#phan dabble
leanned-too-hard · 6 months
Don't cry...
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craft !!!
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natigail · 4 months
DnP playing a drinking board game with liquorice and soups should not be that hilarious. Just!! I had to pause the video approximately twice a minute just to take in the next hilarious thing that they said. SO many innuendos. Phil doing it on purpose for sure, glint in his eye as he was watching with glee as Dan struggled to consume liquorice, not even stopping when Dan tried to wave him off. Dan the cougar with the animal print and Phil with the blond hair, blue eyes combo. Getting use out of their left-over New Years cups. Repeat of Phil really struggling with soups (they are evil when lumpy and cold, Phil, I feel for you). Dan's hatred for liquorice (though that drink must have been toxic levels, so fair for that but not the salted liquorice because that's also a loved sweet here in Denmark as well as Sweden). Phil handing Dan the black piece instantly and choosing blue for himself. The mug with the whiskers (deep nostalgia). All of the little mini games where they're fighting so intensely, stumbling over their words and almost spilling drinks. The banana video censored and Dan hiding behind the board game packaging. Dan joking if Phil slept with the bearded ginger and Phil's lil shut up huffed out through laughter. Dan comparing himself to a hippo needing a bird to pick out stuff between his teeth, TILTING his head jokingly towards Phil as if he should be the bird and just go to town (no words for this, they are insane!). The secret draft thing (birthday related?)! The Phil can't have chocolate, so don't make that type of cake pls, mum. The sheer drama of their dice rolling and Phil threatening to leave or stick some authority on Dan about seven times. Phil being so brave and actually drinking that horrible concoction (though Dan protecting the sealz <3). The little iPhone videos put in, clearly of them just fumbling around. The sheer laughter and smiling and joy that was all throughout the video, even as they were suffering with their drinks/foods. They are just so gay and I don't even dare tally up all of the innuendos. I feel like I need an immediate rewatch. They are just so entertaining and funny and feeling themselves and it's contagious and I love them and they've come so far and this is the longest sentence ever but that's okay because none of this is meant to be pretty or nice, it's meant to just express my love for these two insane dorks that have made videos for us for like 15 years at this point. Anyway, I'm clearly completely chill. Great video, guys.
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badscientist · 1 month
👪 - does your character have a good relationship with their family?
🎭 - what are your character’s morals?
☀ - what makes your character the happiest?
🃏 - wildcard! whoever sent you this gives you free rein to answer whichever prompt you want
im actually gonna give normans husband hieu phan the spotlight for a change. he'll get more time in it when part 5 comes out, but these will still be great to scratch my brain a little on him since theres only so much i can fit in the story.
hieus a family man! he regularly visits his family (they more or less followed him to tenor valley when he relocated there)- both his parents are around, he has an older brother (liêm) and a niece (vui). he doesnt have kids of his own, hes more interested in being an uncle than a dad, but hes very tight-knit with his loved ones.
hieu's also the kind of guy whod give you the shirt off his back. he's a helper. respect your elders and help your neighbors kinda guy. hes a 'freelance electrician', but hes done a lot of work for people on a sliding scale or for free. his morals are just. be decent to people!
on the note of his job, he LOVES what he does. electronics delight him and hes dabbled in aspects of vehicle repair, etc. etc. hes a handyman! his expertise is in tv repair and replacing sockets.
ok wildcard time for hieu! what relationship in his life is healthiest? oh for sure with norman. theyve been married over a decade by the time dead meats taking place, and while theyve had their ups and downs (more downs recently due to Circumstances), the two of them are crazy about each other. fun fact: norman loves that hieus a bigger guy. we'll get to see how they met and some other stuff in part 5, so look forward to it!
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art-on-purpose · 4 months
this used to be an active tumblr about ten years ago, let me see if i can get the ball rolling again.
hey. i’m molly, im 29, and a few months ago, i dove into the wonderful world of digital art. so far, its good! i started on twitter, added an art ig, but what better place to post art content then the social media that started it all for me, right?
mostly i do clique art and phan art, but i’ve dabbled in other fandoms like star wars, marvel. i’ve also tried my hand at animations! like i said, i haven’t been over here in about ten years so im sure a LOT has changed, but its good to be back.
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sansxfuckyou · 3 years
Titles always seemed like a waste to Danny, your a king, that's cool, nice title, your a ghost hunter, interesting profession, weird title.
They just took up airtime, filled the blank that he enjoyed.
When he died, he started to realize that you don't always have more time, you could run out in an instant, why fill the silence while you still have it?
One day you won't have that peaceful silence again, you might be trapped in the ghost zone, or a blob ghost that can't even think, unable to get any form of peace and quiet.
He had attained the title of 'Ghost King Danny' and he had tried to discourage use of the title, he loved the title 'Danny Phantom' cause his friends gave it to him, his new title didn't feel right, he inherited it, he wanted to earn the title instead.
If they were wasting airtime in his name, he should've earned the title instead of having it be handed to him on a silver platter.
There were times he would enter a room and everyone would go quiet except for the murmuring of 'The king has arrived.' or 'Ghost King Dannys here.' moments like that made him wish he was a blob ghost without any understanding, he couldn't just walk into a room casually with all this weight on his shoulders.
He just wanted to be appreciated as a friend, a hero, not a king.
He would love to be called 'Danny Phantom' one more time.
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quercussp · 6 years
Hi there! You mentioned that you don't really like friends to lovers or mutual pining. What is your favorite genre of fic? Also do you only read phan or also other pairings? (btw thank you for recommending the stories you like, I know I can always count on liking something you reblog!)
Hi! I love fics that explore complex or difficult emotions most of all. I also really love communication and difficult power dynamics and trust in relationships, so that’s where my fascination with d/s fic, smut with kinks or unusual elements to it and 2009 fics comes from. I also really like to be taken on the journey of the characters getting to know each other. I love when you feel the actual relationship building. But most of all I love I enjoy fics with complex and multifaceted characters and difficult emotional introspections.
Thank you so much for your kind words, I am so glad you are finding more fics to read through me! That’s the most I can ever dream of!
And yes, I read other pairings too!
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jestbee · 3 years
Jestbee Fics: In Stats
If you’ve been here for any length of time you know I love a spreadsheet, and graphs, and all thing sweet, sweet data. Ao3 doesn’t allow me to export stats about my fics which is really annoying, but I’ve been tracking fics I wrote over the past 5 years (and 1 fic this year) by the following: 
- Year posted - Pairing - Rating - Relationship Status - Canon compliancy - POV
And I’d like to share some insights with you. Mostly about Phan but there are some stats about other pairings in the first bit under the cut. 
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Here’s the number of fics I posted per year since 2017. There are some posted as early as 2014 on my ao3 account but I chose to omit them as they were fairly inconsistent. I have been declining in my output but I think that makes sense given irl factors. 
I’m putting the rest of that juicy juicy data under a cut so as not to bother non-data loving folks. 
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Pairing written by year as a percentage of everything posted. I had a few solid years of only writing Phan or associated pairings (same fandom tag in a03 actually, just separated out for the purposes of this data). It’s only the past couple of years I dabbled in other stuff. I’m not defining these ship names btw, if you’re curious look it up. (but I’ll concede for dwhite - it’s Dye/White from Monochrome which is a phan fic I wrote fic of. v complicated but v fun)
Obviously the majority of my fics are Phan, and so in all following sections I will just show stats for that pairing as all others are negligible at this point. However, I think it will be fun to revisit this the same time next year to see how it has changed. 
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for Phan only, ratings as a percentage of total fics posted per year. What I find interesting is that the number of E fics I write stays basically the same even as the overall number I post drops, which means as a percentage E rated fics are now higher. I also had a pesky habit of not rating fics until about 2019, glad to see I no longer do that. (Also 2019, no G fics, I really don’t know why)
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For all Phan fics, here is the distribution of ratings. Kind of an even split even though I think people would probably guess that I write more E/M rated than anything else. But I think the amount I wrote in earlier years and the way the number of E fics I write has remained consistent it why that’s the case. 
Relationship Status
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I actually think these numbers make the most sense when looked at in conjunction with Canon Compliancy since when I first get into a fandom I tend toward canon compliant and then later AU, which in the case of Phan means established relationship early on and Getting Together AUs later on. I prefer strangers to lovers to friends to lovers, even though my all time favourite trope is Friends with Benefits to lovers. You’ll see I wrote one early on and then restrained myself in 2019 (seriously, was was 2019?) until finally giving in. If I really let myself go those percentages might be much higher but I guess we’ll never know. 
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Quick look at the overall. Unsurprisingly Established Relationship is highest given that my output of fics was higher during the time that was my preference. 
Canon Compliancy
Firstly I need to do a little definining of terms since this data was subjective and so the terminology I use might be different to how you would define things. So, for the sake of this data I have used terms thus: 
Canon Compliant - They have been together since 2009, events happen just as they have done up to the point of the fic being written (with the exception of 1 where I actually predicted the future so yay me)
Canon Adjacent - Mostly canon compliant, all events happened up to the point of the fic being written except usually for them being together. (I drew the line at calling these solidly AU because I wanted a way to be more nuanced)
Canon divergence - All events are compliant up to a point in time where something went differently. (eg, they break up, lose touch, Phil takes the internship etc)
AU  - What is canon? Who is she? Dan and Phil have totally different jobs, probably aren’t together, might not even know each other at first, and I can’t wait to find out how they fall in love
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So like I said before, I prefer canon compliancy when I first join but soon discard canon and run with my imagination. Honestly AU is where I feel more comfortable, especially in Phan where the canon is basically a fic all of its own and there are only say many ways you can write the same scenario over and over. 
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obligatory look at distribution across all Phan fics. 
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We’re only look at Phan fics here, but Other applies to outside POV. I did a couple early on but have since given up the practise. I like them, but I don’t gravitate toward them without a challenge or a specific prompt. 
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I think these were the most surprising to be honest. I didn’t realise I favoured Dan POV as much as I do but that makes sense. I’m a Phillie, and Dan is the ultimate Phillie so I vibe with his point of view. lmao
Anyway that’s it for my little graphs, if you read this far without being bored out of your mind then let me know if anything surprised you, or if there’s any other data you’d like to see. I didn’t do anything about word count in here becuase I have my other tracker but maybe seeing wordcount by relationship etc might be fun. I also toyed with kudos/comments data but ultimately decided against it (mainly because these values change often - PLEASE ao3 let me export this data on a monthly basis and track it I beg) 
I also didn’t do anything about tropes or other tags because I thought that would be too subjective but I could look at it if people are interested. (Heck, I’m interested and could definitely see myself doing it one day)
Right. I’m going now. Come validate this post so I’m not just a crazy woman with a spreadsheet and too much time. Thanks <3
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years
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“Skaven” © Hai Phan, accessed at his deviantArt page here
[Commissioned by @arachcobra​. Like with some of the other pop culture conversions I’ve written, there has been so much written about Warhammer’s skaven that my version cannot possibly hope to cover all of it. So rather than doing a 100% faithful recreation, I have blended the Warhammer version with PFRPG canon. Namely to address that more benevolent ratfolk already exist in the setting. I dabbled with giving them racial HD before deciding to go in a playable race direction. Murnath the Horned Rat appears in Book of the Damned, and I assume he is intended as a Warhammer homage, so bringing him in seemed a natural fit.]
Skaven CR 1/3 CE Humanoid This humanoid stands a head shorter than a human, with slumped posture. They appear like a humanoid rat with sharp teeth and beady eyes. They are dressed in patchwork armor and carry a sword and shield.
The skaven are a mutated offshoot of the ratfolk created by mad science and demonic intervention. The first skavens were ratfolk mutated by exposure to Abyssal energy. They grew in size and their minds warped towards savage evil, escaping from their captors and creating their own cultish society. Almost all skaven are zealously devoted to Murnath, the Horned Rat, and believe that they were created by his blessing. Skaven speak Queekish, a high-speed pidgin of Aklo, Abyssal and Undercommon.
Skavens are fractious and violent, devoted to their clans above all others. Hierarchy is important among skavens is important, with the strong dominating the weak, and individuals constantly seeking out the weaknesses of their peers for opportunities to advance. Occasionally a powerful demagogue will be able to unite clans to form armies against other species and cultures, but they spend much of their energy warring against each other. Skaven society is grossly misogynistic—female skavens are referred to as “breeders”, and few female skavens advance far without disguising themselves or escaping their clans and setting out on their own. Most skavens are brown or grey, but those with unusual fur colors are often collected and raised from an early age for service to a particular faction. Black skavens are trained as assassins, and white skavens are seen as destined for the priesthood.
Skavens advance by character class. The skaven statistics below represent a skaven “slave rat”, fit mostly for manual labor and disposable in combat. Those of higher rank take levels in PC classes—fighter, barbarian, gunslinger and alchemist are commonly taken. Black-furred skaven typically advance as rogues or slayers, training for the assassin or shadowdancer prestige classes. White-furred skaven typically advance as oracles or sorcerers, or both as mystic theurges.
Skaven as Player Characters A skaven does not have racial Hit Dice, and advances by character level. A skaven’s racial traits are as follows +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Wis Skavens are nimble and hardy, but reckless and cowardly Humanoid A skaven is a humanoid with the ratfolk subtype Medium size A skaven suffers no penalties and gains no benefits from its size Normal Speed A skaven moves at 30 ft. Darkvision 60 ft. Scent A skaven gains scent, as per the universal monster quality Squalid A skaven gains a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against disease, poison and any spell or effect that causes the sickened or nauseated condition Light Sensitivity A skaven takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls in bright light Bite A skaven gains a bite attack as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d4 points of damage. When attacking with a weapon, this becomes a secondary natural attack. Languages Skaven begin play speaking Queekish. A skaven with an Intelligence bonus can select from the following bonus languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Draconic, Common, Dwarven, Gnoll, Goblin, Orc, and Undercommon.
Skaven warrior 1             CR 1/3 XP 135 CE Medium humanoid (ratfolk) Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception -1, scent Defense AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +3 armor, +1 shield) hp 8 (1d8+4) Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -1; +2 vs. disease, poison, sickened and nausea effects Defensive Abilities squalid; Weakness light sensitivity Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee scimitar +2 (1d6+1/18-20), bite -3 (1d4) Ranged sling +3 (1d4+1) Statistics Str 13, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 8 Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14 Feats Toughness Skills Climb +3 Languages Queekish Ecology Environment any mountains or underground Organization solitary, pair, patrol (3-20 plus 1 2nd level lieutenant per 10 warriors), troop (5-50 plus 1 2nd level lieutenant per 10 warriors and 1 4th level commander) or clan (100-400 plus 10-40 2nd level lieutenants, 5-25 4th level commanders, 3-8 priests of 3rd-5th level, 12-24 assassins of 3rd-5th level and 1 general of 7th-9th level per 100 individuals) Treasure NPC gear (scimitar, sling with 20 bullets, studded leather armor, wooden shield, other treasure) Special Abilities Squalid (Ex) A skaven gains a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saves against diseases, poisons and spells and abilities that cause the sickened or nauseated conditions.
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sketch-pencilpoint · 4 years
Ok so au time. It's called the unholy grail au
In this au (partially inspired by @thesadcloud 's demon + priest cortropy au) is an au where a cult-like church is trying to purge the world of demons and half-demons alike. This cult worships the false god ivory, an egotistical and selfish woman who is really an old hag with a powerful gem who kicked lilly and the seven forces of darkness (then known as the seven forces of light) out of the heavens and into the darkness. In this au, everyone is either a human follower of ivory's church, a half demon outcast or a demon/corrupted human (a human turnt into a demon though various measures) under the protection of lilly (who, unlike the darkness, was able to hold onto the little light she had left, but now she also dabbles in dark magic).
Here's some au versions of characters (below cut)
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Alot colder and knows alot of dark spells. Often hides her face but her true nature shows when it comes to her friends and family. The leader of the society of the golden rose.
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Still half pencil demon but hides it to work as an exorcist in the main opposing church. They take the demons they find and leads them to the church, alongside finding and saving other half demons. They are also incredibly cold and hard to become friends with. They rarely warm up to anyone.
N.tropy and cortex
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Tropy is a priest and cortex is a type of demon known as an electric demon, a type of elemental demon at that. Since this is based on sad clouds's au, this bit will act similarly, with cortex egging tropy towards helping with lillys church and tropy being stuck in his ways. As you will see though, they end up falling in love and poor old nefarious becomes a demon anyways.
Tom phan:
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Another priest, this time for a smaller but still important church, Tom somehow went his whole life up until now not knowing he was a half demon. In his defence, however, his father made him wear a hat and face mask his whole life and convinced him that his tail was just a weird growth he should hide. Ends up discovering this himself after a push from fellow half demon fire queen shatter, mocking him for his habits to "prevent vanity and lust" despite him being really prideful still
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Spinel is a type of gem demon, demons that have their lifeforms based on a gemstone embedded somewhere on their bodies. Spinel's specific type is hard to pinpoint as she seems to take after multiple type, but the gem demon type is certain. B's main scorce of comfort in their awful life.
The darkness (exampled here is Frazic):
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Frazic was once the embodiment of courage, but now is the opposite, fear. He took on the form of an oversized ant (much to his annoyance) and goes by guru at times. Often has a bad feeling in his stomach and is often spooked by small things, but isn't afraid of things most people and demons find scary, like bugs or the dark. Most of the other members of the darkness have similar experiences.
(Note:don't ask why he's all beaten up in this picture, it was a stylistic choice and I have no other picture of this small group)
Edit: moved the cut to give some information on what this au is without needing to click the "continue reading" bit
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Rae Watches Torchwood
2x06 Reset
Hoping this is easier to understand than last episode, @nowhere-dawn-death-phan
Spoilers. Obviously
Weevil, legging it, always makes me laugh (is that bad of me?)
He’s dead, but that really doesn’t look like a Weevil attack
Uh, what’s with the sudden first-person camera? Either Ianto’s about to be attacked or it’s a character reveal
Character reveal. Martha Jones
I don’t remember Martha, I haven’t watched any of her yet, so....this kinda means nothing to me...sorry
“Still struggling to conquer your shyness, Jack?”
Are you sure the medical records were wiped? NHS has managed to lose records all by themselves....
Cured diabetes? I don’t think so...
Welp, Marie’s given them information so I guess she’s gonna die now
Bugs? Yucky
“Reset. Neato.”
Undercover Martha!
Oh the contact lense thing are cool
Ah crap, Tosh
Oh? Oh!
Fast-and-Dramatic music while Martha....walks down a corridor
Martha’s gotten information so I guess she’s going to get caught now
Oop, big bug
Martha. Martha. You could hear them shouting, why the hell did you move to stand directly in their way
The Hard Way: Ianto with a Weevil on a leash
Billy The Hitman’s infected, isn’t he
They have a fucking Weevil??
Ugh, big bug
Gwen. Gwen stop bonding with the bug
I feel like I’d be more affected by this episode if I knew anything about Martha
Owen, don’t explode Martha
Owen, you’re going to get yourself shot again
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natigail · 7 months
Dan Howell raised me (questionable, but let's go with it) to be a yapper and so I shall never fucking continue to stop yapping how delighted it makes me when DnP engage with us like this.
It might just be because I have never been in a fandom like the phandom before but the mutual teasing and respect and trust between creator and audience is something I hold so dear. It's never been flawless but I would argue at the core of it there's something so sincere, stemming from a place of love.
It's a parasocial relationship, it's not real love like you might think it, but I almost want to argue that it's a version of love, even if it should never be taken to far. There are so many people who adore, appreciate and love Dan and Phil, but I don't think it would be as fun if it wasn't just a smidge reciprocal.
As a whole, they love their audience. In what it has done for them in terms of gaining recognition and fame, but also just all of the shit that we've indirectly helped them with by sticking with them for so long. There is a bond that has been created between us and with the 2023 return of the gaming channel, I feel like they came close again.
They've created us. Sure, part of that is true. I joked about being raised by Dan but the truth isn't that far away from the joke. Him and Phil made me realise a lot of things about myself, through them I found friendships I treasure so deeply and they have inspired me to write so, so much. The person I am today is in part because of those two tall dorks.
But the creation didn't just go one way really. As a collective, their audience helped "create" them too. Creators generally want to share their creations and part of making and sharing something is wanting to see how people react to it. The Dan and Phil we see today? They wouldn't be those people without all of us.
And isn't that a beautiful thing, to leave an impression on each other? To know that in some small part, all of the cool and good work Dan and Phil have been doing, is because of the people who've stuck by them? The dedicated audience who watch and engage right back with at them.
Whether it be showing up to their shows, posting at or about them on social media or watching their videos and other content, all of that contributed to it. They know there's a whole space out there amongst their audience where we just engage with each other.
They also mostly respect that because it's not really a space for them, even if it's partly about them. It's a space for us. But I still love when we both agree to have a little overlap and share what's going on, even if it is "just" silly memes.
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elleinmotion · 5 years
🌿✨Looking for Blogs✨🌿
New blog so looking for others that enjoy:
The Witcher (games/books/show)
Tolkein (Silmarillion, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit) 
any work of the Brontës
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Outlander series 
period dramas 
Dracula and all its inspired works
romantic literature
Legend (1985)
gothic literature 
fantasy genre
Marvel Universe 
Harry Potter
Stardew Valley
ASOIAF (books over show)
Dragon Age
Mass Effect
fanfic writers/gif makers that dabble in any of the above ^
I follow back other similar blogs! Looking for amazing mutuals to enjoy these wonderful works with.
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kwat01 · 5 years
Hii again! It's your santa :) I hope you had a nice weekend! You said you've been a phan a long time, but were you part of the fandom anywhere in the pre-tumblr days? Do you write fanfiction, or just read it? What are your favorite fan fics? Are you part of any other fandoms?
Hello Santa! I'm so happy to hear from you again :) :)
I had a great weekend, on Saturday I went and saw the opera Faust at the Melbourne Arts Centre and I really enjoyed it 👏 The singer who played Mephistopheles was Teddy Tahu Rhodes and he had such a great voice. Then on Sunday I went to the Big Design Market at the Exhibition Centre, it was HUGE. So much cool stuff, so many little funky designers.
Back in the day I remember scouring the internet for phanfiction as a teenager, but I was a lurker as far as interacting with other people went, I was far too shy back then and probably missed out on making some good friends. I can still hear the good old dial up internet tone, and remember watching pages load excruciatingly slow and or sometimes crash entirely. The pages were so cool though! And so hard to find, it was like finding a treasure if you stumbled on a new one.
I have dabbled in writing some phantom stuff, but nothing complete, I tend to over edit until I can't look at it anymore, shut the lid and walk away. I can hear my favourite high school English teacher screaming about structure every time I try to finish something, I much prefer reading other people's work, I have so many favourites! So many talented people! I'm always too scared to make rec lists or mention individuals because I WILL forget someone. I wish I'd made more effort to save my favourites in FFN but it's a right mess in there. And it deleted a lot of older works from my history/saved ones that I had read at one stage, grrr.
I am relatively new to being in any fandom, actively that is, but the phantom one is the only one I really interact with other people in. I tried to be a bit more proactive in the Discworld one, but I'm convinced there's only 5 people and we're never around in the same decade. I should do some Discworld art and see if it gets any bites lol. Other than that I follow a large number of monster artists, I love cryptids, ghosts and Death, I like medical history stuff too but don't share it much because it's a bit too graphic sometimes... I have a morbid fascination with all of the above.
Are you a big phanfiction reader/writer? And if you are do you have any tips for someone so easily distracted it's painful? XD
I hope you are enjoying the silly season ❤ I absolutely love Christmas but the last few months have been so stressful it feels like a finish line this year, albeit a lovely, festive, finish line 😉🎄
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Bad Muffin Puns Made Phil Flee The Awkwardness | Phan Tweet Dabble
Summary: The list of reasons why Dan shouldn't go out in public seemed ever growing. Now he could add makes terrible puns that shut down baristas and cause Phil to run away to that list. 
Genre: Domestic fluff
Word count: 800
Read more from the collection of tweet-based Phan dabbles here
Based on the following tweet:
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Read on AO3
17th of August 2017
Dan and Phil didn’t actually go to coffee shops that often and this was the exact reason why.
It was a Café Nero that they had been to multiple times and now Dan could definitely never show his face there again. Honestly, at some point he would said something awkward in every single place in London and be forced to never leave his home.
Well, he didn’t most time anyway but clearly that was for the best.
It had been late afternoon when Dan and Phil had decided to pop in to the place for a treat. Dan wanted his usual drink and Phil was craving a cookie. There wasn’t really a time when Phil wasn’t craving something sweet to munch on. The man had no self-control when it came to treats.
Whenever either of them had brought any kind of sweets into their home, Phil would sniff it out and munch on it all throughout the day until it were no more.
They queued up like the polite Brits that they were and were met with a male barista who looked like a hipster and seemed bubbly and friendly, which already made Dan nervous. He wasn’t good at dealing with outgoing people, though he ordered his drink without a problem and Phil ordered his cookie.
Dan did feel a little famished, so he scanned the counters to see what kind of treat he could get himself. It had been a long day after all and being both social and outside was the perfect excuse to indulge in a cake of some sorts.
“Those muffins look good,” Dan commented, more thinking out loud than intending for anyone to hear, let alone comment on.
“Well, they are so muffIN right now,” the barista replied cheekily and Dan cracked a weak smile at the pun.
He could play the pun game too, so he said the first thing that came to mind.
“Mmm, get muffINSIDE ME,” he joked and the barista just froze.
It was like he was a computer programme that had just stopped functioning and he was flashing the error screen. Dan could feel Phil tense next to him, and saw him out of the corner of his eye as he cringed.
His pun had been solid, hadn’t it? He’d thought so but apparently it had broken the barista.
“So one muffin added. Anything else?” he asked and Dan just shook his head too scared to open his mouth.
The barista moved aside to make the order and Phil was cringing up a storm next to Dan. He couldn’t deal with awkwardness very well, even though he created awkward situations himself all the time. As subtle as he could, which probably wasn’t subtle at all, he just ducked out and moved away from Dan.
Another barista stepped up and said the total and Dan paid as fast as he could before retreating to find out where Phil had gone. Dan was still just mentally preparing for himself that he could never go back to this place, yet another casualty of his awkwardness. Much like the place where he’d randomly shouted, “chicken!” when someone asked what kind of drink he wanted because he’d the Cow and Chicken theme tune stuck in his head.
“What? You just left me up there, Phil!” Dan complained and smacked Phil’s arm.
“Sorry!” Phil exclaimed. “But get muffINSIDE me? Really, Dan? Really?”
“What? It was a solid pun. It’s not my fault that he didn’t appreciate it! He started it with a pun of his own.”
Phil just shook his head but he was wearing that goofy smile he always sported when Dan did something that Phil found endearing. It didn’t mean Dan was ready to forgive Phil for just bolting on him.
“Do you have any idea how many times I’ve stood by your side when you’ve said something awkward? Hundreds of times, Lester. You don’t leave a man behind. You stick together,” Dan argued. “And I bought your cookie. You’re welcome.”
“Thanks, Dan. I’ll pay you back if you need me to, as an excuse for leaving you,” Phil said with fake sincerity.
They had firmly lost track of what they technically owed each other. They shared a home and so many things and they just made sure they roughly divided the expenses. None of them were pity enough to care about the price of a cookie, unless to prove a point, of course.
“No,” Dan shrugged. “Just don’t leave me alone next time.”
Dan’s name was called and he went to retrieve his drink and his and Phil’s baked goods.
“So…” Phil asked after Dan had taken his first bite. “How does it feel to have it muffINSIDE you?”
“You’re terrible,” Dan said and chewed on the admittedly delicious muffin. He could see why they were popular. “It was a solid pun.”
“Whatever you say,” Phil said cheerfully as he took another bite of his cookie.
A/N: Sorry, that it's up later than originally planned. I've been so caught up in university work lately. But I hope you enjoyed this! Let me know your thoughts? It was one of the more difficult dabbles to get down, but I think it turned out alright.
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lestered · 5 years
Top 5 otps?
ok so full disclosure, the only real otps i’ve ever had are klaine and phan (i literally hate the word phan but like that’s the ship name rip). 
other lesser ships i’ve had from dabbling in different fandoms over the years include stydia, destiel, and faberry (i’d count faberry as an otp if i’d ever thought there was a chance of them getting together but there really wasn’t. wasted potential :/ )
so i guess that’s my top 5 ships, but i’d really only call two of them my otp. apparently i’m very particular with who i get fully emotionally invested in dfghjghjhgf
send sleepover asks
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shookethbrooketh · 5 years
my “post-coming out universe”
i’ve been in this fandom for over two years, and i can honestly say i’ve never seen it quite like this. in its fundamentals, absolutely nothing has changed, and absolutely nothing should change, but as you dig into it, so many things have changed (undoubtedly for the better) that will never be exactly the same again. i’m making this post solely for my followers because i feel like this is a sort of a milestone for me as a member of this fandom, especially because it’s a point in which the entire fandom is becoming active again. i basically want to lay out what, going forward, i’m going to make this blog, and my experience in the phandom, into. can’t blame you if you don’t give a shit, but i’d recommend giving it a read if you’re someone who’s followed me for a long time. <3 
i changed my url as a way of moving forward from unhealthy habits
my content won’t be changing much, although i’m taking on the position of Queen of Respect 
seeing the phandom rally together this week and seeing dnp return to the internet in general has made me excited to bring back the energy i used to have for dnp without the obsession 
i’ve grown a lot during the hiatus and i’m very excited to bring that growth back here to become a more authentic and healthy content creator and person
my url urls are fucking HARD, man! i’d like to take a moment in this post to apologize for randomly changing my url AND theme because i know how much confusion that opens things up to, and i’m also not the type who likes to change urls (again, confusion) but a part of me felt like it was sort of necessary. 
the evolution of a url is quite an interesting track to follow imo. i started on this website with the url “phaniltontrash”. yeah. then i switched to “phanisthetearinmyheart”, which i can’t decide if is better or worse. then i switched to optimistphan, which was my most Iconique™ url, but i feel like it just followed the old classic mold of “word-phan”, and that’s not what i wanted. so i landed on heartthrobphilly because, when i chose this, heartthrob was an amazing video, and watching it, and watching how open dnp were in it, made me really, really happy. looking at my url made me smile. but since then, this blog has fallen nearly as inactive as the boys themselves, and i even considered abandoning it, until dan came back. now that this has happened, i feel like heartthrob is almost insignificant. it’s something tiny in the path that led, for the boys, up to this, and it feels almost empty now. this url, however, makes me smile every time i look at it because i remember how proud i am of him for allowing me to use it in the first place. furthermore, i feel like the video has changed some of my general views (which i’ll discuss later) and a brand new url and theme is the best way i can think of to move forward into a completely new era. now onto the future :) 
my content in the past, i’ve mostly been a shitposter, but i’ve dabbled in editing, gifmaking, and writing. i’m writing two fics for the phandom reverse bang, and after that, i’m probably going to retire from writing. it’s not something i personally love like i used to, and i don’t want to spend my time doing something i don’t love. mostly, though, my content will remain the same. shitposting was one of my favorite things from the past era of my life, and i’m dragging it right on with me into this era. however, i feel as if some of my past content borderlined acceptable, and i think this video has instilled in me a new sense of right and wrong in terms of content. moving forward, this blog is respect central! queen of respect!! hell yeah!!! 
my energy one of the things that’s kept me from this blog in recent months was a lack of energy, or at least energy directed towards this blog. the phandom was dying, and dan and phil weren’t providing. that’s no shame towards them; it’s simply fact. i had no motivation to post, so i simply didn’t. but this week something truly magical happened. when dan tweeted that he was uploading, i made a shitpost, and it had over 100 notes by the time he posted. when i saw how it was gaining, i nearly started crying, not because of the notes themselves, but because, for the first time since 2018, the phandom was really, truly HERE. it resembled old times--the times that actually made me HAPPY to be a part of this fandom--and that gave me inexplicable joy. the joy continued as, after the video was posted, i got texts from people i haven’t spoken to in months and people i haven’t spoken to about dnp in years. the video was such a unifying force in the phandom, and seeing us all act like a real community again is really inspirational for me. it makes me feel like this is a place where i want to be again, and i’m going to be here. i want to bring the energy back and really, truly become a phan blog again. i want to interact with people, i want to answer asks, and i want to post ACTUAL content. i feel ready to bring the old energy and bring back the old times. 
my emotions it’s odd to say, but i’m really, really glad dan and phil went on this hiatus. while i began to lose interest in them in the recent weeks and months, i noticed how unhealthy my relationship with them was. i put too much of my happiness on them, on this fandom, and, worst of all, on my popularity within this fandom, and it was really, really unhealthy. personally, i believe this break was decided on by dnp not only because they needed it, but because they knew that before this could happen, we needed it too. moving forward, i believe that i’ve gained what i needed to from this hiatus, and i’m ready to go back to where i was, but for the right reasons. i’m ready to become invested in this fandom again, but never to the point where i can’t take a step back. i’m ready to become someone who creates content for fun, not because i feel obligated to. 
so, yeah. that’s what’s changing here. thanks for reading if you bothered to <3 i love you guys 
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