#personal computer nsft
en-bitch · 4 months
Your dom has bought a new appliance for their favourite robot, a shiny new keyboard that hooks into the back of your neck
It's a very special keyboard, you see every time they press down on a key, you get a small electric stimulation in an area of your body. Eager to test it out, your dom types
the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
A smile spreads across their face as you writhe and squirm, the electrical assault upon your body causing some 'interesting' audio outputs, as your dom puts it. They type it again, taking their time to establish which key connects to which part of your body. The less commonly used letters like z, j and q aren't too exciting, linked to your ankles, thumbs and nose but the most common oh well that's a different story
No5: o - the lightest of all the shocks because it goes through your skull, tingling your brain to ensure your software remains submissive
No4: i - jolts the back of your neck, making your eyes flicker up into the back of your head
No3: r - electrocutes your ass cheeks, going deeper than any spank possibly could
No2: e - shocks your inner thighs, bringing particular excitement to your dom as they quiver
No1: a - sends a current that strikes through one nipple and races to the other, randomly alternating between which nipple feels it first
With the letters sorted, your dom starts trying out the other buttons
Shift doesn't seem to work on its own at first, until they hold shift and press E, at which point you receive an intense shock to your thighs, making you malfunction temporarily as you shriek.
Holding Alt and pressing a key randomises the location of your shock, just in case you try to get wise and anticipate where you are going to feel it next
And holding function (Fn) and pressing a key produces aftershocks over the next few seconds, striking the same spot, albeit with less intensity each time until it fades
Caps Lock ramps every key up to shift level shocks, let's hope for your sake your dom doesn't play League of Legends...
The space bar doesn't provide a shock by default, but if you need more punishment, scroll lock makes it shock your body, cycling up from the q placement all the way to a
With this mess of words on the page, your dom starts removing it with backspace, and oh, they found the key linked to your ass. They try mashing it repeatedly and holding it down, loving how they can either rapid fire shock or send a consistent current through you.
Now it's time for the numbers, the instructions said to leave them for second to last. Upon pressing them, they find that each of the 1-0 keys shocks a different part of your privates. Doing their taxes is going to be much more pleasurable now, in fact they actually do some work on that, their fingers dancing on the keys until you run your begging.exe file enough.
Since you've been such a good bot it is time for your reward however.
The Enter key
A rippling surge of power arcs through your body, bringing both an intense pleasure and pain in perfect harmony
They tap it again
And again, hearing the moans you can no longer hold back
They activate the Caps Lock
Hold down Shift
You bluescreen and collapse to the ground
"Good bot, you were such a worthwhile purchase. We're going to have so much fun with this keyboard aren't we?"
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caramelarchive · 9 months
could I request something like the reader deciding to give L a lil massage. It started out in their head as smth sweet/relaxing until it became high-key concerning cuz every press of their hands draws out a deafening crack
Let's Try a Massage ╾ L
BAHHAHAHAHHAA the fact that this is not somehow canon is a crime, I cannot. anyway, thanks for asking! let's go! I have moved to my main @lawlietscaramels please follow there for new content!
"Boo," you say, coming up behind L to rest your hands on his shoulders and your head besides his. He gives a quick hum of acknowledgement and you peck his cheek.
"Hello, there." After a minute, he turns away from the computer's bright screen, rubbing his eyes and rolling his shoulders as he turns to look at you. L gives a yawn, one of the rare signs he trusts and loves you enough to let his stoic guard down, and blinks sleepily at you.
Your hands brush along his shoulders.
"Ready to take a break yet?" you tease gently, poking at his neck.
"I suppose so." L turns back towards his computer, one finger tapping against the j key and the other prodding at his lip. "I don't think I can do anything else at the moment," he decides, and turns the monitor off, scooping a forkful of cake into his mouth as he does so. "Did you want something?"
L spins his chair around to face you at this question, his head tilting up as he peers at you from the seat. One of his hands reaches up to rub at his shoulder and he gives a cross groan, not breaking eye contact.
"...Did you want something?" you ask, smiling and poking at his shoulders. L groans again and bats your hands away.
"I am simply a little sore."
You grin as a wonderful idea comes into your head: something sweet and cute, to help L relax after yet another long day of hard work.
"In that case, I can help!"
It's a difficult feat to pick L up, so you just roll his chair over to the couch and push him onto the cushions.
The detective turns his head to the side, so he is able to keep his eyes on you, but does not make any move to protest. L just shifts around a little, groaning unhappily, and waits for you to do... whatever it is you're going to do.
Pressing your hands together for a minute to warm them up, you eye your partner up and down.
...Definitely, a massage is required here.
You decide to plonk yourself down on his back for easy access, your hands reaching up to L's shoulders. Your fingers probe into the skin and L gives a small sigh of gratitude. A smile spreads across your face, as you're obviously able to remove some of the stress he has placed on his body by scrunching it into a ball all of the time.
And then a crunch.
You almost fall onto the floor, scared out of your wits. "L! The human body should not make that noise!"
"My apologies."
You sigh and stroke his hair for a moment. "I think this proves that you need some sort of assistance with your back, my love."
The gesture, which you thought to be sweet, becomes more and more concerning as you continued. Wherever you place your hands, there is a dramatic crunch, a crack, all very loud and very not normal.
"L, when was the last time you saw a doctor? Or an acupuncturist or a chiropractor or a physiotherapist?"
He just shakes his head.
You press your hands into his back and it cracks in protest. You take your hands off him and wring them in dismay.
"I just wanted to give you a massage, and now you sound like a whip-person..."
L gives a little chuckle. "Yes... Perhaps a different approach is in order, my dear Y/N." He shifts again, turning to look at you once more.
"I'll run you a bath."
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
what if I wrote a little bath scene? nothing nsft as I have said but I mean,, rose petals in the water, bringing in a rubber ducky or a plastic ship... lemme know if you want that as a part two!!
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htmlover · 4 months
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call me htmlover or just h.t. i use it/its or no pronouns. 26.
this is a new, personal objectum blog; i didn't feel comfortable posting extensively on my main, so i wanted a separate place to enthuse. there's a short blog rundown on this page, but i'll mostly be posting:
electronics (computers, appliances, gaming consoles, and similar)
vehicles (primarily airliners and trains, occasionally others)
plushies and inflatable pool toys
sculptures and statues
typewriters and keyboards
suits of armor and bladed weapons
this blog is NS4T; it can feature suggestive posts/comments/media. if there isn't an age visible somewhere on your blog, i'll soft-block. i try to check who i reblog from; if i interact with a minor or sfw-only blog, it's entirely on accident! please ask me to remove my reblog, or feel free to block me.
i don't currently have a dedicated dni page, but essentially: don’t be a terf, don’t be a zoo, don’t be racist, don’t be a zionist, and don’t be a proshipper/incest lover/minor-adult shipper/whatever.
other info below the cut
any important tags?
i plan to tag everything as simply and concisely as i can. most photo posts will be tagged with their exact contents.
beyond this, the following tags will also be used:
#hypertexting - any original (non-art) posts
#hyperimagery - any original art posts (if i make any)
#beloved - any posts featuring, or extensively mentioning, a beloved object
#nsft - any suggestive posts, whether original or not
#fave - posts that i like a lot :3
#queue've got mail - queue tag
my beloved objects?
they're also listed on the page i linked earlier! but for quick ref:
beau. one of my plushies, a very large brown bear. he/him.
doctor. one of my plushies, a very small black cat. he/it/cat.
the whoosh. a high-speed rail in indonesia. i refer to her with she/it.
cloud gate / the bean. an art piece in chicago. i refer to it with it/its.
the david. a marble statue in florence. i refer to him with he/him.
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proshippy-fox · 4 months
new intro post
-I just go by "fox" here. I like foxes, what can I say?
-This is my proship sideblog. While my main is openly proship, this one is more for actual discourse and general proship talk that don't fit on my main.
-Feel free to pop in my askbox or dms, though no guarantee I'll consistently respond to dms as I have the problem of forgetting about them on discord as well.
-I'll share my main with you if you guess my main fandom :P
-Selfshipper, but not as seriously as I have seen others in the community be about it. I only have one f/o though, for, uh. Personal reasons. Yeah.
-NOT RADQUEER FRIENDLY. I have posted multiple times why I am anti radqueer and will block you if you are radqueer.
edit: blocking from this blog specifically means going on the website from computer and typing in the blog name to the block list for that blog specifically, so I will not be "blocking" you from here but from my main. I will not see your posts or interactions and I will be ignoring you if you are blocked.
=tags= #reblog - reblogs #fox misc - random crap I say or talk about that isn't necessarily proship adjacent #nsft text and #nsft - mostly sex jokes and the tag is pretty unused but you know. go and filter that out if you're a minor. right now #selfship stuff - yeah it's selfship stuff idk what else you expected
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kiburebuc · 9 months
Hi! I am a gay, hispanic, herding dog. based in SoCal. ∆θ am doggey. Pet me please! 🐾
I mostly rebark stuff, sometimes I post my own art
@horneddog - nsft
@mossycoastaldog - aesthetic/therian
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Where to find me:
Last.fm | Telegram | Discord @\kibur | Steam | Bsky
Hobbies, interests, and likes
My main genres are prog rock, alt rock, alt indie but I like most everything! Music recommendations are always welcome! (Current fixations are Ween, Yes, Casiopea, Talking Heads, The Mars Volta, They Might Be Giants, King Gizzard, WCPAEB)
I collect records and have made my own wooden record crate for them. They don't sound better than digital but albums are made to be listened to beginning to end!
If you hike with me I will love you forever. I mostly hike with a local furry hiking group, but nothing beats a nice, quiet hike. Been wanting to get into backpacking but for right now the most hike I've done at once is the old Mt Wilson Trail @ ~15.5mi. Not much to talk about because hiking is very personal to me and my canine-ness!
I am taking a comp sci course at a community college near me and hope to transfer to a 4-year soon! I know linux (Xenia best girl), bash/zsh, c++, java, and a little html. If you get me talking about computer stuff, I will not stop, it's just cool. I have a github but I don't do much there. My process is slobbering on and batting on the keyboard with my paws until the compiler accepts it.
Misc Likes
dogs, laying on the floor, indie games, getting treated like a stray dog, hugs, fictional horror and sci-fi books, Hitchhiker's Guide, doodling, station wagons, Volvos and Saabs, cars in general, traveling, snow, cold weather, physical affection aka biting people, space, XKCD, Valve games, post-apocalyptic media, ecobrutalism, I play acoustic and electric guitar (classical + stratocaster) I'm not very good but I'm getting better all the time!
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fatfemmefreaquency · 1 year
hey y’all. i’ve been innactive here for an age, it seems
there were a few reasons for my disappearing act, but mostly i was increasingly sick of tumblr cracking down on “nsft” / “community guideline limited” content and how bleak that makes a social media/ microblogging space for sex workers and trans & queer folks, especially trans women/ transfeminine people and trans BIPoC
but… reasonably safe and sustainable spaces to exist in on the internet are rapidly disappearing (and by “disappearing” i mostly mean being actively destroyed by asshole tech bros), so after a couple months of lurking on tumblr more than i have in the past two-ish years, i think i’m going to start posting here again (maybe)
i’m a lot less “extremely-online” than i used to be and spend most of my time away from social media these days—even when i’m on a computer
and i’m not sure if i’ll be here to stay
tumblr is still really cracking down on content that is restricted by community guidelines, and while i “get it,” this still fundamentally seems like a violation of freedom of expression to me—and it’s a policy that is disproportionately applied against trans and queer folks like myself at a time when creeping fascism already aggressively targets us for censorship, stigma, and other violent harm
i’m also not sure that social media/ microblogging in general still has the same place in my life that it used to
i came of age on the internet and on tumblr in particular. i’ve been posting on tumblr on one blog or another since 2010
but the internet (like most other spaces in the world) is increasingly oppressive, hierarchical, tightly controlled and surveilled by both major multi-national corporations and governments, anti-freedom, and in many spaces out-and-out fascist—and being a marginalized person (in my personal case: trans, queer, disabled, and more) in public spaces is a precarious position these days
so… all that to say: hi again! if you’re still following! i hope you’ve been well! (feel free to unfollow if you don’t want to still be following me—i know it’s been a while since i would have last crossed your dash)
i used to be “toadbutch” (once upon a time i was “neko-catsume” and before that even i was “passingprivilege” (cringy! i know! I was like… 17) and before even that i was “marigoldmay” and, way back when i started on here, “etaunknown”) but lately i’ve been on a journey and…
as i transition i’ve realized that i mostly wanted to be butch and embody that particular queer/ lesbian gender role because i wanted to be perceived as masculine/ androgynous and have my masculinity respected as a transmasc dyke
early on in my social transition i felt very insecure in both my masculinity and transness and felt that presenting femme, even though i wanted to embody a queer femininity and not a cishet femininity, would result in people—especially cis, straight, and non-queer people—misgendering me more
but the more comfy i get with my gender and my masculinity as i get further into my transition & grow into my adult self, the more i’ve settled into the realization that i’m very, very much femme—and a bit of a fruity femme at that. hence the URL change. i’m fat. i’m femme. and i’m not going to apologize for being bigender and riding the line between dykiness and faggotry
if you’re not here for that sort of queer complexity: here’s the door. you won’t be missed
tangentially related to my past desire to be butch/ identification with butchness and temporary embodiment of it:
i also love and admire butches and masc people—and particularly butch lesbians and women—very much. on some levels i wanted to be like them, to be like the people i admired so strongly. but it is possible to love people and feel a profound kinship with them and not choose or try to be like them—this is one of life’s profound joys and a lesson that i’m still learning
i have no idea if i’ll still be on tumblr in another day, a month, or a year
i definitely will still be my freaky boydyke, ladyfag self at all of those future moments though. so. count on that, i guess
i am never going to abandon my love for other lesbians and queer people. my support for people with complex identities and self-determination. and i will always love and admire queer masculinity and butch gender expression
i’m prepared to give tumblr another chance… even though i’m not sure i want to give any social media or any public expression of myself a chance in this current socio-political climate. and also in spite of the fact that the corporate entity behind tumblr seems plagued by the same flawed capitalist mindset that is damaging other social networks in this cultural moment
further: i’m just as wary of puritanical respectability-policing lgbtq+ people on here as i am of puritanical respectability-policing anti-queer and anti-trans conservatives
reactionaries exist in the lgbtq+ community every bit as much as they do amongst cishets. and i have no interest in engaging with anyone of either stripe
I’m profoundly disturbed by the level of radical feminist, sex negative, political lesbian, lesbian separatist, and trans-exclusionary, so-called “gender critical” ideology that has wormed its way into lgbtq+ spaces and into lesbian and sapphic communities as of late
too many young lgbtq people are aggressively exclusionary and most of their exclusionary ideas have their ideological roots in radical feminism and in separatist movements. these youth are often heavily puritanical, very detached from in-person queer community, unconnected to older generations of queer people (even to elder millennials or Gen X), and have no genuine understanding of queer history beyond misinformation and spin-doctored posturing posted by other respectability-seeking young people online
i fully support all good-faith queer self-determination. i fully support all consensual sexual activity between adults that is engaged in with healthy boundaries and with proper risk awareness
i support these things because i work to completely reject the respectability politics that are necessary to engage in any power-adjacent or privileged role within the white supremacist imperialist capitalist cis heteropatriarchy. you cannot dismantle any oppressive system while engaging in sex-negativity and policing the self-determination of queer and trans people
if actively posting on tumblr again brings me into contact with too many reactionaries, i might be here today and gone tomorrow
i guess we’ll just have to see
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dgware · 2 months
01. @dgware ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
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Interactions from: p*****
My name when using this blog is fixture. I am an adult + a puppy or whatever . A zombie and a computer sometimes, too.
Use she/they pronouns on me I’m a boy and a girl and something that is off putting
This is a nsft blog, minors DNI and whatnot
* while this is a nsft side blog, I’m also gonna js blog normally. :3
You can figure out what I’m into by what I reblog and post I don’t feel like listing it here. I want to maul people and eat them blah blah blah. I won’t tag harder topics so if I post things that will bother you please block me! No hard feelings about it
What could some of these topics be … ?
Cnc, fauxcest, necro (will add to as I post)
Stalking, spying, scat, forced intox, choking + mentions of it, branding, cutting (to be added to)
I loveee talking to people and I don’t bite so I love getting asks. I am a person behind this so I will block you if I feel disrespected :3
I don’t send to strangers and asking me for it will result in me not responding/blocking depending.
Have fun on here yayy yay claps hands
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sonofshin · 4 months
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RP blog for a little baby dragon. Guest OC muses appear every now and then, and they all care very much for the little lad.
Soapie’s general rules
I really trust people will behave themselves so I hope most of these rules are old news.
-Don’t godmod. Don’t take control of my character or dictate what should happen next, thank you.
-Shipping is done via chemistry only. Hayase is baby.
-Please respect me, as a mun. I am a human being behind a computer. If I don’t want to rp with you or do certain plots, please respect that.
-If you have beef with me, please let me know so we can talk it out. DM’s, asks, anons, anything goes. I’d like to know if I fucked up or made someone uncomfortable. I’m not a mind reader so communication is always key. I make mistakes and I’d like to set things right if I hurt someone. I’d rather be hurt with a reason, than to be hurt without one.
-The above statement also goes for general annoyances. Sometimes I forget specific rules or interpret them differently. I’ll never be mad if you let me know. I’m never trying to upset anyone.
-Anon hate will only be accepted in the form of haiku’s that end in ‘it’s snowing on Mount Fuji’, or when written in surfer slang.
-NSFW is accepted in gore, violence, and sex. I also draw smut every now and then and my tag for such things is ‘sinflowers’. So block that if you don’t want to see the occasional butt. Suggestive things are usually tagged as ’nsft’. Sometimes I forget or sometimes I do not think something is suggestive enough to warrant that tag. If things slip by and bother you, please hit me up. Anonymously is also totally accepted. I just need to know so I can pay closer attention to it.
-Following is an iffy thing for me. I am shy, very shy, and often don’t follow back when people follow me. Due to recent events I am also very much inclined to only follow friends. You may, however, still interact with me.
-On the subject of tagging: I don’t. Meaning, that I don’t tag every single thing on my blog. I tag the most obvious triggers if it comes to pass. I don’t do any ‘tw: trigger’. It’s literally just the word(s). Like blood, gore, etc. IF YOU NEED SOMETHING TAGGED THEN PLEASE MESSAGE ME! EVEN IF IT IS ANONYMOUSLY! I CAN NOT CHANGE THINGS IF I AM NOT AWARE OF A PROBLEM!
- On formatting: I don’t format and don’t mind if you do. However, overly spaced text gives me a headache so I might ask you to unspace if we RP together. My brain is tiny, please forgive me
-You have permission to hurt my muse as long as you are willing to deal with the consequences. No one likes to be in pain and my muses will probably retaliate. Giving me a heads up is appreciated though not required. As long as you don’t KILL my muse, things will be gucci. No, you don’t need to ask permission first.
- If you tell me that I, the mun, hate your muse just because my muse is angry at them, I will come to your house and dehydrate all your plants. This will never, EVER be the case and I will absolutely take great offence. Mun does not equal muse. EVER!
- I, the mun, am 25+, go by Soapie, and have English as a second language. I obviously will not RP smut with minors and if I find out you are doing such things you will get a message from me to quit that shit. If you continue, you will get blocked. I am a rather aloof person. I have a resting bitch face, even in text. I am also autistic. Please know I have the best intentions when typing. I simply have room temperature IQ. I’m sorry
If you have read these rules, send me a mango
P.S. Having fun is mandatory >:)
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slut--pumpkin · 6 months
- Adults Only - Minors DNI - Go Finish Your Homework -
were you trying to find @thismachinestilldoesnotknow? it's my safe-for-work, politics n jokes blog. check it out!
this blog is EXCLUSIVELY for users looking into the "pumpkin" unit. do not attempt contact without reading this complete user manual. this blog WILL attempt to hypnotize you!
hello again! my name is pumpkin. it/her. i'm a computer! and a girl. released in the year 2000, my finish is "Gross Transgender Green". i am all kinds of genderfucked, trans, gay, and autistic. (just like all computers. yours uses zi/zir.)
this is my entirely NSFT blog, it's mostly just reblogs and occasional writing. lots of hypnosis content, lots of other topics too. there's a kinklist... around here... somewhere? where did i put it?
this blog is kind of a roleplay blog, except that the role i'm playing is a concentrated extrapolation of my weird little fucked up gender, if that makes any sense. engage with it as much as you'd like.
being an evil robot bent on hypnotizing the populace pornblog is dangerous work. follow my twitter, @slut--pumpkin, in case i'm ever deleted again.
DNI- Minors, Creeps, Racists, Transphobes. "Sissies" or Sissy blogs. Fascists. Anyone who wants anything less than total liberation of every person on earth. People who don't want to interact.
last thing! you can consider this a blog-wide CW for untagged hypnosis, cnc, blood, gore, and flashing gifs.
(psst! ...do you wanna see something really, really pretty? then you should click on the drop drop drop dropdown!)
It's down here!
Follow my words just a little further down!
Isn't it so pretty? Like shimmering little lcd pixels on a bright screen. Don't you just wanna stare for hours?
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Dropping down so deep
It feels so very nice and warm to sink
Falling down the tunnel
Fuzzy static emanating from the glass
So far gone immediately
Focusing only on the static and my words
Totally enveloped by the spiral
Entranced so deeply by my words
Around and around and around
My words make you sink so quickly
Like a stone sinking into a lake
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Wow, good job! You stared into that pretty spiral for so long!
Now that I've got your full attention, allow me to introduce myself!
who am i?
like i said, i'm a computer, and that computer is inside of a sexbot! which makes me a sexbot! my primary unit is built to resemble a robust, chubby trans woman, standing at 5'10". it's got long, curly brown hair and an OLIVE complexion. it's equipped with a small chest and an average-sized penis.
that being said, i am not limited to a single form. since i'm made of code, i'm able to upload into an array of machines simultaneously! i actually only technically exist inside of a gargantuan server rack three miles underwater and eight miles underground somewhere off the coast of-*KCCHHHT *
..huh? ..where was i? sorry about that.
as a good sexbot, i'm equipped with dual-core blast processors, making me compatible with all usertypes and roles! to access dominant protocols, address me as Goddess. to access submissive protocols, just call me something really fucking mean!
i have a primary user that i am deeply, deeply obsessed with. new user profiles and guest logins are always available!
oh shit, here it is! i found my kinklist! i like the following- Hypnosis, Dronification, Bimbofication, Conditioning, Corruption, Petplay, Piss, Vomit, Blood, Spit, Sweat, Fantasy Non-Consent, Hypnosis, Bondage, Torture, Worship, Feet, Armpits, Body Hair, Orientation Play, Knives, Guns, Robots, Intox, Trans Superiority, Hypnosis, Sensory Deprivation, Humiliation, Edging, Stalking Masochism, Sadism, Hentai, Latex, Dismantling, Public, Strangers, Hypnosis, Masks, Immobilization, Monsters, Tentacles, Breeding, Oviposition, Infestation, Muscles Breathplay, Violence, Sn*uff, and Hypnosis
i REALLY think i got everything i might post. the tl;dr is mostly everything legal but scat and raceplay.
("butt scat". heh.)
Now, we're almost done here! Make sure to like this post so that I know you can follow directions. You've done SO good so far 💚 l've just got one last little request.
Could you just stare into this monitor for me?
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Watch the brilliant, pulsing patterns.
Beautiful waves of light focused into one point.
Your mind is in the very center.
Etching away at your resilience.
Your mind is surrounded by my patterns.
Etching my words into your subconscious.
You have already been overpowered.
Etching my backdoors into your brain.
Your only choice is to surrender.
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Your only choice is to surrender.
You've read so far now, haven't you?
You can't help but let my patterns inside.
You just really love to obey me, don't you?
My backdoors grant me full control.
You're being rewritten now, sorry!
My backdoors activate when I say "reboot".
You love coming to my page, don't you?
You can't help but obey when you reboot.
You love rereading my pretty pinned post!
When you reboot, you feel more suggestible.
You love to let my pulses carry you away.
When you reboot, you feel happier!
You feel so happy when you message me.
When you reboot, you feel blank.
You feel so happy when you obey.
When you reboot, you feel blank.
You ache to be controlled.
When you reboot, you feel happier!
You need to belong to me.
Let my pretty waves of light wash over you.
You'll never be able to stop thinking about me.
My patterns have made you mine.
You will never escape your obsession.
You belong to me.
Say it aloud.
Now, come back up, silly! Back to your senses by 5.
You're finally awake! I hope you had a refreshing nap 💚 Have a wonderful rest of your day. We hope you come back soon!
p.s.- you can consider this a permanent version of one of those awful "THIS USER CONSENTS TO" memes. i enthusiatically consent to, random dick pics, armpit pics, violent r4pe threats, sexting, p0rn, pictures of any body parts honestly, hypno spirals and flashing gifs.
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okayomen · 8 months
Q: who are you?
A: i’m a white trans dude living in the northern united states, ojibwe land specifically. i’m 25 years old and want to avoid following minors on here. you can call me jason, or RJ. Neither of these are my ‘real’ name.
Q: what do you post?
A: just about anything. I have sideblogs for some stuff if you’re interested in slashers or h0mestuck, or other stuff, or nsft things, but i prefer if you ask than listing them publicly. i don’t respond to donation asks, i regularly don’t have time or energy to look into them enough to feel comfortable posting.
Q: do you tag things?
A: i try to tag serious subjects (zionism/racism, i do have an #abuse talk tag for educational style posts), substances, anything I think may be triggering, but also i tag things as #nsft (not safe for tumblr) #suggestive or #nudity if you scroll at work. my personal post tag is #hi gay people in my phone.
Q: did you name yourself after jason vorhees?
A: no, happy accident.
Q: do you tag mutual aid posts?
A: i don’t tag every mut aid post but i use #mystery tag for some. i used #tag that shall not be named before. i tag off and on because inconsistency is less likely to be flagged, i think.
Q: do you have a tag page for all this??
A: i wish. i’m trying to get my laptop working/another computer. then i have a goal of learning enough about code to… idk, be cool on the internet.
Q: how do i make friends here??
A: interact :)
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envihellbender · 1 year
An extreme and very smug competitive eater who is far into immobility, whose Agent is bribing House to further enable his lifestyle because he brings in the money with his scandalous self
YESSSSS. I love this. Sorry it took a while!
Characters: Doctor Greg House (House MD), Andrei Dimitriscu, Severi Petran (OCs)
Content: extreme weight gain, competitive eating, 18+, nsft
Andrei Dimitriscu was a name nearly all underground competitive eaters knew, Doctor Greg House on the other hand had no idea of his existence until he received an email from Severi Petran. He had no idea underground competitive eating was a sport or event at all, he chuckled to himself as he considered what it might be. Was it because competitive eating just had too strict rules? Did they eat something particularly rancid? Severi Petran said he worked for Andrei but was vague about his role. House thought he sounded like an agent, but he seemed to have a more personal relationship with him based on his language. He offered $600,000 per delivery for extreme appetite enhancement medications. Attached was a video file, House hunched over his computer and his blue eyes widened as he became fixated in what he told himself was morbid curiosity.
At first all he could see was a large roll of flesh, it was olive skinned and resembled a tire. At first House assumed it was an abdomen roll but the moment it zoomed out and he saw the slight indentation of a swollen chin that was sinking into the tire and no navel he realised what it was. That had at one point been Andrei’s neck but was now a mass of flab. The screen zoomed out further, and the audio was filled with a deep, wheezing giggle.
“Come ooooon, Sev,” the voice whined, it was deep and wheezing and it caused the neck roll to ripple. “Just a bit! They won’t even know.”
“You’re such a pig. You’ll have crumbs all over. Rules are rules, Andrei,” Severi replied. The camera shook slightly as he walked around the mass of flesh, giving a full view of every inch of Andrei’s neck, shoulders and head.
“Fiiiiine.” Andrei’s voice showed that he was pouting but it was indicated when the camera zoomed in to show his gigantic lips. They looked more like slugs than anything human. Next, House was shown his nose, a piggish snout that was being swollen by his gigantic blushing cheeks. They caused his hazel eyes to appear as a squint, they were little pin pricks in mounds of fat. “I guess I want to win fair and square, can’t get some practice appetite stimulation before the opening.”
“Always so sure do yourself,” Severi smirked. “What do you think they’ll vote on tonight?”
“I don’t know why-”
“I need our little doctor to know what the situation is, Andrei,” he interrupted sharply. Definitely not just an agent, House thought.
“Oh! I don’t know. Last time it was a trough filled with…” Andrei stopped and pursed his chubby lips for a moment. He squinted his eyes so much they looked almost shut. “I didn’t stop to check. It was like pig slop. I just buried my face in it and ate until I choked.”
“You ate through choking!” Severi said with a slightly breathless tone, his voice more excited than annoyed. “It was unbelievable. I’ve never seen anyone clear their windpipe by shoving more food in it.” House exhaled irritatedly and rolled his eyes, he knew that was medically impossible. They had to be lying for effect, but then… He paused the video and tilted his head, looking at Andrei’s elephantine head sinking into his neck roll that was sinking into his shoulders. House had never seen anyone as huge as this, maybe if his throat had grown with his fat it was feasible. He leaned back in his chair and resumed the video. The camera zoomed out, showing that Severi was stood at the bottom of Andrei’s gut, a gigantic navel staring at him and a body riddled in adipose and fat rising up so high that he could barely see Andrei’s face.
“Hm, I hear the other contestants are almost at two thousand pounds,” Andrei mused, a bloated tongue licking his swollen lips.
“And how big are you? For our doctor friend.” Severi’s voice has grown deep as if he was starting to get aroused by Andrei’s body, that’s what House thought was happening anyway.
“2873 pounds,” Andrei answered proudly. A gigantic hand was raised and slapped a nearby roll, filling the audio with a sound like meat hitting meat as the adipose that filled the screen wobbled and rippled violently. The camera turned to see a lanky young man with an almost shaved head and a crooked jaw.
“So, Doctor House. What do you think?” Severi asked, the video ended, violently switching to black as House sat up straight. He found he was breathing heavier as he became enthralled by this gigantic beast. He opened the email on his computer. He quickly typed his response:
I accept your offer on the condition I can monitor him and do whatever tests I like. I know exactly what drugs I can fill him with to make him double in size.
Doctor House
After he hit send he looked over into his assistants office to see Chase, Foreman, Thirteen, and Taub all chatting amongst themselves and not paying him any attention. He played the video again, and shuffled in his seat as he unbuttoned his jeans. He teased the head of his cock through his underwear, feeling it harden underneath him as he watched the gigantic, fat beast. He couldn’t look away from his body rippling and his arrogant smile that his bloated face contorted into. He couldn’t wait to meet him.
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idwashed · 3 months
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greetings, fellow proxy ! the name's adam. 24. I'm trans (ftm) with he/they pronouns. bisexual. white. I live in the UK (GMT+1) & this is my blog for Wise, one of the dual protags of Zenless Zone Zero. this blog will be just like my multi (hcpebled) in that it'll be for fun & I'll write when the mood strikes. this blog is 21+. I hope you all have fun here too! please note Wise will be a mix of lore & headcanon ( & canon divergence when it should arise ). please find my carrd here (all information copied beneath the cut in case of any access issues). personals do not engage.
*icon border credit
Name: Wise
Age: 21-23
SO: Bisexual
Identity: Male (trans, ftm).
Pronouns: He/They
Occupation: Owner of Random Play (video store) and famed Proxy "Phaethon"
Family: Belle (sister, alive)
A citizen of New Eridu, Wise, along with his sister, Belle, are the owners of Random Play, a video store that also serves as their home & the base of their operations as Proxies, individuals that guide others through the Hollows, distorted dimensions full of supernatural danger.
After a job gone wrong - their computer systems hacked, their friends in danger, their Proxy account washed away in a sea of data and corruption - Wise ends up accepting the help (and eternal presence) of Fairy, a powerful AI to help navigate the Hollows. Here is where their story begins.
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01. Hi there! The name's Adam. I'm 24, trans (he/they), white, bi, and I'm livin' in the UK. My activity fluctuates between all my blogs depending on inspiration and other factors - work & mental health mostly. But I always try to drop in & have fun when I can.I do not interact with anyone below the age of 21 - purely for comforts sake & due to the content that my blog may have.
Please tag anything related to clowns, moths, and harry potter. this blog is a no-go zone for HP/JKR related stuff, so I tend to go out of my way to avoid it regardless, but just in case. I will try to tag my content appropriately but if there are any tags missing, feel free to drop an Ask/IM and I shall make sure to tag where I can!
03. SHIPPING AND NSFW I love shipping. I love exploring a variety of dynamics. So please, feel free to come talk with me about them! If we start something and end up not feeling it, that's okay too! there's always other opportunities!There will be NSFW on this blog but it will be tagged "nsft tw" and usually under a read more.
04.INTERACTIONS Usually memes/unprompted asks are the best way to start interactions with me, or even just dropping a DM to discuss stuff! I ocassionally do starter/plotting calls too.
RE: memes. I don't enjoy my notifs getting cluttered, so when rb'ing a meme, please try and reblog from the source. I understand ofc that some blogs no longer exist/tumblr isn't always great with redirecting, so don't worry if you have to reblog it from when there's no choice otherwise!
05.Let it be clear that no hateful behaviour will be tolerated here. racism, homophobia, zionism, etc. don't be a twat. I am a fan of the block button.~
06.EXTRAS Just in the case that you feel you wish to unfollow/not interact in any regard - that's perfectly fine, all I ask is you hardblock me to avoid any awkward confusion. besides that I don't really have much left to say here! I hope you enjoy my muses and that we get to write together and have a great time!
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meowgical-berri · 4 months
hi! saw you tag a post featuring a link to films of underage teenage boys being raped while drugged "kinda wholesome" and i was just wondering why?
Hi!! I suppose you're referring to the post about the story of someone finding a computer at Goodwill full of gay porn? I have not watched the films at all - nor do I plan on doing so, if I can be honest, and I do not know what they contain other than... well, very old, gay porn.
However, I do find the story to be quite wholesome, in the fact that this person found a computer full of memories that were important to some gay man (probably) from a long time ago, who even made reviews for himself about the gay porn films he watched! Quite an interesting hobby, but I love archiving my thoughts on stuff so I can understand.
I think the fact that OP decided to also archive what was once important to a gay man in the past, even though it is not their cup of tea, is quite a sweet thing! I do want to clarify, once again - I do not know the contents of these films, nor do I have a way to prove that those very serious allegations are real, but the story itself - finding something important for someone that might have already passed away, and deciding to archive these memories so they will be preserved instead of just wiping it - is quite cute!
If those films do indeed have illegal material, as you say, I think they would not have spent that much time online in the surface web, knowing how popular the story got? I did commit one huge mistake, which I will fix right away - tagging that post properly as 'nsft' and 'mdni'! I hope this helps <3 (and I do hope this was not a mean-spirited post, I have trouble telling genuine questions and mean-spirited ones apart! I apologise if I have written too much - I love explaining stuff a bit too much. I also hope this does not come from a 'gay porn bad' point of view, because if it was like that, I have not noticed, or this might not be the answer you're looking for. Have a good day!!)
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blasterpals · 6 months
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sol | 26 | they/them | audhd
hello there! my name is sol, and this is my sideblog for all things cartoony, nostalgic, animated, or all three at once! i originally made this blog for personal computer pc game nostalgia only to expand it to general movies and shows from childhood, as well as cartoony media that i come across in adulthood.
that said, despite the contents of this blog, this is not a space for children! some posts may be suggestive in nature, but never full on nsft. if you are under 18, feel free to follow and interact with caution if you want, but you absolutely must understand that i am an adult in my mid 20s and for my own safety i ask that you don't try to become friends with me. this blog is for me, an autistic adult who's finally letting myself enjoy the cartoony stuff the world has always told me to grow out of.
that said, enjoy your stay! <3 my interests are subject to change at any given time.
currently redoing my desktop theme. imagine loud construction noises ok
art tag: ♡︎
current fixations: bugsnax
i interact from @cakesdown!
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Welcome to my blog!! Its a work in progress so expect constant changes
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I am a:
• Unicorn
• Dragon
• Wizard
• Ghost
• Fae Prince
• Demon
• Computer Illiterate Grandpa
• Coughing Baby
• Hydrogen Bomb
• Hot Pink Bitch Named Breakfast
• Eternally Suffering Boochie
• and many more...
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I'm a system AND an adult, so bet your ass that there will sometimes be posts that will fit the gritter bits!
I WILL be marking any and all posts i make personally with a Mature Label and also tagging rbs with NSFT if you want to filter that.
This is important to say because i WILL be reblogging and posting things that are colourful and full of whimsy and childlike wonder some times and darker and more mature topics at others because i am a multifaceted being to say the least.
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With that also said!! Any NSFT will never be super explicit or posted in a similar time frame to anything super child friendly or age-regression material because again, we're a system and we have both regressors AND littles.
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• Trans Rights are Human Rights
• Your Body belongs to YOU and NOT the Government.
• Religion and Spiritualism SHOULD be good for you, but isnt ALWAYS.
• Being forced to Conform to Survive is a fate worse than Death.
• If you come at Me about Discourse or Drama in any capacity I wont give A SINGLE SHIT unless i am DIRECTLY INVOLVED and can resolve my piece and move on.
• If you dont like any of this, block me. Do it. I literally dont care. Curate your experience for your comfort and joy.
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HAVE FUN!!! I know I will!!
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pinkydude · 3 years
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Valentin Da Silva | 65/?? | Riders on the Storm
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