annoying can he get? Do you know how hard it was to sway Peko-freakin-yama at times!?
Still, he was resolute. Yet that darkness in his heart could be his undoing..
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"Buuuuut, it always makes me think! Man. Wouldn't it be funny if your luck somehow found a way to make sure you lived? I mean, sure! Realistically your body would be weak and feeble due to it. Like, did you know while taking treatments and the like to even fight against that, your bodys weaker to shit like the common cold!? Daaaaaamn. Anyways."
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"..I think what I'm meaning to say is, its way easier for someone who wants to die to be forced to live and witness it all. Don't you agree?~"
Shut up.
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                     he did hate her. enoshima's existence was everything that he despised wrapped into a chaotic, yet beautiful package. the embodiment of everything he stood against. so he hated her... so he says. so he tells himself. so he copes.
                     but was there not a reason he could find himself speaking to her while only having one or two passing thoughts about how glorious it would be when she finally died? was there a reason that, despite his desire for ultimate hope, he still found himself working for ultimate despair? well... for him to entertain those questions would be despair-inducing in itself. he'll just claim that it's just the nature of the super high school level gyaru to be... somewhat charismatic. even when she was being the absolute worst.
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                     ‶  hm... i guess i do to some extent.  ″ komaeda never wished for good things for himself. he would never dare to do that. it's not like he didn't want them, no. it's in a human's nature to desire happiness. to not want to feel pain. to avoid disaster. but he had to acknowledge that he would never be able to live a life without those things. nor did a lowly human such as himself even deserve a life like that.
                     he long since accepted that.
                     ‶  this talent of mine really is unfortunate, don't you think so? you would think that someone with such good luck would have things go in their favor more often... and yet here i am having a conversation with you. how unlucky is that?  ″ he cannot help the sardonic smile that creeps it's way on to his face. really, though, he must be down on his luck to find himself anywhere near her. he wonders if this bad luck would lead to something wonderful down the line. although compared to his past tragedies, this is a minor inconvenience at best. sigh...
                     ‶  but... even though i'm not scared of dying, i can't really say that i'm desperate for a way out quite yet. though i wouldn't really mind it...  ″ depending on the circumstances, that is. but he won't say that much. regardless he doubts his death would bring anyone despair... and if that's the case, maybe he'll be lucky enough to die in a way that can be used as someone's stepping stone towards a hope strong enough to beat even enoshima junko herself.
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                     ‶  even so, i'm rather glad i've lived this long.  ″ his eyes, cold and perhaps even deranged, look to meet hers. there's a darkness in him, one rather ironic for someone who speaks hope's praises so adamantly.  ‶  after all, the longer i'm around to witness this all, the greater the chance i'll be alive to see a hope great enough to destroy the despair you've worked so hard to spread. sure, the odds of that aren't very high... but if i wouldn't be worthy of the title super high school level good luck if i let something as silly as that bring me down.  ″
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toribookworm22 · 6 months
Listen. I've had The Tortured Poets Department on loop since it came out. I really really love it and only love it more with each repeat.
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So. Here's my First Listen Notes:
What a way to start an album: I was supposed to be sent away. But they forgot to come and get me.
Love the synth rise and the beat drop
Post Malone's voice sounds SO good!
The Tortured Poets Department
Like who uses typewriters anyway 😆
Who else decodes you
Oooh the drop... it's so sad and quiet 🥺
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
Oooh fun beat
I'm queen of sandcastles he destroys 😲
He saw forever so he smashed it up 😶
Down Bad
Digging this soft music, okay
The chimes!!
So fuck you if I can't have us
The bridge instrumentation
So Long, London
The choral sound!!!
The ramp up!!!
How much sad did you think I had in me
Oh this is gutwrenching
I'm just mad as hell cause I loved this place
But Daddy I Love Him
No I'm not but you should see your faces 😄
An adult Love Story
It's my own disgrace
I love this
Fresh Out The Slammer
Ooh twangy first beat
Tone shift hello
I did my time 🥺
Ooooh Florence's voice
Somehow it sounds like both of their songs????
Guilty as Sin?
How can I be guilty as sin?
What if the way you hold me actually was holy
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
Villain Song! Villain Song!
You don't get to tell me about sad
Sounds old country
If you wanted me dead you should've just said
So I leap from the gallows
What the hell?!?!
Was it a wonder I broke
I was tame I was gentle
Well you should be
The lowering beats!!!
Then I'm fearsome and I'm wretched
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
Love the old country open
Almost ghostly
Your good lord doesn't need to lift a finger
I can handle me a dangerous man (no really I can)
Woah maybe I cant!!!
Aww it's just piano
Who's gonna stop us from waltzing into rekindled flames if we know the steps anyway 🥺
I felt a glow like this never before and never since
Still alive and killing time at the cemetery
Holy ghost you told me I'm the love of your life 😭
She's so sad...
What we thought was for all time was momentary
Mr. Steal your girl then make her cry
Talking rings and talking cradles
Something counterfeit's dead
Oh my good god I want to analyze this my goodness
You're the loss of my life 😭 Taylor no!!
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
It sounds like pool in the background
Very 80s arcade glitch pop
I'm a real tough kid I can handle my shit
He said. He'd love. Me all. His life.
I'm so depressed I act like it's my birthday 🤣
No, not depression pop!
I can hold my breath; I've been doing it since he left
Taylor I've never understood you more 🤦‍♀️
You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart
You know you're good! I'm good
Cause I'm miserable
And nobody even knows!
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
The exhale no!
Who the fuck was that guy
They just ghosted you now you know what that's like 😲
I don't even want you back I just want to know
This is the most sadly disappointed jab of a song I've ever heard
You kicked out the stage lights but you're still performing
And I'll forget you but I'll never forgive
Hot damn.
Claiming this as mine yes please
The Alchemy
But I'm coming back so strong
Honestly who are we to fight the alchemy
But I'm making a comeback to where I belong
He jokes that it's heroin but this time with an e
Where's the trophy he just comes running to me
Clara Bow
Ooh windup
Yes guitar!!! Love this intro!!
This sounds so indie and small I love it
Soft and comforting
Take the glory give everything
The crown is stained but you're the real thing
Oooh some small town lore
Hello something reminiscent of The Lucky One
Character Song Acquired
It's. Hell. On. Earth. To. Be. Heavenly.
You've got edge she never did
What a way to end that song damn
The Black Dog
Sad piano no
You forgot to turn it off
Her voice sounds so fragile
Until it doesn't!
Old habits die SCREAMING!!!
okay miss back to soft but slowly growing
Her voice is so earnest
Yes the beats are so good!
Six weeks of breathing clean air
Beat change!!!!!!
And I hope you heeeeeeeeeeaaaaaar it
And I hope it's shitty in The Black Dog
Keep the beat going!!! Yes!!!
I adore this so so much
The last screaming is WHISPERED!!!???! what!??!
Top songs. I'm calling it.
I hear you 1989 energy
And I'll tell you one thing honey delivery stunning
Ooh okay!
Sparkly alright okay!
Instrumentation is so fun
I'm loving the ultimatums 😆
Even if it's handcuffed I'm LEAVING HERE WITH YOU
pick your poison babe I'm poison either way
Cut the music alright!
The Albatross
Ooooh this is so pretty already!
I love the softness contrasted with the short lines
She's the albatross she is here to destroy you
One less temptress one less dagger to sharpen
And they tried to warn you about me
And I tried to warn you about them!
I'm the life you chose and all these terrible dangers
So cross your thoughtless heart
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
Simple instrumentation
Oh but I love the title drop
If you wanna break my cold cold heart just say I loved you the way that you were
If you wanna tear my world apart just say you've always wondered
I changed into goddesses villains and fools
Will that make your memory fade from this scarlet maroon
Cause I wonder
Will I always wonder
How Did It End?
Oooh no I'm scared
The piano is scaring me already
No not oh-oh's
We hereby conduct this post-mordem
We must know... how did it end?
Oh-oh oh-ohhhhhhhh
Her backing vocals are so gorgeous
Lot the game of chance what are the chances
Walking in circles like she was lost
Didn't you hear they called it all off
One gasp then how did it end?
Ooh key change oh no
My beloved ghost and me sitting in a tree d-y-i-n-g
But I still don't know how did it end?
I didnt understand until I did hot damn
So High School
Ooooh the instrumentation sounds so 2000s!!!!
That just soft pop rock energy
Bittersweet 16 suddenly
I love the contrast between her soft airy vocals and her gritty lows
Are you gonna marry kiss or kill me
You know how to bottle I know Aristotle
I feel... like laughing
And in the blink of a crinkling eye
Such a sweet grinning song
Sounds like she's really recapturing something teenage
I Hate It Here
Quick quick (lyrics before music what??)
Tell me something awful like you are a poet
When I was a precocious child
Small town fears
Cause I hate it here
Everyone would look down cause it wasn't fun now seems like it was never even fun back then
Only the gentle survived
I'm made most of the year
This is really really pretty
A fun I was a quietly angry child song
This place made me feel worthless
She sounds timeless
This could actually be a kids movie song with this lullaby like instrumentation
thanK you aIMee
(Her first play on capitalization?)
And I forget the way you made me feel
Screaming fuck you Aimee
Ooh I like the build
Nice build!!! Oooh so fun!
But she used to say she wished you were dead 🫢
I built a legacy that you can't undo
That there wouldn't be this if there hadn't been you
Miss Taylor did you write a whole new bully song for me??? A la Mean???
I don't think you've changed much do I changed your name
Only us two are gonna know is about you
Soft and powerful
Like every kid who came out of bullying with a kinder heart
I Look In People's Windows
Ooh fun instru- wait wait what? That glitch of a noise? Hello?
I'm afflicted by the not knowing
Backing vocals! Fun noise!
The music is sounding a little more strangled okay!
I'm addicted to the if only
Music leaves her isolated when she calls herself weird hmmm subtext there
The Prophecy
Country sings again with the indie guitar
I got cursed like eve got bitten
A lesser of a woman would've lost hope a greater woman would've begged
Ooh the begging is so pretty
Sounds a prayer for real
Feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen
Gathered with a coven round
But even statues crumble if they're made to wait
Spending my last coins so someone will tell me it'll be okay
And said *please*
Oooh follow piano notes
Build some strings okay
When it's burn the bitch they're shrieking
When the truth comes out it's quiet
So they killed Cassandra first
So they killed my cell with snakes I regret to say do you believe me now
What happens if it becomes who you are
So they set my life in flames I'm scared to say do you believe me now
Bloods thick but nothing like a payroll
It's so sad but still powerful like Greek mythology I guess
Ooh but the gravel on "heard"
I think I hear static like fire in the background at the end
Oooh okay some powerful piano notes alright
Love this instrumentation
Is it something I did
I thought it was just goodbye for now
Said you were gonna grow up then you were gonna come find me
Such a simple melody I love it
We said it was just goodbye for now
And I won't confess that I waited
Cause loves never lost when perspective is earned
Lost to the lost boys chapter of your life
But the woman who waits by the window has turned out the light
The Bolter
Okay I'm here for this alright
Storytelling like folklore!!!
Behind her back her best friends laughed
It's cheery but so devastating my goodness
All her fucking lives passed before her eyes
Oooh ramp up a little with some subtle beats
She's been many places
Yes ramp up
Chariots are waiting
There's a scape in escaping
But she's got the best story
(In here for all the names okay)
No sad piano!!!
Long note no!!!
You are bloodthirsty (ethereal version)
This is so pretty
The softest battle cry
It's nostalgic power?
We all vowed to keep it from you in sweetness
Is this like you did a good job being sweet now be angry?
You have no room in your dreams for regret
You'll learn to bounce back like you trampoline
This is such a be whatever kind of kid you wanna be
The Manuscript
One note and I'm crying
Love the isolated notes Oh my gosh
Love this end already
Now and then she rereads the manuscript
In the age of him she wished she was 30
Afterwards she only ate kids cereal
She wasn't sure
Okay some growing notes yes! Grow power
The professor said to write what you know
Looking backwards may be the only way to move forward
And at last she knew what the agony had been for
The only that's left is the manuscript
But the story isn't mine anymore
That is a... okay, wait... that's a really really good way to end this album... I need time to digest that actually... hold on...
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actuallysaiyan · 1 year
hello beautiful!!! i hope you're well 🩷🩷🩷
anyway just dropping by to say imagine itachi in a tank top. it's laundry day and he never wears them otherwise, but god damn if you don't take advantage of the eye candy because daaaaaamn does he look good 😍
Itachi who doesn't even realize just how sexy he looks right now. He effortlessly looks sexy. And while he helps you do chores, you cant help but admire him so much. You keep taking eyefuls of his gorgeous body as he cleans things or bends down to scrub something else. When some of his clothes is ready to wear, you whine and beg him not to change. He smirks softly and looks at you carefully.
"Oh? Are you enjoying this?" And as more of a tease, he flexes for you and you see those muscles under that shirt. What a good motivator
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strykingback · 1 year
That's a long winded way of saying, "I don't like this show yet I stick around in this toxic relationship I have with it to win or something."
Seriously, everything you said isn't worth it. It sounds like you want to make your own fantasy story not unlike RWBY yet can't get over the latter like a bitter ex-partner.
Are you okay? Legit asking as a concerned citizen.
First things first, I am okay I mean how about you. I'm certain everyone who has been roastin' yo ass since yesterday. Cause daaaaaamn man. I can smell a whole barbecue over there!
But anyway.... to start things off.
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Something really tells me you didn't read through the whole fucking reblog and only sent this in. Do I need to repeat it so you can firmly grasp it? Cause certainly you need to grasp it!!
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Also since you didnt read through the literal paragraphs about my canon divergence Atlas and Mistral regions and even about Robyn Hill and Ironwoods canon divergence. Oh wait a minute, I think you may not know the definition of canon-divergence. Hold up let me get it for you, okay? Canon Divergence:  a fandom term, used when fanfiction is set in a universe that diverges from the original canon due to changing a character's backstory or the plot overall.
(Note- This can also apply to Roleplaying blogs as myself)
Yeah, its that easy to make a story for Ironwood and Robyn Hill and still make it good for both of them for everyone to enjoy. Not like a pasty ol' Karen and a plot-twist villain in the main canon.
But enough of that but just the fact that you say it isnt worth it towards a VERY strong answer. Kind of tells me that its like: "Oh its not good to match canon." I dont know what kind of world you live in amigo, but it aint one I wanna be on. Also another thing to say is.
People on the RWDE tag can still like certain aspects of RWBY and can still be critical about it at the SAME time. It doesnt hurt to do that and trust me it does not hurt me as I can seriously take the wild bullshit the main canon does and can cook it back out as something incredibly Canon-Divergent and people will like it.
Also what is this weakness man, this weak ask you sent me amigo. Cause I was expecting so so MUCH BETTER. It's no wonder why yo ass is getting cooked in the RWDE tag. man...Like who let you cook?!
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Cause I think I turned yo ass into a five star at a five star restaurant with a side of steak that is....
W e l l
T h e
F u ck
Now enough of that, now then back to roleplaying for me and also go back to Lilith and cry her a goddamn river why dont ya. Ya fuckin simp!
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faceglitchsworld · 11 months
It's the 26th of November, which means that today it's the day where a fox was born.
Happy birthday Wooyoung 🥳
Please, look at the collage I made for him 🥹
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The amount of black hair you see here is unbelievable I know, I know but eeeeeeeh, even if I loved red Wooyoung recently the best pictures of him are he with long, black hair.
I have a problem, I know that.
And now have the letter I made for him.
So, if I should talk about Wooyoung, I think we should make a return to the past, when I was a very little fan (just imagine me as a stickman stylized kid) and I had like three or two groups in my stan list (and I wasn't even a K-Bands degenerate, DAAAAAAMN, two years looks like a decade now).
I was watching some Stray Kids compilations when, at some point, the YouTube algorithm, suggested another video with Felix. I don't remember the title exactly but I remember that Wooyoung's name was in it. At the time I didn't know that the compilation was about Kingdom Legendary War, I just clicked on it because Felix was there and he was one of my biases at the time. Well, the video in question was about Ateez cheering a Stray Kids performance and Wooyoung screaming "MY SON" to Felix.
And you think that I would have stopped like that? Watching a video with Wooyoung screaming "MY SON" and that's it. No. Of course not. I wanted to discover the context behind that "MY SON". So I checked another video and I saw this friendly guy talking with Felix during a...game? I don't know if it was a game, I never watched Kingdom Legendary War in its entirety.
But anyway, I see this guy being all friendly and open with Felix, he seemed like he knew him since he was a trainee or something so I was like "ah, ok, he seems like a long time friend of him. Glad they finally met each other after so much time." Yeah, you don't need to tell me that I was wrong at the time. I discovered some time after that Wooyoung's actual best friend in Stray Kids is Changbin. And honestly I can understand why.
Not only because during Kingdom Legendary War they cheered each other in a very loud way (no, seriously, did you ever watch the video compilation where they just scream "IT'S MY BEST FRIEND!" all the time? Because I did it and it was funny like a lot.), but also because their personalities match somehow. Changbin is a loud teaser and his main target is...well, Chan. Wooyoung is less loud but he's still a teaser and his main target is...well, San. Both of them target the most silent and patient members who bear them 🤣
Probably I had more time understanding how a funny member like him developed a friendship with Yeonjun. Once again, I discovered this friendship after seeing Yeonjun and Changbin interacting at Inkigayo and I wanted to discover more about it. It was during this time that I discovered how both of them and Wooyoung were already a clique of friends during their trainee days.
This was the last straw that made me want to search more about Wooyoung. I wanted to discover more of him. This curiosity made me stan Ateez later on but that's another story that I want to reserve for the anniversary letter.
And while I did my dive into understanding him and his personality, I discovered the last important friendship that deserves to be talked about here. His friendship with Yeosang.
I think some of you already know the full story and what Wooyoung did for him but, you know, every time I think about it I can't just brush it off. Like, have you ever found someone like Wooyoung, someone who decides to leave the company where he's currently training just for following you and debuting together? I don't know you all, the industry is highly competitive and terrible, leaving a company while you're a trainee might mean not debuting for years. And yet, Wooyoung decided to take the risk. He decided to put his friend and the bond he has with him first .
Again, it was a risky choice and we need to thank the destiny or something if they've ended up debuting together but can you believe me that I'm still, like, fascinated by this? All the people who became friends with Wooyoung basically found the best person on the earth. The best and richest treasure, if you know what I mean.
Dear Wooyoung, I think you already noticed how I described over and over how much of a good friend you are. The people who gained your trust and friendship are very lucky to have you as a friend. I only wish for you that you'll always meet amazing people who will never betray you or use your trust against you. You've always put your friends and the others before you and I don't want that this wonderful quality of yours will turn for the worst for you like never.
Since you already made the birthday live and you probably already read all the birthday wishes Atinys sent to you, I can only wish that you'll spend the rest of this day happily with the members and that everything will go well.
And don't mess up with the others too much 🤣
Happy birthday foxie 🥳
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rapha-reads · 1 year
Went to see Across the SpiderVerse and daaaaaamn, it was SO GOOD!
The animation is fantastic, it's really diverse and beautiful, the scenario is mindblowing, the soundtrack is gorgeous... I was so into it, when it ended (ON A CLIFFHANGER), I exclaimed "What? Noooo, I want two more hours!".
They really understand the character of Spider-Man *cough* unlike the MCU *cough*, and they KNOW HOW TO MAKE A MULTIVERSE again not pointing fingers at anyone in particular noooo.
Anyway, that was a whole lot of fun.
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chaos0pikachu · 2 years
I don't really watch/consume much BL but do you have any unpopular word of honor opinions 👀
Idk what the popular opinions of WoH fandom is actually other than like, Ah Xu and Lao Wen are in love lol
I guess if I had an unpopular opinion it'd be that the show is actually kinda bad? Lol like, the narrative is all over the place, convoluted, and difficult to follow. Ngl everything about the glazed donut shit was boring as fuck to me.
Like Zhao Jing's secret murder plot was predictable, but also he was so irredeemably hilarious bad and pathetic he didn't make a compelling villain at all. And he's kept so far away from WKX for most of the show that when their plots finally converged it felt anti-climatic tbh and also like, daaaaaamn this mofo been busy for decades huh? His day planner's been PACKED I wish the show made him more thoughtfully evil? If they were gonna go full evil lean into it make him a Bond villain, camp it up the show was already campy as fuck anyway. Instead he's pathetic which made him less intimidating and not in his on purpose moments of being pathetic I liked those, but in general he was so obviously swamy it's like, okay sword society over here is just fucking stupid so fall and then he was working with ghost valley but that was also super convoluted and meh
I don't think it's unpopular that Gu Xiang shouldn't have died, or that whole episode, but I didn't like HOW it happened. I actually wouldn't have minded if all those characters died if it didn't feel so out of nowhere and then almost immediately dropped after? Like all these characters we spent a lot of time with are dead (fuck that one guy LQQ was with he was annoying as shit couldn't stand his ass was happy he died why was he even there) now and it happens and then we're moving back into the glazed armor plot and like what? what????? WKX just lost his little sister and we're just gonna keep on trucking along I guess??? I would like a moment show.
Almost all the men on the show suck and are either boring or annoying. No one in the main cast, and I liked YBY and our dear Scorpion King the up-in-coming Regina George of assassins but all the other men? Boring. Basic. Don't Care. Why are you here? Waste of my time.
Personally I think the narrative of the show outside of the love story of ZZS and WKX and their found family plus SK with his gaggle of wlw crew are the only good parts of the show that work outside of the boss costumes, wigs, and makeup. What saves the show is really the characters cause the the plot?
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forzasedici · 2 years
i'm losing it over sainz giving proof for his argument like "he did to me what he did to max at whatever race it was" and the stewards just saying "daaaaaamn anyways no further investigation"
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