fashionfables · 1 year
A Journey Through My Fashion Time Capsule
Hey there, fabulous readers! Welcome back to "Fashion Fables," the corner of the internet where we unravel the threads of style, culture, and personal stories that shape the world of fashion. Today, I'm excited to take you on a stroll down memory lane as I share a personal story that's etched in my heart like the first stroke of eyeliner. Well, they are more like little parables but nevertheless, grab your favorite beverage and get ready to join me on this nostalgic trip!
Chapter One: A Palette of Memories - My Fashion and Makeup Odyssey
Picture this: a petite little black eyeshadow palette with an array of nine or twelve shades, accompanied by two blushes and a dinky brush. It wasn't a high-end product by any means, but for a 7 or 8-year-old me, it was pure magic. This palette marked my initiation into the world of makeup. I remember pretending to be a makeup artist crafting my masterpiece even though a lot of those endeavors ended in me looking like a clown. The thrill of experimentation was unmatched, even if the quality of the makeup left much to be desired. To mini-me it was a treasure trove of limitless possibilities.
However, like all tales, mine had its share of twists. Enter my cousin, a whirlwind of energy and curiosity. One fateful day, my precious little black palette met its demise at her hands. Though I couldn't be truly angry with her, I won't lie, a pang of nostalgia still accompanies the memory of that palette's demise. It might sound trivial, but that little black palette represented my gateway into the world of cosmetics – a world that blends artistry, self-expression, and creativity. But beneath that initial sting lay a lesson that resonated throughout my fashion journey – that memories and experiences are more valuable than material possessions. My cousin unintentionally helped me understand the impermanence of things and the importance of cherishing the experience.
Chapter Two: Gajras and Lehengas & Defying Norms 
Growing up in the charming coastal town of Visakhapatnam, my fashion explorations took some rather unconventional turns. No matter the occasion, whether it was a family gathering, a festive occasion, or just a random Tuesday, you could find me adorned in lehengas, donning gajras in my hair, and proudly sporting a mathamuni (forehead jewelry). Looking back, it's clear my fashion choices were a riot of color, a symphony of traditions, and an ode to my unabashed self.
I vividly remember the amused glances and raised eyebrows from relatives and friends as I sashayed in my uniquely styled ensembles. While I could sense a hint of embarrassment from my family, I was blissfully oblivious, basking in the warmth of my own authenticity. 
Flash forward to today, and while I've matured, my heart still dances to the beat of that fearless little girl who wore her heart on her sleeve – or rather, on her forehead. The memories of my mom obligingly clicking photos of me in my quirky ensembles while I posed with oversized sunglasses have remained precious tokens of that vibrant period.
Chapter Three: Pink Boots and Beyond - A Footwear Love Affair
Speaking of memorable childhood fashion fancies, let's talk about boots. Boots – a timeless statement piece that's been my constant companion since childhood. I had a pair of pink boots that I absolutely adored. Ah, those pink boots that had my heart in their grip from the very moment they encased my feet! Those boots weren't just footwear; they were an extension of my personality. I strutted around in those pink boots, embodying a confidence that comes naturally to children, unburdened by societal expectations.
Remarkably, my fondness for boots has endured the test of time. The fact that this style staple has been a consistent thread in my fashion narrative brings me immense joy. These boots, with their unwavering presence, remind me of the unwavering spirit of that little girl who knew what she loved and wasn't afraid to show it to the world.
Deconstructing My Fashion Narrative
As I reflect on my journey through fashion and personal style, I can't help but weave in how different individuals interpret and connect with fashion in unique ways, reflecting their own experiences and perspectives. My early fashion choices might have been unconventional, but they helped me develop a sense of self.
Through my story, you can glimpse the embedded values present in its messaging: of authenticity, self-confidence, and celebrating one's uniqueness.
In conclusion, my journey through fashion has been a colorful tapestry woven with memories, individuality, and a pinch of media literacy. From that first eyeshadow palette to my unapologetic fashion choices, every step has added a layer to the narrative of my personal style evolution. So, whether you're a devoted fashionista or someone dipping their toes into the world of style, remember that your fashion journey is a unique expression, worthy of celebration and exploration.
Thank you for joining me on this chapter of Fashion Fables by Your Friendly Neighborhood Fashion Blogger. As we embark on this journey, I invite you to join me in unraveling the intricacies of fashion as a storytelling medium. Let's explore how fashion intertwines with identity, culture, and media, all while appreciating the power it holds to shape and reshape our narratives. Stay tuned for more captivating tales of style, culture, and personal evolution!
Until next time, keep embracing your fashion fables with frills and flair!
Signing Off,
Sonaxi Satpathy
Your Friendly Neighborhood Fashion Blogger
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bogdansavchenko · 10 months
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пленер швидка замальовка формат А5 plein air quick sketch А5 size
"любителі абсенту" Алкоголь міцністю 70 - це добре, але 35 градусів літньої спеки - це погано. Мало хто згадає, чим це все закінчилося. ну окрім мене )))
Absinthe lovers 70 proof alcohol is good, but 35 degrees in the summer heat is bad. Few people will remember how it all ended. Well, except for me.
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egemenmustafa64 · 2 months
The Art of Home: Furnished Elegance vs. Unfurnished Creativity - Egemen Mustafa Şener
Every home tells a story, and the choice between a furnished or unfurnished property sets the stage for your personal narrative. Furnished spaces exude elegance and sophistication, with carefully curated pieces that create an instant ambiance of luxury. On the other hand, unfurnished properties offer a blank canvas for your creativity to flourish, allowing you to design and decorate according to your unique vision. Whether you prefer the ready-made allure of furnished homes or the artistic freedom of unfurnished spaces, your home is a reflection of your style and personality. Let's turn your real estate dreams into a captivating reality!
Egemen Mustafa Şener
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plotscape · 3 months
Echoes of Solitude
I’m grappling with the purpose behind it all, feeling adrift despite ticking every box of what was expected of me: loyalty, education, physical health, self-improvement. Yet, amidst it all, loneliness persists. Alone when the news of her arrival greeted me, only to face abandonment when circumstances dictated her departure. Alone as the ache of her absence gnawed at me, and alone when I couldn’t…
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arthistoriansdiary · 3 months
Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963–1995
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Tracey Emin, Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963–1995 (1995). Fabric, embroidery.
In the constellation of contemporary art, Tracey Emin's provocative oeuvre serves as a beacon of personal and feminist exploration. Among her many works, Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963–1995 (also known as The Tent) stands out as a landmark in the journey of autobiographical and feminist art. This post delves into Emin's iconic piece through the lens of art history and a woman's perspective, unravelling the layers of intimacy, identity, and rebellion.
Introduction to The Tent: First unveiled in 1995 at the Minky Manky exhibition at the South London Gallery, Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963–1995 is a small tent appliquéd with the names of everyone with whom Emin had shared a bed until that point in her life. The list includes lovers, family members, and friends, encapsulating a range of intimate encounters beyond the sexual connotation the title might suggest.
Form and Structure: The tent, a humble and transient shelter, is transformed into a vessel of profound personal narrative. Its domestic, almost fragile nature contrasts with the boldness of the revelations within. The inside of the tent is a sanctum, each name meticulously handcrafted, inviting viewers into a private emotional landscape. The choice of a tent as the medium challenges traditional art forms, aligning with feminist art practices that embrace everyday objects to convey complex narratives.
Textual Interplay: The interplay between text and textile within the tent creates a rich tapestry of stories. Each name, carefully stitched, is both a confession and a declaration, marking a departure from impersonal art forms. This interweaving of textuality and materiality foregrounds the feminist emphasis on the personal as political, challenging societal norms around privacy, sexuality, and emotional expression.
Autobiography and Identity: Emin's work is unabashedly autobiographical, a hallmark of feminist art that seeks to reclaim the female narrative from the margins. The Tent serves not just as a recounting of personal history but as a reclamation of agency over one's body and relationships. It reflects a broader feminist discourse on the ownership of female identity and sexuality, pushing back against patriarchal structures that seek to define and confine women's experiences.
Collective Experience: While intensely personal, Emin's tent also gestures towards the collective. By including not only sexual partners but also relatives and friends, the work broadens the conception of intimacy. It suggests a shared human experience, resonating with feminist principles of solidarity and the breaking down of public/private dichotomies. Emin's inclusivity invites reflections on the interconnectedness of relationships, both fleeting and enduring, in shaping one's identity.
Reception and Legacy: Upon its debut, Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963–1995 garnered attention and controversy, emblematic of Emin's career. Some critics dismissed it as narcissistic exhibitionism, while others hailed it as a breakthrough in feminist art. Its destruction in the 2004 Momart warehouse fire only amplified its mythos, preserving its status as a touchstone for discussions around feminist art and personal narrative.
Stitching Connections: What's Your Story? Inspired by Tracey Emin's journey of intimacy and connection, I invite you to reflect: If you were to create a piece symbolizing your personal connections, what form would it take? Share your ideas and the stories behind them, as we explore the art of living through the lens of our shared and individual experiences.
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ancientroyalblood · 7 months
The Art of Writing Memoirs: Turning Personal Stories into Compelling Narratives
Memoirs are the literary manifestations of lived experiences, offering readers a window into the intimate journeys of individuals. They hold the power to inspire, educate, and deeply resonate with audiences by transforming personal stories into compelling narratives. Capturing Life’s Essence 1. Unveiling Personal Truths Memoirs delve into the raw and authentic aspects of life. They offer…
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thenomadinside · 10 years
Home by Definition
“Home by Definition” is a personal photojournalistic narrative that explores the definition of a “home” and death’s effect on it. This was written and published during a journalism workshop in school called “Writing with Your Feet,” taught by master birdwatcher Mike Fink.
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It’s been a few years since my family received the shocking news that she had cancer. At the time, it didn’t have an emotional impact on me because in spite of her illness, she remained the same. There was indefinitely a noticeable shift within the overall atmosphere, but for the most part nothing changed and life continued. She was able to maintain a healthy complexion and went about her daily routines as if purposely shunning cancer into feeling negligible. The thought of her incurable malady even began to dissipate from my mind. As a few more years flew by, I began to notice that with every passing visit that she would lose little of her vibrant complexion, weight, and energy.
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During my two-week long stay in Taipei, I had a long-awaited epiphany. Sitting with my sister in our upstairs bedroom, I remember her saying,
“It will never be the same, you know. When she is gone, Taiwan will no longer feel like home.”
The gravity of her words latched onto me and it remained a lingering thought at the back of my head throughout the rest of my stay. I hadn’t considered the ramifications after she was gone and its effect on our annual trips back. Suddenly, it seemed as if I had no purpose in going back to Taiwan if she wasn’t present. This long-awaited epiphany left me questioning the terminology “home” and the cognitive implications that come with it.
What defines a home?
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To me, the definition of a home is “a place where you don’t feel alone” (“To Build a Home” by Patrick Watson) and feel a sense of belonging. In a weird way, I almost associate that word more with Taiwan as opposed to my hometown in New Jersey. Despite only going visiting once a year, that feeling is only truly encapsulated in Taiwan. As progression is slow and almost nonexistent over there, the individual memories that make up my childhood still somewhat exist and are for the most part accessible.
However, the walls of this impalpable perception of a “home” has slowly but surely started to deteriorate alongside her health. As she was the blueprint that held up those walls of memories, I’m terrified that everything will come crashing down when she’s no longer there. If it does come down to that, it is an opportunity to build an even stronger foundation to reconstruct those walls of memories that make up the place I call home.
The photographs were taken with a Canon EOS 600D and a Samsung Galaxy S5 in Taipei, Taiwan throughout a course of two-weeks time.
To listen to an auditory experience that I captured during this trip back to Taiwan, please click here
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podcastwithsheila · 10 months
Unexpected Night in San Francisco: Trust, Betrayal, and Resilience #trus...
Podcast Story:
In life, we often place our trust in the people we've known for years, those with whom we've shared countless experiences. The bonds formed in our youth, especially within the church community, can seem unbreakable. But as I learned one unforgettable night in San Francisco, even the strongest bonds can be tested.
As I sat down to dinner with a young man, a fellow churchgoer and the son of a pastor, I felt a deep sense of trust. We had grown up together, and attended countless Sunday services side by side. That evening, when he invited me to his apartment I saw nothing wrong with it because, we are in church together. Without a second thought, I trusted him, believing that our shared faith and history were unassailable.
But what unfolded that night remains a mystery to this day. I found myself in a situation I couldn't comprehend. I was in his bed, naked.
I leaped from the bed. I couldn't fathom how I had ended up in this situation. All I knew was that I needed to escape. Gathering what little composure I had left and ran out of the apartment onto the streets of San Francisco half-dressed and overwhelmed. It was a surreal moment, one I never imagined I would experience. But fate had another twist in store for me.
A kind-hearted policeman found me in my disarray. He offered help, concern etched on his face as he asked if I needed assistance. In that vulnerable moment, all I could manage to say was, "I need to call my brother. I need to call my brother."
This is a story of trust, betrayal, and the indomitable human spirit. It's a reminder that life can throw unexpected challenges our way, testing our resilience and resolve. Join me in exploring the full narrative on PODCAST with SHEILA, where I delve into the details of the fateful night and the lessons.
🎧 Listen to the full story on PODCAST with SHEILA: [ https://youtu.be/zacvWdGsbKY?si=cOobg5bIHpQSj31o ]
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#Trust #Betrayal #Resilience #SanFrancisco #UnexpectedEncounter #PersonalStory #InspiringNarratives #LifeExperiences #PodcastStory #UnforgettableNight #Storytelling
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rgrp01 · 2 years
Pathography (A Personal Narrative)
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I remember how laughter filled the starry and cold night. It was a good day, except it wasn't. I heard ringing in my ears whilst my vision was fading in and out. Everything was all blurry and the blood in my veins pumped harder than ever. I didn't know what occurred as I lay there in the cold concrete, shocked and confused.
The adrenaline rushed through me, still trying to cypher my thoughts. It happened so suddenly and the second thing I felt was regret. I knew something bad had happened to me but I still tried sitting up from the ground. My whole body felt sore and I thought to myself 'Damn, that was a nasty fall'. My friends came up to me concerned asking if I was okay I told them I was and then they tried to help me up to make me stand but the next second, I felt a sharp stinging pain on my left wrist.
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solutionlab · 8 months
Life Story Writing Services, Write your Life Story, Self Story Writing, ...
Life Story Writing Services, Write your Life Story, Self Story Writing, Writing of One's Life Story
🌟 Welcome to an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and storytelling with our Life Story Writing Services! 📖✨ Have you ever dreamt of capturing the essence of your life, preserving your memories for generations to come? Look no further! In this captivating video, we delve into the art of writing your life story, guiding you through the process of self-reflection and expression. Uncover the power of narrative as we explore the significance of preserving your unique experiences, creating a timeless legacy for yourself and your loved ones. Our expert storytellers are here to inspire and assist you in penning the chapters of your life with authenticity and emotion. 🎥 Join us on this transformative journey, where words become a mirror to your soul. Hit that like button if you're ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime, and don't forget to subscribe to our channel! 🌈 Share this video with fellow dreamers, and let's weave a tapestry of stories together. Your story matters, and we're here to help you tell it. So 💖 with a commitment to excellence and a passion for creativity, our team of professionals is ready to collaborate with you to achieve your goals and we invite 🤝 you, to our world where innovation, precision, and imagination converge. We, welcome you to our services hub, where your vision becomes reality.
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thisunfoldinglife · 4 years
The Wisdom of Water
Today I walked alongside a river, and it spoke. Of course, it didn’t gurgle or spit words as I know them, but still, it had much to share. I watched it carefully, flowing steadily forward without looking back. I witnessed it dodge branches and climb over stones, and change course to avoid passing hurdles. It never complained about these surprising obstacles. I stood in marvel and it gently reminded me that it is born to flow, to take the shape of whatever it falls into. It is fearless and simple, and unafraid of change or loss. It accepts the path, wherever it leads, and trusts that time will unfold better seasons.
We are not as far removed from the nature of a river as we may think. Human beings, of course, are composed of great quantities of water. A new-born baby can be made of up to 75% water, while most adults are between 50-60 percent. The source of life itself is swirling within us, and in difficult times, it might be helpful to remember that, aided by the very nature of our watery structure, we have the muscle memory to flow and adapt with intuitive ease.
Many years ago I read a New York Times bestselling book called “The Hidden Messages in Water” by alternative Japanese researcher, Masaru Emoto. He was a pioneer in the study of water molecules, arguing that water is highly sensitive to human words, thoughts and sounds. He gathered this information through taking photographs of frozen water crystals before and after exposure to opposing stimuli. He found that when water was exposed to kind words, prayer, and soothing music, its molecular structure completely shifted in positive and spectacular ways to create beautiful patterns. And in the presence of unpleasant sounds, fears, or harsh negativity, these water molecules became disfigured, disconnected, or ugly in appearance. The photos of these crystals are breath-taking. Emoto’s research may not have been wholly endorsed by the scientific world, but his discovery that water could potentially have some form of consciousness is profound. And why shouldn’t it? Water is at the very core of our human physical foundation, with our brains and hearts alone composed of over 70% of this fascinating elixir, and we humans are unique in our ability to exercise conscious intelligence. What could this mean for us, taking into account all of this water within us? And how is our molecular structure affected, given the daily positive and negative impressions we are subject to? And furthermore, what is that voice inside us saying—that internal voice that’s completely inaudible to others, but often our loudest and most influential critic. Is it a voice of disapproval or one of encouragement? How we treat ourselves and others is a matter of great importance.
Like water, we have the ability to shift and evolve. We are malleable. We are not fixed beings. We can be like the river. We know how to flow. We have the vitality of water within us and we can call upon those properties when we need them most. Already, we have adapted greatly in life, and we will continue to. Human beings are simultaneously completely ordinary and utterly magical. As is water. The sheer fact that we are able to exist on this uncoincidentally water-covered Earth at all, is amazing. Thank you river, for sharing your wisdom.
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mandyparrey · 4 years
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Mornings are hard. #writting #personalnarrative #homeschooling #coastalacademy (at Carlsbad, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGDE48agQsU-4tt5GAoOKKeYrusu12vW8oK2lk0/?igshid=xqltmw7kte8x
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divinenatureee · 4 years
Living my life.
September 2018. Got a 74 grade and failed in one subject. I am ashamed and untill now I don't want to talk about it. My mother scoulded me, and ask me, "why do you get a low grade? How? Is it hard for you to take up the lesson? your sister is way better than you because she is smart. You were educated in a good school but this is all you give to us?". And at that moment, I started hating myself, losing myself as well.
So I decided to transfer back at my recent school where I finish my junior high. I even shift into other strand to start a new one. It was hard but Im trying. Trying to make my parents proud. But sadly, I notice I started to gave up. It was useless for me to show them what they want. I started losing interest in everything. The more I became a rebel and the more they hated me. The more I also hated myself. I'm so tired listening to "you weren't like that before, what happened to you?" "is that how you behave? fix that". My parents even advice me to stop studying and they will stop paying my tuition. After that we had a deep conversation with my father, he asked me if I still want to go to school and then we made a deal. "I will fix my life and they will support me".
Until now, Im still fixing and trying to find myself. What do I really want to become, and who really am I? For now I am not aiming for high grades, good image in school, gaining popularity in school or in any aspect. I am just being me, living my life.
To my mama and papa, everyone who keeps on expexting something from me. I am very sorry If I cannot be who you want me to be.
@themarkvincent mana ris
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moondoes · 5 years
My Second Home
    Throughout the years that I have been part of our school's track and field varsity team, I have developed into an independent person. I found a better version of myself. In the journey that I took in my high school year the team has been a great part of it, especially my teammates and my coaches. In the midst of giving up I always try to remember all the fun memories and lessons that they have given to me, and everytime that I want to quit I remember the sayings of our coaches telling us that being a student-athlete isn't really easy and having a feeling of quitting is normal but you have to deal with it because you already started your journey in being a student-athlete. 
     Last March 23 and 24 was one of the most memorable days for me, I felt mixed emotions because it was my most awaited competition. I was getting ready for a comeback, I was excited because I trained very hard for 1 year and I am waiting for my opponent from ICA. She is younger than me but she always win before me. My coach told me that her feet are quick but my lungs are stronger. On the first day of the competition march 23, my events are 3000m and 1500m I was shocked and happy when I didn't saw the girl from ICA but at the same time, I was very nervous because there are new athletes that I haven't seen before. The first event that I ran was 3000m, I was not that nervous when the gun fired because my mindset is “Just run, do your best and beat your previous record.” While I'm running I can hear my coach shouting at me that I'm doing well but I can do more. I was motivated by him and also my teammates who are shouting:”Nasa likod mo na!” In the last 100 m, I exerted all my strength and ran very hard. Thankfully I won 2nd place. Even though I didn't win first place, I can feel that my coaches are proud of me. The next day, I ran 800m but I didn't win a medal. After the two day competition, it was the time of announcing the overall champion and the runner ups for a male a male b, male c, female, female b and female c. The male b of PCC  didn't defend the next title which is 6-peat. We were all sad because our team holds the 6 peat but in the end we accepted it and cried almost the whole night. 
       Today as I look back, I am so happy that I experienced this kind of feeling, it made me strong and mature. I am so grateful that my coaches and teammates supported me when I am having a hard time managing my time. But at this point in my life wherein I am going to graduate and will be signing off as a captain and a student-athlete I am a bit disappointed at myself because looking back I realized that I haven't tried my very best. I am also so grateful that I felt a different kind of family, and I am very sure that this experience will forever be my strength.
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beblk · 5 years
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saw mock up yesterday. picture does it no justice. amazing to see years of life/work materialize. averyryoung.com to pre-order. on juneteenth neckbone will be out. all blk & shiny-like!
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Documentation of Painting (process)
This painting is testing my skills with oils, using the fat over lean process, using linseed standing oil to give shine and extend drying time when mixed with turpentine. 
The context of the painting explores the personal tranquil state that i set myself in when trying to escape pressures and stresses within my life. Although young with much ahead of me, i’ve found in the past two years i’ve really been tested and thrown out there with having to deal with deeply troubling and mentally challenging times.
It reminds me of when i’d travel or go places within nature, which would put into perspective that as long as i’m here it’ll be ok, as life goes on. Nothing stops for you, and i’m reminded of that by the every growing things around me when in this state. If anything, it gives a moment for self-belief and encouragement that I can do this and face anything. 
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