#peter parker lookalike
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leecostomo · 9 months ago
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tiny little doodle i did of "Mircea Eliade".
Mircea Eliade (Romanian: [ˈmirtʃe̯a eliˈade]; March 13 [O.S. February 28] 1907 – April 22, 1986) was a Romanian historian of religion, fiction writer, philosopher, and professor at the University of Chicago. One of the most influential scholars of religion of the 20th century and interpreter of religious experience, he established paradigms (aka concepts and thought patterns) in religious studies that persist to this day. (Copy-pasted off of wikipedia)
I drew him as he looked like when he was a teenager, cuz i was reading through a book he wrote (but didnt publish until much later) named "Novel of a short-sighted adolescent" or "Diary of a short-sighted adolescent" and thought that it was pretty neat, it kinda neat, its about Mircea Eliade trying to become a writer, but he lacks motivation and all that jazz .
Theres this one chapter abt him starting to publish articles he wrote to a newspaper publication as a freelance gig, but they just don't pay him, despite the fact that they publish his work on the first page, and constantly compliment his work, and consider him an essential writer . (They do eventually pay him, but they make him wait till christmas, and they might have not even done it by then if he didnt keep insisting on getting paid, and lied about "Barely scraping by", it proabably was less than the average artist made in the newspaper publication anyway)
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petertingle-yipyip · 2 months ago
2024 masterlist
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key: *series , +personal favorite , ^violence , ~sexual themes/innuendos
Matt Murdock
MAG Universe*+^~
Jealousy Jealousy
Reckless Driving
Three Empty Words
Don’t Be A Fool
Baby Said ~
Good Luck, Babe!
Peter Parker
Selfish*^ - Peter Parker (2021) : One // Two // Three
Miguel O’Hara
Wish You Were Sober
Caught In The Middle
Moon Knight
So Long London - Steven Grant
Never Felt So Alone - Marc Spector
Lookalike - Multiverse!reader
Bigger Person - Billy Russo x Castle!reader
Kaz Brekker
Because Of You+
Always Been You
Guilty As Sin
Stranger Series *+^ (In Progress)
Bellamy Blake
I Wish I Hated You
Moonlight ^
Last Night ~
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enthusiasticallygeeky · 1 month ago
Deadpool and Spider-Man enter a Spider-Man lookalike contest and Deadpool wins
He cheated but like Peter doesn’t know that
Bonus points if Deadpool doesn’t realize the real Spider-Man is in the contest and he’s flirting w this super realistic spider man cosplayer named Peter Parker when really it’s the actual spider man
Peter is getting some sort of higher education past college like whatever type of degree you’d get in biochemistry or smth and he also is a photographer of spider-man
Peter does it because MJ dares him too and it’s spring break so he’s not too busy with school and there’s some sort of cash prize which is always nice, probably not a lot but enough to cover the cost of a better camera than the one provided by his work for the triple J (it’s a nice camera but it’s old and it would be nice to have a camera of his own for once because he basically when straight from using the ones provided by his highschool to the ones provided by his college to the ones provided by Jameson)
Deadpool does it because he’s obsessed with spider-man and is pretty sure he will win because he has all the mannerisms down. Unfortunately he’s getting so suspicious of Peter because he also has so many of the mannerisms correct. He even kinda sounds like him
In the midst of all the flirting from Deadpool is really starting to question how Peter is so good at this spider-man look alike/act alike competition. Peter wasn’t gonna tell him he is spider-man. At least not yet. But to be fair he probably was gonna tell him eventually. He didn’t even wanna tell Deadpool that Peter Parker is the photographer of spider-man for JJJ because obviously Deadpool hates JJJ with a burning passion for the bs he writes about Spider-man.
This is just a quick little summary I wrote at like 1am of an idea I’ve seen in a couple places :))) I might write a fic eventually but I have to finish editing (rewriting) Migraines
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luveline · 3 months ago
jade :(((((( it’s the girl who got led on by the peter parker lookalike:((((
i messaged him today and it did not go well
I’m sorry lovely! Real Peter Parker would never
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xoxzso · 29 days ago
peter parker lookalike contest in MY BEDROOM
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all-eyes-no-dragon · 2 years ago
How about we try reincarnating/isekaiing someone who isn't a salaryman or otaku NEET
Let's isekai a jock who cant believe this shit is happening, someone who doesn't know about anime or game tropes and doesn't immediately assimilate to the new world
Someone who won't just ignore their past life to the point where viewers even forget they're from another world because it just isn't relevant
Isekai has a lot of potential but they keep using the same rinse and repeat tired dry formula
Isekai people and not have others swoon and randomly fall at their feet for absolutely no reason despite the MCs having personalities as flavourful as the sand in the sandbox at the play park
Isekai more women, old people, little kids, uh college students maybe? I don't think I've ever seen a college student be isekaied before
Where's "I Just Wanted To Get My Degree In Archeology But Now The Prince From Another World Won't Stop Proposing Because He Thinks I'm A Goddess"?
Where's "Grandpa Retired But Fell Down A Hole So Now He's The Ultimate Baker In Another World"?
Where's "My Parents Hired A Fairy To Come To My Birthday Party But It Ended Up Being The Real Deal And Now I'm Stuck In Another World"?
Where's "I Scour This New World, Searching For A Way Home"?
Personally, "I Don't Have Time For An Adventure, I Need To Be Back By Dinner" sounds like a charmer to me.
Down with lookalike bland harem protagonists with no personality, dimensions and the exact same jobs (or in the case of the lack thereof)/hobbies (gaming, or however they want to spin it). Heck, these guys are basically all going to the same worlds as well so they've basically all got the same stories too. A shame.
This is why people hate isekai, which I think is a shame really, cuz I love the concept. Just,, I prefer to cherry pick the genre for gems
Side note: let isekai protags say weird shit that no one understands because
👏 cultural 👏 barrier 👏
C'mon, this is a different world, there's gotta be some basic stuff the protag might say and be met with blanket stares
Like in re zero apples are called appas
Totally small stupid and inconsequential but u look stupid af if u call it anything but an appa
Now, if u were reincarnated and had to grow from a child, I suppose u would have time to assimilate to the culture.
Ugh, but I wish they would let reincarnations stay kids longer. If their old world is gonna become obsolete, I want to see them slowly lose that. Forget people's faces, the names of their coworkers, what street they lived on. Forget the smell of their favourite flower, the taste of their favourite food. Forget what the texture of jeans feel like. Make me feel emotions.
Let's see them weird out their new parents by not being used to the New World's culture. Let's see people shrug off them accidentally talking about stuff because wowiee, kids say the darnest things
Stop having isekai kids gather 10 wives at the tender age of 9 :)
I like the MC of the webcomic "The Beginning After The End" 's stance on the dubious subject of having romantic relationships as a reincarnator (or at least, I like it so far. I'm mid 100s into the comic so idk if they about to switch up)
Basically the MC died as an adult so he sees all the kids "his age" as children and he even said a line about how he would be a criminal if he got romantic with one of the girls who like him 🤣
I guess it's up to self perception? Like, this body is 13 but my brain is 45. Which am I actually, then?
Let reincarnators be confused about this as well, cuz even irl people debate this a whole lot (cuz it's just one of those "well, technically" things. I think the fact that we even have to go "technically" to excuse it is a bit of an ouch tho)
I'm open to other views and counter arguments on any of the things I've just said, tbh. These are just some things I think are missed opportunities. Like, people will keep watching and watching it even if it's the same thing (why do you think there's so many "Peter Parker's Field Trip To Stark Industries" fics? People will continually consume the same thing slightly tweaked if they like the premise enough). I just think changes to how we approach isekai might bring in some new viewership and increased positive opinions on the genre
Also, the comically long titles are a fun thing but I know some people abhor them. They want titles that are creative and don't basically just summarise the show's premise. Because, with a title like that, it shows a lack of creativity and ingenuity. Not to say that it needs to be toned down all the way, just reduced to keywords.
"Undead Unluck"
"Spy x Family"
"Dragon Ball"
"First Night With The Duke"
"Little Shop Of Horrors"
"Villain To Kill"
"Pride & Prejudice"
"Cirque Du Freak"
"Mirror Image"
(Yes, I did just write down the names of random things I like. 3 animes, 3 books, 2 webcomics and a,, movie/play(?) I watched it as a play, anyways. okay, the 3animes is kind of a lie, I'm impatiently waiting for undead unluck to come out as an anime. ive never consumed any content for it but the trailer)
These titles give you a vague idea of important symbols/things in the narrative, no? But you don't know exactly was going to happen.
But I'm only speaking for some people, I find the long titles to be funny and a bit intriguing. Of course, I wouldn't mind some good old fashioned original names being brainstormed. These thoughtlessly long titles allow all these different producers to just pump out what is, at its core, basically the same ideas, just switched up a bit so the homework doesn't look copied
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phantom-le6 · 21 days ago
Ramble of the month February 2025: 90’s MCU phase 9 – The Final Phase
Yes, ladies, gentleman and all other genders of the gender spectrum, we’re now at the conclusion of our 90’s-based MCU.  For those only just joining us, here’s a quick bit of house-keeping on this subject.  The reason I’ve done my own version of 90’s-based fan-cast, and done so in the way I have, is very simple.  Most memes positing a 90’s or 80’s MCU just take the key roles from the MCU we’ve already seen and cast actors from those eras, but this wouldn’t work.  Why?  Because the people making these memes are ignorant of the underlying real-world and source material elements that have made the MCU what it is.
For example, until 1995, Marvel had film rights to all their characters, only selling them off to various film studios in 1995 to avoid bankruptcy, so start an MCU prior to 1995 and you have the rights to the X-Men, Fantastic and Spider-Man (among others) to use alongside the Avengers and various other Marvel heroes of the MCU.  Also, various characters and plot lines would be different; Bucky Barnes being ret-conned into being the Winter Soldier and Civil War are plot-lines that didn’t occur in the comics until after the turn of the century.  Likewise, the Ultimates continuity that made Nick Fury a Sam Jackson lookalike and gave Hawkeye a family instead of being married to fellow Avenger Mockingbird with no kids was a year 2000 development, and the Starlord-led Guardians of the Galaxy team?  Didn’t happen in comics until 2007; prior to this, the Guardians were a future superhero team that travelled back in time now and then to cross-over with other Marvel heroes.
Given all these differences, it is impossible to re-cast the MCU for the hypothetical scenario that it started in a different era by just swapping out actors.  You have to look at all the characters Marvel would have to work with, consider all the plot-lines (and bear in mind Marvel has been going since 1961, or much earlier if you factor in any material relating to characters like Captain America and Namor that were created when Marvel was known as Timely Comics), and come up with a whole new films slate.  To that end, let’s now re-cap the phases that have come before…
Phase 1:
1992: Fantastic Four, Hulk, Iron Man
1993: Thor, Spider-Man, Ant-Man & The Wasp
1994: Captain America, Fantastic Four 2, Iron Man 2
1995: X-Men, Avengers, Daredevil
Phase 1 established the initial characters of our MCU, putting the Fantastic Four first and foremost to bring them in line with their comic-book counterparts before beginning to develop the Avengers, the X-Men, Spider-Man and Daredevil.
Phase 2:
1996: Spider-Man 2, Thor: Land of Enchantment, Silver Surfer
1997: Hulk vs Wolverine, Fantastic Four: Doomsday, Iron Man 3
1998: Captain America: Society of Serpents, Daredevil 2, X-Men 2
1999: Avenger 2, Spider-Man 3, Doctor Strange
Phase 2 provides expansion as not only do most heroes get solo and ensemble sequels, but other characters start to take on films of their own.  The Silver Surfer is spun off from his appearance in Fantastic Four 2 into a solo film while Doctor Strange is introduced, and we also see the first examples of the “third film loss” trope, including Stark’s loss of his business and Iron Man persona through alcoholism, Doctor Doom destroying the Baxter Building while Ben Grimm loses a chance to be human, and Peter Parker loses Gwen Stacy.
Phase 3:
2000: Fantastic Four: World War III, Thor: Ragnarök, Daredevil 3
2001: Hulk: Rise of the Leader, X-Men: Fall of the Mutants, Avengers: Under Siege
2002: Doctor Strange 2, The Captain, Spider-Man 4
2003: Captain Britain, Fantastic Four: Enter the Negative Zone, Ghost Rider
Phase 3 further put our heroes on the back foot with yet more loss, most notably assaults on the X-Mansion and Avengers Mansion, but we also see more expansion; Namor, the Black Panther and the Inhumans all get introduced via the Fantastic Four, who then go on to become a family via the birth of Franklin Richards, and both Captain Britain and Ghost Rider get added to the mix.
Phase 4:
2004: Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Secret Wars: Part I
2005: Excalibur, Defenders, Ghost Rider 2
2006: X-Factor, Secret Wars: Part II, Heroes For Hire
2007: Namor the Submariner, Doctor Strange 3, Iron Man: Enter The Mandarin
Phase 4 took us through Secret Wars, and along the way gave us a lot more characters.  Black Panther and the original, pre-Carol Danvers iteration of Captain Marvel get solo films, former X-Men become parts of spin-off teams, and we see the formation of the Defenders and a one-shot of the Heroes For Hire, not to mention a Namor solo film and the return of Tony Stark.
Phase 5:
2008: Spider-Man 5, Fantastic Four: Unthinkable, Ms Marvel
2009: Elektra, Black Panther 2, Defenders 2
2010: X-Men: Proteus, Spider-Man 6, Ant-Man 2
2011: Silver Surfer 2, Avengers vs X-Men, Ghost Rider 3
Phase 5 gave us the Black Suit saga for Spider-Man as an aftermath of Secret Wars over the web-slinger’s fifth and sixth solo films, while the Fantastic Four’s sixth film would also be their last as we began the Infinity Saga.  In turn, Carol Danvers and a resurrected Elektra gained solo films, with the former precipitating an Avengers vs X-Men clash.
Phase 6:
2012: Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther 3, Iron Man: The Dragon Seed Saga
2013: X-Men: Phoenix Rising, Defenders 3, Ant-Man 3
2014: X-Men: Dark Phoenix Saga, Infinity War, Blade
2015: Inhumans, Infinity War II, Deadpool
Phase 6 concluded the Infinity Saga while also removing Jean Grey and Cyclops from being active in the MCU via the Phoenix and Dark Phoenix sagas being adapted into a film duology.  We also add Blade to the MCU, and the Inhumans finally gained their own film, while several solo and group film franchises reached their third and final instalments.
Phase 7:
2016: Union Jack, Silver Surfer 3, Iron-Man/Spider-Man: Legacy
2017: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Blade 2, Ghost Rider Returns
2018: Eternals, Deadpool 2, New Avengers
2019: X-Men: Days of Future Past, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Blade 3
Phase 7 was all about dealing with the aftermath of the Infinity Saga and beginning a set-up of Secret Wars.  At the same time, we also added some new heroes, passed on a few mantles and otherwise paved the way for phase 8.
Phase 8:
2020: Wolverine: Enemy of the State, MI13, Ultimate Spider-Man
2021: Deadpool 3, Spider-Woman, Ms Marvel 2
2022: X-Men: Fatal Attractions, Venom, Great Lakes Avengers
2023: Secret Invasion, Howling Commandoes, Wolverine: Sins of the Father
Phase 8 was all about building up and dealing with two major story arcs in the forms of Fatal Attractions and Secret Invasion, while at the same time giving Wolverine his second and third solo films and concluding the Deadpool trilogy, even as a lot of other characters gained solo films for the first time, as did a couple of teams.  This now brings us to the slate for Phase 9…
Phase 9:
2024: The Marvels, Venom 2, Thor 4
2025: Ultimate Spider-Man 2, X-Men: Onslaught, New Avengers: Disassembled
2026: Nova, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, Venom 3
2027: Captain Britain: Lionheart, Ultimate Spider-Man 3
2028: House of M: A Whole New World
2029: House of M: M for Mystery
2030: House of M: Endgame
As you can see, we’re taking on quite a few major stories and wrapping up any trilogies we can before diving into the concluding films of this MCU.  Now let’s look at how these films break down…
The Marvels (2024) Directed by Patty Jenkins & Chloé Zhao
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel II = Melissa Joan Hart
Kamala Khan/Ms Marvel = Odeya Rush
Monica Rambeau/Photon = Zoe Kravitz
Rachel Summers = Danielle Panabaker
Rogue = Anna Paquin
Simon Williams/Wonder Man = Taylor Kitsch
Gabriel Summers/Vulcan = Billy Burke
Deathbird = Sunyata Palmer
Super-Skrull = Luke Evans
Delphinia = Karen Gillan
Raksor = Tom Hardy
AIM Scientist Supreme = Grant Gustin
MODOK = Adam Driver
Princess/Empress Lilandra = Winona Ryder
Gladiator = Luke Hemsworth
Oracle = Pom Klementieff
Araki = Mark Hamill
Hecate = Daisy Ridley
Hercules = Arnold Schwarzenegger
Zeus = Brian Blessed
Hera = Michelle Pfieffer
Skrull Fugitive 1 = Ashley Judd
Skrull Fugitive 2 = Elijah Wood
Skrull Fugitive 3 = Mandy Moore
Skrull Fugitive 4 = Dave Franco
While I think the version of The Marvels we got in the MCU proper was not brilliant, the idea of teaming up Carol with others who have laid claim to the Marvel title is not without merit.  To that end, I’ve put Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins on this film along with Eternals director Chloé Zhao.  In this case, Carol is mopping up after the failed Skrull invasion and learns of a Skrull-backed coup against the Shi’ar Empress Lilandra.  To deal with this, Carol not only needs to assemble allies she calls friends, but also bring along a couple of X-Men, which means seeking closure with Rogue.  Doing this also entails a side-quest for Carol and Rogue to the Olympian sorceress Hecate, which allows for some flashback guest appearances by those already cast for Marvel’s versions of Hercules, Zeus and Hera.  A lot of cast members are reprising roles from past films, but there are a few fresh ones in the mix as well.
Venom 2 (2024) Directed by Shawn Levy
Eddie Brock/Venom = Wentworth Miller
Anne Weying = Michelle Williams
FBI Agent Patrick Mulligan = Stephen Graham
Agent Alton Clark = Leslie Odom Jr.
Agent Monica Steen = Italia Ricci
Agent Garon Lewis = Terrence Howard
Donna Diego/Scream = Holland Roden
Trevor Cole/Riot I = Jack Whitehall
Carl March/Phage = Jamie Campbell Bower
Ramón Hernandez/Lasher = Diego Luna
Leslie Gesneria/Agony = Kate Mara
Carlton Drake = Jared Harris
Orwell Taylor = Daniel Kaluuya
Bomblast = Sebastian Stan
Curtis Elkins/Sentry = John Boyega
Samuel Caulkin/Ramshot = Jamie Dornan
Firearm = Paul Wesley
Maxwell Taylor/Screech = Lucas Till
Having used a combination of the Secret Wars films and a fifth and sixth Spider-Man film to give the alien symbiote its proper origin in films, and thus Venom as well, the first film was able to dive right in on his shift to anti-hero from villain, focusing on Venom going up against Carnage.  This time, however, we’re going for a more comic-accurate adaptation of the Lethal Protector arc from 90’s Spider-Man comics.  This accounts for the somewhat expanded cast relative to our first Venom film as well as Sony’s counter-parts.  In terms of roles reprised, only Brock, Weying and the various federal agents are returning characters, while everyone else coming into the film is fresh casting.  Direction-wise, we stick with Shawn Levy because while I’m happy sticking with the horror-comedy for Venom, I’m not in particular favour of Sony’s directorial choices for the franchise, and after Love and Thunder, I’m not about to consider Waititi for anything other than disdain and scorn.
Thor 4 (2024) Directed by Sam Mendes
Thor = Dolph Lundgren
Jane Foster/Thor II = Courtney Cox
Beta Ray Bill = Seth Rogan
Skuttlebutt Computer = John Oliver
Storm/Ororo Monroe = Halle Berry
Forge = Jimmy Smits
Danielle Moonstar = Selena Gomez
Paige Guthrie = Kelly Stables
Roberto Da Costa = Mario Lopez
Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane = Bonnie Wright
Xi'an Coy Manh = Katie Leung
Rachel Summers = Danielle Panabaker
Amara Aquilla/Magma = Isabela Merced
Loki = Gary Oldman
Loki (female incarnation) = Nina Dobrev
Mangog = DeObia Oparei
Hela = Cate Blanchett
Karnilla = Angelina Jolie
Odin = Anthony Hopkins
Frega = Glenn Close
Fandrall = Cary Elwes
Hogun = Tony Leung
Volstagg = Thomas Haden Church
Sif = Demi Moore
Heimdall = Keith David
Balder = Sean Bean
Valkyrie = Diane Kruger
Mist = Talulah Riley
Gruenhilda = Jane Levy
Hildegarde = Yvonne Strahovski
Krista = Samara Weaving
Eitri = Dominic Monaghan
Kindra = Esmé Creed-Miles
Hrimhari = Luke Bracey
One of my favourite story arcs concerning Asgard is actually an X-Men-New Mutants crossover where Loki tried to turn Storm into a Goddess of Thunder while Storm was depowered, and both Thor and Odin were missing.  This film, placed in the hands of British director Sam Mendes, adapts this along with the arcs for Beta Ray Bill becoming Beta Ray Thor and Jane Foster becoming a Thor as well.  Now I’ve noted Jane as a Thor II in the credits strictly for ease of reference, but since lifting Mjolnir only gives someone Thor’s powers and not his name, no one other than the one true Thor will be going by a Thor handle in the film.  Each will either go by their own name(s) or be given a suitable codename.
I’ve also decided to have Loki switch to his female incarnation early on in the film, as Loki assuming both male and female appearances is part of the comics lore and original Norse mythology.  I know that won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m not in the habit of catering to the ignorant and intolerant, whether it’s about my differences by way of autistic or the differences of others, so don’t go whining if you’re not able to understand acceptance of people being different.  Also, for those who know the comics but late to these rambles wondering why Paige Guthrie is among the mutants for this film instead of Sam Guthrie, that’s because I cast Paul Walker to play Sam in earlier MCU films, and since he died a while ago, I’ve been swapping out the character of Sam for his sister Paige in appropriate later films.
Ultimate Spider-Man 2 (2025) Directed by Ryan Coogler
Miles Morales/Spider-Man II = Noah Gray-Cabey
Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider II = Ross Lynch
Janine Godbe = Bella Thorne
Barbara Rodriguez = Barbie Ferreira
Rio Morales = Penélope Cruz
Jefferson Davis = Eriq La Salle
Ganke Lee = Jacob Batalon
Richard Fisk/The Rose = Tom Hooper
Delilah = Demi Lovato
David Brayer/Armarda = Taron Egerton
Alistair Smythe = Tyler Posey
Yuri Watanabe = Ally Maki
Dr Miles Warren/Jackal = Kyle MacLachlan
Kaine/Scarlet Spider = Wil Wheaton
Ava Ayala = Cierra Ramirez
Anya Corazon = Alejandra Reynoso
Shirley Lewis = Gabrielle Union
Devon Lewis = Niles Fitch
Jessica Carradine = Miranda Cosgrove
Desiree Winthrop = Dakota Fanning
Buzz = Joe Spano
Not really knowing the lore for Miles Morales as Spider-Man, my films for his character end up being about putting together plots that are based on the arcs I know from Peter Parker Spidey lore.  Not the best option, I will admit, but at the same time it creates interesting scenarios if handled right, which is why I’ve picked Ryan Coogler to direct this sequel to the first Ultimate Spider-Man film (that one having been directed by Denzel Washington, who has previously played Joe Robertson in this MCU).  In this film, Miles has help from Ben Reilly, a fellow arachnid-powered superhero known as the Scarlet Spider, as they try to take down the criminal empire of the Kingpin’s son.  However, little do the spiders know that the Jackal is still around, along with the flawed Peter Parker clone that is Kaine, and they will spell disaster.
X-Men: Onslaught (2025) Directed by James Wan
Professor Charles Xavier (revitalised version) = Daniel Stewart
Storm/Ororo Monroe = Halle Berry
Wolverine/Logan = Tom Cruise
Laura Kinney/X-23 = Dafne Keen
Rogue = Anna Paquin
Remi LeBeau/Gambit = Zachary Levi
Jubilee = Chloe Bennett
Emma Frost = Elizabeth Banks
Bishop = Winston Duke
Rachel Summers = Danielle Panabaker
Sarah/Marrow = Sarah Hyland
Beast/Hank McCoy = Alec Baldwin
Onslaught = Matthew Macfadyen & Daniel Stewart
Reed Richards/Mr Fantastic = Tom Hanks
Susan Storm (Richards)/Invisible Woman = Meg Ryan
Johnny Storm/Human Torch = David Spade
Franklin Richards = Ty Simpkins
Steve Rogers/Captain America = Brad Pitt
Thor = Dolph Lundgren
Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk = Lucy Lawless
Sam Wilson/Falcon = Will Smith
Monica Rambeau/Photon = Zoe Kravitz
Miles Morales/Spider-Man II = Noah Gray-Cabey
Juggernaut/Cain Marko = Greg Kinnear
Gabrielle Haller = Moran Atias
David Haller/Legion = Dylan Sprayberry
Joseph = Zachary Gordon
Exodus = Jean Dujardin
Spoor = Kevin McKidd
Scanner = Caity Lotz
Katu = Gil Birmingham
Joanna Cargill/Frenzy = Amanda Nunes
Magneto = Matthew Macfadyen
Peter Rasputin/Colossus = Henry Cavill
This film gives us a partial adaptation of a major story arc from Marvel in the mid-90’s, as the X-Men team up with other heroes old and new against the psychic entity Onslaught, a fusion of the darkest elements of Magneto and Professor X seeking to escape Xavier’s mind and wreak havoc on the world.  The film also adapts some of the set-up to the Onslaught arc, and as the continuity for these films is different, we use Xavier’s son David in place of Nate Grey for certain elements.  Much of the cast is returning from past films, and I can’t be sure which roles if any are new.  Direction-wise, however, I’ve given the reins to James Wan based on the quality of his directing for Aquaman (though I do wish he’d changed the casting for Mera instead of keeping on the husband-beater).
New Avengers: Disassembled (2025) Directed by Roland Emmerich
Scott Lang/Ant-Man II = Paul Rudd
Nadia Pym/Wasp II = Shailene Woodley
Dr Stephen Strange = Johnny Depp
Luke Cage = Tyrese Gibson
Hawkeye II/Kate Bishop = Hailee Steinfeld
Miles Morales/Spider-Man II = Noah Gray-Cabey
Amadeus Cho/Iron Man III = Charles Melton
Kamala Khan/Ms Marvel = Odeya Rush
Doreen Green/Squirrel Girl = Paris Berelc
Eros/Starfox = Joel McHale
Sersi = Gemma Chan
Gilgamesh = Don Lee
Cassie Lang/Stature = Joey King
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff = Kate Beckinsale
Vision 2.0 = Paul Bettany
Ultron 2.0 = James Spader
Vlad Tepish/Dracula = Mads Mikkelsen
Arkady Rossovich/Omega Red = David Harbour
Deathbird = Sunyata Palmer
Super-Skrull = Luke Evans
Exodus = Jean Dujardin
Frank Simpson/Nuke = John Cena
Jackson Day/Corruptor = Robbie Amell
Part of setting up for a House of M story arc means we have to see Scarlet Witch undergo a mental breakdown and disassemble the Avengers, which is part of why the New Avengers were assembled in phase 7.  This film basically adapts the Avengers Disassembled arc as best it can within the timeline of this alternate MCU, with the actors who played Vision and Ultron in the real MCU now coming in to take over from the original actors for this 90’s MCU, namely Casper Van Dien (Johnny Rico in Starship Troopers) and Marc Alaimo (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s Gul Dukat) respectively.  Except for one or two villains, the film is all returning cast under the direction of Roland Emmerich (Independence Day, 2012, White House Down and many others).  This is the fourth film of this 90’s MCU I’ve put under Emmerich; the previous three were Avengers: Under Siege, Captain Marvel (solo film for the original male Kree bearer of the title) and Fantastic Four: Unthinkable.
Nova (2026) Directed by James Gunn
Sam Alexander/Nova = Raphael Alejandro
Kaelynn Alexander = Oshún Ramirez
Eva Alexander = Michelle Rodriguez
Corpsman Rhomann Dey = Will Poulter
Corpsman Jesse Alexander = Mark Ruffalo
Carrie = Lilly Aspell
Karl Moffet = Noah Schnapp
Principal Philbin = John C Reilly
Nova Prime Richard Ryder = Edward Norton
Nova Senturion Garthan Saal = Peter Serafinowicz
Corpsman Malik Tarcel = Jake Gyllenhaal
Rocket = Bradley Cooper
Hepzibah = Kirsty Swanson
Titus = Patrick Seitz
Gamora = Zoe Saldana
Fang = Matthew Lawrence
Raksor = Tom Hardy
Elaine Coll/Scorpia = Camilla Belle
Having had the Nova corps come up in this MCU’s Guardians of the Galaxy films as they did in the real MCU, a solo film focused on a human corps member seems like a logical and important project.  However, as Richard Ryder’s Nova has been used in the Guardians films this time round, it makes more sense to jump straight to the more recent version that is Sam Alexander.  This film is very much a passing-of-the-torch film in various respects, and I bring back Guardians director James Gunn to handle it (for the purposes of this hypothetical MCU, we’ll assume Gunn isn’t tied up by production duties with DC and Warner Brothers).
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2026) Directed by Miguel Arteta
Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider III = Taylor Lautner
Eli Morrow = Eddie Cibrian
Gabriel Reyes = Michael Cimino
Lisa = Madeline Brewer
Johnny Blaze = Connor Trinneer
Calvin Zabo/Mr Hyde = James McAvoy
Grumpy = Luis Guzmán
Guero Valdez = Rodrigo Santoro
Alejandra Jones/Vengeance = Alice Braga
Having given the Johnny Blaze iteration of Ghost Rider a trilogy by way of Connor Trinneer and then given Andrew Garfield the role of the Danny Ketch Ghost Rider for a solo film and a few team-ups, this last entry for the Ghost Rider focuses on the Robbie Reyes incarnation.  The film is largely new casting, with only Connor returning as Blaze as he advises Reyes on how to handle the Rider curse in his clash with fellow spectral super-being Vengeance.  The lead role of Reyes falls to Taylor Lautner more in spite of his past in the Twilight films than because of them, and since Reyes is a Latino superhero, I felt it important to have someone from the same background handle the direction, hence the selection of Puerto Rican director Miguel Arteta.
Venom 3 (2026) Directed by Shawn Levy
Eddie Brock/Venom = Wentworth Miller
Anne Weying = Michelle Williams
Flash Thompson/Anti-Venom = Ben Affleck
Sha Shan Nguyen = Grace Park
Knull = Rhys Ifans
Carlton Drake/Riot II = Jared Harris
Agent Patrick Mulligan/Toxin = Stephen Graham
Dr Karl Malus/Carnage II = Jared Leto
Patricia Robertson/Mania = Emily Osment
Agent Alton Clark = Leslie Odom Jr.
Agent Monica Steen = Italia Ricci
Agent Garon Lewis = Terrence Howard
Jefferson Davis = Eriq La Salle
Yuri Watanabe = Ally Maki
Dr Ashley Kafka = Keri Russell
Mac Gargan/Scorpion = Brian Bloom
Shirley Lewis = Gabrielle Union
Devon Lewis = Niles Fitch
For the third and final Venom film, we see Flash Thompson given an artificial symbiote that makes him the “Anti-Venom” in order to take down Brock’s anti-hero.  However, the two must instead work together when it turns out Carlton Drake and several others are not only hosting the symbiotes of Venom’s past foes from films one and two, but they’re also preparing to unleash their god Knull upon Earth.  This film is partly original films and partly a loose adaptation of various other bits of Venom/Spider-Man lore.  Again, I keep Shawn Levy in place to direct.
Captain Britain: Lionheart (2027) Directed by Sam Mendes & Patty Jenkins
Kelsey Leigh/Captain Britain II = Hermione Corfield
Brian Braddock Jr./Captain Britain = Jamie Bamber
Meggan = Sienna Miller
Martin Leigh = Matthew Illesley
Jenny Leigh = Elodie Blomfield
Mrs Shorr = Emma Thompson
Victoria Bentley = Emma Watson
Morgan Le Fey = Catherine McCormack
Umar = Ruth Wilson
Dirk Garthwaite/Wrecker = Dallas Page
Dr Eliot Franklin/Thunderball = David Otunga
Brian Phillip Calusky/Piledriver = Adam Joseph Copeland
Henry Camp/Bulldozer = Steve Austin
Roma = Rachel Weisz
Joseph Chapman/Union Jack III = Rob Mallard
Dane Whitman/Black Knight = Ioan Gruffudd
Dr Faiza Hussain/Excalibur = Nikkita Chadha
Scott Wright/Micromax = Jack O'Connell
Harley Davis/Motormouth = Louisa Lytton
Pete Wisdom = Tom Bateman
Ben Gallagher = Alex Pettyfer
Richard Leigh = Thomas Brodie-Sangster
As a Brit, I’ve made a point of peppering this MCU with one-shot films for various UK-based heroes and teams that I know are part of Marvel lore, and which the relevant studios that have rights to those characters either keep avoiding or get wrong.  This includes solo films for the original Captain Britain and the modern-day incarnation of Union Jack, plus team films for X-Men spin-off group Excalibur and the more government-based MI13.  For this film, however, we’re giving the spotlight to Kelsey Leigh, a woman who followed Brian Braddock as the second Captain Britain for a time before shifting her code-name to Lionheart when Brian Braddock resumed the Captain Britain mantle.
This film is part adaptation of Kelsey’s origin arc from the comics and part original film, including the additions of her estranged husband and a suitable new romantic interest into the film.  There’s a decent mix of new and old casting and also a little borrowing of characters from other places, including Dr Strange’s English friend and ally Victoria Bentley being a character in the mix.  For direction, I’m not aware of many British film directors that are also female, so I decided to pair Sam Mendes with Patty Jenkins so the former could bring the British perspective while the latter brings the female perspective.  Hopefully, the fusion of the two would be quite interesting to see.
Ultimate Spider-Man 3 (2027) Directed by Ryan Coogler
Miles Morales/Spider-Man II = Noah Gray-Cabey
Barbara Rodriguez = Barbie Ferreira
Ava Ayala/White Tiger = Cierra Ramirez
Anya Corazon/Spider-Girl = Alejandra Reynoso
Rio Morales = Penélope Cruz
Jefferson Davis = Eriq La Salle
Ganke Lee = Jacob Batalon
Dr Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus = Alfred Molina
Sandman/Flint Marko = Dwayne Johnson
Phil Urich/Hobgoblin = Joe Kerry
Vincent Stegron = David Henrie
Francine Frye/Electro = Kaya Scodelario
Ana Kravinoff/Kraven the Hunter = Mia Goth
Yuri Watanabe = Ally Maki
Peter Parker = Wil Wheaton
Shirley Lewis = Gabrielle Union
Devon Lewis = Niles Fitch
While Peter Parker took on the Sinister Six in Spider-Man 4 within this MCU, we’re giving Miles a Sinister Six to fight on his third and final solo film.  However, unlike Peter, Miles is not alone, as we give two of Miles’ supporting cast their chance to shine as superheroes.  In terms of the villains, only Doc Ock, Sandman and the new female Electro represent returning cast members, while Hobgoblin, Stegron and Kraven’s daughter provide some new faces.  For direction, Ryan Coogler completes this trilogy just ahead of the House of M trilogy.
House of M: A Whole New World (2028) Directed by JJ Abrams
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff = Kate Beckinsale
Magneto (revitalised version) = Matthew Macfadyen
Emma Frost = Elizabeth Banks
Wolverine/Logan = Tom Cruise
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler = Daniel Brühl
Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane = Bonnie Wright
Jubilee = Chloe Bennett
Bishop = Winston Duke
Rachel Summers = Danielle Panabaker
Neal Shaara/Thunderbird = Karan Brar
Rogue = Anna Paquin
Betsy Braddock/Psylocke = Lena Headey
Megan Gwynn/Pixie = Alexa Davies
Laura Kinney/X-23 = Dafne Keen
Dane Whitman/Black Knight = Ioan Gruffudd
Kelsey Leigh/Lionheart = Hermione Corfield
Sabra/Ruth Bat-Seraph = Gal Gadot
Navid Hashim/Arabian Knight = Marwan Kenzari
Dr Faiza Hussain/Excalibur = Nikkita Chadha
Scott Wright/Micromax = Jack O'Connell
Harley Davis/Motormouth = Louisa Lytton
Pete Wisdom = Tom Bateman
Alistaire Stuart = David Tennant
Joseph Chapman/Union Jack III = Rob Mallard
Brian Braddock Jr./Captain Britain = Jamie Bamber
Meggan = Sienna Miller
Dr Stephen Strange = Johnny Depp
Namor McKenzie/The Submariner = Christian Bale
Miles Morales/Spider-Man II = Noah Gray-Cabey
Amadeus Cho/Iron Man II = Charles Melton
Kamala Khan/Ms Marvel = Odeya Rush
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel = Melissa Joan Hart
Sersi = Gemma Chan
Gilgamesh = Don Lee
Sam Alexander/Nova = Raphael Alejandro
Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider III = Taylor Lautner
Peter Rasputin/Colossus = Henry Cavill
The House of M trilogy is set out a bit like Lord of the Rings; three films, all probably quite long, filmed back-to-back and released one per year.  However, unlike the Lord of the Rings, we’re changing up the directors and while films two and three occur in the altered reality that shares its name with the films, the first film is very much an Infinity War-style enterprise.  The Scarlet Witch gets free and begins to hunt once more for the means to alter reality.  Every hero still active in the MCU shifts into gear to stop or delay her in her quest, and when reality changes, will anyone remember how things were before?  This film is all returning cast, directed by JJ Abrams.
House of M: M for Mystery (2029) Directed by Roland Emmerich
Magneto (revitalised version) = Matthew Macfadyen
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff (House of M guise) = Elizabeth Olsen
Quicksilver (House of M version) = Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Polaris (House of M Version) = Samara Weaving
Havok (House of M Version) = Lucas Till
Peter Rasputin/Colossus = Henry Cavill
Psylocke (House of M version) = Daisy Ridley
Wolverine/Logan = Tom Cruise
Rogue (House of M Version) = Debby Ryan
Raven Darkholme/Mystique = Connie Nielsen
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler = Daniel Brühl
Neal Shaara/Thunderbird = Karan Brar
Emma Frost (House of M version) = Alice Eve
Kate Pryde (House of M version) = Hailee Steinfeld
Iceman (House of M Version) = Dacre Montgomery
Pyro (House of M Version) = Adam Demos
Cannonball (House of M Version) = Peyton Meyer
Siryn (House of M Version) = Amybeth McNulty
Scott Summers (HoM Version) = Miles Tiller
Jean Grey (HoM Version) = Emma Stone
Dr Hank McCoy (HoM Version) = Tom Hardy
Sean Cassidy (HoM Version) = Michael Fassbender
Alison Blaire/Dazzler (HoM Version) = Jennifer Lawrence
Jubilee (HoM Version) = Lana Condor
Warren Worthington III (HoM Version) = Chris Pine
T'Challa/Black Panther (HoM Version) = Michael B. Jordan
Ororo Iquadi T'Challa (HoM Version) = Zazie Beetz
King Namor (HoM Version) = Zachary Quinto
Doctor Doom (HoM Version) = Christoph Walz
Prime Minister Brian Braddock = Jamie Bamber
Lady Meggan = Sienna Miller
Prime Minister Ruth Bat-Seraph = Gal Gadot
King Navid Hasham = Marwan Kenzari
Queen Faiza Hussain = Nikkita Chadha
Agent Whitman = Ioan Gruffudd
Agent Wisdom = Tom Bateman
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (House of M Version) = Margot Robbie
Peter Parker/Spider-Man (House of M Version) = Tom Holland
Gwen Parker = Dove Cameron
Ben Barker (House of M Version) = Matt Le Blanc
May Parker (House of M Version) = Leah Remini
J. Jonah Jameson (House of M Version) = Gary Oldman
Aleksei Sytsevich/Rhino (House of M version) = Dave Bautista
Luke Cage (HoM Version) = Michael Colter
Kamala Khan = Odeya Rush
Tony Stark (HoM Version) = Luke Evans
Sam Alexander = Raphael Alejandro
Robbie Reyes = Taylor Lautner
Clint Barton (HoM Version) = Chris Pratt
Layla Miller = Lulu Wilson
Dr Hank Pym (HoM Version) = Oscar Isaac
Black Bolt = Pierce Brosnan
Medusa = Elizabeth Hurley
Crystal = Dina Meyer
Gorgon = J.G. Hertzler
Karnak = Alexander Siddig
Triton = Orlando Bloom
Sersi = Gemma Chan
Ikaris = Richard Madden
Gilgamesh = Don Lee
Thena = Rose Byrne
Kingo = Kumail Nanjiani
Makkari = Lauren Ridloff
Phastos = Brian Tyree Henry
Ajak = Jennifer Lopez
Druig = Barry Keoghan
Mentor = Michael McKean
Eros/Starfox = Joel McHale
Dr Stephen Strange (HoM Version) = Benedict Cumberbatch
Matt Murdock (HoM Version) = Charlie Cox
For the second House of M film, not only do we launch into a whole other world, but we undergo a major re-cast.  A lot of this is because various actors will have aged out of their former roles since this MCU began in the 1990’s, and a few have even passed away, requiring either other characters to replace them or re-casts to finish final performances.  As a result, the cast includes a multitude of “House of M Version” notations to show up where new actors take on the roles.  Another reason for these changes is that a new world and new timeline brings with it an alternate history, resulting in some differences in personalities.  Plot-wise, the film is largely focused on Wolverine, who now remembers his entire life from the MCU prior to Wanda altering reality.  This makes him a danger to the status quo of the House of M, which is shown through various vignettes interspersed throughout the film.  That being said, there is also a major arc in this film for Spider-Man that, together with Logan’s arc, really sets up for the last film.  In addition to the various House of M variants, we also get Layla Miller added as the one new character overall in the film.  Direction-wise, Roland Emmerich handles this middle instalment of the trilogy.
House of M: Endgame (2030) Directed by the Russo Brothers
Magneto (revitalised version) = Matthew Macfadyen
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff = Kate Beckinsale
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff (House of M guise) = Elizabeth Olsen
Quicksilver (House of M version) = Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Polaris (House of M Version) = Samara Weaving
Havok (House of M Version) = Lucas Till
Peter Rasputin/Colossus = Henry Cavill
Psylocke (House of M version) = Daisy Ridley
Wolverine/Logan = Tom Cruise
Rogue (House of M Version) = Debby Ryan
Raven Darkholme/Mystique = Connie Nielsen
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler = Daniel Brühl
Neal Shaara/Thunderbird = Karan Brar
Kate Pryde (House of M version) = Hailee Steinfeld
Cannonball (House of M Version) = Peyton Meyer
Scott Summers (HoM Version) = Miles Tiller
Jean Grey (HoM Version) = Emma Stone
Dr Hank McCoy (HoM Version) = Tom Hardy
Sean Cassidy (HoM Version) = Michael Fassbender
Alison Blaire/Dazzler (HoM Version) = Jennifer Lawrence
Jubilee (HoM Version) = Lana Condor
Warren Worthington III (HoM Version) = Chris Pine
T'Challa/Black Panther (HoM Version) = Michael B. Jordan
Ororo Iquadi T'Challa (HoM Version) = Zazie Beetz
King Namor (HoM Version) = Zachary Quinto
Prime Minister Ruth Bat-Seraph = Gal Gadot
Luke Cage (HoM Version) = Michael Colter
Kamala Khan = Odeya Rush
Tony Stark (HoM Version) = Luke Evans
Sam Alexander = Raphael Alejandro
Clint Barton (HoM Version) = Chris Pratt
Layla Miller = Lulu Wilson
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (House of M Version) = Margot Robbie
Peter Parker/Spider-Man (House of M Version) = Tom Holland
Dr Stephen Strange (HoM Version) = Benedict Cumberbatch
Matt Murdock (HoM Version) = Charlie Cox
Kelsey Leigh = Hermione Corfield
Martin Leigh = Matthew Illesley
Jenny Leigh = Elodie Blomfield
Mrs Shorr = Emma Thompson
Richard Leigh = Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Alistaire Stuart = David Tennant
Bruce Banner (HoM Version) = Rory Cochrane
Jennifer Walters (HoM Version) = Krysten Ritter
The title says it all, really.  Through Layla, the memory of how reality should be is restored and they prepare to assault Magneto and his family to try and set the world right.  How it ends, I’m not sure; in the comics, Wanda said “no more mutants” and just reduced the mutant population to virtual non-existence for a time.  With some different wording, the films could either end on a reboot or they could take out everything normal, giving all our heroes happily ever afters in a world like ours.  Either way, it’s the Russo brothers that see this iteration of the MCU to an end.
So, that concludes anything superhero fan-cast related for a while at least.  I am working on TV show-style fan-casting for Marvel and DC, but I’m not yet ready to turn either into rambles as yet.  For now, fan-cast fans will have to content themselves with my Poirot and Marple fan-casts, and for DC fans, I am still working on Gotham episode reviews, though at the moment it’s going to continue to be at a reduced rate for a while.  So, until the next ramble, ta-ta for now.
0 notes
queennicoleinboots · 1 year ago
Peter the Irish Bard
A/N: Written for entertainment purposes only. I do not own "What I Got" by Sublime or "Respect" by Otis Redding.
(A sequel to 'King Bruce Ice Has Spoken.' A lot happened since he last spoke. He has been speaking for at least three years. In a way, he was a catalyst for a lot of things that have happened in the past three years, but he certainly didn't mean to cause any of the mass chaos that has happened.)
The funeral of Angelina, King Joebearcow's late sister, had taken place. Since then, we have all endured several months of bullshit, bureaucratic hoops, fighting wars that involved multiple times periods, and even fighting amongst our friends and family members. We even have been going to our lawyers about our late family members' estates and assets.
We hadn't had a real meeting since the funeral to be honest. King Joebearcow had changed his name several times from King Joebearcow to Doctor Baby Fat Bear to the current King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear. My name went through its usual changes, but I am now Queen Chocolate-Covered Nicole Gummy Bear.
One night, we went drinking with Lindsay who removed all former titles from her name. She remained a good woman and as far as I am concerned, will always be one. She asked why we no longer had meetings.
I simply answered, "Everyone is in a different time in the timeline."
She said, "Not true. Sorcerer Banana and Pauno are eternal."
"Sorcerer Banana is fighting in space to prevent a black hole from swallowing the universe," I said.
"So he can't attend?" Lindsay asked.
"He can, but he has to find someone else to balance the universe," King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear answered.
"What about Pauno?" Lindsay asked.
"What about me?" Pauno asked in his monotone voice as he appeared between Lindsay and me.
"Can you attend our meeting?" Lindsay asked.
"I certainly can, but what are the talking points?" Pauno asked.
King Bruce Ice and the rest of his Ice family entered the restaurant/bar we were in. Duke the Ace of Dodging and Riley the Ace of Riddling strutted in the place like they owned it.
"Everything about that family," King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear said.
The Ice family sat near us. Riley the Ace of Riddling put his head on my lap. I pet him. Duke the Ace of Dodging pawed at Lindsay. Lindsay smiled and pet him.
"Greetings, King Bruce Ice, King Christopher Ice, Queen Megara Ice, Queen Marissa Ice, Princess Abigail Ice, and Princess Isabella Ice," we spoke in unison.
"A peanut butter daquiri sounds good. Do they have that on the menu?" King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear asked.
"Not exactly. But it will happen," King Bruce Ice said.
The waiter brought over the strawberry PEANUT BUTTER DAQUIRI. He looked and smelled exactly like Peter.
"Excuse me, sir. Are you Peter Parker?" Lindsay asked.
Duke the Ace of Dodging and Riley the Ace of Riddling looked at the Peter Parker lookalike.
"No! I'm Peter Wallace Parker! Are you S. N. Lindsay?" he asked. He even sounded like Peter Wallace Parker and definitely not the Peter Parker from Spiderman.
"Heavens NO! I'm just Lindsay now!" Lindsay said a bit too loudly. Clearly, her red wine had gotten to her head.
The song, "Red Red Wine" by U.B. 40 was playing.
Duke the Ace of Dodging and Riley the Ace of Riddling barked.
"Well, excuse me!" Peter Wallace Parker said loudly and went to tend to other guests.
King Bruce Ace drank his strawberry PEANUT BUTTER DAQUIRI and stared at Peter Wallace Parker.
"So, before you all showed up, we were discussing having a meeting. I'm not sure why, but Lindsay wanted us to get together again," King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear said bluntly.
"Probably because a lot of bullshit has been going on. Now we have a war in real time. Well, the Ukraine and Russia war has been going on for over a year, but no one really talks about that anymore," Pauno said.
"Yes. That has to be discussed at the next meeting. But Sir Paul the Goat, Prince Olive Garden, Chrissy, Simmons, Steve, and Jaybird are in a different time. Sorcerer Banana is holding the universe together in Space. And Count Vanilla Manilla is in every year ever. He took over the world," King Bruce Ice said as his green eyes were wide.
"Talking about Count Vanilla Manilla alone is enough for a meeting! Do you even know where the hell Steve is?!" I asked loudly.
Peter Wallace Parker was serving tables and moving quickly.
"He should come to the next meeting," Queen Megara Ice said as she was staring at Peter Wallace Parker.
"Well, duh! He still has to sing that song to commemorate Angelina's life," King Bruce Ace said.
"OH! I just thought he ghosted us right after the funeral! What an asshole!" King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear shouted.
"No. He was stuck in China fighting Queen Amandemon for a month and then fought a war over in Greece for a month after that and then God knows what happened until he got the job here," Lindsay said.
"Well, damn, I didn't know!" King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear said.
"We'll have to ask him at the next meeting," I said.
"WAITER!!!" King Bruce Ace shouted.
"Yes, Your Grace!" Peter Wallace Parker shouted as he almost dropped the flambe on the random guest's table.
"Sing that song!" King Bruce Ice shouted.
The King Bears stared him down. Queen Megara Ice also stared at him.
"What song?" Peter Wallace Parker asked as he approached us.
"The song about Angelina," King Bruce Ice said.
"Oh... That one. I've been working on it in my spare time. As you see, I have been busy. Inflation took over the world more than Count Vanilla Manilla did. He and I have been fighting the forces of evil for the last seven months!" Peter Wallace Parker said with force. "And what can I get everyone?"
"THAT SONG!" King Bruce Ice answered before any of us could order refills. I was ready to order tacos.
We had a different waiter/waitress when we first got here. The restaurant/bar had a shift change apparently.
"I haven't fleshed it out yet!" Peter Wallace Parker said as he wrote it down on his pad.
"Sing what you got!" King Bruce Ice shouted.
"Now?" Peter Wallace Parker asked.
"YES! SEVEN MONTHS AGO!" King Bruce Ice shouted.
"All right! All right! I'm doing it!" Peter Wallace Parker shouted. He then went to the center of the restaurant, and U.B. 40 finally shut the fuck up.
"Attention! Everyone! Your Grace has requested I sing 'what I got.' So here I am, singing it for you!" Peter Wallace Parker said with an awkward smile.
That was definitely the Peter Wallace Parker we remembered.
The crowd got excited and clapped.
The music for "What I Got" by Sublime started playing. Peter Wallace Parker then began to sing.
"Hey! This was my sister's favorite song!" King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear said. "She sang it for me at my high school graduation. She had such a beautiful voice."
I held my bear in my arms as we heard Peter Wallace Parker serenade.
"Well, life is too short, so love the one you got!
'Cause you might get run over or you might get shot!
Never start no static, I just get it off my chest
Never had to battle with no bulletproof vest
Take a small example, take a ti-ti-ti-tip from me.
Take all of your money, give it all to charity-ty-ty-ty
Love is what I got.
It's within my reach
And the Sublime style's still straight from Long Beach.
It all comes back to you, you finally get what you deserve.
Try and test that, you're bound to get served.
Love's what I got.
Don't start a riot.
You'll feel it when the dance gets hot!" Peter Wallace Parker sang.
This song was strangely fitting to commemorate Angelina's life. She was a pirate who lived in the high seas for most of her life. But from what King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear told me, she was still full of love for her family and country.
"Lovin', is what I got.
I said remember that.
Lovin', is what I got.
And remember that.
Lovin', is what I got.
I said remember that.
Lovin', is what I got.
(I got, I got, I got)!" Peter Wallace Parker sang beautifully.
King Bruce Ace and King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear stood up and sang that chorus with him.
"Why I don't cry when my dog runs away.
I don't get angry at the bills I have to pay.
I don't get angry when my mom smokes pot.
Hits the bottle and goes right to the rock.
Fuckin' and fightin', it's all the same.
Livin' with Louie Dog's the only way to stay sane.
Let the lovin', let the lovin' come back to me!" King Bruce Ace, King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear, and Peter Wallace Parker sang.
Pauno listened intently and had tears in his eyes. Riley the Ace of Riddling and Duke the Ace of Dodging put their heads on Pauno's lap to comfort him.
"Lovin', is what I got.
I said remember that.
Lovin', is what I got.
And remember that.
Lovin', is what I got.
I said remember that.
Lovin', is what I got.
(I got, I got, I got).
We're not that far off.
So that's
See, but
Yeah, we're done there!" King Bruce Ace, King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear, and Peter Wallace Parker sang.
The music faded down, and the rest of us clapped and cheered.
"Thank you!" Peter Wallace Parker said with a smile and bowed.
King Bruce Ace and King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear growled. We bears growled with them.
Count Vanilla Manilla burst in the restaurant/bear and growled for a minute straight.
"Thank you, Count Vanilla Manilla," King Bruce Ace said.
"You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. I didn't know we were having a meeting. I just came here to order Mac n Cheese," Count Vanilla Manilla said as he walked in and sat between to Princess Isabella Ice and Princess Abigail Ice.
We all chimed in and finally ordered our tacos.
Peter Wallace Parker then took our orders and sent them to the kitchen.
"PETER WALLACE!!!" King Bruce Ace shouted.
"YES, YOUR GRACE!" Peter Wallace Parker shouted back.
"Sing another song for us!" King Bruce Ace shouted.
"Which one?" Peter Wallace Parker asked.
"'Respect' was another one of my sister's favorite songs," King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear said.
The crowd cheered and clapped.
"Which version? The Aretha Franklin version or the original?" Peter Wallace Parker asked.
"Original?" King Bruce Ace asked.
"Original? Original? Original?" Count Vanilla Manilla asked.
"Yes. 'Respect' was originally sung by Otis Redding back in 1965, but Aretha Franklin covered it in 1967," Peter Wallace Parker said.
"The original," King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear said. "She preferred Aretha Franklin, but I feel the original would be easier for you to sing."
"You are right," Peter Wallace Parker said.
"SING IT!" King Bruce Ace shouted.
At this point, Peter Wallace Parker started to sing "Respect" by Otis Redding, originally written in 1965. The music played in the background, and the emphasis was on that trombone.
"What you want, honey, you got it
And what you need, baby, you've got it
All I'm asking
For a little respect when I come home, hey now
Hey hey hey, yeah now!" Peter Wallace Parker sang with emphasis.
The ladies chuckled.
Pauno nodded and shouted, "Hey hey hey, yeah now!"
The males growled and cheered.
"Do me wrong, honey, if you wanna to
You can do me wrong honey, while I'm gone
But all I'm asking
Is for a little respect when I come home, ooh, yeah now
Hey hey hey, yeah now!!" Peter Wallace Parker sang that verse vehemently.
Pauno got up and sang, "Hey hey hey, yeah now!"
Peter Wallace Parker and Pauno sang, "Hey little girl, you're so sweet, little honey.
And I'm about to, just give you all of my money.
And all I'm asking, hey.
A little respect when I come home, hey hey
Hey hey hey, yeah now
Hey little girl, you're sweeter than honey.
And I'm about to give you all of my money.
But all I want you to do
Is just give it, give it
Respect when I come home, hey hey now
Hey hey hey, yeah now!!"
The males cheered and clapped.
"I don't think Angelina had THIS in mind," I said as I smirked.
"This version is what I WANTED to sing to my sister when she would visit my abode. She was wonderful, but when she ate all my honey, it was a bit much," King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear said with a nod. "Then she sang the Aretha Franklin version when I mentioned I needed more honey."
Lindsay chuckled. "Sounds like sibling love," she said.
"It was," King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear said with a nod.
"Got to, got to have it
Got to, got to have it
Got to, got to have it
Got to, got to have it
Give us, give us, give us, give us
Give us, give us, give us, give us
Give us, give us some baby, everything I need!" Pauno and Peter Wallace Parker sang as they danced.
Everyone else cheered and clapped.
"King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear! Did his performance satisfy you?" King Bruce Ice asked.
"Yes. Peter Wallace Parker sang those songs like you asked. Now... for a proper reception!" King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear shouted as he threw his fist in the air.
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heartbreakentertainment · 4 years ago
I am absolutely losing it. This boy in my class. I’ve always thought he looked familiar.
He is an exact copy of Bowie. Like Gwilym Lee Brian May exact copy. I cannot contain myself.
Yesterday he and another boy from my class were explaining electricity for the class, to sum up what we did last year, and all I could think of was
David Bowie and Peter Parker are explaining physics to me. DAVID BOWIE and PETER PARKER aRE EXPLAINING PHYSICS TO ME.
Ziggy fucking Stardust goes to my class. The thin white duke himslef. I am loosing it.
Ground control to Major Tom, YOU HAVE TIME TRAVELED. Please return to the 60’. YOU ARE FUCKING UP THE MATTER OF THE UNIVERSE.
Man oh man, if you’re ever making a David Bowie biopic, hit my up and I will give you his number. He is perfect!
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shokuto · 3 years ago
MCU Spider-Man has given weapons of mass destruction to someone he didn't know, invited actual supervillains to his apartment with his Aunt May there and was almost the cause of the multiverse colliding on itself lmfao he's actually a fucking idiot
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queen-daya · 3 years ago
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They say you become like who you hang out with…it’s official!!
Tom Holland (Peter Parker) has become his mentor/father Robert Downey jr. (Tony Stark) He even stole his look.
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beermanoftana · 5 years ago
all about stanley [tom holland]
relationship: tom holland x reader
warnings: mistakes here and there
request (anon): hey lovely you, i have a request for tom holland x reader :)) (sorry for m'y bad english) Reader would be hit on by a man who would be Tom's lookalike (but maybe without curly hair and less muscular) and that would make reader laugh and therefore the lookalike thinks he has a chance with reader and try to see her again until Tom will be there to stop him from flirting with his girlfriend ? XD UWU
notes: hello lovely anon! i super tried my best for this one and i think it came out okay? it may not be up to your standard but i still hope you enjoy it even just a bit!
summary: stop, look...don’t listen
The club wasn't full, nor was it loud. Just the way you liked it. Unfortunately, your current companion was in the building, too.
You looked at the guy from head to toe, and you couldn't hide the amused smile on your face.
"Hey," he greeted with a slight smirk.
"Hi," you responded. You pursed your lips to control yourself.
"You come here often?"
"Yeah." Single word answers are better than no answers at all. That would be rude. But wordy answers would be dangerous in this situation, too.
"I don't see you much here," he continued. "How could I miss a beauty like you?"
The curve of his lips made you giggle. He must've thought you were amused by his flirting, but he was very wrong.
"I'm Stanley. What's your name?"
Okay, you couldn't help it. You burst into a fit of laughter. "I'm sorry," you said as you tried to calm yourself. "I didn't...I'm so sorry." You shook your head and took in a breath. "I'm sorry, Stanley. You just remind me of someone."
He didn't seem fazed by your laughter. Instead, he said, "I bet I'm more attractive than him."
You are so full of yourself, you thought. Smirking, you said, "You should see him for yourself."
Stanley frowned. "What does that mean?"
You shrugged. "You single, Stanley?"
He smiled. "I just broke up with her. Why?"
"Just wondering," you replied. "Is that why you're here?"
"I'm pretty much over her," he said. "But you know, I want to have some fun. I've missed the single life more than I thought."
"Why? How long were you two together?"
"About three months."
You furrowed your brows. That was a norm, but it was hard for you to empathize. Your relationships usually lasted for a long while. "I see."
Stanley nodded. "Allow me to return the question. You single, um...miss…?"
"No, she's not." Tom appeared behind you, his arm around your shoulder. "Now if you'll excuse us. We've got places to go."
Stanley's eyes narrowed. "You led me on."
"Excuse me?" you cocked your head. "And how did I do that?"
"You were giggling and laughing!"
"I don't see how that's leading you on," you said. "I told you that you reminded me of someone."
"Then why'd you ask if I was single?" He was glaring now. His index finger pointing at you accusingly. "You were flirting!"
"I asked to make sure that you didn't have someone with you since you were flirting. I didn't want anyone clawing my eyes out when I didn't want anything to do with you." Frank. Blunt. Rude? Maybe mean. But that's how you felt. "Now if you'll excuse us…"
You turned to Tom and gestured for the two of you to get out of the club. "Let's go?"
Tom followed suit as you led the way. When you were both out the door, inhaling the fresh air, he asked, "What was that all about?"
You stifled a giggle.
"What? What's so funny?"
You shook your head as you laughed. "Oh, it's nothing, Tom. Really."
"I'm serious, y/n. What's wrong?"
When you've calmed down, you began, "Who does that guy look like?"
He turned back to the club then at you. "Who?"
"Think, Tom. Think." A smile was on your face. "He's just less muscley and his hair is slicked back."
He blinked.
"Did you notice you were the same height?"
"And his eyes…"
He scowled. "You actually looked at his eyes?"
You laughed. You seemed to have been laughing a lot tonight. But you just can't help it. "Did you hear his name was Stanley?"
His eyes widened. "No."
"You are making fun of me, y/n!"
"But it's the truth!"
He crossed his arms in front of him. "Y/n," he said in a warning tone.
"Yes?" You grinned as if you were innocent.
"I love you but I am not amused. You're comparing me to him?" One arm gestured towards the club. "You can't be serious!"
"I'm just kidding, Tom," you said, snorting. "Chill."
He clicked his tongue. "Apology not accepted."
You smirked. "So what do you need me to do?"
Tom stepped forward and leaned in to kiss you...but his lips never touched yours. He straightened himself and cleared his throat. "You'll have to catch me first." And with that, he took off to the parking lot, leaving you grinning on the spot.
You sighed happily before speeding off to him. "Tom!"
tagging: @angel-cap
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spiderflop · 6 years ago
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I love everything about this 😂
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luveline · 3 months ago
jade i’ve been led on by a peter parker lookalike i am going to have to commit a crime (i’m joking i am just idk i just am)
That would make me aggro
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thepsychedelicsunshine · 7 years ago
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Hmm, these cat comparisons are getting weird
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tomsparkyr · 3 years ago
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
summary: when peter finds himself in another universe like his, he never expects a pretty girl on the other side to completely throw him off.
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andrew!peter parker x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, flustered peter, cute lil moments and that’s kind of it? let me know if i missed any :)
don’t steal any of my work, thanks!
𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 in a dark alleyway, breathing laboured as he had been swinging for the past thirty minutes out of boredom. The thump of his feet hitting the ground from a high level echoed down the empty area, not another presence apart from rats scurrying around, savaging for leftover foods.
He stood there for a moment, catching his breath with his hands on his knees bent over. Peter swallowed hardly, pushing himself up as he realised he owed Aunt May a new box of eggs after smashing the last.
His feet began to carry him away before a glowing light appeared in the corner of his eye. His spidey sense was going wild, increasing Peter’s curiosity as the more he turned his head to the glow; the more his spidey sense tingled.
“Peter! Peter” He heard his name called. He tilted his head to the side as the ominous glow spiralled into a circle, a clear new setting growing in the middle. Peter furrowed his brows behind the mask and looked around, wondering if this was meant for someone else. When no one seemed to respond to the people waving to him in the glow, Peter took it upon himself to retreat towards the mystery.
The closer he moved to the other side of the spiral, the more these people encouraged him. Peter had never met these people in his life so how on earth did they know his identity?
As Peter edged nearer to the entrance, he noticed the lookalike teenagers panic and take multiple hurried steps back. His curiosity got the better of him as he leaped into the separate setting and earning screams from everyone in the room at his presence.
Peter’s hands waved around trying to tell the people that he was harmless and only their friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. He tried waving at the four in the room, claiming everything is okay while a pillow was thrown at his stomach by a screaming older lady.
His hand raised to the top of his mask and ripped it off on one movement before his eyes scanned the room. The lady who had thrown the pillow had sprinted to the bottom of the stairs, the only boy (excluding Peter) was standing behind the table with his hands out like he was casting a spell. Peter’s eyes drifted to a young, possibly teenage girl stood behind a defensive arm, holding the most confused expression ever. There was a person standing infront of her, like the teenager needed protecting. His eyes travelled up the arm as then landed on you- Oh my God, you.
You were so beautiful. Your hair was falling from the clip secured loosely at the back of you head, locks of hair poking out the top. Your face looked concerned. Your eyebrows were scrunched slightly and your lips were twitched up and apart, showing your teeth which Peter knew you had a gorgeous smile. Peter admired the way your cheeks were flushed a light pink colour when he tore off his mask. His instant favourite part of you were your eyes. He noticed how they softened when you noticed the lack of danger in the room, your lashes adding another layer of beauty to your already perfect face.
“Who are you?” MJ pointed an excusing finger from behind your dominating form at the stranger who jumped through Dr Strange’s portal-magic thing? Peter’s gaze was still on your, “My name’s Peter Parker.” He said slowly, making sure everyone (mainly you but…) hung onto his words and processed them.
MJ looked up to your face, yours still looking at him. “That’s not possible!” She whispered harshly into your ear, making you snap out of your glare from the man.
Peter held his mask in his sweaty palms and lifted both to indicate his face, “I am the Spiderman from my world but yesterday,” His eyes widened and began tripping up on his words at attempts to explain infront of you. “I was just here!” He spoke with uncertainty and began to walk from his stationary spot in the room.
The three of you looked at each other as ‘Peter’ admired the room, gasps leaving his mouth as the house seemed to surprise him more than anything. “Multiverse theory?” He questioned, looking at you mainly. You muttered out a small yes and nodded your head rapidly as he fist pumped the air, letting out a small “I knew it!”
Ned tapped your shoulder and the three of you leaned in, “This has to be because of the spell!” He voice wandered. A hand on your back startled you before you felt Peter lean himself over you, his head hovering above your shoulder. “The spell?” He spoke with glee right next to your face. A beaming smile spread across his face, “A magic spell?” He smiled, feeling a softening glare from you.
Ned and MJ were quick to shake their heads as their voices overlapped one and other, “What spell? There was no spell!”. His excited demure tapped his fingers on your back, “There’s magic here too?” You felt his breath tingle on your cheek as small giggles fell from his lips.
MJ tugged your body back with a pull of your wrist, feeling Peter’s warm touch slip from your back and seeing his smile drop. “Prove it.” She spoke strongly, keeping your wrist in a tight hold. “Prove to us that you’re Spiderman, Peter Parker.”
The man tapped the sides of his suit, “I don’t carry an ID with me, kind of defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing?” His nose scrunched in confusion.
MJ used the hand not holding you to pick up the piece of bread you had raised to your mouth, about to happily eat, to throw at the man in front of you. The bread tapped his chest and did zero harm physically or mentally to the man. His lips upturned and his shoulders shrugged, “Why did you do that?”
Her hand was held up in front of her in a pathetic defence. “She’s trying to see if you have the tingle thing.” You said for the furious girl beside you, thinking some man is trying to imitate her boyfriend.
Peter’s eyes snapped to yours as he heard your angelic voice for the first time, the sigh in your tone made Peter want to grab your face and kiss you so passionately (even though he’s just met you, he knows true love when he sees it.)
He swallowed down his inner voice and said “Yes, I have the tingle thing; just not for bread.” MJ wasn’t convinced.
MJ’s hand snatched to grab another piece and lifted it high in the air. “Can- can you not throw the bread again?” Peter said with confusion laced in his voice. “You’re a deeply mistrusting person,” He raised his hands and he backed away. “And I respect that.” He confessed before he jumped up and stuck his hand on the ceiling.
His legs and one arm holding his mask dangled, his eyes meeting yours and sending a subtle wink your way. Why were you blushing? MJ’s fingers pointed around the ceiling as a odd looking scowl was imprinted on her face. “Crawl around.”
“Crawl around?” He sounded almost offended. His eyes broke from yours as he shook his head with a certain, “No.”
“Yes. Crawl around.” MJ stood her ground.
“Why do I need to crawl around?”
“Because it’s not enough!”
“This is plenty.”
“No it’s not.”
“Yes it is.”
“Nuh uh!”
“It is.”
Peter groaned, “How do I stick to the ceiling?” He squinted his eyes before another piece of bread was thrown at his chest, earning a small laugh from your beside the bickering teenager.
Ned’s grandmother tapped you on the shoulder and explained in the easiest way possible for you, “Ned’s grandma asked if you could get that cobweb in the corner there?” You asked on behalf of her with a scrunched nose, looking at the attractive man holding a face of ‘I’m done’ hanging from the ceiling.
Peter obliged to your words almost instantly as he stuffed his mask to hold in his teeth, as he lifted his body to be on all fours on the ceiling. Ned and MJ glanced at each other as he followed your rules easily and not theirs, both confused on his beg for attention from you.
He cleared the cobweb after a heartless ‘Thank you’ from Ned’s mum. Peter detached himself from the ceiling and landed on the floor directly in front of you.
His chest was close to yours and so were your faces. Your noses nudged slightly as his tall figure leaned over yours, the smile hidden behind his grip on the mask reflected your own. Tension swarmed the two of you as his hand brushed your own ever so slightly.
The unknown moment between the two of you was interrupted at both of your heads snapped towards the new voice in the room. “Wait a minute, he’s not your friend…” The new Peter looked questionably at your Peter.
A newfound silence flooded the room as the two practically had a stare off before they both webbed at each other and swiftly landed on the kitchen island.
Your Peter hopped off the counter and stood by your side, coming shoulder to shoulder with you as the two of you unintentionally blocked out most of new Peter’s words.
Your Peter’s hand grazed your fingers and lightly touched them in an invitation to hold. You opened your hand and felt his warm palm slip into yours. A smile tugged on your face at the heat rising to your prominent cheeks. Sending a teasing smile MJ’s way as she winked at Peter’s height against yours, holding your hand.
A goofy smile spread across Peter’s lips as he held hands with the pretty girl he would soon become more with.
actually love this :(
taglist (let me know if wished to be removed,, you will be tagged in later andrew!peter posts! let me know if you don’t want this haha!)
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