#personifying objects
hoofpeet · 1 year
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Emmet having a delayed reaction to Ingo disappearing and only having a breakdown when he encounters a comparatively small problem
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mileniyum · 5 months
I hope they explode
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Anton would absolutely learn all the names of someone's plushies and genuinely ask the plushies about their day, and that alone is enough to make him the hottest man in this game.
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objectosexual · 11 months
I'm glad more of Tumblr is becoming more accepting of objectums + a lot of people are realizing that they're objectum themselves, but it really does feel like the current "in" thing right now so I hope this support for us continues even when people get tired of the eroticism of the machine
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hella1975 · 6 months
the thing about trauma and i think the reason im always more compelled by characters who lash out as a result of it instead of being made stronger by it is that it’s pointless. none of that shit happened for a reason. there’s nothing you’re supposed to do now that it happened. i can’t stand narratives that romanticise trauma bc the reality of it is that you went through that for no reason and you have to just deal and keep going. there’s nothing beautiful or brave about it. no one is writing you for it to mean something. it’s just… there
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pigdyke · 4 months
honestly i think its a lot more common than people think to feel some level of attraction to objects. like, historically its always been there. how captains talk about their ships, how people discuss architecture and sculptures, how people talk about their cars. I remember watching a documentary about how people would fall in love with statues back in ancient greece
I just dont understand how someone could be soooo suprised and shocked by it. humans have a history of assigning beauty to inanimate objects. sure it makes sense to be suprised theres a whole community around it, but to be suprised by the concept itself?
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sysig · 4 months
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Sweet dreams, for a time (Patreon)
#Doodles#Parapluesch#Mama Oz#So I mentioned that Mama Oz's grief doesn't come from Literally losing a child in how we understand the phrase#However - the dream sequences usually conflate Feeling and Experience#Thus - this#The fact that her actual function is as a magazine rack is so - well it's a lot haha it's a real statement piece#A stuffed animal made with the hide of a different animal made specifically to hold magazines in her belly pouch rather than a Joey#That's........a concept lol#I just can't see her as a piece of furniture! I know that's her function but no! She's a stuffed animal!#It's so easy to imagine her backstory - a child growing up in that home and having her be mama to all the other plushies#Not used as a magazine rack at all - constantly pulled out of her Utility to a more emotional and playful side#Until the child grows up and she's forced back into what she was made for - her ''purpose'' yes but to have to give up what she became#It's like this piece of furniture was doomed to sadness from conception! Personifying an object to that degree - I mean you gave it a face!!#Hard to believe I'm so emotionally invested in this item I'd never seen before and now#I guess that's good memorable design for you haha#She's also still quite fun to draw :D She's very cute!#I wasn't sure about giving her a mouth since I'm pretty sure the actual version doesn't have one - and some of the plushies don't#But I like the idea of her having a little Moomin-like mouth up under her snoot hehe#She kinda reminds me of Sniff even huh#She was fun to draw lying down haha I can very easily see her in my mind's eye standing herself back up in the Parapluesch animation style#I'm still thinking over how her story would conclude - I want her to be able to stand on her own as an individual#But I want her to retain her desire to nurture! She's still a plush even if she started a bit unconventional#Healthy balance to be found somewhere hmm
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bapydemonprincess · 10 months
Imagine Sebastian getting super close to the butter knives he always uses. Like it may seem like he just throws them and they're gone forever but he picks up and keeps them and cleans them and he considers them like loyal weapons and tools and the most efficient things he's used in centuries.
(And years later it's impossible for the demon to work with any other kind of weapon now. He kept the knives from that manor and he keeps them in mint condition no matter how much time passes. ✨)
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ENVELOPE - Animated Inanimate Battle
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waveobjectshow · 7 months
Yoooo I’m baaack
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Silly creechur
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i-am-the-oyster · 9 months
Elvis quotes Paul (speaking about a song) around 1:46: "It wants to be like this"
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butchdykekondraki · 10 months
im not objectum but i get the appeal of computers . like no yeah i DO wanna hold that thang in my arms . shes like a friend to me
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mileniyum · 6 months
New hum ver of clock bcs I kinda hate the old one
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smile-files · 1 year
okey dokey!!! my little object (?) world is still in development but i really should share it with you all... (especially @mumpsetc so i'm tagging you!!) here's a little blurb on botanica!!!!
so this is a peaceful planet filled with sentient fruit! yay!! if you'd like to learn more, read below :D
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in botanica, as fruit ripen on their plants, the plant material grows inside of the fruit, as if a miniature version of the plant has grown into it - botanican fruit possess a circulatory system of xylem and phloem within their flesh, with stems and vines growing out to form appendages (fig 1). all botanicans have leaves on at least one appendage, which they use to photosynthesize. aside from this energy from the sun, botanicans also drink water, which is taken in with a root tongue, and consume soil, from which nutrients and moisture are absorbed in a stomach-like organ. in doing so, botanicans effectively keep themselves "fresh" and/or "ripe", meaning that the life of a botanican fruit off of the parent plant is longer than that of a corresponding fruit in our world. all botanicans do eventually pass, and when they do, their bodies decompose and the seeds within them have the chance of growing into plants that will create more botanicans.
botanicans, like our fruit, come in different species, but those species are grouped into four categories: roaming botanicans, which are vine fruits (melons, tomatoes, squash, grapes), coasting botanicans, which are tropical fruits (bananas, papayas, pineapples, starfruit), floating botanicans, which are berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries), and soaring botanicans, which are tree fruit (apples, pears, peaches, cherries). citrus fruits are in a subcategory between coasting and soaring botanicans. (all of these category names are subject to change though!!)
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roaming botanicans are quadrupedal (four vine legs) with a prehensile vine-and-leaf tail (fig 2a); they live in sibling herds (usually small, but can vary in size) and roam around the landscape, without any designated leader among them. most roaming botanican species follow the sun year-round, and so avoid winter; in their constant migration they periodically stop to rest at hills, under which they burrow to make a nest. after making a nest under a hill, a herd will stick a branch at its peak so, after they leave, other herds will know that that hill can be used as a nesting site (fig 2b). some roaming botanicans have evolved to have particularly thick rinds, and so are more cold-resistant, and so opt not to constantly migrate, instead living more sedentary lives with occasional migration.
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coasting botanicans have a stem-and-leaf tail and two leaf fins (fig 3); they grow on land but live the majority of their lives in the water, where they spend their time in groups. these groups are more based on friendship ties than familial ties, considering how vast a domain these botanicans have (basically the entire aquatic realm). more so than others, coasting botanicans connect with botanicans of other species and categories, and spend most of their lives just exploring and meeting others. while usually surrounded by others, a coasting botanican might on a rare chance find themselves alone in the ocean, in which case the loneliness will cause them to act in a way abnormal for most of their category - they will become antisocial and will lose their desire to explore. there are few cases of this occurring, however, given how populated and lively most corners of botanica's waters are.
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floating botanicans have four large leafy wings and six tiny stem feet (fig 4a); they are the most solitary of the four categories, being very individualized. they have a very strong connection to flowers, which they in fact pollinate - many cultivate their own gardens and end up specializing in a specific type of flower. floating botanicans can be very social at times, and often come together to form collaborative gardens and even breed flowers, but they do not live in groups. these botanicans, being so much smaller than the others, can often not safely drink out of rivers or lakes without falling in, and so have evolved a long root tongue to drink with (fig 4b).
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soaring botanicans have two large, leafy wings and two stem talons (fig 5a); they tend to live in very large familial flocks, as fruit trees often produce mass amounts of botanicans. the first to ripen is usually the leader of the flock. these botanicans build nests in their family tree (get it?) using fallen sticks, branches, and other plant materials, which becomes the center of life (fig 5b). within a flock of soaring botanicans, many individuals are designated to explore the surrounding area for interesting additions to the nests (such as a foreign flower or a pretty rock). due to the large size of these groups, most individuals within a flock form a "twin" bond with another individual, which they spend more time with than others.
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i don't think i ever came up with a name for the soaring-coasting subcategory, but in any event, these botanicans have a single broad leaf tail and two stem talons (fig 6). these botanicans are more closely related to soaring botanicans than coasting botanicans, but as they tend to live in more watery areas, they have many similarities to coasting botanicans and do not have the capability of flight. botanicans of this category live in large flocks in ponds, lakes, and rivers; many build small dams. unlike those of the typical flock of soaring botanicans, individuals within flocks of these botanicans tend to intermix more; they often make friends between flocks and so there seems to be some kind of broad botanican network from pond to pond, river to river, lake to lake. these botanicans, like coasting botanicans, are very friendly and carefree.
botanica is a peaceful, happy planet; basically every resource needed for survival is in abundance and there is no opportunity for greed and selfishness to even arise, so individuals are more often than not cooperative, kind, and generous. of course, as loss and loneliness are truths of life, no botanican life is free of all suffering altogether, and issues can arise - but given the warm, compassionate nature of the surrounding physical and social environments, individuals end up living happy, loving lives overall.
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something interesting about botanican life is the complete disconnect between reproduction and relationhips - seeds are only spread after a botanican passes away, and those seeds grow into plants otherwise entirely disconnected from the botanican in question; then those plants are pollinated and new botanicans grow from them. in this way, botanicans have no real concept of sex, and often fall in love with and befriend members of different species (as there is no reason why this would be an issue; they wouldn't be reproducing with them anyway) (fig 7). while plant individuals sometimes have parts of a specific sex, most have parts of both sexes, and either way this has no impact on the mindset or behavior of the botanican as a whole creature (they technically have biological sex but they have no gender).
...so yeah, here's my silly fruit world!!! there's a lot of stuff left to talk about (with the gods of the world and everything) but this is good to start with :) i hope you like it!!!!
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markcampbells · 7 months
Cloud talking to the buster sword as he hangs it up in Costa del Sol in Rebirth 🤝 Cloud talking to Fenrir the bike in Dirge of Cerberus
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solardrake · 1 year
my friends & i were going down rabbit holes on stream and i found the objectum tag and something happened. i think i came back different
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