mapsontheweb · 2 months
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Biggest immigrant group in each US state 100 years apart.
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By the end of this century, Islam will be the most popular religion, according to the PEW Research Center .
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loving-n0t-heyting · 8 months
About a quarter of Americans (26%) are following the Israel-Hamas war extremely or very closely. Another 37% say they are following news about the war somewhat closely, while 36% are following not too or not at all closely. [...]
Americans who have been paying greater attention to news about the war are more likely than others to have an opinion about the administration’s response and to approve of it. Both Democrats and Republicans who have been following the war extremely or very closely give the administration much higher ratings than do those who have been following the conflict less closely.
once again reading (more realistically: watching) about foreign affairs in us mainstream news media proves to afford net negative information, political education to make you more stupider
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The Pew Research Center published a new report on March 15th, revealing how Americans view different religious groups in the country. Conducted from September 13 to 18, 2022, the survey gathered data from 10,588 participants, with a margin of error of 1.5%.
The study discovered that 40% to 60% of the respondents said they hold “neither favorable nor unfavorable” views or “don’t know enough to say” when asked if they had positive or negative feelings towards other religious groups.
Most U.S. adults do not express negative feelings toward multiple religious groups. In fact, about four-in-ten Americans (41%) do not express an unfavorable view toward any group mentioned in our survey. https://t.co/mIYCzDTnk3 pic.twitter.com/1jjh8vAr8x
— Pew Research Religion (@PewReligion) March 21, 2023
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According to Patricia Tevington, the survey's lead researcher, the study's results speak to most people not wanting to rate entire groups of other people due to fear of stereotyping. The results are also affected by the size of the surveyed religious groups since most people tend to rate their religious groups more positively.
However, many of the respondents had more positive views of certain religious groups, with Jews, mainline Protestants, and Catholics ranking higher compared to other faiths, particularly Muslims, Mormons, Evangelical Christians, and atheists.
NEW: Far more Americans express favorable than unfavorable views of Jews, mainline Protestants and Catholics, according to our new survey that measures U.S. adults’ broad sentiments toward several religious groups. https://t.co/8xDoKFL4jP
— Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) March 15, 2023
35% of the respondents viewed Jews more positively than negatively, with only 6% of Americans expressing such sentiment. Mainland Protestants and Catholics were also viewed more positively, about 30% and 34%, respectively.
On the other hand, only 20% of Americans had favorable views of atheists, compared to 24% who had negative opinions of the group. Other religious groups ranked lower were Muslims at 17% and Mormons at 15%.
At the other end of the spectrum, more Americans express negative than positive attitudes toward atheists, Muslims and Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), although most Americans give a neutral response when asked about most groups pic.twitter.com/FNkfq9YJgW
— Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) March 15, 2023
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Many Americans were also divided on Evangelical Christians, with about 28% of respondents saying they have favorable views of the group compared to 27% who don’t. The study also pointed out the significant difference between how Evangelicals are rated by all Americans (including Evangelicals themselves) and how non-Evangelicals view them.
Among Americans who are not born-again or evangelical Protestants, views of evangelical Christians are far more negative than positive. https://t.co/rnSV6WhxSS pic.twitter.com/T7YFNqP7y8
— Pew Research Religion (@PewReligion) March 15, 2023
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The report also showed atheists' feelings about other religious groups and vice versa. It also pointed out that atheists are viewed negatively, on balance, both by non-atheists and Americans in general.
The majority of the study’s atheist respondents (72%) said they hold favorable views of their group, which is also true for other religious groups such as Catholics (66%), Mormons (80%), and Jews (81%).
Atheists were also more likely to view other religious groups negatively, including Muslims, Mormons, and Evangelical Christians. Around 79% of atheists say they hold unfavorable views of Evangelicals compared to just 3% who view them more positively. The feeling is mutual for Catholics and Protestants, who gave atheists negative ratings.
However, the report discovered that atheists gave Jews net positive ratings, and Jews are the only religious group more likely to express positive than negative views toward atheists.
Younger Americans have more positive views of atheists than older Americans, explained our president @nicholasrfish. Young adults give atheists a net favorability rating of +11 versus -20 for evangelicals. https://t.co/ip8ZteIERk
— American Atheists (@AmericanAtheist) March 16, 2023
Although 41% of Americans don’t hold negative perceptions toward any religious group, around a quarter (24%) view at least one religious group more negatively, with atheists and Evangelicals being the most common groups singled out.
The study also found another essential factor that affects how Americans see different religious groups: Political affiliation. On average, Democrats view atheists and Muslims more favorably than Republicans. Conversely, Republicans are likely to view Evangelicals and Catholics more favorably than Democrats.
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ennovance · 2 months
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Blogging ≠ #news
How Americans Get Local Political News
“Most Americans follow news about local government and politics, yet only a quarter of them are highly satisfied with the quality of coverage.”
https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2024/07/24/how-americans-get-local-political-news/ @pewresearch #
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insurgentepress · 4 months
Desaparecen 38% de páginas web en Internet
Un estudio publicado por @pewresearch reveló que una cuarta parte de todas las páginas web que existieron en algún momento entre 2013 y 2023 ya no son accesibles a partir de octubre de 2023.
Agencias, Ciudad de México.- El contenido que está disponible hoy en Internet no es el mismo que había hace diez años, ya que este desaparece con el tiempo hasta el punto de que el 38 por ciento de las páginas que existían en 2013 han dejado de hacerlo en la actualidad. En Internet se pueden encontrar miles de millones de sitios donde localizar información, comprar, ver vídeos y compartir…
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View On WordPress
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7ooo-ru · 4 months
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Pew Research Center: с 2013 года из интернета исчезла треть всех веб-страниц
Согласно исследованию Pew Research Center, больше трети всех веб-страниц, существовавших в период с 2013 по 2023 год, по состоянию на прошлую осень были недоступны.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/05/25/581-pewresearch-center-s2013-goda-izinterneta-ischezla-tret-vseh-veb-stranic-grss-310655962.html
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mercoglianotrueblog · 5 months
Biden losing and EU right-wing prospects
#BlackRock,others want #Zelenski repaying debts:$500 M per yr
#Putin:we'll determine #Russia fate by, only by ourselves-while #EU leaders must obey #US
#PewResearch:7 in 10 #Jewish support #Dems
#Biden' #EO14019 on non-US citizens #vote to rig election?
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hajjahj · 2 years
Being a black African American woman in her twenties, I can affirm that the majority value and cherish our culture strongly since a little over half of black Americans claim that being black has hampered their capacity to succeed. According to pewresearch, 29% of people say being black has neither hurt nor helped their ability to advance, while 17% say being black has helped them at least somewhat. Additionally, 18% of people say it has hurt them significantly. Black people's perceptions of how their race has affected their potential to prosper are influenced by their education as well. Although majority claim to have encountered racial prejudice, blacks with at least some college experience are more likely than those with less education to report having done so. The general view is that my people (black people) love and value our culture so much that people learn to express love in a number of ways. We decide what can be shared, what can be received, and what will be enjoyable. We identify our love languages and develop fluency in them as we speak and act in them, from expensive presents to hugs. The Black community has a particularly strong affinity for food, which is a universal language of affection. Black-eyed peas, for instance, are a symbol of home success and are served on New Year's Day, guaranteeing their place on the table each year. Everyone who eats from that pot recalls earlier occasions, the person who prepared the black-eyed peas, and the elders opinions. Food is not just a way to express love. Even if we face the negative repercussions of racial disparity, such as homicides and living in food deserts, there is one thing that we can all agree on, which is making sure that everyone has enough to eat.
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Mothers feel more worried, stressed and judged than fathers, @pewresearch finds
https://www.washingtonpost.com/parenting/2023/01/24/mothers-stressed-worried-pew-survey/ #WomenInMedicine #womeningi #women #corpgov #health #empathy
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mobicommerces-blog · 2 years
Magento eCommerce Web Design Trends to Must Follow in 2023
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To create an eCommerce website in Magento, you must focus on its design.
The design leaves an impact on humans and it increases engagement on your website. Most importantly, it connects your users with your website.
A user-friendly and engaging design helps your users to scroll and browse your website without getting bored.
As a leading eCommerce web design agency, we have written this article to help you learn the most salient eCommerce web design trends.
Let’s discuss design trends without any further delay.
Top 7 Magento Web Design Trends You Must Apply
1. Keep Your Website Mobile-friendly
97% of Americans own a mobile phone and mostly they perform their daily tasks of shopping and researching on their mobile phones, according to PewResearch. So, if you plan to have an eCommerce website, it should be mobile-friendly. And, it helps you maximize your reach. As a leading web design company, we are sure you don’t want to miss out on this potential audience. Do you?
Having a mobile-friendly website improves the speed of your pages getting loaded on mobile phones. It also decreases your bounce rate as well. In addition, making your website mobile-friendly helps users to shop from your website anytime and anywhere in the world.
Remember, users are always lazy and impatience, therefore, it is a must to have a website that operates well on mobile devices and also functions well. So, at the end of the day, your efforts don’t get wasted.
2. Making Your Website Interactive
Make your website simple and convenient to use for your users. This means placing the buttons in the right places where they are easy to find out. The use of proper design elements helps you to make your website looks perfect and easy to navigate while making purchases.
In addition, you can make different sections of coupons, promotions, product recommendations, and discounts. So, it increases your overall conversion. But, make sure it’s easy to find for your users.
Offering your users a personalized experience takes your eCommerce website to another level. For example, offering customizes in their eCommerce account on your website is something other eCommerce vendors would have done it before. From setting up an account to the checkout process. That’s why this trend stands second in the position.
3. Use of Grid Layout on Your eCommerce Website
The third Magento web design trend that comes in our list is the Gird layout. It is an advanced version to make your eCommerce website more flexible in terms of the whole layout. Grid layout allows you to have a controllable or how you can handle the size of the different screens more flexibly and easily.
So, users access your eCommerce website easily from different devices without facing the problem of layout or structure. Whether your visitors are using your eCommerce website from mobile, tab, computer, or laptop, they are able to see the perfect layout of your website without facing difficulty.
That’s where you provide an exceptional experience to your users and it helps you increase your conversion rate and your sells get double. The grid layout covers different blocks of your website, including the product detail page, header, footer, other blocks, and widgets.
4. Hovering Effects, Illustrations, and Animations
Providing illustrations of your product and brand helps you present your products in an interactive and playful way. Adding animation to your eCommerce website helps to convey information more efficiently and in an interactive way. And, it is the most used Magento web design to make websites more interactive and irresistible to surf users.
With Magento, it allows you to add motions to your eCommerce website in a pleasant, effective, and delightful way. Remember, adding a lot of animation can also badly impact your website. However, having a sensible enough animation on your eCommerce website really helps.
5. Creating a Material Design
Many popular websites have started implementing a material design. And, the material design has helped them gain potential. A material design is content-focused, vibrant, and created with a minimalistic appearance. This design is created with motion and depth. Designers are able to create clean and beautiful interfaces for your websites. So, you get a more realistic approach to your website.
For example, checking out Behance’s website for material design helps you to get a visual idea of what material design looks like. To give your a basic idea, even Behance has used a material design with boxes that are far deep than the grid, shaded background, and added more depth to grab better attention.
6. Integration of Video in Your eCommerce Website
Adding powerful and interactive videos of products helps you to offer the best visual deal of information to your customers. That’s why adding videos is important in an eCommerce website.
With videos, you can explain and introduce videos that explain how to use a product. Creating an interactive eCommerce website helps you to get ahead of your competitors and build your brand faster and easier in the market.
7. Hamburger Menu
Adding a hamburger menu is three lines, which further upon a click displays underlying clicks for the hidden sub-menus.
The use of the hamburger menu helps you to make your Magento eCommerce website more comfortable to use and easy to navigate on your whole website.
Most importantly, this menu helps especially on smartphones or small screens. So, users are able to know the complete menu without any weird design or structure of a menu.
Having this type of menu on your Magento eCommerce website takes up the lower space of your screen. And, the benefit of having a structured menu for your website as it makes not complicated for your end users.
In this article, you have learned about the top Magento eCommerce web design trends. We hope following these trends surely brings results to your eCommerce website. However, if you have any doubts or issues, get in touch with us. As a top Magento development services provider company, we have experience creating websites for our clients from countries like the USA, UK, Germany, and more. So, if you have an idea of creating an eCommerce website, we are can help you from scratch to end. Connect with us by scheduling a call. One of our experienced executives will surely help you to bring your idea to life.
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mapsontheweb · 6 months
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Males outnumber females globally, but the reverse is true in some countries
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garyschroeder · 2 years
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TikTok is quickly becoming an American news source, per @pewresearch. Every other big app, besides Instagram, is trending down: pewrsr.ch/3sr3YoW. "A platform that’s shaping how a whole generation is learning to perceive the world" wapo.st/3erW1wF. Terrifying.
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Likes — dislikes
According to PewResearch, about 17 percent of Americans experience a non-reciprocal feeling. 
People continue to love non-reciprocally because they associate with their partner too many expectations about the satisfaction of personal needs, which for some reason cannot be closed independently, explains psychoanalyst Lauren Thompson.
"For example, a woman who is filled with fears about building a career non-reciprocally falls in love with an ambitious career man. Looping occurs due to giving his figure a super-value since it is associated with expectations of satisfying a personal need for self—realization," the psychologist noted.
Non-reciprocity, in her opinion, is associated with the fear of real relationships, which for some reason, seem unsafe. Nevertheless, the need for love does not disappear but sometimes takes the strangest forms.
Read The Full Article: https://www.wellnesscholars.com/2022/10/love.html
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ennovance · 1 year
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#News source:
Social media is the primary source of news for only one in five of them, according to data from the @PewResearch
Tv and newspapers, whether online or in print, both play a far bigger role, supplying news to about 30% of people each
Those who do rely on social media are exposed to plenty of #fakenews: somewhere between 1% and 5% of all news viewed is false or highly misleading, according to an analysis of 11 papers by researchers from Harvard University’s Kennedy School. 
https://www.economist.com/united-states/2023/08/31/ai-will-change-american-elections-but-not-in-the-obvious-way #journalism #ai #artificalintelligence #tech #LocalNews
📰 https://x.com/mohossain/status/1689592170544566272?s=46&t=GtuOmoaTjOwevz2JidiiDQ
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jsorgie · 4 years
Check out what the new data from Pew Research is saying on social media companies and political ads!
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