#pgsm spoilers
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tirorah Ā· 10 months ago
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Finally, we get to Ami and Makoto. The moment Jadeite and Nephrite move to pursue the Princess, these two spring into action and block their path, leaving Usagi to complete their impromptu pincer attack.
I find this choice intriguing, for spoilery reasons.
You see, it's not the first time Ami and Makoto have worked together, and every single time, they seem to be in sync. This is especially impressive when you think back to episodes 7 and 8--the ones that integrated Makoto into the group--and realise Ami was barely even in those. In fact, if you look at the team's everyday dynamics, it's Usagi who is closest to Makoto, not Ami. Now, PGSM loves to shake up who hangs out with whom, so this isn't outside the realm of possibility, but I've always thought this choice didn't make 100% sense.
Unlike even Usagi and Rei, Ami and Makoto haven't received any dedicated screen time together; most of their interactions take place between the lines of other dynamics, and those interactions are spread out. There hasn't been any heavy focus on them during a specially-crafted episode (at least, not yet). Because of that, they haven't had a defining spotlight that really sets their dynamic apart from the others. That's why this is making my brain whirr.
I suppose Ami and Makoto's bond just comes so easily, so naturally, that they don't need that kind of setup. In a way, it's as if they've always been part of each other's lives. That's the kind of friendship they have here, I suppose. So sure, they don't always spend much time together, but they're always there...in the...background...
...Wait a second.
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I mean, I stand by my opinion that this version of Makoto gets more development with Usagi and Rei, and that people might overestimate how close PGSM!Ami and Makoto are due to osmosis from other versions, but... This feels like foreshadowing now.
Even more so when you consider this shot from episode 14:
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Remember, this is a defining moment in their friendship. The group becomes closer from this point on. But you'll notice that Makoto and Ami are nowhere near one another.
I won't post a screenshot, but I will tell you this: at the end, the two of them are side by side.
So yeah, I was sort of wrong about their dynamic! It doesn't get much screentime at this point, but like Makoto's character arc, that seems to be on purpose. We know at least one or two moments between them were left unused, so maybe it's a little bit of both, but I now believe this lack of (early) focus on Ami and Makoto's dynamic was done for a very specific reason.
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staarry-skies Ā· 1 year ago
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so sailor moon cosmos am i right!!!
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silvermoon424 Ā· 11 months ago
ooo, would you care to elaborate on "embodiment of bitterness"? (I haven't actually seen much SM but don't mind spoilers/deep meta)
In PGSM (the live-action series), Princess Sailor Moon is a form created when the spirit of Princess Serenity possess the regular Sailor Moon.
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In this canon, Princess Serenity is actually pretty scary. She is the one who destroyed the Moon Kingdom in her grief over her lover Endymion's death (in the manga, she commits suicide in her grief but doesn't harm anyone else), and her restless spirit is still full of bitterness and rage in the present day. She is utterly ruthless in her objective to reunite with Endymion (now Mamoru Chiba).
In fact, Princess Sailor Moon is actually the ultimate antagonist of PGSM, not Queen Beryl or the Dark Kingdom in general. It's definitely an extremely interesting take on Princess Serenity. PGSM is known for being really creative with characterization in general and not being afraid to deviate from established canon.
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real-life-senshi Ā· 1 year ago
10 (Mostly) Spoiler-Free Reasons to Watch Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 2003 Live Action
A countdown to the 20th anniversary of Act 1 air date!
Reason 5: The captivating story!
Ultimately, I would say the live-action stayed true to the essence and intention of the original source material when concerning the Dark Kingdom arc.
Iā€™m choosing to use the word ā€œessenceā€ though, because it is also factual that in multiple aspects, the story does diverge from its source material, but with the intention of further amping up the stakes and angst for drama, and possibly even pulling in elements from story arcs beyond the mangaā€™s Dark Kingdom arc into the one season we (sadly) only have.
Sometimes those differences could be due to limitations of CGI and execution methods in real-life filming, while others could be due to updating the content to appeal to the newer generations of viewers in the early 2000s.
Regardless of what's faithful or not faithful to original source material, I think PGSM did really well striking a balance of making it a kidā€™s show, and also adding some complexities to appeal to viewers who were kids or teenagers that grew up reading the manga or watching the '90s anime, who would be in their late teens or adulthood or even parenthood by the time the live-action aired.
Warning: Going forward these series of posts will contain minor spoilers to introduce some live-action only elements. It will only be at the introductory level though!
Staying true and delving deeper into source materials
Personally, I canā€™t speak much to the ā€™90s anime, but I can confirm the live-action pulls many elements from the manga source material where possible. Here are just a few:
Introducing the Sailor Senshi!
The story of how Usagi and Ami discovered their Senshi power largely follows the same story, while Rei and Makoto's intro episodes heavily reference the original manga chapter and use the same theme behind the attacks that lead to them accessing their transformation. There's no magic bus to whisk victims away in Rei's case, and there's no wedding dress ghost story in Makoto's, probably due to the feasibility of recreating those scenes.
The Forbidden Love & the Past Life lore
The live-action definitely deep-dived into the 'forbidden love' concept when it came to Usagi and Mamoru, and further created a whole complexity of the storyline to justify WHY it's forbidden. In the manga/anime, it felt like the idea of their forbidden love was purely political and mostly glossed over since the past life kingdoms were dead, but in the live-action, there were actual stakes and consequences to consider even for the present.
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And the ABSOLUTE MOST AMAZING THING and by far my favourite twist to the live-action storyline is they actually ventured into exploring the impact of making teenagers soldiers of war! There is actually ample screen time and dialogues AND monologues dedicated for us to see individual Senshi AND the team together grappling with the pros and cons and exploring both extreme sides of the need to follow the past life mission to avert tragedy regardless of the sacrifices made, versus the necessity of making one's choice and finding ways to live in the present in spite of the past life lore! Do they support Usagi's and Mamoru's love for each other or not???? Do they know for sure whether their love WILL cause misfortune again or not or can they trust Usagi to know what she's doing????? FASCINATING AND ANGSTY STUFF RIGHT THERE!
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Reiā€™s Personality
More as an FYI, but Reiā€™s personality is much more similar to the manga Reiā€™s personality, instead of ā€˜90s anime Rei. More cool beauty and calm, less aggressively hotheaded and abrasive. And very importantly, NOT boy-crazy.
New, original dramatic elements
On the other hand, here are some live-action exclusive dramatic elements that I'd like to highlight:
Aino Minako the idol
Even many who haven't watched the series would have heard about how Minako's character is drastically changed in the live-action. Indeed, Minako is an acclaimed teenage idol and singer with best-selling songs in the show!
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It's basically as if the live-action screenwriter pulled in the Outer Senshi elements from the Mugen arc into Minako's character: she's famous, experienced, and serious. Minako has full access to past life knowledge and is ultimately mission-driven like Haruka and Michiru are in the Mugen arc, which causes some of her decisions to maybe not be as morally white as we'd expect her to be (I think her costume style of white and black is a nice nod to the idea of her double life and her sense of moral).
Now, that's not to say live-action Minako is completely a new character, you can certainly see manga/anime Minako's character traits here and there if you pay attention - pun-loving, prank-loving, mischievous. For god's sake, the girl named her album Venus, and one of her most iconic songs is called C'est La Vie, which sounds exactly like "Sailor V" pronounced in Japanese. Just imagine this girl playing a vigilante life, and having a chuckle every time she sings her best-selling song that basically announces her identity to the world and no one realizes. lmao
Basically, Minako's character embodies the extreme result of what happens if a teenager is burdened with all the knowledge of the Past Life war and has the weight on her shoulders while working alone.
If you can get past Minako's changed character setting in the live-action, you'll find there are still plenty of Dark Kingdom arc manga/anime Minako elements in there, just some more exaggerated while others are more subtle. (Coz to be fair, Minako didn't start becoming Usagi's twin until after the Dark Kingdom arc.) And her relationship with Artemis is absolutely heartwarming to see in the live-action.
Who's in the wrong? Who's an ally, and who's not?
While our Senshi team is clearly the heroine, and the Dark Kingdom the villains, the live-action takes a more interesting take on what's considered "good" versus "evil", and more importantly, who's in the wrong on how things ended badly in the past life. Who is actually the person the Senshi needs to protect the world from? And that drives the story into a direction that is more complex than what you'll ever find in manga or anime, and certain characters react accordingly and act more grey than black or white - from both the heroine side and the villain side!
Shitennou & Endymion
Something we didn't really get to see as much in the manga and anime, while we know who the Shitennou are, we don't really see the Shitennou and Mamoru interacting until after they... became their name-sake rocks (okay, technically, GEMS). And we don't get many hints on what their past live relationships were, so for many years fans have taken to pen/paper/tablets/keyboard and filled the gaps with their amazing imagination and creative work instead.
In the live-action, we get a much more expansive and interesting take in seeing the Shitennou - technically still under the Dark Kingdom's influence, interact with Mamoru as they all grapple with what happened in the past life.
How would the prince's ex-guardians act seeing their master again? How would Mamoru react? Choosing to accept his responsibility for his past life or not? After all, they had such fond memories of arm-wrestling each other! (Spoiler alert: Nephrite won.) :P
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I must once again emphasize that I love what they did with the Shitennou's characters and gave each of them a different story trajectory. They are written so well they pull at your heartstrings!
If you want some canon-material for writing the Shitennou in the age of Elysion Kingdom, definitely give the live-action a go!
Power up! The Senshi Needs Training
Because the live-action only gets one arc, there's no room for us to see the Senshi team (conveniently) get upgraded transformation like they do in each arc in manga or anime. Instead, the live-action takes a different, and I dare say, a more realistic approach, where the Senshi learns that their initial access to their transformation isn't the full access to their powers as they expected. They are put through some legit, and some questionable training of the body, mind and spirit, and each of them has to overcome something within themselves across the series to access their power!
This approach highlights and solidifies each Senshi's strengths AND ties in really well into the girls' character development throughout the series. As well, it makes it feel like the Senshi did have to put in work to get strong and gain access to their power, instead of relying on the plot to get them new powers at the right opportune time, seemingly out of the blue.
Yep, sometimes in the manga and in the anime, it's so easy for us to forget that the Senshi are kids in school when they are in the thick of a crisis or fighting evil. Somehow, it always seems quite clean and convenient that the Senshi could separate their school life and their heroine life, doesn't it? How the responsible adults in the world may wonder... "Gosh, where did that kid go in the middle of [insert context]????" Or for a fellow peer in school to wonder - "How the hell did this random group of girls come together like an odd band?"
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The live-action takes time to make room for some reality checks in their episodic storylines to explore all the different repercussions our heroine's double (or triple) life has on their normal life, and with that ties in personable and relevant topics and themes into their episodic plots:
Family relationship
Peer relationship
Romantic relationships
Moments that remind everyone how awkward and tough it is to be a teenager.
The toll of lying through your teeth to keep a secret, etc
I cannot emphasize enough that the screenwriting is superb in the series! Not one thing is referenced only once and left out the window, everything that happened builds up into a moment of learning or lasting impact for our characters!
To people who've not watched the live-action, PLEASE GIVE IT A CHANCE! At least give it 6 episodes, and you'll probably be hooked!
You can watch the subbed versions of the series at:
Miss Dream Fansubs
Sea of Serenity Fansubs
The series is also on other online streaming sites, but be cautious to only visit them with good adware and firewall installed.
6 days till the 20th anniversary of Act 1 air date!
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
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alevolpe Ā· 1 year ago
Iā€™m loving your SilMil headcannons! So much fun!
Thank you.šŸ˜Š
I think it's such a wasted potential in any version of sailor moon (I haven't seen pgsm, no spoilers pls).
I also really really dislike the idea of them being the same person from life to life, like even if you copy pasted an identical version of yourself and made them grow up in a different setting from yours, they would turn out insanely different! So it blows my mind that I'm supposed to believe these girls are literally the same, they love the same people.. nah.
I have some canon material to work with and some other material I made up, so I'm having fun with it!
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christine-ye Ā· 5 months ago
Finally watched Kamen Rider Kiva episodes 29-30 so yay review time (SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT)
Pretty good set of focus episodes (it's a three parter btw, will watch 31 some other time) for Megumi and Yuri but it still sucks how the story keeps nerfing them during fight scenes. They've already shown that they're both very capable of fighting and have a lot of character potential, it's just that Inoue is stuck in this weird limbo of trying to write female characters better by having them be more active in the story and fights but unfortunately ends up resorting to his usual tropes of nerfing and/or fridging them for the sake of the male characters' development
I already knew that Shizuka has no plot relevance outside of being Wataru's other caretaker but I don't think it's a good idea to have her (a 14 year old minor) actually be in love with him šŸ’€
Kengo being forced to give up the guitar after his fingers stopped working is basically Kaido from Faiz 2: Electric Boogaloo (except not as good and with more character assassination) but at least Nago is being less of a dickhead especially after his time travelling escapades from 27-28 and he finally finds out about Wataru being Kiva the whole time
Also the late Akira Kubodera (Kunzite in PGSM and Kanai/Giraffa Undead in KR Blade) was the Fangire of the week with the weird cowboy getup and I couldn't recognize him at first smh
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sakuracyanide Ā· 11 months ago
independent & selective zoisite of sailor moon. 90s canon-based with ample headcanon. multiverse. multiship. not spoiler free. do not interact if under 21. written by iri, established April 2024. personals can follow but do not interact with these posts, it interferes with tracking.
i. character focused, not ship focused. whether or not i ship a thing is largely based on if i feel our writing and characters click. i am multship and do not practice exclusivity on my blogs.
ii. i have precious little free and want to keep my non-work spaces chill and fun. we are smashing barbies together, please remember that. i work pretty hard to curate a chill space online which means i will unfollow for things like excessive negativity or serious real world topics being discussed w/o trigger warnings or under a cut. your blog is your space and i won't argue with you about how to run it, i take full responsibility for my online experience. unfollowing is very rarely personal & i'll still play with folks i break mutuals with, i just don't want to be sidelined by triggering content.
iii. speaking of little free time, activity will range from lightning fast to a snail's pace depending on how much i have going on in my offline life.
iv. if we're mutuals feel free to hit up my messenger. discord is available on request so long as you're chill with me forgetting to reply for 8000 years.
v. i have a lot of headcanons & use a mix of all canons, but the main version of the character i play is the 90s one. with that said i can veer into other canons (such as pgsm, musicals, etc) but please note that i only ship ami/zoisite as platonic soulmates.
vi. most importantly - i'm down to change or pivot direction to keep things fun in any thread.
vii. t feels important to mention have a medical issue that affects my memory so i would appreciate patience if i forget things. i don't mind being reminded to reply if something has been sitting for a long time! my short term memory and general sense of time is shot but i will wake up in a cold sweat six months later and remember i forgot to do something.
likewise, i genuinely do not remember if i have followed someone or not unless we interact often so i'd suggest blocking rather than softblocking if you don't want me refollowing. i don't take it personal, your space & your rules.
golden dreams. golden kingdom. set in the golden kingdom. a high-fantasy drama where i run wild with my headcanons. zoisite is madly in love with kunzite but is repressing it.
in the dark of the night. dark kingdom. 90s anime timeline.
the moonlight carries the mesasge of love. revival. after galaxia has been dealt with and metallia has been quelled, the reborn shitennou finally awake to their true power - their curses finally broken. marion, the reborn zoisite, makes his way from russia to japan and there - has to figure out how to make amends to the price he twice betrayed, and the guardians he tried to kill.
fragmentary abyss. honkai. one of diamond's four 'assistants', known for both his beauty and exceptional ruthlessness. zoisite has only ever known life in the ipc, and while he bears a stone name (and stone fragments) he is not considered to be a stoneheart.
all four of diamond's assistants are vidyadhara... though were may be the better tense. while all four were once high elders this is a title they can no longer hold. and the vidyadhara do not claim them as kin.
you see, these four were thought lost after the vidyadhara had to flee their homeland. their pearls were shattered, though it is difficult to know if this shattering occurred upon their deaths or if they were stolen and shattered in the attempt. there is no one left alive who can tell the true tale, and the men themselves hold but vague concepts of who and what they once were.
in time these fragments appeared on the black market, before finally falling into the hands of the IPC. they were pieced back together using fragments of cornerstones. they are not recognized by the vidyadhara as the same beings they once were and are viewed as abominations - the breathing equivalent of zombies. though they have access to many of the abilities now lost (shapeshifting, full dragon transformation, mastery of elements) they are unable to use cloud hymn magic and it is unknown if their mangled pearls will allow them to revive should they die again.
the sun goes out. genshin. in a past life, "zoisite" was the szhneznaya god dazhbog, who was said to rule over fire and the sun. dazhbog took many forms - a black tortise, a fire-breathing horse, a beautiful man and an equally beautiful woman. all imagery associated with this god has been lost to time, save for the descendants of his most devoted and the entities long-lived enough to remember his quick wit and sharp smile.
during the archon war, dazhbog aided the cryo archon and gained a new dominion - war. the god was known as a fierce combatant, unrelenting and unwilling to call defeat. he achieved victory at any cost - and, as he would go on to tell others, that cost was very nearly his soul itself. when the dust settled his kingdom was decimated, and he had lost the will to rule as a god after witnessing the cruelty that his kind inflicted upon their own. dazhbog left this homeland and ventured to khanri'ah with his three closest friends, believing that the time of gods was done and it was time to entrust the future of the world to mankind. the four of them took human form and worked as guardians to the royal family. they served as loyal guardians to the kingdom.
which... ultimately proved to be their downfall.
dazhbog became infected with forbidden knowledge. there was still enough of him to save, though what survived was but a fragment. dazhbog and his fellow gods faded from existence, 'reborn' centuries later as ostensibly human children. he was found abandoned at the foot of a the rubble of a long forgotten god, and was raised by handlers to be an assassin.
each reincarnated guardian bears the scars of what they had witnessed that day - for dazhbog, renamed zoisite, this manifested in his left eye. no longer did it bare the star-shaped pupils of his chosen human guise, it now looked like a nova. multiple pupils all within one gaze, the mark of one who had glimpsed truth not meant to be known.
zoisite was raised within the fatui, and due to his great talent and thirst for knwoledge, was sent on a mission as a spy (how active he is depends largely on who he's threading with) to sumeru where has been living since he was about thirteen. he's a scholar in spantamad as is well on his way to becoming sage.
he has a unique talent for magic, allowing him to use all elements offensively. it's rumored that his distorted eye (which he claims to be blind in, opting to cover it with his hair) grants him sight beyond sight. in truth, his abilities allow him to tug at the fabric of the reality.
a question of duty .final fantasy vii. a member of the turks, "zoisite" joined shinra with the intentions of becoming a SOLDIER as all young boys do. when this fell through, the young man was instead recruited by the turks.
hailing from cosmo canyon, zoisite has a surprising connection to the earth - if you trace his lineage back far enough, you'll find cetra. but not nearly enough to hear the planet's call. even if he could, the young man's thirst for power dwarfs his sense of duty to it.
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cosmama Ā· 8 months ago
ā˜½ ā‹® āœ« ā” Ā ā› serenity's connection to kingdom hearts.
the following canon is exclusive to this blog's kingdom hearts verse and doesn't apply to akari's main canon ( this post also contains spoilers for the live action sailor moon show so please read at your own discretion ).
in case you are reading this and arenā€™t familiar with it: there is a live action version of sailor moon, pretty guardian sailor moon ( or simply pgsm ). it expands on the dark kingdom arc a lot as well as the characters in a way most sailor moon canon - not even the 90s anime - doesnā€™t. anyway, princess serenity is hard-freaking-core in it unlike most versions of the character. when endymion dies, she is the one who is responsible for the destruction of the moon and earth kindgoms while in the present, she starts possessing / controlling usagi whenever she's upset, sad, etc. and when usagi has to kill mamoru? serenity possesses her and literally destroys the world ( again! ).
as a result of this, usagi constantly has to make sure she stays happy, positive, etc. so she isnā€™t literally possessed by her past self and i could imagine thereā€™s a similar thing at play with kingdom hearts!usagi. thereā€™s no possession or anything but she doesnā€™t wish to talk about her past as it only brings out a lot of negative emotions in her which isnā€™t helpful when sheā€™s constantly battling to keep her emotions in check. she could very well destroy the universe if she where to ever grow too upset and enter a ā€˜berserkerā€™ state. honestly, itā€™s probably one of the reasons she takes her own life because the combo of archisei leaving / possibly being dead and mamoru dying would be too much for her to handle. it would send her over the edge and sheā€™s more than aware of what would happen as a result so she kills herself - both out of immense grief as well as not wanting to let the pain fully take over and do even more damage.Ā 
in the manga, the 'lambda power' is a power accessed through the galaxy cauldron that pretty much resets all the star seeds / revives everyone and her having a similar power that is tied to kingdom hearts would make a lot of sense. it would be even more interesting if she is the hotaru / sailor saturn here: a being who only exists to usher in the universeā€™s destruction and rebirth should it be time to. her true purpose is masked by the fact that they give her a crown, fancy dresses, and people who spoil her / attend to her every need in order for her to remain ā€˜happyā€™. however, serenity basically only exists to wait until the rest of the universe gets completely swallowed by darkness before she steps in to destroy and reset everything - a process that would kill her too!
this all ties into why every serenity is locked away in the first place. she has a powerful and extremely dangerous power within herself. even when the current serenity got to go out and train she was basically under surveillance by her guardians at all times. sheā€™s probably not even supposed to have close connections with others outside of her mother and guardians because strong relationships = strong emotionsĀ which isĀ bad. she was never supposed to get marred or conceive a child since each serenity is essentially just a clone that is well groomed to know and accept nothing but theirĀ ā€˜placeā€™ and not going outside their station.
her power is drawn directly from kingdom hearts or the silver crystal ( which is the keychain on her keyblade ) but the former is a far stronger power source.Ā she will harm, even kill, anyone who should get in her way and depending on what exactly triggers her berserk button, serenity could appear as a tranquil fury or an unstoppable rage. if the moon kingdom is the last world to not be taken by darkness then it is her sworn duty to use the maboroshi no shirubāchēn to reset the universe. during that moment, she isnā€™t aggressively rampaging here and is in more of a peaceful, trance-like state as she has only one, singular purpose while in this form: to summon kingdom hearts.Ā should she become so angry, so consumed with grief, or any other highly negative emotion, itā€™s possible that her feelings could awaken the crystals power ( which is dangerous in and of itself ) and legitimately cause her to rage out.
should a serenity ever enter her berserk state this way and cannot be talked down then itā€™s the leader of the queenā€™s guard, sailor venus, duty to strike her down before she can destroy the world.
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pigtailedgirl Ā· 1 year ago
Brought over from dreamwidth. Spoilers.
I love lots of things about PGSM and surprisingly Usagi/Mamoru is one of the biggest. I've watched the anime dubbed and subbed and the Usako/Mamo relationship didn't do it for me. The reason is that relationship was rarely about either of them as their present selves. It always felt mired in past or future ideas that implied who they were now was not as important, and when we are following and falling in love with Usagi as she is now that's an odd disconnect. PGSM changes that and the relationship comes alive.
Ridiculously simple changes which I will now list.
1)Ā Mamoru actually knows he's Tuxedo Karmen. There's no waiting til ep. 26 of 46, the latter half where he's brainwashed and doesn't know himself again, for his character to discover his own influence and motives. He doesn't start out only as Sailor Moon's hero to worship and focus on, but as an equally developing character. Being conscious of battling Sailor V, helping Sailor Moon, and stealing jewels in an effort to solve really effed up dreams means PGSM Mamoru has something to do. He gets to react to his own alter ego, not just become him. We, the audience, then get more info to determine his compatibility with Usagi.
2)Ā Mamoru discovers Usagi is Sailormoon by Act 7. Act 7 out of a 49 Act series and over 11 Acts before the Princess/Endymion reveal. This allows their relationship so much more development because Mamoru gets to admire both Usagi and Sailor Moon and contrast and compare them as two halves of the same person. We gain insight into his growing affection for her and how he sees her, which leads to a greater understanding of their choice to be a couple. We can only infer what Mamoru thinks of Usagi and Sailor Moon in the anime, and indeed can't really know because he doesn't know either of them, or himself, or the struggles of that duality Usagi faces. Which makes their being in love a mystery or just a relation to their past selves. 3)Ā There is no obligation required in saving Sailor Moon or showing up in Usagi's life. It happens organically through plot. Thank Motoki's friendship. Thank the downplaying of the I know when Sailor Moon is in trouble ping and instead having reasons for Mamoru being around in both fight scenes and daily life things. Thank the development of Mamoru actually wanting to hang around Usagi, and her then doing the same. Thank Usagi's early crush on Tuxedo Karmen. It all means they choose to interact with each other and that we cannot argue that purely external forces are behind their connection.
4)Ā Hina. OH NOES HE HAS A GF! Hina, not Rei. Thank goodness not Rei, cause I didn't want to be crying for her like I did when she found out Mamoru was Tuxedo Karmen in the anime. Right in the Princess reveal episode their dating was shoved aside, implying anything in Mamoru's life, or Usagi's even, that didnt align with a Princess Serenity/Endymion destiny did not matter. Instead in PGSM we get Hina; the relationship of niceness but the one of obligation based on past affection and promises. The one that makes Usagi jealous and sad and shows the longing of Usagi and Mamoru for each other. The one that highlights Usagi's growth in herself, as we see her explore her feelings on love and jealousy and how she battles them as Usagi and Sailor Moon and her choices. As we see her thoughts of interest in Mamoru versus Tuxedo Mask.
5)Ā The Princess is a persona that is questioned and separate. This allows the past lives to be questioned and explored. Thinking Sailor V is the Princess? Still not wanting to pick her. Finding out Usagi's the Princess? Still both not sure if doomed is a good relationship setting. Coming back to try the relationship in Endymion outfit or Usagi possessed by the ghost of Serenity? Notice how they never address each other by past names in their right mental states EVER. Their past lives influence their relationship sure, but it is not the basis. They have a destiny and a past love but they are active as the people they are now in building and maintaining their current one. In making it a healthy non-doomed romance, in choosing to continue it, in wanting one another above obstacles or past influences. We don't see this reflective outlook on their identities as Serenity and Endymion in the anime. 6)Ā I shall throw in the bonus of Mamoru not going evil until the last episode. He's goes to work for Beryl willingly because DRAMA but it means that once again the relationship of Usagi/Mamoru can continue to develop because they are both still active participants, even when they conflict.
It's simple. The relationship they have is something forged in the present. They have happiness, angst, conflict and triumph all built into their current actions and character's arcs. It's truly about Usagi and Mamoru as they develop into a couple. It's what they define and what they use to rally against unknowns and past lives. Hell, when it all falls down and he goes evil and she destroys the world she brings him back and he does her and that is how they win out; By being Usagi and Mamoru and being there for each other. A tragic past love or a destined love is cool. A love in front of me, that I see explored and created, is EPIC. I ship them, yes I do.
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tirorah Ā· 11 months ago
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D'aww, look at Rei and Minako, having their meet cute. Minako even makes an effort to act like she doesn't remember Usagi! (As if she could ever forget.)
Heh, and look how pleased Rei is. "Yeah that's right, I don't watch a lot of TV! Heh!"
The difference between Minako's introduction to Usagi and her introduction to Rei is like night and day.
Usagi and Makoto ended up meeting Minako because they tried to do something selfless and were mistaken, but Minako isn't an idiot; those two shouldn't have been able to get there in the first place. (I assume so, anyway. Why else would they have disguised themselves?) Their motives at the start weren't so selfless.
And Usagi made a right fool of herself, although it has to be said that Minako's expectations were way too high. After all, Makoto wasn't THAT much better, yet she wasn't commented on at all. That's also because Usagi is special, of course, but the amount of disappointment Minako felt in that moment was huge. She'd obviously talked up Sailor Moon in her head and it all fell apart at that moment. Usagi made up for it the next episode, but Minako was dying inside at first.
Rei, on the other hand, didn't notice her at all at first. Yeah there was slow-motion and sound effects going on, but Rei didn't actually stop. She was leaving; she only turned back because she heard concerned voices. So she arrived at the scene behind Minako, and what did she do? She immediately volunteered to help out the dog. No ulterior motive. The fact Rei isn't a fan, the fact she didn't even recognise her, is the cherry on top.
Obviously Rei has the situation massively in her favour here, but I don't think any of that would've mattered if her behaviour had matched Usagi's. The fact it doesn't--that Rei is talking to Minako like she's a normal human being--must be incredibly refreshing for Minako.
And that's doubly nice because Minako is here for a depressing reason. Her illness is starting to manifest itself more. The clock is ticking down. There was probably a tempest of emotions running through her. Fear, anger, despair, helplessness. The last thing she'd need right now is a fangirl squealing in her ear.
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staarry-skies Ā· 1 year ago
wedding scene and bed scene got leaked in higher quality n so i giffed my fav parts šŸ«¶šŸ«¶
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real-life-senshi Ā· 1 year ago
Act 1 of PGSM aired in Japan on October 4, 2003! As a blog dedicated to sharing my love for the live-action series, I did a few things to celebrate this occasion. I will keep adding to this post as more content comes in, and have this pinned on my blog!
10 (Mostly) Spoiler-Free Reasons to Watch Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 2003 Live Action
This is a series of introductory, appreciation posts. They were scheduled to post daily from Sep 25th to Oct 3rd as a 10-day countdown to Oct 4th, 2023!
Reason 1: Ongoing character & dynamic development for EVERYONE!
Reason 2: The humour
Reason 3: The side characters
Reason 4: The costumes*
Reason 5: The captivating story!
Reason 6: A more developed āœØMiracle RomanceāœØ!
Reason 7: The cast!*šŸ’–šŸ’™ā¤ļøšŸ’ššŸ§”
Reason 8: The insert songs!*
Reason 9: The shipping! šŸš¢
Reason 10: The three live-action original Senshi!
*Reasons 4, 7 & 8 include newly fansubbed or translated official or behind-the-scene content from me! I kinda went all out with the countdown posts lol
My work to celebrate the 20th Anniversary!šŸ„³
(I got behind schedule though...)
Full translation of the PGSM Visual Book (2004) Senshi Talk!
Thank you PGSM! (gif set)
Final Act 20th Anniversary Illustrations (Sep 25)
Special Act 20th Anniversary illustration... (WIP)
PGSM Cast's Celebratory Posts
Takeshi Naoki (Tsukino Shingo) & Koike Rina (Sailor Luna)
Sawai Miyuu (Tsukino Usagi / Sailor Moon)
Shibue Jouji (Chiba Mamoru / Tuxedo Kamen)
Komatsu Ayaka (Aino Minako / Sailor Venus)
SENSHI REUNION Instagram stories
CBC Special Program - Sailor Senshi 20th Anniversary Alumni Reunion (ć‚»ćƒ¼ćƒ©ćƒ¼ęˆ¦å£« 20幓ē›®ć®åŒēŖ“会) šŸŒ™
Dec 25th, 2023 11:10pm - 11:40pm JST
Program announcement
Cast social media announcements
Full video (TV version) - Fansubbed
Sawai Miyuu's behind-the-scene video - Fansubbed
Happy 20th Anniversary to Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon! Thank you for gifting fans a wonderful and memorable story! šŸŽŠšŸ¾šŸŽ‰šŸ„‚
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primasylph Ā· 4 years ago
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sailorfailures Ā· 7 years ago
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YEAH ITā€™S YOU!!!! ITā€™S YOU ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!
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sittingoverheredreaming Ā· 7 years ago
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These are fun, and also I just want to put forward that the PGSM girls are 100% the stabbiest incarnations. They donā€™t mess around.Ā 
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landofanimes Ā· 7 years ago
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Eien Densetsu (1997) PGSM - Special Act (2004) Le Mouvement Final (2017)
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