#peter piller
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"von Erde schöner" by Peter Piller
source: collectionarchive.tumblr.com
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Peter Piller, All the things that bother me, 2022
richas digest @michael horbach stiftung
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Unbestimmte Linien, Aneignungen und mehr
Die Achse Wien Düsseldorf muss stehen, Peter Hein sieht das wahrscheinlich ähnlich, aber das ist ein Thema für vielleicht später einmal. Schrammel hatte vor kurzem spontan die Vernissage zur Peter Piller-Ausstellung ‚there are a couple of things that bother me‘ in der Kunsthalle Düsseldorf besucht, und deren und Pillers prominentes Thema ‚Prähistorische Höhlenmalerei’ sickerte subtil, aber stetig weiter in sein Bewusstsein ein...
So war es keine große Frage, Pillers ergänzenden Vortrag zwei Wochen später im Salon des Amateurs der Kunsthalle zu besuchen. Da Schrammel nach der ausführlichen Schilderung seiner Ausstellungs-Eindrücke das Gefühl hatte, dass Schremser die Folgeverantstaltung ebenfalls interessieren könnte, schlug er ihm ein gemeinsames Ausflugswochenende vor: freitags mit dem Nachtzug ab in die rheinische Metropole, bisschen in der Stadt rumtreiben, Vortrag mitnehmen und abends gegen 22 Uhr ab Düsseldorf wieder zurück nach Wien. Kein Hotelaufenthalt nötig, schlafen könnte man im Zug. Schremser war darüber noch erfreuter als erwartet, geh leiwand! Und was soll man sagen, Schrammel hatte nicht zu viel versprochen – Piller hatte die beiden aus dem Sicherheitsbüro mit seinem Vortrag schnell gepackt; eine detailliertere Zusammenfassung des Inhalts würde den Rahmen hier sprengen, aber auf Grund des Gesehenen und Gehörten (was eine ganze Menge war, die Veranstaltung dauerte von 16 bis 19.15 Uhr!) stand doch ein mächtiger Elefant im Raum, den auch auf Nachfrage Pillers niemand der Anwesenden wagte anzusprechen: Was waren das für Menschen, die vor 12.000 bis 38.000 Jahren zum Malen in eine Höhle gingen, und wo kam für sie der Impuls dazu her? Das Faszinosum des Themas war so vielschichtig! Natürlich einerseits die Virtuosität der zu sehenden Malereien und Ritzungen, doch mindestens genauso die so vielen nicht zu beantwortenden Fragen, die sich dazu stellen. Die immer mehr zu werden scheinen, je tiefer man in das Thema einsteigt. Das löste eine Lawine in den Köpfen von Schrammel und Schremser aus, die viele Bereiche betraf: Nicht nur die Mikro- und Makro-Umstände zum Zeitpunkt der Entstehung, sondern auch, was unsere heutige Gesellschaft betrifft vor diesem Hintergrund, die Einordnung des Begriffs ‚Kunst‘ und ob sie wirklich mehr als das ist bzw. sein muss, dass sich die Menschen von damals über uns Neuzeitler und unsere seltsamen Prioritäten im kapitalistischen System extrem wundern würden, uns für absolut wahnsinnig erklären würden? Waren die zu sehenden Werke Ausdruck eines zu jener Zeit ganz normalen Einsseins mit der Natur, das für uns heute etwas wirklich Heiliges ausstrahlt? Oder waren doch Trance oder bewusstseinserweiternde Substanzen oder beides im Spiel? Und dann die vielen, sich teilweise widersprechenden Deutungansätze der erst gut hundertjährigen Forschung zur Höhlenmalerei, wie wichtig es ist, sich aus unseren einzementierten Denkweisen zu lösen, wenn man sich der Thematik nähern will – denn ruckzuck stellst du dir dann die Frage, was ‚Menschsein‘ wirklich ausmacht und ahnst, wie erschreckend weit wir vom Weg abgekommen sind. Einschließlich der Frage, ob der moderne Mensch mit seiner zeitgenössischen Kunst medial oft nicht wortwörtlich auf dem Holzweg ist: Die Urheber der Höhlenwerke hatten wahrscheinlich keine Überlieferungs- und Präsentationsabsichten, und doch können wir durch die sehr schlaue Wahl des Mediums Kalksteinhöhle noch nach bis zu knapp 40.000 Jahren die Werke in teilweise leuchtenden Farben bewundern.
Bewegung, Bewegung, Inspiration, Inspiration in den Köpfen, das Alles zog Weltbilder sehr angenehm auf links, einschließlich der Motivation und Ergebnisse der eigenen künstlerischen Handlungen betreffend. Diese kulturelle Exkursion hatte sich mehr als gelohnt! Schrammel und Schremser unterhielten sich später im Zug noch lange über die gewonnenen Eindrücke, ehe die Müdigkeit die beiden bis kurz vorm Ziel Wien Hauptbahnhof in einen tiefen Schlaf fallen ließ. Wie schön, das Alles!
#dezernat-4#kunst#peter piller#kunstgeschichte#kunsthalle#kunsthalle düsseldorf#salon des amateurs#höhlenmalerei#geschichte#inside schrammel#inside schremser#ausflug#bildungsreise#deutschsprachiger text#deutscher text#halbfiktiv
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r e m e m b e r i n g
Peter Crombie
26 June 1952 – 10 January 2024
[pic: crombie as fallit kot, melora, ds9]
#remembering#actor#Peter Crombie#died on this day#star trek#star trek deep space nine#deep space nine#rick berman#michael piller#star trek characters#ds9 character#Fallit Kot#ds9 season 2#deep space nine season 2#ds9 Melora#Melora#lot: st ds9 season 2 ep 6/26 (ep 26/176)
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May 9; Weed
Ship; Sirius x Barty (bitchkiller)
Sirius honestly couldn’t believe he was doing this. Going to Crouch for his much needed relaxation time. Honestly, Crouch and relaxation is the biggest oxymoron Sirius had ever heard.
But, well, desperate times desperate measures, and all that crap.
Crouch couldn’t believe it either, when Sirius came knocking out by the greenhouse, asking for some weed. It’s just that the Gryffindor guy got caught last month, slacking, smoking too much of his own supply or something. So Sirius hasn’t gotten high in over a month, and he just needs a break.
Especially from all that blasted studying Moony and Worms are doing, constantly it’s just scratch scratch scratch of quills on parchment, and flipping of pages, and humming. Oh, Sirius can’t stand the humming.
So yeah, he’s here now, getting high with Crouch because he remembered Regulus saying he delt. Because he didn’t want to get high alone, and James is on his date with Lily, and Mary’s on her date with Marlene, and Peter and Remus are studying (which Sirius would also like to dub a date since they spend all their fucking time together). And Crouch, whilst probably a psychopath, is actually funny sometimes.
Not funny in the way any of Sirius’ friends are funny. No, funny because he does dumb shit and says stupid things and Sirius can laugh at him. He honestly thought getting high with Barty would be amusing. Like a freak show or something.
But now he’s here, one and a half joints in, passing it back and forth with the bloke, and he’s actually enjoying himself. Somehow.
They’re judging people, sitting up on the stone wall and swinging their legs about, mocking anyone that walks past. They’re laughing together, not at each other, and surprisingly getting along.
At one point Reggie walked past and was instantly weirded out by them getting along, and so they both heckled the shit out of him and then spent five minutes laughing about it.
And Barty actually has some interesting things to say, and he’s much smarter than Sirius had assumed. When he popped the question as to why Barty wasn’t studying, he simply said he didn’t care, and that he didn’t study for his last exams and got full marks for all of them.
And a lot of the jokes he makes are actually quite intelligent.
And he’s not a total arsehole either. Maybe. Well, he’s definitely an arsehole, as they’re sitting here together making fun of people, but not a total dick.
He’s not being a dick to Sirius and that’s the main thing.
And he’s not bad looking. Okay, maybe that’s also a lie, he’s quite weird looking. But Sirius tends to like that. He’s captivated by his absurd lankyness, and his crooked smile, and knobbly fingers, and his scruffy eyebrows, and his hooked nose that he seemingly has had broken at least once.
And for some reason Sirius is wondering what he might look like with his clothes off.
It’s night now, and the castles dark, and everyone’s gone to dinner. Sirius is hungry, and he can hear Barty’s stomach rumbling too. They haven’t had anything to eat (besides that half packet of crisps Barty stole from a third year) since they started smoking, and are really starting to feel it.
But suddenly they’re alone, and the air is warm, and their inhibitions are lowered, and Barty’s looking at him.
He’s looking at him.
“Would you punch me if I kissed you right now?” Barty asked, catching him off guard.
“Do you want me to punch you, if you kiss me?” Sirius asked back.
Barty smirked, “Depends how mean your punch is. Promise to make me bleed?”
“I don’t want a busted knuckle.” He shrugged, leaning back against the piller.
“So you won’t punch me then?”
“I guess not.” Sirius sighed, “Are you gonna punch me for it?”
“I could.” Barty grinned, crawling over to him, “Maybe we could get into a bit of a fight.”
“You’d probably like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Yeah, probably.” Barty grinned, licking up the side of his face.
Sirius smirked, grabbing his chin with rough finger tips, “Good effort, but it would take much more to disturb me, Crouch.”
“You’re more fun than I thought.” Barty smirked, “I expected you to be a party pooper like your brother. But you’re a little insane, aren’t you?”
“Darling, I don’t think you get to decide who’s insane or not.” Sirius teased.
“Piss off, fucker. Takes one to know one.” Barty waggled his eye brows, “And don’t call me darling unless you plan on wining and dining-“
“Oh, shut up.” Sirius groaned, pulling him in to kiss.
And yeah, maybe Barty isn’t so bad after all. Besides, his weed is pretty good, so Sirius is just going to come back for more, isn’t he?
#marauders rarepair microfic#may prompt#day 9. weed#bitchkiller#sirius x barty#sirius black#barty crouch jr#microfic#rarepair#marauders era#marauders rarepair#marauders
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Will Generation Z Purge Hollywood?
I am not a black-piller, not by a sight, but I have read part of Devon Stack’s book, The Day Of The Rope, and I have to say it is not bad… thus far
This video is a must watch. I lost interest in Hollywood years ago when I saw certain thingys happening that just seemed to always cast American life in a bad light. Gritty films by John Cassavetes, or seemingly inept films like that one staring Peter Fonda, Easy Rider. It was the 60s that did it… and really mostly just ‘67 and early ‘68. Some would say it was ‘66 and ‘69 too… but I was there yo, on both coasts, and I know better. Maybe if you were hanging out in Laurel Canyon at the time, you could say different.
Either way, in the latter ‘60s, Hollywood and the record companies led the charge to gut our republic… and we know who put them up to it
Clowns In America and the MIC
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Prosolution Pills er primært formuleret til mænd og anbefales derfor ikke til kvinder. Der findes specielle produkter til kvinder, hvis det ønskes.
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Alternativen für Top Flop
- Nett Grüßen oder Fett Büßen
- Blut oder Brut
- Träumen oder Räumen
- frönen oder höhnen
- Klagen oder Wagen
- Schiller oder Piller
- Goethe oder Klöthe
- Rot oder Tot
- Alibaba oder Alinada
- Döner oder Schöner
- Peter oder Täter
- Ficken oder Kicken
- Stiller Ort oder Bitte dort
- Beten oder Kneten
- Schwarm oder Magendarm
- Herz oder Schmerz
- Volle Kanne oder Volle Panne
- Kotze oder Fotze
- Schlucken oder Mucken
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Check out Peter Piller, Untitled (from the series “Transferfenster”) (2024), From Capitain Petzel
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Good morning, and happy Easter.
This week, we're still hearing about the first acts of the Apostles, as reported by Luke. We're hearing about those early days when the message of Jesus was spreading, explosively, miraculously.
As we've discussed before, no such explosive growth occurs without disruption. We join Peter after a night in jail, called up to defend himself before a council of high priests. This early, the confrontation doesn't end in anyone's death; Peter gets released with a warning, because the Sanhedrin knows he's too popular to punish.
But let's zoom the camera out a little and consider: what were the people on the street to make of all this? A miracle-working preacher, and the high priests of the Temple, butting heads? Who should they believe? How can they tell which one is in the right, here?
This problem isn't new to Jesus's time. Back in the old Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was an infestation of everyone with an opinion running around saying "thus says the LORD" to give it more credibility... or even people with no opinion of their own at all, piling up clout and money by cold reading what their listeners wanted to hear. That's part of why God stopped using "prophets" per se as his method of communicating with the children of Jacob.
For that matter... compare that situation to the one we have today. Jesus is a household name worldwide, which means we're often faced with the conundrum of figuring out which of our "priests" or "pastors" or "preachers" are speaking God's word, and not just their own. The struggle of figuring out whether the institutional authorities have the right of a controversy... or whether the fiery upstart does... or whether, maybe, both have lost the plot in different ways.
That's why today's excerpt from John's Good News is so important. That's why, hot on the heels of healing the blind beggar - an episode, as we heard last year, redolent with examples of self-deception by the supposed theological experts - Jesus gave us a roadmap for finding our way through the problem of discerning true prophets from false.
And the trick is surprisingly simple: try to figure out, from the way they act, why they're in the "shepherd" business in the first place.
Jesus proposes three tests:
“Is this person behaving well themself?” Are they doing things honorably, or dishonorably? Do they approach their ministry by being careful to keep their own behavior morally sound (thus entering through the “gate” proposed by Jesus’s own teachings), or are they willing to cut ethical corners on the way to winning you over? Paul wrote about this at length - about the lengths he went to, when telling people the Good News, to not do anything that might bring it dishonor. The easiest test of whether someone really believes what they're saying is whether they practice what they preach.
“What personal risks are they willing to take, for the benefit of their 'flock'”? To be clear, this has nothing at all to do with "what risks are they taking to convince people". Rather, it's about risks that have nothing to do per se with the doctrine they’re trying to push. Jesus spoke about this at length, in John's account of the Last Supper, as one of the foundational pillers of the Kingdom of Heaven: the true meaning of authority, which exists only within service. This is where the Sanhedrin stumbled in today's excerpt from the Acts; faced with the good works that Peter had done when he encountered a disabled beggar, their focus was not on the good that might be done, but on protecting their own jobs and reputations, like hired hands who were only in the pasture to make a buck.
"Are they saying something we can believe in?” This is the most tricky, most subtle part. As the blind beggar’s story reminds us, there’s a tendency for people to reject anything unfamiliar, anything too different from what they’ve heard before. As in the era of the prophets, grifters like to tell us what they think we want to hear. People trying to cheat their marks of their minds, not just their wallets do it, too: simplistic messages of "you are good, and they are evil", or else, "you are evil, and I will make you good" - snake oil which echoes the original venom of the Garden of Eden. And yet... there's something. Something that transcends those easy paths and yet speaks to us anyway. Something that made Cleopas exclaim "didn't his words set our hearts on fire?" Something that, rather than being crafted specifically for my ears and my preconceptions, manages to resonate in the hearts of everyone, even "sheep of another flock", as something that can unite us. Something achingly familiar. Something we can keep our ears pricked for, in exactly those places where we wouldn't expect them.
We now live in an era where the "Good News" has apparently spread across the whole world. But the greatest danger of grand projects to change minds and hearts, grand visions of metanoia, is that they create a landscape which is terribly effective camouflage for pied piers and wolves. Couching a message in our religious vocabulary, or our deeply-held-moral vocabulary even if it’s not “religious” per se, can hit us in the heart. Leap straight over our normal walls and get us following without really stopping to think. Even if that power isn't used abusively, it's terribly easy - once someone's got that power - to form the bad habit of coasting on it, collecting their daily wage and doing the bare minimum work to retain that position, instead of continuing to put in the loving effort that their flock needs to thrive.
It’s happened a lot, over the years. It also happens today.
We’re still in Easter - a joyous time.
But let’s still walk with care - trusting but verifying - acting in hope but guarding ourselves against disaster if we stumble.
And today, there's a special, extra message for those of us with moral authority. For those of us who are looked up to as shepherds. Because every question Jesus gives us to recognize true shepherds is also a question we can ask ourselves, to check whether we're doing the job right, or whether we've lost our way.
May that help and advice keep us all faced the right direction in our Easter joy: still walking with the Holy Spirit, towards the world to come.
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by Peter Piller
source: collectionarchive.tumblr.com
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Inszenierung des Affekts
Richas Digest @Michael Horbach Stiftung
Eröffnung: 8.09.2023, 19:00
Dauer: 9.9. - 15.10.2023.
Öffnungszeiten: Mi + Fr 15 – 18, So 11 - 14
Arne Schmitt, Almuth Hilf, Regine Steenbock, Aenne Langhorst, Ilka Helmig, Jochen Lempert, Friederike Haug, Jonas Gerhard, Stefan Panhans, Christian Theiss, David Mackaay, Lucia Sotnikova, Boris Becker, Peter Piller, Kati Faber, Hubert Becker, Bernhard Peters, Markus Döhne, Jürgen Stollhans, Burkhard Mönnich, Annette Frick, Frauke Gerhard, Doris Frohnapfel, Henriette Manigk, Ann Cotten, Sr. Gamboa
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Jonas Gerhard
Richas Digest Panorama
45 x 185 cm
8 Kontaktprints im Format 8x10 Inch auf Barytkarton, fotografiert mit Camera Obscura Model 360
Inszenierung des Affekts
Richas Digest @Michael Horbach Stiftung
9.9. – 15.10.2023.
Arne Schmitt, Almuth Hilf, Regine Steenbock, Aenne Langhorst, Ilka Helmig, Jochen Lempert, Friederike Haug, Jonas Gerhard, Stefan Panhans, Christian Theiss, David Mackaay, Lucia Sotnikova, Boris Becker, Peter Piller, Kati Faber, Hubert Becker, Bernhard Peters, Markus Döhne, Jürgen Stollhans, Burkhard Mönnich, Annette Frick, Frauke Gerhard, Doris Frohnapfel, Henriette Manigk, Ann Cotten, Sr. Gamboa
#jonas gerhard#2023#köln#richas digest#achim riechers#tribüne eins#michael horbach stiftung#ausstellungen#pinhole camera#camera obscura#panorama#360 degrees
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller [homefront, s4ep11]
'I'm going to say this one time and one time only. I am fine. I'm happy, I'm healthy, and I'm planning on celebrating at least fifty more birthdays.' - joseph sisco
#star trek#star trek deep space nine#deep space nine#Rick Berman#Michael Piller#deep space nine season 4#ds9 season 4#ds9 Homefront#homefront#avery brooks#cirroc lofton#aron eisenberg#brock peters#Benjamin Sisko#Jake Sisko#Nog#Joseph Sisko#Three Generations of Siskos at Sisko's#latest ds9 posts#lot: st ds9 season 4 ep 11/26 (ep 83/176)
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PETER PILLER: there are a couple of things that bother me Peter Piller si è fatto conoscere nell’ambiente della fotografia per la sua capacità di osservazione e un sottile senso dell’umorismo che traspare in tutte le sue raccolte seriali.
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Peter Piller different degrees of completeness
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